SUBJECT: Approval of Amended GOLAN 10 Protectainer Explosives Safety Parameters
References: (a) Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity Ser N7l -GH/4271, 20 April 2004,
Subject: Review of Unsolicited Manufacturer's Request to Modify and Amend
the GOLAN 10 Protectainer Explosives Safety Parameters [N62470/GOLAN
101G-158/N-0541, First Endorsement on NAVFAC EFD Atlantic Letter
1101OIGOLAN Ser 0575 BD2JB of 14 November 2003
(b) Test Report provided by Mistral Security Letter of 29 July 2003 to Mr. Jack
Bain, Base Operations Group, Atlantic Division, Naval Facilities Engineering
Command (NAVFACENGCOM); Report Title: K.P.S "GOLAN 10" Blast
Protected Fully Confined Explosives Container
(c) DDESB-KT Memorandum of 2 October 2002, Subject: Revised Approval for
"GOLAN 5" and "GOLAN 10" Protectainers
(d) DDESB Technical Paper 16, Revision 1, 1 December 2003
The reference (a) request to revise previously approved explosives safety parameters, as a
result of successful testing of the GOLAN 10 and as documented in reference (b), has been
reviewed with respect to explosives safety criteria. Based on the information furnished, approval
is granted for both an increase in the GOLAN lo's rated explosives capacity and a reduction of
its quantity distance (QD) arcs, provided the below conditions and restrictions pertaining to
GOLAN 10 use are met. This memorandum replaces the GOLAN 10 restrictions and conditions
of reference (c). However, reference (c) will continue to remain applicable to GOLAN 5 use.
The following apply to this approval:
a. Maximum net explosive weight (NEW): The GOLAN 10 is authorized for use
for explosives storage up to a maximum of 23 lbs NEW of Hazard Division (HD) 1.1 or HD 1.2
or HD 1.3 or 50 lbs NEW of HD 1.4. Limitations apply to the storage of primary fragment
generating munitions as discussed in b. below. The use of " N E W vice "TNT or equivalent
explosives" is intentional and is considered appropriate due to the successful full-scale testing of
the GOLAN 10 design at 125% over its rated 23-lb TNT capacity, with no impact on the
structural integrity. In addition, the use of "NEW" vice "TNT or equivalent explosives" will
simplify the management of explosives storage in the field.
b. Primary fragment producing munitions limitations: The GOLAN 10 (with or
without the internal fragment defeating liner installed) is authorized for use for explosives
storage of HD 1.1 or HD 1.2 munitions with diameters 5 1.6 inches (40 mm), without
restrictions, subject to the NEW limitation in a. above. Munition items that have diameters
greater than 1.6 inches (40 mm) are also authorized for storage, provided only one is stored at a
time and the item's fragment properties (mass and initial velocity) have been determined and
evaluated per reference (d) to insure their fragments will not penetrate the GOLAN 10's outer
wall. The NEW limitation of a. above applies to single item storage as well. (Note: the
GOLAN 10 can be provided with or without an internal fragment defeating liner; consequently,
any analysis of a particular weapon's fragment penetration capability needs to consider which
version of the GOLAN 10 is to be used.)
c. Shaped charges are not permitted to be stored within the GOLAN 10.
d. The only handling of explosives permitted at a GOLAN 10 is the placement of
explosives materials and items into the GOLAN 10 or the removal of explosives material and
items from the GOLAN 10. This point cannot be emphasized enough. The required DoD
explosives safety protection to surrounding areas and inhabited spaces is only provided when
explosives are inside a closed and sealed GOLAN 10. When the door to the GOLAN 10 is
opened for explosives transfer operations, there is great potential for injury and damage to
surrounding areas and inhabited spaces if an accidental explosion were to occur. To illustrate
this point, consider that Table CT9.2 of DoD 6055.9-STD requires a 540-foot inhabited building
distance (IBD) arc for 23 lbs of HD 1.1 in the open. This is significantly greater than the 3-foot
IBD being established around the GOLAN 10 for explosives storage purposes. Other operations
(e.g., unpackaging or packaging, breakdown, cutting, charge set-up) other than placing
explosives into the GOLAN 10 or the removal of explosives from the GOLAN 10 shall be
conducted at a location sited in accordance with DoD 6055.9-STD criteria for the material being
e. The minimum IBD, public traffic route (PTR) distance, and intraline distance
(ILD) required for the GOLAN 10 is 3 feet measured all the way around the container. This
distance accounts for the outer intrusion detection system (IDS) door that could swing open as a
result of an internal detonation. The door of the GOLAN 10 shall be oriented away from nearby
occupied spaces. It is recommended that DoD Components consider at their discretion a greater
distance around the GOLAN 10, in order to prevent encroachment around the magazine.
f. A minimum 23-inch standoff distance shall be maintained between explosives
materials and items stored inside the GOLAN 10 and the nearest interior wall or door. The
GOLAN 10 must have positive design features installed to insure this minimum standoff is
g. As a potential explosion site (PES), there is no minimum required
intermagazine (IM) distance from a GOLAN 10. The door of the GOLAN 10 shall be oriented
away from entrances into other explosives storage locations, and away from surrounding
occupied areas to the extent possible.
h. As an exposed site (ES), the GOLAN 10 shall be separated from any other
storage PES that does not totally contain explosives effects by K6, based on the explosives
quantity in the PES. No IM separation distance is required between a GOLAN 10, as an ES,
from a nearby storage PES that is capable of containing all effects and has been approved by the
Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (e.g., NABCO SV-23). Doors of such
magazines shall not face each other.
i. No additional penetrations of the GOLAN 10 container, other than the
manufacturer-provided pressure vent in the base of the container, are permitted. This prohibits
installation of utilities (e.g., lighting or IDS) within the GOLAN 10 container. However, as an
option, the manufacturer can provide a GOLAN 10 with an outer door framework installed onto
the outside of the container. An IDS can be installed onto this outer door without having to
penetrate the GOLAN 10 container. Installation of the IDS shall comply with the requirements
of Chapter 6 and 7 of DoD 6055.9-STD (e.g., hazard area classification, use of metallic piping,
grounding, surge protection, 50-foot underground requirement). This does not preclude
penetration of the support skirt, as necessary, for vent piping (see next paragraph) if the GOLAN
10 is placed within a facility.
j. The GOLAN 10 has a vent located in its base for the controlled release of
internal pressure and detonation by-products. When the GOLAN 10 is located out in the open,
the venting pressure and by-products do not present a risk to personnel. This is not necessarily
the case when the GOLAN 10 is placed within a facility (e.g., pressure build-up, hazardous byproducts). If a GOLAN 10 is placed within a facility, the vent shall be connected to a vent pipe
that leads to the exterior of the facility where the pressure and by-products can be safely vented.
The vent piping shall be capable of withstanding the pressure loads that it will experience.
k. The GOLAN 10 shall be grounded in accordance with Chapter 7 of Department
of Defense (DoD) 6055.9-STD and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard
1. Each siting of a GOLAN 10 will require DDESB review and approval prior to
m. Any modification to design drawings for the GOLAN 10, without prior
review/coordination/approval through this office will negate the site approval for the modified
n. Each GOLAN 10 shall be labeled on its exterior, near the entrance, with the
APPROVED FRAGMENTING MUNITIONS ONLY" to clearly identify the type of
ammunition and explosives that are permitted to be stored within the GOLAN 10.
o. The GOLAN 10 has demonstrated through testing that its design is capable of
containing a second internal explosion of 125% of its rated capacity with minimal damage to the
container and door (if present, the internal fragment defeating liner will be destroyed by an
internal explosion). It is uncertain how many internal explosions involving only the design
charge weight of 23 lbs NEW the GOLAN 10 can safely contain without failure. Therefore,
following an internal explosion, all elements of the GOLAN 10 must be inspected and the
GOLAN 10 re-certified prior to reuse. The manufacturer must develop inspection and recertification guidance, and the DoD Explosives Safety Board must approve this guidance before
it can be used by any activity that has experienced an internal detonation.
My point of contact is Mr. Eric Deschambault, Commercial phone: 703-325-1369, DSN:
22 1- 1369; Fax: 703-325-6227; E-mail: Eric.Deschambault@ddesb.osd.mil.
Captain, US Navy
AFSCISEW (Mr. Eric Olson)
NOSSA (N7 11, Mr. Gary Hogue)
MARCORSYSCOM (AM-EES, Mr. George Morrison)