Western Carolina University Peer Selection Study Charge: To develop a set of official institutional peers for WCU for both internal and external use. Purpose of Peer Group Generally, the establishment of peer groups allows campuses to set performance benchmarks, target best practices and develop uniform and consistent comparisons among institutions. More specifically for the UNC System, peer groups will be used to set minimum targets for key performance metrics (retention/graduation rates, etc.) that will determine, in part, restrictions and/or rewards in the system budget allocation process. Membership of WCU Peer Selection Task Force: Linda Seestedt-Stanford, Interim Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor Melissa Canady Wargo, Asst. VC, Planning and Effectiveness Brian Howell, Asst. Professor, Engineering and Technology Beth Lofquist, Associate Provost David Hudson, Asst. Professor, Physical Therapy Carol Burton, Asst.VC, Undergraduate Studies Dianne Lynch, Chief of Staff, Chancellor’s Office Fred Hinson, Sr. Assoc. VC, Academic Affairs Regis Gilman, Interim Dean, Educational Outreach Sam Miller, Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs Bobby Justice, Assoc. VC, Financial Services Dana Sally, Dean, Library Services Mike Stewart, Assoc. Director, Auxiliary Services Perry Schoon, Dean, Education and Allied Professions Alan Socha, Research Analyst, Planning and Effectiveness Erin McNelis, Chair, Faculty Senate 1 Will Peebles, Director, School of Music Clifton Metcalf, Vice Chancellor, Advancement and External Affairs Craig Fowler, CIO Jennifer Brown, Associate Athletic Director Prepared by Office of Institutional Planning & Effectiveness Western Carolina University Background: In 2005-06, UNC General Administration initiated a process to select new peers for each of its constituent institutions. See Attachment A for the summary document from the 2006 process and a listing of current institutional peers. UNC GA contracted with Dennis Jones, then president of National Center for Higher Education Management (NCHEMS), to develop a process and initial set of peers for each campus. Those peer groups were approved by the UNC Board of Governors in January 2006. One unique aspect of the current peer groups initially established in 2006 was the inclusion of ‘competitive peers’. ‘Competitive Peers’ (sometimes called ‘aspirational peers’) were defined as campuses whose profile did not fit that of a standard peer, but that were either direct or indirect competitors. The inclusion of competitive peers broadened the traditional notion of peer groups and effectively incentivized the campuses to use their peer groups to develop stretch goal targets around certain performance metrics such as retention and graduation. In Fall of 2010, however, UNC GA repurposed the institutional peers as part of the proposed Performance Funding Model. See Attachment B for a copy of the current draft of the proposed Performance Funding Model. In the draft of the new funding model, which was approved by the UNC Board of Governors in January 2011 for use in the 2011-13 Biennium, the campuses must now meet not only previously established targets for selected performance metrics, but also must exceed the average of its approved peer group in order to avoid enrollment restrictions and/or be eligible for certain budget ‘rewards’. Thus, inclusion of ‘competitive peers’ now has the potential to significantly disadvantage those institutions (like WCU) that chose to include the maximum number of ‘competitive peers’ in their official peer groups. Thus, many UNC campuses, including WCU, have lobbied UNC GA to allow a revision of the current peers. In mid-April 2011, WCU was notified by UNC GA that the System was initiating a new Peer Selection Study for all its constituent institutions. Although the System has not yet formally communicated its expectations for the Peer Selection Study, here is what we know so far 1: • • 1 The timeline will be compressed. An initial set of peers is due to GA by June 15th; negotiations with GA will be completed by Labor Day; proposed peer groups will be submitted to Board of Governors in Oct/Nov Peer sets will include between 22 and 25 institutions. This information was communicated to the campus CAOs on April 14, 2011 in Chapel Hill. 2 Prepared by Office of Institutional Planning & Effectiveness Western Carolina University • • • • Each campus will determine its own process and criteria 2, but must provide description and rationale. No other UNC campus can be a peer; ½ of current peers may be on revised list. We must use 2009 data. We will not be able to have different sets of peers for different purposes; one set must do it all. Process The WCU Peer Selection Task Force will meet initially to discuss the charge, the tasks, the timeline, and the criteria for selecting an official peer set. Items for consideration will include: 1. 2. 3. 4. A review of the charge and the timeline. An examination of the current peer set. A demo and review of the Peer Selection Tool provided by UNC GA. Identify criteria for peer selection. The Peer Selection Task Force will meet again on an as needed basis to refine and narrow the proposed peer set. The Provost will share the resulting list with and solicit feedback from a broad range of campus stakeholders, including all campus leaders, faculty, staff and students. A final list will be submitted to UNC GA by September 5th. See timeline below. 2 Suggested criteria: tuition/fees, retention/graduation rates, average teaching salaries, faculty workload, mission, Carnegie classification, program mix/quality, student characteristics, research/service activities. 3 Prepared by Office of Institutional Planning & Effectiveness Western Carolina University Timeline 2011 April S 3 10 17 24 M 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 W 6 13 20 27 May Th 7 14 21 28 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 July S 3 10 17 24 31 M 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 W 6 13 20 27 2 9 16 23 30 M 3 10 17 24 31 T 4 11 18 25 W 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 W June Th 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 S 5 12 19 26 M 6 13 20 27 August Th 7 14 21 28 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 S 7 14 21 28 M 1 8 15 22 29 October S T Th 6 13 20 27 T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 S 1 8 15 22 29 S 6 13 20 27 M 7 14 21 28 T 1 8 15 22 29 W 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 W 1 8 15 22 29 Th 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 F 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 S 4 11 18 25 M 5 12 19 26 Th 4 11 18 25 6 13 20 27 W 7 14 21 28 Th 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 December F 3 10 17 24 T 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 S 4 11 18 25 M 5 12 19 26 T 6 13 20 27 W 7 14 21 28 Th 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 First meeting of WCU Peer Selection Task Force Work time to establish initial peer set Refinement of peer set; feedback from campus administrators Initial peer set due to UNC GA Final peer set due to UNC GA Review and approval of campus peer sets by UNC Board of Governors. Rationale for Criteria There are many potential criteria we can use to select an institutional peer group, but some will, by necessity, have more weight than others. For example, WCU is certainly different from the vast majority of regional comprehensive institutions terms of its highly rural location, but from a larger perspective, we may find that our rural location is less important than matching those institutions who share a commitment to regional outreach and engagement or who share a similar tradition of serving a larger number of first generation students and students with a low socioeconomic background. Alternatively, the new emphasis on performance metrics in the system budgeting process might require us to disproportionately weight those criteria that will be the most impactful on our state budget allocations. But, if we choose that route, it 4 S September Th November F T Prepared by Office of Institutional Planning & Effectiveness S 3 10 17 24 31 Western Carolina University makes the establishment of stretch goals more difficult to justify and monitor because we would have to manage that outside the official peer comparisons. The Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness has prepared three ‘output views’ using the Peer Selection Tool provided by UNC GA. See below for a brief description of the Peer Selection Tool. Included in each view is a list of the peer group generated along with a snapshot of selected criteria and a summary of the peer averages for each criteria. Details that show for each institution the value, rank, and impact of each variable are available for those who might be interested. The three views we have included to jump start the conversation include: 1. A list of our current peers (Attachment C) 2. A set of peers generated when we set equal weightings for: retention rates, graduation rates, and average faculty salary (Attachment D) 3. A set of peers generated when we set equal weightings for: retention rates, graduation rates, average faculty salary, control, HBCU, locale, 2005 Carnegie Classification, % minority, student/faculty ratio, freshman selectivity, % receiving Pell Grants, % receiving federal aid, percentages based on degrees awarded for different subject areas (Attachment E) 4. A set of peers generated when we set equal weightings for size, control, Carnegie classification, and student FTE (Attachment F) Peer Selection Tool UNC GA created a Peer Selection Tool (PST) to assist the campuses in deriving their new list of peers. This tool, along with instructions, is located at http://fred.northcarolina.edu/pub/html/peers.html. All data used in the PST come from the U.S. Department of Education’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The bulk of the data comes from the 2009-2010 collection cycle. To use the tool, all one has to do is weight the variables that make us distinctive. Weights range from 0, meaning the variable has no overall impact, to 10 (institutional characteristics can also be given a weight of 99 as an absolute filter). What the tool actually does is calculate the absolute distance between our institution and each other institution in the database for each variable, multiplying those distances by the weights we give. Zeros are substituted for missing values for other institutions prior to this calculation (institutions with missing values for a variable will ultimately be judged to be more distant from us as a result). Then these values are summed and the institutions that are the most similar to us (i.e., have the smallest total) are picked (the technical details of this process can be found in the instructions on the tool’s website). 5 Prepared by Office of Institutional Planning & Effectiveness ATTACHMENT A 2006 Peer Selection Process ATTACHMENT B Performance Funding Model for 2011-13 Biennium The University of North Carolina POST OFFICE ERSKINE BOX 2688, CHAPEL B. BOWLES, HILL, NC 27515-2688 President Telephone: (919) 962-1000 FAX: (919) 845-9695 E-mail: ebowles@northcarolina.edu Constituent Universities Appalachian State University East Carolina University Elizabeth City State University Fayetteville State University North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University North Carolina Central University North Carolina State University at Raleigh Chancellors Chief Academic Officers Erskine Bowles ~ _ Review of Model for Performance We shared an earl ier version of a performance Funding and Enrollment Restraint document that proposed adjustments to the funding formula and we received comments on that document from several of you. This performance document has been further revised to include information about how the restrictions on enrollment will be approached. We now have the impact of performance on enrollment and funding integrated into the same document. This revised document, the data sheet for retention, graduation, and University of North Carolina at Asheville University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Charlotte University of North Carolina at Greensboro University of North Carolina at Pembroke University of North Carolina at Wilmington University of North Carolina School of the Arts Western Carolina University Winston-Salem State University Constituent Hif5h School North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics An Equal Opportunityl Affirrnativp Action EmpJoyer efficiency, and the data backup material were shared with the Chief Academic Officers during their meeting on September 29 and 30. What is added here is a data sheet that makes a first attempt to translate the performance data into judgments about where enrollment would need to be restrained and where performance is at a level to result in performance-based funding. Each campus is being provided a separate data sheet that includes these assessments. Our process is to receive feedback from you over the next few days and make this a focus for discussion at the next Chancellors Administrative Council. Our plan is also to make this topic the subject of a Board policy workshop in November, the Chair of the Board would like to act on this at the November and meeting. I previously said that we could not start developing the enrollment expansion budget until we had guidance for performance funding and enrollment growth restraints in place. While the model is open for discussion and potential modification it can provide the starting point for enrollment planning. In developing requests, you should follow the limitations on enrollments campus's attached data sheet assessments. leffDavies Alan Mabe your enrollment that are currently in your DRAFT Implementation of the Performance Model Retention Assessments There are three assessments possible as they relate to freshmen enrollment growth and retention: normal, restricted, and none. Normal would follow past patterns of enrollment growth in the freshmen class. Restricted enrollment would be based on the following: Unless goals for the appropriate performance quartile are met, enrollment restrictions are to be applied: Quartile Criterion Q 3 & 4: If above 80% not more than 1 point below target or above public or all peers Q 3 & 4: If below 80% meets targets or above public or all peers Q2: Meets targets and above public or all peers Q1: One percent above target and above public or all peers If restricted is indicated other factor could be relevant to the extent of restriction on enrollment. Restrictions on AA transfers and on other transfers are meant to call attention to the graduation performance for AA students and that it needs to be attended to. None. In this category there would be no expansion of enrollment in the size of the freshman class. Among those falling under restricted enrollment those campuses not meeting their targets and performing below their peers would not be allowed any freshman growth. Cost Factor for Retention Quartile Criterion Q4 Meets Target and above peers Q3 Meets Target and above peers Q2 Meets Target and above peers Q1 Meets Target and above peers Cost Factor for Graduation Rates: TBD Cost Factor for Production and Efficiency: To receive the cost factor a campus would need to be in Q2, Q3, or Q4 and be at or above public peers in efficiency. Rewards Related to High Performance: TBD Template for Factors Relating to the Model for Performance Funding and Enrollment Restraint Institution: WCU Measure RETENTION Retention (Freshman-to-Sophomore) Historical Level of Retention Data Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Rate Improvement in Historical Retention Level Meet or Not Meet Retention Goal Meet (Yes/No) Goal Actual Difference Above/Below All Peer Retention Average Above/Below Public Peer Retention Average Above/Below Predicted Range for Retention Enrolled at Another UNC Campus, year 2 GRADUATION Six-Year Graduation Rate Historical Level of 6-Year Graduation Rates Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Rate Improvement in Historical 6-Year Graduation Rates Meet or Not Meet 6-Year Graduation Goals Meet (Yes/No) Goal Actual Difference Above/Below Predicted Range for 6-Year Graduation Rate Above/Below Average All Peers 6-Year Graduation Rate Above/Below Average Public Peers 6-Year Graduation Rate First-time Full-time Freshmen from Initial Cohort Who Graduate in 6 Years from Other Institutions in UNC Graduation Rates for CC Transfers with an Associate Degree Historical Level of CC Associate Degree Transfer Graduation Rates Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Rate Improvement in Historical CC Transfer Graduation Rates Meet or Not Meet CC Transfer Graduation Rate Goal Meet (Yes/No) Goal Actual Difference Total Undergraduate Students Graduation Rate Graduation Rate of Total Undergraduates in Fall 2002 Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Rate DEGREE PRODUCTION AND EFFICIENCY Increased Production of Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees Produced per 100 FTE Enrolled Students Above/Below Public Peers Average Production per 100 FTE Enrolled Students Subject to Acceptable Methodology, Cost per Degree Produced Compared to Peers Assessment Restraints: Freshmen Enrollment Growth Retention Improvement Enrollment Growth Transfer AA Growth Transfer Growth Graduate Growth in Relation to Undergraduate Performance Rewards: Specific Reward Related to Retention Specific Reward Related to Graduation Degree Production and Efficiency Rewards Related to High Performance Comments: Performance Q1 70.8% 5.4 Yes 69.0% 76.2% 7.2 -2.7 4.9% Q2 47.4% 1.4 Yes 48.5% 48.8% 0.3 -10.6 5.8% Q4 74.4% -1.4 No 76.5% 73.0% -3.5 Q3 74.6% Q4 24.0 Above 3.5 Restricted Normal Normal Normal Normal No Yes Template for Factors Relating to the Model for Performance Funding and Enrollment Restraint Measure ASU ECU ECSU RETENTION Retention (Freshman-to-Sophomore) Historical Level of Retention Data Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Q4 Q3 Q2 Rate 85.6% 77.2% 75.9% Improvement in Historical Retention Level 0.8 1.6 0.4 Meet or Not Meet Retention Goal Meet (Yes/No) Yes No Yes Goal 86.0% 79.0% 76.0% Actual 86.4% 78.8% 76.3% Difference 0.4 -0.2 0.3 Above/Below All Peer Retention Average 5.9 0.6 11.3 Above/Below Public Peer Retention Average Above/Below Predicted Range for Retention Enrolled at Another UNC Campus, year 2 2.9% 2.6% 2.9% GRADUATION Six-Year Graduation Rate Historical Level of 6-Yr Graduation Rates Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Q4 Q3 Q2 Rate 62.4% 54.6% 47.3% Improvement in Historical 6-Year Graduation Rates 2.0 2.2 -1.5 Meet or Not Meet 6-Yr Graduation Goals Meet (Yes/No) Yes Yes Yes Goal 64.0% 56.5% 43.0% Actual 64.4% 56.8% 45.8% Difference 0.4 0.3 2.8 Above/Below Predicted Range for 6-Yr Grad Rate Data Not Available Above/Below Ave. All Peers 6-Yr Grad. Rate 2.8 4.3 8.4 Above/Below Ave. Pub. Peers 6-Yr Grad. Rate First-time Full-time Freshmen from initial Cohort Who Graduate in 6 Years from Other Institutions in UNC 6.3% 4.7% 2.1% Graduation Rates for CC Transfers with an Associate Degree Historical Level of CC Associate Degree Transfer Graduation Rates Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Q4 Q2 Q3 Rate 75.5% 65.9% 67.6% Improvement in Historical CC Transfer Graduation Rates -1.5 3.1 -5.6 Meet or Not Meet CC Transfer Grad. Rate Goal Meet (Yes/No) No No No Goal 78.0% 71.0% 66.0% Actual 74.0% 68.0% 61.0% Difference -4.0 -3.0 -5.0 Total Undergraduate Students Graduation Rate Graduation Rate of Total Undergraduates in Fall 2002 Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Q4 Q3 Q2 Rate 81.9% 75.0% 65.7% FSU NCA&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNC-CH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW UNCSA WCU WSSU Q1 72.1% 1.5 Q1 71.9% 5.2 Q2 74.6% 2.4 Q4 89.6% 1.3 Q3 78.2% 3.7 Q4 96.3% -0.6 Q3 77.7% 0.2 Q2 76.5% 0.1 Q1 69.0% -1.5 Q4 84.4% 0.3 Q3 77.5% -0.1 Q1 70.8% 5.4 Q2 73.4% 4.4 No 74.0% 73.6% -0.4 4.2 Yes 72.0% 77.1% 5.1 4.5 Yes 76.0% 77.0% 1.0 6.3 Yes 90.5% 90.9% 0.4 -0.9 -0.6 Yes 80.0% 81.9% 1.9 -3.3 -0.7 No 96.5% 95.7% -0.8 0.4 1.0 No 78.0% 77.9% -0.1 1.4 Yes 76.6% 76.6% 0.0 -3.7 No 70.8% 67.5% -3.3 -5.7 No 86.0% 84.7% -1.3 1.7 Yes 76.0% 77.4% 1.4 1.7 -7.6 Yes 69.0% 76.2% 7.2 -2.7 Yes 71.0% 77.8% 6.8 6.6 5.7% 1.2% 3.5% 2.2% 4.1% 0.6% 3.9% 3.9% 4.6% 3.7% 1.3% 4.9% 3.4% Q1 37.8% Q1 39.7% Q2 48.3% Q4 69.8% Q3 54.1% Q4 83.6% Q2 49.3% Q3 51.2% Q1 35.9% Q4 64.3% Q3 53.6% Q2 47.4% Q1 43.8% -6.3 -2.5 -3.9 3.4 4.6 1.3 4.6 0.4 -1.8 4.2 7.6 1.4 -7.3 No 40.0% 31.5% -8.5 No 43.0% 37.2% -5.8 No 50.0% 44.4% -5.6 Yes 72.0% 73.2% 1.2 Yes 56.0% 58.7% 2.7 Yes 83.5% 84.9% 1.4 Yes 50.0% 53.9% 3.9 No 51.8% 51.6% -0.2 No 36.0% 34.1% -1.9 Yes 67.0% 68.5% 1.5 Yes 53.0% 61.2% 8.2 Yes 48.5% 48.8% 0.3 No 46.0% 36.5% -9.5 -9.2 -8.0 2.0 -5.6 -4.7 -12.6 -6.0 -2.1 0.2 2.7 -7.9 -14.3 2.7 0.5 4.6 -10.6 -6.3 3.3% 2.1% 2.1% 4.8% 9.8% 1.4% 5.3% 6.8% 6.3% 8.1% 2.4% 5.8% 2.5% Q1 56.8% Q1 50.3% Q1 62.0% Q3 67.8% Q2 62.1% Q4 71.9% Q1 62.0% Q2 66.5% Q3 70.0% Q4 75.8% n/a n/a Q4 74.4% Q2 65.8% 7.2 3.7 -8.0 8.2 -2.1 -3.9 6.0 -2.5 -10.0 5.2 n/a -1.4 -7.8 Yes 58.0% 63.0% 5.0 Yes 51.0% 53.0% 2.0 No 63.0% 55.0% -8.0 Yes 72.0% 75.0% 3.0 No 67.0% 60.0% -7.0 No 69.0% 68.0% -1.0 Yes 62.5% 68.0% 5.5 No 67.0% 63.0% -4.0 No 71.0% 59.0% -12.0 Yes 78.0% 81.0% 3.0 n/a n/a 60.0% n/a No 76.5% 73.0% -3.5 No 65.0% 57.0% -8.0 Q1 62.3% Q1 55.3% Q1 61.9% Q4 82.2% Q3 77.3% Q4 90.6% Q2 69.5% Q3 73.2% Q2 63.3% Q4 83.2% Q2 67.3% Q3 74.6% Q1 60.2% Template for Factors Relating to the Model for Performance Funding and Enrollment Restraint Measure DEGREE PRODUCTION AND EFFICIENCY Increased Production of Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees Produced per 100 FTE Enrolled Students Above/Below Public Peers Average Production per 100 FTE Enrolled Students Subject to Acceptable Methodology, Cost per Degrees Produced Compared to Peers Assessment Restraints: Freshmen Enrollment Growth Retention Improvement Enrollment Growth Transfer AA Growth Transfer Growth Graduate Growth in Relation to Undergraduate Performance Rewards: Specific Reward Related to Retention Specific Reward Related to Graduation Degree Production and Efficiency Rewards Related to High Performance ASU ECU Q2 19.9 Below -1.2 Q2 19.9 Above 0.2 ECSU Q1 15.5 Below -0.9 FSU Q2 16.5 Below -1.8 NCA&T Q1 12.6 Below -5.5 NCCU Q1 15.5 Below -6.0 NCSU Q3 20.6 Below -3.0 UNCA UNC-CH Q3 22.6 Above 0.7 Q4 24.7 Above 1.5 UNCC Q4 22.7 Above 2.1 UNCG Q3 21.0 Same 0.0 UNCP Q1 16.3 Below -3.4 UNCW Q4 24.1 Above 2.2 UNCSA WCU Q4 24.0 Above 3.5 WSSU Q2 19.1 Above 0.7 DRAFT A Model for Access and Student Success Performance Funding and Enrollment Restraints Assessment of Performance The purpose of the model is to identify where enrollment may be increased and where it should be restrained and where performance on key indicators should lead to funding. The current economic conditions and the condition of the State budget have significantly shifted the expectations for enrollment growth in UNC institutions. It is clear that the University will have to defend its growth requests more vigorously than ever before. Developing this model at this time will be complicated since it may be necessary to restrain overall growth. That means that there may be growth restraints tied to performance and growth restraints that are simply a function of the lack of State funding. The concept of funding universities on a performance basis is being examined at many higher education institutions across the country. Discussions focus on providing a portion of State support to institutions based on outcomes (e.g., the number of courses successfully completed, increases in the graduation rate and number of degrees awarded) rather than the number of credit hours of instruction to be delivered. The past decade has been a period of rapid growth at UNC, with funding of the University’s enrollment expansion requests by the General Assembly. That funding supported the growth of UNC in the past decade by over 60,000 students, bringing the 2009 total to over 222,000 students. A key component of this growth was differential growth on the campuses, some growing rapidly while others grew modestly or very little. This growth has exceeded the projections on which the 2000 bond program was based. Access was significantly expanded by the growth of all campuses, with special opportunities afforded to the Focused Growth Campuses (ECSU, FSU, NCA&T, NCCU, UNCP, WCU, and WSSU). As the University addresses the current funding environment and the environment that is likely to persist for the near term it must adopt an approach to account for its new circumstances. The national mood for higher education has, as has UNC’s, shifted to student success and degree production along with expanding access. The production of undergraduate degrees will play a larger and larger role as this model is developed and implemented. It is becoming clearer and clearer that access that does not result in student success is providing a disservice to our students. While some college, even without a degree, provides a positive, measurable economic impact, our goal is to marry access and student success so that access means access to a post-secondary credential. In the case of UNC, that is a baccalaureate degree. There are two factors that will be important to consider as drivers of this model. One is the historical levels of campuses’ performance on a variety of measures and the other is the degree of improvement 1 regardless of the campuses’ past historical level of performance. It is clear that there are national data relating levels of performance to the selectivity of institutions. On the other hand, the Educational Trust has shown that there are high-performing campuses with substantially the same characteristics as other campuses which have a much lower historical level of performance. Both of these considerations are relevant to our ongoing analysis of enrollment and performance. One provides some explanation of where we are and the other challenges us to improve significantly. Among the great results of the Bond Program and the Focused Growth Initiative was significant expansion in the number of enrollment slots across the campuses and especially on the Focused Growth Campuses. The Focused Growth Campuses also developed a significantly expanded set of choices among available academic degree programs. Given this historical expansion, there is a continuing capacity for these campuses to address access as well as for other campuses with expanded capacity to do so. The idea is to use the historical levels of performance and current and ongoing performance to address both whether and where there should be restraints on expansion of enrollment and what funding for performance should accrue to campuses. The model is developed in the first instance to identify where there should be restraint and where there should be reward based on the relation of historical, current, and ongoing levels of performance. This model can operate best when State funding for both enrollment growth and for rewarding performance is available. If the University finds it necessary to significantly restrain enrollment growth, historical levels of performance may have to play a larger role. In order to achieve student success and increase the number of baccalaureate degrees awarded, calculations of efficiency will also be relevant in such a restrained environment. The template that has been developed includes a number of measures, some of which can be used now and some which will be developed over the next few months. Where possible, the measures will involve historical performance over time of the institution, whether the agreed-upon goals are met, how the campus performs in relation to peers, and how the campus performs in relation to predictive models. The categories to be included follow. Freshmen-to-Sophomore Retention. This is the standard IPEDS measure of the percentage of first-time, full-time freshmen who return fall term of the next year. Six-Year Graduation Rates. This is the standard IPEDS measure of what percent of first-time, full-time freshmen graduate from that institution within six years. Graduation Rates of Community College Transfers with an Associate’s Degree within Four Years. Because of the relatively low numbers of associate degree transfers these are grouped into three-year rolling cohorts. 2 Graduation Rates of Community College Transfers without an Associate’s Degree. Since a larger number transfer without an associate degree it will be important to track this group. All Undergraduates Six-Year Graduation Rates. This is a different measure that looks at the entire undergraduate enrollment on a campus in a given year then calculates how many have graduated within six years, regardless of how they entered the university. Increased Numbers of Baccalaureate Degrees and the Efficiency with Which They Are Produced. This will be based on the number of degrees produced in relation to targets as well as on the efficiency with which they are produced. Efficiency will involve both number of degrees produced per 100 FTE undergraduates and the cost of those degrees if effective measures can be established. Time to degree, enrolled time to degree, and total credits hours attempted for a degree are potential measures to be developed. Degree Production in High-Need Areas Such as Teacher Education, Nursing, and the STEM Areas. Degree production in teacher education and nursing has increased significantly in recent years and a new set of targets will be negotiated for teacher education this fall, and then in the other areas. Supplemental Data. While detailed targets will not be established, data for retention and degree completion of “at-risk” students will be broken down by gender, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic profile to provide a context for understanding how sub-groups are doing. While it is important to consider all appropriate measures, it is also important to have a relatively small number of focused measures that capture the key components of student and institutional success. It is also important to use several data points and not depend on a single target A next step is to set degree targets. While campuses now have targets for the percent of students who graduate, targets will be considered that focus directly on the number of baccalaureate degrees produced. Focusing on degree targets will shift attention from the freshmen entry point to a wider range of entry points such as AA/AS transfers from the community colleges, other transfers from the community colleges, transfers from other institutions, and adults returning to complete undergraduate degrees. Restraints on enrollment need to be carefully defined. So far we have identified five categories where enrollment expansion and restraints might be relevant: freshmen enrollment growth, retention improvement-based growth, AA/AS transfer growth, other transfer growth, graduate growth in relation to undergraduate performance. They will be further developed below. Even under conditions of restrained enrollment growth, options such as rigorous summer bridge programs that demonstrate they can significantly improve student success will be available as potential avenues to increase enrollment. 3 As these measures are developed for undergraduate degrees, it will also be necessary to recognize the importance of graduate education and that graduate degree production is a key component of North Carolina’s success in the research-based knowledge economy. Performance Funding and the UNC Enrollment Expansion Funding Model Both limits on enrollment growth and funding based on performance are directly relevant to the Enrollment Expansion Funding Model. Restraints on enrollment may mean lower requests in terms of numbers of students and funding based on performance will mean that adjustments will have to be made to the funding formula. Of immediate concern is the need to implement the directive advanced by the President and the Board of Governors to tie student success, as measured through retention and graduation rates and other measures, to enrollment funding. The legislature is also expecting UNC to make changes in this direction. This should be done within the request for enrollment funding that is submitted to the General Assembly for the 2011-13 biennium. Following are a set of recommendations for a change to the enrollment funding model that would tie student success to new enrollment funding. Each campus’s success would be relative to its own set of Board of Governors-approved peers, improvements over time, meeting its targets, and performance in relation to predicted outcomes. Background for recommendation: The Board of Governors has made it clear that student success at UNC campuses is as important as providing access to the University, that access is access to a post-secondary credential or degree. The primary measures of student success that have been discussed are retention rates, graduation rates, and the efficiency with which degrees are produced. Campus-specific goals have been established for some of these measures and others are in process. When reviewing progress against goals, the immediate focus is on retention rates because the impact of improvements can be seen in a shorter time. Improvements in graduation rates are directly tied to improvements in retention rates; however, the graduation rate improvements do not materialize until a longer period of time passes. The funding model for enrollment growth contains “undergraduate cost factors” that provide incremental funding to growing institutions. Current cost factors provide funding for campuses that have a larger-than-normal population of disadvantaged students, a non-doctoral mission, diseconomies of scale, and a liberal arts mission. The current funding model provides significant and important funding for the University. It is almost constantly under scrutiny and, of course, must be thoroughly defensible. 4 Recommendation: For an institution to be allowed to increase freshman enrollment at all, the institution would be required to demonstrate substantial progress (to be defined) in meeting its retention goals. A prohibition on increasing enrollment would separately apply to freshman enrollment and would not preclude an institution from increasing its enrollment growth through transfer students, particularly community college transfer students. Beginning in 2013-15, an institution would not be allowed to increase enrollment if it was not meeting or making progress in meeting its graduation goals. It is proposed that retention and graduation rates be more closely linked to enrollment growth by replacing two of the current undergraduate cost factors with three new factors that recognize the Board’s focus on student success as well as the efficiency of degree production. Two undergraduate cost factors would remain while the cost factors for liberal arts and non-doctoral mission would not. The first remaining factor recognizes that campuses serving students from disadvantaged backgrounds require funding to accommodate the needs of those students. The factor is applied to any campus with more than one-third of undergraduate resident students receiving Pell Grants. The model increases the number of faculty positions serving undergraduate students by 5% in recognition of this need. The schools that currently qualify for this 5% are ECSU, FSU, NCA&T, NCCU, UNCP, and WSSU. The second remaining factor is one that recognizes diseconomies of scale (5%). The two institutions to which this factor is currently applied are ECSU and UNCA. To encourage campuses to improve retention rates, a new undergraduate cost factor would be introduced. If a campus is making progress in meeting retention goals or has a retention rate above a specific percentage agreed to with General Administration based on that campus’s peer results (say 85%), an undergraduate cost factor (say 5%) would be applied. It is important to note that the funding model already recognizes retention by providing funding for students who continue to matriculate within the campus. To encourage campuses to improve graduation rates, a second new undergraduate cost factor would be introduced. If a campus was making progress in meeting graduation goals or had 6-year graduation rates in excess of a set percentage agreed to with General Administration based on that campus’s peer results (say 60%), an undergraduate cost factor (say 5%) would be applied. The third new cost factor (say 10%) would recognize the efficiency of undergraduate degree production on a campus. The proposed metric would be degrees/100FTEs and cost/degree and the comparator group would be an institution’s peer group as approved by the Board of Governors. To recognize strong performance at a campus, the Board of Governors should also consider requesting additional appropriations (say $1 or $2 million) on top of the regular enrollment request to create a pool of funds to award high-performing campuses. The Board would need to determine a set of campusspecific metrics (including retention, graduation, the number of new degrees awarded, and efficiency [degrees/100FTE, cost/degree] relative to a campus’s peer institutions or any of the other metrics 5 discussed in the beginning of this document) that would be measured and, based on success in achieving the metrics, the pool of funds would be allocated to the campuses. Should the legislature not be supportive of the request for funding, the President will use $1,000,000 of strategic initiatives funding or trust funds to launch this initiative. These steps are proposed to be made effective with the 2011-13 biennium. UNC would continue to examine the success of this approach and consider other approaches as additional measures are considered. Implementation There are two parts to the implementation of the model. One is to identify the implication of performance for campus enrollment growth and the other is to relate performance to funding. Implementing the Relation of Performance to Enrollment Growth As indicated above, there are at least five possible categories in which a campus can plan to grow or restrain growth. Based on performance, the campus can continue with normal growth, or there may be some restraints on growth, or for some situations it may be that the campus should not grow in that category. The table below relates the five areas for growth to the three judgments that can independently be made about each area based on the campus’s performance. This makes it clear that a campus which might be restrained in freshman growth could have several other avenues of growth and that the restraint on growth is being targeted where problems are detected. 6 Relation of Performance to Growth Enrollment Growth/Change Options for Growth/Change* Freshmen Enrollment None, Restricted, Normal Retention Improvement Enrollment None, Restricted, Normal AA Transfer Enrollment None, Restricted, Normal Other Transfer Enrollment None, Restricted, Normal Graduate Enrollment Change in Relation to Undergraduate Performance None, Restricted, Normal *Growth rates at different campuses vary, so this depends on past growth/change levels. The overall budgetary situation in the State may require redefinition of normal. Implementing the Revised Undergraduate Cost Factors There are three performance-based undergraduate cost factors related to specific performance on retention, graduation, and degree production and efficiency. Cost factors can be included or not included in the enrollment budget request depending on the performance on each one. For example, a campus could get a cost factor included in the funding request for retention but not for graduation. The fourth category, while not a cost factor as such, is meant to be a way for recognizing and rewarding exemplary performance. The table below relates the four categories of reward to the options available for each. Application of Undergraduate Cost Factors Based on Performance Performance-Related Funding Options Related to Retention Yes, No Related to Graduation Yes, No Related to Degree Production and Efficiency Yes, No Related to Overall High Performance Yes, No 7 Display of the Data The following spread sheet includes the data by campus for the various data points being developed for your review and discussion. 8 Template for Factors Relating to the Model for Performance Funding and Enrollment Restraint Measure ASU ECU ECSU RETENTION Retention (Freshman-to-Sophomore) Historical Level of Retention Data Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Q4 Q3 Q2 Rate 85.6% 77.2% 75.9% Improvement in Historical Retention Level 0.8 1.6 0.4 Meet or Not Meet Retention Goal Meet (Yes/No) Yes No Yes Goal 86.0% 79.0% 76.0% Actual 86.4% 78.8% 76.3% Difference 0.4 -0.2 0.3 Above/Below All Peer Retention Average 5.9 0.6 11.3 Above/Below Public Peer Retention Average Above/Below Predicted Range for Retention Enrolled at Another UNC Campus, year 2 2.9% 2.6% 2.9% GRADUATION Six-Year Graduation Rate Historical Level of 6-Yr Graduation Rates Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Q4 Q3 Q2 Rate 62.4% 54.6% 47.3% Improvement in Historical 6-Year Graduation Rates 2.0 2.2 -1.5 Meet or Not Meet 6-Yr Graduation Goals Meet (Yes/No) Yes Yes Yes Goal 64.0% 56.5% 43.0% Actual 64.4% 56.8% 45.8% Difference 0.4 0.3 2.8 Above/Below Predicted Range for 6-Yr Grad Rate Data Not Available Above/Below Ave. All Peers 6-Yr Grad. Rate 2.8 4.3 8.4 Above/Below Ave. Pub. Peers 6-Yr Grad. Rate First-time Full-time Freshmen from initial Cohort Who Graduate in 6 Years from Other Institutions in UNC 6.3% 4.7% 2.1% Graduation Rates for CC Transfers with an Associate Degree Historical Level of CC Associate Degree Transfer Graduation Rates Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Q4 Q2 Q3 Rate 75.5% 65.9% 67.6% Improvement in Historical CC Transfer Graduation Rates -1.5 3.1 -5.6 Meet or Not Meet CC Transfer Grad. Rate Goal Meet (Yes/No) No No No Goal 78.0% 71.0% 66.0% Actual 74.0% 68.0% 61.0% Difference -4.0 -3.0 -5.0 Total Undergraduate Students Graduation Rate Graduation Rate of Total Undergraduates in Fall 2002 Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Q4 Q3 Q2 Rate 81.9% 75.0% 65.7% FSU NCA&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNC-CH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW UNCSA WCU WSSU Q1 72.1% 1.5 Q1 71.9% 5.2 Q2 74.6% 2.4 Q4 89.6% 1.3 Q3 78.2% 3.7 Q4 96.3% -0.6 Q3 77.7% 0.2 Q2 76.5% 0.1 Q1 69.0% -1.5 Q4 84.4% 0.3 Q3 77.5% -0.1 Q1 70.8% 5.4 Q2 73.4% 4.4 No 74.0% 73.6% -0.4 4.2 Yes 72.0% 77.1% 5.1 4.5 Yes 76.0% 77.0% 1.0 6.3 Yes 90.5% 90.9% 0.4 -0.9 -0.6 Yes 80.0% 81.9% 1.9 -3.3 -0.7 No 96.5% 95.7% -0.8 0.4 1.0 No 78.0% 77.9% -0.1 1.4 Yes 76.6% 76.6% 0.0 -3.7 No 70.8% 67.5% -3.3 -5.7 No 86.0% 84.7% -1.3 1.7 Yes 76.0% 77.4% 1.4 1.7 -7.6 Yes 69.0% 76.2% 7.2 -2.7 Yes 71.0% 77.8% 6.8 6.6 5.7% 1.2% 3.5% 2.2% 4.1% 0.6% 3.9% 3.9% 4.6% 3.7% 1.3% 4.9% 3.4% Q1 37.8% Q1 39.7% Q2 48.3% Q4 69.8% Q3 54.1% Q4 83.6% Q2 49.3% Q3 51.2% Q1 35.9% Q4 64.3% Q3 53.6% Q2 47.4% Q1 43.8% -6.3 -2.5 -3.9 3.4 4.6 1.3 4.6 0.4 -1.8 4.2 7.6 1.4 -7.3 No 40.0% 31.5% -8.5 No 43.0% 37.2% -5.8 No 50.0% 44.4% -5.6 Yes 72.0% 73.2% 1.2 Yes 56.0% 58.7% 2.7 Yes 83.5% 84.9% 1.4 Yes 50.0% 53.9% 3.9 No 51.8% 51.6% -0.2 No 36.0% 34.1% -1.9 Yes 67.0% 68.5% 1.5 Yes 53.0% 61.2% 8.2 Yes 48.5% 48.8% 0.3 No 46.0% 36.5% -9.5 -9.2 -8.0 2.0 -5.6 -4.7 -12.6 -6.0 -2.1 0.2 2.7 -7.9 -14.3 2.7 0.5 4.6 -10.6 -6.3 3.3% 2.1% 2.1% 4.8% 9.8% 1.4% 5.3% 6.8% 6.3% 8.1% 2.4% 5.8% 2.5% Q1 56.8% Q1 50.3% Q1 62.0% Q3 67.8% Q2 62.1% Q4 71.9% Q1 62.0% Q2 66.5% Q3 70.0% Q4 75.8% n/a n/a Q4 74.4% Q2 65.8% 7.2 3.7 -8.0 8.2 -2.1 -3.9 6.0 -2.5 -10.0 5.2 n/a -1.4 -7.8 Yes 58.0% 63.0% 5.0 Yes 51.0% 53.0% 2.0 No 63.0% 55.0% -8.0 Yes 72.0% 75.0% 3.0 No 67.0% 60.0% -7.0 No 69.0% 68.0% -1.0 Yes 62.5% 68.0% 5.5 No 67.0% 63.0% -4.0 No 71.0% 59.0% -12.0 Yes 78.0% 81.0% 3.0 n/a n/a 60.0% n/a No 76.5% 73.0% -3.5 No 65.0% 57.0% -8.0 Q1 62.3% Q1 55.3% Q1 61.9% Q4 82.2% Q3 77.3% Q4 90.6% Q2 69.5% Q3 73.2% Q2 63.3% Q4 83.2% Q2 67.3% Q3 74.6% Q1 60.2% Template for Factors Relating to the Model for Performance Funding and Enrollment Restraint Measure DEGREE PRODUCTION AND EFFICIENCY Increased Production of Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees Produced per 100 FTE Enrolled Students Above/Below Public Peers Average Production per 100 FTE Enrolled Students Subject to Acceptable Methodology, Cost per Degrees Produced Compared to Peers Assessment Restraints: Freshmen Enrollment Growth Retention Improvement Enrollment Growth Transfer AA Growth Transfer Growth Graduate Growth in Relation to Undergraduate Performance Rewards: Specific Reward Related to Retention Specific Reward Related to Graduation Degree Production and Efficiency Rewards Related to High Performance ASU ECU Q2 19.9 Below -1.2 Q2 19.9 Above 0.2 ECSU Q1 15.5 Below -0.9 FSU Q2 16.5 Below -1.8 NCA&T Q1 12.6 Below -5.5 NCCU Q1 15.5 Below -6.0 NCSU Q3 20.6 Below -3.0 UNCA UNC-CH Q3 22.6 Above 0.7 Q4 24.7 Above 1.5 UNCC Q4 22.7 Above 2.1 UNCG Q3 21.0 Same 0.0 UNCP Q1 16.3 Below -3.4 UNCW Q4 24.1 Above 2.2 UNCSA WCU Q4 24.0 Above 3.5 WSSU Q2 19.1 Above 0.7 Template for Factors Relating to the Model for Performance Funding and Enrollment Restraint (Data Sources and Calculations) Measure Data Sources and Calculations RETENTION Retention (Freshman-to-Sophomore) Historical Level of Retention Data Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Rate Improvement in Historical Retention Level Meet or Not Meet Retention Goal Meet (Yes/No) Goal Actual Difference Above/Below All Peer Retention Average Above/Below Public Peer Retention Average Above/Below Predicted Range for Retention Enrolled at Another UNC Campus, year 2 GRADUATION Six-Year Graduation Rate Historical Level of 6-Year Graduation Rates Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Rate Improvement in Historical 6-Year Graduation Rates Meet or Not Meet 6-Year Graduation Goals Meet (Yes/No) Goal Actual Difference Above/Below Predicted Range for 6-Year Graduation Rate Above/Below Average All Peers 6-Year Graduation Rate Above/Below Average Public Peers 6-Year Graduation Rate First-time Full-time Freshmen from initial Cohort Who Graduate in 6 Years from Other Institutions in UNC From Student Data File (SDF.ER001), each year and institution's # of students who returned from freshman to sophomore was calculated based on the cohort # and retention rate. Five-year rate was then calculated and sorted from high to low. Quartiles were calculated in Excel for the 16 campuses. Current year rate is compared to the 5-year rate to determine the improvement. Goals were agreed to by the campuses and GA. The most recent year retention rates were compared to the goals and the differences were calculated (if positive, goal was met; negative - no.) IPEDS data was used. Majority UNC institutions selected public institutions as peers. Four (NCSU, UNCA, UNC-CH, and UNCSA) included private ones. Data was from SDF. From Student Data File (SDF.ER001), each year and institution's # of students who graduated in 6 years was calculated based on the cohort # and graduation rate. Fiveyear rate was then calculated and sorted from high to low. Quartiles were calculated in Excel for the 16 campuses. Current year rate is compared to the 5-year rate to determine the improvement. Goals were agreed to by the campuses and GA. The most recent year 6-year graduation rates were compared to the goals and the differences were calculated (if positive, goal was met; negative - no.) . IPEDS data was used. Majority UNC institutions selected public institutions as peers. Four (NCSU, UNCA, UNC-CH, & UNCSA) included private ones. From Student Data File (SDF.ER001), the 6-year graduation rate in UNC system minus the 6-year graduation rate from home institution gave us the 6-year graduation rate from other institutions in UNC. Graduation Rates for CC Transfers with an Associate Degree Historical Level of CC Associate Degree Transfer Graduation Rates Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Rate Improvement in Historical CC Transfer Graduation Rates Meet or Not Meet CC Transfer Graduation Rate Goal Meet (Yes/No) Goal Actual Difference Total Undergraduate Students Graduation Rate Graduation Rate of Total Undergraduates in Fall 2002 Level (Quartile 1-4: Q1-Q4) Rate DEGREE PRODUCTION AND EFFICIENCY Increased Production of Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees Produced per 100 FTE Enrolled Students Above/Below Public Peers Average Production per 100 FTE Enrolled Students Subject to Acceptable Methodology, Cost per Degree Produced Compared to Peers Assessment Restraints: Freshmen Enrollment Growth Retention Improvement Enroll. Growth Transfer AA Growth Transfer Growth Graduate Growth in Relation to Undergraduate Performance Rewards: Specific Reward Related to Retention Specific Reward Related to Graduation Degree Production and Efficiency Rewards Related to High Performance From NCCCS provided data and SDF (in TSP Report on IRA web site Persist.GR005.P), each of the two 3-year cohorts (1996-98 & 1999-2001) and institution's # of CC transfers who graduated in 4 years were calculated based on the cohort # and graduation rates. Four-year CC transfers' (two 3-year cohorts) graduation rates were then calculated for the campuses and sorted from high to low. Quartiles were calculated in Excel for the 16 campuses. The most recent cohort (2002-04) rate is compared to the two 3-year cohorts (total 6 years of historical data) rate to determine the improvement. Goals were agreed to by the campuses and GA. The most recent cohort (2002-04) graduation rates were compared to the goals and the differences were calculated (if positive, goal was met; negative - no.) . The undergraduates in 2002 were tracked. The graduation rate is 6-year for freshmen; 5-year for sophomores; 4-year for juniors; 3-year for seniors; 2-year for those in fifth year or more. Quartiles were calculated in Excel based on the total rate. Information was based on IPEDS data. The average of 6 years (2003-08) enrollment data and 2008 graduation data were used. Differences were calculated between UNC and peer average. Back Up Data for Model for Performance Funding and Enrollment Restraint 5-Year Historical Freshman-to-Sophomore Retention Rates Institution ASU ECU ECSU FSU NCA&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNC-CH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW UNCSA WCU WSSU UNC Total Fall 2003-2007 Cohorts Total N Retn % 12,965 11,095 85.6% 18,129 14,004 77.2% 2,751 2,087 75.9% 4,143 2,989 72.1% 10,315 7,412 71.9% 5,572 4,156 74.6% 21,238 19,030 89.6% 2,903 2,269 78.2% 18,529 17,838 96.3% 13,638 10,592 77.7% 11,435 8,748 76.5% 4,526 3,122 69.0% 9,496 8,011 84.4% 728 564 77.5% 7,441 5,265 70.8% 4,762 3,493 73.4% 148,571 120,487 81.1% 2008 (2009) Cohort N % 2,773 86.4% 4,522 78.8% 636 76.3% 579 73.6% 1,592 77.1% 1,026 77.0% 4,660 90.9% 586 81.9% 3,852 95.7% 3,060 77.9% 2,472 76.6% 1,057 67.5% 2,069 84.7% 164 77.4% 1,219 76.2% 1,353 77.8% 31,620 82.7% 0.8% 1.6% 0.4% 1.5% 5.2% 2.4% 1.3% 3.7% -0.6% 0.2% 0.1% -1.5% 0.3% -0.1% 5.4% 4.4% 1.6% Diff 0.8 1.6 0.4 1.5 5.2 2.4 1.3 3.7 -0.6 0.2 0.1 -1.5 0.3 -0.1 5.4 4.4 1.6 5-Year Historical Freshman-to-Sophomore Retention Rates Historical Retention Level 95% - 100% UNC-CH 90% - 94.9% 85% - 89.9% NCSU ASU 80% - 84.9% UNCW 75% - 79.9% UNCA UNCC UNCSA ECU UNCG 70% - 74.9% NCCU WSSU FSU NCA&T WCU 65% - 69.9% UNCP ECSU Institution UNC-CH NCSU ASU UNCW UNCA UNCC UNCSA ECU UNCG ECSU NCCU WSSU FSU NCA&T WCU UNCP Fall 2003-2007 Cohorts Total N Retn % 18,529 17,838 96.3% 21,238 19,030 89.6% 12,965 11,095 85.6% 9,496 8,011 84.4% 2,903 2,269 78.2% 13,638 10,592 77.7% 728 564 77.5% 18,129 14,004 77.2% 11,435 8,748 76.5% 2,751 2,087 75.9% 5,572 4,156 74.6% 4,762 3,493 73.4% 4,143 2,989 72.1% 10,315 7,412 71.9% 7,441 5,265 70.8% 4,526 3,122 69.0% Quartile Divider Quartile Q4 79.72% Q3 76.87% Q2 73.05% Q1 Freshman-to-Sophomore Retention Rates, Targets, and Performance 2008 (2009) Institution ASU ECU ECSU FSU NCA&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNC-CH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW UNCSA WCU WSSU UNC Total Goal 86.0% 79.0% 76.0% 74.0% 72.0% 76.0% 90.5% 80.0% 96.5% 78.0% 76.6% 70.8% 86.0% 76.0% 69.0% 71.0% Actual 86.4% 78.8% 76.3% 73.6% 77.1% 77.0% 90.9% 81.9% 95.7% 77.9% 76.6% 67.5% 84.7% 77.4% 76.2% 77.8% 82.7% Difference 0.4% -0.2% 0.3% -0.4% 5.1% 1.0% 0.4% 1.9% -0.8% -0.1% 0.0% -3.3% -1.3% 1.4% 7.2% 6.8% Diff. 0.4 -0.2 0.3 -0.4 5.1 1 0.4 1.9 -0.8 -0.1 0 -3.3 -1.3 1.4 7.2 6.8 Public Peers UNC Rate Rate Diff 86.4 80.5 5.9 78.8 78.2 0.6 76.3 65.0 11.3 73.6 69.4 4.2 77.1 72.6 4.5 77.0 70.7 6.3 90.9 91.5 -0.6 81.9 82.6 -0.7 95.7 94.7 1.0 77.9 76.5 1.4 76.6 80.3 -3.7 67.5 73.2 -5.7 84.7 83.0 1.7 77.4 85.0 -7.6 76.2 78.9 -2.7 77.8 71.3 6.6 77.5 Source: Peers.GR016C All Peers Rate 80.5 78.2 65.0 69.4 72.6 70.7 91.8 85.2 95.3 76.5 80.3 73.2 83.0 75.7 78.9 71.3 78.1 Diff 5.9 0.6 11.3 4.2 4.5 6.3 -0.9 -3.3 0.4 1.4 -3.7 -5.7 1.7 1.7 -2.7 6.6 Freshman-to-Sophomore Retention Rates, Targets, and Performance 2008 (2009) Institution ASU ECU ECSU FSU NCA&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNC-CH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW UNCSA WCU WSSU Actual 86.4% 78.8% 76.3% 73.6% 77.1% 77.0% 90.9% 81.9% 95.7% 77.9% 76.6% 67.5% 84.7% 77.4% 76.2% 77.8% Predicted 87.4% 76.4% 76.1% 73.7% 73.5% 77.0% 90.2% 80.4% 96.7% 78.6% 77.0% 72.6% 81.9% 77.6% 74.5% 72.8% Diff. -1.0% 2.4% 0.2% -0.1% 3.6% 0.0% 0.7% 1.5% -1.0% -0.7% -0.4% -5.1% 2.8% -0.2% 1.7% 5.0% Range 85.9% 74.8% 71.6% 69.6% 70.5% 73.7% 89.3% 76.1% 96.0% 76.7% 75.0% 69.0% 78.6% 68.7% 71.5% 69.5% - 88.9% 78.0% 80.2% 77.8% 76.3% 80.0% 91.2% 84.2% 97.4% 80.5% 78.9% 75.5% 84.6% 85.1% 77.5% 76.1% Status Within Above Within Within Above Within Within Within Below Within Within Below Above Within Within Above First-Time Full-Time Freshmen Six-Year Graduation Rates Institution ASU ECU ECSU FSU NCA&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNC-CH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW UNCSA WCU WSSU UNC Total 2003 (2009) 1998-2002 Cohorts Total N N Grads 6-yr Rate Cohort N 6-yr rate 11,782 7,357 62.4% 64.4% 2,465 15,913 8,684 54.6% 56.8% 3,462 2,039 965 47.3% 45.8% 459 3,350 1,267 37.8% 31.5% 794 8,341 3,308 39.7% 37.2% 2,221 3,602 1,739 48.3% 44.4% 1,025 18,300 12,766 69.8% 73.2% 3,839 2,294 1,241 54.1% 58.7% 593 17,364 14,514 83.6% 84.9% 3,511 11,044 5,444 49.3% 53.9% 2,473 9,548 4,884 51.2% 51.6% 2,039 2,904 1,043 35.9% 34.1% 794 8,614 5,542 64.3% 68.5% 1,768 722 387 53.6% 61.2% 121 5,858 2,777 47.4% 48.8% 1,494 2,783 1,219 43.8% 36.5% 883 124,458 73,132 58.8% 58.8% 27,941 2.0% 2.2% -1.5% -6.3% -2.5% -3.9% 3.4% 4.6% 1.3% 4.6% 0.4% -1.8% 4.2% 7.6% 1.4% -7.3% 0.0% Diff 2.0 2.2 -1.5 -6.3 -2.5 -3.9 3.4 4.6 1.3 4.6 0.4 -1.8 4.2 7.6 1.4 -7.3 0.0 Six-Year Historical Graduation Category Level 1 90% - 100% First-Time Full-Time Freshmen Six-Year Graduation Rates 2 80% - 89.9% UNC-CH 3 70% - 79.9% 4 60% - 69.9% NCSU UNCW ASU 5 50% - 59.9% ECU UNCA UNCSA UNCG 6 40% - 49.9% UNCC NCCU WCU ECSU 7 30% - 39.9% NCA&T FSU UNCP WSSU Quartile 1998-2002 Cohorts Institution Total N Divider Quartile N Grads 6-yr Rate UNC-CH 17,364 14,514 83.6% Q4 NCSU 18,300 12,766 69.8% UNCW 8,614 5,542 64.3% ASU 11,782 7,357 62.4% ECU 15,913 8,684 54.6% 56.54% Q3 UNCA 2,294 1,241 54.1% UNCSA 722 387 53.6% UNCG 9,548 4,884 51.2% UNCC 11,044 5,444 49.3% 50.22% Q2 NCCU 3,602 1,739 48.3% WCU 5,858 2,777 47.4% ECSU 2,039 965 47.3% WSSU 2,783 1,219 43.8% 46.45% Q1 NCA&T 8,341 3,308 39.7% FSU 3,350 1,267 37.8% UNCP 2,904 1,043 35.9% First-Time Full-Time Freshmen Six-Year Graduation Rates 2003 (2009) 2003 (2009) Institution ASU ECU ECSU FSU NCA&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNC-CH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW UNCSA WCU WSSU UNC Total Goal 64.0% 56.5% 43.0% 40.0% 43.0% 50.0% 72.0% 56.0% 83.5% 50.0% 51.8% 36.0% 67.0% 53.0% 48.5% 46.0% Actual 64.4% 56.8% 45.8% 31.5% 37.2% 44.4% 73.2% 58.7% 84.9% 53.9% 51.6% 34.1% 68.5% 61.2% 48.8% 36.5% 58.8% Difference 0.4% 0.3% 2.8% -8.5% -5.8% -5.6% 1.2% 2.7% 1.4% 3.9% -0.2% -1.9% 1.5% 8.2% 0.3% -9.5% Diff 0.4 0.3 2.8 -8.5 -5.8 -5.6 1.2 2.7 1.4 3.9 -0.2 -1.9 1.5 8.2 0.3 -9.5 UNC Rate 64.4 56.8 45.8 31.5 37.2 44.4 73.2 58.7 84.9 53.9 51.6 34.1 68.5 61.2 48.8 36.5 Public Peers All Peers Rate Diff Rate Diff 2.8 61.6 2.8 61.6 4.3 52.6 4.3 52.6 8.4 37.4 8.4 37.4 -9.2 40.7 -9.2 40.7 -8.0 45.2 -8.0 45.2 2.0 42.4 2.0 42.4 -5.6 77.9 -4.7 78.8 64.7 -6.0 71.3 -12.6 -2.1 84.7 0.2 87.0 2.7 51.2 2.7 51.2 -7.9 59.5 -7.9 59.5 48.4 -14.3 48.4 -14.3 2.7 65.8 2.7 65.8 0.5 56.6 4.6 60.7 59.4 -10.6 59.4 -10.6 -6.3 42.8 -6.3 42.8 54.8 56.6 Source: Peers.GR016A Grad from Grad from Grad from Other Inst. in UNC Institution Home Inst UNC Sys ASU 64.4% 70.7% 6.3% ECU 56.8% 61.5% 4.7% ECSU 45.8% 47.9% 2.1% FSU 31.5% 34.8% 3.3% NCA&T 37.2% 39.3% 2.1% NCCU 44.4% 46.5% 2.1% NCSU 73.2% 78.0% 4.8% UNCA 58.7% 68.5% 9.8% UNC-CH 84.9% 86.3% 1.4% UNCC 53.9% 59.2% 5.3% UNCG 51.6% 58.4% 6.8% UNCP 34.1% 40.4% 6.3% UNCW 68.5% 76.6% 8.1% UNCSA 61.2% 63.6% 2.4% WCU 48.8% 54.6% 5.8% WSSU 36.5% 39.0% 2.5% UNC Total 58.8% 63.4% 4.6% Source: SDF. ER001 Table 2.2D. UNC Undergraduate Six-Year Success and Progress Rate First-Time Full-Time Students Who First Enrolled in Fall 2003 ASU ECU ECSU FSU NCA&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNC-CH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW UNCSA WCU WSSU Graduated from Home Inst. 64.6% 55.2% 45.6% 31.3% 37.5% 44.1% 70.7% 58.5% 88.4% 54.1% 51.6% 34.9% 69.0% 58.7% 49.1% 37.8% Graduated from Other Inst. 10.7% 11.4% 4.1% 6.2% 5.5% 4.0% 7.8% 16.9% 3.6% 11.8% 13.2% 13.1% 13.2% 0.8% 11.8% 4.2% Still Enrolled in Home Inst. 3.7% 5.9% 6.3% 9.5% 8.3% 7.5% 4.8% 2.9% 1.5% 6.0% 6.9% 3.2% 1.8% 1.7% 2.9% 11.7% Still Enrolled in Other Inst. 6.8% 8.3% 8.3% 12.9% 11.1% 9.3% 5.2% 8.3% 1.7% 8.4% 10.6% 11.8% 5.8% 4.1% 11.0% 11.8% Total Rate 85.8% 80.8% 64.3% 59.9% 62.4% 64.9% 88.5% 86.6% 95.2% 80.3% 82.3% 63.0% 89.8% 65.3% 74.8% 65.5% Figure 2.2D. UNC Undergraduate 6-Year Success and Progress Rate First-time Full-time Freshmen Enrolled in Fall 2003 85.8% 80.8% ASU ECU ECSU FSU NCA&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNC-CH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW UNCSA WCU WSSU 0.0% 64.3% 59.9% 62.4% 64.9% 88.5% 86.6% 95.2% 80.3% 82.3% 63.0% 89.8% 65.3% 74.8% 65.5% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% Graduated from Home Inst. Graduated from Other Inst. Still Enrolled in Home Inst. Still Enrolled in Other Inst. 100.0% Four-Year Graduation Rates of NCCCS Associate Degree Recipients Who Transferred to UNC Institutions 1996-1998 Cohort 1999-2001 Cohort Institution Cohort N 4-yr rate N Cohort N 4-yr rate N ASU 349 74.0% 258 355 77.0% 273 ECU 505 63.0% 318 470 69.0% 324 ECSU 107 69.0% 74 97 66.0% 64 FSU 149 58.0% 86 105 55.0% 58 NCA&T 49 49.0% 24 89 51.0% 45 NCCU 60 63.0% 38 57 61.0% 35 NCSU 262 63.0% 165 295 72.0% 212 UNCA 90 58.0% 52 94 66.0% 62 UNC-CH 159 75.0% 119 170 69.0% 117 UNCC 451 62.0% 280 478 62.0% 296 UNCG 316 66.0% 209 378 67.0% 253 UNCP 195 70.0% 137 160 70.0% 112 UNCW 449 73.0% 328 586 78.0% 457 UNCSA WCU 230 73.0% 168 206 76.0% 157 WSSU 37 68.0% 25 45 64.0% 29 UNC Total 3,408 66.9% 2,280 3,585 69.6% 2,495 2002-2004 1996-2001 Cohorts 4-yr Total N N Grads 4-yr Rate Cohort N Rate 704 532 75.5% 74.0% 420 975 642 65.9% 69.0% 563 204 138 67.6% 62.0% 103 254 144 56.8% 64.0% 178 138 69 50.3% 54.0% 95 117 73 62.0% 54.0% 101 557 377 67.8% 76.0% 450 184 114 62.1% 60.0% 178 329 237 71.9% 68.0% 189 929 576 62.0% 68.0% 663 694 462 66.5% 64.0% 432 355 249 70.0% 60.0% 256 1,035 785 75.8% 81.0% 899 436 82 6,993 324 54 4,776 74.4% 65.8% 68.3% 296 71 4,894 73.0% 58.0% 70.0% N 311 388 64 114 51 55 342 107 129 451 276 154 728 0 216 41 3,427 -1.5% 3.1% -5.6% 7.2% 3.7% -8.0% 8.2% -2.1% -3.9% 6.0% -2.5% -10.0% 5.2% Diff -1.5 3.1 -5.6 7.2 3.7 -8.0 8.2 -2.1 -3.9 6.0 -2.5 -10.0 5.2 -1.4% -7.8% 1.7% -1.4 -7.8 1.7 Four-Year Graduation Rates of NCCCS Associate Degree Recipients Who Transferred to UNC Institutions Historical AA CC Transfers Category Grad Rate 1 80% - 84% 2 75% - 79.9% UNCW ASU 3 70% - 74.9% WCU UNC-CH UNCP 4 65% - 69.9% NCSU ECSU UNCG 5 60% - 64.9% UNCA NCCU UNCC 6 55% - 59.9% FSU 7 50% - 54.9% NCA&T ECU WSSU Quartile 1996-2001 Cohorts Institution Total N Divider N Grads 4-yr Rate UNCW 1035 785 75.83% ASU 704 532 75.51% WCU 436 324 74.42% UNC-CH 329 237 71.90% UNCP 355 249 70.00% 70.95% NCSU 557 377 67.77% ECSU 204 138 67.57% UNCG 694 462 66.54% 66.54% ECU 975 642 65.89% WSSU 82 54 65.80% UNCA 184 114 62.09% NCCU 117 73 62.03% 62.06% UNCC 929 576 62.00% FSU 254 144 56.76% NCA&T 138 69 50.29% UNC Total 6993 4,776 68.3% Quartile Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Four-Year Graduation Rates, Targets, and Performance of NCCCS Associate Degree Recipients Who Transferred to UNC Institutions 2002-04 (2006-08) Institution ASU ECU ECSU FSU NCA&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNC-CH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW UNCSA WCU WSSU UNC System Goal 78.0% 71.0% 66.0% 58.0% 51.0% 63.0% 72.0% 67.0% 69.0% 62.5% 67.0% 71.0% 78.0% n/a 76.5% 65.0% Actual 74.0% 68.0% 61.0% 63.0% 53.0% 55.0% 75.0% 60.0% 68.0% 68.0% 63.0% 59.0% 81.0% 60.0% 73.0% 57.0% 70.0% Difference -4.0% -3.0% -5.0% 5.0% 2.0% -8.0% 3.0% -7.0% -1.0% 5.5% -4.0% -12.0% 3.0% -3.5% -8.0% Diff. -4.0 -3.0 -5.0 5.0 2.0 -8.0 3.0 -7.0 -1.0 5.5 -4.0 -12.0 3.0 0.0 -3.5 -8.0 Undergraduate Graduation Rate Based on Enrollment in Fall 2002 Institution ASU ECU ECSU FSU NC A&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNCCH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW UNCSA WCU WSSU Graduation Rate 81.9% 75.0% 65.7% 62.3% 55.3% 61.9% 82.2% 77.3% 90.6% 69.5% 73.2% 63.3% 83.2% 67.3% 74.6% 60.2% Institution UNCCH UNCW NCSU ASU UNCA ECU WCU UNCG UNCC UNCSA ECSU UNCP FSU NCCU WSSU NC A&T Sorted Grad.Rate 90.6% 83.2% 82.2% 81.9% 77.3% 75.0% 74.6% 73.2% 69.5% 67.3% 65.7% 63.3% 62.3% 61.9% 60.2% 55.3% Quartile Divider Quartile Q4 0.7845 Q3 0.7135 Q2 0.6305 Q1 2008 Bachelor's Degrees per 100 FTEs (Avg of 6yrs - 2003 to 2008) Campus ASU ECU ECSU FSU NC A&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNCCH UNCC UNCG UNCP UNCW WCU WSSU UNC Campus 19.9 19.9 15.5 16.5 12.6 15.5 20.6 22.6 24.7 22.7 21.0 16.3 24.1 Public Peer Average 21.1 19.6 16.4 18.3 18.0 21.5 23.6 21.9 23.2 20.6 21.0 19.7 21.9 Public Peer Median 21.7 19.8 17.2 17.3 18.1 19.2 23.3 21.3 24.1 19.9 20.4 19.7 21.4 24.0 19.1 20.5 18.4 20.2 18.0 UNC Percentage Difference Difference from Peer from Peer Average Average -1.2 -5.6% 0.2 1.3% -0.9 -5.7% -1.8 -9.7% -5.5 -30.4% -6.0 -27.9% -3.0 -12.5% 0.7 3.1% 1.5 6.4% 2.1 10.3% 0.0 0.2% -3.4 -17.2% 2.2 10.1% 3.5 0.7 17.1% 3.8% UNC Difference from Peer Median -1.7 0.1 -1.7 -0.8 -5.6 -3.7 -2.7 1.3 0.6 2.8 0.7 -3.4 2.7 Percentage Difference from Peer Median -8.1% 0.5% -10.0% -4.8% -30.8% -19.5% -11.5% 6.0% 2.6% 14.0% 3.2% -17.3% 12.7% 3.8 1.1 18.9% 6.2% Quartile Divider UNCCH UNCW WCU UNCC UNCA UNCG NCSU ASU ECU WSSU FSU UNCP ECSU NCCU NC A&T 24.7 24.1 24.0 22.7 22.6 21.0 20.6 19.9 19.9 19.1 16.5 16.3 15.5 15.5 12.6 23.2 21.9 20.5 20.6 21.9 21.0 23.6 21.1 19.6 18.4 18.3 19.7 16.4 21.5 18.0 24.1 21.4 20.2 19.9 21.3 20.4 23.3 21.7 19.8 18.0 17.3 19.7 17.2 19.2 18.1 1.5 2.2 3.5 2.1 0.7 0.0 -3.0 -1.2 0.2 0.7 -1.8 -3.4 -0.9 -6.0 -5.5 6.4% 10.1% 17.1% 10.3% 3.1% 0.2% -12.5% -5.6% 1.3% 3.8% -9.7% -17.2% -5.7% -27.9% -30.4% 0.6 2.7 3.8 2.8 1.3 0.7 -2.7 -1.7 0.1 1.1 -0.8 -3.4 -1.7 -3.7 -5.6 2.6% 12.7% 18.9% 14.0% 6.0% 3.2% -11.5% -8.1% 0.5% 6.2% -4.8% -17.3% -10.0% -19.5% -30.8% Quartile Q4 22.65 Q3 19.9 Q2 16.4 Q1 Retention Rates From IPEDS Data: Percent of the 2008 Freshman Class Returning in Fall 2009 UNC Selected Peers Fall 2008 N of UNC Returning Peers Freshmen Fall 2009 UNC Total Appalachian State University East Carolina University Elizabeth City State University Fayetteville State University North Carolina A & T State University North Carolina Central University North Carolina State University at Raleigh University of North Carolina School of the Arts University of North Carolina at Asheville University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Charlotte University of North Carolina at Greensboro University of North Carolina at Pembroke University of North Carolina-Wilmington Western Carolina University Winston-Salem State University 244 18 15 14 14 14 15 16 13 15 15 16 16 18 14 15 16 _______________________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/Peers.GR016.G/09AUG10 31,774 2,781 4,538 638 582 1,607 1,035 4,669 164 586 3,865 3,090 2,492 1,073 2,073 1,224 1,357 26,219 2,401 3,572 486 426 1,232 795 4,240 127 480 3,696 2,397 1,908 718 1,754 932 1,055 Retention Rate UNC Peer Avg. Diff. 82.52 78.08 4.43 86.34 80.51 5.83 78.71 78.22 0.49 76.18 64.96 11.22 73.20 69.41 3.79 76.66 72.60 4.06 76.81 70.70 6.12 90.81 91.80 -0.98 77.44 75.66 1.78 81.91 85.22 -3.31 95.63 95.31 0.31 77.57 76.46 1.11 76.57 80.29 -3.73 66.92 73.23 -6.31 84.61 83.02 1.59 76.14 78.89 -2.75 77.75 71.25 6.50 % Diff. 5.7% 7.2% 0.6% 17.3% 5.5% 5.6% 8.7% ( 1.1%) 2.4% ( 3.9%) 0.3% 1.5% ( 4.6%) ( 8.6%) 1.9% ( 3.5%) 9.1% 12:59 Monday, August 9, 2010 1 Retention Rates From IPEDS Data: Percent of the 2008 Freshman Class Returning in Fall 2009 UNC Selected Public Peers Fall 2008 N of UNC Returning Peers Freshmen Fall 2009 UNC Total Appalachian State University East Carolina University Elizabeth City State University Fayetteville State University North Carolina A & T State University North Carolina Central University North Carolina State University at Raleigh University of North Carolina School of the Arts University of North Carolina at Asheville University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Charlotte University of North Carolina at Greensboro University of North Carolina at Pembroke University of North Carolina-Wilmington Western Carolina University Winston-Salem State University 223 18 15 14 14 14 15 15 2 11 10 16 16 18 14 15 16 _______________________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/Peers.GR016C.G/19AUG10 31,774 2,781 4,538 638 582 1,607 1,035 4,669 164 586 3,865 3,090 2,492 1,073 2,073 1,224 1,357 26,219 2,401 3,572 486 426 1,232 795 4,240 127 480 3,696 2,397 1,908 718 1,754 932 1,055 Retention Rate UNC Peer Avg. Diff. 82.52 77.54 4.98 86.34 80.51 5.83 78.71 78.22 0.49 76.18 64.96 11.22 73.20 69.41 3.79 76.66 72.60 4.06 76.81 70.70 6.12 90.81 91.53 -0.72 77.44 84.99 -7.56 81.91 82.57 -0.66 95.63 94.70 0.92 77.57 76.46 1.11 76.57 80.29 -3.73 66.92 73.23 -6.31 84.61 83.02 1.59 76.14 78.89 -2.75 77.75 71.25 6.50 % Diff. 6.4% 7.2% 0.6% 17.3% 5.5% 5.6% 8.7% ( 0.8%) ( 8.9%) ( 0.8%) 1.0% 1.5% ( 4.6%) ( 8.6%) 1.9% ( 3.5%) 9.1% 08:21 Thursday, August 19, 2010 1 Graduation Rates From IPEDS Data: 4-, 5-,and 6-Year Rates of 2003 Freshman Class as of 2008-2009 UNC Selected Peers Fall 2003 N of UNC Peers Freshmen UNC Total Appalachian State University East Carolina University Elizabeth City State University Fayetteville State University North Carolina A & T State University North Carolina Central University North Carolina State University at Raleigh University of North Carolina School of the Arts University of North Carolina at Asheville University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Charlotte University of North Carolina at Greensboro University of North Carolina at Pembroke University of North Carolina-Wilmington Western Carolina University Winston-Salem State University 244 18 15 14 14 14 15 16 13 27,908 2,462 3,458 459 789 2,221 1,025 3,837 121 15 15 16 16 18 14 15 16 590 3,511 2,472 2,039 792 1,764 1,485 883 4-Year Rate (Through 2006-2007) UNC Peer Avg. Diff. 34.93 34.23 0.70 37.37 34.54 2.82 29.93 24.68 5.25 22.66 19.89 2.76 12.80 19.50 -6.70 17.51 18.47 -0.95 18.54 18.33 0.21 41.57 51.59 -10.02 58.68 48.20 10.48 28.81 72.20 25.49 28.30 16.41 44.39 26.53 14.04 58.87 69.23 25.55 37.01 28.24 39.74 34.33 21.55 -30.06 2.97 -0.06 -8.71 -11.82 4.65 -7.80 -7.51 _______________________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/Peers.GR016.G/09AUG10 % Diff. 2.1% 8.2% 21.3% 13.9% ( 34.4%) ( 5.2%) 1.1% ( 19.4%) 21.7% 5-Year Rate (Through 2007-2008) UNC Peer Avg. Diff. 54.24 51.77 2.46 60.11 56.43 3.69 51.19 46.18 5.00 39.87 32.95 6.92 25.48 35.82 -10.34 32.64 36.88 -4.24 37.66 35.51 2.15 67.84 75.03 -7.19 59.50 58.53 0.98 ( 51.1%) 4.3% ( 0.2%) ( 23.5%) ( 41.9%) 11.7% ( 22.7%) ( 34.8%) 55.08 83.42 47.98 46.84 30.05 65.31 44.98 29.78 69.32 84.74 44.75 54.48 44.21 60.96 55.09 37.16 -14.23 -1.32 3.23 -7.64 -14.16 4.35 -10.11 -7.38 10:16 Monday, August 9, 2010 % Diff. 4.8% 6.5% 10.8% 21.0% ( 28.9%) ( 11.5%) 6.0% ( 9.6%) 1.7% 6-Year Rate (Through 2008-2009) UNC Peer Avg. Diff. 58.86 56.58 2.28 64.46 61.56 2.90 56.82 52.55 4.28 45.75 37.43 8.32 31.69 40.65 -8.96 37.19 45.16 -7.97 44.39 42.44 1.95 73.34 78.81 -5.47 61.16 60.69 0.47 % Diff. 4.0% 4.7% 8.1% 22.2% ( 22.0%) ( 17.6%) 4.6% ( 6.9%) 0.8% ( 20.5%) ( 1.6%) 7.2% ( 14.0%) ( 32.0%) 7.1% ( 18.4%) ( 19.9%) 58.98 84.88 53.96 51.59 34.22 68.65 49.09 36.47 ( 17.3%) ( 2.5%) 5.5% ( 13.2%) ( 29.3%) 4.4% ( 17.4%) ( 14.8%) 71.31 87.01 51.17 59.46 48.38 65.76 59.42 42.80 -12.33 -2.14 2.80 -7.87 -14.16 2.89 -10.33 -6.33 1 Graduation Rates From IPEDS Data: 4-, 5-,and 6-Year Rates of 2003 Freshman Class as of 2008-2009 UNC Selected Public Peers Fall 2003 N of UNC Peers Freshmen UNC Total Appalachian State University East Carolina University Elizabeth City State University Fayetteville State University North Carolina A & T State University North Carolina Central University North Carolina State University at Raleigh University of North Carolina School of the Arts University of North Carolina at Asheville University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Charlotte University of North Carolina at Greensboro University of North Carolina at Pembroke University of North Carolina-Wilmington Western Carolina University Winston-Salem State University 223 18 15 14 14 14 15 15 2 27,908 2,462 3,458 459 789 2,221 1,025 3,837 121 11 10 16 16 18 14 15 16 590 3,511 2,472 2,039 792 1,764 1,485 883 4-Year Rate (Through 2006-2007) UNC Peer Avg. Diff. 34.93 31.23 3.70 37.37 34.54 2.82 29.93 24.68 5.25 22.66 19.89 2.76 12.80 19.50 -6.70 17.51 18.47 -0.95 18.54 18.33 0.21 41.57 49.34 -7.77 58.68 38.26 20.42 28.81 72.20 25.49 28.30 16.41 44.39 26.53 14.04 48.97 62.41 25.55 37.01 28.24 39.74 34.33 21.55 -20.16 9.79 -0.06 -8.71 -11.82 4.65 -7.80 -7.51 _______________________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/Peers.GR016A.G/19AUG10 % Diff. 11.8% 8.2% 21.3% 13.9% ( 34.4%) ( 5.2%) 1.1% ( 15.8%) 53.4% 5-Year Rate (Through 2007-2008) UNC Peer Avg. Diff. 54.24 49.70 4.53 60.11 56.43 3.69 51.19 46.18 5.00 39.87 32.95 6.92 25.48 35.82 -10.34 32.64 36.88 -4.24 37.66 35.51 2.15 67.84 73.97 -6.13 59.50 53.31 6.19 ( 41.2%) 15.7% ( 0.2%) ( 23.5%) ( 41.9%) 11.7% ( 22.7%) ( 34.8%) 55.08 83.42 47.98 46.84 30.05 65.31 44.98 29.78 62.09 81.90 44.75 54.48 44.21 60.96 55.09 37.16 -7.01 1.53 3.23 -7.64 -14.16 4.35 -10.11 -7.38 08:19 Thursday, August 19, 2010 % Diff. 9.1% 6.5% 10.8% 21.0% ( 28.9%) ( 11.5%) 6.0% ( 8.3%) 11.6% 6-Year Rate (Through 2008-2009) UNC Peer Avg. Diff. 58.86 54.83 4.04 64.46 61.56 2.90 56.82 52.55 4.28 45.75 37.43 8.32 31.69 40.65 -8.96 37.19 45.16 -7.97 44.39 42.44 1.95 73.34 77.94 -4.60 61.16 56.64 4.52 % Diff. 7.4% 4.7% 8.1% 22.2% ( 22.0%) ( 17.6%) 4.6% ( 5.9%) 8.0% ( 11.3%) 1.9% 7.2% ( 14.0%) ( 32.0%) 7.1% ( 18.4%) ( 19.9%) 58.98 84.88 53.96 51.59 34.22 68.65 49.09 36.47 ( 8.8%) 0.2% 5.5% ( 13.2%) ( 29.3%) 4.4% ( 17.4%) ( 14.8%) 64.65 84.68 51.17 59.46 48.38 65.76 59.42 42.80 -5.67 0.19 2.80 -7.87 -14.16 2.89 -10.33 -6.33 1 ATTACHMENT C Current peers Western Carolina University and Peers Index IPEDS Value Unitid Institution State 0.00 200004 Western Carolina University North Carolina 0.00 123572 Sonoma State University California Type of Control Level Public Four or more years Public Four or more years 0.00 139931 Georgia Southern University Georgia Public Four or more years 0.00 157401 Murray State University Kentucky Public Four or more years 0.00 157951 Western Kentucky University Kentucky Public Four or more years 0.00 163851 Salisbury University Maryland Public Four or more years 0.00 164076 Towson University Maryland Public Four or more years 0.00 171456 Northern Michigan Michigan Public Four or University more years 0.00 175272 Winona State University Minnesota Public Four or more years 0.00 196121 SUNY College at Brockport New York Public Four or more years 0.00 211158 Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Public Four or Pennsylvania more years 0.00 216010 Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Public Four or Pennsylvania more years 0.00 232423 James Madison University Virginia Public Four or more years 0.00 233277 Radford University Virginia Public Four or more years 0.00 240329 University of Wisconsin-La Wisconsin Public Four or Crosse more years 0.00 240480 University of Wisconsin Public Four or Wisconsin-Stevens Point more years Average Full-time salary of full Six-Year retention Degrees per time Carnegie Headcount Graduation rate, In-State Ave. 100 instructional Classification 2005 Enrollment Rate 2009 UG Tuition & Fees Headcount faculty total Masters (larger pgms) 9,429 49 76 $4,330 19.41 $67,956 Masters (larger pgms) 8,546 53 76 $5,290 21.29 $76,932 Doctoral / Research 19,086 47 81 $4,622 14.67 $62,565 Masters (larger pgms) 10,071 49 72 $5,976 20.94 $59,951 Masters (larger pgms) 20,712 44 74 $7,200 16.58 $59,766 Masters (larger pgms) 8,204 66 80 $6,618 19.98 $65,295 Masters (larger pgms) 21,177 72 84 $7,418 19.54 $65,365 Masters (larger pgms) 9,428 46 73 $7,454 16.90 $63,101 Masters (medium pgms) Masters (larger pgms) 8,657 52 75 $7,800 18.13 $68,794 8,490 61 86 $6,108 25.75 $70,644 Masters (larger pgms) 9,512 64 81 $7,110 19.28 $76,321 Masters (larger pgms) 8,253 63 72 $7,444 20.73 $79,168 Masters (larger pgms) 18,971 81 92 $7,244 21.09 $68,073 Masters (larger pgms) 8,878 56 78 $6,904 24.28 $63,709 Masters (larger pgms) 10,009 69 84 $7,509 20.95 $59,877 9,209 60 78 $6,528 18.76 $57,424 Masters (medium pgms) ______________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/PeerSelect.GW001.G/25APR11 2,883 Institutions Met Filtering Criteria - Mean Index Value: 0.00 Western Carolina University and Peers 0 - 200004 Western Carolina University Average of North Carolina Generated Peers Measure Student Characteristics Total Headcount Total FTE FTE:Headcount Six-Year FTE Growth Rate Pct of Undergraduate FTE Pct of Graduate FTE Pct Minority Pct of Undergrads Over 25 Pct of All Students Over 25 Six- or Three-Year Graduation Rate Five-Year Graduation Rate Four-Year Graduation Rate FT Frosh-Soph Retention Rate PT Frosh-Soph Retention Rate Student:Faculty Ratio Pct Taking SAT 25th Pctile SAT 75th Pctile SAT Pct Taking ACT 25th Pctile ACT 75th Pctile ACT Freshman Selectivity (% of Rejected Applicants) Student Finances Pct UG Receiving Grant Aid Average Amount of Grant Aid Pct UG Receiving Pell Grants Average Amount of Pell Grants Pct UG Receiving Federal Loans Average Amount of Federal Loans In-state UG Tuition & Fees Out-of-state UG Tuition & Fees In-state Graduate Tuition & Fees Out-of-state Graduate Tuition & Fees Faculty and Expenses Total Instructional Faculty Pct of Full-time Instructional Faculty Average Faculty Salary Pct of Expenditures on Instruction Pct of Expenditures on Research Pct of Expenditures on Public Service Degrees Awarded Number of Degrees Awarded Degrees per Average 100 Headcount Enrollment Pct Less Than 4-Years Pct Bachelors Pct Masters Pct Doctors Pct in Humanities & Social Sciences Pct in Education Pct in Agriculture & STEM Pct in Business & Pub. Admin. Pct in Communication & Art Pct in Health Professions Pct in Law Pct in Services and Trades Average of Top 16 Peers Weight for Index Value Value Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,429 7,702 0.817 10 86 14 10 21 34 49 45 26 76 60 15 97 940 1,120 19 19 23 49 11,947 10,616 0.895 10 92 8 12 11 19 59 54 34 79 47 19 69 958 1,160 56 20 25 31 11,947 10,616 0.895 10 92 8 12 11 19 59 54 34 79 47 19 69 958 1,160 56 20 25 31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54 $5,257 25 $3,336 44 $5,705 $4,330 $13,927 $4,638 $14,223 49 $5,197 22 $3,236 54 $6,205 $6,748 $15,526 $7,233 $14,612 49 $5,197 22 $3,236 54 $6,205 $6,748 $15,526 $7,233 $14,612 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 693 76 $67,956 57 2 10 759 72 $66,466 53 2 7 759 72 $66,466 53 2 7 0.00 0.00 2,184 19 2,408 20 2,408 20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 71 29 1 11 28 10 30 8 13 - 7 81 17 2 24 22 13 22 10 9 1 - 7 81 17 2 24 22 13 22 10 9 1 5 ______________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/PeerSelect.GW001.G/25APR11 2,883 Institutions Met Filtering Criteria - Mean Index Value: 0.00 ATTACHMENT D Peers generated with equal weightings for: retention rates, graduation rates, and average faculty salary Western Carolina University and Peers Index IPEDS Value Unitid Institution 0.00 200004 Western Carolina University 120.00 105330 Northern Arizona University 130.00 227881 Sam Houston State University 140.00 203517 Kent State University Kent Campus 150.00 200332 North Dakota State University-Main Campus 160.00 232982 Old Dominion University 170.00 129215 Eastern Connecticut State University 170.00 168430 Worcester State College 170.00 230728 Utah State University 170.00 240471 University of Wisconsin-River Falls 170.00 433660 Florida Gulf Coast University 180.00 173124 Bemidji State University 190.00 144892 Eastern Illinois University 190.00 198464 East Carolina University 200.00 168227 Wentworth Institute of Technology 200.00 173920 Minnesota State University-Mankato 200.00 234155 Virginia State University 210.00 149772 Western Illinois University 210.00 198507 Elizabeth City State University 210.00 199148 University of North Carolina at Greensboro 230.00 171137 University of Michigan-Dearborn 240.00 110495 California State University-Stanislaus 240.00 212160 Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Average Full-time salary of full Six-Year retention Degrees per time Type of Carnegie Headcount Graduation rate, In-State Ave. 100 instructional State Control Level Classification 2005 Enrollment Rate 2009 UG Tuition & Fees Headcount faculty total North Public Four or Masters (larger pgms) 9,429 49 76 $4,330 19.41 $67,956 Carolina more years Arizona Public Four or Research (HRA)) 23,597 50 72 $6,632 22.04 $66,703 more years Texas Public Four or Masters (larger pgms) 16,772 45 75 $6,515 18.90 $68,001 more years Ohio Public Four or Research (HRA)) 25,127 49 78 $8,726 20.93 $71,266 more years North Dakota Public Four or Research (HRA)) 14,189 52 78 $6,410 14.97 $66,512 more years Virginia Public Four or Research (HRA)) 24,013 50 80 $5,902 16.74 $73,475 more years Connecticut Public Four or Masters (medium 5,610 50 78 $7,813 17.76 $73,817 more pgms) years Massachusetts Public Four or Masters (medium 5,473 44 77 $6,602 19.29 $67,306 more pgms) years Utah Public Four or Research (HRA)) 15,612 55 74 $4,828 23.94 $70,837 more years Wisconsin Public Four or Masters (medium 6,728 55 75 $6,533 17.74 $61,475 more pgms) years Florida Public Four or Masters (larger pgms) 11,092 45 78 $4,437 12.52 $63,331 more years Minnesota Public Four or Masters (smaller 5,175 48 72 $7,201 18.15 $69,761 more pgms) years Illinois Public Four or Masters (larger pgms) 11,966 58 79 $9,429 23.65 $66,340 more years North Public Four or Doctoral / Research 27,654 57 79 $4,477 17.20 $70,364 Carolina more years Massachusetts Private Four or SFI -- Other 3,808 57 80 $22,725 18.62 $69,238 not-for-profit more technology-related years schools Minnesota Public Four or Masters (larger pgms) 14,955 51 77 $6,429 17.54 $71,922 more years Virginia Public Four or Masters (medium 5,366 43 67 $6,174 14.51 $65,552 more pgms) years Illinois Public Four or Masters (larger pgms) 12,679 59 74 $9,617 24.26 $68,208 more years North Public Four or Baccalaureate -3,264 45 76 $3,032 11.24 $67,383 Carolina more Diverse Fields years North Public Four or Research (HRA)) 21,306 51 77 $4,234 15.26 $73,996 Carolina more years Michigan Public Four or Masters (larger pgms) 8,379 48 78 $8,469 22.99 $78,841 more years California Public Four or Masters (medium 8,586 49 83 $4,840 19.43 $75,717 more pgms) years Pennsylvania Public Four or Masters (larger pgms) 8,286 46 75 $7,316 18.72 $77,007 more years ______________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/PeerSelect.GW001.G/25APR11 2,883 Institutions Met Filtering Criteria - Mean Index Value: 2170.09 Western Carolina University and Peers 0 - 200004 Western Carolina University Average of North Carolina Generated Peers Measure Student Characteristics Total Headcount Total FTE FTE:Headcount Six-Year FTE Growth Rate Pct of Undergraduate FTE Pct of Graduate FTE Pct Minority Pct of Undergrads Over 25 Pct of All Students Over 25 Six- or Three-Year Graduation Rate Five-Year Graduation Rate Four-Year Graduation Rate FT Frosh-Soph Retention Rate PT Frosh-Soph Retention Rate Student:Faculty Ratio Pct Taking SAT 25th Pctile SAT 75th Pctile SAT Pct Taking ACT 25th Pctile ACT 75th Pctile ACT Freshman Selectivity (% of Rejected Applicants) Student Finances Pct UG Receiving Grant Aid Average Amount of Grant Aid Pct UG Receiving Pell Grants Average Amount of Pell Grants Pct UG Receiving Federal Loans Average Amount of Federal Loans In-state UG Tuition & Fees Out-of-state UG Tuition & Fees In-state Graduate Tuition & Fees Out-of-state Graduate Tuition & Fees Faculty and Expenses Total Instructional Faculty Pct of Full-time Instructional Faculty Average Faculty Salary Pct of Expenditures on Instruction Pct of Expenditures on Research Pct of Expenditures on Public Service Degrees Awarded Number of Degrees Awarded Degrees per Average 100 Headcount Enrollment Pct Less Than 4-Years Pct Bachelors Pct Masters Pct Doctors Pct in Humanities & Social Sciences Pct in Education Pct in Agriculture & STEM Pct in Business & Pub. Admin. Pct in Communication & Art Pct in Health Professions Pct in Law Pct in Services and Trades Average of Top 16 Peers Weight for Index Value Value Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,429 7,702 0.817 10 86 14 10 21 34 49 45 26 76 60 15 97 940 1,120 19 19 23 49 12,711 10,641 0.845 17 91 10 23 17 25 50 45 25 76 60 19 67 909 1,119 55 19 24 28 13,571 11,483 0.855 18 91 10 20 15 24 51 45 26 76 60 19 65 924 1,130 58 19 24 27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54 $5,257 25 $3,336 44 $5,705 $4,330 $13,927 $4,638 $14,223 53 $5,816 28 $3,302 53 $6,525 $7,197 $15,522 $6,649 $15,044 51 $5,867 25 $3,281 52 $6,523 $7,552 $15,962 $6,653 $15,085 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 693 76 $67,956 57 2 10 734 76 $69,866 50 8 6 756 76 $68,494 49 9 6 0.00 0.00 2,184 19 2,554 18 2,730 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 71 29 1 11 28 10 30 8 13 - 4 78 20 3 24 23 18 23 8 8 2 - 4 79 19 3 24 24 19 21 8 8 2 1 ______________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/PeerSelect.GW001.G/25APR11 2,883 Institutions Met Filtering Criteria - Mean Index Value: 2170.09 ATTACHMENT E Peers generated with equal weightings for: retention rates, graduation rates, average faculty salary, control, HBCU, locale, 2005 Carnegie Classification, size, % minority, student/faculty ratio, freshman selectivity, % receiving Pell Grants, % receiving federal aid, percentages based on degrees awarded for different subject areas Western Carolina University and Peers Index IPEDS Value Unitid Institution State 0.00 200004 Western Carolina University North Carolina 1510.0 176965 University of Central Missouri Missouri 1620.0 139861 Georgia College & State Georgia University 1650.0 149772 Western Illinois University Illinois 1660.0 196246 SUNY College at Plattsburgh New York 1770.0 197869 Appalachian State University North Carolina 1810.0 139931 Georgia Southern University Georgia 1820.0 155025 Emporia State University Kansas 1830.0 157386 Morehead State University Kentucky 1840.0 106397 University of Arkansas Arkansas 1900.0 179557 Southeast Missouri State University 1940.0 171456 Northern Michigan University 1960.0 140669 North Georgia College & State University 1960.0 211361 California University of Pennsylvania 1980.0 211158 Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania 2000.0 221768 The University of Tennessee-Martin 2010.0 181215 University of Nebraska at Kearney 2030.0 227881 Sam Houston State University 2040.0 128771 Central Connecticut State University 2050.0 176017 University of Mississippi Main Campus 2100.0 213783 Mansfield University of Pennsylvania 2110.0 165866 Framingham State College Missouri 2110.0 178624 Northwest Missouri State University Missouri Michigan Georgia Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Tennessee Nebraska Texas Connecticut Mississippi Pennsylvania Massachusetts Type of Control Level Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Public Four or more years Average Full-time salary of full Six-Year retention Degrees per time Carnegie Headcount Graduation rate, In-State Ave. 100 instructional Classification 2005 Enrollment Rate 2009 UG Tuition & Fees Headcount faculty total Masters (larger 9,429 49 76 $4,330 19.41 $67,956 pgms) Masters (larger 11,191 48 73 $6,585 17.29 $61,293 pgms) Masters (larger 6,633 48 84 $5,738 19.05 $57,665 pgms) Masters (larger 12,679 59 74 $9,617 24.26 $68,208 pgms) Masters (larger 6,453 57 82 $6,070 22.57 $67,812 pgms) Masters (larger 16,968 64 86 $4,491 19.08 $69,825 pgms) Doctoral / Research 19,086 47 81 $4,622 14.67 $62,565 Masters (larger pgms) Masters (larger pgms) Research (HRA)) 6,314 41 69 $4,374 20.31 $57,191 8,822 35 74 $6,036 17.41 $55,941 19,849 59 83 $6,459 17.68 $76,751 Masters (larger pgms) Masters (larger pgms) Masters (medium pgms) Masters (larger pgms) Masters (larger pgms) Masters (medium pgms) Masters (medium pgms) Masters (larger pgms) Masters (larger pgms) Research (HRA)) 10,801 46 74 $6,255 15.94 $57,897 9,428 46 73 $7,454 16.90 $63,101 5,652 43 77 $4,268 18.84 $58,120 9,017 49 77 $7,676 19.44 $79,109 9,512 64 81 $7,110 19.28 $76,321 8,163 48 72 $5,769 13.12 $57,168 6,650 59 83 $5,635 17.13 $61,276 16,772 45 75 $6,515 18.90 $68,001 12,461 49 79 $7,414 18.25 $76,446 15,932 60 81 $5,106 19.05 $71,269 Masters (smaller pgms) Masters (larger pgms) Masters (medium pgms) 3,569 41 74 $7,756 19.70 $77,741 5,989 52 73 $6,540 20.17 $65,129 7,076 52 72 $5,626 17.25 $56,246 ______________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/PeerSelect.GW001.G/25APR11 2,883 Institutions Met Filtering Criteria - Mean Index Value: 9168.62 Western Carolina University and Peers 0 - 200004 Western Carolina University Average of North Carolina Generated Peers Measure Student Characteristics Total Headcount Total FTE FTE:Headcount Six-Year FTE Growth Rate Pct of Undergraduate FTE Pct of Graduate FTE Pct Minority Pct of Undergrads Over 25 Pct of All Students Over 25 Six- or Three-Year Graduation Rate Five-Year Graduation Rate Four-Year Graduation Rate FT Frosh-Soph Retention Rate PT Frosh-Soph Retention Rate Student:Faculty Ratio Pct Taking SAT 25th Pctile SAT 75th Pctile SAT Pct Taking ACT 25th Pctile ACT 75th Pctile ACT Freshman Selectivity (% of Rejected Applicants) Student Finances Pct UG Receiving Grant Aid Average Amount of Grant Aid Pct UG Receiving Pell Grants Average Amount of Pell Grants Pct UG Receiving Federal Loans Average Amount of Federal Loans In-state UG Tuition & Fees Out-of-state UG Tuition & Fees In-state Graduate Tuition & Fees Out-of-state Graduate Tuition & Fees Faculty and Expenses Total Instructional Faculty Pct of Full-time Instructional Faculty Average Faculty Salary Pct of Expenditures on Instruction Pct of Expenditures on Research Pct of Expenditures on Public Service Degrees Awarded Number of Degrees Awarded Degrees per Average 100 Headcount Enrollment Pct Less Than 4-Years Pct Bachelors Pct Masters Pct Doctors Pct in Humanities & Social Sciences Pct in Education Pct in Agriculture & STEM Pct in Business & Pub. Admin. Pct in Communication & Art Pct in Health Professions Pct in Law Pct in Services and Trades Average of Top 16 Peers Weight for Index Value Value Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 9,429 7,702 0.817 10 86 14 10 21 34 49 45 26 76 60 15 97 940 1,120 19 19 23 49 10,410 8,888 0.847 12 90 10 12 14 25 51 45 26 77 55 18 56 908 1,128 66 20 25 35 10,451 8,975 0.853 13 90 10 11 14 24 51 45 26 78 57 18 52 947 1,186 72 20 25 35 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54 $5,257 25 $3,336 44 $5,705 $4,330 $13,927 $4,638 $14,223 60 $5,619 25 $3,299 52 $5,799 $6,233 $13,927 $6,575 $13,804 61 $5,448 26 $3,299 52 $5,784 $6,135 $13,950 $6,605 $14,313 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 693 76 $67,956 57 2 10 608 79 $65,685 52 4 6 615 82 $64,390 53 3 6 0.00 10.00 2,184 19 2,042 18 2,038 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 71 29 1 11 28 10 30 8 13 - 6 74 24 4 20 29 12 24 8 6 3 - 7 73 24 5 19 30 12 24 8 7 2 2 ______________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/PeerSelect.GW001.G/25APR11 2,883 Institutions Met Filtering Criteria - Mean Index Value: 9168.62 ATTACHMENT F Peers generated with equal weightings for: Size, control, Carnegie classification, student FTE Western Carolina University and Peers Index IPEDS Value Unitid Institution 0.00 200004 Western Carolina University Type of State Control Level North Public Four or Carolina more years 0.00 167729 Salem State College Massachusetts Public Four or more years 0.00 167987 University of Massachusetts Public Four or Massachusetts-Dartmouth more years 0.00 224147 Texas A & M University-Corpus Texas Public Four or Christi more years 0.00 228529 Tarleton State University Texas Public Four or more years 10.00 101480 Jacksonville State University Alabama Public Four or more years 10.00 123572 Sonoma State University California Public Four or more years 10.00 126580 University of Colorado at Colorado Public Four or Colorado Springs more years 10.00 147776 Northeastern Illinois University Illinois Public Four or more years 10.00 157401 Murray State University Kentucky Public Four or more years 10.00 159993 University of Louisiana Monroe Louisiana Public Four or more years 10.00 160038 Northwestern State University of Louisiana Public Four or Louisiana more years 10.00 161554 University of Southern Maine Maine Public Four or more years 10.00 171456 Northern Michigan University Michigan Public Four or more years 10.00 196121 SUNY College at Brockport New York Public Four or more years 10.00 211158 Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Public Four or Pennsylvania more years 10.00 211361 California University of Pennsylvania Public Four or Pennsylvania more years 10.00 214041 Millersville University of Pennsylvania Public Four or Pennsylvania more years 10.00 216038 Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Public Four or Pennsylvania more years 10.00 217420 Rhode Island College Rhode Island Public Four or more years 10.00 233277 Radford University Virginia Public Four or more years 10.00 240329 University of Wisconsin-La Wisconsin Public Four or Crosse more years 10.00 240417 University of Wisconsin-Stout Wisconsin Public Four or more years Average Full-time salary of full Carnegie Six-Year retention Degrees per time Classification Headcount Graduation rate, In-State Ave. 100 instructional 2005 Enrollment Rate 2009 UG Tuition & Fees Headcount faculty total Masters (larger 9,429 49 76 $4,330 19.41 $67,956 pgms) Masters (larger 10,125 43 75 $6,850 15.49 $68,528 pgms) Masters (larger 9,302 47 73 $10,358 15.03 $84,004 pgms) Masters (larger 9,468 39 62 $5,582 17.73 $71,776 pgms) Masters (larger 10,424 39 66 $4,909 18.62 $57,634 pgms) Masters (larger 9,351 35 68 $5,970 18.64 $59,945 pgms) Masters (larger 8,546 53 76 $5,290 21.29 $76,932 pgms) Masters (larger 9,733 43 67 $5,693 17.20 $64,794 pgms) Masters (larger 11,631 20 67 $7,082 16.65 $58,151 pgms) Masters (larger 10,071 49 72 $5,976 20.94 $59,951 pgms) Masters (larger 9,004 30 72 $3,813 14.80 $58,490 pgms) Masters (larger 9,247 29 69 $3,932 17.46 $55,763 pgms) Masters (larger 9,655 37 65 $8,174 17.03 $74,913 pgms) Masters (larger 9,428 46 73 $7,454 16.90 $63,101 pgms) Masters (larger 8,490 61 86 $6,108 25.75 $70,644 pgms) Masters (larger 9,512 64 81 $7,110 19.28 $76,321 pgms) Masters (larger 9,017 49 77 $7,676 19.44 $79,109 pgms) Masters (larger 8,427 61 82 $7,147 18.87 $79,916 pgms) Masters (larger 8,648 57 81 $7,235 19.37 $78,196 pgms) Masters (larger 9,260 44 77 $6,408 16.13 $65,260 pgms) Masters (larger 8,878 56 78 $6,904 24.28 $63,709 pgms) Masters (larger 10,009 69 84 $7,509 20.95 $59,877 pgms) Masters (larger 9,017 55 71 $7,821 17.03 $58,171 pgms) ______________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/PeerSelect.GW001.G/06MAY11 651 Institutions Met Filtering Criteria - Mean Index Value: 317.59 Western Carolina University and Peers 0 - 200004 Western Carolina University Average of North Carolina Generated Peers Measure Weight for Index Average of Top 16 Peers Value Value Value Peer Index Value 0.00 Institutional Characteristics (99 for Absolute Filter) Region 0.00 Southeast Level 99.00 Four or more years Control 99.00 Public Highest Degree Level 0.00 Doctors degree HBCU 99.00 No Medical School 0.00 No Veterinary School 0.00 No Locale 0.00 Rural Distant Carnegie 2005 10.00 Masters (larger pgms) Carnegie 2000 0.00 Masters I Land Grant Institution 0.00 No Size Category 0.00 5,000 - 9,999 Student Characteristics Total Headcount 10.00 9,429 Total FTE 10.00 7,702 FTE:Headcount 0.00 0.817 Six-Year FTE Growth Rate 0.00 10 Pct of Undergraduate FTE 0.00 86 Pct of Graduate FTE 0.00 14 Pct Minority 0.00 10 Pct of Undergrads Over 25 0.00 21 Pct of All Students Over 25 0.00 34 Six- or Three-Year Graduation Rate 0.00 49 Five-Year Graduation Rate 0.00 45 Four-Year Graduation Rate 0.00 26 FT Frosh-Soph Retention Rate 0.00 76 PT Frosh-Soph Retention Rate 0.00 60 Student:Faculty Ratio 0.00 15 Pct Taking SAT 0.00 97 25th Pctile SAT 0.00 940 75th Pctile SAT 0.00 1,120 Pct Taking ACT 0.00 19 25th Pctile ACT 0.00 19 75th Pctile ACT 0.00 23 Freshman Selectivity (% of Rejected 0.00 49 Applicants) Student Finances Pct UG Receiving Grant Aid 0.00 54 Average Amount of Grant Aid 0.00 $5,257 Pct UG Receiving Pell Grants 0.00 25 Average Amount of Pell Grants 0.00 $3,336 Pct UG Receiving Federal Loans 0.00 44 Average Amount of Federal Loans 0.00 $5,705 In-state UG Tuition & Fees 0.00 $4,330 Out-of-state UG Tuition & Fees 0.00 $13,927 In-state Graduate Tuition & Fees 0.00 $4,638 Out-of-state Graduate Tuition & Fees 0.00 $14,223 Faculty and Expenses Total Instructional Faculty 0.00 693 Pct of Full-time Instructional Faculty 0.00 76 Average Faculty Salary 0.00 $67,956 Pct of Expenditures on Instruction 0.00 57 Pct of Expenditures on Research 0.00 2 Pct of Expenditures on Public 0.00 10 Service Degrees Awarded Number of Degrees Awarded 0.00 2,184 Degrees per Average 100 Headcount 0.00 19 Enrollment Pct Less Than 4-Years 0.00 Pct Bachelors 0.00 71 Pct Masters 0.00 29 Pct Doctors 0.00 1 Pct in Humanities & Social Sciences 0.00 11 Pct in Education 0.00 28 Pct in Agriculture & STEM 0.00 10 Pct in Business & Pub. Admin. 0.00 30 Pct in Communication & Art 0.00 8 Pct in Health Professions 0.00 13 Pct in Law 0.00 Pct in Services and Trades 0.00 - 8.18 7.50 NA Four or more years Public NA No No No NA Masters (larger pgms) Masters I No NA NA Four or more years Public NA No No No NA Masters (larger pgms) Masters I No NA 9,420 7,757 0.827 7 90 10 17 19 28 47 40 23 74 44 19 68 904 1,105 60 19 23 31 9,563 7,687 0.808 7 89 11 20 22 32 43 36 20 72 39 19 61 900 1,103 66 19 23 30 51 $4,762 26 $3,259 56 $6,218 $6,591 $14,228 $6,816 $13,111 56 $4,644 28 $3,311 55 $6,374 $6,374 $14,040 $6,565 $13,005 524 72 $67,508 51 6 6 546 68 $67,504 51 7 7 1,841 19 1,835 18 7 76 21 5 23 24 12 23 8 10 3 2 8 74 23 5 24 23 12 23 7 11 3 2 ______________________________________________________________ UNC-GA IRA/PeerSelect.GW001.G/06MAY11 651 Institutions Met Filtering Criteria - Mean Index Value: 317.59