SSN EB MEETING AGENDA Nov 5, 2014 Gayle Ta absent Submitted by Kim Kane I. ANNOUNCEMENTS & BUSINESS (15 min) Pancake breakfast Wait until next year to have info about SSN at the breakfast Polls – Katherine will investigate ways to poll members for surveys and elections. Ideas briefly discussed were Google Docs, One Drive created in Excel, Survey Monkey. Article write up for SSN Kate will check into this. Find out from Gayle name of contact. New room for meetings? Kim will ask Krista at HDH if she knows of rooms that are available and come up with a list of potential meeting rooms. Find out from Sara if the SRC students could book us a room in the PC for the SSN. Need to find out if the SSN qualifies under “Department” to book certain rooms for free in the PC. File sharing? Google Docs Funding update Sasha has a call into Glynda to ask why we did not get staff association funding. Do they have a list of who receives funding? Sara may be able to help with funding, we need to send her our budget request. II. SSN Logo (5 min) Vote – Sasha will send out logos to the EB so we can vote on our favorites. At our next open meeting ask members to vote on the top picks. III. REVIEW 1ST YEAR GOALS (30 min) What do we need to do to reach our goals? How will we plan and execute our events – At our next meeting ask for volunteer(s) to do event planning for the SSN. Start scheduling events o First one is a farm tour – Mark will check with Jennifer from Garden of Eden, to see if we could organize a farm tour at a farm within 60-90 minutes of campus. If not check with other CSAs in the area, Suzie’s was mentioned. As time allows: -SSN info handouts for events Printed on used paper bags from stores? Or whatever other goose paper people have? Or on flower seeds. Did not have time to discuss -Corporate members/partners Like Jennifer from Garden of Eden A question was asked if we have department memberships, at this time we do not have a system for that, so we will encourage staff to register individually. May revisit this issue later. Brian will send Sasha and Mark ideas for a tiered system for corporate members. o Our tiers could include names like seedling member, tree and forest members -Non-UCSD staff at events Students, non-UCSD Did not have time to discuss -Social media update – Did not have time to discuss, Katherine will email us an update To-dos Decided to focus on a Linked In page for SSN first. Katherine has set up Linked In page. Write up blurb about SSN event’s and ask that it be added as a Blink Teaser/This Week at UCSD Kate Other: At our open meeting on November 20th Sasha will ask members if anyone has a centrally located room that we could host our SSN events in. Ask for volunteers for event planning for SSN. Ask for volunteer for communication – Kate will be out starting on March 12. In the future, have an open forum at the beginning of each open meeting and ask attendees if they have ideas, issues or questions that they want to discuss with the group. o Another idea would be that staff could talk about sustainable projects they are working on with their jobs. A report from someone in HDH on what new things they were doing. Working Groups: Next EB meeting discuss working groups for members, for example on transportation, recycling, and other green topics. At each meeting we could have a report from each groups on any updates. The EB needs to come up with guidelines for the working groups. We want to empower people to work on issues that are important to them. Sasha would like to work on a benefits booklet for members that would include discounts to restaurants and other green businesses. Ask for volunteers to help. Staff Projects, once we have money to fund staff projects members could bring forth their ideas for a project in their work area, and the members could vote on what project receives the money. Fundraising Kate suggested we ask Jennifer at Garden of Eden if we could invite members to do a work day at the farm and then she would donate x number of dollars to the SSN. Mark will talk with Jennifer about fundraising possibilities. Mark suggested we have a “donate to us” button on the webpage, for people who might want to donate. A PayPal account needs to be set up they take 2.2% of money. In the future once we have many of these issues figured out, at the EB meeting each member will report on what is going on with their role. For example, the membership chair will update us on the number of members and anything else they want to share.