RAND Corporation 1776 Main Street Santa Monica CA 90407-2138

Tom LaTourrette
RAND Corporation
1776 Main Street
Santa Monica CA 90407-2138
310-393-0411 x7185
Research Summary
Energy, Public Safety, and Homeland Security Policy. Energy and natural resource research
includes options for managing spent nuclear fuel, prospects for developing biomass, oil shale, and
natural gas resources, and mining technology. Public safety and homeland security research
addresses emergency responder safety & health, disaster response, the federal role in catastrophe
insurance, terrorism risk modeling, and aviation and border security. Dr. LaTourrette has testified
before the Secretary of Energy's Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future, was a
member of the Government Accountability Office's Yucca Mountain Alternative Uses expert panel,
FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program Reform academic expert panel, and the California Little
Hoover Commission's advisory panel for Safeguarding the State: Preparing for Catastrophic
Dr. LaTourrette also manages quality assurance for RAND's Justice, Infrastructure, and
Environment Division. In this role he is responsible for assuring that activities meet RAND's
standards for quality, a key aspect of which is overseeing the peer-review process for published
Professional Experience
Senior Physical Scientist
RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA
Physical Scientist
RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA
Associate Physical Scientist
RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA
Rubey Faculty Fellow
Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles
Associate Scientist
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Geology, Arizona State University
Ph.D. California Institute of Technology (Geology)
B.A. University of California, Berkeley (Geology)
Tom LaTourrette
Testimony and Expert Panels
Member of the Government Accountability Office's Yucca Mountain Alternative Uses expert panel,
May 2011.
Member of FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program Reform: Academic Expert Panel
Evaluations, April 2011.
Policy Implications of Alternative Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Strategies, presented to the U.S.
Department of Energy Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future, Washington DC,
November 2010.
Member of Little Hoover Commission Advisory Panel on Safeguarding the State: Preparing for
Catastrophic Events, Los Angeles, January 2006.
Assessing Natural Gas and Oil Resources, presented by Debra Knopman in testimony before the
U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, June 2003.
Professional Affiliations
International Association of Chiefs of Police
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Geophysical Union
Peer Reviewed Publications
Public Safety
LaTourrette T (2015) Risk factors for injury in law enforcement officer vehicle crashes,
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 38(3):478 – 504,
Jackson BA and LaTourrette T (2015) Assessing the effectiveness of layered security for
protecting the aviation system against adaptive adversaries, Journal of Air Transport
Management, 48:26-33, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2015.06.009.
LaTourrette T and Clancy N (2014) The Impact on Federal Spending of Allowing the Terrorism
Risk Insurance Act to Expire, RAND RR-611-CCRMC,
Gierlack K, Williams S, LaTourrette T, Anderson JM, Mayer LA, and Zmud J (2014) License
Plate Readers for Law Enforcement, RAND RR-467-NIJ,
Morral AM, Price CC, Ortiz DS, Wilson B, LaTourrette T, Mobley BW, McKay S, Willis HH
(2012) Modeling Terrorism Risk to the Air Transportation System: An Independent Assessment
of TSA's Risk Management Analysis Tool and Associated Methods, RAND MG-1241-TSA,
Tom LaTourrette
Jackson BA, LaTourrette T, Chan EW, Lundberg R, Morral AR, and Frelinger DR (2012)
Efficient Aviation Security: Strengthening the Analytic Foundation for Making Air
Transportation Security Decisions, RAND MG-1220-RC,
Chan EW, Krull H, Lachman BE, LaTourrette T, Costello R, Snyder D, Amouzegar MA,
Ritschard HV, Guermonprez S (2012) Improving Joint Expeditionary Medical Planning Based
on a Patient Flow Approach, RAND TR-1003-AF,
Greenfield VA, Willis HH, and LaTourrette T (2012) Assessing the Benefits of U.S. Customs
and Border Protection Regulatory Actions to Reduce Terrorism Risks, RAND CF-301-INDEC,
Jackson BA, Chan EW, and LaTourrette T (2011) Assessing the Security Benefits of a Trusted
Traveler program in the Presence of Attempted Attacker Exploitation and Compromise, Journal
of Transportation Security, 5:1-34, http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12198-011-00770.
LaTourrette T (2011) Safety and Health Protection Efforts in the Police Service, Police Chief,
LaTourrette T, Dertouzos JN, Steiner CE, and Clancy N (2010) Earthquake Insurance and
Disaster Assistance: The Effect of Catastrophe Obligation Guarantees on Federal Disaster
Assistance Expenditures in California, RAND TR-896-CEA,
LaTourrette T (2010) The Life-Saving Effectiveness of Body Armor for Police Officers, Journal
of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 7(10):557-562,
LaTourrette T, Davis LE, Howell DR, Sama PR, Dausey DJ (2009) Public Health Preparedness
and Response to Chemical and Radiological Incidents Functions, Practices, and Areas for
Future Work, RAND TR-719-DHHS, http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR719.html.
LaTourrette T, Loughran D, and Seabury S (2008) Occupational Safety and Health for Public
Safety Employees: Assessing the Evidence and the Implications for Public Policy, RAND MG792-CHSWC/NIOSH, http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG792.html.
LaTourrette T and Mendeloff J (2008) Mandatory Workplace Safety and Health Programs
Implementation, Effectiveness, and Benefit-Cost Trade-Offs, RAND TR-604-PA,
Tom LaTourrette
Willis HH and LaTourrette T (2008) Using probabilistic terrorism risk modeling for regulatory
benefit-cost analysis: Application to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative in the Land
Environment, Risk Analysis, 28:325-329, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.15396924.2008.01022.x/abstract.
Dixon L, Lempert R, LaTourrette T, Reville RT (2007) The Federal Role in Terrorism
Insurance: Evaluating Alternatives in an Uncertain World, RAND MG-679-CTRMP,
Dixon L, Lempert R, LaTourrette T, Reville RT, Steinberg P (2007) Trade-Offs Among
Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance, RAND DB-525CTRMP, http://www.rand.org/pubs/documented_briefings/DB525.html.
Kim J, LaTourrette T, Sorensen P, Schaffer M, Collins M, Rothenberg J, Howell DR, Rosello
AD, and Hajiamiri S (2007) Security Consideration for Future Facility Improvements at Los
Angeles International Airport, RAND RD-120-LAWA.
Willis HH, LaTourrette T, Kelly TK, Hickey S, and Neill S (2007) Terrorism Risk Modeling for
Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection, RAND TR-386-DHS,
LaTourrette T, Howell DR, Mosher DE, and MacDonald J (2006) Reducing Terrorism Risk at
Shopping Centers: An Analysis of Potential Security Options, RAND TR-401,
LaTourrette T, Chan EW, Brower J, Medby JJ, and McMahon KS (2006) Emergency Response
To Terrorist Attacks: An Analysis of Mission Performance Requirements, RAND MG-298-RC.
Chow B, Jones GS, Eisenman D, and LaTourrette T (2006) Bio-Defense Concepts of Operation
for Air Force Administration of Prophylaxis and Medical Treatment, RAND MG-381-AF.
Stevens D, Hamilton T, Schaffer MB, Dunham-Scott D, Medby JJ, Chan EW, Gibson J, Eisman
M, Mesic R, Kelley C, Kim J, LaTourrette T, and Riley KJ (2006) Implementing Security
Improvement Options at Los Angeles International Airport, RAND DB-499-1-LAWA,
Carroll S, LaTourrette T, Chow B, Jones GS, and Martin C (2005) Distribution of Losses From
Large Terrorist Attacks Under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, RAND MG-427-CTRMP,
LaTourrette T, Peterson DJ, Bartis JT, Jackson BA, and Houser A (2003) Protecting Emergency
Responders, Volume 2: Community Views of Safety and Health Risks and Personal Protection
Needs, RAND MR-1646-NIOSH, http://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1646.html.
Tom LaTourrette
Davis LE, LaTourrette T, Mosher DE, Davis LM, and Howell DR (2003) Individual
Preparedness and Response to Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear, and Biological Terrorist
Attacks, RAND MR-1731-SF, http://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1731.html.
Davis LE, LaTourrette T, Mosher DE, Davis LM, and Howell DR (2003) Individual
Preparedness and Response to Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear, and Biological Terrorist
Attacks: A Quick Guide, RAND MR-1731/1-SF,
Jackson BA, Peterson DJ, Bartis JT, LaTourrette T, Brahmakulam IT, Houser A, and Sollinger
JM (2002) Protecting Emergency Responders: Lessons Learned from Terrorist Attacks, RAND
CF-176-OSTP, http://www.rand.org/pubs/conf_proceedings/CF176.html.
Energy & Natural Resources
Davis LE, Knopman DS, Greenberg MD, Miller LE, Doll A, Steinberg P, Nardulli BR,
LaTourrette T, Clancy N, Mao Z (2012) Choosing a New Organization for Management and
Disposition of Commercial and Defense High-Level Radioactive Materials, RAND MG-1230DOE, http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG1230.html.
LaTourrette T, Ortiz DS, Hlavka E, Burger N, and Cecchine G (2011) Supplying Biomass to
Power Plants: A Model of the Costs of Utilizing Agricultural Biomass in Cofired Power Plants,
RAND TR-876-NETL, http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR876.html.
LaTourrette T, Light T, Knopman DS, Bartis JT (2010) Managing Spent Nuclear Fuel: Strategy
Alternatives and Policy Implications, RAND MG-970-RC,
Bartis JT, LaTourrette T, Dixon L, Peterson DJ, and Cecchine G (2005) Oil Shale Development
in the United States: Prospects and Policy Issues, RAND MG-414-NETL,
LaTourrette T, Bernstein M, Hanson M, Pernin C, Overton A, and Knopman DS (2003)
Assessing Natural Gas and Oil Resources: An Example of a New Approach in the Greater
Green River Basin, RAND MR-1683-WFHF,
LaTourrette T, Bernstein M, Holtberg P, Pernin C, Vollaard BA, Hanson M, Anderson KH, and
Knopman DS (2002) Assessing Gas and Oil Resources in the Intermountain West: Review of
Methods and Framework for a New Approach, RAND MR-1553-WFHF,
LaTourrette T, Bernstein M, Holtberg P, Pernin C, Vollaard BA, Hanson M, Anderson KH, and
Knopman DS (2002) A New Approach to Assessing Gas and Oil Resources in the Intermountain
West, RAND IP-225-WFHF, http://www.rand.org/pubs/issue_papers/IP225.html.
Tom LaTourrette
Peterson DJ, LaTourrette T, and Bartis JT (2001) New Forces at Work in Mining: Industry
Views of Critical Technology, RAND MR-1324-OSTP,
Dixon L and LaTourrette T (2001) The Effects of the Soledad Canyon Mine on the Aggregate
Industry in the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area, RAND MR-1341.0-COSC,
LaTourrette T, Stevens D, Feinberg A, Gibson J, and Tripp RS (2002) Supporting Aerospace
Expeditionary Forces: Forward Support Location Options, RAND Corporation, not available
to the general public.
Feinberg A, Leftwich J, Peltz E, Tripp RS, Amouzegar M, Grunch R, Drew JG, LaTourrette T,
and Roll CR (2002) Supporting Expeditionary Aerospace Forces: Lessons from the Air War
Over Serbia, RAND Corporation, not available to the general public.
Leftwich J, Tripp RS, Geller A, Mills P, LaTourrette T, Roll RC Jr., von Hoffman M, and
Johansen D, (2002) Supporting Expeditionary Aerospace Forces: An Operational Architecture
for Combat Support Execution Planning and Control, RAND MR-1536-AF,
LaTourrette T and Wasserburg GJ (1998) Cation diffusion in silicate melt and the relationship to
melt structure. In Proc. XVIII Int. Cong. Glass, The American Ceramic Society.
LaTourrette T and Wasserburg GJ (1998) Mg diffusion in anorthite: Implications for the
formation of early solar system planetesimals, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 158, 91-108.
LaTourrette T and Wasserburg GJ (1997) Self diffusion of Eu, Nd, Th, and U in haplobasaltic
melt: The effect of oxygen fugacity and the relationship to melt structure, Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta 61, 755-764.
LaTourrette T, Wasserburg GJ, and Fahey AJ (1996) Self diffusion of Mg, Ca, Ba, Nd, Yb, Ti,
Zr, and U in haplobasaltic melt, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 1329-1340.
LaTourrette T, Hervig RL, and Holloway JR (1995) Trace element partitioning between
amphibole, phlogopite, and basanite melt, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 135, 13-30.
LaTourrette T and Holloway JR (1994) Oxygen fugacity of the diamond + C-O fluid assemblage
and CO2 fugacity at 8 Gpa, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 128, 439-451.
Tom LaTourrette
LaTourrette TZ, Kennedy AK, and Wasserburg GJ (1993) Thorium-Uranium fractionation by
garnet: Evidence for a deep source and rapid rise of oceanic basalts, Science 261, 739-742.
LaTourrette TZ and Burnett DS (1992) Experimental determination of U and Th partitioning
between clinopyroxene and natural and synthetic basaltic liquid, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 110,
LaTourrette TZ, Burnett DS, and Bacon CR (1991) Uranium and minor element partitioning in
Fe-Ti oxides and zircon from partially melted granodiorite, Crater Lake, Oregon, Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta 55, 457-469.
Commentary, Testimony, and Other Publications
LaTourrette T and Knopman D (2015) Breaking down nuclear waste as a 2-part issue, Las
Vegas Sun, May 4, 2015.
Dixon L, Dworsky M, LaTourrette T, and Willis H (2014) 3 Reasons to Renew the Terrorism
Risk Insurance Act, U.S. News and World Report, June 12, 2014,
LaTourrette T (2013) San Onofre risk factors, Orange County Register, June 19, 2013,
Eden R, Chandra A, Ringel JS, Uscher-Pines L, Shelton SR, Moore M, Acosta JD, Chari R,
Nelson CD, LaTourrette T, Marsh T, Mulcahy A (2013) Measures of National Health Security:
Status and Near-Term Priorities, RAND Corporation, not available to the general public.
Eden R, Chandra A, Ringel J, Usher-Pines L, Shelton S, Moore M, Acosta J, Chari R, Nelson C,
LaTourrette T, Marsh T, Mulcahy A (2012) Measurement Reporting Sourcebook for National
Health Security, RAND Corporation, not available to the general public.
LaTourrette T (2010) Policy Implications of Alternative Spent Nuclear Fuel Management
Strategies (testimony before the DOE Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future),
RAND CT-352, http://www.rand.org/pubs/testimonies/CT352.html.
Eden R, Acosta J, Chan EW, Chandra A, Gillen EM, LaTourrette T, Lewis MW, Moore M,
Nelson CD, Parker AM, Uscher-Pines L, Shelton SR, Vaughan CA (2010) National Health
Security: Template for Baseline Status Report, RAND Corporation, not available to the general
LaTourrette T, Wermuth M, and Martin K (2007) State Disaster Preparedness: Current Status,
Key Shortcomings, and Potential Roles for The Pew Center on the States, RAND Corporation,
not available to the general public.
Tom LaTourrette
Bartis JT, Bernstein MA, LaTourrette T, and Knopman D (2005) In Search of Energy Security,
RAND Review, v. 29, no. 3, p. 18-25, http://www.rand.org/pubs/corporate_pubs/CP22-200512.html.
LaTourrette T and Chan EW (2005) Prepare for Disaster (Op-Ed), United Press International,
Sept. 27, 2005, http://www.rand.org/commentary/2005/09/27/UPI.html.
Peterson DJ, LaTourrette T, and Bartis JT (2001) "RAND Studies Critical Issues and
Technologies In Mining," Mining Engineering, vol. 53, no. 3, p. 24-30.
Peterson DJ, LaTourrette T, and Bartis JT (2001) "New Forces! Industry Views of Critical
Technology" (7-part serialization), Engineering and Mining Journal, vol. 202, nos. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, & 10.
Peterson DJ, LaTourrette T, and Bartis JT (2001) "Modernizing Mining," Energy, vol. 26, no. 2,
p. 40-42.