WCU’s SACS QEP Quality Enhancement Plan The HIA Experience Irene Mueller, EdD, RHIA Mary Teslow, MLIS, RHIA College of Health & Human Sciences August 13, 2008 SACS Cycle 10-year timeframe Compliance & QEP QEP Assessment ongoing Units and Students University as a whole Progress Report at the 5th year - 2012 Final report 10th year Next SACS Review 2017 New QEP 2 WCU Quality Enhancement Plan 2007: accreditation from SACS-COC 10 year cycle, reporting at year 5 QEP topic (Undergraduate Only) Synthesis: A Pathway to Intentional Learning. QEP Committees Irene – served on SACS Mary – serves on Technology 3 Synthesis Definition The ability to integrate knowledge from different areas into an integrated, original whole Impact Is now the driving framework for teaching and learning at WCU. 4 QEP Framework Fosters synthesis across disciplines coordinating curricular and co-curricular experiences to facilitate students’ development of a clearer purpose at the university. The outcome of the plan will be students who are intentional participants in their own learning. 5 QEP Learning Goal #1 Students will apply the synthesis concept in key decision-making. Specifically, students will: A. formulate a learning plan that integrates academic/student life and post-graduation goals, B. demonstrate synthesis in key curricular and co-curricular decisions. 6 QEP Learning Goal #2 Students will reflect on their progress through the university experience, maintaining an integrated approach to learning. Specifically, students will: A. connect the academic and student life components of their university experience, B. refine their learning plan in light of those connections. 7 QEP Learning Goal #3 Students will evaluate their university experience in relation to their future education and career plans. Specifically, students will: 8 A. communicate the connections between the university experience and future education and career plans, B. review and revise their “Education Briefcase” to create appropriate documents … in preparation for life after university. Implementation Coordinated by Carol Burton Asst. Vice Chancellor, Undergraduate Studies Will Impact Academics, faculty and advisors Residential Life Service Learning Student Leadership Career Planning/Education 9 QEP Timeline (SACS 10-year cycle) 10 4 academic programs are piloting Health Information Administration (HIA) Recreation Therapy, Chemistry, History 2007-2008 Planning by pilot programs, others 2008-2009 Implementation by pilot programs, others Planning by all undergrad components 2009-2010 Implementation across campus Education Briefcase An e-portal through which students will be able to interact with faculty, advisors, and career counselors; it is the literal manifestation of the students’ learning plan Microsoft SharePoint Pilot Programs 2008-09 Starts with Fall 2009 freshmen Students “own” their Briefcase 11 HIA Pilot Program Goal To integrate WCU’s QEP goals throughout the upper-division professional sequence To address several current concerns Professional expectations Professional behaviors Professional products 12 HIA will focus only on the following QEP learning goals In the Junior Year, students will: Connect the academic and student life components of their experience Refine their learning plan 13 HIA will focus only on the following QEP learning goals In the Senior Year, students will: Communicate the connections between their university experiences and their future education and career plans, and Review and revise their learning/career plan. 14 QEP-related Activities in HIA Should meet several goals, including Related to healthcare Application of professional behaviors and attitudes Application of interpersonal communication skills, and Experience working in teams 15 Examples of HIA Activities 16 AHIMA student membership Business Etiquette Dinners and Receptions Allied Health Career Day Haunted Moore Hall project management and teamwork Red Cross Blood Drive sponsorship HSCC 101 fitness assessment data recorders Personal Health Record (MyPHR) presentations PPE (clinical) courses QEP-related curriculum structure 1-credit course in each of first 3 semesters Relate other courses to activities Exploring, Applying Self-SOAP Notes about activities Reflecting and Connecting 17 Self-SOAP Notes Standard healthcare documentation method adapted for self-reflection Subjective Objective Assessment Plan Also connects / integrates professional content with personal context 18 eBriefcase Artifact Examples 19 Research Papers Myers-Briggs Personality Type Technology assignments Self-SOAP notes and other reflection Resumes, evolving over time Perfect Interview responses Performance evaluations WCU’s QEP Quality Enhancement Plan The HIA Experience Posted in H:/HHS/Share in a new QEP Folder QEP Pilot Programs: HIA & RT Presentations FEEd: Faculty Education & Enrichment day WCU – University Center Tuesday, September 23rd