2012 DAC Campus Climate Survey of Faculty and Staff Demographics of population and those who responded to the survey Full or Part Time Status: Full-time Part-time Missing Total: Population No. Column % 691 67.9% 326 32.1% 0 0.0% 1017 100.0% Respondents No. Column % 293 83.7% 52 14.9% 5 1.4% 350 100.0% Response rate % 42.4% 16.0% Population No. Column % 435 42.8% 582 57.2% 0 0.0% 1017 100.0% Respondents No. Column % 137 39.1% 204 58.3% 9 2.6% 350 100.0% Response rate % 31.5% 35.1% 34.4% Faculty or Staff Faculty * Staff ** Missing Total: * Includes librarians and adjuncts ** Includes people in managerial positions and part-time hourly employees 34.4% 2012 DAC Campus Climate Survey of Faculty and Staff Demographics of population and those who responded to the survey Gender: Male Female Other Missing Total: Population No. Column % 478 47.0% 539 53.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1017 100.0% Respondents No. Column % 132 37.7% 212 60.6% 1 0.3% 5 1.4% 350 100.0% Response rate % 27.6% 39.3% 34.4% 2012 DAC Campus Climate Survey of Faculty and Staff Demographics of population and those who responded to the survey: Race /Ethnicity Population Race /Ethnicity No. 74 10 53 90 754 11 25 1017 Hispanic/Latino of any race American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American White Two or more races Race and Ethnicity unknown Total: Respondents % 7.3% 1.0% 5.2% 8.8% 74.1% 1.1% 2.5% 100.0% No. 21 3 19 26 275 0 6 350 Response rate % 6.0% 0.9% 5.4% 7.4% 78.6% 0.0% 1.7% 100.0% % 28.4% 30.0% 35.8% 28.9% 36.5% 0.0% 24.0% 34.4% Response rate 0.0% White Asian American Indian or Alaska Native Black or African American Hispanic/Latino of any race Race and Ethnicity unknown Two or more races 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 2012 DAC Campus Climate Survey of Students Demographics of population and those who responded to the survey Gender: Male Female Other /Missing Total: Population No. Column % 2324 41.4% 3292 58.6% 1 0.0% 5617 100.0% Respondents No. Column % 179 27.2% 473 72.0% 5 0.8% 657 100.0% Response rate % 7.7% 14.4% Population No. Column % 5436 96.8% 181 3.2% 0 0.0% 5617 100.0% Respondents No. Column % 637 97.0% 18 2.7% 2 0.3% 657 100.0% Response rate % 11.7% 9.9% 11.7% Career Level: Undergraduate Graduate Missing Total: 11.7% 2012 DAC Campus Climate Survey of Students Demographics of population and those who responded to the survey: Race /Ethnicity Population Race /Ethnicity No. 628 10 290 271 20 4046 70 282 5617 Hispanic/Latino of any race American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or more races Unknown /Missing Total: Respondents % 11.2% 0.2% 5.2% 4.8% 0.4% 72.0% 1.2% 5.0% 100.0% No. 90 7 49 39 0 466 0 6 657 Response rate % 13.7% 1.1% 7.5% 5.9% 0.0% 70.9% 0.0% 0.9% 100.0% % 14.3% 70.0% 16.9% 14.4% 0.0% 11.5% 0.0% 2.1% 11.7% Response rate American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic/Latino of any race White Unknown /Missing Two or more races Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 Response rates: 2005 Survey Response rate % 27.9% 53.9% Population Respondents No. 5538 895 0 6433 No. 1547 482 62 2091 Population Respondents Students No. 5617 No. 657 Response rate % 11.7% Employee 1017 350 34.4% 6634 1007 15.2% Students Employee Missing Total: 32.5% 2012 Surveys Total: Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate at Ramapo? Combined categories Very comfortable + comfortable Unsure Very uncomfortable + uncomfortable Total responses: 2005 employees & students No. % 1711 82.7% 212 10.2% 146 7.1% 2069 100.0% 2012 employees No. % 273 80.3% 41 12.1% 26 7.6% 340 100.0% 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% Very comfortable + comfortable 60.0% 50.0% Unsure 40.0% 30.0% Very uncomfortable + uncomfortable 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 2005 employees & students 2012 employees 2012 students 2012 students No. 556 56 32 644 86.3% 8.7% 5.0% 100.0% Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate at Ramapo? Very comfortable Comfortable Unsure Uncomfortable Very uncomfortable Total responses: 0.0% 10.0% 2005 employees & students No. % 494 23.9% 1217 58.8% 212 10.2% 122 5.9% 24 1.2% 2069 100.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 2012 employees No. 136 137 41 20 6 340 60.0% % 40.0% 40.3% 12.1% 5.9% 1.8% 100.0% 2012 students No. 162 394 56 28 4 644 70.0% Very comfortable Comfortable 2005 employees & students Unsure 2012 employees 2012 students Uncomfortable Very uncomfortable 25.2% 61.2% 8.7% 4.3% 0.6% 100.0% Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate in your academic school or administrative division? Combined categories Very comfortable + comfortable Unsure Very uncomfortable + uncomfortable Total responses: 2005 employees & students No. % 1648 80.7% 258 12.6% 135 6.6% 2041 100.0% 2012 employees No. 274 40 22 336 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% Very comfortable + comfortable 50.0% Unsure 40.0% Very uncomfortable + uncomfortable 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 2005 employees & students 2012 employees 2012 students % 81.5% 11.9% 6.5% 100.0% 2012 students No. 576 50 17 643 89.6% 7.8% 2.6% 100.0% Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate in your academic school or administrative division? Very Comfortable Comfortable Unsure Uncomfortable Very uncomfortable Total responses: 0.0% 10.0% 2005 employees & students No. % 569 27.9% 1079 52.9% 258 12.6% 102 5.0% 33 1.6% 2041 100.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 2012 employees No. 141 133 40 13 9 336 50.0% % 42.0% 39.6% 11.9% 3.9% 2.7% 100.0% 2012 students No. 209 367 50 16 1 643 60.0% Very Comfortable Comfortable 2005 employees & students Unsure 2012 employees 2012 students Uncomfortable Very uncomfortable 32.5% 57.1% 7.8% 2.5% 0.2% 100.0% Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate in your department/work area? Combined categories 2005 employees & students No. % 1618 79.7% Very comfortable + comfortable Unsure Very uncomfortable + uncomfortable Total responses: 2012 employees No. 280 % 82.1% 85.9% 12.6% 35 10.3% 78 12.2% 156 2029 7.7% 100.0% 26 341 7.6% 100.0% 12 639 1.9% 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% Unsure % 255 100.0% Very comfortable + comfortable 2012 students No. 549 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% Very uncomfortable + uncomfortable 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 2005 employees & students 2012 employees 2012 students Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate in your department/work area? 2005 employees & students No. % 595 29.3% Very comfortable Comfortable 2012 employees No. 169 % 49.6% 2012 students No. 199 % 31.1% 1023 50.4% 111 32.6% 350 54.8% Unsure 255 12.6% 35 10.3% 78 12.2% Uncomfortable 120 5.9% 14 4.1% 11 1.7% 36 2029 1.8% 100.0% 12 341 3.5% 100.0% 1 639 0.2% 100.0% Very uncomfortable Total responses: 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% Very comfortable Comfortable 2005 employees & students Unsure 2012 employees 2012 students Uncomfortable Very uncomfortable Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 I have observed discriminatory hiring, firing, or promotion practices at Ramapo 2005 employees & students No. % 279 14.0% 87 4.4% 218 11.0% Observed hiring discrimination - Yes Observed firing discrimination - Yes Observed promotion discrimination - Yes 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 2012 employees No. 64 21 64 % 18.8% 6.4% 19.3% 25.0% Observed hiring discrimination - Yes 2005 employees & students Observed firing discrimination - Yes 2012 employees 2012 students Observed promotion discrimination - Yes 2012 students No. 46 18 34 % 7.2% 2.8% 5.4% Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 Course content at Ramapo includes materials, perspectives, and/or experiences of people from historically underrepresented /marginalized groups. Combined categories Strongly agree + agree Do not agree or disagree + No knowledge / no comment * Strongly disagree + disagree Total responses: 2005 employees & students No. % 1250 62.9% 586 29.5% 151 7.6% 1987 100.0% 2012 employees No. 169 144 14 327 % 51.7% 44.0% 4.3% 100.0% 2012 students No. 421 176 28 625 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% Strongly agree + agree Do not agree or disagree + No knowledge /no comment * Strongly disagree + disagree 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 2005 employees & students * "No knowledge /no comment" is added in the 2012 surveys 2012 employees 2012 students % 67.4% 28.2% 4.5% 100.0% Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 Course content at Ramapo includes materials, perspectives, and/or experiences of people from historically underrepresented/marginalized groups. Strongly agree Agree Do not agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree No knowledge /no comment * Total responses: 0.0% 2005 employees & students No. % 343 17.3% 907 45.6% 586 29.5% 116 5.8% 35 1.8% n/a 1987 100.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 2012 employees No. 57 112 26 10 4 118 327 40.0% 50.0% % 17.4% 34.3% 8.0% 3.1% 1.2% 36.1% 100.0% 2012 students No. 93 328 81 25 3 95 625 60.0% Strongly agree Agree Do not agree or disagree 2005 employees & students 2012 employees Disagree Strongly disagree No knowledge /no comment * * "No knowledge /no comment" is added in the 2012 surveys 2012 students % 14.9% 52.5% 13.0% 4.0% 0.5% 15.2% 100.0% Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 I believe the classroom climate is welcoming for students from historically underrepresented /marginalized groups Combined categories Strongly agree + agree Do not agree or disagree + No knowledge /no comment * Strongly disagree + disagree Total responses: 2005 students only ** No. % 1111 72.2% 260 16.9% 168 10.9% 1539 100.0% 2012 employees No. 166 135 29 330 % 50.3% 40.9% 8.8% 100.0% 2012 students No. 464 141 28 633 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% Strongly agree + agree Do not agree or disagree + No knowledge /no comment * Strongly disagree + disagree 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 2005 students only ** * "No knowledge /no comment" is added in the 2012 surveys ** The report for 2005 survey included students only 2012 employees 2012 students % 73.3% 22.3% 4.4% 100.0% Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 I believe the classroom climate is welcoming for students from historically underrepresented /marginalized groups Strongly agree Agree Do not agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree No knowledge /no comment * Total responses: 0.0% 2005 students only ** No. % 301 19.6% 810 52.6% 260 16.9% 116 7.5% 52 3.4% n/a 1539 100.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 2012 employees No. 56 110 42 22 7 93 330 40.0% 50.0% % 17.0% 33.3% 12.7% 6.7% 2.1% 28.2% 100.0% 2012 students No. 131 333 90 20 8 51 633 60.0% Strongly agree Agree Do not agree or disagree 2005 students only ** 2012 employees Disagree Strongly disagree No knowledge /no comment * "No knowledge /no comment" is added in the 2012 surveys ** The report for 2005 survey included students only 2012 students % 20.7% 52.6% 14.2% 3.2% 1.3% 8.1% 100.0% Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 I believe the workplace climate is welcoming for employees from historically underrepresented /marginalized groups. Combined categories Strongly agree + agree Do not agree or disagree + No knowledge /no comment * Strongly disagree + disagree Total responses: 2005 employees only *** No. % 307 65.7% 88 18.8% 72 15.4% 467 100.0% 2012 employees No. 226 84 25 335 % 67.5% 25.1% 7.5% 100.0% 2012 students No. 378 241 11 630 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% Strongly agree + agree Do not agree or disagree + No knowledge /no comment * Strongly disagree + disagree 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 2005 employees only *** * "No knowledge /no comment" is added in the 2012 surveys ** The report for 2005 survey included employees only 2012 employees 2012 students % 60.0% 38.3% 1.7% 100.0% Comparisons with DAC Survey 2005 I believe the workplace climate is welcoming for employees from historically underrepresented /marginalized groups. Strongly agree Agree Do not agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree No knowledge /no comment * Total responses: 0.0% 2005 employees only ** No. % 73 15.6% 234 50.1% 88 18.8% 58 12.4% 14 3.0% n/a 467 100.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 2012 employees No. 74 152 44 16 9 40 335 40.0% 50.0% % 22.1% 45.4% 13.1% 4.8% 2.7% 11.9% 100.0% 2012 students No. 104 274 80 9 2 161 630 60.0% Strongly agree Agree Do not agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree No knowledge /no comment * * "No knowledge /no comment" is added in the 2012 surveys ** The report for 2005 survey included employees only 2005 employees only ** 2012 employees 2012 students % 16.5% 43.5% 12.7% 1.4% 0.3% 25.6% 100.0%