Provost’s Council Minutes Held: October 25, 2012

Provost’s Council Minutes
Held: October 25, 2012
Attendance: E. Daffron, B. Barnett, M. Cammarata, P. Rice, C. Morris, H. Nejad, G.
Khanaja, J.Jeney, P. Tabback, D. Crawley, J. Connell, E. Rainforth, S. Rosenberg, E.
Saiff, L. Chakrin, E. Siecke, S. Perry, B. Levy, L. Weems and C. Romano.
B. Barnett called meeting to order and proceeded to discuss policies.
Policy 300-BB – Minimum Terminal Degree Requirements
Points to be discussed: was it necessary to have five years of relevant experience to teach
an undergraduate course. Three years of experience for graduate teaching was agreed
Use of the word terminal degree vs. doctoral degree.
Policy changed to read: ….to teach graduate courses offered by an academic unit, the
minimum academic and experiential qualifications are a Master’s degree and three (3)
years of experience in a relevant field or a doctoral degree is preferred.
The line Exceptions may be made by the Provost upon recommendation of the Dean was
moved to the Procedures.
# 2 - Reason for Policy –Add minimum before terminal degree requirements.
#4. - Related Documents – add the policy that lists terminal degrees.
Faculty assembly requested that policy be held for future consideration, will be reviewed
at future provost’s council meeting.
1st line change to Prior to an adjunct receiving a teaching contract….
Suggestion to review procedure with corrections with affirmative action.
Other minor corrections noted to procedure.
Policy 300-EE – Student Classification on Admission
B. Levy would like to add an additional classification for visiting students.
Council recommended that admissions work with the Registrar’s office to develop a code
for visiting students.
Policy approved unanimously.
Policy 300-FF – Application for Transferring Academic Credit –
Change title to Transferring Academic Credit
Under Policy: Change Ramapo College also accepts credits to “may accept credit”
Questions about study abroad and transfer students and wording.
B. Barnett recommended that the policy be held and be sent back to Enrollment
Management for reworking.
Issue about accepting credits and if there is a general rule or expiration date.
Somewhere in procedures need to incorporate what our practices are in place regarding
aging out of credits. A clarification of this practice was requested.
It was decided that this policy will be held over to the next Provost’s Council meeting.
Policy 300-GG – Independent Study
Changes noted: Change title to Independent Study (from studies and capitalize within the
policy. Change order in To Whom doe the policy apply.
Reason for policy changed to: To codify independent study options
Procedure - Changes noted to paragraphs 2, 3 and 6.
The Provost suggested the policy and procedure be reviewed by ARC and Graduate
Council. Will come back to Provost’s Council for future review.
Policy 300-HH – Title change – to Teaching Overload
Reason for Policy: add resources after effective use of faculty.
To Whom Does the Policy Apply: remove adjuncts.
Related Documents: Add Board Policy that allows professional staff to teach one course
a semester.
Procedure – wording changes and addition of respective in place of school dean.
Reword last paragraph concerning Form 13B.
This policy will be brought to faculty assembly before being voted on by provost’s