21 August 2013 Academic Plan 2013-2015 Draft Action Plans for 2013-2014 GOAL 1. ADVANCE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AND ENGAGEMENT OBJECTIVE 1.1 The College will offer rigorous curricula and experiential activities that prepare all students for a lifetime of achievement. Achievement Target 1.1.1 100% of major, free-standing minor and graduate programs will: ‐ make curricular adjustments when student proficiency falls below satisfactory benchmarks as set by the respective convening groups of those academic programs; Action Plan: The annual program review will include a summary of significant results from the assessment of student learning along with major actions, challenges, and resource needs. In consultation with conveners, deans will include in their respective plans objectives and targets as well as resource needs that reflect school-wide aspirations for improvement in student learning. ‐ evaluate their requirements by using peer-normed data (NSSE, CLA, and/or other standardized assessment instruments) in order to assess and improve overall academic rigor. Action Plans: Standardized and RCNJ (such as senior survey) test results will be shared with each convening group. Results will be discussed in light of assessment results for the program(s) offered by the group. Grade distribution reports will be shared and discussed with each convening group. College-wide grade distribution will be assessed and compared with the 2003 report from the Provost’s Task Force on Grading. (Task force with one dean and one faculty representative from each school.). Achievement Target 1.1.2 90% of undergraduate major programs will require students to successfully engage, by the time of graduation, in an extended experiential activity (study abroad, co-op, internship, training, clinical, service learning, and student/faculty research); and 50% of undergraduate major programs will require successful engagement by graduation in a meaningful international experience (study abroad, service learning abroad, international internship/co-op, foreign language study, intensive specialized international course). 1 21 August 2013 Action Plans: Using baseline data from 2012-2013, each convening group will develop a plan to institute an extended experiential activity into the curriculum by FY18. Annual progress reports will be included within the annual program review and the annual school report. (Task force with one dean (Perry), one Cahill representative, one Design Team representative, one RCIE representative, and one faculty representative from each school will operationally define extended experiential activities.). Receive revised/refreshed goals and outcomes for international learning from the General Education Task Force II and use these to plan for successful engagement by graduation in a meaningful international experience. Achievement Target 1.1.3 The General Education Curriculum Committee (GECCo) will continue to assess student learning outcomes for the General Education Program (as scheduled within the current General Education assessment plan); based on assessment results, the General Education Program will be revised or refreshed and ready for implementation by FY2016. Action Plan GECCo will oversee the assessment of written communication, quantitative reasoning, and two others and post assessment results on the GECCo website. General Education Task Force II will develop and disseminate for discussion refreshed/revised student learning goals and objectives for general education at Ramapo College. OBJECTIVE 1.2 The College will ensure that students increase academic, personal, social, and civic engagement by offering enhanced curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programming. Achievement Target 1.2.1 Using the results of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), a 10% increase in: ‐ the elements of Active and Collaborative Learning will be used as indication of increased academic engagement; ‐ the elements of Enriching Educational Experiences will be used as indication of increased personal engagement; ‐ the elements of Supportive Campus Environment will be used as indication of positive social engagement. Action Plans: 2 21 August 2013 The Student Engagement Steering Committee will oversee development of a plan for third year engagement (to be implemented and assessed FY15). Deans will nominate individual faculty members to serve on the Third Year Student Engagement Board. Achievement Target 1.2.2 The College will administer the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) starting in FY2014; faculty use of high impact practices for student success will increase 10% by the second administration of FSSE in FY2016. Action Plan Institutional Research will administer FSSE in Spring 2014.(SPIF Funds $10,000) Achievement Target 1.2.3 The Civic and Community Engagement Center (CCEC) will facilitate a 50% increase in the number of students who participate in civic and/or community service. Action Plan: CCEC will establish the baseline of participation and develop a plan for increasing participation. OBJECTIVE 1.3 The College will continue to support and develop a diverse, highly qualified, engaged, and accessible faculty through activities centered on teaching, learning, and advising; scholarship and creative work; and service and college governance. Achievement Target 1.3.1 The College will: ‐ assess the teaching and advising effectiveness of 100% of full time faculty through the reappointment and tenure processes, as well as the five-year Career Development process; Action Plan: The Advising Council will develop standards for advising. Employee Relations and the Office of the Provost will work with AFT to include advising as part of teaching within criteria for personnel actions. ‐ support the participation of faculty in developmental activities on teaching and learning, advising, and integration of technology into teaching, learning, and advising so that by FY2015, 100% of pre-tenured faculty, at least 75% of tenured faculty, and at least 25% of adjunct faculty annually engage in activities to improve teaching and learning, and 100% of full-time faculty annually participate in workshops on advising students; Action Plans: 3 21 August 2013 Deans’ Council will work with the Faculty Resource Center and the Instructional Design Center to plan developmental activities focused on teaching and learning and the integration of technology into teaching and learning. (SPIF request of $12,000 for adjunct stipends to engage in activities.) Deans’ Council will develop a plan to efficiently provide financial support for faculty attendance at external events focused on teaching and learning and the integration of technology into teaching, learning. (SPIF request $50,000) Each dean will include the dates of advising workshops offered within the school and names of all FTTT faculty who have NOT attend an advising workshop within the School/Unit Annual Report. ‐ expect and support 100% of full-time faculty to be engaged in scholarly and creative work, unless receiving FLEX credit for convening or other service responsibilities. Action Plan: Deans’ Council will update the 2006 Statement on the Award of Flex Units. Deans will include project title and brief description of the flex project for that year for each FTTT faculty member within the School/Unit Annual Report. Achievement Target 1.3.2 With faculty initiative, the College will increase the total number of external grant submissions by 5% each year. Action Plan: Deans will include the grant title, granting organization, and the faculty submitting (principle investigator/director) for each grant submission within the School/Unit Annual Report. Achievement Target 1.3.3 The College will facilitate the development and implementation of a system for assessing faculty service that is tied to personnel decisions in order to meet the need for broad engagement in governance and contribution to the College by all faculty members. Action Plans: The Task Force on the Assessment of Faculty Service will submit their report to the Provost by 01 April 2014. (Task Force with one representative from each school, one dean (Rice), and Employee Relations ex officio.) All committees, tasks forces, working groups, etc. under the auspices of the Office of the Provost will keep records (minutes, notes, action tem list) that include attendance and will make these records public through website posting. OBJECTIVE 1.4 4 21 August 2013 The College will increase enrollment and graduation rates among underrepresented groups, transfer students, international students, graduate students, and returning students. The College will identify and make use of currently underutilized capacity within undergraduate academic programs. Achievement Target 1.4.1 With the goals of maintaining traditional undergraduate enrollment at the current level and continuing to diversify the undergraduate student population, total headcount enrollment will reach 6,000. Action Plans: Develop guidelines for areas of study within Degree Completion Program (DCP) and make these available to faculty and deans. Identify and develop for implementation by Fall 2015 at least one addition area of study within the Degree Completion Program (DCP). Work with Enrollment Management to increase relationships, partnerships, and articulation agreements with county colleges. Review survey data from non-attending students (accepted but not enrolled) and develop action items to increase attendance. Achievement Target 1.4.2 The College will increase the actual number of students from underrepresented racial and socioeconomic populations by 5%. Action Plan: Faculty and deans will participate in all recruitment activities. Achievement Target 1.4.3 Out-of-state students and international students will be 5% and 5%, respectively, of the first time, full time student population. Action Plan Faculty and deans will participate in all recruitment activities. Achievement Target 1.4.4 While current averages for undergraduate measures of academic quality (SAT and ACT) will remain stable or increase, four-year graduation rates will meet or exceed 65%; and six-year graduation rates will meet or exceed 75%, with all student types enrolled in the undergraduate programs at or within 10% of this target. Action Plans: Review curriculum for compliance with CEP standards. 5 21 August 2013 Provide training for faculty to utilize Connect early alert system to provide early intervention for students moving towards academic difficulty. Achievement Target 1.4.5 Four-year graduation rates for transfer students will increase to 70% and six-year graduation rates for transfer students will increase to 75%. Action Plan: Provide retention rates by major and identify those majors with less than satisfactory rates. Achievement Target 1.4.6 Graduate enrollment share of the overall headcount enrollment will increase to 8%. Action Plan The MA Special Education will meet enrollment goals for Fall 2014. The business plan for the MSW will be submitted to the Provost by 15 February 2014. The Request for Change in Mission will be submitted to the state by October 2013. At least one five year bachelors to master’s degree program will be ready for implementation in Fall 2014. All masters programs are accountable for meeting budgeted enrollment goals on an annual basis. Achievement Target 1.4.7 Undergraduate enrollment share (as measured by student credit hour generation) in the arts and humanities will increase by 10%. Action Plan Faculty and deans will participate in all recruitment activities. All programs will meet standards set in CEP. Goal 2: ENHANCE FINANCIAL STRENGTH AND INSTITUTIONAL SUSTAINABILITY OBJECTIVE 2.1 The College will enhance its strength by managing its financial risk and improving its financial position while maintaining conservative utilization of future debt. Achievement Target 2.1.1 The College will manage its revenues and expenses in order to increase its Composite Financial Index (which is comprised of the following ratios: Primary Reserve, Net Operating Revenue, Return on Net Assets and Viability) to or above a rating of 5 in order to allow for the financial flexibility to operate in a more competitive higher education environment and to fulfill the goals of the strategic plan. 6 21 August 2013 Action Plans: All graduate and adult program budgets will be tracked as independent cost-revenue centers and will be accountable to meeting revenue goals on an annual basis. The budget template and budget schedule for graduate and adult programs will be published on the website for the Office of the Provost. OBJECTIVE 2.3 The College will provide a supportive environment for work, study, and social interaction. Achievement Target 2.3.1 The College will administer an employee opinion survey that will evaluate work-life flexibility, internal employee communication, empowerment, recognition, and other work environment components. 80% of employees surveyed will rate the overall work environment as favorable. Action Plans: The College will administer an employee opinion survey Managers will encourage all employees to participate in the employee opinion survey. Achievement Target 2.3.2 The College will complete an essential functions analysis and continually assess the optimal level, classification, and use of personnel for institutional effectiveness. Action Plan: Each dean will develop and implement (through development of the 2014-2015 schedule) a plan to bring student credit hour production by each FTTT faculty member within each major program (plus teacher education) to at least the 50th quartile for that program as indicated by the Delaware Study. Achievement Target 2.3.3 The College will repair and renovate at least one building identified in the Campus Facilities Master Plan as “poor” or with “significant condition issues” with particular focus on the academic core. Action Plan: Deans will annually indicate facilities needs in their unit plans. Achievement Target 2.3.4 The College will reduce, from 26% to 20%, the amount of space identified in the Campus Facilities Master Plan as “inadequate.” Action Plan: Deans will annually indicate facilities and space needs in their unit plans. Achievement Target 2.3.5 7 21 August 2013 The College will demonstrably align space resources with current and future demands. Action Plan: The deans will include the list of faculty office assignments for the following year within the School/Unit Annual Report. Employee Relations will collate this information and produce the master list of faculty offices. OBJECTIVE 2.4 The College will be environmentally sustainable. Achievement Target 2.4.1 The College will decrease its total waste by 20% and increase its recycling rate by 20%. Action Plan: All faculty will post all syllabi and assignments electronically, preferably through Moodle. OBJECTIVE 2.5 The College will ensure that its major institutional decisions are based on timely, accurate, and reliable data. Achievement Target 2.5.1 The College will develop and implement comprehensive processes for collecting data to enable accurate and timely decision making. Action Plan: IR will populate an intranet site with data that deans and conveners can manipulate and use for decision-making purposes. IR will train deans and conveners on responsible and effective uses of data. IR will refine the program reviews for optimal effectiveness. Deans and conveners will integrate data from assessments and program reviews and use that data to inform planning. Achievement Target 2.5.2 By FY2015, the College will develop and implement a more effective system of data analysis and utilization to enable accurate and timely decision making. Action Plan: IR will plan and implement more efficient and effective availability and utilization of internal and external data. Achievement Target 2.5.3 Data regarding alumni will continue to be systematically and centrally collected. Of graduates for the last five years, contact information will be available for 80%, additional education information for 95%; and employment information for 30%. 8 21 August 2013 Action Plan: Annually, IR will collect, analyze, and disseminate data on educational and employment status of recent graduates and alumni. Goal 3: IMPROVE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS OBJECTIVE 3.2 The College will strengthen mutually beneficial partnerships with alumni, parents, friends, business, professional organizations, as well as community and government agencies. Achievement Target 3.2.1 Using data collected on alumni, by FY2016 the College will increase alumni engagement by 10% annually. Action Plan: Each school/unit will continue to support an alumni advisory board. Membership on the board and unit activities with alumni engagement will be included by the dean within the school/unit annual report Goal 4: CULTIVATE AND SUPPORT DIVERSITY AND INCLUSIVENESS Objective 4.1 The College will create a safe and supportive environment for all, with particular consideration toward members of underrepresented and marginalized groups. Achievement Target 4.1.4 The College will seek a 10% increase in overall participants in a campus climate survey. Action Plan: Faculty will be encouraged to provide information on participation in this survey to their classes. Achievement Target 4.1.5 80% or more of the respondents of the National Survey of Student Engagement and Graduating Senior Survey will agree that the College provides a supportive social, classroom, and living environment. Action Plan: IR will administer the NSSE and analyze and publish the results. Unit Councils will review data from NSSE, Senior Survey, etc. and include plans to improve classroom environment within the School/Unit Plan. Objective 4.2 The College will retain and continue a diverse student population. 9 21 August 2013 Achievement Target 4.2.1 First- to second-year undergraduate retention rates will exceed 90%, with all student types enrolled in the undergraduate programs at or within 10% of this target. Action Plan: Provide training for faculty to utilize Connect early alert system to provide early intervention for students moving towards academic difficulty. Achievement Target 4.2.2 Third year retention rates will exceed 73%, with all student types enrolled in the undergraduate programs at or within 10% of this target. Action Plan: Provide training for faculty to utilize Connect early alert system to provide early intervention for students moving towards academic difficulty. Objective 4.3 The College will develop and promote curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs that demonstrate the value of diversity, self-awareness, examination of multiple perspectives, and respect for others. Achievement Target 4.3.1 75% of major programs will have student learning outcomes that address the value of diversity, self-awareness, examination of multiple perspectives, and respect for others. Action Plan: School assessment committees will work with conveners to refine the maps aligning the all-college goals of international/intercultural and awareness to relevant program outcomes. The vice provost/IR will extract and report the data. Achievement Target 4.3.2 The College will increase by 50% participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular programs that address the value of diversity, and that increase self-awareness, examination of multiple perspectives, and respect for others. Action Plan: Each unit within Academic Affairs will include within the annual report a list of programs and the attendance at each program that address the value of diversity, and that increase self-awareness, examination of multiple perspectives, and respect for others. Objective 4.4 The College will recruit and retain employees who reflect and are committed to diversity and inclusiveness. Achievement Target 4.4.1 The College will increase employee recruitment activities aimed at underrepresented and marginalized groups by 25%. Action Plan: 10 21 August 2013 Develop a baseline of activities used to recruit faculty from underrepresented and marginalized groups. Develop a plan to increase these activities by 25%. Achievement Target 4.4.2 The College will increase retention of employees from underrepresented and marginalized groups by 10%. Action Plan: Working with Employees Relations, identify obstacles to the retention of faculty from underrepresented and marginalized groups. Provide input and support to achievement targets within the Human Resources Plan. Achievement Target 4.4.3 80% of respondents will agree that the College provides a supportive workplace environment as measured by a campus climate survey Action Plan: Provide input and support to achievement targets within the Human Resources Plan. 11