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Rice: Crop Breeding Using Farmer-Led Participatory
Plant Breeding
Charito P. Medina
MASIPAG. 2611 Carbern Village, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines; E-mail:
Rice is the staple food of more than half of the world’s human population. It is a major determinant
of food security in many countries; thus, it is a political commodity. In Asia, rice is life because 80%
of the rural population depends directly on rice crops for livelihood, especially the region’s small
farmers. The crop has deep social and cultural significance because it is the foundation of nutrition,
health, and food security. Often, rice landholdings define a farmers’ social status, and “to eat” is
almost always synonymous with “to eat rice.”
In addition to being seed keepers, farmers were also seed developers. The central role of rice in
the lives of farmers has contributed to the evolution and diversification of rice wherein more than a
hundred thousand varieties are estimated to exist. These diverse varieties are the result of farmers
collecting, propagating and selecting germplasm in a myriad of agro-ecological conditions since the
dawn of agriculture some 10,000 years ago. Thus, many rice varieties are adapted to a wide range
of agro-ecological conditions such as dryland or paddy, upland or lowland, or deepwater or saline
environments. Rice also occurs in different shapes, colors, and flavors because of farmers’ broad
ranges of preference.
Conventional Rice Breeding and Its Impacts
In the 1960s, formal rice breeding by scientists at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
produced dwarf varieties that are resistant to lodging and have higher harvest index. These dwarf
varieties are high yielding varieties (HYVs) mainly because they were bred as highly responsive to
chemical fertilizers. But the context of this high chemical input farming was only practical during
the 1960s when energy prices were still low. Also, the lesson learned from highly intensified chemical farming was that sustainability associated with depletion of soil organic matter, acidification,
associated nutrient imbalances, mineral deficiencies, and toxicities was lacking.
Widespread planting of a few varieties developed in the formal sector, coupled with a narrow
genetic make-up of such modern varieties displaced the diverse traditional rice varieties. For example, farmers historically cultivated some 30,000 rice varieties in India, but now 75% of their rice
Organic Crop Breeding, First Edition. Edited by Edith T. Lammerts van Bueren and James R. Myers.
C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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comes from just 10 varieties. In Indonesia, some 1,500 rice varieties disappeared between 1975 and
1990 (Ryan, 1992). In Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand, about 85% of rice
fields had been planted to HYVs by 2002 (WRI, UNEP, and IUCN, 2002). The narrowing of genetic
diversity in rice agro-ecosystems also caused outbreaks of pests and diseases.
Moreover, Green Revolution (GR) technology brought uneven benefits across social classes, with
small scale and poor farmers adversely affected, particularly due to the need for expensive inputs
required by HYVs. Because the seeds and technology were developed in research and breeding
stations that were socially isolated, rice farmers even complained that they themselves “forgot how
to grow rice.” New rice varieties, inputs, and management practices were developed by research
institutions and disseminated by extension workers with farmers as passive recipients of technology
(Chambers, 1993; Pimbert, 1994).
MASIPAG and Participatory Rice Breeding
MASIPAG literally means industrious in Pilipino and is used here as acronym for a phrase meaning
“Farmer Scientist Partnership for Agricultural Development.” This organization was established as
a partnership among some scientists, NGO workers, and smallholder farmers in the Philippines
dissatisfied with the GR technology. The desire of farmers to breed rice in a discernible scientific
fashion, described by Frossard (1998) as peasant science, was motivated by the threat to their
survival as farmers and was supported by a few volunteer scientists from the academe. Regional
assessments of the impacts of GR in the early 1980s culminated in a national forum on rice issues
in 1985 (Bigas Conference, 1985) with a resulting objective of recovering traditional rice varieties
and improving them for adaptation to small scale and resource poor farmers’ conditions.
Local rice varieties were difficult to find in the 1980s having been largely displaced by modern
varieties. The initial rice collection was donated by farmers from remote farming areas untouched
by the GR, collected by academic friends of MASIPAG whenever they travelled, and NGOs in their
respective areas. A total of 47 rice varieties were initially collected in 1986 and this was the starting
germplasm base for breeding at MASIPAG.
Since the landmark Bigas conference on rice issues, a program on collection, identification,
multiplication, maintenance, and evaluation (CIMME) of traditional rice varieties has been in place
(MASIPAG, 2000; Medina 2002, 2004). This active collection of traditional rice varieties (TRVs)
and the documentation of characteristics of different varieties was the foundation of the rice breeding
The MASIPAG rice breeding project began in 1987, as an integrated component of its bottomup approach and farmer empowerment goals. It was meant for transformation and emancipation
of farmers and it sought to demystify science for the farmers. The focus was to address smallscale farmers’ desires for varieties that suited their economic capacity, were adapted to diverse
agro-ecological conditions of mostly marginal areas, and fit into their indigenous farming systems.
Farmers decided that rice was to be bred without the inputs of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
as to avoid expensive production costs, health hazards, and environmental pollution. It was clear
that MASIPAG rice seeds to be developed were organic seeds because they were not subjected to
chemical inputs including the intended ultimate production at the farmers’ fields.
In conventional breeding, the scientist breeder identifies the objectives of breeding, which are
almost invariably high yield with broad geographic adaptability (dependent on chemical fertilizers
and pesticides to provide near ideal conditions in most instances; Desclaux, 2005). In participatory
plant breeding (PPB), farmers can be involved in different stages of the breeding process. There
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have been different modes of participation by farmers, from farmer-centered to scientist-centered
(Halewood et al., 2007; see also Chapter 6 of this book; Morris and Bellon, 2004). Thro and Spilane
(2000) and Desclaux (2005) differentiated two types of approaches: functional PPB focused on
getting adapted materials, improving local adaptation of varieties, and promoting genetic diversity,
and process PPB aimed at empowering farmers in developing their plant breeding skills.
MASIPAG PPB is both function- and process-oriented. Aside from their own selections of
parental materials, farmers helped in crossing other varieties chosen by farmers during field days.
Their work also included the selection of plants from plots of segregating populations. All the
breeding work components were implicitly building the self-confidence of farmers that led to their
feelings of empowerment. Indeed it was PPB in practice even before the term itself was coined and
before the mainstream scientists believed that farmers could do breeding.
Beyond PPB: Farmer-Led Rice Breeding
The beginning of PPB in MASIPAG started with hands-on training with a combination of lectures,
demonstration, and practicum. Actual rice specimens in the flowering stage were used during the
training. Emasculation and pollination were easy for the farmers and they were excited about their
new knowledge (see fig. 11.1). After the training, the trainees had to wait for one month if new
seeds were formed to indicate their success.
Farmers who successfully produced the F1 seed from their training sessions were encouraged to
join the breeding work of staff at the MASIPAG back-up farm. Aside from their own selections of
parent materials, they helped in crossing other varieties chosen by farmers during field days. Their
work also included the selection of plants from plots populated with segregating plants. It was in
this selection process that the farmers put into actual practice what was learned in the training.
Figure 11.1 Jojo Paglumotan, a farmer-breeder, doing rice emasculation in preparation for breeding (MASIPAG).
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Rice breeding in the MASIPAG network has evolved beyond participatory plant breeding because
farmers are now breeding rice by themselves on their own farm: They maintain germplasm on their
own farms, or at least on their organizations’ trial farms, they set their own objectives, select the
parental materials themselves, do cross pollination, make selections of segregating lines, evaluate
their selections, and share developed varieties with other farmers. Currently, there are 67 farmer
rice breeders. Many farmers got interested in breeding because of their feeling of reinforcement by
other farmers, the scientists, and NGO workers. The tangible results of their breeding work was not
only a solution to their farming problems, but also a source of pride when other farmers planted the
rice that they bred.
When asked why they do their own breeding, farmer breeders give a variety of answers: They
want to develop their own rice variety that is appropriate in their farm (edaphic and agro-ecological
settings); and they have a desire for varieties that do not need chemical fertilizers, that are resistant
to pests and diseases, and are early maturing and have high yield. Some farmer breeders also wanted
to develop varieties based on household priorities: for example, types that are aromatic and possess
good eating quality. Other farmers do breeding because they want to develop seeds adapted to
different climatic variations (climate change), so they could have their own seeds every season and
not have to buy from the marketplace. In addition, there was an altruistic motive in that they wanted
to share the varieties they had developed with other farmers.
Role of Back-Up and Trial Farms
One unique aspect of MASIPAG is its network of back-up farms and farmer-managed trial farms.
These facilities serve as the farmers’ seed bank (Medina, 2004), making breeding materials available
to farmers. The varietal characterization conducted by MASIPAG is distributed to farmers who are
interested in breeding, in order to facilitate selection of parental varieties. Field days prior to harvest
in trial farms are also used as a method of selecting preferred varieties for breeding.
The Breeding Process
Setting the Objectives
In participatory rice breeding, the objectives are set by the farmers. In 1986, and prior to the start of
rice breeding in MASIPAG, a workshop was conducted to allow farmers to identify what characters
a good variety must possess (Medina 2004), and the following were their criteria:
High yield without chemical fertilizers
Early maturing
Resistant to pests and diseases
Resistant to drought
Medium height
Strong stalk; non-lodging
High tillering capacity
Long panicles
More grains per panicle
Long grains
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r Small seed embryo (high milling recovery)
r No unfilled grains
r Good eating quality
These criteria are not ranked according to priority but according to a combination of traits will be
chosen by each farmer depending on the objectives of each farmer breeder and the context of their
individual farms.
Identification of Parent Materials
Prior to breeding, potential parent materials need characterization, and the data should be available
to identify the best materials. For example, a candidate parent material must possess the trait(s) that
can satisfy the objective(s) of breeding program. If the goal is to create a variety with improved
productivity, the candidate parent materials must have traits related to productivity, such as having
more tillers, a high percentage of productive tillers, long and dense panicles, a high percentage of
filled grains, and so on. If a variety has high potential yield but is susceptible to pests, then a variety
resistant to pests is selected to be cross bred to transfer pest resistance traits.
The variety that possesses the traits that fit the needs of the main objective serves as the “mother”
because it contributes 60% of the genes to the progeny in single crosses. The male parent should be
a variety that bears a character desired to be incorporated into a variety for improvement. Farmer
breeders source their immediate parent materials for breeding from their own farm but they can
source their collection of potential parents from the trial and back-up farm.
Planting to Synchronize Flowering, Emasculation, and Pollination
Different rice varieties have different flowering dates as well as maturity dates. For cross pollination
to be effected, the flowering of intended parental varieties with different flowering dates must be
synchronized by adjusting the date of sowing. When crossing is done with many varieties and where
the information on flowering date is not available, synchronization is accomplished by estimating
flowering dates of the earliest variety and the latest variety in the group, based on maturity data.
Rice has perfect flowers and is mainly self-pollinated, although, as a rule of thumb, about 10%
outcrossing is possible. Self-pollination can occur even before the anthers emerge because anthers
mature as they reach the apex of the lemma and palea. Thus, the six anthers per flower must be
removed before the pollen matures. A mother plant is selected from the breeding nursery where
the parent materials are grown, then potted and brought to the shade where emasculation and
cross pollination is performed. For details on emasculation and crossing, see Coffman and Herrera
(1980). If pollination is successful, seeds are formed, semi-crescent in shape, tapering to the tip,
with a partially burned appearance. The seeds mature in 28 to 30 days from pollination.
Care and Management of F1 Seeds and Seedlings
The whole panicle is harvested after 30 days from pollination and gradually sun-dried for three days
with the original glassine bag intact. The seeds remain dormant for about 15 to 20 days, after which
they can be sown again.
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For the succeeding generations, several seeds are sown in moistened paper-lined Petri dishes,
which are then covered and allowed to germinate. In about a week the young (germinated) seedlings
may attain a height of 3 to 5 cm. They are transferred to a small pot with puddle soil (structureless
saturated soil) and grown to 15 to 18 cm before transplanting them finally in single rows about
3 m long in the nursery. Ten to 15 healthy seedlings are selected and planted singly, with 30 cm
between plants and between rows. Seeds from the mother plant are also sown and transplanted
simultaneously with the F1 plants, occupying one row on the left side of the F1 row. This serves as
a check if the F1 plants are really new or are results of self-pollination.
Indications of successful hybridization include the following observations: seeds are formed,
seeds formed are firm or hard, seeds will germinate, germinated seeds will grow to maturity and
bear seeds, and, finally, the new plants are distinctly different from the mother plant in all observable
features or traits.
Selection and Handling of Segregating Populations
Selection is most complicated stage of breeding and proper recording is required. It constitutes
about 90% of the total effort in breeding work. Starting from the F2 , plant types with a combination
of traits would appear in the progeny as a result of the recombination of genes. However, if the
progenies show no phenotypic variation and are exactly the same as the mother plant, then cross
pollination was not successful and the resulting population is discarded.
The formal sector practices the pedigree method as the preferred selection method in rice.
MASIPAG initially used the pedigree method, but it was too cumbersome to farmers in terms of
plant selection and record keeping. After a few years, bulk method was used with some modifications.
Farmer breeders in the MASIPAG rice breeding program practice bulk selection because this method
is simpler, more convenient and practical (Vicente et al., 2010). The advantages of the Bulk Method
are: simple and convenient to monitor and practical for farmers, selections are more varied and have
many sources of genes, the breeding process is shorter, and selections are stable, durable, and more
broadly tolerance to pests and diseases.
Pedigree Method
Seeds from F2 to F6 are separately planted in each succeeding crop season, usually in plots of
100 to 200 plants or hills. Each plant is observed to monitor the flow of desirable heritable traits.
Through the pedigree method, the purity and uniformity of the selection increases through the filial
generations since variability is removed every season. At about F6 , a highly uniform pure line is
readily discernible.
Bulk Method
The two most important plant traits indicative of variability are first considered in the early stages
of bulking: Maturity and plant height. In the case of a single cross, when the plants are mature, the
seeds of 10 plants are harvested and bulked to serve as a single source of seeds for the next planting
season. Enough seed is prepared to grow about 200 plants in a plot.
During harvest time, the best plants are harvested and again bulked to serve as the first bulk
sample. This sample may be considered as the early maturing group and may contain plants of
varying heights but matured at the same time. After about 10 days, another bulk sample is obtained
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Figure 11.2 Panicle selection in segregating F3 bred rice (MASIPAG).
and designated as the second bulk which may constitute a medium maturing group, again containing
short, medium, or tall plants. After another 10 days a third bulk sample is obtained if there are still
productive plants. This will represent the late maturing batch (see fig. 11.2).
In the next cropping season, the three bulked samples are planted in separate plots. When bulk
no. 1 is mature, it may be possible to separate the short, medium, and tall varieties and produce
three sub-bulk samples of short-early, medium-early, and tall-early. In the same manner, bulk
no. 2 and bulk no. 3 are sub-bulked. At the end of the harvest, there may be nine sub-bulked samples
distinguished from one another by maturity and height combinations. In the ensuing generations,
further sub-bulking may be done after assessing other distinctive variables including plant base color,
tillering capacity, panicle length, hull color, and grain density, shape, color, and size, etc. These
sub-bulks eventually create many possible selections to choose from in response to the original
breeding objectives. Members of the organization involved in the breeding can freely choose their
farmer selections based on their needs and preference.
Bulking tends to retain many variable traits within the population, such that the selection may
appear non-uniform and aesthetically less attractive to most farmers who are accustomed to the
uniformity exhibited by certified seeds of HYVs. To a great extent, bulk samples may be considered
phenotypically uniform but genetically diverse.
Genetic diversity imparts stability and durability and increases the useful life of varieties. For
example, resistance of new varieties to pests and diseases typically lasts an average of five years
(Rubenstein et al., 2005). On the other hand, even the early MASIPAG selections mass produced
20 years ago are still being grown by farmers in the MASIPAG network across the Philippine rice
landscape and they are still viable and productive.
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Farmers’ Selection in Segregating F3 to F5 Generation
Segregating F3 to F5 lines are distributed to trial farms in different locations, so that other farmers
who are interested can pursue their own objectives and select for local adaptability as influenced
by the interaction of genotype and environment. The ability to effect improvement and visible
phenotypic change keeps farmers interested and motivated. The more time that a variety is under
observation in the farmers’ field, the more farmers can become acquainted with the characters of
that variety. Familiarizing farmers with the important characters of new varieties is important to
spread and acceptance. This way, the farmers are the ones making the selections based on their
goals, preferences, and resources and in response to their physical, biological, and socio-economic
environments. In addition, each rice cross can have much greater potential for impact than if a
centralized breeding program was employed because the progeny from the cross are subjected to
many more different environmental conditions than is possible with one or a few locations in a
centralized program.
Outcomes of the MASIPAG Program
In rice breeding, one single cross can result in many lines with different characteristics. As an
example, the cross between “Elon-elon” and “Abrigo” produced 12 different selections with different
characteristics (see table 11.1). The height of the progenies ranged from 75 to 90 cm, with 11 to 15
productive tillers, differences in leaf structure, tolerance to pests and grain quality. These differential
qualities were the result of selection to fit different conditions, which was achieved by distributing
the segregating lines to different farmer groups in different agro climatic conditions. In this example,
after having been distributed to several trial farms, four selections showing specific local adaptation
were chosen by farmers in specific environments.
After 24 years of MASIPAG retrieving TRVs and conducting PPB, 1,100 TRVs had been collected and maintained in back-up farms and farmers’ organization-managed trial farms. Continuous
characterization of each TRV has been conducted at the national back-up farm in order to generate information on their unique characters for breeding. This collection is an enabling factor for
farmer-led breeding because the varieties available as breeding materials are immediately accessible to them. From 398 crosses, 1,085 MASIPAG rice varieties have been developed. This wide
array of rice varieties is readily available to farmers, with many of them already evaluated under
diverse agro-ecological conditions. Many of the selected varieties in specific locations are different
from those selected in other locations in 49 provinces of the Philippines where MASIPAG has
members. This provides evidence that genotype × environment (G×E) interactions are of particular
importance in breeding for adapted rice varieties.
In addition to the 1,085 varieties bred using PPB collaboration between researcher and farmers,
another set of varieties has been bred independently by farmers, without active support from
researchers. Sixty-five active farmer–rice breeders in the MASIPAG network have produced 328
crosses, from which 508 farmer-bred varieties have been distributed and many were selected to be
locally adapted in different locations. Many of the farmer-bred lines (FBL) are still in the early
stages of selection; thus, it is expected that many more FBLs will be tested and selected in different
locations for adaptability.
The characterization of TRVs and the breeding activities in the MASIPAG network has resulted in
many rice varieties with desirable characteristics (see table 11.2). MASIPAG rice with high tillering
capacity, long panicles, and resistance to pests and diseases are characters important in breeding
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Table 11.1 Adaptability of selections from segregating lines of a single cross (M5: Elon-elon × Abrigo) in different locations
Parent Material of M5
ELON-ELON: tall, many tillers, long
and dense panicles, small elongate
grains, drought tolerant, prone to
lodging but panicle can stand
ABRIGO: short, many tillers, long
panicles, semi-erect leaves, slender
Reduce height of Elon-Elon, retain
long and dense panicles, make it
resistant to lodging
Feedback on
Provinces where Selection became
Locally Adapted (LAS)
Not selected
Not selected
Not selected
Not selected
80 cm tall, 11 productive tillers,
resistant to lodging, resistant to
tungro; tough grains
1) Negros Occidental (Cauayan,
La Castellana); 2) Laguna (Pila);
3) Aklan; 4) Bohol (Mantacida);
5) Agusan del Norte (San Martin);
6) Cotabato (M’lang)
Not selected
75 cm tall, 11 productive tillers,
erect flag leaf
Not selected
1) Camarines Sur (Pili);
2) Laguna (Pila)
90 cm tall, 15 productive tillers,
elongate grain; resistant to black bug
1) Negros Occ. (Cauayan); 2) Agusan
del Norte (Valencia); 3) Lanao del
Norte (Tenazs); 4) Cotabato (M’lang)
Not selected
Not selected
85 cm tall, 12 productive tillers,
elongate grain
Antique (Patnongon)
Table 11.2 Number of traditional rice varieties and MASIPAG-developed rice with farmer-preferred or environmentally
adaptive characteristics
Traditional Rice Varieties
MASIPAG-Developed Rice
High tillering capacity
Good ratooning ability
Long panicles
Low fertility soils
Drought tolerance
Saltwater tolerance
Flood tolerance
Pest/disease resistance
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Table 11.3 Average rice yield (kg/ha) of MASIPAG organic rice and conventional rice farming in 2007
(n = 840 farmers), after Bachmann et al. (2009)
Full Organic
National average
Luzon average
Visayas average
Mindanao average
Maximum yield
MASIPAG in Conversion
ns – not significantly different.
as well as for production. Colored rice and semi-glutinous rice are sought-after characteristics in
high-end markets. Moreover, many TRV and MASIPAG bred varieties were identified as drought,
saltwater, and flooding tolerant, and these varieties have been classified as adaptation varieties with
traits that can cope with environmental perturbations caused by climate change.
Comparing MASIPAG organic rice to that of conventional farming, the yields are not significantly
different (see table 11.3). The comparable yield of the MASIPAG organic rice may be attributed to
the breeding under organic condition as well as the selection for location specificity. This is already
a positive benefit because it is commonly assumed that organic farming generally yields 10% lower
than conventional farming.
The net income per hectare of fully organic farms was significantly higher compared to conventional farms even when there is no price premium for organic (Bachmann et al., 2009). Fewer
expenses are incurred by organic farms when the need for chemical inputs and seeds has been
Rice-seed banking combined with farmer-managed trial farms and trainings in breeding has contributed to the success of rice breeding in the MASIPAG network in the Philippines. The participatory and farmer-led breeding programs have created a diversity of rice varieties suited for many
different purposes and for diverse agro-ecological conditions. Scaling-up of this activity is also
feasible because the network and infrastructure to facilitate seeds, technology, and training have
been established, including support for organic certification and marketing (see box 11.1).
Participatory rice breeding is a very important approach in addressing the diversity of objectives
of farmers that are often neglected by breeders in the formal sector. It is also important to maximize
G×E interaction for location specificity of varieties that are developed – in particular, those adapted
to soil fertility conditions, prevailing pests and diseases, water availability, and other unique agroecological conditions.
This approach returns the farmers to the original role of steward of genetic diversity – not in a static
condition as in formal gene banks, but as an actively evolving collection. It also adds sustainability
and availability to the seed system for small farmers, with their role not only to produce food but
also to reproduce seeds that are a central biological resource in farming and food systems.
Participatory and farmer-led rice breeding is best conducted under circumstances of small scale
farming in diverse and heterogeneous agro-ecosystems. With farmers breeding rice for themselves,
they are not only the users of genetic resources, but they are also stewards and developers. This
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Box 11.1. MASIPAG’s broader role in fostering organic production in the Philippines
In addition to employing organic practices in its rice breeding efforts, MASIPAG has been more
broadly involved in establishment and oversight of the organic industry in the Philippines, with
the goal to ensure that small farmers do not get marginalized in this arena. MASIPAG has had
efforts in three areas. First is the establishment of its own Participatory Guarantee System (PGS)
which is called the MASIPAG Farmers Guarantee Systems (MFGS). This is an alternative, locally
focused guarantee system that aims to: ensure the organic integrity of farmers’ products based
on MASIPAG-developed guarantee systems; and strengthen farmers’ control over the selling of
their produce, while improving productivity and sustainability as well as achieving food selfsufficiency at local level. Second is the development of the MASIPAG Organic Standards, which
is based on the IFOAM Basic Standards and adapted to farmers’ practices and technologies.
Third, MASIPAG has formed its Internal Quality Control Systems (IQCS) committees within
respective farmers’ organizations, which handles the inspection and certification of members.
The MFGS is the main PGS in the Philippines, where farmers conduct inspection, assessment,
and certification. It is the first to have organic standards developed by farmers in line with
international standards. It is a strategy of farmers within MASIPAG to cope with the high cost of
third party certification, which individual farmers cannot afford. Currently, there are 20 farmers’
organizations within MASIPAG under MFGS production and marketing.
approach is also compatible with resource-poor farmers’ diverse objectives, and with it, contributes
to greater genetic diversity of rice varieties being developed. Moreover, participatory breeding
develops and makes available organic seed, which is one of the constraints in organic farming.
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Pimbert, M.P. 1994. The need for another research paradigm. Seedling 11:20–26.
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