Deans’ Council Meeting October 17, 2013

Deans’ Council Meeting
October 17, 2013
Attendees: B. Barnett, E. Daffron, E. Saiff, L. Chakrin, S. Rosenberg, S. Perry, C. Romano, L.
Siecke and Guests: B. Levy, and Professors M. Santamaria Laorden and A. DeGroot.
B. Levy and International Committee
Reviewed the Mission of the Committee.
Working on data gathering through faculty/staff and eventually students survey
Had 11 focus groups to talk about issues that might have been raised through data.
Currently working on draft recommendation plan – activities/goals and how to assess
and resources needed.
Developing a diverse global community at Ramapo – providing opportunities for
increased global engagement for faculty and staff.
Would like to increase the number of International foreign students.
Looking to have an international freshman dorm.
Would also like to develop effective global and communication skills as well as:
Expand foreign language program at Ramapo.
Strengthen and refine intercultural communication skills
Prepare students for global work force and living in global society,
Increase international internships.
Support international travel for students, faculty and staff –
Develop institutional resources to provide for risk mitigation training.
Discussion on expanding the language requirement – and offering different types of programs
like winter or Saturday sessions.
E. Saiff – Conveners
There is currently no mechanism for conveners to get in contact with all majors or send
attachments. E. Saiff has been working with ITS to try to create an easier system for conveners
to access their students.
E. Daffron – Program Reviews
The Program Review template is being revised.
Comments on template are to be sent to E. Daffron.
Lots of the data for program reviews will be input by IR, but some information will be
provided by convening groups.
E. Daffron/E. Rainforth – Focus Groups
Both E. Daffron and E. Rainforth are on the Gen Ed Task Force II – which is trying to develop
a conceptual framework of general education at Ramapo College.
Various constituent groups at Ramapo have been asked for their feedback on what they feel
General Education should do, or what is the big picture. The following are questions that were
asked of the deans and a summary of answers:
1. At an ideal Ramapo college if a perspective student/an or parent came to visit and asked
why does Ramapo offer a General Education program what would you say?
Students should be able to think critically
Be able to work within a team
Express themselves verbally and in writing and be able to reason
Develop Foundational skills – higher level thinking skills.
Know how to work in a global economy
Understand structure and framework for information
2. What’s the relationship between General Education and the Major?
 It contextualizes your discipline within the world of disciplines
 It broadens your perspective.
3. How should General Education at Ramapo prepare students for future and post-grad
 It would instill in students a hunger for lifelong learning
4. What kind of awakening experience would you like for students to have at Ramapo
 To discover what they love and are good at.
 Discovering that producing work can be satisfying and rewarding
C. Romano – Presented Admitted Student Questionnaire – Part II
This questionnaire compared Ramapo against 6 competitors Rowan, Seton Hall, William
Paterson, The College of NJ, Montclair and Rutgers University.
Questionnaire is completed by students who did not choose Ramapo and asks what are their
perceptions of other places compared to Ramapo:
Ramapo ranked lowest out of six schools for academic and social standing.
Other institutions outrank Ramapo in quality of majors and cost of attendance.
They also provide hard data on career path of their graduates.
Ramapo needs a common area for students to meet.
This discussion will be brought to cabinet.
Other Information
E. Daffron and C. Romano are trying to collect articulation agreements with other institutions
trying to unify them and putting them on a P Drive for easy access. Deans should forward all
information even if they think it may already be on file.