Variety is the spice of life March 17, 2011

Variety is the spice of life
March 17, 2011
Pair & Share the 3 – P’s (professional,
personal, peculiar)
Who are we?
What are our roles at WCU and in community?
Task Force on Diversity Final Report and
recommendations (1995)
WCU Response (2010) to the UNC Tomorrow
Demographic trends and implications
Create a Center for Multicultural and
International Education
Enhance student’s experience and appreciation
of different cultures
Encourage campus climate that is conducive to
learning for diverse populations
Increase ethnic minority students on campus to
15% by 2000
Increase culturally and ethnically diverse faculty &
Promote understanding of all aspects of diversity,
& international education through faculty/staff
Increase access to higher education
Engage in economic transformation
Prepare for wide-scale faculty retirement in next 10
Increase efforts to recruit/retain high quality
Analyze internal workforce needs over next 5 years
Analyze worldwide demographic shifts & impact on
campus workforces
Develop strategies to recruit/retain high potential
Manage a diverse multi-generational workforce
Boundaries of geography & rural setting
Benefits for employees are not competitive
with other public state systems
Lack of performance pay options
Dual personnel system of SPA/EPA with
different levels of benefits
Salary compression & equity
Limited salary flexibility due to budget
restrictions for new hires & internal
WCU Data on 1434 full-time employees:
19% (270) will be eligible to retire in 5 years
29% Senior Administrators (EPA)
26% Staff (SPA)
19% Faculty
19% Non-faculty
23% Administrative support
16% Professional
37% of employees will be eligible to retire
218 Non-faculty positions to be filled (109 in
five years)
131 Faculty positions to be filled (66 in five
20% increase in the regional population
400% increase in the Hispanic populations
16,000 increase in state’s Hispanic
population (2006-2007)
80,000 NC high school graduates (20062007)
Rural populations
Native Americans – Eastern band of Cherokee
Develop recruitment strategies to reach out
to underrepresented minorities
Develop strategies for best practices in diversity
for faculty/staff & students
Appoint a Director of Diversity position
Develop a Council on Diversity & Inclusion
Analyze workforce skills & competencies
Advocate faculty/staff professional development
to address diversity and workforce needs
Tuition reimbursement/waiver for employee
spouse and dependents
Provide opportunities for trailing spouses
Support legislative changes for benefits, no-cost
family health coverage for employees
Recommend performance pay options to reward
work performance
Support amending state law requiring 6-month
break in service for retirees
Develop a separate university personnel system
allowing the UNC system to offer competitive
fringe benefits & performance based pay system
Build relationships
Develop annual strategic work plan
Assess EEO/AA data
Design, implement, & evaluate a
Climate/Diversity Survey
Design & recommend a campus-wide diversity
Recommend university-wide diversity initiatives
Design, implement, & evaluate professional
development on diversity for faculty, staff, &
Follow-up for accountability based on data
Revise our work plan