Checklist to assist in identifying the type of adjustments that can be made to meet the HSE Management Standards Ref ……………………………… Standard to aim for Potential adjustments to meet the standard: DEMANDS Can the task be Employees indicate redesigned? that they are able to Can adjustments be cope with the made to the working demands1 of their hours or patterns? jobs; and Can changes be made Systems are in place locally to respond to to the way resources are managed or any individual allocated? concerns. Can further training be provided? Can changes be made to the work environment? Other? CONTROL Employees indicate that they are able to have a say about the way they do their work; and Systems are in place locally to respond to any individual concerns 1 ……………………………… if relevant Agreed action: Can the job design be altered to give more control over pace or organisation of the work? Can adjustments be made to the working hours or patterns? Are employees encouraged to develop new skills and use initiative? Can further training be provided? Other? Further advice on support for disabled staff can be sought from UCL’s Equal Opportunities Co-ordinator Review date: Standard to aim for Potential adjustments to meet the standard: SUPPORT Are opportunities Employees indicate available to raise and that they receive resolve issues2? adequate Are systems in place information and to give and receive support from their regular feedback3? colleagues and Does the employee superiors; and Systems are in place know how to access locally to respond to UCL policies and procedures relevant any individual to their concerns? concerns. Does the employee know how to access the resources necessary to do their job? Can further training be provided? Does the employee know how to access support systems provided by UCL4? Other? Role Employees indicate that they understand their role and responsibilities and Systems are in place locally to respond to any individual concerns. if relevant Agreed action: Are opportunities available to raise and resolve issues5? Can the job design be altered to provide better role clarity and ensure conflicting demands are minimised? Are systems in place to clarify expectations? E.g. Team meetings, regular ‘one to one’ meetings UCL Policy on Appraisal and staff review 4 UCL Employee Assistance Programme, Counselling Service, Unions, Departmental Equal Opportunities Liaison Officers, Harassment Advisers 5 E.g. Team meetings, regular ‘one to one’ meetings 2 3 Review date: Are systems in place to give and receive regular feedback6? Other? Standard to aim for Potential adjustments to meet the standard: Relationships Are opportunities Employees indicate available to raise and that they are not resolve issues7? subjected to Is conflict identified unacceptable and addressed at an behaviours, e.g. early stage? bullying at work; and Systems are in place Does the employee locally to respond to know how to access UCL policies and any individual procedures relevant concerns to their concerns? Does the employee know how to access support systems provided by UCL8? Other? Change Employees indicate that the organisation engages them frequently when undergoing an organisational change; and Systems are in place locally to respond to any individual concerns. 6 Agreed action: Are employees consulted on proposed changes in a timely manner where possible? Is the employee provided with further information to help understand the reasons for change, if required? Are systems in place to provide employees with information on the probable impact of change on their jobs? Are systems in place UCL Policy on Appraisal and staff review E.g. Team meetings, regular ‘one to one’ meetings UCL Employee Assistance Programme, Counselling Service, Unions, Departmental Equal Opportunities Liaison Officers, Harassment Advisers 7 8 Review date: to make employees aware of timescales for change? Can further training be provided? Does the employee know how to access support systems provided by UCL9? Other? 9 UCL Employee Assistance Programme, Counselling Service, Unions, DEOLOs, Harassment Advisers