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A糚yól çÜ»ñæjMýS$tOò³ ç³r$t HÆý‡µyýl$™èl$…¨. 5 6 {糆 A«§éÅĶæ$…ÌZ° Ð]l¬QÅOÐðl$¯]l °Æý‡Ó^èl¯éË$, çÜ*{™é˯]l$ JMýS^ør Æ>çÜ$Mö° ÒOÌñæ¯]l糚yýlÌêÏ ^èl§ýlÐéÍ. {糆 A«§éÅĶæ$… _Ð]lÆøÏ C^óla çÜÐ]l$çÜÅ˯]l$ ™èlç³µ°çÜÇV> Ý뫧ýl¯]l ^ólĶæ*Í. {V>‹œË$, °Æ>Ã×ê™èlÃMýS çÜÐ]l$çÜÅ˯]l$ Ý뫨…^ól…§ýl$MýS$ {´ëMîSt‹ÜMýS$ GMýS$PÐ]l {´ë«§é¯]lÅ… CÐéÓÍ. õ³ç³ÆŠ‡&1ÌZ {V>‹œ B«§éÇ™èl çÜÐ]l$çÜÅËOò³ {ç³™ólÅMýS §ýl–íÙtò³sêtÍ. A well defined collection of objects or ideas is known as a SET. Set Theory is a comparatively new concept in Mathematics. It was developed by Georg Cantor (1845-1918). Cantor's work between 1874 and 1884 is the origin of Set Theory. VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 11 l 2016 2 10th Class Special - Maths Prepared by: Y.Vanamraju, School Assistant, GHS, Nandikotkur. PAPER - I 1. REAL NUMBERS IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. ''LCM of two numbers, is a multiple of HCF of that two numbers''. Is it true or not? Justify your answer by giving an example? A. LCM of 4, 6 is 12 and HCF of 4, 6 is 2 .. LCM 12 is a multiple of HCF 2. 2. Three bells toll at intervals of 9, 12, 15 minutes respectively. If they start tolling together, after what time will they next toll together? A. Three bells will toll together at the time = LCM of 9, 12, 15 = 180 minutes = 3 hours. After 3 hours they will toll together. 3. From the given factor tree find x? 4 x 5 y 3 A. y = 5 × 3 = 15 x = 4 × y = 4 × 15 = 60 2 Marks 1. Simplify log 12 + 2 log 3 –3log 2 as logN. Determine the value of N? 2. Explain why 7×11×13+13 and 7×6×5× 4 ×3×2×1+5 are composite numbers? 4 Marks 1. Prove that √5 is an irrational? x+ y 1 2. If l og = (log x + log y). 3 2 x y Then find the value of y + x ? 2. SETS IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. Is the following sets are equal sets? or not? Justify your answer? A = {x:2<x<3, x∈N} B = {x: 2<x<3, x∈Q} A. A = {x:2<x<3, x∈N} = φ (∵ there is no natural no. between 2 and 3. B = {x: 2<x<3, x∈Q} = sets of rational numbers between 2 and 3 are infinite. ∴ A and B are not equal sets. 2. Write all subsets of A = {1, 2, 3}? A. Subsets of A = P(A) = [φ, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 1}, A} 3. From the venn Diagram find A–B? B A 3 1 2 4 5 7 µ 8 A. A–B = {3, 4} 2 Marks 1. A represents the set of 3 multiples and B represents the set of 4 multiples. Which set of multiples does A∩B represents? 2. P is the set of factors of 5, Q is the set of factors of 25 and R is the set of factors of Target - 10 grade points 125. Is it right to say that P⊂Q, Q⊂R and R⊂P. Explain? 4 Marks 1. A = {x: x is a prime, x<10} B = {x: x is an odd number, x<10} C = {x: x is a factor of 24} D = {x: x is a multiple of 3, x≤18} Write the above sets in Roster form and find A∪B, B∩C, C–D, D–A? 2. If A = {1, 2,3} and B = {3, 4, 5} then show that A–B, A∩B, B–A are mutually disjoint sets? A. 2. A. 3. POLYNOMIALS IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. Find the quadratic polynomial 2, 3 are the sum and product of its zeroes respectively? A. α + β = 2, αβ =3 Required polynomial = K{x2–(α + β)x+αβ}, K≠0 =K {x2–2x+3}, K≠0 2. If the length and breadth of a rectangle are the zeroes of a polynomial x2–7x+12 then find the area? A. Let the zeroes are α, β. Area of rectangle = = lb = αβ = c 12 = = 12sq.units a 1 3. From the figure find the sum of the zeroes? –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 A. zeroes are –2, 1. Their sum = –2+1= –1 2 Marks 1. Find the zeroes of x2–2x–8 and verify the relation between the zeroes and coefficients? 2. If α and β are the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = x2–5x+k such that α – β = 1, then find the value of k? 4 Marks 1. Verify that 3, –1, –1/3 are the zeroes of the cubic polynomial P(x) = 3x3–5x2–11x–3, then verify the relationship between the zeroes and coefficients? 2. Obtain all other zeroes of 3x4 + 6x3 – 2x2 – 10x – 5, if two of its zeroes are 5 5 ,− ? 3 3 5 Marks 1. Draw the graph of polynomial x2 – 4x+5 and find the zeroes. Justify the answer? 4. PAIR OF LINEAR EQUATIONS IN TWO VARIABLES IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. "The cost of 5 tables and 7 chairs is Rs. 6400." Represent this situation in a linear 3. equation? Let the cost of 1 table is Rs.x, the cost of 1 chair is Rs.y then 5x+7y = 6400. Father's age is three times the sum of the ages of his two children. After 5 years, his age will be twice the sum of the ages of two children. Find the age of father? Let the present age of the father be x years and the sum of the present ages of his two children be y–years. Then according to the question x=3y →(1); x+5=2(y+5+5) ⇒ x–2y–15 = 0 →(2) Solving (1) and (2) we get x=45, y=15 ∴ Father age = 45 years. Check whether the equations 2x–3y=8 and 7x+4y= –9 are consistent or inconsistent? a 2 b −3 1 1 A. From the given equations a = 7 , b = 4 2 2 a b 1 1 Since a ≠ b 2 2 ∴ The equations are consistent 2 Marks 1. The larger of 2 supplementary angles exceeds the smaller by 18o. Find the angles? 2. Find out the pair of linear equations 9x+3y+12=0 and 18x+6y+24=0 are intersect at a point, or parallel or coincident? 4 Marks 1. A fraction becomes 4/5 if 1 is added to both numerator and denominator. If, however 5 is subtracted from both numerator and denominator, the fraction becomes 1/2. What is the fraction? 2. Solve the following pairs of equations by reducing them to a pair of linear equations 6x+3y = 6xy; 2x+4y=5xy? 5 Marks 1. Draw the graph of the equations 2x–y=5 and 3x+2y = 11. Find the solution of the equations from the graph. 5. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. The roots of x2–4x+4=0 are equal or not? Explain? A. b2–4ac= (–4)2–4(1)(4) = 0 Since b2–4ac=0, the roots are equal or x2–4x+4=0 ⇒ (x–2)2=0, x=2, 2. The roots are equal. 2. "The base of a parallelogram is 4 cm longer than its altitude and its area is 48 sq. cm." Express this statement in a quadratic equation form? A. Let altitude h = x, base = x+4 (given) From the data (x+4) x=48 (∵ Area of parallelogram = bh) ⇒ x2+4x–48=0 3. The product of Ramu's age (in years) five years ago with his age (in years) 9 years later is 15. Find Ramu's present age? A. Let the Ramu's present age = x years Given (x–5)(x+9)=15 ⇒ x2+4x–60=0 x2+10x–6x–60=0 ⇒ (x+10)(x–6)= 0, x= –10 or 6 ∴ Ramu's present age = 6 years, (x≠–10) 2 Marks 1. Find the value of 'k' for the quadratic equation 2x2+kx+3=0, so it has two equal roots? 2. Find the dimensions of a rectangle field whose perimeter is 200 meters and area is 2100 sq.m.? 4 Marks 1. A shop keeper buy a number of books for Rs. 1200. If he had bought 10 more books for the same amount, each book would have cost Rs. 20 less. How many books did he buy? 2. A train travels 360 km at a uniform speed. If the speed had been 5km/h more it would have taken 1 hour less for the same journey. Find the speed of the train? 6. PROGRESSIONS IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. Check whether 62 is a term of the list of numbers 4, 7, 10, .....? A. Given list of numbers 4, 7, 10, ... is an A.P. For this A.P. we have a = 4, d=3 Let we taken the nth term of A.P. is 62 i.e. a+(n–1)d = 62 ⇒ 4+(n–1)3 = 62 n= 61 3 But n should be a positive integer....So, 62 is not a term of the given list of numbers. 2. In a G.P. 3rd term is 24 and 6th term is 192. Find the common ratio? A. In a G.P. a3=ar2=24, a6=ar5=192 a 6 ar 5 192 = = ⇒ r3 = 8 ⇒ r = 2 a 3 ar 2 24 ∴ Common ratio = r = 2 3. How many two-digit numbers are divisible by 8? A. The list of two-digit numbers divisible by 8 is 16, 24, 32, ...96 In this A.P. a=16, d=8 tn = a+(n–1) d= 96 ⇒ 16+(n–1)8 = 96 n=11 ∴ There are 11 two-digit numbers divisible by 8. 2 Marks 1. Determine the A.P. whose 3rd term is 5 and the 7th term is 9? You should never remain awake till late night a day before the examination as this can create headache, the next morning and you might end up in trouble. Aryabhata the famous Indian mathematician gave formulas for the sum of squares and cubes of natural numbers. His work was "Arybhateeyam' (499 A.D.). He gave a formula for finding the sum of "n terms' of an Arithmetic progression starting with any term. 2. A man repays a loan of Rs. 3250 by paying Rs. 20 in the first month and then increases the payment by Rs. 15 every month. How long will it take him to clear the loan? 3. Which term of the G.P. 2, 2√2, 4, .. is 128? 4 Marks 1. Determine 32 into four parts which are in A.P. such that the product of extremes is to the product of means is 7:15? 2. If the Geometric progressions 162, 54, 18, BD AB 4 6 = ⇒ = DC AC 3 AC ⇒ AC = 4.5cm ∴ 2. ∆ABC, ∆DEF are similar triangles and their areas are respectively 81cm2 and 169 cm2. If EF =26 cm, then Find BC? 2 2 Area ∆ABC BC 81 BC = = ⇒ Area ∆DEF EF 169 26 A. BC 81 9 9 = = ⇒ BC = × 26 = 18c.m. 26 169 13 13 3. From the figure find AD A 7. COORDINATE GEOMETRY 9 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. Ganesh says that the distance between two points A(4,2), B(8,6) is 4 units Do you agree with Ganesh or not? Why? A. Distance between AB = (8 − 4) 2 + (6 − 2) 2 = 16 + 16 = 32 = 16 × 2 = 4 2 units . But Ganesh says that AB = 4 units. ∴ I cannot agree with Ganesh statement. 2. Find the centre of the circle, whose vertices of a diameter are (–4, 3), (2, 5)? A. Centre = midpoint of (–4, 3), (2, 5) −4 + 2 3 + 5 = , = (− 1, 4) 2 2 3. Find a relation between x and y such that the point (x,y) is equidistant from the points (3,0) and (0,4)? A. Let P = (x, y), A=(3,0), B=(0,4) Given PA=PB ⇒ PA2 = PB2 ⇒ (x–3)2+(y–0)2 = (x–0)2+(y–4)2 ⇒ x2–6x+9+y2 = x2+y2–8y+16 –6x+8y–7=0 ⇒ 6x–8y+7=0 Required conditon 6x–8y+7=0 2 Marks 1. Find the ratio in which the line segment joining the points (–3,10) and (6,–8) is divided by (–1, 6)? 2. Determine x so that 2 is the slope of the line through P(2,5) and Q(x,3)? 4 Marks 1. If P(2,–1), Q(3,4), R(–2,3) and S(–3, –2) be four points in a plane, show that PQRS is a rhombus but not a square. Find the area of the rhombus? 2. Find the points of trisection of the line segment joining the points(5,–6) and (–7,5)? 3. Find the area of the triangle formed by joining the mid-points of the sides of the triangle whose vertices are (0,–1) (2, 1), (0, 3). Find the ratio of this area to the area of the given triangle? D 4 C E B 12 A. From the given figure DE = BC = 12 AE = AB – BE = 9–4=5 From Pythogoras theoreum AD2 = AE2+ED2 = 52+122=169 AD = 169 =13 2 Marks 1. Can you show that sum of the squares of the sides of a rhombus is equal to the sum of the squares of its diagonals? 2. BL and CM are medians of a triangle ABC, right angled at A. Prove that 4(BL2+CM2) = 5BC2? 4 Marks 1. AB, CD, PQ are perpendicular to BD. AB = x, CD=y and PQ = z 1 1 1 Prove that x + y = z ? C A P x y z B D Q 2. ABC is a right triangle at C. Let BC = a, CA = b, AB = c and let 'P' be the length of perpendicular from C on AB prove that 1 1 8. SIMILAR TRIANGLES IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. "Basic Proportionality theorem is applicable only for right angled triangles". Can you agree or not? Discuss? A. No, I cannot agree, because Basic 3. State and Prove Basic Proportionality theorem? 4. State and Prove Pythagoras theorem? 5 Marks 1. Construct an Isosceles triangle whose base is 9 cm and altitude is 5 cm. Then, draw another triangle whose sides are 1½ times the corresponding sides of the Isosceles triangle? 9. TANGENTS AND SECANTS TO A CIRCLE 1 Mark 1. If PA and PB are two tangents from a point P to a circle with centre O and are inclined to each other at an angle of 80o, then find POA ? A 40 40 O B L 2. Two Parallel lines touch the circle at points A and B. If area of the circle is 25π sq.cm then find the length of AB? A A. Area of circle π r2 = 25π sq.cm • r = 5cm. AB = 2r = 10 cm B 3. Two concentric circles of radii 5 cm and 3 cm are drawn. Find the length of the chord of the larger circle which touches the smaller circle? A. Length of chord = 2 r12 − r22 (r1 > r2 ) = 2 (5) 2 − 3 2 = 8cm A 0 r r2 1 P B 2 Marks 1. Prove that the lengths of two tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal? 2. Find the area of the shaded region in figure, if ABCD is a square of side 7 cm and APD and BPC are semicircles? 22 use π = 7 D C P A P A. From the figure r=5 cm h=12 cm Slant height 10. MENSURATION IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. How many balls, each of radius 1 cm, can be made from a solid sphere of lead of radius 2 cm? Volume of solid sphere of lead A. No. of balls = Volume of small ball 11. TRIGONOMETRY 1 3 Volume of cone = πr 2 h Ratio of their volumes 3 πr 2 h = = 3 :1 1 2 πr h 1 3 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. "The mutiplicative inverse of 1 − cos θ 1 + cos θ " is explain? sin θ sin θ A. If a, b are multiplicative inverse to each other then ab=1 here 1 − cos θ 1 + cos θ 1 − cos 2 θ sin 2 θ . = = =1 sin θ sin θ sin 2 θ sin 2 θ 1 − cos θ is multiplicative inverse to sin θ 1 + cos θ sin θ ∴ 2. For what value of 'θ', the trigonometric ratio sine, cosine are equal? A. If θ=45o sinθ = sin 45o = cosθ = cos 45o = 1 2 1 2 ∴ sinθ = cosθ, if θ = 45o 3. In a ∆ABC, sin A = 3 then find the area of 5 the triangle? 3 5 From the figure 2. "A cylinder and cone have bases of equal radii and are of equal heights. Then their volumes are in the ration 3:1". Explain? A. A cylinder and cone have equal radii r, and equal height h. Volume of cylinder = π r2h = 22 of radius 3.5 cm π = ? 7 2. A right circular cylinder has base radius 14 cm and height 21 cm, then find volume of the right circular cylinder? 3. If the volume of a cube is 1728 cm3, then find the height of the cube? 4 Marks 1. A sphere, a cylinder and a cone are of the same radius and same height. Find the ratio of their curved surface areas? 2. A tent is in the form of a cylinder of diameter 4.2m and height 4m surmounted by a cone of equal base and height 2.8 m. Find the capacity of the tent and the cost of canvas for making the tent at Rs.100/Sq.m. 3. A 20 m deep well with diameter 7m. is dug and the earth from digging is evenly spread out to form a platform 22m by 14 m find the height of the platform? A. In ∆ABC, sin A = 4 π(2) 3 =3 =8 4 π(1) 3 3 5 2 Marks 1. Find the total surface area of a hemisphere B 4 Marks 1. A chord of a circle of radius 12 cm subtends an angle of 1200 at the centre. Find the area of the corresponding minor segment of the circle (use π = 3.14 and √3 = 1.732)? 2. If a circle touches all the four sides of a quadrilateral ABCD at points PQRS, then show that AB+CD=BC+DA? 5 Marks 1. Draw a pair of tangents to a circle of radius 5 cm which are inclined to each other at an angle 60o? 12 L = r 2 + h2 = 52 + 122 = 13c.m. 7 cm 1 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS PAPER - II 3. From the figure find the slant height of circular cone? 1 1 APB = (80 o ) = 40 o 2 2 OAP = 90o (∵ OA ⊥ AP) POA = 180o − (90o + 40o ) = 50o A. OPA = ii) p 2 = a 2 + b2 i) pc = ab 3 10th Class Special - Maths Proporationality theorem is applicable for any triangle. 2 2 2 , , ,.... have their nth term ... and 31 27 9 equal. Find the value of n? VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 11 l 2016 The syllabus has been understood effectively and the basics of the topic are clear in your mind, you will be able to solve any given problem with minimal efforts on your part. 4 10th Class Special - Maths A. From the given data C h 1 h tan 30 = ⇒ = 30 3 30 o 5 3 B A AB2 = AC2 – BC2 AB2 =52 –32 =16 AB = 16 = 4 1 Area of ∆ABC = ×base×height 2 = 1 × 4 × 3 = 6sq.units 2 4. Express sin 75o+cos55o in terms of trigonometric ratios of angles between 0o and 45o? A. Sin 75o + cos55o = sin (90o–15o) + cos (90o–35o) = cos 15o + sin 35o 2 Marks 1. Is it right to say that sin (A+B) = sinA+ SinB justify your answer? 2. If sin (A–B) = 1 1 , cos (A+B) = , 2 2 0o<A+B ≤ 90o A>B, then find A and B? 3. If A, B and C are interior angles of a triangle ABC, then show that C A + B tan = cot ? 2 2 4 Marks 1. Prove that 1 + cos θ = cos ecθ + cot θ ? 1 − cos θ 2. In a right angle triangle ∆ABC, right angle at B, if tan A = √3 then find the value of i) sinA cosC + cosA sinC ii) cos A cosC – sinA sinC 3. If secθ+ tan θ=k. then prove that sin θ = Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) the great German mathematician, proposed a formula to find the Sum of first "n' terms in Arithmetic Progression. He contributed significantly to many fields like number theory, algebra, geophysics, optics etc. VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 11 l 2016 k2 −1 ? k2 +1 12. APPLICATIONS OF TRIGONOMETRY h= 30 30 × 3 30 3 = = = 10 3m 3 3 3× 3 2 Marks 1. A circus artist is climbing a 20 m long rope, which is tightly stretched and tied from the top of a vertical pole in the ground. Find the height of the pole if the angle made by the rope with the ground level is 30o? 2. The angle of elevation of a ladder leaning against a wall is 60o and the foot of the ladder is 9.5m away from the wall. Find the length of the ladder? 4 Marks 1. A tree breaks due to storm and the broken part bends so that the top of the tree touches the ground by making 300 angle with the ground. The distance between the foot of the tree and the top of the tree on the ground is 6m. Find the height of the tree before falling down? 2. Two pillars of equal height and on either side of a road, which is 100 m wide. The angles of elevation of the top of the pillars are 60o and 30o at a point on the road between the pillars. Find the position of the point between the pillars and the height of each pillar? 5 Marks 1. An aeroplane at an altitude of 200 meters observes the angles of depression of opposite points on the two banks of a river to be 45o and 60o. Find the width of the river? 2. As observed from the top of a light house, 100m above sea level, an angle of depression of a ship, sailing directly towards it, changes from 30o to 45o. Determine the distance travelled by the ship during the period of observation? IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. The height of the pole and the length of its shadow are equal. Then, what is the angle of elevation of the sun rays with the ground at that time? A h θ B C h ∴ θ= 45o ∴ The sun rays make 45o angle with the ground at that time. 2. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point on the ground which is 30 m away from the foot of the tower is 30o. Find the height of the tower? A h 30o 30m Number of outcomes favourable to E 1 = Number of all possible outcomes 2 Die E = getting an even number = [2, 4, 6] h tan θ = = 1 = tan 45 o h B 25 1 = 100 4 ∴ P(E) = 3. From the figure find the probability of getting a ball of prime number? 14 13 12 1 2 15 11 10 3 4 9 5 8 6 7 A. From the figure number of all possible out comes = 15 The numbers of outcomes favourable to the event getting a ball of prime numbers = 6. ({2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}) ∴ Probability = 6 2 = 15 5 2 Marks 1. Harpreet tosses two different coins simulataneously. What is the probability that he gets atleast one head? 2. One card is drawn from a well -shuffled deck of 52 cards. Find the probability of getting a face card? 3. A bag contains two black, three white, 5 yellow balls. One ball is drawn at random from the bag. Find the probability that the ball is drawn is not yellow? 4 Marks 1. Two dice are rolled simulataneously and counts are added. Complete the table given below? Event sum 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 on 2 dice 1 5 1 Probability 36 36 36 2. A box contains 100 discs which are numbered from 1 to 100. If one disc is drawn at random from the box, find the probability that it bears i) Two-digit numbers divisible by 5 ii) Factor of 100 iii) A perfect square number. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. Are the probabilities of getting a head when the coin is tossed, and getting an even number, when a die is thrown once, equal or not? explain? A. coin E = the event "getting a head" Probability P(E) = A. From the given data C 13. PROBABILITY The no. of favourable out comes to the event E =25 P(E) = 3 1 = 6 2 ∴ Probability in both situations are equal. 2. A kiddy bank contains twenty five Rs.1 coins, forty three Rs.2 coins, thirty two Rs.5 coins. If it is equally likely that one of the coins will fall out when the kiddy bank is turned upside down. What is the probability that the coin will be Rs.1? A. The no. of possible out comes = 25 + 32 + 43 = 100 Let E denote the event ''the coin will be Rs.1'' 14. STATISTICS IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1 Mark 1. "Mean takes into consideration extreme values of the data only" will you agree with the statement? or not? why? A. Not agree, because mean takes into account all the observations, and lies between the extremes. 2. Mean of observations 10, 15, 20, p, 30, 35, 40 is 25. Then find the value of P? A. Mean == ⇒ 25 = 2 Marks 1. Write the formula of median for a grouped data. Explain the symbols in words? 2. Convert the given below distribution to a 'more than' type cumulative frequency distribution? Class Interval 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 Frequency 2 8 12 24 38 16 4 Marks 1. A student noted the number of cars passing through a spot on a road for 100 periods each of 3 minutes, and summarised this in the table given below. Find the mode of the data? No. of Cars 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 Frequency 7 14 13 12 20 11 15 8 2. The following distribution show the daily pocket allowance of children of a localilty. The mean pocket allowance is Rs. 18. Find the missing frequency f? Daily Pocket No. of Allowance Children (in Rs.) 11-13 7 13-15 6 15-17 9 17-19 13 19-21 f 21-23 5 23-25 4 3. During the medical check-up of 35 students of a class, their weights were recorded as follows? Weight (in kg) less than 38 less than 40 less than 42 less than 44 less than 46 less than 48 less than 50 less than 52 No. of students 0 3 5 9 14 28 32 35 Draw a less than type ogive curve for the given data. Hence obtain the median weight from the graph? Sum of observations No.of observations 10 + 15 + 20 + p + 30 + 35 + 40 7 ⇒ 25×7= p+150 ⇒ p=175−150= 25. 3. The heights of the students in a class are as follows (in feets) 5.2, 5.6, 5.3, 4.9, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.3, 4.8, 5.7, 5.3, 4.8. Find the mode of the data? A. A mode is that value among the observations which occurs most frequently ∴ Mode of the given data = 5.3 Making brief notes of the topics always helps and you should prepare brief notes of whatever your teachers share with you. These help you prepare effectively as and when the exams approach. In a right angled triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Pythagoras (570 BC-495 BC), the great Greek mathematician announced it. More than 50 proofs are available for this theorem. REAL NUMBERS 1. According to Euclid's Division Lemma, given positive integers a and b, there exist unique integers q and r satisfying a=bq+r Here, the inequalities satisfied by r are ( ) 1) 0 ≤ r < b 2) 0 < r < b 3) 0 < r ≤ b 4) 0 ≤ r ≤ b 2. The remainder when the square of any prime number greater than 3 is divided by 6, is ( ) 1) 1 2) 3 3) 2 4) 4 ( ) 3. log2 9 + log24 – log218= 1) 0 2) log24 3) log212 4) 2 Key: 1) 1; 2) 1; 3) 1 1. Set A = {F, L, W, O}. Which of the following is not a set builder form for set A ( ) 1) {x : x is a letter from the word FOLLOW} 2) {x:x is a letter from the word FLOW} 3) {x: x is a letter from the word WOLF} 4) {x:x is a letter from the word SLOW} 2. From the figure which statement is true ( ) B a d g h b µ c 1) A∩B = {d, g} 2) A–B = {a, b, h} 3) B–A = {c, e, f} 4) All the above 3. Which statement is true ( ) 1) A∩ φ = φ∩A = A 2) A∪φ = φ∪A=φ 3) A–B, A∩B, B–A are disjoint sets 4) None Key: 1) 4; 2) 4; 3) 3 POLYNOMIALS 1. A cubic polynomial with the sum, sum of the product of its zeroes taken two at a time, and the product of its zeroes are 2, –7 and –14 respectively, is ( ) 2) x3–2x2+7x+14 1) x3+2x2+7x+14 4) x3–2x2–7x–14 3) x3–2x2–7x+14 2. Which of the following is not a quadratic polynomial ( ) 2) (x–2)2 +4 1) x2 + 5x+6 4) (x–3) (x+3) – (x2–5x) 3) 2x2 – 3 3. The graph of the equation y = ax2+bx+c is an upward parabola, if ( ) 1) a> 0 2) a<0 3) a= 0 4) a = –1 Key: 1) 3; 2) 4; 3) 1 PAIR OF LINEAR EQUATIONS IN TWO VARIABLES 1. Which of the following is not a linear equation ( ) 1) x+y=6 2) x2–5x+6=0 3) y = 2x 4) x=0 2. If x = 1, then the value of y in the equation 4 3 + = 5 is ––– x y 1) 1 2) 1 3 ( 3) 3 ) 4) –3 3. If the sum of the two digits of a two-digit number is 12. The number obtained by 1) 27:20 2) 20:27 3) 9:4 4) 4:9 Key: 1) 4; 2) 2; 3) 2 Multiple Choice Questions TRIGONOMETRY 1. From the figure, Sin θ= interchanging the two digits exceeds the given number by 18, then the number is ( ) 1) 75 2) 57 3) 66 4) 48 4. If the pair of linear equations a1x+b1y+c1 = 0; a2x+b2y+c2=0 has a unique solution, then ( ) a1 b1 c 1 1) a = b = c 2 2 2 a1 b1 c1 2) a = b ≠ c 2 2 2 a1 b1 3) a ≠ b 2 2 4) None 1 x 3) x + = 3 A 13 5 θ B (4,3), then the third vertex is 1) (13,9) 2) (9, 13) 3) (13,–9) 4) (–9, –13) Key: 1) 2; 2) 3; 3) 1 1 =2 x2 4) (x+1)(x+2)(x+3)=0 Key: 1) 2; 2) 1; 3) 3 PROGRESSIONS 1. Which of the following in not an A.P.( ) C 1) 5/12 2) 12/13 3) 5/13 4) 13/5 2. From the figure, tanQ-tan R = ( ) 1. The standard form of a quadratic equation is ( ) 1) ax+b=0, a≠0 2) ax2+bx+c=0, a≠0 3) a2x+b2=0, a≠0 4) ax3+bx2+cx+d=0, a≠0 2. Which of the following is a quadratic equation ( ) 1) (x+1)2 = 2(x–3) 2) (x–2) (x+1) = (x–1) (x+3) 3) x2+3x+1 = (x–2)2 4) x3–1=0 3. Which of the following is a quadratic equation ( ) 2 2) x + ( 12 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 1) x3–6x2+2x–1=0 e f 5 10th Class Special - Maths Key: 1) 2; 2) 3; 3) 2; 4) 3 SETS A VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 11 l 2016 ) −5 −3 1) −3, , − 2, ,....... 2 2 2) 0.3, 0.33, 0.333, ...... 3) 3, 12, 27, 48,...... 4) p1 2p+1, 3p+2, 4p+3, ...... 2. Which term of the A.P. 92, 88, 84, 80, ––– is 0 ( ) 1) 23 2) 32 3) 22 4) 24 3. If i) –1.0, –1.5, –2.0, –2.5, ... and ii) –1, –3, –9, –27, .... are two progressions, they which of them is a Geometric progression ( ) 1) i) only 2) ii only 3) i and ii both 4) None Key: 1) 2; 2) 4; 3) 2 COORDINATE GEOMETRY 1. In a co-ordinate plane, if line segment AB is parallel to X-axis, then which of the following is correct ( ) 1) x co-ordinates of points A and B are equal 2) y co-ordinate of point A and B are equal 3) x co-ordinate of point A and y co-ordinate of point B are equal 4) y co-ordinate of point A and x co-ordinate of point B are equal 2. The points which divide a line segment into 3 equal parts are said to be the ( ) 1) Midpoint 2) Centroid 3) Trisectional points 4) None 3. If two vertices of a triangle are (3, 6) and (–4, –5) and the centroid of the triangle is ( ) SIMILAR TRIANGLES 1. Observe the following i) Any two similar figures are congruent ii) Any two congruent figures are similar iii) Which of the following is true ( ) 1) Only (i) is true 2) Only (ii) is true 3) Both (i) and (ii) are true 4) Both (i) and (ii) are false 2. Basic proportionality theorem is also known as ( ) 1) Pythogorous theorem 2) Thales theorem 3) Fundamental theorem of Arithmetic 4) None 3. A man goes 24m due west and then 7m due north. How far is he from the starting point ( ) 1) 31m 2) 17m 3) 25m 4) 26m Key: 1) 2; 2) 2; 3) 3 TANGENTS AND SECANTS TO A CIRCLE 1. The length of tangents from a point A to a circle of radius 3cm is 4cm, then the distance between A and the center of the circle is ( ) 1) 7cm 2) 6cm 3) 5cm 4) 4.5cm 2. In the figure, ∠BAC= ( ) A B 600 600 C 1200 2) 3) 900 4) 300 1) 3. Number of circles passing through 3 collinear points in a plane is ( ) 1) 3 2) 2 3) 1 4) 0 Key: 1) 3; 2) 4; 3) 3 MENSURATION 1. The radius of spherical baloon increases from 8cm to 12 cm. The ratio of the surface area of the baloon in two cases is ( ) 1) 2:3 2) 3:2 3) 8:27 4) 4:9 2. Volume of a cylinder is 88cm3 and the radius is 2cm, then the height of the cylinder is ––– cm ( ) 1) 8.5 2) 7 3) 6.4 4) None 3. The radii of the two cylinders are in the ratio 2:3 and their heights are in the ratio 5:3. The ratio of their volumes is ( ) R 5 P 3 Q 1) 4/3 2) 3/4 3) 1 4) 7/12 3. Which of the following values is not possible with sin θ ( ) 1) 3/4 2) 3/5 3) 4/5 4) 5/4 Key: 1) 3; 2) 4; 3) 4 PROBABILITY 1. If an event occurs surely, then its probability is ( ) 1) 0 2) 1 3) 1/2 4) 3/4 2. A bag contains 8 red, 6 white and 4 black balls. A ball is drawn at random from the bag. The probability that the drawn ball is neither white nor black is ( ) 1) 4/9 2) 7/9 3) 5/9 4) 1/9 3. A box contains 90 discs which are numbered from 1 to 90. If one disc is drawn at random from the box, the probability that it bears a perfect square number is ( ) 1) 8/90 2) 3/90 3) 1/10 4) 3/10 Key: 1) 2; 2) 1; 3) 3 STATISTICS 1. Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency ( ) 1) Mean 2) Median 3) Mode 4) Standard deviation 2. Mode is the value of the variable which has ( ) 1) Maximum frequency 2) minimum frequency 3) Mean frequency 4) middle most frequency 3. Which is the better measure of central tendency when individual observations are not important 1) mode 2) median 3) mean 4) none. Key: 1) 4; 2) 1; 3) 2 Do not leave the things to the end as this can create unnecessary pressure on you and can affect your examination results eventually. Probability theory had its origin in the 16th century when an Italian physician and mathematician J.Cardan wrote the first book on the subject, The Book on Games of Chance. James Bernoulli, A.DeMoivre, and Pierre Simon Laplace are among those who made significant contributions to this field. VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 11 l 2016 10th Class Special - Maths 4. If α, β are the zeroes of the polynomial PAPER - I p(x)= 1. REAL NUMBERS 1. If m is some integer, then the square of any positive integer is of the form____. 2. 7×11×13 + 13 is ____. 3. The exponent of 2 in the prime factorisation of 144, is ____. 4. If two positive integers m and n are expressible in the form m= pq3 and n= p3q2 where p, q are prime numbers, then HCF (m,n) = ____. 5. The exponential form of log10 0.001 = –3 is ____. 6. The product of two irrational numbers is ____. 7. The rational number between √2 and √3 is ____. 8. The smallest number by which √27 should be multiplied so as to get a rational number is ____. 9. log20162016 = ____. 10. The exponential form of log264=6 is ____. ANSWERS 1) 3m or 3m+1; 2) a composite number; 3) 4; 4) pq2; 5) (10)–3 = 0.001; 6) sometimes a rational number, sometimes an 2. SETS –3 –2 –1 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 5. If n (A) = 7, n(B)= 8, n (A∩B)= 5 then n (A∪B) = ____. 6. If A = {5x/x∈N, x≤4} and B = {5x/ x∈N, x≤4 } then A∩B = ____. 7. If A, B are disjoint sets then ____. 8. If A = {0, 2, 4}, then A∩ φ = ____. 9. If A⊂B then A∩B= ____. 10. If the union of two sets is one of the set itself, then the relation between the two sets is ____. ANSWERS 4 ; 2) 99o, 81o; 3) 57; 4) Coincident 3 x 1 1 lines; 5) 3 + 10 ; 6) x = , y = 7) 2; 8) 6; 2 3 1) 9) x=0, y=0; 10) Inconsistent equations 5. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 1) 2; 2) 2b = a+c; 3) 25; 4) 2; 5) 960; 6) 2; 7) 3072; 8) –1; 9) 17; 10) 1; 11) 128 1. The roots of the quadratic equation x2 − 8 1 = are ____. x 2 + 20 2 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 x 9. The quadratic polynomial, whose zeros are 2 and 3 is ____. 10. If one root of the polynomial f(x) = 5x2+13x+k is reciprocal of the other, then the value of k is ____. ANSWERS −3 −3 ; 5) 2 ; 6) 3; 7) –1, 7 2; 8) –2, 1; 9) x2–5x+6; 10) 5 4. PAIR OF LINEAR EQUATIONS IN TWO VARIABLES 1. If the line y = px–2 passes through the point (3, 2), then the value of P is ____. 2. If the larger of two supplementary angles exceeds the smaller by 18 degrees, then the angles are ____. 3. The sum of the two digits of a two-digit number is 12. The number obtained by interchanging the two digits exceeds the given number by 18, then the number is ____. 4. If the pair of lines 2x+y+5=0 and 4x+2y +10=0 represent ____ lines 5. The age of a son is one-third of the age of his father. If the present age of father is x years, then the age of the son after 10 years is ____. 6. The solution of the pair of equations 2 3 5 4 + = 13; + = − 2 is ____. x y x 2. If the product of two consecutive natural numbers is 72, then the natural numbers are ____. 3. The roots of x2–2x–(r2–1)=0 are ____. 4. ____ is the conditon that one root of the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 is reciprocal of the other. 5. The product of the roots of the quadratic equation x2–5x+6=0 is ____. 6. If α, β are the roots of the quadratic equation √2x2+7x+5√2=0, then αβ = ____. 7. If one root of the equation 4x2–2x+(λ–4) =0 be the reciprocal of the other, then λ = ____. 8. The sum of a number and its reciprocal is 5/2 Represent this situation as ____. 9. From the figure the quadratic equation has ____. Y X 0 10. From the figure the roots of the quadratic equation are ____. 7. From the graph the value of K is ____. Y 2 y= x+ X 0 8. ____ is the value of 'k', the pair of equations 3x+4y+2=0 and 9x+12y+k=0 represent coincident lines. 9. Solution for the equations √3x+√5y=0 and √7x+√11y=0 is ____. 10. A pair of linear equations in two variables 7. COORDINATE GEOMETRY 1. The distance of the point (3, 4) from Xaxis is ____. 2. The distance between (x1,y1) and (x2, y2) is ____. 3. The triangle with vertices (–2, 1), (2,–2) and (5,2) is ____. 4. The co-ordinates of the point, dividing the join of the points (5,0) and (0,4) in the ratio 2:3 internally are____. 5. The co-ordinates of the centroid of the triangle whose vertices are (8,–5), (–4,7) and (11, 13) are ____. 6. If two vertices of a triangle are (3, 6) and (–4, –5) and the centroid of the triangle is (4,3), then the third vertex is ____. 7. If (1,2), (4, y), (x,6) and (3, 5) are the vertices of a parallelogram taken in order, then the values of x and y are ____. 8. 'Heron's formula to find the area of a triangle is ____. 9. From the figure, if area of ∆ABC=5sq. units, then the area of given parallelogram is ____ sq.units. D C 2 1 0 –3–2–1 123 ANSWERS 1) ±6; 2) 8, 9; 3) 1–r, 1+r; 4) a = c; 5) 6; 1 x 6) 5; 7) 8; 8) x + = 5 ; 9) No roots; 2 10) –2, 1 y 3. POLYNOMIALS 1. The degree of a constant polynomial is ____. 2. The number of zeros that the polynomial f(x) = (x–2)2 +4 can have is ____. 3. If –1 is a zero of the polynomial f(x) = x2–7x–8 then the other zero is ____. ANSWERS 6. The common ratio of the G.P. 3, 6, 12, 24, ... is ____. 7. In a G.P. 3rd term is 24 and 6th term is 192, then 10th term is ____. 8. The 100th term of 1, –1, 1, –1, .... is ____. 9. In a garden there are 32 rose flowers in first row and 29 flowers in 2nd row, 26 flowers in 3rd row, then ____ rose flowers are there in the 6th row 10. The common difference of an Arithmetic progression, whose 3rd term is 5 and 7th term is 9, is ____. 11. ____ three-digit numbers are divisible by 7. ANSWERS 5 y= +k 2x 1) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; 2) 8; 3) {4}; 4) 5; 5) 10; 6) {5}; 7) A∩B = φ; 8) φ; 9) A; 10) one set is a subset of other set are 2x–y=4 and 4x–2y=6. This pair of equations are ____. 1 2 3 8. The following is the graph of the polynomial. The zeroes of the polynomial from the graph is ____. 1) 0; 2) 2; 3) 8; 4) 1. Roster form of {x: x∈N,1≤ x≤5} is ____. 2. Cardinal no.of a set {x:x is a factor of 42} is ____. 3. Roster form of {x:x∈N, x2+x–20=0}is ____. 4. From the figure, cardinal number of set A ____. µ 1 A 2 B is equal to ____. 5. If the product of two zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = 2x3 +6x2 – 4x +9 is 3, then its third zero is = ____. 6. ____ is the coefficient of the first term of the quotient when 3x3+x2+2x+5 is divided by 1+2x+x2 7. In the given figure the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) are ____. f(x) 2 1 3 ; 8) √3; 9) 1; 10) 26 = 64 2 irrational; 7) 1 1 then + α β 4x2+3x+7, ax 2+bx+ c=0 6 6. PROGRESSIONS 1. The common difference of the A.P. –4, –2, 0, 2, ..... is____. 2. If a, b, c are in A.P., then ____. 3. The number of odd numbers between 0 and 50 is ____. 4. If the sum of first k terms of an A.P. is 3k2–k and its common difference is 6 then the first term is ____. 5. The sum of first 15 multiples of 8 is ____. A B 10. If a straight line passing through the points P (x1,y1), Q(x2, y2) is making an angle 'θ' with positive X-axis, then the slope of the straight line is ____. 11. The area of a trinagle whole vertices are (0,0), (3,0) and (0,4) is ____. 12. If the slope of a line joining the points P(2,5) and Q(x,3) is 2, then x = ____. 13. ____ is the condition that A,B,C are the successive points of a line. ANSWERS 1) 4; 2) (x 2 − x) 2 + (y 2 − y1 ) 2 ; 3) Right an- 8 gled isosceles; 4) 3, ; 5) (5,5); 6) (13, 9); 5 7) x=6, y=3; 8) s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) ; 9) 10; y 2 − y1 10) x − x ; 11) 6 sq.units; 12) 1; 2 1 13) AB+BC=AC; Hipparchus, a Greek mathematician established the relationships between the sides and angles of a triangle. The first trigonometric table was apparently compiled by Hipparchus, who is now consequently known as "the father of trigonometry'. PAPER - II 8. SIMILAR TRIANGLES 1. If ∆ABC and ∆DEF are similar such that 2AB=DE and BC=8cm, then EF=____. 2. In triangles ABC and DEF, ∠A = ∠E = 40o, AB:ED =AC:EF and ∠F= 65o, then ∠B = ____. 3. Sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio 4:9. Areas of these triangles are in the ratio ____. 4. If D, E, F are the mid-points of sides BC, CA and AB respectively of ∆ABC, then the ratio of the areas of triangles DEF and ABC is ____. 5. In an equilateral triangle ABC, if AD⊥BC, then ____. 6. If ∆ABC is an isoscles triangle and D is a point on BC such that AD ⊥BC, then____. 7. The areas of two similar triangles are 121 cm2 and 64 cm2 respectively. If the median of the first triangle is 12.1cm, then the corresponding median of the other triangle is ____. 8. In the figure ∆ACB ∼ ∆APQ. If AB = 6 cm, BC = 8 cm and PQ = 4 cm then AQ = ____ cm B A P Q C 9. In the adjacent figure, AC = 13 cm then the length of the median BD = ____ cm A D B C 10. Vertical stick 20m long casts a shadow 10m long on the ground. At the same time, a tower casts a shadow 50 m long on the ground. The height of the tower is____. 11. In the figure, AD bisects ∠A. AB = 6cm BD = 8 cm, DC = 6 cm. Then the value of AC is ____. A B D C ANSWERS 1) 16cm; 2) 75o; 3) 16:81; 4) 1:4; 5) 3 AB2 = 4 AD2; 6) AB2– AD2 = BD.DC; 7) 8.8 cm; 8) 3 cm; 9) 6.5 cm; 10) 100m; 11) 4.5 cm; VýS$Æý‡$ÐéÆý‡… l íœ{ºÐ]lÇ l 11 l 2016 circle touching it at T and 'O' is the centre of the circle, then ∠OPT+∠POT is ____. 7. From the figure, find the length of the chord AB if PA = 6 cm and ∠PAB = 60o A 5. If tan x = sin 45°. cos 45° + sin 30° then x equals ____. 6. The value of 1+tan 5o. cot 85o is equal to ____. 7. In any triangle ABC, the value of B+C sin is ____. 2 60o P 8. (sec A + tan A) (1–sinA) is equal to ____. B 8. The number of pair of tangent can be drawn to a circle, which are parallel to each other are ____. 9. Circles touch internally P is external point PM, PN, PA are tangents PM = 6 cm then M PN = ____. N 9. If sin A = 24 then cot A = ____. 25 its 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 then probabilities that it is odd, is ____. 5. A letter is chosen at random from the English alphabet. The probabilities that the letter chosen is a vowel is ____. 6. A bag contains 4 red, 5 black and 3 yellow balls. A ball is taken out of the bag at random. The probability that the ball taken out is not of red colour is ____. 7. A jar contains 27 marbles. Five of them ANSWERS 4 ; 5) 45°; 3 A 7 6) sec2 5o; 7) cos ; 8) cos A; 9) 2 24 1) sin 60° ; 2) 45°; 3) 2 ; 4) • P A ANSWERS 2 1) 2; 2) 2; 3) 360o; 4) 8 cm; 5) 102 sq cm ; 3 6) 90o; 7) 6 cm; 8) Infinite; 9) 6 10. MENSURATION 1. The area of the square that can be inscribed in a circle of radius 8cm is ____ (in cm2) 2. The surface areas of two spheres are in the ratio 1:4. then,the ratio of their volumes is ____. 3. If each side of a cube is doubled then its volume becomes ____ times. 4. Diagonal of a cuboid is ____. 5. The ratio of the volume of a cube to that of the sphere which will exactly fit inside the cube is ____. 6. Eight solid spheres of the same size are made by melting a solid metallic cylinder of base diameter 6cm and height 32 cm. The diameter of each sphere is ____. 7. ____ lead balls of radius 2 cm can be made from a ball of radius 4 cm ____. 8. If a sphere, a cylinder and cone are of the same radius and same height, then the ratio of their curved surface is ____. 9. Surface area of a solid hemisphere whose radius is 7cm is ____ cm2 10. In the picture, Height of cone is ____. 9. TANGENTS AND SECANTS TO A CIRCLE 1. The height of the tower is 100cm. When the angle of elevation of sun is 30o, then shadow of the tower is ____. 2. A pole 6m high casts a shadow 2√3 m long on the ground, then Sun's elevation is___. 3. If the height and length of the shadow of a man are the same, then the angle of elevation of the sun is ____. 4. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower, whose height is 100m, at a point whose distance from the base of the tower is 100m is ____. 5. The tops of two poles of height 20m and 14 m are connected by a wire. If the wire makes an angle of 30o with horizontal, then the length of the wire is ____. 6. If two towers of height h1 and h2 subtend angles of 60o and 30o respectively at the midpoint of the line joining their feet, then h1 : h2 is ____. 7. From adjacent figure, h = ____. 8. A ladder 'x' meters long is laid against a wall making an angle 'θ' with the ground. If we want to directly find the distance between the foot of the ladder and the foot of the wall, ____ trigonometrical ratio should be considered? 9. Two persons A and B observe the top of a pole at an angle of elevation α and β respectively. If α > β, then ____. 10. The angle of elevation of the Sun is 45o. Then the length of the shadow of a 12 m high tree is ____. ANSWERS 5 1) 100 √3 m; 2) 60o; 3) 45o; 4) 45o; 5) 12m; 6) 3:1; 7) 8√3 mts; 8) cos θ; 9) A is nearer to the pole than B; 10) 12m 2 2 2 1) 128; 2) 1 : 8; 3) 8; 4) l + b + h ; 5) 6 : π ; 6) 6cm; 7) 8; 8) 4 : 4 : √5; 9) 144π; 10) 13cm 11. TRIGONOMETRY 1. The value of 12. APPLICATIONS OF TRIGONOMETRY 12 ANSWERS 1. ____ tangent lines can be drawn to a circle from a point outside the circle? 2. A circle may have ____ parallel tangents 3. Sum of the central angles in a circle is___. 4. If two concentric circles are radius 5 cm and 3 cm are drawn, then the length of the chord of the larger circle which touches the smaller circle is ____. 5. If the length of the minute hand of a clock is 14 cm, then find the area swept by the minute hand in 10 minutes ____. 6. If PT is tangent drawn from a point P to a 7 10th Class Special - Maths 2 tan 30 0 = ____. 1 + tan 2 300 2. If secθ= cosecθ, then the value of θ is ___. 3. sin 45° + cos 45° = ____. 4. If A+B= 90°, sin A= 3/4, then secB is ___. 13. PROBABILITY 1. If the probability of an event is 0.65, then the probability of not happening of that event is ____. 2. Two coins are tossed simultaneously. The probability of getting a head on only one of the two coins is ____. 3. The probability of getting a prime number in a single throw of a die is ____. 4. If a digit is chosen at random from the dig- are green and other are blue. If a marble is drawn at random from the jar, the probability that it is green is 2/3. The number of blue marbles in the jar is ____. 8. 12 defective pens are accidentally mixed with 132 good ones. It is not possible to just look at a pen and tell whether or not it is defective. One pen is taken out at random from this lot. The probability that the pen takenout is a good one is ____. 9. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability of getting a face card is ____. ANSWERS 1 ; 3) 2 2 11 6) ; 7) 9; 8) ; 9) 3 12 1) 0.35; 2) 5 1 5 ; 4) ; 5) ; 26 2 9 12 52 14. STATISTICS 1. The width of the class interval 40-50 is ____. 2. The most frequently used measure of central tendency is ____. 3. The sum of the deviations of the variate values 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14 from their mean ____. 4. Arun scored 36 marks in English, 44 marks in Hindi, 75 marks in Maths and x marks in Science. If he has scored an average of 50 marks, the value of x is ____. 5. ____ cannot be determined graphically 6. The mean of first n odd natural numbers is ____. 7. The wickets taken over by a bowler in 10 cricket matches are as follows 2, 6, 4, 5, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, then the mode of this data is ____. 8. Cumulative frequency curves are called as ____ curves. 9. Data having two modes is called ____data 10. From the figure median = ____. ANSWERS 1) 10; 2) Mean; 3) 0; 4) 45; 5) Mean; 6) n; 7) 2; 8) Ogive; 9) Bimodal; 10) 40