BIOLOGY Ë„ýSÅ… 10 10 iï³H

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In the year 1816, Rene Laennac discovered the Stethoscope.
Laennac found that paper tube helps to hear the heart beat
perfectly. Then he used a bamboo instead of paper tube to hear
heart beat. Laennac called it stethoscope.
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 25 l 2016
10th Class Special - Biology
Sura Satyanarayana
PGT, TS Residential School,
Rangareddy Dist.
1. NutritionFood Supplying System
instant energy to the patient and recover
2 Marks
1. Write differences between autotrophic
nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition?
2. Write differences between light reaction
and dark reaction?
3. Why is photosynthesis considered as the
basic energy source for most of living
1 Mark
1. Observe the following diagrams and write
your observations?
A. 1) Amoeba forms temporary finger like
projections called pseudopodia for collecting food.
2) Finally these pseudopodia fuse over the
food particle forming food vacuole. Inside the food vacuole, complex substances are broken down into simpler
2. Why is it necessary to destarch a plant
before performing any experiment on photosynthesis?
A. 1) Photosynthesis process can be determined by starch test using iodine.
2) It is necessary to destarch a plant before
performing any experiment on photosynthesis to get clear results. If starch is
present it may not give clear result on
photosynthesis in a particular experiment.
3. The person who is suffering from fever
cannot digest fats. Give reason?
A. 1) The person, suffering from fever has
high body temperature.
2) Fat digesting enzymes will not be produced at high body temperature, hence
he cannot digest fats.
4. What is the role of KOH and Iodine in
moles half leaf experiment?
A. 1) KOH absorbs carbondioxide in the
glass jar.
2) Iodine reacts with starch in leaf and
becomes blue black colour.
5. Balance given chemical equation?
CO2 + H 2O
C 6 H 12 O 6 + H 2O + O 2
6CO2 + 12H 2O
C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6H 2O + 6O 2
6. How does the glucose help the patient to
A. Glucose being a simple sugar is immediately absorbed into the blood and provide
Photosynthesis is
the process by
which living plant
cells containing chlorophyll, produce food substances [glucose &
starch] from Carbon
dioxide and
water by using
light energy.
4. Give example?
a) Digestive enzymes
b) Organisms having heterotrophic nutrition
c) Vitamins d) Food deficiency diseases
5. How is the small intestine designed to
absorb digested food. explain?
6. What will happen to protein digestion as
the medium of intestine is gradually rendered alkaline?
7. Observe the diagram?
tions are related to the experiment and
write your answers?
i) What factor the student wanted to
know? Why?
ii) What is the control in this experiment?
iii) Why was the plant kept in dark before
conducting experiment?
iv) Write the test to prove the presence of
6. You have conducted the experiment in
your school laboratory to prove CO2 is
essential for photosynthesis. Write your
answers to given questions which are
related to the experiment?
i) What is the use of KOH in this experiment?
ii) What precautions you have taken
while doing this experiment?
iii) Write the apparatus used for this
iv) Explain the procedure you followed to
do this experiment in your laboratory.
7. A boy was lean and weak. He had less
developed muscles with dry skin. He was
suffering from diarrhoea?
i) Name the disease that boy was suffering from?
ii) What is the reason for that disease?
iii) What suggestions will you give to the
parents of that boy?
iv) Name the health hazard which occur
due to over eating.
2. Respiration- The energy
releasing system
2 Marks
1. Distinguish between respiration and combustion?
2. Write differences between aerobic and
anaerobic respiration?
3. What happens if diaphragm is not there in
the body?
4. If you have a chance to meet pulmonologist , what questions will you ask to clarify about lungs? Write any four questions?
5. Draw the pathway of air during human
respiration in the form of flow chart?
6. Collect information about cutaneous respiration in frog, prepare a note on it?
7. One day Ganesh participated in 1000
meter running race. He got muscular pain
and did not attend the school on the next
day. Why did he got the pain? Explain in 4
to 5 sentences?
8. Why does a deep sea diver carry Oxygen
cylinder on his back?
4 Marks
1) Write the parts of 1, 2, 3, 4
2) Which part prevent the food entering
into voice box
8. Observe the following mind map and
describe about it?
4 Marks
1. Explain the structure of chloroplast with a
neatly labeled sketch?
2. What is malnutrition? Explain some nutrition deficiency diseases?
3. What process you follow in your laboratory to study presence of starch in leaves?
4. How would you demonstrate that green
plant releases Oxygen when exposed to
5. One student has conducted an experiment
related to photosynthesis factors. He took
potted plant and kept it in the dark for 3-4
days. He fixed the dark black paper on the
centre of the leaf and placed potted plant
in the sunlight for few hours. Given ques-
1 Mark
1. What will happen if the respiratory tract is
not moist?
A. 1) Generally temperature is more during
summer season.
2) If the respiratory tract is not moist, hot
air may enter the lungs without humidifying.
2. When exhaled air is compared with inhaled,is there any difference in composition?
A. 1) The inhaled air contains 21% Oxygen,
0.04 % CO2 and 79 % Nitrogen. Whereas the exhaled air contains 16%
Oxygen, 4% CO2 and 79 % Nitrogen.
2) The difference is Oxygen is 5% less,
CO2 is 3.46 % more and no difference
in Nitrogen.
3. Why mitochondria are called as power
houses of the cell?
A. Since respiration occurs in mitochondria
and energy released is used in the synthesis of ATP molecules, mitochondria are
called as power houses of the cell.
4. How did you conform that the gas liberated during respiration is carbondioxide?
A. The gas liberated during respiration is sent
into lime water and it turned into milky
white. Then I conformed it as carbondioxide.
i) Write the names of parts 1, 2, 3, and 4
in the given figure?
ii) Why do we call mitochondria as
"Power houses of the cell"?
iii) In which type of respiration mitochondria is involved?
iv) Write the full form of ATP?
With the help of your science teacher you
proved that heat and CO2 are evolved during respiration. Explain the procedure you
followed in your school laboratory. Write
the precautions you took while doing this
Explain the pathway of air from nostrils to
alveolus through flow chart in human respiration?
What procedure you followed to understand anaerobic respiration in your school
Collect information about respiratory diseases due to pollution, tobacco and discuss
with your classmates.
What information do you get from your
teacher about the role of diaphragm and
ribs in respiration?
Observe the following graph and answer
the following question?
i) What information that graph was
ii) What was the concentration of lactic
acid in the blood to start with?
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was born in England.
He proposed "Natural Selection' the famous "Theory of
evolution'. He voyeged for five years, gathered a lot of
information and evidences.
iii) What was the greatest concentration
reached during the experiment?
iv) What does high level of lactic acid
indicate about the condition of respiration?
8. Observe the following diagram and
answer the following questions?
i) What does the above setting(diagram)
ii) Why boiled and cooled Glucose is
covered with paraffin?
iii) What is the use of adding diazine
green to Glucose solution?
iv) Why lime water is used in this experiment?
1 Mark
1. Observe the given information and answer
the question
Why do we call it as open circulatory system?
Mention any two animals that have open
circulatory system?
After learning about blood circulatory system, what changes would you like to bring
in your food habits?
What happens if the transpiration doesn't
takes places in plants?
What questions do you pose to your
teacher to understand "Blood clotting"?
If you get a chance to meet cardiologist,
what questions you ask about the problems related to heart?
Draw the block diagram of double circuit
After knowing about circulatory system,
what precautions you would suggest to
your elders about edema?
What is relationship between heart beat
and pulse rate?
Both Raju and Ravi's heart beat and pulse
rate equal.
Write the relation between transpiration in
plants and rainfull?
1) Plants release water in the form of
water vapour through transpiration,
which helps to form clouds.
2) When air currents bring air near to
clouds, it becomes fully saturated and
come down as rain.
3) So more transpiration leads more rainfall.
The lumen size is bigger in vein when
compared with artery. Why?
1) The lumen size of veins is bigger
because transportation of more blood
volume without any pressure.
2) Besides, the valves occupy space inside
Artery walls are strong and elastic. why?
Arteries carry blood from heart to different parts of the body. Heart pumps the
blood into arteries with a pressure. To
withstand the increase in the pressure, the
artery walls are strong and elastic.
Which is the largest artery in the body?
Why is it big in size?
1) The largest artery in the body is Aorta.
2) The Aorta is big in size, because it has
to supply Oxygenated blood to all the
parts of the body except lungs.
10th Class Special - Biology
4 Marks
1. Examine the information given below and
then write answers to the questions?
3. Transportation The circulatory System
Name of the student Raju
Pulse rate
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 25 l 2016
Occupation Age B.P.
38 120/80
House wife 62 150/120
Businessman 42 140/110
35 90/70
Normal B.P.
High B.P.
High B.P.
Low B.P.
i) Is there any relation between age and
blood pressure? Explain?
ii) What are the effects of high blood
iii) What are the effects of low blood pressure?
iv) What represent numerator and denominator in B.P. reading?
We know that roots absorb water with
minerals from soil. Root hair plays an
important role in absorbing water. Explain
how plants absorb water through root
If the valves in veins of the legs fail to stop
the flow of blood, what could be the consequences of this failure?
How can you prove that the water transport through the xylem?
Draw a block diagram to explain single
and double circulation. Write differences
between them?
Observe the Heart diagram and answer the
following questions?
1) Write the parts of A,
B, C, D, E, F.
2) Name of the blood
vessel that carries
deoxygenated blood
to chamber - 'A'.
3) Name the blood vessel that carries
oxygenated blood to chamber 'B'
4) How does the lub-dub sounds are produced by heart?
4. Excretion - The wastage
disposing system
2 Marks
1. Write the differences between right auricle
and left auricle?
2. Cockroach has open circulatory system.
1 Mark
1. What is meant by excretion?
A. Excretion is the term coined for all the
biological process involved in separation
and removal of wastes or non useful products from the body.
2. What happens if harmful products are not
removed from our body every day?
A. If harmful products are not removed from
our body every day, they become toxic
and leads to death.
3. The diameter of afferent arteriole is bigger
than efferent arteriole. Give your reason?
A. The diameter of afferent arteriole is bigger
than efferent arteriole and this increase
blood pressure in the glomerulus capillaries lead to the ultrafiltration of the blood.
4. Why is more urine excreted?
A. The volume of water in the blood is increased, when we take more liquids (or)
water. So more urine is excreted.
5. What is meant by primary urine?
A. The filtrate from glomerular is also called
'primary urine'. It is almost equal to blood
in chemical composition except the presence of blood cells.
6. Why is vasopressin hormone not secreted
when a person drinks a lot of water?
A. 1) Concentration of urine takes place by
the reabsorption of water in collecting
tubes in the presence of vasopressin
2) When a person drinks a lot of water,
reabsorption of water not required due
to more water in the blood. Hence vasopressin is not secreted.
2 Marks
1. Deepak said that 'Nephrons are functional
units of kidneys'. How will you support
2. Urine is slightly thicker in summer than in
winter. Give reason?
3. How plants manage the waste materials?
4. Name different excretory organs in human
body and excretory material generated by
5. What happens if both kidneys fail completely?
6. Write differences between functions of
PCT and DCT?
7. How are waste products are excreted in
8. Observe the following information and
answer the give questions?
Name of
the phylum
Green glands,
Malphigian tubules
Platyhelminthes Flame cells
i) What are the excretory organs in earthworm and leech?
ii) What are the excretory organs in cockroach?
4 Marks
1. What is meant by osmoregulation? How is
it maintained in human body?
2. Collect the information about uses of different kinds of alkaloids take help of
library (or) Internet?
3. Draw neat labeled diagram of L.S. of kidney?
4. Describe the structure of renal tubule with
neatly labeled diagram?
5. You read about 'Brain dead' in the chapter
of excretion. What discussions would you
like to have. Why you think so?
6. After learning excretion chapter what
habits you would like to change (or) follow for proper functioning of kidneys?
7. What are natural filters in human body? If
a persons natural filters are spoiled what
method the doctors will follow to save his
life? Write detailed procedure?
5. Coordination The linking system
1 Mark
1. What is meant by knee jerk?
A. The thigh muscles get contracted when
stricked the area below the knee cap
sharply as the muscle become short is
called 'knee jerk'. In the knee jerk action a
nerve pathway is involved.
2. What are association nerves?
A. The nerves which link together the afferent and efferent nerves are called association nerves.
3. What is reflex arc?
A. The structural and functional unit that carries out reflex actions is called reflex arc.
4. What is enteric nervous system?
A. 1) The system of neurons present in our
digestive tract that can function even
independently of either central nervous
system (or) peripheral nervous system.
2) It has been nick named as 'Small brain'
and the system is called 'Enteric
Nervous System'.
5. What is feed back mechanism?
A. The mechanism that controls timings and
amount of hormones released by
endocrine glands is called 'feed back
6. What will happen if anger is continued for
longer period of time?
A. 1) If anger is continued for longer period
of time, regular metabolic activities are
2) Sugar levels and blood pressure increases, dizziness, burning sensation in the
heart, sweating, stomach upset are the
some of the abnormalities may be seen
if anger persists for longer time.
7. What is the reaction of the body when we
step on a sharp edged object?
A. If we accidentally touch a very sharp surface with our feet, several reflex arcs
would generate to cause the muscles of the
leg to withdraw the feet.
Larynx is a stiff box
like structure containing our vocal
cords. When air passes out
of the lungs and over the
vocal cords, it causes them
to vibrate. This produces sounds on
the basis of our
speech, song etc.,
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 25 l 2016
Jean Baptist Lamarck (1774-1829)
proposed that the acquired characters are
passed to the offspring in the next generation.
10th Class Special - Biology
2 Marks
1. Do you think body's team work maintains
functioning of our body? Justify your
answer with an example?
2. Distinguish between afferent and efferent
3. Write difference between stimulus and
4. How does phototropism occur in plants?
5. The axon of nerve cell in hand is shorter
that the axon of nerve cell in leg. Do you
support this statement? Why?
6. Fill in the missing sections in the following flow chart
Step on sharp edged object
Brain analyses information & send commands
7. Label the parts of Brain?
4 Marks
1. Give examples of coordination in your
body where both hormonal and nervous
controls function together?
2. Is the structure of neuron suitable for
transmission of impulses? Analyse?
3. Man is the most intelligent animal. What
could be the fact that helped us to reach
such a conclusion?
4. Collect information on the actions controlled by spinal cord by using reference
books from your school library (or) internet?
5. Draw a neatly labeled diagram of brain
and write few points how it is protected?
6 Make a model of neuron using suitable
materials and write structure of it?
7. It is very interesting to watch a creeper
entwining its tendril to the support. Is not
it? How do you express your feelings in
this situation?
The arteries
carry oxygenated
blood except pulmonary artery. The
veins carry deoxygenated blood
except pulmonary veins.
6. ReproductionThe generating System
1 Mark
1. Now a days we are able to develop seedless fruits like watermelon, grapes. How
do you think this happens?
A. 1. Seedless fruits are also called as
parthenocarpic fruits.
2. In nature, ovary directly develops into
seedless fruit without fertilization. This
process is called parthenogenesis.
2. Govind and Geeta are a new couple. They
decided to know about birth control methods. Suggest them any two physical
devices to prevent fertilization?
A. 1. Physical devices such as condoms and
diaphragm (cap) are used. This prevents
reaching of sperms to ova for fertilization.
2. The use of intra-uterine devices called
copper-T, Loop etc are also very effective in preventing pregnancy.
3. What would have happened if mitosis not
occur in organisms?
A. 1. If mitosis not occurs in organisms,
growth is completely stopped because
new cells are not formed.
2. Formation red blood cells and wound
healing is not possible.
4. Give examples and explain what is meant
by external fertilization?
A. 1. If the fertilization occurs out side the
female body. It is called external fertilization.
Examples: Fish and Frog.
5. When the foetus is growing inside the
uterus it needs nutrients. What provides
these nutrients?
A. 1. Placenta is a tissue formed by the cells
from the embryo and the mother.
2. Placenta supplies nutrients to foetus
which is growing inside the uterus.
2 Marks
1. Why do fish and frog produce a huge
number of eggs each year?
2. what is the job of the amniotic sac?
3. The menstrual cycle prepares the uterus
for a fertilized egg. How long is an average menstrual cycle from start to finish?
4. Write the changes that occur in G1 and G2
5. How will you appreciate cell division that
helps in perpetuation of life?
6. What information do you get from this figure?
7. What happens if meiosis does not take
place in reproductive cells?
8. What precautions you will suggest to prevent HIV-AIDS?
4 Marks
1. Write differences between
1) Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction
2) Mitosis - Meiosis
Explain the process of fertilization in
What are the different modes of asexual
reproduction? Give them with examples?
All unicellular organisms undergo only
mitotic cell division during unfavourable
conditions- Do you support this statement? Why?
Vicky's father wants to grow a single plant
having two desirable characters colourful
flowers and big fruits. What method will
you suggest him and why?
Draw a neat labelled diagram of structure
of flower. What happens if androecium
and gynoecium are absent in flower?
7. Coordination in life processes
1 Mark
1. Write the dental formula of man?
A. The dental formula of man is
2 1 2 3
, , ,
2 1 2 3
2. Which hormone is responsible for hunger
pangs in stomach?
A. The hormone Ghrelin is responsible for
hunger pangs in stomach.
3. Leela feels hungry upon seeing food.
What makes leela hungry?
A. 1. A major cause for feeling hungry lies in
the physiology of blood circulation.
When glucose levels in the blood fall,
we get hunger pangs in stomach.
2. leela feels hungry upon seeing food,
because ghrelin is secreted from certain
cells in the wall of stomach which
makes hunger pangs in the stomach.
4. How the stomach is protected from the
secretion of its own acids?
A. Mucous membrane protects stomach wall
from the action of acid (HCl)
5. Why stomach is structured like a bag
rather than like a tube?
A. 1. The food is stored in stomach for a long
to mix with juices and enzymes for
churning purpose.
2. Different kinds of muscles of stomach
walls contract and relax to form chyme.
For these purposes stomach is structured like a bag rather than like a tube.
2 Marks
1. What you mean by hunger pangs?
2. Write differences between bolus and
3. Write differences between mastication and
4. How can you say that mouth is munching
5. What happens if pyloric sphincter in the
stomach does not function well?
6. How do you appreciate stomach as a
churning machine?
7. Is there any reason for the intestine to be
coiled with many folds? In what way it is
helpful during the process of digestion?
8. What happens if salivary ducts are closed?
4 Marks
1. How can you justify the enteric nervous
system as the second brain of the gut?
2. What is the function of peristalsis in these
a) oesophagus
b) stomach
c) small intestine
d) long intestine
3. What experiment do you perform to
understand action of saliva on flour?
Explain it's procedure and apparatus that
you followed?
4. suggest a simple experiment to prove the
role of palate in recognizing taste?
5. What is mastication? Explain the role of
different sets of teeth in this process?
6. Explain how proteins and carbohydrates
get digested in the stomach and duodenum. What is the role of villus in small
7. Is there any reason for the intestine to be
coiled with many folds. In what way it is
helpful during the process of digestion?
8. Draw a neatly labeled diagram showing a
peristaltic movement in oesophagus.
Explain the importance of mucus on the
walls of food pipe?
8. HeredityFrom Parent to Progeny
1 Mark
1. Observe the following chart and write
down the phenotypic and genotypic ratio
in F2 generation. What does the chart
A. 1. The phenotypic ratio is 3:1
2. The genotypic ratio is 1:2:1
3. The chart shows Mono hybrid Cross.
2. What is allele?
A. The pair of genes which are responsible
for character is called allele.
3. Why does the Carbon dating method is
A. Carbon dating method is used to determine the age of fossils.
4. One scientist cut the tails of rats for
parental generation. Does the offsprings of
rats are with normal tails or not? Write
your opinion?
A. 1. Offsprings of rats with normal tails.
2. The bodily changes are not inherited.
So, they won't be passed to its offsprings.
5. What is meant by Natural Selection?
A. The nature only selects and decides which
organism should survive or perish in
nature. This is called 'Natural Selection'.
6. What is the embryological-evidence for
A. 1. There are remarkable similarities in the
embryos of different animals from fish
to man.
2. This indicates embryological evidence
for evolution.
to be continued in 9th page...
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Ðésê 23.9 Ô>™èl… M>V>, 2010&11 ¯ésìæMìS 19.5
Ô>™é°MìS ™èlWY…¨. 2013&14ÌZ íܦÆý‡ «§ýlÆý‡Ë Ð]l§ýlª
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Ððl¬™èl¢…ÌZ B§éĶæ*°² BÇjçÜ$¢¯é²Æ‡¬.
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M>V>, 2008&09 ¯ésìæMìS 4930 MìSÌZÐérÏMýS$ ò³ÇW…¨.
D M>Ë…ÌZ Ð]lÅÐ]lÝëĶæ*°MìS ÝëVýS$±Æý‡$ A…¨…^èlsê& }MýS–çÙ~ MýSÑ$sîæ °Ðól¨MýS
°MìS Ñ°Äñæ*W…^ól ѧýl$Å™ŒæÌZ ò³Æý‡$VýS$§ýlË 18 Æð‡r$Ï.
1950&60 Ð]l$«§ýlÅM>Ë…ÌZ ™ðlË…V>×æ Æ>{çÙt…ÌZ ◆ ™ðlË…V>×æÌZ çÜVýSr$ MýSÐ]l$™èl… ÑïÜ¢Æý‡~… 1.3 òßæM>tÆý‡$Ï.
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M>V>, 2006&09 Ð]l$«§ýlůésìæMìS ÝëVýS$¿¶æ*Ñ$ çÜVýSr$ 5
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44 Ô>™èl… ¿¶æ*Ñ$MìS ÝëVýS$±sìæ Ð]lç܆ E…¨.
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Oò³V> MýSÐ]l$™éË$ E´ë…™èl MýSÐ]l$™éË$. B¨Ìê»ê§Šæ
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°gêÐ]l*»ê§Šæ hÌêÏÌZ ™èlMýS$PÐ]lV> E…¨.
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2012&13ÌZ çÜ*¦Ë ±sìæ ´ëÆý‡$§ýlË ÑïÜ¢Æý‡~… 25.57
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&13ÌZ 5.07 Ô>™èl… ¯]l$…_ 2013&14ÌZ 12.67
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12. MìS…¨ H hÌêÏ ¿¶æ*ÝëÆý‡…ÌZ ¸ëçܹÆý‡‹Ü Deficiency
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G) 536 òßæ.
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yìl) 583 òßæ.
14. Ððl*¯ø MýSËaÆŠæ A¯ól¨ MìS…¨ ÐésìæÌZ §ól° Ë„ýS×æ…?
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¼) E§éů]lÐ]l¯]l ç³…rË {ç³™ólÅMîSMýSÆý‡×æ
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yìl) ç³…rÐ]l*ǵyìl
15. MóS…{§ýl Ð]lÇ ç³ÇÔZ«§ýl¯é çÜ…çܦ GMýSPyýl E…¨?
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G) MðS…sŒæÞ
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G) f¯]lÐ]lÇ&Ð]l*Ça
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9) ¼; 10) yìl; 11) ¼; 12) yìl;
15) G; 16) ¼; 17) yìl; 18) G;
21) yìl.
{ç³: {»ñæyŠæOò³ _Ë$ÏË$ G…§ýl$MýS$ E…sêƇ¬?
f: {»ñæyŠæ ™èlĶæ*-ÈÌZ "MìS×æÓ {ç³{MìS-Ķæ$-' (Fermentation) ¯]l$ Eç³-Äñæ*-W-Ýë¢Æý‡$.
D {ç³{MìS-Ķæ$ÌZ M>Æý‡-¾¯æŒ -Oyðl-B-OMðSÞyŠæ Ñyýl$-§ýlË M>Ð]l-r…™ø {»ñæyŠæOò³ _Ë$ÏË$ HÆý‡µ-yýl-™éƇ¬.
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 25 l 2016
Groups - General Studies
Æó‡yìl-Äñæ*-£ðl-Æý‡ï³ A…sôæ?
yéMýStÆŠ‡ ¼. Æý‡Ðól$‹Ù
ïܰĶæ$ÆŠæ ¸ëÅMýSÎt.
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Aí³ÏMóSçÙ¯ŒlÞOò³ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ GMýS$PÐ]lV>
1. çœ$¯]l, {§ýlÐ]l, ÐéÄ¶æ¬ íܦ™èl$-Ë-™ø-´ër$ 糧é-Æ>¦-°MìS E…yól
¯éË$Vø íܦ† H…sìæ?
´ëÏÝëà íܦ†.
2. E™èlµ-™èl¯]l… A…sôæ?
糧éÆý‡¦… çœ$¯]l íܦ† ¯]l$…_ ¯ólÆý‡$V> ÐéÄ¶æ¬ íܦ†-ÌZMìS
Ð]l*Æý‡-sê°² E™èlµ-™èl¯]l… A…sêÆý‡$.
3. I‹Ü Ð]l¬MýSP ±sìæOò³ ™ólËyé-°MìS M>Æý‡×æ…?
{§ýlÐ]l-Æý‡*-ç³…-ÌZ° ±Æý‡$ çœ$¯]l Æý‡*ç³…-ÌZ° I‹ÜV> Ð]l*ǯ]l-ç³#µyýl$.. §é° çœ$¯]l-ç³-Ç-Ð]l*×æ… ò³ÇW, Ýë…{§ýl™èl
™èlVýS$Y-™èl$…¨. ©…™ø I‹Ü Ð]l¬MýSP ±sìæOò³ ™ólË$-™èl$…¨.
4. MøÏÇ-¯ól-çÙ¯Œæ A…sôæ?
çÜ*„ýSÃ-i-Ð]l#-˯]l$ ^èl…õ³…-§ýl$MýS$ ±â¶æÏÌZ MøÏÇ-¯Œæ¯]l$ MýSË-ç³sê°² MøÏÇ-¯ól-çÙ¯Œæ A…sêÆý‡$.
5. ±Æý‡$ {§ýlÐ]l…V> E…yýl-sê-°MìS M>Æý‡×æ…?
A…™èl-Æý‡-×æ$MýS Oòßæ{yø-f¯Œæ º…«§éË M>Æý‡-×æ…V> ±Æý‡$ {§ýlÐ]l
Æý‡*ç³…ÌZ E…r$…¨.
6. I‹Ü-Oò³ Eç³#µ ^èlÍÏ™ól..I‹Ü Ððl…r¯ól MýSÇ-W-´ù§ýl$. G…§ýl$MýS$?
I‹ÜOò³ Eç³#µ ^èlÍÏ-¯]l-ç³#µyýl$.. Mö…™èl Eç³#µ I‹ÜÌZ MýSÇ-W´ù-™èl$…¨. CÌê fÇ-VóS…-§ýl$MýS$ Mö…™èl Ðólyìl (E-çÙ~…)
M>ÐéÍ. D EÚë~°² I‹Ü ¯]l$…_ Eç³#µ {VýSß
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7. Ô¶æMìS¢ °™èlÅ™èlÓ °Ä¶æ$Ð]l$… A…sôæ?
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©¯ól² Ô¶æMìS¢ °™èlÅ™èlÓ °Ä¶æ$Ð]l$… A…sêÆý‡$.
8. ò³{sZÌŒæ Ð]lËÏ HÆý‡µ-yìl¯]l Ð]l$…r-˯]l$ ±sìæ™ø G…§ýl$MýS$
±sìæ Ýë…{§ýl™èl MýS…sôæ ò³{sZÌŒæ Ýë…{§ýl™èl ™èlMýS$PÐ]l.
A…§ýl$MóS ±sìæ° ^èlËÏ-V>¯ól.. ±sìæOò³ ò³{sZÌŒæ ™ólË$-™èl$…¨.
©…™ø ò³{sZÌŒæ ±sìæOò³ Ð]l$…yýl$-™èl*¯ól E…r$…¨.
9. sñæ…ç³-Ç…VŠæ A…sôæ?
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ç³°-Ð]l¬-r$tMýS$ M>Ðé-ÍÞ-¯]l…™èl VýSsìæt-§ýl¯]l… Ð]lçÜ$¢…¨.
10. ¿êçÜÓ-Æ>°² ±sìæÌZ °ËÓ-^ól-Ýë¢Æý‡$. G…§ýl$MýS$?
´÷yìl-V>-ÍÌZ ¿êçÜÓÆý‡… Ð]l$…yýl$-™èl$…¨. A…§ýl$MóS ±sìæÌZ
°ËÓ ^ólÝë¢Æý‡$.
11. ÝùyìlĶæ$…, ͤĶæ$… Ð]l…sìæ „>Æý‡-ÌZ-à-˯]l$ MìSÆø-íܯŒæ
Ìôæ§é ´ëÆ>-휯Œæ O™ðlË…ÌZ °ËÓ-^ól-Ýë¢Æý‡$. G…§ýl$MýS$?
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12. Æý‡º¾Æý‡$ Ð]lËP-O¯ðl-gôæ-çÙ¯Œæ A…sôæ?
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VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 25 l 2016
Current Affairs
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VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 25 l 2016
Groups Special - English
There are two Articles - a (or an) and the.
A or an is called the Indefinite Article, because it leaves
indefinite the person or thing spoken of;
Articles are really Demonstrative Adjectives
Subject Expert.
The Adjectives a or an and the are usually
called Articles.They are really Demonstrative
There are two Articles - a (or an) and the.
A or an is called the Indefinite Article,
because it leaves indefinite the person or thing
spoken of; as,
a doctor; that is, any doctor.
The is called the Definite Article, because
it points out some particular person or thing;
He saw the doctor; meaning some particular doctor.
As a general rule, an Article is used before
a common noun, singular number; as,
This is a mango.
Fight like a hero.
Here is an elephant.
I like the novel you gave me.
But Common nouns in the singular, used in
a general sense, do not require an Article; as,
Man is mortal.
A or An
The choice between a and an is determined by sound.
Before a word beginning with a vowel
sound an is used; as,
A boy, a reindeer, a woman, a yard, a
horse, a hole, also a university, a union, a
European, a ewe, a unicorn, a useful article,
Because these words (university, union,
etc.) begin with a consonant sound, that of yu.
Similarly we say,
a one-rupee note, such a one, a one-eyed
man, because one begins with the consonant
sound of w.
Before words beginning with h and not
accented on the first syllable, an is often used;
as, An historical novel, an hotel.
USE of the Definite Article
The Definite Article the is used 1. When we speak of a particular person or
thing, or one already referred to; as,
The book you want is out of print.
I dislike the fellow.
Let us go to the club.
2. When a singular noun is meant to represent a whole class; as,
The cow is a useful animal.
[Or we may say, "Cows are useful animals."]
The horse is a noble animal.
The cat loves comfort.
The rose is the sweetest of all flowers.
The banyan is a kind of fig tree.
[Do not say, "a kind of a fig tree." This is
a common error.]
Note that the two nouns man and woman
used in the general sense to denote the
whole class never have either article.
Man is the only animal that uses fire.
Woman is man's mate.
With names of gulfs, rivers, seas, oceans,
groups of islands, and mountain-ranges; as,
The Persian Gulf.
The Ganges is considered holy by the
London is on the Thames.
The Red Sea. The Indian Ocean.
The British Isles. The Laccadive islands.
The Himalayas lie to the North of India.
The Alps.
We also say The Punjab, the United Provinces, the
Deccan, the Carnatic.
Before the names of books; as,
The Vedas, the Puranas, the Iliad, the Ramayana. But we say Homer's Iliad, Valmiki's Ramayana.
Before common nouns which are names
of things unique of their kind; as,
The sun, the sky, the ocean, the sea, the
[Note - Sometimes the is placed before a
Common noun to give it the meaning of an
abstract noun; as,
Al last the warrior (the warlike or martial
spirit) in him was thoroughly aroused.]
Before a Proper noun only when it is qualified by an adjective or a defining adjectival clause; as,
The great Caesar, the immortal Shakespeare.
The Mr. Roy whom you met last night is
my uncle.
With Superlatives; as,
The darkest cloud has a silver lining.
This is the best book of elementary chemistry.
Before an adjective when the noun is
understood; as,
The poor are always with us.
Before a noun (with emphasis), to give the
force of a Superlative; as,
The Verb is the word (=the chief word) in
a sentence.
As an Adverb with Comparatives; as,
The more the merrier.
(=By how much more, by so much the
The more they get, the more they want.
Use of the Indefinite Article
The Indefinite Article is used
1. In its original numerical sense of one; as,
Twelve inches make a foot.
Not a word was said.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
2. In the vague sense of a certain; as,
A Ranchod Pitamber (= a certain person
named Ranchod Pitamber) is suspected by
the police.
One evening a beggar came to my door.
3. In the sense of any, to single out an individual as the representative of a class, as,
A pupil should obey his teacher.
A cow is a useful animal.
4. To make a common noun of a proper
noun; as,
A Daniel come to judgement! (A Daniel =
a very wise man.)
Omission of the Article
The Article is omitted 1. Before a common noun used in its widest
sense; as,
Man is mortal.
What kind of flower is it?
2. Before names of materials; as,
Gold is a precious metal.
Cotton grows in India, America and Egypt.
3. Before Proper nouns; as,
Delhi is the capital of India.
Bombay is a big city.
Newton was a great philosopher.
Note - When the Article is used before Proper nouns, they become Common nouns; as,
This man is a second Newton [i.e., a
philosopher as great as Newton]
He was the Napoleon of his age [i.e., the
greatest general of his time.]
Bombay is the Manchester of India [i.e., a
great manufacturing city.]
The Earl of Derby is a Stanley [i.e., a
member of the Stanley family.]
4. Before Abstract nouns used in a general
sense; as,
Wisdom is the gift of heaven.
Falsehood is odious.
Honesty is the best policy.
Virtue is its own reward.
Note -An Abstract noun, when it is qualified by an adjective or an adjectival phrase
or clause, may have the article; as,
The wisdom of Solomon is famous.
He showed a courage worthy of an older
I cannot forget the kindness with which he
treated me
5. Before titles used in apposition to a proper name or as the complement of a sentence; as,
His brother was duke of Lancaster.
He became king.
6. In certain phrases consisting of a transitive
verb followed by its object; as,
to catch fire, to take breath, to give battle,
to cast anchor, to send word, to bring word, to give ear, to leave school, to lay siege, to set sail, to lose heart, to set foot, to
leave home, to strike root, to take offence.
7. In certain phrases consisting of a preposition followed by its object; as,
at home, in hand, in debt, in bed, at school,
to school, by day, by night, at daybreak, at
sunrise, at noon, at sunset, at night, at
anchor, at sight, on demand, at interest, on
earth, by land, by water, by river, by train,
by steamer, by name, on horseback, on
foot, on deck, to prison, in jail, in jest, in
town, to market, at dinner, at table, at ease,
under ground, above ground.
Repetition of the Article
If I say I have a black and white dog,
I mean a dog that is partly black and partly white. But if I say I have a black and a white dog,
I mean two dogs, one black and the other
Hence when two or more adjectives qualify the same noun, the Article is used
before the first adjective only; but when
they qualify different nouns, expressed or
understood, the Article is used before each
1. The Secretary and Treasurer is absent.
2. The secretary and the Treasurer are absent.
The first sentence clearly indicates that the
posts of Secretary and Treasurer are held
by one person.
The repetition of the article in the second
sentence indicates that the two posts are
held by two different persons.
Hence we see that when two or more connected nouns refer to the same person or
thing, the Article is ordinarily used before
the first only; but when two or more connected nouns refer to different persons or
things, the Article is used before each.
Also examine the following sentences:Sir Surendranath was a great orator and
There are on the committee among others
a great economist and a great lawyer.
We may either say The third and the fourth chapter.
[Or] The third and fourth chapters.
In expressing a comparison, if two nouns
refer to the same person or thing, the Article is used before the first noun only; as,
He is a better mechanic than clerk.
He is a better poet than novelist.
He is a better thinker than debater.
He would make a better engineer than lawyer.
But if they refer to different persons or
things, the Article must be used with each
noun, as in:
He is a better mechanic than a clerk
(would make).
He would make a better statesman than a
philosopher (would make).
Variations are quite apparent among closely related
groups of organisms. In about 1857 Gregor Mendel
started working on the problem of how variations were
passed from one generation to other.
continued from 4th page...
2 Marks
1. What are the homologous and analogous
2. Why Mendel has chosen Pea plant for his
3. What is Law of independent assortment?
Which questions you will ask to know
about this law in detail?
4. Explain about survival of the fittest with
examples that you observed in your surroundings?
5. Who decides the sex of the baby? Mother
or Father. Draw a flow chart to show this?
6. Which branches give the evidences to
7. 'Human Being is said to be a moving
museum of vestigial organs'. How can you
support this statement?
4 Marks
1. One student (Researcher) wants to cross
pure tall plant (TT) with pure dwarf plant
(tt), What would be the F1 and F2 generations? Explain?
2. Homologous and analogous organs are the
base of the evolution. Explain this statement with suitable examples?
3. How does the sex determination takes
place in human? Explain this statement
with suitable examples?
4. Explain monohybrid experiment with an
example? Which law of inheritance can
we understand? Explain?
5. Suma selected two characters mainly round yellow, wrinkled green pea seeds. She
crossed these plants in her garden. Explain
her results with help of a checker board?
6. Write your opinion evolutionary evidences of the following information. In all
these animals forelimbs are structurally
similar but perform different functions
according to the habitat in which they
live? (Mammals have forelimbs as do
birds, reptiles and amphibians)
9. Our Environment Our Concern
1 Mark
1. Draw the pyramid of number for following food chain
Grass → Rabbit → Wolf
Pyramid number of given food chain is
2. Draw a pyramid of biomass for the given
food chain. (i) Bushes; (ii) Herbivores;
(iii) Predators; (iv) Hawk
3. What is Biomagnification?
A. The tendency of pollutants to concentrate
as they move from one trophic level to the
next is known as Biomagnification.
4. What is meant by Bio accumulation?
A. The process of entry of pollutants into a
food chain is known as Bioaccumulation.
5. What does a food chain show?
A. A food chain shows who eats what in a
particular habitat.
6. What will happen if phytoplanktons are
absent in a pond ecosystem?
A. 1. If phytoplanktons are absent, the primary consumers cannot survive in the
pond as phytoplanktons are the only
producers in the pond.
2. It disturb other tropic levels and entire
food chain.
2 Marks
1. Observe grass in your school garden.
Write a short note on producer - consumer
2. What is trophic level? What does it represent in ecological pyramid?
3. Observe the following flow chart and
describe it?
Man (1 kg)
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 25 l 2016
between the pyramid of number and
pyramid of biomass?
2. What type of information do you require
to explain pyramid of biomass?
Fish (10 kg)
Zooplanktons (100 kg)
Phytoplanktons (1000 kg)
4. Why does the number of organisms will
decrease from producers to consumers in
5. What happens if decomposers are
removed from the food web?
6. What happens if predators are removed
from the food web?
7. Define the terms
(i) Niche
(ii) Food web
8. Why are the pyramids always upright?
4 Marks
1. Read the information that was given in the
following table and answer the questions
given under the table?
S. Trophic
no levels
Examples Quantity
Biomass (kgs)
1 Producers Phyto
2. Primary
consumers planktons
3 Secondary Fishes
4 Tertiary
(i) Draw the ecological pyramid of
trophic levels given in the table?
(ii) Prepare a pyramid of numbers for an
aquatic ecosystem based on the
examples given in the table?
(iii) Prepare a pyramid of biomass based
on the quantity of biomass given in
the table?
(iv) What is the relation do you find
10th Class Special - Biology
A. (i) What is this pyramid?
(ii) Describe this pyramid?
(iii) What can we conclude with this
B. What is biomass? Draw the pyramid of
biomass of the following?
Grass, Eagle, Herbivores, Carnivores.
What is pyramid of numbers? Write brief
note on the pyramid of numbers with the
help of block diagram?
Draw a pyramid of numbers considering
yourself as top level consumer?
What do pyramids and food chain indicate
in an ecosystem?
Should we use pesticides as they prevent
our crop and food from pests (or) We
should think of alternatives? Write your
view about this issue and give sound reason to your answer?
Suggest any three programmes for prevention of soil pollution in view of avoiding
10. Natural Resources
1 Mark
1. To create awareness on 'water conservation' in your locality, what slogans you
will suggest?
A. 1. Save water - Save life
2. Water is life - Conservation is future
3. Save water - The world is yours
4. Don't waste it - Just taste it
2. What is sustainable development?
A. When we use environment in ways that
ensure we have resources for the future. It
is called sustainable development.
3. Give examples for community based
interventions of water management?
A. 1. Percolation pits
2. community based masonry dam
4. Give examples for farmer based interventions of water management?
A. 1. Broad bed furrow
2. Plantation on bunds
3. Contour field bunding
5. Do you think it is necessary to have a lot
lighting for decoration during celebrations?
A. No. It is not necessary to have a lighting
for decoration during celebrations because, it is more expensive and wastage of
electrical energy.
6. What is meant by microirrigations?
A. The method of irrigation in which less
amount of water is used for agriculture is
called micro irrigation.
Eg: Drip irrigation and sprinklers
2 Marks
1. Listout the activities which you perform to
conserve forests?
2. We know that natural resources are
decreasing more rapidly. Guess and write
the consequences?
3. Write about '3R's that can save our environment?
4. Which programmes that will you conduct
to create awareness in farmers of your village about waste land management?
5. What are the harmful effects of global
4 Marks
1. What is a natural resource? Give some
examples of natural resources? Write a
note on management of natural resources?
2. Observe the Pie diagram of water
resources and area under irrigation. Now
answer the following questions
(i) Write the percentages of water available in above diagram?
(ii) Why is it important to recharge the
ground water sources?
(iii) Since ground water resources are getting depleted at fast pace, what are
the alternatives?
3. The amount of water available in a state is
3814 TMCs. Total amount of utilised2300 TMCs of which..
Domestic use
Power generation
2268 TMC
21 TMC
10 TMC
Amount required for utilisation by 2025 is
3989 TMC of which 3,814 TMC is for irrigation, 122 TMC for domestic use, 51
TMC for industries and 2 TMC is for
power generation. Analyse the given
information and answer to the given questions.
i) What will happen if we don't take care
of the sources of water?
ii) How we shall meet our requiremenents
in future?
iii)How do we reduce the utilisation of
water for irrigation?
iv) Do you think one needs laws for distribution of water and it's use? Why?
What is sustainable development? How is
it useful in natural management?
Suggest some ways of reusing a resource
in your locality?
Proper utilisation of natural resources is
the way to show gratitude to our nation.
Can you support this statement? Give your
Why should we conserve forest and wild
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 25 l 2016
10th Class Special - Biology
1. NutritionFood Supplying System
1. Which of the following organisms take the
food by parasitic nutrition?
a) Yeast
b) Mushrooms
c) Cuscutta
d) Leeches
2. Which part of the plant takes in carbon
dioxide form the air for photosynthesis?
a) Root hair
b) Stomata
c) Leaf veins
d) Sepals
3. The acid present in gastric juice is?
b) H2SO4
a) HNO3
c) HCl
d) H3PO4
4. The sites for trapping solar energy in the
a) Stroma
b) Grana
c) Matrix
d) Cristae
5. Deficiency of folic acid causes?
a) Anemia
b) Pellagra
c) Glossitis
d) Rickets
1) c; 2) b; 3) c; 4) b; 5) a
2. RespirationThe energy releasing system
1. Cluster of air sacs in lungs are called?
a) Alveoli
b) Bronchi
c) Bronchioles
d) Air spaces
2. A flap like muscular value controls movement of air and food is?
a) Glottis
b) Epiglottis
c) Larynx
d) Pharynx
3. We will find vocal cords in?
a) Larynx
b) Pharymx
c) Nasal cavity
d) Trachea
4. Energy currency of the cell is?
a) ATP
b) ADP
d) Mitochondria
5. What would you confirm by observing
this diagram?
a) CO2 is released in
b) Energy is released
in respiration
c) Heat is released in
d) Water vapour is
released in respiration
5. This experiment shows?
1) b; 2) a; 3) a; 4) b; 5) d
a) Atmospheric pressure
b) Stem pressure
c) Root pressure
d) Soil pressure
1) a; 2) b; 3) b; 4) a; 5) c
4. Excretion - The wastage
disposing system
1. The alkaloid which is used as anti malarial drug?
a) Nicotine
b) Morphine
c) Nimbin
d) Quinine
2. Amber (yellow) colour to urine due to?
a) Urochrome
b) Bilerubine
c) Bileverdine
d) Chlorides
3. Sequence of urine formation in nephron
a) Glomerular filtration, Tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion
b) Tubular reabsorption, Tubular secretion, Glomerular filtration
c) Tubular secretion, Glomerular filtration, Tubular reabsorption
d) Tubular reabsorption, Concentration of
urine, Tubular secretion
4. If kidneys stop working completely, our
body is filled with extra water and waste
products. This condition is called?
a) Urodialysis
b) Haemo
c) Haemodialysis
d) Uremia
5. One of the following is correct about contractile vacuole in single cell organisms?
a) Died in the cell
b) Blasted when they are reached surface
c) Collect the food for living organism
d) Digest the food which is collected by
3. Transportation The circulatory System
1. The whole process of cardiac cycle is
approximately completed in (sec)?
a) 0.8
b) 0.9
c) 0.10
d) 0.11
2. The blood cells that can squeeze out of the
capillary wall are?
a) Red blood cells b) White blood cells
c) Blood platelets
d) All the above
3. Food transporting tissue is?
a) Xylem
b) Phloem
c) Medulla
d) Cortex
4. Double circulatory system is present in?
a) Man
b) Fish
c) Amoeba
d) Paramecium
5. Identify the pair which is not correct?
a) Thyroid-Thyroxin
b) Ovary - Oestrogen
c) Pancreas - Insulin
d) Adrenalin - Testosteron
1) d; 2) a; 3) a; 4) d; 5) b
1) a; 2) b; 3) a; 4) a; 5) c
Lavoisier found that the air that we breathe out precipitated
lime water while that after heating metal did not. He also
found that something even beyond lungs occured to produce
carbon dioxide (knew it as fixed air) and body heat.
5. Coordination The linking system
1. Diabetes is related to this gland?
a) Thyroid
b) Pancreas
c) Adrenal
d) Pitutary
2. The part of the brain that helps you in
solving puzzles is?
a) Cerebrum
b) Cerebellum
c) Medulla
d) Diencephalon
3. A gland present on this is called?
a) Adrenal gland
b) Pituitary gland
c) Thyroid gland
d) Thymus gland
4. The fight or flight hormone is?
a) Thyroxin
b) Adrenalin
c) Insulin
d) Testosteron
6. ReproductionThe generating System
1. The part of the female reproduction system that produces the eggs?
a) ovary
b) epididymis
c) cervix
d) fallopian tube
2. From the figure X denotes?
a) Egg cell
b) synergid
c) antipodal
d) secondary
3. Beti bachavo - beti padhavo (save the girl,
educate the girl) this slogan is related to?
b) Eradication of polio
c) Female foeticides
d) Eradication of small pox
4. A watery lymph like fluid accumulates in
the mammary glands during the last part
of pregnancy is?
a) milk
b) colostrum
c) progesterone
d) prolactine
5. External fertilization occurs in?
a) frog, fish
b) frog, snake
c) fish, snake
d) fish, rat
1) a; 2) a; 3) c; 4) b; 5) a
3. 'The origin of species' book was written
a) Charles Lyell
b) Charles Darwin
c) Baptist Lamarck d) Malthus
4. If we cross pollinate red flower plant with
white flowers, what percent of recessive
trait plants we will get?
a) 25%
b) 50% c) 75%
d) 100%
5. The characters that develop during the
lifetime of an organism is called as
a) Heredity
b) Evolution
c) Acquired characters
d) Adaptation
1) c; 2) d; 3) b; 4) a; 5) c
9. Our Environment Our Concern
1. Benthic organisms are found in?
a) Surface of marine water
b) Middle of water in sea
c) Bottom of sea
d) On ground
2. Minimata disease in Japan was caused by
the accumulation of?
a) DDT
b) Lead
c) Methyl mercury d) Arsenic
3. First trophic level of ecological pyramid
a) Producers
b) Primary consumers
c) Secondary consumers
d) Top consumers
4. The loss of energy at each trophic level of
food chain is?
a) about 10-20%
b) about 20-30%
c) about 30-40%
d) about 40 to 60%
5. The fossil fuels are?
a) Coal
b) Petroleum
c) Natural gas
d) All the above
7. Coordination in life processes
1. sphincter that helps in opening of stomach
into duodenum?
a) cardiac
b) pyloric
c) anal
d) gastric
2. 2: 1:2:3 is the ratio of our dentition. Here
1 represents?
a) inscissors
b) canines
c) premolars
d) molars
3. Mechanism of swallowing is controlled
a) medulla
b) cerebrum
c) cerebellum
d) spinal cord
4. The strong acid which is secreted during
a) HCl
b) HNO3 c) H2SO4 d) HSO4
5. The nature of pH of saliva is?
a) acidic b) alkaline c) neutral d) all
1) c; 2) c; 3) a; 4) a; 5) d
10. Natural Resources
1. This logo shows?
1) b; 2) b; 3) a; 4) a; 5) b
8. HeredityFrom Parent to Progeny
1. What is the phenotypic ratio of dihybrid
a) 1:2:1 b) 3:1
c) 9:3:3:1 d) a & b
2. What are the Darwin's Finch?
a) Mammals
b) Beetles
c) Insects
d) Birds
a) Reuse
b) Reduce
c) Recover
d) Recycle
The plants used for production of biofuel
a) Jatropa carcus
b) Acacia arabica
c) Helianthus anus d) Arachis hypogea
Drip irrigation can reduce water consumption by?
a) 50 % b) 20% c) 2%
d) 70%
Name the continent which has no forests?
a) America
b) Australia
c) Arctica
d) Antarctica
Biodiversity is important for more than
just food and for ___ also?
a) firewood
b) medicines
c) honey
d) plastics
1) d; 2) a; 3) d; 4) d; 5) b
In 1852 a German Scientist, Robert Remak, published his
observations on cell division, based on his observations of
embryos. This was one of the first attempts to undestand the
mechanism of cell division.
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 25 l 2016
General Science-2
(English Version)
Model Paper
Time: 2 Hours 45 min.
Marks: 40
i) The Question paper comprises of FOUR
Sections- I, II, III and IV
ii) All the Questions are compulsory.
iii) There is no overall choice. However there
is internal choice to the Questions under
iv) In the time duration of 2 hrs. 45 minutes,
15 minutes of time is exclusively alloted
to read and understand the Question paper.
4×4 = 16
i) Answer all the questions
ii) Each question carries FOUR marks.
iii) There is internal choice for each question.
Only one option from each question is to
be attempted.
iv) Answer each question in 8 to 10 sentences.
1. What are natural filters in human body? If
a person's natural filters are spoiled, what
method the doctors will follow to save his
life? Write detailed procedure of such
Give reasons:
i) Always vasopressin is not secreted.
ii) when urine is discharged, in the beginning
it is acidic in nature, later it becomes alkaline.
iii) Diameter of afferent arteriole is bigger
than efferent arteriole.
iv) Urine is slightly thicker in summer than in
2. One student has conducted an experiment
related to Photosynthetic factors. He took
potted plant and kept it in the dark for 3-4
days. He fixed the black paper on the centre of the leaf and placed the potted plant
in the sun for few hours. Given questions
are related to the experiment and write
your answers.
i) What factor the student wanted to know?
ii) What is the controle in this experiment?
iii) Why was the plant kept in dark before
conducting experiment?
iv) Write the test to prove the presence of
You have conducted the experiment in
your school laboratory to prove the CO2 is
essential for Photosynthesis. Given questions are related to experiment and write
your answers.
i) What is the use of KOH in this experiment.
ii) Write the precautions you took while
doing this experiment.
iii) write the apparatus used for this experiment.
iv) Explain the procedure you followed in
your school laboratory.
3. Write atleast four differences between following:
A) Xylem-Phloem B) Arteries-Veins
One student (Researcher) wants to cross
pure tall plant (TT) with pure dwarf plant
(tt). What would be the F1 and F2 generations? Explain?
4. Write the collected information about uses
of different kinds of alkaloids by taking
help of library or internet.
Observe the following table and answer
the questions given below.
Name of Age B.P.
the person
Normal B.P.
Low B.P.
High B.P.
High B.P.
i) Is there any relation between age and
blood pressure? Explain?
ii) What are the reasons for High Blood pressure?
iii) If a person's B.P. is written 120/80. What
does it indicates? Which instrument is
used to measure B.P?
iv) What represents numerator and denominator in B.P. reading?
6×2 = 12
i) Answer all the questions
ii) Each question carries TWO marks.
iii) Answer each question in 4 or 5 sentences.
5. What are the harmful effects of global
6. Why do some children pass urine during
sleep at night until 15 or 16 years of age?
10th Class Special - Biology
i) What does above chart show?
ii) What is phenotypic and genotypic ratio of
F2 generation?
i) Write the names of parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 in
the given diagram.
ii) Why do we call Mitochondria as Power
house of the cell?
9. Your biology teacher
demonstrated the
following experiment in the laboratory. Observe the diagram and answer the
following questions.
i) Write the name of the experiment shown
in the figure?
ii) Write the apparatus used in this experiment?
10. Collect the information from your school
gardener about vegetative propagation in
following plants.
A) Bryophyllum
B) Radish
C) Rose
D) Mango
C) (i) false and (ii) true
D) (i) and (ii) are false
19. A student observed pollen grain on a slide
under microscope. He observed the following structure. 'X' denotes what?
( )
7×1 = 7
i) Answer all the questions
ii) Each question carries 1 mark
iii) Answer each question in 1 or 2 sentences.
11. Why diazene green (Janus Green B) is
used in the experiment to prove anaerobic
12. Write two slogans to create awareness on
conservation of ground water?
13. Draw the pyramid of number for the following food chain?
Grass → Rabit → Wolf
14. Srikanth was injured while he was playing. The blood was not coagulated? What
is the reason?
15. Geetha and Govind are a new couple.
They decided to know about birth control
methods. Suggest them any two physical
devices to prevent fertilization?
16. The gene for white colour skin is recessive
to the gene for the black colour skin. What
will be the skin colour of a person if he
inherits a gene for white colour from his
mother and gene for black colour from his
17. Observe the following information and
answer the given questions..
Name of
the Phyllum
A) Style
B) Stigma
C) Pollen tube
D) Seed
20. Which of the following is correct?
( )
A) The diaphragm contracts- Volume of
chest cavity increased
B) The diaphragm contracts- Volume of
chest cavity decreased
C) The diaphragm expands-Volume of
chest cavity increased
D) The diaphragm expands - Volume of
chest cavity decreased
21. Which of the following is the correct path
taken by urine in our body?
( )
A) Kidney Urethra Bladder Ureters
B) Kidney Ureters Bladder Urethra
C) Kidney Bladder Urethra Ureters
D) Kidney Bladder Ureters Urethra
22. A gland present on this is called
( )
Excretory organs
Flame cells
Green glands,
Malpighian tubules
i) What are the excretory organs in
Earthworm and Leech?
ii) What are the excretory organs in cockroach?
10×½ = 5
i) Answer all the questions
ii) Each question has four choices. Choose
the correct answer for each question and
write the relevant alphabet (A, B, C, D)
against the question number in your answer booklet.
iii) Each Question carries ½ Mark.
18. Study the given statements..
( )
i) Stomach and duodenal ulcers occur more
often in people due to hurry, worry and
ii) Ulcers frequently occur in persons who
have less work.
A) (i) and (ii) are true
B) (i) true and (ii) false
A) Adrenal gland
B) Pituitary gland
C) Thyroid gland
D) Thymus gland
''Beti bachao- Beti padhavo'' (Save the
girl- Educate the girl). This slogan is related to?
( )
A) HIV/AIDS B) Eradication of Polio
C) Female foeticides
D) Eradication of small fox
2:1: 2:3 is the ratio of dentition. Here 1
( )
A) Inscissors B) Canines
C) Premolars D) Molars
What is the Phenotypic ratio of dihybrid
( )
A) 1:2:1 B) 3:1 C) 9:3:3:1 D) A and B
Ban all pesticides, this means?
( )
A) Control on usage of pesticides
B) Prevention of pesticides
C) Promote ecofriendly agricultural practices
D) Stop bio-chemical factories
This logo shows?
( )
A) Sustainable development
B) Unsustainable development
C) Regular development
D) Continuous development
18) B, 19) C; 20) A; 21) B; 22) A;
23) C; 24) B; 25) C; 26) C; 27) A.
VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 25 l 2016
C…yýl-{íÜt-Ķæ$ÌŒæ A…yŠl {´÷yýl-MýSÛ¯Œl C…f-±-Ç…VŠS MøÆý‡$Þ¯]l$ Ððl$M>-°-MýSÌŒæ C…f-±-Ç…-VŠSMýS$
A¯]l$-º…-«§ýl…V> »Z«¨-çÜ$¢-¯é²Æý‡$. ½sñæ-MŠSÌZ Ððl$M>-°-MýSÌŒæ ç³NÇ¢-^ól-íܯ]l A¿¶æÅ-Æý‡$¦Ë$ G…sñæ-MŠSÌZ
C…yýl-{íÜt-Ķæ$ÌŒæ A…yŠl {´÷yýl-MýSÛ¯Œl C…f-±-Ç…VŠS MøÆý‡$Þ¯]l$ ^èl§ýl$-Ð]l#-Mø-Ð]l^èl$a.
Career Counselling
- ÌZ ï³i..
A«§ýlÅ-Ķæ$¯]l….. ÑÔóæÏ-çÙ×æ.. ™éÇPMýS…! B…{™ø-´ë-Ëi
°Æý‡…-™èlÆý‡ çÜÐ]l${VýS Ð]lÊÌêÅ…-MýS¯]l (Continuous
Comprehensive Evaluation) ç³È„ýS
A¯]l$-VýS$-×æ…V> ѧéÅ-Æý‡$¦Ë$ {í³ç³-Æó‡-çÙ¯Œl Mö¯]l-Ýë-W…-^éÍ.
A°² A«§éÅ-Ķæ*-˯]l$ „ýS$×æ²…V>, ÑÔóæÏ-çÙ-×ê-™èlÃ-MýS…V>,
™éÇP-MýS…V> AÐ]l-V>-çßæ¯]l ^ólçÜ$-MýS$…r* ^èl§ýl-ÐéÍ.
{糆 ´ëuý‡Å-¿ê-VýS…-ÌZ° Ð]l˜Í-M>…-Ô>-ËOò³ ç³r$t
Ý뫨õÜ¢, {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ H Æý‡*ç³…ÌZ Ð]l_a¯é, ™ólÍV>Y
çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯éË$ Æ>Äñæ¬^èl$a. {ç³çÜ$¢™èl ¯]l*™èl¯]l ѧéÅ
Ñ«§é-¯]l…ÌZ A«§éÅ-Ķæ*Ë ÐéÈV> ÐðlƇ¬-sôæi
E…yýl§ýl$. ç³¼ÏMŠS ç³È-„ýSÌZÏ Ñ§éÅ {ç³Ð]l*-×ê-ËMýS$
Ð]l*{™èlÐól$ ÐðlƇ¬-sôæi E…r$…¨.
1. ´ùçÙ×æ&BàÆý‡ çÜÆý‡çœÆ> Ð]lÅÐ]lçܦ
(Nutrition-Food Supplying System)
2. Ô>ÓçÜ{MìSĶæ$& Ô¶æMìS¢ E™éµ§ýlMýS Ð]lÅÐ]lçܦ
(Respiration-The energy releasing
3. {ç³çÜÆý‡×æ& 糧éÆý‡¦ Æý‡Ðé×ê Ð]lÅÐ]lçܦ
(Transportation-The circulatory
4. ÑçÜÆý‡j¯]l& Ð]lÅÆ>¦Ë ™öËW…ç³# Ð]lÅÐ]lçܦ
(Excretion-The wastage disposing
5. °Ä¶æ$…{™èl×æ& çÜÐ]l$¯]lÓĶæ$ Ð]lÅÐ]lçܦ
(Coordination- The linking system)
6. {ç³™èl$Å™èlµ†¢& ç³#¯]lÆý‡$™éµ§ýlMýS Ð]lÅÐ]lçܦ
(Reproduction- The generating
7. iÐ]l{MìSĶæ$ÌZ çÜÐ]l$¯]lÓĶæ$…
(Coordination in life process)
8. A¯]l$Ð]l…ÕMýS™èl
(Heredity-From parent to progeny)
sñæ¯Œæ¢ ç³¼ÏMŠS ç³È-„ýSÌZÏ iÐ]l-Ô>ç܈… {ç³Ô¶æ²-ç³{™èl… 40 Ð]l*Æý‡$PËMýS$ E…r$…¨. Üç Ð]l$Ķæ$… Æð‡…yýl$ VýS…rË 45 °Ñ$ÚëË$. {ç³Ô¶æ²-ç³{™èl… ^èl§ýl-Ð]l-yé-°MìS 15 °Ñ$-ÚëË A§ýl¯]lç³# çÜÐ]l$-Ķæ*°² CçÜ$¢-¯é²Æý‡$.
òÜMýSÛ-¯Œl-&1: {MýSÐ]l$-çÜ…QÅ 1 ¯]l$…_ 4 Ð]lÆý‡MýS$ ÐéÅçÜÆý‡*ç³ {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ E…sêƇ¬. JMøP {ç³Ô¶æ²MýS$ ¯éË$VýS$
Ð]l*Æý‡$PË$. D ¯éË$VýS$ {ç³Ô¶æ²-ËMýS$ C…r-Æý‡²ÌŒæ
^éƇ¬‹Ü E…r$…¨.
òÜMýSÛ-¯Œl-&2: {MýSÐ]l$-çÜ…QÅ 5 ¯]l$…_ 10 Ð]lÆý‡MýS$ çÜÓ˵
çÜÐ]l*-«§é¯]l {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ E…sêƇ¬. ÒsìæMìS ¯éË$VýS$
Ìôæ§é AƇ¬§ýl$ ÐéM>ÅÌZÏ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯éË$ Æ>Ķæ*Í.
{糆 {ç³Ô¶æ²MýS$ Æð‡…yýl$ Ð]l*Æý‡$PË$. ÒsìæMìS ^éƇ¬‹Ü
òÜMýSÛ-¯Œl-&3: {MýSÐ]l$-Ü
ç …QÅ 11 ¯]l$…_ 17 Ð]lÆý‡MýS$ A†
çÜÓ˵ çÜÐ]l*-«§é¯]l {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ E…sêƇ¬. {糆 {ç³Ô¶æ²MýS$
JMýS Ð]l*Æý‡$P. D {ç³Ô¶æ²-ËMýS$ JMýSsìæ Ìôæ§é Æð‡…yýl$
ÐéM>ÅÌZÏ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯éË$ Æ>Ķæ*Í.
òÜMýSÛ-¯Œl-&4: {MýSÐ]l$-çÜ…QÅ 18 ¯]l$…_ 27 Ð]lÆý‡MýS$ ºçßæ$-Oâñæ_eMýS(Mulitple Choice) çÜÐ]l*-«§é¯]l ™èlÆý‡à
{ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$ E…sêƇ¬. JMøP {ç³Ô¶æ²MýS$ AÆý‡-Ð]l*Æý‡$P
9. Ð]l$¯]l ç³Æ>ÅÐ]lÆý‡×æ…&Ð]l$¯]l »ê«§ýlÅ™èl
(Our environment-Our concern)
çÜçßæf Ð]l¯]lÆý‡$Ë$ (Natural resources)
ѧéÅ {ç³Ð]l*-×êË ÐéÈV> ÐðlƇ¬-sôæ-i° §ýl–íÙtÌZ
E…^èl$-Mö°, ´ëu>Å…-Ô>-˯]l$ A«§ýlÅ-Ķæ$¯]l… ^ólĶæ*Í.
{糆 ´ëuý‡… _Ð]lÆøÏ C_a¯]l MîSËMýS 糧é-˯]l$ °Æý‡Ó^èl¯]l… Æý‡*ç³…ÌZ ^èl§ýl-ÐéÍ.
{糆 sêí³-MŠS¯]l$ OÐðl$…yŠl Ð]l*Åí³…VŠS Ñ«§é-¯]l…ÌZ ^èl¨Ñ™ól »êV> VýS$Æý‡$¢…-r$…¨. {糆 ĶæÊ°-sŒæ¯]l$
„ýS$×æ²…V> ^èl§ýl-ÐéÍ. ºsîæt ç³sôæt Ñ«§é-¯é°² ç³NÇ¢V>
{糆 ´ëuý‡… _Ð]lÆý‡ E¯]l² {ç³Ô¶æ²-˯]l$ Ð]l*¨Ç {ç³Ô¶æ²Ë$V> ¡çÜ$-Mö°, A«§ýlÅ-Ķæ$¯]l… ^ólĶæ*Í.
¸ùÏ ^éÆý‡$tË$, Æó‡Rê _{™éË$, ç³sêË$, çÜÇ-´ù-Ë$aMýS$¯ól sôæº$â¶æ$Ï, ´ëÅõÜgŒæ çÜ…º…-«¨™èl A…Ô>-˯]l$
»êV> Ý뫧ýl¯]l ^ólĶæ*Í.
´ëuý‡…ÌZ C_a¯]l A…Ô>-ËMýS$ çÜ…º…-«¨…_ "B-ÌZ_…-^èl…-yìl', "^èl-Ça…-^èl…-yìl' ÑçÙ-Ķæ*-˯]l$ °™èlÅ iÑ™èl…-ÌZ° A…Ô>-Ë™ø A¯]lÓ-Ƈ¬…-^èl$-MýS$…r* ^èl§ýlÐéÍ.
Ð]lÊÌêÅ…-MýS-¯é-°MìS çÜ…º…-«¨…_ °ÇªçÙt ¯]lÐ]lÊ-¯éÌZ
"MîS' E…yýl§ýl$ M>ºsìæt {ç³Ô¶æ²MýS$ fÐé-º$-˯]l$ MýS_a™èl…V> CÌê¯ól Æ>Ķæ*-˯ól °º…-«§ýl¯]l Ìôæ§ýl$. A…§ýl$Ð]lËÏ õÜÓ^èleV>, ÑÔóæÏ-çÙ-×ê-™èlÃ-MýS…V> çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯éË$
sìæ.G….I. ¯ðlsŒæÐ]lÆŠ‡P
{´÷yýl-MýSÛ¯Œl A…yŠl C…yýl-{íÜt-Ķæ$ÌŒæ C…f-±-Ç…VŠS MøÆý‡$Þ¯]l$
A…¨-çÜ$¢¯]l² C¯Œl-íÜt-r*Å-sæŒ Ë ÑÐ]l-Æ>Ë$ ™ðlË-ç³…yìl?
& ¯]lÆ󇯌l, Ð]lÆý‡…VýSÌŒæ.
Oòßæ§ýl-Æ>-»ê-§Šl-ÌZ° EÝëÃ-°Ä¶æ* ÑÔ¶æÓ-Ñ-§éÅ-ËĶæ$…..
{´÷yýl-MýSÛ¯Œl C…f-±-Ç…-VŠSÌZ ½D A…¨-Ýù¢…¨.
AÆý‡á™èl: Ð]l*Å£ýl-Ððl$-sìæMŠSÞ, íœhMŠSÞ, MðSÑ$-{ïÜt-Ë™ø C…r-ÈÃ-yìlÄñæ$-sŒæ-/-1-0-+2
{ç³ÐólÔ¶æ…: {ç³Ðól-Ô¶æ-ç³-È-„ýSÌZ E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl B«§é-Æý‡…V>.
C…yýl-{íÜt-Ķæ$ÌŒæ A…yŠl {´÷yýl-MýSÛ¯Œl C…f-±-Ç…VŠS MøÆý‡$Þ¯]l$
Ððl$M>-°-MýSÌŒæ C…f-±-Ç…-VŠSMýS$ A¯]l$-º…-«§ýl…V> »Z«¨-çÜ$¢¯é²Æý‡$. ½sñæ-MŠSÌZ Ððl$M>-°-MýSÌŒæ ç³NÇ¢-^ól-íܯ]l A¿¶æÅ-Æý‡$¦Ë$
G…sñæ-MŠSÌZ C…yýl-{íÜt-Ķæ$ÌŒæ A…yŠl {´÷yýl-MýSÛ¯Œl C…f-±-Ç…VŠS
MøÆý‡$Þ¯]l$ ^èl§ýl$-Ð]l#-Mø-Ð]l^èl$a.
G…sñæMŠS A…¨-çÜ$¢¯]l² çÜ…çÜ¦Ë ÑÐ]l-Æ>Ë$...
Oòßæ§ýl-Æ>-»ê-§Šl-ÌZ° fÐ]l-çßæ-ÆŠ‡-ÌêÌŒæ ¯ðl{çßæ* sñæMýS²-Ìê-h-MýSÌŒæ
ÑÔ¶æÓ-Ñ-§éÅ-ËĶæ$….. C…yýl-{íÜt-Ķæ$ÌŒæ C…f-±-Ç…VŠS A…yŠl
Ðól$¯ól-gŒæ-Ððl$…-sŒæÌZ G…sñæMŠS A…¨-Ýù¢…¨.
»êÅ_-ËÆŠ‡ B‹œ íœh-Äñæ*-£ðl-Æý‡ï³ A…¨-çÜ$¢¯]l² çÜ…çÜ¦Ë ÑÐ]lÆ>Ë$ ™ðlË-ç³…yìl?
& çÜ$Ð]l$†, íÜMìS…{§é»ê§Šæ.
ÑÔ>-Q-ç³-r²…-ÌZ° ÒH-ï³-G…-G‹Ü M>ÌôægŒæ B‹œ íœh-Äñæ*-£ðlÆý‡ï³.. íœh-Äñæ*-£ðl-Æý‡ï³ MøÆý‡$Þ¯]l$ A…¨-Ýù¢…¨. D C¯Œl-íÜtr*ÅsŒæ yéMýStÆŠ‡ G±t-BÆŠ‡ BÆøVýSÅ ÑÔ¶æÓ-Ñ-§éÅ-Ë-Ķæ*-°MìS
A¯]l$-º…-«§ýl…V> ç³°-^ól-çÜ$¢…¨.
AÆý‡á™èl: íœhMŠSÞ, MðSÑ${ïÜt, ºÄ¶æ*-Ë-iÌZ C…r-ÈÃ-yìl-Äñæ$-sŒæ-/1-0-+2
{ç³ÐólÔ¶æ…: G…òÜ-sŒæÌZ E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl B«§é-Æý‡…V>.
G±t-BÆŠ‡ òßæÌŒæ¢ Ä¶æÊ°-Ð]l-ÇÞ-sîæMìS A¯]l$-º…-«§ýl…V> E¯]l²
A¯ólMýS {ò³•Ðólr$ àíܵ-râ¶æ$Ï, M>Ìôæ-gŒæÌZÏ íœh-Äñæ*-£ðl-Æý‡ï³
MøÆý‡$Þ A…§ýl$-»ê-r$ÌZ E…¨.
AÆý‡á™èl: O»ñæï³-ïÜ™ø C…r-ÈÃ-yìl-Äñæ$-sŒæ-/-1-0-+2
{ç³ÐólÔ¶æ…: {ç³Ðól-Ô¶æ-ç³-È-„ýSÌZ E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl B«§é-Æý‡…V>.
ç³È„ýS Ñ«§é¯]l…, E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl:
ÐéÇÛMýS ç³¼ÏMŠS ç³È„ýS (çÜ…-{VýS-çßæ-×ê-™èlÃMýS Ð]lÊÌêÅ…-MýS-¯]l…-)
ÌZ ¿o†MýS, Æý‡Ýë-Ķæ$¯]l Ô>ç܈… 40 Ð]l*Æý‡$P-ËMýS$; iÐ]lÔ>ç܈… 40 Ð]l*Æý‡$P-ËMýS$ E…sêƇ¬. Æð‡…yýl$ õ³ç³Æý‡$Ï
MýSÍí³ 80 Ð]l*Æý‡$PÌZÏ Ñ§éÅǦ MýS_a-™èl…V> 28
Ð]l*Æý‡$PË$ (35 Ô>™èl…) Ý뫨õÜ¢ E¡¢-Æý‡$~-Ë$V> ç³Ç-VýS-×ìæÝë¢Æý‡$.
B…{™ø-´ë-Ë-iÌZ ï³i MøÆý‡$Þ¯]l$ A…¨-çÜ$¢¯]l² MøÆý‡$ÞË ÑÐ]lÆ>Ë$ ™ðlË-ç³…yìl?
& Ððl*çßæ¯]l MýS–çÙ~, MýSÈ…¯]lVýSÆŠæ.
°Æ>Ã-×ê-™èlÃMýS Ð]lÊÌêÅ…-MýS¯]l…:
¿o†MýS, Æý‡Ýë-Ķæ$¯]l, iÐ]l-Ô>-݈ë-ËMýS$ çÜ…º…-«¨…_ 20
Ð]l*Æý‡$P-˯]l$ °Æ>Ã-×ê-™èlÃMýS Ð]lÊÌêÅ…-MýS-¯é-°MìS
(Formative assessment)MýS$ MóSsê-Ƈ¬-Ýë¢Æý‡$. D
Ð]lÊÌêÅ…-MýS-¯]l…ÌZ MýS±çÜ Ð]l*Æý‡$PË$ ´÷…§é-˯ól
°Ä¶æ$Ð]l$… Ìôæ§ýl$.
ѧéÅ {ç³Ð]l*-×êË$ (Academic Standards)
1. ÑçÙ-Ķæ*-Ð]l-V>-çßæ¯]l (Conceptual understanding)
2. {ç³Õ²…-^èlyýl…, ç³Ç-MýS-˵¯]l ^ólĶæ$yýl…
ÐðlƇ¬-sôæi Ð]l*Æý‡$PË$
4. çÜÐ]l*-^éÆý‡ õÜMýS-Æý‡×æ, O¯ðlç³#-×êÅË$, {´ëgñæMýS$t 糯]l$Ë$
(Information skills and Projects)
5. »ŸÐ]l$ÃË$ XĶæ$yýl…, ¯]lÐ]lÊ-¯éË$ ™èlĶæ*Æý‡$ ^ólĶæ$yýl…
(Communication through drawing, model making)
6. AÀ-¯]l…-¨…-^èlyýl…, Ýû…§ýl-Æ>Å-™èlÃMýS çܵ–çßæ MýSÍW E…yýlr…, ÑË$-Ð]lË$ ´ësìæ…-^èlyýl…,
°f-i-Ñ™èl Ñ°-Äñæ*VýS…, iÐ]l OÐðlÑ-«§ýlÅ…Oò³ Ýë¯]l$-¿¶æ*† MýSÍW E…yýlr….
(Appreciation and aesthetic sense, values Application to daily
life, concern to biodiversity)
Ò$ çÜË-àË$, çÜ…§ól-àË$ ç³…´ë-ÍÞ¯]l _Æý‡$-¯éÐ]l*:
Ýë„ìS ¿¶æÑ™èl, MóSÆ>‹œ Ýë„ìS fÆý‡²-Íf… çÜ*PÌŒæ, 8&-2-&-6-96, 69-7-/-7-5-/1,
íÜ™éÆý‡ {V>…yŠl çßZrÌŒæ ç³MýSP¯]l, ÆøyŠl ¯ðl….12, º…gê-Æ>-íßæÌŒæÞ, Oòßæ§ýl-Æ>-»ê-§Šl-&-5-0-0-0-34.
D&-Ððl$-Ƈ¬ÌŒæ :
糧ø™èlÆý‡VýS† çÜtyîl Ððl$sîæÇĶæ$ÌŒæ
3. {ç³Äñæ*-V>Ë$, „óS{™èl-ç³-Ç-Ö-Ë-¯]lË$
(Experimentation and field investigation)
ÑÔ>-Q-ç³-r²…-ÌZ° B…{«§é ÑÔ¶æÓ-Ñ-§éÅ-ËĶæ$….. B…{™ø´ë-Ë-iÌZ ï³i° A…¨-Ýù¢…¨.
AÆý‡á™èl: ½G-ïÜÞ/ kÐé-Ëi JMýS çÜ»ñæj-MýS$tV> ½GïÜÞ.
{ç³ÐólÔ¶æ…: {ç³Ðól-Ô¶æ-ç³-È-„ýSÌZ E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl B«§é-Æý‡…V>.
†Æý‡$-ç³-†-ÌZ° } Ðól…MýS-sôæ-Ô¶æÓÆ> ÑÔ¶æÓ-Ñ-§éÅ-ËĶæ$…..
B…{™ø-´ë-Ë-iÌZ ï³i° A…¨-Ýù¢…¨.
AÆý‡á™èl: kÐé-Ëi çÜ»ñæj-MýS$t™ø ½GïÜÞ.
{ç³ÐólÔ¶æ…: {ç³Ðól-Ô¶æ-ç³-È-„ýSÌZ E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl B«§é-Æý‡…V>.
C§ól ĶæÊ°-Ð]l-ÇÞsîæ ºÄ¶æ$-Ìê-h-MýSÌŒæ B…{™ø-´ë-Ë-iÌZ ï³i
A…¨-Ýù¢…¨. AÆý‡á™èl: ÝùçÙÌŒæ B…{™ø-´ë-Ë-iÌZ ½H.
{ç³ÐólÔ¶æ…: {ç³Ðól-Ô¶æ-ç³-È-„ýSÌZ E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl B«§é-Æý‡…V>.
ÝùçÙÌŒæ B…{™ø-´ë-Ë-iÌZ ï³i A…¨-Ýù¢…¨.
AÆý‡á™èl: HO§ðl¯é yìl{X.
{ç³ÐólÔ¶æ…: {ç³Ðól-Ô¶æ-ç³-È-„ýSÌZ E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl B«§é-Æý‡…V>.
(Asking questions and making hypothesis)
sìæ. Ð]l¬Æý‡ä«§ýlÆý‡¯Œl
AÆý‡á™èl: ½D-/-½-sñæMŠS.
{ç³ÐólÔ¶æ…: VóSsŒæ-/-ï³-i-D-òÜ-sŒæÌZ E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl B«§é-Æý‡…V>.
ÑÔ>-Q-ç³-r²…-ÌZ° B…{«§é ÑÔ¶æÓ-Ñ-§éÅ-ËĶæ$….. C…yýl-{íÜtĶæ$ÌŒæ C…f-±-Ç…-VŠSÌZ G…sñæMŠS A…¨-Ýù¢…¨.
AÆý‡á™èl: ½D-/-½-sñæMŠS.
{ç³ÐólÔ¶æ…: VóSsŒæ-/-ï³-i-D-òÜ-sŒæ-/-H-ĶæÊ-òÜ-sŒæÌZ E¡¢-Æý‡~™èl B«§éÆý‡…V>.
EÝëÃ-°Ä¶æ* ÑÔ¶æÓ-Ñ-§éÅ-ËĶæ$…..
{´÷yýl-MýSÛ¯Œl C…f-±-Ç…VŠS òܵçÙ-OÌñæ-gôæ-çÙ-¯Œl™ø G…sñæMŠS A…¨Ýù¢…¨.
AÆý‡á™èl: ½D-/-½-sñæMŠS.
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