B Y: G L EN D A HE N S L E Y FE B RU A R Y 4 , 2 0 13 Special Report Annual African American Heritage Expo --- February 4-6. Carl Moore’s keynote presentation is February 6th from 6-8pm in the UC Grand Room “Got Swagga?” Exploring Social Justice Using Hip-Hop Elements” Please contact James Felton if you want to schedule a visit with your class for a guest lecture. Well versed in issues of the African Diaspora, Urban Education, Diversity, and Social Justice; Carl S. Moore has been speaking, facilitating and training in the areas of teaching and learning, leadership, multiculturalism and social Justice for over ten years. His passion for training and social justice can be traced back to his undergraduate days where he facilitated diversity trainings for students, faculty and staff as a certified trainer for National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI); a group that strives to end leadership oppression through prejudice reduction work. Contact James Felton for more information. Front Line You Will Not Want To Miss These Opportunities! February Sexual empowerment Week February 4-8 In the University Center - For more information, contact: Dr. Marilyn Chamberlin, Director of Women's Studies 828.227.3839 | mchamber@wcu.edu Learning Communities Today: A one-day conference co-hosted by WCU and UNC-G Date: 14 February 2013, Joseph S. Koury Convention Center, Greensboro, NC For more information, contact Glenda Hensley @ 227-2786 or ghensley@wcu.edu The V-Day/Vagina Monologues Campaign “It’s a Girl” --- February 14 @ 7pm in the UC Theatre ICA will host a viewing of the documentary "It's a Girl" to discuss gendercide in India and China as well as the ways in which violence against women often begins at birth. More information on the film can be found at www.itsagirlmovie.com. For more information, contact Sarah Carter at sacarter@wcu.edu. V-Men: Standing Up and Speaking Out -- February 26, 5pm – University Center: Multipurpose Room A A guided discussion presented by: Dr. Heather Talley, Assistant Professor of Sociology 1 in 3 women are likely to be victims of sexual assault or battery. Words can play a huge part in revictimization for those who have experienced sexual assault as well as attitudes that perpetuate a rapefriendly culture. Open House – Saturday February 16 Join your colleagues to welcome new folks to our campus. Contact the Office of Admissions for more information. March The Vagina Monologues --March 1, 2, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m. UC Grand Room --- $5 Advanced Admission; $7 General Admission th 12 Annual Gender Conference: Women & Ethnicity March 6th 9am-4:30 pm in the University Center Submissions are due by January 13, 2013. Submission form For more information, contact: Dr. Marilyn Chamberlin, Director of Women's Studies 828.227.3839 | mchamber@wcu.edu Dance Marathon -- March 9, 2013 Hosted in the CRC from 12pm – 12am If you have any questions or concerns please contact: WCUDanceMarathon@email.wcu.edu. Jennifer Spaugh, Sponsorship Chair (336)671-5786 Office of Leadership & Student Involvement Women's History Month Day of Service --- March 16, 2013 Various times and locations; a project for V-Men will be included in the day's event. For more information, or to RSVP: contact Sarah Carter or Jennifer Cooper Co-sponsored: Intercultural Affairs & the Center for Service Learning Alternative Spring Break Trip to Jamaica March 21-31, 2013 For more information, contact Mike Corelli, Leadership Programs; corelli@email.wcu.edu Vicki Faircloth, Education; victoria@email.wcu.edu April th The 34 ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL th Wednesday April 10 .TIME:10:00AM-3:00PM Throughout its 34 years, the Annual International Festival, or I-Fest, has provided the WCU community with a unique opportunity, namely, a chance to engage and explore world cultures and fascinating traditions through a wide range of mediums, including Food, Music, Dance and Artistry. If you or your department is interested in hosting a table to highlight certain programs or activities in your department, please contact Christopher Pedo at copedo@wcu.edu or by phone at 828-227-2557. The CORE One Billion Rising Campaign -- The Global V-Day Movement To raise funds and awareness to end violence against women and girls, V-Day has raised more than $90 billion dollars since the program's inception. This year, our WCU campaign will raise money for the Clean Slate Coalition, REACH of Macon County, the WCU Sexual Violence Awareness Fund, and the V-Day Spotlight Foundation. The campaign will include programs such as One Billion Rising, V-Men, and The Vagina Monologues. For more information about One Billion Rising, please visit www.onebillionrising.org There are a number of ways to be involved. For more information, including tickets, please contact the Department of Intercultural Affairs at ica@wcu.edu. Toolbox THE TOOLBOX: A Teaching and Learning Resource for Instructors from the National Resource Center If you are looking for some new tools to help students create cognitive links that strengthen leaning, you may find the article in Volume 11, Issue 4 of “THE TOOLBOX” interesting: “In the ideal learning environment, outcomes, assigned readings, classroom experiences, and the assessment of student performance connect seamlessly in ways that are interdependent and interactive. Yet, in reality, the classroom is not ideal, and ……” click to continue> HTTP://TECH.SA.SC.EDU/FYE/TOOLBOX/FILES/11_04.PDF Perspectives “All Our Closets Are Full”– By Dr. Victoria Faircloth Our Jamaica spring break team would like to thank our campus community for your outpouring of love for the people of Jamaica last year for our first spring break trip. We have attached the current needs for this year's trip. After a recent teaching job in Kingston, I came back to my hotel room one afternoon after visiting a residential community for children with HIV/AIDS and one for children and adults with severe and profound learning disabilities. The thought that kept running through my mind was "All our closets are full". So, for this year, it is our hope, that once again, our WCU community will help us in emptying out some of our very full closets in our part of the US. We are sponsoring non-government agencies (NGO) schools, orphanages and medical clinics. We are also asking for your assistance in getting us connected with the medical community in WNC for specific needs for two of our residential schools: OTC meds for children with HIV/AIDS and adaptive equipment for children and young adults with severe and profound disabilities. Finally, I would like to share a recent article from our beloved country of Jamaica: http://tiny.cc/5ln6qw The Living Values Education organization, which is headed by author Sharon Parris-Chambers, is calling on Jamaicans to live the message of One Love - acceptance, universal brotherhood, forgiveness, and respect - as a way to celebrate the birthday of reggae icon Bob Marley. February 6 is Bob Marley's birthday! Got my dreadlock-rasta photos up, how about the rest of the campus? :) We are having our first orientation session on Feb 5, 7:30-9:30 at Cat's Den, with pizza provided. If you have students who are just now hearing about this service learning trip, please encourage to come over to the Cat's Den and check out this service opportunity. All the best, Vicki Faircloth, Michael McDonald, Rebecca Lasher, Cheryl Clark, Anne-Marie Jones, and Mike Corelli For more information or details for all service learning assignment placements and list of supplies or to make a donation, please contact Vicki Faircloth. CEO Reminders CALENDARS Student Life Calendar: For a complete listing of what's going on for students from intramurals, to concerts and lectures, to organizations, arts and culture, and so much more.... Events Calendar: Information on arts and culture at WCU - plays, concerts, art exhibits, films, and more... Service Learning: Current Events ACE: Arts and Cultural Events Calendar IT Training & Workshops: Calendar - For upcoming training and events, including Black Board, eBriefcase, and more and make sure to note Blackboard day on September 6th Potty Times: PEAKS communication with FY students. For more information, contact Laura Ansley. EVENTS Dance Marathon Dance Marathon will take place on March 9, 2013 in the CRC from 12pm – 12am. Last year WCU had over 300 participants and raised over 8,000 dollars for the Children's Miracle Network. Our goal for this year is to double that, but we cannot succeed without your help. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me: WCUDanceMarathon@email.wcu.edu. Jennifer Spaugh, Sponsorship Chair (336)671-5786 Office of Leadership & Student Involvement OPPORTUNITIES 12th Annual Gender Conference: Women and Ethnicity Students, faculty and professionals are invited to submit paper or poster presentations focusing on gender research. The keynote speaker, artist scholar Crystal Leigh Endsley, will address women's diverse experiences because of ethnic differences. Researchers who study such areas as: the intersection of ethnicity and gender in economic conditions, family relations, intimate relations, employment, education, and/or social class are invited to present at this year's conference. Presentation submissions do not necessarily need to relate to the theme but should provide the attendees with information regarding gender issues. For more information, contact: Dr. Marilyn Chamberlin, Director of Women's Studies 828.227.3839 EYE on FYE Contest open until March 22, 2013--- Encourage your students to express their WCU journey with creativity. The contest is a wonderful assignment enhancement to any first-year curriculum. For more information, please visit here. Contact Glenda Hensley with any questions! Resource File Blackboard --- reference and participate in the Transition Pathways Course site.... Education Briefcase – resources and information for students and for faculty………. First-Year Seminar: Liberal Studies – resource guide for faculty teaching the first-year seminar … Transition Pathways: An instructor resource - resource guide for FYE transition course instructors … CFC on the Web --- help with teaching, technology, and more--- helping you do what you do better! FYE on the Web --- many resources and network links to help you along the way ….. QEP on the Web --- discover the possibilities - find the resources you need - find your path..... OrgSync -- https://orgsync.com/login/western-carolina-university --- the place for student clubs and organizations and other co-curricular opportunities .. FYE Message Board – A weekly e-journal for and by FY students. Engage students in the conversation of learning and experience – with each other! Submissions Invited Submissions invited for and about teaching in first-year courses: research; classroom observations; creative writing; poetry; short stories; biographical or autobiographical. TRANSITION PATHWAYS: The Blackboard Commons: If you teach an FYE Transition course, you will see it on your Blackboard menu under organizations – Contribute content and share your expertise! LC2 Group (Learning Community on Learning Communities) We invite you to join our group if you are interested to explore learning communities and how they can impact student learning in your classroom! You may learn more @ Learning Communities at WCU The Education Briefcase (eB) is now open to ALL undergraduate students! For information please contact Nory Prochaska, Chair of the eBriefcase Implementation Team. For general information about eB, visit the website. The next regular publication date is February 18, 2013 --- please let me know if you want to share updates about programs, events, or other opportunities for teaching and learning in FYE! Glenda Hensley, FYE Director ghensley@wcu.edu