DE C E M BE R 3 , 2 01 2
Feeling overwhelmed with exam week coming soon? Don’t stress out just yet!
Nearly all of your fellow freshmen are feeling the pressure! You may be so
swamped with tests, projects and other assignments that you may not even
know where to begin! Here are a few survival tips and resources on campus
that will help keep you from reaching the end of your rope!
Survival tip 1: know your exam schedule!
For the first order of business, know your exam schedule! Here is a link on the school
website that will let you know when you class’s test is being taken!
*Note that not all exams will be taken in your normal classroom! Ask your professor
where the exam will be held!
*Do you have a lab? All labs are taken at your regular class time unless stated
Survival tip 2: Go to the library!
Did you know that the library is open 24/7 during the last two weeks of the semester?
This opens at noon Sunday, December 2 and ends 6:00 pm December 14! Try planning a
study/camp out session in the library with some friends!
Survival tip 3: take a break if you’re feeling stressed out!
It’s great to study hard, but to study effectively you should try to take short breaks! If
you’ve been in the library or in one location for hours, try taking a walk outside or doing
something to take your mind off of work. Don’t overexert yourself! The last thing you
want is to be sick taking your tests!
Survival Tip 4: use your resources!
You’d be surprised how many support systems WCU has to offer!
Need help with an essay paper or need a tutoring session for a course? Try going to the
Writing and Learning Commons in Belk!
If your computer is giving you a hard time, go to IT at the bottom of the library!
Survival tip 5: Keep up with your health!
It’s important to make sure you get plenty of sleep and eat healthy! Don’t stay up too late
or skip meals! This will help your body and brain to concentrate and function well! If you
are starting to feel under the weather don’t procrastinate to take some medicine!
According to the news, flu season is worse this year! Take a trip to the Student Health
Services in Bird Building if you’re not feeling well.
Study hard and good luck!
*Keep reading to find out some information on a great place to relax and dine with
friends this coming exam week!
Weekly reviews by your first-year peers of local restaurants, shops, places to go and
more! So check it out each week to see new reviews to help you choose!
Review 1 – local dining
The Jarrett House
Alison Criscoe
Walking with the sun beating on my back and my new friends by my side, I was looking for a good time. It was
my first time visiting Dillsboro and one of my friends raved about the Jarrett House, telling me that her family
had a tradition of visiting it once a year during the lights festival. With my interest at its peak, I insisted going
there and what I got was a shocking surprise. My friends informed me about the style of the restaurant, saying
that it is served family style, but they did not inform me of the entire purpose of the building itself. We walked
along the side of the Jarrett House after parking the car and my mind wondered ‘This HUGE building is just one
restaurant?!’ The building was massive with three floors and what seemed like hundreds of windows.
The front of the Jarrett
House had a beautiful
front porch that
seemed to call you to
sit on its old rocking
chairs and watch cars
on the main street go
by. After obliging the
porch’s orders for a
small amount of time,
my friends and I walked
into the house, and
with one foot in the
door, I quickly looked
around to survey my
surroundings finding
nothing but my own
The restaurant was old, really old and had an antique feel to it. I was not quite prepared for the antique dolls in
a case off to the left and I was confused when I looked to the right and found a living room. There was not a
table in sight and without the hostesses help, I would have never had found where we were supposed to sit.
When we arrived at our table, I quickly asked the waitress what was upstairs. She answered, “That’s the hotel
part of the Jarrett House.” When I gave her a quizzical look she continued, “The Jarrett House has been open for
over a hundred years. It was first a hotel and then the restaurant part was opened about 70 years ago and now
we have a gift shop.” I was extremely surprised and turned to my friends when the waitress had left to exclaim,
“Why didn’t you tell me it was also a hotel?” They laughed and I could not help laughing with them.
The atmosphere of the restaurant was great, almost as if you were eating at your own house. They let up on the
antique décor and only had a few chandeliers and paintings that looked like they came straight from 1910 and
lace curtains from the 1880’s. The service was great: Our waitress was quick to refill our drinks and made sure
that we were as happy as we could possibly be. The food was quick too. We had not been sitting at that table for
ten minutes before our food was ready and let me tell you, it was a lot of food. My main course was the fried
chicken while everyone else got chicken and dumplings. The sides served with it were potatoes, green beans,
candied apples, and much more! Everything was delicious; it was southern comfort food at its finest. The only
thing that I did not like about the food was that it showed my mom up because she definitely could not make
that delicious of a meal. I asked my friends how they liked the food and they replied with a thumbs-up. The food
was extremely delicious but it came at a price. My order alone was $15 and that was with a discount for being a
college student. As a broke college freshman, I was hoping that the price would be a little cheaper. After paying
for our meals, we filed down a hall that lead to the gift shop and a second exit. We popped into the tiny shop
and saw the usual knick-knacks that you would find in any gift shop. After that, we left, ending my first
experience with the Jarrett House.
Overall, I loved the Jarrett House. It was quaint, different, and had amazing food.
The only problem that I could find was the price tag and my initial confusion as to
what I had walked into when I first stepped through the door. The price might have
been a little expensive but the food and atmosphere were great so I know that I
will go back to the Jarrett house, just on special occasions though.
Hours of Operation:
Closed on Mondays except for holidays
Lunch: Tuesday-Sunday 11:30 - 2:30
Dinner: Tuesday-Sunday 4:30 - 7:30
*Closes at 7:00 pm on Sunday Evenings
If you are curious to read more reviews, visit the wiki:
Your journey ---- Your goals --- the contest is now OPEN!
As you journey through the year,
Reflect on these FYE goals;
Celebrate the Student Community Creed;
Share your success stories in
Check out the above link to see what your predecessors had to say
It is time for you to consider what your entry will beLeave your mark at EYE on FYE!!!
Discover College
Adapt to new environments and responsibilities - discover and use the resources available to you!
Be Involved
Identify and act upon your role and responsibility as an engaged citizen - be an active participant in your learning
Connect the Dots
Connect your personal interests and abilities, academics, and co-curricular activities as you make sense of the
Think First
Identify complex issues or problems – evaluate your options to make an informed decision - reflect on the
implications of your choice.
Exchange Ideas
Communicate appropriately and respectfully in a variety of formats and contexts.
Calibrate Your Compass
Examine your values and goals - take responsibility for your own learning and development - act with integrity