Mission – Vision

Mission – Vision
The Ramapo College of New Jersey Teacher Education and Certification Program is
committed to the preparation of teachers who are highly competent in their academic
disciplines and instructional skills. Our program, aligned with the New Jersey
Professional Standards for Teachers, and nationally accredited by the Teacher Education
Accreditation Council (TEAC) prepares students at the undergraduate and postbaccalaureate level to be teachers who model reflective, innovative behavior while
demonstrating love and enthusiasm for life-long learning. The Teacher Education and
Certification Program at Ramapo College seeks to ensure that teachers are prepared to
communicate effectively, establish productive relationships, and respond to the needs of
individual learners, the teaching profession, and the greater community in a fair,
equitable manner. Finally, our program emphasizes the needs of a democratic society.
We are preparing teachers to be leaders in the effort to make the world a safer, more
compassionate, and more productive place where respect for all life, for our environment,
and for the dignity and diversity of all people will be common priorities.
New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers
1. Subject Matter Knowledge. Teachers shall understand the central concepts,
tools of inquiry, structures of the discipline, especially as they relate to the New
Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, and design developmentally
appropriate learning experiences making the subject matter accessible and
meaningful to all students.
2. Human Growth and Development. Teachers shall understand how children and
adolescents develop and learn in a variety of school, family, and community
contexts and provide opportunities that support their intellectual, social,
emotional, and physical development.
3. Diverse Learners. Teachers shall understand the practice of culturally
responsive teaching.
4. Instructional Planning and Strategies. Teachers shall understand instructional
planning, design long- and short-term plans based upon knowledge of subject
matter, students, community, and curriculum goals, and shall employ a variety of
developmentally appropriate strategies in order to promote critical thinking,
problem solving and the performance skills of all learners.
5. Assessment. Teachers shall understand and use multiple assessment strategies
and interpret results to evaluate and promote student learning and to modify
instruction in order to foster the continuous development of students.
6. Learning Environment. Teachers shall understand individual and group
motivation and behavior and shall create a supportive, safe and respectful learning
environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in
learning and self-motivation.
7. Special Needs. Teachers shall adapt and modify instruction to accommodate the
special learning needs of all students.
8. Communication. Teachers shall use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal
and written communication techniques and the tools of information literacy to
foster the use of inquiry, collaboration and supportive interactions.
9. Collaboration and Partnerships. Teachers shall build relationships with
parents, guardians, families and agencies in the larger community to support
students’ learning and well-being.
10. Professional Development. Teachers shall participate as active, responsible
members of the professional community, engaging in a wide range of reflective
practices, pursuing opportunities to grow professionally and establishing collegial
relationships to enhance the teaching and learning process.
Provisional Teacher Program
The Ramapo College Teacher Education Program has entered collaboration with the New
Jersey Department of Education to offer classes for teachers who are entering teaching
through the “alternate route” certification process. The initiative is supported by a grant
from the NJDOE.
Center for Learning and Instruction
The Center for Learning and Instruction (CLI) serves as an educational resource center
by identifying and gathering current materials organized to complement the New Jersey
Core Curriculum Content Standards and exemplary practices pertaining to instruction and
technology. This facility is designed for easy access by teacher preparation students,
college faculty, and practicing school teachers. Current research findings with
implications for pedagogical practice are available for review in selected articles, video
presentations, and through internet access. Arrangements can be made for
demonstrations of instructional materials and learning activities and for assistance in
preparing materials for classroom use. The CLI also coordinates the student teaching
experience and conducts academic outreach through pre-service and in-service
Mathematics-Science Concentration for Elementary K-5 Certification
The Teacher Education Certification Program in consort with the School of Theoretical
and Applied Science offers a Certificate of Concentration in Mathematics and Science.
Elementary school, K – 5 certification candidates are invited to take three courses in
mathematics, and three courses in the natural sciences. Upon successful completion of
the twelve credits in each discipline, students will receive the formal certificate for their
employment portfolio. School district administrators are in constant pursuit of K – 5
teachers with content strength in Math and Science.
Program Requirements
Completion of Praxis I with a minimum score of 170 in each of the following content
areas: Reading, Writing, and Math.
Admission interview with Director of TE program.
Completion of all requirements for Graduation including a minimum of 128 credits.
Completion of all requirements for a Major.
Completion of all General Education requirements.
Completion of all the School Core requirements for the school of the designated
Completion of courses (which may be in addition to a major) which are needed to
fulfill the state requirements of a minimum of 30 credit hours in the Endorsement
area and to fulfill Ramapo College program requirements for the Teacher Education
sequences within individual endorsements.
Maintenance of a 2.75 GPA. Students may engage in student teaching only after
the GPA requirements are attained and the appropriate Praxis test has been
A teaching portfolio providing evidence of addressing the New Jersey Professional
Teaching Standards must be submitted to and approved by the teacher education
faculty prior to certification.
Completion of the required Education courses (or equivalents approved by the
Assistant Dean of Teacher Education):
Block One: EDUC 221 Social Context of Education
EDUC 222 Principles and Practices of Teaching
(Mandatory Field Placement)
Block Two: EDUC 344 Methods of Teaching Language Arts,
Social Studies, and Art in the Elementary School
(Mandatory Field Placement)
EDUC 345 Methods of Teaching Math and Science in
The Elementary School
(Mandatory Field Placement)
EDUC 346 Reading Theory and Practice
(Mandatory Field Placement)
EDUC 341 Technology in the Classroom or EDUC 340 Systems Thinking
or EDUD 305 Games, Models and Simulations
Block Three: EDUC 491 Student Teaching
Block One: EDUC 221 Social Context of Education
EDUC 222 Principles and Practices of Teaching
(Mandatory Field Placement)
Block Two: EDUC 350 Reading and Language Arts in the Content Areas
(Mandatory Field Placement)
EDUC 343 Teaching for Effective Learning
(Mandatory Field Placement)
EDUC 341 Technology in the Classroom or EDUC 340 Systems Thinking
or EDUC 305 Games, Models and Simulations
Block Three: EDUC 491 Student Teaching
Completion of the following Social and Behavioral Science courses (or equivalents
approved by Director of Teacher Education)
SOSC 101Social Issues
PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 215 Psychology of Learning, Cognition, and Teaching
Completion of one of the following Physiology and Hygiene courses (or equivalent
approved by Director of Teacher Education)
BIOL 101 Introduction to Biology
BIOL 110 Fundamentals of Biology I
BIOL 213 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 240 Nutrition
BIOL 345 Nutrition and Human Metabolism
PSYC 251 Substance Abuse
PSYC 326 Love and Human Sexuality
NOTE: Post-baccalaureate students may meet the health requirement by passing a
written health examination pertaining to substance abuse prevention. The examination is
give by the New Jersey Department of Education. Arrangements for taking this test
should be made through our Office of Teacher Education well in advance of the
semester in which a student plans to student teach.
Completion of one of the following Speech Communications courses (or equivalents
approved by the Director of Teacher Education)
COMM 101 Effective Speaking
COMM 222 Public Speaking
THEA 115 Basic Acting for Non-Majors
THEA 221 Basic Acting
THEA 260 Voice and Movement
NOTE: Post-baccalaureate students may complete a speech assessment to meet the
speech requirement. Arrangements to participate in this assessment activity should be
made through our Office of Teacher Education.
Completion of 60 credits in the General Education including at least one course in
Math and English.
Completion of a National Teacher Examination (PRAXIS II) in the Designated
Area of Certification (passing scores established by the New Jersey Department of
Education). Please note, Praxis II needs to be passed before student teaching
placement. If you plan on teaching in the Spring Semester, you need a passing score
by the previous September; if you plan on student teaching in the Fall Semester, you
need a passing score by January of that year.
Designated Area of Certification and Endorsement Descriptions
Art Education
Majors: Visual Arts
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300 or 400 level) is
required in art. Ramapo students complete the requirements by majoring in Visual Arts
and including the following courses in their major:
ARTS 101 Fundamentals of Drawing
ARTS 214 Basic Ceramics
ARTS 211 Basic Art and Technology
ARTS 207 Digital Photography
ARTS 201 Basic Painting
ARTS 202 Basic Sculpture
ARHT 240 Art, Artists, and Society
One 300 level Art History Course
Strongly recommended electives:
ARTS 102 Fundamentals of Design
ARTS 306 Art Methods for Teacher Education
ARTS 490 Topics: Art Education Portfolio
Required Praxis II Exam: Art: Content Knowledge (10133)
Minimum passing score: 150
Biological Science
Major: Biology
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in the biological sciences. Ramapo students complete the requirements by
majoring in Biology.
Required Praxis Exams:
Biology: Content Knowledge (20235)
Minimum passing score: 152
General Science: Content Knowledge (10435)
Minimum passing score: 152
Business Education
Majors: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Information Systems
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300 or 400 level) is
required in business. Ramapo students complete the requirements by majoring in one of
the above disciplines and including the following courses in their major:
ACCT 221 Principles of Financial Accounting
ACCT 222 Principles of Managerial Accounting
BADM 223 Business Law I
ECON 101 Microeconomics
ECON 102 Introduction to Macroeconomics
MGMT 310 Management Theory and Practice
INFO 224 Principles of Information Technology
PHIL 301 Ethics in Business
FINC 301 Corporate Finance I
MKTG 301 Marketing Principles and Practices
Required Praxis II Exam: Business Education (10100)
Minimum passing score: 580
Major: Chemistry
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in chemistry. Ramapo students complete the requirements by majoring in
Required Praxis Exams:
Chemistry: Content Knowledge (20245)
Minimum passing score: 152
General Science: Content Knowledge (10435)
Minimum passing score: 152
Earth Science
Major: Environmental Science, Environmental Studies
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in earth sciences. Ramapo students usually complete the requirements by
majoring in Environmental Science or Environmental Studies – please refer to the Major
Requirements and four-year plans in the College Catalog for the most efficient way to
complete the Earth Science courses.
GEOL 105 Fundamentals of Geology or GEOL 101 Introduction to Geology
GEOL 333 Environmental Geology or GEOL 326 Paleontology, Paleoecology and
GEOG 101 Physical Geography
PHYS 103 Introduction to Astronomy
PHYS 105 Meteorology
ENSC 103 Introduction to Environmental Science
ENST 215 Environmental History
PHYS 221 Environmental Physics
GEOL 333 Environmental Geology or GEOL 326 Paleontology, Paleoecology and
Paleoenvironments (One of these two courses is required; you may take the other as one
of the electives you meet)
GEOL 327 Geology of New Jersey
ENST 314 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 303 Water Resources
(Please note that you need to work closely with an advisor because many of the above
courses have prerequisites)
Required Praxis Exams:
Earth Science: Content Knowledge (20571)
Minimum passing score: 153
General Science: Content Knowledge (10435)
Minimum passing score: 152
Elementary Education
Majors: All Liberal Arts Majors
Required Praxis Exam:
Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (10014)
Minimum passing score: 141
Major: Literature
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in literature. Ramapo students complete the requirements by majoring in
Literature and including the following courses in their major:
LITR 208 Shakespeare’s Plays
One additional Drama Course
One Poetry Course
Two British Literature Courses
Two American Literature Courses
Two European or Multicultural Courses
LITR 314 Grammar Theory and Pedagogy or EDUC 225 English Grammar and Usage or
LITR 251 Linguistics
Required Praxis Exam:
English Language, Literature, and Composition: Content Knowledge (10041)
Minimum passing score: 162
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in French. Ramapo students complete the requirements by including in their
course of study the following course:
LANG 330 Foreign Language Pedagogy
Required Praxis Exam:
French: Content Knowledge (20173)
Minimum passing score: 156
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in Italian. Ramapo students complete the requirements by including in their
course of study the following course:
LANG 330 Foreign Language Pedagogy
Required Praxis Exam:
Major: Mathematics
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in mathematics. Ramapo students complete the requirements by majoring in
Mathematics and including the following courses in their major:
MATH 121 Calculus I
MATH 122 Calculus II
MATH 123 Calculus III
MATH 124 Calculus IV
MATH 237 Discrete Structures
MATH 253 Probability
MATH 262 Linear Algebra
MATH 283 Number Theory
MATH 321 Geometry
MATH 353 Statistics
MATH 416 Introduction to Analysis
MATH 432 Abstract Algebra
MATH 441 History of Mathematics
CMPS Computer Science I
PHYS 114 Physics I with Calculus
Required Praxis Exam:
Mathematics: Content Knowledge (10061)
Minimum passing score: 137
Music Education
Major: Music
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in Music. Ramapo students complete the requirements by majoring in Music.
Required Praxis Exam:
Music: Content Knowledge (10113)
Minimum passing score: 153
Physical Science
Majors: Chemistry, Physics
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in the physical sciences. Ramapo students complete the requirements by
majoring in Chemistry or Physics. A Chemistry major must complete 15 credits of
Physics and a Physics major must complete 15 credits of Chemistry.
Required Praxis Exams:
Chemistry: Content Knowledge (20245)
Minimum passing score: 152
Physics: Content Knowledge (10265)
Minimum passing score: 141
General Science: Content Knowledge (10435)
Minimum passing score: 152
Major: Physics
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in Physics. Ramapo students complete the requirements by majoring in Physics.
Required Praxis Exams:
Physics: Content Knowledge (10265)
Minimum passing score: 141
General Science: Content Knowledge (10435)
Minimum passing score: 152
Major: Psychology
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in Psychology. Ramapo students complete the requirements by majoring in
Psychology. In addition, a candidate for this endorsement must hold a regular New
Jersey instructional certificate with an endorsement in an area other than
Social Studies
Majors: American Studies, Economics, Environmental Studies, History, Political
Science, Sociology
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in social studies. Ramapo students complete the requirements by majoring in
one of the areas listed above and including the following courses:
HIST 101 Introduction to U.S. History I
HIST 102 Introduction to U.S. History II
HIST 105 Western Studies I or HIST 109 World Civilizations I
HIST 106 Western Studies II or HIST 110 World Civilizations II
Two social studies courses in areas outside of Europe or the U.S.
One Economics Course
One Geography Course
One Political Science Course
One Sociology Course
Required Praxis Exam:
Social Studies: Content Knowledge (10081)
Minimum passing score: 157
Major: Spanish Language Studies
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in Spanish. Ramapo students complete the requirements by majoring in Spanish
Language Studies and including the following course:
LANG 330 Foreign Language Pedagogy
Required Praxis Exam:
Spanish: Content Knowledge (10191)
Minimum passing score: 159
Speech Arts and Dramatics
Majors: Communications, Theater, Contemporary Arts
A minimum of 30 credit hours (with at least 12 of those credits at the 300/400 level) is
required in speech arts and dramatics. Ramapo students complete the requirements by
majoring in one of the areas listed above.
Required Praxis Exam:
Speech Communication (10220)
Minimum passing score: 560
Theater (10640)
Minimum passing score: 570
Field Assignments
Observation of teachers and work with school children on school sites is required
for completion of the teacher education coursework. Ramapo College is ideally located
for access to excellent urban, suburban, and rural school districts. Placements have been
found for all students who have qualified for and requested them and have followed the
procedures developed by our Field Placement Coordinator. Districts are not required to
accept observer or student teachers so students need to be flexible and accept field
assignments that are made for them. Most districts require interviews with teacher
preparation candidates prior to authorizing their work in the schools. Many districts
require that candidates have substitute teaching certificates prior to allowing them to
work with students. Therefore, we recommend that teacher preparation candidates apply
for a substitute teaching certificate as soon as they have completed the minimum of 60
credits of college work. Teacher preparation candidates are expected to complete
their assignment in schools other than schools which they attended as students and
other than schools in their district of residence. If a student has compelling reason to
request a waiver of this expectation, requests must be submitted in writing to the Director
of Teacher Education for consideration prior to the time a student teaching placement is
requested. If a teacher preparation candidate has requested placement assistance
from the college staff, the candidate is expected to honor the placement that is
Teacher preparation candidates who are visiting or working in schools are
expected to conduct themselves as educational professionals. This is important to the
individual, the candidate’s peers who will need placements in the future, the College, the
profession, and the district faculty and administration. Children, parents, and other
members of the community reasonably expect that those who are invited into their
schools will serve as a positive role models and will contribute to a healthy learning
climate for the children. Because our candidates have been so conscientious in this
regard, many districts welcome our requests for placements. A candidate who causes a
problem at a placement site may be dropped from the program.
Transportation to and from the sites of all field assignments and student
teaching placements are the responsibility of the teacher preparation candidate.
Requests for student teaching placements near a candidate’s place of residence will be
considered if appropriate supervision can be arranged and the candidate makes the
commitment to return to the campus one evening every other week to participate in the
required Student Teaching Seminar.
Student teaching is a full-time commitment for one semester. During the
semester that candidates student teach, no other courses or job responsibilities
should be undertaken. Requests for waivers of this provision must be submitted in
writing to the Director of Teacher Education no later than the beginning of the semester
prior to the semester that the candidate plans to student teach. Waiver requests must
specify in detail the reason for the request. Candidates should consider the practical
impact of devoting a full semester to student teaching prior to entering the program.
Students Who Have Completed Undergraduate Degrees
Students pursuing teacher certification who have earned undergraduate degrees
prior to entering the Ramapo College Teacher Education Program should seek advice
from the Assistant Dean of Teacher Education to design an appropriate individualized
program that meets all teacher certification requirements and to ensure that student
preparation will closely approximate the expectations established for undergraduates in
the Ramapo College program as outlined above.
Other Important Considerations
A minimum of three semesters is needed to complete the professional education
sequence of courses
Most education courses have a mandatory daytime field experience component
Student should monitor the Teacher Education Program Luminus page for
program announcements
All coursework must be completed prior to student teaching
The cost of student teaching is equivalent to 12 credit hours plus other fees
required for certification expenses
It is strongly recommended that students pass the appropriate Praxis II exam prior
to student teaching
Student teaching is a 15-week, full-time, Monday through Friday commitment
An evening bi-weekly seminar course is required during student teaching
Once completing the Teacher Education Program students have one year to make
sure all college requirements are compete to insure recommendation to the state of
New Jersey for certification
Students interested in Middle School certification should consult with the
Assistant Dean to make sure all necessary coursework is completed
For more information, call the
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Office of Teacher Education and Certification
Room G-404
Dr. Alexander Urbiel, Director (201) 684-7627
Joanne Caselli, Certification Officer (201) 684-7626
Karen Viviani, Secretary (201) 684-7638
Dr. Pamela Marcus, Field Placement Coordinator (201) 684-7885
Dr. Richard Russo, Coordinator of the Center for Learning and Instruction (201)684-7899
Melissa Howard, Center for Learning and Instruction Trainer (201)684-7886