Curriculum Vitae David P. Kennedy

April 2016
Curriculum Vitae
David P. Kennedy
RAND Corporation
1776 Main Street, M5S
Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138
Phone: (310) 393-0411, Ext. 6133
(310) 260-8175 fax
Ph.D. in Anthropology, University of Florida
M.A. in Anthropology, University of Florida
B.A. in Anthropology and Computer Applications, University of Notre Dame
Professional Experience
2014 –
Senior Behavioral/Social Scientist, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA
2014 –
Co-Director, Center for Qualitative and Mixed-Methods (C-QAMM), RAND
Corporation, Santa Monica, CA
2011 --
Affiliate Faculty, Pardee RAND Graduate School, RAND Corporation, Santa
Monica, CA
2010 --2014
Behavioral/Social Scientist, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA
2005 -- 2013
Senior Public Administration Analyst, UCLA/NPI Center for Health Services and
Society, Los Angeles, CA
2005 – 2010
Associate Behavioral/Social Scientist, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA
Project Manager, MEASURE Evaluation, Carolina Population Center
NICHD-sponsored postdoctoral fellowship, Carolina Population Center,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Field Director / Research Assistant / Programmer, Survey Program, Bureau of
Economic and Business Research, College of Business Administration, University
of Florida
Systems Analyst, Fiscal Division, Texas Department of Human Services, Austin,
Programmer, Intelliquest, Austin, TX
Teaching/Training Experience
April 2016
Instructor. Applied Social Network Analysis. Workshops conducted for
employees of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta GA.
Workshop instructor. International Network for Social Network Analysis, annual
Faculty Instructor, NSF Summer Institute for Research Design in Cultural
Instructor. Social Network Analysis. Workshop at the American Anthropological
Association 2009 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
2007 -- 2010
Faculty Instructor, Research Methods, United States Army, Human Terrain
System, Ft. Leavenworth, KS
2016-2021 Natl Inst Of Allergy/Infectious Disease, Grant No. R01AI118705.
Modeling the Coupled Dynamics of Influenza Transmission and Vaccination
Role: Co-Investigator
RAND Bronze Medal award for the development of EgoWeb 2.0.
2013-2018 National Institute Of Child Health & Human Development, Grant No.
A Social Network Analysis Of Racial Disparities In Marital Outcomes
Role: Principal Investigator of RAND subcontract
2013-2016 National Institute on Drug Abuse, Grant No. R34DA034855
Enhancing Housing First Programs with a Social Network Substance Use
Role: Principal Investigator
2013-2014 RAND Corporation Researcher Initiated Research Methods Lab Grant
2013-2015 National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, Grant No.
Building an Inter-Disciplinary Network on Culture and HIV Risk Perception
Role: Principal Investigator
2012-2017 National Institute on Drug Abuse, Grant No. R01 DA033362-01
Social networks and drug use among low-income students in high-performing
Role: Principal Investigator of RAND subcontract
2010-2013 The McArthur Foundation, Grant No. 10-96241-000-USP
The Effectiveness of Inclusionary Zoning Policies to Integrate Low-Income Families
and Children into Non-Poor Schools and Neighborhoods.
Role: Co-investigator
2010-2013 National Institute on Drug Abuse, Grant No. R01DA030380
The Role of Peer Networks in Youth Drug Use
Role: Co-investigator
2009-2012 National Institute Of Child Health & Human Development, Grant No.
April 2016
Sources of change and stability in low-income black marriages.
Role: Co-investigator
2009-2012 National Institute Of Child Health & Human Development, Grant No.
Heterosexual HIV Risk Behavior in Homeless Men
Role: Co-investigator
2009-2012 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, R21AA017946
Friendship Networks and Alcohol Use in Adolescence and Young Adulthood.
Role: Co-Investigator
2009-2012 National Institute of Medicine – General Medicine & Public Health Services,
Grant No. RC2MD004770
A natural experiment of College-Ready Programs on health among low SES
Role: Co-investigator RC2 MD004770-01
2007-2012 National Institute on Drug Abuse, Grant No. R01DA020351
Drug Use, Social Context, and HIV Risk in Homeless Youth
Funding period: 04/07 – 03/11; Role: Principal Investigator
Role: Co-investigator
2007-2010 University of California Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, Grant No.
Social Context of Smoking in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Role: Co-investigator
2005-2010 National Institute of Mental Health, Grant No. R34MH071569
Targeted Psychoeducation for At-Risk Trauma Survivors.
Role: Co-investigator
2005-2009 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Grant No. R01AA015301
Alcohol Use and HIV Risk Among Impoverished Women.
Role: Co-investigator
2004-2009 National Institute of Mental Health, Grant No. R01MH061570
Pathways to Overcoming Disparities in Depression.
Role: Co-investigator
2002-2004 NICHD-sponsored postdoctoral fellowship
The University of Florida Department of Anthropology John Goggin Award for
Outstanding Ph.D. Research and Writing in Anthropology
The University of Florida College of Liberal and Arts and Sciences McGinty
Dissertation Fellowship
2000-2001 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation through the RAND Small Grants Program For
Research on Central America
Role: Principal Investigator
Peer Reviewed Articles/Chapters
April 2016
Accepted for
In press
Kennedy, MR, DP Kennedy, KR Brancolini. The evolution of the personal
networks of novice librarian researchers. Portal.
Bromley, E., Kennedy, DP, Miranda, J., Sherbourne, CD, & Wells, KB. The
Fracture of Relational Space in Depression: Predicaments in Primary Care
Help-Seeking. Current Anthropology.
Kennedy, DP, Hunter, SB, Osilla, KC, Maksabedian, E, Golinelli, D, &
Tucker, JS. A computer-assisted motivational social network intervention to
reduce alcohol, drug and HIV risk behaviors among Housing First residents.
Addiction science & clinical practice, 11(1), 1-13. doi:10.1186/s13722-0160052-y
Kennedy-Hendricks A, Schwartz HL, Griffin BA, Burkhauser S, Green Jr. HD,
Kennedy DP, Pollack CE. Health implications of social networks for children
living in public housing. Health and Place, 36, 145-151.
Jackson, G. TE Trail, DP Kennedy, TN Bradbury, H Williamson, BR Karney.
The salience and severity of relationship problems among low-Income Black,
White, and Latino couples. Journal of Family Psychology, 30(1), 2–11
Kennedy-Hendricks, A, H Schwartz, R Johnson Thornton, BA Griffin, HD.
Green, DP Kennedy, S Burkhauser, CE Pollack. Intergenerational social
networks and health behaviors among children living in public housing.
American Journal of Public Health. 105 (11), 2291-2297.
Schwartz, H., S Burkhauser, BA Griffin, DP Kennedy, HD Green, A
Kennedy-Hendricks, CE Pollack, Do the Joneses Help You Keep Up? A
Natural Experiment in Exposure to Nonpoor Neighbors. Housing Policy
Debate, 25(2), 320-352. doi:10.1080/10511482.2014.956324
Izquierdo,A, J Miranda, E Bromley, C Sherbourne, G Ryan, DP Kennedy,
Kenneth Wells. Grand-parenting experiences among adults with a history of
depression: a mixed-methods study. General Hospital Psychiatry. 37(2), 185191. doi:doi:10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2014.11.009
Anderson, A. T., A. Jackson, L. Jones, D. P. Kennedy, K. Wells and P. J.
Chung "Minority Parents' Perspectives on Racial Socialization and School
Readiness in the Early Childhood Period." Academic Pediatrics. 15(4), 405411. doi:doi:10.1016/j.acap.2014.11.002
Kennedy, DP, RA Brown, P Morrison, L Vie, Gery Ryan, JS Tucker. Risk
Evaluations and Condom Use Decisions of Homeless Youth: A Multi-Level
Qualitative Investigation. BMC Public Health. 15(1): 62. DOI
Kennedy, DP, GL Jackson, HD Green, TN Bradbury, BR Karney.
The Analysis of Duocentric Social Networks: A Primer. Journal of
Marriage and Family. 77(1): 295-311. DOI: 10.1111/jomf.12151
Kennedy, MR, DP Kennedy. The “use” of an electronic resource
from a social network analysis perspective. Library and Information
Research. 38(118): 17-34.
Rana, Y, RA Brown, DP Kennedy, GW Ryan, S Stern, JS Tucker.
Understanding Condom Use Decision-Making among Homeless
April 2016
Youth using Event-Level Data. Journal of Sex Research. E-print
ahead of publication. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2014.961185.
de la Haye, K., H. Green, Jr., M. Pollard, D. Kennedy and J. Tucker.
"Befriending Risky Peers: Factors Driving Adolescents’ Selection of
Friends with Similar Marijuana Use." Journal of Youth and
Adolescence: 1-15 DOI: 10.1007/s10964-014-0210-z.
Jackson, GL, DP Kennedy, TN Bradbury, BR Karney. A Social
Network Comparison of Low-Income Black and White Newlywed
Couples. Journal of Marriage & Family, 76(5), 967-982. doi:
Pollard, MS, JS Tucker, K de la Haye, HD Green, DP Kennedy. A
Prospective Study of Marijuana Use Change and Cessation Among
Adolescents. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 144(0): 134-140 DOI:
Wong, MD, KM Coller, RN Dudovitz, DP Kennedy, R Buddin, MF
Shapiro, SH Kataoka, AF Brown, CH Tseng, P Bergman, PJ Chung,
Successful Schools and Risky Behaviors Among Low-Income
Adolescents. Pediatrics. 134(2): 389-396. doi: 10.1542/peds.20133573
Rhoades, H., S Wenzel, D Golinelli, J Tucker, DP Kennedy, B
Ewing. Predisposing, enabling and need correlates of mental health
treatment utilization among homeless men. Community Mental
Health Journal, 50(8): 943-952 DOI: 10.1007/s10597-014-9718-7
Pollack, CE, HD Green, DP Kennedy, BA Griffin, A KennedyHendricks, S Burkhauser, H Schwartz. The impact of public housing
on social networks: a natural experiment. American Journal of Public
Health. 104(9), 1642-1649. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.301949
Tucker, JS, K De La Haye, DP Kennedy, HD Green Jr, MS Pollard
Peer influence on marijuana use in different types of friendships.
Journal of Adolescent Health 54 (1), 67-73
de la Haye, K, HD Green, DP Kennedy, MS Pollard, JS Tucker.
Selection and influence mechanisms associated with marijuana
initiation and use in adolescent friendship networks. Journal of
Research on Adolescence 23 (3), 474-486
Pollard, MS, HD Green, DP Kennedy, M Go, JS Tucker. Adolescent
Friendship Networks and Trajectories of Binge Drinking. RAND
Working Paper. RAND Corporation.
Kennedy, DP, K de la Haye, HD Green, MS Pollard, JS Tucker.
Selection and influence mechanisms associated with adolescent
drinking and marijuana use: a comparison of friends and romantic
partners. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 37:74A
Wenzel, SL, H Rhoades, JS Tucker, D Golinelli, DP Kennedy, AJ
Zhou, B Ewing. HIV Risk Behavior and Access to Services. AIDS
Education and Prevention 24 (3), 270-279
April 2016
Tucker, JS, SL Wenzel, DP Kennedy, D Golinelli, B Ewing. Sex
Trade Behavior among Heterosexually Active Homeless Men.
Archives of Sexual Behavior. 42 (8), 1535-15
Wong, MD, K Coller, DP Kennedy. Does improving the educational
environment reduce adolescent substance use and exposure to
substance-using peers? Results from a natural experiment.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 36:327A
Pollard, MS, HD Green, DP Kennedy, M Go, JS Tucker. Structural
position in adolescent friendship networks and trajectories of
adolescent substance use. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental
research. 36:327A
Kennedy, DP, SL Wenzel, RA Brown, JS Tucker, D Golinelli.
Unprotected Sex Among Heterosexually Active Homeless Men:
Results from a Multilevel
Dyadic Analysis. AIDS and Behavior. 17(5): 1655-1667.
Brown, RA, DP Kennedy, JS Tucker, D Golinelli, SL Wenzel.
Monogamy on the Street: A Mixed-Methods Study of Homeless
Men. Journal of Mixed-Methods Research. 7(4): 328-346.
Green, HD, M Horta, K de la Haye, J Tucker, DP Kennedy, M
Pollard. Peer Influence and Selection Processes in Adolescent
Smoking Behavior: A Comparative Study. Nicotine & Tobacco
Research. 15(2):534-541.
Tucker, JS, MS Pollard, K de la Haye, DP Kennedy, HD Green.
Neighborhood characteristics and the initiation of marijuana use and
binge drinking. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 128(1-2): 83-89.
Green, HD, JS Tucker, SL Wenzel, Golinelli D, DP Kennedy, GW
Ryan, Zhou, A. Association of childhood abuse with homeless
women's social networks. Child Abuse and Neglect. 36(1):21-31.
Tucker, JS, GW Ryan, D Golinelli, B Munjas, SL Wenzel, DP
Kennedy, HD Green, A Zhou. Substance use and other risk factors
for unprotected sex: Results from an event-based study of homeless
youth. AIDS and Behavior. 16(6):1699-1707
Tucker, JS. J Hu, D Golinelli, DP Kennedy, HD Green Jr, SL
Wenzel. Social network and individual correlates of sexual risk
behavior among homeless young men who have sex with men.
Journal of Adolescent Health 51 (4), 386-392
de la Haye, K, HD Green, DP Kennedy, M Pollard, JS Tucker.
Selection and Influence Mechanisms Associated with Marijuana
Initiation and Use in Adolescent Friendship Networks. Journal of
Research on Adolescence. 23(3)474-486
Kennedy, DP, Tucker JS, Green HG, Golinelli D, Ewing, B.
Unprotected Sex of Homeless Youth: Results from a Multilevel
Analysis of Individual, Social Network, and Relationship Factors.
AIDS and Behavior. 16(7):2015–2032
April 2016
Tucker JS, J Hu, D Golinelli, DP Kennedy, SL Wenzel, HD Green.
Social Network and Individual Correlates of Sexual Risk Behavior
Among Homeless Young MSM. Journal of Adolescent Health.
51(4): 386-392.
Tucker JS, J Sussell, D Golinelli, A Zhou, DP Kennedy, SL Wenzel
Understanding Pregnancy-Related Attitudes and Behaviors: A Mixed
Method Study of Homeless Youth. Perspectives on Sexual and
Reproductive Health. 44(4): 252-261.
de la Haye, K, HD Green, DP Kennedy, A Zhou, D Golinelli, SL
Wenzel, JS Tucker. Who is Supporting Homeless Youth? Predictors
of Support in Personal Networks. Journal of Research on
Adolescence. 22(4): 604-616.
Tucker JS, SL Wenzel, D Golinelli, DP Kennedy, B Ewing, S
Wertheimer. Understanding heterosexual condom use among
homeless men. AIDS and Behavior. 17(5): 1637-1644.
Go, MH, Tucker JS, Green HG, Pollard MS, Kennedy DP. Social
Distance and Homophily in Adolescent Smoking. Drug and Alcohol
Dependence. 124(3):347-354
Kennedy, DP, R Brown, S Wenzel, JS Tucker, H Green, D Golinelli,
Ewing, B. Masculinity and HIV Risk among Homeless Men in Los
Angeles. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 4(2) 156-167.
Wenzel, SL, Rhoades, H, H Hsun-Ta, D Golinelli, JS Tucker, DP
Kennedy, HD Green, B Ewing, Behavioral Health and Social
Normative Influence: Correlates of Concurrent Sexual Partnering
Among Heterosexually-Active Homeless Men AIDS and Behavior.
16(7): 2042-2050.
Wenzel, SL, H Rhoades, JS Tucker, D Golinelli, DP Kennedy, A
Zhou, B Ewing. HIV Risk Behavior and Access to Services: What
Predicts HIV Testing among Heterosexually Active Homeless Men?
AIDS Education and Prevention. 24(3): 270-279
Pollard, MS, JS Tucker, HG Green, DP Kennedy, MH Go, Romantic
attraction and adolescent smoking trajectories Addictive Behaviors.
36 (12):1275-1281
Derose KP, DE Kanouse, DP Kennedy, K Patel, A Taylor, A
Martínez, The role of faith-based organizations in HIV prevention
and care in Central America. RAND Health Quarterly. 1(1):5
Bharmal, N, DP Kennedy, L Jones, C Lee-Johnson, D Morris, B
Caldwell, A Brown, T Houston, C Meeks, R Vargas, I Franco, R
Razzak, AF Brown. Through Our Eyes: Exploring African-American
Men’s Perspective on Factors Affecting Transition to Manhood.
Journal of General Internal Medicine. 27(2): 153159. doi:10.1007/s11606-011-1836-0
Tucker JS, Edelen MO, Go MH, Pollard MS, Green HG, Kennedy
DP. Resisting Smoking When a Best Friend Smokes: Do Self-
April 2016
Regulation, Social Bonding, and Household Smoking Matter?
Journal of Research on Adolescence. 22(1): 113-122.
Brown, RA, DP Kennedy, JS Tucker, S Wenzel, D Golinelli, S
Wertheimer, G Ryan. Sex and relationships on the street: How
homeless men judge partner risk on Skid Row. AIDS and Behavior.
Rhoades, HR, SL Wenzel, D Golinelli, JS Tucker, DP Kennedy, HD
Green, A Zhou. The Social Context of Homeless Men's Substance
Use. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 118(2-3):320-325.
Kennedy DP, HD Green, C McCarty, JS Tucker. Non-experts'
Recognition of Structure in Personal Network Data. Field
Methods. 23(3):287-306
Wong, E, DP Kennedy, S Gaillot, G Marshall. Making Sense of
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Illness Perceptions Among Traumatic
Injury Survivors. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research,
Practice, and Policy. 3(1): 67-76.
Kennedy, DP, Pollard MS Tucker JS, Green HG, Go, MH.
Adolescent Romantic Relationships and Change in Smoking Status.
Addictive Behaviors. 36 (4) 320–326.
Kennedy DP, BO Cowgill, LM Bogart, R Corona, GW Ryan, DA
Murphy, T Nguyen and M Schuster. Parents' Disclosure of Their HIV
Infection to Their Children in the Context of the Family. AIDS and
Behavior. 14(5):1095-1105
Derose KP, DE Kanouse, DP Kennedy, K Patel, A Taylor, A
Martínez, The role of faith-based organizations in HIV prevention
and care in Central America. RAND Manuscript MG-891.
Coker, TR, HG Sareen, PJ Chung, DP Kennedy, BA Weidmer, and
MA Schuster. Improving Access to and Utilization of Adolescent
Preventive Health Care: The Perspectives of Adolescents and Parents.
Journal of Adolescent Health. 47:133-142.
Go, MH, HG Green, DP Kennedy, MS Pollard, & JS Tucker. Peer
Influence and Selection Effects on Adolescent Smoking. Drug and
Alcohol Dependence. 109(1-3): 239-242.
Golinelli D, GW Ryan, HD Green, DP Kennedy, JS Tucker, SL
Wenzel. Sampling to reduce respondent burden in personal network
studies. Field Methods. 22(3):217-230.
Pollard, MS, Tucker JS, Green HG, Kennedy, DP, Go, MH.
Friendship Networks and Trajectories of Adolescent Tobacco Use.
Addictive Behaviors. 35(7): 678–685
Tucker, JS, SL Wenzel, D Golinelli, GW Ryan, A Zhou, R Beckman,
DP Kennedy & HD Green. Is substance use a barrier to protected
sex among homeless women? Results from between- and withinsubjects event analyses. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
21(1): 86-94
April 2016
Kennedy, DP, SL Wenzel, JS Tucker, HD Green, D Golinelli, GW
Ryan, R Beckman and A Zhou. Unprotected Sex of Homeless
Women Living in Los Angeles County: An Investigation of the
Multiple Levels of Risk. AIDS and Behavior. 14(4):960-973.
Gravlee, CC, DP Kennedy, R Godoy, WR Leonard, Methods for
collecting panel data: What can cultural anthropology learn from
other disciplines? Journal of Anthropological Research. 65 (3): 453483
Mendez-Luck, CA, DP Kennedy, SP Wallace, Guardians of health:
The Dimensions of Elder Caregiving among Women in a Mexico
City Neighborhood. Social Science and Medicine. 68(2): 228-234
Ryan, GW, SA Stern, L Hilton, JS Tucker, DP Kennedy, D Golinelli,
and SL Wenzel. When, where, why and with whom homeless women
engage in risky sexual behaviors: A framework for understanding
complex and varied decision-making processes. Sex Roles. 61 (78):536–553
Tucker, JS, DP Kennedy, GW Ryan, SL Wenzel, D Golinelli, J
Zazzali, and C McCarty. Homeless Women’s Personal Networks:
Implications for Understanding Risk Behavior. Human Organization.
68(2): 129-140
Wenzel, S, HD Green, Jr., JS. Tucker, D Golinelli, DP Kennedy, G
Ryan, A Zhou. The Social Context of Homeless Women’s Alcohol
and Drug Use. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 105(1-2): 16-23
Mendez-Luck, CA, DP Kennedy, and SP Wallace, Concepts of
burden in giving care to older relatives: A study of female caregivers
in a Mexico City neighborhood. Journal of Cross-Cultural
Gerontology. 23(3): 265-282
Bogart, LM., BW Cowgill, DP Kennedy, GW Ryan, DA Murphy, J
Elijah, and M Schuster. HIV-related stigma among people with HIV
and their families: A qualitative analysis. AIDS and Behavior. 12(2):
Perz, SG, J Warren, and DP Kennedy, Contributions of RacialEthnic Reclassification and Demographic Processes to Indigenous
Population Resurgence: The Case of Brazil. Latin American
Research Review. 43(2): 7-33
Kennedy, DP. Disciplinary stereotypes and reinventing the wheel on
culture. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2006; 29(6): 31-32.
Kennedy, DP. Evolutionary Materialism and Darwinian Conflict
Theory: A Critical Analysis of Stephen Sanderson’s Extensions of
Cultural Materialism. In Studying Societies and Cultures: Marvin
Harris’s Cultural Materialism and Its Legacy. Ed. by L.A. Kuznar
and S.K. Sanderson. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. Pp. 238-255.
Kennedy, DP. Ethnography and Scale Adaptation Field Methods.
17(4): 412-431.
April 2016
Kennedy, DP. Cognitive Models of Fertility Decline in Oaxaca City,
Mexico. Population and Environment. 25(3): 243-274.
Kennedy, DP and SG Perz. Who are Brazil's
'Indígenas’? Contributions of Census Data Analysis to an
Anthropological Demography of Indigenous Populations. Human
Organization. 59(3): 311-324.
Other Publications
Kennedy DP, and CC Gravlee. Dear Qual and Quant. Anthropology
News. 44(9): 56.
Kennedy DP, and CC Gravlee. Presenting Papers. Anthropology News.
44(8): 68.
Kennedy DP, and CC Gravlee. Dear Qual and Quant. Anthropology
News. 44(1): 56.
Kennedy, DP Gender, Culture Change, and Fertility Decline In Honduras:
An Investigation In Anthropological Demography. Dissertation,
University of Florida.
Stansbury, JP, DP Kennedy, CA Smith, E Trevathan, and MT Medina.
La Epilepsia en Olancho: Perspectivas Sobre el Mejoramiento del
Tratamiento de los Epilepsias en los Areas Rurales de Honduras. En
La Memoria del VII Seminario de Antropologia de Honduras, Dr.George
Hasemann. Tegucigalpa: Instituto Hondureña de Antropologia e Historia.
Manuscripts Under Review
Manuscripts Under Revision or In Preparation
Osilla, KC, DP Kennedy, S Hunter, E Maksabedian. Developing a Computer-Assisted Social
Network Intervention for Substance Use and HIV Risk Behaviors among Housing First
Residents. Under Revision
Kennedy, DP, K de la Haye, HD Green, MS Pollard, B Ewing, JS Tucker. Coevolving
friendships, romantic relationships, and substance use in emerging adolescent peer networks.
Under Revision.
Kennedy, DP, G Ryan. Freelisting and Symptoms of Depression: Gender, Age and Ethnic
Invited Talks, Papers/Posters Presented at Conferences
Kennedy, DP. Changing Social Networks to Improve Health and End Homelessness.
Presentation given at the RAND Health Board of Advisors Meeting. February 4, 2016.
Santa Monica, CA
April 2016
Kennedy DP, SB Hunter, KC Osilla, E Maksabedian, JS Tucker. A Motivational social
network intervention to reduce alcohol, drug and HIV risk behaviors among Housing
First residents using Social Network Visualizations. Poster presentation delivered at the
Addiction Health Services Research Conference. Marina del Rey, CA. October 15.
Kennedy DP, Brown, RA. Using The Livescribe Pen To Collect Data: A Workshop
And Equipment Giveaway. RAND Center for Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Research
(C-QAMM) Seminar. August 7, 2015.
Kennedy, MR, Kennedy DP, K Brancolini. The Personal Networks of Novice Librarian
Researchers. Paper presentation delivered at the International Network for Social
Network Analysis Annual Sunbelt Conference. Brighton, UK. June 23
Kennedy DP. Using Egoweb 2.0 To Deliver A Motivational Social Network
Intervention To Reduce Alcohol, Drug And Hiv Risk Behaviors Among Housing First
Residents. RAND Europe Seminar. Cambridge, UK, June 18.
Kennedy, MR, Kennedy DP, K Brancolini. The Personal Networks of Novice Librarian
Researchers. Paper presentation delivered at the Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in
Libraries International Conference (QQML2015). Paris, France, May 26.
Kennedy DP, Kennedy, MR. Using EgoWeb To Collect, Process, And Analyze Social
Network Data For Research On Libraries. Paper presentation delivered at the Qualitative
and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2015). Paris,
France, May 28.
Kennedy DP. A Mixed-Method Exploration of STI and Pregnancy Risk Evaluation
Among Homeless Youth. Paper presented at the Population Association of America’s
2015 Annual Meeting, Psychosocial Workshop. April 28.
Kennedy DP. The Social Networks of Couples: Methods for Collecting and Analyzing
Duocentric Social Networks. Labor & Population Brown Bag Seminar, Santa Monica,
CA. April 24.
Kennedy DP. Panel session on Impact of physical and environmental factors on
population health. L.A. Policy Symposium, RAND Corporation, April 10.
Kennedy DP. Building an Inter-Disciplinary Network on Culture and HIV Risk
Perception. Invited presentation to the NIH/OppNet sponsored workshop:
Methodological Approaches to Measure Culture. Bethesda, MD, March 23-24.
Kennedy DP, H Green, K de la Haye, M Wong. EgoWeb 2.0: Open-Source Software
for Collecting and Analyzing Network Data. Poster presentation delivered at the
International Network for Social Network Analysis Annual Sunbelt Conference. St.
Pete’s Beach, CA. February 22.
Kennedy, DP. MR Kennedy. Developing a Mixed Qualitative and Quantitative
Research Design to Inform Library Policy Decision-making. Qualitative and
Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2013). Rome, Italy,
June 4.
Kennedy, MR, DP Kennedy. The “use” of an electronic resource from a social network
analysis perspective. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International
Conference (QQML2013). Rome, Italy, June 5.
Kennedy, DP, K. de la Haye, H.D. Green, M.S. Pollard, J.S. Tucker. Poster
April 2016
RSA Selection and Influence Effects Associated with Adolescent Substance
Use: A Focus on Friendships and Romantic Relationships. Poster presentation delivered
at the Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 24.
Kennedy, DP, H Green, C Sherbourne, E Bromley, A Izquierdo, J Miranda, K Wells.
The Role of Romantic Relationships in Depression Treatment. Presentation as part of the
“Treatment Outcomes, Stigma, And Social Support In Depression: Findings From A
Multi-Ethnic, Mixed-Methods, Longitudinal Study” Symposium at the American
Psychiatric Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 17.
Kennedy, DP, K. de la Haye, H.D. Green, M.S. Pollard, J.S. Tucker. Romantic Partners,
Peers and Drinking: Selection and Influence Mechanisms Associated with Drinking.
Paper delivered for the 2012 Add Health Users Conference Plenary Session “Sociostructural Influences on Health and Reproductive Behavior” July 26
de la Haye, K, JS Tucker, HD Green, DP Kennedy, M Pollard. Peers and Pot: Selection
and Influence Mechanisms Associated with Marijuana Initiation and Use. Presentation
delivered at the International Network for Social Network Analysis Annual Sunbelt
Conference. Redondo Beach, CA. March 16.
Rhoades, H, SL Wenzel, JS Tucker, DP Kennedy, D Golinelli, B Ewing. The social
context of homeless men’s substance use. Presentation delivered at the International
Network for Social Network Analysis Annual Sunbelt Conference. Redondo Beach,
CA. March 16.
Wenzel, SL, H Rhoades, JS Tucker, DP Kennedy, D Golinelli, B Ewing. Network
correlates of concurrent partnering among homeless men. Presentation delivered at the
International Network for Social Network Analysis Annual Sunbelt Conference.
Redondo Beach, CA. March 16.
Green, H. DP Kennedy, SL Wenzel, JS Tucker, D Golinelli, B Ewing. Differences in
homeless men’s personal networks. Presentation delivered at the International Network
for Social Network Analysis Annual Sunbelt Conference. Redondo Beach, CA. March
Brown, R, DP Kennedy, SL Wenzel, JS Tucker. Homeless men, masculinity, and HIV
risk. Presentation delivered at the International Network for Social Network Analysis
Annual Sunbelt Conference. Redondo Beach, CA. March 16.
Kennedy, DP, B Karney. Duo-centered Personal Networks in Low-Income Couples.
Presentation delivered at the International Network for Social Network Analysis Annual
Sunbelt Conference. Redondo Beach, CA. March 15.
de la Haye, K, HD Green, DP Kennedy, M Pollard, JS Tucker. Peers and Pot: Selection
and Influence Mechanisms Associated with Marijuana Initiation and Use. Presentation
delivered at the Symposium “Dynamic Network-Based Models of Substance Use:
Recent Results Using SIENA” of the Society for Research on Adolescence annual
meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada. March 9.
Kennedy, DP, JS Tucker, HD Green, SL Wenzel, B Ewing, A Zhou. The Personal
Networks of Homeless People Living in Los Angeles County: An Investigation of the
Multiple Levels of Unprotected Sex. Presentation at the International Network for
Social Network Analysis Annual Sunbelt Conference. St. Petersburg, FL. February 11.
DP Kennedy, Brown, RA, Gender, D Golinelli, JS Tucker, S Wertheimer, S Wenzel,
April 2016
Gender, sexual relationships, and HIV risk among homeless men in Los Angeles
County. 138th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO,
November 10.
DP Kennedy, Brown, RA, Gender, D Golinelli, JS Tucker, S Wertheimer, S Wenzel,
Gender, sexual relationships, and HIV risk among homeless men in Los Angeles
County. 138th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO,
November 10.
Brown, RA, DP Kennedy, G Ryan, D Golinelli, S Wenzel, JS Tucker, S Wertheimer.
Heterosexual sex among homeless men in Los Angeles: Partner selection, condom use,
and HIV-related beliefs. 138th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting,
Denver, CO, November 10.
Bharmal, NH, DP Kennedy, R Vargas, A Brown. Through Our Eyes: Perspectives of
Young Black Men on Factors Affecting Transition to Manhood. Poster presentation at
the Society of General Internal Medicine 33rd Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, April
Coker TR, MD, GS Harvinder, PJ Chung, DP Kennedy, BA Weidmer, MA Schuster.
Improving Access to and Utilization of Adolescent Preventive Health Care:
The Perspectives of Adolescents and Parents. Poster presentation at the Pediatric
Academic Societies Meetings, Vancouver, BC, Canada. May 1.
Pollard, MS, JS Tucker, HG Green, DP Kennedy, MH Go. Sexual Orientation and
Adolescent Smoking Trajectories. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Population Association of America, Dallas TX. April 17, 2010
Kennedy, DP. Designing Research to Study Libraries: Beyond Doing a Survey (and
maybe a Focus Group). Invited Talk at the University of California Irvine “Lunch with
LAUC-I” Speaker Series, Irvine CA. June 16.
Kennedy, DP. Unprotected Sex of Homeless Women Living in Los Angeles County:
An Investigation of the Multiple Levels of Risk. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, CA, March 19.
Kennedy, DP, HD Green, C McCarty. Laypersons' Recognition of Structure in Personal
Network Data. Poster presentation at the International Network for Social Network
Analysis Annual Sunbelt Conference. San Diego, FL. March 11
Kennedy, DP, G Ryan, and E Muladore. Visualizing Data from Semi-structured
interviews about depression. Poster presentation at the American Anthropological
Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. November 23
Kennedy, DP. Including the Natives in the Discussion: Panel on Skills, Education and
Training. Discussant. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. San
Francisco, CA. November 21
Kennedy, DP, P Koegel, G Ryan, C Sherbourne, N Duan, KB Wells. Design of a
Qualitative Telephone Follow-up to Understand Factors Affecting Disparities in
Depression Care and Outcomes. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)-Sponsored
Research Track at the 2008 American Psychiatric Association (APA) Meeting.
Workshop on the Partners in Care Project in a session on Biological Psychiatry and
Neurosciences. Agnes E. Rupp, organizer. Washington Convention Center, Washington,
DC, May 7
April 2016
Kennedy, DP, E Muladore, and G Ryan. Freelistsing and Symptoms of Depression.
Paper presentation at the Society for Anthropological Sciences Annual Meeting. New
Orleans, LA. February 23.
Kennedy, DP and J Tucker. Risky Behavior and Personal Networks of Homeless
Women. Poster presentation at the International Network for Social Network Analysis
Annual Sunbelt Conference. St. Petersburg Beach, FL. January 25.
Kennedy, DP. and G Ryan. Risky Behavior and Personal Networks of Homeless
Women. Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association’s 2007 Annual
Meeting, Washington DC. December 1.
Kennedy, DP. Design of a Qualitative Telephone Follow-up to Understand Factors
Affecting Disparities in Depression Care and Outcomes. Paper presented at the National
Institute for Mental Health 2007 Annual Meeting, Washington DC. July 23
Kennedy, DP. Culture and Childbearing Motivation. Paper presented at the Population
Association of America’s 2007 Annual Meeting, Psychosocial Workshop, New York
City, March 28.
Kennedy, DP. Adolescent Romantic Relationships in the Context of Friendship
Networks. Paper presented at the Population Association of America’s 2007 Annual
Meeting, Psychosocial Workshop. March 27.
Kennedy, DP. and Gery Ryan. Where’s the Structure in Semi-Structured Interviews?
Qualitative Interviews Conducted by Telephone, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the American Anthropological Association, San Jose, CA, November 15.
Zima BT, Bartlett NA, Bussing R, Kostello EC, Woo DF, Kennedy, DP.
ADHD and ADHD Care: Parent Knowledge and Attitudes. Invited presentation at the
53rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
San Diego, CA, Oct 28.
Kennedy, DP. Qualitative Telephone Interviewing. CCH/HSRC/EXPORT Invited talk
at the CCH/HSRC/EXPORT Methods Seminar, UCLA-Semel Institute Center for
Community Health, UCLA-Semel Institute Health Services Research Center, DrewUCLA EXPORT Center. October 3.
Kennedy, DP. Reciprocation of Adolescent Romantic Partner Nominations and the
Implications for Depression Etiology in Adolescents. Add Health Users Conference.
Bethesda, MD. July 17.
Kennedy, DP. Using Consensus Analysis and Ethnography to Understand IntraCultural Variation, Invited talk at the UCLA Qualitative Interest Group, June 8.
Kennedy, DP. Semi-structured interviewing, Invited lecture at the NIMH funded Child
Intervention, Prevention & Services (CHIPS) conference, University of California, Los
Angeles, June 6.
Ryan, G and Kennedy, DP. Where’s the Structure in Semi-Structured Interviews?
Invited talk at the UCLA Qualitative Interest Group, March 20.
Kennedy, DP. The Value of Systematic Ethnography for Program Evaluation:
Examples from the Honduran Family Planning and South African Antiretroviral
Therapy. RAND Health Seminar. RAND. Santa Monica, CA. August 9.
Kennedy, DP. Young People and Their Companions: Reciprocation of Adolescent
April 2016
Romantic Partner Nominations. Battelle Colloquium. Battelle Memorial Institute
Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation. Arlington, VA. July 11.
Kennedy, DP. Los Que Dios Me Mande: Natality Culture and Fertility Decline in
Honduras. Family Health International. Research Triangle, NC. July 1.
Kennedy, DP. Los Que Dios Me Mande: Natality Culture and Fertility Decline in
Honduras. Indiana University Purdue University at Fort Wayne Department of
Anthropology seminar. Fort Wayne, IN, March 22.
Kennedy, DP. Los Que Dios Me Mande: Natality Culture and Fertility Decline in
Honduras. Indiana University Purdue University at Fort Wayne Department of
Anthropology seminar. Fort Wayne, IN, March 22.
Setel, P, M Roche, A Zeveloff, and DP Kennedy. Triple therapy for studies of
adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) in lower-income countries: combining holism,
program learning, and results in targeted evaluation research on rapid scale-up.
University of North Carolina Department of Anthropology Colloquia, Chapel Hill, NC,
March 2.
Kennedy, DP. Anthropological Methods and Health Care Research. Invited Talk at the
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Department of Critical Care Medicine Case
Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 28
Kennedy, DP. Scale Adaptation and Ethnography: What is Qualitative and What is
Quantitative? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological
Association, Chicago, IL, November 23
Kennedy, DP. Culture, Ethnography and Reproductive Motivation in Honduras. Paper
presented at the Carolina Population Center’s Population Research Seminar, Chapel Hill,
NC, September 19
Kennedy, DP. Ethnicity and the Measurement of Culture. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Portland, OR, March 23
Kennedy, DP. Scale Adaptation and Ethnography: What is Qualitative and What is
Quantitative? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological
Association, New Orleans, LA, November 21
Kennedy, DP. Culture Change, Changing Gender Roles and Unmet Need for Family
Planning in Honduras. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for
Applied Anthropology, Atlanta, GA, March 9
Kennedy, DP. Integration of Survey Data Analysis and Ethnography: Results from an
Investigation of Unmet Need for Family Planning in Honduras. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington, D.C., March 30
Kennedy, DP. Culture Change and Cognitive Models of Fertility Decline in Oaxaca
City, Mexico. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Demographic
Association, San Antonio, TX, October 29
Stansbury, JP, CA Smith, E Trevathan, M Medina, and Kennedy, DP. Improving
Seizure Treatment in Rural Latin America: Current Realities and Prospects. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Tuscon, AZ,
April 23
Perz, SG, and Kennedy, DP. The Resurgent Indigenous Population of Brazil:
April 2016
Implications for Sociology and Indigenist Political Agenda. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, IL, August 6-10
Kennedy, DP, and SG Perz. Who Are Brazil's ‘Indígenas’? Contributions of Census
Data Analysis to an Anthropological Demography of Indigenous Populations. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association,
Philadelphia, PA, December 2
International Fieldwork
HOLA: HIV Outreach in Latin America. Tugicigalpa and San Pedro Sula,
Met with Honduran based Faith Based Organizations and other Health
Organizations (FBO) working in HIV treatment and prevention and conducted site
visits. Conducted interviews with leaders of organizations about FBO HIV
Funding source: RAND IR&D
ART Scale-up in Sub-Saharan Africa: Cape Town and Durban, South Africa
Met with potential collaborators working in HIV treatment.
Funding source: RAND IR&D
ACTSMART Adhere: Evaluation for sustaining and enhancing participation in
antiretroviral therapy programs. Durban, South Africa
Met with local partners and evaluated field site for development of participatory
research project on determinants of adherence to antiretroviral therapy.
Funding source: United States Agency for International Development Cooperative
Agreement with MEASURE Evaluation
2000-2001 Gender, Culture Change, and Fertility Decline in Honduras: Catacamas,
Olancho, Honduras
Led ethnographic study of the culture of natality. Conducted ethnographic
interviewing (semi-structured and unstructured), participant observation,
instrument validation for language and cultural appropriateness, and trained local
interviewers to administer instrument to 400 people using a mixture of sampling
strategies. All phases of research conducted using a blending of qualitative and
quantitative methodology.
Funding source: RAND Small Grants Program For Research on Central America
The Anthropology of Health during Reconstruction in Post-Hurricane Honduras:
Catacamas, Olancho, Honduras
Conducted ethnographic study of disaster reconstruction in post-Hurricane Mitch
Honduras. Conducted nutritional study of children under 5 years old in families
most affected by the hurricane. Administered structured questionnaires including
24-hour food recalls, market basket analysis, epidemiological analyses, infant and
maternal mortality instruments. Managed anthropometric measurements on focal
April 2016
Funding Source: National Science Foundation (BSC 0076744), with preliminary
support from the International Hurricane Center, Florida International University
Improving Seizure Treatment in Rural Latin America: Catacamas, Olancho,
Participatory research with local health NGO to develop and conduct unstructured
and semi-structured interviews about epilepsy and the social impact of the disease
on epilepsy sufferers and their families. Pre-tested four questionnaire instruments
translated from English to Spanish for language and cultural relevancy. Created
electronic database for recording, storage, and analysis of survey data.
Funding Source: Faculty Research Grant from the College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences at the University of Florida
Cognitive Models of Fertility Decline in Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, Mexico
Conducted unstructured and semi-structured interviews to assess the variation in
positive and negative childbearing motivations in three Mexican states. Results of
quantitative analysis of qualitative interview data appear in Population and
Funding Source: Department of Anthropology, University of Florida
Invited Conferences/Workshops/Symposium
Research Society on Alcoholism Annual RSA Scientific Meeting 2016, Invited Symposium:
Alcohol and The Social Environment: Integrating Findings across Levels Of Analysis In
Diverse Settings. Will deliver the paper, “Developing an MI-Based Computer-Assisted
Social Network Intervention For Substance Use And HIV Risk Behaviors Among Housing
First Residents.” June 27, 2016.
Los Angeles Policy Symposium 2015, Non-Medical Interventions that Affect Population
Health. Hosted by the Pardee RAND Graduate School. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica,
CA. April 10, 2015.
NIH Basic Behavioral & Social Sciences Research Opportunity Network Workshop on
Methodological Approaches to Measure Culture. NIH Campus, Bethesda, MD. March 23-24
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)-Sponsored Research Track at the 2008
American Psychiatric Association (APA) Meeting. Workshop on the Partners in Care
Project in a session on Biological Psychiatry and Neurosciences. Agnes E. Rupp, organizer.
Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC, May 7, 2008
Planning Conference for NSF Summer Workshops in Cultural Anthropology Research
Methodologies. Stuart Plattner, organizer. Belmont Conference Center, Elkridge, MD, May
9-11, 2003
April 2016
Workshop on stability of methods for collecting, analyzing, and managing panel
data. Ricardo Godoy and Robert Hunt, organizers. American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Cambridge, MA, March 26-28, 2003
Methodological Training
Introduction to Motivational Interviewing. Karen Osilla instructor, training given at the
RAND Corporation; September 15, 2015.
The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using SIENA, Parts I and II. Tom
Snijders instructor, workshop given at the International Network for Social Network
Analysis Annual Sunbelt Conference; March 13-14, 2012.
Moving Beyond Descriptives: Basic Network Statistics with statnet, Ryan Acton & Lorien
Jasny instructors, workshop given at the International Network for Social Network
Analysis Annual Sunbelt Conference; March 13, 2012.
Dyadic Data Analysis, David A. Kenny and Randi Garcia instructors, Data Analysis Training
Institute of Connecticut (DATIC); June 27-July1, 2011.
An Introduction to Social Network Analysis with R Parts I and II, Michal Bojanowski
instructor, workshop given at the International Network for Social Network Analysis
Annual Sunbelt Conference; February 2011.
Exponential-family Random Graph (ERG or p*) Modeling with statnet, Carter Butts, Steven
M. Goodreau, & the statnet development team instructors; workshop given at the
International Network for Social Network Analysis Annual Sunbelt Conference;
February 2011.
Consensus Analysis, Sue Weller instructor, American Anthropological Association Annual
Meeting Workshop; Fall 2009
Discrete and Continuous Hazards Modeling; David Guilkey instructor, Carolina Population
Center; Fall 2003
Exploratory Factor Analysis; The Odum Institute of the University of North Carolina; Fall
Latent Curve Models for Longitudinal Data Analysis; The Odum Institute of the University
of North Carolina; Fall 2003
Structural Equation Modeling; University of North Carolina; Spring 2003
Regression Analysis; University of Florida; Fall 1999
NSF Summer Institute for Research Design in Cultural Anthropology; Jeff Johnson, Susan
Weller, H. Russell Bernard co-instructors; Summer 1999
Introduction to Social Network Analysis; INSNA Sunbelt Conference; Steve Borgatti
instructor; Spring 1999
Social Network Analysis; University of Florida; Spring 1999
Applied Multivariate Analysis; University of Florida; Spring 1999
Categorical Data Analysis; University of Florida; Spring 1999
Applied Non-Parametric Methods; University of Florida; Fall 1998
Indirect Demographic Methodology; University of Florida; Spring 1998
Graph Theory; INSNA Sunbelt Conference; Frank Harray instructor; Spring 1997
Methods of Cognitive Anthropology; University of Florida; Spring 1997
Statistics for Social Science; University of Florida; Fall 1996, Spring 1997
April 2016
Academic Service
Election Committee, Society for Anthropological Sciences, 2003-2004
Program Committee, Society for Anthropological Sciences, 2008-2010
Session Moderator, Add Health Users Workshop, Bethesda MD, July 2003
Peer Reviewer, Journal of Anthropological Research, 2016
Peer Reviewer, Network Science, 2016
Peer Reviewer, Field Methods, 2000Peer Reviewer, AIDS and Behavior, 2009Peer Reviewer, BMC Family Practice, 2009
Peer Reviewer, BMC Public Health, 2010
Peer Reviewer, Human Organization, 2009-2012
Peer Reviewer, Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2013-2014
Ad Hoc Peer Reviewer, Agency for Health Quality and Research (AHRQ) Health Care
Research Training Grant Proposal Review Committee, 2010-2012
Professional Memberships
American Anthropological Association
Society for Medical Anthropology
Society for Anthropological Sciences
Population Association of America
Society for Applied Anthropology
American Public Health Association
Society for Research on Adolescence
Research Society on Alcoholism
International Network of Social Network Analysts
Language Skills
Native speaker of English, fluent in Spanish