General Education Task Force II Phase I: Conceptual Framework (Draft)

General Education
Task Force II
Phase I: Conceptual Framework (Draft)
Presentation for Faculty Conference
January 16, 2014
Task Force Members
Ed Shannon, Chair (SSHGS)  Paula Straile-Costa (DAC)
Christina Connor (LIB)
Seth Cluett (GECCo)
Carol Bowman (SSHS)
Eric Daffron (Vice-Provost)
Jackie Skrzynski (CA)
Emma Rainforth (ARC)
Alex Olbrecht (ASB)
Frank Albergo (Student rep)
Larry D’Antonio (TAS)
Phase I: Develop
Conceptual Framework
Initial charge for the end of Fall 2013 semester:
 Explore best practices, national trends, and local
 Develop a conceptual framework in response to
the following:
 Purpose of Ramapo’s GE
 GE’s guiding fundamental principles
 GE as inspiration for life-long learning
 Fulfillment of Ramapo’s Mission
Survey Methods/Results
 Solicited over 100 individual answers to the
 Interviewed some key focus groups on campus:
 Conveners, Deans Council, FRC, Student Affairs,
Admissions, Enrollment Management,
Honors/LLC/FYS, Current GE Coordinators, CAAFYE,
faculty from all five schools (ASB, SSHGS, SSHS, CA,
 Collected, read, and evaluated over 30 GE
models and conceptual frameworks from other
Interpreting the Data
 Data read and organized by
 Members of the task force
 Kristen Kenneavy’s Sociology Students
(processed the results using SPSS)
 Recurring themes were identified to
help shape the conceptual framework
Themes that Emerged
 Well-Roundedness: breath of knowledge and
experience; emotional intelligence; compassion
 Exploration/Flexibility: pivot, adaptability; curiosity;
 Strong Academic Skills: foundations;
communications; critical thinking; math; reading;
abilities and understandings; empathy; information
 Diversity: active citizenship; compassion; open-
mindedness; humanity; knowledge of cultures, art,
etc. other than one’s own
Goals For Drafting the
Conceptual Framework
 Honor themes that emerged from the survey.
 Present a case for the value of GE in a tone that is
inviting to both students and faculty, using
language that can be understood on and off
 Used off-campus models to evaluate optimal tone.
 Convey a sense of how a program rooted in the
Liberal Arts integrates itself into the curriculum as a
whole: majors, minors, concentrations, study
abroad, certifications, etc.
Discussion on
Conceptual Framework
 Please share!
Moving forward
 Beginning of Spring 2014 semester:
 Use feedback from Faculty Conference to refine
the conceptual framework
 Begin the next phase our charge: drafting student
learning goals and outcomes
Phase II: Task Force Charge
 By end of the Spring 2014 semester review & revise current
GE student learning goals and outcomes in the context of
the conceptual framework and the following questions :
Do current goals & outcomes reflect what we want Ramapo
students to know & be able to do?
What does assessment of current GE say about current
learning goals & outcomes?
Do goals & outcomes align with the conceptual framework?
Are the student learning outcomes measurable?
 What fundamental principles will guide this structure?
 How might goals & outcomes be assessed?
Thank you!
 If you have additional comments and feedback –
please pass them on to your unit representative or
the task force chair, Edward Shannon
 For updates and a copy of the presentation, please
visit the GE Task Force II website: