USP H O Success 2

USP H2O Success
USP H2O Success
Successful Project Delivery of
USP PW & WFI Systems
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
“Define it, Design it, Deliver it”©
This is a review of all the key steps required
for a successful USP water system delivery
This review covers; Science & Technology,
Pretreatment & Generation, Distribution
System, Project Management & Validation
Concept design to a validated conclusion
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Water – “Science & Technology”
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Water is the worlds most ubiquitous
Water is able to absorb and carry some
of most of the known elements
With today’s ability to measure down to
parts per trillion – if you look for it - you
can find it!
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Basic criteria: “Purified water must
meet the requirements for ionic and
organic chemical purity and must be
protected from microbial
contamination. PW systems must be
validated to reliably and consistently
produce and distribute water of
acceptable chemical and
microbiological quality”.
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
USP XXIX allows WFI from distillation OR
an equivalent process (equivalent
processes not yet accepted by European
„ WFI for global use products must come
from distillation
„ So to produce WFI - either vapor
compression or Multi-Effect distillation
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Water source is critical:
„ Potable sources include: surface, ground
and groundwater under surface influence
„ It is critical to understand seasonal
variability since this can mean big
difference in water sources
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USP H2O Success
With characteristics defined - pretreatment
equipment can be selected
Pretreatment systems manage:
„ Scaling (precipitation) of mineral salts &
„ Fouling due to organic and inorganic
„ Oxidation due to chlorine, chloramines
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USP H2O Success
Most scaling is controlled by one of;
softening, lowering pH, anti scalants, or nano
Fouling is controlled with a multi-media filter
and / or cartridge filtration
pH to remove dissolved gas, particularly
carbon dioxide
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USP H2O Success
For organic & inorganic reduction - ultrafiltration, ultraviolet light, organic
scavenging and regular cleaning and
For oxidation control - sodium bi-sulphite
addition, activated carbon and ultraviolet
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USP H2O Success
With pre-treatment defined – select the main
purification method
„ Most usual is RO (Revere Osmosis) to
remove salt and organic material
„ Deionization (polishing) - either anion and
cation resins or Electro-Deionization.
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Project Management
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
“Define it, Design it, Deliver it”©
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OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
“Define it, Design it, Deliver it”©
Start with a high level definition of the
requirements – a draft URS
The supply of USP - PW appears very
The reality – follow the many steps of
simple chemistry and logical process
engineering from start to finish
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Finalize the technical content of URS
„ Develop a water consumption matrix
„ Develop clearly defined end water quality
specifications from;
„ What product(s) and/or cleaning
processes will be served at the points of
„ Develop the process requirements
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Draft an outline schedule
„ This provides a preliminary indication of
the expected end date
„ This also provides a flag for those long
lead time items that need to be ordered
This is also the time you can reconfirm the
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Define the detail of the water source(s)
Temperatures, composition variability
Arrange for source sampling analysis if
required (recommended)
Check to ensure that all seasons and all
likely sources are covered and documented
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USP H2O Success
Reconfirm the consumption usage matrix
spread sheet
Verify all the process requirements –
volumes, flows, temperature & pressure
Check all the points of use and their capacity
requirements & diversification
Reconfirm the required quality parameters
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Make system capacity decisions from the
usage matrix
What is the hourly, daily and weekly
consumption need?
Is usage batch or continuous?
This will drive the system capacity choice &
prospective storage tank size
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USP H2O Success
What does a typical system look like?
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USP H2O Success
Full USP system diagram here
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USP H2O Success
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
WFIRO® is a patented RO system that meets
or exceeds USP guidelines for WFI, but not
currently accepted in Europe
WFIRO® technology does not require a tank
& is self sanitizing
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USP H2O Success
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
45 GPM 2 x Pass WFIRO®
Self Contained & Compact (20 x 6 x 6)
Softeners not shown
5 years of Municipal water data
Drought conditions upon start up
8 Months of operation – zero micro
count & zero cleaning
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USP H2O Success
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Supplied by a 10 GPM system
30,000 gallon tank – flat bottom - poor
turn over – outdoor – micro issues
Ozone system solution
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OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
2 floors each @ 25 K Sq Ft
International vaccines supplier
Equipment 18 months in outdoor
unsheltered storage prior to installation
- problems
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OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
2 Pass RO system with multi media
filtration and EDI
25 GPM capability
Silica issues with rainy season
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
185 GPM RO system
Over 30 Points of Use
Serious supply water issues –
Municipality not in control – Municipal
softeners not functional at time of
City supply not to EPA standards at
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Account for inbound and outbound
water use for cost credits from supply
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USP H2O Success
Project management continues;
Document all the usage criteria
Review all criteria with the end users
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USP H2O Success
Update and expand the preliminary URS into
the completed URS
Sign off the user acceptance
Reconfirm the budget and the schedule
“Black box” P & ID
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USP H2O Success
10 Minute Networking Break
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
System Design
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
“Define it, Design it, Deliver it”©
Evolve the initial detail design for;
Generation equipment
Storage requirements (buffer & quality
Distribution needs
Points of use
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USP H2O Success
Continue to evolve the initial detail design;
Confirm piping run(s)
„ (no dead legs and no air traps & 1 Mps
return flow)
Plan for expansion needs
Hot or chemical sanitization?
„ Ozone generation system requirements
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USP H2O Success
Create the final P & ID
Create the schematic flow diagram &
preliminary layout
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Prepare a FRS (Functional Requirement
This is a detailed description of the
functionality of the total system
Along with the URS – it provides important
overview documentation for the later
validation stage
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USP H2O Success
Pre-qualify vendors and suppliers
Prepare all detail arrangement drawings
Draft and finalize tender packages for all key
supply items
Pre-order long lead time items
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USP H2O Success
Specification package includes;
URS, FRS, Water Analysis,
„ Design Detail (surface finishes,
materials specs for product contact)
„ Instrumentation & Controls
„ Layout, orientation, sizes & access needs
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Evaluate all submitted tender packages for
content and scope coverage
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Review systems design in the context of
tender packages and vendor / supplier input
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
“Define it, Design it, Deliver it”©
Reconfirm the budget and time line
Confirm vendor and suppliers
Issue purchase orders (long leads – pre
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Prepare detail work packages for;
Civil / structural if required
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USP H2O Success
Verification & Validation
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Develop FAT and SAT protocols
Develop the commissioning protocol and
check sheets
Execute the FAT on all key equipment
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USP H2O Success
Develop validation documentation;
„ OQ
„ PQ
„ SOP’s (required for training)
The above are all based on the URS,
FRS and operations manuals from the
suppliers and vendors
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USP H2O Success
Install all equipment
Connect all piping
Connect all control requirements
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USP H2O Success
Execute the SAT from the developed SAT
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USP H2O Success
Commission the system based on the
commissioning protocol developed
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
Update all “as built” drawings for the system
turn-over package
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USP H2O Success
Execute the validation protocols based on
the approved documentation
Note: IQ can overlap with final installation
and the start of commissioning
„ OQ can overlap with the execution &
completion of commissioning
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
PQ requires the SOP’s approved and
operator training to be complete
PQ execution is user driven, requires
constant monitoring (usually first month) and
full documentation
System requires ongoing monitoring,
recording & maintenance
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008
USP H2O Success
System ready for turnover to users
Questions Please
OBK Technology Ltd. 2008