AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Timothy P. Drake for the degree of Master of Science in Forest Resources presented on September 3, 2008. Title: Empirical Modeling of Windthrow Occurrence in Streamside Buffer Strips. Abstract approved: _____________________________________________________________________ Temesgen Hailemariam Streamside buffer strips provide numerous benefits to stream ecosystems. The buffer strips create shade, provide shelter for wildlife, act as barriers to logging debris during and after timber harvest, and serve as a continued source of large woody debris. Quantifying woody inputs resulting from windthrow provides managers with estimates for long-term planning and habitat development strategies. A two step modeling process was used to model stand and landscape level attributes to predict the presence or absence of windthrow and quantify its occurrence. A survey of windthrow was conducted on 22 stream reaches in the Coast Range and western foothills of the Cascade Range of Oregon. Stream reaches were located on Bureau of Land Management lands in Density Management Study sites. Using logistic regression, elevation was found to be the most significant predictor of the presence or absence of windthrow. Linear regression revealed that the mean of ratios of height to diameter of trees in a stream reach was the most significant predictor of the number of stems affected by windthrow. Across all stream reaches windthrow was found to be inversely related to the distance from the stream channel. Approximately 79% of recorded windthrow events occurred within the first 20 meters upslope from the stream, while 21% occurred between 21 and 40 meters upslope distance from the stream. Nearly 40% of the windthrow events fell in a north to northeast direction indicating that the prevailing winds played a large role in dictating the direction of fall. Local topography was also observed to have an impact on the direction of fall. Trees fell toward the stream channel approximately 25% of the time. Windthrow did not appear to be a significant source of mortality. In the majority of stream reaches, windthrow amounted to 1% or less of standing live basal area over the 4 yr. period. The greatest observed loss was 5.2%. In terms of the number of stems available to blow down, the greatest observed loss was 4%. © Copyright by Timothy P. Drake September 3, 2008 All Rights Reserved Empirical Modeling of Windthrow Occurrence in Streamside Buffer Strips by Timothy P. Drake A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented September 3, 2008 Commencement June 2009 Master of Science thesis of Timothy P. Drake presented on September 3, 2008. APPROVED: _____________________________________________________________________ Major Professor, representing Forest Resources _____________________________________________________________________ Head of the Department of Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management _____________________________________________________________________ Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. _____________________________________________________________________ Timothy P. Drake, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author expresses sincere appreciation to all those who help in this process along the way. First, thanks go to Temesgen Hailemariam for his encouragement and guidance as a mentor and professor; to Stephanie Larew for her assistance with data collection; and to Bianca Eskelson for her assistance with statistical analysis and guidance in the writing process. Also, a big thank you goes to Anna Conroy whose love and support through the entire program has been nothing short of amazing. In addition, thanks go to the graduate committee (Fred Swanson, Steve Fitzgerald, and Kate Lajtha) and the numerous people with the BLM and Forest Service, including Paul Anderson, who gave input and helped to organize the data collection phase of the research. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter 1 – Introduction ................................................................................................ 1 Chapter 2 – Literature Review ....................................................................................... 4 The Riparian Forest................................................................................................ 4 Structure and Function of Down Wood ................................................................. 7 Wind Damage in Forests...................................................................................... 11 Windthrow Models............................................................................................... 14 Chapter 3 – Methods and Analysis .............................................................................. 23 Site Description.................................................................................................... 23 Site Area....................................................................................................... 23 Topography .................................................................................................. 25 Geology and Soils ........................................................................................ 25 Climate ......................................................................................................... 25 Forest Type................................................................................................... 26 Data Collection..................................................................................................... 27 Timeline ....................................................................................................... 27 Site Selection................................................................................................ 27 Study Design ................................................................................................ 28 Description of Measurements....................................................................... 32 Compilation of Data ............................................................................................. 34 Data Analysis ....................................................................................................... 38 Step I: Logistic Regression .......................................................................... 38 Step II: Linear Regression............................................................................ 42 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Chapter 4 – Results and Discussion............................................................................. 44 Preliminary Analysis............................................................................................ 44 Research Question 1: windthrow and distance from stream ................................ 45 Research Question 2: windthrow and buffer width.............................................. 50 Research Question 3: windthrow and thinning treatment of neighboring stands 53 Research Question 4: windthrow and species composition ................................. 54 Step I: Logistic Regression .................................................................................. 54 Step II: Linear Regression.................................................................................... 60 One Step Approach ...................................................................................... 69 Additional Findings.............................................................................................. 70 Chapter 5 – Conclusions .............................................................................................. 74 Summary of Findings ........................................................................................... 74 Recommendations ................................................................................................ 76 Bibliography ................................................................................................................ 78 Appendices................................................................................................................... 86 Appendix A. Stream reach locations.................................................................... 86 Appendix B. Stocking density for stream reaches (Tpha) ................................... 87 Appendix C. Basal area of stream reaches (m2/ha) .............................................. 88 Appendix D. Potential explanatory variables....................................................... 89 Appendix E. Windthrow by direction of fall. ...................................................... 92 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Figure 1. Density Management Study locations .......................................................... 24 Figure 2. Measurement plot design with a randomly assigned subplot ....................... 31 Figure 3. Measurement plot design without a randomly assigned subplot .................. 31 Figure 4. Frequency of windthrow by slope distance from stream, using 5 m swaths, for all windthrow........................................................................................... 46 Figure 5. Frequency of windthrow by slope distance from stream, using 10 m swaths, for softwoods................................................................................................. 47 Figure 6. Frequency of windthrow by slope distance from stream, using 10 m swaths, for hardwoods ............................................................................................... 47 Figure 7. Dbh by distance from stream for all windthrow........................................... 49 Figure 8. Predicted probability of windthrow by elevation ......................................... 57 Figure 9. Scatter plot of down trees per hectare by height to diameter ratio ............... 63 Figure 10. Scatter plot of residual versus fitted values for height to diameter ratio regressed on down trees per hectare............................................................ 66 Figure 11. Influence statistics for all observations of height to diameter ratio regressed on down trees per hectare............................................................................ 67 Figure 13. Compass rose showing direction of fall for all observed windthrow ......... 71 LIST OF TABLES Table Page Table 1. Stream reaches measured by thinning treatment and buffer width................ 29 Table 2. Variables used to describe stream reach attributes ........................................ 35 Table 3. Factorial treatment analysis showing presence of interaction ....................... 51 Table 4. Simple effect contrasts for thinning treatment and buffer width combinations ...................................................................................................................................... 51 Table 5. Direction of tree fall in relation to stream valley ........................................... 73 CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION Wind is a natural disturbance agent whose processes often impede or complicate forest management plans. It is a constant source of tree mortality at the stand and landscape level and, at times, occurs as large disturbance events. Natural disturbances such as wind cannot be controlled; however, their impacts can be mitigated. Much research has been conducted on windthrow in relation to edges of harvest units (Ruth and Yoder, 1953; Gratkowski, 1956; Steinblums et al., 1984); however, little has been done in thinned stands to provide estimates of small scale windthrow, as opposed to large events. Knowledge of the factors influencing the severity of wind damage can greatly assist in anticipating and mitigating tree and stand damage. An area of great importance in forest management and ecosystem management is the riparian forest. Due to its inherent properties (biotic and abiotic) and silvicultural practices, the riparian forest often experiences wind damage, specifically windthrow. Riparian forests can be highly diverse in their characteristics; at times varying greatly within a matter of meters. They may vary because of management objectives, as prescribed by law (as with a buffer), or naturally by their location. Streamside buffer strips provide numerous benefits to stream ecosystems. The buffer strips create shade, provide shelter for wildlife, act as barriers to logging debris during and after timber harvest, and serve as a continuous source of large woody debris (Bisson et al., 1987; Andrus et al., 1988; Rashin and Graber, 1992; Brooks et al., 2003). To ensure effective stream protection and to minimize excessive 2 windthrow, reliable and cost effective streamside buffer strips designs are required. Quantifying windthrow events provides managers with estimates of large woody debris inputs for long-term planning and habitat development strategies. The objective of this study is to develop a two-step model to predict the occurrence of windthrow. The first step will predict the presence or absence of windthrow in a stream reach using logistic regression. The second step will predict the number of stems affected by windthrow in a stream reach with linear regression. Windthrow may be defined in many ways. For the purposes of this study it will include only those live trees which have been completely toppled by wind. It will not include broken tops, leaning trees, or snags which have blown over. Quantifying woody inputs resulting from windthrow provides managers with estimates for long-term planning and habitat development strategies. Cognizant of these facts, modeling windthrow occurrence in streamside buffer strips, and evaluation of the efficiency and suitability of selected streamside management options are valuable. Four research questions serve as a framework in order to guide this study. Streams in the Density Management Study (DMS) on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands serve as the population from which samples have been taken. The four research questions guiding the study are: 1) Does the amount of windthrow vary with upslope distance from the stream in headwater streams of the DMS? 3 2) Does buffer width affect the amount of windthrow in headwater streams of the DMS? 3) Does residual thinning density of the neighboring forest affect the amount of windthrow in headwater streams of the DMS? 4) Does species composition affect the amount of windthrow in headwater streams of the DMS? 4 CHAPTER 2 – LITERATURE REVIEW This study investigates the influence of several biotic and abiotic factors on the susceptibility of riparian forests to windthrow. The importance of riparian forests as key components of the forest ecosystem has become increasingly recognized, yet much remains unknown about the processes by which they are shaped. Although this study focuses on windthrow in riparian forests, it is helpful to review additional literature addressing riparian functions as well as wind damage in many different forest types. The Riparian Forest Riparian ecosystems are dynamic and diverse. As such, adequately defining a riparian ecosystem can be a challenge. They may be found in many settings, including forestland, rangeland, agricultural land, estuaries, and even urban landscapes. A riparian community may be defined as the interface between an aquatic and a terrestrial system; which is made up of unique plant and animal communities that require the use of free or unbound water. They often have a high diversity of species, both flora and fauna, and provide numerous ecosystem services such as stream bank stability, maintaining water quality, erosion control, stream shading, and nutrient input (Brooks et al., 2003). As an illustration of the diversity of plant life in these ecosystems, Tabacchi et al. (1990) documented 900 different taxa along the 335 km length of the Adour River in France. Another study observed, in forest conditions ranging from clearcuts to old-growth forests, nearly twice as many species in forest 5 riparian areas as in the adjacent upland areas (Gregory et al., 1991). Cole et al. (2003) noted an unexpected abundance of species richness and diversity in headwater streams of the Oregon Coast Range. Species which were previously thought to be rare or location specific were discovered in headwater riparian areas of managed forests. While much is known about the physical and biological attributes that make up a riparian zone, our knowledge is far from complete in predicting wind damage and, therefore, devising management schemes to mitigate such damage. General characteristics of a riparian zone may be outlined; however, as Ilhardt et al. (2000) illustrated, it may be described or categorized in many different ways. The names used by organizations and agencies: “riparian management zone”, “riparian buffer”, “streamside management zone”, “buffer zone” stem from different management designations and purposes, yet they are capable of being defined and measured. Indeed, the definition of a riparian forest differs between organizations or agencies and also between scientific disciplines. A forester may provide a different definition than a soil scientist, or a wildlife biologist, or an ecologist. A basic definition is provided by Hall (1989) in which a riparian ecosystem is defined as those on or by land bordering a stream, lake, tidewater, or other body of water. A more comprehensive definition states a riparian zone is the three dimensional interface between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. It may be characterized by vegetation type, topography, and hydrology, but none of the components alone provide an adequate definition (Swanson et al., 1982; Gregory et al., 1991). Naiman et al. (1993) presented the term riparian corridor and described it 6 as the area reaching from the stream channel upland to where vegetation is affected by high water tables, flooding, and the ability of the soils to retain water. This corridor is affected by the stream size and adjacent slope characteristics and may be quite small in the headwater streams located in forested land. A study conducted in the state of Maine suggests that forest riparian zones may be defined in part by the presence of amphibians, which are dependent on the interface between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Their conclusion was that in headwater streams, a riparian zone is relatively narrow and may be 7 to 9 m in width (Perkins and Hunter, 2006). A similar study used plant communities to define the riparian zone (Hagan et al., 2006). They documented the greatest species richness and abundance within the first 5 m of headwater streams. Riparian forests may be thought of as a continuum in a similar manner as rivers; that is, riparian zones are not disjoint ecosystems, rather they are connected. Upstream processes affect many of the conditions downstream. For example, much of the mineral content of riparian soils is alluvial. The parent material of riparian soils is likely an upstream source; whereas, soils in the uplands are weathered in place from the underlying rock (Bilby, 1989). Another example of this connectedness is the canopy cover provided by riparian forests. Noss (1987) stressed the importance of riparian corridors as cover for the migration of animals as well as for retaining pieces of undisturbed habitat for plants and animals. Perault and Lomolino (2000) documented the value of riparian forest corridors for habitat connectivity for several species of mammals. Hilty and Merenlender (2004) observed an increased tendency 7 of mammalian predators to utilize cover provided by riparian corridors in locations where adjacent land provided unsuitable habitat resulting from land use change. Stream shading is another important process of the riparian forest. Shading has been cited as a factor related to stream temperature; although results have not been consistent. Many studies have documented the inverse relationship between shading and stream temperature (Rashin and Graber, 1992; Macdonald et al., 2003; Johnson, 2004). Another study found stream temperature to be un-related to the amount of shading afforded by buffer width (Brosofske et al., 1997), although there was a significant effect on humidity and microclimate. In some instances, such as steep valleys and canyons or aspects facing away from the sun, the total solar exposure may be such that the absence or presence of a riparian forest makes little difference in stream temperature. Structure and Function of Down Wood Down woody debris provides habitat for numerous organisms, structural diversity, and serves many other functional roles in riparian ecosystems of the forest. Franklin et al. (1986) stated that large woody debris provides a major structural component in streams and rivers and generates over half of the habitat found in small forested streams. Woody debris is a part of all forested ecosystems. As trees die, they transition, however slowly, from a vertical position among the forest canopy to a horizontal position among the litter on the forest floor. One estimate of boles and branches on the forest floor in coniferous forests of western Oregon and Washington 8 ranges between 1.5 to 4.5 megagrams (1,500 to 4,500 kg) per ha per year (Sollins, 1982). Woody debris comes in many sizes from many sources. In reference to woody debris, it may be helpful to distinguish between size classes. Descriptions vary widely depending on the scientific discipline, forest type, or other factors; however, Harmon et al. (1986) proposed that coarse woody debris, also known as large woody debris, have a minimum diameter in the range of 7.5 to 15 cm. This definition focuses on woody debris that will persist and be of value as structural components of the forest. One of the many important functions of woody debris in riparian forests is for animal cover and habitat. Maser et al. (1984) noted that sloughed bark from woody debris provides cover for vertebrates such as salamanders, shrews, shrew-moles, and voles. Associated with rotten wood in the later stages of decay are lungless salamanders (family-Plethodontidae) including Oregon salamanders, Oregon slender salamanders, and clouded salamanders. A variety of organisms, both vertebrate and invertebrate, utilize woody debris for cover and habitat; however, not all woody debris is created equal. Organisms may have preferences for certain species, size classes, or other characteristics of down wood. It then becomes important to further describe the presence of woody debris A study by Swanson et al. (1984) found in a survey of streams on Prince of Wales Island in southeast Alaska, that coarse material (>10 cm diameter) in channels accounted for 73 to 93% of woody debris by weight, but only 20 to 53% by surface area. Knowledge of type and size of woody debris will help determine the uses it will have. 9 Although woody debris provides many functions in the riparian forest, it is perhaps most important for contributing to habitat by adding to in-stream structure (Bisson et al., 1987). The quantity of woody debris in a stream channel is a function of inputs and outputs (Swanson et al., 1976). The large woody debris inputs which contribute to the habitat found in riparian forests may come from several sources. Debris may be blown in (windthrow), undercut by banks, or deposited by mass movements. Debris may land directly in the stream, or it may land near the stream and slide in due to the steep sidewalls surrounding the stream. All other things being equal, streams with steeper slopes have a greater potential to receive debris than streams in flat terrain. It was also noted that most pieces greater than 30 ft in length did not move after the time of windfall (Swanson et al., 1976). Another function of woody debris is that it helps to accumulate other woody debris. This is especially true with large woody debris. It serves as a trap for fine litter and branches. Large woody debris also helps dissipate stream energy and allows more complex stream channels to be developed. If debris is removed or not replaced, a stream may become more channelized (Swanson et al., 1976). The factors affecting debris outputs or loss are: the ability of the stream to float debris downstream, decomposition rates, physical abrasion and deterioration, and the probability for debris torrents. Bisson et al. (1987) asserted that large woody debris enhances the quality of fish habitat in all sizes of streams and that the single most important function of large woody debris in streams is in the formation of rearing pools for salmonid habitat. It 10 can help retain sediment and gravel to form rearing pools as well as provide cover for adult fish from terrestrial and aerial predators. Piece length is also important for quality of habitat. Much of the debris from logging is un-merchantable and is short in length; however, windthrow often produces substantially longer piece lengths. Pools created by woody debris provide important spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids. Large organic debris has been shown to exhibit a positive relationship with the number of parr (1+ yr old salmonid) in a stream (Murphy et al., 1985). The large organic debris is especially beneficial to the winter survival of salmonids. Keller and Swanson (1979) asserted that windthrow is a natural process affecting streams of all sizes, although, it is likely to be a more significant source of woody debris in small to medium size streams than in large rivers. Lienkaemper and Swanson (1987) observed that in steep mountain streams where old-growth Douglasfir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) was present that it was not bank undercutting that was predominantly responsible for input of wood; rather wind was the principal agent for debris entry. Andrus et al., (1988) noted that much of the large woody debris found in streams of the Pacific Northwest where old-growth was present was contributed by old-growth trees. The large piece size found in old-growth forests is of great benefit to the riparian ecosystem in that it is able to persist for many decades, even a century, whereas smaller conifers or hardwoods are relatively short lived in the moist environment. 11 Wind Damage in Forests Beginning in the early 1900’s foresters in the Pacific Northwest, realizing the catastrophic nature of wind, began to address wind damage in their management plans and investigate the causal factors. Early literature provided observational notes about wind damage; citing diameter distribution, crown structure and tree spacing as important factors (Smith, 1915). Silvicultural methods also came into question as factors that contributed to the susceptibility of trees to windthrow. Weidman (1920) hypothesized that severity of wind damage was largely due to residual thinning density in certain silvicultural systems such as single selection as was implemented with ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa). The small winter storms which frequent the Coast Range of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest as a whole provide ample opportunities to observe windthrow. These storms often reveal patterns of wind damage; but larger storms provide an even better opportunity to observe the effects of wind damage and hypothesize about its causes. On December 4, 1951 a storm along the Oregon coast blew down 3.7 billion board feet of timber, nearly $50 million in stumpage value at the time (Ruth and Yoder, 1953). Several important observations and recommendations were made to guide foresters designing harvest units. Among the key findings were a ranking of overall resistance to windthrow among tree species, influence of local topography on wind direction, effects of disease and insects, and thinning as a silvicultural tool to develop wind firm stands. 12 On October 12, 1962 the most severe wind storm to date (the “Columbus Day storm”) hit the Coast Range of Oregon and Washington claiming some 11.2 billion board feet of timber (Orr, 1963). Winds higher than 170 mph were recorded on the coast, and as high as 160 mph inland before instruments ceased to function. A massive survey and research effort was undertaken to quantify the damage, and understand the widespread effects of the storm. The study addressed the potential for insect damage following storms; noting that shaded windfalls produced Douglas-fir beetle (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopkins) broods up to 6 times larger than down trees exposed to sunlight. Thus, the greatest potential for insect damage was in areas where windfall was several layers thick. The study also addressed species susceptibility, and salvage potential based on deterioration rates of different tree species. Most recently, a wind storm along the northwest Oregon coast on December 2 and 3, 2007 blew down approximately 390 million board feet of timber in Clatsop and Tillamook Counties. The storm brought both gale force winds with gusts up to 129 mph and heavy rainfall (Forest and Debris Recovery Team, 2007). Other regions have experienced severe wind damage as well. In May, 1916, the largest storm within recent years blew down approximately 5% of the standing timber in the Adirondacks of New York. Among the findings of surveys were notes about the importance of rooting architecture, differences in damage based on landscape position, and the increased damage as a result of gaps in thinned stands (Behre, 1921). A hurricane in New England in 1938 causing several billion board feet 13 of damage led to a hypothesis regarding the significance of the form point (one-third the distance from the base of the crown to the top of the tree) in the stability of a given tree (Curtis, 1943). All other things being equal, trees with a higher form point (smaller crown ratio) were more susceptible to windthrow. Wind damage is a problem that affects forests across the nation and around the world. In the period from 1950-1980 it is estimated that 6 percent of timber harvested in the United Kingdom was as a result of catastrophic storms, and another 20 percent was harvested in order to prevent losses from windthrow (Quine and Bell, 1998 quoting Atterson, 1980). Mitchell (1995) stated that wind damage affects approximately 4% of the provincial annual allowable cut in British Columbia, a similar amount as that lost to insects or wildfire. As a result of the countless losses from wind damage, research on wind behavior, stand dynamics, and tree response has been conducted in many regions of the world, involving a variety of conditions and species. Early exposure to wind resulting in increased stem diameter and root stability was documented by Jacobs (1954) on radiata pine (Pinus radiata) in Australia. Putz et al. (1983) observed wind damage on hardwoods in Panama and cited wood strength, or modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE), as important contributing factors. Trees with higher MOEs (less flexible), tended to uproot; whereas trees with lower MOEs (more flexible) tended to break. Lohmander and Helles (1987) observed softwoods in Denmark and related damage to several variables including height, diameter, stand age, and species composition. 14 Wind damage is an issue facing forest managers across the region and around the world. It has been a challenge and a problem as long as we have managed forests for their resources. Understanding the ways in which it affects individual trees and stands will help managers to reduce the risk of wind damage through careful planning. Windthrow Models Windthrow models have been constructed in a wide range of forest settings, with a wide range of motivations. Much of the early work was focused on the fiscal repercussions of wind damage in standing timber (Ruth and Yoder, 1953; Orr, 1963). Furthermore, much of the early literature is composed of observational studies; and identifies the underlying factors related to windthrow susceptibility rather than predicting its occurrence (Smith, 1915; Weidman, 1920). Wind was seen as an agent of damage and its consequences were to be avoided. Later, as ecological objective became a component of overall forest management goals, the process of wind as a natural disturbance agent was recognized as was its potential for contribution to forest structure and nutrient cycling (Franklin et al., 2002). The subject literature is far broader than that included in this thesis. One of the main areas of focus is on the underlying processes that are explained through the modeling process rather than through observational study. Wind damage does not always occur in a predictable manner. It is a complex process that varies from location to location. Quine (1995) argued that distinction of severity should be made when classifying or describing wind damage. Extreme storm 15 events often override site differences, and do not follow the patterns or relationships observed on a year to year basis. The small wind disturbance events characterized by a single tree or small cluster of trees are the focus of this thesis. The underlying processes contributing to this small scale wind damage may be divided into three main levels: tree-level, stand-level, and landscape-level. At the tree-level, tree form, or more specifically height (H), diameter (D), and the ratio of height to diameter (H/D), are key factors. Many models have included these variables as useful predictors of damage and describe the relationship they have to windthrow susceptibility (Putz et al., 1983; McDade et al., 1990; VanSickle and Gregory, 1990; Valinger and Fridman, 1999; Jalkanen and Matilla, 2000; Lekes and Dandul, 2000; Canham et al., 2001; Peterson, 2004; and Scott and Mitchell, 2005). Lohmander and Helles (1987) found improved results when D2 and H2 were included. Based on the studies listed above, general consensus is that taller trees and consequently trees of larger diameter have been found to be more susceptible to wind damage than their smaller counterparts in a stand. Although large and small trees in a stand can have the same value of H/D, this variable holds a great potential for explanatory power as it incorporates the relationship between height and diameter. The H/D variable has an added level of importance in that it is often a readily available stand attribute from simple inventory data. In general, as H/D increases, so also does the susceptibility to windthrow. Cremer et al. (1982) observed that H/D is better at predicting stem failure than 16 uprooting; and that H/D is a better measure of susceptibility than H/D2, H3/2/D, or H/D3. Other ways to consider H/D are at the stand level. Lekes and Dandul (2000) utilized average stand height and diameter to provide a stand level attribute. The average height of the 100 largest trees (largest diameter) per hectare (or 40 largest trees per acre) could also provide a stand level attribute. The ratios H 100 /QMD (Quadratic Mean Diameter) or H 100 /D 100 , may provide better variables for stand level analysis since the largest trees will often be the most exposed trees 1 . While H/D is a useful predictor, the position in the canopy is also important. A tree in the understory, for example, may have a higher H/D than the overstory trees; however, shelter provided by the overstory may be more important than simply the H/D. In his observations of storm damage, Peterson (2004) noted that damage is better predicted by relative canopy position than by diameter, because canopy position (e.g. crown class) often determines the exposure to wind for an individual tree. Various measures of crown attributes have been used as explanatory variables. Crown length (Valinger and Fridman, 1999), crown ratio (Valinger and Fridman, 1999 and Scott and Mitchell, 2005), height to crown base (Valinger and Fridman, 1999 and Scott and Mitchell, 2005), and crown density (Scott and Mitchell, 2005) have been employed. The various measures of crown attributes while all significant in their respective model formulations, did not exhibit an easily generalized definitive positive or negative relationship to the occurrence of windthrow. 1 Personal correspondence with David Hann, Professor, Department of Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management Oregon State University. 17 The distance of a given tree from the stream channel has also been commonly used as a tree-level explanatory variable (McDade et al., 1990; VanSickle and Gregory, 1990; Bragg et al., 2000). Although this is not used specifically as a measure of susceptibility to windthrow, but rather as a measure of likelihood of hitting the stream, there is an established relationship between the quantity of windthrow and the distance from the stream channel. The closer a tree is to the stream channel, the higher the probability its angle of fall will place the tree into the stream channel, though this is also dependent on the height of the trees near the stream. McDade et al. (1990) observed that over 70% of large woody debris in streams originated from within 20 m of the stream channel. Martin and Grotefendt (2007) observed even higher percentages. They found that 81% of large woody debris originated within 10 m and 95% originated within 20 m of the stream. Physiological tree-level variables were used by Putz et al. (1983) to determine whether a tree will suffer damage in the form of snapping or uprooting. They found that the wood strength (MOR) was an important predictor. Tree species with stronger stems tended to uproot while trees with weaker stems tended to snap. They also pointed to crown and root architecture as important factors related to wind resistance and soil anchoring respectively. Other studies (Byrne and Mitchell, 2007; Elie and Ruel, 2005) discovered that stem mass (as measured by destructive sampling) was the best predictor of overturning resistance regardless of species or stem form. At the stand-level, one of the most important attributes used to explain or predict windthrow is species composition. Different tree species have differing stem 18 form, root architecture and crown architecture among other attributes. The composition or mix of species in a forest can greatly affect the wind damage incurred at the stand-level. At the tree level, species may be used as an indicator variable (Canham et al., 2001); while at the stand level, it may be included as the percentage of a particular highly susceptible species (Valinger and Fridman, 1999; Lekes and Dandul, 2000). Regionally, individual species that are most susceptible to windthrow can be determined and, in turn, stands with a higher percentage of susceptible species tend to be more susceptible at the stand-level (Valinger and Fridman, 1999; Lekes and Dandul, 2000). In the Pacific Northwest, western redcedar (Thuja plicata) and Douglas-fir have been ranked among the most stable species, while western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) has consistently been one of the least windfirm species with intermediate species varying depending on topographic setting and geographic location (Ruth and Yoder, 1953; McLintock, 1954; Gratkowski, 1956; Scott and Beasley, 2001; Scott and Mitchell, 2005; Martin and Grotefendt, 2007). Lohmander and Helles (1987) illustrated how the probability of windthrow as a function of tree height varied among species. They found true fir and Douglas-fir to be more windfirm than spruce. Ruth and Yoder (1953) also noted that stands of mixed species tended to be more wind firm than single species stands, whereas Scott and Beasley (2001) witnessed in British Columbia that windthrow decreased as the proportion of the stand dominated by western redcedar increased. The age of a stand has been included for use as an explanatory variable by Lohmander and Helles (1987), Evans et al. (2007), Jalkanen and Matilla (2000), and 19 Lekes and Dandul (2000). All noted a positive relationship between stand age and vulnerability to wind damage. This relationship is undoubtedly influenced by both stand height and density. The relationship may remain positive over the age range of most managed stands and then may become negative after a certain point. No transformations of the age variable were encountered in the literature. Stand height has been used by Lekes and Dandul (2000), and Lanquaye-Opoku and Mitchell (2005). Similar to the tree-level attribute, taller stand heights often indicate greater susceptibility to wind damage; however, this variable is confounded by other factors such as topographic setting, species, and stand density. Stand density, as measured by trees per hectare, has proven to be one of the more powerful explanatory variables. Many have included this variable in models (VanSickle and Gregory, 1990; Valinger and Fridman, 1999; Lekes and Dandul, 2000; Mitchell et al., 2001), and had similar results. Where stand densities are such that height to diameter ratios are high, wind damage is also high. Stand density serves as an important variable because of its effect on many tree-level attributes such as the crown architecture, stem mass, and height to diameter ratio. The use of a stand density index, such as Reineke’s Stand Density Index (Reineke, 1933), as an explanatory variable was not encountered in the literature, although its application may prove quite valuable as it incorporates additional information about the competitive status of trees and their overall health. Ruel et al. (2001) observed that in thinned riparian buffer strips that the effect of topography was greater than the effect of thinning. It is generally accepted that heavy thinning will temporarily reduce the 20 stability of a stand; however, this depends on the topographic setting. The result may be more significant, such as on ridge tops, or less significant, such as in sheltered valley bottoms. The time since harvest can also be a valuable piece of information. Observations show that the rate of windfall in cut block edges decreases as time since harvest increases (Mitchell et al., 2001; Lanquaye-Opoku and Mitchell, 2005; Scott and Mitchell, 2005). Immediately following harvest, trees are increasingly exposed to wind and often succumb to windthrow. As time passes, the surviving trees become more wind-firm and the rate of windthrow declines. Where riparian buffers exist, Martin and Grotefendt (2007) concluded that, given sufficient time and similar characteristics, wind damage will be similar among riparian stands; losses only in the first few years will differ. They also found that windthrow may not be the dominant cause of mortality in riparian areas over the long term. Bank erosion, mass wasting, and other mortality agents were found to have a larger contribution to large woody debris recruitment in streams. The previous factors at the tree- and stand-level may be influenced through careful planning and stand management activities. Lekes and Dandul (2000) have divided factors into temporary and permanent factors, or those factors which are subject to human control (those mentioned above) and those beyond human control such as soil characteristics, terrain, and climatic factors. They found that soils with lower nutrient and water content tended to be more stable and, consequently trees were more resistant to uprooting and breakage. It is reasonable to assume that the 21 slower growth rates associated with poor site conditions result in shorter stand heights as well as allow trees to slowly become adapted to the conditions. Mitchell et al. (2001) observed that damage was more frequent on moist sites than dry sites and more frequent in mineral soil than organic soil. Others, including Lanquaye-Opoku and Mitchell (2005) and Scott and Mitchell (2005), have observed similar results. Lohmander and Helles (1987) observed a negative relationship between windthrow and soil drainage; that is to say, the probability of windthrow increased as soil drainage decreased. Sinton et al. (2000) observed shallow soils as a contributing factor to windthrow events. Terrain also plays an important role in the susceptibility of trees to wind damage. While terrain can influence physiological attributes of trees, it can, perhaps, also influence wind patterns. Measures of exposure to wind include elevation or aspect, but a more comprehensive metric is the TOPographic EXposure (TOPEX) index. This index measures the sum of the angles to the skyline in the 8 major directions of the compass. This measure has been in use for several decades; however, it has increased in popularity with the advent of geographic information system (GIS) technology. Those sites which are more exposed tend to have higher rates of wind damage (Valinger and Fridman, 1999; Sinton et al., 2000; Lanquaye-Opoku and Mitchell, 2005; Mitchell et al., 2001; Scott and Mitchell, 2005; Evans et al., 2007). Scott and Mitchell (2005) alluded to refining TOPEX by limiting the index to the direction of prevailing winds. This transformation has potential to provide a more meaningful index of exposure to damaging winds. 22 The TOPEX index is a useful metric on the landscape level, but does not perform well at a fine scale, as with individual stands, as it inadequately accounts for the complexities of local terrain (Ruel et al., 1997; Mitchell et al., 2001). While there is a positive relationship between exposure and wind damage in general, Mitchell et al. (2001) observed that moderately exposed sites experienced more damage than severe or sheltered sites. Sheltered sites are seldom exposed to strong winds necessary to cause wind damage, thus relatively little damage would occur. On severely exposed sites however, trees are well adapted to harsh conditions. They are often stunted by a combination of climatic conditions resulting in a very low form point, and consequently a very windfirm tree. Related to exposure is the mean annual wind speed. Lanquaye-Opoku and Mitchell (2005) and Scott and Mitchell (2005) both found good results by including local climate data. Given that wind is the causal force in windthrow, it seems wise to include it as an explanatory variable where possible. Other landscape metrics included latitude and longitude (Valinger and Fridman, 1999), elevation and slope (LanquayeOpoku and Mitchell, 2005 and Scott and Mitchell, 2005), and aspect (Scott and Mitchell, 2005). Less common explanatory variables include indicators for the harvest method and subsequent method of regeneration as well as the sum of daily high temperatures above 5°C (Jalkanen and Matilla, 2000). Lohmander and Helles (1987) created a variable to characterize the protection of a stand by multiplying the height of the neighboring stand by the stand density of the neighboring stand by the distance to the stand edge in the direction of windthrow. 23 CHAPTER 3 – METHODS AND ANALYSIS Site Description Site Area Twenty-two stream reaches located in the Coast Range and western foothills of the Cascade Range of Oregon were examined to determine the prevalence of windthrow. The stream reaches were located at DMS locations (Figure 1) on BLM lands in the Salem, Eugene, and Roseburg districts. One stream reach was located at both Bottom Line (BL) and Callahan Creek (CC). Two stream reaches were located at Delph Creek (DC); and three were located at Green Peak (GP). Seven stream reaches were located at Keel Mt. (KM); three at O.M. Hubbard (OMH); and five at Tenhigh (TH). Exact locations of stream reaches may be found in Appendix A. The northern most stream reach was located near the city of Estacada at approximately N 45°15’56’’, W 122°09’33” while the southern most stream reach was near the city of Sutherlin, at approximately N 43°17’30’’, W 123°35’00”. 24 Figure 1. Density Management Study locations. 25 Topography Stream reaches in the study area are headwater streams in seven major drainages: Umpqua River (BL, OMH), Siletz River (CC), Alsea River (GP), Willamette River (GP), South Santiam River (KM), Clackamas River (DC), and Siuslaw River (TH). The terrain is generally rugged and characterized by steep valleys with stream gradients between 10% and 40%. Stream reaches in the study area range from 300 m to 800 m in elevation. Geology and Soils The geology of the study area has been influenced primarily by volcanic activity and Missoula floods. The Tyee formation, sandstone and siltstone, make up much of the visible geology in the central and southern portions of the study area in the Coast Range. To the north, undifferentiated flows and clastic rock, basalt and andesite, and tuffs are more prevalent. There are 24 different soil series in three soil orders (Inceptisol, Andisol, and Ultisol) within the study area. For further detail the interested reader is referred to Cissel et al. (2006) for series names and locations. Climate The climate of western Oregon may be characterized by wet winters and dry summers. Precipitation within the study area ranges from an average of 40 to 60 inches per year in the lower elevation sites near the Willamette Valley up to an average of 80-100 inches per year at the higher elevation sites in the Coast Range and 26 western foothills of the Cascade Range. Precipitation at the lower elevation valley sites comes mostly in the form of rain; whereas the higher elevation sites (at the south end of the study area and in the Cascade foothills) experience much of the precipitation as snow (National Weather Service, 2006). Prevailing storm winds along the coast of Oregon come from the south to southwest. Ruth and Yoder (1953) documented prevailing winds coming from an average of S 30° W. Inland valleys may experience deviations from the prevailing direction due to local topography; however, the majority of wind, especially during storms comes from the south to southwest. In Northwest Oregon, winds also come from the east as they are funneled through the Columbia Gorge or from the north as they move down the Willamette Valley (National Weather Service, 2006). Forest Type Coniferous dominated forests cover much of western Oregon. Much of the land at the study sites has had a history of management and, as a result, there is little old-growth present. Scattered old-growth trees may be found at all sites; however, the study sites may best be described as mature forests. The majority of stands at the study sites were naturally regenerated following clearcut harvests, and range from 40 to 60 years in age. Stream reaches, or streamside forestsy, vary slightly in species composition, although they are all dominated by conifers. The majority of the DMS sites are similar in forest type and species composition, and fall under one of four plant association groups (Cissell et al., 2006): 27 1) Tsuga heterophylla/Achlys triphylla-dry, 2) Tsuga heterophylla/Mahonia nervosaOxalis oregano, 3) Tsuga heterophylla/Oxalis oregano, or 4) Tsuga heterophylla/Vaccinium alaskense-Oxalis oregano. The southern most DMS site (O.M. Hubbard), differs from the rest. It is closer to the mixed coniferous forests of southern Oregon and northern California. This one site may be described by the following three plant association groups: 1) Abies grandis/Toxicodendron diversilobum, 2) Abies grandis/Mahonia nervosa-Gaultheria shallon, or 3) Pseudotsuga menziesii/Holodiscus discolor-Whipplea modesta. Data Collection Timeline Data were collected for twenty-two stream reaches during the summers of 2006 and 2007. In 2006, nine BLM DMS stream reaches were located and surveyed. In 2007, the original nine stream reaches were re-visited to observe changes and take additional measurements, and an additional thirteen stream reaches were surveyed. Site Selection The selection method for the stream reaches involved two stages. First, there was a subjective selection of the stream, and second, a random location of the stream reach. In the first stage, the streams were subjectively selected from all streams in all DMS locations. Entire streams or large segments of streams were selected to 28 represent a variety of buffer widths, residual thinning treatments, slopes, and geographic location. In the second stage, following the selection of a stream or stream segment, the length of the stream was determined using a geographic information system (GIS). From the total length, 200 m was subtracted and a random number was generated between 0 and the resultant number. For example, suppose stream ‘A’ measures 461 m in length. Given that 461-200 = 261, a random number was generated between 0 and 261. The random number then served as the distance from the beginning of the stream reach to the start of the stream reach. The stream reach then extended for 200 m (topography and treatment designation permitting) from that point. It should be noted that streams in the DMS had been surveyed prior to this study, and the beginning of each stream was marked. Because the random component in this study is the stream reach location and not the stream itself, the scope of inference is limited to streams of a certain treatment designation, not necessarily all streams in the DMS. Any model based inference is limited to this population; however, the intended biological area of representation encompasses similar forest types and management regimes throughout western Oregon. Study Design Stream reaches were selected to represent a range of treatments present at DMS locations. Treatments may be considered to be more representative of federal 29 and state forest land than private forest land. Thinning treatments where stream reaches were measured were: control (~500 tpha), high density (~300 tpha), and moderate density (~200 tpha) thinning treatments. Buffer widths where stream reaches were measured include: control, two site potential tree heights, one site potential tree height, variable width (minimum 15.2 m), and streamside retention (6.1 m). Buffer widths were implemented with a hard edge; that is to say, the boundaries of the buffers were clearly defined, not tapered or feathered. Table 1 provides a breakdown of the stream reaches in the combinations of thinning treatments and buffer widths. Table 1. Stream reaches measured by thinning treatment and buffer width. Treatment Buffer Width Control Control Streamside Variable Moderate One Tree Two Tree Streamside Variable High One Tree Two Tree GP42 GP 7-17 KM21 GP 7-18 BL13 KM17 DC 9-10 OM36 TH 7-30 KM18 TH46 CC 9-11 TH75 DC 8-28 TH 8-1 KM19 KM 7-2 KM 7-5 OMH 8-20 OMH 7-23 TH 7-10 KM 8-15 The term “stream reach” refers to a given length of stream and the associated riparian forest. The length of the stream reach varied depending on topographic restrictions or DMS treatment designations Attributes of the original nine stream reaches were provided from prior surveys; USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle maps and GIS were used to characterize the thirteen additional stream reaches. Stream reaches 30 in the original survey were required to be at least 100 m in length. The location of the starting point for each stream reach was assigned using a randomly generated number representing distance downstream from the beginning of seasonal flow. The random number was between 0 and the stream length minus 100 for the original nine stream reaches. The point at which seasonal flow began was determined during implementation of the DMS, and was marked by painting the stream reach number on a tree. Once the starting point was located, a transect was installed which was oriented along the same azimuth as the stream. The plot design for the original nine stream reaches called for an initial transect length of 100 m along the stream and a width of 36 m on either side of the stream, for a total plot size of 100 m by 72 m (with the exception of Green Peak 42 which measured 100 m by 100 m). As discussed previously, a riparian forest may be defined in many different ways; however, for the purposes of this study, it was defined by the plot boundary of 36 m (horizontal distance) to either side of the stream. Measurement plots for stream reaches are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. Two designs were used in this study. Measurement plots installed in 2006 were defined by a 200 m by 72 m rectangle intersected length-wise by the stream. The rectangle was then divided in half, width-wise, at the 100 m mark, and then length-wise, at the stream to form four equally sized quarters. For streams where the plot was less than 200 m in length, the plot was divided width-wise at the 100 m mark and length-wise at the stream to form two pairs of equally sized quarters in the same manner as 31 previously described. A smaller 72 m by 72 m subplot was installed within the first 100 m of the plot. The 72 m by 72 m subplot was randomly assigned to either the first 72 m of the 100 m division, or the last 72 m of the 100 m division. Measurement plots installed in 2007 are of the same design as those in 2006 with one exception; no 72 m by 72 m subplot is present. Figure 2. Measurement plot design with a randomly assigned subplot. For a stream reach of 200m. Figure 3. Measurement plot design without a randomly assigned subplot. For a stream reach of 200m. 32 Description of Measurements Measurements were taken on standing trees, windthrown trees, and site characteristics. Within the larger plot boundary (200 m by 72 m) a tally of all windthrown trees since 2003 was recorded along with several attributes. For plots installed in 2006, measurements of standing trees larger than 10 cm were taken in the 72 m by 72 m subplot. For plots installed in 2007, measurements of standing trees larger than 10cm were taken in 2 of the 4 quarters. In the initial 100 m of the plot, one 36 m by 100 m half was randomly selected and measured. Then, the quarter diagonal from the one initially selected was also measured. The diameter at breast height of all standing trees greater than 10 cm within the specified measurement plot was recorded. Diameter measurements were taken to the nearest 0.1 cm. Species was then recorded, along with crown class. Crown class was determined by the height of the tree relative to the surrounding canopy, crown ratio, and overall appearance. Trees were assigned to one of four categories: dominant, codominant, intermediate, or suppressed. Snags were assigned a decay class (1 through 5) similar to the decay classes described in Maser et al. (1984). Decay class 1 was assigned to sound and intact recently dead trees, and decay class 5 was assigned to very rotten, unstable or broken snags. On those plots installed in 2006, two randomly located 10 m radius plots served as subsamples for height. The height and crown ratio of all trees in the 10 m radius plots were measured with a laser rangefinder to the nearest 0.1 m. The two largest trees on the plot were cored with an increment borer to determine breast height 33 age. On those plots installed in 2007, heights and crown ratios, measured with a clinometer to the nearest 1.0 m, were sampled from the range of diameter classes on approximately 10 percent of the measured trees. The laser rangefinder used in 2006 was un-available in 2007, thus a clinometer was used. Age was recorded for at least two of the largest trees on the plot. The tally of windthrown trees was restricted to those trees which had fallen since 2003 in order to capture the small scale windthrow events. DMS sites were implemented and treated between 1997 and 2000. It was not desired to capture windthrow resulting from initial exposure after thinning. For each windthrown tree the number of years since blowdown, diameter at breast height, direction of fall, height, diameter at break (if broken upon impact), slope distance from stream, percent slope up and downhill from root wad, side of stream or quarter of plot (in reference to cardinal directions), and presence of root rot were all noted. The presence and nature of broken tops were also noted as were general landscape characteristics, stand conditions, and a visual assessment of inherent site stability. A subjective rating of stability class was also assigned based on understory species presence and abundance, presence/absence of jackstrawed trees, slumps or slides, soil characteristics, presence/absence of rock outcroppings, and observed rooting depth. A set of criteria was developed for this study to determine time since blowdown. Key elements included appearance of vegetation beneath the bole of the tree; presence/absence and size of plant life on the root ball and on the upturned soil; sharpness and brittleness of broken branches and roots; presence/absence of needles 34 and fine branches; presence/absence and orientation of fruiting fungal bodies (i.e., perpendicular or parallel to bole); and condition of the bark. Though the criteria used were consistent throughout the whole study, it is a subjective method which includes some amount of human error. In addition to the above listed measurements, nine hemispherical photographs of the canopy cover were taken at each stream reach in order to determine the percent open sky beneath the canopy (SKY). Site characteristics such as slope of the stream, orientation of the stream, and general condition of the stand were also recorded. Compilation of Data The review of literature has illustrated many potential attributes to include as explanatory variables in a model. The four research questions proposed at the beginning of the thesis were intended to guide the direction of the study and outline meaningful attributes on which measurements could be taken. The three stand-level variables addressed in the research questions (buffer width, thinning treatment, and species composition) provide a framework, but are not a comprehensive list of explanatory variables considered in the analysis. Data were recorded by hand in the field and entered into Microsoft ® Office Excel 2003 Copyright © 1985-2003 Microsoft Corporation for further processing. Table 2 provides a list of stand level and site attributes, which have been calculated from the collected data, to serve as explanatory variables. Many of the potential explanatory variables have been included 35 as a result of the literature review; however, some variables such as SKY and transformations of the traditional H/D ratio have not yet been utilized by others. Table 2. Variables used to describe stream reach attributes. Variable Description BUFF Indicator -- Buffer width (Streamside, Variable, One tree, Two tree, Control) TRT Indicator -- Residual thinning density (Moderate, High, Control) WH Proportion western hemlock in stream reach, for live trees TOPEX TOPEX of 8 directions limited to 500m (includes negative angles) TOPEXSW TOPEX limited to 500m to the W, SW, S, and SE (includes negative angles) TOPEXPOS TOPEX of 8 directions limited to 500m (negative angles are counted as zero) TOPEXPOSSW TOPEX limited to 500m to the W, SW, S, and SE (negative angles are counted as zero) H Mean height (m) of trees in stream reach, for live trees LH Lorey's Height (m) (height weighted by basal area) H100 Mean height (m) of 100 largest trees per hectare in stream reach, for live trees D Mean diameter(cm) of trees in stream reach, for live trees QMD Quadratic mean diameter (cm) D100 Mean diameter (cm) of 100 largest trees in stream reach, for live trees HD Mean of ratios of height to diameter of trees in stream reach, for live trees MHMD Ratio of mean height to mean diameter of trees in stream reach, for live trees LHQMD Ratio of Lorey's Height to Qmd, for live trees H100D100 Ratio of meanH100 to meanD100 of trees in stream reach, for live trees TPHA Trees per hectare in stream reach, for live trees BAHA Basal area per hectare in stream reach, for live trees SKY Percent open sky from hemispherical photographs SI Site Index (m) STAB Visual assessment of inherent site stability ELEV Elevation of center of stream reach (hundred m) ORIENT Aspect of stream in stream reach (°) GRAD Stream gradient (%) UTMN Universal Transverse Mercator Northing coordinate UTME Universal Transverse Mercator Easting coordinate DOWNHA Down trees per hectare in stream reach PRES Indicator -- Presence of windthrow 36 The DMS establishment report and study plan by Cissel et al. (2006) provided some of the summary variables including: buffer width (BUFF), thinning treatment (TRT), and site index (SI). Heights were predicted using height-diameter equations from Hanus et al. (1999b); except for O.M. Hubbard which is located in Southwest Oregon, for which equations from Hanus et al. (1999a) were used. Predicted heights were calibrated to better fit the data using the measured heights and weighted least squares regression in SAS software, Version 9.1 of the SAS System for UNIX. Copyright © 2003 SAS Institute Inc. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. Microsoft Excel was used to compile many of the summary variables including: proportion of western hemlock (WH), mean height (H), Lorey’s height (LH), mean height of the 100 largest trees by diameter per hectare (H100), mean diameter (D), quadratic mean diameter (QMD), mean diameter of the 100 largest trees per hectare (D100), mean of ratios of height to diameter (HD), ratio of means of height to diameter (MHMD), ratio of LH to QMD (LHQMD), ratio of H100 to D100 (H100D100), SKY, stream gradient (GRAD), and down trees per hectare (DOWNHA). R Version 2.6.1, Copyright © 2007 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ( software was used to calculate the variables: trees per hectare (TPHA) and basal area per hectare (BAHA). Hemispherical photographs were processed using the Gap Light Analyzer (GLA) version 2.0 (Frazer, 1999). Nine photos were taken at each location and 37 averaged to provide a single value of SKY. The variables: elevation (ELEV), Universal Transverse Mercator Northing (UTMN) and Universal Transverse Mercator Easting (UTME) were taken directly from 7.5 minute quadrangles from the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The variable for stability (STAB), as previously described, was a subjective rating assigned to each stream reach. The variable for stream orientation (ORIENT) was recorded in the field using a hand compass. The TOPEX scores (and variations thereof) were computed using ESRI’s ArcGIS. View shed analyses were performed on digital elevation models (DEMs) of 7.5 minute USGS quadrangles. Quine and White (1998) implemented several limiting distances on the projected angle to skyline and found 500 m to be the most appropriate distance. Using trigonometric relationships, the angle from the point of origin to the skyline along each line was determined. All eight values were summed to produce a total index value. A second method was used whereby the angles in the direction of prevailing winds were summed. In western Oregon, the prevailing winds come from south and southwesterly directions (National Weather Service, 2006). This variable was denoted as TOPEXSW. By focusing on the directions facing the prevailing storm winds (W, SW, S, and SE) a better relationship between windthrow occurrence and topographic exposure may be determined. TOPEXPOS is a variation on TOPEX whereby negative angles are treated as 0. TOPEXPOSSW treats negative angles as 0 and includes only the four south to southwesterly directions. 38 The topographic information was obtained using 30 meter DEMs. This resolution is appropriate for the given application. The large plot size (0.9 to 1.45 ha) and length of TOPEX lines (500 m) lend themselves well to the coarse scale of the 30 m DEM. Although 30 m DEMs are thought to be sufficient, finer resolution DEMs may provide greater precision. Data Analysis A two-step approach was chosen to analyze the windthrow data at a stand level. The first step of the analysis models the binary response of windthrow absence or presence through logistic regression and estimates a probability of the occurrence of windthrow. The second step of the analysis uses multiple linear regression to model the frequency or count of windthrow within the stream reaches where windthrow is present. This type of two-step approach has been used by Hamilton and Brickell (1983) to model cull volume in standing trees and by Woollons (1998) to model stand mortality. Step I: Logistic Regression The science of forest management includes managing risk. Managers strive to minimize the risk of mortality during regeneration, the risk of insect damage, the risk of fire, or the risk of windthrow. In order to manage risk, the probability or likelihood that the event will occur must be known or estimated. Logistic regression was chosen because of its model form with the response as a predicted probability constrained 39 between 0 and 1. In addition, the model form may be transformed using the logit transformation which results in the logarithm of the odds of an event occurring. Logistic regression gained much of its acceptance and popularity from the field of epidemiology (Hosmer and Lemeshow, 2000), and has since been used in many fields of natural resource research. It characterizes binary or dichotomous data in such a manner that the response, the logit, may be directly applied to situations in a useful and interpretable way. It was chosen to represent the probability of windthrow for this very reason. An objective of this study is to provide an interpretable and applicable result in the form of a response variable. The importance of the underlying biotic and abiotic mechanisms should not be underestimated; however, the focus rests in prediction rather than inference regarding parameters. The most widely encountered method of modeling windthrow in the literature was logistic regression. Logistic regression uses the method of maximum likelihood to estimate parameters. Logistic regression takes the model form: Y= e g ( x) 1 = g ( x) 1+ e 1 + e −g ( x) where: g(x) = β 0 + β 1 x 1 + β 2 x 2 + …+ β p x p and: β 0 , … , β p = parameter estimates, and x 1 , … , x p = predictor variables. This non-linear model form may be transformed into: 40 ⎛ Y ⎞ g ( x) = ln⎜ ⎟ = β 0 + β1 x1 + β 2 x 2 + ... + β p x p ⎝1− Y ⎠ This transformation results in the logit, g(x), which is linear in its parameters. Logistic regression requires certain assumptions to be met in order to be valid. Assumptions of least squares regression may be more familiar to the reader than assumptions of logistic regression. Some of the assumptions of logistic regression are similar to least squares regression; however, logistic regression does not assume a linear relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. It does not require variables to be normally distributed. It does not assume homogeneous variance. It does, however, require that observations be independent of each other (non-correlated independent variables) and that the independent variables be linearly related to the logit of the dependent variable (Hosmer and Lemeshow, 2000 p.# 6-7). Logistic regression has proven to be a useful tool to estimate the probability of windthrow. It has been utilized by Valinger and Fridman (1999), Jalkanen and Matilla (2000), Canham et al. (2001), Mitchell et al. (2001), Peterson (2004), LanquayeOpoku and Mitchell (2005), and Scott and Mitchell (2005) to predict the probability of windthrow on an individual tree level. Though the probability is calculated on a treelevel basis, it is expanded to a stand-level basis to provide the risk of a given stand to windthrow. Although the response is at the tree-level, the explanatory variables for these models may include tree-level, stand-level, and landscape-level attributes. 41 Lohmander and Helles (1987) utilized both tree-level and stand-level variables to create a logistic model to predict the probability of windthrow at a stand level. Sinton et al. (2000) used logistic regression to model the odds of windthrow as functions of landscape position and features. Logistic regression has also proven useful in other areas of forestry such as modeling cull volume in standing trees (Hamilton and Brickell, 1983), modeling tree mortality (Temesgen and Mitchell, 2005), and estimating wildfire risk (Preisler et al. 2004). Its ability to provide interpretable data with direct application has made this a popular model choice. Logistic regression was performed using SAS v. 9.1 with the logistic procedure. Given the data set of 22 stream reaches and a list of 27 potential explanatory variables, the list was refined to include only the most relevant variables. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to help identify variables which were highly correlated with other explanatory variables, so as to minimize multicollinearity. With a suitable list of potential explanatory variables the forward selection and stepwise selection methods were utilized to aid in the formulation of a parsimonious model. Greenland (1989) cautioned that when using stepwise regression, which is the most common form of variable selection; that biologically important variables may not be included. This warning to the analyst emphasizes the importance of scrutinizing the results and making sure that the biologically relevant variables are included, and conversely that irrelevant or noise variables are not included. 42 Step II: Linear Regression Linear regression uses the method of ordinary least squares to estimate parameters. The model is of the form: Yi = β 0 + β 1 x1 + β 2 x 2 ... + β p x p where: Y i = volume of windthrow, or other metric of wind damage; β 0 , … , β p = parameter estimates, and x 1 , … , x p = predictor variables. It requires that several assumptions be met; depending on the intent of the user. In order for the least squares estimators of the model parameters to be unbiased it is assumed that: (1) the model is linear in its parameters and the error terms are additive; (2) the number of sample observations (n) is greater than the number of parameters to be estimated (k + 1 if the model has an intercept); (3) all independent variables are non-stochastic variables measured without error; (4) no perfect correlation (often called perfect multicollinearity) exists between any linear combination of the independent variables; and (5) the model is correctly specified, including the appropriate explanatory variables. There are additional assumptions necessary for the least squares estimators of the model parameters to be Best Linear Unbiased Estimators (BLUE’s). It is assumed that (6) the variance, or mean square error (MSE) about the model is homogeneous, and (7) the random errors are uncorrelated. This property is also called nonautoregression or lack of serial correlation. Further assumptions necessary for the application of exact tests, the developments of exact confidence intervals, and the least 43 squares estimators of the model parameters to be Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators (UMVUE’s) are: (8) the random errors are normally distributed, and (9) the form and number of independent variables in the model are known before parameter estimation. Least squares regression has been utilized by Elling and Verry (1978), and Steinblums et al., (1984) to formulate multiple linear regression windthrow models. Elling and Verry (1978) fitted a model to estimate the total volume of wind caused mortality in black spruce strip-cuts. Steinblums et al. (1984) fitted a model to estimate the volume of windthrow in riparian buffer strips within or bordering clearcuts. Linear regression was performed using SAS v. 9.1. Selected graphical displays were created in R v. 2.6.1. Pearson correlation coefficients were utilized to narrow down the list of explanatory variables to only those most relevant to the response, the number of down trees per hectare (DOWNHA). Variables which were not correlated with the response were eliminated; as well as variables which were highly correlated with other explanatory variables, so as to minimize multicollinearity. With a suitable list of potential explanatory variables the forward selection and stepwise selection methods were again utilized to aid in the formulation of a parsimonious model. 44 CHAPTER 4 – RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Preliminary Analysis To explore the characteristics of each of the stream reaches, and to conceptualize and understand the processes occurring in each respective location, tables of general stand attributes were compiled in Appendices B and C. Values for the list of potential explanatory variables were then compiled (Appendix D) and exploratory analysis was conducted to gain an understanding of basic relationships among the attributes. Stream reaches covered a range of densities from 138 tpha to 856 tpha. All stream reaches were dominated by conifers, although hardwoods comprised up to 25% of live trees. As previously mentioned, the timeframe for which measurements were taken was limited to windthrow having occurred between the years of 2003-2007. During this time it should be noted that no major storm events occurred. Storm events in the study region may be considered to be representative of that which may occur on a year to year basis. Results of the study, and any conclusions, would likely change had there been a large storm event. Of the 22 stream reaches measured, 19 had at least one windthrow event present. There was no windthrow present at 3 of the stream reaches. Out of the 19 where windthrow did occur, the number of windthrown trees ranged from 1 to 22. A total of 145 windthrown trees were sampled across all stream reaches. 45 Research Question 1: windthrow and distance from stream Based on the data collected for the windthrown trees, the frequency of windthrow decreased as distance from the stream channel increased. Approximately 40% of the surveyed windthrow occurred within the first 5 m of slope distance from the stream (Figure 4). An additional 17% occurred between 6-10 m from the stream for a total of 57% of windthrow occurring within the first 10 m. Another 22% of windthrow occurred between 11-20 m from the stream for a total of 79% of windthrow events within 20 m slope distance from the stream channel. These results are similar to others such as McDade et al. (1990) who observed greater than 70% of large woody debris in streams originated within 20 m of the stream channel; and Martin and Grotefendt (2007) who observed that 81% of large woody debris originated within 10 m of the stream, and 95% originated within 20 m of the stream. These results undoubtedly are dependent on the height of trees bordering the stream. Wood may be input into streams from greater distances where tall trees border the stream than where short trees border the stream. 46 100 Frequency (%) n = 145 trees 80 60 40 20 0 1--5 6--10 11--15 16--20 21--25 26--30 31--35 36--40 40+ Slope Distance from Stream (m) Figure 4. Frequency of windthrow by slope distance from stream, using 5 m swaths, for all windthrow. Softwoods and hardwoods exhibited a similar trend of decreased frequency of windthrow with increasing distance from stream (Figure 5 and Figure 6). Although the number of windthrow events is greater among softwoods, this does not imply that softwoods are more susceptible to windthrow; rather, it is a reflection of the number of softwoods to hardwoods present in the stream reaches. The ratio of softwoods to hardwoods ranged from approximately 3:1 to 198:1, with two stream reaches completely absent of hardwoods. 47 100 Frequency (%) n = 127 trees 80 60 40 20 0 1--10 11--20 21--30 31--40+ Slope Distance from Stream (m) Figure 5. Frequency of windthrow by slope distance from stream, using 10 m swaths, for softwoods. 100 Frequency (%) n = 18 trees 80 60 40 20 0 1--10 11--20 21--30 31--40+ Slope Distance from Stream (m) Figure 6. Frequency of windthrow by slope distance from stream, using 10 m swaths, for hardwoods. 48 Several factors contribute to the decreased occurrence of windthrow as distance from the stream increased. Soil moisture has been cited as an influence on the occurrence of windthrow (Mitchell et al., 2001; Steinblums et al., 1984; LanquayeOpoku and Mitchell, 2005; and Scott and Mitchell, 2005). Soil drainage has also been identified as a contributing factor by Lohmander and Helles (1987). Sites with shallow depth to bedrock, and rocky sites have also been cited as likely contributors to windthrow (Sinton et al., 2000). Soil properties undoubtedly affect the stability of a given tree to withstand the forces of wind. Shallow rooting was observed in many sites with saturated poorly drained soils, and offered little in the way of anchoring strength for the roots of a tree. Such soils may often be found close to a stream. Although the crown architecture of a tree plays a large role in the amount of bending force applied to the bole of a tree, it is the roots that ultimately must withstand such forces. Further complicating the issue is the interaction between soil properties and species. Differences in the stability of species have been well documented (Ruth and Yoder, 1953; McLintock, 1954; Gratkowski, 1956; Scott and Beasley, 2001; Scott and Mitchell, 2005; Martin and Grotefendt, 2007), and have shown, for instance, western hemlock to be one of the least windfirm species. In the stream reaches measured in this study, western hemlock was often found nearer to the stream than Douglas-fir. The observed difference in stability may be due in part to inherent characteristics and properties of a given species. It may also be due in part to the site characteristics and soil properties where a given species is found. 49 The implications of the relationship between windthrow occurrence and distance from stream may help forest managers understand the potential for the supply of down woody debris in streams and in riparian forests. For instance, VanSickle and Gregory (1990) stated that trees entering the stream from a closer distance tended to be larger and thus deliver a greater volume/quantity of wood to a stream. Growing conditions near streams are often conducive to producing larger trees compared to the uplands. If large piece size is desired in the management plans for a stream, it follows that leaving larger trees closer to the stream would be more beneficial than leaving large trees far away from the stream. The data from this study, however, does not reveal a strong relationship between diameter and distance from the stream (Figure 7). 80 70 Dbh (cm) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 Distance from stream (m) Figure 7. Dbh by distance from stream for all windthrow. 40 50 50 The long-term supply of wood is also an issue that must be considered. One recommendation comes from a study in the Coast Range of Oregon where Andrus et al. (1988) suggest that trees retained in riparian areas should be at least 50 years old in order to be large enough to ensure delivery of large material to the stream. The desired size of wood for a particular management goal may help managers determine the necessary age distribution of trees left in buffer strips. Research Question 2: windthrow and buffer width In order to determine the effect of buffer width on the frequency of windthrow, the data were analyzed as a factorial treatment design to test for an interaction between buffer width and thinning treatment. There was convincing evidence to suggest the presence of an interaction between buffer width and thinning treatment (p-value = 0.0040) (Table 3). Due to the presence of the interaction only simple effects of a factor may be estimated. Simple effects of a factor are contrasts between levels of one factor at a single level of another factor. To clarify the relationship between buffer width and thinning treatment, the buffers in this study have not been cut. The thinning treatment includes the forest surrounding the buffer in which the trees have been thinned to a specific density according to the DMS treatment prescriptions. Contrasts were arranged in order to determine if the number of windthrow in any of the buffer width and thinning treatment combinations was significantly different from the number of windthrow in the control treatment. The contrasts 51 revealed that there was not enough evidence to suggest a difference, with the exception of one-tree buffer width combined with the high thinning density (Table 4). The difference in means, however, is based upon only one observation for the one-tree buffer high thinning density combination and therefore should not be considered when comparing means. All other contrast combinations were also examined and none were found to have significantly different numbers of windthrow from each other; again with the exception of the one-tree buffer in the high thinning treatment which was different from all other combinations. Table 3. Factorial treatment analysis showing presence of interaction. Source Thinning treatment Buffer width Thinning treatment X Buffer width DF 2 3 1 SS 111.76 52.72 132.03 MS 55.88 17.57 132.03 F-value p-value 4.88 0.0233 1.54 0.2463 11.54 0.004 Table 4. Simple effect contrasts for thinning treatment and buffer width combinations. Contrast Control - Moderate Streamside Control - Moderate Variable Control - Moderate One-tree Control - Moderate Two-tree Control - High Variable Control - High One-tree Estimate Std. Err. 0.85 2.58 -1.75 2.39 0.20 2.93 1.30 2.39 -2.45 2.39 -16.75 3.78 t-value 0.33 -0.73 0.07 0.54 -1.02 -4.43 p-value 0.7467 0.4757 0.9465 0.5948 0.3220 0.0005 It is possible that there is indeed no difference in frequency of windthrow between buffer width and thinning treatment combinations; however, the lack of difference may be explained by a number of possibilities. First and most plausible are 52 the small sample size and unequal replication. Second is the impact of the fixed width plot design. Plots at each stream reach were uniform in width; though the width of the buffer was not always uniform. For example, at stream reaches where a streamside buffer (20 ft) was implemented, the measurement plot extended beyond the boundaries of the buffer. Thus, the data is confounded by the effect of the thinning treatment of neighboring stands, and does not reflect the effect of the buffer width alone. At stream reaches where a two site tree potential tree height was used as the buffer width, the measurement plot did not encompass the whole width of the buffer. Although the width of the measurement plot was not based on site potential tree height, it did adequately reflect the observed height of trees. In addition, trees originating greater than 36 m horizontal distance from the stream would likely deliver only small amounts of woody debris and foliage. The lack of difference in windthrow between buffer widths may also be explained by the forest cover. One might expect a larger buffer to afford more shelter from the wind; however, in continuous forest cover, the edge effect so clearly observable along clearcuts is not present. Although this may be a contributing factor, it is likely not the entire story since similar results were observed by Steinblums et al. (1984) and Ruel et al. (2001) who both found no significant relationship between mortality and buffer widths along clearcut edges. The underlying mechanism or explanation for this occurrence may not be apparent; however, it is apparent that if no buffer strip is present, no wood can be delivered to the stream. 53 Research Question 3: windthrow and thinning treatment of neighboring stands Similar to the discussion above regarding the effect of buffer width, the presence of an interaction between buffer width and thinning treatment limits inference about thinning treatments to simple effects. The same results apply to thinning treatment as applied to buffer width. There is no significant difference between the control and any of the combinations (Table 4). Similar to the issues surrounding the buffer width, the lack of evidence may be due to the small sample size, the sample design, or the plot design. The plot locations are not representative of the thinning treatments of the neighboring forest; rather they are focused on the riparian buffers. The question addressed here has received little attention in the literature. The issue of windthrow in the thinned forest is often addressed rather than windthrow adjacent to the thinned forest. Weidman (1920), Alexander and Buell (1955), and McLintock (1954) have all linked windthrow to thinning practices; however, the link was windthrow within the thinned forest. Regarding thinning in buffer strips specifically, Ruel et al. (2001) observed no significant difference in mortality of buffer strips adjacent to clearcuts due to thinning intensity. It was hypothesized in this study that the neighboring forest would exhibit a sheltering effect from the oncoming wind. This, however, was not observed. The sheltering effect would be of particular utility should the objective be to prevent windthrow. The effectiveness of the neighboring forest’s ability to shelter the buffer 54 strip likely depends a great deal on the residual thinning density, age, species present, and height of the stand. Research Question 4: windthrow and species composition As illustrated in the review of literature by Ruth and Yoder (1953), McLintock (1954), Gratkowski (1956), Scott and Mitchell (2005), and others, tree species differ in their susceptibility to windthrow. In the Pacific Northwest, western hemlock has consistently been ranked as one of the least resistant species to windthrow. For this reason, it was used as a metric for species composition. Based on the data however, there was not enough evidence to suggest a difference in the amount of windthrow by percent western hemlock present in the stream reaches (p-value = 0.2533). Percent hardwood present was also a poor explanatory variable for the data. There was not enough evidence to suggest a difference in the amount of windthrow by percent hardwood present in the stream reaches (p-value = 0.7826). Step I: Logistic Regression In determining the presence or absence of windthrow in a stream reach logistic regression was utilized. First the list of possible explanatory variables was narrowed down by removing variables which were highly correlated with other explanatory variables. Variables which were better captured by other means were eliminated as well. For instance mean diameter, quadratic mean diameter, and diameter of the 100 largest trees per hectare all explain the same basic attribute and were therefore all 55 highly correlated with each other. During the exploratory analysis only one of the diameter variables was included at a time. The same procedure was used with the three height variables. Trees per hectare and basal area were also highly correlated, therefore only one of the two was included in the preliminary model fitting procedure at a time. As a result of the stepwise method of variable selection, ELEV, D100, and D100H100 were found to be the most significant explanatory variables. Using the maximum likelihood ratio statistic, elevation was found to be the most significant variable (p-value = 0.0028). The intercept term however, was not significant at the alpha = 0.05 level and was therefore dropped from the model. The parameters were estimated using the method of maximum likelihood in SAS v.9.1 with the LOGISTIC procedure; resulting in the final model form: logit ( pˆ ) = 0.3515(ELEV) where ELEV is the elevation of the midpoint of a stream reach in hundred meters. The probability of observing windthrow (y) is then calculated as: y = e g ( x) where g(x) is the 1 + e g ( x) logit ( pˆ ) . A 95 % confidence interval for the estimated slope parameter is 0.1549 to 0.6363. Brown et al. (2002) demonstrated that the Wald confidence interval often provided poor coverage, and recommend the likelihood ratio test interval as one of the superior alternatives. The odds ratio of windthrow for the above logistic regression equation was estimated to increase by 1.421 for every 100 m gain in elevation. A 95% confidence interval for this estimated odds ratio is 1.129 to 1.178. As an example to 56 illustrate this odds ratio, a stream buffer strip within the scope of the study area at 600 m elevation is estimated to be 1.4 times as likely to suffer windthrow over a similar 4 year period as a stand at 500 m elevation. Also, a stream buffer strip within the scope of the study area at 600 m elevation has a probability of 0.8918 of suffering windthrow over a similar 4 year period. Mean predicted probabilities for the range of elevation values in the study are illustrated in Figure 8. Regarding the assumptions of logistic regression, observations must be independent of each other. This assumption is believed to be upheld. As discussed in the Methods and Analysis section, streams were selected independently of each other. The second assumption is that the explanatory variables are linearly related to the logit of the response variable. It is believed that the logit transformation of the ith individual’s event probability is indeed capable of being expressed as a linear function of the explanatory variables. Although other variables such as the ratio of height to diameter, or TOPEX were believed to be more powerful explanatory variables, elevation affects or is associated with many of the factors influencing windthrow. Elevation has been linked to gradients in soil properties and species composition (Laughlin and Abella, 2007). It also affects the amount of exposure, and often slope, of a landscape. While individual sites at high elevation may be sheltered, the higher the elevation, the less protection is afforded by surrounding terrain. Elevation cannot be controllable by management practices, but it can be accounted for when conducting silvicultural treatments; and its relevance as a predictor of windthrow should not be underestimated. 57 Predicted probability of windthrow 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Elevation (hundred m) Figure 8. Predicted probability of windthrow by elevation. The fit of the model to the data may be evaluated by means of several statistics. The Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit statistic is one such measure of how well the model fits the data. The test sorts the observations by their estimated probabilities in to g groups. It then calculates a Chi-square statistic from the g x 2 table of observed and expected frequencies. Under the null hypothesis that the model provides a good fit of the data, the Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test resulted in a p-value of 0.9219; suggesting that the null hypothesis should not be rejected and that the model is indeed a good fit. 58 Although the Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit statistic indicates that the model fits the data well, there are other diagnostic measures that must be considered. Given 19 event occurrences and 3 non-occurrences in the data set, the 3 nonoccurrences are likely to be influential in the outcome of the model. A drop in deviance test for individual observations reveals that two of the three non-occurrence observations (DC828 and GP718) have a large influence compared to the other data points. This suggests that the model is highly dependent on two data points, and, although the model may be a good fit to the observed data, it is very fragile and changes significantly upon the removal or addition of any observations. The percent concordant and discordant are other measures of the fit of the model. In these measures, all possible pairs of observations where one is an event occurrence and the other is a non-occurrence are arranged. If the event occurrence has a higher predicted probability than the non-occurrence then the pair is said to be concordant. If the event occurrence has a lower predicted probability than the nonoccurrence then the pair is said to be discordant. Based on the data set, 75.4% of the pairs were found to be concordant, 19.3% of the pairs were found to be discordant, and 5.3% of the pairs were neither concordant nor discordant. With 19 event occurrences and 3 non-occurrences, there were 57 pairs in all. Examination of fit statistics is an important part of the model building process in order to determine the strength of the model based on the observed data. As Chatfield (1995) points out, the training set, or data set used to build the model, will 59 consistently overstate the fit of the model. In order to extend the model to future predictions, model validation becomes important. One method of model validation is known as controlled division or data splitting. In this method, the data is split into two sets, one for model building and one for validation (Stone, 1974). Data may be split 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, or any other number of ways depending on the quantity of data. This method is preferred, but is restrictive in that large data sets must be collected in order to have enough data for both the model building and the validation. Another method is known as cross-validation. There are variations of this method; however, the main idea is to build the model upon n-1 observations and then test the model on the omitted observation. This process is repeated n times until each data point has been omitted once. The predictions are then averaged over all n omissions. Still another method is known as the bootstrap. This involves re-sampling with replacement from the original data set and building the model from the bootstrapped sample. The model is then validated on the original data set, or those subjects not included in the bootstrap sample. This method relies heavily on the quality of the underlying data set to produce meaningful results. Validating the predictive accuracy of a logistic regression model presents some difficulty. Predictions using logistic regression assume the form of a probability. In the observed data set observations are binary; the event either did or did not occur. One consideration is selecting an appropriate cutoff for predicted probabilities for which an event would or would not occur. For instance, does a predicted probability 60 of 0.35 suggest that windthrow will occur or not? A second consideration is the level of certainty regarding the quality of the underlying data set. For these reasons, it is recommended that validation of the windthrow data be conducted on an independent data set. Although the model provides useful insight into the processes of windthrow, the logistic model developed in the first step of the modeling process should be taken with some caution. Logistic regression has great potential in windthrow modeling and should not be underestimated; however, this particular model has been developed with a relatively small sample size, and is highly influenced by a few data points. It is recommended that further data be collected as a validation set in order to strengthen the conclusions regarding the model. Step II: Linear Regression The second step of the analysis used linear regression to relate the explanatory variables to the response (number of windthrown trees per hectare) only in those sites where windthrow was observed. Similar to the process used with logistic regression, the list of explanatory variables was refined in the exploratory analysis. Correlation coefficients were utilized not only between explanatory variables but also between explanatory variables and the response, due to the linear relationship of the model form. The stepwise method of variable selection was again used to determine the most relevant explanatory variables. At the alpha = 0.05 level, the variables TOPEX, 61 TOPEXSW, HD, and UTMN were found to be significant predictors of the frequency of windthrow. The relationships between each of the variables and the response were then examined. The variables TOPEX and TOPEXSW were eliminated from consideration because their relationship to the response was incorrect. The relationship reflected in the observed data was weak, but suggested that as the exposure of a stream reach increased, the number of windthrown tree decreased. Because these variables did not make sense on a practical level, they were removed from consideration in the model. The variable HD was found to be the most significant predictor (p-value = 0.0199). No additional variables had an F-value to enter that was significant in the second step of the selection process. At the 0.10 significance level however, ELEV + HD, and UTME + HD were found to be significant. The relationships between the combinations of explanatory variables and the response were examined; however, HD was chosen as the most useful predictor because of its significance level, and its biological meaning. Model parameters were estimated in SAS v. 9.1 using the method of ordinary least squares. The resulting model for the mean number of down trees per hectare (y) was estimated to be: y = -24.96 + 0.36(HD), where HD is the mean of ratios of height (m) to diameter (m) for trees in a stream reach. The standard errors for the estimate of the intercept and slope parameters are 11.9 and 0.14 respectively. The root mean square error (RMSE) is 4.06. Approximately 28% of the variation in windthrow over the last 4 years was explained by the variable HD (R2 = 0.2797). 62 The linear regression equation suggests that the mean number of down trees per hectare increases by 0.36 for every one unit increase in HD. Although the variable HD is commonly used in forestry, it is not as common to imagine a one unit change in HD as it would be to imagine a one unit change in height or diameter. Consider the following example. A stream reach with an average height of 32 m and an average diameter of 40 cm is equivalent to the mean of ratios necessary to achieve an HD of 80. If the average height were increased to 36 m while the average diameter remained constant at 40 cm, this would be equivalent to the mean of ratios for an HD of 90. This ten unit increase in HD would result in an increase of an average of 3.6 down trees per hectare in a stream reach. The relationship presented by the model suggests that stream reaches with larger ratios of height to diameter will incur more windthrow. The degrees to which the assumptions of linear regression are met affect the strength of the model. The first five assumptions are necessary for the least squares estimators of the model parameters to be unbiased. Some of these may be formally tested, while others are subjectively addressed by the modeler. The first assumption, as discussed in the Methods and Analysis section, states that the model must be linear in its parameters. Results of previous models reviewed in the literature illustrate the appropriateness of using linear regression to model the relationship of HD to the occurrence of windthrow. Other model forms may be appropriate as well; however, it was decided a priori that linear regression was to be used in the second step of the modeling process. Figure 9 shows the relationship of HD to the occurrence of windthrow. 63 Secondly, the number of sample observations must be greater than the number of parameters to be estimated. Although the number of observations was less than the number of potential parameters from which to choose, the final model form estimates 10 0 5 Down trees per hectare 15 20 only two parameters: the intercept and one slope parameter. 75 80 85 90 95 100 HD Figure 9. Scatter plot of down trees per hectare by height to diameter ratio. The third assumption is that the explanatory variables are measured without error. Within reason this assumption has been met. Care has been taken during data 64 collection to be as accurate as possible with the conditions and equipment. It is believed that no systematic or subjective errors have been introduced into the measurements. The fourth assumption requires that no perfect multicollinearity exists between independent variables. In order for perfect correlation between independent variables to exist, there must be multiple independent variables. Because the selected model is a simple linear regression, multicollinearity is not a concern. The fifth assumption is that the model form is correctly specified. Although many variables have been shown to be related to windthrow, it is not feasible to include all variables in a ‘kitchen sink’ model. The chosen model may not be a true representation of windthrow, but it is believed to be the most parsimonious model formulation given the data and choice of explanatory variables. The next assumption requires a homoscedastic (homogenous variance) model. Examination of the plot of residuals was inconclusive, thus the Glejser Test (Glejser, 1969) for homoscedasticity was used. In the test, the absolute values of the residuals are regressed on the independent variable(s) to determine if they are significantly different from zero. If only the intercept is significantly different from zero, the model has pure homoscedasticity. If only the slope is significantly different from zero, the model has heteroscedasticity. If both the intercept and slope are significantly different from zero, then the model is said to have mixed heteroscedasticity. Based on the Glejser Test, there is suggestive, but inconclusive evidence regarding the homoscedasticity of the model. The p-values for the intercept and slope of the model 65 in the Glejser Test were 0.0544, and 0.0228 respectively. As previously mentioned, a log transformation and a square root transformation were unsuccessful at correcting the problem of non-constant variance. The least squares estimates of parameters will still be unbiased; however, the standard errors for the parameters may not be accurate. Thus, any tests of hypothesis or confidence intervals may be misleading. The seventh assumption is that the random errors are uncorrelated. This property is also called non-autoregression or lack of serial correlation. This is a mostly a problem with time series data (Ramsey and Schafer, 2002 pp. 63-65). This assumption does not need to be addressed at this time; however, if repeat measurements were to be taken in the future, this would need to be addressed with the Durbin Watson Test (Durbin and Watson, 1950, 1951, 1971). Two further assumptions remain for the application of exact tests, the developments of exact confidence intervals, and the least squares estimators of the model parameters to be Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators (UMVUE’s). The first of these assumptions is that the errors are normally distributed. The second is that the form and number of independent variables in the model are known before parameter estimation. In order to test for normally distributed errors, a plot of residual versus fitted values (Figure 10) was examined. The plot of residuals versus fitted values shows roughly normal distribution, although the model appears to overestimate the quantity of windthrow at large values of HD. A log transformation of the response was 66 performed in order to stabilize the variance; however, the resulting model was no -5 0 Residuals 5 longer significant at the alpha = 0.05 level. 2 4 6 8 10 Fitted Values Figure 10. Scatter plot of residual versus fitted values for height to diameter ratio regressed on down trees per hectare. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 C ooks.D istance 67 5 10 15 1 0 -1 studres 2 observation number 5 10 15 0.25 0.15 0.05 leverage 0.35 observation number 5 10 15 observation number Figure 11. Influence statistics for all observations of height to diameter ratio regressed on down trees per hectare. 68 Influence statistics were examined to determine the effect of each observation on the normality of the residuals and the performance of the model. As illustrated in Figure 11, observation number 14 (OMH820) has a relatively high leverage, which indicates that it greatly influences the slope of the regression equation in its region of the data points. Because the formula for Cook’s distance includes the leverage value, the same point also has a large Cook’s distance. An observation with a Cook’s distance larger than 1 is considered to have significant influence on the regression equation (Ramsey and Schafer, 2002 p.320). With observation 14 removed, the variable HD is no longer significant in the regression equation (p-value = 0.5180). In order to remove a data point, it must be believed to have originated from a different population, or be a recording error. In this case it was neither; therefore, the point should not be removed. The influence exerted on the regression equation by a single observation suggests that the model is very fragile. It is recommended in order to strengthen the model, that more data is collected. The final assumption for linear regression is that the form and number of independent variables in the model are known before parameter estimation. This was not the case in this modeling procedure. The purpose was not to test certain hypotheses regarding a pre-determined model; rather, it was exploratory modeling process. Given the information gained through this process, hypotheses may be made regarding the effect of height to diameter ratio and tested with supplemental data. 69 One Step Approach Given the small sample size and small number of non-occurrences (stream reaches where no windthrow occurred) a single stage approach, in which linear regression is used to predict the number of windthrown trees based on data from all stream reaches, was compared with the two step approach. Again the variable HD was found to be the most significant predictor of the number of windthrown trees. A similar result was found wherein the variance about the model was non-constant. The two-step approach is a valuable method to model windthrow; however, it may be best suited to larger data sets, where a greater number of non-occurrences are available. A log transformation of the model with no intercept was chosen in order to correct the problem of non-constant variance. The resulting model for the log of the mean number of down trees per hectare (y) was estimated to be: log(y) = 0.0175(HD), where HD is the mean of ratios of height (m) to diameter (m) for trees in a stream reach. The standard error for the estimate of the slope parameter is 0.0020. The RMSE is 0.7358. Approximately 79% of the variation in windthrow over the last 4 years was explained by the variable HD (R2 = 0.7913). Due to the logarithm transformation of the response variable, the interpretation of the regression equation differs slightly from that of the linear regression equation in the two step approach. The linear regression equation above suggests that the median number of down trees per hectare increases by a factor of 1.02 for each 1 unit change in HD. In other words, a 10 unit change in HD is associated with a multiplicative increase in the median number of down trees per hectare of 1.22 times. 70 Although the relationship between neighboring thinning treatment and windthrow was not able to be detected in this study, the relationship between HD and windthrow may provide some useful insight. The linear regression models suggest that the number of windthrow events increases as the ratio of HD increases. This suggests that tree density, which influences the ratio HD (Wang et al., 1998), may be useful in creating a more windfirm stand over time. As Jacobs (1954) demonstrated, increased exposure to wind can help strengthen to withstand the forces of wind. Additional Findings Beyond the a priori research questions and modeling process, there are certain trends or observations that became apparent in the analysis process. One such trend is the direction of fall of windthrown trees. The greatest proportion of trees, approximately 23%, fell in a northeasterly direction; and approximately 15% of the trees fell in a northerly direction. All told, nearly 40% of the trees fell in a north to northeasterly direction, indicating the influence exerted by the prevailing winds from the south to southwest. Figure 13 depicts the direction of fall for all 145 trees observed. 71 Figure 13. Compass rose showing direction of fall for all observed windthrow. Although a high proportion of trees fell to the north and northeast, the number of trees which fell to the south, southeast, or east is noteworthy. A summary table of 72 windthrow by direction for each stream reach may be seen in Appendix E. Prevailing winds played a dominant role in determining the direction of fall for windthrow; however, the influence of local topography also appears to be quite significant. Alexander and Buell (1955) asserted that local topography can alter the direction of prevailing winds by as much as 90 degrees. Wind may be funneled through narrow valleys, changing direction along with the contours. Many of the stream buffer strips were located deep “U” or “V” shaped valleys quite capable of altering wind direction. Strong winds may predispose trees to fall in a certain direction; however the effect of topography or of sudden gusts may alter that direction. It was observed that 25% of the trees fell down hill toward the stream ± 15 degrees. Wind storms are often accompanied by rain in western Oregon which may cause further complications. Saturated soil can cause trees to be more susceptible to windthrow. Sudden wind gusts followed by periods of calm may be enough to loosen the roots in the soil; and as the tree recoils from the initial gust it may fall downhill; especially on steep slopes where stems are often jackstrawed or have a slight downhill lean. Further investigation of the direction of tree fall indicated that it was not equal for all directions. A null hypothesis may be formed whereby it is assumed an equal number of trees fell up-valley, down-valley, toward the stream and away from the stream. A test of the null hypothesis indicated that there was convincing evidence that the direction of tree fall was not equal among the four categories (Chi-squared test pvalue <0.0001). 73 Table 5. Direction of tree fall in relation to stream valley. Direction Toward stream Down-valley Up-valley Away from stream # of trees 72 36 19 18 % 50 25 13 12 Table 5 indicates that a greater number of trees fell toward the stream than any other direction. This suggests that there may be a high probability that a falling tree will have some portion of the bole land in the stream channel. This of course is dependant upon the distance from the stream the tree originated. Another complicating factor affecting the occurrence of windthrow is root disease. Several root pathogens including Phytophthora, Armillaria, and Phellinus affect many of the tree species commonly found in western Oregon (Hamm and Hansen, 1982; Entry et al., 1990; Lim et al., 2005). Root rot diseases were identified on approximately 4% of the windthrown trees. Root rot has been documented to increase the risk of windthrow by Ruth and Yoder (1953), McLintock (1954), Alexander (1964), and others. Alexander (1964) observed root rot and butt rot in association with approximately one-third of windthrow in spruce-fir forests in Colorado. Additionally, approximately 12% of the trees were thought to have been knocked down or severely weakened by other trees as they fell. The force exerted by a falling tree is more than enough to knock down other trees in its path as it falls. Windthrow is seldom an isolated event; even when it is not in large proportions. 74 CHAPTER 5 – CONCLUSIONS Summary of Findings Windthrow is influenced by many factors at the tree, stand, and landscape level. The interaction among factors can further complicate the issue. Managing for windthrow requires not only knowledge of how the factors relate to windthrow, but also how they relate to each other. It is the intent of this study to advance the understanding of the factors affecting the occurrence of windthrow and further the knowledge required to effectively manage for this occurrence. The definition of windthrow provided in the introduction includes only those live trees which have been completely toppled by wind. It does not include broken tops, leaning trees, or snags which have blown over. This definition of windthrow addresses the result, but may not adequately address the cause. Trees may be weakened by root rot or previous storms for instance and therefore are more susceptible to windthrow. In other words, wind is the eventual cause of all windthrow, but may not be the fundamental cause. Based on the observations of this study windthrow did not appear to be inhibited by either buffer strips, or continuous forest cover; though it was not a significant source of small scale mortality. In the majority of stream reaches, windthrow amounted to 1% or less of standing live basal area over the 4 yr. period. The greatest recorded loss was 5.2%. Often times preventing windthrow is not the primary management objective; rather, minimizing or regulating its occurrence is 75 desirable and part of the trade offs of leaving trees to meet a variety of management objectives. At times it may even be encouraged, as in the cases of habitat development or for structural diversity. Many of the positive and negative contributions of windthrow and the resulting down woody debris have been explored. From the perspective of habitat management, windthrow can be a vital source of down woody debris providing structure for terrestrial and aquatic organisms. From the perspective of natural resource production, windthrow can mean a loss of valuable wood fiber and consequently a loss of revenue. Regardless of how it is viewed and the benefits and tradeoffs associated with it, windthrow must be incorporated in management plans as a stochastic element. In order to obtain the desired type and size of woody debris, the processes affecting its input must be known. Under an active management setting, the resource manager must be aware of the factors which can be managed to achieve a desired result. As discussed in the review of literature some of these factors are: species composition, stocking or density, diameter distribution, height to diameter ratio, among others. Knowledge of how these manageable factors relate to the occurrence of windthrow is crucial to effectively manage riparian forests. Based on the findings of this study, in headwater streams of the DMS: 1) Windthrow decreased with increasing distance from the stream channel. 2) The effect of buffer width on the occurrence of windthrow was not detectable. 3) The effect of thinning density in neighboring stands on the occurrence of windthrow was not detectable. 76 4) The effect of species composition on the occurrence of windthrow was not detectable. 5) Elevation was the most significant predictor of occurrence of windthrow. 6) Height to diameter ratio was the most significant predictor of the number of windthrown trees. 7) The direction of fallen trees was dictated primarily by prevailing storm winds, but was also influenced by local topography. Recommendations Despite advances in forest sciences, or perhaps because of the advances, there remains much to discover. As societal needs and environmental conditions change, so too to the objectives of research. To build upon this and other research related to windthrow the following suggestions for future projects are presented. 1) Observations in this study may be supplemented to strengthen the models, and begin development of a tree level windthrow risk model. Although stands are often the unit of management, silvicultural operations begin with a single tree. 2) Many studies have isolated important factors affecting windthrow and developed models to predict its occurrence. These models may be compared and tested for portability to other regions and forest types. 3) Models for large storm events, buffer strips, and clearcut edges have been developed, but little has been done in the way of modeling small scale windthrow in continuous forest. 77 4) Much is known about the use of woody debris and its importance in forest structure, but little is known about the effect of the method of input; or rather the time scale of input. Often times buffer strips and clearcut edges provide immediate input of down woody debris as a result of increased exposure. The differences in periodic inputs every harvest rotation versus slow continuous inputs may be studied. 5) Windthrow is often not an isolated event. It often occurs in groups or clusters. 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Stream Reach BLM District County Legal Description Latitude Longitude UTMN UTME BL13 Eugene Douglas T21S, R5W, S1 N43º46'20.0" W123º14'11.0" 4846036 480785 CC911 Salem Polk T8S, R7W, S31 N44°50'05.0" W123°35'26.0" 4965022 453847 DC828 Salem Clackamas T3S, R5E, S35 N45°15'56.0" W122°09'33.0" 5012069 565435 DC910 Salem Clackamas T3S, R5E, S35 N45°15'56.0" W122°09'33.0" 5012398 566577 GP42 Salem Benton T14S, R6W, S7 N44º22'00.0" W123º27'30.0" 4912718 463490 GP717 Salem Benton T14S, R6W, S7 N44º22'00.0" W123º27'30.0" 4912482 463494 GP718 Salem Benton T14S, R6W, S7 N44º22'00.0" W123º27'30.0" 4912034 463879 KM17 Salem Linn T12S, R1E, S13 N44º31'41.0" W122º37'55.0" 4929904 528833 KM18 Salem Linn T12S, R1E, S13 N44º31'41.0" W122º37'55.0" 4929597 529419 KM19 Salem Linn T12S, R1E, S13 N44º31'41.0" W122º37'55.0" 4929739 529285 KM21 Salem Linn T12S, R1E, S13 N44º31'41.0" W122º37'55.0" 4930053 528800 KM72 Salem Linn T12S, R1E, S13 N44º31'41.0" W122º37'55.0" 4929650 529159 KM75 Salem Linn T12S, R1E, S13 N44º31'41.0" W122º37'55.0" 4930491 528696 KM815 Salem Linn T12S, R1E, S13 N44º31'41.0" W122º37'55.0" 4930548 528859 OMH36 Roseburg Douglas T25S, R7W, S19 / T26S, R8W, S24 N43º17'30.0" W123º35'00.0" 4793039 452618 OMH723 Roseburg Douglas T25S, R7W, S19 / T26S, R8W, S24 N43º17'30.0" W123º35'00.0" 4793364 452502 OMH820 Roseburg Douglas T25S, R7W, S19 / T26S, R8W, S24 N43º17'30.0" W123º35'00.0" 4793546 452539 TH46 Eugene Lane/Benton T15S, R7W, S10,15 N44º16'50.0" W123º31'06.0" 4902573 458569 TH75 Eugene Lane/Benton T15S, R7W, S10,15 N44º16'50.0" W123º31'06.0" 4902764 458935 TH710 Eugene Lane/Benton T15S, R7W, S10,15 N44º16'50.0" W123º31'06.0" 4902916 458514 TH730 TH81 Eugene Eugene Lane/Benton Lane/Benton T15S, R7W, S10,15 T15S, R7W, S10,15 N44º16'50.0" N44º16'50.0" W123º31'06.0" W123º31'06.0" 4903570 4902836 457644 457896 86 Appendix B. Stocking density for stream reaches (Tpha) Live Conifer Live Hardwood Live (total) Dead Conifer Dead Hardwood Dead (total) Windthrow Conifer Windthrow Hardwood Windthrow (total) Live Conifer Live Hardwood Live (total) Dead Conifer Dead Hardwood Dead (total) Windthrow Conifer Windthrow Hardwood Windthrow (total) BL13 CC911 DC828 DC910 GP42 GP717 GP718 KM17 KM18 KM19 KM21 286 48 243 3 335 41 275 0 348 6 138 1 342 21 405 39 856 46 552 16 349 42 334 246 376 275 354 139 363 444 903 568 392 77 6 29 0 28 11 11 0 160 13 33 0 88 1 29 4 106 25 112 0 37 21 83 29 39 11 173 33 89 33 131 112 58 0 0 2.8 0 0 0 4.2 0 8.3 0 1.4 0 0 0 1.4 0.7 4.2 0 4.5 0 2.3 4.6 0 2.8 0 4.2 8.3 1.4 0 2.1 4.2 4.5 6.9 KM72 KM75 KM815 OMH36 TH46 TH75 TH710 TH730 TH81 676 142 379 3 360 35 385 39 365 32 509 30 602 0 565 201 297 49 593 3 353 18 818 382 394 423 397 539 602 766 346 596 371 50 25 38 3 42 6 54 6 29 4 100 6 64 0 52 14 24 14 100 1 26 4 75 40 47 60 33 106 64 66 38 101 31 0.7 0 4.2 0 1.4 0.7 5.6 0 2.1 2.1 19.5 0.9 4.2 0 3.5 0 9.7 4.2 6.9 0 5.6 0 0.7 4.2 2.1 5.6 4.2 20.4 4.2 3.5 13.9 6.9 5.6 OMH723 OMH820 87 Appendix C. Basal area of stream reaches (m2/ha) Live Conifer Live Hardwood Live (total) Dead Conifer Dead Hardwood Dead (total) Windthrow Conifer Windthrow Hardwood Windthrow (total) Live Conifer Live Hardwood Live (total) Dead Conifer Dead Hardwood Dead (total) Windthrow Conifer Windthrow Hardwood Windthrow (total) BL13 CC911 DC828 DC910 GP42 GP717 GP718 KM17 KM18 KM19 KM21 39.9 3.0 53.9 0.1 53.8 4.4 49.0 0.0 58.9 0.4 30.9 0.1 75.3 1.9 67.6 2.8 84.4 3.2 51.1 0.9 47.7 3.4 42.8 53.9 58.2 49.0 59.3 31.0 77.3 70.5 87.6 52.0 51.1 2.3 0.1 3.0 0 1.9 0.7 1.3 0 8.3 0.7 1.7 0 4.7 0.1 1.3 0.1 10.1 0.9 2.1 0 4.2 0.6 2.4 3.0 2.6 1.3 8.9 1.7 4.8 1.4 11.0 2.1 4.8 0 0 0.7 0 0 0 1.4 0 1.8 0 0.3 0 0 0 0.6 0 0.5 0 0.2 0 0.7 0.5 0 0.7 0 1.4 1.8 0.3 0 0.6 0.5 0.2 1.2 KM72 KM75 KM815 OMH36 OMH723 OMH820 TH46 TH75 TH710 TH730 TH81 54.7 3.8 57.1 0.1 46.5 3.2 35.8 2.7 41.1 2.5 50.7 1.1 85.5 0 67.0 7.2 47.1 3.1 51.6 0.1 45.6 0.9 58.6 57.3 49.6 38.6 43.6 51.7 85.5 74.2 50.2 51.6 46.5 1.0 0.6 3.3 0.2 2.2 0.3 1.9 0.3 1.1 0.1 2.3 0.2 9.2 0 2.9 0.5 1.0 0.8 7.3 0 2.3 0 1.6 3.5 2.5 2.2 1.2 2.5 9.2 3.4 1.8 7.3 2.3 0.1 0 0.2 0 0.2 0.2 1.4 0.0 0.3 0.5 2.4 0.0 1.1 0 1.3 0 1.9 0.7 0.8 0 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.4 0.8 2.4 1.1 1.3 2.6 0.8 0.5 88 Appendix D. Potential explanatory variables Stream Reach BL13 CC911 DC828 DC910 GP42 GP717 GP718 KM17 KM18 KM19 KM21 KM7-2 KM75 KM815 OMH36 OMH723 OMH820 TH46 TH75 TH710 TH730 TH81 BUFF TRT WH Two tree Streamside Control Streamside Control Streamside One tree Control Two tree Two tree Variable Two tree Variable Variable Variable Variable One tree Control Variable Variable One tree Variable Moderate Moderate Control Moderate Control Moderate Moderate Control Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate High High Moderate High High Control Moderate High Moderate Moderate 0 0.272 0.322 0.447 0.144 0.014 0 0.622 0.618 0.325 0.464 0.523 0.788 0.614 0.036 0.015 0 0.292 0.038 0.064 0.238 0.326 TOPEX TOPEXSW TOPEXPOS 42 99 27 0 79 34 93 24 45 28 23 3 11 6 45 56 68 49 85 150 126 27 40 29 13 20 61 51 17 11 23 14 8 16 23 24 69 59 56 19 -6 72 71 28 54 99 28 22 87 60 106 36 51 34 29 17 34 32 72 69 74 70 102 150 135 65 TOPEXPOSSW H LH H100 40 29 14 20 61 51 30 18 24 15 12 16 26 27 69 59 56 30 11 74 71 36 32.6 35.6 30.3 33.0 34.2 39.4 37.9 32.8 26.5 25.0 29.3 23.2 31.6 28.8 29.3 31.2 31.1 34.1 27.5 33.7 28.1 31.2 37.9 44.1 37.3 35.9 40.7 42.0 42.4 35.6 32.5 33.3 34.5 30.3 36.0 34.9 33.3 34.8 35.0 36.8 35.2 38.0 32.0 36 41.9 46.2 40.9 38.5 44.4 42.6 46.4 39.1 38.7 38.4 38.0 35.8 39.2 38.6 33.3 38.6 38.5 41.9 41.1 42.0 36.3 39.9 89 Appendix D. continued… Stream Reach BL13 CC911 DC828 DC910 GP42 GP717 GP718 KM17 KM18 KM19 KM21 KM7-2 KM75 KM815 OMH36 OMH723 OMH820 TH46 TH75 TH710 TH730 TH81 D QMD D100 HD MHMD LHQMD H100D100 TPHA BAHA 38.3 48.1 40.4 45.9 42.9 51.6 49.3 43.3 32.4 30.6 38.0 27.2 41.1 36.8 32.0 35.4 32.8 41.2 32.0 40.9 31.5 37.6 40.4 52.9 44.4 47.6 46.2 53.3 52.1 45.0 35.2 34.2 40.7 30.2 43.7 40.0 34.1 37.4 35.0 42.5 35.1 43.0 33.2 39.9 55.1 69.3 63.6 58.0 63.0 58.3 70.5 58.6 57.2 54.7 56.0 50.3 59.8 57.7 46.6 52.3 50.9 56.8 54.4 56.3 47.9 53.0 89 79 79 73 82 78 81 78 84 84 79 89 82 82 95 93 101 84 87 85 92 85 85 74 75 72 80 76 77 76 82 82 77 85 77 78 92 88 95 83 86 82 89 83 94 83 84 75 88 79 81 89 92 97 85 100 82 87 98 93 100 87 100 88 96 90 76 67 64 66 70 73 66 67 68 70 68 71 66 67 71 74 76 74 76 75 76 75 334 246 376 275 354 139 363 444 903 568 392 818 382 394 423 397 539 602 766 346 596 371 42.8 53.9 58.2 49.0 59.3 31.0 77.3 70.5 87.6 52.0 51.1 58.6 57.3 49.6 38.6 43.6 51.7 85.5 74.2 50.2 51.6 46.5 90 Appendix D. continued… Stream Reach LAI SI STAB ELEV ORIENT GRAD UTMN UTME BL13 CC911 DC828 DC910 GP42 GP717 GP718 KM17 KM18 KM19 KM21 KM7-2 KM75 KM815 OMH36 OMH723 OMH820 TH46 TH75 TH710 TH730 TH81 14.8 11.0 11.2 17.3 10.5 16.0 14.5 10.0 13.8 10.4 12.1 10.6 13.3 12.4 13.9 12.3 11.4 13.5 13.9 11.0 11.0 13.4 138 130 122 122 130 128 123 129 135 137 120 130 134 130 112 142 120 125 123 125 106 128 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 295 485 590 645 590 640 520 700 745 730 670 735 665 660 510 480 450 525 520 520 755 725 322 206 250 5 82 77 136 273 254 278 280 14 338 328 69 14 2 102 176 125 104 79 20 15 7 13 25 28 25 10 20 24 10 15 18 18 30 15 17 25 40 23 25 30 4846036 4965022 5012069 5012398 4912718 4912482 4912034 4929904 4929597 4929739 4930053 4929650 4930491 4930548 4793039 4793364 4793546 4902573 4902764 4902916 4903570 4902836 480785 453847 565435 566577 463490 463494 463879 528833 529419 529285 528800 529159 528696 528859 452618 452502 452539 458569 458935 458514 457644 457896 DOWNHA PRES 0 2.8 0 4.2 8.3 1.4 0 2.1 4.2 4.5 6.9 0.7 4.2 2.1 5.6 4.2 20.4 4.2 3.5 13.9 6.9 5.6 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 91 Appendix E. Windthrow by direction of fall. Stream Reach BL13 CC911 DC828 DC910 GP42 GP717 GP718 KM17 KM18 KM19 KM21 KM72 KM75 KM815 OM36 OMH723 OMH820 TH46 TH75 TH710 TH730 TH81 Total NE E SE S SW W NW N (338°-22°) (23°-67°) (68°-112°) (113°-157°) (158°-202°) (203°-247°) (248°-292°) (293°-337°) Total 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 5 1 21 3 6 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 10 1 5 4 8 3 5 3 3 2 1 33 22 18 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 11 8 4 1 6 24 8 0 4 0 6 15 2 0 3 6 4 10 1 6 3 8 6 22 6 5 20 10 8 145 92