BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 014200 101110 101113 101010 101200 101300 101500 101501 101502 101503 101700 101701 101011 101703 101704 101705 101706 101707 101708 101709 101710 101009 101713 101716 101717 101719 101012 101013 101723 101724 101725 101736 101737 101738 101743 101745 101746 101747 101748 101001 101750 101751 101752 101753 101754 101755 101756 101757 101758 101759 101760 101002 Description State Accounts State Fund Allotment Control Academic Program Sup Computing/Telecomm Student Computer Imp Teacher Ed/Dist Ed Stu Affrs-Ext Funds Sum Research-E Mcrae Sum Research-Carroll Sum Research-C Water Sum Research-Knotts VC Academic Affairs Acad Affairs Reserve Grad Sch-E & T Fees Catalog Faculty Dev/Instr Visiting Scholars Off-Campus Spec Prgm Faculty Recruitment International Progms WCU-A Programs Provost Special Programs General Computer Lab Electronic Classroom COB Faculty Recruitment Dist Learn-Engineeri Master Of Fine Arts Writing Fellows Supplemental Fellows UNC-GA Teaching Award Career Serv/Coop Ed Career Serv/Coop Ed Research Admin Faculty Research Graduate Catalog Dist Learn-Ppi College Arts/Science Arts & Sci Receipts Social Work Art Department Art Dept-E & T Fee Music Department Comm/Theatr & Dance English Department Honors College Mod Foreign Lang Dpt Parks/Rec Mgmt Dept History Department Political Sci Dept Nat Sci/Math Dept Biology Department Chem/Physics Dept Chem/E&T Fees Dept FRS ACCT 101110 101113 101115 101200 101300 101500 101501 101502 101503 101700 101701 101702 101703 101704 101705 101706 101707 101708 101709 101710 101711 101713 101716 101717 101719 101720 101721 101723 101724 101725 101736 101737 101738 101743 101745 101746 101747 101748 101749 101750 101751 101752 101753 101754 101755 101756 101757 101758 101759 101760 101761 FRS GL ACCT BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 101762 101763 101764 101765 101766 101767 101004 101005 101772 101773 101007 101775 101776 101778 101815 101816 101817 101818 101819 101820 101821 101822 101003 101824 101826 101008 101828 101829 101830 101835 101840 101841 101842 101843 101844 101845 101846 101847 101848 101849 101851 101852 101855 101860 101861 101875 101876 101877 101878 101880 101881 101882 Description State Accounts Anthropol/Sociology MPA Program Dept Math/Comp Sci Dept College of A&S Recruitment Exp Women's Studies Prog Phil/Religion Dept Biology-E & T Fees Physics-E & T Fees Geosciences & NRM Environmental Scienc Instr Comp Lab-A&S E&T Fee Dean Contingency A&S Sci & Entrepreneur Cherokee Studies Pro Educ & Alli Professn Commun Sci & Disorde Human Services Dept Educ Leadership/Fdns CEAP Recruitment Elem & Middle Grades Reading Center Dept Health & Human Perfm Hea & Pe-E & T Fees Psychology Dept Ed.D.Educ Leadership Instr Comp Lab-E & P Tech Training Tea. Master Of Sch Admin Com Dis/Speech Ther Dean Contingenc Ceap College Of Business Cobusiness Receipt Supported Accountancy,Fin,Entr Marketing & Bus Law Cis & Economics Mgmt & International Business Grad Progms Hospitality & Touris Cob Prof Sales & Mkt Col Bus Assoc Dean Entrepreneurship Masters Entrepreneur Dean Contingency-Cob Construction Mgmt Telecommunications Dist Ed Col Ed & All Dist Ed Col Business Dist Ed Col App Scie Recruitment Appl Sci Coll Of Applied Sci Interior Design Engineering & Techno FRS ACCT FRS GL ACCT 101762 101763 101764 101765 101766 101767 101769 101770 101772 101773 101774 101775 101776 101778 101815 101816 101817 101818 101819 101820 101821 101822 101823 101824 101826 101827 101828 101829 101830 101835 101840 101841 101842 101843 101844 101845 101846 101847 101848 101849 101851 101852 101855 101860 101861 101875 101876 101877 101878 101880 101881 101882 Last Change: 11/15/06 1 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 101006 101884 101885 101886 101887 101889 101891 101892 101894 101896 101897 101916 101927 101980 101985 101990 101999 102112 102114 102900 102999 103910 103914 103915 103916 103917 103918 103919 103921 103922 103923 103926 103999 110449 110500 110700 110759 110930 110999 125200 123000 142180 142441 142442 142443 142444 142447 142448 142449 142769 142815 142825 Description Engineer & Tech Fees Criminal Justice Dept Of Nursing Dept Health Sciences Clinical Lab Physical Therapy Masters In Nursing UNC Incentive Grant Emergency Mgmt E-Learning Awards Dean Contingency-As Distance Learning Dist Learning Comm Lapsd Sal Dept Alloc Lspsd Sal Dept Alloc Year End Purchases Unassigned Budgets Academic Computing Summer Sch E & T Fee Summer School Unassigned Budgets Dist Learn Receipt Conferences Extension Instr Hendersonvle,Non-Cre Professional Development Special Programs Non-Credit Instr Summer Theater Prog Non-Credit Local Govmt Training MPM Unassigned Budgets Regional Affairs Patton Center International Pgm Sv Mountain Aquacul Ctr Highlands Biological Unassigned Budgets Budget Reserves Student Financal Aid Chancellor Emeritus WNC Tomorrow Community Serv Prgms Local Govmt Training Sm Bus & Tech Dev Local Gov Train Wksp Institue for Economy & Future Fed & State Relation Summer Vent/Current Beginning Teacher Su Summer Resd Program FRS FRS GL ACCT ACCT 101883 101884 101885 101886 101887 101889 101891 101892 101894 101896 101897 101916 101927 101980 101985 101990 101999 102112 102114 102900 102999 103910 103914 103915 103916 103917 103918 103919 103921 103922 103923 103926 103999 110449 110500 110700 110759 110930 110999 126502 130320 142180 142441 142442 142443 142444 142447 142448 142449 142769 142815 142825 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 142980 142998 142999 143601 143602 143603 143610 143614 143615 143616 143617 143618 143619 143621 143622 143623 143624 143625 143626 143652 143998 143999 151970 151972 151977 151999 152112 152114 152001 152301 152420 152430 152460 152700 152701 152702 152709 152712 152722 152723 152725 152727 152728 152729 152735 152736 152737 152738 152745 152746 152747 152753 Description Lapsd Sal Dept Alloc Continuation Increas Unassigned Budgets NCCAT Internal Oprs NCCAT Prgm Ser/Fello NCCAT Program Team NCCAT-Aux Admin NCCAT-Dining Service NCCAT Aux Ser Maint NCCAT Int Oprs/Netwk NCCAT-Housekeeping NCCAT Aux Ser/Ground NCCAT-Transportation NCCAT-Teacher Servic NCCAT-Budget Office NCCAT-Information Sv NCCAT Programs NCCAT Prof Dev Proj NCCAT Pgm Ser/Media NCCAT Dev Office Continuation Increas Unassigned Budgets Libraries Non-Recur Expansion Dis Learning-Library Unassigned Budgets Academic Computing Legal Counsel Student Aff E&T Fund Disability Support Mtn Heritage Center Cullowhee Music Fest WCU Cherokee Center General Acad Support Sacs Review Liberal Studies WCU Progm-Asheville Writing Center Stac Center Math Success Center Advising Center Cat Center Faculty Ctr Teach Ex Career Serv/Coop Ed Dean-Graduate School Research Admin Dis Learn Grad Sch Dean Contingency Gs Dean-Arts & Sciences Museum Of F & P Arts Ctr For Applied Tech Acad Dev-Honors FRS FRS GL ACCT ACCT 142980 142998 142999 143601 143602 143603 143610 143614 143615 143616 143617 143618 143619 143621 143622 143623 143624 143625 143626 143652 143998 143999 151970 151972 151977 151999 152112 152114 152300 152301 152420 152430 152460 152700 152701 152702 152709 152712 152722 152723 152725 152727 152728 152729 152735 152736 152737 152738 152745 152746 152747 152753 Last Change: 11/15/06 2 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 152770 152815 152816 152817 152820 152821 152824 152825 152827 152828 152840 152880 152881 152882 152883 152999 160300 160301 160310 160320 160322 160400 160502 160700 160701 160703 160710 160720 160722 160723 160725 160730 160731 160732 160733 160735 160736 160738 160746 160747 160980 160981 160982 160983 160984 160990 160999 170100 170101 170102 170106 170111 170112 Description Distance Learning Dean-Col Educ & Alld Model Clinical Teach Human Services Assessment Field Exp Reading Center Education Partnershp Teaching Fellows Pgm Rural Education Math/Science Network Dean-Col Of Business Dean-Col Applied Sci Ctr Integrated Tech Physical Therapy Pgm Engineering Tech Fee Unassigned Budgets VC Student Developmt Service Learning Counseling Center Financial Aid Dist Learn Fin Aid University Admission Controller V C Academic Affairs International Program Sv Catalog Provost Software Maint Enrollment Managemt Records & Registrar Dist Learn-Registrar Onestop Service Ctr Diplomas Admissions Academic Ser-Receipt Dis Learn Admissions Graduate Application Grad Sch Recruitment Dean's-Grad Catalog Performing Arts Oper Mktg For F&P Arts Lapsd Sal Dept Alloc Lapsd Sal Dept Alloc Lapsd Sal Dept Alloc Lapsd Sal Dept Alloc Lapsd Sal Dept Alloc Year End Purchases Unassigned Budgets Chancellor's Office Dis Learn Chancellor EEO Office Reversion-Chancellor Dis Learn Comp Ctr Admin Data Processg FRS FRS GL ACCT ACCT 152770 152815 152816 152817 152820 152821 152824 152825 152827 152828 152840 152880 152881 152882 152883 152999 160300 160301 160310 160320 160322 160400 160502 160700 160701 160703 160710 160720 160722 160723 160725 160730 160731 160732 160733 160735 160736 160738 160746 160747 160980 160981 160982 160983 160984 160990 160999 170100 170101 170102 170106 170111 170112 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 170113 170114 170115 170117 170120 170125 170130 170140 170141 170300 170400 170401 170402 170403 170404 170405 170406 170407 170420 170450 170500 170501 170502 170503 170504 170506 170507 170508 170509 170510 170511 170512 170513 170519 170522 170554 170700 170710 170717 170950 170953 170980 170981 170990 170996 170999 180508 180509 180510 180513 180514 180515 180516 Description Computer Repairs Legal Counsel Dist Learn-Law,Equit Marketing Plan University Planning Assessment Office Mtn Heritage Day Public Information Public Infor-Special Student Development Advmt & External Aff University Advancemt Development Office Planned Giving Univ Ad-Campaign For Alumni Golden Ambass Public Rel-Poster Pr Public Rel-Grad Scho Mtn Heritage Center Alumni Affairs V C Admin & Finance VCBA-Communications Controller Associate VC A&F Purchasing WCU Mail Room Personnel Ramsey Activity Ctr University Police Safety Director Motor Pool Internal Auditor Staff Development CACFF-Admin & Financ Phone Directory Dist Learn-Hum Resou V C Academic Affairs Software Maintenance Dist Learn Acad Aff Dis Learn Instit Sup Dis Learn Adm & Fina Lapsd Sal Dept Alloc Lapsd Sal Dept Alloc Year End Purchases Non-Recur Foc Growth Unassigned Budgets Ramsey Activity Ctr University Police Safety Office Physical Plant Ground Maintenance Housekeeping Engineering & Admin FRS FRS GL ACCT ACCT 170113 170114 170115 170117 170120 170125 170130 170140 170141 170300 170400 170401 170402 170403 170404 170405 170406 170407 170420 170450 170500 170501 170502 170503 170504 170506 170507 170508 170509 170510 170511 170512 170513 170519 170522 170554 170700 170710 170717 170950 170953 170980 170981 170990 170996 170999 180508 180509 180510 180513 180514 180515 180516 Last Change: 11/15/06 3 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 180517 180518 180530 180980 180990 180999 190525 190526 Description Utility Operations Preventive Maint. Athletic Fld Mainten Lapsd Sal Dept Alloc Year End Purchases Unassigned Budgets Tuition,Fees & Waiv Dist Learning - Tuition,Fees, Waiv FRS FRS GL ACCT ACCT 180517 180518 180530 180980 180990 180999 190525 190525 190526 190526 Banner Fund 292103 292700 292710 292719 292728 296731 292732 292735 292736 292745 292749 292815 292816 292817 292840 292880 294890 294891 294892 294893 296973 296977 292142 292100 292500 292525 221000 221002 221004 271005 221006 221008 221009 221010 241013 240001 221018 241019 221020 221022 Non-State Accounts Portfolio Assessment Academic Affairs Indirect Cost Trf Ip Ind Cost-Ed Leadersh Fac Ctr Teach Exc-OverH Recpts Summ Res Fellowship Grants Mgmt Office Graduate Scholarship Enrollmt Mgt Overhd Dean, Arts & Science Spring Literary Festival Dean, Educ & Psy Indir Cost-Ed & Alli Indirect Trf-Human S Dean-Col Of Business Dean-Col Applied Sci Fac Research-Dibari Fac Research-McCord Fac Research-Kwochka Fac Resea-O'Connell Sum Research-Matthew Summer Research-Debo WCQS Radio Chancellor's Office V C Admin & Finance Overhead Receipts Academic Scholarship Mountain Heritage Day Special University Programs Chancellor's Discretionary Acct Public Inform Adv Graduation Fee University Royalties University Magazine Public Information Expense Corp And Foundation Giving Homecoming Chancellor Emeritus Expense Network Access Enterasys Co-Op 192103 192700 192710 192719 192728 192731 192732 192735 192736 192745 192749 192815 192816 192817 192840 192880 192890 192891 192892 192893 192973 192977 194142 195100 195500 195525 221000 221002 221004 221005 221006 221008 221009 221010 221013 221015 221018 221019 221020 221022 241023 221024 222002 222003 222004 222005 222008 222009 222011 222012 222013 222014 222015 222016 222018 242020 242021 242022 242023 222024 242025 242027 222028 242030 242031 222033 222034 222035 222036 222037 222038 222039 222040 222042 222044 222045 222047 222048 222049 242052 192103 192700 192710 192719 192728 192731 192732 192735 192736 192745 192749 192815 192816 192817 192840 192880 192890 192891 192892 192893 192973 192977 194142 195100 195500 195525 021000 021002 021004 021005 021006 021008 021009 021010 021013 021015 021018 021019 021020 021022 Description Non-State Accounts Football-Advancement Expense Certification Comm Art Dept Trust Fund Music Dept English Textbook Foreign Language Contest Band Video/Cd Continuing Ed Ser Prov Prg Excel Library Copy Service Travel Component Reading Center Professional Exam Enrollmt Mgt Development Music Scholarships Graduate School Expense Art/Sci Exp Acct Educ/Psy Expense Account College Of Business Expense WCU Upward Bound M&S Applied Science Expense Provost Expense Math Contest/Awards WCU-A Personal Exp Acct CIO Expense Account Sigma Tau Delt/Nomad Marketing Fund New Faculty Orientation Anthropology-Mexico Career Day Clearing Micronet Services Dec Escrow Highlands Biological Marching Band Competition Social Work Ed & Psy Program Support Speech And Hearing WNC Adult Fitness Pg Hhp Activities Ss/Cont Ed Expense FRS ACCT FRS GL ACCT 221023 221024 222002 222003 222004 222005 222008 222009 222011 222012 222013 222014 222015 222016 222018 222020 222021 222022 222023 222024 222025 222027 222028 222030 222031 222033 222034 222035 222036 222037 222038 222039 222040 222042 222044 222045 222047 222048 222049 222052 021023 021024 022002 022003 022004 022005 022008 022009 022011 022012 022013 022014 022015 022016 022018 022020 022021 022022 022023 022024 022025 022027 022028 022030 022031 022033 022034 022035 022036 022037 022038 022039 022040 022042 022044 022045 022047 022048 022049 022052 Last Change: 11/15/06 4 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 222053 222054 222056 242060 242061 222062 222069 222070 222071 240002 242074 222075 222076 242077 222078 222079 222080 222090 222095 222100 222101 222102 222103 222104 222105 222106 222107 222108 240003 240004 240005 242141 222142 222143 222144 222145 222146 222147 222149 222150 222151 222152 222153 222154 222155 320756 222157 222158 222159 222160 222161 222162 222301 Description Speech And Hearing Center Career Fair Job List Community Borrowers Univ Planning Expense COB Fac Recruitment Expense Mail Room Speech And Hearing Medicaid Math And Science Edu Trust Faculty Research Sup Summer Gifted Program Library Expense Ips Business Account Comm Productions-WCU Honors College Expense Cis Fund Excellence Award Talent Search Supporting Ppi Operating Account Safe Ride Col Applied Science Ed/Psy Activity Fund Nat Resources Mgmt Arts/Sci Centennial Col Of Business Fund Physical Therapy St Hunter Library Fund Friends Hunter Libr Univ Honors College Planned Giving Advancement Research Events Management Entrepreneur Exp Acc Accountancy Fund Bus Admin & Law Fund Finance Fund Management Fund MBA Program Fund Niggli Productions Marching Band Crits Journal Red Cross Certificat Ips Exchange Program Int'l Prog And Servi Phi Beta Delta Faculty Center Trust Ramsey Programming Sup Excellence Award Counseling Activitie Prog Of Exc-Fac Ctr Aging Conf & Institu Student Council Ec Summer Theatre Service Learning Sym FRS ACCT 222053 222054 222056 222060 222061 222062 222069 222070 222071 222072 222074 222075 222076 222077 222078 222079 222080 222090 222095 222100 222101 222102 222103 222104 222105 222106 222107 222108 222109 222110 222112 222141 222142 222143 222144 222145 222146 222147 222149 222150 222151 222152 222153 222154 222155 222156 222157 222158 222159 222160 222161 222162 222301 FRS GL ACCT 022053 022054 022056 022060 022061 022062 022069 022070 022071 022007 022074 022075 022076 022077 022078 022079 022080 022090 022095 022100 022101 022102 022103 022104 022105 022106 022107 022108 022109 022110 022112 022141 022142 022143 022144 022145 022146 022147 022149 022150 022151 022152 022153 022154 022155 022156 022157 022158 022159 022160 022161 022162 022301 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 222322 222745 222746 222757 242002 222824 222825 222851 223001 240006 320704 243007 223011 223012 223013 244000 224001 244002 240007 224004 224005 224006 224008 244009 240008 224012 224014 224015 224020 225000 225002 225003 240009 225005 225006 225007 225009 225010 225011 321612 321113 225014 225015 245016 225017 240011 225026 321628 240013 225030 226000 226001 247001 Description SUTEP F&P Arts Gala/Arts Perform Arts Season Poli Sci Gen Fdn Trf CEAP Recruitment Meals Psychological Servic Teacher Cadet Acct Prog Of Exc-Entrepre Orientation Madrigal Dinner Base Camp Cullowhee V C Stu Dev Exp Acct Family Weekend Parents Association Student Conduct Fund Mtn Res Personal Exp IEF Copy Service Advmt/Ext Personal Alumni Affairs Alumni/Homecoming Alumni Reunions IEF Business Account Mt Heritage Recordng Mwaniki Personal Exp WCU Annual Fund Golden Ambassadors WNCT Conferences Off Regional Affairs IEF Personal Expense Grants, Contingency Camp Shelton Reserve Admin & Fin-Special Communication Equip Recreation Fac R/R PP-Excellence Award Liability Insurance Controller/Special Physical Plt Trust Rac Event Acct Univ Police - Parking Enforce Motor Pool Student Affr Program Contingency-Inst Prg VC Admin Finance Expense Hunter Fire Account One-Card Ser-Deposit Tuition & Housing Cattran Admin Computing Fee Vagina Monolog/V-Day NCCAT Emergency Loan Incom Athletic Director Expense FRS ACCT 222322 222745 222746 222757 222815 222824 222825 222851 223001 223003 223004 223007 223011 223012 223013 224000 224001 224002 224003 224004 224005 224006 224008 224009 224010 224012 224014 224015 224020 225000 225002 225003 225004 225005 225006 225007 225009 225010 225011 225012 225013 225014 225015 225016 225017 225018 225026 225028 225029 225030 226000 226001 227001 FRS GL ACCT 022322 022745 022746 022757 022815 022824 022825 022851 023001 023003 023004 023007 023011 023012 023013 024000 024001 024002 024003 024004 024005 024006 024008 024009 024010 024012 024014 024015 024020 025000 025002 025003 025004 025005 025006 025007 025009 025010 025011 025012 025013 025014 025015 025016 025017 025018 025026 025028 025029 025030 026000 026001 027001 Last Change: 11/15/06 5 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 320100 320101 320102 320103 320104 320105 320106 320107 320108 320109 320115 320300 320301 320302 320303 320305 320315 320316 320400 320401 320402 320405 320415 320500 320501 320507 320511 320514 320515 320516 320518 320519 320520 320521 320522 320523 320524 320525 320526 320527 320528 320529 320530 320531 320532 320533 320534 320200 320201 320202 320203 320204 320330 FRS Description ACCT Aux Adm - Phone Center 332100 Aux Adm - University Police 332101 Aux Adm - Grounds Position 332102 Aux Adm - Controller 332103 Aux Adm - Genral Utility 332104 Aux Adm - Temp Wages-Grounds 332105 Aux Adm - Office 332106 Aux Adm - Landfill 332107 Aux Adm - Pest Control 332108 Aux Adm - Collection Cost 332109 Aux Admin - Interest Earned 332115 Food Services - Cafeterias 332300 Food Ser-Interest 332301 Food Services - Restaurant 332302 Food Services - Snack Bar 332303 Food Services - Aramark Reimburse332305 Food Services - Interest Earned 332315 Food Services - Academic Scholar 332316 Health Services Center 332400 Hlth Serv-Counseling & Psy Center 332401 Health Serv- Wellness Center 332402 Health Services - Operating Reserv 332405 Health Services - Interst 332415 Housing Services 332500 Housing - Telephone 332501 Housing - Programs 332507 Housing - Painting 332511 Housing - Long Distance 332514 Housing - Interst 332515 Housing - Academic Scholarship 332516 Housing - Cable 332518 Housing - Resident Network 332519 Housing - Operating Reserve 332520 Albright Benton 332521 Leatherwood 332522 Helder 332523 Scott 332524 Walker 332525 Harrill 332526 Buchanan 332527 Reynolds 332528 Robertson 332529 Madison 332530 Housing - Resident Student 332531 Affinity Housing 332532 Central Drive 332533 Norton Hall Drive 332534 University Center 334000 University Center - Interest Earned 334001 University Center - Debt Service 334002 University Center - Operating Reser 334003 Media Board Reserve 334004 Vending - Soft Drinks 334030 FRS GL ACCT 032100 032101 032300 032301 032316 032400 032405 032401 032500 032514 032501 032516 032518 032520 032521 032522 032523 032524 032525 032526 032527 032528 032529 032530 032532 032533 032534 034000 034001 034002 034003 034004 034030 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 320632 320334 321436 336041 321449 320599 320851 320852 320853 320854 320855 321256 320857 321458 321560 321561 321562 321563 321565 320366 322780 322783 336001 336002 336003 336004 336005 336007 336008 336009 336010 336013 336014 336015 336016 336017 336021 336022 336023 336024 336026 320730 336031 336033 320734 320737 320738 320739 320742 320741 336043 336044 336046 FRS Description ACCT Vending - Washer & Dryer 334032 Vending - Snack 334034 Printing - Copy Center 334036 Univ Play-Concessions 334041 Printing - Print Management Service 334049 Housing - Student Deposits 334050 Computer Sales & Supply 334051 WCU Computer Store 334052 Supply Store 334053 Book Rental 334054 Book Rental & Supply Store Inv Acc 334055 Central Stores 334056 Supply Store - Uc Ii 334057 Printing - Print Shop 334058 Rental Property 334060 House Management - Interest 334061 Rental Apartments 334062 Apartment Management - Interest 334063 Rental Deposits 334065 Vending - Ramsey Concession 334066 Electric Resale - Operations 334080 Electric Resale - Investment 334083 Student Government 336001 Arts Students League 336002 Biology Club 336003 Org Of Ebony Student 336004 Nc St Assn Educators 336005 Student Nurses Assoc 336007 English Club 336008 Geology Club 336009 Inst Of Mgmt Acctnts 336010 Business Law Club 336013 Music Educators 336014 Sociology Club 336015 Concerned Helpers 336016 Economics/Finance Cl 336017 Nomad 336021 Natural Resource Management 336022 Student Hea Info Mgt 336023 Student Government Association 336024 Student Handbooks 336026 Last Minute Productions 336030 Tuck Valley Review 336031 Ath Training Student 336033 Jazz Ensemble 336036 Choral 336037 Intramurals 336038 Lectures, Concerts & Exhibits 336039 University Players 336040 Band & Orchestra 336041 WCU Math Assoc 336043 Clinical Lb Sci Club 336044 Psychology Club 336046 FRS GL ACCT 034032 034034 034036 034041 034049 034050 034051 034052 034053 034054 034055 034056 034057 034058 034060 034061 034062 034063 034065 034066 034080 034083 036001 036002 036003 036004 036005 036007 036008 036009 036010 036013 036014 036015 036016 036017 036021 036022 036023 036024 036026 036030 036031 036033 036036 036037 036038 036039 036040 036041 036043 036044 036046 Last Change: 11/15/06 6 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 336047 320753 336053 320754 336055 336056 336058 336059 336060 336061 336062 320763 336064 336065 336066 336067 336069 336075 336076 336077 336078 336079 336081 336082 336083 336084 336085 336086 336087 320789 336090 336091 336092 336093 336094 336095 336097 336098 320701 320702 320703 336104 336105 336106 320708 336109 336110 336111 336113 336114 336115 336117 336118 FRS Description ACCT Council Excep Childr 336047 Special Student Program 336052 Society Of Phsic Students 336053 Show Choir 336054 Parks & Recreation 336055 Show Choir 336056 Nat'l Student Language Hearing 336058 Inspirational Choir 336059 WC Karate Club 336060 College Repulicans 336061 Criminal Justice 336062 Sylva Shuttle Bus 336063 Current Issues In Action 336064 Math & Computer Club 336065 Nutrition & Dietics Club 336066 Alph Epsilon Rho 336067 National Art Education Assoc 336069 Nat'l Broadcasting 336075 Environmental Health 336076 Anthropology Club 336077 Pre-Health Prof Asso 336078 Prof Assoc Of Industrial Distribution 336079 Student Chapter Of A.S.I.D. 336081 B-Glad 336082 Chemistry Club 336083 Marketing Club 336084 Assoc Computer Machine 336085 Men's Rugby Club 336086 Pi Gamma Mu 336087 Misc Student Union 336089 WCU Film Society 336090 Campus Shuttle Bus 336091 Assoc Education Of Young Children 336092 Ski Club 336093 Industrial Distr Organization 336094 Phi Alpha Delta 336095 International Club 336097 Receipt Holding - Sga 336098 Minority Student Affairs 336101 Nomad 336102 Band Uniforms 336103 Sport Mgmt Student 336104 History Club 336105 Therapeutic Recreation 336106 Belk Art Gallery 336108 Society Of Mfg Engineers 336109 Nc Council Tea-Math 336110 Alpha Kappa Psi 336111 Inform Tech Aitp 336113 Black Theatre Ensemb 336114 Mann/Huskins Psych 336115 Prssa 336117 Bacchus 336118 FRS GL ACCT 036047 036052 036053 036054 036055 036056 036058 036059 036060 036061 036062 036063 036064 036065 036066 036067 036069 036075 036076 036077 036078 036079 036081 036082 036083 036084 036085 036086 036087 036089 036090 036091 036092 036093 036094 036095 036097 036098 036101 036102 036103 036104 036105 036106 036108 036109 036110 036111 036113 036114 036115 036117 036118 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 336119 336121 336123 336124 336125 336126 336127 336128 336129 336130 320731 336133 320735 320736 336138 336139 320740 336141 320749 320750 320751 320752 336154 336155 336158 336159 336162 336163 336164 336165 336166 336167 336169 336171 336172 336173 336200 336201 336205 336210 336211 336212 336213 336214 336215 336216 336217 336218 336220 336221 336222 336223 336224 Description Physical Educ Club WCU Flute Society Gamma Hospitality Mgt Club WCU Percussion Society Adult Learners S.O. Native Amer Student Mortar Board WCU Japanese Animat Geography Club PB-Western Carolinan WCU Chess Club WWCU Radio Station Catamount Communications La Voz Latina Foreign Language League Fitness Center Univ Play-Other Rev Womens Center Student Leadership Dance Team Cheerleaders Business Law Society Industrial Technology Club Student Social Work Womens Rugby Club Asian Student Origination Campus Ed & Wellness Club Managers Of America Free Style Club Gadfly Jewish Student Organization Interior Design Club Men's Volleyball Club WCU Hockey Team Minority Leaders Utd Sga Revenue Account Summer Student Account Fee Publication Board - Catamount Recreation Revenue Unca Triathon Club Honors Col Bd Of Dir Grad Student Association Orginazation Of Creative Writing Active Animals Assoc National Pan-Hellenic Council Student Style Society Men's Soccer Club Equestrian Club Ski Team WCU Cat Pac Wise Women Sailing Club FRS ACCT 336119 336121 336123 336124 336125 336126 336127 336128 336129 336130 336131 336133 336135 336136 336138 336139 336140 336141 336149 336150 336151 336152 336154 336155 336158 336159 336162 336163 336164 336165 336166 336167 336169 336171 336172 336173 336200 336201 336205 336210 336211 336212 336213 336214 336215 336216 336217 336218 336220 336221 336222 336223 336224 FRS GL ACCT 036119 036121 036123 036124 036125 036126 036127 036128 036129 036130 036131 036133 036135 036136 036138 036139 036140 036141 036149 036150 036151 036152 036154 036155 036158 036159 036162 036163 036164 036165 036166 036167 036169 036171 036172 036173 036200 036201 036205 036210 036211 036212 036213 036214 036215 036216 036217 036218 036220 036221 036222 036223 036224 Last Change: 11/15/06 7 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 336225 336226 336228 336229 336230 336231 336232 336233 336234 336235 336236 336237 336240 336241 336252 336253 320755 336255 336256 336257 336258 336261 336262 336264 320767 336269 336270 320771 336274 336275 336277 336278 336279 336280 336281 336282 336283 336284 336285 336286 320787 336289 336290 336291 336922 336293 336297 336298 336302 320705 337000 337001 337002 Description Veterans And Friends Multicultural Center Delta Sigma Theta International Cooking Club Lacross Team D.I.V.A.'s For Jesus Kappa Alpha Sorority Tau Kappa Epsilon Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Ball Room Dance Society Athlete Advisory Council Students About Unity Grad Business Student Assoc Grad Business Student Assoc WCU Marching Band Hall Brawl Club Sports Stompfest Pan-Hellic Council Interfraternity Council Cycling Club Stu Asso Gov & Legal Physical Therapy Sigma Chi Fraternity Greek Life Ems Omega Zeta Theta Channel 62 Norml Eta Sigma Delta Relay-For-Life College Democrats Omega Kappa Theta Construction Mgmt Online Gaming Club Safe Zone Service Learning Fee Elder In Residence Dev For Student Conferences Campus Compact Gadfly Emergency Mgmt Club Gods Quality Sigma Alpha Omega WCU Model Un Alpha Phi Omega Real Men Bylaws Epsilon Tau Pi WCU Advance Media Board General Account Athletic Director Athletic Scholarships Baseball FRS ACCT 336225 336226 336228 336229 336230 336231 336232 336233 336234 336235 336236 336237 336240 336241 336252 336253 336254 336255 336256 336257 336258 336261 336262 336264 336267 336269 336270 336271 336274 336275 336277 336278 336279 336280 336281 336282 336283 336284 336285 336286 336287 336289 336290 336291 336292 336293 336297 336298 336302 336305 337000 337001 337002 FRS GL ACCT 036225 036226 036228 036229 036230 036231 036232 036233 036234 036235 036236 036237 036240 036241 036252 036253 036254 036255 036256 036257 036258 036261 036262 036264 036267 036269 036270 036271 036274 036275 036277 036278 036279 036280 036281 036282 036283 036284 036285 036286 036287 036289 036290 036291 036292 036293 036297 036298 036302 036305 037000 037001 037002 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 337003 337004 337006 337007 337008 337009 337010 337011 337012 337013 337014 337015 337016 337017 337018 337025 337030 337050 337116 337117 337118 337999 322784 C41111 541021 589027 589066 541319 541384 521411 589547 589553 501683 501699 541729 551774 501814 501815 501913 501915 501916 501918 591919 501920 501921 591923 501924 542013 542040 522065 522120 522121 542161 Description Men's Basketball Track Football Tennis Golf Women's Basketball Athletic External Affairs Women's Volleyball Sports Information Women's Golf Cheerleaders Women's Soccer Training Room Weight Room Softball Canada Trip Athletic Merchandise Academic Enhancement Athletic Development WNC Athletic Auction Charlotte Auction Athletic Interest Electric Resale - Capital Cashier Returned Check Sigma Xi Archaelogoical Fund Non-Fed Unemply Res Jackson Co Survey MAWP/NWPC 92/2002 Crits: 1992/93 Fed Unemployment Res CWSP Master GSMNP Wetlands Genetic Structure CE/MAHEC Programs Problem Solving 1 DFAFS Prgm LOC Clearing Dept Education LOC Clearing Preparation Service Student Sp 2001/2004 Improving Prep Personnel Talent Search 02/04 CWSP 2003/2004 Upward Bound 03/04 Preparing Supporting CWSP 2005/2006 Student Sp 2005/2009 Smoky Mt Econ Dev N.A.M.T.A.C. Partnerships Excelln Cultivating Math K-5 Cultivating Math 6-8 Learn NC FRS ACCT 337003 337004 337006 337007 337008 337009 337010 337011 337012 337013 337014 337015 337016 337017 337018 337025 337030 337050 337116 337117 337118 337999 338084 411111 551021 551027 551066 551319 551384 551411 551547 551553 551683 551699 551729 551774 551814 551815 551913 551915 551916 551918 551919 551920 551921 551923 551924 552013 552040 552065 552120 552121 552161 FRS GL ACCT 037003 037004 037006 037007 037008 037009 037010 037011 037012 037013 037014 037015 037016 037017 037018 037025 037030 037050 037116 037117 037118 037999 038084 041111 051021 051027 051066 051319 051384 051411 051547 051553 051683 051699 051729 051774 051814 051815 051913 051915 051916 051918 051919 051920 051921 051923 051924 052013 052040 052065 052120 052121 052161 Last Change: 11/15/06 8 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 542168 522187 542199 522212 562217 542223 542224 542231 522240 562242 522245 522246 542268 522269 562271 542274 542278 522285 542287 522289 542293 562302 562303 562304 552305 542306 542308 522314 562322 562324 522328 542335 562337 542339 522344 562345 522349 542350 562351 522352 522356 522357 522360 552361 542368 522370 522373 522375 542377 522378 542379 522381 542383 Description Dev Position 1 Partnership 10K 00/1 Barbers Orchard Project Inquire Transformations Teaching & Research Social Capital Mountain Voices Cooperative Agreemnt Quality Growth /WNCt Lab Set-Up Wyatt SHC Contract Service Multicultural Divers NC Middle Math Adolescent Readers Alcohol Education Forest Conservation Safe Schools In NC Teach/Research Award Design Services Investigations/Gsmnp Z Smith Reynolds Mebane Beginning Teacher Allens Creek DGGE Analysis GSMNP Hiker Health SHC Contract Cherokee Schools Cherokee Historical Ed Future Now Yr 5 Summer Workshop 2003 The Arts: Preserving Mechanized Molecules Project Space Health Card D.E.C.2003/2004 Smoky Mt Center 04 Beginning Teacher 2 System Of Care Exceptional Children Exceptional Children NCPE 0304 ABC Rehab / Educ Reduce Problem Drink Infant Massage 03/04 Star Grant Genetic Id Trout Quick Response Grassroots Science Safe Zone Program NC Rated Assessment Edgrid Award FRS ACCT 552168 552187 552199 552212 552217 552223 552224 552231 552240 552242 552245 552246 552268 552269 552271 552274 552278 552285 552287 552289 552293 552302 552303 552304 552305 552306 552308 552314 552322 552324 552328 552335 552337 552339 552344 552345 552349 552350 552351 552352 552356 552357 552360 552361 552368 552370 552373 552375 552377 552378 552379 552381 552383 FRS GL ACCT 052168 052187 052199 052212 052217 052223 052224 052231 052240 052242 052245 052246 052268 052269 052271 052274 052278 052285 052287 052289 052293 052302 052303 052304 052305 052306 052308 052314 052322 052324 052328 052335 052337 052339 052344 052345 052349 052350 052351 052352 052356 052357 052360 052361 052368 052370 052373 052375 052377 052378 052379 052381 052383 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 552387 542388 562389 562390 522391 542392 542394 542396 542398 522399 522401 522402 542403 522404 542405 522406 522408 522409 552410 542412 522413 562414 542415 502416 542417 522418 542419 562420 562421 522422 562423 542424 552425 542426 502427 552428 522429 522431 542432 522433 522434 522435 562436 522437 542438 502439 522440 552441 522442 522443 522444 522445 522446 Description Forest Mgt Plan American Mind 03/04 WCUCC Consumer Yr 2 WCU Cherokee Center Homeland Security Eq Project ORA: Phase I Stream Restoration Catamount Production Planning Grant WCU Teacher Support Develop Mobilab SBA: Western Reg Ctr Rapid Prototyping K-12 Outreach Sustainable Forest Project Space Faculty Liaison NC Teach Asheville Schools Studying Parameters Mapping Plant Commun NCCAT Seminars & Pro Summer Wrksp:Biotech Oak Ridge-Wtr.Htg.De Hbs: Assistant Dir. NC Photonics Phaseii Harvard Fellowship Pioneer Fund Grant Rev Of Cher Artisan Promote Science&Comp Basic Movement Scien TTI Connections Highlands Biological Station Land Trust Ltl Tenn After The War:Confli Stecoah Arts & Craft NC Teach Program Fostering Undergrad. Use Of New Energy Te Ex Lsta Project Plan NC Echo Digitization Exceptional Children Distance & Continuin Exceptional Children Photometry Of Short NC Dept Of Health Grassroots 04/05 Montgomery C Connect Infant Massage 04/05 CDSA- Autism 04/05 NC Rated Asses.04/05 System Of Care 04/05 Clinical Site Dev 05 FRS ACCT 552387 552388 552389 552390 552391 552392 552394 552396 552398 552399 552401 552402 552403 552404 552405 552406 552408 552409 552410 552412 552413 552414 552415 552416 552417 552418 552419 552420 552421 552422 552423 552424 FRS GL ACCT 052387 052388 052389 052390 052391 052392 052394 052396 052398 052399 052401 052402 052403 052404 052405 052406 052408 052409 052410 052412 052413 052414 052415 052416 052417 052418 052419 052420 052421 052422 052423 052424 552426 552427 552428 552429 552431 552432 552433 552434 552435 552436 552437 552438 552439 552440 552441 552442 552443 552444 552445 552446 052426 052427 052428 052429 052431 052432 052433 052434 052435 052436 052437 052438 052439 052440 052441 052442 052443 052444 052445 052446 Last Change: 11/15/06 9 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 542447 562448 562449 552450 542451 552452 522454 542455 562456 522457 542458 522459 522460 562461 522462 542463 542464 542465 522466 542467 542468 522469 522470 542471 542472 542473 562475 542476 562477 502478 542479 562480 562481 522483 542484 562485 522486 502487 522488 502489 542490 562491 522492 522493 522494 522495 542496 Description Mtn Heritage Day 04 Holocaust 04/05 Cherokee Studies Pro Hoke Co. Connections American Mind 04/05 Henderson Co Connect NC Teach Program AEHEP Program Contemporary Native NC Echo 2004/2005 Undergrad Math Conf. Local Law Enf Blk Gr Child Welfare Ed Pigeon River Fish Ha SBA: Western Reg 05 Cultural Natural His Hertiage Toruism Des Cemala 04-05 Teacher Academy Semi Cullowhee Creek Enha Survey & Timber Asse Connected Coaching WCU Teacher Support Tri-County Region As Summer Wksp:Biotech Steriliztion Equipmt Golden Leaf Southern App Wildlif River Cane Research Geologic Mon Manual Foothills Higher Edu Qualla Financial Fre WCU Archaeological A Northern Red Oak Inv Summer Workshop 2005 Seminars On Cherokee NC Teach Ii 04/05 Horseshoe Project-Te Bus. Hurricane Recov Faculty Liaison Supp Implem. Prof. Scienc Cher Yth Smart Prog Robeson Cty Siminars K12 Outreach Program Exceptional Children Exceptional Children Septic System Failure FRS ACCT 552447 552448 552449 552450 552451 552452 552454 552455 552456 552457 552458 552459 552460 552461 552462 552463 552464 552465 552466 552467 552468 552469 552470 552471 552472 552473 552475 552476 552477 552478 552479 552480 552481 552483 552484 552485 552486 552487 552488 552489 552490 552491 552492 552493 552494 552495 552496 FRS GL ACCT 052447 052448 052449 052450 052451 052452 052454 052455 052456 052457 052458 052459 052460 052461 052462 052463 052464 052465 052466 052467 052468 052469 052470 052471 052472 052473 052475 052476 052477 052478 052479 052480 052481 052483 052484 052485 052486 052487 052488 052489 052490 052491 052492 052493 052494 052495 052496 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 542497 552498 542499 552500 542501 552502 542503 552504 542505 542506 522507 522508 522509 552510 552511 542512 522513 542514 562515 542516 522517 542518 562519 552520 562521 542522 562523 502524 562525 522526 522527 542528 542529 522530 522531 562532 542533 562534 562535 562536 562537 522538 562539 542540 522541 522542 522543 Description Appalachian Garden Hoke Co Connec 05/06 Blue Ridge Nat'L Her NCMTEC Seminar 05/06 Wachovia TTI Connect Independent Speech Bmplicklog 2004/2005 Sp/Hearing Jackson C Sp/Hearing Mountain Evaluating Conservat Unnamed Comm Disorder-Autism NC Echo Heritage Par Johnston Cnty Connec Ashv Citizen Satisfa Waldee Forest Thinni NC Rated Asses.05/06 Investigation Bateri WCU Cherokee Center American Mind 05/06 System Of Care 04/05 Study Of The Correla Holocaust 05/06 Ces Olympic High Sch Sequoyah Initiative Prototype River Cane EBCI/WCU Task Force Cross Generational Revitalization Of Tr NC Teach 05/06 Grassroots Sci-Museu Engineering/Tech Ele Progress Energy Scho SBA/Sbtdc Western Re Child Welfare Ed 06 Rural Entrepreneursh Eblen Center Survey Identification Colle DOD Data Package Assessment Cherokee Language Theatre In Education NCMTEC Seminar 06/07 Culturally Based Knowledge Pgm Rapid Polling and Research Bachelor of Science in Nursing Ugrad Research Opp Connect Coaching Improving Readi FRS ACCT 552497 552498 552499 552500 552501 552502 552503 552504 552505 552506 552507 552508 552509 552510 552511 552512 552513 552514 552515 552516 552517 552518 552519 552520 552521 552522 552523 552524 552525 552526 552527 552528 552529 552530 552531 552532 552533 552534 552535 552536 552537 552538 552539 552540 552541 552542 552543 FRS GL ACCT 052497 052498 052499 052500 052501 052502 052503 052504 052505 052506 052507 052508 052509 052510 052511 052512 052513 052514 052515 052516 052517 052518 052519 052520 052521 052522 052523 052524 052525 052526 052527 052528 052529 052530 052531 052532 052533 052534 052535 052536 052537 052538 052539 052540 052541 052542 052543 Last Change: 11/15/06 10 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 542544 503001 503006 503016 503017 503018 503019 503021 503024 503025 503026 503027 503028 503029 503030 503031 503032 503034 503035 503036 503037 503038 503039 523040 503041 503042 503043 503044 503045 543046 523047 632018 632000 632002 632003 632004 632005 632006 632007 632008 632009 632010 632011 632012 632013 632014 632015 632016 632017 613001 673001 633002 650450 650460 650470 650480 Description Western Carolina Community Fores WCU USDA Challenge Hosp Mgt Center Millennial Campus Collaborative Research USFS Challenge Brp Oral History Darpa:Mfg-Opto-Elect Joint Venture 2 FSML: Improvements Preservation Grant EDA 2004/2005 Brp Ethnographic Ovr Forest Biotechnology Joint Venture 3 Plan & Design-Biotech Genomes To Life Div. Pred. Of Southrn Bea Survey Of Wetland Universal Hiring Prg EDA 2005/2006 Software Producibili ELWHA Education Project Grid Computing Under Genetic Analyzer Edge Detection Along Wayehutta/Appletree Biotechnology Research Workforce Center Undergrad Math Conf. Improving Teachers Quality Grant Gifted Student Scholarship Thomas W. Bird Scholarship Unobligated Scholarship Obligated Scholarship Ainsley Scholarship Botner Scholarship Frank H. Brown Scholarship Art Scholarship Hice Scholarship David Hall Scholarship Jessee & Georgia Sloan Sch Academic Music Scholarship Spangler Scholarship Human Services Fac/Staff Sch Legislative College Louise Hooper Scholarship Ga Flow Through Scholarship Adult Learners Fund Teaching & Research Teaching & Research University Teaching Awards Pell Grant 2003/2004 Pell Grant 2004/2005 Seog 2004/2005 Seog 2005/2006 FRS ACCT 552544 553001 553006 553016 553017 553018 553019 553021 553024 553025 553026 553027 553028 553029 553030 553031 553032 553034 553035 553036 553037 553038 553039 553040 553041 553042 553043 553044 553045 553046 553047 662010 663000 663002 663003 663004 663005 663006 663007 663008 663009 663010 663011 663012 663013 663014 663015 663016 663017 664001 664001.5 664002 665045 665046 665047 665048 FRS GL ACCT 052544 053001 053006 053016 053017 053018 053019 053021 053024 053025 053026 053027 053028 053029 053030 053031 053032 053034 053035 053036 053037 053038 053039 053040 053041 053042 053043 053044 053045 053046 053047 062010 063000 063002 063003 063004 063005 063006 063007 063008 063009 063010 063011 063012 063013 063014 063015 063016 063017 064001 064001 064002 065045 065046 065047 065048 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 650490 650500 672503 672505 672506 672507 672508 672509 600511 672512 672515 671517 671518 671519 672520 672521 671524 672525 671526 671527 671528 671529 671530 672531 671532 671533 671534 671535 671536 600001 600002 612003 600004 612005 612006 612007 612008 612009 600010 612012 622014 612015 688016 611017 611018 611019 612020 612021 622022 611024 612025 611026 611027 611028 611029 611030 Description Pell Grant 2005/2006 NC Need Based Grants Hyde Leather Wood Whitmire Rigdon Walter J. Durr Varner Depold Estate Ashe Davis J. Robinson Professorship Aw Daniels Professorship Carol Grotes Balk Professorship Little EJ T. Ray Gibbs CD Spangler Iianc Blanton Whitmire Professorship Sequoyah Professorship Phillips Professorship Parris Professorship Taft B. Botner Professorship Education Leadership Physical Therapy Pro Jeanette Hyde Prof CB Smith Prof Nursing Prof Inc MountanTop Prof WCU Endowment Wachovia Bank Endowment Hyde Endowment Electric Resale Endowment Leatherwood Endowment Myrtle Whitmire Endowment Rigdon Endowment Wj Durr Endowment Varner Endowment Hennessee Endowment John W. Ashe Endowment Helder Endowment Fund Homer R. Davis Endowment Endowment Investment Pool J Robinson Professorship Aw Daniels Professorship Carol Grotes Belk Professorship Little Ej Endowment T. Ray Gibbs Endowment Ila C. Lewis Endowment Fund Cd Spangler Professorship Iianc Endowment Blanton Whitmire Professorship Sequoyah Professorship Phillips Professorship Parris Professorship Taft B. Botner Professorship FRS ACCT 665049 665050 666503 666505 666506 666507 666508 666509 666511 666512 666515 666517 666518 666519 666520 666521 666524 666525 666526 666527 666528 666529 666530 666531 666532 666533 666534 666535 666536 668001 668002 668003 668004 668005 668006 668007 668008 668009 668010 668012 668014 668015 668016 668017 668018 668019 668020 668021 668022 668024 668025 668026 668027 668028 668029 668030 FRS GL ACCT 065049 065050 066503 066505 066506 066507 066508 066509 068011 066512 066515 066517 066518 066519 066520 066521 066524 066525 066526 066527 066528 066529 066530 066531 066532 066533 066534 066535 066536 068001 068002 068003 068004 068005 068006 068007 068008 068009 068010 068012 068014 068015 068016 068017 068018 068019 068020 068021 068022 068024 068025 068026 068027 068028 068029 068030 Last Change: 11/15/06 11 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 612031 611032 611033 611034 611035 611036 669001 669002 669502 669003 669503 669505 669040 669005 700200 700210 700410 700420 700440 700460 700470 700480 701010 701020 701030 701040 702010 702020 702030 703010 703020 703030 703040 703050 703060 703070 703080 703200 703210 703410 703420 703430 703440 703450 704200 704210 704410 704420 704430 704440 704450 705010 705200 705210 705230 705410 FRS Description ACCT Education Leadership 668031 Physical Therapy Pro 668032 Jeanette Hyde Prof 668033 Cb Smith Prof 668034 Nursing Prof 668035 MountainTop Prof 668036 Consoldtd Emrgcy Loan Accnt 669001 Perkins Student Loans 669002 Perkin Loan Instit Capital Contr Nursing Loans 669003 Nursing Institut Capital Contribution Nursing Repayments To Institution Emergency Educ Loan 669004 Wd Ford Fed Dir Loan 669005 2000 Repairs And Renovation 770020 2000 Repairs And Reno NCCAT 770021 Roof Replace, & Repair - Moore Ha 770041 Correct ADA Deficiencies 770042 Minor Building Renovations 770044 Roads, Walks And Drives 770046 Water Plant Improvements, Phase 1 770047 Drainage and Landscaping 770048 Hospitality Management Adv Planni 770101 Athletic/Student Recreation Fac Imp 770102 Highlands Biological Res Hall 770103 Student Recreation Center 770104 Hospitality Management 770201 Student Recreation Center 770202 Electrical Distribution Imp 770203 New Student Residence Hall 770301 Residence Hall Renovation 770302 Parking Deck - 500 Spaces 770303 Dodson Cafeteria Renovation 770304 Softball Field And Stadium 770305 Access Control For Residence Halls 770306 Res Hall Elevator Repl 770307 Reynolds & Buchanan Fire Safety Im770308 2003 Repairs And Renovation 770320 2003 Repairs & Reno NCCAT 770321 ADA Improvements 770341 Minor Building Renovations 770342 OSHA & Fire Safety Improvements 770343 Water Plant Inprovements 770344 Drainage and Landscape Imp 770345 2004 Repairs And Renovation 770420 2004 Repairs & Reno NCCAT 770421 Roof Replacement Breese Gym 770441 Minor Building Renovations 770442 Structural Repairs - Moore Building 770443 Repairs to Building Systems 770444 Imp. To Utilities Infrastructure 770445 New Student Recreation Center 770501 2005 Repairs And Renovation 770520 2005 Utilties Infrastructure 770521 2005 HBS- Illges Cottage Repairs 770523 Utilities Infrastructure 770541 FRS GL ACCT 068031 068032 068033 068034 068035 068036 069001 069002 069002 069003 069003 069003 069004 069005 070000 070021 070041 070042 070044 070046 070047 070048 070100 070102 070103 070104 070200 070202 070203 070300 070302 070303 070304 070305 070306 070307 070308 070320 070321 070341 070342 070343 070344 070345 070400 070421 070441 070442 070443 070444 070445 070500 070520 070521 070523 070541 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 705420 705430 930010 930020 930030 930050 930060 940001 941001 942001 943001 944001 945001 950001 770010 770020 770030 770040 770050 770060 770070 770080 770090 770100 770110 770120 770130 770140 770150 770500 773010 773020 773030 773040 773050 773060 773070 773080 773090 773100 773110 773120 773130 773140 796010 796020 796030 796040 796050 796060 796070 796080 797010 797020 797030 797040 Description Minor Building Renovations Highlands Biological Student Rec Center Uc Construction Food Service Construction Housing Service Construction Athletic Facility Construction Dormitory Bonds Student Center Apartment Management House Management Stadium Student Rec Center Capital Assets Humanities And Fine Arts Stillwell Lab Renovation Mckee Renovation Bird Renovation Student Health Center Conversion Breese Gym Conversion New Student Housing Chiller Repl And Cfc Retrofit Steam & Elec Infrastructure Imp Killian Clinic Annex Killian Renovation Forsythe Renovation Land Acquistion Techlgy Infrastructure Expansion Humanities And Fine Arts Reserve Effective Project Mgt Water Plant Improvements Window Replacement Belk Roof Repl Moore And Mckee Stillwell Roof Replacement Elevt Portable WaterTank Removal Hunter Library Roof Replacement Killian Building Roof Replacement Correct Fire Safety Deficiencies Undgnd Storage Tank Removal Asbestos Abatement NCCAT Roof Replacement NCCAT Fire Safety Imp Chilled Water Loop Replacement Breese Gym Roof Replacement Fine Arts Center Reid Roof Replace/Repairs Minor Building Reno Chiller Repl Killian Steam Plant Improv Electrical Dist Syst Fire Safety Imp Residential Fire Safety Imp Program Camp Lab School Renovation Ph 2 Fire Safety Imp Residential Roof Replace/Repairs Roads, Walks And Drives FRS ACCT 770542 770543 773010 773020 773030 773050 773060 773301 773302 773303 773304 773305 773307 773599 777001 777002 777003 777004 777005 777006 777007 777008 777009 777010 777011 777012 777013 777014 777015 777050 777301 777302 777303 777304 777305 777306 777307 777308 777309 777310 777311 777312 777313 777314 779601 779602 779603 779604 779605 779606 779607 779608 779701 779702 779703 779704 FRS GL ACCT 070542 070543 073010 073020 073030 073050 073060 073301 073302 073303 073304 073305 073307 073599 077000 077002 077003 077004 077005 077006 077007 077008 077009 077010 077011 077012 077013 077014 077015 077050 077300 077302 077303 077304 077305 077306 077307 077308 077309 077310 077311 077312 077313 077314 079600 079602 079603 079604 079605 079606 079607 079608 079700 079702 079703 079704 Last Change: 11/15/06 12 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 797050 797060 797070 797080 797090 797100 797110 797120 797130 798010 798020 798030 798040 798050 798060 798070 798080 798090 798100 798200 798210 798220 798230 798240 798250 798260 798270 798280 798290 798300 798310 798320 799020 799040 799050 799060 799070 799080 799090 799200 799210 799220 799230 799240 799250 799260 799270 810001 810003 810004 810006 810010 810011 810013 FRS Description ACCT Minor Building Reno 779705 Chiller Replacement Acad & Sup 779706 Steam Dist System Renovation 779707 Steam Plant Improvements 779708 Central Fire Reporting 779709 Campus Master Plan 779710 Hinds UC Additions 779711 WNC Labor Force Dev Center 779712 Transfer To 49429 779713 Work Force Development Center 779801 Fine Arts Site Development 779802 Addition To Physical Plant 779803 Infrastructure Enhancements 779804 New Soccer Field 779805 Scott Window Replacement 779806 Buchanan Renovations 779807 Dodson Cafeteria Renovation 779808 Clark Foreman Museum Reno - HBS779809 Roof Repairs NCCAT 779810 1998 Repairs And Renovation 779820 Pave Chancellor's Drive 779821 Chiller Replcement Forsythe 779822 Steam Plant Improvements 779823 OSHA 779824 OSU Reno 779825 Fire Safety 779826 Auto Energy Mgmt, A/P 779827 RAC Exterior Wall Repair, A/P 779828 Belk Bldg Lane -Pavement Repair 779829 Minor Building Renovations 779830 ADA Corrections 779831 Bridge - Carry Forward Funds 779832 New Student Housing 779902 Whitmier Stadium Seating/Support 779904 Artificial Turf Replacement 779905 Harrill Res Hall Window Repl 779906 Athletic Fac Imp, Phase 1 779907 Athletic Fac Imp, Phase 2 779908 Walker Res Hall Window Repl 779909 1999 Repairs And Renovation 779920 Roof Replacement, Stillwell 779921 Roads, Walks And Drives 779922 Minor Building Renovations 779923 Chiller Repl, NSB & Hunter 779924 Steam Plant Imp, Phase 3b 779925 Coulter Recital Hall Renovation 779926 Window Replacement Belk 779927 Adminstration Special Funds 990001 Pvo Memberships 990003 Sarrmc 990004 WNC Scholastic Press 990006 Landscape Native Plants 990010 Mary Duke/WNCT 990011 Personnel Roundtable 990013 FRS GL ACCT 079705 079706 079707 079708 079709 079710 079711 079712 079713 079800 079802 079803 079804 079805 079806 079807 079808 079809 079810 079820 079821 079822 079823 079824 079825 079826 079827 079828 079829 079830 079831 079832 079902 079904 079905 079906 079907 079908 079909 079920 079921 079922 079923 079924 079925 079926 079927 090001 090003 090004 090006 090010 090011 090013 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 810014 810019 810025 810026 812003 812004 812010 812023 812043 812055 812059 812060 812073 812077 812078 812062 812086 812091 812094 812097 812104 812106 812114 812117 812119 812127 812128 812130 812135 812151 812156 812159 812162 812164 812166 812168 812169 812170 812171 812212 812216 812218 812222 812230 812231 812235 812236 812238 812258 812266 812272 812273 812280 812288 812289 812290 Description Ramsey Center Equipment Assembly Finance Off Smokey Mtn Host Call Center Unc Fin Users Conf WCU Biology Club Org Of Ebony Students Inst Mgmt Accountant Student Health Info Management WCU Math Association Parks & Rec Mgmt Clu WCU Inspirational Choir WCU Karate Club Independts-Spiritual Anthropology Club Pre-Health Prof Club B-Glad Men's Rugby Team Beta Gamma Sigma Industrial Dist Club International Club Sports Mgt Student Prof'l Recreational Therapy WCU Black Theatre Ensemble PR Student Society Of Amer Physical Ed Major Club Native Amer Stu Asso Mortar Board Geography Club Catholic Ministry Dance Team Nutrition/Dietetics Women's Rugby Club Asian Student Orig Club Managers Of America Gadfly Alpha Lambda Delta Interior Design Club Alpha Psi Omega Men's Volleyball Clb Honors College Board Of Directors Nat'l Pan-Hellenic Council Men's Soccor Club WCU Cat Pac Men's Lacross Team D.I.V.A.'s For Jusus Ballroom Dance Society Athlete Advisory Council Tau Sigma Cycling Club Resident Assistant Conference Women's Lacrosse In Line Hockey Construction Mgt Nc Casi, Sacs Emergency Mgmt Club Nurses' Alumni Assoc FRS ACCT 990014 990019 990025 990026 991003 991004 991010 991023 991043 991055 991059 991060 991073 991077 991078 991082 991086 991091 991094 991097 991104 991106 991114 991117 991119 991127 991128 991130 991135 991151 991156 991159 991162 991164 991166 991168 991169 991170 991171 991212 991216 991218 991222 991230 991231 991235 991236 991238 991258 991266 991272 991273 991280 991288 991289 991290 FRS GL ACCT 090014 090019 090025 090026 091003 091004 091010 091023 091043 091055 091059 091060 091073 091077 091078 091082 091086 091091 091094 091097 091104 091106 091114 091117 091119 091127 091128 091130 091135 091151 091156 091159 091162 091164 091166 091168 091169 091170 091171 091212 091216 091218 091222 091230 091231 091235 091236 091238 091258 091266 091272 091273 091280 091288 091289 091290 Last Change: 11/15/06 13 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 812291 812294 812295 812296 812298 812300 812301 812303 812304 812601 812602 812603 394003 394004 394005 394007 394008 394009 394010 394011 394012 394013 394015 394016 394018 900010 900020 900030 900050 900060 900070 900100 933101 933102 933103 933104 933105 933106 933107 933108 933109 933110 933111 933112 933113 933114 933115 933116 933117 933118 933119 933120 933121 933122 933123 933126 Description Epsilon Tau Pi Fencing Club Kendo Club Socca Playas Epsilon Tau Pi Cdsa Agency Ultimate Frisbee Wrestling Club Entrepreneur External Acct Southern Con Playoff Catamount Sport Ntwk Mandatory Student Health Ins Baseball Camp Men's Basketball Camp Football Camp WCU Gymnastics Camp Women's Basketball Camp WCU Kicking Camp Volleyball Champion Tournaments/Championship Summer Track & Field Soccer Camp Volleyball Camp Golf Program Support Softball Camp University Advancemt Chanc Spec Project Alumni Office Patrons Of Quality General Unrestricted VC Activities Fund Advancement Activity Athletics - General Athletics - Basketball Athletics - Football Athletics-Tennis Athletics - Women's Sports Athletics - Soccer Athletics - Baseball Athletics - Cross Country & Track Athletics - Golf Athletics - Volleyball Development Athletics - Women's Golf Women's Cc/Track Dev Athletics - Women's Basketball Athletics - Athletic Director Athletics - Training Room Athletics - Activities Fund Weight Room WCU W Club Stadium Expansion Fine Arts - Mountain Heritage Fine Arts - Bird Fine Arts - Hayes Fine Arts - Ferebee Fine Arts-Cull'wee Music Festival FRS ACCT 991291 991294 991295 991296 991298 991300 991301 991303 991304 996001 996002 FRS GL ACCT 091291 091294 091295 091296 091298 091300 091301 091303 091304 096001 096002 996003 996004 996005 996007 996008 996009 996010 996011 996012 996013 996015 996016 996018 997010 997020 997030 997050 997060 997070 997100 997101 997102 997103 997104 997105 997106 997107 997108 997109 997110 997111 997112 997113 997114 997115 997116 997117 997118 997119 997120 997121 997122 997123 997126 096003 096004 096005 096007 096008 096009 096010 096011 096012 096013 096015 096016 096018 097010 097020 097030 097050 097060 097070 097100 097101 097102 097103 097104 097105 097106 097107 097108 097109 097110 097111 097112 097113 097114 097115 097116 097117 097118 097119 097120 097121 097122 097123 097126 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 933127 922128 933132 933133 933134 933137 933139 933140 933141 933143 933146 933160 933161 933162 933163 933164 933165 933166 933167 933168 933169 912170 972170 933171 933172 933173 933174 933175 933200 912201 972201 922202 932203 922204 922205 912207 972207 922208 912209 972209 912211 972211 922212 912213 972213 912214 972214 912215 972215 912216 972216 912217 972217 912218 972218 912219 Description Fine Arts - General Fine Arts - Nomad Men's Basketball Football General Tennis General Baseball Dugout Club Men's Golf General Volleyball General Women's Golf General Women's Bb General Cheerleading General Schools - Library College Of Arts & Science College Of Business Schools - Nursing & Health College Of Ed & Psy College Of Applied Science Schools - Other Academic Affairs Project Fund Ciml Activities Fund Academic Affairs Int'l Fund Academic Development Academic Development School Of Business Week Music Activities Project Mgt Library Fund The Alumni Tower NC Center For Adv Of Teachers Loyalty Fund Scholarship - Reid Scholarship - Reid Scholarships - Gully Scholarships - Restricted Scholarships - Taylor Scholarships - Niggli Scholarship - Palmer Scholarship - Palmer Scholarships - Rigdon Scholarship - Botner Scholarship - Botner Scholarship - Forsyth Scholarship - Forsyth Reid Surry Co Scholarship Scholarship - Mccracken Scholarship - Mccracken Scholarship - Flintom Scholarship - Flintom Smith Albritton Fund Smith Albritton Fund St Davids Award St Davids Award Eller Scholarship Eller Scholarship Scholarship - Wa Ashbrook Scholarship - Wa Ashbrook Ellen Lecture FRS ACCT 997127 997128 997132 997133 997134 997137 997139 997140 997141 997143 997146 997160 997161 997162 997163 997164 997165 997166 997167 997168 997169 997170 997170 997171 997172 997173 997174 997175 997200 997201 997201 997202 997203 997204 997205 997207 997207 997208 997209 997209 997211 997211 997212 997213 997213 997214 997214 997215 997215 997216 997216 997217 997217 997218 997218 997219 FRS GL ACCT 097127 097128 097132 097133 097134 097137 097139 097140 097141 097143 097146 097160 097161 097162 097163 097164 097165 097166 097167 097168 097169 097170 097170 097171 097172 097173 097174 097175 097200 097201 097201 097202 097203 097204 097205 097207 097207 097208 097209 097209 097211 097211 097212 097213 097213 097214 097214 097215 097215 097216 097216 097217 097217 097218 097218 097219 Last Change: 11/15/06 14 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 972219 912220 972220 932221 912222 972222 922223 922224 912225 972225 912226 972226 912227 972227 932228 912229 972229 912232 972232 912233 972233 912234 972234 922235 922237 912238 972238 912239 972239 912240 972240 922241 912242 972242 912243 972243 932244 912245 972245 912246 972246 912247 972247 912248 972248 912249 972249 912250 972250 922251 912252 972252 912253 972253 912254 972254 Description Ellen Lecture Sossoman Professor Sossoman Professor Scholarships - Bryan History Fund Smoky Mt Home Ec Sch Smoky Mt Home Ec Sch JG Pruett Music Scholarship Patrick L. Carmody Fund Scholarship - Lucy Ann Stinnett Scholarship - Lucy Ann Stinnett Corydon Bell Fund Corydon Bell Fund Scholarship - Ra Byrd Scholarship - Ra Byrd Scholarships - Kneedler Scholarship - Brown Family Scholarship - Brown Family Scholarship - Jackson Co Alumni Scholarship - Jackson Co Alumni Scholarship - Felts Scholarship - Felts Scholarship - Ls Arney Scholarship - Ls Arney Clyde Norton Scholarship Jesse Flake Scholarship Scholarship - Ulysses Ferguson Scholarship - Ulysses Ferguson Scholarship - Haywood Co Was Scholarship - Haywood Co Was Scholarship - Marshall A Hyde Scholarship - Marshall A Hyde Pust Scholarship Scholarship - Re Nelson Scholarship - Re Nelson Schlrshp - Bronce & Betty Ray Schlrshp - Bronce & Betty Ray Schlrshps - Mem Mission Hosp Schlrshp - P Cabe Delta Sig Phi Schlrshp - P Cabe Delta Sig Phi Scholarship - Lm Caldwell Scholarship - LM Caldwell Katherine Causey Katherine Causey Biology Scholarship Biology Scholarship Dinae Coyle Art Dinae Coyle Art Wilma Cosper Wilma Cosper Industrial Distribution Support Blankenship Scholarship Blankenship Scholarship Adelaide L. Brewer Adelaide L. Brewer History Acad Excellence History Acad Excellence FRS ACCT 997219 997220 997220 997221 997222 997222 997223 997224 997225 997225 997226 997226 997227 997227 997228 997229 997229 997232 997232 997233 997233 997234 997234 997235 997237 997238 997238 997239 997239 997240 997240 997241 997242 997242 997243 997243 997244 997245 997245 997246 997246 997247 997247 997248 997248 997249 997249 997250 997250 997251 997252 997252 997253 997253 997254 997254 FRS GL ACCT 097219 097220 097220 097221 097222 097222 097223 097224 097225 097225 097226 097226 097227 097227 097228 097229 097229 097232 097232 097233 097233 097234 097234 097235 097237 097238 097238 097239 097239 097240 097240 097241 097242 097242 097243 097243 097244 097245 097245 097246 097246 097247 097247 097248 097248 097249 097249 097250 097250 097251 097252 097252 097253 097253 097254 097254 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 912255 972255 912256 972256 912257 972257 912258 972258 912259 972259 912260 972260 912261 972261 912262 972262 912263 972263 912265 972265 912266 972266 912267 972267 943268 943269 932270 922272 912273 972273 912274 972274 912275 972275 912276 972276 922277 912278 972278 912279 972279 932281 912283 972283 932284 912286 972286 912287 972287 912288 972288 912289 972289 912290 972290 922291 Description Mountaineer/Joaniels Mountaineer/Joaniels Pi Kappa Alpha/Water Pi Kappa Alpha/Water Robert L. Waters Robert L. Waters Hf Robinson Biology Hf Robinson Biology Paul Burton-Biology Paul Burton-Biology Alice Mathews Alice Mathews Adv Federation WNC Adv Federation WNC Botner Dist Prof Botner Dist Prof Andrea Culpepper Andrea Culpepper Max & Sarah Williams Max & Sarah Williams Lewis J. Smith Lewis J. Smith Rice Family Scholarship Rice Family Scholarship Nolen Patterson Bentivogli Sch Fund Glaxo Women Science Sch Jessie Lindsay Scholarship Jessie Lindsay Scholarship Ramsey Family Ramsey Family Kendall King Kendall King Rachel Sweet Rachel Sweet Wallace Hyde Scholarship Ann/Frank Cowan Ann/Frank Cowan Lola Harwood Fund Lola Harwood Fund Scholarships - General Dean Plemmons Dean Plemmons Scholarships - Physical Therapy Bob Robinson Scholarship Bob Robinson Scholarship Dooley Music Dooley Music Wellmon Scholarship Wellmon Scholarship International Scholarship International Scholarship Lankford Scholarship Lankford Scholarship Gender Equity In Athletics FRS ACCT 997255 997255 997256 997256 997257 997257 997258 997258 997259 997259 997260 997260 997261 997261 997262 997262 997263 997263 997265 997265 997266 997266 997267 997267 997268 997269 997270 997272 997273 997273 997274 997274 997275 997275 997276 997276 997277 997278 997278 997279 997279 997281 997283 997283 997284 997286 997286 997287 997287 997288 997288 997289 997289 997290 997290 997291 FRS GL ACCT 097255 097255 097256 097256 097257 097257 097258 097258 097259 097259 097260 097260 097261 097261 097262 097262 097263 097263 097265 097265 097266 097266 097267 097267 097268 097269 097270 097272 097273 097273 097274 097274 097275 097275 097276 097276 097277 097278 097278 097279 097279 097281 097283 097283 097284 097286 097286 097287 097287 097288 097288 097289 097289 097290 097290 097291 Last Change: 11/15/06 15 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 912292 972292 912293 972293 922294 912295 972295 912296 972296 912297 972297 912298 972298 912299 972999 912301 972301 922302 932303 933304 912305 972305 912306 972306 933307 912308 972308 922309 943310 912400 972400 912401 972401 912402 972402 912403 972403 912404 972404 912405 972405 912406 972406 912407 972407 912408 972408 912409 972409 912410 972410 912411 972411 922412 922413 FRS ACCT Ga Milton 997292 Ga Milton 997292 Freda Rayburn 997293 Freda Rayburn 997293 Wayte Scholarship 997294 L. Milton Hauser 997295 L. Milton Hauser 997295 Sherril Scholarship 997296 Sherril Scholarship 997296 District I-Retired Schl Personnel 997297 District I-Retired Schl Personnel 997297 Dean Martin Business Fund 997298 Dean Martin Business Fund 997298 John & Zonell Lay Endow Fund 997299 John & Zonell Lay Endow Fund 997299 Sf-Faculty Fund 997301 Sf-Faculty Fund 997301 Reid Service Awards 997302 Scholarships - Sigma Xi 997303 International Grad Followship 997304 Coyle Peace And Justice Fund 997305 Coyle Peace And Justice Fund 997305 Sossoman Memorial 997306 Sossoman Memorial 997306 Int'l Projects & Development 997307 College Of Business Support 997308 College Of Business Support 997308 Kirwan Library 997309 Whitmire 997310 Hospitality Management Fund 997400 Hospitality Management Fund 997400 Christopher Thomas Schlrshp 997401 Christopher Thomas Scholarship 997401 Otto Spilker Scholarship 997402 Otto Spilker Scholarship 997402 Ledford Music Scholarship 997403 Ledford Music Scholarship 997403 Stephanie Stowe Scholarship 997404 Stephanie Stowe Scholarship 997404 Ted & Frances Reese Scholarship 997405 Ted & Frances Reese Scholarship 997405 College Of Business Scholarship 997406 College Of Business Scholarship 997406 Lorraine Stone Scholarship 997407 Lorraine Stone Scholarship 997407 Sue & Jack Wakely Scholarship 997408 Sue & Jack Wakely Scholarship 997408 Ed & Bertha Henson Reed Sch 997409 Ed & Bertha Henson Reed Sch 997409 James & Joan Breece Scholarship 997410 James & Joan Breece Scholarship 997410 Michael Buckner Scholarship 997411 Michael Buckner Scholarship 997411 Caldwell Scholarship 997412 Gardner Track Scholarship 997413 Description FRS GL ACCT 097292 097292 097293 097293 097294 097295 097295 097296 097296 097297 097297 097298 097298 097299 097299 097301 097301 097302 097303 097304 097305 097305 097306 097306 097307 097308 097308 097309 097310 097400 097400 097401 097401 097402 097402 097403 097403 097404 097404 097405 097405 097406 097406 097407 097407 097408 097408 097409 097409 097410 097410 097411 097411 097412 097413 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 912414 972414 912415 972415 912416 972416 912417 972417 912418 972418 912419 972419 912420 972420 912421 972421 912422 972422 912423 972423 922424 912425 972425 912426 972426 912427 972427 912428 972428 912429 972429 922430 912431 972431 922432 912433 972433 912434 972434 912435 972435 912436 972436 912437 972437 912438 972438 912439 972439 912440 972440 912441 972441 912442 972442 Description Linda Jones Gilbert Scholarship Linda Jones Gilbert Scholarship Lester Henderson Scholarship Lester Henderson Scholarship Dee Ann Jagger Scholarship Dee Ann Jagger Scholarship Macon Bank Scholarship Macon Bank Scholarship Betty Peele Leadership Fund Betty Peele Leadership Fund Brank Proffitt Scholarship Brank Proffitt Scholarship Leone Hyde Ray Scholarship Leone Hyde Ray Scholarship Duncan Tye Scholarship Duncan Tye Scholarship Sol Schulman Scholarship Sol Schulman Scholarship Gerri W. Garrett Scholarship Gerri W. Garrett Scholarship Kim Brown Scholarship Richard T. Ruhlman Scholarship Richard T. Ruhlman Scholarship Lawerence & Geneva Ramsey Sch Lawerence & Geneva Ramsey Sch Jane B. Schultz Scholarship Jane B. Schultz Scholarship Pilar C. Apodaka Scholarship Pilar C. Apodaka Scholarship Nancy Joyner English Enrich Fd Nancy Joyner English Enrich Fd Morgan Faculty Scholarship Maxie E. Beaver Scholarship Maxie E. Beaver Scholarship Norma Cook Scholarship Ruby A Brown Nursin Enrich Fd Ruby A Brown Nursin Enrich Fd Charles B. Ross, Jr. Golf Sch Charles B. Ross, Jr. Golf Sch Fred & Berniece Cain Scholar Fred & Berniece Cain Scholar William Kane Scholarship William Kane Scholarship James W. Pearce Scholarship James W. Pearce Scholarship Joshua T. Grooms Scholarship Joshua T. Grooms Scholarship Sam Gibson Scholarship Sam Gibson Scholarship Elizabeth Thompson Scholarship Elizabeth Thompson Scholarship Michele Claton Hall Scholarship Michele Claton Hall Scholarship Tim & Betsy Gillespie Scholarship Tim & Betsy Gillespie Scholarship FRS ACCT 997414 997414 997415 997415 997416 997416 997417 997417 997418 997418 997419 997419 997420 997420 997421 997421 997422 997422 997423 997423 997424 997425 997425 997426 997426 997427 997427 997428 997428 997429 997429 997430 997431 997431 997432 997433 997433 997434 997434 997435 997435 997436 997436 997437 997437 997438 997438 997439 997439 997440 997440 997441 997441 997442 997442 FRS GL ACCT 097414 097414 097415 097415 097416 097416 097417 097417 097418 097418 097419 097419 097420 097420 097421 097421 097422 097422 097423 097423 097424 097425 097425 097426 097426 097427 097427 097428 097428 097429 097429 097430 097431 097431 097432 097433 097433 097434 097434 097435 097435 097436 097436 097437 097437 097438 097438 097439 097439 097440 097440 097441 097441 097442 097442 Last Change: 11/15/06 16 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 912443 972443 912444 972444 912445 972445 912446 972446 912447 972447 912448 972448 912449 972449 912450 972450 912451 972451 912452 972452 912453 972453 912454 972454 912455 972455 912456 972456 912457 972457 912458 972458 912459 972459 912460 972460 912461 972461 912462 972462 912463 972463 912464 972464 912465 972465 912466 972466 912467 972467 912468 972468 912469 972469 912470 912471 Description Nicholas & Grady Bonarrigo Sch Nicholas & Grady Bonarrigo Sch Sandlin-Morris Scholarship Sandlin-Morris Scholarship Mary Lee Mcallister Scholarship Mary Lee Mcallister Scholarship Beverly D. Hairfield Scholarship Beverly D. Hairfield Scholarship Doug Shirley Scholarship Doug Shirley Scholarship Jackson County C Of C Scholar Jackson County C Of C Scholar Steve & Linda Reese Scholarship Steve & Linda Reese Scholarship Hoyt & Lora Ponder Scholarship Hoyt & Lora Ponder Scholarship Jacob S. Medford Scholarship Jacob S. Medford Scholarship Henry Galloway Scholarship Henry Galloway Scholarship Helga-Nielsen Scholarship Helga-Nielsen Scholarship Linda C. Rogers Scholarship Linda C. Rogers Scholarship Capps Family Memorial Sch Capps Family Memorial Sch Joan & Malcolm Macneil Sch Joan & Malcolm Macneil Sch Green Yost Scholarsh Green Yost Scholarsh Robert & Ella Madison Sch Robert & Ella Madison Sch Antonio Bonarrigo Scholar Antonio Bonarrigo Scholar Deborah Bardo Scholarship Deborah Bardo Scholarship J Beegle Scholarship J Beegle Scholarship Saddler Scholarship Saddler Scholarship Proffitt's Protocol Proffitt's Protocol Pmi-Metro Ch-Schol PMI-Metro Ch-Schol Ja Leger JA Leger W Goodson Scholarshi W Goodson Scholarshi M Queen Scholarship M Queen Scholarship C&C Lambreth Scholar C&C Lambreth Scholar Y Saddler Nielson Scholarship Y Saddler Nielson Scholarship Holquist Vocalist Scholarship Dubow Endowed Scolarship FRS ACCT 997443 997443 997444 997444 997445 997445 997446 997446 997447 997447 997448 997448 997449 997449 997450 997450 997451 997451 997452 997452 997453 997453 997454 997454 997455 997455 997456 997456 997457 997457 997458 997458 997459 997459 997460 997460 997461 997461 997462 997462 997463 997463 997464 997464 997465 997465 997466 997466 997467 997467 997468 997468 997469 997469 997470 997471 FRS GL ACCT 097443 097443 097444 097444 097445 097445 097446 097446 097447 097447 097448 097448 097449 097449 097450 097450 097451 097451 097452 097452 097453 097453 097454 097454 097455 097455 097456 097456 097457 097457 097458 097458 097459 097459 097460 097460 097461 097461 097462 097462 097463 097463 097464 097464 097465 097465 097466 097466 097467 097467 097468 097468 097469 097469 097470 097471 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund 912472 912473 912474 912475 972475 912476 912477 912478 912479 912480 912501 972501 922502 912503 972503 912504 972504 922505 912506 972506 912507 972507 933509 912511 972511 912512 972512 912513 972513 912601 972601 933801 933802 933803 933804 933805 933806 933807 933808 933809 933810 933811 933812 933813 933814 933815 933817 933818 933819 933820 933821 933822 955001 997999 999001 Description Frazier Endow Scholarship CJ Stevens Scholarship TJ Leatherwood Scolarship Cullowhee HS Alumni Scholar Cullowhee HS Alumni Scholar Shields Endowed Scholarship CatawbaCo Christian Sch Herbarium Fund T Lacley Technology Schlrshp C Edmonds Scholarship Crum Scholarship Crum Scholarship Memorials - Childress Morrill Memorial Morrill Memorial David Brown Memorial David Brown Memorial Memorials - Ashby Wade Hunter Memorial Hunter Memorial Helen Brown Memorial Helen Brown Memorial Memorials - Killian Marjorie Baker Memorial Marjorie Baker Memorial Chan Carpenter Memorial Chan Carpenter Memorial Odell Griffin Memorial Odell Griffin Memorial Landon Scholarship Landon Scholarship Anthropology Dept CTD Dept Chemistry Berne Proj Chemistry Dept Biology Fund Biology Dept NC Glass Graphic Des-Art Dept English Department Fine & Performing Ar Geo-Sciences Dept Natural Res Mgt History Department History-Grad St Trav Math Dept Music Department Univ Music Friends Philosophy Dept Political Sci Dept Public Policy Instit Model UN Capital Assets Foundation Investment Pool Bank Fund FRS ACCT 997472 997473 997474 997475 997475 997476 997477 997478 997479 997480 997501 997501 997502 997503 997503 997504 997504 997505 997506 997506 997507 997507 997509 997511 997511 997512 997512 997513 997513 997601 997601 997801 997802 997803 997804 997805 997806 997807 997808 997809 997810 997811 997812 997813 997814 997815 997817 997818 997819 997820 997821 997822 073597 997999 FRS GL ACCT 097472 097473 097474 097475 097475 097476 097477 097478 097479 097480 097501 097501 097502 097503 097503 097504 097504 097505 097506 097506 097507 097507 097509 097511 097511 097512 097512 097513 097513 097601 097601 097801 097802 097803 097804 097805 097806 097807 097808 097809 097810 097811 097812 097813 097814 097815 097817 097818 097819 097820 097821 097822 097999 Last Change: 11/15/06 17 of 18 BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund C13000 C13010 C13999 C14000 C21099 C22029 C22400 C22758 C25021 C25022 C33400 C90000 C99999 Description General Suspense Payroll Suspense Pr Je Clearing State Funds Clearing Acct Athletics Mc/Visa Clearing Trust Fund Clearing Br Clearing Trust Nurses Alumni Assoc Payroll Converstion Exception C & G Sales Tax Br Clearing Special Funds Special Funds Clearing Cashier Clearing FRS ACCT FRS GL ACCT BANNER / FRS FUND CROSSWALK Banner Fund Description FRS ACCT FRS GL ACCT 013000 013000 013010 013010 013999 013999 014000 021099 021099 022029 022029 022400 022400 022758 022758 025021 025021 025022 025022 033400 033400 090000 090000 Last Change: 11/15/06 18 of 18