25 November 2014 To: From: Cc: All CM@R Attendees Julie Moran; Alan Sellers- WCU Michael Watson - WTS All Attendees, Lance Williams- Stewart Engineering, Jamey Baysinger – Stewart Engineering, Kat West & Micheal Smith – Energy Ace, Ron Almond – Optima, Reggie Daniel – Camacho. Meeting Meeting Minutes RE: Brown Building Renovation and Addition (A/P) CM@R PRESUBMITTAL MEETING – FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS Western Carolina University WTS# 1429 SCO # 13-10964-01 Date of Meeting Time Location Attendees CM@R PREPRE-SUBMITTAL Meeting _Advanced Planning November 18, 2014 2:00 PM Harrill Hall Name Julie Moran Alan Sellers Curtis Monteith Michael Watson Organization/Co. WCU WCU WCU WTS Other Attendees See Attached Sign-In Sheet After the above meeting, the following questions were submitted and are hereby issued with answers for all Attendees: Questions from Attendees. 1. Q: The qualification questionnaire states to attach a sworn statement that the above persons will be exclusively assigned to this project for the duration. Does that mean the project managers can only be assigned to this project? They can have no other duties/projects? A: The intent is that the individuals presented in the package are the same individuals that will be performing that specific project role throughout the project duration 1316 Washington Street, Columbia, 29201 803.799.5181 1307 Morehead St, Suite 101, Charlotte, 28208 704.749.5181 Meeting Minutes – FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS WCU, Brown Building 2. Page 2 of 2 25 November 2014 Q: Can the project experience include the personnel’s experience or is it strictly the company’s experience? A: Personnel experience outside of company experience should be noted as such. 3. Q: After the “Project Planning” section is a signature section. What is this for? A: The following page is the Verification Signature page. Please address the state form in its entirety, including all signature requirements. 4. Q: The qualification questionnaire asks for our financial statement and I noticed in the meeting minutes the page count for our proposal is to be 20 pages including financials. Our financial statement that we prepare for the state is 20 pages. May we just submit the balance sheet and income statement with our DNB rating and still be considered for award for this project? A: See Qualifications Questionnaire for Construction Manager at Risk-Profile of Proposer: in the solicitation package for financial information to be submitted. Item D End of Follow-Up Questions 1307 Morehead St, Suite 101, Charlotte, 28208 704.749.5181