22Ol DoubleCreekDrive,Suite5006 RounclRock,TX 79664 Phone:512/733-g7oo Fax: 512/733-9701 Emdl: caate@sbcglobal.net Website:www.caate.net Commissionon Accreclitation of Athletic Training Education M a r c h1 7 ,2 0 1 0 WliiamCaliahan, EdD Dean,Collegeof Education University of Northernlowa Schindler Education Center205 CedarFalls,lA 50614 DearDeanCallahan: The Commission on Accreditation of AthleticTrainingEducationis pleasedto notifyyou that yourAthleticTrainingEducationProgram's2008- 2009Annuat ReportProgreis Report was reviewedand acceptedduringits February 26 - 27,2010 meeting.ThenthleticTraining EducationProgram's accreditationstatus remains unchanged. The next required comprehensivereview for accreditationof this program,includingan on-sitereview,is scheduledto occur during the 2012- 2013academicyear. The CAATEcommendsthe faculty,staff,andadministrators at the University of Northern lowa for yourcommitment qualityimprovement to continuous in AthleticTrainingeducation. Sincerely, 6- 4a"'z''- /// GregGardner, EdD,ATC President, CAATE Cc: Christopher Edginton, PhD,Chair,Schoolof Health,physicalEducation andLeisureServices Athletic -K€XiSnyder,MS,ProgramDirector, TrainingEducation SponsoringAgencies The Americarr Acacierny of Fanrily Physicians The American Orthopaeclic Society for Sports Medicine The American Acaclemy of pecliatrics The National Athletic Trainers'Association,lnc. ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE 2009-2010 ACADEMIC YEAR (September 1st – August 31st) Cohorts beginning in the summer will be counted on the 2009-2010 Annual Report. Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) (PLEASE TYPE) Note: The Standard section/number is listed under each corresponding section on the Annual Report. Please refer to those sections in the CAATE Standards for the Accreditation of Entry Level Programs for the Athletic Trainer for clarification. All data requested in this annual report is required; therefore, please do not leave any section or box blank. Current, up-to-date supporting documentation must be maintained by the Program and may be requested to document compliance. All files submitted must be in pdf format. All documents must be current and accessible for review upon request and/or for the audit. A. SPONSORSHIP 1. Sponsoring Institution: University of Northern Iowa 2. Degree Offered: Bachelor of Arts Major: Athletic Training 3. Please identify the Carnegie classification of your institution. Doctoral Masters Bachelors Special Focus Tribal N/A 4. Please identify the approximate number of students enrolled in your institution. (Select one) Up to 1,000 1,000 – 3,000 3,000 – 5,000 5,000 – 10,000 10,000 – 20,000 20,000 – 30,000 30,000 or greater 5. Please indicate the type of institution Public Private Non-Religious Private Religious Private for Profit Other 6. Chief Executive Officer a. Name with Credentials (e.g. John Smith, EdD) Benjamin J. Allen, Ph.D. b. Office Address (Provide complete address including city, state and zip code) President's Office SRL 20 Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0705 © CAATE, revd 4/08; 7/08 c. Office Phone 319-273-2566 d. Office Fax 319-273-6494 e. E-mail address ben.allen@uni.edu 7. Dean a. Name with Credentials (e.g. John Smith, EdD) William P. Callahan, PhD b. College/School College of Education c. Office Address (Provide complete address including city, state and zip code) Schindler Education Center 205 Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0610 d. Office Phone 319-273-2717 e. Office Fax 319-273-6997 f. E-mail address bill.callahan@uni.edu 8. Department Chair a. Name with Credentials (e.g. John Doe, PhD):Christopher R. Edginton b. Department Name: School of Health, PE, and Leisure Services c. Office Address (Provide complete address including city, state and zip code) 203 Wellness Recreation Center Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0241 d. Office Phone 319-273-2480 e. Office Fax 319-273-5958 f. E-mail address christopher.edginton@uni.edu B. PERSONNEL 1. Program Director a. Name with Credentials (e.g. John Doe, PhD):Kelli R. Snyder, MS, ATC, LAT b. Department Name: School of Health, PE, and Leisure Services/Division of Athletic Training c. Office Address (Provide complete address including city, state and zip code) 003G Human Performance Center Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0244 © CAATE, revd 4/08; 7/08 d. Office Phone 319-273-7401 e. Office Fax 319-273-7023 f. E-mail address kelli.snyder@uni.edu g. Academic Rank and Title Instructor, Program Director h. BOC# 050302118 i. Year Certified 2003 j. Type of State Athletic Training Credential License (e.g. license, certification, registration, exempt, NA) Current State Athletic Training Credential Number 00545 2. Check either the YES or NO box to respond to each of the statements below as it relates to the current Program Director. The Program Director is: a. Full-time Employee of Sponsoring Institution Yes No b. Faculty Member of Sponsoring Institution with all faculty rights, including voting on faculty issues Yes No c. Tenure-Track Academic Appointment Yes No d. Tenured Faculty Member at Sponsoring Institution Yes No e. In good-standing with the BOC Yes No f. In good-standing with the State Licensing Agency (if applicable) Yes No 3. The current Program Director is the same individual who completed the Annual Report filed in 2008-2009 Reporting Year. [Standard B1] Yes No No 6. Job description and vita are current and readily accessible for review during audit. Required information already submitted to CAATE Office Information not yet submitted to CAATE Office. Please submit with this report a letter of acceptance of position with start date and complete contact information, Table B1.2b PD workload table, full vitae, BOC verification, State credential (if applicable), official documentation verifying full-time faculty status and a description of the requirements for a full-time faculty load at the institution. (See Program Director Change Policy on CAATE website at www.caate.net). Medical Director [Standard B4] a. Name with Credentials (e.g. John Doe, MD/DO):Jeff Clark, DO b. Specialty Area (e.g. Pediatrics, Orthopedics): Orthopaedics c. Office Address (Provide complete address including city, state and zip code) 2351 Hudson Rd. Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0244 © CAATE, revd 4/08; 7/08 H. OUTCOMES 1. Number of graduates anticipated for 2009-2010 (Sept 1st – Aug 31st) 24 I. CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION 1. Were changes made in the required athletic training education curriculum (Standard E1.3) and implemented during the 2009-2010 reporting period? No Curricular Changes Yes – If YES, briefly explain, in the box at the end of this paragraph, the changes and rationale for those changes. Please attach both old and new curricular plans and a letter of verification of curricular acceptance, signed and dated by the administrator who has oversight over the Program Director. Also, provide evidence that this curricular change has been placed for review in publicly accessible documents/locations (e.g. web page, catalog) by prospective and current students. All files attached must be submitted in pdf format. 2. Have you instituted the 4th Edition of the NATA Educational Competencies in your curriculum? Yes No 3. Are you currently using the 4th edition of the NATA Educational Competencies Matrix or comparable tracking mechanism to document the implementation of the competencies? Yes No All matrix documents must be current and accessible for review upon request and/or for the audit. J. CLINICAL EDUCATION 1. Total number of students engaged in the required clinical courses during 2009-2010 academic year. 81 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS 1. Please provide verification that the Athletic Training Education Program at this sponsoring institution is compliant with all of the following requirements delineated in the CAATE Standards for the Accreditation of Entry Level Programs for the Athletic Trainer. Failure to accurately self-report unresolved non-compliance(s) with the Standards will result in an immediate change in accreditation status to probation. NOTE: Non-compliances (identified as NO** below) during the 2009-2010 academic year should be explained in the section for curricular changes above, as well as current or pending resolution of the noncompliance(s). © CAATE, revd 4/08; 7/08 YES NO** Standard Section Section A – Sponsorship Section B – Personnel Section C – Resources Section D – Physical Resources Section E – Operational Policies & Fair Practices Section F – Health & Safety Section G – Student Records Section H – Outcomes Section I – Curriculum & Instruction Section J – Clinical Education Section K – Maintaining Accreditation 2. **If the response is NO to any Standard sections listed above, please provide an explanation describing why the Program may be non-compliant with that Standard section; and describe the plan to correct the non-compliance issues. (The Program may use additional pages to complete this explanation.) Important Note: To facilitate an efficient and quality tracking system for both the CAATE and the Programs, please indicate below for the non-compliances identified, if you are currently working on a progress report and the respective due date. Progress Report Due? Yes No If yes, what is the due date I acknowledge all documents are current and accessible for review upon request and/or for the audit. DATE Submitted May 12, 2010 TYPE Program Director’s Full Name Kelli R. Snyder (with professional and academic credentials) Program Director’s Signature 10586 (Electronic Signature and/or PIN #) The following documentation should be sent to the CAATE at AR@caate.net on or before, but no later than May 14, 2010. Completed 2009-2010 CAATE Annual Report in pdf format **Please note that those Programs submitting reports after the May 14th deadline will automatically be required to participate in the audit process. © CAATE, revd 4/08; 7/08 A4a: 2009-2010 CLINICAL EDUCATION SITE TABLE (Host Institution and Affiliated Sites) Accelerated Physical Therapy Aplington-Parkersburg High School Cedar Falls High School Cedar Falls Primary Care Cedar Valley Medical Specialists Physical Therapy Columbus High School x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Professional/ Amateur Sport Wellness/ Fitness Corporate/ Industrial Rehabilitation/ Therapy Clinic x x Dike-New Hartford High School Hudson High School Northeast Iowa Medical Education Foundation/FM Residency Northeast Iowa Physical Therapy Peoples Community Health Clinic © CAATE, 2006 General Medical x Covenant Medical Center Emergency Room Covenant Physical Therapy Sartori Memorial Hospital Emergency Room University of Northern Iowa (Host) Waterloo East High School Hospital High School (Check ALL categories to the right of each site listed that best describes that site, and be sure to include the site(s) where General Medical experience(s) are provided.) Jr. College/ Trade School Name(s) of Clinical Education Site(s) (Host Institution and Affiliated Sites) College/ University List all clinical sites used during the last academic year, both at host institution and affiliated sites. Other - Describe Waterloo West High School Waterloo Blackhawks Waverly-Shellrock High School Taylor Physical Therapy/Waverly Health Center XL Sports Acceleration © CAATE, 2006 x x x x x B3.2a: 2009-2010 Approved Clinical Instructor/Clinical Instructor Table Please complete as it relates to ATEP faculty and other instructional staff (ACI and CIs) used in your program in the current academic year (September 1st – August 31st). Provide explanation at bottom of table if ACI/CI does not fit into a category. Clinical Instructor/ACI Name Clinical Education Site and Professional Credentials (Institution and Affiliated) BOC Certification # 2000001034 069302469 029902456 069502724 060102095 Month& Year BOC Certified 06/09 06/03 02/99 06/95 06/01 110102143 070402606 060502062 050802330 11/01 07/04 06/05 05/08 080802053 069202503 060202017 029602514 119702524 08/08 06/92 02/92 02/96 11/97 050402279 05/04 000745 00447 00131 00635 PT: 03066 LAT: 00214 00463 2000000558 060802111 129015031 03/09 06/08 12/90 000773 000710 00215 X X 120702141 12/07 000689 X 070802376 050802185 000050245 030702066 07/08 05/08 04/81 03/07 000733 000716 001213 000630 X X X X (ATCs Only) Andrew Benning, ATC Donald Bishop, MA, ATC Megan Brady, MPE, ATC Jody Brucker, Ph.D., ATC Bethany Burger, PT, ATC Matt Buttjer, PT, ATC Emily Callahan, MS, ATC Ryan Callahan, MA, ATC Mandi Drees, ATC Sara Eggleston, ATC Todd Evans, Ph.D., ATC David Fricke, MA, ATC Troy Garrett, MS, ATC Jerod Gayor, PT, ATC Tricia Haak, MS, ATC Toshiro Hirano, ATC Kristine Johnson, ATC Todd Klein, ATC Scott Lockard, ATC Armand McCormick Annica Morrison, ATC Chris Nelson, ATC Terry Noonan, MS, ATC Peter Sand, ATC © CAATE, 2006 University of Northern Iowa University of Northern Iowa University of Northern Iowa University of Northern Iowa Covenant Physical Therapy, Dike-New Hartford High School Accelerated Physical Therapy University of Northern Iowa University of Northern Iowa Taylor PT, Waverly-Shellrock High University of Northern Iowa University of Northern Iowa CVMS PT, Waterloo West High University of Northern Iowa Taylor Physical Therapy/Waverly Health Center Northeast Iowa Physical Therapy University of Northern Iowa Aplington-Parkersburg High CVMS PT, Waterloo Blackhawks Hockey CVMS PT, Columbus High XL Sports Acceleration University of Northern Iowa University of Northern Iowa University of Northern Iowa CVMS, Hudson High School State Credential # (ATC, Medical & Allied Health) CIE ACI** CI (Check if applies) (Check if applies) (Check if applies) 000784 00074 00236 000754 PT: 03676 LAT: 00294 PT:03529 000682 000678 000713 X X X X X X X X X Date of Last ACI Training X X X X X 9/4/09 5/23/08 5/23/08 8/27/08 8/20/08 X X X 8/13/09 8/20/08 7/23/09 8/27/08 X X X X X X X X X 8/27/08 8/27/08 8/7/08 8/13/09 8/20/08 X X 2/20/09 X 9/4/09 8/27/08 8/7/08 X X X X X 5/23/08 8/27/08 8/27/08 8/7/08 8/13/09 Sean Schulte, PT, ATC Julie Shappy, PT, ATC Northeast Iowa Physical Therapy University of Northern Iowa Jed Smith, CSCS University of Northern Iowa Kelli Snyder, MS, ATC Sarah Ulrich, ATC Pete Watters, ATC Shantelle Weichers, MS, ATC Windee Weiss, Ph.D., ATC University of Northern Iowa University of Northern Iowa CVMS PT, Cedar Falls High CVMS PT, Waterloo East High University of Northern Iowa 060402633 06/04 000010869 09/90 050302118 070802258 119602612 069902639 089702649 05/03 07/08 11/96 06/99 08/97 PT: 03010 LAT:00445 PT: 004378 LAT: 000755 CSCS: 020211039 00545 000721 00352 00201 X X 8/13/09 X X 8/27/08 X X X X X X X X X X X 2/20/09 8/27/08 8/7/08 8/7/08 8/27/08 B3.6a: 2009-2010 MEDICAL AND OTHER HEALTH CARE PERSONNEL TABLE Instructions: List all Physicians and Allied Health Care Professionals who participate in the curriculum, either clinically, didactically/classroom, or both. Provide the specialty area of each person listed (e.g. Pediatrician, Family Practice, Orthopedic Surgeon, Physical Therapist, RN, Physician Assistant). Name of Medical and other Allied Health Care Professional Ms. Bethany Burger Ms. Barb Burkle Dr. Brian Burnett Mr. Matt Buttjer Dr. Jeffrey Clark Dr. Kyle Christianson Ms. Brenda Cooper Dr. Anthony Day Dr. Sharon Duclos Dr. Robert Friedman Mr. Jerod Gayor Dr. Daniel Glascock Dr. Michelle Graham Dr. Carol Gunnett Dr. Adam Hoogestraat Dr. Gary Jennett Dr. Sue Joseph Dr. Todd Lawrence © CAATE, 2006 Professional Credentials (e.g. MD, DO, EMT, PA, RN, DDS) PT, ATC RN M.D. PT, ATC D.O. MD NP MD MD MD PT, ATC MD MD MD DC MD Ph.D., RN, EMT MD Role in Program (Check all that apply) Specialty Area of Physician or Allied Health Care Provider Physical Therapy Gastrointernology Family Practice Physical Therapy Orthopedics Family Practice Nurse Practitioner, Orthopedics Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Physical Therapy Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Chiropractic Emergency Medicine Cancer Emergency Medicine Clinical Didactic/ Classroom Both X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Dr. James Poock Dr. Kelly Schmidt Mr. Sean Schulte Mr. Jed Smith Ms. Candy Steele Dr. Kalyana Sundaran Ms. Joan Thompson MD MD PT, ATC CSCS M.S. MD RN Family Practice Family Practice Physical Therapy Strength and Conditioning Cardiac Rehab Cardiologist Eating Disorders X X X X X X X NOTE: Reminder that there must be at least two (2) physicians of differing specialties and two (2) allied health professionals of differing specialties other than or in addition to Athletic Training involved with the didactic/classroom portion of the program; this information must be verifiable by course syllabus. Use additional copies of this Table if necessary. © CAATE, 2006