Procedure for dealing with Staff Harassment & Bullying


Jan 06

Procedure for dealing with Staff Harassment & Bullying

UCL Harassment policy:

Decides no further action necessary

Member of staff perceives that they have been harassed or bullied

Talks informally with appropriate person

Staff and advisor/line manager have informal discussion with alleged harasser

What is Harassment?

Harassment is unwanted conduct which has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.

Harassment can be based on:

- Sex/gender identity - Religion/Belief

- Race - Sexual Orientation

- Disability - Age

What is Bullying?

Bullying is the exercise of power over another person through negative acts, or behaviour that undermines that person personally and/or professionally.

Bullying is to be distinguished from vigorous academic debate, or the actions of a manager legitimately and appropriately invoking approved capability and disciplinary procedures in accordance with UCL policy.

Resolved – no further action necessary

Not resolved

Referral to UCL’s Mediation


/mediation.php Formal complaint to

Head of Department & forwarded to Director of HR

Formal investigatory panel

Who should I talk to?

• My line manager or a senior manager

• Designated harassment advisor

• Support also available from Employee Assistance Scheme m.php

Key Points

• UCL is committed to preventing harassment and bullying and creating a culture at UCL in which harassment and bullying cannot flourish

• Allegations of harassment and bullying received either formally or informally through this policy must be taken seriously by managers and dealt with promptly and sensitively

• Where it is possible to resolve the matter by informal means, every effort should be made to do so

• Where a complaint of harassment and bullying is upheld, this could result in disciplinary action being taken against the perpetrator

• UCL will ensure that any member of staff raising a concern under this policy is not victimised as a result.
