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The Values of X and Y in the given figure are ____ ÐéÅçÜ-Æý‡*ç³ {ç³Ô¶æ²-ËMýS$ GMýS$PÐ]l Ð]l*Æý‡$PË$ E…sêƇ¬ M>ºsìæt A«§éÅ-Ķæ*Ë ÐéÈV> D ™èlÆý‡à {ç³Ô¶æ²-˯]l$ VýS$Ç¢…_, Ðésìæ° Ý뫨…-^éÍ. CÌê…sìæ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ GMýS$P-Ð]lV> õ³ç³-ÆŠ‡-&-1-ÌZ° ºçßæ$-ç³-§ýl$Ë$, °Æý‡*-ç³MýS Æó‡Rê-VýS-×ìæ™èl…, {ÔóæÉýl$Ë$; õ³ç³-ÆŠ‡-&-2ÌZ° çÜÆý‡*ç³ {†¿¶æ$-gê-ÌZÏ° íܧ鮅-™éË$, {†Mø-×æ-Ñ$† A¯]l$Ð]l-Æý‡¢-¯éË$, „óS{™èl-Ñ$† A«§éÅ-Ķæ*Ë ¯]l$…_ Ð]lÝë¢Æ‡¬. ÐéçÜ¢Ð]l çÜ…QÅË$, çÜÑ$-™èl$Ë$, {†Mø-×æ-Ñ$†, Ýë…QÅ-MýS-Ô>ç܈…, çÜ…¿ê-Ð]lÅ™èl A«§éÅ-Ķæ*-ÌZÏ° ÐéÅçÜ-Æý‡*ç³ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ çÜ$Ë$-OÐðl¯]lÑ. ºçßæ$-ç³-§ýl$Ë$, Æð‡…yýl$ ^èlÆý‡-Æ>-Ô¶æ$ÌZÏ Æó‡TĶæ$ çÜÒ$-MýS-Æý‡×êË f™èl ¯]l$…_ C^óla {V>‹œ çÜÐ]l$-çÜÅË$, Æó‡Rê-VýS-×ìæ-™èl…-ÌZ° °Æ>Ã-×êË$, Ýë…QÅMýS Ô>ç܈…-ÌZ° KiÐŒl Ð]l{MýS… {V>‹œ çÜÐ]l$çÜÅË$ MýS_a-™èl…V> Ð]l^óla {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$. ™öË$™èl ÐéÅçÜ-Æý‡*ç³ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë {í³ç³-Æó‡-çÙ-¯Œl¯]l$ ç³NÇ¢-^ól-Ķæ*Í. A«¨MýS Ð]l*Æý‡$PË Ý뫧ýl-¯]lÌZ ÐéÅçÜ-Æý‡*ç³ {ç³Ô¶æ²-Ë™ø ´ër$ çÜÓ˵ çÜÐ]l*-«§é¯]l (1 Ð]l*Æý‡$P, Æð‡…yýl$ Ð]l*Æý‡$P-Ë$) {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ MîSËMýS…. 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ÒOÌñæ™ól 50 Ð]l*Æý‡$PË$ MýS*yé ™ðl^èl$a-Mø-Ð]l^èl$a. õ³ç³-ÆŠ‡-&-1ÌZ ºçßæ$-糧ýl$Ë$, Æð‡…yýl$ ^èlË-Æ>-Ô¶æ$ÌZÏ Æó‡TĶæ$ çÜÒ$-MýS-Æý‡-×êË f™èl ¯]l$…_ C^óla {V>‹œ çÜÐ]l$-çÜÅË$, çÜÆý‡*ç³ {†¿¶æ$-gêË$, Ð]l–™é¢Ë çܵÆý‡Ø Æó‡QË$, Q…yýl¯]l Æó‡QË ¯]l$…_ C^óla °Æ>Ã×æ… çÜÐ]l$çÜÅ, Ýë…QÅMýS Ô>ç܈… ¯]l$…_ C^óla {V>‹œ çÜÐ]l$çÜÅ (KiÐŒl Ð]l{MýS…) MýS_a-™èl…V> C^óla çÜÐ]l$-çÜÅË$, Òsìæ° çÜ$Ë$-Ð]l#V> ¯ólÆý‡$a-Mø-Ð]l^èl$a. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. as a = x5y2, b = x3y3 where x and y are prime numbers then the HCF(a, b) = ____; LCM (a,b) = ____ The product of two irrational numbers is ____ 43.1234 is ____ number. log ap.bq = ____ If 53 =125, then the logarithm form ____ log 7343 = ____ ANSWERS 3 X 7 4. If the LCM of 12 and 42 is 10m+4, then the value of 'm' is ____ 5. π is ____ 6. log20152015 = ____ 7. The reciprocal of two irrational numbers is ____ 8. The decimal expansion of 17/18 is ____ 9. 2.547 is ____ 27 10. Decimal expansion of number 2×5×7 has ____ 11. The decimal expansion of 189/125 will 92-&-1-00 Ð]l*Æý‡$PË$ Ð]lõÜ¢ 糨 {VóSyŠl ´ëƇ¬…r$Ï Ý뫨…-_¯]lsôæÏ. M>ºsìæt Mö°² çÜÐ]l$-çÜÅͲ (8 Ð]l*Æý‡$PË Ð]lÆý‡-MýS$) Ý뫨…^èl-Ìôæ-MýS-´ù-Ƈ¬¯é 10 {VóSyŠl ´ëƇ¬…r$Ï ™ðl^èl$a-Mø-Ð]l^èl$a. ÐéÅçÜ-Æý‡*ç³, çÜÓ˵ çÜÐ]l*-«§é¯]l {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$: 4 Y 10 {VóSyŠl ´ëƇ¬…r$Ï Ý뫨…-^é-Ë…sôæ: Ķæ*Ë ÐéÈV> íܧýl®-Ð]l$-ÐéÍ. ïÜïÜD 糧ýl®-†Oò³ AÐ]l-V>-çßæ-¯]lMýS$ VýS™èl ïܽ-G-‹ÜD {ç³Ô¶æ²-ç³{™é-˯]l$, G‹Ü-ïÜ-D-B-ÆŠ‡sîæ Ñyýl$-§ýlË ^ólíܯ]l {ç³Ô¶æ²-ç³-{™é-˯]l$ ç³Ç-Ö-Í…-^éÍ. {í³ç³-Æó‡-çÙ¯Œl ç³NÆý‡¢-Ƈ¬¯]l ™èlÆ>Ó™èl ÒOÌñæ-¯]l°² ¯]lÐ]lʯé {ç³Ô¶æ²ç³-{™é-˯]l$ {´ëMîSt‹Ü ^ólĶæ*Í. If log102=0.3010, then log108 = ____ log10 0.01 = ____ The exponential form log4 64 = 3 is ____ log 15 = ____ The prime factorization of 216 is ____ HCF of 4 and 19 is ____ LCM of 10 and 3 is ____ If the HCF of two numbers is '1' , then the two numbers are called ____ 24. If the positive numbers a and b are written 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 1) 23; 2) 15; 3) X = 21, Y = 84; 4) 8; 5) An irrational number; 6) 1; 7) Always an irrational number; 8) 2.125; 9) A rational; 10) non-terminating but repeating; 11) 3 places of decimal; 12) 2; 13) 1; 14) 4; 15) 10; 16) 0.9030; 17) − 2; 18) 43 = 64; 19) log3 + log 5; 20) 23×33; 21) 1; 22) 30; 23) Co-Primes; 24) [x3y2; x5y3]; 25) Sometimes rational, Some times irrational; 26) a rational number; 27) plog a+q logb; 28) log5125 = 3; 29) 3. 2. SETS 1. The symbol for a Universal Set is____ 2. If A = {a, b, c}, the number of subsets of A is ____ Hyé¨ M>Ë…ÌZ ¯ólÆý‡$a-MýS$¯]l² ÑçÙ-Ķæ*Ë$ JMýS G™èl¢-Ƈ¬™ól, B ¯ólÆý‡$a-MýS$¯]l² A…Ô>Ë B«§é-Æý‡…V> {MýSÐ]l$-ç³-§ýl®-†ÌZ çÜÐ]l*-«§é¯éË$ CÐ]lÓyýl… Ð]l$Æø G™èl$¢. G…™èl {糆¿¶æ E¯]l² ѧéÅǦ AƇ¬¯é çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯éË$ çÜÇV> Æ>Ķæ$-MýS-´ù™ól Ð]l*Æý‡$PË$ MøÌZµÄôæ$ {ç³Ð]l*-§ýl-Ð]l¬…¨. ^èlMýSPsìæ §ýlçÜ*¢-Ç™ø Ayìl-W¯]l Ðól$Æý‡MýS$ çÜÐ]l*-«§é¯]l… Æ>Ķæ*Í. »êV> ™ðlÍ-íܯ]l {ç³Ô¶æ²-ËMýS$ Ð]l¬…§ýl$ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯éË$ Æ>Ķæ*Í. Mösìæt-Ðól-™èlË$ ÌôæMýS$…yé ^èl*yéÍ. Ð]l¬QÅ-OÐðl$¯]l òßæyìlz…VŠSÞ, çÜ»Œæ òßæyìlz…-VŠSÞ¯]l$ A…yýl-ÆŠ‡-OÌñ毌l ^ólĶæ*Í. {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë çÜ…Qů]l$ çܵçÙt…V> Æ>Ķæ*Í. çÜÐ]l*«§é-¯é-°MìS, çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯é-°MìS Ð]l$«§ýlÅ Mö…™èl gêV> Ð]l¨-ÌôæĶæ*Í. Ððl¬§ýlr ÐéÅçÜ-Æý‡*ç³ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$, ™èlÆ>Ó™èl Æð‡…yýl$ Ð]l*Æý‡$PË$, B ™èlÆ>Ó™èl JMýS Ð]l*Æý‡$P {ç³Ô¶æ²-ËMýS$ çÜÐ]l*-«§é¯éË$ Æ>õÜ¢ Ð]l$…_¨. _Ð]lÆøÏ A§ýl-¯]lç³# {ç³Ô¶æ²-ËMýS$ çÜÐ]l*«§é-¯éË$ Æ>Äñæ¬^èl$a. ç³sêË$, {V>‹œË$ ^èlMýSPV> ÐólĶæ*Í. _™èl$¢-ç³-°MìS Ð]l*Çj¯Œl¯]l$ Eç³-Äñæ*-W…-^èl$-Mø-ÐéÍ. 3. The set builder form of A∩B is ____ 4. For every set A, A∩φ = ____ 5. Two Sets A and B are said to be disjoint if ____ 6. The Shaded region in the adjacent figure is ____ A B µ 7. A = {x: x is a circle in a give plane} is ____ 8. n (A∪B) = ____ 9. If A is subset of B, then A–B = ____ 10. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} then the cardinal number of A is ____ A well defined collection of objects or ideas is known as a SET. Set Theory is a comparatively new concept in Mathematics. It was developed by Georg Cantor (1845-1918). Cantor's work between 1874 and 1884 is the origin of Set Theory. VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 12 l 2015 11. A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} then B–A = ____ 12. If A⊂B then A∩B = ____ 13. If A⊂B then A∪B = ____ 14. The shaded region in the given figure represents ____ B A µ 15. The Symbol for null set is = ____ 16. Roster form of { x: x∈N, 9≤ x≤ 16} is _____ 17. If A⊂B and B⊂A then ____ 18. If A⊂B and B⊂C then ____ 19. A∪φ = ____ 20. The Set theory was developed by ____ 21. If n(A) = 7, n(B) = 8, n(A∩B) = 5 then n(A∪B) = ____ 22. A set is a ____ collection of objects. 23. Every set is ____ of it self. 24. The number of elements in a set is called the ____ of the set 25. A = { 2, 4, 6, ……}, B = {1, 3, 5, ……..} then n(A∩Β)= ____ 26. A and B are disjoint sets then A–B = ____ 27. If A∪B = A∩Β then = ____ 28. A = { x: x2 = 4 and 3x = 9 } is a ____ set 29. A = {2, 5, 6, 8} and B = {5, 7, 9, 1} then A∪B = ____ 30. If A⊂B, n(A) = 3, n(B) = 5, then n(A∩Β) = ____ 31. If A⊂B, n(A) = 3, n(B) = 5, then n (A∪B) = ____ 32. A, B are disjoint sets then (A–B)∩ (B–A) = ____ 33. A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {2, 4, 6, 8} then B – A = ____ 34. Set builder form of A∪B is = ____ point (3, 2), then the value of p is ____ Y −4 −2 o 2 4 Y1 4. The degree of the constant polynomial is ____ 5. The zero of p(x) = ax–b is ____ 6. If α and β are the zeroes of the polynomial 3x2+5x+2,then the value of α+β+αβ is ____ 7. If the sum of the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = (k2−14) x2−2x−12 is 1, then k takes the value (s) ____ 8. If α and β are zeroes of p(x) = x2−5x+k and α−β = 1 then the value of k is ____ 9. If α, β, γ are the zeros of the polynomial ax3+bx2+cx+d, then the value of 1/α+1/β+1/γ is ____ 10. If the product of the two zeros of the polynomial x3−6x2+11x−6 is 2 then the third zero is ____ 11. The zeros of the polynomial of x3−x2 are ____ 12. If the zeroes of the polynomial x3−3x2 + x + 1 are a/r, a and ar then the value of a is ____ 13. If α and β are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 9x2−1, the value of α2+β2 is ____ 14. If α, β, γ are the zeroes of the polynomial x3 + px2 + qx + r then 1/αβ + 1/βγ + 1/αγ is ____ 15. The number to be added to the polynomial x2–5x+4, so that 3 is the zero of the polynomial is ____ 16. If α, β are zeroes of p(x) = 2x2–x–6 then the value of α–1+β–1 is ____ ANSWERS 1) µ; 2) 8; 3) {x:x∈A and x∈B}; 4) φ; 5) A∩Β = φ; 6) A∩B; 7) Infinite Set; 8) n(A)+ n(B)– n(A∩B); 9) φ; 10) 5; 11) {1, 3, 5}; 12) Α; 13) B; 14) Α–B; 15) φ; 16) {9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16}; 17) A = B; 18) A⊂C; 19) A; 20) George Cantor ; 21) 10; 22) Well defined; 23) Subset; 24) cardinal number; 25) 0; 26) A; 27) A = B; 28) Null Set; 29) {1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; 30) 3; 31) 5; 32) φ; 33) {6, 8}; 34) {x: x∈A or x∈B} 3. POLYNOMIALS 1. The graph of the polynomial f(x) = 3x –7 is a straight line which intersects the xaxis at exactly one point namely ____ 2. In the given figure , the number of zeros of the polynomial f(x) are ____ Y f(x) X1 −3 o 1 3 X Y1 3. The number of zeros lying between –2 and 2 of the polynomial f(x) whose graph in given figure is ____ 6. The value of y = f(x) X1 3 Bit Bank Mathematics 26. The polynomial whose zeroes are –5 and 4 is ____ 27. If –1 is a zero of the polynomial f(x) = x2–7x–8 then other zero is ____ 28. If the product of the zeroes of the polynomial ax3–6x2+11x–6 is 6, then the value of a is ____ 29. A cubic polynomial with the sum, sum of the product of its zeroes taken two at a time, and the product of its zeroes are 2, –7 and –14 respectively, is ____ 30. For the polynomial 2x3–5x2–14x+8, the sum of the products of zeroes , taken two at a time is ____ 31. If the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial ax2+bx+c are reciprocal to each other, then the value of c is ____ 32. ____ can be the degree of the remainder at most when a biquadrate polynominal is divided by a quadratic polynomial. ANSWERS 17. ____ is the coefficient of the first term of the quotient when 3x3+x2+2x+5 is divided by 1+2x+x2. 18. If the divisor is x2 and quotient is x while the remainder is 1, then the dividend is___ 19. The maximum number of zeroes that a polynomial of degree 3 can have is ____ 20. The number of zeroes that the polynomial f(x) = (x–2)2 +4 can have is ____ 21. The graph of the equation y = ax2+ bx+ c is an upward parabola, if ____ 22. If the graph of a polynomial does not intersect the x – axis, then the number of zeroes of the polynomial is ____ 23. The degree of a biquadratic polynomial is ____ 24. The degree of the polynomial 3 7u 6 − u 4 + 4u 2 + u − 8 is ____ 2 25. The value of p(x) = x3−3x−4 at x = −1 is ____ 1) (7/3, 0); 2) 3; 3) 2; 4) 0; 5) b/a; 6) –1; 7) ±4; 8) 6; 9) –c/d; 10) 3; 11) 0, 0, 1; 12) –1; 13) 2/9; 14) p/r; 15) 2; 16) –1/6; 17) 3; 18) x3+1; 19) 3; 20) 2; 21) a>0; 22) 0; 23) 4; 24) 6; 25) –2; 26) x2+x–20; 27) 8; 28) 1; 29) x3–2x2–7x+14; 30) –7; 31) a; 32) 1. 4. PAIR OF LINEAR EQUATIONS IN TWO VARIABLES 1. The point of intersection of the lines represented by 3x–2y = 6, the Y-axis is ____ 2. If x = 2, y = 3 is a solution of a pair of lines 2x–3y+a = 0 and 2x+3y–b+2 = 0, then the relationship between a and b is ____ 3. If the units and ten's digit of a two digit number are y and x respectively, then the number will be in the form of ____ 4. The age of a son is one third the age of his mother. If the present age of mother is x years, then the age of the son after 12 years is ____ 5. If the line y = px–2 passes through the 2 x + 3 y when x = 4 and y = 9 is ____ 7. If ad≠bc, then the pair of linear equations ax+by = p then and cx+dy = p has ____ solutions? 8. The pair of linear equations 3x+5y = 3, 6x+ky= 8 do not have solutions if k= ____ 9. The point of the intersection of the lines x2 = 0 and y+6 = 0 is ____ 10. ____ is the area of the triangle formed by the coordinate axes and the line x+y = 6. 11. The sum of the two digits of a two digit number is 12. The number obtained by interchanging the two digits exceeds the given number by 18. the number is ____ 12. The point (–2, –2) lies in the ____ Quadrant. 13. If the difference between two numbers is 26. One number is three times the oth-er number, then the two numbers are ____ 14. If the system of equations 4x+y= 3 and 8x+2y= 5k has infinite solutions, then the value of k is ____ 15. The system of linear equations x+y= 14 and x–y= 4 are ____ 16. If the system of linear equations (k–3) x+3y = k, kx+ky = 12 has infinite number of solutions then the value of k is ____ 17. If the system of linear equations 3x–4y+7 = 0 and kx+3y–5 = 0 has no solutions then value of k is ____ 18. ____ is the condition if the pair of linear equations, a1x+b1y+c1= 0, a2x+b2y+c2= 0, has a unique solution? 19. The sum of the numerator and the denominator of a fraction is 12. If the denominator is increased by 3, the fraction becomes 1/2. then the fraction is ____ x+y x−y = 2& = 6 , then value of y is 20. If xy xy ____ 21. Two angles are complementary. The larger angle is 3 degrees less than twice the measure of the smaller angle. The measure of each angle is ____ and ____ 22. The value of y when x = –1/2 that satisfies 2 3 the equation + = 5 is ____ x y 23. The length and breadth of a rectangle are x, y respectively. The area of the rectangle gets reduced by 9 square units, if its length is reduced by 5 units and breadth is increased by 3 units. Then the equation we get is ____ 24. The larger of two supplementary angles exceeds the smaller by 20 degrees. Then the angles are ____ and ____ 25. ____ is the value of 'a' so that the point (2, a) lies on the line represented by 4x–y= 3? Aryabhata the famous Indian mathematician gave formulas for the sum of squares and cubes of natural numbers. His work was "Arybhateeyam' (499 A.D.). He gave a formula for finding the sum of "n terms' of an Arithmetic progression starting with any term. 4 ANSWERS 1) (0, –3); 2) 3a = b; 3) 10x+y; 4) x + 12 ; 3 5) 4/3; 6) 2 or –2; 7) unique solution; 8) k = 10; 9) (2, –6); 10) 18; 11) 57; 12) 3rd quadrant; 13) 39, 13; 14) 6/5; 15) consistent; 16) 6; 17) –9/4; 18) Bit Bank Mathematics a1 b1 ≠ ; 19) 5/7; 20) 1/4; 21) 31 a2 b2 degrees and 59 degrees; 22) 1/3; 23) (x–5) (y+3)=(xy–9); 24) 100 degrees, 80 degrees; 25) a = 5. 28. If the discriminant of the quadratic equation ax2 +bx +c = 0 is zero, then the roots of the equation are ____ 29. The product of the roots of the quadratic equation √2x2–3x+5√2=0 is ____ 30. The nature of the roots of a quadratic equation 4x2–12x+9 = 0 is ____ 31. If the equation x2–bx+1 = 0 does not possess real roots, then ____ 32. If the sum of the roots of the equation x2–(k+6)x+2 (2k–1) = 0 is equal to half of their product, then k = ____ 5. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 1. The sum of a number and its reciprocal is 50/7, then the number is ____ 2. The roots of the equation 3x2−2√6x+2 = 0 are ____ 3. If x2–2x+1 = 0, then x +1/x = ____ 4. If 3 is a solution of 3x2+(k–1)x+9=0, then k = ____ 5. The roots of x2–2x–(r2–1)= 0 are ____ 6. The sum of the roots of the equation 3x2 –7x+11= 0 is ____ 7. The roots of the equation x2 − 8 1 = x 2 + 20 2 are____ 8. The roots of the quadratic equation 9 25 are ____ = x 2 − 27 x2 − 11 9. The roots of the equation 2x 2 + 9 = 9 are ____ 10. The two roots of a quadratic equation are 2 and –1. The equation is ____ 11. If the sum of a quadratic equation 3x2 + (2k+1)x–(k+5) = 0, is equal to the product of the roots, then the value of k is ____ 12. The value of k for which 3 is a root of the equation kx2–7x+3 = 0 is ____ 13. If the difference of the roots of the quadratic equation x2–ax+b is 1, then ____ 14. The quadratic equation whose one root is 2–√3 is ____ 15. ____ is the condition that one root of the quadratic equation ax2 +bx+c is reciprocal of the other. 16. The roots of the quadratic equation x/p = p/x are ____ 17. If the roots of the equation 12x2+mx+5= 0 are real and equal then m is equal to ____ 18. If the equation x2–4x+a has no real roots, then ____ 19. The discrimination of the quadratic equation 7√3x2+10x–√3=0 is ____ 20. The value of 6 + 6 + 6 + ...... is ____ 21. Standard form of a quadratic equation is ____ 22. The sum of a number and its reciprocal is 5/2. This is represented as ____ 23. “The sum of the squares of two consecutive natural numbers is 25”, is represented as ____ 24. If one root of a quadratic equation is 7–√3 then the other root is ____ 25. The discriminant of 5x2–3x–2 = 0 is ____ 26. The roots of the quadratic equation x2–5x+6 = 0 are ____ 27. If x = 1 is a common root of the equations ax2 +ax+3 = 0 and x2+x+b = 0 then the value of ab is ____ 33. If one root of the equation 4x2–2x+(λ–4) = 0 be the reciprocal of the other, then λ = ____ 34. If sinα and cosα are the roots of the equation ax2+bx+c = 0, then b2 = ____ 35. If the roots of the equation (a2+b2)x2 –2b(a+c)x+(b2+c2) = 0 are equal, then b2 = ____ 36. The quadratic equation whose roots are –3, –4 is ____ 37. If b2–4ac<0 then the roots of quadratic equation ax2+bx+c = 0 are ____ 11. Common difference in 1/2, 1, 3/2 ----- is ____ 12. √3, 3, 3√3 is a ____ 13. a=1/3, d= 4/3, the 8th term of an A.P is___ 14. Arithmetic progression in which the common difference is 3. If 2 is added to every term of the progression, then the common difference of new A.P. is ____ 15. In an A.P. first term is 8, common difference is 2, then ____ term becomes zero 16. 4, 8, 12, 16, ----- is ____ series. 17. Next 3 terms in series 3, 1, –1, –3 are ____ 18. If x, x+2 & x+ 6 are the terms of G.P. then x is ____ 19. In G.P. ap+q= m, ap – q= n. Then ap = ____ 20. In 3+6+12+24 -----. Progression, the nthterm is ____ 21. a12 = 37, d = 3, then S12 = ____ 22. In the garden, there are 23 roses in the first row, in the 2nd row there are 19. At the last row there are 7 trees, ____ rows of rose trees are there in the garden. 23. From 10 to 250, ____ multiples of 4 are there. 24. The taxi takes Rs. 30 for 1 hour. After for each hour Rs. 10, for each hour. how much money can be paid & how it forms ____ progression 25. The sum of first 20 odd numbers is ____ 26. 10, 7, 4, ----- a30 = ____ 27. 1+ 2+3+4+ ----- +100 = ____ 28. In the G.P 25, –5, 1, –1/5 ----- r = ____ 29. The reciprocals of terms of G.P will form ____ ANSWERS 1) 1/7; 2) √2/3, √2/3; 3) 2; 4) –11; 5) 1–r, r +1; 6) 7/3; 7) ±6; 8) ±6; 9) x = ±6; 10) x2–x–2 = 0; 11) 4; 12) 2; 13) a2–4b = 1; 14) x2–4x+1 = 0 ; 15) a = c; 16) ±p; 17) 4√15; 18) a>4; 19) 184; 20) 3; 21) ax2+bx+c = 0, a ≠ 0; 22) (x+1/x = 5/2); 23) x2+(x–1)2 = 25; 24) 7+√3; 25) 49; 26) 2, 3; 27) 3; 28) real and equal; 29) 5; 30) real and equal; 31) b2–4<0 (or) b2<4 (or) –2<b<2; 32) 7; 33) 8; 34) a2+2ac; 35) ac; 36) x2+7x+12 = 0; 37) Not real or imaginary. 6. PROGRESSIONS 1. The nth term of G.P is an= arn-1 where ‘r’ represents ____ 2. The nth term of a G.P is 2 (0.5)n-1 then r ____ 3. In the A.P 10, 7, 4 ---- –62, then 11th term from the last is ____ 4. ____ term of G.P 1/3, 1/9, 1/27 ---- is 1/2187 5. n–1, n –2, n –3, ---- an = ____ 6. In an A.P a = –7, d = 5 then a18 = ____ 7. 2 + 3 + 4 + ----- + 100 = ____ 8. –1, 1/4, 3/2 ----- S81 = ____ 9. In G.P, 1st term is 2, common ratio is –3 then 7th term is ____ 10. 1, –2, 4, –8, ----- is a ____ Progression. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. If –2/7, x, –7/2 are in G.P. Then x = ____ 1 + 2 + 3 + ----- + 10 = ____ If a, b, c are in G.P, then b/a = ____ x, 4x/3, 5x/3, ..a6 = .____ In a G.P a4 = ____ 1/1000, 1/100, 1/10, 1 ----- are in ____ The 10th term from the end of the A.P; 4, 9, 14 ----- 254 is ____ 37. In a G.P. an–1 = ____ 38. In a A.P. Sn–Sn–1 = ____ 39. 1.2 + 2.3 + 3.4 + ------ 5 terms = ____ 40. In a series a n = n(n + 3) ,a17 = ____ n+2 41. In –3, –1/2, 2 -----. A.P. then nth term ____ 42. a3 = 5 & a7 = 9, then the A.P. is ____ 43. The nth term of the G.P. 2(0.5)n-1, then the common ratio = ____ 44. In 4, –8, 16, –32 then the common ratio is ____ 45. The nth term t n = n then t4 = ____ n +1 46. In an A.P, l = 28, Sn = 144 & total terms are 9, then the first term is ____ 47. In an A.P 11th term is 38 and 16th term is 73, then common difference of A.P is ____ 48. In a garden there are 32 rose flowers in first row and 29 flowers in 2nd row and 26 VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 12 l 2015 flowers in 3rd row, then ____ rose trees are there in the 6th row. 49. In –5, –1, 3, 7 ------. Progression, then 6th term is ____ 50. In Arithmetic progression, the sum of nth terms is 4n–n2, then first term is ____ ANSWERS 1) Common ratio; 2) 0.5; 3) –32; 4) 7; 5) 0; 6) 78; 7) 5049; 8) 3969; 9) 1458; 10) GP; 11) 1/2; 12) GP; 13) 29/3; 14) 3; 15) 5th term; 16) Arithmetic; 17) –5, –7, –9; 18) 2; 19) mn ; 20) 3.2n–1; 21) 246; 22) 9; 23) 60; 24) Arithmetic progression; 25) 400; 26) –77; 27) 5050; 28) –1/5 ; 29) Geometric Progression; 30) ±1; 31) 55; 32) c/b ; 33) 8x/3; 34) ar3; 35) G.P.; 36) 209; 37) arn-2; 38)an; 39) 70; 40) 340/19; 41) 1/2(5n–11); 42) 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; 43) 0.5; 44) –2; 45) 4/5; 46) 4; 47) 7; 48) 17; 49) 15; 50) 3. 7.COORDINATE GEOMETRY 1. For each point on X-axis, Y-coordinate is equal to ____ 2. The distance of the point (3, 4) from Xaxis is ____ 3. The distance of the point (5, −2) from origin is ____ 4. The point equidistant from the points (0, 0), (2, 0) and (0, 2) is ____ 5. If the distance between the points (3, a) and(4,1) is √10, then the value of a is___ 6. If the point (x, y) is equidistant from the points (2, 1) and (1, −2) then ____ 7. The closed figure with vertices (−2, 0), (2, 0), (2, 2), (0, 4) and (−2, 2) is a ____ 8. If the coordinates of P and Q are (acosθ, bsinθ) and (−asinθ, bcosθ) then OP2 + OQ2 = ____ 9. In ____ quadrant does the point (−3, −3) lie? 10. If the distance between (k, 3) and (2, 3) is 5 then the value of k is ____ 11. ____ is the condition that A, B, C are the successive points of a line. 12. The coordinates of the point, dividing the join of the point (5, 0) and (0, 4) in the ratio 2:3 internally are ____ 13. If the point (0, 0), (a, 0) and (0, b) are colinear then ____ 14. The coordinates of the centroid of the triangle whose vertices are (8, −5), (−4, 7) and (11, 13) are ____ 15. The coordinates of vertices A, B and C of the triangle ABC are (0, −1), (2, 1) and (0, 3). the length of the median through B is ____ Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) the great German mathematician, proposed a formula to find the Sum of first "n' terms in Arithmetic Progression. He contributed significantly to many fields like number theory, algebra, geophysics, optics etc. VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 12 l 2015 16. The vertices of a triangle are (4, y), (6, 9) and (x, 4). The coordinates of its centroid are (3, 6). The values of x and y are ____ 17. If a vertex of a parallelogram is (2, 3) and the diagonals cut at (3, −2). ____ is the opposite vertex. 18. Three consecutive vertices of a parallelogram are (−2, 1), (1, 0) and (4, 3). The fourth vertex is ____ 19. If the points (1, 2), (−1, x) and (2, 3) are collinear then the value of x is ____ 20. If the points (a, 0), (0, b) and (1, 1) are collinear the 1/a+1/b ____ 21. The coordinates of the point of intersection of X-axis and Y-axis are ____ 22. For each point on Y-axis, X-coordinate is equal to ____ 23. The distance of the point (3, 4) from Yaxis is ____ 24. The distance between the points (0, 3) and (−2, 0) is ____ 25. The opposite vertices of a square are (5,− 4) and (−3, 2). The length of its diagonal is ____ 26. The distance between the points (acosθ + bsinθ, 0) and (0, asinθ − bcosθ) is ____ 27. The coordinates of the centroid of the triangle with vertices (0, 0), (3a, 0) and (0, 3b) are ____ 28. If OPQR is a rectangle where O is the origin and P(3, 0) and R (0, 4), then the coordinates of Q are ____ 29. If the centroid of the triangle (a, b), (b, c) and (c, a) is 0 (0, 0) then the value of a3 + b3 + c3 is ____ 30. If (−2, −1), (a, 0), (4, b) and (1, 2) are the vertices of a parallelogram then the value of a and b are ____ 31. The area of the triangle whose vertices are (0, 0), (a, 0) and (0, b) is ____ 32. One end of a line is (4, 0) and its middle point is (4, 1), then the coordinates of the other end ____ 33. The distance of the mid point of the line segment joining the points (6, 8) and (2, 4) from the point (1, 2) is ____ 34. The area of the triangle formed by the points (0, 0), (3, 0) and (0, 4) is ____ 35. The coordinates of the mid point of the line segment joining the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are ____ 36. The distance between the points (acos250, 0) and (0, acos650) is ____ 37. The line segment joining points (−3, −4) and (1, −2) is divided by Y-axis in the ratio ____ 38. If A (5, 3), B (11, −5) and P (12, y) are the vertices of a right angled triangle if right angled at p, then y is ____ 39. The perimeter of the triangle formed by the points (0, 0), (1, 0) and (0, 1) is ____ 40. The coordinates of the circumcentre of the triangle formed by the points 0(0, 0), A(a, 0) and B (0, b) is ____ ANSWERS 1) 0; 2) 4; 3) √29; 4) (1, 1); 5) 4, −2; 6) x+3y = 0; 7) pentagon; 8) a2+b2; 9) 3; 10) 7; 11) AB + BC = AC; 12) (3, 8/5); 13) ab = 0; 14) (5, 5); 15) 2; 16) −1, −5; 17) (4, −7); 18) (1, 4); 19) 0; 20) 1; 21) (0, 0); 22) 0; 23) 3; 24) √13; 25) 10; 26) a 2 + b2 ; 27) (a, b); 28) (3, 4); 29) 3abc; 30) a=1, b=3; 31) 1/2ab; x +x y +y 32) (4, 2); 33) 5; 34) 6; 35) 1 2 , 1 2 2 2 36) a; 37) 3:1; 38) 2 or − 4; 39) 2+√2; 40) (a/2, b/2). above the ground. Then the length of the ladder is ____ 19. ∆ABC ∼∆PQR, if m∠A = 500 and m∠B = 600 then m∠R = ____ 20. In the given figure, AC = 13 cm, then the length of the Median BD = ____ A PAPER - II D 8. SIMILAR TRIANGLES 1. The ratio of the corresponding sides of the two similar triangles is 1:3, then the ratio of their areas is ____ 2. ∆PQR is formed by joining the mid points of the sides of ∆ABC, then the ratio of the areas of the ∆PQR and ∆ABC is ____ 3. D, E are the mid-points of the sides AB and AC of the ∆ABC. If DE measures 4 cm, then the side BC measures ____ 4. If the side of an equilateral triangle is 8 cm, then its area is ____ 5. In the given figure DE//BC, AD = 6 cm, DB=8 cm and AE=9 cm, then EC = ____ 21. The areas of two similar triangles are 16 cm2 and 25 cm2 respectively. Then the ratio of their corresponding sides is ____ 22. In ∆ABC, DE//BC and DE = 1/2BC, then AD:DB = ____ 23. In the given figure ∆ACB ∼∆APQ. If AB = 6 cm, BC = 8 cm and PQ = 4 cm, then AQ = ____ B C 6. In ∆ABC ∠Β=900 then b2 = ____ A b B C a 7. Two congruent polygons are ____ 8. In the given figure AD ⊥ BC, then AB2 + CD2 = ____ C D A A 9. The length of the diagonal of the square is 5√2 cm, then the area of the square in cm2 is ____ 10. The symbol for 'is similar to' is ____ 11. ∆ABC ∼∆PQR, if AB = 3.6, PQ = 2.4 and PR = 5.4, then AC = ____ 12. In the given figure, ∠Q = 900 and ∠S = 900; QS = t, PQ = r QR = P and PR = q then 1/t2 = ____ q t R p r Q 13. ∆ABC ∼∆PQR, if AB = 6, BC = 4, AC = 8 and PR = 6 then PQ+QR = ____ 14. A man goes 7 metres due east and then 24 metres due north, then his distance from starting point is ____ 15. If ∆ABC ∼∆DEF, ∠A=500 then ∠E+∠F = ____ 16. The side of a rhombus with diagonals 16 cm & 30 cm is ____ 17. Basic Proportionality Theorem is also known as ____ 18. A ladder is placed in such a way that its foot is at a distance of 15 metres from the wall and its top reaches a window 8 m 9. If a circle touches all the four sides of an quadrilateral ABCD at points P, Q, R, S then AB + CD = ____ 10. If AP and AQ are the two tangents a circle with centre O so that ∠POQ =1100 then ∠PAQ is equal to ____ 11. If two concentric circles of radii 5 cm and 3 cm are drawn, then the length of the chord of the larger circle which touches the smaller circle is ____ 12. If the semi perimeter of given ∆ΑΒC = 28 cm then AF+BD+CE is ____ C E A Q 24. The relation between a diagonal of a Square and its side is ____ 25. In ∆ABC, ∠B=900 and BM is an altitude. then ∆AMB is similar to ____ 26. In the rhombus ABCD, AB = 6cm, then AC2 + BD2 = ____ 27. The area of an equilateral triangle whose height 'h' is ____ 28. If the ratio of the medians of two similar triangles is 1:2, then the ratio of their areas is ____ 29. In an equilateral triangle ABC, if AD ⊥ ΒC then, 3AB2 = ____ 30. The length of the diagonal of a Square is 5√2 cm, then the area of the square is ____ 1) 1:9; 2) 1:4; 3) 8 cm; 4) 16 √3cm2; 5) 12 cm; 6) b2 = a2+c2; 7) similar; 8) BD2+AC2; 9) 25; 10) ∼; 11) 1.8; 12) 1 1 + 2 ; 13) 10; 14) 25m; 15) 1300; 2 p r 16) 17 cm; 17) Thales Theorem; 18) 17 m; 19) 700; 20) 6.5 cm; 21) 4:5; 22) 1:1; 23) 3 cm; 24) diagonal = √2 . Side; 25) ∆ABC; 26) 144; 27) h2/√3; 28) 1:4; 29) 4ΑD2; 30) 25 cm2 P s • P ANSWERS B O F B C E c C B A D 5 Bit Bank Mathematics 9. TANGENTS & SECANTS TO A CIRCLE A O 600 C B 16. If the sector of the circle made at the centre is x0 and radius of the circle is r, then the area of sector is ____ 17. If the length of the minute hand of a clock is 14 cm, then the area swept by the minute hand in 10 minutes ____ 18. If the angle between two radii of a circle is 1300, the angle between the tangents at the ends of the radii is ____ 19. If PT is tangent drawn from a point P to a circle touching it at T and O is the centre of the circle, then ∠OPT+∠POT is ____ 20. Two parallel lines touch the circle at points A and B. If area of the circle is 25πcm2, then AB is equal to ____ 21. A circle have ____ tangents. 22. A quadrilateral PQRS is drawn to circumscribe a circle. If PQ, QR, RS (in cm) are 5, 9, 8 respectively, then PS (in cms) equal to ____ 23. From the figure ∠ACB = ____ A • 1. The length of the tangents from a point A to a circle of radius 3 cm is 4 cm, then the distance between A and the centre of the circle is ____ 2. ____ tangents lines can be drawn to a circle from a point outside the circle. 3. Angle between the tangent and radius drawn through the point of contact is ____ 4. A circle may have ____parallel tangents. 5. The common point to a tangent and a circle is called ____ 6. A line which intersects the given circle at two distinct points is called a ____ line. 7. Sum of the central angles in a circle is___ 8. The shaded portion represents ____ B D 13. The area of a square inscribed in a circle of radius 8 cm is ____ cm2. 14. Number of circles passing through 3 collinear points in a plane is ____ 15. In the figure ∠BAC ____ D B C • In a right angled triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Pythagoras (570 BC-495 BC), the great Greek mathematician announced it. More than 50 proofs are available for this theorem. 6 24. PA and PB are tangents to the circle with centre O touching it at A and B respectively. If ∠APO = 300, then ∠POB ____ 25. Two concentric circles of radii a and b where a>b are given. The length of the chord of the larger circle which touches the smaller circle is ____ 26. From the figure, the length of the chord AB If PA = 6 cm and ∠POB = 600 ____ A 6c m 600 P 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. B 27. Two circles of radii 5 cm and 3cm touch each other internally. The distance between their centres is ____ 28. The lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are ____ ANSWERS 1) 5 cm; 2) 2; 3) 90°; 4) 2; 5) Point of contact; 6) Secant line; 7) 360°; 8) Minor segment; 9) BC + AD; 10) 70°; 11) 8 cm; 12) 28cm; 13) 128;14) 1; 15) 30°; 16) Bit Bank Mathematics x 2 × πr 2 17) 102 sq.cm; 18) 50°; 360 ; 3 19) 90°; 20) 10cm; 21) Infinitely many; 22) 4cm; 23) 90°; 24) 65°; 25) 2 a 2 − b2 ; 26) 6cm; 27) 2cm; 28) equal. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 10. MENSURATION 1. Area of circle with d as diameter is ____ sq.units 2. Number of diameters of a circle is ____ 3. The ratio between the volume of a cone and a cylinder is ____ 4. Heap of stones is example of ____ 5. Volume of a cylinder =88cm3, r = 2cm then h = ____ cm 6. Area of Ring = ____ 7. Book is an example of ____ 8. The edge of a pencil gives an idea about ____ 9. In a cylinder d = 40cm, h = 56cm then CSA = ____ cm2 37. 38. 39. 40. = ____ cm2 The base of a cylinder is ____ In a cylinder r = 10cm, h = 280cm then volume = ____ cm3. Volume of cube is 1728 cm then its edge is ____ cm If d is the diameter of a sphere then its volume is ____ cubic units Volume of cylinder is ____ Circumference of semi circle is ____ units The area of the base of a cylinder is 616 sq.cm then its radius is ____ Volume of hemisphere is ____ T.S.A of a cube is 216cm2 then volume is ____ cm3 In a square the diagonal is ____ times of its side. Volume of sphere with radius r units is ____ cubic units In the cone l2 = ____ Number of radii of a circle is ____ Number of edges of a cuboid is ____ Diagonal of a cuboid is ____ In a hemisphere r = 3.5cm, then L.S.A = ____ cm2 L.S.A of cone is ____ Rocket is a combination of ____ and ____ Volume of cone is ____ (or) ____ The surface area of sphere of radius 2.1 cm is ____ cm2 In a cone r = 7cm, h = 21cm Then l = ___ cm The base area of a cylinder is 200 cm2 and its height is 4cm then its volume is ____ cm3. The diagonal of a square is 7√2cm. Then its area is ____ cm2 The ratio of volume of a cone and cylinder of equal diameter and height is ____ In a cylinder r = 1.75cm, h = 10cm, then CSA = ____ cm2 T.S.A of cylinder is ____ sq.units. ANSWERS 1) πd2/4; 2) infinite; 3) 1:3; 4) cone; 5) 7; 6) π(R2–r2); 7) cuboid; 8) cone; 9) 7040; 10) 8; 11) 38.808; 12) 264; 13) spherical; 14) 50.28; 15) circle; 16) 88000; 17) 12; 18) 1/6πd3; 19) πr2h ; 20) 36/7r. 21) 14cm; 22) 2/3 πr3; 23) 216; 24) √2; 25) 4/3 πr3; 26) r2 + h2; 27) infinite; 28) 12; 29) 12 + b 2 + h 2 ; 30)77; 31) πrl; 32) cone, cylinder; 33) 1/3×volume of cylinder (or) 1/3×πr2h; 34) 55.44; 35) √490; 36) 800; 37) 49; 38) 1:3; 39) 110; 40) 2πr (h+r). 32. Sec2θ−1 = ____ 33. If secθ + tanθ = p, then the value of secθ − tanθ = _____ 34. The value of sinA or cosA never exceeds _____ 35. sec (900− A) = _____ ANSWERS 4. The maximum value of sinθ is ____ 5. If A is an acute angle of a ∆ABC, right angled at B, then the value of sin A+cos A is ____ 6. The value of 2 tan 30 0 is _____ 1 + tan 2 300 7. If sinθ = 1/2, then the value of (tanθ + cotθ)2 is ____ 8. If sinθ−cosθ = 0 then the value of sin4θ + cos4θ is ____ 9. If θ = 450 then the value of 1 − cos 2θ is _____ sin 2 θ 10. If tanθ = cotθ, then the value of Secθ is ____ 11. If A+B = 900, cotB = 3/4, then tan A is equal to _____ 12. If sin (x−200) = cos (3x−10)0. Then x is ____ 13. The value of 1+tan50cot850 is equal to___ 14. If any triangle ABC, the value of sin is B+C 2 ____ 15. If cosθ = a/b, then cosecθ is equal to ____ 16. The value of cos200cos700− sin200sin700 is equal to ____ 17. The value of tan50tan 250tan450tan650tan 850 is ____ 18. If tanθ + cotθ = 5 then the value of tan2θ + cot2θ is ____ 19. If cosecθ = 2 and cotθ = √3p where θ is an acute angle, then the value of P is ____ 20. 1 + sin A is equal to ____ 1 − sin A 21. If cosecθ−cotθ = 1/4 then the value of cosecθ + cotθ is ____ 22. sin 450+ cos 450 = ____ 23. 2tan2450+ cos2300−sin2 600 = ____ 24. sin (900−A) = _____ 25. If sinA=cosB then, the value of A +B = 26. If sec θ = 11. TRIGONOMETRY m+n then sinθ = 2 mn 27. In the figure, the value of secA is ____ C 1. In the following figure, the value of cot A is ____ C 10. If each side of a cube is doubled then its volume becomes ____ times 11. r=2.1cm then volume of the sphere is ____ cm3 12. The volume of right circular cone with radius 6cm and height 7cm is ____ cm3 13. Laddu is in ____ shape 14. In a cylinder r = 1cm, h = 7cm, then TSA A 5 B 13 2. If in ∆ABC, ∠B = AB = 12 cm and BC= 5cm then the value of cosc is ____ 900, b then the value of a cos θ + sin θ is _____ cos θ − sin θ 3. If cot θ = 12 12 5 VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 12 l 2015 A B 13 28. If sin2A=1/2, tan2450, where A is an acute angle then the value of A is _____ 29. The maximum value of 1/secθ, 00 <θ<900 is _____ 30. sin 2 θ is equal to _____ 1 − cos 2 θ 31. If cotθ=1 then 1 + sin θ = _____ cos θ 1) 5/12; 2) 5/13; 3) b+a/b−a; 4) 1; 5) greater than one; 6) sin 600; 7) 16/3; 8) 1/2; 9) 1; 10) √2; 11) 3/4 ; 12) 300; 13) sec250; 14) cosA/2; 15) b2 − a 2 / b ; 16) 1; 17) 1; 18) 23; 19) 1; 20) secA + tanA; 21) 4; 22) √2; 23) 2; 24) cos A; 25) 900; 26) m−n/m+n ; 27) 13/5; 28) 150; 29) 1; 30) 1; 31) √2 + 1; 32) tan2θ; 33)1/p; 34) 1; 35) cosecA. 12. APPLICATIONS OF TRIGONOMETRY 1. If the angle of elevation of the top of a tower at a distance of 500 m from the foot is 300. Then the height of the tower is ____ 2. A pole 6m high casts a shadow 2√3m long on the ground, then sun’s elevation is ____ 3. The height of the tower is 100m. When the angle of elevation of sun is 300, then shadow of the tower is ____ 4. If the height and length of the shadow of a man are the same, then the angle of elevation of the sun is ____ 5. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower, whose height is 100m, at a point whose distance from the base of the tower is 100m is ____ 6. The angle of elevation of the top of a tree height 200√3 m at a point at distance of 200m from the base of the tree is ____ 7. A lamp post 5√3 m high casts a shadow 5m long on the ground. The sun’s elevation at this moment is ____ 8. The length of shadow of 10m high tree if the angle of elevation of the sun is 300 ____ 9. If the angle if elevation of a bird sitting on the top of a tree as seen from the point at a distance of 20m from the base of the tree is 600. Then the height of the tree is ____ 10. The tops of two poles of height 20m and 14m are connected by a wire. If the wire makes an angle of 300 with horizontal, then the length of the wire is ____ 11. The ratio of the length of a tree and its shadow is 1:1/√3. The angle of the sun’s elevation is ____ degrees. 12. If two towers of height h1 and h2 subtend angles of 600 and 300 respectively at the The definition of probability was given by Pierre Simon Laplace in 1795. Probability theory had its origin in the 16th century when an Italian physician and mathematician J.Cardan wrote the first book on the subject, The Book on Games of Chance. James Bernoulli, A.DeMoivre, and Pierre Simon Laplace are among those who made significant contributions to this field. VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 12 l 2015 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. mid-point of the line joining their feet, then h1: h2 is ____ The line drawn the eye of an observer to the object viewed is called ____ If the angle of elevation of the sun is 300, then the ratio of the height of a tree with its shadow is ____ From the figure θ = ____ The angle of elevation of the sun is 450. Then the length of the shadow of a 12m high tree is ____ When the object is below the horizontal level, the angle formed by the line of sight with the horizontal is called ____ When the object is above the horizontal level, the angle formed by the line of sight with the horizontal is called ____ The angle of depression of a boat is 60m high bridge is 600. Then the horzontal distance of the boat from the bridge is ____ The height or length of an object can be determined with help of ____ ANSWERS 11. P(E)=1/2 then P (not E) = ____ 12. If two dice are rolled at a time then the probability that the two faces show same number is ____ 13. If three coins are tossed simultaneously then the probability of getting at least two heads is ____ 14. ____ is probability that a leap year has 53 mondays. 15. A number is selected from numbers 1 to 25. The probability that it is prime is 16. R = Red, Y = yellow, from the figure, the probability to get yellow colour ball is ____ R R 1) 500√3; 2) 600; 3) 100√3m; 4) 450; 5) 450; 6) 600; 7) 600; 8) 10√3m; 9) 20√3m; 10) 12m; 11) 600; 12) 3:1; 13) Line of sight; 14)1: √3; 15) 600; 16) 12m; 17) Angle of depression; 18) Angle of elevation; 19) 20√3m; 20) Trigonometric Ratios. 13. PROBABILITY 1. The probability of getting king or queen card from the play cards (1 deck) ____ 2. Among the numbers 1, 2, 3….15 the probability of choosing a number which is a multiple of 4 is ____ 3. Gita said that the probability of impossible events is 1, Pravallika said that probability of sure events is 0 and Gowthami said that the probability of any event lies in between 0 & 1. In above with whom you will agree ____ 4. The probability of a sure event is ____ 5. If a die is rolled then the probability of getting an even number is ____ 6. P(E) = 0.2 then P( E ) ____ 7. No of playing cards in a deck of cards is ____ 8. In a single throw of two dice the probability of getting distinct number is ____ 9. A card is pulled from a desk of 52 cards, the probability of obtaining a club is ____ 10. P(x) + P(x) = _____ 2m R 17. A game of chance consists of spinning an arrow which comes to rest at one of the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and these are equally likely outcomes the possibilities that the arrow will point at a number greater than 2 is ____ 8 1 7 2 6 3 x f ANSWERS below 10 3 1) 1/13; 2) 1/5; 3) Gowthami; 4) 1; 5) 1/2; 6) 0.8; 7) 52; 8) 5/6; 9) 1/4; 10) 1; 11) 1/2; 12) 1/6; 13) 1/2; 14) 2/7; 15) 9/25; 16) 2/5; 17) 3/4; 18) 6; 19) 0, 1; 20) equally likely events; 21) 62 = 36; 22) 2/3; 23) J.Cardon; 24) impossible; 25) 1/2; 26) sure; 27) 1/13; 28) 0; 29) false; 30) 1/3; 31) 3/10; 32) 5/6; 33)1/13; 34) 11/84. below 20 12 below 30 27 below 40 57 below 50 75 below 60 80 14. STATISTICS 1. The 'h' indicates in mode f − f0 Mode = l + × h is ____ 2 f1 − f0 − f1 2. Mid values are used in calculating ____ 3. Mean of 23, 24, 24, 22 and 20 is ____ 4. 5 26. Class mark of the class 'x-y' is ____ 27. L. C. F curve is drawn by using ____and the corresponding cumulative frequency. 28. The modal class for the following distribution is ____ 3m Y Y ∑ fi xi = 1390, ∑ f i = 35 then mean x ____ 4 18. When a die is thrown once, the possible number of outcomes is ____ 19. The probability of an event lies between ____ and ____ 20. If two events have same chances to happen then they are called ____ 21. In a single throw of two dice, the probability of getting distance, numbers is ____ 1 3 22. P(E) = then P(E) = ____ 23. “The book on games of chance” was written by ____ 24. Getting “7” when a single die is throw is an example of ____ 25. The probability of a baby born either boy (or) girl is ____ 26. When a die is thrown the event of getting numbers less than or equal to 6 is an example ____ event 27. If a card is drawn from a pack the probability that it is a king is ____ 28. The probability of an event that cannot happen is ____ 29. The probability of an event is 1.5. Is it true (or) false ____ 30. If a two digit number is chosen at random that the probability that the number chosen is a multiple of 3 is ____ 31. A number is selected at random from the numbers 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9. Then the probability that the selected number is their average is ____ 32. If a number X is chosen from the number 1, 2, 3 and a number Y is selected from the numbers 1, 4, 9 then p(xy<9) is ____ 33. A card is drawn dropped from a pack of 52 playing cards the probability that it is an ace is ____ 34. Suppose you drop a die at random on the rectangular region shown in the figure what is the probability that it will land inside the circle with diameter m ____ 7 Bit Bank Mathematics 5. ____ is based on all observations? 6. If the mode of the following data is 7, then the value of 'k' in 6, 3, 5, 6, 7, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2k+1, 9, 7, 13 is ____ 7. The data arranged in descending order has 25 observations. ____ observation represents the median. 2 1 −7 8. A. M. of 6, −4, ,1 , is ____ 3 4 6 9. Median of 17, 31, 12, 27, 15, 19 and 23 is ____ 10. A. M. of 1, 2, 3, ......., 10 is ____ 11. Range of 1, 2, 3, 4, ......., n is ____ 12. For the given data with 50 observations 'the less than ogive' and 'the more than 'ogive' intersect at (15.5, 20). The Median of the data is ____ 13. The Mean of first 'n' odd natural numbers n2 is . then n = ____ 81 14. A. M of 1, 2, 3, ........, n is ____ 15. If the mean of 6, 7, x, 8, y, 14 is 9, then x = ____ 16. The A.M. of 30 students is 42. Among them, two students got zero marks. Then A.M. of the remaining students is ____ 17. Marks 10 number of students 5 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20 30 9 3 From the above data the value of median is ____ Data having one Mode is called ____ A.M. of 1, 2, 3, ........, n is ____ Sum of all deviations taken from A.M. is ____ Mode of A, B, C, D, ......., Z is ____ Mean of first 5 Prime numbers is ____ The observation of an ungrouped data in their ascending order are 12, 15, x, 19, 25. If the Median of the data is 18, then x = ____ A.M. of a-2, a, a+2 is ____ Median of 1, 2, 4, 5 is ____ 29. If the A. M of x, x+3, x+6, x+9 and x+12 is 10, then x = ____ 30. If 35 is removed from the data 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. then the Median increases by ____ 31. Range of first 10 Whole numbers is ____ 32. Construction of Cumulative frequency table is useful in determining the ____ 33. Exactly middle value of data is called ___ 34. In the formula of Mode f1 − f0 =l+ × h, f 0 represents 2 f − f 0 − f2 ____ 35. Median 36. 37. 38. 39. n 2 − cf M =l+ × n ; 'l' represents ____ f The term ''ogive'' is derived from ____ Range of the data 15, 26, 39, 41, 11, 18, 7, 9 is ____ The Mean of first 'n' natural number is ____ Median of first 'n' natural number is ____ ANSWERS 1) Length of the Class Interval; 2) Arithmetic Mean; 3) 22.6; 4) 39.71; 5) Mean; 6) 3; 7) 13th; 8) 0.55; 9) 19; 10) 5.5; 11) n-1; 12) 15.5; 13) 81; n +1 14) 15) x + y = 19; 16) 45; 17) 9; 2 n +1 18) unimodal data; 19) ; 20) 0; 2 21) no mode; 22) 5.6; 23) 18; 24) a; x+ y 25) 3; 26) ; 27) upper boundary; 2 28) 30 - 40; 29) 4; 30) 0.5; 31) 9; 32) Median; 33) Median; 34) frequency of preceding modal class; 35) lower limit of Median class; 36) ogee; 37) 34; n +1 n +1 38) ; 39) . 2 2 Hipparchus, a Greek mathematician established the relationships between the sides and angles of a triangle. The first trigonometric table was apparently compiled by Hipparchus, who is now consequently known as "the father of trigonometry'. 8 Competitive Guidance Current Affairs VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 12 l 2015 »êË-^èl…{§ýl ¯ðlÐ]l*-yólMýS$ gêq¯]l-ï³uŠ‡ ç³#Æý‡ÝëPÆý‡… gê¡Ä¶æ$… BMóS´ësìæ }°ÐéçÜ$Ë$ Æð‡yìlz MýSÆð‡…sŒæ AOòœÆŠ‡Þ °ç³#×æ$Ë$ ™ðlË…-V>-×æÌZ A¿¶æ-Ķæ*-Æý‡-×æÅ…V> A{Ð]l*-»ê§Šl ÉìlÎÏÌZ B‹³ ÑfĶæ$… ÝùµÆŠ‡tÞ ÒÒ-G‹Ü ËMýSÿ-׊æMýS$ VúÆý‡Ð]l yéMýSt-Æó‡sŒæ Ð]l*i {MìSMðS-rÆŠ‡ ÒÒ-G‹Ü ËMýSÿ-׊æ¯]l$ "sôæÈ Ä¶æÊ°-Ð]l-ÇÞsîæ' VúÆý‡Ð]l yéMýSt-Æó‡-sŒæ™ø çÜ™èlP-Ç…-_…¨. íœ{º-Ð]lÇ 4¯]l fÇ-W¯]l M>Æý‡Å-{MýS-Ð]l$…ÌZ Ð]l$Æø Ð]l¬VýS$Y-Æý‡$™ø´ër$ ÒÒG‹Ü yéMýSt-Æó‡sŒæ ç³sêt¯]l$ A…§ýl$-MýS$-¯é²Æý‡$. ÉìlÎÏ AòÜ…-½ÏMìS íœ{º-Ð]lÇ 7¯]l fÇ-W¯]l G°²-MýSÌZÏ BÐŒl$ B©Ã ´ëÈt (B-³‹ ) ÑfĶæ$… Ý뫨…-_…¨. çœÍ-™é-˯]l$ íœ{º-Ð]lÇ 10¯]l ÐðlËÏ-yìl…-^éÆý‡$. Ððl¬™èl…¢ 70 Ý릯éË$ VýSË AòÜ…-½ÌÏ Z ´ëÈtË ÐéÈV> Ý뫨…-_¯] Ý릯éË$.. B‹³: 67, ½gôæ³ï : 3. 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