1 Attendance: E. Daffron, B. Barnett, M. Cammarata, P. Rice, C.... Khanaja, J.Jeney, P. Tabback, D. Crawley, J. Connell, E. Rainforth,...

Provost’s Council Minutes
Held: November 29, 2012
Attendance: E. Daffron, B. Barnett, M. Cammarata, P. Rice, C. Morris, H. Nejad, G.
Khanaja, J.Jeney, P. Tabback, D. Crawley, J. Connell, E. Rainforth, S. Rosenberg, E.
Saiff, L. Chakrin, E. Siecke, S. Perry, B. Levy, L. Weems.
E. Daffron called meeting to order. Minutes from October 25, 2012, were approved
Policy 300-II – Removal From Class
This policy focuses on the rare circumstances that occur when faculty have to remove
students from a class for disruptive behavior. The policy is needed to protect both
students and faculty members and is meant to eventually allow students back into class, if
appropriate, after a mediation conference.
Procedure – J. Jeney suggested that in the 1st paragraph of procedure the word policy be
changed to procedure. She also suggested that we determine if Public Safety has a
procedure that can be referenced in the current procedure.
Activated into review. Everyone was encouraged to review this policy/procedure in
Information Item from Student Affairs
Interim Suspension Policy – This Policy comes from the Student’s Code of Conduct
which is posted in the Student Handbook. It allows the College the opportunity to
remove the student from the college entirely. This does not appear on the student’s
permanent record. Faculty are not alerted to an interim suspension. Parents are also not
called unless the student is incapacitated.
Procedure for Gen Ed Reading, Writing and Math
The procedure has been updated to reference developmental math and critical reading and
writing in Item #5. J. Jenney suggested an addition in item #11: Clarify that the student,
if he or she has declared a major, meets with the academic advisor, who makes the
recommendation to the dean.
Policies for Review
Policy/Procedure 300-GG – Independent Study
Recommended edit: Capitalize Independent Study in all parts of policy.
For procedure – minor wording changes –Paragraph #1 after first line – “Students may
not enroll in a regularly offered course during any semester (add) in which the course is
being offered.
Recommendation on changing number order in procedure and on adding that deans may
make exceptions to the procedures if warranted..
Policy 300-GG approved unanimously.
Policy/Procedure 300-BB – Minimum Degree Requirements for Adjuncts
Faculty Assembly suggested adding, for the qualifications to teach at the undergraduate
level, that, in the absence of a relevant master’s degree in the discipline, an appropriate
post- baccalaureate degree or significant professional experience is required. In
procedure spell out that the approval begins with a review by the dean.
After group discussion it was suggested to add to policy: A master’s degree in a relevant
field or an appropriate post baccalaureate degree in a relevant field. To teach graduate
courses offered by an academic unit, the minimum academic and experiential
qualifications are a Master’s degree and three years of experience in a relevant field or a
terminal degree in a relevant field. It was recommended that the reference to a bachelor’s
degree with experience in a relevant field as an alternative qualification be moved to the
Take out terminal in reason for policy.
The Council recommended that a new procedure more in keeping with the policy be
substituted for the existing procedure, which needs to be coupled with another policy on
the hiring of adjuncts.
Policy approved unanimously.
Policy/Procedure 300-FF – Transferring Academic Credit
Policy: 1st paragraph change international students to institutions
Reason for policy: “To ensure that students” (delete transfer).
The Provost asked Enrollment Management to rework the procedures so that the policy
has a procedure for transfer students and one for students transferring credits.
E. Saiff suggested that it be pointed out in policy or procedure that credits accepted by
Ramapo College may not necessarily be accepted by other institutions
Policy approved unanimously
Policy/Procedure 300-HH – Teaching Overload.
Procedure – Paragraph 4 – delete – “exceptions in writing may be granted by the
Policy approved with 1 member opposed, no abstentions.
Reminder that there will be another Provost’s Council meeting on December 20, 2012.