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Preparation Tips
Important Questions
Important Bits
10th Special
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l
íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 26 l 2015
Physical Science
Physical Science.. Success path
Prepared by:
A.V. Sudhakar,
Senior Faculty
1. Which of the following is a warming
process ____.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Boiling
d) All the above
2. The temperature of a steel rod is 330K. Its
temperature ºC is ____.
a) 45ºc
b) 57ºc
c) 59ºC
d) 63ºc
3. Specific heat S = ____.
b) Q∆t
4. ____ is a cooling process.
a) Boiling
b) Evaporation
c) Condensation
d) All the above
5. ____ is used as a coolant.
a) Benzene
b) Kerosene
c) Grease
d) Water
6. 1 Calorie = ____ joule
a) 4.186
b) 0.45
c) 41.86
d) 0.0418
7. Which one has highest specific heat?
a) Benzene
b) Lead
c) Water
d) Kerosene
8. Which of the following is surface phenomenon?
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Freezing
d) Melting
9. Rate of evaporation depends on
a) Surface Area
b) Humidity
c) Temperature
d) All the above
10. The phase changes from gas to liquid is
a) Boiling
b) Evaporation
c) Condensation
d) Humidity
1) b;
6) a;
2) b;
3) c;
4) b;
7) c;
8) a;
9) d;
5) d;
10) c.
1 Mark
1. Convert 30ºC into Kelven Scale?
A. K = C+273; T = 30+273=303k
2. What is latent heat of vapourization?
A. The heat energy required to change 1 gm
of liquid to gas at constant temperature is
called latent heat of vapourization.
3. Why do we sweat while doing a work?
A. When we work our bodies produce heat.
As a result the temperature of the skin
becomes higher and water in the sweat
glands start evaporating. This evaporation
cools the body.
4. What is humidity?
A. The amount of water vapour present in air
is called humidity.
5. What are the factors affecting rate of
A. Surface area, temperature and amount of
water vapour already present in the surrounding air.
6. A desert is very hot in the day and very
cool at night why?
A. Because low specific heat capacity air
above earth heated up quickly in the day
and cooled quickly at night.
7. Why does ice floats on water?
A. When water converts into ice its volume
increases so density decreases. Hence density of ice is less than water so ice floats
on water.
8. What is the effect of pressure on melting
point of ice?
A. With increase in pressure the melting
point of ice reduces.
9. What is the major difference between boiling and evaporation?
A. Evaporation is the surface phenomenon
while boiling is a bulk phenomenon.
10. What is the value of latent heat of fusion
of ice?
A. 80 cal/gm
2 Marks
1. Explain why dogs pant during hot summerdays using the concept of evaporation?
2. Why do we get dew on the surface of a
cold soft drink bottle kept in open air?
3. Write the differences between evaporation
and boiling?
4. What happens to the water when wet
clothes dry?
5. What happens, when water is kept in a
4 Marks
1. Your teacher made an experiment that
shows the information of dew and frost.
Explain how you show they effect on the
rate of evaporation?
2. Define evaporation. Explain what are the
affecting factors of evaporation and how
they effect on the rate of evaporation?
3. Determine the specific heat of solid experimentally?
4. How do you appreciate the role of the
1) c;
6) b;
2) d;
3) d;
4) b;
7) d;
8) c;
9) c;
5) a;
10) c.
higher specific heat of water in stabilizing
atmospheric temperature during winter
and summer seasons?
1. Fe2O3+2Al →Al2O3+Fe
The above reaction is an example of
a) Combination reaction
b) Decomposition Reaction
c) Displacement reaction
d) Double decomposition reaction
2. The chemical equation
represents following type of chemical
a) Displacement
b) Combination
c) Decomposition
d) Double decomposition
3. To decompose a compound as need.
a) Heat
b) Sunlight
c) Electricity
d) Anyone
4. In the equation CuO+H2→Cu+H2O
reducing agent is
a) CuO
b) H2
c) Cu
d) H2O
5. Corrosion is an ____ reaction
a) oxidation
b) Reduction
c) Redox
d) None
6. Rancidity is an ____ Reaction
a) Reduction
b) oxidation
c) Redox
d) All
7. Rancidity is prevented by
a) Antioxidants
b) Painting
c) Keeping food in air tight container
d) a & c
8. Precipitate in a reaction is indicated by
which arrow mark
a) ↑
b) →
c) ↓
d) ←
9. CuO+H2→Cu+H2O is ____ reaction.
a) Oxidation
b) Combustion
c) Redox
d) Substitution
10. Formula of slaked lime
a) CaO
b) CaCO3
c) Ca(OH) 2
d) CaSO4
1 Mark
1. State important uses of decomposition
A. Extract metals from their compounds &
digestion of food.
2. What happens when silver chloride
exposed to sunlight?
A. 2 AgCl →2Ag+Cl2↑
3. Why photosynthesis reaction considered
as endothermic reaction?
A. During photosynthesis plants absorb heat
from sunlight so photosynthesis reaction
is example for endothermic reaction.
4. What is antioxidant?
A. The substance which is used to prevent
oxidation are called antioxidants.
5. Why do we apply paint on iron articles?
A. To prevent corrosion.
6. Give any two examples of double displacement reactions?
A. (i) BaCl2+Na2SO4→2NaCl+BaSO4
(ii) 2KI+Pb(NO3)2→ PbI2+2KNO3
7. Which metal is used in the manufacture of
Diwali crackers?
A. Magnesium.
8. Which gas is used in the chips like Lays
and Kurkure’s?
A. Nitrogen gas
9. Write the formula of rust?
A. Fe2O3.XH2O
10. Which type of reaction involved when silver bromide is exposed to sunlight?
A. Photo chemical reaction.
2 Marks
1. What do you mean by corrosion? How can
you prevent it?
2. Why does respiration reaction considered
as exothermic reaction? Explain?
3. A shiny brown coloured ‘X’ on heating in
air becomes black colour. Can u predict
the element ‘X’ and the black colour substance formed? How do you support your
4. What is meant by precipitation reaction?
Give example?
4 Marks
1. Take two beakers and prepare lead nitrate
aqueous solution and Potassium iodide
Sir C.V. Raman
explained the phenomenon of light scattering in
gases and liquids. He found
experimentally that the frequency of scattered light by the
liquids is greater than
the frequency of
incident light. This
is called Raman
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íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 26 l 2015
10th Special
aqueous solutions. What are the colours of
solutions. Now mix them in another
beaker. What happens? What type of
chemical reaction it is? What are products
2. Latha take some quantity of powder of a
substance in a test tube. Heated it with
spirit lamp. A gas was liberated. She send
the gas into another test tube. The colour
of solution in the second test tube turned
into milk white?
1) Which substance was heated
2) Which gas is liberated
3) What was the solution taken in second
test tube
4) Which type of chemical reactions
involved the experiment
3. Balance the following chemical equations
including the physical states?
a) C6H12O6 →C2H5OH + CO2
b) Fe+O2 →Fe2O3
c) NH3+Cl2→N2H4+NH4Cl
d) Na+H2O→NaOH+H2
4. Give some daily life oxidation Reactions?
1. Magnification m = ____
a) v/u
b) u/v
d) h1/h0
c) h0/h1
2. The distance between pole and centre of
curvature is
a) radius of curvature
b) pole
c) focal length
d) none
3. The equation of mirror formula is
 1 1 1
1 1 1 
a)  u − v = f 
b)  f = u + v 
1 1 1
 1 1 1
c)  f = u + R 
d)  f = R + v
4. Radius of curvature = …… x focal length.
a) 3
b) 2
c) 4
d) ½
5. The mirror used by ENT specialist is
a) plane mirror
b) convex mirror
c) concave mirror
d) None
6. For a concave mirror, the focal length is
a) Positive
b) negative
c) zero
d) None
1) d;
6) b.
2) a;
3) b;
4) b;
5) c;
1 Mark
1. State Fermat’s principle?
A. It states that the light selects the path
which takes the least time to travel. It is
also applicable to reflection of light.
2. Which objects at your home act as spherical mirrors?
A. Cooking vessels, sink, spoons.
3. Which type of mirrors are used in head
light of vehicles?
A. Concave mirrors are used in the head
lights of vehicles.
4. Why does our image appear thin or
A. Due to converging (or) diverging of light
rays from the mirror.
5. Write the mirror formula?
 1 1 1
= +  ƒ: focal length, u : object
 f u v
A. 
distance, v = image distance
6. Which mirrors are used in saloons and
sweets shops?
A. Plane mirrors
7. Which principle involved in the working
of periscope?
A. Principle of reflection of light.
8. Which mirrors are used by dentists and
ENT specialist?
A. Concave mirrors
9. Preetham saw his face in the cars mirror
and found that his image is small. Which
type of mirror is that?
A. Convex mirror.
10. Which principle is used in the law of
A. Fermat principle.
2 Marks
1. How do you find the focal length of a concave mirror?
2. Write the rules for sign convention of
spherical mirrors?
3. Explain the process of making a solar
cooker/heater (or) Make a solar heater/
cooker and explain the process of making.
4. How do you appreciate the role of spherical mirrors in daily life? (or) What are the
applications of spherical mirrors in daily
5. Write any two uses of convex and concave
mirrors in our daily life?
6. Why does an image suffer lateral inversion?
4 Marks
1. How do you support your answer to
“When light gets reflected from a surface,
it selects the path that takes the least
2. What is magnification? Derive the formula for magnification of spherical mirrors?
3. Write the experimental method in verification laws of reflection in plane mirrors?
4. Write the experimental method to measures the distances of object and image
using concave mirror? And write the table
for observations?
1. The colour of methyl orange indicator in
acidic medium is
a) Yellow
b) Orange
c) Red
d) Green
2. The colour of phenolphthalein indicator in
basic solution is
a) Pink
b) Yellow
c) Blue
d) Red
Physical Science
3. Colour of Methyl orange in alkali conditions
a) Orange
b) Yellow
c) Blue
d) Red
4. Which one of the following types of medicines is used for treating indigestion
a) Antibiotic
b) Antacid
c) Antiseptic
d) Analgesic
5. Water soluble bases are known as
a) Neutral
b) base
c) acid
d) alkali
6. Acid substances contains ……ions.
b) H+
a) OH−
c) Na+
d) Cl−
7. The acid form in stomach is
a) HCl
b) H2SO4
c) HNO3
8. PH was introduced by
a) Sorensen
b) Lewis
c) Pauling
d) Perkin
9. Formula of plastic of Paris
b) CaSO4½H2O
a) CaSO42H2O
d) Ca(NO3) 2
c) CaSO4
10. ____ gas is evolved when metal carbonates react with acids
b) O2
c) CO2
d) NO2
a) H2
1) c;
6) b;
2) a;
3) b;
4) b;
7) a;
8) a;
9) b;
5) d;
10) c.
1 Mark
1. Why does distilled water not conduct electricity.
A. Distilled water does not conduct electricity due to no ions present in distilled water.
2. Give two examples of neutralization reaction.
A. NaOH+HCl →NaCl+H2O
3. What is acid rain?
A. When pH of rain water is less than 5.6, it is
called acid rain.
4. Plaster of Paris should be stored in a moisture proof container. Explain.
A. The Plastic of Paris should be stored in the
moisture proof container as it absorbs water from moisture and turns in to Gypsum.
5. What are Amphoteric oxides.
A. Oxides capable of showing properties for
both acids & bases.
6. Which substance is used for making
chalks and fire proof material.
A. Plaster of Paris.
7. Give any two examples of olfactory indicatiors.
A. Vanilla essence & clove oil.
8. Write the formula of baking soda & washing soda.
A. Baking soda : NaHCO3
Washing Soda : Na2CO3.10H2O
9. Which acid derived from lemon and turn
blue litmus in Red.
A. Citric acid.
10. Define universal pH indicator.
A. A mixture of several indicator is called
universal pH indicator.
11. Define alkalis.
A. Bases which are soluble in water are
called alkalis.
12. Which substance used to control the stomach pain causes due to indigestion.
A. Antacid.
2 Marks
1. What happens when an acid or base is
mixed with water?
2. Why does distilled water not conduct electricity where rain water does?
3. Plaster of paris should be stored in a moisture proof container explain why?
4. Fresh milk has a pH of 6. How does the pH
change as it turns to curd? Explain your
5. What is baking powder? How does it
make the cake soft and spongy?
4 Marks
1. Write the formulae for the following salts.
(a) Sodium sulphate (b) Ammonium chloride. Identify the acids and bases for
which the above salts are obtained also
write chemical equations for the reactions
between such acids and bases which type
of chemical reactions they are?
2. Compounds such as alcohols and glucose
contain hydrogen but are not categorized
as acids. Describe an activity to prove it.
3. Acids produce ions only in aqueous solution? Justify your answer with an activity.
4. Write any 4 uses of (a) Washing soda
(b) Baking soda.
Henrik David
Bohr was a Danish
physicist who made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and
quantum theory, for which he
received the Nobel Prize
in physics in 1922.
Bohr was also a
philosopher and
a promoter.
10th Special
1. Speed of light of a medium depends upon
____ of the medium
a) Medium
b) Optical Density
c) Material
d) volume
2. Speed of light in vacuum is nearly equal to
b) 0.3×108 m/sec
a) 2×108 m/sec
d) 4×108 m/sec
c) 3×10 m/sec
3. The critical angle of diamond is
a) 24.8º
b) 24.4º
c) 23.4º
d) 22.4º
4. The angle of refraction for critical angle is
a) 60º
b) 90º
c) 80º
d) 45º
5. In a glass slab, refraction takes place ____
a) 5
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
6. The brilliance of diamond is due to
a) refraction
b) reflection
c) interference
d) total internal reflection
7. Refractive index of a medium depends on
a) Nature of material
b) Wavelength of light used
c) a and b
d) None
8. When light ray travels from denser to rarer
medium, the relation between r and i is
a) r = i
b) r > i
c) r < i
d) r ≥ i
9. A lemon kept in a glass of water appears to
a) Bigger
b) Smaller
c) Same size
d) Some times bigger some times smaller
n2 sin i
is called
n1 sin r
a) Snell’s law
c) Pascal’s law
1) b;
6) d;
b) Boyle’s law
d) Grahem’s law
2) c;
3) b;
4) b;
7) c;
8) b;
9) a;
5) b;
10) a.
= 1.51
sin C sin 42 0
3. What is lateral shift?
A. Side wise shift when a ray of light is incident obliquely on a parallel sided glass
4. Name the colour of light for which critical
angle is minimum?
A. Violet.
5. What are applications of total internal
A. Formation of mirages, brilliance of diamond, working of optical fibre.
6. Find the critical angle for a material of
refractive index √2?
⇒ SinC =
= C = 450
When is angle of incidence is equal to the
angle of refraction?
When light travels perpendicular to surface it will not undergo any refraction. So
angle of incidence is equal to angle of
What is the principle involved in the optical fibre?
Total internal reflection.
Define shift?
The perpendicular distance between the
emergent and incident rays which are parallel is called shift.
Is the refractive index for a given pair of
medium depend on the angle of incidence?
No. It is independent of the angle of incidence.
A. SinC =
Physical Science
a) reflection
b) refraction
c) dispersion
d) lateral
4. The power of a convex lens is
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Neutral
d) None
5. Which of the following lens act as converging lens.
a) biconvex
b) Plano convex
c) concave convex d) All
1) c;
2) b;
3) d;
4) a;
5) d.
1 Mark
1. Define focal point?
A. The rays coming from the sun parallel to
the principal axis of concave mirror converge to a point. This point is called Focus
or focal point.
2. Give two uses of a convex lens?
A. (i) used in projectors
(ii) Cameras
3. Do only convex lens converge?
A. No, a concave mirror also converge.
4. What is positive lens?
A. Convex lens.
5. Define principal axis?
A. The line joining the centre of curvature
and the pole is called principal axis.
6. Write the lens formula?
A.  −
1 1
= 
u f 
7. Write the lens makers formula?
2 Marks
1. Why is it difficult to shoot a fish swimming in water?
2. Take a bright metal ball and make it black
with soot in a candle flame. Immerse it in
water. How does it appear and why?
3. How do you appreciate the role of Fermat
principle in drawing ray diagrams.
4. What is the angle of deviation produced
by a glass slab? Explain with ray diagram?
= (n − 1)  − 
 1
8. Which lens will form both real and virtual
A. Plane mirror.
9. What is negative lens?
A. Concave lens.
10. Draw the plane-concave mirror?
1 Mark
1. What is optically denser medium?
A. The medium in which speed of light is less
is called optically denser medium.
2. Determine the refractive index of benzene
if the critical angle of it is 42º?
A. Critical angle of benzene (C) = 42º
4 Marks
1. Derive the Snell’s formula from Fermat
principle? (or) Derive the formula in relation with angle of incidence and angle of
2. What is meant by Total internal reflection
and derive the relation between critical
angle and total internal reflection?
3. Explain the experiment that showing the
relation between angle of incidence and
angle of refraction through the figure?
4. Explain the experiment that showing the
determination of position and nature of
image formed by a glass slab through the
1. S.I unit of the power of a lens is
a) cm
b) metre
c) Dioptre
d) Decibel
2. The power of a concave lens is
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) a (or) b
d) None
3. When a refracted ray is distracted from its
original path this displacement is called
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l
íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 26 l 2015
2 Marks
1. Preethi tells Sushant that the double convex lens behaves like a convergent lens.
But Sushant knows that Preethi assertion
is wrong and corrected Preethi by asking
some questions. What are the questions
asked by Sushant?
2. Draw a ray diagram for the following
positions and explain the nature and position of image i) Object is placed at C2
ii) Object is placed between F2 and optic
centre P?
3. A plane convex lens whose n=1.5 has a
curved surface of radius 15cm what is its
focal length? Why do you see a diminished image? How could this happen?
4. Write the steps involved in sign convention used in lenses?
4 Marks
1. Derive the formula of image formation in
refraction at curved surfaces?
2. Derive the lens formula?
3. Derive the lens maker’s formula?
4. Write the experimental method and appa-
ratus required in finding out the image formation using convex lens?
1. The value of least distance of distinct
vision is about?
a) 2.5cm
b) 25cm
c) 100cm
d) 2.277cm
2. The distance between the eye lens and
retina is about
a) 2.5cm
b) 25cm
c) 2.27cm
d) 2cm
3. Change in the focal length of the eye lens
is due to
a) iris
b) cornea
c) ciliary muscles
d) cones
4. Myopia can be corrected by using ____
a) Bi convex
b) Bi concave
c) Plano convex
d) Plano concave
5. Hypermetropia can be corrected by using
____ lens.
a) Bi convex
b) Bi concave
c) Plano convex
d) Plano concave
6. The splitting of white light into different
colours is called
a) deviation
b) dispersion
c) scattering
d) refraction
7. The process of reemission of absorbed
light in all directions with different intensities by atom or molecule is called ____
of light?
a) Scattering
b) Dispersion
c) Reflection
d) Refraction
8. ____ is the essential part of the eye act as
a sensitive screen?
a) Cornea
b) pupil
c) iris
d) retina
9. ____ can relax and contract, there by
adjusting the size of an aperture
a) iris
b) pupil
c) yellow spot
d) blind spot
Karl Ernst Ludwig
Plank was a German theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won
him the Nobel Prize in Physics in
1918. Plank made many contributions
to theoretical physics, but his fame
rests primarily on his role an originator of the quantum theory?
This theory revolutionized
human understanding
of atomic and subatomic processes.
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10th Special
10. The reason for the blue colour of sky is
due to the molecules of ____ and ____.
b) N2, O2
a) H2O, CO2
c) O2, CO2
d) H2, O2
1) b;
6) b;
2) a;
3) c;
4) b;
7) a;
8) d;
9) b;
5) a;
10) b.
1 Mark
1. What are rods?
A. Rods are the receptors which identify the
2. What is retina?
A. The retina is delicate membrane, which
acts as a screen, the eye lens formula a real
and inverted image of an object on the
3. What are cones?
A. Cones are the receptors identify the intensity of light.
4. Which colour is best for school buses?
A. Yellow (or) Orange.
5. What is an optic nerve?
A. Optic nerve is nerve which transmit the
light signals to the brain.
6. What type of lens used to correct myopia?
A. Bi concave.
7. State the role of ciliary muscles in accommodation?
A. It can adjust the focal length of the eye
8. What is the function of pupil in human
A. It allows the light falling on iris.
9. Write the formula of refractive index of
the prism?
 A+D 
Sin 
 2 
A. µ =
10. Name the molecules responsible for blue
A. Nitrogen & oxygen molecules.
2 Marks
1. How do you appreciate the working of
2. Have you seen a rainbow in the sky after
rain? How is it formed?
3. Why the red signal is used for danger signals?
4. Why does the sky sometimes appear
5. Glass is known to be transparent material
but ground glass is opaque and white in
colour why?
6. A person is viewing an extended objects if
a converging lens is placed in front of his
eye, will he feel that the size of object has
increased. Why?
4 Marks
1. Derive the formula for refractive index of
a prism?
2. Write the different characteristics of red
colour and violet colours in dispersion of
3. Explain briefly the reasons for the blue of
the sky?
4. Write the experimental procedure of finding the refractive index of a prism?
5. Explain the formation of rainbow with the
help of water drop diagram?
1. Shape of s-orbital is
a) Spherical
b) Dumbell
c) Square
d) Double dumbell
2. Shape of p-orbital is
a) Double dumbell b) Dumbell
c) Spherical
d) Circle
3. Shape of d-orbital is
a) Spherical
b) Dumbell
c) Double dumbell
d) Square
4. In VIBGYOR which colour having higher
wavelength or lower frequency?
a) Red
b) Violet
c) Indigo
d) Orange
5. Which of the following is not correct?
b) 3s1
a) 2p6
c) 2d3
d) 4f12
6. Stable elements
a) alkali
b) alkalimetals
c) inert
d) none
7. The subshell of the orbital for l = 1 is
a) s
b) p
c) d
d) f
8. Short rotation of electron configuration is
b) nl n
c) ln x
d) xn l
a) nl x
9. Splitting of spectral lines in the presence
of electric field is called
a) Zeeman effect
b) Stark effect
c) Dispersion
d) Limen effect
10. What is ‘n’ value for L shell
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
1) a;
6) c;
2) b;
3) c;
4) a;
7) b;
8) a;
9) b;
5) c;
10) b.
1 Mark
1. Give the relation between c, υ and λ?
A. c = υλ
2. Write the four quantum numbers for the
differentiating electron of sodium (Na)?
A. n = 3, l = 0, m = 0, s = +½.or -½
3. What is the value of planks constant?
A. 6.625×10-27 erg sec (or) 6.625×10-34 Js
4. What is spectrum?
A. A group of frequencies (or) wave length is
called spectrum.
5. Define Pauli exclusion principle?
A. No two electrons can have same four
quantum numbers.
6. Draw the shape of s-orbital?
Physical Science
7. Who proposed principle quantum number?
A. Niel’s Bohr.
8. What is Zeeman effect?
A. Splitting of spectral lines in presence of
magnetic field is called Zeeman effect.
9. Write the electronic configuration of
A. 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d5
10. What is the shape of d-orbital?
A. Double dumbell.
2 Marks
1. Rainbow is an example for continuous
spectrum explain? or Define continuous
spectrum? Explain with one example?
2. How many elliptical orbits are added by
sommerfeld in third bohr’s orbit? What
was the purpose of adding these elliptical
3. Which rule is violated in the electronic
configuration 1S0 2s2 2p4? (or) The following electronic configuration does not
support the Aufbau principle Why 1S0 2s2
4. Write the four quantum numbers for the
differentiating electrons of sodium atom?
(or) Write the four quantum for the
valence electron of sodium (Na) atom?
5. Write the four quantum numbers for 1S1
electron. (or) Write the four quantum
numbers for hydrogen atom?
4 Marks
1. What are the postulates of Bohr atomic
model? Write the defects on it?
2. In an atom the number of electrons in N.
Shell is equal to the number of electrons in
K and L and M shells. Answer the following questions?
(i) Which is the outer most shell?
(ii) How many electrons are there in its
outermost shell.
(iii)What is the atomic number.
(iv) Write the electronic configuration of
the elements.
3. How many elliptical orbits are added by
sommerfeld in third Bohr’s orbit? What
was the purpose of adding these elliptical
4. Explain the significance of three quantum
numbers in predicting the positions of an
electron in an atom?
1. Who proposed law of Octaves.
a) Dobereiner
b) New Land
c) Bhor’s
d) Mendeleeff
2. According Mendeleev physical and chemical properties of elements periodic functions of their ____ .
a) Atomic volume
b) Atomic weight
c) Atomic number
d) Electronic configuration
3. Predicted properties of Eka-Silicon is
close to the observed property of
a) germanium
b) Scandium
c) Gallium
d) Sodium
4. 101th element was named as in honour of
a scientist
a) Mendelevium
b) Eisteinium
c) Rutherfordium
d) Bohr
5. How many groups are present in long
form of periodic table
a) 15
b) 16
c) 17
d) 18
6. General electronic configuration of Noble
b) ns2np5
a) ns1
c) ns np
d) ns2np6,nd5
7. Which period is in complete
a) 4
b) 7
c) 5
d) 6
8. 5f elements are called
a) Rare gases
b) Actinides
c) Lanthanides
d) None
9. 1 Pm =
b) 10−10m
a) 10−8m
d) 10−14m
c) 10 m
10. The element with highest electronegativity is
a) F
b) Cl
c) Ca
d) Ar
1) b;
6) c;
2) b;
3) a;
4) a;
7) b;
8) b;
9) c;
5) d;
10) a.
1 Mark
1. What are lanthanoids?
A. Elements from 58Ce to 71Lu are called
2. Write the name of the element family of
16 group?
A. Chalcogen family.
3. State Mendeleeff's periodic law?
A. The physical and chemical properties of
the elements are the periodic functions of
Christian Oersted
was one of the leading
scientist of the 19th century,
played a crucial role in understanding electromagnetism. The
unit of magnetic field strength is
named Oersted in his honour.
Oersted was made a foreign
member of the Royal
Swedish Academy of
Sciences in 1822.
the their atomic weights.
What is the unit of ionization energy?
ev (or) K cal / mole (or) KJ/mole.
What are actinoids?
Elements from 90Th to 103Lr are called
6. Write the formula proposal by Milliken to
measure electronegativity?
I .E + E . A
A. E.N =
7. Give any two examples of Dobereiner’s
A. Li, Na, K
S, Se,Te
8. Write the electronic configuration of
Transition elements?
A. ns2np6(n−1)d1−10
9. Write the Nobel gas elements?
A. He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn
10. Who is the father of periodic table?
A. Mendeleeff.
2 Marks
1. Name two elements that you would expect
to have chemical properties similar to Mg.
What is the basis for your choice?
2. An element has atomic number 19. Where
would you expect this element in the periodic table and why?
3. Explain New Lands concept of octaves?
4. Second ionization energy of an element is
higher than its first ionization energy
5. All alkali metals are solids but hydrogen is
a gas with di atomic molecules. Do you
justify the inclusion of Hydrogen in first
group with alkali metals?
6. Why Mendeleeff had to leave certain
blank spaces in his periodic table? What is
your explanation for this?
4 Marks
1. Explain how the elements are classified
into s, p, d, f in the Periodic table and give
the advantage of this kind of classifications?
2. What is a periodic property? How do the
following properties change in a group
and period? Explain?
(a) Atomic radius
(b) Ionization energy
(c) Electron affinity
(d) Electronegativity
3. What is Ionization energy? Explain the
factors affect the ionization energy?
10th Special
4. What are the limitations of Mendeleeff’s
periodic table. How could the modern
periodic table over come the limitations of
Mendeleev’s table.
1. Which of the following elements is electronegative?
a) sodium
b) oxygen
c) magnesium
d) calcium
2. An element 11
X forms an ionic compound with another element Y. then the
charge on the ion formed by X- is
a) +1
b) +2
c) −1
d) −2
3. An element A forms chloride ACl4. The
no. of electrons in the valence shell of A.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
4. Bond
a) 170°
b) 104.5
d) 180º
c) 109.281
5. Shape of ammonia molecule
a) Linear
b) Angular
c) Pyramidal
d) Tetra hydral
1) b;
2) a;
3) d;
4) c;
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Physical Science
5) c.
1 Mark
1. General electronic configuration of noble
A. ns2np6
2. What is the shape of Ammonia?
A. Pyramidal.
3. Give example for double bonded molecule?
A. O2, C2H4
4. Bond angle present in H2O molecule?
A. 104º. 311
5. Who proposed valance bond theory?
A. Linus Pauling.
6. Expand VSEPRT?
A. Valence – shell- electron – pair-repulsionTheory.
7. Examples of non-pair solvents?
A. CCl4, C6H6, CS2
8. Write the Lewis dot structure of Ar?
A. Ar
9. Examples of triple bond molecules?
A. N2, C2H2, HCN
10. Example of FCC molecule?
A. NaCl
2 Marks
1. Predict the reasons for low melting point
of covalent compounds when compared
with ionic compound?
2. Draw simple diagrams to show how electrons are arranged in the following covalent molecules?
a) Calcium oxide [CaO]
b) Water [H2O]
c) Chlorine [Cl2]
3. Draw the simple diagrams to show how
electrons are arranged in the following
covalent molecules?
a) Ammonia (NH3)
b) Methane (CH4)
4. Represent the lewis dot structure for the
He, Kr, Ne, Xe, Ar, Rn.
5. Represent each of the following atoms
using lewis notation?
a) Berylium
b) Calcium
c) Lithium
4 Marks
1. Explain what type bond is formed in
2. Explain VSEPRT theory?
3. What is hybridization? Explain the formation of the following molecules using
(a) BeCl2
4. Explain Lew’s approach to chemical
1. The magnitude of electric charge is ____
b) 1.206×10−19
a) 1.602×10−19
c) 1.062×10
d) None
2. The S.I unit of electric current
a) ampere
b) coulomb
c) volts
d) ohms
3. In the battery chemical energy is converted in to ____ Energy.
a) mechanical
b) electrical
c) magnetic
d) heat
4. The material which offers resistance to
motion of electrons is called.
a) insulator
b) conductor
c) resistor
d) semi conductor
5. The S.I unit of resistance is ____ .
a) volt
b) ohm
c) ampere
d) joule
6. The S.I unit of Specific resistance (or)
resistivity is ____.
a) ohm/metre
b) ohm-metre
c) ohm
d) ohm-metire
7. Specific resistance depends upon ____.
a) temperature
b) nature of material
c) length of material
d) a & b
8. Semi-conductors are used to make the following devices.
a) diodes
b) transistors
c) integrated circuits
d) all of these
9. The obstruction to the flow of current is
called ____.
a) current
b) voltage
c) resistance
d) none
10. The S.I unit of power ____.
a) volt
b) ampere
c) watt
d) kw
11. A thick wire has ____ resistance than a
a) more
b) less
c) equal
d) none
12. The reciprocal of resistivity is called as….
a) Conductivity
b) resistance
c) current
d) voltage
1) a;
6) b;
11) b;
2) a;
3) b;
4) b;
7) d;
8) d;
9) c;
12) b.
5) b;
10) c;
1 Mark
1. What are the examples of non-ohmic conductors?
A. LED, Semiconductors.
2. Which material act as the best conductor?
A. Silver
3. How is power related to current and voltage?
A. P = V×I
4. A battery of 6v is applied across a resistance of 15Ω. Find the current flowing
through the circuit?
A. I = = I = = 0.4amp
5. What do you mean by short circuit?
A. A sudden flow of a very large circuit due
to direct current of live and neutral wire is
called short circuit.
6. What is the shape of V-I shape for a metallic wire?
A. A straight line passing through origin.
7. Draw the symbol of Resistor?
8. Define Resistivity?
A. Resistivity of the material is the resistance
per unit length of a unit cross section of
the material.
9. Define ohmic conductors?
A. The materials which obeys ohm’s law are
called ohmic conductors.
10. Write the ohm’s law?
2 Marks
1. What do you mean by electric shock?
Explain how it takes place?
2. Why do we use fuses in household circuits?
3. Why should we connect the electric appliances in parallel to household circuit?
4. Explain the working of multimeter?
5. Define ohmic and non- ohmic conductors
with examples?
Linus Pauling..
The world's one of the
greatest scientists and a great
humanist. He was acknowledged as the most influential
chemist. He is the only person
ever to receive two
unshared Nobel Prizesfor Chemistry (1954)
and for Peace
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l
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4 Marks
1. State Ohm’s law. Suggest an experiment
to verify it and explain the procedure?
2. What are the factors one which the resistance of conductor depends? Give the corresponding relation?
3. Derive the equation for resultant resistance of resistors in series combination?
4. Three resistors connect as shown in figure
derive the equation for resultant resistance?
1. What converts electrical energy into
mechanical energy
a) motor
b) battery
c) generator
d) switch
2. Which converts mechanical energy into
electrical energy
a) motor
b) battery
c) generator
d) switch
3. The S.I unit of magnetic field induction is
a) Weber
b) Weber/m2
c) Coulomb
d) N/mt
4. Magnetic field is produced by the flow
phenomenon was discovered by
a) coulomb
b) oersted
c) faraday
d) maxwell
5. Which of the following instruments works
by electromagnetic induction?
a) dynamo
b) moving coil galvanometer
c) telephone receiver
d) simple motor
6. For making strong electromagnet, the
material of the core should be
a) Brass
b) laminated steel strips
c) soft iron
d) steel
7. A device for producing electric current is
a) generator
b) voltmeter
c) galvanometer
d) ammeter
8. A magnetic filed is a ____ quantity.
a) vector
b) scalar
c) tensor d) both vector and scalar
9. ____ Law gives direction of induced current.
a) Newtons
b) Lenz’s
c) faraday’s
d) Nobel
10. The device based on the principle of elec-
10th Special
tromagnetic induction is
a) Electric generator b) Voltmeter
c) Volt meter
d) Ammeter
1) a;
6) c;
2) c;
3) b;
4) b;
7) a;
8) a;
9) b;
5) a;
10) a.
1 Mark
1. Which field has both strength and direction are constant?
A. Uniform magnetic field.
2. Name the long wire wound in a close
packed helix?
A. Solenoid
3. What is the unit of magnetic flux density?
A. Weber /mt2 (or) Tesla.
4. List two sources of magnetic fields?
A. Magnet, moving charges, electric current
5. What is Induced current?
A. The current produced by moving a straight
line in a magnetic field is called induced
6. What is Induced EMF?
A. The EMF produced by moving a straight
line in a magnetic field is called induced
7. What are the imaginary lines that helps us
to understand the nature of the field?
A. Magnetic lines.
8. What is the flux through unit area perpendicular other field?
A. Flux density (or) Magnetic induction
9. What happens when a coil without current
is made to rotate as a magnetic field?
A. Electricity is generated.
10. Mention two uses of solenoid?
A. It is used in electric bells, fans and motors.
3. The impurities present in the ore is called
a) Slag
b) Forth
c) Flux
d) Gangue
4. ____ is a process of heating the ore strongly in the presence of oxygen
a) Smelting
b) Roasting
c) Calcination
d) Distillation
5. Smelting is carried out in ____ Furnace
a) Reverberatory
b) blast
c) Retort
d) Clay
6. Roasting is carried out in ____ Furnace
a) Reverberatory
b) blast
c) Retort
d) Clay
7. The oil used in the froth floatation process
a) Kerosene
b) Pine oil
c) Coconut oil
d) Olive oil
8. Forth floating is a method for the purification of ____ ore
a) Sulphide
b) Oxide
c) Carbonate
d) nitrate
9. Galena is an ore of :
a) Zn
b) Pb
c) Fe
d) Al
10. The most abundant metal in earth crust is
a) Oxygen
b) Aluminium
c) Zinc
d) Iron
11. The purpose of smelting an ore is to
a) Oxidise
b) Reduce
c) Neutralise
d) None of these
12. Which of the following element occurs in
free state
a) Phosphorus
b) Sluphur
c) Silicon
d) Gold
1) c;
6) a;
11) b;
2) c;
3) d;
4) b;
7) b;
8) a;
9) b;
12) d.
5) b;
10) b;
2 Marks
1. How do you appreciate the variation
between magnetic field and electricity that
changed the life style of mankind?
2. Give a few application of Faraday’s law of
induction in daily life?
3. Which of the various methods of current
generation protects nature well. Give
examples to support your answer?
4 Marks
1. How can you verify that a current carrying
wire produces a magnetic field with the
help of experiment?
2. Write any four applications of faraday
laws of induction in daily life?
3. Explain different ways induced current in
a coils?
4. Explain the working of AC electric generator with a neat diagram?
5. Explain the working electric motor with
neat diagram?
1. The method suitable for purification of
low boiling metals is
a) Poling
b) Distillation
c) Liquation
d) Electrolytic refining
2. The chemical process in which ore is heated in the absence of air is called
a) Roasting
b) Smelting
c) Calcination
d) Distillation
Physical Science
1 Mark
1. What is poling?
A. The method of removing impurities either
for gases (or) liquids get them oxidized
and form slag over surface of molten
metal is called poling.
2. What is thermite process?
A. The exothermic reaction in which highly
reactive metals displaces low reactive
metals is used in thermite process.
3. Write the formula’s of Gypsum, plaster of
A. Gypsum: CaSO4, 2H2O, Plaster of Paris :
4. What is calcination?
A. Calcination is a pyrochemical process in
which the ore is heated in the absence of
5. What is froth flotation?
A. The impurities of the ore is wetted by producing froth in water is called froth flotation.
6. Write the names of any two ores of Fe?
A. Hematite: Fe2O3 Magnetite : Fe3O4
7. What is corrosion?
A. Process of slowly coated with oxides (or)
other salts of the metal and forms thin layers.
8. Why is carbon not used for reducing aluminium from aluminium oxide?
A. The oxide of aluminium is very stable and
can be reduced by electrolytic process.
9. Mention two methods which produce very
pure metals?
A. Electrolytic reduction, smelting are two
methods which produce very pure metals.
10. Name two metals other than aluminium
which are obtained by electrolytic reduction?
A. Sodium and Magnesium.
2 Marks
1. Write short notes on froth floating
2. Write any 4 examples of ores of sulphides?
3. Write a note on dressing of ore in metallurgy?
4. How do you extract the metals at the top
of the activities series?
5. What is difference between blast furnace
and reverberatory furnace?
4 Marks
1. Write the short notes on each of the following.
(a) Distillation
(b) Poling
(c) Liquation
(d) Electrolysis.
2. Suggest an experiment to prove that the
presence of air and water are essential for
corrosion. Explain the procedure.
3. Write a note on dressing of ore in metallurgy.
4. What is thermite process? Mention its
application in daily life
1. General formula of alkene?
b) CnH2n
a) CnH2n+2
c) CnH2n−2
d) CnH2n+4
2. Which is ester group?
a) −ΟΗ
b) − C − OR
d) CH3−Ο−CH3
c) −ΝΗ2
3. Which is a amine functional group?
a) −COΟΗ
b) − C − OR
c) −ΝΗ2
d) ΟH
Fats are ester of
a) Fatty acids
b) nutrients
c) vitamins
d) none
Which of the following is Alkane
b) C4H8
a) C4H10
c) C4H6
d) C6H6
Methane is the major constituent of
a) Petrolium gas
b) Coal gas
c) Water gas
d) biogas
First organic compound prepared in laboratory
a) ammonium cyanate
b) urea
c) amide d) imide
CH4 structure ____.
a) Tetrahydral
b) trigonal
c) planar
d) leviair
Friedrich.. German
chemist who was a student of Berzelius. In attempting to prepare ammonium
cyanate from silver cyanide and
ammonium chloride, he accidentally synthesized urea in
1828. This was the first
organic synthesis,
and shattered the
vitalism theory.
10th Special
9. In allotropes of carbon which acts as a
good conductor of electricity?
a) diamond
b) graphite
c) fullerenes
d) None
10. In allotropes of ‘C’ which is hard material?
a) diamond
b) graphite
c) fullerenes
d) None
11. In the Graphite two layers are separate by
the distance of?
a) 3.35Aº
b) 3.00Aº
c) 4.0Aº
d) 5.0Aº
12. What is the bond angle of methane
b) 109º.281
a) 104º.361
c) 120º
d) 180º
1) b;
6) d;
11) a;
2) b;
3) c;
4) a;
7) b;
8) a;
9) b;
12) b.
5) a;
10) a;
1 Mark
1. Nano tubes are discovered by which scientist?
A. Sumio Lijima.
2. What we call a spherical aggregate of soap
molecule in the soap solution in water?
A. Micelle.
3. Which allotropic form of carbon has foot
ball like structure?
A. Buck minister fullerene.
4. Which allotropic form of carbon has layered structure?
A. Graphite
5. What do we call the self linking property
of carbon?
A. Catenation
6. Name the carboxylic acid used as a preservative?
A. Acetic acid is the carboxylic acid used as
a preservative.
7. Name the product other than water formed
on burning of ethanol in air?
A. The product other than water formed on
burning of ethanol is carbondioxide.
8. What happens when a small piece of sodium is dropped into ethanol?
A. When a small piece of sodium is dropped
into ethanol bubbles of hydrogen gas is
: 1s22s22p63s1
: 1s22s22p63s23p64s1
: 1s22s22p63s23p64s2
: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6
: 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d5
: 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d10
: 1s22s22p63s23p3
: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d8
: 1s22s22p63s23p4
: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d10
Sodium (11)
Potassium (19)
Calcium (20)
Iron (26)
Chromium (24)
Copper (29)
Phosphrous (15)
Nickel (28)
Sulphur (16)
Zinc (30)
What is meant by Rectified spirit?
96% alcohol is called Rectified spirit.
What is the formula of Ethyl acetate?
2 Marks
1. Explain with the help of a chemical equation how an addition reaction is used in
vegetable ghee industry?
2. Name the product obtained when ethanol
J.J. Thomson
Neils Bohr
Ulenbeck & Goudsmith
Sumio Lijima
: Laws of electrolysis.
: Electron magnetic theory
: Watermelon model.
: Planetory Model
: Laws of mass equivalence
: Elliptical orbit model
: Wave equation
: Quantum theory
: Principle Quantum number
: Spin Quantum number
: Triad Theory
: pH Scale
: Octave theory
: Nanotubes
Atomic Property
Atomic size
Ionization Potential
Electron affinity
Electro negativity
Electro Positivity
In groups
(from top
to bottom)
In period
(from Left –
conH SO
2 4
a ) CH 3CH 2OH 
c ) CH 4 + Cl 2 
d ) CH 2 = CH 2 + H 2 
Specific heat of lead
Specific heat of Mercury
Latent heat of fusion
Latent heat of Vaporization
Refractive Index of Diamond
Refractive Index of Benzene
Refractive Index of Quartz
: 0.031Cal/g-Cº;130 J/Kg - k
: 0.033Cal/g-Cº; 139 J/Kg – k
: 80 Cal / gm
: 540 Cal / gm
: 2.42
: 1.50
: 1.46
: Determination of specific heat of substance.
: Determination of Temperature
: Observation of Angle of Dispersion.
: Observation of Acid – Base Strength.
pH paper
Bleaching powder : Used as decolorizing agent, oxidant, used
in preparation of chloroform, used in
chlorination process.
Baking Soda
: Manufacture of cakes, preparation of
Antacid, preparation of Anti septic.
Washing Soda
: Used in Glass, soap, paper industry
preparation of borax, used to removal of
hardness of water.
: Determination of electric current.
Electric motor
: Convert the electric energy to mechanical
: Convert the mechanical energy to electric
Blast furnace
: used to smelting process.
: Determine the potential difference.
Specific heat
Latent heat of fusion
Power of lens
Electric current
Specific resistivity
Electric energy
Atomic Radius
Ionization potential
is oxidized by either chromic Anhydride
(or) alkaline potassium permanganate?
3. Define homologous series of compounds
mention any two characteristics of homologous series?
4. Suggest a chemical test to distinguish
between ethanol and ethonoic acid and
explain procedure?
5. How do you appreciate the role of esters in
everyday life?
4 Marks
1. Write the characteristics of homologous
series of organic compounds?
2. Explain the cleaning action of soaps?
3. Distinguish between esterification and
saponification reaction of organic compounds?
4. Complete the following reactions?
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Physical Science
: cal/g.cº (or) J/Kg-k.
: Cal /gm (or) J/k.g
: dioptres
: Ampere
: Ohm-mt
: Angstrom Unit (Aº)
: Electron Volt.
: Formula
: Al2O32H2O
Epsum salt
: MgSO47H2O
: HgS
: Fe3O4
: PbS
: KClMgCl26H2O
: CaSO4 2H2O
: MnO2
: Na2S2O32H2O
Bleaching powder
: CaOCl2
Plaster of Paris
: CaSO4½H2O
: C2H5OH
Ethyl Acetate
: C17H35COONa
Lime stone
: ZnO
: CaCO3
Horn silver
Zinc Blende
Rock Salt
: AgCl
: ZnS
: NaCl
: Fe2O3
Different Solutions
pH Values
pH value
Distilled water
Carrot Juice
Soda Water
Tomato Juice
Saliva (before meal)
Saliva (after meal)