Special Report: Serena, by Ron Rash

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Special Report:
Fall 2014 One Book: A Common Reading Experience for WCU first-year students
Serena, by Ron Rash
Written by a North Carolina author and set in the mountains of western NC,
this book selection is intended to be complimentary with this year’s WCU
interdisciplinary campus theme: North Carolina: Our State, Our Time.
Common Intellectual Experiences are one of ten high impact practices
identified by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). What
better way to launch a successful college career than by reading together!
Make sure to visit the Serena Research Guide created by Hunter Library!
Serena Signature Event for August
Faculty & Facilitator Workshop
Presented by: Ron Rash, author and George Frizzell, Special Collections Curator
WHEN: Wednesday, August 20 --- 5:15-6:30
LOCATION: Blue Ridge Hall Multipurpose Room
This workshop is designed for faculty and instructors who plan to integrate Serena or the book's themes
into course work and for student peer leaders who will facilitate book discussion groups.
Visit OneBook.wcu.edu for a full list of events and programs as well as resources and ideas about how to
integrate Serena into your classroom conversations.
Family Table
FOCUS: First-year Opportunities for Community and University Service
Saturday, August 23
Encourage your students to stay on campus their first weekend and to join their peers in
service. Plus, they will have fun getting to make new friends and learn their way around the
campus and community. In fact, you may want to consider joining them --- a great
opportunity to bond with your students while doing good!
To learn more, please contact the Center for Service Learning: servicelearning@wcu.edu or by phone 227-7184.
Tool Box
FYE Tips for Success: Student Workshop Series for Fall 2014
The series is back and designed to reinforce successful habits as students make their transition to college.
Please encourage your students to attend these engaging sessions, facilitated by campus scholars and experts.
Mentoring & Communication: Facilitated by Dr. Windy Gordon
Monday, August 25th from 5:30-6:30 pm
Blue Ridge Hall Multipurpose Room
Students will be inspired and challenged to excellence—what a great way to launch a college career!
Coming in September…. Financial Literacy!
You may review the full list online here on the FYE Academics page.
Finish in Four Event
Wednesday, August 27th from 11:00 am-2:00 pm
On the UC Lawn
Please encourage your students to attend! They will enjoy food, games, and a fun atmosphere as they learn
more about Finish in Four and begin to think about making their own 8-semester plan!
Please visit the “Finish In Four” website -- designed to introduce students to Fostering Undergraduate Student
Success and increase four-year graduation rates and to help you familiarize yourself with the new policies.
CEO Reminders---Calendars – Events – Opportunities
Student Life Calendar: For a complete listing of what's going on for students from intramurals, to concerts and
lectures, to organizations, arts and culture, and so much more....
Events Calendar: Information on arts and culture at WCU - plays, concerts, art exhibits, films, and more...
Coulter Faculty Commons Calendar
PEAKS Potty Times Western Carolina PEAKS disseminates a newsletter called the Potty Times every two-three
weeks which includes toilet teasers, words of wisdom, campus events, etc. If you would like for us to advertise a
specific event in the calendar section, please Contact Laura Ansley, Department of Residential Living.
 September 1 – September 14 (Due August 26th)
 September 15 – September 28 (Due September 9th)
 September 29 – October 12 (Due September 23rd)
 October 20 – November 9 (Due October 7th)
 November 10 – November 23 (Due November 4th)
 November 24 – December 14 (Due November 18th)
6 Annual Student Employment Fair
As part of WCU’s Week of Welcome (WOW) this fall, the Student Employment Information Fair will be held from
3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 20, in the UC Grand Room. The fair, which is open to all university
students, provides a central location for students to learn about work-study and non-work study jobs, as well as
local off-campus employment opportunities. Light refreshments will be provided.
The Red Zone
The Red Zone refers to the period of time early in the first and second year at
college during which students are more at-risk for unwanted sexual experiences on
college campuses. To combat this, throughout this period of time, departments
across Western Carolina University sponsor programs to promote healthy
relationships, and convey the message that WCU does not tolerate abuse in our
campus community. The campaign encourages and empowers students, faculty
and staff to develop an open dialogue on the dangers of sexual violence and to speak up when they see violent
behavior happening.
 Red Zone Central
August 15-September 30, 2014 --- Gallery (2nd Floor UC)
 Are You Seeing Red Information Fair Thursday, August 21, 2014; 11:00am ---UC Lawn
 Red Flag Campaign Kick-Off
Monday, August 25, 2014 ---All over campus
 Campus Safety Walk
Thursday, August 28, 2014; 8:00pm --- Meet at ICA Lounge
North Carolina: Our State, Our Time-- the WCU Campus theme for 2014-15
North Carolina: Our State, Our Time is a campus theme with strong links to our mission and our 2020 Vision:
Focusing on Our Future strategic plan. It allows faculty, students, and campus offices and organizations to use
our state’s past, present, and future to explore broad questions in culture, the arts, health care, business,
politics and policy, history, literature, education, the environment, science and technology, athletics, and
society, etc.
This theme also makes a great opportunity to link classroom assignments and activities to WCU’s 125th
anniversary celebration. Some potential questions might include:
How have our state’s history and culture shaped our social and political realities?
What social, cultural, and demographic changes will shape our state’s future?
What are North Carolina’s contributions to the Arts?
How should North Carolina business evolve to compete in a global economy?
What major forces will affect health care in our state?
How will we educate the next generation of North Carolinians?
How should we foster a climate of scientific, technological, and cultural innovation in North Carolina?
How will we balance growth and environmental sustainability?
What issues does our state face and how can our universities help find solutions?
Resource File
Blackboard --- reference and participate in the Transition Pathways Course site....
Education Briefcase – resources and information for students and for faculty……….
CFC on the Web --- help with teaching, technology, and more--- helping you do what you do better!
OrgSync --- the place for student clubs and organizations and other co-curricular opportunities .
First-Year Seminar: Liberal Studies – resource guide for faculty teaching the first-year seminar …
Transition Pathways: An instructor resource - resource guide for FYE transition course instructors …
FYE on the Web --- many resources and network links to help you along the way …..
The next regular publication will be September, 2014 --- please let me know if you want to share
updates about programs, events, or other opportunities for teaching and learning in FYE!
Glenda Hensley, FYE Director ghensley@wcu.ed