Staff Opinion Survey Q1 WCU Staff Opinion Survey This survey is designed to collect staff opinions about working at WCU in general as well as interactions with supervisors and colleagues, diversity and balance between work and family commitments. We anticipate completing staff surveys on an annual basis, but may occasionally invite feedback on a specialized topic or concern. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. The results of this survey will be used to help the Staff Senate better understand and represent the interests of WCU staff members. This survey is confidential and results will be summarized and shared with the campus community. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please have staff in your department without access to email to contact Pam DeGraffenreid (828.227.3609) for a hard copy of this survey. Q2 Section 1. Overall Satisfaction & Engagement following statements. Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Please rate your agreement with the Neither Agree nor Disagree (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) I feel proud to say I work for WCU (1) I would recommend my unit/department as a good place to work (2) I have access to the resources I need to do my job (3) My work is personally satisfying (4) I feel that my work is directly connected to the university’s mission (5) I feel that WCU is a good place to work (6) I feel valued as an employee (7) I enjoy my work and look forward to coming to work (8) Q21 Please include any additional comments you may have for this section: Q3 Have you seriously considered leaving your job in the past year? Yes (1) No (2) If No Is Selected, Then Skip To WCU Staff Senate Initiatives Q4 Why have you seriously considered leaving your job in the past year? Please check all that apply Retirement (1) Better salary/compensation package elsewhere (2) Want to move out of the area (3) More interesting work/better fit with skills and interests elsewhere (4) More promotional opportunities elsewhere (5) Family-related/personal reasons (child or elder care issues, etc.) (6) Curious about other opportunities (7) Other, please explain: (8) ____________________ Q5 Section 2. WCU Staff Senate Initiatives and Areas for Focus related initiatives: Are you aware of these initiatives? Yes (1) Thinking of Staff Senate Do you feel these initiatives are appropriate for the Staff Senate? No (2) Yes (1) No (2) Staff Open Forum with the Chancellor and Provost (1) Staff Senate Days of Service (2) Discounts at local businesses (3) Staff Senate newsletter (4) Employee Emergency Assistance Fund (5) Q29 What should be the mission of the Staff Senate? Serve as representatives to staff (1) Work to improve the quality of life at WCU (2) Advise the Chancellor and other university committees (3) All of the above (4) Other, please explain: (5) ____________________ Q30 Do you feel that the Staff Senate is meeting the mission as you indicated in the previous question? Yes (1) No (2) Unsure (3) Q6 Please rank the following in order of importance, with 1 being the most important, to you as a staff member at WCU. (Just click on an item on the left and drag it to the box on the right to where you want it to be on the list.) Click to write Group 1 ______ Childcare (1) ______ Community Service Opportunities (2) ______ Cross-training Opportunities (3) ______ Discounts for Staff (4) ______ Dispute Resolution Options (5) ______ Health Insurance (6) ______ Parking (7) ______ Preference Hiring within NC State System (8) ______ Priority Hiring/Promotion of Current Staff (9) ______ Professional Development/Training Opportunities (10) ______ Employee Assistance Program Services (11) Q8 If you were experiencing an issue or dispute in your workplace and felt you needed help in resolving the issue, how likely would you be to discuss the issue with: Very Unlikely (1) Somewhat Unlikely (2) Undecided (3) Somewhat Likely (4) Very Likely (5) A faculty member appointed parttime to help with conflict resolution (1) A staff member hired specifically to mediate staff conflicts (2) A mediator from outside the university (3) A WCU Human Resources representative (4) A WCU Legal Affairs representative (5) A designated faculty member serving in the Chancellor’s Ombudsperson Pilot Project within the Provost’s Office (6) Q9 My supervisor would support me with release time if I wanted to be a part of the Staff Senate or attend Senate-sponsored events. Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neither Agree nor Disagree (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Not Applicable (6) Q22 Please include any additional comments you have for this section: Q10 Section 3. Working Relationships & Supervision following statements. Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Please rate your agreement with the Neither Agree nor Disagree (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) I can openly communicate with my supervisor about workrelated issues (1) I am free to speak my mind without fear of retaliation (2) My immediate supervisor values my input (3) My supervisor is qualified to supervise me (4) I regularly receive effective feedback (positive and/or negative) from my supervisor (5) My supervisor respects me as an individual (7) My immediate supervisor keeps me informed on important developments at WCU (8) I have a good, effective working relationship with my supervisor (9) I feel that my annual performance evaluation is helpful (10) Q23 Please include any additional comments you may have for this section: Q11 Section 4. Personal Life & Work Balance following statements. Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Please rate your agreement with the Neither Agree nor Disagree (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) I feel supported when I need to take time off for personal reasons (illness, doctor's visits, elder care, child care, etc.) (1) My department allows a varied work schedule (flex schedule, telecommuting, etc.) (2) Due to budget cuts, I often feel the need to work over 40 hours in a week to finish my work (3) My department supports me when I want to attend a wellness program on campus during work hours (4) I understand the services allowed for staff at University Health Services (per Policy 80, staff are allowed 3 visits/year) (5) I understand the fitness and recreational opportunities on campus (6) I understand the benefits provided staff in the Employee Assistance Program (7) Q24 Please include any additional comments you may have for this section: Q12 Section 5. Diversity on Campus statements. Strongly Disagree (1) Please rate your agreement with the following Disagree (2) Neither Agree nor Disagree (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) My coworkers are sensitive to diversity issues (1) WCU offers a variety of diversity related programs for staff (2) I feel comfortable in addressing diversity related issues in my department (3) My supervisor addresses diversity related issues in a timely and professional manner (4) Diversity is valued at WCU (5) I feel that WCU is committed to diversity related issues (6) I have experienced insensitivity to diversity issues while on the job (7) I feel it is important for WCU to be committed to diversity related issues (9) Q25 Please include any additional comments you may have for this section: Q13 Section 6. Work Environment statements. Strongly Disagree (1) Please rate your agreement with the following Disagree (2) Neither Agree nor Disagree (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) I have the supplies/materials I need to do my job effectively (1) I have the equipment I need to do my job effectively (2) I get along well with the employees in my department/unit (3) My department/unit deals effectively with poor performance by staff (4) I have access to the necessary continuing education/training required to do my job effectively (5) Q14 Thinking about your job and your department, please indicate in rank order which of the following causes you stress, with 1 being the most stressful. (Just click on an item in the left column and drag it to the box on the right where you want it to be on the list.) Click to write Group 1 ______ Coworker(s) (1) ______ Decision-making processes in other departments on campus (2) ______ Decision-making processes in your department (3) ______ Lack of equipment, materials or training to perform well (4) ______ Performance expectations unclear (5) ______ Physical work environment (6) ______ Salary (7) ______ Staff in other departments on campus (8) ______ Supervisor (9) ______ Supervisees (10) ______ Work is too difficult/not a good match for my skillset (11) ______ Workload (too much work) (12) ______ Workplace is too fast paced (13) ______ Other WCU related issues (14) ______ Other non-WCU related issues (15) Q26 Please include any additional comments you may have for this section: Q15 Section 7. Wrap up questions - we want to know a little bit more about you. Q16 Sex Male (1) Female (2) Prefer not to respond (3) Q18 Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino (1) Not Hispanic or Latino (2) Q17 Race - select all that apply American Indian or Alaska Native (1) Asian (2) Black or African American (3) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (4) White (5) Q19 How many years have you worked at WCU? 0-5 years (1) 6-10 years (2) 11 - 15 years (3) 16-20 years (4) Over 20 years (5) Q20 Where do you work? Academic Affairs (1) Administration & Finance (2) Chancellor's Division (3) Information Technology (4) Student Affairs (5) Athletics (6) Q27 Any last comments?