Funding Streams Initiative – OP Assessment March 5, 2012 Information Item – Budget Review Work Group FUNDING STREAMS OVERVIEW Funds Flow and Impact on Campus Budget Process The Office of the President (OP)’s Funding Streams Initiative (FSI) changes how the University allocates funds across the system (refer to President Yudof Letter - Appendix I). This initiative realigns the way funds flow within the University and the way the OP and systemwide programs are funded. Historically, the OP central operations and systemwide programs1 budget was primarily funded with a variety of funds retained from campus Core Funds2 and Common Fund assessments on Medical Center, Auxiliary, & Health Sciences Compensation Plan (HSCP) expenditures. More specifically under FSI: • • The source campus retains all revenue it generates, and all former Common Fund assessments by OP are eliminated. Thus funds will no longer flow to OP for subsequent redistribution among OP and/or other campuses. The OP central operations and various systemwide programs are now funded through a broadbased flat assessment charged to each campus, which began this 2011/12 fiscal year. This OP Assessment is calculated as a percentage of over-all campus expenditures. Although implementation of FSI was originally intended to be financially neutral in year one of its implementation, it is not. The final Funding Streams calculations included a “non-neutrality” provision to recognize that the funds returned to the campuses are less than the cost of the new assessment. This non-neutrality effectively resulted in another budget cut for each campus, and in the short term for 2011/12 only, will be largely offset by the additional funding available to the campus from the newly retained revenues. The new OP Assessment, and potential upside from aggressive pursuit of new revenues that the campus expects to generate, needs to be incorporated locally into the campus budget planning process. The OP Budget is to be Funded via a Broad-Based Assessment With all funds now fully flowing to the campuses, instead of as previously partially retained by OP for central and systemwide support, the campuses are instead recharged a broad-based flat assessment on all campus funds. The assessment rate for the initial 2011/12 implementation is 1.6%. The assessment is based on total net operating expenditures3 from all fund sources two years prior. Therefore, fiscal year 2009/10 expenditures drive the 2011/12 campus assessment. The university has provided campuses with broad discretion in funding the OP Assessment. While the assessment liability is calculated based on total net expenditures, such an assessment would be an unallowable direct charge on restricted funds such as contract and grant funds or restricted gifts. 1 The OP budget includes Administration, UC Programs, MRUs, ANR, and other UC wide initiatives such as UCPath. It excludes dir ectly recharged services for Benefits Administration, Asset Management, Risk Management, etc. 2 Core Funds consist primarily of State General Funds, other State Appropriations, Indirect Cost Recovery / Overhead Funds, sys temwide mandatory Student Fees, and other misc. UC General Funds. 3 As reporting in campus public detailed financial statements, and which is already net of plant and scholarship allowance funding. Therefore, the campuses must use other funds to cover the assessment; President Yudof’s letter explicitly states that the many fund sources that campuses may use to cover this liability include student tuition & fees, research indirect cost recovery, auxiliary, sales & service revenues and other sources. UC SAN DIEGO – FUNDING STREAMS IMPLEMENTATION OP Assessment Funding for 2011/12 The first year of the Funding Streams Initiative implementation is this fiscal year 2011/12. San Diego’s OP Assessment this year is the equivalent to 1.6% of total 2009/10 current fund expenditures, or $40.9 million. This equates to 14.7% of the total OP Assessment amount that is needed to fund their $277 million budget. The campus also received $34.1 million in new funds – funds that had been previously assessed and retained by OP. As previously agreed, the campus is taking an interim, centralized approach to addressing its Funding Streams liability for 2011/12. For the current year only, the $34.1 million of the OP Assessment will be funded by the funds returned and now retained by the campus. The remaining $6.8 million of the liability – the non-neutrality portion of the assessment – is being funded largely by the additional revenues available to the campus. This approach is outlined below: UCSD’s share of the OP Assessment 2009/10 Current Fund Expenditures of $2.553 billion x 1.6% Funding UCSD’s 2011/12 OP Assessment Funds returned to the campus by OP (previously retained by OP) Common Fund tax on Med Center, Aux, HSCP (based on 2009/10 data) Campus Funds (UCSD’s share of $51.4 OP non-neutral shortfall) $40.9 million $32.0 million 2.1 million 6.8 million $40.9 million Distributing the OP Assessment Beginning in 2012/13 For 2012/13, the OP Assessment is still unknown. However, for planning purposes, we use an estimate of ~$43.7 million, based on 1.6% of San Diego’s $2.73 billion in 2010/11 operating expenditures. The actual assessment rate charged by OP will vary from year-to-year dependent on the total OP budgetary need and the level of total expenditure base of all 10 UC campuses. OP budget is now being reviewed by a UC wide Executive Budget Committee prior to it going before Regents for formal approval. The flat percentage “pass-thru” distribution of this broad-based assessment to campus expenditures is typically described as 1.6%. However, as a campus, we will make several adjustments to the expenditure totals used by OP that result in a slightly higher assessment recharge rate of 1.62%. These adjustments include the standard exclusions for non-VC operating expenditures related to student financial aid and purchased utilities. VC Units will be responsible for covering their share of the OP Assessment liability as generated by their expenditures. Units will have wide discretion on the funding sources they ultimately use to cover their share of these expenditures. Table 1a and 1b on the following page shows the calculations for the estimated 2012/13 OP Assessment that will be recharged to each VC Unit. To assist with your internal management of this assessment, the supporting detailed 2010/11 expenditures for each VC Units by division are shown in Appendix II. 2 Table 1a 2010/11 Current Fund Expenditures Expenditure Base for 2012/13 OP Assessment to Campus CORE INSTRUCTION & RESEARCH EXPENDITURES ($ in thousands) General & 4 Tuition Funds $279,070 Contract & 5 Grant Funds $227,990 Other Core 6 Funds $16,883 Health Sciences 52,151 413,833 Marine Sciences 23,633 101,885 Medical Center 6,208 Student Affairs Non-Core Funds $70,092 Total $594,036 15,196 367,806 848,986 524 19,626 145,669 - - 786,846 793,053 12,553 9,143 20,835 42,441 84,971 External & Business Affairs 27,254 20,028 2,395 80,971 130,648 Resource Mgt & Planning 40,098 11,711 633 43,664 96,105 Academic Senate 723 193 - 9 925 Chancellor's Orgs 4,631 1,988 275 6,895 $446,321 $786,771 $1,411,730 $2,701,288 Unit Academic Affairs OP Assessment Recharge Base $56,465 Eliminated Expenditures Student Financial Aid $212,144 Purchased Utilities 23,656 Campuswide / Year-End Adjustments (206,114) UCSD Expenditures per 2010/11 Campus Financial Schedule B 7 $2,730,973 Table 1b 2012/13 Campus Distribution of OP Assessment Recharge 1.618% of 2010/11 Current Fund Expenditures ($ in thousands) ASSESSMENT ON CORE INSTRUCTION & RESEARCH General & Tuition Funds $4,515 Contract & Grant Funds $3,688 Other Core Funds $273 Health Sciences 844 6,695 246 5,950 13,734 Marine Sciences 382 1,648 8 318 2,357 Medical Center 100 - - 12,729 12,830 Student Affairs 203 148 337 687 1,375 External & Business Affairs 441 324 39 1,310 2,114 Resource Mgt & Planning 649 189 10 706 1,555 Academic Senate 12 3 - Chancellor's Orgs 75 32 $7,220 $12,728 Unit Academic Affairs OP Assessment Recharge $913 State General Fund expenditures, plus Tuition (Ed Fee) and other UCGF funds spent as 19900 General Funds Contract & Grant (C&G) direct expenditures, and spending of ICR funds generated from C&G overhead recovery 6 State Appropriations, other systemwide mandatory Student Fees, and other Overhead Funds 7 4 5 3 Non-Core Funds $1,134 Total $9,610 15 4 112 $22,838 $43,700 While VC Units are fully responsible for covering their share of the annual OP Assessment, for the 2012/13 base distribution year they will also receive additional funding, from the funds returned by OP to the campus. The distribution of these funds will be based on one of the following options (Models are attached in Appendix III): 1. PERMANENT: Allocate the entire $32 million in returned General and Research ICR funds to VC Units in accordance with existing allocation methodologies. The specific OP Common Fund assessments on Medical Center, Auxiliary, & Health Sciences Compensation Plan are eliminated and replaced by their campus share of annual liability as calculated in Tables 1a & 1b on prior page. 2. PERMANENT: Allocate ~$21 million in returned General and Research ICR funds to VC Units, enough to fully offset their actual 2012/13 share of liability stemming from Core Instruction & Research Expenditures. As with option #1 above, the $2 million Common Fund assessment is eliminated and replaced by their campus share of annual liability as calculated in Tables 1a & 1b on prior page. a. Allocate the remaining $11 million to VC unit based on the permanent Core Base Budget as net new funds to be used by VCs to mitigate cuts, fund priorities or new initiatives. b. Allocate the remaining $11 million at campus level to offset anticipated 2012/13 budget gap. c. Allocate the remaining $11 million centrally, and use strategically: i. Permanent needs such as: RCI, Deferred Maintenance, OMP… ii. One-time temporary uses such as: Transition/Bridge impact of OP Assessment on SelfSupporting Activity – for example, $1M Auxiliaries and $5M for Medical Center/Medical Group Capital/Facility reserve, etc. Moving forward, VC Units are expected to manage their overall share of OP Assessment as determined each year in the overall budget process. As previously noted, the OP Assessment to the campus and the subsequent shares to VC Units will shift with changes in annual expenditures across units. Because the assessment methodology is simple and transparent in its use of public financial statement expenditures from two years prior to assessment, units will be able to estimate their share of liability in advance of each year and thus facilitate their own internal budget planning. 4 Appendix I President Yudof’s Letter Approving the Implementation of the Funding Streams Model. 5 Appendix I President Yudof’s Letter (continued) 6 Appendix I President Yudof’s Letter (continued) 7 Appendix I President Yudof’s Letter (continued) 8 Appendix II 2010/11 Current Fund Expenditures - by VC Division Expenditure Base for 2012/13 OP Assessment to Campus ($ in thousands) Unit & Division General & Tuition Funds Contract & Grant Funds Other Core Funds Academic Affairs $279,070 $227,990 $16,883 $70,092 $594,036 $9,610 ACADEMIC COMPUTING SVS ASSOC VC EXT STUDIES & PUB DEAN INTL RELATIONS AND PA DEAN MANAGEMENT SCHOOL DEAN OF GRAD STUDIES & RES DEANS OF DIVISION DIRECTOR OF MEDIA CENTER MATH DIAGNOSTIC TESTING PROJ PROVOSTS THE PREUSS SCHOOL UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN VC-EQUITY DIVERSITY INCL VICE CHAN ACADEMIC AFFAIRS VICE CHANCELLOR-RESEARCH WHITE MTN RESEARCH STATION 3,581 47 6,468 4,310 8,167 194,714 1,293 3 11,387 980 28,223 1,176 8,124 10,597 16 1,591 1,146 426 2,207 129,551 4 404 95 905 2,087 1,198 6,383 1 321 32,294 3,727 9,617 456 12,316 (21) 70 550 198 266 195 5,548 21 117 5,827 4,005 65 502 82,534 238 1,144 4,357 489 (104) 1,238 6 1,196 8,557 2 4,322 34,026 12,247 16,440 12,028 342,964 1,276 3 12,231 6,702 33,537 1,247 10,965 106,045 2 Health Sciences $52,151 $413,833 $15,196 $367,806 $848,986 $13,734 2,661 35,936 8,193 218 1,879 10,345 719 248 900 3,400 95 37,072 288,734 18,690 1 43,163 1,946 10,497 13,034 695 715 234,144 16,978 89,108 13,458 7,741 208 4,145 1,309 40,666 560,693 54,206 89,108 57,934 9,937 11,605 22,739 2,099 658 9,071 877 1,442 937 161 188 368 34 $23,633 $101,885 $524 $19,626 $145,669 $2,357 4,399 5,990 1,575 264 8,842 2,570 (8) 2,961 175 29,011 23,443 21,339 9,947 14,817 193 15 79 60 159 95 116 11,337 1,189 1,190 1,904 2,400 926 680 1 18,697 7,369 31,855 25,671 32,740 13,537 15,605 194 302 119 515 415 530 219 252 3 $786,846 $793,053 $12,830 18,232 489,294 64,290 215,030 18,232 495,501 64,290 215,030 295 8,016 1,040 3,479 BASIC SCIENCE DEPARTMENTS CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS DEAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MSCCP ORGANIZED RESEARCH UNITS OTHER MED SCHOOL PROGRAMS PARTICIPATING-DEPARTMENTS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY VICE CHAN-HEALTH SCIENCE Marine Sciences DIRECTOR SCRIPPS INSTIT OF OCE INSTR DEPT-THE SIO DEPT LABORATORIES SHIPS OPS AND TECHNICAL SUPP SIO RESEARCH DIVISIONS SPECIAL RESEARCH UNITS UC INSTITUTES-SIO VCMS-RESEARCH SECTIONS Medical Center ASSOC DIR HOSPITAL AND CLIN ASSOCIATE DIR OF MED CENTER DIRECTOR'S OFFICE THORNTON HOSPITAL $6,208 6,208 9 71 593 1 2,159 Non-Core Total Share of OP Assessment @ 1.62% 198 108 543 20 177 1,716 Appendix II 2010/11 Current Fund Expenditures - by VC Division Expenditure Base for 2012/13 OP Assessment to Campus (Continued) ($ in thousands) Unit & Division General & Tuition Funds Contract & Grant Funds $12,553 $9,143 $20,835 $42,441 $84,971 $1,375 8,251 42 86 896 5 48 7,695 97 1,028 2,345 4,233 1,104 475 5 2,968 1,486 7,685 991 9,816 3,983 7,813 7,178 5,456 9,546 14,530 1 24,006 2,642 159 64 126 116 88 154 235 266 7 495 1,552 1,729 6,069 4,860 201 11,322 2 16,054 158 $27,254 $20,028 $2,395 $80,971 $130,648 $2,114 9,922 9,546 12 1,019 1,317 5,920 1,853 5,763 6,629 6,275 602 633 125 19 40 (1,996) 2,885 11,351 71,073 557 (2,900) 14,709 20,377 17,639 71,675 7,129 (881) 238 330 285 1,160 115 (14) $40,098 $11,711 $633 $43,664 $96,105 $1,555 27,164 3,419 63 1,096 4,326 633 39,635 723 3,091 (8) 825 (603) 70,850 63 4,698 10,062 (8) 825 8,351 244 1,018 1,146 1 76 163 Other Core Funds Non-Core Total Share of OP Assessment @ 1.62% 2010/11 Current Fund Expenditures - continued Student Affairs ADMISSIONS & ENROLL SVCS COLLEGE DEANS EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS SPORTS FACILITIES & PROGRAMS STUDENT EDUC ADVANCEMENT STUDENT LIFE STDT POLICIES & JUDICIAL AFFAIRS STUDENT WELLNESS VC STUDENT AFFAIRS External & Business Affairs ASST VC-ADMIN COMP & TELECOM CONTROLLER/AVC BFS EXTERNAL RELATIONS HOUSING AND DINING SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCES VICE CHAN BUSINESS AFFAIRS Resource Mgt & Planning AUXILIARY & PLANT SERVICES CAMPUS PLANNING MGT COMMUNITY SAFETY ENVIR, HEALTH & SAFETY FACIL DESIGN & CONSTR MGT REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT VC-RESOURCE MGT & PLANNING VCRMP - UNALLOCATED VCRMP SPECIAL PROJECTS Academic Senate ACADEMIC SENATE OFFICE ACADEMIC SENATE/COR/TRAV/GC ACADEMIC SENATE/COR/TRAV/HS ACADEMIC SENATE/COR/TRAV/MS Chancellor's Orgs AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE COMM, PUBL, SPEC EVENTS Grand Total 956 73 1,645 142 (1) 2,878 2,645 388 43 13 135 4 16 7,411 1,543 244 1,018 $723 $193 $9 $925 $15 647 51 11 13 99 66 20 9 9 755 117 30 23 12 2 $4,631 $1,988 $275 $6,895 $112 4 2,854 1,773 11 145 1,833 267 8 15 3,267 3,613 53 58 $446,321 $786,771 $56,465 $1,411,730 $2,701,288 $43,700 10 Funding Streams Initiative – OP Assessment SUMMARY: Net Impact of OP Assessment & Distribution of New Funding (amounts in thousands) 2012/13 OP Assessment of $43.7M OP Funds (1) Non-Core Assessmen Assessment Assessment Unit Academic Affairs Health Sciences Marine Sciences Medical Center Student Affairs External & Business Affairs Resource Mgt & Planning Academic Senate Chancellor's Orgs Campus Reserve/Priorities Total (8,476) (7,784) (2,039) (100) (688) (804) (848) (15) (107) (20,862) (1,134) (5,950) (318) (12,729) (687) (1,310) (706) () (4) (22,838) (9,610) (13,734) (2,357) (12,830) (1,375) (2,114) (1,555) (15) (112) (43,700) March 5, 2011 Funding Option 1 Funding Net Impact Allocation Incr/(Decr) 15,886 5,602 2,092 2,239 540 2,738 3,773 239 584 357 34,051 Funding Option 2a Funding Net Impact Allocation Incr/(Decr) 6,276 (8,132) (265) (10,590) (834) 625 2,218 224 473 357 (9,649) 14,530 9,467 2,701 2,128 1,327 1,702 1,869 64 263 34,051 4,920 (4,268) 345 (10,701) (47) (411) 314 49 151 (9,649) Funding Option 2b/c Funding Net Impact Allocation Incr/(Decr) 8,476 7,806 2,041 1,990 689 945 914 15 107 11,068 34,051 (1,134) (5,929) (316) (10,839) (686) (1,168) (641) () (4) 11,068 (9,649) OP Assessment: Proposed: Consistent with OP methodology, all annual VC operating expenditures (adjusted for non-VC operating costs like SFA and Utilities) share in OP assessment liability. The % of expenditures will fluctuate annually. Est. for 2012/13 = 1.62% of 2010/11 or 2-prior year expenditures. Funding Scenarios: (see next page for detail calculations) Option 1 The ~$32 million of General Funds & ICR funds returned by OP July 1, 2011 is allocated in accordance with existing methodologies. The specific OP Common Fund taxes on Self-Supporting Units are eliminated, returning ~$2 million to the Medical Center, Health Sciences Compensation Plan, and Auxiliary units. Option 2 - all A portion (~$21 million) of General Funds & ICR funds returned by OP is allocated to fully fund the initial OP Assessment levied on Core Funds. The specific OP Common Fund tax on Self-Supporting Units is eliminated, returning ~$2 million to the Medical Center, Health Sciences Compensation Plan, and Auxiliary units. 2a The remaining ~$11 million of Returned Funds is allocated to VCs per the Permanent Core Base Budget, net of standard exclusions. 2b The remaining ~$11 million of Returned Funds is held centrally & used to offset the 2012/13 permanent budget gap. 2c The remaining ~$11 million of Returned Funds is held centrally & used to fund strategic needs, priorities, new initiatives as determined annually. (1) Core Funds Assessment is charged on all Core Instructional & Research expenditures - includes spending of State Funds; Mandatory Student Fee funds; all Contract, APPENDIX III CBO / BRWG Funding Streams Initiative – OP Assessment FUNDING OPTIONS - Distribution of New Funding March 5, 2011 (amounts in thousands) Distribution Option 1 Allocate Returned General Funds (1) Academic Affairs Health Sciences Marine Sciences Medical Center Student Affairs External & Bus Affairs Resource Mgt & Planning Academic Senate Chancellor's Orgs Campus Reserve 63.8% 11.0% 6.3% 1.7% 2.6% 5.0% 8.3% 0.2% 1.3% 13,246 2,278 1,304 350 540 1,034 1,721 38 262 New Funds Distribution 100% 20,771 Allocate Returned ICR Funds (2) 23.7% 29.6% 7.0% 0.0% 0.0% 14.0% 17.8% 1.8% 2.9% 3.2% 100% 2,640 3,303 786 1,563 1,986 201 323 357 11,159 Elim Comm Fund Tax 22 2 1,890 1 142 66 2,121 Total New Funds 15,886 5,602 2,092 2,239 540 2,738 3,773 239 584 357 34,051 (1) Allocate General Funds per % of June 2011 State Funds Permanent Core Budget Base. FSI effective July 1, 2011. * (2) Allocate ICR per 2011/12 ICR Model which distributes 2010/11 Recovery. FSI effective July 1, 2011. Distribution Option 2a Cover OP Assessment (1) on Core Funds Academic Affairs Health Sciences Marine Sciences Medical Center Student Affairs External & Bus Affairs Resource Mgt & Planning Academic Senate Chancellor's Orgs 40.6% New Funds Distribution Balance of Returned Funds (2) 0.5% 8,476 7,784 2,039 100 688 804 848 15 107 54.7% 15.0% 6.0% 1.2% 5.8% 6.8% 8.6% 0.4% 1.4% 6,054 1,661 661 138 639 757 955 49 156 100% 20,862 100% 11,068 37.3% 9.8% 0.5% 3.3% 3.9% 4.1% 0.1% Elim Comm Fund Tax 22 2 1,890 1 142 66 2,121 Total New Funds 14,530 9,467 2,701 2,128 1,327 1,702 1,869 64 263 34,051 (1) Allocate enough returned funds to cover OP Assessment on Core Expenditures (2) Allocate remaining returned funds as a % of June 2011 Permanent Core Budget Base * Distribution Option 2b/c Cover OP Assessment (1) on Core Funds Academic Affairs Health Sciences Marine Sciences Medical Center Student Affairs External & Bus Affairs Resource Mgt & Planning Academic Senate Chancellor's Orgs Campus Priorities 40.6% 0.5% 8,476 7,784 2,039 100 688 804 848 15 107 New Funds Distribution 100% 20,862 37.3% 9.8% 0.5% 3.3% 3.9% 4.1% 0.1% Balance of Returned Funds (2) 100% 100% Elim Comm Fund Tax 22 2 1,890 1 142 66 11,068 11,068 2,121 Total New Funds 8,476 7,806 2,041 1,990 689 945 914 15 107 11,068 34,051 (1) Allocate enough returned funds to cover OP Assessment on Core Expenditures (2) (a) Retain remaining returned funds centrally to partially offset 2012/13 Perm Budget cuts (2) (b) Retain remaining returned funds centrally to use for Campus Priorities * Core Perm Budget Base includes: - State Funds : 19XXX (except for 19933A & 19942A), Other State Funds: 18XXX - Tuition & Fee Funds : 20000A, 20095A, 20290A, 2022XA & 19942A - ICR Funds : 05397A, 07427A, 19933A & 69750A APPENDIX III CBO / BRWG