College of Agriculture and Human Sciences Research Seminar Series What Texas A&M System Technology Commercial: Overview of Licensing and Intellectual Property Management Who Robert Brummett is a Licensing Manager at Texas A&M System Technology Commercialization, focusing on agricultural and life sciences. His portfolio and licensing experience includes conventional commodity crops (wheat, sorghum, cotton, and corn), food crops (specialty sorghums, vegetables, stone fruits, and citrus), food processing and food safety technologies, nutritional and food products, ornamental plants, turfgrasses, animal health and nutrition products, and agricultural engineering technologies. Robert began his career in technology transfer at the Mid-Continent Technology Transfer Center (a regional NASA technology transfer center under the management of the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service) as a graduate assistant/market analyst performing initial commercial evaluations and preparing market reports for inventions from NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Prior to his tenure within The Texas A&M University System, Robert worked for over ten years in the food industry as a production and shipping supervisor, HACCP Coordinator, and corporate Food Safety Auditor. He holds a bachelors and masters degrees in Agricultural Economics from the University of Missouri and Texas A&M University respectively. When: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Noon), Thursday, March 10, 2016 Where: CAHS-CEP Auditorium Abstract It is the mission of the TTC to encourage broad practical application of The Texas A&M University System’s research for public benefit; to encourage and assist those associated with The A&M System in the protection, licensing and commercialization of their discoveries; to ensure the equitable distribution of royalties and other monetary benefits resulting from the commercial application of intellectual property; and to see that commercialization activities benefit the research, education and outreach missions of The A&M System into the future. The Licensing and Intellectual Property Management team at the TTC evaluates disclosures of inventions, software, and plant materials, develops and executes commercialization plans, manages intellectual property and other licensable assets developed from research, markets and licenses new discoveries to industry and other partners, supports the development of alliances with collaborators and research sponsors, and increases the impact of The Texas A&M University System research programs through commercialization. Contact: Ali Fares, Associate Director of Research & Professor, CAHS-PVAMU Phone: 936 261 5019, Email: AlFares@PVAMU.Edu