UCPath Updates April 17, 2014

April 17, 2014
UCPath Updates
UCPath Forward
Program Update
Future State Process Design
The Future State Process Design (FSPD) Review Sessions, begun on March 3 and completed on
April 7, facilitated an intensive review of standardized business processes to ensure they capture
each location’s business needs. Of the 104 total business processes, nearly 50 required location
input and were the focus of the 5-week review. Subject Matter Experts from every location were
required to attend and vote on whether specific business processes, covering HR, Payroll, Accounting, and Work Force Administration would satisfy their location’s business requirements.
More than 160 University of California staff members from every campus were involved in this
effort, working side by side on this immense challenge. As a result of their efforts, 48 business
processes were reviewed and recommended to proceed to the UCPath Steering Committee for
Integrated Work Plan
Now that President Napolitano has directed the team to deploy UCOP in December 2014, a renewed sense of urgency exists within all of the UCPath teams. Work is being done on multiple
fronts simultaneously. A good example of this is the Integrated Work Plan (IWP). In addition to
the work being done on Future State Process Designs, teams are building and incorporating their
work plans into MS Project Server. All UC locations are working together to build an overall
“integrated work plan” that will help the UCPath teams decide the most accurate go-live dates.
The UCPath overall plan currently includes approximately:
• 100+ people collaborating across UC locations
• 45+ project plans
• 7000+ milestones
• 50,000+ tasks
• 500+ links
Once the plan is finalized in June, timing and resources will be assessed and the UCPath
central team will work with the UC locations to secure go-live dates.
Go-Live Dates
Both of the above efforts rely heavily on resources at the campuses, and are central to the successful deployment of UCPath. Currently, the plan is for Wave 1 campuses to deploy in pilots—
UCOP as Pilot #1 in December 2014, followed by UC Santa Cruz as the second pilot, and UC
Merced and UC Los Angeles (including the UCLA Med. Center and ASUCLA) combined as the final
pilot in Wave 1. No timeline has yet been established for deployment; this will be determined
once the Integrated Work Plan is finalized in July . The Integrated Work Plan will also determine
go-live dates for Waves 2/3. Campuses should know these dates in July.