Completing your CEAP Teacher Education Admission Application

Completing your CEAP Teacher Education
Admission Application
Use these directions to complete the Application for Admission form.
1. Catamount Email Address: The electronic mail system is provided by the University as the primary means of official
communication. Notifications from Teacher Education (TE) will be sent to your Catamount email address.
2. Advisor: Advisors are assigned by academic departments. Contact your TE major department if you need an advisor assigned to
3. ID#: 92 student ID number
4. Phone: Cell phone number preferred
5. Major: Your declared major must be in a TE program. The major on your degree audit is what is on your student record. If this is
wrong, you need to declare the correct major by contacting the department in which you plan to pursue the major.
6. Secondary Academic Concentration (SAC): Applies to Elementary Education majors. Consult the Course Catalog or contact your
advisor for SAC options.
7. WCU total semester hours, cumulative GPA, transfer GPA, and all course grades: Use your MyCat detailed degree audit. For
assistance viewing your degree audit, go to Advising Center and select the "How to" button. Place a "T' on your application form
before any transfer grades (e.g. transfer grade of A would be TA). If you can't access MyCat through Internet Explorer, try another
8. Qualifying Test Scores: The TE Handbook Praxis information has detailed score guidelines. You can retrieve your Praxis Scores
from Educational Testing Service (ETS) and your "My Praxis Account". Attach an original, unaltered copy of your qualifying scores to
the application form. SAT/ACT scores can be found on your high school transcript.
9. Personality Survey and Diversity Inventory: Indicate completion date and attach either a copy of your score result summary from
the program tab after the status indicates evaluated or the TaskStream confirmation emails indicating your survey submissions have
been evaluated. Surveys may be completed either during a designated class period or outside of class.
10. Professional Dispositions Contract: Read, sign, and attach the Professional Dispositions Contract to your TE application.
11. Statement of Applicant: Answer questions, sign, and attach supporting material about any past record of suspended or revoked
license to teach and criminal convictions (excluding minor traffic violations).
Lastly, your completed application should include the following supporting material attached to your application form before
submission. Questions should be directed to Rachel Wike at or 828.227.7027.
Copy of MyCat degree audit
Qualifying test scores
Signed Professional Dispositions Contract
TaskStream survey confirmations
Statement of Applicant supporting material, if applicable
Deliver, mail, fax or email your completed application to: Rachel Wike, Mail:
1 University Way, Killian Suite 201, WCU,
Cullowhee, NC 28723; Ship: 91 Killian Building Lane, Suite 201, WCU, Cullowhee, NC 28723; fax 828.227.7090;
Print Form
Use the included instructions to complete this form.
**Attach a copy of your MyCat degree audit, qualifying test scores, signed Professional Disposition Contract, and Taskstream verification. **
92 #:
Catamount Email:
Second Academic Concentration (if applicable):
Total semester hours earned at WCU as of the end of last semester
Cumulative GPA on hours earned at WCU
Number of hours transferred from other institutions
Transfer GPA from institution where most credit hours earned
Qualifying Praxis Scores :
[Indicate a T before grades if course was accepted
as transfer credit.]
English 101 Grade
EDCI 201 or BK 250 Grade
Test Date:
Praxis Composite Score across Reading, Writing, & Math Tests:
Qualifying SAT scores:
Test Date:
SAT Total Score:
Test Date:
Composite Score:
(Math + Verbal Only)
(SAT Total > 1100 )
Qualifying ACT scores:
(Composite Score > 24 )
Professional Dispositions Contract completion date:
Personality Survey and Diversity Inventory completion date:
Statement of Applicant
Have you ever had a certificate or license revoked or suspended by any state or other governing body?
If yes, attach a statement giving full details and official documentation of the action taken.
Have you ever been charged of a crime (excluding minor traffic violations), even if the charges were
dismissed? If yes, please attach a letter of explanation and a certified copy of the court proceedings.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime (excluding minor traffic violations)? If yes, please attach a
letter of explanation and a certified copy of the court proceedings.
Have you ever had a disciplinary action including suspension, expulsion, academic dishonesty, and/or
any other sanction at the university? If yes, please attach a letter of explanation.
I have read all the materials, including the Teacher Education (TE) Handbook and Catalog under which I entered WCU, concerning
the policies and procedures for eligibility and admission to the TE program and professional education sequence.
I certify the information provided in this application is correct and true. Any falsification or misrepresentation of information on this
form will be subject to disciplinary actions described in the Student Handbook and can result in removal from the program. I
understand that the falsification of any statement or document will result in the revocation of my North Carolina license.
Candidate Signature:
Print Name
Return form and supporting materials to: Rachel Wike, 1 University Way, Killian Suite201, WCU, Cullowhee, NC 28723; fax 828.227.7090; email