College-Wide Policies for All Courses 2015-2016

College-Wide Policies for All Courses
The following policies apply to all courses, and the information may also be reproduced on
your syllabi.
Semester length
 Each course has 45 hours of meeting time with an expectation that students spend
approximately twice that amount of time outside the classroom (homeworks,
readings, etc.).
o The Fall/Spring semesters have 15 weeks of class (week 15 is ‘Finals Week’),
with 3 hours of meeting time per week.
o Summer session is 5 weeks long with 9 hours of meeting time per week.
o Online courses should plan to have an equivalent student work-load.
 The last week (for Fall/Spring) or last class session (Summer) is designated for Final
Exams in a single 3-hour block; faculty may allocate this time to exams,
presentations, or other work at their discretion.
 There is no College-wide attendance policy. Faculty will specify their attendance
policy on their syllabi.
 College policy states that students must notify faculty within the first three weeks of
the semester if they anticipate missing any classes due to religious observance.
Electronic Forms of Communication
 In accordance with College policy, Ramapo College email addresses (
will be used for all email communication between faculty members and students
pertaining to course-related matters.
 Faculty will use Luminis and Moodle at their discretion.
Policy on Academic Integrity
 Students are expected to read and understand Ramapo College’s Academic Integrity
Policy, which can be found online in the College Catalog
( Members of the
Ramapo College community are expected to be honest and forthright in their
academic endeavors.
 Students who are suspected of violating this policy will be either required to meet
with the faculty member (and in the event of a ‘responsible’ finding, reported to the
Office of the Provost), or be referred directly to the Office of the Provost, which will
adjudicate the matter.
o If the faculty member adjudicates the matter and the student is found
responsible, the incident will be reported to the Office of the Provost.
Students with Disabilities
 If you need course adaptation or accommodations because of a disability that has
been documented with the Office of Specialized Services, please make an appointment
with your professor.
Important Dates
 See the current Academic Calendar.
Incompletes and Withdrawals
 Procedures for requesting Incompletes and Withdrawals are detailed in the
College Catalog (Academic Policies section, ‘General Info on Grading
 Deadlines are posted in the Academic Calendar.
Writing Intensive Courses
 Some courses are designated Writing Intensive (WI) or Business Writing (BW); for
those courses, the following information also applies:
o Writing will be integrated into the life of this course. You will receive
comments, direction, and support as you work on strengthening your writing
skills. Your writing will be evaluated and returned in a timely fashion,
allowing you to incorporate my comments into your future work.
o For help outside the classroom, please see me during my office hours and/or
work with a writing tutor in the Center for Reading and Writing, Room: L211, x7557,