LRRB Proposal Selection Meeting

LRRB Proposal Selection Meeting
December 3-4, 2014
Coffman Memorial Union Campus Club
University of Minnesota
300 University Ave, SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
MINUTES (draft)
LRRB Members Present:
Bruce Hasbargen (Chair), Beltrami County
Julie Skallman, MnDOT - State Aid
Mitch Rasmussen, Anoka County
Lyndon Robjent, Carver County
Tim Stahl, Jackson County
Steve Koehler, City of New Ulm
Kaye Bieniek, Olmsted County
John Powell, City of Savage
Tom Ravn, MnDOT - Construction Office
Linda Taylor, MnDOT - Research Services
Laurie McGinnis, U of M - CTS
Others Present:
Debbie Sinclair, MnDOT - Research Services
Bruce Holdhusen, MnDOT - Research Services
Hafiz Munir, MnDOT - Research Services
Chris Kufner, MnDOT - Materials Office
Brenda Thomas, U of M – CTS
Alan Rindels, MnDOT – Research Services
Call To Order (Day 1)
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM on December 3 by the Chair, Bruce
Hasbargen. The purpose of the meeting, to select the FY16 research proposals for funding,
was reviewed, and the agenda was approved by the Chair. Attendees introduced
themselves. Mitch Rasmussen will be replacing Julie Skallman, who is retiring December 5,
starting December 8, 2014, as State Aid Engineer and LRRB member.
The minutes of the October 27, 2014, LRRB meeting were approved.
Motion: Steve Koehler, second by Lyndon Robjent.
Pending action items from previous meetings - Linda Taylor
Discussion of any action items not otherwise on the agenda:
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September Action Item #9: Tim Stahl and other interested county engineers will develop
a letter to State Aid to initiate a dialog about updating the MnDOT Detour Compensation
Tim Stahl discussed with John Brunkhorst about bringing the issue to the MCEA
executive board, and decided to wait until January. It was discussed with Ted
Schoenecker and will be kept at a discussion level to keep it from becoming too political.
Julie Skallman recommended closing the action item at this time since the discussions
are moving forward in appropriate channels outside LRRB.
September Action Item #5: Carole Wiese will facilitate bids for meeting
accommodations at the joint LRRB/RIC meeting in Walker, June 17-18, 2015.
The RFP was posted but no bids received. Bruce Hasbargen will assist in expanding the
search to areas around Walker and the RFP will be reposted.
September Action Item #15: Nick Busse and Julie Skallman will look at the archive of
past LRRB and RIC products, such as VHS videotapes, and decide which ones to keep
or toss.
The keep-or-toss review of archived past LRRB and RIC products, such as VHS
videotapes, is still in progress. Nick Busse will take the lead and bring any questions to
the LRRB Outreach committee.
October Action item #9: Bruce Holdhusen will follow up with Jim Grothaus regarding the
culvert repair best practices report and any gaps in the ODL course that could be met with
material form that report, and to discuss if there is a need for additional scope in the
online training project.
Jim Grothaus said the TL from the project on culvert repair best practices was a TAP
member on the project to develop the ODL course, so it had been considered and
discussed. Item closed.
Budget and Administration
Debbie Sinclair reviewed the current budget summary spreadsheets:
Approximately $848,000 is available in FY2016 for funding new projects.
INV 990 (OPERA program): Unused OPERA budget from previous years $34,850
was rolled back into the LRRB budget. A contract for FY15 was executed.
Conferences: A handout of 2014/15 conferences was provided in the meeting materials.
Guy Kohlnhofer will be attending TRB annual meeting under LRRB funding. Guy is
the new RIC member replacing Mitch Rasmussen on the RIC.
There are currently still two openings for TRB, since Mitch Rasmussen will not be
able to attend and Brian Boder will be traveling under State Aid funds.
Tim Stahl brought forward a question from the RIC for clarification on the LRRB
policy regarding RIC members’ eligibility for traveling to conferences in the U.S.
when there are unused LRRB spots. Julie said the Board can approve RIC travel,
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and the best way is for RIC members to express interest in specific conferences
contingent upon an opening being available.
Tom Ravn expressed interest in attending the Low Volume Roads conference in
Bruce Holdhusen expressed interest in attending the 2015 NLTAP conference in
Savannah, Georgia, if there is an opening for staff.
Kaye Bieniek said the date for the 2015 TZD conference has been set for October
29-30, 2015.
Action item 1: Contact Debbie Sinclair if you are interested in attending any
Other budget business:
Debbie Sinclair asked for Board approval of an increase in the cost of the contract for
“Development and Integration of Advanced Timber Bridge Inspection Techniques for NBIS
purchase Equipment and Train Users.” The original estimated cost had been approved at
the LRRB summer meeting for $37,000, but the actual work plan cost was submitted as
$42,794, which is slightly over the 15% increase threshold and requires Board approval.
Motion by Julie Skallman, seconded by Tim Stahl, to approve the revised amount of
$42,794 for a contract with Brian Brashaw for “Development and Integration of
Advanced Timber Bridge Inspection Techniques for NBIS purchase Equipment and
Train Users.” The motion carried.
Research Implementation Committee update – Tim Stahl
Tim Stahl provided an update on RIC activities:
 Guy Kohlnofer, from Dodge County, is a new RIC member, taking the place of Mitch
 The RIC meetings will be at several locations over the next year, including Edina, Golden
Valley and Woodbury.
 Truck Weight Compliance training for local law enforcement personnel can be arranged
through Jim Grothaus at CTS.
 RIC is funding a TRS on the topic of a survey of why PCC or HMA is being selected by
local agencies, and to provide best practices for local agencies to manage PCC projects
(maintaining access to driveways and residential streets, etc.).
 Sarah Sondag from the MnDOT Bridge office provided an update on bridge maintenance
research implementation and training at the last RIC meeting. They offer a series of
Bridge Maintenance Academy training classes for bridge workers, open to local agencies.
 The new project on “Prevention of Stripping Under Chip seals” is underway.
 Joel Ulring is working on a State Aid internal project to improve the FWD Viewer tool and
create better specifications for FWD data collection.
 Two new research ideas will be brought to the LRRB/RIC joint meeting in June:
o Mitch’s idea about exploring the local agency role in developing construction
staging plans and impacts to local businesses.
o Research need statement received from City of St. Cloud on allowing snow plows
to pre-empt traffic signals.
 Sign retro-reflectivity training manuals have been distributed, and Mark Vizecky has
updated the web site. Jim Grothaus will be preparing a proposal for LTAP to provide
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hands-on training that State Aid believes will be needed for local agencies to meet the new
The online Sign Management training course is ready and looks good.
A video showing heavy truck and farm vehicle pavement damage was discussed but will
be put on hold due to other priorities for funds.
The task in SRF’s contract for temporary traffic control on low volume roads (Task 9) was
re-scoped and increased by $15,000; Task 12 for a future task (to be determined) was
reduced by $15,000.
Action item 2: Tim Stahl will provide his RIC notes for distribution to the Board.
Action item 3: The RIC agendas or minutes will be included in future LRRB meeting
books, as requested by Lyndon Robjent
Other Funding Requests
 Kaye Bieniek proposed LRRB funding for a 5-year continuation of the project
“Performance Monitoring of Olmsted County CR 117/104”,The monitoring will be done by
the Office of Materials and Road Research is proposed for a cost of $44,000 spread out
over 5 years. Matt Lebens would be the PI.
 Background: The road was originally reconstructed in 2000, including test sections with 3
types of base materials and 2 types of asphalt binders. It was monitored for 5 years under
the initial LRRB project.
 A second project was to monitor roadway from 2008 to 2014. This project has been
completed. The proposal is to continue monitoring the test sections until it failure. Some
test sections are showing distress, but some are still in good shape.
Research Proposals for FY2016 Funding
Research Proposal Presentations by Principal Investigators
Alternatives to Seal Coats ($89,831)
Cost-competitive Timber Bridge Designs for Long Term Performance
Slope Stabilization and Repair Solutions for Local Government
Engineers ($78,124)
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Tool for Minnesota Pavements ($109,279)
Installation of Insulation Over Centerline Culverts ($50,000)
Using Mobile Microwave Technology Concurrent with HMA Paving to
Extend Longitudinal Joint Life ($188,357)
Using Performance Measures to Assess the Impact of Freight
Operation on Regional Freight Corridors ($90,665)
Pothole Prevention and Innovative Repair ($129,914)
Chloride Retention in Minnesota Soils ($247,356)
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Ed Johnson (OMRR) &
Ashley Buss (ISU)
Brian Brashaw
David Saftner (UMD)
Derek Tompkins
Halil Ceylan (ISU)
Larry Zanko (NRRI)
(by phone)
Chen-Fu Liao (UMN)
Mihai Marasteanu
John Gulliver (UMN
Other Funding Requests
Tim Stahl is still in discussions about the appropriate level of participation and funding support for
the Road Dust Institute. He will bring forward a funding request at a future meeting.
Lyndon Robjent requested Board consideration of a proposal on the topic “Optimizing Cold InPlace Recycling (CIR) Applications through Fracture Energy Performance Testing.” Dan
Wegman, the principal investigator from Braun Intertec, presented the proposal to evaluate a
range of CIR additives for reconstruction of asphalt roads. The project will include an asphalt
mixture fracture energy test for evaluating the additives, either disk compact tension (DCT) test or
semi-circular bending (SCB) test, and inter-laboratory comparison between Braun, MnDOT and
AET (Dave Rettner will be co-investigator). The project is proposed to cost $90,060 and will take
approximately 17 months.
Preliminary Discussion (see December 4 for funding decisions)
Potential cost sharing with MnDOT for the following 7 proposals:
 NS 401 – Slope Stabilization (2 proposals will be heard by LRRB, only 1 will move
forward to be heard by MnDOT TRIG next week)
 NS 390 - Mobile Microwave Technology Concurrent with HMA Paving
 NS 382 - Pothole Prevention and Innovative Repair
 NS 392A - Examining signing options for improving safe driving behaviors in work zones
(RSI/UTC project)
 KB 04/05 - Transportation Futures Project
 NS 396 - Evaluation of Stabilized Full Depth Reclamation
 NS 380 - Assessing the Impact of Pedestrian Activated Crossing Systems
Action item 4: Use the CTS Research Needs Focus Group contract to have CTS re-write
LRRB Research Need Statement NS 395 on the topic of the “Freight Overflow Impacts on
the Local Road System,” with input from Lyndon Robjent and Mitch Rasmussen.
The meeting was adjourned for the day on December 3 by the Chair, Bruce Hasbargen at
4:30 P.M.
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Call to Order (Day 2)
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 AM on December 4 by the Chair, Bruce Hasbargen.
Research Proposals for FY2016 Funding
Research Proposal Presentations by Principal Investigators
The Transportation Futures Project: Planning for Technology
Change ($100,000)
David Levinson (U of M)
Evaluation of Stabilized Full Depth Reclamation (SFDR) ($76,992)
Charles Jahren (ISU)
Options and Guidance When Using Base Stabilization Additives
Charles Jahren (ISU)
Maintenance Solutions for Slope Failure ($105,948)
Aaron Budge (MSU) / Vern
Schaefer (ISU)
Expanding the Success of Salt-Tolerant Roadside Turf Grasses
through Innovation and Education ($168,974)
Sam Bauer (U of M)
Assessing the Impact of Pedestrian Activated Crossing Systems
John Hourdos (U of M)
PCC and HMA Evaluation Tool for Local Agencies ($134,328)
David Jeong (ISU)
Recognition of Julie Skallman Leadership and Contributions to LRRB
A plaque and memento were presented to outgoing State Aid Engineer Julie
Skallman in recognition and gratitude for her leadership and contributions over many
years to the LRRB. Julie will be retiring from State service on December 5, 2014.
Kudos and accolades were provided by LRRB members around the table, recalling
personal and professional instances of Julie’s outstanding leadership and mentoring.
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Funding Decisions
LRRB FY2016 Research Proposal Funding Decisions (Dec. 3-4, 2014)
Statement Investigator
Project Title
Funding Decisions
$100,000 requested, Approved for 50/50
(Motion by Laurie McGinnis, 2nd by Lyndon
LRRB Funded $76,992
(Motion by John Powell, 2nd by Bruce
(TRIG added an Additional $50K for
MnDOT Sites for total up to $126,992)
Approved for 100% LRRB Funding
(Motion by Steve Koehler, 2nd by Bruce
Approved for LRRB funding
(U of M)
The Transportation Futures Project: Planning
for Technology Change
Evaluation of Stabilized Full Depth Reclamation
David Saftner Slope Stabilization and Repair Solutions for
Local Government Engineers
Sam Bauer
(U of M)
Expanding the Success of Salt-Tolerant
Roadside Turfgrasses through Innovation and
Approved for LRRB Funding
(Motion by Steve Koehler, 2nd by Julie
(U of M)
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Tool for Minnesota
Approved for LRRB Funding
(Motion by Julie Skallman, 2nd by Tom
Approved for LRRB Funding.
(Motion by John Powell, 2nd by Bruce
Linda will contact Iowa DOT about cofunding it.
Cost-competitive Timber Bridge Designs for
Long Term Performance
Marasteanu Pothole Prevention and Innovative Repair
(U of M)
Approved for LRRB Funding
(Motion by John Powell, 2nd by Steve
(TRIG Modified the Scope & Additional
funding up to $100K)
Matt Lebens Performance Monitoring of Olmsted County CR
(MnDOT) 117/104
Approved for LRRB funding
(Motion by Kaye Bieniek, 2nd Linda Taylor)
Optimizing Cold in Place Recycling (CIR)
Dan Wegman
Applications through Fracture Energy
Performance Testing
Approved for LRRB funding
(Motion by Tim Stahl, 2nd by Lyndon
Additional amount approved by LRRB
(Motion by Julie Skallman, 2nd Tim Stahl)
$98,867 requested, Approved for 50/50
(Motion by Laurie McGinnis, 2nd by Steve
Advanced Timber Bridge Inspection for NBIS
Janet Creaser Examining signing options for improving safe
(U of M)
driving behaviors in work zones
$810,878 Total funded by LRRB
(continued next page)
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Continued from previous page
Not approved for LRRB funding
John Hourdos Assessing the Impact of Pedestrian Activated
(U of M)
Crossing Systems
$153,962 requested.
Not approved for LRRB funding.
Approved for funding by MnDOT TRIG
Using Mobile Microwave Technology
Concurrent with HMA Paving to Extend
Longitudinal Joint Life
Not Approved for Funding
Tom Wood
Alternatives to Seal Coats
Not Approved for Funding.
Rescope as LRRB TRS project leading to
updating the Seal Coat Manual.
Options and Guidance When Using Base
Stabilization Additives
Not Approved for Funding at this time.
To RIC for revision and bring back to
Not Approved for Funding at this time.
Send to champion Greg Isakson and bring
back to March LRRB meeting for reconsideration.
Halil Ceylan Installation of Insulation Over Centerline
Using Performance Measures to Assess the
Chen-Fu Liao
Impact of Freight Operation on Regional Freight
(U of M)
Not Approved for Funding.
CTS will revise need statement for FY2017
John Gulliver
Chloride Retention in Minnesota Soils
(U of M)
Not Approved for Funding
David Jeong PCC and HMA Evaluation Tool for Local
Not Approved for Funding (competing
proposal was selected by LRRB).
Vern Schaefer
Maintenance Solutions for Slope Failure
Not Approved for Funding (competing
proposal was selected by LRRB).
Action item 5: Add John Powell to the TAP for the project “The Transportation Futures
Project: Planning for Technology Change.”
Action item 6: Joel Ulring and Guy Kohlnhofer will develop the scope of work for an
RIC consultant proposal to meet the need for base stabilization information as set
forth in NS 400 and bring the proposal back to LRRB for funding consideration.
Action item 7: Linda Taylor will contact Iowa DOT regarding co-funding for the Brian
Brashaw proposal on NS 379 “Cost-competitive Timber Bridge Designs for Long Term
Performance” especially for FY2017 tasks.
Action item 8: Re-scope the proposal on Alternatives to Seal Coats (NS 397) as a TRS
project leading to updating the Seal Coat Manual.
Action item 9: Take the NS 393 proposal from Halil Ceylan “Installation of Insulation
Over Centerline Culverts” back to Greg Isakson for review, and revisit the funding
question at the LRRB meeting March if the proposal meets his need. If it does not
meet his stated need, redraft the need statement or the proposal as seems advisable.
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Round Robin
Chris Kufner asked about next steps in regard to how the technical advisory panels for
new projects are determined.
Linda Taylor explained assigning or selecting TAP members and next steps toward
getting the new projects underway.
Linda updated the Board on progress toward filling two vacancies at MnDOT Research
Services for a senior engineer to support LRRB, and a contract specialist in the finance
Debbie Sinclair updated the Board on the remaining finances after projects selected
today. There is $271,000 remaining in FY2016 and approximately $900,000 in FY2017,
available for other projects. Those amounts will be larger if MnDOT TRIG agrees to fund
any of the projects at 50%.
Laurie McGinnis reminded TRB attendees to please attend the CTS reception Sunday
night at the Marriott Marquis.
Julie Skallman bid a fond farewell to the Board, and said LRRB was her favorite part of
her job as State Aid Engineer. She will miss traveling to TRB and other conferences
with the group.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:55PM by the Chair, Bruce Hasbargen.
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Summary of LRRB Actions December 3-4, 2014
September Action Item #15: Nick Busse and Julie Skallman will look at the archive of past
LRRB and RIC products, such as VHS videotapes, and decide which ones to keep or toss.
The keep-or-toss review of archived past LRRB and RIC products, such as VHS videotapes,
is still in progress. Carried over: Nick Busse will take the lead and bring any questions
to the LRRB Outreach committee.
Action item 1: Let Debbie Sinclair know about interest in attending any conferences.
Action item 2: Tim Stahl will provide his RIC notes for distribution to the Board.
Action item 3: The RIC agendas or minutes will be included in future LRRB meeting
books, as requested by Lyndon Robjent
Action item 4: Use the CTS Research Needs Focus Group contract to have CTS rewrite LRRB Research Need Statement NS 395 on the topic of the “Freight Overflow
Impacts on the Local Road System,” with input from Lyndon Robjent and Mitch
Action item 5: Add John Powell to the TAP for the project “The Transportation Futures
Project: Planning for Technology Change.”
Action item 6: Joel Ulring and Guy Kohlnhofer will develop the scope of work for an
RIC consultant proposal to meet the need for base stabilization information as set
forth in NS 400 and bring the proposal back to LRRB for funding consideration.
Action item 7: Linda Taylor will contact Iowa DOT regarding co-funding for the Brian
Brashaw proposal on NS 379 “Cost-competitive Timber Bridge Designs for Long Term
Performance” especially for FY2017 tasks.
Action item 8: Re-scope the proposal on Alternatives to Seal Coats (NS 397) as a TRS
project leading to updating the Seal Coat Manual.
Action item 9: Take the NS 393 proposal from Halil Ceylan “Installation of Insulation
Over Centerline Culverts” back to Greg Isakson for review, and revisit the funding
question at the LRRB meeting March if the proposal meets his need. If it does not
meet his stated need, redraft the need statement or the proposal as seems advisable.
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