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Winners always say "I can do it".
A planned preparation always helps to get
success. We need not memorize the questions
and answers anymore in this new CCE system.
So feel easy to score high. Last time majority
students got more marks in English than their
mother tongue. This time the scope is much
better. Overall idea on question paper will
lessen your labour.
As you know English subject has two papers with
40 marks each. Every paper has three sections.
Section-A: Reading Comprehension (15 marks)
Section-B: Vocabulary and Grammar (10 marks)
Section-C: Creative Writing (Discourses) (15 marks)
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VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l Ð]l*Ça l 3 l 2016
10th Class Special - English
Prepared by:
D. Hanumantha Rao,
English Faculty, ZPHS,
Suraram, Hyderabad.
Reading Comprehension
(15 marks)
Comprehension passages will test how much
a student can understand the given passage. Two
passages will be given for paper-1. First passage
(Q.No. 1-7) comes from Reading-A part of any
unit in the Text book. 4 Multiple Choice
Questions (4×1 = 4) and 3 Short Answer
Questions (3×2 = 6) will be asked. Second passage (Q.No. 8-12) comes from Reading-B, C part
of any unit in the Text book. 3 Multiple Choice
Questions (3×1 = 3) and 2 Very Short Answer
Questions will be asked. They give two analytical questions in every passage. For them you
have to answer on your own.
Read entire Textbook once. Try to understand the theme of every unit.
Tip: Read the passage first, next you read the
questions, once again read the passage and then
you can answer. First reading gives you general
understanding but second reading will gives you
focusing points. So second reading (after reading
questions) makes you solve easily.
Three independent passages (not from Textbook) will be given for Paper-II (Q.No.1-5, Q.No.
6-10, Q.No.11-15). Each passage consists of 3
multiple choice questions (3×1= 3) and 2 very
short answer questions (2×1= 2). One among
three unseen passages will be a poem in paper-2.
For the poem 2 Multiple Choice Questions and 3
Very Short answer Questions will be asked.
Tip: Take any passage from lower class Text
books and frame questions. If you can prepare
questions by yourself, you can also answer them
Look at below model questions:
(Questions 1-7): Read the following conversation from 'The Dear Departed-I'
Mrs. Slater: (sharply) Victoria, Victoria! D'ye
hear? Come in, will you?
Mrs. Slater: I'm amazed at you,Victoria. I really
am. Be off now, and change your dress before
your Aunt Elizabeth and your Uncle Ben come. It would never do for them to find you in
colours with grandfather lying dead, upstairs.
Victoria: What are they coming for? They
haven't been here for ages.
Mrs. Slater: They're coming to talk over poor
grandpa's affairs. Your father sent them a
telegram as soon as we found he was dead. (A
noise is heard) (Henry Slater, a stooping,
heavy man with a drooping moustache, enters.
He is wearing a black tailcoat, grey trousers,
a black tie and a bowler hat.)
Henry: I'm wondering if they'll come at all.
When you and Elizabeth quarrelled she said
she'd never set foot in your house again.
Mrs. Slater: She'll come fast enough after her
share of what our father's left. You know how
hard she can be when she likes. Where she gets
it from I can't tell.
Henry: I suppose it's in the family. (pause)
Where are my slippers?
Mrs. Slater: In the kitchen; but you want a new
pair, those old ones are nearly worn out.
(Nearly breaking down) You don't seem to
realize what it's costing me to bear up like I am
doing. My heart's fit to break when I see the
little trifles that belonged to father lying
around, and think he'll never use them again.
Q. The phrase 'as usual' suggests...
A) not useful B) repeated usage C) useless D) regular
Answer. D) regular
(Briskly) here! You'd better wear these slippers
of my father's now. It's lucky he'd just got a
new pair.
Henry: They'll be very small for me, my dear.
Mrs. Slater: They'll stretch, won't they? I'm not
going to have them wasted. (She has finished
laying the table.) Henry, I've been thinking
about that bureau of my father's that's in his
bedroom. You know I always wanted to have it
after he died.
Now, answer the following questions. Each
question has four choices. Choose the correct
answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your
answer booklet.
(4×1 = 4 marks)
1. In The passage 'D'ye hear?' means…
A) Daddy and you hear
B) Do you hear?
C) Dear boy hear?
D) Deaf or dead hear?
2. What do you mean by 'they' in the expression
"What are they coming for?"
A) Amelia and Slater B) Slater and Jordan
C) Victoria and Abel
D) Elizabeth and Jordan
3. Where was the bureau?
A) In the hall
B) In Abel's bedroom
C) In Slater's bedroom
D. In Jordan's drawing room
4. What type of text is this passage?
A) Biographical sketch
B) Description
C) One act play
D) narration
Answer the following questions in two or three
(3×2 = 6 marks)
5. Who sent a telegram? To whom he sent that?
6. Mrs. Slater had been thinking about a furniture item of her father's. What was that?
7. Do you support the behaviour of Slater's
couple? Why or Why not?
Answers: 1) B; 2) D; 3) B; 4) C; 5) Mr. Slater
sent telegram. He sent to Elizabeth and
Jordan.; 6) She had been thinking about a
bureau. That was her father's and it was in his
bedroom.; 7) I don't support their behaviour.
They were interested in sharing properties but
not responsibilities.
(Questions 8-12): Read the following passage.
This morning she bought green 'methi'
in the market, choosing the freshest bunch;
picked up a white radish,
imagined the crunch it would make
between her teeth, the sweet sharp taste,
then put it aside, thinking it
an extravagance, counted her coins
out carefully, tied them, a small bundle
into her sari at the waist;
came home, faced her mother-in-law's
dark looks, took
the leaves and chopped them,
her hands stained yellow from the juice;
cut an onion, fine and cooked
the whole thing in the pot
over the stove,
shielding her face from the heat.
The usual words came and beat
their wings against her: the money spent,
curses heaped upon her parents,
who had sent her out
to darken other people's doors.
- Ms. Imtiaz Dharker
Now, answer the following questions. Each
question has four choices. Choose the correct
answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your
answer booklet.
(3×1 = 3 marks)
8. Why did the woman crouch on the floor?
A) because there is no one to support her
B) It is a custom in Eastern Countries
C) because of poverty
D) I order to protect herself
9. The phrase 'as usual' suggests...
A) not useful
B) repeated usage
C) useless
D) regular
10. The symbolism of the poem depicts
A) a low class woman
B) a middle class woman
C) a high class woman
D) a feminist
Write answers for the given questions in one or
two sentences
(2×1 = 2 marks)
11. What does the phrase 'mother-in-law's dark
looks' suggest?
12. "The usual words came and beat.." (line 18).
Where did the words come from? Why?
Answers: 8) A; 9) D; 10) B; 11) 'Mother-inlaw's dark looks' suggest that she was angry
with daughter-in-law that she spent more than
needed.; 12) The words come from the heart
of mother-in-law to beat daughter-in-law.
Vocabulary and Grammar
(10 marks)
This section will contain questions related to
grammar and vocabulary. Textbook passages
come in Paper-1 and unseen passages in Paper-2.
The grammar and vocabulary items can be taken
from any class up to 10th. It is a real brain teasing task for many students. Contextual meanings,
synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, articles,
prepositions, phrasal verbs, tenses, concord rule
Active-Passive Voice, Reported Speech, Reflexive Pronouns, infinitives, clauses, Verb forms
and correction of sentences are to be practised.
Tip: In paper-I all the three passages come
from Textbook. So it is better to read all the units
for better understanding of sentence formation
and expression. Model papers practice helps you
to score more.
Paper - I
Q.No. 13-17: This is a passage with numbers
before few sentences. The number indicates an
error in the sentence. We have to edit the passage
by making necessary changes in the underlined
part of each sentence.
(5×1 = 5m)
For example:
(13) Father wanted to say something or the
bus started moving. (14) I saw my father gradually receding in the distance. (15) I saw that the
road we had come by look like on a giant motionless rope. (16) Father would use the same road go
back to home. (17) Simultaneously our journeys
started in two opposite directions, with me seated in the luxurious seat of a bus and Father walk
back with weary legs on the pebble-strewn road.
Answers: 13) but; 14) into; 15) looked like;
16) back home; 17) walking back.
Q.No. 18-22: This is a passage with blanks.
Every blank will have a number from 18-22. You
have to choose the correct word from the given
(5×½ = 2½ m)
For example:
it self
naturally having
The story ....... (18) is woven around the love
of Sasirekha- Abhimanyu. With Krishna and
Balarama ....... (19) difference of opinion over it,
their wives too take sides as is inevitable in any
family. To introduce the theme , the director .......
(20) a magic box, (an equivalent of a TV screen)
which displays whatever is dear to the viewer's
Sasirekha ....... (21) sees Abhimanyu and
Balarama gets to see his sishya, Duryodhana on
it. His wife laps up the sight of an array of jewellery and ....... (22) audience laughed heartily
because they knew that someone back home was
equally attached to the riches.
Answers: 18) itself; 19) having;
20) uses; 21) naturally; 22) the
Q.No. 23-27: It is a passage with underlined
words. Each underlined word is numbered from
23 to 27. We have to write answer in a word depend on the directions given below the passage.
(5×½ = 2½ m)
For example:
The members of this board were very wise
(23) and philosophical men. As they turned their
attention to the workhouse, they discovered that
it was a regular place of public entertainment
(24) for the poorer classes. It was the place where
they had breakfast, dinner, tea and supper (25) all
the year and free; where it was all play and no
work. This was really shocking state of affairs,
they were of the opinion that the poorer (26)
should be given only two alternatives: Either to
starve quickly outside the workhouse, or gradually inside the house. View, they decided that the
inmates of the workhouse would be issued (27)
three meals of thin gruel a day, with an onion
twice a week.
23. Write the antonym of the underlined word.
24. Write the verb of the underlined word.
25. What is the appropriate meaning for the
word 'supper'?
26. Write the correct form of the underlined
27. Write an appropriate synonym of the underlined word.
Answers: 23) foolish; 24) entertain;
25) night meal; 26) poorest; 27) served
Paper - II
There are four sub sections and will be given
independent (not from Textbook)
Q.No. 16-18: It is editing task. We have to rewrite the numbered sentences as per the direction.
(3×1 = 3m)
For example:
Smiling at them, Tenali Raman said, "Thank you,
dear friends for watering all the plants in my garden. You have worked very hard indeed. (16)
What do you want me to pay you for your
(17) The thieves were too shocked to say anything. They fell at Tenali Raman's feet and
begged for his forgiveness. Tenali Raman took
them to the king's court and told them to promise
that they would never steal again.
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l Ð]l*Ça l 3 l 2016
Description is nothing but describing the location and situation.
We have to give all the details: who are there, their features,
their emotion, how is the location.
(18) When the king came to know how Tenali
Raman had caught the thieves, he rewarded him
with many gifts.
Now answer the questions:
16. Rewrite the sentence beginning from: Tenali
Raman asked .......
17. Rewrite the sentence replacing in the word
'too-to' with 'so'.
18. Rewrite the sentence beginning it with:
Coming .......
Answers: 16) Tenali Raman asked the thieves
what they wanted him to pay for their labour;
17) The thieves were so shocked and speechless;18) Coming to know how Tenali Raman
had caught the thieves, the King rewarded
him with many gifts.
Q.No. 19-22: It is Vocabulary task. We have to
choose the right choice from the given four
(4×½ = 2m)
For example:
Amateur Radio Operators have to qualify in
an examination conducted by Ministry of Communications, Government of India and obtain
license for operating/ possessing a Radio Station.
....... (19) individual above the age of 12....... (20)
permitted to appear for Amateur Station Operator
License Examination and No Educational qualification is prescribed. It takes just two months
(say two hours a day training) to ....... (21) eligible for the examination. One should qualify a
simple test ....... (22) in three subjects.
19) A) any
B) no
C) every D) some
20) A) are
B) were C) is
D) was
21) A) become
B) can
C) have
D) may
22) A) will conduct
B) conduct
C) conducting
D) conducted
Answers: 19) A; 20) C; 21) A; 22) D
Q.No. 23-28: This is also vocabulary task. We
have to choose the right word from the given two
(6×½ = 3m)
For example:
A man's intelligence should be measured.......
(23) (buy/by) placing him at different heights. If
a man shows no change in his wits with the
change of elevation he should be....... (24)
(took/taken) as hopeless. The power of agitation
(25) (upon/under) one's spirits is well known. As
one....... (26) (went/goes) up one experiences
more and more agitation. This is....... (27)
(for/because) of the rotation of earth. People who
live at tropics are fierier than those living in other
places. The former are carried about with more
swiftness ....... (28) (to/than) the latter.
Answers: 23) by; 24) taken; 25) upon;
26) goes; 27) because; 28) than.
Q.No. 29-32: In this task we have to fill the
blanks with the given word but with necessary
changes. Tenses and verb forms knowledge will
help you to do this.
(4×½ = 2 m)
For example:
The detective story ....... (29) (enjoy) popularity.
This is forcing it into an ....... (30) (artificiality)
mould. It is ....... (31) (given) what the public
wants. It is being set into a type. There are stock
characters and stock incidents. There are characters like the Butler, Detective's friend and the
tramp. Even the detective is being ....... (32)
(develop) into a type.
Answers: 29) enjoys; 30) artificial;
31) giving; 32) developed.
10th Class Special - English
Creative Writing (Discourses)
(15 marks)
Creative Writing is an interesting part of the
exam. Any particular piece of writing is called a
discourse. Communication passes one person to
another person through these discourses. One
becomes good communicator by possessing
these skills. We have to write according to the
question. Every discourse has its own features.
Follow the distinct features to get more marks.
This part of the practice really enriches your languages and also useful in your future. Students
enjoy practicing these discourses. Prepare a
model for every kind. The model discourse helps
you to construct new one on any topic.
Major and Minor discourses of Group-A will
be asked based on the Textbook lessons. They
take the context from the lesson and ask a different discourse. For the internal choice also they
ask different discourses.
Major and Minor discourses of Group-B will
be asked independently (not from Textbook).
Have a look at this table.
1. Writing dialogues with five to ten exchanges
2. Using proper sequence of exchanges
3. Sustaining the conversation with social
norms (being polite, reflecting relationships
4. Using discourse markers (well, precisely
5. Using short responses and tags wherever
6. Using dialogues apt to the context
7. Using appropriate cohesive devises
8. Using well-formed constructions
9. Maintaining conventions of writing spelling
10. Using proper punctuations
Note: All indicators (except 1) carry one mark
each; indicator 1 carries 2 marks.
Drama script/ play:
1. Writing dialogues relevant to context.
2. Describing the feelings and emotions of the
main characters.
3. Including the stage directions, moments and
Q.No. Paper Nature of Discourse Details of the discourses
Major Discourse-A
(based on Textbook)
Story/Narrative, Conversation,
Description, Drama Script/Play,
Interview and Choreography
Minor Discourses-A
(based on Textbook)
Message, Notice and Diary
Major Discourses-B
(not from Textbook)
Biography, Essay, Report/News
report, Letter and Speech (Script)
Minor Discourse-B
(not from Textbook)
Poster, Invitation and Profile
Description is nothing but describing the location and situation. We have to give all the
details: who are there, their features, their
emotion, how is the location. Imagine the situation in your mind as a movie. Start describing
one by one.
Series of events described in an order becomes
narrative. It becomes story if it has any twist.
Giving the communication between two or
more people in direct speech, one by one
becomes conversation. If there is sudden twist
in the conversation in a story mode it becomes
Drama script. In Drama Script (Play) we have
to mention their movements and feelings in
brackets, shouting in Capital letters.
A series of events from birth to death of a person becomes biography.
Addressing, Repetition of words or sentences,
Rhetoric questions and concluding words are
compulsory for Speech script.
What, why, how, who, where, when, which are
to be answered in Report/News report.
Doctor: What's the problem?
Parent-1: Sir, here is my son. See him, He is
obese. Though he is 7 years old, he looks like a
12 years size.
Doctor: O.K., Common my boy. Open your
mouth, …. Turn around…
(doctor tests him)
Doctor: What are your hobbies?
Boy: playing video games, watching TV.
Doctor: This boy has no problem. But he
needs regular exercise. Encourage him to participate in sports and games. Avoid Video games
and TV for one year. He will be alright.
Boy: (looks disappointed)
Parent: O.K. sir.
Doctor: Next (he rings the bell)
Parent-2: Sir here is my only daughter. We
love her very much. But she is not mingling with
others in our apartment.
Doctor: Hello! My dear, what are your hobbies?
Child-2: Playing video games and PSP.
Doctor: (Tests her with Stethoscope)
Doctor: There is no health problem. The only
thing is addiction to Video games and PSP. Stop
them for a month. She will be alright.
marks Choice
10 Internal
5 No Choice
10 Internal
5 No choice
4. Continuing the dramatic conflict.
5. Maintaining proper beginning, rising actions
and ending.
6. Suggesting costumes and props required.
7. Using discourse markers (well, precisely
8. Using well formed constructions (in the sentences)
9. Uses appropriate cohesive devises
10. Maintaining conventions of writing including spelling.
(Note: All indicators (except 1) carry one mark
each; indicator 1 carries 2 marks)
(Question 28):
Read the passage given below.
Nowadays, we can easily find children even
as young as two years old playing with electronic devices and gadgets anywhere. It is not only
the video games that make children stay, it also
includes television, mobile phones, computers,
tablet computers, PSP(Play Station Portable)
games and etc., Parents may find it easier to
make their children stay in one place by giving
them a gadget to play with. No. of problems are
arising biologically and socially.
Narrative/ story:
1. Containing a sequence of events and dialogues
2. Evoking sensory perceptions and images
3. Evoking emotions
4. Writing about setting and other details
5. Using characterization
6. Maintaining coherence
7. Reflecting point of view
8. Using well-formed constructions
9. Maintaining conventions of writing -spelling
10. Using proper punctuations
(Note: All indicators carry one mark each.)
Keeping in view of the above topic, write
(10 Marks)
Stop sitting Start Playing
1. Doctor,
2. Parents - 4,
3. Children - 4
Setting: Hospital in a city
(When the curtain raises parents and children
are waiting in the hall to visit Doctor. The nurse
calls one by one after taking their details)
Assessment Indicators for
Creative Writing - Discourses
Doctor: Nurse, what about the other cases?
Are they similar or any different problems?
Nurse: All are related doctor.
Doctor: O.K. let me come out side. I will
address them.
(Doctor comes out of his room and comes
into hall)
Doctor: Dear parents, Once upon a time
there were no electronic gadgets like TV,
Videogames, PSP, tablet PC etc. Children used to
play in the ground along with other children.
These electronic gadgets made them to sit
indoors and enjoy without movement. So obesity
comes in early ages. Socialisation is also a big
problem. We are human beings. We have to live
in group. These electronic gadgets break the
interpersonal relations. So they don't mingle with
So stop using them. Encourage them to play
real games. Make them to enjoy in functions and
social gatherings.
Parents: O.Kay sir! We will we do. (All parents respond at a time)
Read the following passage carefully.
Sunitha is a brilliant student. Now she is in
10th standard. Every teacher likes her but not
Social teacher, because she belongs to so-called
'lower caste'.
Imagine that you are also a student of the
same section, you know everything about her.
Now write a small story on this.
(10 Marks)
1. Creating vivid images
2. Using variety of sentence forms
3. Proper sequencing of ideas (avoiding digression)
4. Giving personal reflections on the event or
5. Using appropriate cohesive devices such as
pronouns, connectives etc.
6. Using syntactically well-formed constructions
7. Using proper word forms (tense, aspects,
PNG agreement markers, affixes)
8. Maintaining conventions of writing -spelling
(Note: All indicators (except 1) carry one mark
each; indicator 1 carries 2 marks)
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l Ð]l*Ça l 3 l 2016
10th Class Special - English
In "Unity in Diversity in India" lesson we realized the great history and cultural heritage of
India. You write a detail description of any historical place you visited.
(10 Marks)
The Golkonda Fort is one of the famous
tourist places in India. It is located near
Hyderabad. Apart from historical background its
structure is more interesting. Golkonda consists
of four distinct forts with a 10 km long outer wall
with 87 semicircular bastions (some still mounted with cannons), eight gateways, and four drawbridges, with a number of royal apartments &
halls, temples, mosques, magazines, stables, etc.
inside. The lowest of these is the outermost
enclosure into which we enter by the "Fateh
Darwaza" studded with giant iron spikes (to prevent elephants from battering them down) near
the south-eastern corner.
At Fateh Darwaza can be experienced a fantastic acoustic effect, characteristic of the engineering marvels at Golkonda. A hand clap at a
certain point below the dome at the entrance
reverberates and can be heard clearly at the 'Bala
Hisar' pavilion, the highest point almost a kilometre away.
A visit to the fort reveals the architectural
beauty in many of the pavilions, gates, entrances
and domes. Divided into four district forts, the
architectural valour still gleams in each of the
apartments, halls, temples, mosques, gardens and
even stables.
Bala Hissar Gate is the main entrance to the
fort located on the eastern side. It has a pointed
arch bordered by rows of scroll work. The spandrels have yalis and decorated roundels. The area
above the door has peacocks with ornate tails
flanking an ornamental arched niche.
Toli Masjid, situated at Karwan, about 2 km
from the Golkonda fort, was built in 1671 by Mir
Musa Khan Mahaldar, royal architect of
Abdullah Qutub Shah. The facade consists of
five arches, each with lotus medallions in the
spandrels. The central arch is slightly wider and
more ornate. The mosque inside is divided into
two halls, a transverse outer hall and an inner hall
entered through triple arches.
The palaces, factories, water supply system
and the famous "Rahban" cannon, within the fort
are some of the major attractions.
It is believed that there is a secret underground tunnel that leads from the "Durbar Hall"
and ends in one of the palaces at the foot of the
hill. It is also believed that there was a secret tunnel to Charminar.
The two individual pavilions on the outer
side of Golkonda are also major attractions of the
fort. It is built on a point which is quite rocky.
The "Kala Mandir" is also located in the fort. It
can be seen from the king's durbar (king's court)
which was on top of the Golkonda Fort.
The ventilation of the fort is absolutely fabulous having exotic designs. They were so intricately designed that cool breeze could reach the
interiors of the fort, providing a respite from the
heat of summer.
1. Proper introduction/ context.
2. Relevant to the context/ theme.
3. Maintaining proper beginning..
4. Using discourse markers.
5. Using well formed construction.
6. Appropriate language.
7. Appropriate questions (no. of exchanges).
8. Framing questions with relevance to the
responses (appropriateness).
9. Maintaining sequence in interaction.
10. Appropriate closing/ ending the interview.
(Note: All indicators (except 1) carry one mark
each; indicator 1 carries 2 marks)
28. You read the play "The Dear Departed".
Imagine that you were a reporter of a TV
channel and got a chance to face interview
with Abel Merryweather. Write the imaginary interview briefly.
Sada: Good morning Mr. Abel. Welcome to TV
Abel: Good morning.
Sada: Tell me about your family.
Abel: I have two daughters, two sons-in-law and
a grand daughter.
Sada: Whom do you like most in your family?
Abel: I love my grand daughter Victoria most.
She is innocent and loves me much.
Sada: I heard news about your marriage!
Abel: Yes. I am going to marry Mrs. John
Sada: Why are you going to marry at this old
Abel: Good question! My daughters are not
looking after me. They wait for my death to
collect insurance amount. I need love and care.
Mrs. Shorrocks came forward to look after me.
She is also facing the same problem. So we
decided to marry each other.
Sada: Bold decision. What is the response of
your family members to your idea?
Abel: Obviously they disagreed to my proposal.
But I need to think of my self.
Sada: Will you give any part of your property to
your daughters?
Abel: No! Not at all. I only give it to a person,
who looks after me.
Sada: Thank you very much Mr. Abel for spending with us.
1. Presenting the details of the person.
2. Presenting relevant ideas and information.
3. Organizing the information and data.
4. Considering reflections, thoughts and feelings.
5. Quote anecdotes, events and achievements
of the person.
6. Maintaining coherence.
7. Using cohesive devises.
8. Using well formed construction.
9. Maintaining conventions of writing.
(Note: All indicators except 5 carry 1 mark each;
Indicator 5 carries 2 marks.)
Write a biography of any 'great scientist'.
(10 marks)
(Don't worry, you will be given details of the
personality in the exam to write biography)
(Biography of a scientist)
Stephen William Hawking was born in
Oxford, England on 8th January, 1942. After
schooling, Stephen joined University College,
Oxford and studied Physics. After obtaining a
first class degree in Natural Sciences, he went to
Cambridge to do research. Since 1979, he has
held the post of professor of Mathematics.
At the age of 17, Stephen started noticing
that he was becoming increasingly clumsy and
even fell down a couple of times, for no reason.
Shortly after his 21st birthday, he was taken to
hospital and made to undergo a number of tests.
He was shocked, when he realized he had an
Fateh Darwaza can be experienced a fantastic
acoustic effect, characteristic of the engineering
marvels at Golkonda.
incurable disease, a type of sclerosis, which
weakened his muscles. The Doctors predicted an
early death for him. He continued his research.
He thought that he might not live for long and
that his Ph.D. would never be completed.
However he finished it.
As his scientific reputation increased, his
disability got worse. Even feeding himself and
getting in and out of bed became difficult. In
1980, he had to rely upon nurses. In 1985 he
underwent an operation in the wind- pipe. After
this, he needed 24 hours nursing care. Before the
operation, his speech was not clear, but at least he
could communicate. But the operation distanced
him from his ability to speak altogether.
However, a computer programme specially
devised for him, helped him communicate. Using
this programme, a book has been written, and
dozens of scientific papers have been presented.
Many scientific talks have also been given. He
was awarded medals and prizes. He has twelve
honorary degrees to his credit.
Stephen Hawking's life long illness has not
prevented him from having a very happy life, and
being successful in his work. He continues his
research in Physics. He has been travelling and
delivering public lectures.
From the life of Stephen Hawking, it is
understood that one need not lose hope. His life
is an example that disability need not prevent one
from reaching great heights.
we should give part of the time to ethical values.
If we give space to moral education, society
definitely respects teachers forever. Teachers are
the only hope to protect the society.
Personal/ formal letter:
1. Using language appropriate to the context
2. Using appropriate format, layout
3. Using appropriate conventions (salutation,
endorsement, etc.)
4. Expressing ideas sequentially
5. Using persuasive language
6. Maintaining coherence
7. Reflecting relationship
8. Using well-formed constructions
9. Maintaining conventions of writing -spelling
10. Using proper punctuations
(Note: All indicators carry one mark each.)
Write a letter to the editor to any leading News
magazine about old age problems and human
Letter to the Editor:
25th March, 2016.
The Editor,
Indian Express,
Banjarahills, Hyderabad.
1. Writing suitable title and introduction.
2. Making appropriate thesis statement.
3. Maintaining appropriate paragraphing with
main ideas.
4. Providing supporting details and examples.
5. Organizing of ideas and use of cohesive
6. Maintaining coherence.
7. Presenting a point of view.
8. Giving appropriate ending.
9. Using well formed constructions.
10. Maintaining conventions of writing.
(Note: All indicators (except 1) carry one mark
each; indicator 1 carries 2 marks)
We celebrate Teachers Day on 5th September.
Write an essay on "Teachers Day"
Essay on 'Teachers Day'
The destiny of the nation is being shaped in
the classrooms. There teacher strives to build
future society. In India we give top most priority
to teacher, next to mother and father. Every year
we celebrate Teachers' day on September 5th.
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was our first VicePresident of India (1952-62) and the second
President of India from 1962-67. He was a great
scholar. He received many awards for his outstanding talent. He received Bharat Ratna, the
highest civilian award in India, in 1954, and honorary membership of the British Royal Order of
Merit in 1963. Radhakrishnan believed that
"teachers should be the best minds in the country". Since 1962, his birthday is celebrated in
India as Teacher's Day.
We can get knowledge through books and
internet. But teacher only can guide us to move
in right direction. No book or no technology can
replace the role of a teacher. There is a decline of
values in all fields. Still our society is respecting
Due to the competitive world we are not giving importance to moral education. Ethics, discipline life values are degrading. Giving more
space to science and technology, can make a doctor or engineer. But to make a good human being
I would like to explain the readers about an
important issue through your esteemed daily. Old
age become a curse to the senior citizens.
Now a days most of the parents are living in
old age homes or away from children. The so
called modern generation is neglecting their parents. The old people (parents) are deserved to be
treated with a great love and care. It is the
responsibility of the children.
Unfortunately many sons and daughters are
not looking after parents. In this mechanical life
money is loved but not relations. Where ever you
go, temples, cross roads, bus stops you can see
number of old people begging. This is practical
situation of every town and city of India. Health
problems, poverty, helplessness and loneliness
are compelling them to commit suicides. It is
definitely a crime. The land of the values is
becoming value less.
One should take care of their parents at old
age. There should be a clear cut government act
on it. There should be a mechanism to follow up.
I request you to focus on this and publish
articles to inculcate moral and ethical values.
Yours truly,
News report
1. Using appropriate headline.
2. Writing appropriate lead sentence.
3. Presenting the body of the news (the gist).
4. Organizing the information.
5. Putting the events in a logical order.
6. Using cohesive devises.
7. Using appropriate language(reporting style,
passiviziation, appropriate tense etc.)
8. Maintaining appropriate paragraphing and
9. Presenting a point of view.
10. Using well formed construction.
(Note: All indicators carry one mark each.)
(Question 33): There are number of Classical
dance forms in India. Report any Classical
Dance performance you attended or imagine
that you attended to a classical dance performance watched on TV and Report it. (10 marks)
(to be continued in 9th page...)
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Groups - General Studies
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»ñæ…£é‹Ü (Benthos)
iÐéÐ]lÆý‡×æ Ô>ç܈… (Ecology) 糧é°MìS Ð]lÊË¿êçÙ H¨?
JMýS gê† iÐ]l#Ë$, Ðésìæ ^èl$r*t E¯]l² ç³ÇçÜÆ>Ë Ð]l$«§ýlÅ
çÜ…º…«§é°² A«§ýlÅĶæ$¯]l… ^ólõÜ Ô>ç܈…?
BsñæM>Ëi (Autecology)
À¯]l² iÐ]lgê™èl$Ë$, Ðésìæ ^èl$r*t E¯]l² ç³ÇçÜÆ>Ë Ð]l$«§ýlÅ
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çܧýlçÜ$Þ (M>‹³&21) GMýSPyýl fÇW…¨?
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Ðól$ 22
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(MøÆý‡ÌŒæ È‹œ)?
B{õÜtÍĶæ* DÔ>¯]lÅ ¡Æý‡…ÌZ° {VóSsŒæ »ôæÇĶæ$ÆŠ‡ È‹œ
BÐ]l$Ï Ð]lÆ>ÛË §éÓÆ> ´ëËÆ>Ƈ¬ „îS×ìæ…^ól {ç³{MìSĶæ$?
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{ç³: 3 GMýSÆ>Ë ¿¶æ*ç³…í³×îæ ç³£ýlMýS… AÐ]l$Ë$ MøçÜ… {糿¶æ$™èlÓ… JMøP hÌêÏMýS$ G°²
Mørϯ]l$ Ñyýl$§ýlË ^ólíÜ…¨?
f: Æý‡*.5 Mør$Ï
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l Ð]l*Ça l 3 l 2016
Groups - Economy
™ðlË…V>×æÌZ A™èlÅ«¨MýS MúË$§éÆý‡$Ï E¯]l² hÌêÏ?
C…¨Æ> {M>…† ³ç £ý …
AOòܯŒlz ¿¶æ*Ð]l¬Ë$ A…sôæ?
õ³§ýlÐéÇMìS {糿¶æ$™èlÓ… E_™èl…V> MóSsêƇ¬…_¯]l
Ð]lÅÐ]lÝëĶæ$ ¿¶æ*Ñ$, Câ¶æÏ çܦÌêË$.
B…{«§ýl{糧ólÔŒæ {糿¶æ$™èlÓ… (1958ÌZ) gêÈ ^ólíܯ]l H
E™èl¢Æý‡$ÓË$ BOòܯŒlz ¿¶æ*Ð]l¬Ë Ñ«§é¯é°MìS Æý‡*ç³MýS˵¯]l
1406, 1407
Mø¯ólÆý‡$ Æý‡…V>Æ>Ð]l# MýSÑ$sîæ (2006) {ç³M>Æý‡… GÐ]lÇ°
¿¶æ*Ñ$Ìôæ° õ³§ýlË$V> VýS$Ç¢…^éÍ?
1 GMýSÆý‡… (™èlÇ)/ 2 GMýSÆ>Ë$ (MýS$íÙP) MýS…sôæ
™èlMýS$PÐ]l ¿¶æ*Ñ$ E¯]l²ÐéÆý‡$
™ðlË…V>×æ {糿¶æ$™èlÓ… 3 GMýSÆ>Ë ¿¶æ*ç³…í³×îæ ç³£ýlMýS…ÌZ
H çÜ…çܦ¯]l$ {糫§é¯]l ¿êVýSÝëÓÑ$V> ^ólÇa…¨?
™ðlË…V>×æ òÙyýl*ÅÌŒæz MýS$ÌêË çÜçßæM>Æý‡ AÀÐ]l–¨®
3 GMýSÆ>Ë ¿¶æ*ç³…í³×îæ ç³£ýlMýS… AÐ]l$Ë$ MøçÜ… {糿¶æ$™èlÓ… JMøP hÌêÏMýS$ G°² Mørϯ]l$ Ñyýl$§ýlË ^ólíÜ…¨?
Æý‡*.5 Mør$Ï
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™ðlË…V>×æÌZ A™èlÅ«¨MýS MúË$§éÆý‡$Ï E¯]l² hÌêÏ?
Æý‡…V>Æð‡yìlz ( 85 Ô>™èl…)
EÐ]l$Ãyìl B…{«§ýl-{ç³-§ól-ÔŒæÌZ Mö°² E§øÅ-V>-˯]l$ çÜÈÓ‹Ü
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Ðé…bèl* MýSÑ$sîæ
çÜOÐðl$MýSÅ Æ>çÙ‰…ÌZ Æ>çÙ‰-糆
E™èl¢-Æý‡$Ó-ËMýS$ çÜ…º…-«¨…_¯]l iÐø?
iÐø ¯ðl….674
ò³§ýlª-Ð]l$-¯]l$-çÙ$Ë Jç³µ…-§ýl…Oò³
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5 çÜ…Ð]l-™èlÞ-Æ>Ë$
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iÐø ¯ðl….674...H A…Ô>-˯]l$ °Æó‡ª-Õ-çÜ$¢…¨?
E§øÅVýS °Ä¶æ*-Ð]l$-M>ÌZÏ ´ësìæ…-^é-ÍÞ¯]l °Ä¶æ$-Ð]l*˯]l$
"-B-Çt-MýSÌŒæ 371&D'¯]l$ H Æ>gêÅ…VýS çÜÐ]l-Æý‡×æ §éÓÆ> ¡çÜ$Mö-^éaÆý‡$?
-3-2Ð]l çÜÐ]l-Æý‡×æ
Æ>çÙ‰-糆 E™èl¢-Æý‡$ÓË {ç³M>Æý‡… çÜOÐðl$MýSÅ Æ>çÙ‰…ÌZ hÌêÏ,
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80%; 70%; 60%
fĶæ$ ¿êÆý‡-™èl-Æð‡yìlz, çÜ$…§ýl-Æó‡-Զ毌l MýSÑ$-sîæË Ç´ù-Æý‡$t¯]l$ A¯]l$çÜ-Ç…_ H±t-BÆŠ‡ {糿¶æ$™èlÓ… ¡çÜ$-MýS$¯]l² ^èlÆý‡Å?
19-85, yìlòÜ…-ºÆý‡$ 30¯]l 610 gZÐø¯]l$ Ñyýl$-§ýlË
WÆŠ‡-V>ϱ MýSÑ$-sîæ° G糚yýl$ °Ä¶æ$-Ñ$…-^éÆý‡$?
20-01, þ¯Œl 25
A-çÙt-çÜ*{™èl ç³£ýl-M>°² H ¯ólç³-£ýlÅ…ÌZ {糆-´ë-¨…-^éÆý‡$?
19-69 ™ðlË…-V>×æ E§ýlÅÐ]l$…
Æ>çÙ‰…ÌZ MóS…{©Ä¶æ$ ÑÔ¶æÓ-Ñ-§éÅ-Ë-Ķæ*°² H ç³£ýl-MýS…ÌZ
¿êVýS…V> Ýë¦í³…-^éÆý‡$?
BÆý‡$-çÜ*-{™éË ç³£ýlMýS…
Æ>çÙ‰-糆 E™èl¢-Æý‡$ÓË {ç³M>Æý‡… °Ðé-Ýë-Æý‡á-™èl¯]l$ G¯ól²-â¶æÏMýS$
12 Hâ¶æÏ ¯]l$…_ 4 Hâ¶æMÏ Sý $
AÌêÏyìl A…fĶæ$Å,
çÜ»ñæjMýS$t °ç³#×æ$Ë$,
EÐ]l$Ãyìl B…{«§ýl{糧ólÔŒæ Æ>{çÙt…ÌZ BǦMýS Ð]lÅÐ]lçܦ ¡Æý‡$™ðl¯]l$²Ë¯]l$ G°² §ýlÔ¶æÌZÏ A«§ýlÅĶæ$¯]l… ^ólÔ>Æý‡$?
3 §ýlÔ¶æË$ (1956&70; 1971&90; 1991&2014)
B…{«§ýl{糧ólÔŒæ Æ>çÙ‰… HÆý‡µyýlMýS Ð]l¬…§ýl$ (1956ÌZ)
™ðlË…V>×æ ¿¶æ*¿êVýS…ÌZ G°² hÌêÏË$ E¯é²Æ‡¬?
9 hÌêÏË$
Hï³ÌZ ¿êVýS…V> E¯]l²ç³šyýl$ ™ðlË…V>×æÌZ G…™èl
Ô>™èl… ¿¶æ*Ñ$ ÝëVýS$ MìS…§ýl E…¨?
40 Ô>™èl…
MýSÐ]l*ÆŠ‡ ËÍ™Œl MýSÑ$sîæ° §ól°MøçÜ… °Ä¶æ$Ñ$…^éÆý‡$?
™ðlË…V>×æÌZ° Ñ$VýS$Ë$ °«§ýl$ËOò³ A«§ýlÅĶæ$¯]l…
MýS$Ð]l*ÆŠ‡ ËÍ™Œl MýSÑ$sîæ HÆ>µr$ ^ólíܯ]l çÜ…Ð]l™èlÞÆý‡…?
H M>Ëç³ÇÑ$†ÌZ fÇW¯]l °«§ýl$Ë MóSsêƇ¬…ç³#˯]l$
MýS$Ð]l*ÆŠ‡ ËÍ™Œl MýSÑ$sîæ ç³ÇÖÍ…_…¨?
1956, ¯]lÐ]l…ºÆý‡$ 1 ¯]l$…_ 1968 Ð]l*Ça 31 Ð]lÆý‡MýS$
MýS$Ð]l*ÆŠ‡ ËÍ™Œl MýSÑ$sîæ °Ðól¨MýS¯]l$ G糚yýl$ çÜÐ]l$ǵ…_…¨?
1969, Ð]l*Ça (2 ¯ðlËË M>Ëç³ÇÑ$†™ø)
G…™èl Ð]l$…¨ B…{«§ýl E§øÅVýS$Ë$ Ð]l¬ÎP °º…«§ýl¯]lËMýS$
ÑÆý‡$§ýl®…V> E¯]l²r$Ï ËÍ™Œl
MýSÑ$sîæ õ³ÆöP…¨?
C…¨Æ>V>…«© H
çÜ*{™èl…ÌZ ¿êVýS…V>
fíÜt‹Ü ¿êÆý‡YÐ]l MýSÑ$sîæ°
AçÙtçÜ*{™èl…ÌZ ¿êVýS…V>
fíÜt‹Ü ¿êÆý‡YÐ]l MýSÑ$sîæ HÆ>µr$ ^ólíܯ]l çÜ…Ð]l™èlÞÆý‡…?
1969, H{í³ÌŒæ 22
fíÜt‹Ü ¿êÆý‡YÐ]l MýSÑ$sîæÌZ çÜ¿¶æ$ÅË çÜ…QÅ?
MýSÐ]l*ÆŠ‡ ËÍ™Œl MýSÑ$sîæ °Ðól¨MýS¯]l$ ç³ÇÖÍ…^ól…§ýl$MýS$
°Ä¶æ$Ñ$…_¯]l MýSÑ$sîæ?
fíÜt‹Ü ¿êÆý‡YÐ]l MýSÑ$sîæ
fíÜt‹Ü ¿êÆý‡YÐ]l MýSÑ$sîæ °Ðól¨MýS {ç³M>Æý‡… ™ðlË…V>×æ
Ñ$VýS$Ë$ °«§ýl$Ë$?
Æý‡*. 28.44 Mør$Ï
fíÜt‹Ü OMðSÌê‹Ü¯é£Šl Ðé…bèl* MýSÑ$sîæ° °Ä¶æ$Ñ$…_…¨
MóS…{§ýl {糿¶æ$™èlÓ…
fíÜt‹Ü OMðSÌê‹Ü¯é£Šl MýSÑ$sîæ° H çÜ…Ð]l™èlÞÆý‡…ÌZ HÆ>µr$
1969, Ð]l*Ça 28
fíÜt‹Ü OMðSÌê‹Ü¯é£Šl MýSÑ$sîæ °Ðól¨MýS¯]l$ G糚yýl$
1969, òÜò³t…ºÆý‡$ 9
fíÜt‹Ü OMðSÌê‹Ü¯é£Šl Ðé…bèl* MýSÑ$sîæÌZ G…™èl Ð]l$…¨
Ð]l¬VýS$YÆý‡$ (1+2)
Ð]l¬ÎP °º…«§ýl¯]l˯]l$ çÜ${ï³…MøÆý‡$t G糚yýl$
1969 Ð]l*Ça 28
Ð]l¬ÎP °º…«§ýl¯]lË$ Æ>gêÅ…VýS çÜÐ]l$ÙèlÐól$¯]l° OòßæMøÆý‡$t
¡Æý‡$µ ^ðlí³µ¯]l Æøk?
1969, œ
í {ºÐ]lÇ 20
Ð]l¬ÎP °º…«§ýl¯]lË$ {´ë£ýlÑ$MýS çßæMýS$PËMýS$ Ð]lņÆó‡MýSÐ]l$°
^ðlí³µ¯]l MýSÑ$sîæ?
Ðé…bèl* MýSÑ$sîæ
¿¶æ*çÜ…çÜPÆý‡×æË$ AÐ]l$Ë$ ¨Ô¶æV> ¿êÆý‡™èl {糿¶æ$™èlÓ ™öÍ
Ayýl$V>Y §ól°² ^ðl糚MøÐ]l^èl$a?
Ð]l${§é‹Ü GõÜtsŒæ Æý‡§ýl$ª (1948)
Oòßæ§ýlÆ>»ê§Šl Æ>{çÙt…ÌZ Ð]lÅÐ]lÝëĶæ$ çÜ…º…«§é˯]l$
{糿êÑ™èl… ^ólíܯ]l Ððl¬§ýlsìæ ^èlrt…?
Oòßæ§ýlÆ>»ê§Šl gêXÆý‡Ï Æý‡§ýl$ª ^èlrt… (1949)
°gê… ™èl¯]l Ý÷…™èl QÆý‡$aË MøçÜ… MóSsêƇ¬…^èl$MýS$¯]l²
°gê…MýS$ íßæ…§ýl* Æ>kË$ ^ðlÍÏ…^ól ÕçÜ$¢¯]l$
ÝëÌêÆŠ‡f…VŠS {MýSÐ]l$º§ýl®OÐðl$¯]l çÜÆó‡Ó òÜsìæÌŒæÐðl$…sŒæ
Ñ«§é¯é°² G糚yýl$ {ç³ÐólÔ¶æò³sêtÆý‡$?
Oòßæ§ýlÆ>»ê§Šl gêXÆý‡$ Ð]lÅÐ]lçܦ Æý‡§ýl$ª, {MýSÐ]l$º©®MýSÆý‡×æ
^èlsêt°² G糚yýl$ ^ólÔ>Æý‡$?
Oòßæ§ýlÆ>»ê§Šl (™ðlË…V>×æ) MúË$, Ð]lÅÐ]lÝëĶæ$ ¿¶æ*Ð]l¬Ë
^èlsêt°² ¡çÜ$Mö_a¯]l çÜ…Ð]l™èlÞÆý‡…?
B…{«§ýl{糧ólÔŒæ (™ðlË…V>×æ {´ë…™èl…) C¯é…Ë Æý‡§ýl$ª ^èlrt…
^ólíܯ]l çÜ…Ð]l™èlÞÆý‡…?
M>…{VðS‹Ü ´ëÈt 1948ÌZ °Ä¶æ$Ñ$…_¯]l MýSÑ$sîæ (¿¶æ*
çÜ…çÜPÆý‡×æËMýS$ A¯]l$VýS$×æ…V>)?
MýS$Ð]l*Æý‡ç³µ MýSÑ$sîæ
™ðlË…V>×æÌZ ¿¶æ*Ð]l¬Ë$ MøÌZµÆ‡¬¯]l fÒ$…§éÆý‡ÏMýS$
G…™èl ¯]lçÙtç³ÇàÆý‡… ^ðlÍÏ…^éÆý‡$?
Æý‡*. 18 Mør$Ï
Ð]l¬QÅ…V> ™ðlË…V>×æÌZ MúË$
Ñ«§é¯]l… G°² Æý‡*´ëÌZÏ
3 (»ñæ™éƇ¬;
VýS$ÌêÏÐ]l$M>¢Å; çÜÆó‡¹Rê‹Ü)
ç³…rÌZ °ÇªçÙt Ððl¬™èl¢…
MúË$V> ^ðlÍÏ…^ól Ñ«§é¯]l…?
»ñæ™éƇ¬ (ç³…rÌZ 1/4
Ð]l…™èl$ Ìôæ§é 1/5 Ð]l…™èl$)
MúË$¯]l$ ¯]lVýS§ýl$ Æý‡*ç³…ÌZ ^ðlÍÏ…^ól Ñ«§é¯]l…?
ç Æó‡¹Rê‹Ü (GMýSÆ>°MìS Æý‡*. 20 ¯]l$…_ Æý‡*. 25)
MúË$§éÆý‡Ï çÜÐ]l$çÜÅ˯]l$ ç³ÇçÙPÇ…^èlsê°MìS ™èlW¯]l
çÜ*^èl¯]lË$ ^ólĶæ*ÍÞ…¨V> °gê… °Ä¶æ$Ñ$…_¯]l
ºÆý‡*^é MýSÑ$sîæ (1937)
ºÆý‡*^é MýSÑ$sîæ MúË$§éÆý‡Ï¯]l$ G°² Æý‡M>Ë$V> Ð]lÈYMýSÇ…_…¨?
Æð‡…yýl$ Æý‡M>Ë$V> ( hÆ>Ƈ¬™Œl çßæMýS$PË$ E¯]l²ÐéÆý‡$,
çÙMìSçéÆý‡$Ï A¯]lV>?
Ð]lÆý‡$çÜV> 12 Hâ¶æ$Ï Ìôæ§é A…™èlMýS…sôæ GMýS$PÐ]l
çÜ…Ð]l™èlÞÆ>Ë$ MúË$MýS$ ¿¶æ*Ñ$° ÝëVýS$^ólíܯ]l ÐéÆý‡$ (
hÆ>Ƈ¬™Œl çßæMýS$PË$ E¯]l²ÐéÆý‡$)
Oòßæ§ýlÆ>»ê§Šl MúË$ ^èlrt…& 1950¯]l$ A¯]l$çÜÇ…_ Æý‡„ìS™èl
1933&1943 Ð]l$«§ýlÅM>Ë…ÌZ 6 Hâ¶æ$Ï Ìôæ§é 1948
¯]l$…_ BÆó‡â¶æ$Ï MúË$§éÆý‡$ÏV> E¯]l²ÐéÆý‡$.
WÆŠæV>ϱ MýSÑ$sîæ °Ä¶æ*Ð]l$MýS {糫§é¯]l E§ól®Ô¶æ…?
610 iÐø AÐ]l$Ë$¯]l$ ç³ÇÖÍ…^èlr….
{í³Ððl¯]lÛ¯Œl B‹œ GÑMýSÛ¯Œl ^è sêt°² Ððl¬§ýlsìæÝëÇ H hÌêÏÌZ
{ç³Äñæ*V>™èlÃMýS…V> AÐ]l$Ë$ ^ólÔ>Æý‡$?
QÐ]l$Ã… hÌêÏ
ò³§ýlª Ð]l$¯]l$çÙ$Ë Jç³µ…§ýl… Gç³#µyýl$ fÇW…¨?
1956, œ
í {ºÐ]lÇ 20
{ç³Ð]l*×æ MýSÐ]l$™èl…
°Æý‡~Ƈ¬…^ól…§ýl$MýS$ Ðólsìæ°
ç³…r ç³…yól ¡Æý‡$,
ÝëVýS$±sìæ Ð]lç܆, ¿¶æ*Ñ$
fĶæ$ ¿êÆý‡™èlÆð‡yìlz MýSÑ$sîæ° H {糿¶æ$™èlÓ… °Ä¶æ$Ñ$…_…¨?
G±tBÆŠ‡ {糿¶æ$™èlÓ…
fĶæ$ ¿êÆý‡™èlÆð‡yìlz MýSÑ$sîæ° H çÜ…Ð]l™èlÞÆý‡…ÌZ °Ä¶æ$Ñ$…^éÆý‡$?
fĶæ$ ¿êÆý‡™èlÆð‡yìlz MýSÑ$sîæÌZ G…™èl Ð]l$…¨ çÜ¿¶æ$ÅË$E¯é²Æý‡$?
Ð]l¬VýS$YÆý‡$ (1+2)
fĶæ$ ¿êÆý‡™èlÆð‡yìlz MýSÑ$sîæ °Ðól¨MýS {ç³M>Æý‡… 1975 ¯]l$…_
1985 Ð]l$«§ýlÅÌZ ™ðlË…V>×æÌZ °º…«§ýl¯]lËMýS$ ÑÆý‡$§ýl®…V>
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Current Affairs
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ÝëƇ¬ÌŒæ Ððl$M>°MŠSÞ, ¸û…yólçÙ¯Œl C…f±Ç…VŠS, çÜÆó‡ÓƇ¬…VŠS,
{sꯌlÞ´ùÆó‡tçÙ¯Œl C…f±Ç…VŠS A…Ô>Ë ¯]l$…_ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ëyýl$VýS$™éÆý‡$.
Ððl$M>°MýSÌŒæ C…f±Ç…VŠS íÜ˺‹Ü
õ³ç³ÆŠ‡ 1 (B»ñæjMìStÐŒl, MýS¯ðlÓ¯]lÛ¯]lÌŒæ õ³ç³Æý‡$Ï): £ýlÆøÃOyðl¯]lÑ$MŠSÞ, ïßæsŒæ {sꯌlÞçœÆŠ‡, çœNÏƇ¬yŠl Ððl$M>°MŠSÞ, çœNÏƇ¬yŠl
Ððl$íÙ¯]lÈ A…yŠl ïÜtÐŒl$ f¯]lÆó‡rÆŠ‡Þ çÜ»ñæjMýS$tË ¯]l$…_ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ëyýl$VýS$™éÆý‡$.
õ³ç³ÆŠ‡ 2 (B»ñæjMìStÐŒl, MýS¯ðlÓ¯]lÛ¯]lÌŒæ õ³ç³Æý‡$Ï): ¤Ä¶æ$È B‹œ
Ððl$ïÙ¯ŒlÞ, Ððl$ïÙ¯Œl yìlOgñ毌l, {òÜt…™Œl B‹œ Ððl$sìæÈĶæ$ÌŒæÞ, C…f±Ç…VŠS Ððl$sîæÇĶæ$ÌŒæÞ, {´÷yýlMŠSt C…f±Ç…VŠS, C…yýl[íÜtĶæ$ÌŒæ
C…f±Ç…VŠS, GÍÐðl$…sŒæÞ B‹œ MýS…ç³NÅsôæçÙ¯Œl A…Ô>˯]l$
A¿¶æÅÆý‡$¦Ë$ ^èl§ýlÐéÍÞ E…r$…¨.
f¯]lÆý‡ÌŒæ C…WÏ‹ÙÌZ Ýëµsìæ…VŠS G{Æý‡ÆŠ‡Þ, òÜ…sñ毌lÞ C…GË{MìStMýSÌŒæ C…f±Ç…VŠS íÜ˺‹Ü
{ç³NÐŒlÐðl$…sŒæ, M>…{ò³òßæ¯]lÛ¯Œl, Ķæ*…sZ°ÐŒl$Þ, íܯé°ÐŒl$Þ
çÜÐ]l$Ķæ$…: 3 VýS…rË$. C¨ 200 Ð]l*Æý‡$PËMýS$ E…- A…Ô>ËOò³ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$…sêƇ¬. M>…{ò³òßæ¯]lÛ¯ŒlÌZ õ³Æ>{V>‹œ
õ³ç³ÆŠ‡ 1 (B»ñæjMìStÐŒl, MýS¯ðlÓ¯]lÛ¯]lÌŒæ õ³ç³Æý‡$Ï): MóSGÐŒl$ ¤Ä¶æ$È,
r$…¨. C…§ýl$ÌZ íÜÑÌŒæ/ Ððl$M>°MýSÌŒæ/GË{MìStMýSÌŒæ/GË{M>t- C_a, {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ Ayýl$VýS$™éÆý‡$.
GË{MìStMýSÌŒæ Ððl$sîæÇĶæ$ÌŒæÞ, GË{MìStMýSÌŒæ çÜÆý‡*PÅsŒæÞ, Ððl$fÆŠ‡°MŠSÞ A…yŠl MýSÐ]lÊÅ°MóSçÙ¯Œl C…f±Ç…VŠSMýS$ çÜ…º…«¨…_¯]l
Ððl$…sŒæÞ A…yŠl C¯Œl{çÜ$tÐðl$…sôæçÙ¯Œl, MýS…{sZÌŒæ íÜçÜtÐŒl$Þ
f¯]lÆý‡ÌŒæ çÜtyîl‹Ü
{ç³Ô¶æ²ËMýS$ A¿¶æÅÆý‡$¦Ë$ çÜÐ]l*«§é¯éË$ Æ>Ķæ*Í.
A…Ô>Ë ¯]l$…_ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ Ayýl$VýS$™éÆý‡$.
{´ë`¯]l, B«§ýl$°MýS ¿êÆý‡™èl§ólÔ¶æ ^èlÇ{™èl, ¿¶æ*Vøâ¶æ Ô>{çÜ¢…,
õ³ç³ÆŠ‡ 2 (B»ñæjMìStÐŒl, MýS¯ðlÓ¯]lÛ¯]lÌŒæ õ³ç³Æý‡$Ï): GË{MìStMýSÌŒæ
C…f±Ç…VŠS çÜ»ñæjMýS$t õ³ç³ÆŠ‡&2
´ëÍsîæ, GM>¯]lÒ$, OòܯŒlÞ A…yŠl sñæM>²Ëi, f¯]lÆý‡ÌŒæ OòܯŒlÞ, Ððl$ïÙ¯ŒlÞ A…yŠl ç³Ð]lÆŠ‡ {sꯌlÞ¸ëÆý‡ÃÆŠ‡Þ, ç³Ð]lÆŠ‡ íÜçÜtÐŒl$Þ, A¯]lçÜÐ]l$Ķæ$…: 3 VýS…rË$. C¨ 200 Ð]l*Æý‡$PËMýS$ E…- A…Ô>Ë Ò$§ýl {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ Ð]lÝë¢Æ‡¬. Òsìæ™ø ´ër$ CsîæÐ]lË- ÌêVŠS A…yŠl yìlhrÌŒæ GË{M>t°MŠSÞ A…yŠl çÜÆý‡*PÅsŒæÞ, OÐðl${Mør$…¨. C…§ýl$ÌZ íÜÑÌŒæ/ Ððl$M>°MýSÌŒæ/GË{MìStMýSÌŒæ/GË{M>t- M>Ë…ÌZ A…™èlÆ>j¡Ä¶æ$…V>, gê¡Ä¶æ$…V> ^ør$^ólçÜ$MýS$¯]l² {´ëòÜçÜÆŠ‡Þ, MýSÐ]lÊÅ°MóSçÙ¯Œl íÜçÜtÐŒl$Þ, ç³Ð]lÆŠ‡ GË[M>t°MŠSÞ
°MŠSÞ A…yŠl MýSÐ]lÊÅ°MóSçÙ¯Œl C…f±Ç…VŠSMýS$ çÜ…º…«¨…_¯]l Ð]l¬QÅ ç³Ç×êÐ]l*Ë Ò$§ýl MýS*yé {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ E…sêƇ¬.
A…Ô>Ë ¯]l$…_ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ Ð]lÝë¢Æ‡¬.
{ç³Ô¶æ²ËMýS$ A¿¶æÅÆý‡$¦Ë$ çÜÐ]l*«§é¯éË$ Æ>Ķæ*Í.
C…f±-Ç…VŠS B»ñæj-MìStÐŒl õ³ç³-ÆŠ‡-&1, õ³ç³-ÆŠ‡-&-2-ÌZÏ° {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$...
GË{M>t°MŠSÞ A…yŠl sñæÎMýSÐ]lÊÅ°MóSçÙ¯Œl
BĶæ* {»ê…^ŒlË ÐéÈV> ½D-/-½-sñæMŠS Ýë¦Æ‡¬ÌZ E…sêƇ¬.
C…f±Ç…VŠS íÜ˺‹Ü
Ððl$yìlMýSÌŒæ GV>jÑ$¯ólçÙ¯Œl: Æ>™èlç³È„ýSÌZ E¡¢Æý‡$~OÌñæ¯]l A¿¶æÅí
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×êË$ E…yéÍ.
õ³ç³ÆŠ‡ 1 (B»ñæjMìStÐŒl, MýS¯ðlÓ¯]lÛ¯]lÌŒæ õ³ç³Æý‡$Ï): ¼Íz…VŠS Ððl$sîæ- çÜ…º…«¨…_ Ððl$sîæÇĶæ$ÌŒæÞ A…yŠl M>…´ù¯ðl…sŒæÞ, íœhMýSÌŒæ
ç³Æý‡Þ¯éÍsîæ sñæ‹Üt: Æ>™èlç³È„ýSÌZ E¡¢Æý‡$~OÌñæ¯]l A¿¶æÅÆý‡$¦- ÇĶæ$ÌŒæÞ, ÝëÍyŠl Ððl$M>°MŠSÞ, [çÜtMýSaÆý‡ÌŒæ A¯éÍíÜ‹Ü, yìlOgñ毌l GË{M>t°MŠSÞ, GË{M>t¯Œl yìlOÐðlgñæ‹Ü A…yŠl IïÜ‹Ü, íÜVýS²ÌŒæÞ
˯]l$ C…rÆý‡*ÓÅ/ç³Æý‡Þ¯éÍsîæ sñæ‹ÜtMýS$ í³Ë$Ýë¢Æý‡$. C¨ B‹œ ïÜtÌŒæ {çÜtMýSaÆŠ‡Þ, yìlOgñ毌l B‹œ M>…{MîSsŒæ A…yŠl Ðól$Ýù{± A…yŠl íÜçÜtÐŒl$Þ, ¯ðlsŒæÐ]lÆŠ‡P ¤Ä¶æ$È, GË[MøtÐ]l*ÅVýS²sìæMŠS
200 Ð]l*Æý‡$PËMýS$ E…r$…¨.
{çÜtMýSaÆŠ‡Þ, MýS¯Œæ[çÜtMýSÛ¯Œl {´ëMîSt‹Ü, ´ëÏ°…VŠS, Ðól$¯ólgŒæÐðl$…sŒæ ¤Ä¶æ$È, GË[M>t°MŠS Ððl$fÆŠ‡Ððl$…sŒæ A…yŠl C¯Œl{çÜ$tÐðl$…sôæçÙ¯Œl
§ýlÆý‡RêçÜ$¢ Æý‡$çÜ$…: f¯]lÆý‡ÌŒæ, K½ïÜ A¿¶æÅÆý‡$¦ËMýS$ A…Ô>ËOò³ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ Ayýl$VýS$™éÆý‡$.
A…Ô>˯]l$ ^èl§ýlÐéÍÞ E…r$…¨.
Æý‡*.200. Ð]l$íßæâ¶æË$, GïÜÞ, GïÜt, ï³yýlº*ÏÅyîl A¿¶æÅÆý‡$¦ËMýS$
õ³ç³ÆŠ‡ 2 (B»ñæjMìStÐŒl, MýS¯ðlÓ¯]lÛ¯]lÌŒæ õ³ç³Æý‡$Ï): çœNÏƇ¬yŠl Ððl$M>õ³ç³ÆŠ‡ 2 (B»ñæjMìStÐŒl, MýS¯ðlÓ¯]lÛ¯]lÌŒæ õ³ç³Æý‡$Ï): A¯]lÌêVŠS GËïœk Ñ$¯]làƇ¬…ç³# E…¨. ©°² B¯ŒlOÌñ毌lÌZ ¯ðlsŒæ »êÅ…- °MŠSÞ, Kò³¯Œl ^é¯]lÌŒæ, ¸ùÏ, Oò³‹³ ¸ùÏ, Oòßæ{yéÍMŠS Ððl$M>°MŠSÞ {M>t°MŠS çÜÆý‡*PÅsŒæÞ, yìlhrÌŒæ GË{M>t°MŠS çÜÆý‡*PÅsŒæÞ, MýS…MìS…VŠS §éÓÆ> ^ðlÍÏ…^èlÐ]l^èl$a. B‹œOÌñ毌lÌZ G‹Ü½IÌZ A…yŠl Oòßæ{yøç³Ð]lÆŠ‡, Oòßæ{yéËi, ÐérÆŠ‡ ÇÝùÆŠ‡Þ C…f±- {sZÌŒæ íÜçÜtÐŒl$Þ, MýSÐ]lÊÅ°MóSçÙ¯Œl íÜçÜtÐŒl$Þ, OÐðl${MøÐólÐŒl C…fyìl´ëhsŒæ ^ólĶæ$Ð]l^èl$a.
Ç…VŠS; G°ÓÆ>¯ŒlÐðl$…rÌŒæ C…f±Ç…VŠSÌZ ÐérÆŠ‡ çÜò³•Ï ±Ç…VŠS, MýS…ç³NÅrÆŠ‡ C…f±Ç…VŠS A…Ô>Ë$ E…sêƇ¬.
C…f±Ç…VŠS çÜ»ñæjMýS$t õ³ç³ÆŠ‡&1
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l Ð]l*Ça l 3 l 2016
Positive attitude makes us winners. Be positive learn everyday
a new thing. Dream big. Choose a high ambition in life,
try to achieve that. Read good books, meet successful people.
(continued from 4th page...)
10th Class Special - English
(Note: All indicators carry 1 mark each)
Model: Prepare a speech on 'Personality Development'.
You may use the following hints: what is personality, confidence, positive attitude, failures are stepping stones to
23. Magnificient Performance
Hyderabad, 20 March:
Meghana Hebbar, a highly talented
disciple of Guru Maalika Girish
Phanicker of Singapore, was full of
effort in her marathon Bharatanatyam
recital on Saturday, 20th March 2015 at
RavindraBharathi. The Bharatanatyam
recital was enriched by the dancer's
expressive skills. The techniques were
applied beautifully in the performance.
Her endurance levels, amazing executions and the training given by the
teacher were applauded by the audience.
The recital began traditionally with
a Pushpanjali followed by Ganesha
stuti and other salutations. The khanda
alarippu vouched for her anga shuddhi
and the varieties of angikas delighted
the audience. In the next Vachaspathi
jathiswara, Meghana outdid herself.
Intricate patterns of jathis and swaras
were translated neatly into varieties of
Varna is the most challenging and
considered the most reliable yardstick
to measure the worth of a dancer. In an
age when varnas are being shrunk in
dimension, rendering the Tamil version
of Tanjavur Quartet's Todi varna Inda
kopam emo endan Swamy continuously
for sixty plus minutes was stunning.
Lord Shiva's anger and the nayaki
requesting him to grace her with his
love was the theme. Opening the varna
with a tana, the dancer depicted Daksha
samhara, Veerabhadra and other sancharees. The nritta, nrithya and abhinaya segments were beautifully presented by the artists. Also, the lengthy
varna was a proof of her stamina.
Apt theermaanas, resonating foot
work and dramatic narration of the
episodes such as the nayika pining for
love and the pain of separation were the
other highlights.
Meghana's Guru Maalika cast a
spell on the audience with her subtle
abhinaya for Hare jaya Madhava
Krishna (Sri). The Krishna-Kuchela
tale was portrayed with her saatwikaabhinaya. Maalika led an effective ensemble of seasoned musicians with her awe
inspiring nattuvanga. From 6 pm to 9
pm no audience moved out of the hall.
Art lovers never forget this in their life.
Report: Sumalatha
1. Contextual relevance
2. Organisation of ideas
3. Use of argumentative/ persuasive/
interactive language
4. Use of discourse markers
5. Citation of examples, quotations
6. Coherence
7. Presenting a point of view
8. Using well-formed constructions
9. Using proper word form
10. Maintaining conventions of writing
Personality Development (Speech)
Good morning Teachers and My dear friends,
To day I am going to talk about an interesting topic
'Personality Development'.
Our thoughts and deeds become our personality. If we
develop these in right direction they make us successful
people. Every individual in the world is equal. But few people always feel inferior and fail in their life. Everyone gets
obstacles in life. We have to overcome the obstacles with
our confidence.
Positive attitude makes us winners. Be positive. Learn
everyday a new thing. Dream big. Choose a high ambition
in life, try to achieve that. Read good books, meet successful people. Respect elders. Follow truth and honesty. One
day success comes to you. Use your brain, think innovatively. Take everything as opportunity. Learn from failures,
because failures are the stepping stones to success.
Discipline is the great value. Follow it. Improve your skills.
Maintain good human relations. Smile in every situation.
Definitely you will get success.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
1. Presenting relevant ideas and context.
2. Maintaining brevity.
3. Using appropriate language to the context.
4. Using well formed sentences/ structures.
5. Maintaining conventions of writing (including spelling)
(Note: All indicators carry one mark each)
Model: Gender discrimination is a crime. You might have
realized it through "What is My Name?" lesson. Imagine
that a leading newspaper is collecting messages from different people of the country from different levels on this
topic on the occasion of "Women's Day". As a School
Pupil Leader write a message.
Dear Friends,
Men and Women both are equal. Respecting women
is our culture. They serve family and the society with
invaluable love and affection. But women are not getting
equal status in family and in the society. They should get
equal share in wealth and opportunities. So we should
protect the rights of women. Violating that is a crime and
inhuman. The concept of equality be born at home and
to be enriched in schools.
Date 25-3-2016
ZPHS Dhulpet
1. Showing the
event details
and purpose).
2. Using appropriate format, layout
and design.
3. Maintaining
4. Using persuasive language.
5. Use well
formed construction.
(Note: All indicators carry
one mark each)
1. Showing the context
2. Using appropriate format, layout
and design
3. Using persuasive language
4. Organization
5. Using well-formed constructions
(Note: All indicators carry one mark
Every Saturday is Clean and Green Day
Dear friends,
Protecting our environment is our duty. It is decided that we should follow every Saturday as Clean and
Green Day. On that day we have to clean our surroundings and plant trees. Our Headmaster made
arrangements for this.
NGC Coordinator, Mr. Ramarao will inaugurate
this programme on 20th March, 2016 at 10 am in our
school ground.
For this each student and teacher should bring one
plant with them.
Come let us make our school clean and green.
Clean and Green committee
Z.P.High School-Warangal
Dt. 15-3-2016
Model: You learnt that Environment
Protection is the need of the hour in
"Bio-Diversity" Unit. Your school
wants to do a bit by making Saturday
as "Clean and Green Day". Imagine
that you are secretary to Clean and
Green committee and Prepare a notice
on it.
(5 marks)
1. Using expression of personal reflections, thoughts and feelings
2. Using language appropriate to the mood
3. Self criticism and future plans
4. Coherence
5. Using well-formed structures
(Note: All indicators carry one point each.)
Model: You know how misunderstanding
made lot of fun in "The Brave Potter" lesson. Similar incidents also happen in our
life. Write a funny incident from your
1. Showing the context
(occasions and purposes)
2. Using appropriate format, layout and design
3. Maintaining brevity
4. Using rhythmic language
5. Using well-formed constructions
(Note: All indicators carry
one point each.)
Model: Imagine that you
are secretary for Youth
Organisation. Your organisation is conducting a seminar on "National Integration" Preapare a Poster for
that occassion.
(5 Marks)
ZPHS Suraram invites you to the Grand National Festival.
Participate in this patriotic programme and salute the national flag.
Venue: ZPHS-Suraram, Quthbullapur Mandal
Date & time: 15th August, 2015, 8.30 AM
Flag Hoisting and Welcome Address: Mrs. Niramal Bai, Headmistress
Chief Guest: Mr. K.P.Vivekanand, MLA, Quthbullapur Constituency
Honorary Guest: Mr. B.Palakrishna, Corporater, GHMC
Cultural Programmes: 1. Classical Dance by VI students
2. Patriotic Songs by VIII students
3. Skit by IX students
4. Mimicry and Magic by VII students
5. Speeches by X students
Prize distribution to the winners of games and other competitions
Vote of Thanks: B.Venkateshwarlu, Teacher
All are welcome
HM, Teachers & Students
ZPHS Suraram
Further details contact: 9666426450
Hanu's Diary
Sunday, 2nd June, 2014.
Today we all enjoyed very much. A funny thing
made us to laugh again and again. We played "ThiefPolice" game. Neelu, Sonu, Muni also joined with
me. In that game Muni acted as thief. As part of the
game, Muni pulled Sonu's bag. Then Sonu shouted
"Thief… Thief". All of a sudden few strangers saw
that incident. They caught Muni and beat him. We ran
to him and explained the strangers about the game.
I never forget today's funny incident in my life
Many languages, religions, castes but Indians are one. Come let
us prove our patriotism.
Youth Organisation Cordially invites you to
Seminar on
"National Integration"
Speakers: Prof. Borra Govardhan,
Head of the Dept., History, JNU
Prof. N.R. Rashdi,
Head of the Dept., Political Sc., O.U.
Venue: L.B.Stadium, Hyderabad
Date & Time: 13th February, 2016. 10 am
Unity Rally
(After the seminar)
To prove that we are united and Indianness flows in
every Indian
From L.B. Stadium to Indira Park
Hyderabad Youth Organisation
For details Contact: Jayasimhareddy, Cell: 9492031982
Email:youthorg@org.in. You can visit us at www.youthorg.org.in
1. Giving necessary details of
the person.
2. Presenting relevant ideas
and presentation.
3. Organization of the data.
4. Using appropriate cohesive
5. Using well formed sentences.
(Note: All indicators carry one
mark each)
Model: Write a profile of your
favourite film star. (5 marks)
(You will be given life sketch of
a personality to write profile.
So no problem)
Mahesh babu is my favourite
film star. Many people like
him for his sterling performance.
Full name: Mahesh babu Ghattamaneni
Born: 9 August, 1975 in Chennai,
Other name: Prince
Parents: Krishna, Indira devi
Education: Loyola College, Chennai
Profession: Film Actor
Film Acting: Started at the age of 4
years. First acted in the film, Needa
As a hero: Rajakumarudu (1999)
Top movies: Pokiri, Dookudu, Athadu,
Murari, Nijam, Okkadu, Aagadu etc.
Marriage: Married Namrata Sirodkar in
2005 (got two children)
Awards received: Nandi Awards in
1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2008 and also
he won many film fare awards. Time
magazine rated him as one of the popular persons in India
Brand Ambassador: Thumsup,
Amrutanajan, Idea etc.
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l Ð]l*Ça l 3 l 2016
Q. What are the things make us lose our charm?
A) selfishness B) bickering C) regional & caste feelings D) creating problems
Answer. C) regional & caste feelings
10th Class Special - English
Time: 2 Hours 45 Minutes
Marks: 40
(Questions 1-7): Read the following passage.
I saw it now. It was indeed a game, a game
I had played as a child. Each boy took it in
turn every alternate day to be the boss, the
other the slave. It had been great fun to me as
a youngster. I smiled as I remembered. I looked at the man standing by the gate. He was a
white man. I remembered what I had thought
yesterday. He, no doubt, I thought to myself,
was wondering if the black race is superior to
the white. I laughed gently to myself. How
silly grown-ups are, how clever we are, how
wonderfully able we are, to impute deep
motives to childish actions! This man, I said to
myself, will puzzle all day on whether the
blacks will eventually rise and rule the world
because he thinks he sees a little black boy
realizing at a tender age his superiority over
the white. I will save him his puzzle. I will
explain it to him. I went across to him.
'I know what you're thinking,' I said.
'You're thinking that may be the black race is
superior to the white, because you just saw the
little dark youngster on the lawn ordering the
little white boy around. Don't think that; it's a
game they play. Alternate days one is the boss,
the other the servant. It's a grand game. I used
to play it and may be so did you. Yesterday I
saw the little white boy bossing the dark one
and I worried all day over the dark boy's realisation of his inferiority so young in life! We
are silly, we grown-ups, aren't we.'?
The man was surprised at my outburst. He
looked at me smiling. 'I know all about the
game,' he said. 'The boys are brothers-my sons.' He pointed to a handsome brown woman
on the verandah who had just come out to call
in the children. 'That's my wife', he said.
I smiled. My spirit laughed within me.
This is Jamaica, I said in my heart, this is my
country - my people. I looked at the white
man. He smiled at me. 'We'll miss the tram if
we don't hurry,' he said.
Now, answer the following questions. Each
question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in
your answer booklet.
(4×1 = 4 marks)
1. What is the meaning of the word 'impute'
in the passage?
A) Thinking oneself
B) Typical imagination
C) Claim that someone has done something unjustly
D) Logical explanation to happened things
2. "The man was surprised at my outburst."
'The man" means .......
A) White man
B) Black man
C) Son of Black & White Couple
D) Brown man
3. According to the passage which race is
A) White race is superior
B) Black race is superior
C) No race is superior
D) Brown race is superior
4. How many people were mentioned in the
A) Four B) Five C) Six
D) Seven
Answer the following questions in one or two
(3×2 = 6 marks)
5. The boys played same game in both days.
What was the game? What is the difference between first day and second day?
6. Narrator said the grown ups are silly. Do
you accept? Justify your answer.
7. Do you believe White supremacy? Why or
Why not?
(Questions 8-12):
Read the following poem "A Plea for India".
We, Indians are proud to be a strong nation,
our roots, we declare, cannot be shaken.
Then why these fights,
which leave us in poor plight?
Irrespective of our region,
forget the castes,
which makes us lose our charm.
Let's ignore the selfish call of each region,
and listen for once to the call of the nation,
Why do we spend our time bickering
when so many tasks need finishing.
Don't we have better things to do
than indulge in creating problems a new?
Is all this violence needed
with the people being cheated!
Who will return this only son
whom she loves a ton?
Who will bring back his brother
whose ashes he is still to gather.
Where has all the love gone?
Which resided in the heart of all.
There is no reason to be proud,
and be on high cloud.
We have to go a long way,
we have to think seriously,
else we end up miserably.
Now, answer the following questions. Each
question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in
your answer booklet.
(3×1 = 3 marks)
8. What is the meaning of the word "bickering"?
A) wasting time
B) argue about unnecessary things
C) speaking more and working less
D) waiting for government help
9. "Whom she loves a ton." In this expression "she" means .......
A) mother who lost his son in violence
B) a sister who lost his brother in violence
C) symbolizes the Indian woman
D) Mother India
10. What are the things make us lose our
A) selfishness
B) bickering
C) regional and caste feelings
D) creating problems
Write answers for the given questions in one
or two sentences
(2×1 = 2 marks)
11. Poet asks us to do few things. What are
12. "Is all this violence needed with the people being cheated?" Why the people are
being cheated?
(Questions 13-17): Read the passage carefully. Each number indicates some error in
the sentence. Edit the passage by making
necessary changes in the underlined part of
each sentence and write the changes you
have made in your answer sheet.
(5×1 = 5 marks)
Mr. Sunday Nana stopped, frowning, a
troubled look on his face, (13) "In the last five
years, 13 people have die in this village, my
own elder brother one of them. They have
been in pain, terrible pain. (14) We have never
seen deaths like that after. Lots of our children
are sick. (15) We have asked the Government
to take the drums away, but they do everything. We have written to Italy, but they do
nothing. The Chief says we should move our
houses to another place. (16) But we has no
money to buy land. We have no choice. We
have to stay here. (17) "And they"….pointing
to the mountain off death in the clearing -"are
our neighbours."
(Questions 18-22): Complete the passage
choosing the right word from those given
below box. Each blank is numbered. Write
the correct word in your answer booklet.
(5×½ = 2½ marks)
Bayaji's wife was sobbing her heart out,
crying ....... (18), 'Who's done this evil to us?
Let the house burn to cinders. Save ....... (19)
husband first!'
The entire family was shattered ....... (20)
the calamity. The spirits of all the men .......
(21) dampened like a cooking fire on which
water has been poured.
In the morning the village officers and
witnesses visited the place to record the facts
of ....... (22) accident. 'Bayaji's death was the
result of an accident due to a petromax flareup,' was their conclusion.
(Questions 23-27): Some words in the given
passage are underlined. Rewrite the underlined words in your answer booklet as directed.
(5×½ = 2½ marks)
A young (23) man asked Socrates the
secret to success (24). Socrates told the young
man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met. Socrates asked the young man
to walk with him toward the river. When the
water got up to their neck, Socrates took the
young man by surprise and ducked him into
the water. The boy struggled to get out but
Socrates was strongly (25) and kept him there
until the boy started turning blue. Socrates
pulled his head out of the waters (26) and the
first thing the young man did was to gasp and
take a deep breath of air. Socrates asked,
"What did you want the most when you were
there?" The boy replied, "Air." Socrates said,
"That is the secret to success. When you want
success so (27) badly as you wanted the air,
then you will get it." There is no other secret.
23. Write the opposite word of the underlined
24. Replace the word with another word that
has the same meaning.
25. Replace the word with the right form of
the word.
26. Write the correct form of the word.
27. Replace the word with the right one.
(Question 28):Read the passage given below.
An elderly carpenter was ready to retire.
He told his employer-contractor of his plans to
leave the house-building business to live a
more leisurely life with his wife and enjoy his
extended family. He would miss the pay check
each week, but he wanted to retire. They could
get by.
The contractor was sorry to see his good
worker go and asked if he could build just one
more house as a personal favour. The carpenter agreed. But over time it was easy to see
that his heart was not in his work. He resorted
to shoddy workmanship and used inferior
materials. It was an unfortunate way to end a
dedicated career.
When the carpenter finished his work, his
employer came to inspect the house. Then he
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l Ð]l*Ça l 3 l 2016
Q. Who are singing?
A) Bangle sellers B) Palanquin bearers C) Indian weavers D) Porters
Answer. B) Palanquin bearers
handed the front-door key to the carpenter and
said, "This is your house… my gift to you.""
The carpenter was shocked!
What a shame! If he had only known that
he was building his own house, he would have
done it all so differently.
So it is with us. We build our lives, a day
at a time, often putting less than our best into
the building. Then, with a shock, we realize
we have to live in the house we have built. If
we could do it over, we would do it much differently.
But, you cannot go back. You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail,
place a board, or erect a wall. Someone once
said, "Life is a do-it-yourself project." Your
attitudes, and the choices you make today,
help build the "house" you will live in tomorrow. Therefore, build wisely!
Write the story as one act play.
(10 marks)
Imagine that you visited the newly built
house (the house the carpenter received as
gift). Give a detailed description of the house.
(Question 29): Women rights have been violated everyday. There is a need to aware the
public on this topic. Imagine that you are
School Pupil Leader and your Headmaster
asked you to write a message on "Women's
Day". Write the message in your answer
(5 marks)
1) C; 2) A; 3) C; 4) B;
5) As per the game; alternate days one is
the boss, the other is the servant. First
day white boy acted as boss and dark
boy acted as servant. The second day
dark boy played boss role and the white
boy played servant role.;
6) Yes, I accept. Children are innocents.
They perceive things as it is. Grown ups
think from their past experiences and
feelings. So always grown ups impute
with their biased attitude.;
7) I don't believe White supremacy. All are
equal. According to their climate colour
changes one region to another region.
Superiority or inferiority of the races is a
wrong notion. There is no scientific
basis for that.;
8) B; 9) D; 10) C;
11) As citizen of India we should proud of
our history. We should not indulge in
violence. We should remember the sacrifices of martyrs for freedom. Do
needful things.
12) Few people encourage violence by
their selfish motives in the name of
region or castes. For this violence innocent Indians are being cheated.
13) died; 14) before; 15) nothing; 16) have;
17) of ; 18) repeatedly; 19) my; 20) by;
21) were; 22) the; 23) old; 24) victory;
25) strong; 26) water; 27) as
10th Class Special - English
Time: 2 Hours 45 Minutes
Marks: 40
(Questions 1-5): Read the following passage.
Manorama Year Book-2009
The Year of Environment
- Sunita Narain
This is the age of environment. I say this
because environmental concerns - domestic
and global - are defining the way of our economy and our everyday life. We know that the
world is battling different but linked developments. The oil price is rising every week, crippling economic growth, as we know it and
forcing governments to look for new answers
to conservation. Then, prices of food are skyrocketing, which in turn is leading to conflict
in poor countries, dependent on imports.
Added to these two pains is the beginning
signs of climate change in many parts of the
world, in the form of intensified tropical
cyclones, variable and extreme weather events
like heavy rains leading to floods, bitter cold
spells and frost that fails crops.
The world search for answers is leading to
new problems. The rising price of oil (and its
politics of ownership) is leading governments
to discuss the imperative of national energy
security. Climate change is forcing the same
issue by demanding alternatives to fossil fuel
use. The answer from both fronts has been to
subsidise the growing of bio-fuels - ethanol
from maize and sugarcane and biodiesel from
edible oil crops. The scale and pace of this
change are phenomenal. In the last few years,
the US alone has diverted about 20 percent of
its maize crop to biodiesel, and so the price of
maize has increased by 60 percent. Similarly,
a European Union mandate, of a 6 percent use
of bio-fuel in the transport sector by 2010, is
diverting land from food to fuel and increasing
volatility of the prices of oilseeds and their
Now, answer the following questions. Each
question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in
your answer booklet.
(3×1 = 3 marks)
1. According to the passage ....... things are
defining our economy?
A) domestic problems
B) environmental problems
C) tropical cyclones
D) sudden demand of biofuels
2. What is the main reason for the hike of
maize price in US?
A) increase of population
B) farmers shifted to another crop
C) climatic conditions
D) divertion to biodiesel
3. What is not the appropriate reason for sudden increases of food prices?
A) imports and exports of the nation
B) intensified tropical cyclones
C) bitter cold spells and frost that fails
D) heavy rains leading to floods
Answer the following questions in one or two
(2×1 = 2 marks)
4. Why nations are shifting from food to
5. What happens by diverting the food crops
to fuel?
(Questions 6-10):
Read the following poem.
Lightly, O lightly we bear her along,
She sways like a flower in the wind of our
She skims like a bird on the foam of a
She floats like a laugh from the lips of a
Gail, O gaily we glide and we sing,
We bear her along like a pearl on a string.
Softly, O softly we bear her along,
She hangs like a star in the dew of our song;
She springs like a beam on the brow of the
She falls like a tear from the eyes of a bride.
Lightly, O lightly we glide and we sing,
We bear her along like a pearl on a string.
- Sarojini Naidu
Now, answer the following questions. Each
question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in
your answer booklet.
(2×1 = 2 marks)
6. Who are singing?
A) Bangle sellers
B) Palanquin bearers
C) Indian weavers
D) Porters
7. How is 'she' floating in the poem?
A) like a flower in the wind
B) like a bird on the foam
C) like a laugh from the lips of a dream
D) like a star in the dew
Write answers for the given questions in one
or two sentences
(3×1 = 3 marks)
8. The poet used a poetic technique in these
lines. What is that?
9. What is the meaning of the expression "a
tear from the eyes of a bride"?
10. Few lines are repeated in the poem. Do
you feel that they are necessary? Why?
(Questions 11-15):
Read the following passage.
Many years ago there was an Emperor
who was so fond of new clothes that he spent
all his money on them. One day, two men
came to the Emperor's court. "We're weavers,"
they said. "We can make the most beautiful
cloth in the world." The Emperor was very
"Our cloth is also very special," said the
men. "Only wise men can see it, fools cannot,"
"That's very good," thought the Emperor.
"When I wear clothes made with it, I will
know who is wise and who is foolish."
The Emperor gave the men a lot of money.
"Start weaving at once," he told them.
They set up two looms, and pretended to
be very busy, though they had nothing at all on
the looms. They asked for the finest silk and
the purest gold thread. They put these in their
own bags, and they worked at the empty
looms until late at night.
Now, answer the following questions. Each
question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in
your answer booklet.
(3×1 = 3 marks)
11. Why did the Emperor give lot of money to
the two men?
A) to know who is wise and who is foolish
B) because they were top weavers of the
C) they used golden threads to weave
D) to weave the most beautiful cloths in
the world
12. Emperor said "Start weaving at once".
What does the expression mean?
A) start weaving and complete only one
piece of cloth
B) start weaving immediately
C) start weaving and stop not till the completion
D) start weaving in one day
13. According to the passage .......
A) The emperor was wise and the weavers
were fools
B) The weavers were wise and the emperor was fool
C) The emperor and weavers were wise
D) The emperor and weavers were fools
Write answers for the given questions in one
or two sentences
(2×1 = 2 marks)
14. As per weavers who could see the cloth
and who could not see it? Was it really
15. Something is the passage is illogical.
What is that?
(Questions 16-18): Read the passage given
below focusing on the parts that are underlined and answer the questions given at the
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l Ð]l*Ça l 3 l 2016
Career Counselling
end as directed. Write the answers in your
answer sheet.
(3×1 = 3 marks)
Once there was a very rich man. He was a
miser. (16) He ate cheap food and spent very
little money. (17) He lent money to small
shopkeepers at a high rate of interest. In this
way, he earned a lot of money.
Every morning he went out to see the
shopkeepers and came home at midday. The
miser had a watchman to look after his house.
The watchman lived in a hut near the gate.
(18) One day the miser said to the watchman,
"are you watching properly?"
16. Rewrite the sentence into two separate
sentences by removing 'and'.
17. Rewrite the sentence beginning with:
Small shopkeepers .......
18. Rewrite the sentence in reported form:
(Questions 19-22): Complete the passage
choosing the right word from those given
below it. Each blank is numbered and for
each blank has four choices (A), (B), (C) or
(D) given. Choose the correct answer from
these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in
your answer booklet.
(4×½ = 2 marks)
Bayaji's wife was sobbing her heart out,
crying repeatedly, 'Who's done this evil to us?
Let the house burn to cinders. Save ....... (19)
husband first!'
The entire family was shattered ....... (20)
the calamity. The spirits of all the men .......
(21) dampened like a cooking fire on which
water has been poured.
In the morning the village officers and
witnesses visited the place to record the facts
of ....... (22) accident. 'Bayaji's death was the
result of an accident due to a petromax flareup,' was their conclusion.
A) her
A) by
A) is
A) a
IIsîæ VýS$Ð]l-çßæ-sìæ- (www.iitg.ac.in), IIsîæ Æý‡*ÈP (www.iitr.ac.in),
IIsîæ QÆý‡-VŠS-ç³NÆŠ‡ (www.iitkgp. ac.in) Ë$..
ºÄñæ*-sñæ-M>²-Ë-iÌZ ½sñæ-MŠS¯]l$ A…¨çÜ$¢¯é²Æ‡¬.
B) my
B) from
B) are
B) an
C) one's D) mine
C) of
D) about
C) was
D) were
C) the D) no article
(Questions 23-28): Read the following passage and fill the blanks choosing the correct
words from the brackets and write them in
your answer booklet.
(6×½ = 3 marks)
This wonderful game chess is a gift of
India ....... (23) (for/to) the world. Hindus
believe that it was ....... (24) (invented/discovered) by Queen Mandodari, the wife of King
Ravana. However, historian H.J.R.Murry
tolds that it was invented by a ....... (25)
(scholar/schooler) from North-West India .......
(26) (round/around) fifth century. In those
days it was called 'chaturangan'- the four divisions of the military. Legend has it that this
inventor was ordered by the ruler to ask for a
reward for his invention. He requested the
king to give him grain ....... (27) (off/of) rice
for the first square, 2 for the second one, 4 for
the third one, and so on - doubling the number
of grains ....... (28) (continuously/continually)
upto the 64th square.
(Questions 29-32): Read the following pas-
sage and fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of word given in the brackets.
(4×½ = 2 marks)
Kunwar Singh was the first to visit me the
day I was ....... (29) (gave) my first gun. I was
eight then. He came early, and I put the old
double-barrelled gun into his hands with .......
(30) (greater) pride. He laid the gun aside and
....... (31) (say) to me "you are no longer a boy,
but a man; and with this good gun you can go
anywhere you like in the Jungles and never be
afraid provided you learn how to climb trees.
I'll now tell you a story to ....... (32) (shown)
how necessary it is for us, who shoot in the
Jungles, to know how to climb trees."
gñæ¯ðl-sìæMŠS C…f-±-Ç…-VŠS..
sìæ. Ð]l¬Æý‡ä«§ýlÆý‡¯Œl
sìæ.G….I. ¯ðlsŒæÐ]lÆŠ‡P
gñæ¯ðl-sìæMŠS C…f-±-Ç…-VŠSÌZ ½sñæ-MŠS¯]l$ A…¨-çÜ$¢¯]l² C¯Œl-íÜt-r*ÅsŒæË ÑÐ]l-Æ>Ë$ ™ðlË-ç³…yìl?
& ^èl…{§ýl, Ð]lÆý‡…-VýSÌŒæ
ºÄñæ*-sñæ-M>²-Ë-iÌZ JMýS òܵçÙ-OÌñæ-gôæ-çÙ-¯ŒlV> gñæ¯ðl-sìæMŠS C…f±-Ç…-VŠS¯]l$ »Z«¨-çÜ$¢-¯é²Æý‡$. Ððl$yìl-íܯŒl, {yýlVŠS yðlÐ]l-Ë-‹³-Ððl$…sŒæ, çœ#yŠl {´ëòÜ-íÜ…VŠS, A{W-MýS-ËaÆŠ‡ Ð]l…sìæ ÑÑ«§ýl Æý‡…V>ÌZÏ
D çÜ»ñæjMýS$t Aí³Ï-MóS-çÙ¯ŒlÞ E¯é²Æ‡¬. gñæ¯ðl-sìæMŠS C…f-±-Ç…VŠS
(Question 33): We celebrate Teacher's Day
on 5th September. Write an essay on
"Teachers Day"
Write a news report of Teachers Day celebrations held in your school.
(10 marks)
(Question 34): Prepare an invitation card for
"Republic Day Celebrations" to be held at
your school.
(5 marks)
òܵçÙ-OÌñæ-gôæ-çÙ-¯Œl™ø ½sñæ-MŠS¯]l$ A…¨…^ól çÜ…çܦË$ ^éÌê
™èlMýS$P-Ð]lV> E¯é²Æ‡¬. AƇ¬™ól ½sñæMŠS ºÄñæ*-sñæ-M>²-ËiÌZ gñæ¯ðl-sìæMŠS C…f-±-Ç…VŠS çÜ»ñæjMýS$t E…r$…¨.
OÐðl$°…VŠS Ððl$íÙ-¯]lÈ C…f-±-Ç…VŠS MøÆý‡$Þ¯]l$ A…¨çÜ$¢¯]l² C¯ŒlíÜt-r*Å-sæŒ -ÌôæÑ? MøÆý‡$Þ ÑÐ]l-Æ>-˯]l$ ™ðlË-ç³…yìl?
&Æý‡-Ðól$‹Ù, °gê-Ð]l*-»ê§Šl.
1) B; 2) D; 3) A;
4) In order to meet the demand of alternatives to fossil fuels many countries concentrating on bio-fuels. They are diverting few food crops, mainly oil crops to
5) Some part of the food production may
be utilized for bio-diesel. At the same
time that decrease the supply and
increases the demand of food. So prices
of food are sky-rocketing.;
6) B; 7) C;
8) The poet used "simili" in these lines.;
9) Here 'tear from the eyes of a bride' is a
symbol for purity in nature and weight
less to roll.;
10) Yes, they are necessary. They give a
musical touch to the poem. Repeated
rhythm gives beauty to the poem.;
11) D; 12) B; 13) B;
14) According to the weavers, only wise
men could see the cloth and fools could
not see it. It was not really true.;
15) Clothes give us protection and beauty.
Believing 'the special cloth, which can
be seen by wise only' is the most illogical.
16) He ate cheap food. He spent very little
17) Small shopkeepers were lent money by
him at high rate of interest.;
18) One day the miser asked the watchman
whether he was watching properly.;
19) B; 20) A; 21) D; 22) C; 23) to;
24) invented; 25) scholar; 26) around;
27) of; 28) continuously; 29) given;
30) great; 31) said; 32) show.
OÐðl$°…VŠS M>Æý‡Å-MýS-Ìê-´ëÌZÏ Ñ°-Äñæ*W…^ól Ķæ$…{™éË (Ððl$-ïÙ¯ŒlÞ-)MýS$
çÜ…º…-«¨…_ Ððl$M>-°-MýSÌŒæ, GË-{MìStMýSÌŒæ A…Ô>-˯]l$ OÐðl$°…VŠS Ððl$íÙ-¯]lÈ
C…f-±-Ç…VŠS MøÆý‡$ÞÌZ A«§ýlÅĶæ$¯]l… ^ólĶæ*ÍÞ E…r$…¨. D
MøÆý‡$ÞÌZ OÐðl$°…VŠS MøçÜ… Eç³-Äñæ*-W…^ól Ķæ$…{™éË$, Q°gêË ÐðlÍ-MìS-¡™èl Ñ«§é-¯é-˯]l$ ÑÐ]l-Ç-Ýë¢Æý‡$. D {MýSÐ]l$…ÌZ
OÐðl$°…VŠS Ððl$£ýlyŠlÞ A…yŠl Ððl$íÙ-¯]lÈ, Ððl$M>-°MŠSÞ, ´ëÏ°…VŠS,
OÐðl$¯Œl yðlÐ]l-Ë-‹³-Ððl$…sŒæ, hÄñæ* Ððl$M>-°MŠSÞ, {Vú…yŠl MýS…{sZÌŒæ,
çÜÆó‡¹‹Ü G°Ó-Æ>-¯Œl-Ððl$…sŒæ, íÜçÜtÐŒl$Þ C…f-±-Ç…VŠS Ð]l…sìæ çÜ»ñæjMŠSt-˯]l$ »Z«¨-Ýë¢Æý‡$. «§ýl¯Œl-»ê§Šl (gê-Æý‡U…-yŠl-)-ÌZ° C…yìl-Ķæ$¯Œl
™èlÑ$-â¶æ-¯é-yýl$-ÌZ° G‹Ü-B-ÆŠ‡G… ÑÔ¶æÓ-Ñ-§éÅ-ËĶæ$….. gñæ¯ðlsìæMŠS C…f-±-Ç…-VŠSÌZ ½sñæ-MŠS¯]l$ A…¨-Ýù¢…¨.
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{ç³ÐólÔ¶æ…: {ç³Ðól-Ô¶æ-ç³-È-„ýSÌZ E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl B«§é-Æý‡…V>.
Ððl»Œæ-OòÜsŒæ: www.srmuniv.ac.in
½sñæMŠS ºÄñæ*-sñæ-M>²-Ëi MøÆý‡$Þ¯]l$ A…¨…^ól C¯Œl-íÜt-r*ÅsŒæË$:
ÑÔ>-Q-ç³-r²…-ÌZ° B…{«§é ÑÔ¶æÓ-Ñ-§éÅ-ËĶæ$….. ºÄñæ*sñæ-M>²-Ë-iÌZ ½sñæ-MŠS¯]l$ A…¨-Ýù¢…¨.
AÆý‡á™èl: C…r-ÈÃ-yìl-Äñæ$-sŒæ-/-+2.
{ç³ÐólÔ¶æ…: G…òÜ-sŒæÌZ E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl B«§é-Æý‡…V>.
Ððl»Œæ-OòÜsŒæ: www.andhrauniversity.edu.in
Oòßæ§ýl-Æ>-»ê-§Šl-ÌZ° O^ðl™èl¯]lÅ ¿êÆý‡† C¯Œl-íÜt-r*ÅsŒæ B‹œ
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