Guideline Consensus Guidelines in Pathology Testing involving more than one discipline

Approval Date:
Review Date:
Review By:
Consensus Guidelines in Pathology Testing involving more
than one discipline
August 2012
August 2015
The following guideline documents a procedure for development of a consensus document
involving testing across sub disciplines and across organisations. The process should
involve as many of the relevant groups as possible so limits of acceptable practice can be
A proposal to construct a consensus document should be directed via the Board of Directors
who may refer it to BPPQ. Resource implications should be raised at this point.
If the process is allowed to proceed, the AC should form a working party involving members
of the AC, members of the relevant special societies, members of other Advisory committees
and relevant scientist organisations and stakeholder groups.
Preliminary work may involve questionnaires or surveys to determine present practice,
literature review and consultation with local and overseas experts.
A draft document should be created and distributed for further consultation eg via the
College and specialist society web sites and at the College Pathology Update meeting.
Limited studies may need to be done to validate recommendations. The process of
amendment and any studies should not span more than 12 months. The Board of Directors
should publish the consensus document in Pathology following approval.
Ideally, a survey of practice prior to the consensus document and one year following its
publication in Pathology should be carried out.
Considerations regarding interactions with other organisations
Interaction with other organisations is a critical part of creating a consensus document. The
form of interaction with other organisations should be determined at an informal meeting
between stakeholders. Ownership, composition of working groups and any resources that
each group may need to contribute, should be organised before commencement of the
process. Involvement of Council, the Board of Directors as well as the AC may be required in
this process.
1) Determination of need for a consensus document by Advisory Committee
2) Approval by BPPQ and Board of Directors
3) Involvement of stakeholders—determination of role of College and other organisations
4) Formation of working group
5) Review of current practice, evidence base and expert opinion
6) Draft document – optimum and minimum requirements.
7) Widespread dissemination and discussion
8) Review of draft
Document Number: D134109
9) Limited studies if practical
10) Final draft and publication in Pathology
Document Number: D134109