UC»T e c h n o l o g y»Transf er Annual report 2008 B e rkeley D av is I r v in e L o s An gele s Me rc ed R i v erside S a n D iego S a n Fra ncisco S a nta B a rbara S a nta Cruz L awrenc e Berkeley Table of Contents Technology Transfer Advisory Committee Message from the Director 2 3 Technology Transfer Activity and Financial Information Introduction Part 1: The Campus Portfolios Technology Transfer Activity Invention Reporting Patent Activity Licensing and Related Activity Technology Transfer Income Total Income from Licensing Royalty and Fee Income Payments to Joint Holders Income Associated with Patent/Legal Expenses Technology Transfer Direct Expenses Legal and Other Direct Expenses Income Distributions Inventor Shares General Fund Share Research Allocation Share Income After Mandatory Distributions 4 4 4 4 6 8 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 Part 2: The DOE Laboratory-Managed Portfolios Invention Disclosure, Patenting, and Licensing Activity Financial Results 18 18 19 Technology Transfer Organization at UC UC Technology Transfer on the Web 20 20 1 2008 Technology Transfer Advisory Committee General oversight of the UC Technology Transfer Program is under the purview of the Technology Transfer Advisory Committee (TTAC). This standing committee is chaired by the Executive Vice President, Academic and Health Affairs, and meets periodically to advise the UC President on technology transfer policy and guide the direction of the overall program. Kathryn A. Atchison Vice Provost of Intellectual Property & Industrial Relations, UCLA Steven V.W. Beckwith Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, UCOP Alan B. Bennett Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, UCD Carol Berman Contracts & Grants Director, DANR, UCOP Lynn M. Boland Deputy to the Executive Vice President, Business Operations, UCOP Beth Burnside Vice Chancellor for Research, UCB Arthur B. Ellis Vice Chancellor for Research, UCSD Sherylle Mills Englander Director, Office of Technology & Industrial Alliances, UCSB Cheryl A. Fragiadakis Department Head, Technology Transfer, LBNL Warren M. Gold Professor, Medicine, UCSF Theodore Groves Professor, Economics, UCSD W. Rory Hume Provost & Executive Vice President, Academic & Health Affairs, UCOP Katherine N. Lapp Executive Vice President, Business Operations, UCOP Charles F. Louis Vice Chancellor for Research, UCR Bruce H. Margon Vice Chancellor of Research, UCSC Richard Miller Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, UCM Norman J. Oppenheimer Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF David G. Schetter Assistant Vice Chancellor, Research & Technology Alliances, UCI Hans Schöllhammer Professor, Global Economics & Management, UCLA P. Martin Simpson University Counsel, UCOP Julie M. Stein Acting Executive Director, Industry-University Cooperative Research Program, UCOP William T. Tucker Executive Director, Research Administration & Technology Transfer, UCOP A. Eugene Washington Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost, UCSF Fiscal Year 2008 Office of the President Executive Vice President, Academic and Health Affairs Office of Technology Transfer 1111 Franklin Street, 5th Floor Oakland, CA 94607-5200 2 Message from the Director The past fiscal year saw the start of a major transformation in the relationship of the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) to other units within the UC Office of the President (UCOP). The integration of OTT into the newly created Office of Research and Graduate Studies (ORGS) under Vice President Steven Beckwith brought OTT together with other groups at UCOP that support the University’s research enterprise. ORGS is in the process of evaluating all these functions to understand and make recommendations on how to create a highly functioning organization that provides the best possible structure to support campus research programs. The overarching goal of this effort in the area of technology transfer is to create effective university-industry interfaces with appropriate accountability measures and to better inform the public about the impact of UC’s research programs on society and on the local, state and national economy. We believe we can achieve this goal by more closely integrating the technology transfer function (with its core licensing and patenting functions at campus-based offices, supported by OTT), with industry-sponsored research, graduate education, and collaborative research programs and institutes. Making connections to industry and the venture capital/angel investor community is essential to effective technology transfer. Throughout the past year OTT and the campus offices have continued their successful efforts to network with industry and the venture capital/angel investor community. OTT hosted a systemwide technology transfer forum featuring clean technology in San Francisco highlighting the Canada-California Strategic Innovation Partnership (CCSIP) with participation by the Canadian government and Canadian institutions. The technology transfer program also had a system-wide presence at the 2008 BIO International Convention in San Diego. The systemwide technology transfer program continued to perform well in FY08, with our portfolios of inventions, issued U.S. patents, license agreements, and licensing income increasing. By the end of FY08, UC’s portfolio of active inventions increased by 8.2% to 8,953 with the portfolio of US patents owned by UC increasing by 3.5% to 3,546. The total number of utility license agreements increased 3.3% to 1,359 and the total number of plant license agreements increased 9.9% to 554. Total licensing income (which excludes income from settling disputes) increased 9.8% to $128.4 million in FY08, continuing a steady trend of increases since FY03. This past year saw legislation in Congress directed at patent reform. UC was an active participant in discussions with the House and Senate members and staff. The potential for changes in the US patent system, together with the difficult global economic environment will undoubtedly impact UC’s technology transfer program, so we must remain alert to these impacts and adjust, where necessary, to continue to fulfill our mission to create pubic benefit from the University’s research endeavors. Sincerely, William Tucker Executive Director, Research Administration and Technology Transfer 3 Technology Transfer Activity and Financial Information Part 1: The Systemwide/Campus Portfolios Introduction Activity and financial information in this Annual Report is divided into two parts. The UC Campus Portfolio section (pp. 4-17) presents results related to the patenting and licensing of inventions for the ten-campus system for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. This portfolio of inventions was managed by the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) within the Office of the President (UCOP) and by nine campus-based licensing offices. These include the Office of Technology Licensing at UC Berkeley, InnovationAccess at UC Davis, the Office of Technology Alliances at UC Irvine, the Office of Intellectual Property and Industry Sponsored Research at UC Los Angeles, the Office of Technology Commercialization at UC Riverside, Technology Transfer Office at UC San Diego, the Office of Technology Management at UC San Francisco, the Office of Technology and Industry Alliances at UC Santa Barbara, and the Office for Management of Intellectual Properties at UC Santa Cruz. The DOE Laboratory-managed Portfolio section (pp. 18-19) provides activity and financial information related to technology transfer at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), a US Department of Energy (DOE) Laboratory that is managed by the University. Information on LBNL is reported separately because certain aspects of technology transfer are different at LBNL as compared with the rest of the University. Among these differences is the reporting period which covers the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008. 4 Part 1: The Campus Portfolios TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER ACTIVITY Invention ReportinG During the twelve-month period ending June 30, 2008, 1,497 inventions were disclosed by faculty and researchers at the ten UC campuses; an increase of 6.1% over the number of inventions reported in FY07 (Exhibit 1). Exhibit 1 INVENTIONS REPORTED 1500 1,497 1400 1,411 1300 1200 1100 1,304 1,308 FY05 FY06 1,196 1000 900 800 FY04 FY07 FY08 Much of this increase is accounted for by UC San Francisco, where newly reported inventions increased by 58 from 142 in FY07 to 200 in FY08; and by UC Los Angeles, with an increase of 47 inventions (from 267 to 314). Other campuses with large gains over this period include UC Berkeley, with an increase of 22 inventions (from 133 to 155), and UC Riverside, also with an increase of 22 inventions (from 31 to 53). The campus distribution of newly reported inventions for FY08 is shown in Exhibit 2. Exhibit 2 INVENTION DISCLOSURES BY CAMPUS* Year Ended June 30, 2008 UCSF 200 UCB 155 As of June 30, 2008, the systemwide invention portfolio was comprised of 8,953 active inventions. The size of each campus invention portfolio is indicated in the exhibit below. Exhibit 3 CAMPUS INVENTION PORTFOLIOS* UCD 181 UCI 159 UCLA 314 UCM 12 UCR 53 UCSB 103 UCSC 24 UCSD 330 *Inventions having inventors from more than one campus are counted multiple times, once for each campus with an inventor. Year Ended June 30, 2008 UCB 1,107 UCD 918 UCI 753 UCLA 1,560 UCM 25 UCR 245 UCSB 611 UCSC 140 UCSD 2,355 UCSF 1,422 *Inventions associated with inventors from more than one campus are reported multiple times in this exhibit. 5 Technology Transfer Activity and Financial Information Part 1: The Systemwide/Campus Portfolios Patent Activity The University of California has received more US patents than any other university in the world. A patent is a form of intellectual property protection granted by the US or a foreign government that gives the patent holder the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling the patented invention for a defined period of time, generally twenty years from the date the patent application is first filed. Both US and foreign patent rights often must be pursued for an invention in order to maximize the likelihood of successful commercialization. Exhibit 4 PATENT ACTIVITY* filings are necessary in order to cover all aspects of the invention and may include the following types of filings: divisional applications and continuation applications where new matter is added. Often several years will elapse between a filing and the issuance of a patent by the patent office. Systemwide patent activity for FY08 is presented in Exhibit 4. The number of first filings declined 3.3% compared to 644 in FY07, while the number of secondary filings declined 6.0% from 564 in FY07. Foreign patents issued declined by 7.3% from 381 in FY07. Exhibit 5 shows the number of US patents issued to the University in the past five years, with the number of US patents issued declining 32.3% (from 331 to 224) in FY08 as compared to FY07. Year Ended June 30, 2008 Exhibit 5 U.S. Applications Filed First Filings – Provisional First Filings – Regular Secondary Filings – Provisional Secondary Filings – Regular Total Subtotal – First Filings Subtotal – Secondary Filings Subtotal – Provisional Filings Subtotal – Regular Filings US PATENTS ISSUED TO UC 576 47 64 466 1,153 623 530 640 513 First Foreign Filings* 276 US Patents Issued 224 Foreign Patents Issued 353 *An invention is counted only one time in the first foreign filings category regardless of the number of countries in which foreign patent protection is sought. Acquiring adequate patent coverage for all aspects of a new technology may require more than one patent filing for a given invention. Often, a first filing in the US takes the form of a provisional application, a type of filing which preserves US patent rights and secures the benefits of an early filing date for a period of 12 months at a relatively low cost as compared to the cost of filing a regular application. A provisional filing is likely to be made during the time period when the invention is being marketed to potential licensees. Once a license agreement is in place, the licensee usually bears the cost of seeking and maintaining patent protection. Secondary filings frequently lead to the issuance of multiple patents related to a single invention. Secondary 6 350 300 250 331 310 270 270 224 200 150 100 50 0 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 At the end of FY08, the systemwide portfolio contained 3,546 US and 3,597 foreign patents (Exhibit 6). The total number of foreign-filed patents continues to exceed the total number of US-filed patents, having first overtaken the total number of US-filed patents in FY06. The number of US patents in each campus portfolio is presented in Exhibit 7. Because of the substantial lag time between invention disclosure/filing and patent issuance, UC Merced, which received its first invention disclosure in FY06, has not yet had a patent issued for its inventions. Exhibit 6 TOTAL UC PATENT PORTFOLIO 4000 3500 3000 2500 3,757 3,692 3,275 3,024 3,168 3,316 3,425 3,546 3,597 Exhibit 7 CAMPUS US PATENT PORTFOLIOS* Year Ended June 30, 2008 UCB 562 UCD 409 UCI 250 UCLA 536 UCM 0 UCR 79 UCSB 316 UCSC 66 UCSD 573 UCSF 770 2,837 2000 * Patents associated with inventors from more than one campus are reported multiple times in this exhibit. 1500 1000 500 0 FY04 U.S. FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 Foreign 7 Technology Transfer Activity and Financial Information Part 1: The Systemwide/Campus Portfolios Licensing and Related Activity A license agreement grants a licensee access to a University invention in exchange for the licensee’s commitment to further develop and commercialize the invention. Utility licenses generally cover useful processes, machines, manufactured items, or compositions of matter protected by utility patents and are likely to be licensed exclusively. In contrast, plant licenses cover sexually and asexually reproduced plant varieties and most are licensed non-exclusively to multiple growers and distributors worldwide. The provisions of the license define the rights and responsibilities of the two parties. In the typical utility license agreement, the licensee is granted access to an early stage invention that is protected by a University patent. In exchange, the licensee makes a commitment to commercialize the invention and to pay the University agreed-upon fees, including reimbursement of patent expenses and royalty payments when products reach the marketplace. The specific terms of the agreement are determined through a complex negotiation process. Prior to the execution of a license, certain shorter-term agreements are sometimes executed. A secrecy agreement is used in conjunction with marketing and affords a potential licensee access to confidential information that assists the company in determining if it has an interest in pursuing a license for a given technology. In FY08, the University entered into 685 secrecy agreements. A letter agreement generally is used to confirm a company’s intent to negotiate a license and often commits a company to pay certain fees or patent costs while negotiations are underway. Option agreements are similar in scope to license agreements and protect a licensee’s interest in an invention while more in-depth technical or marketing research is performed. In FY08, UC entered into 458 licenses and related technology transfer agreements. As indicated in Exhibit 8, these included 159 utility license agreements, 101 plant license agreements, 47 option agreements, and 151 letter agreements. 8 Exhibit 8 LICENSING ACTIVITY Year Ended June 30, 2008 Agreements Executed Letters Options Utility Licenses Plant Licenses Total Active Licenses Utility Licenses Plant Licenses 151 47 159 101 1,359 554 At the close of the fiscal year, the systemwide portfolio totaled 1,913 licenses, an increase of 5.2% over the total at the close of FY07. In managing these agreements, the University must collect monies when due and monitor progress to ensure that the licensees exercise due diligence in developing inventions toward commercial application. Exhibit 9 TOTAL UTILITY LICENSES 1400 1,315 1200 1000 800 1,114 1,359 1,200 983 600 400 UC continues to work with its licensees around the world to explore opportunities for gaining intellectual property protection and commercializing selected strawberry and other plant cultivars in countries where such intellectual property rights have not previously been available. In regard to the distribution of plant licenses among the campuses, UC Davis has 433 plant licenses in its portfolio, UC Riverside has 130. Exhibit 11 shows the number of utility license agreements associated with each campus. Exhibit 11 200 TOTAL UTILITY LICENSES BY CAMPUS* Year Ended June 30, 2008 0 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 Exhibit 10 TOTAL PLANT LICENSES 600 550 400 473 554 504 488 200 0 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 UCB 273 UCD 90 UCI 80 UCLA 204 UCM 2 UCR 25 UCSB 46 UCSC 10 UCSD 292 UCSF 379 *Licenses associated with inventions that have inventors from more than one campus are reported multiple times in this exhibit. Exhibits 9 and 10 show the five year trend in the size of the portfolio of UC utility and plant licenses. Each year some agreements expire or are terminated. In general, the total number of active utility agreements has continued to rise due to increasing licensing activity throughout the system. In the plant area, a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and grasses were the subject of 554 agreements. 9 Technology Transfer Activity and Financial Information Part 1: The Systemwide/Campus Portfolios TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER INCOME Total Income from Licensing Total income from licensing—the income the University receives from its technology agreements with industry—was $128.4 million in FY08 (Exhibit 12) if one excludes $42.6 million received in FY08 for litigation settlements. This FY08 total licensing income represents a 9.8% increase from FY07. Total licensing income has two components, royalty and fee income and reimbursements. The royalty and fee income component includes: agreement issue fees, maintenance fees, and other “milestone” payments received on specific dates or at specific points in the product development process. These payments encourage companies to diligently pursue product commercialization. Generally, earned royalties account for the largest portion of royalty and fee income and are received once products and processes using University inventions reach the marketplace. Reimbursements, the second component of total licensing income, represent the recovery of patent and legal expenses. Exhibit 13 shows the amount each campus contributed to FY08 total licensing income. UC San Francisco had the largest increase with its contribution to total income doubling from $33.2 million in FY07 to $66.4 million in FY08. Exhibit 13 TOTAL LICENSING INCOME BY CAMPUS* Year Ended June 30, 2008 (Thousands) Exhibit 12 TOTAL LICENSING INCOME* $140 100 80 $93.2 13.9 $109.6 16.7 $110.0 16.5 92.9 93.5 $7,659 UCD $9,133 UCI $6,418 UCLA $37,716 UCM $312 UCR $2,237 UCSB $5,987 UCSC $117 UCSD $29,978 UCSF $66,379 Other** (Millions) 120 UCB $116.9 $128.4 24.2 19.3 97.6 104.2 $5,047 * Total licensing income consists of two components: royalty and fee income and patent/legal reimbursements. ** Revenues primarily from a portfolio of OTT-managed DOE Laboratory inventions, most disclosed prior to the establishment of the Laboratory-based licensing offices. 79.3 60 Royalty and Fee Income 40 Royalty and fee income in FY08 was $104.2 million when excluding $42.1 million received in FY08 in litigation settlements. This income derived from 1,866 inventions. As compared with FY07, royalty and fee income (excluding settlements) increased by $6.6 million. 20 0 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 Patent/legal reimbursement revenue Royalty & fee income * The total licensing income reported for FY06 ($110 million) does not include an upfront payment of $100 million from the settlement of litigation, and the total licensing income reported for FY08 ($128.4 million) does not include upfront payments and reimbursements of $42.6 million from the settlement of litigation. In FY08, $2,964,830 was realized from the sale of equity previously acquired under 12 license agreements. As a result of these transactions and the execution of 10 licenses, 2 options, and 2 interinstitutional agreements in FY08 that included equity as a partial consideration, at the end of the fiscal year the University held equity related to technology transfer activities in 102 companies. Income from the top five commercialized UC inventions (i.e. inventions that had reached the marketplace and were generating royalty and fee income) contributed 10 $49.9 million in FY08, accounting for 47.9% of total royalty and fee income (Exhibit 14). The top twenty-five inventions collectively accounted for $78.8 million or 75.6% of total royalties and fees. Inventions appearing on this list for the first time include Optical Network Switch and Connective Tissue Stem Cell. Exhibit 14 UC TOP-EARNING INVENTIONS* Year Ended June 30, 2008 (Thousands) Invention (Campus, Year Disclosed) Hepatitis-B Vaccine (SF, 1979 & 1981) $16,287 Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms (LA, 1989) $11,736 Interstitial Cystitis Therapy (SD, 1980) $8,670 Egf Receptor Antibodies (SD, 1983) $7,143 Bovine Growth Hormone (SF, 1980) $6,086 Subtotal (Top Five Inventions) $49,922 Payments to Joint Holders When an invention results from collaboration between UC and non-UC researchers, multiple entities may become joint holders of the invention-related patents. In these instances, interinstitutional agreements are negotiated to establish which entity will manage the patenting and licensing of the invention and the collection and distribution of invention income; such collaborations are relatively common. In FY08, 295 of 1,497 new disclosures (19.7%) included non-UC inventors and 72 new interinstitutional agreements were signed, an 18.0% increase over FY07. In FY08, $6.1 million was redistributed to other entities for inventions covered by interinstitutional and other income-sharing agreements. For financial reporting purposes, these monies are treated as an offset to income. As is seen in Exhibit 15, these redistributions have increased from FY07 to FY08, excluding payments for settlement of litigation. Chromosome Painting (LLNL, 1985, 1989 & 1995) $4,397 Biodegradable Implant Coils (LA, 1998) $3,373 Exhibit 15 Dynamic Skin Cooling Device (IR, 1993) $2,845 PAYMENTS TO JOINT HOLDERS* Camarosa Strawberry (DA, 1992) $2,360 Firefly Luciferase (SD, 1984) $1,866 Nicotine Patch (LA, 1984) $1,634 Energy Transfer Primers (BK, 1994) $1,538 Feline AIDS Virus Diagnostic (DA, 1986) $1,227 Laser/Water Atomic Microscope (SB, 1989) $1,173 Aids for Learning Disabled (SF, 1994) $1,130 Albion Strawberry (DA, 2004) $862 Optical Network Switch (DA, 1997) $853 Comparative Genomic Hybridization (SF, 1992) $816 Genomic Microarrays (SF, 1995) $794 Detection of Mycoplasma (IR, 1984) $757 Fluorescent Dyes-Calcium (BK, 1984) $734 Ventana Strawberry (DA, 2001) $700 Connective Tissue Stem Cell (LA, 2000) $635 Universal Oligonucleotide Spacer (BK, 1996) $574 Yeast Expression Vector (SF, 1982) $565 Total Income (Top 25 Inventions) $78,754 Total Income (All Inventions) $104,158 % of Total from Top 5 Inventions 47.9% % of Total from Top 25 Inventions 75.6% *This list is limited to revenue-generating inventions that have been commercialized. Total income excludes payments from settlement of litigation. (Millions) $10 8 6 $5.0 $5.4 $6.1 $5.6 $4.3 4 2 0 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 * The payments to joint holders reported for FY06 ($5.6 million) and FY07 ($4.3 million) do not include payments of $7.9 million in FY06 and $0.5 million in FY07 for the settlement of litigation. Income Associated with Patent/Legal Expenses Because inventions are highly technical, the University uses specialized outside attorneys to draft and secure patent protection both in the US and abroad. Costs to secure, maintain and protect patent rights associated with an invention are substantial. Obtaining a licensee’s commitment to reimburse these costs is a high priority 11 Technology Transfer Activity and Financial Information Part 1: The Systemwide/Campus Portfolios objective of license negotiations, and reimbursements, therefore, are considered to be part of total licensing revenue. In FY08, the University received $24.2 million in patent/ legal expense reimbursements, excluding reimbursements associated with litigation settlements. technology transfer expenses Legal and Other Direct Expenses Legal and other direct expenses totaled $32.8 million in FY08 (Exhibit 16), excluding $5.8 million in expenses due to litigation settlements. Most technology transfer legal expenses are associated with patent prosecution defined as payments to outside counsel for drafting patent applications as well as other costs for securing and maintaining patent protection for University inventions. The extent of reimbursement of legal and other direct expenses is a negotiated term of a license agreement and not all agreements commit the licensee to reimburse the University for these costs. Often, patent costs are incurred in advance of executing a licence, which accounts for a portion of unreimbursed expenses in any given fiscal year. In FY08, reimbursements of legal expenses (excluding litigation settlements) totaled $24.2 million, resulting in net legal expenses of $8.7 million (Exhibit 16). Exhibit 17 provides a breakdown of FY08 net legal expenses (i.e., legal expenses after reimbursements) by category. Patent prosecution activities accounted for $6.7 million of the $13.9 million in net legal expenditures. Interference and infringement activities, which accounted for 29% of net legal expenses in FY07, increased to 41% in FY08. The relatively large interference and infringement percentage in FY08 reflects expenses associated with litigation settlements. Exhibit 17 NET LEGAL EXPENSES Year Ended June 30, 2008 Legal Defense 8% Interference & Infringement 41% Exhibit 16 Other 3% Patent Prosecution 48% LEGAL EXPENSES* (Millions) $40 $35.1 $34.4 30 $28.7 $32.8 $26.9 20 10 0 $14.8 $17.7 $15.8 $10.4 FY04 FY05 FY06 $8.7 FY07 FY08 Gross legal expenses Net legal expenses * The gross and net legal expenses reported for FY06 do not include $16.2 million in legal expenses for the settlement of litigation. The gross and net legal expenses reported for FY08 do not include $5.8 million in gross legal expenses and $5.2 million in net legal expenses for the settlement of litigation. 12 It is anticipated that University licensing personnel will continue to be successful in negotiating reimbursement of a substantial amount of patent costs. Nonetheless, it is expected that there will continue to be significant legal expenses associated with patenting and litigation as the technology transfer program matures, patent activities continue to accelerate, and relationships with inventors, sponsors and licensees become increasingly complex. INCOME DISTRIBUTIONS Inventor Shares The income derived from royalties and fees, less the sum of payments to joint holders and less net legal and direct expenses, is distributed in various shares as required under University and campus policies. In FY08, income distributions (excluding income and expenses associated with the settlement of litigation) totaled $89.4 million, distributed as shown in Exhibit 18. Exhibit 18 INCOME DISTRIBUTIONS* (Millions) $100 $89.4 80 60 $59.4 $69.8 $77.6 $77.0 33.0 30.0 31.3 35.6 12.6 10.0 38.2 31.0 25.5 40 25.3 28.2 35.2 20 0 10.1 8.2 0.4** FY04 0.4** FY05 0.7** FY06 The University Patent Policy grants inventors the right to receive a portion of net income accruing to individual inventions. In FY08, 1,818 inventors received a total of $35.2 million (excluding litigation settlements). Under current policy, inventors receive 35% of net invention income. Inventor shares are calculated based on invention income and expense activity through the close of the prior fiscal year. Thus, most of the inventor shares distributed in FY08 were calculated based on invention financial activity through June 30, 2007. Trends related to the amount of inventor share payments are reflected in Exhibit 18. General Fund Share The portion of University technology transfer income allocated to the UC General Fund totaled $13.6 million in FY08 (Exhibit 18; excluding litigation settlements). The General Fund share is equal to 25% of the amount remaining after deducting payments to joint holders, net expenses, and inventor share payments from royalty and fee income. 13.6 1.4** FY07 2.5** FY08 Income after mandatory distributions Inventor shares **Research allocation share General fund share * The distributions reported for FY06 do not include a general fund distribution of $10.5 million, inventor share distributions of $29.1 million, nor income after mandatory distributions of $36.2 million related to the settlement of litigation. The distributions reported for FY08 do not include a general fund distribution of $6.0 million, inventor share distributions of $12.9 million, nor income after mandatory distributions of $18.0 million related to the settlement of litigation. Research Allocation Share The current Patent Policy requires that 15% of net royalty and fee income from each invention be designated for research-related purposes on the inventor’s campus or Laboratory. These monies are used in accordance with plans developed at each campus and Laboratory. The research allocation, which is computed based on inventions disclosed on or after October 1, 1997, totaled $2.5 million in FY08 (Exhibit 18). Income After Mandatory Distributions All income derived from royalties and fees remaining after deductions for payments to joint holders, net legal and direct expenses, and other distributions, is distributed to the campuses subject to certain other campus-specific debits and credits for patent-related activities (not shown). This category combines expenditures that Annual Reports prior to FY07 showed separately as “Operating Expense” and “Campus Share” distributions. Income after mandatory distributions totaled $38.2 million in FY08 (Exhibit 18; excluding litigation settlements). 13 Technology Transfer Activity and Financial Information Part 1: The Systemwide/Campus Portfolios Exhibit 19 SYSTEMWIDE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER ACTIVITY FY04 – FY08* Year Ended June 30, 2008 Fiscal Year Comparisons FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 % CHANGE (FY07-FY08) Invention Disclosures Inventions Reported Total Invention Portfolio 1,196 6,618 1,304 7,395 1,308 7,513 1,411 8,272 1,497 8,953 6.1% 8.2% Patent Prosecution US Applications Filed First Filings Secondary Filings Total US Patents Issued Total Active US Patents 515 450 965 270 3,024 601 429 1,030 310 3,275 714 470 1,184 270 3,316 644 564 1,208 331 3,425 623 530 1,153 224 3,546 -3.3% -6.0% -4.6% -32.3% 3.5% 243 2,837 284 3,168 361 3,692 315 3,757 276 3,597 -12.4% -4.3% 32 145 81 22 186 57 29 197 115 22 209 73 47 159 101 113.6% -23.9% 38.4% 53 983 473 52 1,114 488 61 1,200 550 69 1,315 504 91 1,359 554 31.9% 3.3% 9.9% First Foreign Filings Total Active Foreign Patents Licensing Agreements Issued Options Utility Licenses Plant Licenses Total Active Agreements Options Utility Licenses Plant Licenses Exhibit 19 only reports activity governed by the UC Patent Policy. It does not include copyright and material transfer agreement activity that also is carried out by campus-based technology transfer offices. *Activity related to the invention portfolio managed by the nine campus-based licensing offices and OTT on behalf of the ten UC campuses. Activity related to a small number of DOE Laboratory inventions managed at OTT also is reflected in these figures. See pp. 18-19 for activity pertaining to the operation of the DOE Laboratorybased technology transfer offices. 14 Exhibit 20 SYSTEMWIDE FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FY04-FY08 Year Ended June 30, 2008 (Thousands) Fiscal Year Comparisons FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 % CHANGE (FY07-FY08) Income from Royalties and Fees Less: Payments to Joint Holders Adjusted Gross Income (A) $79,265 (4,990) 74,275 $92,902 (5,403) 87,499 $193,500 (13,464) 180,036 $97,594 (4,798) 92,796 $146,314 (6,114) 140,200 50% 27% 51% Legal and Other Direct Expenses Less: Reimbursements Net Legal Expenses (B) (28,761) 13,916 (14,845) (34,393) 16,707 (17,686) (43,136) 16,545 (26,591) (35,087) 19,292 (15,795) (38,602) 24,668 (13,934) 10% 28% -12% Income Available for Distribution (A+B) 59,430 69,813 153,445 77,001 126,266 64% Income Distributions Inventor Shares (C) Research Allocation Share (D) General Fund Share (E) Income After Mandatory Distributions (F) Total Income Distributions (C+D+E+F) 25,310 359 8,214 25,547 59,430 28,228 422 10,138 31,025 69,813 60,471 722 23,078 69,174 153,445 35,562 1,380 10,045 30,014 77,001 48,087 2,475 19,545 56,160 126,266 35% 79% 95% 87% 64% Exhibit 20 only reports financial activity governed by the UC Patent Policy. Campus-based technology transfer offices also generate income through copyright licenses, material transfer agreements and through research support committed in conjunction with technology transfer activities. This income is not included in this report. 15 Technology Transfer Activity and Financial Information Part 1: The Systemwide/Campus Portfolios Exhibit 21 FY07 CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER ACTIVITY Year Ended June 30, 2008 Invention Disclosure Inventions Reported Total Invention Portfolio Patent Prosecution US Applications Filed First Filings Secondary Filings Total US Patents Issued Total Active US Patents First Foreign Filings Total Active Foreign Patents Licensing Agreements Issued Options Utility Licenses Plant Licenses Total Active Agreements Options Utility Licenses Plant Licenses UCB UCD uci uclaucM ucr ucsb 155 1,017 181 918 159 753 314 1,560 53 245 103 611 69 68 137 36 562 65 47 112 21 409 62 60 122 28 250 148 112 260 42 536 14 29 6 10 20 39 0 3 0 79 74 75 149 13 316 33 394 28 436 24 382 73 537 3 20 0 9 15 99 2 7 0 16 273 1 11 90 433 4 80 0 12 25 1 0 ucsc ucsd ucsf 24 140 330 2,355 200 1,422 12 127 4 85 16 212 5 45 66 573 52 70 122 35 770 1 16 53 812 24 881 8 126 42 62 12 26 0 1 3 1 6 0 11 12 5 0 2 2 0 41 0 0 5 44 0 13 204 0 1 7 2 25 0 130 22 46 0 3 7 10 292 0 0 11 379 0 Exhibit 21 only reports activity governed by the UC Patent Policy. It does not include copyright and material transfer agreement activity which also is carried out by campus-based technology transfer offices. Note: A number of inventions involve inventors from multiple UC campuses. Activity statistics for these inventions are reported multiple times, once for each campus involved. Thus, for any given measure of activity, the sum of individual campus numbers may be greater than the systemwide totals reported elsewhere in this report. 16 Exhibit 22 FY07 CAMPUS FINANCIAL ACTIVITY* Year Ended June 30, 2008 (Thousands) Income from Royalties and Fees Less: Payments to Joint Holders Adjusted Gross Income (A) Legal and Other Direct Expenses Less: Reimbursements UCB UCD uci uclaucM ucr ucsb ucsc $5,195 $8,011 $4,694 $32,837 (47) (32) (173) (34) 5,148 7,979 4,521 (3,546) (2,962) (2,713) ucsd ucsf $250 $1,588 $3,880 $33 0 (3) (10) 0 (380) (5,436) 32,803 250 1,585 3,871 33 22,313 56,961 (12,822) (253) (653) (2,552) (166) (7,144) (5,278) $22,694 $62,397 2,464 1,122 1,724 4,879 62 650 2,107 85 7,284 3,983 (1,082) (1,841) (989) (7,943) (191) (3) (446) (81) 141 (1,295) 4,067 6,139 3,532 24,860 59 1,582 3,425 (48) 22,454 55,666 1,542 3,468 1,983 6,842 17 298 996 41 8,573 23,501 Research Allocation Share (D) 103 157 127 138 7 9 162 17 1,624 130 General Fund Share (E) 631 668 387 4,505 10 321 607 (22) 3,470 8,041 Income After Mandatory Distributions (F) 1,790 1,846 1,034 13,376 24 954 1,659 (84) 8,787 23,993 Total Income Distributions (C+D+E+F) 4,067 6,139 3,532 24,860 59 1,582 3,425 (48) 22,454 55,666 Net Legal Expenses (B) Income Available for Distribution (A+B) Income Distributions Inventor Shares (C) *Exhibit 22 only reports financial activity governed by the UC Patent Policy. Campus-based technology transfer offices also generate income through copyright licenses and material transfer agreements that are not covered by the UC Patent Policy. This income is not included in this report. 17 Technology Transfer Activity and Financial Information Part 2: The DOE Laboratory-managed Portfolios Part 2: The DOE Laboratory-Managed Portfolios Background Since 1988, technology transfer for the UC-managed US Department of Energy (DOE) Laboratories has been under the purview of Laboratory-based offices. In this fiscal year, we will be reporting on technology transfer activity at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). The technology transfer programs at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) will not be covered this year as LANL and LLNL are no longer under direct UC management. The licensing function at LBNL is managed within the context of a larger department responsible for fostering a variety of partnerships with industry. In addition to patent licensing, LBNL’s Department of Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management (TTIPM) directs substantial resources toward the licensing of software and the negotiation of material transfer agreements, nondisclosure agreements, interinstitutional agreements, and other agreements with industry and universities. TTIPM also manages the marketing and outreach efforts for LBNL inventions and includes an in-house patent staff. Although TTIPM manages most LBNL inventions, the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) within the Office of the President oversees a small portfolio of older inventions from the DOE Laboratories, including some inventions from LBNL. Most of these cases have co-inventors from the UC campuses. LBNL manages intellectual property in a way that is generally consistent with the principles and practices of the rest of UC. The primary differences are operational. For example, whereas OTT and campus offices contract with attorneys at outside law firms for all of their patent prosecution activity, LBNL files and prosecutes many of its US patents internally using in-house patent attorneys and agents, and contracts out only for selected matters, primarily for licensed cases and for foreign prosecution. In addition, LBNL operates on a federal fiscal year which ends September 30th in contrast to the June 30th end date for the fiscal year at OTT and the campus offices. Finally, as LBNL is not supported by the State of California, income generated by LBNL is not subject to the General Fund Share assessment. Information in this section pertains to the activities of the LBNL TTIPM unless noted otherwise. 18 Invention Disclosure, Patenting, and Licensing Activity In FY08, LBNL researchers disclosed 130 inventions and filed a total of 135 US patent applications. 18 US patents issued on LBNL inventions. LBNL completed 17 new options and licenses for patentable inventions and tangible research products (TRPs) in FY08, bringing the total number of active license and option agreements to 80 at the close of the fiscal year (Exhibit 23). Licensing of other types of intellectual property (e.g., copyrighted software) also represents a significant additional element of current licensing activity. Financial Results Exhibit 23 PATENTING AND LICENSING ACTIVITY: LBNL TTIPM Year Ended Sept. 30, 2008 Disclosure and Prosecution Inventions Reported US Applications Filed First Filings–Provisional First Filings–Regular Secondary Filings–Provisional Secondary Filings–Regular Total US Patents Issued First Foreign Filings Marketing and Licensing New Agreements Issued Secrecy Option License Total Active Agreements Option License FY07 FY08 %Change 126 130 3.2% 56 2 0 16 74 77 0 14 44 135 37.5% -100.0% N.A. 175.0% 82.4% 25 29 18 58 -28.0% 100.0% The portfolio managed at LBNL generated a total of $3.2 million in income during FY08, a decline of 0.1% over the prior year. Patent income for LBNL increased 8.0% as compared with FY07, while copyright income decreased by 28.5% (Exhibit 24). This does not include direct reimbursement of legal costs as described in the previous section regarding campus activities. Information on LBNL patenting and licensing expenses is not provided in this report. In-house patent expenses and operating expenses related to the licensing function are allowable costs under the University’s current contract with DOE and are not readily separable from other expenses of the TTIPM. Exhibit 24 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY: LBNL TTIPM* 201 2 3 202 9 8 0.5% 350.0% 166.7% 8 61 19 61 137.5% 0.0% Year ended September 30, 2008 (Thousands) FY07 Income from Royalties and Fees Patents and TRPs Copyrights/Software Total FY08 % Change $2,502 $716 $3,218 $2,702 $512 $3,214 Inventor /Author Shares Paid Patents & TRPs $796 Copyright/Software, Trademark, & Other $169 Total $965 N.A.** N.A.** N.A.** 8.0% -28.5% -0.1% *In addition to income reported in this table, the OTT-managed DOE portfolio collectively generated $4,621,227 in FY08 royalty and fee income, including $222,774 for LBNL inventions. **Starting FY08, payment of Inventor/Author Shares is deferred until the following year to match campus inventor share payment schedule. 19 Technology Transfer Organization at UC The UC Technology Transfer program operates under a model of distributed responsibilities and authorities that balances activities carried out at the central Office of Technology Transfer with those at the individual UC campuses and at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Under this approach, the campuses and LBNL develop and shape technology licensing programs to fit their unique needs as put forth in memoranda of understanding negotiated with the UC Office of the President (UCOP). In all instances, OTT retains responsibility for certain functions, such as policy development and guidance, legal oversight, legislative analysis, information management, and a variety of other services in support of the overall program. Internet links to UC OTT, campus and Laboratory-based technology transfer offices are provided below. UC Technology Transfer on the Web UC Office of the President: Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) http://www.ucop.edu/ott UC Berkeley: Office of Intellectual Property & Industry Research Alliances (IPIRA) http://ipira.berkeley.edu UC Davis: UC Davis InnovationAccess http://www.innovationaccess.ucdavis.edu UC Irvine: Office of Technology Alliances (OTA) http://www.ota.uci.edu UC Los Angeles: Office of Intellectual Property & Industry Sponsored Research (OIP-ISR) http://www.research.ucla.edu/oipa UC Merced: Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) http://research.ucmerced.edu UC Riverside: Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) http://www.ora.ucr.edu/ip UC Santa Barbara: Office of Technology & Industry Alliances (TIA) http://research.ucsb.edu/tech_transfer UC Santa Cruz: Office for Management of Intellectual Property (OMIP) http://research.ucsc.edu/intel_prop.html UC San Diego: Technology Transfer Office (TTO) http://invent.ucsd.edu UC San Francisco: Office of Technology Management (OTM) http://www.otm.ucsf.edu Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Technology Transfer & Intellectual Property Management (TTIPM) http://www.lbl.gov/Tech-Transfer Industry-University Cooperative Research Program (IUCRP) http://ucdiscoverygrant.org 20 University of California Office of Technolgy Transfer 1111 Franklin Street, 5th Floor Oakland, CA 94607-5200