This article was downloaded by: [German, Laura] On: 13 May 2009 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 911141050] Publisher Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Sustainable Forestry Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle: Using Scenarios to Reconcile Conservation and Livelihood Objectives in Upper Catchments Laura German a; Grace Villamor b; Edgar Twine c; Sandra J. Velarde d; Berhane Kidane e a CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia b World Agroforestry Center, Los Banos, Philippines c International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kampala, Uganda d ASB-Partnership, Tropical Forest Margins/World Agroforestry Center, Nairobi, Kenya e Forestry Department, Holetta Agricultural Research Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Online Publication Date: 01 April 2009 To cite this Article German, Laura, Villamor, Grace, Twine, Edgar, Velarde, Sandra J. and Kidane, Berhane(2009)'Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle: Using Scenarios to Reconcile Conservation and Livelihood Objectives in Upper Catchments',Journal of Sustainable Forestry,28:3,368 — 394 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/10549810902791515 URL: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. 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Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 28:368–394, 2009 Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1054-9811 print/1540-756X online DOI: 10.1080/10549810902791515 Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle: Using Scenarios to Reconcile Conservation and Livelihood Objectives in Upper Catchments 1540-756X 1054-9811 WJSF Journal of Sustainable Forestry, Forestry Vol. 28, No. 3, February 2009: pp. 1–39 LAURA GERMAN1, GRACE VILLAMOR2, EDGAR TWINE3, SANDRA J. VELARDE4, and BERHANE KIDANE5 Environmental L. German et al.Services and the Precautionary Principle 1 CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia World Agroforestry Center, Los Banos, Philippines 3 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kampala, Uganda 4 ASB-Partnership, Tropical Forest Margins/World Agroforestry Center, Nairobi, Kenya 5 Forestry Department, Holetta Agricultural Research Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 2 Strategies for environmental governance and conservation in Africa have relied on regulatory mechanisms (policies) that further restrict already limited livelihood options by prohibiting certain land uses and isolating people from forest resources. Environmental service rewards (ESR) present an opportunity for incentives-based conservation, enabling livelihood and conservation goals to be more easily reconciled. Yet context has an important effect on the viability of ESR and on the trade-offs or synergies that emerge between conservation and livelihood, local and off-site benefits. This article analyzes ethnobotanical data from three sites in the eastern African highlands to analyze the likely consequences of applying diverse regulatory and incentive (ESR) schemes. Data illustrate that when applied in isolation, carbon rewards can undermine water conservation and local livelihood objectives alike through expansion of fast-growing tree species at the expense of water supply and other land uses. The article presents an approach for building upon local knowledge and scenario analysis during the planning phase of environmental service reward The authors would like to acknowledge SDC, IDRC, and the Rockefeller Foundation for their financial support for fieldwork, and the guidance and friendship of the late Dr. Ann Stroud and Dr. Luis Navarro. Address correspondence to Laura German, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Box 0113 BOCBD, Bogor 16000, Indonesia. E-mail: 368 Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle 369 schemes to identify a suite of incentive and regulatory mechanisms most likely to reconcile local livelihood with local, national, and international conservation objectives. KEYWORDS agroforestry, carbon sequestration, environmental services, precautionary principle Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 INTRODUCTION Strategies for environmental governance and conservation in Africa have focused on regulatory mechanisms that further restrict already limited livelihood options by prohibiting certain land uses and isolating people from forest resources. Tensions created through regulation (i.e., conservation versus livelihoods, rural versus urban interests) have made enforcement difficult. Environmental service reward (ESR) systems (incentives) represent a promising alternative to regulation, enabling livelihood and conservation goals to be more easily reconciled (van Noordwijk, 2005). The trade-offs between livelihoods and environmental service (ES) functions of highland watersheds are perhaps most acute in Africa, where chronic poverty has led to more extreme levels of resource degradation. Loss of critical ES is felt by local (rural) and off-site (urban and rural) users alike. Low levels of household income suggest that modest rewards may catalyze far-reaching change in Sub-Saharan Africa. These factors combined suggest that a functioning ESR scheme holds significant promise for reconciling livelihood and environmental goals in the region. While opportunities are apparent, context is likely to have a profound effect on the viability of ESR schemes and on the trade-offs or synergies that emerge. Recent research has shown that strong trade-offs exist in tree species selection in agricultural and forested landscapes in the absence of carbon credits. Observed trade-offs are both biophysical (i.e., trees versus water) and social (i.e., land owners versus affected users) (Bruijnzeel, 2004; Farley, Jobbagy, & Jackson, 2005; German, Kidane, & Shemdoe, 2006c). Application of carbon payments in isolation from other regulatory or incentive mechanisms may exacerbate trade-offs by stimulating expansion of high-value, fast-growing evergreen species at the expense of crops (due to competition for land and water) and water for human and livestock consumption (Farley et al., 2005). Negative effects of certain tree species on water availability (a trade-off widely felt by smallholders otherwise selecting these species for their fast growth, and by neighboring farmers), for example, seem to be inversely associated with the degree of deciduousness of the species (Muthuri et al., 2002). It is therefore essential that an intimate knowledge of context—including the unique “environmental signatures” of diverse tree species and their likely expansion or 370 L. German et al. Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 contraction under carbon credit schemes—is incorporated into the design of ESR schemes. This article utilizes ethnobotanical data from four sites in the eastern African highlands to project into the future the likely consequences of overlaying market-based incentives in the form of carbon credits on existing environmental and human choice scenarios and the trade-offs embodied in these. Data suggest the need for complementary measures to ensure that the trade-offs associated with current (agro)forestry practice—depletion of groundwater, competition with crops, and related conflict—are not further exacerbated through carbon incentive schemes, and suggest that a precautionary approach to environmental service rewards is warranted. Following a description of the methodology and findings from this research, an approach for using scenarios to anticipate the likely consequences of applying discrete incentive and regulatory mechanisms alone and in combination is proposed. Steps in the proposed approach are outlined and their respective contributions to precautionary planning highlighted. BACKGROUND Environmental Governance in East and Central Africa Strategies for environmental governance and conservation in Africa have focused on regulatory mechanisms in the form of environmental policies and social norms regulating the use of water resources, trees, forests, and agricultural grazing land. Statutory regulations are often ignored, creating a governance vacuum and exacerbating land-use conflicts. This problem has historical roots in the Colonial era, when traditional governance and belief systems were systematically discredited and eroded. In many countries, the modern legal system has proven ineffective in filling the governance gap, with local leaders finding it difficult to impose sanctions on their neighbors and relatives and a common perception that laws are imposed top-down with no regard to local realities. While failure to respect norms and bylaws has many causes—from historical forces which marginalized traditional governance systems to poor enforcement in the contemporary era—it is hypothesized that it is also due to the role these regulations play in restricting already limited livelihood options (German et al., 2006b). Tensions created through regulation (i.e., conservation versus livelihoods, rural versus urban interests) have made enforcement difficult, leaving many regulations to exist on paper only. Results include encroachment on protected areas and a breakdown in environmental governance and policy enforcement. Environmental Service Rewards: An Alternative to Regulation In the past decade or more, there has been an upsurge in global interest surrounding the protection of environmental services. An environmental service Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle 371 is considered to be a result of the dynamic nature of landscapes that are valued by external stakeholders as a service (Van Noordwijk, 2005). This consists of flows of materials, energy, and information from natural capital stocks, which combine with manufactured and human capital services to produce human welfare. Costanza et al. (1997) classified the many environmental services into 17 major categories with functions and examples. They estimated that these services provide at least US$33 trillion worth of services annually. These include provisioning (e.g., food, fiber, water, etc.), regulating (e.g., climate, disturbance, and water regulation), and cultural services (e.g., recreational, spiritual, and educational) that directly affect people, and supporting services (e.g., above and below ground carbon stocks in natural forests, agroforests, and agricultural areas) needed to maintain the other services. Currently, provisions for environmental service reward or payment systems—largely focusing on watershed protection, biodiversity conservation, and carbon sequestration—are widely recognized in Latin America, Asia, and increasingly in other parts of the world. ESR schemes (incentives) represent a promising alternative to regulation, enabling livelihood and conservation goals to be more easily reconciled (van Noordwijk, 2005)—in particular where high levels of poverty would seem to pitch livelihood and conservation goals against one another. While opportunities are apparent, context is likely to have a profound effect on the viability of ESR schemes and on the trade-offs or synergies that emerge from land-use change and benefits flow. Recent research has shown that strong trade-offs exist in tree species selection—with trees bringing the highest economic returns carrying negative biophysical and social consequences (i.e., groundwater depletion, reduced productivity of neighboring cropland) (Bruijnzeel, 2004; Farley et al., 2005; German et al., 2006c). Application of carbon payments in isolation from policies to regulate species selection or location, or from incentive schemes to balance attention to diverse environmental services (e.g., carbon and water), may exacerbate unfavorable trade-offs by stimulating expansion of high-value, fast-growing evergreen species (Farley et al.). This will have the effect of enhancing ES functions of interest to the global community (i.e., carbon) while undermining ES of higher local and national importance (i.e., water). Thus, trade-offs must be analyzed along three dimensions: local livelihood versus conservation functions; trade-offs among different types of environmental services (carbon versus water); and trade-offs of scale (environmental services or specific dimensions within each service of interest to local people, the nation-state, or the global community). Carbon Sequestration and the Kyoto Protocol The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an agreement that assigns mandatory limitations Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 372 L. German et al. for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the signatory nations. The foundational element of the protocol is Article 3, which consists of the joint commitment of industrialized or Annex I countries to reduce their aggregate GHG emissions by at least 5% below 1990 levels in the commitment period (2008–2012). Developing countries (referred to as Non-Annex I countries) are able to participate under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as one of the flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol. CDM-approved projects implemented in Non-Annex I countries are eligible for receiving carbon credits which can be sold to Annex I buyers. However, the Non-Annex I countries have to first meet a number of complex requirements, and ensure compliance with international rules and national regulations and priorities. As a result, there is a rapid expansion of forestry programs operating under the voluntary market. Since carbon sequestration is a function of biomass accumulation, the simplest way to expand land–based carbon stocks is to plant trees (Lasco, Pulhin, Roshetko, & Banaticla, 2004). The CDM sets specific requirements for land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) projects to be eligible for funding. Specific rules or guidelines relevant to LULUCF projects include: • Agricultural sink projects are excluded (e.g., soil organic matter enhancement projects); • Reforestation can only be carried out on lands deforested prior to 1990; • Leakage (increase of all greenhouse gases outside the project boundary that are measurable and attributable to the project) must be subtracted from project sequestration; • Eligible small-scale forestry project size is between 500–1000 ha; • Project lifetimes are a maximum of 30 years or 3 × 20 years; and • Potentially invasive alien species and genetically modified trees are treated according to the rules of the host and investor country. Several of these guidelines suggest that expansion of carbon reward systems throughout the eastern Africa region may exacerbate the negative consequences or trade-offs from existing land uses. First, the minimum eligible farm size would favor medium- and large-scale farmers over smallholders, and perhaps also plantation forestry over mixed production systems given the tendency to segregate trees from cropland as farm size increases. Historically, this plantation forestry has been characterized by cultivation of single species over large areas—with species generally selected for their ability to yield high-value timber in short time periods. These patterns of tree species selection would likely exacerbate biodiversity loss and—in the eastern Africa context where Eucalyptus and pine are seen by small–scale farmers and plantation managers alike as choice species for timber yield—depletion of groundwater (Carrere & Lohmann, 1996). While ESR schemes would enhance the profitability of existing Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle 373 patterns in tree species choice, other stakeholders would be negatively affected due to the environmental and social consequences embodied in these choices (i.e., water scarcity to agriculturalists, herders, and urban populations). This raises the question of “environmental services for whom?” The last specification under CDM guidelines—namely, that invasive alien species and genetically modified trees be treated according to the rules of the host country—would tend to foster a similar expansion in harmful exotics in eastern Africa, where regulations on tree harvesting (and thus planting) are generally biased against indigenous species (Ashley, Russell, & Swallow, 2006; Cameron et al., 2000) and forestry practice is strongly rooted in the colonial legacy (LeRoux, 1990; Scott, 1998). Lasco et al. (2004) also noted that how a country defines a forest is very important in determining which activities qualify for carbon payments. The CDM defines forest as tree crown cover (or equivalent stocking level) of more than 10–30%, containing trees with the potential to reach a minimum height of 2–5 m at maturity. The higher the required crown cover, the greater the likelihood of isolating CDM trees from crops, given the increased competition of trees with crops for water, light, and nutrients. Finally, the fact that species choice will affect the potential to sequester carbon, with fast-growing species yielding carbon more quickly on average (Moura-Costa 1996), will favor fast-growing exotics exhibiting the strongest social and environmental trade-offs (German et al., 2006c). In short, ESR schemes raise a number of political questions regarding which services to be rewarded and for whom. METHODOLOGY Local Knowledge Assessment of Niche Compatibility To understand the likely consequences of carbon payments in the region, many insights may be gained by looking at what local residents are already saying about the functional role of trees in landscapes and livelihoods. A methodology for identifying niche compatibilities and incompatibilities in agroforestry was developed to enable the design of afforestation practices that minimize the negative trade-offs of trees in densely settled agricultural landscapes (German et al., 2006c). This methodology can be used in anticipating the likely consequences of a shift in incentive systems in these landscapes. The methodology has the following steps: Step 1: Identification of Tree Niches, Species, and Niche Compatibility Criteria 1. Identification of different niches or locations where trees are currently found or could be grown on the landscape. Farm boundaries, springs, communal land, forest boundaries, within farmland and valley bottoms 374 L. German et al. are some examples, but niches of relevance to specific sites need to be identified on a case-by-case basis. 2. Identification of a list of important tree species, which is done by asking local residents to list: (a) culturally- or economically-important tree species, (b) tree species with harmful effects, (c) species compatible with each of the niches identified above, and (d) species incompatible with each of the niches identified above. 3. Identification of the properties of trees that make them culturally important, harmful, or niche-compatible. To do this, each time a species is mentioned in (a), (b), (c), or (d) above, the facilitator asks, “why?” (“Why is this tree important?” “Why is this tree harmful?” “Why is this tree (in) compatible?”). Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 Step 2: Participatory Ranking of Species According to Identified Criteria 1. Compilation of a single list of species from step (1.2) and a single list of tree features from step (1.3) above, in matrix form using a spreadsheet (features in rows and species in columns); 2. Interview key informants knowledgeable about both indigenous and exotic tree species, asking them to rank each species according to the degree to which it exhibits each identified tree feature. The number “2” is entered if the answer is “yes, the species exhibits this characteristic”; “0” if the answer is “no, the species does not exhibit this characteristic”; and “1” if the answer is somewhere in between (exhibiting the feature only sometimes or only to a certain degree); and 3. Group rows (features, with their corresponding rank for each species) by niche, so that only those features determining tree species compatibility for the niche in question is utilized to assess compatibility. Analysis of these data can be through descriptive statistics or more complex statistical analyses (German et al., 2006c). What is most crucial to the current application is identification of incompatibilities of “important” (prevalent, culturally important, harmful) species with different niches, livelihood goals, and environmental services. This information is instrumental in projecting likely consequences of carbon rewards, and considering possible complementary incentive and regulatory instruments to minimize trade-offs (in this case, the negative consequences which would accompany expansion of certain tree species on the landscape). Participatory Bylaw Reforms Multistakeholder negotiations for improved governance of highland landscapes have been utilized as a subsequent step, to identify technological Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle 375 and governance solutions to niche incompatibilities. The approach includes the following steps: Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 1. Stakeholder identification by niche and, in this particular application of the methodology, by service (“stakeholder” in this case is not used in the apolitical sense of “actors with a relevant mandate,” but rather to acknowledge the diverse and often conflicting local interests around the niche or service in question within local communities themselves); 2. Engagement of a mediator highly respected by each party (site-specific); 3. Consultation of different stakeholder groups to elicit their views and bring them closer to the negotiating table; and 4. Multistakeholder negotiations by niche, including the following sub-steps: • Feedback findings from niche compatibility study (species found to be compatible and incompatible by niche, and niche compatibility criteria of different stakeholders); • Negotiate “binding” niche compatibility criteria (the criteria most important to each stakeholder) that must be met in tree species selection, or move directly into the identification of species that meet the needs of the landowner while minimizing any negative effects on others—which proved to be conceptually easier for participants in practice; • Identification of local bylaws and technology dissemination activities required to put agreements into practice; and • Development of a detailed work plan with activities, responsibilities, and timeline. In the context of this article, this methodology and related findings are presented for two purposes: (a) to highlight the tensions which emerge between livelihood goals of certain stakeholders and regulations designed to minimize social and environmental trade-offs; and (b) as a potential instrument for forging desirable future states in the context of carbon incentive schemes. FINDINGS Niche Compatibility Study The niche compatibility study was conducted in four sites of the eastern African highlands: the highlands around Ginchi town, located in West Shewa Zone, Ethiopia (“Ginchi”); the Emuhaya area of western Kenya (“W. Kenya”); a site in Lushoto District, in the Usambara mountains of Tanzania (“Lushoto”); and a site in Kabale District, in the Kagezi highlands of southwestern Uganda (“Kabale”). Results show that a number of tree Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 376 L. German et al. species are considered harmful by local residents. Reasons cited included their negative influence on crops, soil, springs, other tree species, and valley bottoms, and their role in increasing runoff. A summary of these species for four research sites of the African Highlands Initiative, an ecoregional research-for-development program seeking solutions to integrated livelihoodconservation challenges in the highlands of eastern Africa, is presented in the Table 1. Evidence also suggests that in addition to these negative effects, strong social and environmental trade-offs exist in the selection of tree species (German et al., 2006c). Multidimensional scaling of tree species × tree feature matrices facilitates the generation of 3-dimensional graphical representations of how locally-salient tree characteristics covary within the available species. Graphical outputs (Figure 1) suggest that species chosen for their economic functions (solid thin circle) will tend to carry with them negative environmental impacts (dotted thick line), while a different suite of species (solid thick line) will tend to bring positive environmental impacts. Clearly, TABLE 1 Species Identified by Farmers as “Harmful” in Four Sites of the Eastern African Highlands Species Sites Reasons Eucalyptus spp. All crops Eucalyptus robusta Acacia Mearnsii Lushoto Kabale, Lushoto Persea americana Cupressus lusitanica Kabale W. Kenya, Ginchi Erythrina abyssinica Albizia gummifera, Albizia schimperiana Olea europaea subsp africana. W. Kenya Allanblackia stunlammanni Solanecio mennii Ocotea usambarensis Ficus thonningii Markhamia obustifolia Olea africana Vernonea auriculifera Senecio gigas Lushoto Arrest undergrowth; increases run-off Arrests undergrowth; leaves bad for crops/ soil; heavy feeder on water; out- competes other tree species; dries up valley bottoms Leaves bad for crops/soil Lushoto Lushoto Lushoto Lushoto Ginchi Ginchi Ginchi Leaves bad for crops/soil; heavy feeder on water Heavy feeder on water; dries up valley bottoms Out-competes other tree species Dries up valley bottoms Dries springs Changes the taste of water Changes the taste of water Lushoto Lushoto Drains the soil of water, competes with and nutrients, dries springs and valley bottoms, has a negative affect on soil, changes the taste of water Out-competes other tree species Drains the soil of water, competes with crops for nutrients, arrests undergrowth; increases run-off, destroys soil for subsequent uses; outcompetes other tree species Drains the soil of water. Shallow rooted, dries soil, dries springs, competes with adjacent crops, has a negative affect on soil Massive root system, competes with crops 377 Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle LushotoOut GdFert GdCrop WatCons TrCpat Indigen NoDrySl Fodder FastGr SWC FewSeed Axis 3 SlowRel Runoff Fuel AltEuc GdBnd Shade Prnble Extracts EasProp RockDeg WatComp Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 Fruits Compete SmShad TreeCmp AdptsWa RdStab Income Poles Timber Demand HvyFeed DryVal NegLvs AggrRt Axis 1 FIGURE 1 Clusters of tree characteristics in multidimensional space, Lushoto, Tanzania a,b . a Analysis based on 30 species (reproduced from German et al, 2006c). b Multidimensional scaling helps to reduce multi-dimensional data to few dimensions to make patterns visible. Each of the axes in Figure 1 represent 30 dimensions (30 tree species) to a certain degree, but each of the 3 axes represent some dimensions or species better than others. This reduces 30-dimensional space (30 species each with its own unique assemblage of characteristics) to 3 dimensions, enabling the visualization of how species characteristics co-vary with one another within a specific assemblage of species and identification of trade-offs inherent in species selection this poses a problem to management, as in the absence of collective choice rules regulating individual behaviors, farmers will tend to emphasize individual goods (income) over collective goods (water, consequences to neighboring households, etc.). Indeed, this is a widespread problem in the highlands of eastern Africa (German et al., 2006a, 2006b). Participatory Bylaw Reforms Most bylaw reforms proposed by farmers to address negative problems stemming from cultivation of “harmful” trees focused largely on Eucalyptus spp. 378 L. German et al. and Acrocarpus spp. given the magnitude of negative effects, and on the two niches where these effects cause most harm: farm boundaries and springs. In this context, bylaws can play a role in shifting farmers’ attention from individual goods alone to optimizing individual and collective goods and impacts. Stakeholders identified for each niche include: • Farm boundaries—landowners (individual farmers, tea estates, Missions) and affected households; • Springs—owners of land around springs and affected households. Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 Bylaws proposed by farmers for ameliorating negative effects of fast-growing exotics are summarized for two sites (Ginchi, Ethiopia, and Lushoto, Tanzania) in Table 2. These bylaws are indicative of how “harmful” trees are currently affecting livelihoods, and of farmers’ desire to strengthen environmental TABLE 2 By-Laws Proposed for Addressing Negative Livelihood Consequences of ‘Harmful trees’ in Ginchi (Ethiopia) and Lushoto (Tanzania) Site Springs Ginchi Lushoto Farm Boundaries Ginchi Lushoto Proposed by-laws (i) Only water-friendly trees (Hagenia abyssinica, Buddleja polystachya, Juniperus procera, Dombeya torrida, Olea africana) to be planted within 100m and 25m from springs in upslope and downslope locations, respectively. (i) Ban thirsty trees in water sources or in areas around the water sources; (ii) Ban further deforestation around springs; (iii) Areas around springs to be owned by local government (hamlet level, Kwalei village); (iv) Ban harmful trees and activities (cultivation, illegal cutting of trees, grazing) within certain radius of water sources, with the area protected varying by village (5 to 45m) depending on land use and number of spring users; (v) Total ban on Eucalyptus in the village (1 village); (vi) A fine of 5000 Tshs per goat and 10000 Tshs per cow caught grazing on water sources (1 village). (i) Eucalyptus spp. should not be planted within 10 m of cultivated land. (ii) Those ignoring the by-law shall compensate affected farmers for damages incurred. (i) Ban Eucalyptus on farm boundaries (all villages). (ii) Minimum of 15 meters between Acrocarpus trees on farm boundaries to minimize competition with crops (1 village). (iii) Ban on Acrocarpus (1 village). (iv) To establish a minimum distance from farm boundaries for the cultivation of species valuable for timber to minimize ownership and management conflicts, unless otherwise agreed with neighboring farmer (1 village). (v) Anyone caught planting harmful trees on farm boundaries will pay a fine of 5,000 Tanzania shillings (1 village). Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle 379 governance to minimize negative livelihood consequences of current farm forestry practices. They also illustrate how two species in particular are targeted for improved governance due to the negative social and environmental impacts they embody. While many of these proposed bylaws require further refinement to be enforceable, it is clear from these proposals that improved governance of tree selection and management on densely settled agricultural landscapes would have the effect of restricting already limited livelihood options. In the case of farm boundaries, watershed residents have proposed that certain economically profitable but environmentally harmful species be banned entirely and that others be regulated in terms of spacing or density. Around springs, Lushoto residents proposed that all economic activity be banned within a certain buffer zone while in Ginchi farmers proposed a ban on one of the most profitable enterprises (Eucalyptus woodlots) within designated buffer zones. Furthermore, sanctions— a necessary precondition to effective self-governance of common property resources (Ostrom, 1990) and other natural resource management processes at landscape scale—pose a financial burden on individuals disobeying established rules. It is hypothesized that the livelihood burden of improved governance is a major contributing factor to low levels of compliance with policies and bylaws in eastern Africa, as law enforcers generally emanate from the same villages (families, social networks) as the accused parties, and the social cost of law enforcement is generally high. The desire of local government representatives to be reelected is a further incentive for selective or nonenforcement. Those trees singled out by farmers for bylaw reforms (Eucalyptus and Acrocarpus species) are also those considered by farmers to have the fastest growth rates for timber. This, in large part, is why farmers select these species despite the known trade-offs. Should payments for carbon sequestration take root in eastern Africa, the tendency would be for the negative consequences of tree cultivation to be exacerbated due to the correlation between growth rates, current economic incentives, and rates of carbon sequestration (Moura-Costa, 1996). While these consequences in landscapes dominated by smallholders may rest on the ability of smallholders to overcome the bureaucratic hurdles of market access, access to carbon markets by medium- to large-scale landowners in diverse agroecosystems is likely to embody similar trade-offs for resident smallholders and pastoralists. Alternative strategies are needed to encourage forestry practices compatible with other land uses (and livelihood objectives of other land users), and with environmental services of local importance (a clean and reliable source of water, low runoff, etc.), but which nevertheless meet livelihood goals. This article argues that a precautionary approach is needed to environmental service reward schemes in the region to help stakeholders anticipate the likely consequences (positive and negative) 380 L. German et al. to different stakeholders at different scales, and to incorporate this understanding into decisions of whether and how to engage with the CDM and voluntary carbon markets. Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 TOWARD A PRECAUTIONARY APPROACH TO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE REWARDS IN EASTERN AFRICA This next section proposes a stepwise approach to environmental service reward schemes in eastern Africa that takes a precautionary approach by facilitating stakeholders to anticipate the likely social and environmental outcomes of different scenarios, to negotiate socially–optimal scenarios and to design incentive and/or regulatory schemes to foster mutually agreed outcomes. We argue that these steps can be used to anticipate and manage, through ex-ante assessments and stakeholder-based planning and monitoring, outcomes so that the positive effects are enhanced and negative consequences minimized. The proposed steps are outlined below. Analysis of Biophysical and Social Trade-offs of Different Tree Species Step 1 (Biophysical trade-offs): Synthesis of farmer and scientific knowledge on “harmful trees.” The first step consists of the systematic assessment of local knowledge on niche compatibility, as described above and in the literature (German et al., 2006b, 2006c). This methodology assists in grounding the assessment of the “environmental signatures” of tree species in a locallyrelevant suite of species (trees that are culturally important, harmful, and compatible or incompatible with different niches), and helps to identify the environmental and social service functions of greatest salience to local residents. In regards to the latter, local residents have tended to emphasize compatibility with water resources and agricultural productivity in sites where this methodology has been implemented. However, these emphases are likely to vary by site. Ideally, if multiple stakeholder groups are comanaging landscapes and interacting around the niches and services in question, local knowledge assessments should be conducted with each stakeholder group so that commonalities and discrepancies are highlighted. A second step in the assessment of trade-offs of different tree species is a literature review to synthesize scientific literature on the negative effects of species prevalent within the landscapes and niches in question. Such information can compliment farmers’ knowledge through clarification of biophysical processes underlying observed phenomena, or legitimize local knowledge among other stakeholder groups or actors (i.e., government agencies). While such information is patchy (due, in large part, to the tendency for research to Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle 381 emphasize economic characteristics over the social and environmental impacts of trees), the articulation of new information needs can and should fuel innovations in research. This step should follow the first, so that literature reviews can be fine-tuned to the problems, species, niches, and environmental and social service functions of local importance. However, following subsequent steps of negotiation, broader literature reviews might also serve the purpose of identifying alternative species or management practices that could play a role in minimizing observed trade-offs. Step 2 (Social trade-offs): Stakeholder analysis. While the stakeholder concept in the context of environmental service rewards tends to emphasize “providers/sellers” and “buyers” as discrete stakeholder groups, in the context of this approach the stakeholder concept must be grounded first and foremost in divergent local “stakes.” This is because current land uses, likely to be transformed through new incentive and regulatory mechanisms, already embody social and environmental trade-offs for diverse local land users. In other words, local communities are heterogeneous—with diverse political interests characterizing land use incentives and behaviors, and new arrangements between buyers and sellers are likely to have uneven effects on local actors. The question then becomes, “how can environmental service rewards be governed so that compensations that benefit buyers are harmonized with diverse local interests, and the social and environmental service functions embodied in these?” Common usage of the term “stakeholder” tends to depoliticize it, interpreting it to mean all the different actors present in an area and having a mandate related to the topic rather than specific interests as implied by the term (“holders” of “stakes”). This tends to give all parties equal legitimacy in negotiation, when in fact the key actors with a stake in specific niches or services can generally be classified into those managing the resource or niche (often with some form of property rights) and those negatively affected by these actions. Other actors with claims to knowledge or decision-making authority may claim a stake due to their legitimacy vis-à-vis the state or civil society, yet they can be considered secondary stakeholders with respect to their relationship to the problem (German et al., 2006a). In line with each of the above considerations, stakeholders should first be identified with respect to “problem niches” as identified in Step 1. This aligns subsequent negotiations with the trade-offs currently characterizing land use and those likely to be exacerbated through new incentive schemes. It also helps to focus subsequent negotiations on the unique features of local livelihoods and landscapes and the compatibility criteria of each stakeholder, and to prioritize the involvement of local actors who have the largest stakes in the outcomes. The second stage of stakeholder analysis involves the supply and demand side of the environmental service. In this case, the stakeholders from the supply side have already been identified and are juxtaposed as a heterogeneous group against the buyers. While any number of approaches to stakeholder identification may be used, it is essential to ensure that when problems 382 L. German et al. Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 diagnosed by one group implicate another interest group, the new group is also consulted to identify their own views on the problem. Following stakeholder identification, each stakeholder group should be consulted on their views about the problem or niche in question, how it affects different parties (the social trade-offs), and how to go about multistakeholder negotiations. As new stakeholder groups emerge, there may be a need to return to Step 1 to assess their own knowledge on niche compatibility. The first two steps may therefore be seen as iterative. In our own experience, however, despite the presence of conflict around “problem niches” and divergent perceptions of what constitute viable solutions, stakeholders tend to agree on the biophysical dimensions of the problem (i.e., the negative properties of species x). Therefore, stakes or interests—rather than knowledge or positions (i.e., preference for a particular solution)—tend to become the basis for negotiation. Scenario Analysis: Analyzing Alternative Futures and Articulating Social and Environmental Goals of each Stakeholder Group Step 3: Development of participatory scenarios. The third step involves constructing scenarios with local stakeholders in an area where environmental service rewards are under consideration to identify ways in which conservation and livelihood goals of different stakeholders may be fostered while minimizing any negative impacts. Scenarios are creative stories about the future, and provide answers to the question, “What if . . . ?” The resulting stories can be images of desired as well as undesired futures. The stories have to make sense and they have to be plausible. At the same time, scenarios can be used to actively engage stakeholders, identify their different perspectives, and provide an active learning space for those involved (Patel, Kok, & Rothman, 2007; van der Heijden, 1996). In the context ESR, participatory scenarios can help local communities anticipate the likely consequences of ESR schemes to livelihood and environmental service functions of local importance, to negotiate social and environmental services of crucial importance to diverse local interest groups, and to incorporate this understanding into decisions of whether and how to individually or collectively engage with the scheme. Scenarios are built with diverse local stakeholder groups independently, using focus group discussions stratified by gender and age within an interest group—or simply by identified local stakeholder groups in the aggregate. The number of participants will depend upon the stakeholder in question —whether a particular interest group within communities having many “members” (in which case groups of 10–25 participants may be appropriate), or local and external interest groups with few representatives. Generic steps for participatory scenario development are outlined in Box 1 (Evans et al., 2006). These steps need to be adapted to the application in question—namely, how to reconcile social and environmental services of importance to local residents and buyers. Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle 383 Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 Box 1. Key Steps for Building Participatory Scenarios (Adapted from Evans et al., 2006) 1. Identification of historical eras of change. The groups discuss together and come up with a “time line” for their site. They have to think far beyond their life times into the past and draw on the long-term history of the area. By identifying major changes in the past, the participants are ready to open their minds and be creative about the future and be aware of “surprises” and changes that would affect them and consider them in the scenarios they will build. 2. Identification of focal questions. Focal questions are the main concerns or issues of the participatory scenarios exercise. It is important that participants come up with their own focal questions in a language and form they understand. The scenarios resulting of the exercise have to provide answers to these questions. These answers can be used as indicators to do monitoring and follow through. 3. Identification of driving forces. Driving forces are factors that will influence the future of a community in a positive or negative way. Participants identify driving forces in breakout groups. Once the driving forces are identified they should be classified in certain and uncertain and then ranked. 4. Creation of narratives and images. Participants divide in breakout groups of 4-6 people plus a facilitator and answer: “What happens in X years time if (driving force change)…? Drawings can help participants to maximize their creativity and provide a better estimate of spatial distribution and volume of crops, forests, boundaries, transects, etc. under different circumstances analyzed. The drawings can be scaled and adjusted to produce geo-referenced maps of the area (by the researchers). Go back to the focal questions and make sure the narratives are answering them. 5. Presentation and discussion. Each group presents its story and discuss its implications in plenary. Some questions that would help the discussion are: “Does the story make sense? Is it plausible? Why or why not? Who are the “winners and losers”? What do they win and lose?, ” “What components of the story are under the community’s control? Which ones are not?”, “How can the community monitor if this story is actually occurring?” 6. Refinement and analysis of impacts. After getting feedback from plenary discussion, each group goes back to their original breakout group and refines its scenario narrative. Then, the facilitator introduces a “shock” or a “surprise” into the story, asking, “Does the story still make sense? Is it believable?”. For example, a shock could be drought or famine. In breakout groups, discuss the impacts of their scenarios: “What if the future unfolds like the scenario?” “Who gains and who loses in each scenario?”, “What skills do I (or my family) need to acquire in each scenario”, “What actions I (my family, my community) need to take to bring about a desirable future or mitigate a negative one?”. Then, ask the participants to list the top 3 opportunities and threats across the scenarios and to answer: “How to take advantage of the opportunity? What can be done to prevent this threat? If it is not possible to prevent the threat, how can you best prepare?” Each substep needs the facilitator to start the discussion with some motivating questions. For example: 1. Identification of historical eras of change: (a) Precolonial era: Is there any agriculture? Grazing? Which crops are planted? How is the social structure?; (b) Colonial era: What has changed, and how? Who owns the land? What crops or trees are introduced?; (c) Postcolonial era/present: What changes have occurred? What are the trends in farm forestry, and with what effects? Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 384 L. German et al. 2. Identification and prioritization of focal concerns and indicators: In the context of rewards for ES, water and carbon are two key environmental services that may be considered in the context of negotiations. The facilitator may ask the participants to recall positive and negative properties of common tree species, and then ask, “What would be the outcomes to livelihoods if small payments were made to farmers who accumulate more trees/wood on their farms?” “What would be the outcomes to the environment? To water?” and “Would you have any [other] concerns?” Participants write their answers (focal questions), discuss, and rank them. Facilitators record livelihood and environmental service indicators of local importance. 3. Identification of driving forces and creation of narratives: “You mentioned that the expansion of certain tree species would have negative consequences to [parameters x, y, z]. If this has occurred in the past, what have been the causes?” Participants would then divide themselves into breakout groups of 4–6 people plus a facilitator to explore future scenarios related to the introduction of new environmental incentive and regulatory instruments. The facilitator would introduce a hypothetical incentive or regulation (additional payments for the accumulation of wood/timber onfarm, payments for groundwater recharge), one at a time, and ask participants to explore the likely consequences —with a focus on identified indicators of local concern. Questions to be asked by the facilitator might include, “What happens if the price of [trees/wood or water] increases? Which species will be planted? Which will be replaced? What will be lost in the process? How would neighboring farmers lose/gain? What will be the positive and negative consequences on indicator x?” Participants are encouraged to return to the focal questions and make sure the narratives are answering them. Once the consequences of changes in the price of carbon and water are identified independently, participants can be asked to consider more complex scenarios including each of these incentive systems applied alone, applied in combination, and in combination with regulatory instruments that govern tree species selection, location, or density. This serves to create awareness of the linkage between current landuse scenarios and related trade-offs, and how these would be affected by different incentive and regulatory mechanisms if applied in the future. It also serves to bolster their collective understanding and advocacy capacity for subsequent multi-stakeholder negotiations. Throughout each of these substeps, facilitators keep track of local indicators used to evaluate different scenarios by tracking responses to focal questions for different land uses, niches (forest margins, springs and waterways, farm boundaries, valley bottoms) and environmental services (spring recharge, runoff control, etc). Indicators of local relevance might include income generated from diverse enterprises (crop, tree, livestock) at farm Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle 385 level, availability of water for domestic use, and/or prevalence of conflict, among others. This list of indicators is consolidated throughout the process, and presented back to the group at the end of the meeting to identify gaps and inconsistencies. Indicators can also be ranked by level of importance to each stakeholder group, and used to negotiate desired future scenarios. Step 4: Desktop analysis. Following scenario analysis with discrete stakeholder groups, a desktop analysis can be used for two purposes. First, it can be used for further analysis of the extent to which new incentives/ rewards are likely to shift farmers’ behavior toward different tree species or cultivation scenarios. This can be done through modeling and the insertion of modeling outputs into subsequent multistakeholder decision support processes, or through direct participatory assessments of the levels of price fluctuations that are likely to catalyze a behavioral change. The latter would be done in the context of Step 3, disaggregated by stakeholder group and wealth strata. Desktop analysis can also serve as a tool for synthesizing what is known so far from Steps 1 to 3, and to foster collective understanding among the facilitators of commonalities and differences emerging from the different stakeholder groups. Farmers’ behavior toward natural resources may be partially understood as a rational assessment of costs, benefits, and trade-offs (Ashley, 1996). Rewards for environmental services may either encourage or discourage sustainable natural resource use, depending on which environmental parameters are rewarded. If a modeling approach is used, these incentives/rewards can be further analyzed in the context of three environmental service (ES) valuation scenarios, namely: (a) marginal changes in the price of carbon, holding the price of water constant; (b) marginal changes in the price of water, holding the price of carbon constant; and (c) simultaneous marginal changes in the price of water and carbon where (i) water is valued more than carbon; (ii) carbon is valued more than water; and (iii) water and carbon are valued equally. SCENARIO 1—CHANGE IN THE PRICE OF CARBON Different tree species have different carbon storage densities measured in megagrams of carbon per hectare of plantation. The value of carbon sequestered or released can be estimated based on global estimates generated by climate-change impact models. For instance, assuming 1% of GDP as the climate-change damage cost, the value of carbon would range from US$5/t to US$130/t (Hassan, 2002). For any given land-use change —for example, conversion of cropland to forestland—sequestration rates will vary considerably depending on the species involved, geographic area covered, and management practices adopted (Stavins & Richards, 2005). The appropriate price incentives for carbon sequestration must take into account the opportunity cost of land. Stavins and Richards observed that average carbon sequestration cost Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 386 L. German et al. estimates were greater by 2 to 3.5 times in studies that took the opportunity cost of land into account. Three approaches—namely, bottom-up engineering cost studies; optimization models that account for behavioral responses; and econometric analyses of revealed preferences of land owners concerning alternative uses of their land—can be used to analyze the opportunity cost of land. Most appropriate for this study is the revealed preference approach, which involves estimating a response function that shows the relationship between actual land use changes (land use choices) and relative prices in the agricultural and forest sectors. Using that response function, the effect of hypothetical incentives such as price incentives for carbon sequestration on farmers’ preference for different tree species can be modeled. The logical a priori expectation is that, holding other factors constant, an increase in the price of carbon is likely to encourage the cultivation of tree species with high carbon sequestration rates—in particular within farmland where secure tenure helps to guarantee investments. Since the amount of carbon sequestered depends on forest biomass, payment for carbon services is expected to rise as the forest matures (Sedjo, 2001) or for fastgrowing exotic species. Currently, international markets are dictating the prices for carbon. These prices result from two main determinants: the flow of surplus Assigned Amount Units (AAUs) from the economies in transition to meet demand within the European Union and other countries, and the ability of the power generation sector to reduce carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions (ICF International, 2005). In the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), the price allowances vary between €6 (approximately US$7.13) and almost €30/ton of carbon dioxide (tCO2), and is trading around €24–25/tCO2 (Karmali, 2005). Holding other variables constant, the extent to which introducing carbon incentives at this level of pricing would lead to changes in land-use practices and tree species selection would depend on relative prices of different agricultural and forest commodities and farmers’ assessments of opportunity costs. In the absence of complex modeling, this can also be tested through participatory approaches to assessing behavioral responses at different price levels in the context of Step 3 (Scenario Analysis). SCENARIO 2—CHANGE IN THE PRICE OF WATER The cultivation of exotic tree species such as eucalyptus can be a major source of pressure on scarce water resources. A second scenario explores the likely effect of overlaying rewards for ES that would induce very different land use changes. If applied to securing water yields from catchments, the likely change in tree species resulting from marginal changes in the price of water paid to a community would have a bearing on the nature of water-consuming activities in communities. If the dominant economic Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle 387 activity of a community is heavily dependent on water, price incentives that lead to the desired change in tree species may be low. Following Hassan (2002), assuming that irrigation agriculture is the greatest use of water, the social value of the water abstraction externality due to afforestation with a particular tree species can be measured as the Net Value-Added (NVAD) foregone to irrigated agriculture. The difference between Value-Added (VAD) per unit water abstracted by trees planted and that used in irrigation farming is the social opportunity cost of water abstraction. Thus, Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 NVAD = VAD/m 3 in agriculture − VAD/m 3 in plantation The higher the NVAD, the higher the social opportunity cost of water abstraction; hence, the lower the price incentive needed to encourage cultivation of tree species with lower water abstraction rates. Kosoy, Martinez-Tuna, Muradian, and Martinez-Alier (2007) noted that if payment schemes for water conservation are to be efficient, the price incentives to cultivate tree species with low water abstraction rates should at least be equal to the opportunity cost of land use (e.g., profits foregone from timber) but lower than the economic value of the environmental externality; for example, the abatement cost of improving water quality and availability. Options for doing such an assessment in a participatory manner in the context of scenario analysis may be more constrained for water than for carbon by the inaccuracy of local assessments of the extent to which price fluctuations for water would influence land use behavior. Such difficulties are likely to stem from the common property resource status of water (i.e., the effect of the free rider problem on incentive structures and diffuse/aggregate effects of behaviors occurring within individual land units on water), and from limited ability to anticipate hydrological response levels to land use change. SCENARIO 3—SIMULTANEOUS CHANGES IN THE PRICE OF WATER AND CARBON When there are simultaneous marginal changes in the price of water and carbon, the trade-offs between multiple benefits is the key issue. The farmers’ major objective is assumed to be to maximize their social welfare subject to their resource constraints. Thus they would want the optimal combination of tree species that would minimize water abstraction and maximize carbon sequestration at the lowest opportunity cost. A number of methodological approaches exist in the literature—in the context of either dynamic or static constrained optimization models. In a review on mathematical programming (MP) for coastal land use optimization, Pongthanapanich (2003) provides a practical framework that closely relates to the problem in this study. The objective function in this case would be to Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 388 L. German et al. maximize the total net benefits from cultivating different tree species subject to constraints such as water demand, surface and ground water supplies, land availability, forest biomass as a proxy for carbon sequestration potential, and non-negativity constraints. Decision variables would include total land use areas for agriculture and forestry, price incentives for land conversion from existing to alternative uses, and ground and surface water supplies. The results obtained from the model would show, for each tree species, the optimum prices of water and carbon (effected simultaneously) that would give maximum benefits to farmers. Often, households have different priorities due to differences in resource endowments and livelihood strategies. For instance, households with larger landholdings are likely to have larger woodlots because competition with staple and cash crops would be more easily tolerated, whereas land-constrained households would have a harder time incorporating fast-growing tree species into their farming systems. These resource endowments or constraints are captured as constraints in the MP model. Solving the model would then show the likely choice of tree species given these constraints. This could be done for different categories of households exhibiting different levels of resource endowments and even for different farming systems. While the ability to embed this analysis in participatory scenarios (Step 3) may be constrained by the inaccuracy of farmers’ assessments of the likely behavioral consequences of water incentives, attempts should be made to make qualitative assessments of likely behavioral change within participatory scenarios in the absence of modeling outputs. The final step would be to develop landscape or niche scenarios to anticipate how application of carbon incentives, water incentives, and environmental regulations alone and in combination will influence expression of identified indicators (potential trade-offs and synergies). Given resources, landscape level models such as FALLOW (van Noordwijk, 2002) can help with the integration of the results of the participatory scenarios, economic modeling, and the calculations of biophysical indicators at the landscape level. More qualitative assessments based on knowledge acquired from Steps 1 through 4 can also be used. Table 3, for example, presents the likely consequences of applying incentive and regulatory mechanisms alone (water, carbon, or bylaws) and in combination (water + carbon, carbon + bylaws). It helps to illustrate the political consequences of the choice of environmental services to protect in terms of the specific goals fostered (climate change mitigation, water resource conservation, income generation) and the scale of these issues and related stakeholders (local, national, global). It also illustrates the crucial role of explicitly acknowledging “stakes” in incentive and regulatory instruments, and fostering equitable negotiation support processes that acknowledge trade-offs, seek “win-wins,” and provide local stakeholders with the technical support and political leverage required to level the playing field. 389 Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle TABLE 3 Illustration of Simplified Output from Scenario Analysis Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 Complementary instrument Instruments None + Regulation Carbon incentives • Expansion of fastgrowing exotics and their negative effects (run-off, drying of water resources, competition with crops). ES of global priority supported at the expense of local ES values Water incentives • Moderate shift away from fast-growing exotics to watercompatible and indigenous species • Reduction in conflict and trade-offs from tree cultivation (if enforced) • Negative spin-offs of fast-growing species ameliorated through regulation (if enforced). Increased tension between divergent aims (income vs. improved governance to enhance equity and local ES functions) • Reduction in conflict and trade-offs from tree cultivation (if enforced) Regulation (by-laws) N/A + Water • Negative spin-offs of fast-growing species ameliorated through incentives for watercompatible species (if enforced). Increased tension between divergent aims (local vs. global ES functions) N/A • Reduction in conflict and trade-offs from tree cultivation (if enforced) Negotiation Support, Planning, and Monitoring: Reconciling Social and Environmental Service Goals of Diverse Stakeholders Step 5: Negotiation support. Multistakeholder knowledge sharing and negotiation events are next employed to identify viable ESR scenarios that may best reconcile livelihood and conservation goals while equitably balancing the needs of diverse stakeholders. At this stage, negotiations should involve diverse local stakeholders (from Step 3) as well as the buyers of the service, local government, and neutral facilitators. At this point, the negotiation process would significantly diverge depending on the nature of the ES. In the case of carbon, face-to-face deliberations are likely to never be possible due to the physical and political distance between buyers and sellers. Therefore, the most likely avenue for stakeholder concerns to be voiced would be through the negotiation of new instruments (or means to implement existing instruments) by Designated National Authorities. This would need an internal process to capture stakeholder concerns at diverse levels in the process of engaging with global actors, employing the steps highlighted above to do so. In the case of water or other ES where stakeholders do have the opportunity to interact directly, direct negotiation support processes are possible. The outputs of the above participatory scenarios and desktop analysis would feed directly into this negotiation process to inform discussions over 390 L. German et al. Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 how to structure incentives and any regulatory mechanisms that might be needed to minimize anticipated trade-offs and to reconcile ES rewards with livelihood goals. Intermediaries would initially be required to “level the playing field” in negotiations and bear some of the transaction costs related to information and negotiations. The following steps might form part of the negotiation support process: 1. Reflect on the priorities (desired future state) and indicators of different stakeholder groups, as articulated through niche compatibility assessments, stakeholder analysis, and participatory scenarios; 2. Pool “bottom line” indicators, ensuring the topmost priorities of each group are distilled and understood to all parties; 3. Negotiate future scenarios that would help to reconcile the interests of: (a) diverse local stakeholder groups, and (b) sellers and buyers (using established indicators); 4. Select the most viable “bundle” of incentive and regulatory mechanisms likely to reconcile stakeholder interests and lead to desired future states, and gather input into the design of these mechanisms (specifications of local bylaws and incentives, procedures for matching rewards to land-use practices, etc.); and 5. Develop an implementation plan and monitoring system to monitor changes in consolidated variables. Step 6: Implementation and monitoring. The final step consists of close monitoring of mechanisms as they are implemented with inputs from different stakeholder groups (each local stakeholder group, buyers). Monitoring would include measurement of the consolidated set of social and environmental indicators identified by different stakeholder groups and consolidated through negotiations. Results of this monitoring must be fed back into the design of incentive and regulatory instruments to align these with the negotiated futures, and periodically into decisions of whether and how to reengage with buyers under different ESR schemes. Ultimately, the effectiveness of these actions will rest on the emerg ence of new institutions that assist producers in reducing the transaction costs of information access and monitoring, and strengthen their voice in negotiations. DISCUSSION This article, its findings, and recommendations represent an ideal approach to engagement in environmental service reward schemes that take the interests and trade-offs perceived by diverse local actors as a point of departure. Application of this approach in reality rests on two fundamental conditions: Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle 391 (a) that national and subnational stakeholders be provided the opportunity to negotiate terms of engagement; and (b) that a critical mass of smallholders gain access to carbon markets. Regarding stakeholder involvement, this is currently easier for environmental services other than carbon (e.g., water). At the moment, strong international market players—particularly brokers and traders in carbon markets from Annex I countries—dictate prices for carbon. Though there are many mechanisms that could help improve the terms of engagement for farmers in non-Annex I countries, in reality, the tendency is for global actors to set the terms of engagement and for farmers to adopt the terms (prices and rules of engagement) set by Annex I actors. Regarding smallholder access to carbon markets, several factors hinder their access to benefits. First, there are few buyers for CDM projects, and other mechanisms that qualify for emissions trading may circumvent nonAnnex I countries. For example, countries in transition can participate through Joint Implementation projects, which are largely based on innovations in the energy sector to meet Kyoto targets. Moreover, transaction costs resulting from highly complex rules for qualifying for a LULUCF project (from project preparation to verification and monitoring) are high. As a result, voluntary markets—while still limited—are the primary means through which carbon value has reached local beneficiaries (Cacho et al., 2002; Ginoga, Wulan, & Djaenudin, 2004). Some estimate that ES bundling mechanisms are required both to offset transaction costs and to meet minimum sequestration standards (Ginoga et al., 2004). Resolving the tension between global emission reductions and local benefits has been earmarked as a key challenge for the future (Ellis, CorfeeMorlot, & Winkler, 2004). One recommendation for improving benefits to smallholders that is also commensurate with minimizing currently observed trade-offs in the region include bundling projects and payments for carbon and other environmental services—namely, water (Cacho et al., 2002). Another is to integrate these payments with bottom-up regulations in the form of local bylaws to help manage these trade-offs in an equitable manner. In short, trade-offs from integration of trees into densely settled agricultural landscapes already perceived by smallholders in the absence of carbon payments, and innovative strategies for integrating these into decision-making, should be taken on board as instruments are further developed and refined. CONCLUSIONS This study uses findings from ethnobotanical research and participatory governance reforms to illustrate the social and environmental trade-offs embodied in agroforestry practices in the eastern African highlands, and the difficulties of forging more equitable and sustainable practices through regulatory mechanisms. While environmental service reward instruments represent Downloaded By: [German, Laura] At: 08:03 13 May 2009 392 L. German et al. a possible alternative to regulation and to the livelihood costs they often embody, it is clear that such rewards often carry political implications in terms of which environmental service functions are fostered, for whom, and at what cost. While this argument is made in the context of interactions among smallholders in the humid highlands, it is also likely to hold true for plantation forestry and other agroecological zones in Sub-Saharan Africa (most notably where water resources are scarce). We argue that a precautionary approach is needed to help stakeholders articulate the social and environmental service functions of importance to them, to negotiate outcomes which balance the needs of diverse local stakeholders and buyers, and to make informed choices on whether and how to engage with ES reward schemes. The authors propose a stepwise approach to planning that builds upon different theoretical and methodological traditions (ethnobotany, agroforestry, futures, economics) as a precautionary tool for anticipating and managing trade-offs embodied in environmental service reward schemes. An understanding of local and scientific knowledge on niche compatibility helps to focus scenario analysis on niches and environmental and social service functions of local concern. Stakeholder analysis then assists in identifying key local interest groups to be targeted for participatory scenarios and negotiation support to foster dialogue among these stakeholders around desired future states prior—and as a precondition—to subsequent engagement with more powerful actors (in this case, the buyers). Explicit recognition of “stakes” and “trade-offs” in any given incentive or regulatory instrument helps to embed a precautionary element into planning, in recognition of the political stakes of any given land use change. A general lesson that may be derived from this article is the need to adapt ESR mechanisms to local context, and to the priorities of diverse local stakeholder groups. This is likely to require initial support by external agencies to cover the transaction costs of information (most notably, foreseeing likely outcomes), capacity (learning to manage these outcomes within project design), and process (costs of organizing internal dialogue and multistakeholder engagement), until farmer organizations emerge which are representative, provide economies of scale, and strengthen the local “voice” in engagements with external actors. 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