2013/14 Budget Outlook April 30, 2013 ~ Budget Planning Assumptions Overview The focus of the campus budget process is on core funds provided by the State or generated by the University. These funds represent approximately one-fourth of the total receipts and are the focus of allocation decisions made during the annual UCSD Budget Process. Core funds include the following fund sources: • State and UC General (includes Non-resident Supplemental Tuition); • Tuition (Education, Professional Degree Supplemental) and Fees (Student Service, Summer Session); and • Overhead Recovery (Research: Off-the-Top, Opportunity, Educational Funds; and Auxiliary SelfSupporting Activity: Administrative, Differential Income Funds). Most of the remaining funds, while significant and essential components of the UCSD enterprise, are largely special purpose funds that are designated in purpose. Some major examples are: Federal Funds (i.e, federal-sponsored grants); Private Gifts, Grants and Contracts; and Sales and Services of Teaching Hospitals, Auxiliary Enterprises and Educational Activities. Core funds are used to support core campus operations including mandatory fixed cost, as well as program growth or strategic investments. To assist in the campus’ multi-year planning efforts, this paper presents a 3-year outlook of core resources and the mandatory costs and priority investments that require core funding. Attachment 1 Budget Outlook The Budget Outlook displays the campus’ annual incremental core resources and core-funded expenditures estimated for 2012/13 and projected for years 2013/14 thru 2015/16. Resources reflect annual incremental revenues generated by the campus whereas expenditures reflect annual incremental mandatory costs or current or existing priority investments. Assumptions for all revenues and expenditures are listed below. I. Core Resources Available In the next three years, the campus is expected to generate an increase of $118.6M in core revenues, 50% or $58.9M of this in 2013/14. Much of this growth is based on the assumption that the State will fund a new multi-year agreement with the university, as well as growth in non-resident enrollment income. a. State General Funds • With the passage of Proposition 30, beginning in 2013/14 the Governor has proposed $256M for UC for the following: - $125M to offset a foregone 6% student fee increase in 2012/13; - $125M for a 5% increase to UC base budget (includes state funded debt service); annual increases of 5/4/4 percent thereafter; - $6.4M for Annuitant Health Care. Page 1 of 4 • • Of the $256M available, an estimated $230M will be allocated to campuses (some distributed via rebenching model); remaining funding held for priority funding to include $10M for online education incentives. UCSD share of state funding estimated to be $28M in 2013/14, decreasing to $17M and $14M in the following years. b. Student Tuition and Fee Funds • There are no fee increases projected for 2013/14 through 2015/16. Attachment 2. • Revenue projections are caused by growth in enrollment as reflected on c. Indirect Cost Recovery - Research (Opportunity, Off-the-Top & Educational Funds) • Federal: Projected decline in research funding of 1.7% annually (8.5% reduction spread over 5 years) due to sequestration, based on analysis from American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). • State: Annual projected adjustments of -5.2%, -19.5% and 1%. Decline in State research due to uncertainty in funding levels from California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). • Private/Local: Projected annual increases of 7.3%, based on 5-year historical averages. • Clinical Trial: Projected annual increases of 5.7%, based on 5-year historical averages. d. Indirect Cost Recovery - Auxiliary and Self-Supporting Activities (ASSA) • Administrative Overhead: In 2012/13, the final $5.6M of the $14.5M generated on campus was recorded as permanent ($8.9M made permanent in prior year). No additional growth projected. • Differential Income: In 2013/14 the campus will record the entire $1.7M generated as permanent. e. Other Revenues • Annual $200k increases for application fees based 5% revenue growth assumptions for UG and no change for Grad/Prof. II. Expenditures The campus continues to recognize and fund mandatory costs. After 5-years of State budget reductions, the campus is not forecasting any further state budget reductions. However, mandatory compensation costs continue to require approximately $30M annually, accounting for 75% of the projected mandatory costs (or $93M of $124M total mandatory costs) over the next three years. a. Fixed Salary and Benefit Costs • Funds are provided to the campus to support inflationary salary and benefit costs for employee positions paid with Core funds. - Salary cost estimates include the annual academic merit program, collectively bargained wage increases (typically range and step), and UC-wide merit or range increases approved by OP for policy covered staff. The current estimate for the next three years is a 4.4% annual weighted-average increased cost to campus and Medical Center. - Benefit cost estimates include the related payroll tax benefits (referred to as variable benefits) on salary increases as well as annual increases for health and welfare program Page 2 of 4 costs (referred to as fixed benefits). The active employee health insurance program represents approximately 80% of these costs and is estimated to increase 3.5% annually. Retiree, or annuitant, health is included in the variable benefits. b. UCRP Employer Costs • Employer contribution rates are reflected in the table below, highlighted in yellow for planning years. Beginning in 2012/13, reimbursed costs are for all core funded personnel. FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 4.00% 7.70% 10.63% 12.65% 15.00% 17.10% Cumulative Increases Employer • • 4.00% Employee 2.00% 2.00% 3.50% 5.00% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% Total 6.00% 6.00% 11.20% 15.63% 19.15% 21.50% 23.60% Effective July 1, 2013, an additional tier is created for UCRP. Employees newly hired, or rehired, on or after that date will contribute 7% of eligible payroll. UC contributes the same percentage for all employees, regardless of tier. It is anticipated that FY 2016/17 will be the last year of incremental increase to the employer contribution rate, resulting in steady state for future years. c. UCOP Assessment • Funds campus’ share of UC’s operating budget. Budget Outlook reflects assessment related to core funded activity (which was ~47% of total assessment in 2012/13). • Assessment funded centrally in 2011/12. Beginning in 2012/13, both revenue and costs of assessment are decentralized and distributed to Major Business Units. For out years, Outlook reflects annual incremental share for core-funded activity. • Assumes 3% annual growth. d. “Off the Top Arrangements – ICR” • Incremental “off the top” research facility funding arrangement costs >$500k include: - 2013/14: Biomedical Research Facility ($4.5M); Sanford ($3M); CTRI ($2.5M); VCHS Lease Arrangements ($1.7M); CMME ($.8M); MESOM ($.7M). - 2014/15: Biomedical Research Facility ($3.1M); MESOM ($.5M). - 2015/16: Biomedical Research Facility ($1.2M). e. Financial Aid • Projected Financial Aid is based on a Return to Aid (RTA) component Tuition and fees based on table below: Return To Aid Percentage by Tuition/Fee Source Undergraduate Graduate Academic Professional Tuition Student Services Fee (1) Per Unit Fee FWS FWS Summer FWS FWS Summer 33 50 33 33 50 33 30 47 47 N/A N/A 33 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A Professional (PDST) Nonresident (NRST) (1) RTA is calculated only on increase beginning Fall, 2011. No RTA prior to that date. Page 3 of 4 f. Priority Investments • Includes costs for those priority programs and other campus investments currently identified, but not funded by Campuswide resources. In 2013/14, program costs include: - Faculty Recruitment and Retention ($4M); - Graduate Student Support ($3.6M); - Research Cyber-infrastructures - RCI ($2.5M); - Electronic Research Administration Program - eRAP ($1.1M); - Instructional Technology ($4M); - UCSD Stem Cell Program ($2M); - Information Systems ($1M); - Early Childhood Education Center ($760k). Page 4 of 4 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ Footnotes: $ $ $ $ $ 46.1 52.3 $ (6.1) $ 49.9 2.2 47.7 $ $ 4.0 16.7 $ (12.8) $ 18.5 18.3 0.3 0.3 - - $ $ 50.1 69.0 (18.9) 68.4 20.5 48.0 3.0 4.4 9.8 20.4 10.4 49.5 5.6 2.7 $ $ $ $ 57.5 46.1 11.4 47.6 - 47.6 13.2 4.9 8.5 0.6 20.4 59.0 1.8 0.2 (0.3) - 23.0 0.9 1.1 4.4 2.1 2.9 28.0 11.0 1.9 14.5 0.9 1.0 - $ $ 6.9 0.1 $ $ $ $ $ $ - - - - - - - - - $ $ $ $ 31.1 50.1 $ (19.0) $ 19.0 19.0 2013/14 1-time 88.6 96.2 (7.6) 66.6 19.0 47.6 13.2 4.9 8.5 0.6 20.4 59.0 1.8 0.2 (0.3) - 11.0 1.9 14.5 0.9 1.0 - 28.0 Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 51.7 57.5 $ (5.8) $ 39.6 - 39.6 3.3 3.9 10.4 0.7 21.4 33.9 0.2 (1.2) - 6.6 1.3 6.0 3.2 0.6 - 17.0 Perm - - - - - - $ $ $ $ 74.7 88.6 $ (13.9) $ 13.9 13.9 - - - 126.4 146.1 (19.7) 53.5 13.9 39.6 3.3 3.9 10.4 0.7 21.4 33.9 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 40.9 51.7 $ - - - - - - $ $ $ $ 117.0 126.4 $ (9.4) $ 9.4 9.4 - - - 2015/16 1-time (10.8) $ 36.7 - 36.7 1.0 2.5 10.3 0.7 22.3 25.9 0.2 0.2 5.1 0.0 3.1 2.0 0.5 - 14.3 0.8 - $ $ Perm (1.2) - 6.6 1.3 6.0 3.2 0.6 - 17.0 Total 157.9 178.1 (20.2) 46.1 9.4 36.7 1.0 2.5 10.3 0.7 22.3 25.9 $ $ $ 5/3/2013 N/A N/A (5.2) 123.9 - 123.9 17.4 11.2 29.2 1.9 64.1 118.7 1.8 0.6 0.2 22.7 3.2 23.5 6.0 2.1 - 59.3 (0.6) - $ $ 3-Year Total Perm 0.8 - 5.1 0.0 3.1 2.0 0.5 - 14.3 Total (1) Annual State funding includes: 12/13, net share of UC's $94M and 2011/12 'trigger' reduction of $100M; 13/14, share of UC's $256M (includes 12/13 fee buyout and 5% growth to UC's state funding base); 14/15-15/16, share of 5% / 4% growth to UC's state funding base. (2) Gross Tuition/Fee Income (2012/13, net of RTA with separate revenue line for Aid). Beginning in 2012/13, includes annual growth of NR-students of 834, 705, 252, 157 FTE; also includes small annual adjustments to Res-students. Source: Nov 2012 RBT. (3) Indirect cost recovery is reflected in the year it is generated; although is allocated in arrears. 2012/13 should be the last year of ARRA ICR generated. (4) ASSA recovery of $5.6M is recorded as permanent in 12/13, creating a permanent campus resource of $14.5M. (5) Additional campus revenues include: 2012/13, on-going - Postdoc Fellows ($.1M); Temporary - UCOP funding ($1.8M), Application fees ($.7M), 2013/14, Includes Application Fees ($.2M on-going). (6) Beginning 12/13 reflects funding for all core funded personnel. Assumes: 2.5% avg. academic merit; 3.5% for fixed benefits; various % levels for bargained units; 3% merit for non-represented staff and academics. (7) Beginning April 2010, employer rates are set at 4% of covered payroll. Acceleration of employer contributions to UCRP: 2011/12 @ 7.7%; 2012/13 @ 10.6%; 2013/14 @ 12.7%; 2014/15 @ 15.0%; 2015/16 @ 17.1%. Beginning in 2012/13, assumes cost for core funded personnel. (9) ICR directed to "Off the Top" arrangements. (10) 12/13, on-going includes PDST flow thru to SOM, Scripps SOP, Rady and IRPS, and $1.2M to VC Student Affairs. Temporary allocations provided for FR&R ($4M, 12/13-15/16), Graduate Student Support ($3.6M, 12/13-15/16), Instructional Technology ($3M, 12/13; $4M, 13/14); RCI ($2M, 11/12-12/13; $2.5M 13/14-14/15; ); eRAP ($1.1M, 13/14); UCSD Stem Cell Program ($2M, 12/13-15/16); Information Systems ($1M, 12/13-15/16); ECEC ($760k, 12/13-15/16). (11) In 12/13, on-going includes resources from UC Funding Streams Initiative returned from UCOP plus additional ICR and Tuition funds retained by campus for UC Tax ($33.8M); $2.7M in Ed Tuition; prior year ICR generated but not allocated ($15.8M). 12/13 one-time funding from ICR generated in 11/12 and not allocated ($12.7M); ASSA funds ($3.7M) and $336k carrforward from 11/12 Resource Allocations. ADJUSTED NET AVAILABLE Available Carryforward Balances (11) ANNUAL NET AVAILABLE (Shortfall) Priority Investments (10) 3.0 4.1 9.8 20.4 ICR for "Off the Top Arrangements" (9) Financial Aid 10.4 5.7 2.6 5.6 0.1 43.8 2.9 2.1 - 0.3 $ $ Perm 2014/15 1-time Total 2012/13 1-time 6.9 23.0 0.9 1.1 4.1 0.1 UCRP employer costs (7) UCOP Assessment (Core Funded Activity) Subtotal $ $ Perm Fixed salary & benefit costs (6) Mandatory Costs EXPENDITURES RESOURCES AVAILABLE (SHORTFALL) Student Tution/Fee Income (2) Education Tuition Summer Tuition Non-resident Supplemental Tuition Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition Student Services Fee Financial Aid (Various Tuition/Fee Sources) Research Overhead Cost Recovery(3) Campus ICR ARRA ICR ASSA Overhead Cost Recovery - Campus Distribution(4) Other Revenues (5) State Education Appropriation (1) ANNUAL CORE RESOURCES AVAILABLE Outlook - Projections Estimated Strategic Objective: Manage core budget resources AND expenditures over a multi-year period, in a balanced manner, that allow for continued strategic investment in campus priorities and new initiatives. Increase and expand revenue streams; contain or reduce costs with program streamlining/redesign, restructuring and consolidations, workload efficiencies. (Millions) UC San Diego Budget Outlook: 2012/13 thru 2015/16 KEY ASSUMPTIONS 2013/14 - State provides 6% fee buyout from 12/13 . No fee increase in 13/14. - State provides 5% growth to UC state funding base. Out-years - In 14/15 & 15/16, State provides annual growth of 5% and 4% annually to UC State funding base; no fee increases. 1 29,611 1,770 250 35 695 35 755 27,841 2,453 1,294 170 170 4,087 30,765 1,785 250 35 695 35 770 28,980 2,518 1,311 178 173 4,180 21,700 3,100 24,800 31,467 1,805 263 37 710 30 765 29,662 2,728 1,394 235 205 4,562 21,800 3,300 25,100 2014/15 Projected FTE2 31,467 3,300 1,431 235 4,966 21,800 2,991 945 765 26,501 2014/15 Projected FTE2 31,935 1,825 273 37 710 30 775 30,110 2,807 1,443 247 213 4,710 22,000 3,400 25,400 2015/16 Projected FTE2 31,935 3,400 1,480 243 5,123 22,000 3,080 957 775 26,812 2015/16 Projected FTE2 Attachment 2 R:\Cross Over Functions\Long-Range Budget Projection\2013-14 LRBP 3-year Projection Model - May13.xlsx Actual 2011/12 from August 2012 RBT 10/18 and Estimated Actual 2012/13 from November 2012 RBT10/18 with adjustments to Grad Prof based on report frm C. Hurley on 1/19/2013. 29,859 1,712 235 27 691 28 731 28,147 2,440 1,194 198 169 4,001 21,279 2,475 23,754 2013/14 Projected FTE2 2012/13 Estimated Actual FTE1 2011/12 Actual FTE1 22,389 1,757 24,146 30,765 3,100 1,346 208 4,654 21,700 2,768 873 770 26,111 2013/14 Projected FTE2 29,611 2,475 1,329 205 4,009 21,279 2,703 865 755 25,602 2012/13 Estimated Actual FTE1 29,859 1,757 1,221 197 3,175 22,389 2,675 889 731 26,684 2011/12 Actual FTE1 Enrollment data from updated LREP summary report "UCSD Undergraduate Enrollments" dated 2/22/12 and LREP Table 1A "General Campus StateSupported Graduate Enrollments" dated 2/14/12 presented to Enrollment Planning Committee updated with February 14, 2013 RBT 18A and 18C 2 Total UCSD Total Health Sciences Health Sciences Graduate Academic Resident Graduate Academic Nonresident Graduate Professional Resident Graduate Professional Nonresident Medical House Staff (pays no fees) Total General Campus Graduate Academic Resident Graduate Academic Nonresident Graduate Professional Resident Graduate Professional Nonresident Total Graduate Enrollment by Campus Unit: General Campus Undergraduate Resident Undergraduate Nonresident Total Undergraduate Total UCSD Total Nonresident Nonresident Enrollment Undergrad Graduate Academic Graduate Professional Total Resident Resident Enrollment Undergrad Graduate Academic Graduate Professional Medical House Staff (pays no fees) Enrollment by Resident/Nonresident: UCSD Enrollment Summary