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September 24, 2008
Dr. Peter Philip Mercer, President
Ramapo College of New Jersey
505 Ramapo Valley Road
Mahwah, New Jersey 07430
Dear President Mercer:
In an effort to provide the safest possible environment for students, faculty, employees, and visitors of New
Jersey's state universities and colleges, the Division of Fire Safety (DFS) has developed a comprehensive,
uniform guideline for addressing fire-related emergencies and the actions to be taken in the event of an
emergency. The document you will fmd enclosed was the result of many hours of research and work by Division
of Fire Safety staff and includes input from many of your own campus fire safety personnel.
In June, a draft of these guidelines was presented to the attendees of the annual state university and college fire
safety group meeting. Many of the suggestions and concerns expressed at this meeting and in subsequent
correspondence with the Division of Fire Safety are contained in the final version of this document.
As you are well aware, the DFS and the state universities and colleges are at the forefront of providing a safe
campus environment by way of the dormitory sprinkler program. The implementation of these guidelines is
another way in which the state can maintain its advantage in dealing with frre-related emergencies. These
guidelines incorporate practices found in the current New Jersey Uniform Fire Code, the upcoming version of the
New Jersey Uniform Fire Code and other nationally recognized fire safety standards.
It is also important to note that the current New Jersey Uniform Fire Code will be changing on February 1,2009.
Prior to the implementation date, campus fire safety personnel will receive notification about educational courses
that will familiarize them with the new code requirements. Some of the changes will have a direct impact on the
campus itself, as well as on outside vendors or persons the school may rent or lease space to, especially for
entertainment and banquet purposes.
The Division of Fire Safety is always available to discuss any concerns or suggestions that you may have
regarding fire safety. Should you have any questions about the enclosed materials, or the impending changes in
the Uniform Fire Code, please contact me at 609-633-6131 or at lkilmer@dca.state.nLus.
Bureau of Fire Code Enforcement
c: Ronald Martucci, Associate Director
;Dennis Harrington, Fire Marshal
New Jersey Is An Equal Opportunity Employer
Printed on Recycled Paper and Recyclable
New Jersey Department of Community Affairs
Division of Fire Safety
Bureau of Fire Code Enforcement
Fire Safety Protocols andProcedures for
New Jersey State Colleges and Universities
September 2008
These protocols and policies are created to
provide a clear and concise method for dealing
with fire-related emergencies on the campuses of
New Jersey's state colleges and universities ..They
provide campus safety personnel across the State
with uniform procedures in regards to safeguarding life and property. These protocols and
policies are based on the current and proposed
New Jersey Uniform Fire Code and nationally
recognized fire safety standards. -
Page 2
Table of Contents
Fires/Smoke Condition/Odor of Smoke
Page 4
Activated Fire Alarm System
Page 5 .
Activated Suppression System
Page 8
Activated Carbon Monoxide Detection
Page 10
System Trouble Conditions
Page 12
System ImpairmentslRepairs
Page 13
Page 15
Page 3
Division of Fire Safety
Subject: Fires/Smoke Condition/Odor of Smoke
Emergency Procedures
Effective Date: September 1. 2008
Visible fire, smoke condition, explosion, odor of smoke in any campus building
or on any campus property; including vehicle/trash/brush fires.
1. The appropriate municipal fire suppression agency responsible for responding
to the campus shall be immediately notified by campus personnel of the
situation. Information to be provided to the emergency responding agency
shall include: the location of the fire/smoke condition/odor, what is on fire
(building, car, brush, etc.), and call back phone number. If possible, also
report whether the building or vehicle is occupied. (N.J.A.C. 5:70-F401.3,
2006 International Fire Code)
2. Trained personnel will immediately begin evacuation of any building
If available, dispatch campus personnel to the main entrance and guide
responding units to the scene.
Notification to the Division of Fire Safety shall be made as soon as possible, by
calling 1-877-NJ-FIRES (1-877-653-4737) and providing information on the
incident to the dispatch center.
Page 4
Division of Fire Safety
Subject: Activated Fire Alarm System
Emergency Procedures
Effective Date: September 1, 2008
Activated heat detector, smoke detector, or manual pull station alarm received by
campus central alarm monitoring station or any other method; such as telephone,
radio, voice, or in person.
Upon receipt of an activated smoke or fire detection device, personnel at the
alarm monitoring station shall take the following actions:
General Fire Alarms
Trained alarm monitoring personnel will acknowledge the alarm signal
within 15 seconds, if received through an alarm paneL Immediate
evacuation of the building or portions thereof based upon approved alarm
zoning and municipal fire suppression agency policy, will be conducted by
trained personnel.
If the notification of a smoke or fire detection device activation is received
via any other method, trained campus personnel will take necessary action
to initiate the activation of a fire alarm signal in the building and
evacuation of the building or parts thereof based upon approved alarm
zoning and municipal fire suppression agency policy.
Page 5
Campus personnel will immediately notify the appropriate municipal fire
suppression agency responsible for responding to the campus and advise
them of the situation. The appropriate municipal fire suppression agency
will determine their response to the scene. (N.J.A.C. 5:70-F401.3.2, 2006
International Fire Code)
The appropriate municipal fire suppression agency is to be kept advised of
the situation until such time as they arrive at the scene; or if they are not
responding to the scene, they are to be notified that the alarm has been
silenced and reset by a trained individual and the building reoccupied.
If responding, upon arrival, the appropriate municipal fire suppression
agency will assume command of the situation and determine when the
alarm may be silenced and/or reset, and the building reoccupied.
Should any fire alarm system or part thereof be disabled or rendered
unusable, the Division of Fire Safety shall be notified in accordance with
procedure No. CUFS-7.
Positive Alarm Sequence Fire Systems
The following procedure shall only apply to positive alarm sequence fire
systems installed in accordance with the New Jersey Uniform Construction
Code and approved by the New Jersey Division of Fire Safety.
1. Trained alarm monitoring personnel will acknowledge the alarm signal within
15 seconds, if received through an alarm panel. If the alarm is not acknowledged within 15 seconds, a general alarm signal will be automatically and
immediately activated in the building where the alarm originated and the
building will be immediately evacuated by trained personnel.
2. Campus personnel will immediately notify the appropriate municipal fire
suppression agency responsible for responding to the campus and advise them
of the situation. The appropriate municipal fire suppression agency will
determine their response to the scene. (N.J.A.C. 5:70-F401.3.2, 2006
International Fire Code)
3. Trained personnel shall have up to 180 seconds (3 minutes)during the alarm
investigation phase to evaluate the fire condition and reset the alarm. If the
alarm cannot be reset during the investigation phase, the general alarm signal
will be automatically and immediately activated in the building where the
alarm originated and the building will immediately be evacuated. Trained
personnel must establish the location of the alarm activation and determine the
cause for activation prior to silencing and resetting the alarm.
4. If any other detection device activates in the building, the general alarm signal
shall automatically and immediately be activated and the building will
immediately be evacuated. If campus personnel receive any other type of
report of a device such as a smoke alarm, manual pull station, heat detector, or
water flow alarm activating, they will take such actions as necessary to active
a general alarm signal for the building and evacuate the building.
5. The appropriate municipal fire suppression agency is to be kept advised of the
situation until such time as they arrive at the scene; or if they are not
responding to the scene, they are to be notified that the alarm has been
silenced, reset by a trained individual and the building reoccupied.
6. If responding, upon arrival, the appropriate municipal fire suppression agency
will assume command of the situation and determine when the alarm may be
silenced and/or reset, and the building reoccupied.
Page 6
7. Should any fire alarm system or part thereof be disabled or rendered unusable,
the Division of Fire Safety shall be notified in accordance with procedure No.
Page 7
Division of Fire Safety
Subject: Activated Fire Suppression System
Emergency Procedures
Effective Date: September 1, 2008
Activated fire suppression system received by campus central alarm monitoring
station or any other method; such as telephone, radio, voice, or in person.
Upon receipt of an activated fire suppression system (fire sprinkler, kitchen hood,
and deluge system), personnel at the alarm monitoring station shall take the
following actions:
1. Trained alarm monitoring personnel will acknowledge the device activation
within 15 seconds, if received through an alarm panel. A fire alarm signal will
be automatically and immediately activated in the building where the system
activated and the building or portions thereof based upon approved alarm
zoning, will be immediately evacuated by trained personnel.
If the notification of a fire suppression system device activation is received via
any other method, trained campus personnel will take necessary action to
initiate the activation of a fire alarm signal in the building and evacuation of
the building or parts thereof based upon approved alarm zoning and municipal
fire suppression agency policy.
2. Campus personnel will immediately notify the appropriate municipal fire
suppression agency responsible for responding to the campus and advise them
of the situation. The appropriate municipal fire suppression agency will
determine their response to the scene.
3. The appropriate municipal fire suppression agency is to be kept advised of the
situation until such time as they arrive at the scene; or if they are not
responding to the scene, they are to be notified that the alarm has been
silenced and reset by trained personnel and the building reoccupied.
4. If responding, upon arrival, the appropriate municipal fire suppression agency
will assume command of the situation and determine when the device may be
reset, and the building reoccupied.
Page 8
5. Should any fire suppression system or part thereof be disabled or rendered
unusable, the Division of Fire Safety shall be notified in accordance with
procedure No. CUFS-7.
Page 9
Division of Fire Safety
Subject: Activated Carbon Monoxide Detection
Emergency Procedures
Effective Date: September 1, 2008
Activated carbon monoxide detection received by campus central alarm
monitoring station or any other method; such as telephone, radio, voice, or in
Upon receipt of an activated carbon monoxide detection system or device,
personnel at the alarm monitoring station shall take the following actions:
1. Trained alarm monitoring personnel will acknowledge the device activation
within 15 seconds, if received through an alarm panel. An alarm signal will be
automatically and immediately activated in the building where the alarm
originated and the affected area of the building will be immediately evacuated
by trained personnel.
If the notification of a carbon monoxide detection device activation is
received via any other method, trained campus personnel will take necessary
action to initiate the activation of an alarm signal in the building and the
affected area of the building will be immediately evacuated by trained
Should any additional carbon monoxide detection devices activate, a general
alarm signal in the building will be activated and the entire building will be
immediately evacuated by trained personnel.
2. Campus personnel will immediately notify the appropriate municipal fire
suppression agency responsible for responding to the campus and advise them
of the situation. The appropriate municipal fire suppression agency will
determine their response to the scene.
3.· The appropriate municipal fire suppression agency is to be kept advised of the
situation until their arrival on the scene.
4. Upon arrival, the appropriate municipal fire suppression agency will assume
command of the situation and determine when the device may be reset, and
the building reoccupied.
Page 10
5. Should any carbon monoxide detection system or part thereof be disabled or
rendered unusable, the Division of Fire Safety shall be notified in accordance
with procedure No. CUFS-7.
Page 11
Division of Fire Safety
Subject: System Trouble Conditions
Emergency Procedures
No.: . CUFS-6
Effective Date: September 1,2008
System trouble signals received by campus central alarm monitoring station or
any other method; such as telephone, radio, voice, or in person.
Upon receipt of a system trouble signal, personnel at the alarm monitoring station
shall take the following actions:
1. Trained alarm monitoring personnel will acknowledge the trouble signal
within 15 seconds, if received through an alarm panel.
2. Trained personnel will respond to the location of the trouble signal and
determine the cause for the trouble signal and reset the alarm, if possible.
3. If campus personnel are not able to restore the alarm system, a New Jersey
Division of Fire Safety Permitted Contractor, New Jersey Licensed
Electrician, or an alarm contractor certified by the New Jersey Department of
Consumer Affairs must be contacted to repair and restore the system.
4. Should any fire detection or suppression system or part thereof be disabled or
rendered unusable, the Division of Fire Safety shall be notified in accordance
with procedure No. CUFS-7.
Page 12
Division of Fire Safety
Subject: System Impairments/Repairs
Emergency Procedures
Effective Date: September 1,2008
Fire protection and detection systems that are out of service due to activation,
damage, or repairs.
Prior to fully or partially disabling or disconnecting any fire detection or
suppression system for routine or emergency maintenance, the impairment
coordinator or his/her designee will (N.J.A.C. 5:70-901.7.1 2006 International
Fire Code):
Page 13
Routine maintenance, no fire watch required (system testing/maintenance
where no components of the system are removed from service); or with a
fire watch and the system will be out of service for less than 24 hours:
a. Notify the Division of Fire Safety via phone, fax, or e-mail at least 2
days prior to the work being started.
b. Notify appropriate municipal fire suppression agency of work being
c. Notify campus security/police of work being conducted.
d. Notify all parties when work is completed.
Routine maintenance, with a fire watch; where the system will be out of
service for more than 24 hours:
a. Notify the Division of Fire Safety via phone at least 3 days prior to the
work being started to determine the scope of the fire watch.
b. Notify the appropriate municipal fire suppression agency of the work
being conducted.
c. Notify campus security/police of work being conducted.
d. Provide copies of fire watch log as required by the Division of Fire
e. Notify all parties when work is completed.
Emergency maintenance (system activations, system failures, etc.):
a. Notify the Division of Fire Safety at 1-877-NJ-FIRES (1-877-6534737) as soon as possible, to advise of situation and determine whether
building must be evacuated as an "Imminent Hazard" or if a fire watch
may be instituted.
b. Notify appropriate municipal fire suppression agency of work being
c. Notify campus security/police of work being conducted.
d. Notify all parties when work is completed.
e. If a fire watch is instituted, provide copies of fire watch log as required
by the Division of Fire Safety.
Page 14
Division of Fire Safety
Impairment Coordinator
Person responsible for implementing the facility's impairment program in accordance with
Chapter 9 of 2006 International Fire Code.
Municipal Fire Suppression Agency
The municipal fire suppression agency or agencies that respond to fire-related emergencies at the
specific location on the campus where the incident is occurring. This does not include campus
fire safety personnel, maintenance, police, or security.
Proprietary Alarm Monitoring Station
In accordance with NFP A 72; the following conditions must be met to be classified as a
proprietary supervising station:
The alarm station shall be operated by trained and competent, documented personnel in
constant attendance.
At least two operators shall be on duty at all times. One of the two operators shall be
permitted to be a runner, who can respond and investigate alarm signals. If the means for
transmitting alarms to the fire department is automatic, at least one operator shall be on
duty at all times.
The primary duties of the operator(s) shall be to monitor signals, operate the system, and
take such action as shall be required by the New Jersey Division of Fire Safety. The
operator(s) shall not be assigned any additional duties that would take precedence over
the primary duties.
Access to the proprietary supervising station shall be restricted to those persons directly
concerned with the implementation and direction of emergency action and procedure.
Fire extinguishers shall be provided in the station area.
Emergency lighting shall be provided in the station area. The emergency source shall be
independent of the primary lighting source.
Page 15
In the event of a loss of the primary lighting for the supervising station, the emergency
lighting system shall provide illumination for a period of not less than 26 hours to permit
operators to carryon operations.
Fire alarm systems shall be provided with at least two independent and reliable power
supplies, one primary and one secondary (standby), each of which shall be of adequate
capacity for the application.
Trained Personnel-
Alarm Investigation
Shall be defined as any personnel whose regular duties include the investigation of fire alarms
and the evacuation of buildings during an emergency and who have received formal, documented
training in the campus' fire alarm and evacuation procedures.
Trained Personnel-
Alarm Monitoring
Shall be defined as any personnel whose regular duties include the monitoring of fire alarm
notification systems and who have received formal and documented training in operation of
alarm monitoring equipment and the campus' emergency procedures.
Trained Personnel - Building Evacuation
Shall be defined as any personnel whose regular duties include the evacuation of buildings
during an emergency and who have received formal and documented training in the campus' fire
evacuation procedures.
Page 16