RAND RAND HRS Income and Wealth Imputations, Version O Philip Pantoja, Nancy Campbell, Chris Chan, Sandy Chien, Orla Hayden, Michael Hurd, Regan Main, Joshua Mallett, Craig Martin, Colleen McCullough, Erik Meijer, Michael Moldoff, Susann Rohwedder, Patricia St.Clair February 2016 Funded by the Social Security Administration and the National Institute on Aging Labor & Population Program RAND Center for the Study of Aging . . 2 Preface The Health and Retirement Study (HRS) is a longitudinal household survey data set for the study of retirement and health among the elderly in the United States. It is extraordinarily rich, and in particular it asks respondents about their income and wealth in great detail. With the goal of making these data more accessible to researchers, the RAND Center for the Study of Aging, with support from the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the National Institute of Aging (NIA), has produced income and wealth imputations for all waves of the HRS, including the initially separate AHEAD study, and aggregates of the income and wealth variables. This document describes the full set of the RAND income and wealth variables. Many of these variables are also included in the RAND HRS, which is a user-friendly version of a subset of the HRS. It contains cleaned and processed variables with consistent and intuitive naming conventions, model-based imputations and imputation flags, and spousal counterparts of most individual-level variables. All is elaborately documented, with special attention to comparability of variables across survey waves. The income and wealth variables in this document follow the RAND HRS naming conventions and the current documentation is also structured after the RAND HRS documentation. The RAND Center for the Study of Aging web site is http://www.rand.org/labor/aging. The RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File may be downloaded from the HRS website (http://hrsonline.isr.umich.edu/data/index.html) under “RAND Contributions.” We are grateful for the continuing support of and funding from the SSA and the NIA. In gaining access to and interpreting the HRS, we greatly benefited from the help and insights of HRS staff members. In particular, we thank Tom Blackburn, Honggao Cao, Jack Chen, Gwenith Fisher, Dave Howell, Thomas Juster, Janet Keller, Cathy Liebowitz, Michael Nolte, Theresa Norgard, Dorothy Nordness, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Jody Schimmel, Marita Servais, David Weir, and Bob Willis. 3 Contents PREFACE ....................................................................................................................... 2 WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION O? ..................................................................................... 5 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW ...................................................................... 7 Confidentiality and Access Restrictions .......................................................9 Data File Structure .........................................................................................9 Variable Naming Conventions.....................................................................11 Missing Values ..............................................................................................14 2. IMPUTATION METHODOLOGY ......................................................................... 15 2.1. Background ...................................................................................................15 2.1.1. Alternative Question Sequences ....................................................................16 2.2. Imputation Process .......................................................................................18 2.2.1. Ownership Imputation ...................................................................................18 2.2.2. Bracket Imputation.........................................................................................19 2.2.3. Amount Imputation ........................................................................................20 2.2.4. Covariates ......................................................................................................21 2.3. Asset Verification ..........................................................................................24 2.4. Substantive Differences Across Waves .......................................................26 3. IMPUTATION FLAGS AND CODES ................................................................... 29 4. STRUCTURE OF CODEBOOK ........................................................................... 30 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. DISTRIBUTION AND TECHNICAL NOTES ........................................................ 35 Distribution files for Web Download ..........................................................35 Using the SAS Formats ................................................................................36 Using the Data with Other HRS Files .........................................................37 6. DATA CODEBOOK ............................................................................................. 39 Section A: Identifiers and Flags......................................................................................41 Section B: Income ............................................................................................................51 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave ..........................................264 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section........................................379 APPENDIX A: DETAILED LIST OF CHANGES (VERSION M FORWARD) .............. 494 APPENDIX B: MOBILE HOME/HOUSE INCONSISTENCIES ................................... 504 4 Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Source of Data for Entry Cohorts by Wave. ...................................................... 10 Variable Name Prefixes for Income Variables .................................................. 13 Variable Name Prefixes for Wealth Variables................................................... 14 Missing Codes .................................................................................................... 14 Distribution of Response Types on Stock Holdings (HRS 1994)...................... 16 Response Types and Required Imputations ....................................................... 18 Loadings on the First Two Principal Components ............................................ 23 RAND Income and Wealth Imputation Data Distribution Files ........................ 36 5 What’s New in Version O? The following is a list of changes made to the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File between previous versions and the current version (Version O). See Appendix A for details on changes made in previous versions. • In HRS 2004 (Wave 7), we now treat those who responded “yes” to question JQ161 (i.e., “Did you tell me about this (business) income earlier in the interview?”) as owners of business income (H7IBUSIN). Therefore, we keep (or impute) the amount as business income, and exclude it from the household capital income calculation (H7ICAP). Roughly 500 cases are affected by this change, which, in turn, is largely responsible for the observed increase in business income of about $2,300 on average between Versions N and O. For more information, please see the codebook section entitled, “Household Capital Income.” • In Version N of the Income and Wealth Imputation File, both members of a particular household (HHIDPN = 22388020 and 22388030) were flagged as the financial respondent. The H8PICKHH variable, which allows users to extract a household-level file for HRS 2006 (Wave 8), was thus set to “1” for both respondents. We have confirmed, however, that due to both the timing of when these two respondents reunited, as well as when their interviews occurred, HHIDPN = 223088030 should not be treated as a financial respondent in HRS 2006. The R8FINR and H8PICKHH variables have been updated accordingly in Version O. • We issued a data alert (http://www.rand.org/labor/aging/dataprod/datafixN.html) for Version N regarding two couples who were mistakenly classified as married in HRS 2010 (Wave 10). This has been corrected in Version O. Specifically, they are now treated as individuals in Wave 10, rather than combined into two households. • We corrected a minor error in the bracket imputation algorithm that was causing a handful of respondents to have imputed values that were outside of their bracket. This affected one case (respondent’s second annuity) in HRS 2006 (Wave 8), and two cases (spouse/partner’s second pension, and respondent’s third annuity) in HRS 2012 (Wave 11). • We have made a number of small improvements in the imputations: we have incorporated updates of the demographic and occupational data released by HRS, made corrections in the coding of demographic variables and financial respondent status (as used in the imputations), and updated the random seeds, which were inadvertently not changed between waves. These changes mostly affect HRS 2004–2012 (Waves 7–11), especially 2004. The total effect of all these changes is very small, though: average wealth or income changed less than about 1% in each wave. Imputations for individual households or respondents, however, can be different from the Version N imputations. • In the codebook section entitled, “Individual Income from Employer Pension or Annuity”, we corrected the formats (i.e., value labels) associated with variables RwIFANN, SwIFANN, RwIFPEN, and SwIFPEN. The actual values themselves did not change, only the formats associated with them. 6 • We are no longer distributing SAS formats as a formats catalog (i.e., formats.sas7bcat). Instead, we are providing SAS code to allow the user to create their own formats catalog on any computing platform. For more information, please see the codebook section entitled, “Using the SAS Formats.” 1. Introduction and Overview 1. 7 Introduction and Overview This document describes the variables on the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File, Version O. This is a cleaned, processed, streamlined, and where necessary imputed, collection of income and wealth variables derived from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). The HRS is a national panel survey of individuals over age 50 and their spouses. Its main goal is to provide reliable data on the decisions, choices, and behaviors of people as they age and respond to changes in public policy, the economy, and health. The survey elicits information about demographics, income, assets, health, cognition, family structure and connections, health care utilization and costs, housing, job status and history, expectations, and insurance. Over the years the HRS has expanded its multi-diciplinary approach to additional subject areas, including the collection of biomarkers, and added to the external data sources that can be linked to the HRS data. The HRS is sponsored by the Social Security Administration and National Institute of Aging (NIA), and data collection is conducted by the Institute for Social Research (ISR) at the University of Michigan. It consists of six cohorts: • • • • • • Initial HRS cohort, born 1931 to 1941. This cohort was first interviewed in 1992 and subsequently every two years. AHEAD cohort, born before 1924, initially a separate study (The Study of Assets and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old or AHEAD). This cohort was first interviewed in 1993 and subsequently in 1995, 1998, and every two years thereafter. Children of the Depression Age (CODA) cohort, born 1924 to 1930. This cohort was first interviewed in 1998 and then subsequently every two years. War Baby (WB) cohort, born 1942 to 1947. This cohort was also first interviewed in 1998 and subsequently every two years. Early Baby Boomer (EBB) cohort, born 1948 to 1953. This cohort was first interviewed in 2004 and subsequently every two years. Middle Baby Boomer (MBB) cohort, born 1954 to 1959. This cohort was first interviewed in 2010. In addition to respondents from eligible birth years, the survey interviewed the spouses of married respondents or the partner (if in the same household) of a respondent, regardless of age. Some spouses of the initial HRS entry cohort respondents were age 70 or older and were subsequently included in the AHEAD study instead. These so-called HRS/AHEAD overlap cases may thus have been interviewed in 1992, 1993, 1995, and from 1998 forward. From 1998 onward, households sampled for the new cohorts exclude households in which the spouse or partner would be age-eligible for an earlier cohort. For example, a couple in which one spouse was born in 1935 (HRS age cohort) and the other spouse was born in 1945 (WB age cohort) could have been sampled as part of the original HRS cohort sample but not as part of the WB cohort sample. 1. Introduction and Overview 8 The RAND Income and Wealth Imputations are distributed as a companion file to the RAND Enhanced HRS Fat Files 1 and are incorporated into the RAND HRS Data File. 2 The RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File (Version O) contains all six cohorts. This document refers to the entire survey as the HRS and the 1931-1941 cohort that was first interviewed in 1992 is labeled the “initial” or “original” HRS entry cohort. The method used to develop the imputations is described in Chapter 2. Each original income and wealth component is imputed separately. Some original components lend themselves to combination, such as summing up to three IRAs to provide a total IRA value. Some original income components are combined into logical main components, such as summing income from wages, tips and bonuses, professional practice or trade, and a second job into an earned income component. In addition, total wealth and income variables are derived. For income, the reference period for totals and main components is the last calendar year. When needed, another income measure is added to estimate income received in the last calendar year. For example, if a measure is given as income last month, we impute the monthly amount and examine other information, such as a start date, to determine how many months the income was received in the last calendar year to produce an estimate for that year. If the original components are combined for any of these reasons, these original components are referred to as “partial components” in this document, while the combinations or uncombined original components are called “main components” of wealth and income. Analysts may wish to recombine components or to see the individual parts of a total amount. All individually imputed parts are provided in this file. It is important to understand how the parts and the combinations overlap, so that parts of income and wealth are not double-counted. The HRS contains several auxiliary files. The RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File only incorporates the core interviews. It does not include exit interviews or any restricted data, but does use information from the current Tracker, Region and Mobility, and Master ID files. The data include any individual interviewed at least once. This includes individuals who were age-eligible (born in eligible years) at the time of their first interview, spouses that were not ageeligible at baseline, and spouses who married an age-eligible respondent between survey waves. The HRS over-samples Hispanics, Blacks, and residents of Florida, and provides weighting variables to make it representative of the community-based population. 1 The RAND-enhanced Fat Files are interview year-specific files containing most raw HRS variables merged to the respondent level to facilitate merging longitudinally and with the RAND HRS Data file. These are available on the HRS web site http://hrsonline.isr.umich.edu/. Please see www.rand.org/labor/aging/dataprod for more information. 2 The RAND HRS Data file is a comprehensive but not complete collection of derived variables based on HRS public release data. It contains all waves of data, with consistent variable names across waves. It is available for download from the HRS web site. Please see www.rand.org/labor/aging/dataprod for more information and sample programs for its use with the Fat Files. 1. Introduction and Overview 9 The data described in this document are based on the 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012 final data releases. The file is based on data from the latest release of each wave’s HRS or AHEAD core data, and Version 1.0 of Tracker 2012. 1.1. Confidentiality and Access Restrictions The data described in this document are based on HRS public release files. Before using the data, you must have obtained permission from HRS by registering with them for downloading the public release files. The HRS website contains information on the process to register for access to HRS public release data (https://ssl.isr.umich.edu/hrs). By registering with HRS you agree to the “Conditions of Use” governing access to the data. There is NO RESTRICTED DATA on the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File. 1.2. Data File Structure The RAND Income and Wealth Imputation data are distributed in SAS, Stata, and SPSS formats, as a single file that includes all waves of the HRS. The data contain respondents within the HRS, AHEAD, CODA, WB, EBB, and MBB entry cohorts. Table 1 lists the source year of data for each of the entry cohorts, by wave. The 1993 data are treated as Wave 2 data and the 1995 data are treated as Wave 3 data for the AHEAD entry cohort. The 1994 data are treated as Wave 2 data and the 1996 data are treated as Wave 3 data for the HRS entry cohort. The AHEAD and HRS survey instruments in these years differed significantly. This documentation distinguishes between the instruments by using Wave 2A and Wave 3A to refer to the 1993 and 1995 data for the AHEAD entry cohort , and Wave 2H and Wave 3H to refer to the 1994 and 1996 data for the HRS entry cohort. 1. Introduction and Overview 10 Table 1. Source of Data for Entry Cohorts by Wave. Entry Cohort Wave HRS AHEAD CODA WB EBB MBB HACOHORT=3 HACOHORT=0,1 HACOHORT=2 HACOHORT=4 HACOHORT=5 HACOHORT=6 1 1992 1992 (HRS/AHEAD overlaps only) 2 1994 (Wave 2H) 1993 (Wave 2A) 3 1996 (Wave 3H) 1995 (Wave 3A) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Not available 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Not available 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Not available 2010 2012 The unit of observation is an individual. Each individual is uniquely identified by a household ID (HHID) and a person number (PN). We combined these variables into a single ID variable, HHIDPN (HHIDPN: HHold ID + Person Number /Num), where HHIDPN = 1000 * HHID + PN. 3 This file may be merged with other HRS data by HHIDPN. The file includes a flag (HwPICKHH where “w” is the corresponding Wave 1-11) to allow easy reduction to a household level file. A household level file may be extracted by selecting observations where the flag has a value of one (HwPICKHH=1). This will select all single-R households, and the record of the Financial Respondent in couple households where both individuals responded. Note that this only works on a per-wave basis, because household composition may change across waves through divorce and other reasons. Section A of the data codebook describes identifiers and flags pertaining to the household, respondent, and spouse. Section B provides descriptive statistics and frequencies for income variables, and Section C provides the same for wealth variables (Section C.1 details the crosswave wealth data and Section C.2 details the cross-section wealth data). Appendix A provides additional details for any changes made from Version M forward, and Appendix B lists the primary residence/mobile home inconsistencies due to Asset Verification. 3 This HHIDPN variable is numeric. Also available is RAHHIDPN (RAHHIDPN: HHold ID + Person Num /9Char), its 9-character string equivalent. 1. Introduction and Overview 1.3. 11 Variable Naming Conventions With few exceptions, variable names in the RAND Income and Wealth data follow a consistent pattern. The first character indicates whether the variable refers to the reference person (“R”), spouse (“S”), or the household (“H”). 4 The second character indicates the wave to which the variable pertains: “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “10”, “11”, or “A”. The “A” indicates “all,” i.e., the variable is not specific to any single wave. In the Income and Wealth file, this is only used for RAHHIDPN, the string version of the unique identifier of the respondent, but in the RAND HRS it is used for many more variables. The remaining characters describe the concept that the variable captures. For example: S2IEARN Income: earnings Wave 2 (1993 and 1994) Spouse Variable S2IEARN captures the earnings of the spouse. The “I” refers to income, more specifically, income received in the previous calendar year (“M” is used for income received in the previous month). The name of the variable does not indicate who provided the information. For example, the spouse’s earnings may have been reported by the spouse himself or herself, or they may have been reported by a proxy. The HRS obtains many variables, particularly on financial and family matters, by proxy. In the text below, we may refer to variables such as SwIEARN for example, without specifying the wave. This reference points at the group of variables S1IEARN, S2IEARN, S3IEARN, S4IEARN, S5IEARN, S6IEARN, S7IEARN, S8IEARN, S9IEARN, and S10IEARN. Variable labels also follow a consistent pattern. The first characters denote the name of the variable, followed by a colon. Then follows the wave to which the variable pertains (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11). The remainder of the label describes the concept that the variable captures. For example, the variable label of S2IEARN is: S2IEARN:W2 Income:Sp Earnings It may seem duplicative to include the name of the variable and the wave in the variable label. However, SAS and Stata often suppress the variable name and instead use its label in the presentation of results. 4 The reference person need not be the person who responded to the question. It is the person whose information is recorded in the variable. 1. Introduction and Overview 12 In previous versions of the income and wealth data, the names of some detailed component variables followed a different convention. As of Version M, naming has been made consistent for all income and wealth variables. For a complete list of which variables have been renamed from previous versions to Version M of this codebook, see Appendix A. Wealth variables that use the cross-wave imputations (see Chapter 2) have an “A” after the wave number, whereas the corresponding wealth variables that use the cross-sectional imputations have a “W”. For example, H9ASTCK is the value of stocks and mutual funds of the household in Wave 9, using cross-wave imputations if imputation is necessary, and H9WSTCK is the value of stocks and mutual funds of the household in Wave 9, using cross-sectional imputations if imputation is necessary. For both income and wealth variables, a subsequent “O” is used for variables that indicate ownership (i.e., whether the household owns the asset or the household or individual receives the type of income), whereas “F” is used for variables that indicate the type of imputation necessary (imputation flags; see Chapter 3). These conventions are summarized in Tables 2 and 3 for the income and wealth variables, respectively. The remainder of the variable name, called the stem, indicates the type of income or asset. For example, “EARN” denotes earnings and “STCK” denotes stocks and mutual funds. For example, for Wave 10, R10IFEARN indicates whether the respondent’s earned income is imputed. R10IOEARN indicates whether the respondent reports (or is imputed to) having any earned income. R10IEARN is the reported or imputed amount the respondent earned in the last calendar year, set to zero for those who do not receive any. For the spouse, SwIFEARN, SwIOFEARN, and SwIEARN are analogous to RwIFEARN, RwIOEARN, and RwIEARN, respectively. If the respondent does not have a spouse, the value for the spousal variable is set to .U, and ownership for the spouse is also set to .U. The imputation flag for the spouse variable then has the special value 8 (see Chapter 3). In previous versions of the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File, partial component values were set to missing if the partial component was not owned. The current version harmonizes the definition of partial component variables with main component variables and totals, and thus sets the value to zero if the component is not owned. 1. Introduction and Overview Table 2. Variable Name Prefixes for Income Variables Prefix HwIF HwIO HwI HwM HwN HwNF RwIF RwIO RwI RwM RwN RwNF SwIF SwIO SwI SwM SwN SwNF Description Household Level Household annual income imputation flag (previous calendar year) Whether household received income from this source in the previous calendar year Household annual income value, set to zero for non-owners (previous calendar year) Household partial income component value – monthly value, where original value was reported as a monthly amount. If total amount received last year is available and amount received last month is not, then total annual amount is used to estimate a monthly amount. Household partial income component – number of months received in last calendar year, where the original value was reported as a monthly amount. This is computed from month and year began receiving income. If month began is unknown and year began is the last calendar year, then number of months received is assigned a value of 6 months. If year began is unknown, then number of months received is assigned a value of 12 months and a flag is set to 1. Household partial income component – flags cases where there is no information on the number of months received. When the year began receiving income is unknown, the number of months received in the last calendar year is assigned a value of 12 and the flag is set to 1. Respondent Level Respondent income imputation flag (previous calendar year) Whether respondent received any income from this source in the previous calendar year Respondent income value, set to zero for non-owners (previous calendar year) Respondent monthly income; apart from respondent vs. household, analogous to HwM Respondent income – number of months received in last calendar year; apart from respondent vs. household, analogous to HwN Respondent income – flags cases where there is no information on the number of months received; apart from respondent vs. household analogous to HwNF Spouse Level Equivalent of RwIF for the spouse Equivalent of RwIO for the spouse Equivalent of RwI for the spouse Equivalent of RwM for the spouse Equivalent of RwN for the spouse Equivalent of RwNF for the spouse 13 1. Introduction and Overview 14 Table 3. Variable Name Prefixes for Wealth Variables Prefix Description Household asset cross-wave imputation flag for a single-component asset, e.g., HwAFIRA1 to summarize imputation status of HwAIRA1. Household asset cross-sectional imputation flag for a single-component asset, e.g., HwWFIRA1 to summarize imputation status of HwWIRA1. (These are equal to the corresponding HwAF variables and only included for convenience.) Household asset cross-wave imputation summary flag for a combined asset, e.g., HwAXIRA to summarize imputation status of HwAIRA, which is the sum of HwAIRA1, HwAIRA2, and HwAIRA3. Household asset cross-sectional imputation summary flag for a combined asset, e.g., HwWXIRA to summarize imputation status of HwWIRA. (These are again equal to the corresponding HwAX variables.) Whether household owns asset, using cross-wave imputations Whether household owns asset, using cross-sectional imputations Household asset value, set to zero for non-owners, using cross-wave imputations Household asset value, set to zero for non-owners, using cross-sectional imputations HwAF HwWF HwAX HwWX HwAO HwWO HwA HwW 1.4. Missing Values Variables may contain missing values for several reasons. SAS and Stata offer the capability to distinguish multiple types of missing values, and we have attempted to record as much information as possible. Generally, the codes adhere to the classification in Table 4. Table 4. Missing Codes Code . .D .R .X .Q .U .V .S .M Reason for missing Reference person did not respond to this wave Don’t know Refused Does not apply (specifics depend on variable) Data not available because of HRS and AHEAD survey instrument differences in Wave 2 or 3 Reference person is not married (for spousal variables) Spouse did not respond this wave (for spousal variables) Information not available due to skip patterns, typically because the interview is by proxy respondent Other missing The coding scheme varies across variables. Not all missing codes are used in the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File. Consult the Data Codebook section of this document for details on individual variables. The RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File in Stata format is for use with Version 11 or later. 2. Imputation Methodology 2. Imputation Methodology 2.1. Background 15 The RAND Income and Wealth Imputation data contain a number of wealth and income variables. Where missing, we imputed their values. In this chapter, we give an overview of the question sequences and imputation methods. A detailed technical description can be found in Hurd, Meijer, Moldoff, and Rohwedder (2014). 5 Most HRS and AHEAD questions on wealth and income follow the same pattern. Consider holdings of stocks and mutual funds as an example. First, the interviewer asks whether the respondent (or his/her spouse or partner) owns any shares of stock or stock mutual funds. If affirmative, the interviewer asks the value of these stock holdings. If the respondent is unable or unwilling to provide an exact amount, the interviewer asks whether it is more than $25,000. If the answer is “more than $25,000,” the interviewer asks whether it is more than $125,000, whereas if the answer is “less than $25,000,” the interviewer asks whether it is more than $2,500. Depending on the responses, the ranges are narrowed down to $0-2,500; $2,500-25,000; $25,000-125,000; $125,000-400,000; $400,000 or more. These ranges are known as “brackets,” and the sequence of probes into increasingly narrow ranges are known as “unfolding brackets” questions. The brackets vary by asset and income category, and the cut-off values (also known as thresholds), though generally stable, can change between waves. For example, the cut-off values for dividend and interest income in HRS 1994 (Wave 2H) are $200, $500, $2,500, and $10,000, while in HRS 1996 (Wave 3H) they are $1,000, $5,000, and $25,000. The respondent may opt out of the question sequence at any time. As a result, the raw data contain valid zero-value responses, exact amounts, complete bracket responses, incomplete bracket responses, claim of ownership without any information about the value, and unknown ownership. (We also use the term “ownership” to indicate whether a household or individual receives a certain kind of income or holds a certain kind of debt.) An incomplete bracket results if the respondent provided some information about the value, but was unable or unwilling to respond through the last unfolding bracket probe. For example, if the respondent indicated that the stock holdings amount to more than $25,000, but did not say whether they are worth more than $125,000. In that case, the range is an open-ended $25,000 or more. A claim of ownership without value results if the respondent indicated that stock is owned, but revealed neither the exact amount nor a range. A claim of ownership without value is a special case of an incomplete bracket, namely an open-ended bracket of greater than zero dollars. As an illustration, Table 5 shows the frequency distribution of response types on the ownership and value of stock holdings in HRS 1994 (Wave 2H). The stock holdings question is asked from the so-called “financial respondent” in the household, and the unit of observation in the table is a household. The majority of respondents, 68.1 percent, report not owning any stocks (other than 5 Hurd, M. D., E. Meijer, M. Moldoff, and S. Rohwedder (2014). Improved wealth measures in the Health and Retirement Study: Asset reconciliation and cross-wave imputation. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, Center for the Study of Aging. (Forthcoming) 2. Imputation Methodology 16 in retirement plans, which are not covered by this question). About one-fifth, 20.3 percent, own stocks and provide an exact value. All other categories require imputation. Table 5. Distribution of Response Types on Stock Holdings (HRS 1994) Continuous value Complete bracket Incomplete bracket Owns, no value/bracket No asset Don’t know ownership No financial respondent Total Frequency 1,431 487 34 111 4,803 66 119 7,051 Percent 20.3 6.9 0.5 1.6 68.1 0.9 1.7 100.0 Note the last category in Table 5 “No financial respondent.” These are cases in which the HRS, for whatever reason, did not interview a financial respondent. 6 For those cases, virtually nothing is known about financial issues. The RAND Income and Wealth Imputation data contain imputed values for these households, but the user should be aware that these imputations are subject to potentially large errors. They may be identified through flag variables. For example, Table 5 is derived from variable H2AFSTCK (“H2AFSTCK:W2 Asst Flag:Stocks”). In summary, the data contain continuous responses and several types of responses that require imputations. In decreasing order of informational content: • Case 1: We may know a “complete” range of values; • Case 2: We may know that the household owns the asset (or has the income type), but have no information on its value, or only coarse information in the form of incomplete brackets; or • Case 3: We may not even know whether the household owns an asset, much less its value. 2.1.1. Alternative Question Sequences While the majority of income and asset questions follow the pattern described above, there are deviations. Some questions, particularly income questions in HRS 1992 (Wave 1), do not probe for brackets if the respondent is unable or unwilling to provide an exact amount. In the data, we classify missing responses in this case as if there were unfolding bracket questions, but the respondent refused to provide any range information, i.e., as Case 2 above. 6 In some households, a financial respondent was designated, but in fact provided no financial data, perhaps due to a partial interview that ended before the main financial section of the survey was conducted. For some of these cases, house and mortgage information may have been provided but no other wealth or income data was collected in the main income and wealth module which follows the housing module in the survey instrument. For imputation of income and non-housing wealth, cases missing the entire module of financial data are treated as though there is no financial respondent. 2. Imputation Methodology 17 Some interviewers in Wave 1 used so-called “range cards” instead of the sequence of unfolding bracket questions. This was especially prevalent for questions on the value of primary residence, mortgages, home loans, equity lines of credit, and debt. The range cards contain a list of ranges. For example, a card may have shown $0-100; $100-500; $500-1,000; $1,000-5,000; $5,00010,000; $10,000 or more. The cards were intended for other purposes, but were sometimes used inadvertently when respondents were unable or unwilling to provide an exact amount. 7 Respondents who were presented a range card had instant knowledge of all cut-off values, as opposed to gradual access in unfolding bracket questions. The cut-off values on the range cards were typically different from those in the appropriate unfolding bracket sequence. We treat responses from range cards in the same way as complete brackets, i.e., Case 1 above. Naturally, we account for the cut-off values on the range cards, even if they are different from those in the unfolding bracket sequence. Starting in HRS 1998 (Wave 4), the “entry point” of the unfolding bracket sequence was randomized in questions about assets. In other words, respondents who were unable or unwilling to provide an exact amount were asked whether the value was more than a certain value, where that value varied across respondents. The underlying idea was to reduce at the population level any response bias that might arise from the value of the entry point (“acquiescence bias”). The fact that the entry point varied across respondents does not enter our imputations, and we process the resulting information in the same way as in previous waves. Also starting in Wave 4, interviewers were able to record a new response. For example, suppose the interviewer asked, “Is the amount greater than $5,000, less than $5,000, or what?” The potential answers now are “less than $5,000,” “about $5,000,” and “more than $5,000.” In earlier waves, the second response was combined with the first or third response. The additional option is present at each subsequent branch. Where the respondent indicated that the amount was “about” equal to a certain value, we took that value as an exact response and did not impute anything. However, this is still classified as a complete bracket in the imputation flag variable and not as a continuous amount. We treated range responses in the same way as those in earlier waves. Finally, some cut-off values of specific asset and income questions changed between waves, as did the entry point. In addition, the way unfolding bracket information is presented in the raw data changes over time, from variables representing the “yes/no” questions through Wave 5, to variables summarizing them as a “minimum/maximum” of the range in Wave 6 forward. This did not affect the resulting response types. 7 The Wave 1 interview was face-to-face; subsequent interviews were conducted mostly by telephone. For all subsequent waves, interviews with respondents 80 years of age or older, as well as initial interviews (for all cohorts and new cohorts), are also conducted face-to-face. Starting with the HRS 2006 wave, about half of the sample is interviewed face-to-face (to facilitate the collection of additional content), and half is interviewed by telephone. 2. Imputation Methodology 2.2. 18 Imputation Process The HRS public release files provide imputations for many asset and income types in earlier waves, but the imputation method is not consistent across all waves, and there are no imputations in more recent waves. The RAND Income and Wealth Imputation data contain imputations of all asset and income types using a consistent method for all waves. Beginning with HRS 2006, RAND has provided the income and asset imputations for the HRS. The RAND HRS data file contains summary measures of income and assets. The RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File is a more complete and detailed file, containing all individual component imputations in addition to the summary measures. As defined previously, there are three types of missing values that require separate types of imputation. Correspondingly, we developed three progressive imputation steps: to impute an exact amount, given that a range is known; to impute a range, given that ownership or only incomplete range is known; and to impute ownership, in case nothing is known. Table 6 illustrates the type of imputation necessary for each type of missing value. The imputation process is progressive in the sense that we first impute ownership for those for whom nothing is known. Given ownership, we impute brackets. Given brackets, we impute exact amounts. We always use all available information. In particular, where incomplete brackets are known, we impute complete brackets in the given range. Table 6. Response Types and Required Imputations Reported Information Continuous value Complete bracket Incomplete bracket Owns, no value/bracket No asset Don’t know ownership No financial respondent Required Imputation None Amount Bracket, Amount Bracket, Amount None Ownership, Bracket, Amount Ownership, Bracket, Amount 2.2.1. Ownership Imputation To impute ownership, we first estimate a logistic regression model of ownership based on the sample of respondents with nonmissing ownership information for the asset or income type at issue. The covariates are discussed in Section 2.2.4. Next, we calculate the predicted probability of ownership for households with missing ownership information. Finally, we draw a random number from a uniform distribution between zero and one. We impute ownership if the predicted probability exceeds the random number, and non-ownership otherwise. The estimation sample varies by asset and income type. For example, a household that reports whether they own their primary residence but does not report whether they own stocks or mutual funds enters the estimation sample for ownership of the former, but not the estimation sample for ownership of the latter. 2. Imputation Methodology 19 In some waves and for some asset and income types, ownership is rare, and the logistic regression model fits the data poorly. Instead of imputing on the basis of a logistic model, we randomly assign ownership with a probability of ownership found in the nonmissing sample. This is equivalent to fitting a logistic model without covariates. We apply this procedure for assets in waves with fewer than 50 households reporting ownership. 2.2.2. Bracket Imputation We impute brackets for asset owners and income recipients (imputed and reported) who do not report a continuous value, and do not fully complete the questionnaire bracketing sequence on asset or income value. First, we estimate an ordered logit model based on the sample of households who do not report a continuous value but do complete the bracketing sequence. The covariates are discussed in Section 2.2.4. Next, we calculate the predicted probabilities of being in each bracket for respondents with missing or incomplete bracket information. For those who partially complete the bracketing sequence, we calculate conditional probabilities based on the range of possible values from their answers. Finally, we draw a random number from a uniform distribution between zero and one, and assign a bracket based on a comparison of the random number with the cumulative distribution of range probabilities. For some asset and income types, notably Wave 1 incomes, no bracket questions were asked. For these items, this step is skipped and we treat the strictly positive dollar range as a single large open-ended bracket. Beginning in Wave 4, households that do not report a continuous value at the first opportunity but do give an “about” response during the unfolding bracket sequence of questions are included in the logit model. Probabilities are then estimated for being in each bracket as well as each cutpoint value. Households imputed to one of the cutpoint values need no amount imputation for that particular component. For some asset and income types, fewer than 50 households completed the bracket sequence in a certain wave. If this is the case, we follow the same strategy as with ownership in such situations. That is, we impute the bracket using only the marginal probabilities and no covariates. In some rare cases, there is not even enough information in the marginal probabilities, and we skip the bracket imputation and impute amounts directly. This happens when only one complete bracket range is reported (so this would otherwise get probability 1), or when the incomplete bracket range reported is completely outside the range of the reported complete bracket ranges. 2. Imputation Methodology 20 2.2.3. Amount Imputation We impute exact amounts for all cases with (reported or imputed) bracket information. The procedure is different for cases in closed vs. open-ended brackets. 8 For closed brackets, we use a “nearest neighbor” approach; for open-ended brackets, a tobit-based approach. The following discusses the two approaches in turn. In the “nearest neighbor” approach for closed brackets, we first estimate a linear regression model based on the sample of households who report an exact continuous value. The covariates are discussed in Section 2.2.4. The distribution of asset and income amounts tends to be roughly lognormal, so we would like to apply a logarithmic transformation to the outcome (asset, income) variable. However, some outcomes, such as business income, may be negative. The frequency with which this occurs is very low—too low to allow for a fully flexible model specification. Instead, we therefore apply the inverse hyperbolic sine transformation 9 and use this as the dependent variable. Next, we compute predicted values for all cases, both with and without exact amounts. For each missing observation in a closed bracket, we find the household that is closest in predicted value, among the households that report an exact amount within that bracket. This is the nearest neighbor. We then impute the actual value reported by the nearest neighbor. For some asset and income types, fewer than 50 households reported a continuous value in a given wave. In this case, instead of a nearest neighbor from a regression model, a donor household is found using a conditional hotdeck procedure. This can be viewed as a nearest neighbor method without covariates, but because there are multiple households that are equally near (i.e., they all gave continuous answers that fall in the given bracket), one is chosen at random. Another exception is that sometimes there are not enough donors in the given bracket, where we define “not enough” as being less than two observations. In this case, a value within the bracket 8 A closed bracket has finite cut-off values; an open-ended bracket is, for example, $500,000 or more, so the upper limit is infinite. 9 The inverse hyperbolic sine transformation is given by . For positive values of outcome Y, not close to zero, this transformation closely mimics the logarithmic transformation. Only for small amounts, on the order of between -$10 and +$10 is the transformation appreciably different from the logarithmic transformation. The transformation is point-symmetric around zero. It may be graphed as: 6 3 0 -3 -6 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 If the logarithmic transformation were added to this graph, it would be indistinguishably close on the north-east quadrant (up to a scale factor). 2. Imputation Methodology 21 is imputed from a lognormal regression model. This is similar to the tobit procedure discussed below, but includes all positive values in the estimation. In exploratory work, we applied the nearest neighbor method to missing amounts in both closed and open-ended brackets. However, we found that the resulting imputations generated implausible distributions at the top of the distribution. The data contain some outliers, which the nearest neighbor approach selects with too high a frequency to be plausible. We therefore developed an alternative approach for open-ended brackets. For missing observations in open-ended brackets, we estimate a separate model. In essence, we estimate a lognormal regression model. However, as indicated above, the observed distributions differ from the lognormal distribution because there occasionally are negative values, and in general the smaller observed values do not fit the lognormal distribution as well. But we only use this model for imputing values in the upper bracket, so the goal is to approximate the right tail of the distribution closely. Therefore, we first censor observations in the bottom 25 percent of the outcome variable. That is, we keep the information that they are less than the 25th percentile, but not the actual values. This ensures that the values used in the estimation are all positive and that their distribution is close to (censored) lognormal. Based on this sample of nonmissing observations, we estimate a censored regression (tobit) model. The covariates are discussed in Section 2.2.4. The dependent variable in this model is a logarithmic transformation of the actual amount, and the residuals on this scale are assumed to be normally distributed and homoskedastic. We then compute predicted values of the log-amount for missing observations. To preserve the spread of the distribution of outcomes in the imputations, we add a draw from the residual distribution to this log-amount, and then untransform (exponentiate) the result. The residual distribution is assumed to be normal (with a zero mean and a standard deviation equal to the estimated standard deviation of the residual in the tobit regression model), but truncated from the left to ensure the resulting value is in the top bracket. Note that this truncation point is higher than the censoring point used in the estimation. For some asset and income types, fewer than 100 10 households reported a continuous value in certain waves. If this is the case, we follow an analogous strategy as with ownership and bracket in such a situation. That is, we impute the value using only the marginal distribution and no covariates, where the marginal distribution is a truncated lognormal distribution. We implemented this by estimating the aforementioned tobit model, but omitting the covariates, and imputing the value accordingly. 2.2.4. Covariates The number of model specifications in the imputations is large. There were four waves of data when these methods were initially developed, with well over a dozen asset and income types, and each requires four equations. We experimented extensively with model specifications. On the one hand, we would like to select covariates that predict the outcome variables best. On the other hand, we would like the specifications to be parsimonious and consistent across asset and 10 We use 100 here rather than the 50 used for the other models, because the estimates of the tobit models with covariates were still unstable with sample sizes between 50 and 100. 2. Imputation Methodology 22 income types. Consistency across asset and income types caused problems with asset and income types where only small samples were available. In the end, we opted for the same set of covariates in all asset model specifications (ownership, bracket, and amount for all asset types), and another set in the income specifications. The sets are formed by principal components of approximately 30 underlying covariates. For income imputations, the underlying covariates include (transformations of) husband and wife’s employment status, education, health status, age, race, marital status, occupation class 11, cognition, and bequest expectations. For wealth imputations, the same set applies; however, they exclude employment status and include a number of income amounts (imputed, when necessary) and indicators of pension or government benefit receipt. We found that the first ten principal components resulted in model fits that in most cases were very close to the fit from the larger set of covariates, with very few sample size issues. (The previous sections explained what we do in cases where there are sample size issues.) The set of regressors varies slightly across waves, and the principal component loadings are computed separately for each wave. For example, Table 7 shows summary statistics and loadings of the covariates that make up the principal components of the Wave 2 income imputations. When there is no financial respondent, the income variables are not available as covariates for the assets, and therefore a smaller set of underlying covariates is used. To impute these cases, we compute principal components from this more limited set of covariates, and estimate the corresponding imputation models. Thus, this doubles the number of imputation models used. The imputations using this set of covariates should be satisfactory for many purposes. Comparisons of the resulting distributions of income and assets with distributions from external sources (e.g., asset distributions from the Survey of Consumer Finances) indicate that the income and asset distributions match well. If they differ substantially from distributions in other surveys, the distributions in the HRS often seem to be more plausible. However, the imputations are sometimes less satisfactory for analyses of longitudinal patterns, especially asset changes between waves. In particular, when a household reports a “no value/bracket” or “don't know 11 Beginning in Wave 8 (2006), HRS changed the coding of occupation from the 1980 U.S. Census Occupation Codes to those for 2000 (a supplemental file has since been released for Wave 7 (2004) that uses the 2000 U.S. Census Occupation Codes as well). One of the covariates we use in the imputation process is an indicator for whether or not a person’s occupation is defined as “professional” (See Table 7, M_PROF and F_PROF). The 1980 codes were collapsed into 17 categories, and determining who was professional was relatively straightforward (See JMW201AM in the HRS 2004 codebook for a list of these categories). Specifically, we defined professionals as anyone in the first two categories (i.e., “Managerial specialty operation,” or “Professional specialty operation and technical support”). The 2000 U.S. Census Occupation Codes were used for Wave 7 (2004) to Wave 10 (2010) (a supplemental file has since been released for Wave 10 that uses the 2010 Census Occupational Classification System as well). The 2000 codes were collapsed into 25 categories, which were quite different from the 17 categories produced using the 1980 codes. We determined that the first 11 categories could appropriately be considered professional occupations (see KMW201AM in the HRS 2006 codebook for a list of these categories). The 2010 Census Occupational Classification System was used for Waves 10 and 11 (2010 and 2012). The 2010 codes were collapsed into 23 categories, and are not that different from the 25 categories produced using the 2000 codes. Therefore, the first 10 categories were considered professional occupations (see NMW201AM in the HRS 2012 codebook for a list of these categories). In the end, we evaluate all of the information described above regarding occupation when deriving the “professional” covariate. 2. Imputation Methodology 23 ownership,” this method may lead to large changes between waves, more than is to be expected in the population, because the method does not take the correlation (or persistence) across time into account. Therefore, starting with version M of the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File, we provide cross-wave imputations of asset variables, which take information from adjacent waves into account. These cross-wave wealth imputations are in addition to the cross-sectional wealth imputations, which are computed without using adjacent wave information. The main RAND HRS file only includes the cross-wave imputed variables, but the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File includes both the cross-wave and the cross-sectional imputations. Table 7. Loadings on the First Two Principal Components (Wave 2 Income Imputations) Variable BEQ10 BEQ10M BEQ100 BEQ100M M_COLLEG F_COLLEG M_HSGED F_HSGED M_EXHLTH F_EXHLTH M_PRHLTH F_PRHLTH M_PROF F_PROF M_WORK F_WORK M_UNEMP F_UNEMP M_DISAB F_DISAB M_RETIR F_RETIR AGE AGESQ SINGLFEM MARRIED NONWHITE MISSCOGN LOWCOGN Mean 61.54 0.0527 31.80 0.0568 0.1533 0.1245 0.3966 0.5304 0.3529 0.4283 0.1747 0.2008 0.2162 0.2077 0.4577 0.4883 0.0202 0.0214 0.0923 0.9665 0.2014 0.0978 58.68 3466.35 0.2308 0.6722 0.2914 0.0906 0.2804 Std. Dev. 42.43 0.2234 40.39 0.2315 0.3603 0.3302 0.4892 0.4991 0.4779 0.4949 0.3797 0.4006 0.4117 0.4057 0.4982 0.4999 0.1407 0.1446 0.2895 0.2955 0.4011 0.2971 4.85 580.17 0.4214 0.4694 0.4544 0.2871 0.4492 Loadings on First Second comp’t comp’t 0.3163 -0.0648 -0.1277 0.1219 0.3008 -0.0415 -0.1208 0.1140 0.2299 -0.0211 0.1500 -0.1255 0.1476 0.1601 0.1070 0.0217 0.2874 0.0348 0.2436 -0.0867 -0.1119 0.2326 -0.2311 0.0722 0.2557 0.0348 0.1667 -0.1149 -0.2311 0.0722 0.2557 0.0348 0.1667 -0.1149 0.2506 -0.0675 0.1314 -0.2130 -0.0131 -0.0057 -0.0316 -0.0436 -0.1175 0.1382 -0.2017 0.0259 0.0737 0.3712 0.0301 0.1841 0.0163 0.4601 0.0161 0.4618 -0.2655 -0.3032 0.2819 0.2625 Description Probability Bequest $10,000+ Bequest $10,000 missing Probability Bequest $100,000+ Bequest $100,000 missing Male: College Graduate Female: College Graduate Male: HS Diploma or GED Female: HS Diploma or GED Male: Excellent/Very Good Health Female: Excellent/Very Good Health Male: Fair/Poor Health Female: Fair/Poor Health Male: Professional Work Female: Professional Work Male: Currently Working Female: Currently Working Male: Unemployed Female: Unemployed Male: Disabled/Temp Laid Off Female: Disabled/Temp Laid Off Male: Retired Female: Retired Age of Oldest Partner Squared Age of Oldest Partner Single Female Financial Respondent Married Couple Non-White Financial Respondent Missing Cognition Score Low Cognition Score The cross-wave imputations add a few covariates to the models: in addition to the 10 principal components, we include (the inverse hyperbolic sine of) the value of the asset in the previous wave and (the inverse hyperbolic sine of) the value of the asset in the next wave. If there is a strong persistence in asset values over time, including these past and future values, it should capture this and lead to imputations that show smoother patterns across time. If in the adjacent wave, the asset is not owned, we include zero as its value, and we include dummies for whether 2. Imputation Methodology 24 the household owns the asset in the previous and next wave. Changes in marital status (where we treat cohabitation the same as marriage, as is usual in the HRS) have potentially large effects on wealth, and therefore, in this case, wealth changes should be less smooth. Therefore, we also include a set of dummies for such changes: divorce or separation, death of the spouse/partner, or remarriage/new partnership. There is one set for changes between the last wave and the current wave and one set for changes between the current wave and the next wave. See Hurd et al. (2014) 12 for details of the definitions. If the household did not report a continuous value (or a no asset response) in an adjacent wave, we have a missing covariate, and thus we cannot impute the value for the current wave. To solve this problem, we first compute cross-sectional imputations (i.e., without the cross-wave information) for each household, and then use the cross-sectional imputation of the adjacent wave as the covariate in the current wave. However, for households for which we have no adjacent wave information, this still does not solve the issue. This happens when a household enters the sample (the first wave a cohort is entered); in the latest wave (in Wave 11); or when a household did not participate in a wave. For imputing these cases, we use imputation models that include the cross-wave information from only the previous wave or only the next wave, whichever is applicable. If neither previous nor next wave information is available for a household, we use the cross-sectional imputation. In principle, all imputation models are wave-specific. That is, principal components are computed for each wave separately, and coefficients of the covariates in the imputation models are computed for each wave separately. However, the number of marital status changes is typically too small to estimate the coefficients of these dummies with enough precision in each wave separately. Therefore, we use all waves jointly to estimate these coefficients. That is, we estimate wave-specific coefficients for all covariates except the indicator variables for the change in marital status. 2.3. Asset Verification After a successful experiment in 2001, described in Hill (2006), 13 the HRS added the asset verification section (section U; also called asset reconciliation section) to the questionnaire in 2002. Whenever there is a large discrepancy, defined as more than $50,000, between an asset value in the previous wave and the value of the same asset in the current interview, the respondent is asked to verify, or correct when necessary, the asset values in the previous and current wave. The idea behind this is that large changes in asset values are rare, and therefore, if we see them in the data, there may have been a reporting or data entry error, which we want to correct. The respondent is only asked these verification questions if the same (financial) respondent reported the asset in both waves and total wealth differs by more than $150,000. The 12 Hurd, M. D., E. Meijer, M. Moldoff, and S. Rohwedder (2014). Improved wealth measures in the Health and Retirement Study: Asset reconciliation and cross-wave imputation. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, Center for the Study of Aging. (Forthcoming) 13 Hill, D. H. (2006). Wealth dynamics: Reducing noise in panel data. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 21, 845860. 2. Imputation Methodology 25 former is for disclosure reasons and the latter is to avoid flagging portfolio rebalancing (e.g., selling stocks and buying bonds instead). In HRS 2002 and HRS 2004 (Waves 6 and 7), respondents were asked at most about three assets in the asset verification section. From 2006 onward, respondents could potentially be asked about all assets that were checked in this section, although it does not happen often that a respondent is asked to verify more than a few assets. There are other changes between waves, for example in the preloaded information from the previous wave and how it is used. See Hurd et al. (2014) 14 for the details. Starting with version M, the RAND wealth measures take corrections from the asset verification section into account. These corrections precede the imputations. First, corrections for the current wave are implemented. Then, corrections of the previous wave's value are evaluated. If the asset was not asked about in the previous wave's asset verification section, then we implement the correction of the previous wave's value. If the asset was also asked about in the previous wave's asset verification section, we generally use the result from the previous wave's asset verification section (the contemporaneous one). However, we inspect all cases where the results from the previous wave's asset verification section and the current wave's asset verification section differ by more than a factor of 9 to catch gross errors, in particular accidental errors in the number of zeros. The corrections from the asset verification section occasionally lead to some complications, such as inconsistent data that cannot occur in the main questionnaire because of the main questionnaire's skip patterns, and complications with the implementation of the imputation methods. An example of the former is where the main questionnaire has a branch of questions in case the primary residence is a mobile home, and another branch of questions if it is another type of dwelling. In some cases, the corrections from the asset verification section lead to the household having a number in both branches. We check all such cases and determine what is the most reasonable way to interpret the data and then make it consistent with the logic of the (main) questionnaire. A list of these primary residence/mobile home inconsistencies is provided in Appendix B. An example of a complication with the imputations is where unfolding bracket thresholds are not always the same. See Hurd et al. (2014) 15 for the details and how we dealt with these issues. 14 Hurd, M. D., E. Meijer, M. Moldoff, and S. Rohwedder (2014). Improved wealth measures in the Health and Retirement Study: Asset reconciliation and cross-wave imputation. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, Center for the Study of Aging. (Forthcoming) 15 Ibid. 2. Imputation Methodology 2.4. 26 Substantive Differences Across Waves In addition to survey-technical changes between waves, and the introduction of the asset verification section, there have been a few changes that may affect the comparability of asset values across waves. We discuss the most important changes here. Notable Differences between Waves HRS 1992 (Wave 1) and HRS 1994 (Wave 2) Net value of vehicles: Wave 1 includes a measure of the value of a recreational vehicle or motor home in the Housing Section, and a measure of the value of other vehicles in the Asset Section. We separately imputed these values and summed them. For Wave 2, the two components are incorporated into one measure of the net value of vehicles in the Asset Section. Notable Differences between HRS 1994 (Wave 2) and HRS 1996 (Wave 3) Asset income: In Waves 1 and 2, asset ownership and value were asked in the Asset Section, whereas income from assets was asked separately in the Income Section. Starting in Wave 3, income from asset questions were incorporated in the Asset Section. For example, if the respondent indicated owning stocks, the interviewer followed up with a question about dividends. This increased the response rate for asset income. Assuming that this increases the quality of responses, it also improves the accuracy of our asset imputations, because asset income is an explanatory covariate of our imputation model. Net value of IRA/Keogh accounts: In Waves 1 and 2, respondents were asked to report the total value of all Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and Keogh accounts. In Wave 3, separate questions were asked about the largest, second largest, and all other accounts. Notable Differences between HRS and AHEAD (Waves 2 & 3) HRS 1994 and AHEAD 1993 (Wave 2) AHEAD 1993 has a very different structure than HRS 1994. With the exception of Social Security benefits, SSI, and food stamps, respondents are expected to specify the types of income received. For example, they are asked if they have “any regular income,” and if so, they are asked to identify the source. So there are no specific questions such as, “Do you receive any income from pensions?” However, they can describe up to 4 regular incomes per partner, and up to 3 household investment incomes. The result is many separate components for those combined in other waves. For example, Wave 2 asks about several types of stock income, and later waves ask only about total stock income. Specific question wording differences are described in the “Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data” subsections in the codebook. HRS 1996 and AHEAD 1995 (Wave 3) The structures of HRS 1996 and AHEAD 1995 are very similar. However, there are several notable differences. These are outlined under the “Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data” subsections in the codebook. 2. Imputation Methodology 27 Notable Differences between HRS 1998 (Wave 4), HRS 2000 (Wave 5), and HRS 2002 (Wave 6) The structures of Waves 4, 5, and 6 are very similar. Any important differences are specified under “Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data” subsections in the codebook. Notable Differences between HRS 1998 (Wave 4) through HRS 2002 (Wave 6) and HRS 2004 (Wave 7) and later The structures of questions from Wave 7 forward are very similar to those in Waves 4 to 6. However, Waves 7 and later no longer ask for income from trusts and alimony specifically. One can assume that these types of income would now be reported with non-specific other income. We have looked at this for cases that previously did report alimony or trust income, and found that other income did not increase as one might expect. Notable Differences between HRS 2000 (Wave 5) and HRS 2002 (Wave 6) and later In Wave 5, respondents who are 65 years of age or older, and report not working for pay in the last calendar year, skip the questions about income from unemployment and worker’s compensation. Respondents who are younger than 65 years of age, on the other hand, are asked both sets of questions, even if they are not working. From Wave 6 onward, the same pattern is true for respondents who are 65 years of age or older. However, those who are younger than 65 years of age, and report not working for pay in the last calendar year, are asked the questions about income from unemployment, but skip those related to worker’s compensation. Notable Differences between HRS 2006 (Wave 8) and HRS 2008 (Wave 9) and later Business assets reported earlier in the interview: Beginning in Wave 6, after the value of business or farm assets is collected, a question (Q492) asks whether these assets were reported previously in the interview. Beginning in Wave 9, a follow-up question was added which asks respondents to indicate what percentage was previously reported (Q523). For example, in Wave 9, about 30% of business owners indicate that they had reported their business wealth as either primary residence (which could be a farm or ranch), secondary residence, or other real estate earlier in the interview (Q492 = yes), and of these, most say that all of the business asset was previously reported (Q523 = 100%). These two variables are available in the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File for the convenience of the analyst, and can be used for adjusting total wealth to reflect the amount of wealth that is twice reported. We do not use these two variables in the imputations or derivations of any of the variations on total wealth. Housing loan question wording: In the housing section, there is a series of questions about whether the respondent has “…a mortgage, land contract, second mortgage, or any other loan that uses the property as collateral.” In Wave 9, the qualifier “Do not include reverse mortgages” was added. 2. Imputation Methodology 28 Notable Differences between HRS 2008 (Wave 9) and HRS 2010 (Wave 10) The questions asking about number of months receiving food stamps changed in Wave 10. The questions were asked separately by eligible year of receiving food stamps in Wave 10, whereas in earlier waves the eligibility year of receiving food stamps was not asked. 3. Imputation Flags and Codes 3. 29 Imputation Flags and Codes The imputation files include a flag for each component and partial component that indicates whether it is imputed or not. For income and wealth variables that combine two or more detailed components, the corresponding imputation flag is summarized according to the amount of imputation required for the partial components. The codes used for imputation flags of non-aggregated components are: Code 1 2 Description Continuous value given Complete bracket given Imputation Status No imputation Value imputed within bracket Complete bracket imputed within incomplete bracket, then value imputed 3 Incomplete bracket given 4 Range card bracket (applicable in HRS 1992 only) Value imputed within range 5 No value or bracket given Complete bracket imputed, then value imputed 6 Does not receive this type of income or does not own this asset No imputation 7 Missing whether receives this type of income or owns this asset Whether receives/owns imputed. If imputed to receive/own, complete brackets then value imputed. 8 No spouse or partner (for spouse/partner income components only) No imputation No Financial Respondent Whether receives imputed. If imputed to receive, complete brackets then value imputed. 9 The values of the imputation flags for aggregate variables are: Code 0 1 2 8 9 Description Does not receive this type of income or does not own this asset No imputation in any of the components combined in this type of income/asset At least one of the components combined in this type of income/asset is imputed No spouse or partner (for spouse/partner income components only) No Financial Respondent Imputation Status No imputation No imputation Some imputation No imputation Completely imputed 4. Structure of Codebook 4. 30 Structure of Codebook Chapter 6 contains the codebook documenting all the variables in the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File. This chapter explains how to interpret the codebook entries. The figure below shows a typical codebook page; the numbers in circles correspond to comments below. Net value of real estate (not primary residence) 2 3 5 1 Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WRLES H2WRLES H3WRLES H4WRLES H5WRLES H6WRLES H7WRLES H8WRLES H9WRLES H10WRLES H11WRLES H1WRLES:W1 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H2WRLES:W2 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H3WRLES:W3 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H4WRLES:W4 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H5WRLES:W5 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H6WRLES:W6 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H7WRLES:W7 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H8WRLES:W8 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H9WRLES:W9 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H10WRLES:W10 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H11WRLES:W11 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 H1WORLES H2WORLES H3WORLES H4WORLES H5WORLES H6WORLES H7WORLES H8WORLES H9WORLES H10WORLES H11WORLES H1WORLES:W1 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H2WORLES:W2 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H3WORLES:W3 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H4WORLES:W4 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H5WORLES:W5 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H6WORLES:W6 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H7WORLES:W7 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H8WORLES:W8 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H9WORLES:W9 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H10WORLES:W10 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H11WORLES:W11 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WFRLES H2WFRLES H3WFRLES H4WFRLES H5WFRLES H6WFRLES H7WFRLES H8WFRLES H9WFRLES H10WFRLES H11WFRLES H1WFRLES:W1 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H2WFRLES:W2 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H3WFRLES:W3 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H4WFRLES:W4 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H5WFRLES:W5 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H6WFRLES:W6 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H7WFRLES:W7 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H8WFRLES:W8 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H9WFRLES:W9 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H10WFRLES:W10 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H11WFRLES:W11 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1WRLES H2WRLES H3WRLES H4WRLES H5WRLES H6WRLES H7WRLES H8WRLES H9WRLES H10WRLES H11WRLES 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 35136.64 34002.70 37790.40 36218.52 40904.66 41699.12 45260.39 53384.33 61954.02 40283.88 33462.45 165815.42 167284.14 194525.58 228807.64 316126.02 331265.38 306336.75 312357.74 516740.40 308158.49 266275.22 -20000.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -60000.0 0.0 4500000.0 5000000.0 6000000.0 10000000.0 20000000.0 25000000.0 15000000.0 10000000.0 35000000.0 12998650.1 20000000.0 H1WORLES H2WORLES H3WORLES 12652 19642 17991 0.25 0.24 0.22 0.43 0.43 0.41 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4 4. Structure of Codebook 6 31 H4WORLES H5WORLES H6WORLES H7WORLES H8WORLES H9WORLES H10WORLES H11WORLES 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.39 0.39 0.38 0.37 0.36 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1WFRLES H2WFRLES H3WFRLES H4WFRLES H5WFRLES H6WFRLES H7WFRLES H8WFRLES H9WFRLES H10WFRLES H11WFRLES 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 4.90 4.95 5.01 5.19 5.18 5.24 5.29 5.31 5.36 5.45 5.45 2.05 2.05 1.99 1.86 1.85 1.79 1.74 1.72 1.67 1.68 1.62 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1WORLES 0.no |9490 1.yes |3162 H2WORLES 14970 4672 H3WORLES 14037 3954 H4WORLES 17422 3962 H5WORLES 15962 3617 H6WORLES 15071 3094 H7WORLES 16907 3222 H8WORLES 15590 2879 H9WORLES 14727 2490 H10WORLES 19081 2953 H11WORLES 17915 2639 Value---------|H1WFRLES 1.continuous v|2352 2.complete bra|464 3.incomplete b|39 4.range card b|186 5.no value/bra|98 6.no asset |9361 7.DK ownership|57 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2WFRLES 3521 865 48 H3WFRLES 3086 551 157 H4WFRLES 2989 659 71 H5WFRLES 2787 548 61 H6WFRLES 2480 365 35 H7WFRLES 2508 432 47 H8WFRLES 2263 370 42 H9WFRLES 1948 326 37 H10WFRLES 2369 336 38 H11WFRLES 2127 293 35 148 14704 179 177 122 13840 109 126 187 17140 167 171 177 15765 117 124 191 14919 130 45 203 16724 128 87 179 15451 101 63 154 14557 121 74 159 18527 207 398 145 17632 151 171 7 How Constructed: The reported or imputed net value of real estate is assigned to HwWRLES. Variables in the form HwWFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwWOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. 8 Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of real estate, excluding the primary residence, is asked at each wave. The question wording is the same at all waves, but the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any real estate and if so, the value of it: a) Do you [or your spouse/partner] have any real estate other than your main home (and your second home),such as land, rental real estate, a partnership, or money owed to you on a land contract or mortgage? b) If you sold all that and paid off any debts on it, how much would you get? If the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1WFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. 9 HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15201 V15202 V5201 V5202 M2:OTHER REAL ESTATE:IND M3:$VAL OF THIS PROP:IND M2:OTHER REAL ESTATE:IMP M3:$VAL OF THIS PROP:IMP 4. Structure of Codebook V5203 M3: ORIGINAL BRACKETS AHEAD 1993: B1720 K2. REAL ESTATE: ANY B1721 K3. REAL ESTATE: NET VALUE B1721C CATEG: K3. REAL ESTATE: NET VALUE HRS 1994: W15500 K2. Imputation Indicator W15501 K3. Imputation Indicator W5500 K2.REAL ESTATE W5501 K3.VALUE OF REAL ESTATE W5502 K3a-K3d. Brackets AHEAD 1995: D3964 J14.REAL ESTATE D3965 J15.REAL ESTATE $ D3969B J15.REAL ESTATE $/Bkt HRS 1996: E4070 J76.REAL ESTATE E4071 J77.REAL ESTATE $ E4072B J77.REAL ESTATE $/Bkt HRS 1998: F4830 J76.REAL ESTATE F4831 J77.REAL ESTATE $ F4832B J77.(J15)REAL ESTATE $-Bkt HRS 2000: G5275 J76.REAL ESTATE G5276 J77.REAL ESTATE $ G5277 J77A1.DK-2500 G5278 J77B1.DK-125K G5279 J77C1.DK-500K G5280 J77D1.DK-1 MIL G5281 J77E1.DK-125K G5282 J77F1.DK-2500 HRS 2002: HQ133 REAL ESTATE ASSET HQ134 REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT HQ135 REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN HQ136 REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX HQ137 REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT HU001 U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION HU002M1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 HU002M2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 HU003 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH HU004 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN HU005 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX HU006 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPASST TYPE OF ASSETS HRS 2004: JQ133 REAL ESTATE ASSET JQ134 REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT JQ135 REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN JQ136 REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX JQ137 REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT JU001_1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 JU001_2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 JU001_3 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 JU002_1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 JU002_2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 JU002_3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 JU003A_1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 JU003A_2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 JU003A_3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 JU003B_1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 JU003B_2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 JU003B_3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 JU004A_1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 JU004A_2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 JU004A_3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 JU004B_1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 JU004B_2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 JU004B_3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 JU005A_1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 32 4. Structure of Codebook JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ133 KQ134 KQ135 KQ136 KQ137 KU001_11 KU002_11 KU003_11A KU003_11B KU004_11A KU004_11B KU005_11A KU005_11B KU006_11A KU006_11B KU022_11A KU022_11B HRS 2008: LQ133 LQ134 LQ135 LQ136 LQ137 LU001_11 LU002_11 LU003_11A LU003_11B LU004_11A LU004_11B LU005_11A LU005_11B LU006_11A LU006_11B LU022_11A LU022_11B HRS 2010: MQ133 MQ134 MQ135 MQ136 MQ137 MU001_11 MU002_11 MU003_11A MU003_11B MU004_11A MU004_11B MU005_11A MU005_11B MU006_11A MU006_11B MU022_11A MU022_11B PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON -MIN-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON-MIN-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON -MAX-A -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON-MAX-B -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON -MIN-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON-MIN-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON -MAX-A -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON-MAX-B -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE 33 4. Structure of Codebook HRS 2012: NQ133 NQ134 NQ135 NQ136 NQ137 NU001_11 NU002_11 NU003_11A NU003_11B NU004_11A NU004_11B NU005_11A NU005_11B NU006_11A NU006_11B NU022_11A NU022_11B 1 2 3 4 REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE Title: The variables are documented in groups according to the concept that they measure. For example, there are 30 variables related to net value of real estate, corresponding to 11 waves. The title is often followed by a short description of the concept that is captured. Variable Names: This entry shows the names of variables in the group, and which wave they pertain to. Variable Labels: This entry shows the SAS/Stata variable labels. As discussed above, the labels typically include the name of the variable, the wave in which it is present, and a description of its contents. Variable Type: This entry indicates the type of variable. It may be continuous (Cont), categorical (Categ), or character (Char). 5 Descriptive Statistics: This entry shows descriptive statistics on each variable. They include the number of nonmissing values, the mean, standard deviation, minimum value, and maximum value. 6 Categorical Variable Codes: This entry shows the value label codes for categorical variables. The first character(s) of the value labels indicate the value to which each label has been assigned. For example, value “1” is mapped into “1. Continuous value” (not just “continuous value”). The entry also indicates which labels are assigned to which variables, and shows frequency tabulations for all categorical variables. 7 How Constructed: This entry provides background on the manner in which variables were constructed. 8 Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data: This entry briefly describes differences in question wording or contents between interview waves. 9 HRS Variables Used: This entry provides the names and labels of raw HRS variables that were used to construct the new variables. 34 5. Distribution and Technical Notes 5. 35 Distribution and Technical Notes The RAND Income and Wealth Imputation data are distributed with the following: • • • • Documentation: an electronic version of this documentation. SAS file: all waves of data in SAS format. Stata file: all waves of data in Stata format, compatible with Version 11 and up. SPSS file: all waves of data in SPSS for Windows format This is version O of the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation data. The imputation programs are included in the RAND HRS zip file. Please contact RANDHRSHelp@rand.org with questions and to report problems with the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File (or any other RAND file). 5.1. Distribution files for Web Download The files can be downloaded from the HRS web site (http://hrsonline.isr.umich.edu), once you have registered to use HRS data. They are zipped for downloading; you must unzip them to make them usable. They are available for download as an entire package or documentation only. There are three different file formats included in the package: SAS, Stata 11 SE, and SPSS for Windows. SAS and Stata files contain value labels and missing value codes. SPSS does not support multiple missing codes. Each of the following files – SAS, STATA, or SPSS – contains all waves of data: • • • SAS: incwlth_o.sas7bdat Stata: incwlth_o.dta SPSS: incwlth_o.sav 5. Distribution and Technical Notes 36 Table 8. RAND Income and Wealth Imputation Data Distribution Files Distribution File Name Included Files Description The complete package randIWOsas.zip randIWOstataSE.zip randIWOspss.zip randiwo.pdf Codebook incwlth_o.sas7bdat Data (SAS): All waves merged sasfmts.sas7bdat Formats (SAS) randiwpgmo.zip Programs (SAS) randiwo.pdf Codebook incwlth_o.dta Data (Stata 11 SE): All waves merged randiwpgmo.zip Programs (SAS) randiwo.pdf Codebook incwlth_o.sav Data (SPSS): All waves merged randiwpgmo.zip Programs (SAS) Documentation only randIWOreadme.pdf Introduction to the income and wealth imputations Data description randiwo.pdf Codebook README_incwlth.pdf randIWOdoc.zip 5.2. Using the SAS Formats Many of the variables in this file have been assigned SAS formats, or value labels. We are no longer distributing SAS formats as a formats catalog (i.e., formats.sas7bcat). Instead, we are providing SAS code to allow the user to create their own formats catalog on any computing platform. To create the formats catalog, assuming sasfmts.sas7bdat is in C:\incwlth\sasdata, simply run the following code: libname library “C:\incwlth\sasdata”; proc format library = library cntlin = sasfmts; run; This SAS code will create a file called C:\incwlth\sasdata\formats.sas7bcat. To use them from the SAS format library you must include a LIBNAME LIBRARY statement: LIBNAME LIBRARY “your directory”; 5. Distribution and Technical Notes 37 Where “your directory” is the name of the directory where the formats.sas7bcat file is stored. For example, if the formats.sas7bcat file is stored in C:\incwlth\sasdata, you would put the following statement in your SAS programs: LIBNAME LIBRARY “C:\incwlth\sasdata”; If you do not have the LIBNAME LIBRARY statement in your program, SAS usually gives you an error message and stops processing, unless you specify NOFMTERR on an OPTIONS statement. If you prefer not to use the assigned SAS formats, you can use the following statement in SAS PROC steps or just after a SET or MERGE in a data step to un-assign all formats: FORMAT _ALL_ ; You can then assign formats as you wish. The format assignments we assigned to variables can be found by running a PROC CONTENTS on the data files. 5.3. Using the Data with Other HRS Files To use these data with other HRS files, including the RAND HRS and the RAND-enhanced “Fat” data files, you should be able to simply merge by HHIDPN. All RAND files are already sorted by this ID so should not need to be resorted. For instance to merge additional data from all waves of the RAND HRS file and RAND-enhanced Fat Files with the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation data, you could use the following: libname mylib “[name of folder to store your files]”; data mylib.newfile; merge mylib.incwlth_o (keep=HHIDPN [list of other variables]) mylib.randhrs_o (keep=HHIDPN [list of other variables]) hrs.hd92f1b (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.ad93f2a (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.h94f1a (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.ad95f2b (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.h96f4a (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.hd98f2c (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.h00f1c (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.h02f2d (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.h04f1b (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.h06f3a (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.h08f3a (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.hd10f5b (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]) hrs.h12f1a (keep=HHIDPN [list of raw core variables]); by HHIDPN; where “[list of raw core variables]” would be replaced by a list of the SAS variables you want to include. You can omit the KEEP option to include all the variables from a given dataset, but in this example the output file would be extremely large if you did so for all the files listed. 5. Distribution and Technical Notes If you have HRS data files which use the character version of HHIDPN, the RAHHIDPN variable provides the 9-character equivalent of HHIDPN, filled with leading zeros, the format that corresponds to the concatenated HHID and PN character IDs provided in the raw HRS data. HHID and PN are also included as separate variables in the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation data, as well as the RAND HRS data and the Fat Files. Alternatively you can use these two variables to merge. For Stata and SPSS users, you can find example programs on our web site at http://www.rand.org/labor/aging/dataprod/helphrs.html 38 6.Data Codebook 6. Data Codebook SECTION A: IDENTIFIERS AND FLAGS .................................................................... 41 Household ……………………………………………………………………………….42 Respondent ....................................................................................................................... 47 SECTION B: INCOME .................................................................................................. 51 Individual Earnings ......................................................................................................... 52 Household Capital Income .............................................................................................. 76 Individual Income from Employer Pension or Annuity ............................................ 115 Individual Income from Social Security DI or SSI ..................................................... 162 Individual Income from Social Security Retirement .................................................. 184 Individual Unemployment or Workers Compensation .............................................. 199 Individual income from other government transfers ................................................. 212 All other household income........................................................................................... 238 Total household income (respondent & spouse) ......................................................... 261 SECTION C: FINANCIAL AND HOUSING WEALTH – CROSS WAVE .................... 264 Net value of real estate (not primary residence) ......................................................... 265 Net value of vehicles....................................................................................................... 270 Net value of businesses .................................................................................................. 275 Net value of IRA, Keogh accounts................................................................................ 281 Net value of stocks, mutual funds, and investment trusts .......................................... 291 Value of checking, savings, or money market accounts ............................................. 296 Value of CD, government savings bonds, and T-bills................................................. 301 Net value of bonds and bond funds .............................................................................. 306 Net value of all other savings ........................................................................................ 311 Value of other debt ........................................................................................................ 317 Value of Trust ................................................................................................................ 322 Value of primary residence ........................................................................................... 326 Value of all mortgages/land contracts (primary residence) ....................................... 337 Value of other home loans (primary residence) .......................................................... 347 Net value of primary residence ..................................................................................... 356 Value of secondary residence ........................................................................................ 357 Value of all mortgages/land contracts (secondary residence).................................... 363 Net value of secondary residence.................................................................................. 368 Net value of non-housing financial wealth................................................................... 369 Total Wealth (Excluding secondary residence) .......................................................... 371 Total Wealth (Including Secondary Residence).......................................................... 373 Total Wealth (Excluding IRAs) .................................................................................... 375 Total Non-housing Wealth ............................................................................................ 377 SECTION D: FINANCIAL AND HOUSING WEALTH - CROSS SECTION ................ 379 Net value of real estate (not primary residence) ......................................................... 380 Net value of vehicles....................................................................................................... 385 Net value of businesses .................................................................................................. 391 39 6.Data Codebook Net value of IRA, Keogh accounts................................................................................ 397 Net value of stocks, mutual funds, and investment trusts .......................................... 407 Value of checking, savings, or money market accounts ............................................. 412 Value of CD, government savings bonds, and T-bills................................................. 417 Net value of bonds and bond funds .............................................................................. 422 Net value of all other savings ........................................................................................ 427 Value of other debt ........................................................................................................ 432 Value of Trust ................................................................................................................ 437 Value of primary residence ........................................................................................... 441 Value of all mortgages/land contracts (primary residence) ....................................... 452 Value of other home loans (primary residence) .......................................................... 462 Net value of primary residence ..................................................................................... 471 Value of secondary residence ........................................................................................ 472 Value of all mortgages/land contracts (secondary residence).................................... 478 Net value of secondary residence.................................................................................. 483 Net value of non-housing financial wealth................................................................... 484 Total Wealth (Excluding secondary residence) .......................................................... 486 Total Wealth (Including Secondary Residence).......................................................... 488 Total Wealth (Excluding IRAs) .................................................................................... 490 Total Non-housing Wealth ............................................................................................ 492 APPENDIX A: DETAILED LIST OF CHANGES (VERSION M FORWARD) .............. 494 APPENDIX B: MOBILE HOME/HOUSE INCONSISTENCIES ................................... 504 40 Section A: Identifiers and Flags 41 Section A: Identifiers and Flags Section A: Identifiers and Flags 42 Household Wave Variable Label Type 1 HHID HHID: HHold ID / 6-Char Char 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1HHID H2HHID H3HHID H4HHID H5HHID H6HHID H7HHID H8HHID H9HHID H10HHID H11HHID H1HHID:W1 HHold ID + H2HHID:W2 HHold ID + H3HHID:W3 HHold ID + H4HHID:W4 HHold ID + H5HHID:W5 HHold ID + H6HHID:W6 HHold ID + H7HHID:W7 HHold ID + H8HHID:W8 HHold ID + H9HHID:W9 HHold ID + H10HHID:W10 HHold ID H11HHID:W11 HHold ID Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1PICKHH H2PICKHH H3PICKHH H4PICKHH H5PICKHH H6PICKHH H7PICKHH H8PICKHH H9PICKHH H10PICKHH H11PICKHH H1PICKHH:W1 Select subHH level file H2PICKHH:W2 Select subHH level file H3PICKHH:W3 Select subHH level file H4PICKHH:W4 Select subHH level file H5PICKHH:W5 Select subHH level file H6PICKHH:W6 Select subHH level file H7PICKHH:W7 Select subHH level file H8PICKHH:W8 Select subHH level file H9PICKHH:W9 Select subHH level file H10PICKHH:W10 Select subHH level file H11PICKHH:W11 Select subHH level file Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1CPL H2CPL H3CPL H4CPL H5CPL H6CPL H7CPL H8CPL H9CPL H10CPL H11CPL H1CPL:W1 Whether couple HHold H2CPL:W2 Whether couple HHold H3CPL:W3 Whether couple HHold H4CPL:W4 Whether couple HHold H5CPL:W5 Whether couple HHold H6CPL:W6 Whether couple HHold H7CPL:W7 Whether couple HHold H8CPL:W8 Whether couple HHold H9CPL:W9 Whether couple HHold H10CPL:W10 Whether couple HHold H11CPL:W11 Whether couple HHold Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ANYFIN H2ANYFIN H3ANYFIN H4ANYFIN H5ANYFIN H6ANYFIN H7ANYFIN H8ANYFIN H9ANYFIN H10ANYFIN H11ANYFIN H1ANYFIN:W1 Whether any FinR in HH H2ANYFIN:W2 Whether any FinR in HH H3ANYFIN:W3 Whether any FinR in HH H4ANYFIN:W4 Whether any FinR in HH H5ANYFIN:W5 Whether any FinR in HH H6ANYFIN:W6 Whether any FinR in HH H7ANYFIN:W7 Whether any FinR in HH H8ANYFIN:W8 Whether any FinR in HH H9ANYFIN:W9 Whether any FinR in HH H10ANYFIN:W10 Whether any FinR in HH H11ANYFIN:W11 Whether any FinR in HH Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ SubHHold /Num SubHHold /Num SubHHold /Num SubHHold /Num SubHHold /Num SubHHold /Num SubHHold /Num SubHHold /Num SubHHold /Num + SubHHold /Num + SubHHold /Num Descriptive Statistics Variable H1HHID H2HHID H3HHID N 12652 19642 17991 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 492181.43 1133404.38 1090001.28 273913.39 791404.84 784075.68 10.0 10.0 20.0 2088670.0 2088980.0 2088980.0 Section A: Identifiers and Flags 43 H4HHID H5HHID H6HHID H7HHID H8HHID H9HHID H10HHID H11HHID 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1209708.45 1178813.45 1139184.18 1748203.12 1716759.78 1717848.99 3190737.77 3227024.24 767109.01 763685.69 755892.49 1606542.38 1610087.26 1641192.71 2882407.61 2899750.15 20.0 20.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 2134790.0 2134790.0 2134790.0 5027610.0 5027610.0 5027610.0 9597380.0 9597380.0 H1PICKHH H2PICKHH H3PICKHH H4PICKHH H5PICKHH H6PICKHH H7PICKHH H8PICKHH H9PICKHH H10PICKHH H11PICKHH 37317 37317 37317 37317 37317 37317 37317 37317 37317 37317 37317 0.21 0.35 0.32 0.39 0.35 0.33 0.37 0.34 0.32 0.41 0.38 0.40 0.48 0.47 0.49 0.48 0.47 0.48 0.47 0.47 0.49 0.49 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1CPL H2CPL H3CPL H4CPL H5CPL H6CPL H7CPL H8CPL H9CPL H10CPL H11CPL 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.81 0.70 0.69 0.68 0.67 0.65 0.66 0.65 0.64 0.65 0.64 0.39 0.46 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.48 0.47 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1ANYFIN H2ANYFIN H3ANYFIN H4ANYFIN H5ANYFIN H6ANYFIN H7ANYFIN H8ANYFIN H9ANYFIN H10ANYFIN H11ANYFIN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.99 0.99 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1PICKHH 0.Drop for HH-|29615 1.Select for H|7702 H2PICKHH 24219 13098 H3PICKHH 25281 12036 H4PICKHH 22922 14395 H5PICKHH 24103 13214 H6PICKHH 24968 12349 H7PICKHH 23672 13645 H8PICKHH 24712 12605 H9PICKHH 25420 11897 H10PICKHH 22037 15280 H11PICKHH 23001 14316 Value---------|H1CPL 0.not a couple|2373 1.couple HH |10279 H2CPL 5970 13672 H3CPL 5658 12333 H4CPL 6869 14515 H5CPL 6538 13041 H6CPL 6306 11859 H7CPL 6777 13352 H8CPL 6417 12052 H9CPL 6205 11012 H10CPL 7799 14235 H11CPL 7474 13080 Value---------|H1ANYFIN 0.No Fin Resp |95 1.HH has Fin R|12557 H2ANYFIN 161 19481 H3ANYFIN 83 17908 H4ANYFIN 141 21243 H5ANYFIN 97 19482 H6ANYFIN 30 18135 H7ANYFIN 60 20069 H8ANYFIN 47 18422 H9ANYFIN 55 17162 H10ANYFIN 150 21884 H11ANYFIN 126 20428 General Comments: Income measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD income component is missing it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in whether unfolding brackets are used to determine a range Section A: Identifiers and Flags 44 of income when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. The order in which income questions are asked also changes across waves. These differences are discussed in more detail in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section earlier in this document. Generally, Wave 1 questions ask about 1991 income, Wave 2H asks about 1993 income, and Wave 2A and from Wave 3 forward, about income last calendar year, based on the Financial Respondent's interview year. In Waves 2A, 3H, 4, and 5 forward not all interviews are completely conducted in the same year. The HRS and AHEAD income components are summed to create the income measures requested for these files. For each derived income measure a flag indicates whether any or all of its components were imputed. Also included are flags for each HRS and AHEAD income component that indicate the level of imputation used for the individual component. HRS and AHEAD income measures are reported at the household level. The Financial Respondent (FinR) reports income for both him/herself and his/her spouse or partner. The respondent income measures on this file are those of the FinR, if they are the same individual, and the spouse income measures are those of the FinR's spouse. If the respondent is the spouse of the FinR, then the FinR-reported respondent and spouse measures are swapped. That is, if the respondent is the FinR's spouse then the FinR-reported spouse income is assigned as the respondent income and the FinR-reported respondent income is assigned as the spouse income. How Constructed: This file is a respondent level file. For couple households where both individuals responded, each value appears on the file twice, once on each respondent’s record. HwPICKHH can be used to extract a household level file, that is, one for each sub-household in the core data, by selecting records where HwPICKHH=1, i.e., using: SAS: IF HwPICKHH=1; Stata: KEEP if HwPICKHH==1 SPSS: SELECT IF HwPICKHH=1; This will select all individuals in single-respondent households and just the financial respondent in couple households. In some analyses a different selection of which record in a couple household to keep may be more appropriate. The analyst will need to determine this within the context of each particular study. The HwHHID identifiers combine HHID with sub-household ID for each wave. They uniquely identify a household in a given wave. Households that split are given different subHH ids by HRS. HwHHID is numeric (HHID*10+subHH). For example if HHID is 012345 and the Wave “w” subHH is 2 then HwHHID is 123452. As stated in the “Household Identifer” section of the RAND HRS Data File Documentation, there are a few households in Wave 3H that appear to be reunited based on answers to questions in the CoverSheet section. They are reunited in Wave 4 in the public use HRS core data, but have different sub-household IDs in Wave 3. We reunite them in Wave 3 in the RAND HRS Data File. These households are: 17520 (PNs 010 and 040), 22999 (PNs 010 and 020), 40609 (PNs 010 and 020), 40441 (PNs 010 and 020), 50945 (PNs 010 and 040). These cases will have different sub-household IDs in H3HHID from the ESUBHH found in the Tracker and core 1996 files. The spouse PNs will also differ. For households 22999, 40441, and 50945, H3PICKHH will select both members from each household, since each member of the couple is flagged as the financial respondent. We did not select just one member from each household to go through the imputation process, but processed their responses as is. Therefore, they may each give different responses about their income and assets. HwCPL indicates whether this household is treated as a couple household or not. Households in HRS can consist of a single respondent or a couple. HwCPL is set to one if the respondent is married (RwMSTAT or RwMSTATH is married or partnered), partnered (RwMPART=1), or if there are two respondents in the wavespecific household (HwHHRESP=2). Otherwise a single respondent is assumed, and HwCPL is set to zero. As with most other RAND HRS variables, HwCPL is missing in waves where R does not respond. Please refer to the RAND HRS Data File Documentation for more information about the variables mentioned here. Section A: Identifiers and Flags HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: AFINR ASUBHH HHID AHEAD 1993: BFINR BSUBHH HHID HRS 1994: CFINR CSUBHH HHID AHEAD 1995: DFINR DSUBHH HHID HRS 1996: EFINR ESUBHH HHID HRS 1998: FFINR FSUBHH HHID HRS 2000: GFINR GSUBHH HHID HRS 2002: HFINR HHID HSUBHH HRS 2004: HHID JFINR JSUBHH HRS 2006: HHID KFINR KSUBHH HRS 2008: HHID LFINR LSUBHH HRS 2010: HHID MFINR MSUBHH HRS 2012: HHID NFINR NSUBHH Tracker: AFINR ASUBHH BFINR BSUBHH CFINR CSUBHH DFINR DSUBHH 1992 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1992 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1993 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1993 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1994 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1994 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1995 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1995 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1996 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1996 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1998 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1998 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2000 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2000 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2002 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2002 SUB-HOUSEHOLD INDENTIFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2004 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2004 SUB-HOUSEHOLD INDENTIFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2006 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2006 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2008 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2008 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2010 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2010 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2012 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2012 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1992 1992 1993 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 45 Section A: Identifiers and Flags EFINR ESUBHH FFINR FSUBHH GFINR GSUBHH HFINR HHID HSUBHH JFINR JSUBHH KFINR KSUBHH LFINR LSUBHH MFINR MSUBHH NFINR NSUBHH OVHHID OVPN PN 1996 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1996 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1998 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1998 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2000 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2000 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2002 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2002 SUB-HOUSEHOLD INDENTIFIER 2004 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2004 SUB-HOUSEHOLD INDENTIFIER 2006 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2006 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2008 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2008 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTFIER 2010 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2010 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2012 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2012 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER OVERLAP CASE: OLD HHID OVERLAP CASE: OLD PN PERSON NUMBER 46 Section A: Identifiers and Flags 47 Respondent Wave Variable Label Type 1 PN Person Number (CHAR) Char 1 1 HHIDPN RAHHIDPN HHIDPN: HHold ID + Person Number /Num RAHHIDPN: HHold ID + Person Num /9-Char Cont Char 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1FINR R2FINR R3FINR R4FINR R5FINR R6FINR R7FINR R8FINR R9FINR R10FINR R11FINR R1FINR:W1 Whether Financial Resp R2FINR:W2 Whether Financial Resp R3FINR:W3 Whether Financial Resp R4FINR:W4 Whether Financial Resp R5FINR:W5 Whether Financial Resp R6FINR:W6 Whether Financial Resp R7FINR:W7 Whether Financial Resp R8FINR:W8 Whether Financial Resp R9FINR:W9 Whether Financial Resp R10FINR:W10 Whether Financial Resp R11FINR:W11 Whether Financial Resp Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1HHIDPN S2HHIDPN S3HHIDPN S4HHIDPN S5HHIDPN S6HHIDPN S7HHIDPN S8HHIDPN S9HHIDPN S10HHIDPN S11HHIDPN S1HHIDPN:W1 Spouse HHIDPN S2HHIDPN:W2 Spouse HHIDPN S3HHIDPN:W3 Spouse HHIDPN S4HHIDPN:W4 Spouse HHIDPN S5HHIDPN:W5 Spouse HHIDPN S6HHIDPN:W6 Spouse HHIDPN S7HHIDPN:W7 Spouse HHIDPN S8HHIDPN:W8 Spouse HHIDPN S9HHIDPN:W9 Spouse HHIDPN S10HHIDPN:W10 Spouse HHIDPN S11HHIDPN:W11 Spouse HHIDPN Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum HHIDPN 37317 255510131.87 247518805.06 1010.0 959738010.0 R1FINR R2FINR R3FINR R4FINR R5FINR R6FINR R7FINR R8FINR R9FINR R10FINR R11FINR 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.60 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.67 0.68 0.67 0.68 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.49 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1HHIDPN S2HHIDPN S3HHIDPN S4HHIDPN S5HHIDPN S6HHIDPN S7HHIDPN S8HHIDPN S9HHIDPN S10HHIDPN 12652 19579 17924 21318 19545 18144 20118 18468 17216 22030 40146194.53 69286448.52 64712174.26 73875455.18 70097172.55 65995307.78 114263253.87 111704936.99 110966257.43 211046750.73 31817608.99 78269490.35 75514086.18 79688483.08 77812345.28 75312554.74 160029968.42 159934303.82 162224673.15 279915027.39 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 208867020.0 208898020.0 208898020.0 213479020.0 213479020.0 213479020.0 502759020.0 502759020.0 502759020.0 923525020.0 Section A: Identifiers and Flags S11HHIDPN 20554 48 212084841.24 281896335.68 0.0 958361011.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|R1FINR 0.not Fin Resp|5045 1.Fin Resp |7607 R2FINR 6694 12948 R3FINR 6036 11955 R4FINR 7127 14257 R5FINR 6462 13117 R6FINR 5846 12319 R7FINR 6544 13585 R8FINR 5911 12558 R9FINR 5375 11842 R10FINR 6904 15130 R11FINR 6363 14191 General Comments: Income measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD income component is missing it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in whether unfolding brackets are used to determine a range of income when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. The order in which income questions are asked also changes across waves. These differences are discussed in more detail in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section earlier in this document. Generally, Wave 1 questions ask about 1991 income, Wave 2H asks about 1993 income, and Wave 2A and from Wave 3 forward, about income last calendar year, based on the Financial Respondent's interview year. In Waves 2A, 3H, 4, and 5 forward not all interviews are completely conducted in the same year. The HRS and AHEAD income components are summed to create the income measures requested for these files. For each derived income measure a flag indicates whether any or all of its components were imputed. Also included are flags for each HRS and AHEAD income component that indicate the level of imputation used for the individual component. HRS and AHEAD income measures are reported at the household level. The Financial Respondent (FinR) reports income for both him/herself and his/her spouse or partner. The respondent income measures on this file are those of the FinR, if they are the same individual, and the spouse income measures are those of the FinR's spouse. If the respondent is the spouse of the FinR, then the FinR-reported respondent and spouse measures are swapped. That is, if the respondent is the FinR's spouse then the FinR-reported spouse income is assigned as the respondent income and the FinR-reported respondent income is assigned as the spouse income. How Constructed: Household ID (HHID) and person number (PN) identify an individual. We combine these into one identifier called HHIDPN, which is a numeric variable set to 1000*HHID+PN. A character version of HHIDPN is provided as RAHHIDPN, which is set to HHID concatenated with PN. SwHHIDPN is the spouse’s HHIDPN. RwFINR indicates whether the respondent is the designated financial respondent. This is set to one if the designated respondent or zero if not. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: AFINR HHID PN AHEAD 1993: BFINR HHID PN HRS 1994: CFINR HHID PN AHEAD 1995: DFINR HHID PN 1992 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER PERSON NUMBER 1993 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER PERSON NUMBER 1994 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER PERSON NUMBER 1995 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER PERSON NUMBER Section A: Identifiers and Flags HRS 1996: EFINR HHID PN HRS 1998: FFINR HHID PN HRS 2000: GFINR HHID PN HRS 2002: HFINR HHID PN HRS 2004: HHID JFINR PN HRS 2006: HHID KFINR PN HRS 2008: HHID LFINR PN HRS 2010: HHID MFINR PN HRS 2012: HHID NFINR PN Tracker: AFINR APPN ASUBHH BFINR BPPN BSUBHH CFINR CPPN CSUBHH DFINR DPPN DSUBHH EFINR EPPN ESUBHH FFINR FPPN FSUBHH GFINR GPPN GSUBHH HFINR HHID HPPN HSUBHH JFINR 1996 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER PERSON NUMBER 1998 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER PERSON NUMBER 2000 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER PERSON NUMBER 2002 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER PERSON NUMBER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2004 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT PERSON NUMBER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2006 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT PERSON NUMBER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2008 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT PERSON NUMBER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2010 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT PERSON NUMBER HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2012 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT PERSON NUMBER 1992 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1992 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 1992 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1993 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1993 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 1993 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1994 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1994 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 1994 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1995 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1995 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 1995 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1996 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1996 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 1996 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1998 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1998 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 1998 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2000 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2000 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 2000 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2002 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2002 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 2002 SUB-HOUSEHOLD INDENTIFIER 2004 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 49 Section A: Identifiers and Flags JPPN JSUBHH KFINR KPPN KSUBHH LFINR LPPN LSUBHH MFINR MPPN MSUBHH NFINR NPPN NSUBHH OVHHID OVPN PN 2004 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 2004 SUB-HOUSEHOLD INDENTIFIER 2006 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2006 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 2006 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2008 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2008 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 2008 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTFIER 2010 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2010 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 2010 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 2012 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 2012 SPOUSE-PARTNER PERSON NUMBER 2012 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER OVERLAP CASE: OLD HHID OVERLAP CASE: OLD PN PERSON NUMBER 50 Section B: Income 51 Section B: Income Section B: Income 52 Individual Earnings Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IEARN R2IEARN R3IEARN R4IEARN R5IEARN R6IEARN R7IEARN R8IEARN R9IEARN R10IEARN R11IEARN R1IEARN:W1 Income:R Earnings R2IEARN:W2 Income:R Earnings R3IEARN:W3 Income:R Earnings R4IEARN:W4 Income:R Earnings R5IEARN:W5 Income:R Earnings R6IEARN:W6 Income:R Earnings R7IEARN:W7 Income:R Earnings R8IEARN:W8 Income:R Earnings R9IEARN:W9 Income:R Earnings R10IEARN:W10 Income:R Earnings R11IEARN:W11 Income:R Earnings Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IEARN S2IEARN S3IEARN S4IEARN S5IEARN S6IEARN S7IEARN S8IEARN S9IEARN S10IEARN S11IEARN S1IEARN:W1 Income:Sp Earnings S2IEARN:W2 Income:Sp Earnings S3IEARN:W3 Income:Sp Earnings S4IEARN:W4 Income:Sp Earnings S5IEARN:W5 Income:Sp Earnings S6IEARN:W6 Income:Sp Earnings S7IEARN:W7 Income:Sp Earnings S8IEARN:W8 Income:Sp Earnings S9IEARN:W9 Income:Sp Earnings S10IEARN:W10 Income:Sp Earnings S11IEARN:W11 Income:Sp Earnings Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOEARN R2IOEARN R3IOEARN R4IOEARN R5IOEARN R6IOEARN R7IOEARN R8IOEARN R9IOEARN R10IOEARN R11IOEARN R1IOEARN:W1 Receives:R Earnings R2IOEARN:W2 Receives:R Earnings R3IOEARN:W3 Receives:R Earnings R4IOEARN:W4 Receives:R Earnings R5IOEARN:W5 Receives:R Earnings R6IOEARN:W6 Receives:R Earnings R7IOEARN:W7 Receives:R Earnings R8IOEARN:W8 Receives:R Earnings R9IOEARN:W9 Receives:R Earnings R10IOEARN:W10 Receives:R Earnings R11IOEARN:W11 Receives:R Earnings Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IOEARN S2IOEARN S3IOEARN S4IOEARN S5IOEARN S6IOEARN S7IOEARN S8IOEARN S9IOEARN S10IOEARN S11IOEARN S1IOEARN:W1 Receives:Sp Earnings S2IOEARN:W2 Receives:Sp Earnings S3IOEARN:W3 Receives:Sp Earnings S4IOEARN:W4 Receives:Sp Earnings S5IOEARN:W5 Receives:Sp Earnings S6IOEARN:W6 Receives:Sp Earnings S7IOEARN:W7 Receives:Sp Earnings S8IOEARN:W8 Receives:Sp Earnings S9IOEARN:W9 Receives:Sp Earnings S10IOEARN:W10 Receives:Sp Earnings S11IOEARN:W11 Receives:Sp Earnings Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R1IFEARN R2IFEARN R3IFEARN R4IFEARN R5IFEARN R6IFEARN R7IFEARN R8IFEARN R9IFEARN R1IFEARN:W1 R2IFEARN:W2 R3IFEARN:W3 R4IFEARN:W4 R5IFEARN:W5 R6IFEARN:W6 R7IFEARN:W7 R8IFEARN:W8 R9IFEARN:W9 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R Earnings Earnings Earnings Earnings Earnings Earnings Earnings Earnings Earnings Section B: Income 53 10 11 R10IFEARN R11IFEARN R10IFEARN:W10 ImpFlag:R Earnings R11IFEARN:W11 ImpFlag:R Earnings Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFEARN S2IFEARN S3IFEARN S4IFEARN S5IFEARN S6IFEARN S7IFEARN S8IFEARN S9IFEARN S10IFEARN S11IFEARN S1IFEARN:W1 ImpFlag:Sp Earnings S2IFEARN:W2 ImpFlag:Sp Earnings S3IFEARN:W3 ImpFlag:Sp Earnings S4IFEARN:W4 ImpFlag:Sp Earnings S5IFEARN:W5 ImpFlag:Sp Earnings S6IFEARN:W6 ImpFlag:Sp Earnings S7IFEARN:W7 ImpFlag:Sp Earnings S8IFEARN:W8 ImpFlag:Sp Earnings S9IFEARN:W9 ImpFlag:Sp Earnings S10IFEARN:W10 ImpFlag:Sp Earnings S11IFEARN:W11 ImpFlag:Sp Earnings Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IWAGE R2IWAGE R3IWAGE R4IWAGE R5IWAGE R6IWAGE R7IWAGE R8IWAGE R9IWAGE R10IWAGE R11IWAGE R1IWAGE:W1 IncPart-Wages, Salary R2IWAGE:W2 IncPart-Wages, Salary R3IWAGE:W3 IncPart-Wages, Salary R4IWAGE:W4 IncPart-Wages, Salary R5IWAGE:W5 IncPart-Wages, Salary R6IWAGE:W6 IncPart-Wages, Salary R7IWAGE:W7 IncPart-Wages, Salary R8IWAGE:W8 IncPart-Wages, Salary R9IWAGE:W9 IncPart-Wages, Salary R10IWAGE:W10 IncPart-Wages, Salary R11IWAGE:W11 IncPart-Wages, Salary Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IWAGE S2IWAGE S3IWAGE S4IWAGE S5IWAGE S6IWAGE S7IWAGE S8IWAGE S9IWAGE S10IWAGE S11IWAGE S1IWAGE:W1 IncPart-Wages, Salary S2IWAGE:W2 IncPart-Wages, Salary S3IWAGE:W3 IncPart-Wages, Salary S4IWAGE:W4 IncPart-Wages, Salary S5IWAGE:W5 IncPart-Wages, Salary S6IWAGE:W6 IncPart-Wages, Salary S7IWAGE:W7 IncPart-Wages, Salary S8IWAGE:W8 IncPart-Wages, Salary S9IWAGE:W9 IncPart-Wages, Salary S10IWAGE:W10 IncPart-Wages, Salary S11IWAGE:W11 IncPart-Wages, Salary Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOWAGE R2IOWAGE R3IOWAGE R4IOWAGE R5IOWAGE R6IOWAGE R7IOWAGE R8IOWAGE R9IOWAGE R10IOWAGE R11IOWAGE R1IOWAGE:W1 Receives-Wages, Salary R2IOWAGE:W2 Receives-Wages, Salary R3IOWAGE:W3 Receives-Wages, Salary R4IOWAGE:W4 Receives-Wages, Salary R5IOWAGE:W5 Receives-Wages, Salary R6IOWAGE:W6 Receives-Wages, Salary R7IOWAGE:W7 Receives-Wages, Salary R8IOWAGE:W8 Receives-Wages, Salary R9IOWAGE:W9 Receives-Wages, Salary R10IOWAGE:W10 Receives-Wages, Salary R11IOWAGE:W11 Receives-Wages, Salary Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IOWAGE S2IOWAGE S3IOWAGE S4IOWAGE S5IOWAGE S6IOWAGE S7IOWAGE S8IOWAGE S9IOWAGE S10IOWAGE S11IOWAGE S1IOWAGE:W1 Receives-Wages, Salary S2IOWAGE:W2 Receives-Wages, Salary S3IOWAGE:W3 Receives-Wages, Salary S4IOWAGE:W4 Receives-Wages, Salary S5IOWAGE:W5 Receives-Wages, Salary S6IOWAGE:W6 Receives-Wages, Salary S7IOWAGE:W7 Receives-Wages, Salary S8IOWAGE:W8 Receives-Wages, Salary S9IOWAGE:W9 Receives-Wages, Salary S10IOWAGE:W10 Receives-Wages, Salary S11IOWAGE:W11 Receives-Wages, Salary Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Section B: Income 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IFWAGE R2IFWAGE R3IFWAGE R4IFWAGE R5IFWAGE R6IFWAGE R7IFWAGE R8IFWAGE R9IFWAGE R10IFWAGE R11IFWAGE R1IFWAGE:W1 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary R2IFWAGE:W2 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary R3IFWAGE:W3 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary R4IFWAGE:W4 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary R5IFWAGE:W5 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary R6IFWAGE:W6 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary R7IFWAGE:W7 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary R8IFWAGE:W8 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary R9IFWAGE:W9 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary R10IFWAGE:W10 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary R11IFWAGE:W11 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFWAGE S2IFWAGE S3IFWAGE S4IFWAGE S5IFWAGE S6IFWAGE S7IFWAGE S8IFWAGE S9IFWAGE S10IFWAGE S11IFWAGE S1IFWAGE:W1 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary S2IFWAGE:W2 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary S3IFWAGE:W3 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary S4IFWAGE:W4 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary S5IFWAGE:W5 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary S6IFWAGE:W6 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary S7IFWAGE:W7 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary S8IFWAGE:W8 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary S9IFWAGE:W9 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary S10IFWAGE:W10 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary S11IFWAGE:W11 ImpFlag-Wages, Salary Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IBON R2IBON R3IBON R4IBON R5IBON R6IBON R7IBON R8IBON R9IBON R10IBON R11IBON R1IBON:W1 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm R2IBON:W2 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm R3IBON:W3 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm R4IBON:W4 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm R5IBON:W5 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm R6IBON:W6 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm R7IBON:W7 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm R8IBON:W8 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm R9IBON:W9 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm R10IBON:W10 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm R11IBON:W11 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IBON S2IBON S3IBON S4IBON S5IBON S6IBON S7IBON S8IBON S9IBON S10IBON S11IBON S1IBON:W1 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm S2IBON:W2 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm S3IBON:W3 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm S4IBON:W4 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm S5IBON:W5 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm S6IBON:W6 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm S7IBON:W7 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm S8IBON:W8 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm S9IBON:W9 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm S10IBON:W10 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm S11IBON:W11 IncPart-Tips,Bonus,Comm Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOBON R2IOBON R3IOBON R4IOBON R5IOBON R6IOBON R7IOBON R8IOBON R9IOBON R10IOBON R11IOBON R1IOBON:W1 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm R2IOBON:W2 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm R3IOBON:W3 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm R4IOBON:W4 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm R5IOBON:W5 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm R6IOBON:W6 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm R7IOBON:W7 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm R8IOBON:W8 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm R9IOBON:W9 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm R10IOBON:W10 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm R11IOBON:W11 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 S1IOBON S2IOBON S3IOBON S1IOBON:W1 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm S2IOBON:W2 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm S3IOBON:W3 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm Categ Categ Categ Section B: Income 55 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S4IOBON S5IOBON S6IOBON S7IOBON S8IOBON S9IOBON S10IOBON S11IOBON S4IOBON:W4 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm S5IOBON:W5 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm S6IOBON:W6 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm S7IOBON:W7 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm S8IOBON:W8 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm S9IOBON:W9 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm S10IOBON:W10 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm S11IOBON:W11 Receives-Tips,Bonus,Comm Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IFBON R2IFBON R3IFBON R4IFBON R5IFBON R6IFBON R7IFBON R8IFBON R9IFBON R10IFBON R11IFBON R1IFBON:W1 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm R2IFBON:W2 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm R3IFBON:W3 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm R4IFBON:W4 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm R5IFBON:W5 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm R6IFBON:W6 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm R7IFBON:W7 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm R8IFBON:W8 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm R9IFBON:W9 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm R10IFBON:W10 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm R11IFBON:W11 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFBON S2IFBON S3IFBON S4IFBON S5IFBON S6IFBON S7IFBON S8IFBON S9IFBON S10IFBON S11IFBON S1IFBON:W1 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm S2IFBON:W2 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm S3IFBON:W3 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm S4IFBON:W4 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm S5IFBON:W5 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm S6IFBON:W6 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm S7IFBON:W7 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm S8IFBON:W8 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm S9IFBON:W9 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm S10IFBON:W10 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm S11IFBON:W11 ImpFlag-Tips,Bonus,Comm Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1I2ND R2I2ND R3I2ND R4I2ND R5I2ND R6I2ND R7I2ND R8I2ND R9I2ND R10I2ND R11I2ND R1I2ND:W1 IncPart-2nd Job R2I2ND:W2 IncPart-2nd Job R3I2ND:W3 IncPart-2nd Job R4I2ND:W4 IncPart-2nd Job R5I2ND:W5 IncPart-2nd Job R6I2ND:W6 IncPart-2nd Job R7I2ND:W7 IncPart-2nd Job R8I2ND:W8 IncPart-2nd Job R9I2ND:W9 IncPart-2nd Job R10I2ND:W10 IncPart-2nd Job R11I2ND:W11 IncPart-2nd Job Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1I2ND S2I2ND S3I2ND S4I2ND S5I2ND S6I2ND S7I2ND S8I2ND S9I2ND S10I2ND S11I2ND S1I2ND:W1 IncPart-2nd Job S2I2ND:W2 IncPart-2nd Job S3I2ND:W3 IncPart-2nd Job S4I2ND:W4 IncPart-2nd Job S5I2ND:W5 IncPart-2nd Job S6I2ND:W6 IncPart-2nd Job S7I2ND:W7 IncPart-2nd Job S8I2ND:W8 IncPart-2nd Job S9I2ND:W9 IncPart-2nd Job S10I2ND:W10 IncPart-2nd Job S11I2ND:W11 IncPart-2nd Job Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 R1IO2ND R2IO2ND R3IO2ND R4IO2ND R5IO2ND R6IO2ND R1IO2ND:W1 R2IO2ND:W2 R3IO2ND:W3 R4IO2ND:W4 R5IO2ND:W5 R6IO2ND:W6 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Receives-2nd Receives-2nd Receives-2nd Receives-2nd Receives-2nd Receives-2nd Job Job Job Job Job Job Section B: Income 56 7 8 9 10 11 R7IO2ND R8IO2ND R9IO2ND R10IO2ND R11IO2ND R7IO2ND:W7 Receives-2nd Job R8IO2ND:W8 Receives-2nd Job R9IO2ND:W9 Receives-2nd Job R10IO2ND:W10 Receives-2nd Job R11IO2ND:W11 Receives-2nd Job Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IO2ND S2IO2ND S3IO2ND S4IO2ND S5IO2ND S6IO2ND S7IO2ND S8IO2ND S9IO2ND S10IO2ND S11IO2ND S1IO2ND:W1 Receives-2nd Job S2IO2ND:W2 Receives-2nd Job S3IO2ND:W3 Receives-2nd Job S4IO2ND:W4 Receives-2nd Job S5IO2ND:W5 Receives-2nd Job S6IO2ND:W6 Receives-2nd Job S7IO2ND:W7 Receives-2nd Job S8IO2ND:W8 Receives-2nd Job S9IO2ND:W9 Receives-2nd Job S10IO2ND:W10 Receives-2nd Job S11IO2ND:W11 Receives-2nd Job Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IF2ND R2IF2ND R3IF2ND R4IF2ND R5IF2ND R6IF2ND R7IF2ND R8IF2ND R9IF2ND R10IF2ND R11IF2ND R1IF2ND:W1 ImpFlag-2nd Job R2IF2ND:W2 ImpFlag-2nd Job R3IF2ND:W3 ImpFlag-2nd Job R4IF2ND:W4 ImpFlag-2nd Job R5IF2ND:W5 ImpFlag-2nd Job R6IF2ND:W6 ImpFlag-2nd Job R7IF2ND:W7 ImpFlag-2nd Job R8IF2ND:W8 ImpFlag-2nd Job R9IF2ND:W9 ImpFlag-2nd Job R10IF2ND:W10 ImpFlag-2nd Job R11IF2ND:W11 ImpFlag-2nd Job Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IF2ND S2IF2ND S3IF2ND S4IF2ND S5IF2ND S6IF2ND S7IF2ND S8IF2ND S9IF2ND S10IF2ND S11IF2ND S1IF2ND:W1 ImpFlag-2nd Job S2IF2ND:W2 ImpFlag-2nd Job S3IF2ND:W3 ImpFlag-2nd Job S4IF2ND:W4 ImpFlag-2nd Job S5IF2ND:W5 ImpFlag-2nd Job S6IF2ND:W6 ImpFlag-2nd Job S7IF2ND:W7 ImpFlag-2nd Job S8IF2ND:W8 ImpFlag-2nd Job S9IF2ND:W9 ImpFlag-2nd Job S10IF2ND:W10 ImpFlag-2nd Job S11IF2ND:W11 ImpFlag-2nd Job Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1ITRAD R2ITRAD R3ITRAD R4ITRAD R5ITRAD R6ITRAD R7ITRAD R8ITRAD R9ITRAD R10ITRAD R11ITRAD R1ITRAD:W1 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade R2ITRAD:W2 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade R3ITRAD:W3 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade R4ITRAD:W4 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade R5ITRAD:W5 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade R6ITRAD:W6 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade R7ITRAD:W7 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade R8ITRAD:W8 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade R9ITRAD:W9 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade R10ITRAD:W10 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade R11ITRAD:W11 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S1ITRAD S2ITRAD S3ITRAD S4ITRAD S5ITRAD S6ITRAD S7ITRAD S8ITRAD S9ITRAD S1ITRAD:W1 S2ITRAD:W2 S3ITRAD:W3 S4ITRAD:W4 S5ITRAD:W5 S6ITRAD:W6 S7ITRAD:W7 S8ITRAD:W8 S9ITRAD:W9 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont IncPart-Prof IncPart-Prof IncPart-Prof IncPart-Prof IncPart-Prof IncPart-Prof IncPart-Prof IncPart-Prof IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade Prac,Trade Prac,Trade Prac,Trade Prac,Trade Prac,Trade Prac,Trade Prac,Trade Prac,Trade Section B: Income 57 10 11 S10ITRAD S11ITRAD S10ITRAD:W10 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade S11ITRAD:W11 IncPart-Prof Prac,Trade Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOTRAD R2IOTRAD R3IOTRAD R4IOTRAD R5IOTRAD R6IOTRAD R7IOTRAD R8IOTRAD R9IOTRAD R10IOTRAD R11IOTRAD R1IOTRAD:W1 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade R2IOTRAD:W2 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade R3IOTRAD:W3 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade R4IOTRAD:W4 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade R5IOTRAD:W5 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade R6IOTRAD:W6 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade R7IOTRAD:W7 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade R8IOTRAD:W8 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade R9IOTRAD:W9 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade R10IOTRAD:W10 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade R11IOTRAD:W11 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IOTRAD S2IOTRAD S3IOTRAD S4IOTRAD S5IOTRAD S6IOTRAD S7IOTRAD S8IOTRAD S9IOTRAD S10IOTRAD S11IOTRAD S1IOTRAD:W1 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade S2IOTRAD:W2 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade S3IOTRAD:W3 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade S4IOTRAD:W4 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade S5IOTRAD:W5 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade S6IOTRAD:W6 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade S7IOTRAD:W7 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade S8IOTRAD:W8 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade S9IOTRAD:W9 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade S10IOTRAD:W10 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade S11IOTRAD:W11 Receives-Prof Prac,Trade Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IFTRAD R2IFTRAD R3IFTRAD R4IFTRAD R5IFTRAD R6IFTRAD R7IFTRAD R8IFTRAD R9IFTRAD R10IFTRAD R11IFTRAD R1IFTRAD:W1 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade R2IFTRAD:W2 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade R3IFTRAD:W3 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade R4IFTRAD:W4 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade R5IFTRAD:W5 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade R6IFTRAD:W6 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade R7IFTRAD:W7 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade R8IFTRAD:W8 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade R9IFTRAD:W9 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade R10IFTRAD:W10 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade R11IFTRAD:W11 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFTRAD S2IFTRAD S3IFTRAD S4IFTRAD S5IFTRAD S6IFTRAD S7IFTRAD S8IFTRAD S9IFTRAD S10IFTRAD S11IFTRAD S1IFTRAD:W1 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade S2IFTRAD:W2 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade S3IFTRAD:W3 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade S4IFTRAD:W4 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade S5IFTRAD:W5 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade S6IFTRAD:W6 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade S7IFTRAD:W7 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade S8IFTRAD:W8 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade S9IFTRAD:W9 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade S10IFTRAD:W10 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade S11IFTRAD:W11 ImpFlag-Prof Prac,Trade Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable R1IEARN R2IEARN R3IEARN R4IEARN R5IEARN R6IEARN R7IEARN R8IEARN N 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 Mean 19402.53 11629.84 10462.41 11334.19 10883.69 10760.74 14095.71 13137.10 Std Dev 30359.05 33833.94 24158.29 35379.33 29995.17 28451.34 38004.95 57719.27 Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Maximum 1250000.0 3000000.0 770000.0 3530000.0 2000000.0 757000.0 2000000.0 6525000.0 Section B: Income 58 R9IEARN R10IEARN R11IEARN 17217 22034 20554 12971.96 16985.55 16363.91 36220.18 39666.43 40496.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 1425000.0 1400000.0 1053000.0 S1IEARN S2IEARN S3IEARN S4IEARN S5IEARN S6IEARN S7IEARN S8IEARN S9IEARN S10IEARN S11IEARN 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 19712.36 13981.37 12307.73 13386.00 12872.35 12923.16 17044.23 16039.66 15963.48 19772.01 19754.72 28871.57 38711.47 26058.29 40503.08 28462.61 31469.35 44226.10 69512.11 41617.49 42650.25 45736.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 600000.0 3000000.0 770000.0 3530000.0 705000.0 757000.0 2000000.0 6525000.0 1425000.0 1400000.0 1053000.0 R1IOEARN R2IOEARN R3IOEARN R4IOEARN R5IOEARN R6IOEARN R7IOEARN R8IOEARN R9IOEARN R10IOEARN R11IOEARN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.70 0.42 0.36 0.37 0.34 0.31 0.37 0.33 0.31 0.38 0.36 0.46 0.49 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.48 0.48 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOEARN S2IOEARN S3IOEARN S4IOEARN S5IOEARN S6IOEARN S7IOEARN S8IOEARN S9IOEARN S10IOEARN S11IOEARN 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.70 0.48 0.40 0.41 0.38 0.35 0.41 0.37 0.35 0.42 0.40 0.46 0.50 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFEARN R2IFEARN R3IFEARN R4IFEARN R5IFEARN R6IFEARN R7IFEARN R8IFEARN R9IFEARN R10IFEARN R11IFEARN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.88 0.56 0.48 0.52 0.46 0.41 0.48 0.43 0.41 0.61 0.50 0.93 0.95 0.93 1.04 0.94 0.75 0.85 0.79 0.82 1.32 0.99 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFEARN S2IFEARN S3IFEARN S4IFEARN S5IFEARN S6IFEARN S7IFEARN S8IFEARN S9IFEARN S10IFEARN S11IFEARN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2.23 2.89 2.88 2.97 3.02 3.08 3.06 3.10 3.19 3.28 3.27 2.91 3.47 3.55 3.58 3.61 3.64 3.60 3.64 3.68 3.68 3.68 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section B: Income 59 R1IWAGE R2IWAGE R3IWAGE R4IWAGE R5IWAGE R6IWAGE R7IWAGE R8IWAGE R9IWAGE R10IWAGE R11IWAGE 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 17027.17 16966.12 9199.04 9967.70 9709.35 9697.58 12502.67 11983.43 11450.65 15087.03 14251.54 24986.41 26334.38 19461.85 31636.03 22671.83 24198.48 31982.78 55078.07 28535.27 33806.53 33299.09 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1250000.0 900000.0 528949.5 3500000.0 900000.0 749000.0 2000000.0 6500000.0 800000.0 1400000.0 830000.0 S1IWAGE S2IWAGE S3IWAGE S4IWAGE S5IWAGE S6IWAGE S7IWAGE S8IWAGE S9IWAGE S10IWAGE S11IWAGE 10279 9123 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 17220.38 17697.09 10788.34 11787.12 11597.94 11684.44 15021.26 14484.73 13972.08 17431.94 17077.70 22922.04 27130.42 20684.14 36671.20 24333.44 27203.57 36860.79 66455.69 32140.56 35637.16 37543.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 600000.0 900000.0 350000.0 3500000.0 700000.0 749000.0 2000000.0 6500000.0 800000.0 700000.0 794303.0 R1IOWAGE R2IOWAGE R3IOWAGE R4IOWAGE R5IOWAGE R6IOWAGE R7IOWAGE R8IOWAGE R9IOWAGE R10IOWAGE R11IOWAGE 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.67 0.62 0.34 0.35 0.33 0.30 0.35 0.32 0.30 0.36 0.34 0.47 0.49 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.48 0.47 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOWAGE S2IOWAGE S3IOWAGE S4IOWAGE S5IOWAGE S6IOWAGE S7IOWAGE S8IOWAGE S9IOWAGE S10IOWAGE S11IOWAGE 10279 9123 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.66 0.62 0.39 0.39 0.37 0.34 0.39 0.36 0.34 0.40 0.38 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.47 0.49 0.48 0.47 0.49 0.49 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFWAGE R2IFWAGE R3IFWAGE R4IFWAGE R5IFWAGE R6IFWAGE R7IFWAGE R8IFWAGE R9IFWAGE R10IFWAGE R11IFWAGE 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 3.03 3.17 4.41 4.42 4.51 4.68 4.42 4.56 4.64 4.43 4.46 2.45 2.45 2.32 2.33 2.28 2.19 2.30 2.24 2.21 2.38 2.32 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFWAGE S2IFWAGE 12652 11420 3.99 4.13 2.94 2.92 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 Section B: Income 60 S3IFWAGE S4IFWAGE S5IFWAGE S6IFWAGE S7IFWAGE S8IFWAGE S9IFWAGE S10IFWAGE S11IFWAGE 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.40 5.45 5.55 5.71 5.51 5.64 5.74 5.60 5.65 2.65 2.65 2.58 2.48 2.62 2.54 2.50 2.65 2.60 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R1IBON R2IBON R3IBON R4IBON R5IBON R6IBON R7IBON R8IBON R9IBON R10IBON R11IBON 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 851.26 448.17 411.32 474.27 476.54 427.87 629.05 606.00 550.38 539.74 636.76 7347.96 5017.65 5004.57 6770.95 7446.75 6204.07 9756.56 11021.79 7604.68 6648.52 9135.47 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 289000.0 340000.0 220000.0 420000.0 430000.0 320000.0 700000.0 1000000.0 400000.0 350000.0 500000.0 S1IBON S2IBON S3IBON S4IBON S5IBON S6IBON S7IBON S8IBON S9IBON S10IBON S11IBON 10279 9123 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 926.73 495.90 495.80 576.88 592.90 530.03 825.98 809.01 703.59 610.29 757.39 7570.17 5999.51 5483.06 7640.44 8693.03 7112.98 11741.55 13125.15 8392.01 6949.56 9868.20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 250000.0 340000.0 220000.0 420000.0 430000.0 320000.0 700000.0 1000000.0 375000.0 300000.0 500000.0 R1IOBON R2IOBON R3IOBON R4IOBON R5IOBON R6IOBON R7IOBON R8IOBON R9IOBON R10IOBON R11IOBON 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.10 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.30 0.26 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.19 0.19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOBON S2IOBON S3IOBON S4IOBON S5IOBON S6IOBON S7IOBON S8IOBON S9IOBON S10IOBON S11IOBON 10279 9123 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.10 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.30 0.26 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.20 0.20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFBON R2IFBON R3IFBON R4IFBON R5IFBON 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 5.62 5.71 5.88 5.88 5.90 1.40 1.27 0.87 0.90 0.81 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section B: Income 61 R6IFBON R7IFBON R8IFBON R9IFBON R10IFBON R11IFBON 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.91 5.87 5.88 5.89 5.89 5.87 0.75 0.85 0.82 0.81 1.00 0.92 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFBON S2IFBON S3IFBON S4IFBON S5IFBON S6IFBON S7IFBON S8IFBON S9IFBON S10IFBON S11IFBON 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.08 6.18 6.53 6.56 6.59 6.63 6.58 6.61 6.64 6.64 6.64 1.57 1.44 1.26 1.26 1.22 1.18 1.25 1.23 1.23 1.32 1.29 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R1I2ND R2I2ND R3I2ND R4I2ND R5I2ND R6I2ND R7I2ND R8I2ND R9I2ND R10I2ND R11I2ND 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 195.65 176.51 121.00 120.01 84.83 52.45 100.42 102.77 94.82 163.17 151.22 1893.90 2238.80 1388.66 2574.98 1644.82 756.57 1438.21 1894.14 2097.47 2545.63 1945.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 122000.0 140000.0 38000.0 250000.0 166364.9 30000.0 82000.0 121333.8 200000.0 150000.0 100000.0 S1I2ND S2I2ND S3I2ND S4I2ND S5I2ND S6I2ND S7I2ND S8I2ND S9I2ND S10I2ND S11I2ND 10279 9123 8629 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 178.96 181.01 107.76 126.91 101.10 55.54 109.80 136.20 119.63 174.57 158.86 1937.79 2430.03 1346.31 2225.46 1918.52 792.70 1560.49 2291.92 2509.16 2574.92 2030.45 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 122000.0 140000.0 38000.0 155000.0 166364.9 30000.0 82000.0 121333.8 200000.0 145000.0 100000.0 R1IO2ND R2IO2ND R3IO2ND R4IO2ND R5IO2ND R6IO2ND R7IO2ND R8IO2ND R9IO2ND R10IO2ND R11IO2ND 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.19 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IO2ND S2IO2ND S3IO2ND S4IO2ND S5IO2ND S6IO2ND S7IO2ND S8IO2ND 10279 9123 8629 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.18 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income 62 S9IO2ND S10IO2ND S11IO2ND 11012 14235 13080 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.13 0.12 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IF2ND R2IF2ND R3IF2ND R4IF2ND R5IF2ND R6IF2ND R7IF2ND R8IF2ND R9IF2ND R10IF2ND R11IF2ND 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.88 5.90 5.93 5.97 5.97 5.98 5.95 5.96 5.97 5.99 5.96 0.95 0.86 0.70 0.63 0.57 0.49 0.60 0.52 0.52 0.74 0.65 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IF2ND S2IF2ND S3IF2ND S4IF2ND S5IF2ND S6IF2ND S7IF2ND S8IF2ND S9IF2ND S10IF2ND S11IF2ND 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.30 6.33 6.38 6.63 6.65 6.68 6.64 6.67 6.70 6.71 6.71 1.16 1.13 1.03 1.09 1.07 1.05 1.09 1.07 1.06 1.13 1.11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R1ITRAD R2ITRAD R3ITRAD R4ITRAD R5ITRAD R6ITRAD R7ITRAD R8ITRAD R9ITRAD R10ITRAD R11ITRAD 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1328.44 798.10 778.31 772.21 612.96 582.85 863.57 444.91 876.11 1195.62 1324.38 14292.32 9589.27 9191.38 8155.30 16153.64 8520.81 9194.58 5719.95 13486.97 11358.39 12443.52 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 500000.0 523000.0 650000.0 400000.0 2000000.0 460125.8 565267.0 250000.0 750000.0 600000.0 460000.0 S1ITRAD S2ITRAD S3ITRAD S4ITRAD S5ITRAD S6ITRAD S7ITRAD S8ITRAD S9ITRAD S10ITRAD S11ITRAD 10279 9123 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 1386.29 968.73 948.19 895.09 580.42 653.16 1087.19 609.72 1168.18 1555.20 1760.77 14313.55 10720.66 10225.50 8500.81 7256.26 7602.06 10869.60 6858.03 16319.27 13528.13 14630.29 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 500000.0 523000.0 650000.0 330000.0 320000.0 275000.0 565267.0 250000.0 750000.0 600000.0 460000.0 R1IOTRAD R2IOTRAD R3IOTRAD R4IOTRAD R5IOTRAD R6IOTRAD R7IOTRAD R8IOTRAD R9IOTRAD R10IOTRAD R11IOTRAD 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income 63 S1IOTRAD S2IOTRAD S3IOTRAD S4IOTRAD S5IOTRAD S6IOTRAD S7IOTRAD S8IOTRAD S9IOTRAD S10IOTRAD S11IOTRAD 10279 9123 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.20 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.19 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFTRAD R2IFTRAD R3IFTRAD R4IFTRAD R5IFTRAD R6IFTRAD R7IFTRAD R8IFTRAD R9IFTRAD R10IFTRAD R11IFTRAD 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.86 5.91 5.92 5.93 5.96 5.97 5.92 5.95 5.95 5.94 5.91 0.96 0.83 0.75 0.75 0.62 0.54 0.71 0.57 0.60 0.88 0.82 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFTRAD S2IFTRAD S3IFTRAD S4IFTRAD S5IFTRAD S6IFTRAD S7IFTRAD S8IFTRAD S9IFTRAD S10IFTRAD S11IFTRAD 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.27 6.32 6.56 6.60 6.64 6.66 6.61 6.66 6.69 6.66 6.66 1.21 1.15 1.18 1.17 1.10 1.09 1.17 1.10 1.12 1.25 1.23 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|R1IOEARN 0.receives no |3759 1.receives inc|8893 R2IOEARN 11377 8265 R3IOEARN 11540 6451 R4IOEARN 13573 7811 R5IOEARN 12950 6629 R6IOEARN 12552 5613 R7IOEARN 12777 7352 R8IOEARN 12398 6071 R9IOEARN 11873 5344 R10IOEARN 13711 8323 R11IOEARN 13223 7331 Value---------|S1IOEARN .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |3066 1.receives inc|7213 S2IOEARN 5970 7152 6520 S3IOEARN 5658 7355 4978 S4IOEARN 6869 8582 5933 S5IOEARN 6538 8075 4966 S6IOEARN 6306 7716 4143 S7IOEARN 6777 7905 5447 S8IOEARN 6417 7580 4472 S9IOEARN 6205 7109 3903 S10IOEARN 7799 8301 5934 S11IOEARN 7474 7890 5190 Value---------|R1IFEARN 0.no income |3624 1.no imputatio|7595 2.some imputat|1338 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFEARN 11307 6580 1621 134 R3IFEARN 11455 5343 1067 126 R4IFEARN 13423 6290 1464 207 R5IFEARN 12824 5387 1231 137 R6IFEARN 12365 4421 1334 45 R7IFEARN 12671 5844 1525 89 R8IFEARN 12312 4879 1213 65 R9IFEARN 11773 4321 1048 75 R10IFEARN 13407 6744 1465 418 R11IFEARN 13044 5998 1341 171 Value---------|S1IFEARN 0.no income |2924 1.no imputatio|6089 2.some imputat|1171 8.no Sp/Part->|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFEARN 6894 5192 1483 5970 103 S3IFEARN 7294 4128 825 5658 86 S4IFEARN 8455 4797 1078 6869 185 S5IFEARN 7983 4035 930 6538 93 S6IFEARN 7588 3272 963 6306 36 S7IFEARN 7816 4319 1140 6777 77 S8IFEARN 7513 3598 889 6417 52 S9IFEARN 7031 3128 791 6205 62 S10IFEARN 8057 4784 1067 7799 327 S11IFEARN 7724 4225 988 7474 143 Value---------|R1IOWAGE .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |4227 1.receives inc|8425 R2IOWAGE 8222 4365 7055 R3IOWAGE R4IOWAGE R5IOWAGE R6IOWAGE R7IOWAGE R8IOWAGE R9IOWAGE R10IOWAGE R11IOWAGE 11793 6198 13912 7472 13181 6398 12744 5421 13034 7095 12604 5865 12058 5159 14001 8033 13506 7048 Value---------|S1IOWAGE S2IOWAGE S3IOWAGE S4IOWAGE S5IOWAGE S6IOWAGE S7IOWAGE S8IOWAGE S9IOWAGE S10IOWAGE S11IOWAGE Section B: Income 64 .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |3465 1.receives inc|6814 4549 5970 3448 5675 Value---------|R1IFWAGE .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|7432 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|875 6.no income |4135 7.DK if income|115 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFWAGE 8222 5757 892 31 274 4304 38 124 Value---------|S1IFWAGE .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v|5970 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|731 6.no income |3367 7.DK if income|116 8.No spouse/pa|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFWAGE 4549 3673 4625 718 29 231 3382 39 2297 99 Value---------|R1IOBON .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |11382 1.receives inc|1270 R2IOBON 8222 10584 836 Value---------|S1IOBON .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9257 1.receives inc|1022 S2IOBON 4549 5970 8484 639 Value---------|R1IFBON .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|1014 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|223 6.no income |11077 7.DK if income|243 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFBON 8222 631 139 7 42 10427 50 124 Value---------|S1IFBON .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v|812 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|187 6.no income |8938 7.DK if income|247 8.No spouse/pa|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFBON 4549 3673 490 107 5 29 8341 52 2297 99 Value---------|R1IO2ND .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |12167 1.receives inc|485 5658 7551 4782 6869 8827 5688 6538 8247 4794 6306 7857 4002 6777 8103 5249 6417 7749 4303 6205 7251 3761 7799 8528 5707 7474 8102 4978 R3IFWAGE R4IFWAGE R5IFWAGE R6IFWAGE R7IFWAGE R8IFWAGE R9IFWAGE R10IFWAGE R11IFWAGE 5206 681 32 215 11708 23 126 6094 888 64 306 13756 69 207 5292 656 60 314 13054 66 137 4336 554 41 374 12556 259 45 5720 748 60 489 12928 95 89 4783 603 43 386 12522 67 65 4220 534 49 304 11961 74 75 6612 534 73 572 13684 141 418 5869 607 55 390 13330 132 171 S3IFWAGE S4IFWAGE S5IFWAGE S6IFWAGE S7IFWAGE S8IFWAGE S9IFWAGE S10IFWAGE S11IFWAGE 4022 507 22 182 7494 20 5658 86 4656 625 46 243 8698 62 6869 185 3968 473 48 249 8154 56 6538 93 3204 422 28 281 7727 161 6306 36 4222 530 41 385 8009 88 6777 77 3518 416 33 294 7684 55 6417 52 3048 382 44 245 7173 58 6205 62 4682 392 71 383 8270 110 7799 327 4136 405 40 301 7941 114 7474 143 R3IOBON R4IOBON R5IOBON R6IOBON R7IOBON R8IOBON R9IOBON R10IOBON R11IOBON 17426 565 20686 698 19018 561 17716 449 19472 657 17912 557 16723 494 21184 850 19819 735 S3IOBON S4IOBON S5IOBON S6IOBON S7IOBON S8IOBON S9IOBON S10IOBON S11IOBON 5658 11883 450 6869 14012 503 6538 12622 419 6306 11539 320 6777 12865 487 6417 11639 413 6205 10654 358 7799 13637 598 7474 12549 531 R3IFBON R4IFBON R5IFBON R6IFBON R7IFBON R8IFBON R9IFBON R10IFBON R11IFBON 467 67 3 22 17271 35 126 572 76 2 32 20412 83 207 428 57 5 65 18819 68 137 359 46 4 33 17413 265 45 512 66 7 68 19290 97 89 434 60 3 55 17768 84 65 405 36 6 45 16571 79 75 690 63 10 58 20633 162 418 606 51 4 65 19494 163 171 S3IFBON S4IFBON S5IFBON S6IFBON S7IFBON S8IFBON S9IFBON S10IFBON S11IFBON 374 53 3 18 11768 31 5658 86 415 53 2 25 13766 69 6869 185 322 41 5 47 12475 58 6538 93 258 31 2 23 11345 164 6306 36 385 44 4 49 12705 88 6777 77 321 39 2 47 11519 72 6417 52 291 28 3 34 10528 66 6205 62 482 45 10 42 13197 132 7799 327 428 41 4 50 12267 147 7474 143 R2IO2ND 8222 11088 332 R3IO2ND 7027 10752 212 R4IO2ND R5IO2ND R6IO2ND R7IO2ND R8IO2ND R9IO2ND R10IO2ND R11IO2ND 21086 298 19338 241 17991 174 19838 291 18267 202 17035 182 21661 373 20233 321 Value---------|S1IO2ND .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9938 1.receives inc|341 S2IO2ND 4549 5970 8875 248 S3IO2ND 3704 5658 8487 142 S4IO2ND S5IO2ND S6IO2ND S7IO2ND S8IO2ND S9IO2ND S10IO2ND S11IO2ND 6869 14308 207 6538 12873 168 6306 11743 116 6777 13146 206 6417 11904 148 6205 10892 120 7799 13998 237 7474 12878 202 Value---------|R1IF2ND .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|418 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| R2IF2ND 8222 272 34 2 R3IF2ND 7027 173 24 2 R4IF2ND R5IF2ND R6IF2ND R7IF2ND R8IF2ND R9IF2ND R10IF2ND R11IF2ND 240 39 1 192 22 1 137 16 1 231 32 2 164 18 5 144 22 308 25 6 269 26 Section B: Income 5.no 6.no 7.DK 9.no value/bra|58 income |11795 if income|286 Fin Resp |95 65 21 10942 25 124 12 10661 15 77 13 20818 66 207 24 19146 57 137 18 17706 242 45 24 19668 83 89 14 18136 67 65 16 16897 63 75 26 21132 119 418 17 19947 124 171 Value---------|S1IF2ND .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v|295 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|43 6.no income |9556 7.DK if income|290 8.No spouse/pa|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IF2ND 4549 3673 207 25 1 14 8750 27 2297 99 S3IF2ND 3704 3323 117 17 1 6 8412 12 2335 64 S4IF2ND S5IF2ND S6IF2ND S7IF2ND S8IF2ND S9IF2ND S10IF2ND S11IF2ND 164 29 1 11 14067 58 6869 185 132 19 2 15 12732 48 6538 93 94 11 115 16 4 12 11795 58 6417 52 93 13 14 10779 51 6205 62 194 16 4 19 13581 94 7799 327 171 15 11 11561 146 6306 36 160 22 1 20 12994 78 6777 77 Value---------|R1IOTRAD .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |12115 1.receives inc|537 R2IOTRAD 8222 11097 323 R3IOTRAD R4IOTRAD R5IOTRAD R6IOTRAD R7IOTRAD R8IOTRAD R9IOTRAD R10IOTRAD R11IOTRAD 17562 429 20909 475 19285 294 17914 251 19656 473 18208 261 16950 267 21360 674 19953 601 Value---------|S1IOTRAD .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9828 1.receives inc|451 S2IOTRAD 4549 5970 8837 286 S3IOTRAD S4IOTRAD S5IOTRAD S6IOTRAD S7IOTRAD S8IOTRAD S9IOTRAD S10IOTRAD S11IOTRAD 5658 11978 355 6869 14155 360 6538 12816 225 6306 11663 196 6777 12984 368 6417 11835 217 6205 10811 201 7799 13724 511 7474 12623 457 Value---------|R1IFTRAD .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|431 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|98 6.no income |11789 7.DK if income|239 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFTRAD 8222 246 34 7 33 10940 36 124 R3IFTRAD R4IFTRAD R5IFTRAD R6IFTRAD R7IFTRAD R8IFTRAD R9IFTRAD R10IFTRAD R11IFTRAD 332 45 2 47 17412 27 126 373 47 6 44 20626 81 207 233 23 2 33 19081 70 137 170 25 3 50 17618 254 45 338 52 4 75 19476 95 89 195 21 2 43 18065 78 65 205 18 5 35 16802 77 75 485 67 11 90 20784 179 418 441 57 11 84 19619 171 171 Value---------|S1IFTRAD .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v|354 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|91 6.no income |9497 7.DK if income|242 8.No spouse/pa|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFTRAD 4549 3673 215 37 6 26 8705 35 2297 99 S3IFTRAD S4IFTRAD S5IFTRAD S6IFTRAD S7IFTRAD S8IFTRAD S9IFTRAD S10IFTRAD S11IFTRAD 261 39 2 46 11879 20 5658 86 284 33 4 35 13907 67 6869 185 172 20 1 30 12670 55 6538 93 137 17 3 37 11474 155 6306 36 252 44 3 63 12827 86 6777 77 156 18 2 40 11720 64 6417 52 153 13 5 27 10691 61 6205 62 358 49 6 70 13282 143 7799 327 326 40 10 72 12345 144 7474 143 14 12625 112 7474 143 General Comments: Income measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD income component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in whether unfolding brackets are used to determine a range of income when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. The order in which income questions are asked also changes across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. Generally, Wave 1 questions ask about 1991 income, and Wave 2H asks about 1993 income. Wave 2A and from Wave 3 forward ask about income last calendar year. All questions are based on the Financial Respondent's interview year. Not all interviews are completely conducted in the same year for waves 2A, 3H, 4, and from 5 forward. The HRS and AHEAD income components are summed to create the income measures requested for these files. For each derived income measure, a flag indicates whether any or all of its components were imputed. Individual income components and imputation flags are available in the “RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File”. Section B: Income 66 HRS and AHEAD income measures are reported at the household level. The Financial Respondent (FinR) reports income for both him/herself and his/her spouse or partner. The respondent income measures on this file are those of the FinR, if they are the same individual, and the spouse income measures are those of the FinR's spouse. If the respondent is the spouse of the FinR, then the FinR-reported respondent and spouse measures are swapped. That is, if the respondent is the FinR's spouse then the FinR-reported spouse income is assigned as the respondent income and the FinR-reported respondent income is assigned as the spouse income. How Constructed: For the HRS sample, RwIEARN is the sum of respondent's wage/salary income, bonuses/overtime pay/commissions/tips, 2nd job or military reserve earnings, and professional practice or trade income. For the AHEAD sample, Wave 2A R2IEARN includes only the income from earnings as asked and does not include specifics regarding bonuses, professional practice income, or second jobs. In Wave 3A, the calculation of R3IEARN includes wages, bonuses, and professional practice income but does not include income from a 2nd job, as it was not asked in this wave. For the HRS sample, SwIEARN is the sum of spouse's wage/salary income, bonuses/overtime pay/commissions/tips, 2nd job or military reserve earnings, and professional practice or trade income. For the AHEAD sample, Wave 2A S2IEARN includes only the income from earnings as asked and does not include specifics regarding bonuses, professional practice income, or second jobs. In Wave 3A, the calculation of S3IEARN includes wages, bonuses, and professional practice income but does not include income from a 2nd job, as it was not asked in this wave. The individual components summed to produce RwIEARN are: RwIWAGE, RwIBON, RwI2ND, and RwITRAD. Variables in the form RwIFvar/SwIFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form RwIOvar/SwIOvar indicate whether the respondent receives income from this type of income. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The components of earnings remain the same across all HRS waves. However, there are fewer specific questions for the AHEAD sample. In Wave 2A, respondents are only asked about last year's earnings from all jobs combined. The question was asked as follows: “About how much did you earn on all jobs in (1992/1993) before taxes?” Wave 3A questions cover wages, bonuses, and professional practice income but did not ask about income from a second job. Therefore in waves 2A and 3A, income from a second job is not part of the earnings calculation. From Wave 2H forward, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value of an income component, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points for some components vary across waves. In Waves 1 and 2A, no unfolding bracket questions are asked. Because of the differences in the way income information was collected for the HRS and AHEAD samples in waves 2 and 3, the income component imputation flags that apply vary, depending on the entry cohort of the respondent. For AHEAD entry cohort respondents, R2IFBON, S2IFBON, R2IFTRAD, S2IFTRAD, R2IFWAGE, S2IFWAGE, R2IF2ND, S2IF2ND, R3IF2ND, and S3IF2ND are set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income components are not available in Waves 2A and 3A. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15402 V15403 V15404 V15405 V15406 V15407 V15408 V15409 N2A:N4A:91:R1-PAY/SA:IND N3:N5:91-R1-GROSS AM:IND N6:1991:R2-PAY/SAL I:IND N7:1991:R2 AMT REC:IND N2B:N4B:91:R1-BONUS/:IND N3:N5:91-R1-GROSS AM:IND N6:1991:R2-BONUS/TIP:IND N7:1991: R2 AMT RE:IND Section B: Income V15410 V15411 V15412 V15413 V15414 V15415 V15416 V15417 V5402 V5403 V5404 V5405 V5406 V5407 V5408 V5409 V5410 V5411 V5412 V5413 V5414 V5415 V5416 V5417 AHEAD 1993: B1174 B1175 B1188 B1189 B1227 HRS 1994: W15912 W15913 W15918 W15919 W15924 W15925 W15930 W15931 W15936 W15937 W15942 W15943 W15948 W15949 W15954 W15955 W15960 W15961 W15966 W15967 W15972 W15973 W15978 W15979 W5912 W5913 W5914 W5918 W5919 W5920 W5924 W5925 67 N2C:N4C:91:R1-PRO IN:IND N3:N5:91-R1-GROSS AM:IND N6:1991:R2-PRO PRACT:IND N7:1991: R2 AMT RE:IND N2D:N4D:91:R1-OTH IN:IND N3:N5:91-R1-GROSS AM:IND N6:1991:R2-OTHER INC:IND N7:1991:R2 AMT REC:IND N2A:N4A:91:R1-PAY/SA:IMP N3:N5:91:R1-GROS $AM:IMP N6:1991:R2-PAY/SAL I:IMP N7:1991:R2-$ AMT RE:IMP N2B:N4B:91:R1-BONUS/:IMP N3:N5:91:R1-GROS $AM:IMP N6:1991:R2-BONUS/TIP:IMP N7:1991:R2-$ AMT REC:IMP N2C:N4C:91:R1-PRO IN:IMP N3:N5:91:R1-GROS $AM:IMP N6:1991:R2-PRO PRACT:IMP N7:1991:R2-$ AMT RE:IMP N2D:N4D:91:R1-OTH IN:IMP N3:N5:91:R1-GROS $AM:IMP N6:1991:R2-OTHER INC:IMP N7:1991:R2-$ AMT RE:IMP G1. WORKING CURRENTLY? G1a. WORK LAST 2 YRS? G7. CURR WORK: $ EARNED LAST MONTH G8. CURR WORK: $ EARNED 1992-1993 G17. JOB LAST 2 YRS: TOT $ EARN 1992/93 N3a. Imputation flag N4a1. Imputation flag N3b. Imputation flag N4b1. Imputation flag N3c. Imputation flag N4c1. Imputation flag N3d. Imputation flag N4d1. Imputation flag N5a. Imputation flag N6a1. Imputation flag N7a. Imputation flag N8a1.Imputation flag N5b. Imputation flag N6b1. Imputation flag N7b. Imputation flag N8b1. Imputation flag N5c. Imputation flag N6c1. Imputation flag N7c. Imputation flag N8c1. Imputation flag N5d. Imputation flag N6d1. Imputation flag N7d. Imputation flag N8d1. Imputation flag N3a.R-WAGE/SALARY FROM J N4a1.R-AMOUNT INCOME 199 N4a1. Brackets N3b.R-INCOME FROM PROF P N4b1.R-AMT INCOME FROM P N4b1. Brackets N3c.R-INCOME FROM BONUSE N4c1.R-AMT INCOME FROM B Section B: Income W5926 W5930 W5931 W5932 W5936 W5937 W5938 W5942 W5943 W5944 W5948 W5949 W5950 W5954 W5955 W5956 W5960 W5961 W5962 W5966 W5967 W5968 W5972 W5973 W5974 W5978 W5979 W5980 AHEAD 1995: D4534_2 D4534_3 D4534_4 D4536_2 D4536_3 D4536_4 D4537_2 D4537_3 D4537_4 D4538_2 D4538_3 D4538_4 D4539_2 D4539_3 D4539_4 D4547_2 D4547_3 D4547_4 D4549_2 D4549_3 D4549_4 D4550_2 D4550_3 D4550_4 D4551_2 D4551_3 D4551_4 D4552_2 D4552_3 D4552_4 HRS 1996: E3882 E3883 E3884 68 N4c1. Brackets N3d.R-INCOME FROM SECOND N4d1.R-AMT INCOME FROM S N4f1. Brackets N5a.R-WAGE/SALARY FROM J N6a1.R-AMOUNT INCOME 199 N6a1. Brackets N7a.SP-WAGE/SALARY FROM N8a1.SP-AMOUNT INCOME 19 N8a1. Brackets N5b.R-INCOME FROM PROF P N6b1.R-AMT INCOME FROM P N6b1. Brackets N7b.SP-INCOME FROM PROF N8b1.SP-AMT INCOME FROM N8b1. Brackets N5c.R-INCOME FROM BONUSE N6c1.R-AMT INCOME FROM B N6c1. Brackets N7c.SP-INCOME FROM BONUS N8c1.SP-AMT INCOME FROM N8c1. Brackets N5d.R-INCOME FROM SECOND N6d1.R-AMT INCOME FROM S N6d1. Brackets N7d.SP-INCOME FROM SECON N8d1.SP-AMT INCOME FROM N8d1. Brackets J57A.R EARNINGS SELF EMP J57A.R EARNINGS SELF EMP J57A.R EARNINGS SELF EMP J57B.R $ EARNINGS LCY J57B.R $ EARNINGS LCY J57B.R $ EARNINGS LCY J57B.DK-1 J57B.DK-1 J57B.DK-1 J57C.DK-2 J57C.DK-2 J57C.DK-2 J57D.DK-3 J57D.DK-3 J57D.DK-3 J58A.SP EARNINGS SELF EMP J58A.SP EARNINGS SELF EMP J58A.SP EARNINGS SELF EMP J58B.SP $ EARNINGS LCY J58B.SP $ EARNINGS LCY J58B.SP $ EARNINGS LCY J58B.DK-1 J58B.DK-1 J58B.DK-1 J58C.DK-2 J58C.DK-2 J58C.DK-2 J58D.DK-3 J58D.DK-3 J58D.DK-3 J7.R WAGES AND SALARY LCYEAR J8.R HOW MUCH WAGES AND SALARY J8A.R $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-25K Section B: Income E3885 E3886 E3887 E3889 E3890 E3891 E3892 E3893 E3894 E3896 E3897 E3898 E3899 E3900 E3901 E3902 E3903 E3904 E3905 E3906 E3907 E3915 E3916 E3917 E3918 E3919 E3920 E3922 E3923 E3924 E3925 E3926 E3927 E3929 E3930 E3931 E3932 E3933 E3934 E3935 E3936 E3937 E3938 E3939 E3940 HRS 1998: F4642 F4643 F4644 F4645 F4646 F4647 F4648 F4649 F4651 F4652 F4653 F4654 F4655 F4656 F4657 F4658 F4659 69 J8B.R $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-50K J8C.R $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-100K J8D.R $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-5K J9.R PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE LCYEAR J10.R HOW MUCH PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE J10A.R $ PROF PRAC TRADE DK-25K J10B.R $ PROF PRAC TRADE DK-50K J10C.R $ PROF PRAC TRADE DK-100K J10D.R $ PROF PRAC TRADE DK-5K J11.R TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSION LCYEAR J11A.R HOW MUCH TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSIO J11B.R TIPS BONUS COMMS LCY DK-5K J11C.R TIPS BONUS COMMS LCY DK-25K J11D.R TIPS BONUS COMMS LCY DK-50K J11E.R TIPS BONUS COMMS LCY DK-2.5K J12.R 2ND JOB J12A.HOW MUCH OTHER INCOME LCY J12B.$ OTHER INCOME LCY DK-5K J12C.$ OTHER INCOME LCY DK-25K J12D.$ OTHER INCOME LCY DK-50K J12E.$ OTHER INCOME LCY DK-2.5K J15.SP WAGES AND SALARY LCYEAR J16.SP HOW MUCH WAGES AND SALARY J16A.SP $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-25K J16B.SP $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-50K J16C.SP $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-100K J16D.SP $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-5K J17.SP PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE LCYEAR J18.SP HOW MUCH PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE J18A.SP $ PROF PRAC OR TRADE DK-25K J18B.SP $ PROF PRAC OR TRADE DK-50K J18C.SP $ PROF PRAC OR TRADE DK-100K J18D.SP $ PROF PRAC OR TRADE DK-5K J19.SP TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSION LCYEAR J19A.SP HOW MUCH TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSI J19B.SP TIPS BONUS COMM LC_YR DK-5K J19C.SP TIPS BONUS COMM LC_YR DK-25K J19D.SP TIPS BONUS COMM LC_YR DK-50K J19E.SP TIPS BONUS COMM LC_YR DK-2.5K J20.SP 2ND JOB RECEIVE OTHER INCOME J20A.SP HOW MUCH OTHER INCOME J20B.SP $ OTHER INCOME DK-20K J20C.SP $ OTHER INCOME DK-50K J20D.SP $ OTHER INCOME DK-100K J20E.SP $ OTHER INCOME DK-5K J7.R WAGES AND SALARY LCYEAR J8.R HOW MUCH WAGES AND SALARY J8A.R DK-5K J8A.R DK-25,000 J8B.R DK-50,000 J8C.R DK-100,000 J8B.R DK-25,000 J8D.R DK-5,000 J9.R PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE LCYEAR J10.R HOW MUCH PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE J10A.R DK-25,000 J10B.R DK-50,000 J10C.R DK-100,000 J10D.R DK-5,000 J11.R TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSION LCYEAR J11A.R HOW MUCH TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSIO J11B.R DK-5,000 Section B: Income F4660 F4661 F4662 F4663 F4664 F4665 F4666 F4667 F4668 F4675 F4676 F4677 F4678 F4679 F4680 F4682 F4683 F4684 F4685 F4686 F4687 F4689 F4690 F4691 F4692 F4693 F4694 F4695 F4696 F4697 F4698 F4699 F4700 HRS 2000: G5081 G5082 G5083 G5084 G5085 G5086 G5087 G5088 G5090 G5091 G5092 G5093 G5094 G5095 G5096 G5097 G5098 G5100 G5101 G5102 G5103 G5104 G5105 G5106 G5107 G5114 G5115 G5116 G5117 70 J11C.R DK-25,000 J11D.R DK-50,000 J11E.R DK-2,500 J12.R 2ND JOB J12A.HOW MUCH OTHER INCOME LCY J12B.R DK-5,000 J12C.R DK-25,000 J12D.R DK-50,000 J12E.R DK-2,500 J15.SP WAGES AND SALARY LCYEAR J16.SP HOW MUCH WAGES AND SALARY J16A.SP DK-25,000 J16B.SP DK-50,000 J16C.SP DK-100,000 J16D.SP DK-5,000 J17.SP PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE LCYEAR J18.SP HOW MUCH PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE J18A.SP DK-25,000 J18B.SP DK-50,000 J18C.SP DK-100,000 J18D.SP DK-5,000 J19.SP TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSION LCYEAR J19A.SP HOW MUCH TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSI J19B.SP DK-5K J19C.SP DK-25K J19D.SP DK-50K J19E.SP DK-2.5K J20.SP 2ND JOB RECEIVE OTHER INCOME J20A.SP HOW MUCH OTHER INCOME J20B.SP DK-20K J20C.SP DK-50K J20D.SP DK-100K J20E.SP DK-5K J7.R WAGES AND SALARY LCYEAR J8.R HOW MUCH WAGES AND SALARY J8A.R DK-5K J8Y1A.R DK-25000 J8B.R DK-50000 J8C.R DK-100000 J8Y1B.R DK-25000 J8D.R DK-5000 J9.R PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE LCYEAR J10.R HOW MUCH PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE J10A.R DK-25000 J10B.R DK-50000 J10C.R DK-100000 J10D.R DK-5000 J11.R RCV TIPS/BONUSES/COMMISSION LCY J11A.R AMT TIPS/BONUS/COMMISSION-LCY J11B.R DK-5000 J11D.R DK-50000 J11E.R DK-2500 J12.R 2ND JOB J12A.HOW MUCH OTHER INCOME LCY J12B.R DK-5000 J12C.R DK-25000 J12D.R DK-50000 J12E.R DK-2500 J15.SP WAGES AND SALARY LCYEAR J16.SP HOW MUCH WAGES AND SALARY J16A.SP DK-25000 J16B.SP DK-50000 Section B: Income G5118 G5119 G5121 G5122 G5123 G5124 G5125 G5126 G5128 G5129 G5130 G5131 G5132 G5133 G5134 G5135 G5136 G5137 G5138 G5139 HRS 2002: HQ019 HQ020 HQ021 HQ022 HQ023 HQ024 HQ025 HQ026 HQ027 HQ028 HQ029 HQ030 HQ031 HQ032 HQ033 HQ034 HQ035 HQ036 HQ037 HQ038 HQ044 HQ045 HQ046 HQ047 HQ048 HQ049 HQ050 HQ051 HQ052 HQ053 HQ054 HQ055 HQ056 HQ057 HQ058 HQ059 HQ060 HQ061 HQ062 HQ063 HRS 2004: JQ019 71 J16C.SP DK-100000 J16D.SP DK-5000 J17.SP PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE LCYEAR J18.SP HOW MUCH PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE J18A.SP DK-25000 J18B.SP DK-50000 J18C.SP DK-100000 J18D.SP DK-5000 J19.SP RCV TIPS/BONUS/COMMISSION LCY J19A.SP AMT TIPS/BONUS/COMMISSION LCY J19B.SP DK-5K J19C.SP DK-25K J19D.SP DK-50K J19E.SP DK-2500 J20.SP 2ND JOB RECEIVE OTHER INCOME J20A.SP HOW MUCH OTHER INCOME J20B.SP DK-5K J20C.SP DK-25K J20D.SP DK-50K J20E.SP DK-2500 R WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT R INCOME FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - LCY R AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE LCY R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MIN R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MAX R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - RESULT R INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION - LCY R AMOUNT FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION LCY R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MIN R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MAX R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - RESULT R OTHER INCOME FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT SP WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT SP INCOME FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE LCY SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MIN SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MAX SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - RESULT SP INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISS - LCY SP AMOUNT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS LCY SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MIN SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MAX SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - RESULT SP OTHER INC FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT R WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY Section B: Income JQ020 JQ021 JQ022 JQ023 JQ024 JQ025 JQ026 JQ027 JQ028 JQ029 JQ030 JQ031 JQ032 JQ033 JQ034 JQ035 JQ036 JQ037 JQ038 JQ044 JQ045 JQ046 JQ047 JQ048 JQ049 JQ050 JQ051 JQ052 JQ053 JQ054 JQ055 JQ056 JQ057 JQ058 JQ059 JQ060 JQ061 JQ062 JQ063 HRS 2006: KQ019 KQ020 KQ021 KQ022 KQ023 KQ024 KQ025 KQ026 KQ027 KQ028 KQ029 KQ030 KQ031 KQ032 KQ033 KQ034 KQ035 KQ036 KQ037 KQ038 KQ044 KQ045 KQ046 72 R AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT R INCOME FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - LCY R AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE LCY R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MIN R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MAX R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - RESULT R INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION - LCY R AMOUNT FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION LCY R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MIN R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MAX R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - RESULT R OTHER INCOME FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT SP WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT SP INCOME FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE LCY SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MIN SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MAX SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - RESULT SP INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISS - LCY SP AMOUNT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS LCY SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MIN SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MAX SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - RESULT SP OTHER INC FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT R WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT R INCOME FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - LCY R AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE LCY R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MIN R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MAX R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - RESULT R INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION - LCY R AMOUNT FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION LCY R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MIN R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MAX R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - RESULT R OTHER INCOME FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT SP WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN Section B: Income KQ047 KQ048 KQ049 KQ050 KQ051 KQ052 KQ053 KQ054 KQ055 KQ056 KQ057 KQ058 KQ059 KQ060 KQ061 KQ062 KQ063 HRS 2008: LQ019 LQ020 LQ021 LQ022 LQ023 LQ024 LQ025 LQ026 LQ027 LQ028 LQ029 LQ030 LQ031 LQ032 LQ033 LQ034 LQ035 LQ036 LQ037 LQ038 LQ044 LQ045 LQ046 LQ047 LQ048 LQ049 LQ050 LQ051 LQ052 LQ053 LQ054 LQ055 LQ056 LQ057 LQ058 LQ059 LQ060 LQ061 LQ062 LQ063 HRS 2010: MQ019 MQ020 MQ021 MQ022 73 SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT INCOME FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - LCY AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE LCY AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MIN AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MAX AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - RESULT INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISS - LCY AMOUNT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS LCY AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MIN AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MAX AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - RESULT OTHER INC FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT R WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT R INCOME FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - LCY R AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE LCY R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MIN R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MAX R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - RESULT R INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION - LCY R AMOUNT FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION LCY R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MIN R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MAX R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - RESULT R OTHER INCOME FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT SP WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT SP INCOME FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE LCY SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MIN SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MAX SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - RESULT SP INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISS - LCY SP AMOUNT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS LCY SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MIN SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MAX SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - RESULT SP OTHER INC FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT R R R R WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX Section B: Income MQ023 MQ024 MQ025 MQ026 MQ027 MQ028 MQ029 MQ030 MQ031 MQ032 MQ033 MQ034 MQ035 MQ036 MQ037 MQ038 MQ044 MQ045 MQ046 MQ047 MQ048 MQ049 MQ050 MQ051 MQ052 MQ053 MQ054 MQ055 MQ056 MQ057 MQ058 MQ059 MQ060 MQ061 MQ062 MQ063 HRS 2012: NQ019 NQ020 NQ021 NQ022 NQ023 NQ024 NQ025 NQ026 NQ027 NQ028 NQ029 NQ030 NQ031 NQ032 NQ033 NQ034 NQ035 NQ036 NQ037 NQ038 NQ044 NQ045 NQ046 NQ047 NQ048 NQ049 74 R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT R INCOME FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - LCY R AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE LCY R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MIN R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MAX R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - RESULT R INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION - LCY R AMOUNT FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION LCY R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MIN R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MAX R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - RESULT R OTHER INCOME FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT SP WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT SP INCOME FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE LCY SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MIN SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MAX SP AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - RESULT SP INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISS - LCY SP AMOUNT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS LCY SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MIN SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MAX SP AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - RESULT SP OTHER INC FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX SP AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT R WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX R AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT R INCOME FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - LCY R AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE LCY R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MIN R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - MAX R AMT FROM PROF PRAC OR TRADE - RESULT R INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION - LCY R AMOUNT FROM TIP BONUS COMMISSION LCY R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MIN R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - MAX R AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISSION - RESULT R OTHER INCOME FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX R AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT SP WAGES AND SALARY INCOME - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM WAGES AND SALARY LCY SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MIN SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - MAX SP AMT FROM WAGES AND SALARY - RESULT SP INCOME FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - LCY Section B: Income NQ050 NQ051 NQ052 NQ053 NQ054 NQ055 NQ056 NQ057 NQ058 NQ059 NQ060 NQ061 NQ062 NQ063 Tracker: AFINR BFINR CFINR DFINR EFINR FFINR GFINR HFINR JFINR KFINR LFINR MFINR NFINR 75 SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP AMOUNT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE LCY AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MIN AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - MAX AMT FROM PROF PRAC TRADE - RESULT INCOME FROM TIP BONUS COMMISS - LCY AMOUNT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS LCY AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MIN AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - MAX AMT FR TIP BONUS COMMISS - RESULT OTHER INC FROM WORK 2ND JOB - LCY AMOUNT FROM WORK 2ND JOB LCY AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MIN AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - MAX AMT FROM WORK 2ND JOB - RESULT 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT Section B: Income 76 Household Capital Income Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ICAP H2ICAP H3ICAP H4ICAP H5ICAP H6ICAP H7ICAP H8ICAP H9ICAP H10ICAP H11ICAP H1ICAP:W1 Income:Household Capital Income H2ICAP:W2 Income:Household Capital Income H3ICAP:W3 Income:Household Capital Income H4ICAP:W4 Income:Household Capital Income H5ICAP:W5 Income:Household Capital Income H6ICAP:W6 Income:Household Capital Income H7ICAP:W7 Income:Household Capital Income H8ICAP:W8 Income:Household Capital Income H9ICAP:W9 Income:Household Capital Income H10ICAP:W10 Income:Household Capital Income H11ICAP:W11 Income:Household Capital Income Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IOCAP H2IOCAP H3IOCAP H4IOCAP H5IOCAP H6IOCAP H7IOCAP H8IOCAP H9IOCAP H10IOCAP H11IOCAP H1IOCAP:W1 Receives:Household Capital Inc H2IOCAP:W2 Receives:Household Capital Inc H3IOCAP:W3 Receives:Household Capital Inc H4IOCAP:W4 Receives:Household Capital Inc H5IOCAP:W5 Receives:Household Capital Inc H6IOCAP:W6 Receives:Household Capital Inc H7IOCAP:W7 Receives:Household Capital Inc H8IOCAP:W8 Receives:Household Capital Inc H9IOCAP:W9 Receives:Household Capital Inc H10IOCAP:W10 Receives:Household Capital Inc H11IOCAP:W11 Receives:Household Capital Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IFCAP H2IFCAP H3IFCAP H4IFCAP H5IFCAP H6IFCAP H7IFCAP H8IFCAP H9IFCAP H10IFCAP H11IFCAP H1IFCAP:W1 ImpFlag:Household Capital Inc H2IFCAP:W2 ImpFlag:Household Capital Inc H3IFCAP:W3 ImpFlag:Household Capital Inc H4IFCAP:W4 ImpFlag:Household Capital Inc H5IFCAP:W5 ImpFlag:Household Capital Inc H6IFCAP:W6 ImpFlag:Household Capital Inc H7IFCAP:W7 ImpFlag:Household Capital Inc H8IFCAP:W8 ImpFlag:Household Capital Inc H9IFCAP:W9 ImpFlag:Household Capital Inc H10IFCAP:W10 ImpFlag:Household Capital Inc H11IFCAP:W11 ImpFlag:Household Capital Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IBUSIN H2IBUSIN H3IBUSIN H4IBUSIN H5IBUSIN H6IBUSIN H7IBUSIN H8IBUSIN H9IBUSIN H10IBUSIN H11IBUSIN H1IBUSIN:W1 IncPart-Business Inc H2IBUSIN:W2 IncPart-Business Inc H3IBUSIN:W3 IncPart-Business Inc H4IBUSIN:W4 IncPart-Business Inc H5IBUSIN:W5 IncPart-Business Inc H6IBUSIN:W6 IncPart-Business Inc H7IBUSIN:W7 IncPart-Business Inc H8IBUSIN:W8 IncPart-Business Inc H9IBUSIN:W9 IncPart-Business Inc H10IBUSIN:W10 IncPart-Business Inc H11IBUSIN:W11 IncPart-Business Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H1IOBUSIN H2IOBUSIN H3IOBUSIN H4IOBUSIN H5IOBUSIN H6IOBUSIN H7IOBUSIN H8IOBUSIN H9IOBUSIN H1IOBUSIN:W1 H2IOBUSIN:W2 H3IOBUSIN:W3 H4IOBUSIN:W4 H5IOBUSIN:W5 H6IOBUSIN:W6 H7IOBUSIN:W7 H8IOBUSIN:W8 H9IOBUSIN:W9 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Receives-Business Receives-Business Receives-Business Receives-Business Receives-Business Receives-Business Receives-Business Receives-Business Receives-Business Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Section B: Income 77 10 11 H10IOBUSIN H11IOBUSIN H10IOBUSIN:W10 Receives-Business Inc H11IOBUSIN:W11 Receives-Business Inc Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IFBUSIN H2IFBUSIN H3IFBUSIN H4IFBUSIN H5IFBUSIN H6IFBUSIN H7IFBUSIN H8IFBUSIN H9IFBUSIN H10IFBUSIN H11IFBUSIN H1IFBUSIN:W1 ImpFlag-Business Inc H2IFBUSIN:W2 ImpFlag-Business Inc H3IFBUSIN:W3 ImpFlag-Business Inc H4IFBUSIN:W4 ImpFlag-Business Inc H5IFBUSIN:W5 ImpFlag-Business Inc H6IFBUSIN:W6 ImpFlag-Business Inc H7IFBUSIN:W7 ImpFlag-Business Inc H8IFBUSIN:W8 ImpFlag-Business Inc H9IFBUSIN:W9 ImpFlag-Business Inc H10IFBUSIN:W10 ImpFlag-Business Inc H11IFBUSIN:W11 ImpFlag-Business Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IRNTIN H2IRNTIN H3IRNTIN H4IRNTIN H5IRNTIN H6IRNTIN H7IRNTIN H8IRNTIN H9IRNTIN H10IRNTIN H11IRNTIN H1IRNTIN:W1 IncPart-Rental Inc H2IRNTIN:W2 IncPart-Rental Inc H3IRNTIN:W3 IncPart-Rental Inc H4IRNTIN:W4 IncPart-Rental Inc H5IRNTIN:W5 IncPart-Rental Inc H6IRNTIN:W6 IncPart-Rental Inc H7IRNTIN:W7 IncPart-Rental Inc H8IRNTIN:W8 IncPart-Rental Inc H9IRNTIN:W9 IncPart-Rental Inc H10IRNTIN:W10 IncPart-Rental Inc H11IRNTIN:W11 IncPart-Rental Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IORNTIN H2IORNTIN H3IORNTIN H4IORNTIN H5IORNTIN H6IORNTIN H7IORNTIN H8IORNTIN H9IORNTIN H10IORNTIN H11IORNTIN H1IORNTIN:W1 Receives-Rental Inc H2IORNTIN:W2 Receives-Rental Inc H3IORNTIN:W3 Receives-Rental Inc H4IORNTIN:W4 Receives-Rental Inc H5IORNTIN:W5 Receives-Rental Inc H6IORNTIN:W6 Receives-Rental Inc H7IORNTIN:W7 Receives-Rental Inc H8IORNTIN:W8 Receives-Rental Inc H9IORNTIN:W9 Receives-Rental Inc H10IORNTIN:W10 Receives-Rental Inc H11IORNTIN:W11 Receives-Rental Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IFRNTIN H2IFRNTIN H3IFRNTIN H4IFRNTIN H5IFRNTIN H6IFRNTIN H7IFRNTIN H8IFRNTIN H9IFRNTIN H10IFRNTIN H11IFRNTIN H1IFRNTIN:W1 ImpFlag-Rental Inc H2IFRNTIN:W2 ImpFlag-Rental Inc H3IFRNTIN:W3 ImpFlag-Rental Inc H4IFRNTIN:W4 ImpFlag-Rental Inc H5IFRNTIN:W5 ImpFlag-Rental Inc H6IFRNTIN:W6 ImpFlag-Rental Inc H7IFRNTIN:W7 ImpFlag-Rental Inc H8IFRNTIN:W8 ImpFlag-Rental Inc H9IFRNTIN:W9 ImpFlag-Rental Inc H10IFRNTIN:W10 ImpFlag-Rental Inc H11IFRNTIN:W11 ImpFlag-Rental Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 H2IRNT1 H2IRNT1:W2 IncPart-Rental #1 Inc Cont 2 H2IRNT2 H2IRNT2:W2 IncPart-Rental #2 Inc Cont 2 H2IORNT1 H2IORNT1:W2 Receives-Rental #1 Inc Categ 2 H2IORNT2 H2IORNT2:W2 Receives-Rental #2 Inc Categ 2 H2IFRNT1 H2IFRNT1:W2 ImpFlag-Rental #1 Inc Categ 2 H2IFRNT2 H2IFRNT2:W2 ImpFlag-Rental #2 Inc Categ Section B: Income 78 1 2 H1IRNTEX H2IRNTEX H1IRNTEX:W1 IncPart-Rental Exp Inc H2IRNTEX:W2 IncPart-Rental Exp Inc Cont Cont 1 2 H1IORNTEX H2IORNTEX H1IORNTEX:W1 Receives-Rental Exp Inc H2IORNTEX:W2 Receives-Rental Exp Inc Categ Categ 1 2 H1IFRNTEX H2IFRNTEX H1IFRNTEX:W1 ImpFlag-Rental Exp Inc H2IFRNTEX:W2 ImpFlag-Rental Exp Inc Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 H1ITRSIN H2ITRSIN H3ITRSIN H4ITRSIN H5ITRSIN H6ITRSIN H1ITRSIN:W1 H2ITRSIN:W2 H3ITRSIN:W3 H4ITRSIN:W4 H5ITRSIN:W5 H6ITRSIN:W6 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 H1IOTRSIN H2IOTRSIN H3IOTRSIN H4IOTRSIN H5IOTRSIN H6IOTRSIN H1IOTRSIN:W1 H2IOTRSIN:W2 H3IOTRSIN:W3 H4IOTRSIN:W4 H5IOTRSIN:W5 H6IOTRSIN:W6 Receives-Trust Receives-Trust Receives-Trust Receives-Trust Receives-Trust Receives-Trust 1 2 3 4 5 6 H1IFTRSIN H2IFTRSIN H3IFTRSIN H4IFTRSIN H5IFTRSIN H6IFTRSIN H1IFTRSIN:W1 H2IFTRSIN:W2 H3IFTRSIN:W3 H4IFTRSIN:W4 H5IFTRSIN:W5 H6IFTRSIN:W6 ImpFlag-Trust ImpFlag-Trust ImpFlag-Trust ImpFlag-Trust ImpFlag-Trust ImpFlag-Trust 2 H2ITRS1 H2ITRS1:W2 IncPart-Trust #1 Inc Cont 2 H2ITRS2 H2ITRS2:W2 IncPart-Trust #2 Inc Cont 2 H2IOTRS1 H2IOTRS1:W2 Receives-Trust Inc #1 Categ 2 H2IOTRS2 H2IOTRS2:W2 Receives-Trust Inc #2 Categ 2 H2IFTRS1 H2IFTRS1:W2 ImpFlag-Trust #1 Inc Categ 2 H2IFTRS2 H2IFTRS2:W2 ImpFlag-Trust #2 Inc Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IDIVIN H2IDIVIN H3IDIVIN H4IDIVIN H5IDIVIN H6IDIVIN H7IDIVIN H8IDIVIN H9IDIVIN H10IDIVIN H11IDIVIN H1IDIVIN:W1 IncPart-Dividend Inc H2IDIVIN:W2 IncPart-Dividend Inc H3IDIVIN:W3 IncPart-Dividend Inc H4IDIVIN:W4 IncPart-Dividend Inc H5IDIVIN:W5 IncPart-Dividend Inc H6IDIVIN:W6 IncPart-Dividend Inc H7IDIVIN:W7 IncPart-Dividend Inc H8IDIVIN:W8 IncPart-Dividend Inc H9IDIVIN:W9 IncPart-Dividend Inc H10IDIVIN:W10 IncPart-Dividend Inc H11IDIVIN:W11 IncPart-Dividend Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H1IODIVIN H2IODIVIN H3IODIVIN H4IODIVIN H5IODIVIN H6IODIVIN H7IODIVIN H8IODIVIN H9IODIVIN H1IODIVIN:W1 H2IODIVIN:W2 H3IODIVIN:W3 H4IODIVIN:W4 H5IODIVIN:W5 H6IODIVIN:W6 H7IODIVIN:W7 H8IODIVIN:W8 H9IODIVIN:W9 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ IncPart-Trust IncPart-Trust IncPart-Trust IncPart-Trust IncPart-Trust IncPart-Trust Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Receives-Dividend Receives-Dividend Receives-Dividend Receives-Dividend Receives-Dividend Receives-Dividend Receives-Dividend Receives-Dividend Receives-Dividend Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Section B: Income 79 10 11 H10IODIVIN H11IODIVIN H10IODIVIN:W10 Receives-Dividend Inc H11IODIVIN:W11 Receives-Dividend Inc Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IFDIVIN H2IFDIVIN H3IFDIVIN H4IFDIVIN H5IFDIVIN H6IFDIVIN H7IFDIVIN H8IFDIVIN H9IFDIVIN H10IFDIVIN H11IFDIVIN H1IFDIVIN:W1 ImpFlag-Dividend Inc H2IFDIVIN:W2 ImpFlag-Diividend Inc H3IFDIVIN:W3 ImpFlag-Dividend Inc H4IFDIVIN:W4 ImpFlag-Dividend Inc H5IFDIVIN:W5 ImpFlag-Dividend Inc H6IFDIVIN:W6 ImpFlag-Dividend Inc H7IFDIVIN:W7 ImpFlag-Dividend Inc H8IFDIVIN:W8 ImpFlag-Dividend Inc H9IFDIVIN:W9 ImpFlag-Dividend Inc H10IFDIVIN:W10 ImpFlag-Dividend Inc H11IFDIVIN:W11 ImpFlag-Dividend Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3IBNDIN H4IBNDIN H5IBNDIN H6IBNDIN H7IBNDIN H8IBNDIN H9IBNDIN H10IBNDIN H11IBNDIN H3IBNDIN:W3 IncPart-Bonds Income H4IBNDIN:W4 IncPart-Bonds Income H5IBNDIN:W5 IncPart-Bonds Income H6IBNDIN:W6 IncPart-Bonds Income H7IBNDIN:W7 IncPart-Bonds Income H8IBNDIN:W8 IncPart-Bonds Income H9IBNDIN:W9 IncPart-Bonds Income H10IBNDIN:W10 IncPart-Bonds Income H11IBNDIN:W11 IncPart-Bonds Income Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3IOBNDIN H4IOBNDIN H5IOBNDIN H6IOBNDIN H7IOBNDIN H8IOBNDIN H9IOBNDIN H10IOBNDIN H11IOBNDIN H3IOBNDIN:W3 Receives-Bonds Income H4IOBNDIN:W4 Receives-Bonds Income H5IOBNDIN:W5 Receives-Bonds Income H6IOBNDIN:W6 Receives-Bonds Income H7IOBNDIN:W7 Receives-Bonds Income H8IOBNDIN:W8 Receives-Bonds Income H9IOBNDIN:W9 Receives-Bonds Income H10IOBNDIN:W10 Receives-Bonds Income H11IOBNDIN:W11 Receives-Bonds Income Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3IFBNDIN H4IFBNDIN H5IFBNDIN H6IFBNDIN H7IFBNDIN H8IFBNDIN H9IFBNDIN H10IFBNDIN H11IFBNDIN H3IFBNDIN:W3 ImpFlag-Bonds Income H4IFBNDIN:W4 ImpFlag-Bonds Income H5IFBNDIN:W5 ImpFlag-Bonds Income H6IFBNDIN:W6 ImpFlag-Bonds Income H7IFBNDIN:W7 ImpFlag-Bonds Income H8IFBNDIN:W8 ImpFlag-Bonds Income H9IFBNDIN:W9 ImpFlag-Bonds Income H10IFBNDIN:W10 ImpFlag-Bonds Income H11IFBNDIN:W11 ImpFlag-Bonds Income Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 H2ISTK1 H2ISTK1:W2 IncPart-Stocks #1 Inc Cont 2 R2ISTK1 R2ISTK1:W2 IncPart-Stock #1 Inc Cont 2 S2ISTK1 S2ISTK1:W2 IncPart-Stock #1 Inc Cont 2 H2ISTK2 H2ISTK2:W2 IncPart-Stocks #2 Inc Cont 2 R2ISTK2 R2ISTK2:W2 IncPart-Stock #2 Inc Cont 2 S2ISTK2 S2ISTK2:W2 IncPart-Stock #2 Inc Cont 2 R2ISTK3 R2ISTK3:W2 IncPart-Stock #3 Inc Cont 2 S2ISTK3 S2ISTK3:W2 IncPart-Stock #3 Inc Cont 2 H2IOSTK1 H2IOSTK1:W2 Receives-Stocks #1 Inc Categ Section B: Income 80 2 R2IOSTK1 R2IOSTK1:W2 Receives-Stock #1 Inc Categ 2 S2IOSTK1 S2IOSTK1:W2 Receives-Stock #1 Inc Categ 2 H2IOSTK2 H2IOSTK2:W2 Receives-Stocks #2 Inc Categ 2 R2IOSTK2 R2IOSTK2:W2 Receives-Stock #2 Inc Categ 2 S2IOSTK2 S2IOSTK2:W2 Receives-Stock #2 Inc Categ 2 R2IOSTK3 R2IOSTK3:W2 Receives-Stock #3 Inc Categ 2 S2IOSTK3 S2IOSTK3:W2 Receives-Stock #3 Inc Categ 2 H2IFSTK1 H2IFSTK1:W2 ImpFlag-Stocks #1 Inc Categ 2 R2IFSTK1 R2IFSTK1:W2 ImpFlag-Stock #1 Inc Categ 2 S2IFSTK1 S2IFSTK1:W2 ImpFlag-Stock #1 Inc Categ 2 H2IFSTK2 H2IFSTK2:W2 ImpFlag-Stocks #2 Inc Categ 2 R2IFSTK2 R2IFSTK2:W2 ImpFlag-Stock #2 Inc Categ 2 S2IFSTK2 S2IFSTK2:W2 ImpFlag-Stock #2 Inc Categ 2 R2IFSTK3 R2IFSTK3:W2 ImpFlag-Stock #3 Inc Categ 2 S2IFSTK3 S2IFSTK3:W2 ImpFlag-Stock #3 Inc Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3ICHKIN H4ICHKIN H5ICHKIN H6ICHKIN H7ICHKIN H8ICHKIN H9ICHKIN H10ICHKIN H11ICHKIN H3ICHKIN:W3 IncPart-Chk/Sv Interest Income H4ICHKIN:W4 IncPart-Chk/Sv Interest Income H5ICHKIN:W5 IncPart-Chk/Sv Interest Income H6ICHKIN:W6 IncPart-Chk/Sv Interest Income H7ICHKIN:W7 IncPart-Chk/Sv Interest Income H8ICHKIN:W8 IncPart-Chk/Sv Interest Income H9ICHKIN:W9 IncPart-Chk/Sv Interest Income H10ICHKIN:W10 IncPart-Chk/Sv Interest Income H11ICHKIN:W11 IncPart-Chk/Sv Interest Income Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3IOCHKIN H4IOCHKIN H5IOCHKIN H6IOCHKIN H7IOCHKIN H8IOCHKIN H9IOCHKIN H10IOCHKIN H11IOCHKIN H3IOCHKIN:W3 Receives-Chk/Sv Interest Income H4IOCHKIN:W4 Receives-Chk/Sv Interest Income H5IOCHKIN:W5 Receives-Chk/Sv Interest Income H6IOCHKIN:W6 Receives-Chk/Sv Interest Income H7IOCHKIN:W7 Receives-Chk/Sv Interest Income H8IOCHKIN:W8 Receives-Chk/Sv Interest Income H9IOCHKIN:W9 Receives-Chk/Sv Interest Income H10IOCHKIN:W10 Receives-Chk/Sv Interest Income H11IOCHKIN:W11 Receives-Chk/Sv Interest Income Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3IFCHKIN H4IFCHKIN H5IFCHKIN H6IFCHKIN H7IFCHKIN H8IFCHKIN H9IFCHKIN H10IFCHKIN H11IFCHKIN H3IFCHKIN:W3 ImpFlag-Chk/Sv Interest Income H4IFCHKIN:W4 ImpFlag-Chk/Sv Interest Income H5IFCHKIN:W5 ImpFlag-Chk/Sv Interest Income H6IFCHKIN:W6 ImpFlag-Chk/Sv Interest Income H7IFCHKIN:W7 ImpFlag-Chk/Sv Interest Income H8IFCHKIN:W8 ImpFlag-Chk/Sv Interest Income H9IFCHKIN:W9 ImpFlag-Chk/Sv Interest Income H10IFCHKIN:W10 ImpFlag-Chk/Sv Interest Income H11IFCHKIN:W11 ImpFlag-Chk/Sv Interest Income Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 H2ISAV1 H2ISAV1:W2 IncPart-Savings #1 Inc Cont 2 H2ISAV2 H2ISAV2:W2 IncPart-Savings #2 Inc Cont Section B: Income 81 2 H2IOSAV1 H2IOSAV1:W2 Receives-Savings #1 Inc Categ 2 H2IOSAV2 H2IOSAV2:W2 Receives-Savings #2 Inc Categ 2 H2IFSAV1 H2IFSAV1:W2 ImpFlag-Savings #1 Inc Categ 2 H2IFSAV2 H2IFSAV2:W2 ImpFlag-Savings #2 Inc Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3ICDIN H4ICDIN H5ICDIN H6ICDIN H7ICDIN H8ICDIN H9ICDIN H10ICDIN H11ICDIN H3ICDIN:W3 IncPart-CD Income H4ICDIN:W4 IncPart-CD Income H5ICDIN:W5 IncPart-CD Income H6ICDIN:W6 IncPart-CD Income H7ICDIN:W7 IncPart-CD Income H8ICDIN:W8 IncPart-CD Income H9ICDIN:W9 IncPart-CD Income H10ICDIN:W10 IncPart-CD Income H11ICDIN:W11 IncPart-CD Income Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3IOCDIN H4IOCDIN H5IOCDIN H6IOCDIN H7IOCDIN H8IOCDIN H9IOCDIN H10IOCDIN H11IOCDIN H3IOCDIN:W3 Receives-CD Income H4IOCDIN:W4 Receives-CD Income H5IOCDIN:W5 Receives-CD Income H6IOCDIN:W6 Receives-CD Income H7IOCDIN:W7 Receives-CD Income H8IOCDIN:W8 Receives-CD Income H9IOCDIN:W9 Receives-CD Income H10IOCDIN:W10 Receives-CD Income H11IOCDIN:W11 Receives-CD Income Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3IFCDIN H4IFCDIN H5IFCDIN H6IFCDIN H7IFCDIN H8IFCDIN H9IFCDIN H10IFCDIN H11IFCDIN H3IFCDIN:W3 ImpFlag-CD Income H4IFCDIN:W4 ImpFlag-CD Income H5IFCDIN:W5 ImpFlag-CD Income H6IFCDIN:W6 ImpFlag-CD Income H7IFCDIN:W7 ImpFlag-CD Income H8IFCDIN:W8 ImpFlag-CD Income H9IFCDIN:W9 ImpFlag-CD Income H10IFCDIN:W10 ImpFlag-CD Income H11IFCDIN:W11 ImpFlag-CD Income Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 R2IIRA1 R2IIRA1:W2 IncPart-IRA #1 Inc Cont 2 S2IIRA1 S2IIRA1:W2 IncPart-IRA #1 Inc Cont 2 R2IIRA2 R2IIRA2:W2 IncPart-IRA #2 Inc Cont 2 S2IIRA2 S2IIRA2:W2 IncPart-IRA #2 Inc Cont 2 R2IOIRA1 R2IOIRA1:W2 Receives-IRA #1 Inc Categ 2 S2IOIRA1 S2IOIRA1:W2 Receives-IRA #1 Inc Categ 2 R2IOIRA2 R2IOIRA2:W2 Receives-IRA #2 Inc Categ 2 S2IOIRA2 S2IOIRA2:W2 Receives-IRA #2 Inc Categ 2 R2IFIRA1 R2IFIRA1:W2 ImpFlag-IRA #1 Inc Categ 2 S2IFIRA1 S2IFIRA1:W2 ImpFlag-IRA #1 Inc Categ 2 R2IFIRA2 R2IFIRA2:W2 ImpFlag-IRA #2 Inc Categ 2 S2IFIRA2 S2IFIRA2:W2 ImpFlag-IRA #2 Inc Categ Section B: Income 82 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3IOTHI1 H4IOTHI1 H5IOTHI1 H6IOTHI1 H7IOTHI1 H8IOTHI1 H9IOTHI1 H10IOTHI1 H11IOTHI1 H3IOTHI1:W3 IncPart-Other HH Inc #1 H4IOTHI1:W4 IncPart-Other HH Inc #1 H5IOTHI1:W5 IncPart-Other HH Inc #1 H6IOTHI1:W6 IncPart-Other HH Inc #1 H7IOTHI1:W7 IncPart-Other HH Inc #1 H8IOTHI1:W8 IncPart-Other HH Inc #1 H9IOTHI1:W9 IncPart-Other HH Inc #1 H10IOTHI1:W10 IncPart-Other HH Inc #1 H11IOTHI1:W11 IncPart-Other HH Inc #1 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3IOOTHI1 H4IOOTHI1 H5IOOTHI1 H6IOOTHI1 H7IOOTHI1 H8IOOTHI1 H9IOOTHI1 H10IOOTHI1 H11IOOTHI1 H3IOOTHI1:W3 Receives-Other HH Inc #1 H4IOOTHI1:W4 Receives-Other HH Inc #1 H5IOOTHI1:W5 Receives-Other HH Inc #1 H6IOOTHI1:W6 Receives-Other HH Inc #1 H7IOOTHI1:W7 Receives-Other HH Inc #1 H8IOOTHI1:W8 Receives-Other HH Inc #1 H9IOOTHI1:W9 Receives-Other HH Inc #1 H10IOOTHI1:W10 Receives-Other HH Inc #1 H11IOOTHI1:W11 Receives-Other HH Inc #1 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3IFOTHI1 H4IFOTHI1 H5IFOTHI1 H6IFOTHI1 H7IFOTHI1 H8IFOTHI1 H9IFOTHI1 H10IFOTHI1 H11IFOTHI1 H3IFOTHI1:W3 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #1 H4IFOTHI1:W4 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #1 H5IFOTHI1:W5 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #1 H6IFOTHI1:W6 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #1 H7IFOTHI1:W7 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #1 H8IFOTHI1:W8 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #1 H9IFOTHI1:W9 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #1 H10IFOTHI1:W10 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #1 H11IFOTHI1:W11 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #1 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 H2IOTHI4 H2IOTHI4:W2 IncPart-Other HH Inc #4 Cont 2 H2IOOTHI4 H2IOOTHI4:W2 Receives-Other HH Inc #4 Categ 2 H2IFOTHI4 H2IFOTHI4:W2 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #4 Categ 2 H2IOTHI5 H2IOTHI5:W2 IncPart-Other HH Inc #5 Cont 2 H2IOOTHI5 H2IOOTHI5:W2 Receives-Other HH Inc #5 Categ 2 H2IFOTHI5 H2IFOTHI5:W2 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #5 Categ 2 H2ISFEMP H2ISFEMP:W2 IncPart-Inc from Self-Employment Cont 2 H2IOSFEMP H2IOSFEMP:W2 Receives-Inc from Self-Employment Categ 2 H2IFSFEMP H2IFSFEMP:W2 ImpFlag-Inc from Self-Employment Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3ISEMP R4ISEMP R5ISEMP R6ISEMP R7ISEMP R8ISEMP R9ISEMP R10ISEMP R11ISEMP R3ISEMP:W3 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc R4ISEMP:W4 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc R5ISEMP:W5 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc R6ISEMP:W6 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc R7ISEMP:W7 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc R8ISEMP:W8 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc R9ISEMP:W9 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc R10ISEMP:W10 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc R11ISEMP:W11 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 S3ISEMP S4ISEMP S5ISEMP S6ISEMP S7ISEMP S3ISEMP:W3 S4ISEMP:W4 S5ISEMP:W5 S6ISEMP:W6 S7ISEMP:W7 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont IncPart-Self-Employment IncPart-Self-Employment IncPart-Self-Employment IncPart-Self-Employment IncPart-Self-Employment Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Section B: Income 83 8 9 10 11 S8ISEMP S9ISEMP S10ISEMP S11ISEMP S8ISEMP:W8 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc S9ISEMP:W9 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc S10ISEMP:W10 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc S11ISEMP:W11 IncPart-Self-Employment Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3IOSEMP R4IOSEMP R5IOSEMP R6IOSEMP R7IOSEMP R8IOSEMP R9IOSEMP R10IOSEMP R11IOSEMP R3IOSEMP:W3 Receives-Self-Employment Inc R4IOSEMP:W4 Receives-Self-Employment Inc R5IOSEMP:W5 Receives-Self-Employment Inc R6IOSEMP:W6 Receives-Self-Employment Inc R7IOSEMP:W7 Receives-Self-Employment Inc R8IOSEMP:W8 Receives-Self-Employment Inc R9IOSEMP:W9 Receives-Self-Employment Inc R10IOSEMP:W10 Receives-Self-Employment Inc R11IOSEMP:W11 Receives-Self-Employment Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3IOSEMP S4IOSEMP S5IOSEMP S6IOSEMP S7IOSEMP S8IOSEMP S9IOSEMP S10IOSEMP S11IOSEMP S3IOSEMP:W3 Receives-Self-Employment Inc S4IOSEMP:W4 Receives-Self-Employment Inc S5IOSEMP:W5 Receives-Self-Employment Inc S6IOSEMP:W6 Receives-Self-Employment Inc S7IOSEMP:W7 Receives-Self-Employment Inc S8IOSEMP:W8 Receives-Self-Employment Inc S9IOSEMP:W9 Receives-Self-Employment Inc S10IOSEMP:W10 Receives-Self-Employment Inc S11IOSEMP:W11 Receives-Self-Employment Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3IFSEMP R4IFSEMP R5IFSEMP R6IFSEMP R7IFSEMP R8IFSEMP R9IFSEMP R10IFSEMP R11IFSEMP R3IFSEMP:W3 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc R4IFSEMP:W4 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc R5IFSEMP:W5 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc R6IFSEMP:W6 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc R7IFSEMP:W7 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc R8IFSEMP:W8 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc R9IFSEMP:W9 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc R10IFSEMP:W10 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc R11IFSEMP:W11 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3IFSEMP S4IFSEMP S5IFSEMP S6IFSEMP S7IFSEMP S8IFSEMP S9IFSEMP S10IFSEMP S11IFSEMP S3IFSEMP:W3 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc S4IFSEMP:W4 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc S5IFSEMP:W5 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc S6IFSEMP:W6 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc S7IFSEMP:W7 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc S8IFSEMP:W8 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc S9IFSEMP:W9 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc S10IFSEMP:W10 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc S11IFSEMP:W11 ImpFlag-Self-Employment Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1ICAP H2ICAP H3ICAP H4ICAP H5ICAP H6ICAP H7ICAP H8ICAP H9ICAP H10ICAP H11ICAP 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5286.76 8260.30 13063.69 13406.13 14016.79 12677.47 13555.74 17491.93 15445.02 12098.82 12840.30 20672.26 45830.42 48783.91 89322.09 55503.30 72027.38 63677.13 279671.04 64386.18 56869.69 68464.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 515500.0 3215064.3 2944234.2 7797767.0 3365000.0 7334785.0 3536642.0 25360250.0 3000480.0 3001280.0 3663000.0 H1IOCAP H2IOCAP 12652 19642 0.45 0.48 0.50 0.50 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income 84 H3IOCAP H4IOCAP H5IOCAP H6IOCAP H7IOCAP H8IOCAP H9IOCAP H10IOCAP H11IOCAP 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.71 0.71 0.69 0.68 0.66 0.65 0.64 0.57 0.53 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.48 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1IFCAP H2IFCAP H3IFCAP H4IFCAP H5IFCAP H6IFCAP H7IFCAP H8IFCAP H9IFCAP H10IFCAP H11IFCAP 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.68 0.73 1.22 1.25 1.22 1.20 1.13 1.12 1.08 1.03 0.88 1.03 1.02 1.05 1.13 1.06 0.94 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.37 1.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H1IBUSIN H2IBUSIN H3IBUSIN H4IBUSIN H5IBUSIN H6IBUSIN H7IBUSIN H8IBUSIN H9IBUSIN H10IBUSIN H11IBUSIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1971.99 2551.56 1108.35 403.86 268.83 513.39 3289.55 2581.29 3328.51 2673.29 3385.47 15152.03 17710.69 8985.82 6358.68 4847.71 7684.29 34788.35 16278.33 26066.76 20549.82 63831.17 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 500000.0 523000.0 260458.7 336000.0 500000.0 480000.0 2500000.0 700000.0 1200000.0 1000000.0 6000000.0 H1IOBUSIN H2IOBUSIN H3IOBUSIN H4IOBUSIN H5IOBUSIN H6IOBUSIN H7IOBUSIN H8IOBUSIN H9IOBUSIN H10IOBUSIN H11IOBUSIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.07 0.09 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.26 0.28 0.21 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1IFBUSIN H2IFBUSIN H3IFBUSIN H4IFBUSIN H5IFBUSIN H6IFBUSIN H7IFBUSIN H8IFBUSIN H9IFBUSIN H10IFBUSIN H11IFBUSIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.74 5.64 5.81 5.94 5.94 5.89 5.69 5.72 5.73 5.78 5.77 1.19 1.36 1.02 0.72 0.67 0.77 1.23 1.17 1.15 1.21 1.12 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H1IRNTIN H2IRNTIN H3IRNTIN H4IRNTIN H5IRNTIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 1333.12 1360.88 2310.12 2133.65 2267.56 8880.01 7476.50 21205.53 24736.85 16177.85 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 500000.0 200000.0 999996.0 3000000.0 623724.0 Section B: Income 85 H6IRNTIN H7IRNTIN H8IRNTIN H9IRNTIN H10IRNTIN H11IRNTIN 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1919.11 2485.00 2014.53 1872.41 1835.79 1843.25 13191.22 28093.05 18062.62 19298.64 15914.87 17865.46 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 540000.0 999996.0 1080000.0 1395600.0 600000.0 1200000.0 H1IORNTIN H2IORNTIN H3IORNTIN H4IORNTIN H5IORNTIN H6IORNTIN H7IORNTIN H8IORNTIN H9IORNTIN H10IORNTIN H11IORNTIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.34 0.34 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1IFRNTIN H2IFRNTIN H3IFRNTIN H4IFRNTIN H5IFRNTIN H6IFRNTIN H7IFRNTIN H8IFRNTIN H9IFRNTIN H10IFRNTIN H11IFRNTIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.45 5.43 5.50 5.59 5.58 5.63 5.67 5.67 5.72 5.77 5.73 1.63 1.64 1.54 1.46 1.44 1.34 1.28 1.27 1.21 1.26 1.22 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H2IRNT1 8222 520.18 3190.00 0.0 70000.0 H2IRNT2 8222 16.21 695.74 0.0 40000.0 H2IORNT1 8222 0.07 0.25 0.0 1.0 H2IORNT2 8222 0.00 0.04 0.0 1.0 H2IFRNT1 8222 5.75 1.20 1.0 9.0 H2IFRNT2 8222 6.04 0.27 1.0 9.0 H1IRNTEX H2IRNTEX 12652 11420 389.28 188.17 4886.84 3228.88 0.0 0.0 200000.0 120000.0 H1IORNTEX H2IORNTEX 12652 11420 0.03 0.02 0.18 0.15 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 H1IFRNTEX H2IFRNTEX 12652 11420 5.94 5.96 0.86 0.68 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 H1ITRSIN H2ITRSIN H3ITRSIN H4ITRSIN H5ITRSIN H6ITRSIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 81.58 66.84 253.60 205.98 165.79 173.55 1743.17 1175.49 6322.73 4775.19 2908.72 2614.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100000.0 40000.0 500000.0 500000.0 120000.0 100000.0 H1IOTRSIN H2IOTRSIN H3IOTRSIN H4IOTRSIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.11 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income 86 H5IOTRSIN H6IOTRSIN 19579 18165 0.02 0.02 0.13 0.13 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 H1IFTRSIN H2IFTRSIN H3IFTRSIN H4IFTRSIN H5IFTRSIN H6IFTRSIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 5.98 5.98 5.96 5.97 5.96 5.95 0.60 0.59 0.64 0.65 0.63 0.62 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H2ITRS1 8222 175.38 2535.01 0.0 80000.0 H2ITRS2 8222 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 H2IOTRS1 8222 0.01 0.12 0.0 1.0 H2IOTRS2 8222 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 H2IFTRS1 8222 5.99 0.54 1.0 9.0 H2IFTRS2 8222 6.04 0.22 6.0 9.0 H1IDIVIN H2IDIVIN H3IDIVIN H4IDIVIN H5IDIVIN H6IDIVIN H7IDIVIN H8IDIVIN H9IDIVIN H10IDIVIN H11IDIVIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1510.78 1200.01 2023.61 2102.35 2618.35 1688.87 1412.37 1901.93 2485.05 1464.06 1550.30 5797.89 5679.07 10598.83 9331.66 17819.15 12365.09 7565.96 10696.20 17993.71 10234.42 11655.51 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 150000.0 150879.1 748000.0 400000.0 1000000.0 720000.0 240000.0 300916.5 1000000.0 400000.0 681619.5 H1IODIVIN H2IODIVIN H3IODIVIN H4IODIVIN H5IODIVIN H6IODIVIN H7IODIVIN H8IODIVIN H9IODIVIN H10IODIVIN H11IODIVIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.36 0.30 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.23 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.15 0.14 0.48 0.46 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.42 0.42 0.41 0.39 0.36 0.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1IFDIVIN H2IFDIVIN H3IFDIVIN H4IFDIVIN H5IFDIVIN H6IFDIVIN H7IFDIVIN H8IFDIVIN H9IFDIVIN H10IFDIVIN H11IFDIVIN 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 4.62 4.72 4.92 5.05 5.07 5.21 5.21 5.24 5.31 5.48 5.49 2.22 2.14 1.98 1.93 1.90 1.76 1.77 1.76 1.71 1.65 1.56 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H3IBNDIN H4IBNDIN H5IBNDIN H6IBNDIN H7IBNDIN 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 550.16 454.91 458.84 525.17 478.02 5095.35 4065.66 4471.97 5586.79 5292.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 360414.1 150000.0 300000.0 240000.0 240000.0 Section B: Income 87 H8IBNDIN H9IBNDIN H10IBNDIN H11IBNDIN 18469 17217 22034 20554 386.40 471.21 346.49 578.92 4184.36 5733.65 4014.16 22215.58 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 160000.0 336000.0 211239.1 3000000.0 H3IOBNDIN H4IOBNDIN H5IOBNDIN H6IOBNDIN H7IOBNDIN H8IOBNDIN H9IOBNDIN H10IOBNDIN H11IOBNDIN 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.18 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H3IFBNDIN H4IFBNDIN H5IFBNDIN H6IFBNDIN H7IFBNDIN H8IFBNDIN H9IFBNDIN H10IFBNDIN H11IFBNDIN 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.77 5.83 5.85 5.84 5.86 5.87 5.87 5.95 5.92 1.08 1.03 0.97 0.94 0.91 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.79 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H2ISTK1 8222 1094.36 6648.81 0.0 180000.0 R2ISTK1 8222 789.62 17163.42 0.0 1050000.0 S2ISTK1 4549 1106.53 22804.14 0.0 1050000.0 H2ISTK2 8222 55.47 1193.49 0.0 50000.0 R2ISTK2 8222 22.61 825.01 0.0 40000.0 S2ISTK2 4549 34.26 1087.09 0.0 40000.0 R2ISTK3 8222 0.40 31.38 0.0 2800.0 S2ISTK3 4549 0.11 7.47 0.0 504.0 H2IOSTK1 8222 0.13 0.33 0.0 1.0 R2IOSTK1 8222 0.04 0.19 0.0 1.0 S2IOSTK1 4549 0.04 0.19 0.0 1.0 H2IOSTK2 8222 0.01 0.07 0.0 1.0 R2IOSTK2 8222 0.00 0.04 0.0 1.0 S2IOSTK2 4549 0.00 0.04 0.0 1.0 R2IOSTK3 8222 0.00 0.02 0.0 1.0 S2IOSTK3 4549 0.00 0.01 0.0 1.0 H2IFSTK1 8222 5.54 1.49 1.0 9.0 R2IFSTK1 8222 5.88 0.86 1.0 9.0 S2IFSTK1 8222 6.83 1.23 1.0 9.0 Section B: Income 88 H2IFSTK2 8222 6.02 0.41 1.0 9.0 R2IFSTK2 8222 6.01 0.24 1.0 9.0 S2IFSTK2 8222 6.90 1.00 1.0 9.0 R2IFSTK3 8222 6.02 0.18 1.0 9.0 S2IFSTK3 8222 6.91 0.99 1.0 9.0 H3ICHKIN H4ICHKIN H5ICHKIN H6ICHKIN H7ICHKIN H8ICHKIN H9ICHKIN H10ICHKIN H11ICHKIN 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 836.20 882.31 772.44 1036.00 448.07 561.85 844.20 452.00 353.07 3213.11 8336.85 5318.77 54464.21 2916.05 2463.60 7129.06 4179.68 3040.54 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 148066.9 600000.0 606000.0 7330485.0 228000.0 91264.2 480000.0 300000.0 180000.0 H3IOCHKIN H4IOCHKIN H5IOCHKIN H6IOCHKIN H7IOCHKIN H8IOCHKIN H9IOCHKIN H10IOCHKIN H11IOCHKIN 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.54 0.51 0.51 0.49 0.41 0.35 0.49 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.48 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H3IFCHKIN H4IFCHKIN H5IFCHKIN H6IFCHKIN H7IFCHKIN H8IFCHKIN H9IFCHKIN H10IFCHKIN H11IFCHKIN 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 3.58 3.84 3.96 4.11 4.09 4.14 4.17 4.38 4.62 2.30 2.33 2.30 2.24 2.28 2.26 2.28 2.36 2.21 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H2ISAV1 8222 917.73 3662.64 0.0 80000.0 H2ISAV2 8222 12.42 318.93 0.0 24000.0 H2IOSAV1 8222 0.32 0.47 0.0 1.0 H2IOSAV2 8222 0.01 0.10 0.0 1.0 H2IFSAV1 8222 4.89 2.05 1.0 9.0 H2IFSAV2 8222 6.01 0.48 1.0 9.0 H3ICDIN H4ICDIN H5ICDIN H6ICDIN H7ICDIN H8ICDIN H9ICDIN H10ICDIN H11ICDIN 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 577.38 1401.53 594.55 460.93 299.83 471.42 1059.12 287.63 218.62 3092.35 76302.21 3862.76 2479.79 1971.68 2743.40 31699.41 2874.14 5087.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 140000.0 7777777.0 210000.0 100000.0 80000.0 132169.5 3000000.0 300000.0 400000.0 H3IOCDIN 17991 0.20 0.40 0.0 1.0 Section B: Income 89 H4IOCDIN H5IOCDIN H6IOCDIN H7IOCDIN H8IOCDIN H9IOCDIN H10IOCDIN H11IOCDIN 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.15 0.18 0.19 0.11 0.08 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.35 0.39 0.39 0.32 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H3IFCDIN H4IFCDIN H5IFCDIN H6IFCDIN H7IFCDIN H8IFCDIN H9IFCDIN H10IFCDIN H11IFCDIN 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.25 5.33 5.36 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.37 5.65 5.73 1.71 1.69 1.64 1.53 1.40 1.54 1.62 1.44 1.21 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R2IIRA1 8222 202.42 2084.42 0.0 105000.0 S2IIRA1 4549 266.85 2249.02 0.0 105000.0 R2IIRA2 8222 0.58 34.23 0.0 2172.0 S2IIRA2 4549 0.10 6.60 0.0 445.0 R2IOIRA1 8222 0.06 0.24 0.0 1.0 S2IOIRA1 4549 0.08 0.27 0.0 1.0 R2IOIRA2 8222 0.00 0.02 0.0 1.0 S2IOIRA2 4549 0.00 0.02 0.0 1.0 R2IFIRA1 8222 5.77 1.13 1.0 9.0 S2IFIRA1 8222 6.72 1.50 1.0 9.0 R2IFIRA2 8222 6.02 0.18 1.0 9.0 S2IFIRA2 8222 6.91 0.99 1.0 9.0 H3IOTHI1 H4IOTHI1 H5IOTHI1 H6IOTHI1 H7IOTHI1 H8IOTHI1 H9IOTHI1 H10IOTHI1 H11IOTHI1 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 222.15 187.46 383.75 211.20 224.93 281.90 224.19 172.95 196.18 4503.63 2212.22 9072.18 3182.91 3460.53 8294.53 3843.44 2869.23 3694.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 500000.0 80000.0 475000.0 100000.0 147866.6 1000000.0 200000.0 120000.0 255000.0 H3IOOTHI1 H4IOOTHI1 H5IOOTHI1 H6IOOTHI1 H7IOOTHI1 H8IOOTHI1 H9IOOTHI1 H10IOOTHI1 H11IOOTHI1 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income H3IFOTHI1 H4IFOTHI1 H5IFOTHI1 H6IFOTHI1 H7IFOTHI1 H8IFOTHI1 H9IFOTHI1 H10IFOTHI1 H11IFOTHI1 90 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.93 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.96 5.95 5.97 6.02 5.98 0.71 0.67 0.60 0.56 0.64 0.63 0.59 0.68 0.63 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H2IOTHI4 8222 317.81 2532.54 0.0 70000.0 H2IOOTHI4 8222 0.04 0.20 0.0 1.0 H2IFOTHI4 8222 5.87 0.94 1.0 9.0 H2IOTHI5 8222 2.32 109.92 0.0 8000.0 H2IOOTHI5 8222 0.00 0.03 0.0 1.0 H2IFOTHI5 8222 6.04 0.26 1.0 9.0 H2ISFEMP 11420 5537.81 48685.33 0.0 3000000.0 H2IOSFEMP 11420 0.11 0.31 0.0 1.0 H2IFSFEMP 11420 5.53 1.51 1.0 9.0 R3ISEMP R4ISEMP R5ISEMP R6ISEMP R7ISEMP R8ISEMP R9ISEMP R10ISEMP R11ISEMP 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2888.36 3154.23 3622.13 3439.77 3957.36 6023.88 3964.88 3616.49 4042.30 25923.20 20893.65 28863.67 29119.92 33445.04 195454.24 27678.40 34609.34 37457.49 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2500000.0 750000.0 2000000.0 2500000.0 3500000.0 25000000.0 1348768.7 3000000.0 3000000.0 S3ISEMP S4ISEMP S5ISEMP S6ISEMP S7ISEMP S8ISEMP S9ISEMP S10ISEMP S11ISEMP 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 3346.07 3653.41 4300.66 4150.23 4799.99 7730.66 5424.50 4710.81 4908.47 19874.35 21148.66 27722.16 25971.01 25878.84 237271.83 33644.60 33941.31 34925.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 900000.0 700000.0 1100000.0 900000.0 600000.0 25000000.0 1348768.7 1900000.0 1250000.0 R3IOSEMP R4IOSEMP R5IOSEMP R6IOSEMP R7IOSEMP R8IOSEMP R9IOSEMP R10IOSEMP R11IOSEMP 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.28 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S3IOSEMP S4IOSEMP S5IOSEMP S6IOSEMP S7IOSEMP 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.13 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.30 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income 91 S8IOSEMP S9IOSEMP S10IOSEMP S11IOSEMP 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R3IFSEMP R4IFSEMP R5IFSEMP R6IFSEMP R7IFSEMP R8IFSEMP R9IFSEMP R10IFSEMP R11IFSEMP 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.56 5.57 5.59 5.64 5.55 5.58 5.59 5.60 5.55 1.45 1.45 1.41 1.32 1.45 1.40 1.39 1.49 1.48 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S3IFSEMP S4IFSEMP S5IFSEMP S6IFSEMP S7IFSEMP S8IFSEMP S9IFSEMP S10IFSEMP S11IFSEMP 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.27 6.32 6.34 6.41 6.33 6.37 6.41 6.42 6.41 1.74 1.72 1.70 1.63 1.73 1.70 1.69 1.74 1.73 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1IOCAP 0.receives no |6932 1.receives inc|5720 H2IOCAP 10277 9365 H3IOCAP 5137 12854 H4IOCAP 6242 15142 H5IOCAP 5981 13598 H6IOCAP 5881 12284 H7IOCAP 6818 13311 H8IOCAP 6487 11982 H9IOCAP 6237 10980 H10IOCAP 9399 12635 H11IOCAP 9683 10871 Value---------|H1IFCAP 0.no income |6715 1.no imputatio|3995 2.some imputat|1847 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2IFCAP 9829 6223 3456 134 H3IFCAP 4894 5183 7788 126 H4IFCAP 5841 5853 9483 207 H5IFCAP 5581 5094 8767 137 H6IFCAP 5382 4057 8681 45 H7IFCAP 6373 5401 8266 89 H8IFCAP 5986 4796 7622 65 H9IFCAP 5774 4738 6630 75 H10IFCAP 8585 7142 5889 418 H11IFCAP 9019 6143 5221 171 Value---------|H1IOBUSIN .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |11741 1.receives inc|911 H2IOBUSIN H3IOBUSIN H4IOBUSIN H5IOBUSIN H6IOBUSIN H7IOBUSIN H8IOBUSIN H9IOBUSIN H10IOBUSIN H11IOBUSIN 8222 10427 17126 20928 19193 17658 18618 17183 16068 20635 19358 993 865 456 386 507 1511 1286 1149 1399 1196 Value---------|H1IFBUSIN .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|700 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|199 6.no income |11478 7.DK if income|180 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2IFBUSIN 8222 739 162 19 67 10269 40 124 Value---------|H1IORNTIN .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |10980 1.receives inc|1672 H2IORNTIN H3IORNTIN H4IORNTIN H5IORNTIN H6IORNTIN H7IORNTIN H8IORNTIN H9IORNTIN H10IORNTIN H11IORNTIN 8222 9934 15986 19312 17694 16624 18574 17089 16051 20633 19208 1486 2005 2072 1885 1541 1555 1380 1166 1401 1346 Value---------|H1IFRNTIN .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|1453 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|197 6.no income |10720 7.DK if income|187 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2IFRNTIN 8222 1227 157 18 71 9798 25 124 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| H2IORNT1 11420 H3IFBUSIN H4IFBUSIN H5IFBUSIN H6IFBUSIN H7IFBUSIN H8IFBUSIN H9IFBUSIN H10IFBUSIN H11IFBUSIN 652 119 9 79 16978 28 126 326 61 8 59 20590 133 207 270 46 7 59 18956 104 137 394 37 2 74 17520 93 45 1130 168 22 177 18450 93 89 949 123 15 193 17056 68 65 858 94 17 174 15915 84 75 1092 118 19 148 20094 145 418 944 90 24 124 19084 117 171 H3IFRNTIN H4IFRNTIN H5IFRNTIN H6IFRNTIN H7IFRNTIN H8IFRNTIN H9IFRNTIN H10IFRNTIN H11IFRNTIN 1722 168 15 91 15855 14 126 1799 124 6 113 18983 152 207 1612 125 19 113 17452 121 137 1340 54 8 124 16449 145 45 1325 70 3 143 18359 140 89 1187 74 14 97 16923 109 65 984 54 5 110 15856 133 75 1235 65 9 75 20028 204 418 1180 47 8 98 18887 163 171 Section B: Income 92 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| 7657 565 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IORNT2 11420 8210 12 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFRNT1 11420 472 67 7327 346 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFRNT2 11420 8 2 7888 314 10 Value---------|H1IORNTEX .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |12212 1.receives inc|440 H2IORNTEX 8222 11160 260 Value---------|H1IFRNTEX .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|317 5.no value/bra|92 6.no income |11560 7.DK if income|588 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2IFRNTEX 8222 158 99 10976 63 124 Value---------|H1IOTRSIN .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |12488 1.receives inc|164 H2IOTRSIN H3IOTRSIN H4IOTRSIN H5IOTRSIN H6IOTRSIN 8222 11285 17701 21044 19236 17860 135 290 340 343 305 Value---------|H1IFTRSIN .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|142 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|20 6.no income |12188 7.DK if income|207 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2IFTRSIN H3IFTRSIN H4IFTRSIN H5IFTRSIN H6IFTRSIN 8222 114 244 271 256 241 24 4 18 44 65 82 33 11125 17451 20591 18910 17585 39 126 250 194 233 124 126 207 137 45 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOTRS1 11420 8099 123 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | H2IOTRS2 11420 8222 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFTRS1 11420 77 43 7748 344 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFTRS2 11420 7896 316 10 Value---------|H1IODIVIN H2IODIVIN H3IODIVIN H4IODIVIN H5IODIVIN H6IODIVIN H7IODIVIN H8IODIVIN H9IODIVIN H10IODIVIN H11IODIVIN Section B: Income 93 .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |8059 1.receives inc|4593 8222 7979 3441 Value---------|H1IFDIVIN .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|3361 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|1142 6.no income |7835 7.DK if income|219 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2IFDIVIN 8222 2081 1061 68 184 7849 53 124 13249 4742 15848 5536 14451 5128 14009 4156 15572 4557 14558 3911 13896 3321 18717 3317 17624 2930 H3IFDIVIN H4IFDIVIN H5IFDIVIN H6IFDIVIN H7IFDIVIN H8IFDIVIN H9IFDIVIN H10IFDIVIN H11IFDIVIN 2501 1691 78 431 13075 89 126 2679 1775 71 846 15238 568 207 2383 1545 73 935 13893 613 137 1849 1196 62 917 13462 634 45 2171 1155 77 1013 15055 569 89 1946 1039 66 741 14098 514 65 1735 788 52 644 13420 503 75 1989 662 73 470 17835 587 418 1719 562 70 453 17058 521 171 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H3IOBNDIN H4IOBNDIN H5IOBNDIN H6IOBNDIN H7IOBNDIN H8IOBNDIN H9IOBNDIN H10IOBNDIN H11IOBNDIN 16858 20145 18454 17146 19083 17631 16461 21263 19867 1133 1239 1125 1019 1046 838 756 771 687 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H3IFBNDIN 594 362 20 146 16704 39 126 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOSTK1 11420 7172 1050 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOSTK1 11420 7903 319 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOSTK1 9123 5970 4373 176 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOSTK2 11420 8176 46 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOSTK2 11420 8208 14 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOSTK2 9123 5970 4541 8 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOSTK3 11420 8220 2 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOSTK3 9123 5970 4548 1 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| H2IFSTK1 11420 776 246 6853 337 H4IFBNDIN 588 364 23 241 19489 472 207 H5IFBNDIN 471 299 23 299 17872 478 137 H6IFBNDIN 446 239 30 286 16636 483 45 H7IFBNDIN 432 272 20 296 18548 472 89 H8IFBNDIN 386 186 17 221 17196 398 65 H9IFBNDIN 362 190 18 165 16017 390 75 H10IFBNDIN 434 136 25 153 20383 485 418 H11IFBNDIN 334 158 11 160 19332 388 171 Section B: Income 94 9.no Fin Resp | 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFSTK1 11420 231 78 7674 229 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S2IFSTK1 9123 2297 126 45 4211 163 3673 4 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFSTK2 11420 39 6 7846 321 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFSTK2 11420 10 4 8084 114 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S2IFSTK2 9123 2297 5 3 4440 97 3673 4 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFSTK3 11420 2 8096 114 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S2IFSTK3 9123 2297 1 4448 96 3673 4 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H3IOCHKIN H4IOCHKIN H5IOCHKIN H6IOCHKIN H7IOCHKIN H8IOCHKIN H9IOCHKIN H10IOCHKIN H11IOCHKIN 7384 9141 8777 8300 9803 9052 8748 12916 13378 10607 12243 10802 9865 10326 9417 8469 9118 7176 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H3IFCHKIN 5055 4409 171 794 7204 232 126 Value---------| H2IOSAV1 H4IFCHKIN 5495 4576 153 1460 8649 844 207 H5IFCHKIN 4682 3958 157 1514 8297 834 137 H6IFCHKIN 3892 3406 113 1963 7841 905 45 H7IFCHKIN 4739 3451 122 1629 9373 726 89 H8IFCHKIN 4280 2972 138 1673 8603 738 65 H9IFCHKIN 4143 2491 143 1350 8277 738 75 H10IFCHKIN 5703 1934 146 950 12107 776 418 H11IFCHKIN 4430 1576 109 817 12786 665 171 Section B: Income 95 .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| 11420 5610 2612 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOSAV2 11420 8145 77 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFSAV1 11420 1736 770 5375 331 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFSAV2 11420 59 16 7814 323 10 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H3IOCDIN 14467 3524 H4IOCDIN 17128 4256 H5IOCDIN 15682 3897 H6IOCDIN 14716 3449 H7IOCDIN 17172 2957 H8IOCDIN 15101 3368 H9IOCDIN 13915 3302 H10IOCDIN 19509 2525 H11IOCDIN 18808 1746 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H3IFCDIN 1418 1564 62 447 14280 94 126 H4IFCDIN 1661 1577 48 831 16408 652 207 H5IFCDIN 1419 1339 67 948 14990 679 137 H6IFCDIN 1093 1159 43 1026 14077 722 45 H7IFCDIN 1040 949 36 855 16545 615 89 H8IFCDIN 1243 1020 45 937 14550 609 65 H9IFCDIN 1397 906 66 834 13373 566 75 H10IFCDIN 1344 586 44 458 18568 616 418 H11IFCDIN 883 440 24 336 18142 558 171 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOIRA1 11420 7731 491 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOIRA1 9123 5970 4189 360 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOIRA2 11420 8218 4 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOIRA2 9123 5970 4547 2 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFIRA1 11420 419 58 7496 239 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| S2IFIRA1 9123 2297 310 40 4024 171 3673 Section B: Income 96 9.no Fin Resp | 4 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFIRA2 11420 3 1 8094 114 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S2IFIRA2 9123 2297 2 4447 96 3673 4 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H3IOOTHI1 H4IOOTHI1 H5IOOTHI1 H6IOOTHI1 H7IOOTHI1 H8IOOTHI1 H9IOOTHI1 H10IOOTHI1 H11IOOTHI1 17605 20948 19243 17905 19757 18141 16958 21737 20256 386 436 336 260 372 328 259 297 298 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H3IFOTHI1 254 96 6 27 17446 36 126 H4IFOTHI1 H5IFOTHI1 H6IFOTHI1 293 221 157 55 2 131 109 44 20364 18807 17498 389 305 364 207 137 45 H7IFOTHI1 228 75 4 62 19314 357 89 H8IFOTHI1 218 57 3 48 17806 272 65 H9IFOTHI1 174 35 2 41 16615 275 75 H10IFOTHI1 208 44 1 38 20894 431 418 H11IFOTHI1 227 28 8 25 19708 387 171 R3IOSEMP 16161 1830 R4IOSEMP 19206 2178 R7IOSEMP 17976 2153 R8IOSEMP 16648 1821 R9IOSEMP 15555 1662 R10IOSEMP 19736 2298 R11IOSEMP 18372 2182 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOOTHI4 11420 7884 338 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFOTHI4 11420 274 51 7543 344 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOOTHI5 11420 8216 6 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFOTHI5 11420 6 7891 315 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOSFEMP 8222 10179 1241 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFSFEMP 8222 1001 141 24 60 10062 8 124 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R5IOSEMP 17669 1910 R6IOSEMP 16582 1583 Section B: Income 97 Value---------| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S3IOSEMP 5658 10863 1470 S4IOSEMP 6869 12818 1697 S5IOSEMP 6538 11548 1493 S6IOSEMP 6306 10649 1210 S7IOSEMP 6777 11682 1670 S8IOSEMP 6417 10651 1401 S9IOSEMP 6205 9770 1242 S10IOSEMP 7799 12513 1722 S11IOSEMP 7474 11513 1567 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R3IFSEMP 1404 290 30 92 16030 19 126 R4IFSEMP 1631 345 40 136 18968 57 207 R5IFSEMP 1454 267 32 145 17496 48 137 R6IFSEMP 1188 197 20 151 16323 241 45 R7IFSEMP 1616 278 36 201 17828 81 89 R8IFSEMP 1383 232 15 177 16536 61 65 R9IFSEMP 1289 180 28 143 15443 59 75 R10IFSEMP 1789 212 27 212 19262 114 418 R11IFSEMP 1719 255 13 160 18119 117 171 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S3IFSEMP 1121 236 24 78 10772 16 5658 86 S4IFSEMP 1256 272 30 108 12615 49 6869 185 S5IFSEMP 1139 211 20 111 11425 42 6538 93 S6IFSEMP 921 146 12 112 10486 146 6306 36 S7IFSEMP 1229 222 29 165 11556 74 6777 77 S8IFSEMP 1063 176 13 139 10559 50 6417 52 S9IFSEMP 964 133 21 113 9674 45 6205 62 S10IFSEMP 1332 153 29 158 12145 91 7799 327 S11IFSEMP 1225 179 14 128 11293 98 7474 143 General Comments: Income measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD income component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in whether unfolding brackets are used to determine a range of income when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. The order in which income questions are asked also changes across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. Generally, Wave 1 questions ask about 1991 income, and Wave 2H asks about 1993 income. Wave 2A and from Wave 3 forward ask about income last calendar year. All questions are based on the Financial Respondent's interview year. Not all interviews are completely conducted in the same year for waves 2A, 3H, 4, and from 5 forward. The HRS and AHEAD income components are summed to create the income measures requested for these files. For each derived income measure, a flag indicates whether any or all of its components were imputed. Individual income components and imputation flags are available in the “RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File”. HRS and AHEAD income measures are reported at the household level. The Financial Respondent (FinR) reports income for both him/herself and his/her spouse or partner. The respondent income measures on this file are those of the FinR, if they are the same individual, and the spouse income measures are those of the FinR's spouse. If the respondent is the spouse of the FinR, then the FinR-reported respondent and spouse measures are swapped. That is, if the respondent is the FinR's spouse then the FinR-reported spouse income is assigned as the respondent income and the FinR-reported respondent income is assigned as the spouse income. How Constructed: HwICAP is the sum of household business or farm income, self-employment earnings, business income, gross rent, dividend and interest income, trust funds or royalties, and other asset income. In Waves 1 and 2H, gross rent is calculated from net rent plus rental expenses. The components vary across waves because the survey questions ask about different components. From Wave 3-6, the components are the same, as is the case from Wave 7 forward. The components summed in each wave are: H1ICAP sums income from business, rental, dividend and interest, and trust funds or royalties. H2ICAP sums income from IRAs; stocks, bonds and other dividends; rental property; savings, cds and other interest income; investment trusts; and other investment income. Section B: Income 98 H3ICAP sums income from self-employment, business, rental, stocks and mutual funds, bonds, CDs and treasury bills, checking and savings accounts, other assets, and trust funds or royalties. H7ICAP contains the same components as those described for H3ICAP, the only difference being that income from trust funds or royalties was not asked about from Wave 7 forward. For income from business, there is a question beginning in Wave 3H that asks whether this income was reported earlier in the interview. If yes, the amount from business income is still imputed (or kept if an amount is present) but is NOT included in HwICAP, as it is assumed to be double-reported, usually as self-employment income. It is important to note that this improvement is currently available from Wave 7 forward, and will be applied in future data releases to Wave 3H - Wave 6, where roughly 3.6% - 4.4% of households already reported business income earlier in the interview, depending on the wave. The individual components summed to generate HwICAP are: HwIBUSIN, HwIRNTIN, HwITRSIN, HwIDIVIN, HwIBNDIN, HwISTK, HwICHKIN, HwISAV, HwICDIN, RwIIRA, HwIOTHIx and RwISEMP. Variables in the form HwIFvar/RwIFvar/SwIFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwIOvar/RwIOvar/SwIOvar indicate whether income is received from this type of capital income. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The components of household capital income vary across waves. Income from self-employment is not asked in Waves 1 and 2A but is added in Wave 2H. In Wave 2H, if the financial respondent reported they (respondent only) were self-employed in the last wave, then they are asked how much they received in 1993. Then the financial respondent is asked if they or their spouse has received any other income privately-held businesses, farms, professional practices, or partnerships owned or shared by the respondent and spouse. As a result, if the spouse was self-employed last wave or if the respondent is newly self-employed, they will skip the first question and so their self-employment income will be bundled with the business income. From Wave 3 forward, self-employment income is reported for the respondent and spouse separately. In Waves 1 and 2H, one question asks about total interest and dividend income. Beginning in Wave 3, the survey adds separate questions about interest from bonds, CDs or treasury bills, and checking, savings, or money market accounts. Also added in Wave 3 are questions about income from other assets. Most income from assets from Wave 3 forward ask for an amount, how often received, and whether it is the same amount each period. If the same amount is not received each period, then the total amount received last calendar year is asked. If the same amount is received each period, then the amount is multiplied appropriately for the period to arrive at total per year. Beginning in Wave 3, questions asking about the income from assets immediately follow questions on whether the asset is owned. If the household does not own an asset, then income from the asset is assumed to be zero. In Waves 1 and 2, income from assets questions are asked in a completely different section of the interview. From Wave 2H forward, with the exception of trust fund income, if the respondent refuses or doesn't know the value of an income component, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts for income from business, rent, and dividends or interest change from Wave 2H to 3. The entry points for some components vary across waves. In Waves 1 and 2A, no unfolding bracket questions are asked. The income questions in Wave 2A are very different from other waves. Most distinctive are the "regular income" for respondent and spouse and "other household income". After standard questions about Social Security income, SSI and food stamps, other income is asked about in a general way. If other income is present, respondents are asked to specify the source of income. In other waves, most income types are asked specifically (e.g., Do you receive income from stocks?). In Wave 2A, financial respondents are asked the following questions about their own income, then their spouse's: a) Do you receive any (other) regular income payments; for example, from retirement pensions, Veterans Benefits, annuities, payments from an IRA account, or anything like that? Section B: Income b) Please think about the largest (other) regular income you receive. [IWER: PROBE WITH CATEGORIES ONLY IF R NEEDS HELP] 99 What type of income is that? 1.VETERANS BENEFITS 2.RETIREMENT OR OTHER PENSIONS 3.ANNUITY 4.IRA DISTRIBUTION 5.STOCKS AND BONDS 7.OTHER 8.DK 9.RF This set of questions is repeated twice so that respondents can report up to 3 current other regular incomes. Then they are asked: a) Did you receive any other regular income in [last calendar year] that you no longer receive? b) What type of income was that? (Same categories as above) So there are a total of 4 other regular incomes that can be reported. Categories may be specified more than once, and there are up to 3 different instances of an income like pension or stocks. Besides pensions and annuities, other waves allow only one reported amount for most income categories, so that a respondent would give a total of all dividend income received. Financial respondents are then asked the following questions about their household income: a) (Aside from anything you have already told me about,) Do you (or your (husband/wife/partner)) receive any income from financial investments like savings accounts, CDs, stocks and bonds, rental property, or investment trusts? b) What do you receive the largest income from? [IWER: PROBE WITH CATEGORIES ONLY IF R NEEDS HELP] 1.SAVINGS ACCOUNTS/CDs/INTEREST 2.STOCKS OR BONDS/DIVIDENDS 3.RENTAL PROPERTY 4.INVESTMENT TRUSTS 5.RELATIVE 7.OTHER 8.DK 9.RF This set of questions is repeated once so that respondents can report up to 2 current household investment incomes. Then they are asked: a) Did you (or your (husband/wife/partner)) receive any income from savings or investments in [last calendar year] that you no longer receive? Section B: Income 100 b) What did you receive that income from? So there are a total of 3 household investment incomes that can be reported. Categories may be specified more than once, and there are up to 2 different instances of an income like savings. If income is received, subsequent questions serve to identify the date of receipt (was income received in last calendar year?) and amount received. There are no unfolding brackets for income in Wave 2A. Resulting Wave 2A Household Capital Income components: Respondent/Spouse or Partner (R/S) IIRA1-2 ISTK1-3 Household (H) ISAV1-2 ISTK1-2 IRNT1-2 ITRS1-2 IOTHI4-5 In Wave 6, the introductory question wording for real estate ownership differs from previous waves. until Wave 6, the question reads: Up Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner/...) have any real estate (other than your main home or second home), such as land, rental real estate, a partnership, or money owed to you on a land contract or mortgage? The new question wording is as follows: Do you and (your (husband/wife/partner)) have any real estate (other than your main home or second home,/other than your main home,/other than your second home,) such as land, rental real estate, or money owed to you on a land contract or mortgage? Please do not include business or farm real estate. From Wave 7 forward, income from trust funds or royalties was not asked about. Therefore, this type of income is not included amongst the components that are used to derive household capital income. Because of the differences in the way income information was collected for the HRS and Ahead samples in wave 2, the income component imputation flags that apply vary, depending on the entry cohort of the respondent. For Ahead entry cohort respondents, H2IFBUSIN, H2IFSFEMP, H2IFRNTIN, H2IFRNTEX, H2IFDIVIN, and H2IFTRSIN are set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income components are not available in Wave 2A. For HRS entry cohort respondents, R2IFIRA1, S2IFIRA1, R2IFIRA2, S2IFIRA2, R2IFSTK1, S2IFSTK1, R2IFSTK2, S2IFSTK2, R2IFSTK3, S2IFSTK3, H2IFSAV1, H2IFSAV2, H2IFSTK1, H2IFSTK2, H2IFRNT1, H2IFRNT2, H2IFTRS1, H2IFTRS2, H2IFOTHI4, and H2IFOTHI5 are set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income components are not available in Wave 2H. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15904 V15905 V15906 V15907 V15908 V15909 V15910 N38A:OTHR INCME:FARM:IND N39A:OTHR INC AMT :IND N38B:OTHR INCME:RENT:IND N39B:OTHR INCME AMT :IND N40B:OTHER INCME NET:IND N40B:OTHR INCME EXP :IND N38C:OTHR INCME:INTE:IND Section B: Income V15911 V15912 V15913 V5904 V5905 V5906 V5907 V5908 V5909 V5910 V5911 V5912 V5913 AHEAD 1993: B1456 B1457 B1458 B1459 B1460 B1462 B1463 B1473 B1475 B1476 B1477 B1478 B1479 B1480 B1481 B1482 B1491 B1492 B1493 B1494 B1495 B1496 B1497 B1498 B1499 B1508 B1509 B1510 B1511 B1512 B1513 B1514 B1515 B1517 B1518 B1519 B1520 B1521 B1522 B1523 B1524 B1533 B1539 B1540 B1541 B1542 B1543 B1544 B1545 101 N39C:OTHR INCME AMT :IND N38D:OTHR INCME:TRST:IND N39D:OTHR INCME AMT :IND N38A:OTHR INCME:FARM:IMP N39A:OTHR INCME: AM:IMP N38B:OTHR INCME:RENT:IMP N39B:OTHR INCME: AM:IMP N40B:OTHR INCME:NET :IMP N40Bb:OTHR INCM: EX:IMP N38C:OTHR INCME:INTE:IMP N39C:OTHR INCME: AM:IMP N38D:OTHR INCME:TRST:IMP N39D:OTHR INCME: AM:IMP J19. R REG INC: RECEIVE ANY J20-1. R REG INC: TYPE-1 J21-1. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-1 J21b-1. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-1 J21c-1. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-1 J21e-1. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-1 J21f-1. R REG INC: START MONTH-1 J26-1. R REG INC: ANY OTHER-1 J20-2. R REG INC: TYPE-2 J21-2. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-2 J21b-2. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-2 J21c-2. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-2 J21d-2. R REG INC: FED INC TAXED-2 J21e-2. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-2 J21f-2. R REG INC: START MONTH-2 J21g-2. R REG INC: START YEAR-2 J26-2. R REG INC: ANY OTHER-2 J20-3. R REG INC: TYPE-3 J21-3. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-3 J21b-3. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-3 J21c-3. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-3 J21d-3. R REG INC: FED INC TAXED-3 J21e-3. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-3 J21f-3. R REG INC: START MONTH-3 J21g-3. R REG INC: START YEAR-3 J27. R REG INC: ANY END 1992/3 J27a. R REG INC END1992/3: TYPE J28. R REG INC END 1992/3: PAID PER MO J28a. R REG INC END 1992/3: $ PERIOD J28b.R REG INC END1992/3:$ LAST PERIOD J28c. R REG INC END92/3: LAST MO RECD J28d. R REG INC END92/3: LAST YR RECD J29. SP REG INC: RECEIVE ANY J30-1. SP REG INC: TYPE-1 J31-1. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-1 J31b-1. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-1 J31c-1. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-1 J31d-1. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-1 J31e-1. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-1 J31f-1. SP REG INC: START MONTH-1 J31g-1. SP REG INC: START YEAR-1 J36-1. SP REG INC: ANY OTHER-1 J30-2. SP REG INC: TYPE-2 J31-2. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-2 J31b-2. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-2 J31c-2. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-2 J31d-2. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-2 J31e-2. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-2 J31f-2. SP REG INC: START MONTH-2 Section B: Income B1546 B1555 B1560 B1561 B1562 B1563 B1564 B1565 B1566 B1567 B1576 B1577 B1578 B1579 B1580 B1581 B1582 B1583 B1584 B1585 B1586 B1587 B1588 B1589 B1590 B1591 B1592 B1593 B1594 B1595 B1596 B1597 B1598 B1599 HRS 1994: W15900 W15901 W15906 W15907 W16287 W16288 W16295 W16296 W16301 W16302 W5900 W5901 W5902 W5906 W5907 W5908 W6287 W6288 W6289 W6293 W6294 W6295 W6296 W6297 W6301 W6302 AHEAD 1995: D3983 102 J31g-2. SP REG INC: START YEAR-2 J36-2. SP REG INC: ANY OTHER-2 J30-3. SP REG INC: TYPE-3 J31-3. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-3 J31b-3. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-3 J31c-3. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-3 J31d-3. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-3 J31e-3. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-3 J31f-3. SP REG INC: START MONTH-3 J31g-3. SP REG INC: START YEAR-3 J37. SP REG INC: ANY END 92/93 J37a. SP REG INC END 92/93: TYPE J37b. SP REG INC END 92/93: LAST MO RECD J37b. SP REG INC END 92/93: LAST YR RECD J37c. SP REG INC END 92/93: PAID PER MO J37d. SP REG INC END 92/93: $ PERIOD J37e. SP REG INC END 92/93: $ LST PERIOD J40-1. INVEST INC: RECEIVE ANY-1 J41-1. INVEST INC: TYPE-1 J42-1. INVEST INC: $ PERIOD-1 J42a-1. INVEST INC: $ LAST PERIOD-1 J42b-1. INVEST INC: TOTAL $ PD 1992/3-1 J42c-1. INVEST INC: 1992/3 $ PERIOD-1 J40-2. INVEST INC: RECEIVE ANY-2 J41-2. INVEST INC: TYPE-2 J42-2. INVEST INC: $ PERIOD-2 J42a-2. INVEST INC: $ LAST PERIOD-2 J42b-2. INVEST INC: TOTAL $ PD 1992/3-2 J42c-2. INVEST INC: 1992/3 $ PERIOD-2 J43. INVEST INC: ANY END 1992/3 J43a. INVEST INC END 1992/3: TYPE J43b. INVES INC END 92/3: LAST MO RECD-1 J43c. INVES INC END 92/3: LAST YR RECD-2 J43d. INVEST INC END1992/3: $ LAST MO N1. Imputation flag N1a. Imputation flag N2. Imputation flag N2a. Imputation flag N28a. Imputation flag N29a1. Imputation flag N28b. Imputation flag N29b1. Imputation flag N28c. Imputation flag N29c1. Imputation flag N1.SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOM N1a.AMOUNT SELF-EMPLOYME N1a1. Brackets N2.INCOME FROM BUSINESS/ N2a.AMOUNT BUSINESS INCO N2a1. Brackets N28a.RENTAL INCOME IN 19 N29a1.AMT RENTAL INCOME N29a1. Brackets N29-x1.BEFORE/AFTER EXPE N29-x2.EXPENSES IN 1993 N28b.DIVIDEND/INTEREST I N29b1.AMOUNT DIVIDEND/IN N29b1. Brackets N28c.INCOME FROM TRUST F N29c1.AMT TRUST FUND/ROY J16.RENTAL INCOME Section B: Income D3984 D3985 D3986 D3987 D3989 D3990 D3991 D3992 D4024 D4025 D4026 D4027 D4029 D4030 D4031 D4032 D4033 D4357 D4358 D4359 D4361 D4363 D4364 D4365 D4400 D4401 D4402 D4403 D4404 D4406 D4407 D4408 D4440 D4441 D4442 D4443 D4444 D4445 D4446 D4447 D4482 D4483 D4484 D4485 D4486 D4488 D4489 D4490 D4517 D4518 D4519 D4520 D4521 D4522 D4523 D4524 D4534_1 D4536_1 D4537_1 D4538_1 D4539_1 D4540_1 D4547_1 103 J16A.RENTAL OFTEN PAID J16B.RENTAL RECEIVE $ PERIOD J16BA.RENTAL RECEIVE SAME AMOUNT J16C.RENTAL RECEIVE $ LCYEAR J16E.RENTAL INCOME DK-1 J16F.RENTAL INC DK-2 J16G.RENTAL INC DK-3 J16H.RENTAL INC DK-4 J19.BUSINESS INCOME J19A.BUSINESS INC OFTEN PAID J19B.BUSINESS INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J19C.BUSINESS INC SAME J19D.BUS/FARM INCOME $ LCYEAR J19E.BUSINESS INCOME DK-1 J19F.BUSINESS INC DK-2 J19G.BUSINESS INC DK-3 J19H.BUSINESS INC DK-4 J38.STOCKS INCOME J38A.STOCK INC OFTEN J38B.STOCK INCOME $ PERIOD J38D.STOCK INCOME LCY J38E.STOCK INCOME DK-1 J38F.STOCK INC DK-2 J38G.STOCK INC DK-3 J42.BONDS INCOME J42A.BOND INC OFTEN J42B.BOND INCOME $ PERIOD J42C.BOND INCOME SAME J42D.BOND INCOME LCY J42E.BOND INCOME DK-1 J42F.BOND INC DK-2 J42G.BOND INC DK-3 J45.CHECKING, SAVINGS INCOME J45A.CHECKING INC OFTEN J45B.CHECKING INCOME $ PERIOD J45C.CHECKING INCOME SAME J45D.SAVINGS INTEREST LCY J45E.CHECKING, SAVING INCOME DK-1 J45F.CHECKING, SAVING INC DK-2 J45G.CHECKING, SAVING INC DK-3 J49.CDS INCOME J49A.CD INC OFTEN J49B.CD INCOME $ PERIOD J49C.CD INCOME SAME J49D.CD INCOME LCY J49E.CD INCOME DK-1 J49F.CD INC DK-2 J49G.CD INC DK-3 J54.OTHER ASSETS INCOME J55.OTHER ASSETS INCOME $ J55A.J55-DK 1 J55B.J55-DK 2 J55C.J55 DK-3 J55D.J55-DK 4 J55E.J55 DK-5 J55F.J55-DK 6 J57A.R EARNINGS SELF EMP J57B.R $ EARNINGS LCY J57B.DK-1 J57C.DK-2 J57D.DK-3 J57E.REPORT PREVIOUS J58A.SP EARNINGS SELF EMP Section B: Income D4549_1 D4550_1 D4551_1 D4552_1 D4562 D4563 HRS 1996: E3871 E3875 E3876 E3877 E3878 E3879 E3880 E3908 E3909 E3910 E3911 E3912 E3913 E4070 E4085 E4086 E4087 E4088 E4089 E4091 E4092 E4093 E4096 E4112 E4113 E4114 E4115 E4117 E4118 E4119 E4120 E4121 E4122 E4339 E4358 E4359 E4360 E4361 E4362 E4364 E4365 E4366 E4382 E4401 E4402 E4403 E4404 E4405 E4407 E4408 E4409 E4425 E4441 E4442 E4443 E4444 104 J58B.SP $ EARNINGS LCY J58B.DK-1 J58C.DK-2 J58D.DK-3 J60.TRUST FUND INCOME J60A. TRUST FUNDS $ 1994 J1.R OR SP WORK FOR PAY LCYEAR J5.R SELF-EMPLOYMENT LCYEAR J6. R SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME AMOUNT J6A.R $ SELF-EMPLOYMENT DK-10K J6B.R $ SELF-EMPLOYMENT DK-25K J6C.R $ SELF-EMPLOYMENT DK-100K J6D.R $ SELF-EMPLOYMENT DK-5K J13.SP SELF-EMPLOYMENT LCYEAR J14.SP HOW MUCH SELF-EMPLOYMENT J14A.SP $ SELF-EMPLOYMENT DK-10K J14B.SP $ SELF-EMPLOYMENT DK-25K J14C.SP $ SELF-EMPLOYMENT DK-100K J14D.SP $ SELF-EMPLOYMENT DK-5K J76.REAL ESTATE J78.RENTAL INCOME J79.RENTAL OFTEN PAID J80.RENTAL RECEIVE $ PERIOD J81.RENTAL RECEIVE SAME AMOUNT J82.RENTAL RECEIVE $ LCYEAR J82A.RENTAL RECEIVE $ LC_YR DK-50K J82B.RENTAL RECEIVE $ LC_YR DK-75K J82C.RENTAL RECEIVE $ LC_YR DK-25K J83.OWN BUSINESS OR FARM J85.BUSINESS INCOME J86.BUSINESS INC OFTEN PAID J87.BUSINESS INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J88.BUSINESS INC SAME J89.BUS/FARM INCOME $ LCYEAR J89A.BUS/FARM INCOME $ LC_YR DK-20K J89B.BUS/FARM INCOME $ LC_YR DK-50K J89C.BUS/FARM INCOME $ LC_YR DK-5K J89D.BUS/FARM INCOME $ LC_YR DK-2K J89E.BUSINESS TELL EARLIER J207.STOCK ASSETS J209.STOCKS INCOME J210.STOCK INC OFTEN J211.STOCK INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J212.STOCK INC SAME J213.STOCK INCOME $ LCYEAR J213A.STOCK INCOME $ LC_YR DK-5K J213B.STOCK INCOME $ LC_YR DK-2 J213C.STOCK INCOME $ LC_YR DK-1K J215.BOND ASSETS J217.BONDS INCOME J218.BONDS INC OFTEN PAID J219.BONDS INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J220.BONDS INC SAME J221.BOND INCOME $ LCYEAR J221A.BOND INCOME $ LC_YR DK-5K J221B.BOND INCOME $ LC_YR DK-20K J221C.BOND INCOME $ LC_YR DK-1K J222.CHECKING,SAVING ASSETS J224.CHECKING, SAVINGS INCOME J225.CHECKING INC OFTEN J226.CHECKING INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J227.CHECKING INC SAME Section B: Income E4445 E4446 E4447 E4448 E4464 E4483 E4484 E4485 E4486 E4487 E4489 E4490 E4491 E4513 E4515 E4519 E4520 E4521 E4522 E4563 E4564 HRS 1998: F4633 F4634 F4635 F4636 F4637 F4638 F4639 F4640 F4669 F4670 F4671 F4672 F4672 F4673 F4674 F4830 F4845 F4846 F4847 F4848 F4849 F4851 F4852 F4853 F4856 F4872 F4873 F4874 F4875 F4877 F4878 F4879 F4880 F4881 F4882 F5099 F5118 F5119 F5120 F5121 F5122 105 J228.CHECKING INCOME $ LCYEAR J228A.CHKNG INCOME $ LC_YR DK-2 J228B.CHKNG INCOME $ LC_YR DK-5K J228C.CHKNG INCOME $ LC_YR DK-1K J229.CD,TBILL ASSETS J232.CDS INCOME J233.CD INC OFTEN J234.CD INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J235.CD INC SAME J236.CD INCOME $ LCYEAR J236A.CD INCOME $ LC_YR DK-2K J236B.CD INCOME $ LC_YR DK-5K J236C.CD INCOME $ LC_YR DK-1K J239.OTHER ASSETS J240A.OTHER ASSETS DK-50K J242.OTHER ASSETS INCOME $ J242A.OTHER ASSETS INCOME $ DK-5K J242B.OTHER ASSETS INCOME $ DK-25K J242C.OTHER ASSETS INCOME $ DK-1K J244.TRUST FUND INCOME LCY J245.TRUST FUNDS $LCY J5.R SELF-EMPLOYMENT LCYEAR J6.R HOW MUCH SELF-EMPLOYMENT J6A.R DK-5K J6A.R DK-10,000 J6B.R DK-25,000 J6C.R DK-100,000 J6B.R DK-10,000 J6D.R DK-5,000 J13.SP SELF-EMPLOYMENT LCYEAR J14.SP HOW MUCH SELF-EMPLOYMENT J14A.SP DK-10,000 J14B.SP DK-25,000 J14B.SP DK-25,000 J14C.SP DK-100,000 J14D.SP DK-5,000 J76.REAL ESTATE J78.RENTAL INCOME J79.RENTAL OFTEN PAID J80.RENTAL RECEIVE $ PERIOD J81.RENTAL RECEIVE SAME AMOUNT J82.RENTAL RECEIVE $ LCYEAR J82A.RENTAL INCOME DK-50,000 J82B.RENTAL INC DK-75,000 J82C.RENTAL INC DK-25,000 J83.BUSINESS J85.BUSINESS INCOME J86.BUSINESS INC OFTEN PAID J87.BUSINESS INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J88.BUSINESS INC SAME J89.BUS/FARM INCOME $ LCYEAR J89A.BUSINESS INCOME DK-20,000 J89B.BUSINESS INC DK-50,000 J89C.BUSINESS INC DK-5,000 J89D.BUSINESS INC DK-2,000 J89E.BUSINESS TELL EARLIER J207.STOCK ASSETS J209.STOCKS INCOME J210.STOCK INC OFTEN J211.STOCK INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J212.STOCK INC SAME J213.STOCK INCOME $ LCYEAR Section B: Income F5124 F5125 F5126 F5142 F5161 F5162 F5163 F5164 F5165 F5167 F5168 F5169 F5185 F5201 F5202 F5203 F5204 F5205 F5206 F5207 F5208 F5224 F5243 F5244 F5245 F5246 F5247 F5249 F5250 F5251 F5273 F5282 F5283 F5284 F5285 F5286 F5323 F5324 HRS 2000: G5072 G5073 G5074 G5075 G5076 G5077 G5078 G5079 G5108 G5109 G5110 G5111 G5111 G5112 G5113 G5275 G5290 G5291 G5292 G5293 G5294 G5296 G5297 G5298 106 J213A.STOCK INCOME DK-5K J213B.STOCK INC DK-25K J213C.STOCK INC DK-1K J215.BOND ASSETS J217.BONDS INCOME J218.BONDS INC OFTEN PAID J219.BONDS INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J220.BONDS INC SAME J221.BOND INCOME $ LCYEAR J221A.BOND INCOME DK-5K J221B.BOND INC DK-20K J221C.BOND INC DK-1K J222.CHECKING, SAVING ASSETS J224.CHECKING, SAVINGS INCOME J225.CHECKING INC OFTEN J226.CHECKING INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J227.CHECKING INC SAME J228.CHECKING INCOME $ LCYEAR J228A.CHECKING, SAVING INCOME DK-2 J228B.CHECKING, SAVING INC DK-5K J228C.CHECKING, SAVING INC DK-1K J229.CD,TBILL ASSETS J232.CDS INCOME J233.CD INC OFTEN J234.CD INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J235.CD INC SAME J236.CD INCOME $ LCYEAR J236A.CD INCOME DK-2K J236B.CD INC DK-5K J236C.CD INC DK-1K J239.OTHER ASSETS J241.OTHER ASSETS INCOME J242.OTHER ASSETS INCOME $ J242A.DK-5K J242B.DK-25K J242C.DK-1K J244.TRUST FUND INCOME LCY J245.TRUST FUNDS $LCY J5.R SELF-EMPLOYMENT LCYEAR J6.R HOW MUCH SELF-EMPLOYMENT J6A.R DK-5K J6Y1A.R DK-10000 J6B.R DK-25000 J6C.R DK-100000 J6Y1B.R DK-10000 J6D.R DK-5000 J13.SP SELF-EMPLOYMENT LCYEAR J14.SP HOW MUCH SELF-EMPLOYMENT J14A.SP DK-10000 J14B.SP DK-25000 J14B.SP DK-25000 J14C.SP DK-100000 J14D.SP DK-5000 J76.REAL ESTATE J78.RENTAL INCOME J79.RENTAL OFTEN PAID J80.RENTAL RECEIVE $ PERIOD J81.RENTAL RECEIVE SAME AMOUNT J82.RENTAL RECEIVE $ LCYEAR J82A.RENTAL INCOME DK-50000 J82B.RENTAL INC DK-75000 J82C.RENTAL INC DK-25000 Section B: Income G5301 G5317 G5318 G5319 G5320 G5322 G5323 G5324 G5325 G5326 G5327 G5554 G5568 G5569 G5570 G5571 G5572 G5574 G5575 G5576 G5587 G5602 G5603 G5604 G5605 G5606 G5608 G5609 G5610 G5620 G5636 G5637 G5638 G5639 G5640 G5641 G5642 G5643 G5650 G5664 G5665 G5666 G5667 G5668 G5670 G5671 G5672 G5694 G5703 G5704 G5705 G5706 G5707 G5717 G5718 HRS 2002: HQ014 HQ015 HQ016 HQ017 HQ018 HQ039 HQ040 107 J83.BUSINESS J85.BUSINESS INCOME J86.BUSINESS INC OFTEN PAID J87.BUSINESS INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J88.BUSINESS INC SAME J89.BUS/FARM INCOME $ LCYEAR J89A.BUSINESS INCOME DK-20000 J89B.BUSINESS INC DK-50000 J89C.BUSINESS INC DK-5000 J89D.BUSINESS INC DK-2000 J89E.BUSINESS TELL EARLIER J207.STOCK ASSETS J209.STOCKS INCOME J210.STOCK INC OFTEN J211.STOCK INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J212.STOCK INC SAME J213.STOCK INCOME $ LCYEAR J213A.STOCK INCOME DK-5K J213B.STOCK INC DK-25K J213C.STOCK INC DK-1K J215.BOND ASSETS J217.BONDS INCOME J218.BONDS INC OFTEN PAID J219.BONDS INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J220.BONDS INC SAME J221.BOND INCOME $ LCYEAR J221A. BOND INCOME DK-5K J221B.BOND INC DK-20K J221C.BOND INC DK-1K J222.CHECKING-SAVING ASSETS J224.CHECKING-SAVINGS INCOME J225.CHECKING INC OFTEN J226.CHECKING INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J227.CHECKING INC SAME J228.CHECKING INCOME $ LCYEAR J228A.CHECKING-SAVING INCOME DK-2K J228B.CHECKING-SAVING INC DK-5K J228C.CHECKING-SAVING INC DK-1K J229.CD-TBILL ASSETS J232.CDS INCOME J233.CD INC OFTEN J234.CD INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD J235.CD INC SAME J236.CD INCOME $ LCYEAR J236A.CD INCOME DK-2K J236B.CD INC DK-5K J236C.CD INC DK-1K J239.OTHER ASSETS J241.OTHER ASSETS INCOME J242.OTHER ASSETS INCOME $ J242A.DK-5K J242B.DK-25K J242C.DK-1K J244.TRUST FUND INCOME LCY J245.TRUST FUNDS AMT RCV-LCY R INCOME FROM WORK SELF EMPL - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK SELF EMPL LCY R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MIN R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MAX R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - RESULT SP INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM SELF EMPL INCOME LCY Section B: Income HQ041 HQ042 HQ043 HQ133 HQ138 HQ139 HQ141 HQ142 HQ143 HQ144 HQ145 HQ146 HQ147 HQ152 HQ153 HQ155 HQ156 HQ157 HQ158 HQ159 HQ160 HQ161 HQ316 HQ321 HQ322 HQ324 HQ325 HQ326 HQ327 HQ328 HQ329 HQ330 HQ335 HQ336 HQ338 HQ339 HQ340 HQ341 HQ342 HQ343 HQ344 HQ349 HQ350 HQ352 HQ353 HQ354 HQ356 HQ361 HQ362 HQ364 HQ365 HQ366 HQ367 HQ368 HQ369 HQ375 HQ380 HQ381 HQ382 HQ383 HQ384 HQ385 HQ386 108 SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MIN SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MAX SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - RESULT REAL ESTATE ASSET RENTAL INCOME FROM THIS PROPERTY RENTAL INCOME RECEIVE HOW OFTEN RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD RENTAL INC SAME AMOUNT PER PERIOD RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT - LCY RENTAL INCOME AMT - MIN RENTAL INCOME AMT - MAX RENTAL INCOME AMT - RESULT BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM INCOME BUSINESS OR FARM INC RECEIVE HOW OFTEN BUSINESS OR FARM INC AMT LAST PERIOD BUSINESS OR FARM INC SAME AMT PER PERIOD BUSINESS OR FARM INC - LCY BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM INC - RESULT BUSINESS INC REPORTED EARLIER IN IW STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCK INCOME STOCK INCOME HOW OFTEN STOCK INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - LCY STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MIN STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MAX STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT BOND ASSETS BOND ASSET INTEREST INCOME BOND INCOME HOW OFTEN BOND INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT - LCY BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MIN BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MAX BOND INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING INTEREST INCOME CHECKING INCOME HOW OFTEN CHECKING INCOME LAST PERIOD CHECKING INCOME PER PERIOD CHECKING INCOME AMOUNT - LCY CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS INTEREST INCOME CDS INCOME HOW OFTEN CDS INCOME LAST PERIOD CDS INCOME SAME PER PERIOD CDS INCOME AMOUNT - LCY CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MIN CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MAX CDS INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT OTHER ASSETS OTHER ASSET INCOME OTHER ASSET INCOME AMOUNT OTHER ASSET INCOME - MIN OTHER ASSET INCOME - MAX OTHER ASSET INCOME - RESULT TRUST OR ROYALTIES INCOME TRUSTS INCOME AMOUNT - LCY Section B: Income HQ494 HQ495 HQ496 HRS 2004: JQ014 JQ015 JQ016 JQ017 JQ018 JQ039 JQ040 JQ041 JQ042 JQ043 JQ133 JQ138 JQ139 JQ141 JQ142 JQ143 JQ144 JQ145 JQ146 JQ147 JQ152 JQ153 JQ155 JQ156 JQ157 JQ158 JQ159 JQ160 JQ161 JQ316 JQ321 JQ322 JQ324 JQ325 JQ326 JQ327 JQ328 JQ329 JQ330 JQ335 JQ336 JQ338 JQ339 JQ340 JQ341 JQ342 JQ343 JQ344 JQ349 JQ350 JQ352 JQ353 JQ354 JQ356 JQ361 JQ362 JQ364 JQ365 JQ366 109 CHECKING INCOME - MIN CHECKING INCOME - MAX CHECKING INCOME - RESULT R INCOME FROM WORK SELF EMPL - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK SELF EMPL LCY R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MIN R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MAX R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - RESULT SP INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM SELF EMPL INCOME LCY SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MIN SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MAX SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - RESULT REAL ESTATE ASSET RENTAL INCOME FROM THIS PROPERTY RENTAL INCOME RECEIVE HOW OFTEN RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD RENTAL INC SAME AMOUNT PER PERIOD RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT - LCY RENTAL INCOME AMT - MIN RENTAL INCOME AMT - MAX RENTAL INCOME AMT - RESULT BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM INCOME BUSINESS OR FARM INC RECEIVE HOW OFTEN BUSINESS OR FARM INC AMT LAST PERIOD BUSINESS OR FARM INC SAME AMT PER PERIOD BUSINESS OR FARM INC - LCY BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM INC - RESULT BUSINESS INC REPORTED EARLIER IN IW STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCK INCOME STOCK INCOME HOW OFTEN STOCK INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - LCY STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MIN STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MAX STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT BOND ASSETS BOND ASSET INTEREST INCOME BOND INCOME HOW OFTEN BOND INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT - LCY BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MIN BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MAX BOND INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING INTEREST INCOME CHECKING INCOME HOW OFTEN CHECKING INCOME LAST PERIOD CHECKING INCOME PER PERIOD CHECKING INCOME AMOUNT - LCY CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS INTEREST INCOME CDS INCOME HOW OFTEN CDS INCOME LAST PERIOD CDS INCOME SAME PER PERIOD CDS INCOME AMOUNT - LCY Section B: Income JQ367 JQ368 JQ369 JQ375 JQ380 JQ381 JQ382 JQ383 JQ384 JQ494 JQ495 JQ496 HRS 2006: KQ014 KQ015 KQ016 KQ017 KQ018 KQ039 KQ040 KQ041 KQ042 KQ043 KQ133 KQ138 KQ139 KQ141 KQ142 KQ143 KQ144 KQ145 KQ146 KQ147 KQ152 KQ153 KQ155 KQ156 KQ157 KQ158 KQ159 KQ160 KQ161 KQ316 KQ321 KQ322 KQ324 KQ325 KQ326 KQ327 KQ328 KQ329 KQ330 KQ335 KQ336 KQ338 KQ339 KQ340 KQ341 KQ342 KQ343 KQ344 KQ349 KQ350 110 CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MIN CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MAX CDS INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT OTHER ASSETS OTHER ASSET INCOME OTHER ASSET INCOME AMOUNT OTHER ASSET INCOME - MIN OTHER ASSET INCOME - MAX OTHER ASSET INCOME - RESULT CHECKING INCOME - MIN CHECKING INCOME - MAX CHECKING INCOME - RESULT R INCOME FROM WORK SELF EMPL - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK SELF EMPL LCY R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MIN R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MAX R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - RESULT SP INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM SELF EMPL INCOME LCY SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MIN SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MAX SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - RESULT REAL ESTATE ASSET RENTAL INCOME FROM THIS PROPERTY RENTAL INCOME RECEIVE HOW OFTEN RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD RENTAL INC SAME AMOUNT PER PERIOD RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT - LCY RENTAL INCOME AMT - MIN RENTAL INCOME AMT - MAX RENTAL INCOME AMT - RESULT BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM INCOME BUSINESS OR FARM INC RECEIVE HOW OFTEN BUSINESS OR FARM INC AMT LAST PERIOD BUSINESS OR FARM INC SAME AMT PER PERIOD BUSINESS OR FARM INC - LCY BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM INC - RESULT BUSINESS INC REPORTED EARLIER IN IW STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCK INCOME STOCK INCOME HOW OFTEN STOCK INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - LCY STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MIN STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MAX STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT BOND ASSETS BOND ASSET INTEREST INCOME BOND INCOME HOW OFTEN BOND INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT - LCY BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MIN BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MAX BOND INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING INTEREST INCOME CHECKING INCOME HOW OFTEN Section B: Income KQ352 KQ353 KQ354 KQ356 KQ361 KQ362 KQ364 KQ365 KQ366 KQ367 KQ368 KQ369 KQ375 KQ380 KQ381 KQ382 KQ383 KQ384 KQ494 KQ495 KQ496 HRS 2008: LQ014 LQ015 LQ016 LQ017 LQ018 LQ039 LQ040 LQ041 LQ042 LQ043 LQ133 LQ138 LQ139 LQ141 LQ142 LQ143 LQ144 LQ145 LQ146 LQ147 LQ152 LQ153 LQ155 LQ156 LQ157 LQ158 LQ159 LQ160 LQ161 LQ316 LQ321 LQ322 LQ324 LQ325 LQ326 LQ327 LQ328 LQ329 LQ330 LQ335 LQ336 111 CHECKING INCOME LAST PERIOD CHECKING INCOME PER PERIOD CHECKING INCOME AMOUNT - LCY CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS INTEREST INCOME CDS INCOME HOW OFTEN CDS INCOME LAST PERIOD CDS INCOME SAME PER PERIOD CDS INCOME AMOUNT - LCY CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MIN CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MAX CDS INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT OTHER ASSETS OTHER ASSET INCOME OTHER ASSET INCOME AMOUNT OTHER ASSET INCOME - MIN OTHER ASSET INCOME - MAX OTHER ASSET INCOME - RESULT CHECKING INCOME - MIN CHECKING INCOME - MAX CHECKING INCOME - RESULT R INCOME FROM WORK SELF EMPL - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK SELF EMPL LCY R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MIN R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MAX R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - RESULT SP INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM SELF EMPL INCOME LCY SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MIN SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MAX SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - RESULT REAL ESTATE ASSET RENTAL INCOME FROM THIS PROPERTY RENTAL INCOME RECEIVE HOW OFTEN RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD RENTAL INC SAME AMOUNT PER PERIOD RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT - LCY RENTAL INCOME AMT - MIN RENTAL INCOME AMT - MAX RENTAL INCOME AMT - RESULT BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM INCOME BUSINESS OR FARM INC RECEIVE HOW OFTEN BUSINESS OR FARM INC AMT LAST PERIOD BUSINESS OR FARM INC SAME AMT PER PERIOD BUSINESS OR FARM INC - LCY BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM INC - RESULT BUSINESS INC REPORTED EARLIER IN IW STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCK INCOME STOCK INCOME HOW OFTEN STOCK INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - LCY STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MIN STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MAX STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT BOND ASSETS BOND ASSET INTEREST INCOME BOND INCOME HOW OFTEN Section B: Income LQ338 LQ339 LQ340 LQ341 LQ342 LQ343 LQ344 LQ349 LQ350 LQ352 LQ353 LQ354 LQ356 LQ361 LQ362 LQ364 LQ365 LQ366 LQ367 LQ368 LQ369 LQ375 LQ380 LQ381 LQ382 LQ383 LQ384 LQ494 LQ495 LQ496 HRS 2010: MQ014 MQ015 MQ016 MQ017 MQ018 MQ039 MQ040 MQ041 MQ042 MQ043 MQ133 MQ138 MQ139 MQ141 MQ142 MQ143 MQ144 MQ145 MQ146 MQ147 MQ152 MQ153 MQ155 MQ156 MQ157 MQ158 MQ159 MQ160 MQ161 MQ316 MQ321 MQ322 112 BOND INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT - LCY BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MIN BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MAX BOND INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING INTEREST INCOME CHECKING INCOME HOW OFTEN CHECKING INCOME LAST PERIOD CHECKING INCOME PER PERIOD CHECKING INCOME AMOUNT - LCY CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS INTEREST INCOME CDS INCOME HOW OFTEN CDS INCOME LAST PERIOD CDS INCOME SAME PER PERIOD CDS INCOME AMOUNT - LCY CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MIN CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MAX CDS INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT OTHER ASSETS OTHER ASSET INCOME OTHER ASSET INCOME AMOUNT OTHER ASSET INCOME - MIN OTHER ASSET INCOME - MAX OTHER ASSET INCOME - RESULT CHECKING INCOME - MIN CHECKING INCOME - MAX CHECKING INCOME - RESULT R INCOME FROM WORK SELF EMPL - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK SELF EMPL LCY R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MIN R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MAX R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - RESULT SP INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM SELF EMPL INCOME LCY SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MIN SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MAX SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - RESULT REAL ESTATE ASSET RENTAL INCOME FROM THIS PROPERTY RENTAL INCOME RECEIVE HOW OFTEN RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD RENTAL INC SAME AMOUNT PER PERIOD RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT - LCY RENTAL INCOME AMT - MIN RENTAL INCOME AMT - MAX RENTAL INCOME AMT - RESULT BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM INCOME BUSINESS OR FARM INC RECEIVE HOW OFTEN BUSINESS OR FARM INC AMT LAST PERIOD BUSINESS OR FARM INC SAME AMT PER PERIOD BUSINESS OR FARM INC - LCY BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM INC - RESULT BUSINESS INC REPORTED EARLIER IN IW STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCK INCOME STOCK INCOME HOW OFTEN Section B: Income MQ324 MQ325 MQ326 MQ327 MQ328 MQ329 MQ330 MQ335 MQ336 MQ338 MQ339 MQ340 MQ341 MQ342 MQ343 MQ344 MQ349 MQ350 MQ352 MQ353 MQ354 MQ356 MQ361 MQ362 MQ364 MQ365 MQ366 MQ367 MQ368 MQ369 MQ375 MQ380 MQ381 MQ382 MQ383 MQ384 MQ494 MQ495 MQ496 HRS 2012: NQ014 NQ015 NQ016 NQ017 NQ018 NQ039 NQ040 NQ041 NQ042 NQ043 NQ133 NQ138 NQ139 NQ141 NQ142 NQ143 NQ144 NQ145 NQ146 NQ147 NQ152 NQ153 NQ155 113 STOCK INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - LCY STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MIN STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MAX STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT BOND ASSETS BOND ASSET INTEREST INCOME BOND INCOME HOW OFTEN BOND INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT - LCY BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MIN BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MAX BOND INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING INTEREST INCOME CHECKING INCOME HOW OFTEN CHECKING INCOME LAST PERIOD CHECKING INCOME PER PERIOD CHECKING INCOME AMOUNT - LCY CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS INTEREST INCOME CDS INCOME HOW OFTEN CDS INCOME LAST PERIOD CDS INCOME SAME PER PERIOD CDS INCOME AMOUNT - LCY CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MIN CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MAX CDS INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT OTHER ASSETS OTHER ASSET INCOME OTHER ASSET INCOME AMOUNT OTHER ASSET INCOME - MIN OTHER ASSET INCOME - MAX OTHER ASSET INCOME - RESULT CHECKING INCOME - MIN CHECKING INCOME - MAX CHECKING INCOME - RESULT R INCOME FROM WORK SELF EMPL - LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORK SELF EMPL LCY R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MIN R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - MAX R INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - RESULT SP INCOME FROM SELF EMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMOUNT FROM SELF EMPL INCOME LCY SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MIN SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - MAX SP INC FROM SELF EMPL INC - RESULT REAL ESTATE ASSET RENTAL INCOME FROM THIS PROPERTY RENTAL INCOME RECEIVE HOW OFTEN RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD RENTAL INC SAME AMOUNT PER PERIOD RENTAL INCOME AMOUNT - LCY RENTAL INCOME AMT - MIN RENTAL INCOME AMT - MAX RENTAL INCOME AMT - RESULT BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM INCOME BUSINESS OR FARM INC RECEIVE HOW OFTEN BUSINESS OR FARM INC AMT LAST PERIOD Section B: Income NQ156 NQ157 NQ158 NQ159 NQ160 NQ161 NQ316 NQ321 NQ322 NQ324 NQ325 NQ326 NQ327 NQ328 NQ329 NQ330 NQ335 NQ336 NQ338 NQ339 NQ340 NQ341 NQ342 NQ343 NQ344 NQ349 NQ350 NQ352 NQ353 NQ354 NQ356 NQ361 NQ362 NQ364 NQ365 NQ366 NQ367 NQ368 NQ369 NQ375 NQ380 NQ381 NQ382 NQ383 NQ384 NQ494 NQ495 NQ496 114 BUSINESS OR FARM INC SAME AMT PER PERIOD BUSINESS OR FARM INC - LCY BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM INC - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM INC - RESULT BUSINESS INC REPORTED EARLIER IN IW STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCK INCOME STOCK INCOME HOW OFTEN STOCK INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - LCY STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MIN STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - MAX STOCK INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT BOND ASSETS BOND ASSET INTEREST INCOME BOND INCOME HOW OFTEN BOND INCOME AMOUNT LAST PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT SAME PER PERIOD BOND INCOME AMOUNT - LCY BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MIN BOND INCOME AMOUNT - MAX BOND INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING INTEREST INCOME CHECKING INCOME HOW OFTEN CHECKING INCOME LAST PERIOD CHECKING INCOME PER PERIOD CHECKING INCOME AMOUNT - LCY CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS INTEREST INCOME CDS INCOME HOW OFTEN CDS INCOME LAST PERIOD CDS INCOME SAME PER PERIOD CDS INCOME AMOUNT - LCY CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MIN CDS INCOME AMOUNT - MAX CDS INCOME AMOUNT - RESULT OTHER ASSETS OTHER ASSET INCOME OTHER ASSET INCOME AMOUNT OTHER ASSET INCOME - MIN OTHER ASSET INCOME - MAX OTHER ASSET INCOME - RESULT CHECKING INCOME - MIN CHECKING INCOME - MAX CHECKING INCOME - RESULT Section B: Income 115 Individual Income from Employer Pension or Annuity Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IPENA R2IPENA R3IPENA R4IPENA R5IPENA R6IPENA R7IPENA R8IPENA R9IPENA R10IPENA R11IPENA R1IPENA:W1 Income:R Pension + R2IPENA:W2 Income:R Pension + R3IPENA:W3 Income:R Pension + R4IPENA:W4 Income:R Pension + R5IPENA:W5 Income:R Pension + R6IPENA:W6 Income:R Pension + R7IPENA:W7 Income:R Pension + R8IPENA:W8 Income:R Pension + R9IPENA:W9 Income:R Pension + R10IPENA:W10 Income:R Pension R11IPENA:W11 Income:R Pension 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IPENA S2IPENA S3IPENA S4IPENA S5IPENA S6IPENA S7IPENA S8IPENA S9IPENA S10IPENA S11IPENA S1IPENA:W1 Income:Sp Pension + S2IPENA:W2 Income:Sp Pension + S3IPENA:W3 Income:Sp Pension + S4IPENA:W4 Income:Sp Pension + S5IPENA:W5 Income:Sp Pension + S6IPENA:W6 Income:Sp Pension + S7IPENA:W7 Income:Sp Pension + S8IPENA:W8 Income:Sp Pension + S9IPENA:W9 Income:Sp Pension + S10IPENA:W10 Income:Sp Pension S11IPENA:W11 Income:Sp Pension 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOPENA R2IOPENA R3IOPENA R4IOPENA R5IOPENA R6IOPENA R7IOPENA R8IOPENA R9IOPENA R10IOPENA R11IOPENA R1IOPENA:W1 Receives:R Pension + R2IOPENA:W2 Receives:R Pension + R3IOPENA:W3 Receives:R Pension + R4IOPENA:W4 Receives:R Pension + R5IOPENA:W5 Receives:R Pension + R6IOPENA:W6 Receives:R Pension + R7IOPENA:W7 Receives:R Pension + R8IOPENA:W8 Receives:R Pension + R9IOPENA:W9 Receives:R Pension + R10IOPENA:W10 Receives:R Pension R11IOPENA:W11 Receives:R Pension 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IOPENA S2IOPENA S3IOPENA S4IOPENA S5IOPENA S6IOPENA S7IOPENA S8IOPENA S9IOPENA S10IOPENA S11IOPENA S1IOPENA:W1 Receives:Sp Pension + S2IOPENA:W2 Receives:Sp Pension + S3IOPENA:W3 Receives:Sp Pension + S4IOPENA:W4 Receives:Sp Pension + S5IOPENA:W5 Receives:Sp Pension + S6IOPENA:W6 Receives:Sp Pension + S7IOPENA:W7 Receives:Sp Pension + S8IOPENA:W8 Receives:Sp Pension + S9IOPENA:W9 Receives:Sp Pension + S10IOPENA:W10 Receives:Sp Pension S11IOPENA:W11 Receives:Sp Pension 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R1IFPENA R2IFPENA R3IFPENA R4IFPENA R5IFPENA R6IFPENA R7IFPENA R8IFPENA R9IFPENA R1IFPENA:W1 R2IFPENA:W2 R3IFPENA:W3 R4IFPENA:W4 R5IFPENA:W5 R6IFPENA:W6 R7IFPENA:W7 R8IFPENA:W8 R9IFPENA:W9 ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R Pension Pension Pension Pension Pension Pension Pension Pension Pension Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity + Annuity + Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity + Annuity + Annuity + + + + + + + + + Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity + Annuity + Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity 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Pension S11IFPENA:W11 ImpFlag:Sp Pension Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IPEN R2IPEN R3IPEN R4IPEN R5IPEN R6IPEN R7IPEN R8IPEN R9IPEN R10IPEN R11IPEN R1IPEN:W1 Income:R Pension R2IPEN:W2 Income:R Pension R3IPEN:W3 Income:R Pension R4IPEN:W4 Income:R Pension R5IPEN:W5 Income:R Pension R6IPEN:W6 Income:R Pension R7IPEN:W7 Income:R Pension R8IPEN:W8 Income:R Pension R9IPEN:W9 Income:R Pension R10IPEN:W10 Income:R Pension R11IPEN:W11 Income:R Pension Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IPEN S2IPEN S3IPEN S4IPEN S5IPEN S6IPEN S7IPEN S8IPEN S9IPEN S10IPEN S11IPEN S1IPEN:W1 Income:Sp Pension S2IPEN:W2 Income:Sp Pension S3IPEN:W3 Income:Sp Pension S4IPEN:W4 Income:Sp Pension S5IPEN:W5 Income:Sp Pension S6IPEN:W6 Income:Sp Pension S7IPEN:W7 Income:Sp Pension S8IPEN:W8 Income:Sp Pension S9IPEN:W9 Income:Sp Pension S10IPEN:W10 Income:Sp Pension S11IPEN:W11 Income:Sp Pension Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOPEN R2IOPEN R3IOPEN R4IOPEN R5IOPEN R6IOPEN R7IOPEN R8IOPEN R9IOPEN R10IOPEN R11IOPEN R1IOPEN:W1 Receives:R Pension R2IOPEN:W2 Receives:R Pension R3IOPEN:W3 Receives:R Pension R4IOPEN:W4 Receives:R Pension R5IOPEN:W5 Receives:R Pension R6IOPEN:W6 Receives:R Pension R7IOPEN:W7 Receives:R Pension R8IOPEN:W8 Receives:R Pension R9IOPEN:W9 Receives:R Pension R10IOPEN:W10 Receives:R Pension R11IOPEN:W11 Receives:R Pension Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IOPEN S2IOPEN S3IOPEN S4IOPEN S5IOPEN S6IOPEN S7IOPEN S8IOPEN S9IOPEN S10IOPEN S11IOPEN S1IOPEN:W1 Receives:Sp Pension S2IOPEN:W2 Receives:Sp Pension S3IOPEN:W3 Receives:Sp Pension S4IOPEN:W4 Receives:Sp Pension S5IOPEN:W5 Receives:Sp Pension S6IOPEN:W6 Receives:Sp Pension S7IOPEN:W7 Receives:Sp Pension S8IOPEN:W8 Receives:Sp Pension S9IOPEN:W9 Receives:Sp Pension S10IOPEN:W10 Receives:Sp Pension S11IOPEN:W11 Receives:Sp Pension Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity Annuity + Annuity + Annuity Section B: Income 117 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IFPEN R2IFPEN R3IFPEN R4IFPEN R5IFPEN R6IFPEN R7IFPEN R8IFPEN R9IFPEN R10IFPEN R11IFPEN R1IFPEN:W1 ImpFlag:R Pension R2IFPEN:W2 ImpFlag:R Pension R3IFPEN:W3 ImpFlag:R Pension R4IFPEN:W4 ImpFlag:R Pension R5IFPEN:W5 ImpFlag:R Pension R6IFPEN:W6 ImpFlag:R Pension R7IFPEN:W7 ImpFlag:R Pension R8IFPEN:W8 ImpFlag:R Pension R9IFPEN:W9 ImpFlag:R Pension R10IFPEN:W10 ImpFlag:R Pension R11IFPEN:W11 ImpFlag:R Pension Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFPEN S2IFPEN S3IFPEN S4IFPEN S5IFPEN S6IFPEN S7IFPEN S8IFPEN S9IFPEN S10IFPEN S11IFPEN S1IFPEN:W1 ImpFlag:Sp Pension S2IFPEN:W2 ImpFlag:Sp Pension S3IFPEN:W3 ImpFlag:Sp Pension S4IFPEN:W4 ImpFlag:Sp Pension S5IFPEN:W5 ImpFlag:Sp Pension S6IFPEN:W6 ImpFlag:Sp Pension S7IFPEN:W7 ImpFlag:Sp Pension S8IFPEN:W8 ImpFlag:Sp Pension S9IFPEN:W9 ImpFlag:Sp Pension S10IFPEN:W10 ImpFlag:Sp Pension S11IFPEN:W11 ImpFlag:Sp Pension Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IANN R2IANN R3IANN R4IANN R5IANN R6IANN R7IANN R8IANN R9IANN R10IANN R11IANN R1IANN:W1 Income:R Annuity R2IANN:W2 Income:R Annuity R3IANN:W3 Income:R Annuity R4IANN:W4 Income:R Annuity R5IANN:W5 Income:R Annuity R6IANN:W6 Income:R Annuity R7IANN:W7 Income:R Annuity R8IANN:W8 Income:R Annuity R9IANN:W9 Income:R Annuity R10IANN:W10 Income:R Annuity R11IANN:W11 Income:R Annuity Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IANN S2IANN S3IANN S4IANN S5IANN S6IANN S7IANN S8IANN S9IANN S10IANN S11IANN S1IANN:W1 Income:Sp Annuity S2IANN:W2 Income:Sp Annuity S3IANN:W3 Income:Sp Annuity S4IANN:W4 Income:Sp Annuity S5IANN:W5 Income:Sp Annuity S6IANN:W6 Income:Sp Annuity S7IANN:W7 Income:Sp Annuity S8IANN:W8 Income:Sp Annuity S9IANN:W9 Income:Sp Annuity S10IANN:W10 Income:Sp Annuity S11IANN:W11 Income:Sp Annuity Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOANN R2IOANN R3IOANN R4IOANN R5IOANN R6IOANN R7IOANN R8IOANN R9IOANN R10IOANN R11IOANN R1IOANN:W1 Receives:R Annuity R2IOANN:W2 Receives:R Annuity R3IOANN:W3 Receives:R Annuity R4IOANN:W4 Receives:R Annuity R5IOANN:W5 Receives:R Annuity R6IOANN:W6 Receives:R Annuity R7IOANN:W7 Receives:R Annuity R8IOANN:W8 Receives:R Annuity R9IOANN:W9 Receives:R Annuity R10IOANN:W10 Receives:R Annuity R11IOANN:W11 Receives:R Annuity Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 S1IOANN S2IOANN S3IOANN S1IOANN:W1 Receives:Sp Annuity S2IOANN:W2 Receives:Sp Annuity S3IOANN:W3 Receives:Sp Annuity Categ Categ Categ Section B: Income 118 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S4IOANN S5IOANN S6IOANN S7IOANN S8IOANN S9IOANN S10IOANN S11IOANN S4IOANN:W4 Receives:Sp Annuity S5IOANN:W5 Receives:Sp Annuity S6IOANN:W6 Receives:Sp Annuity S7IOANN:W7 Receives:Sp Annuity S8IOANN:W8 Receives:Sp Annuity S9IOANN:W9 Receives:Sp Annuity S10IOANN:W10 Receives:Sp Annuity S11IOANN:W11 Receives:Sp Annuity Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IFANN R2IFANN R3IFANN R4IFANN R5IFANN R6IFANN R7IFANN R8IFANN R9IFANN R10IFANN R11IFANN R1IFANN:W1 ImpFlag:R Annuity R2IFANN:W2 ImpFlag:R Annuity R3IFANN:W3 ImpFlag:R Annuity R4IFANN:W4 ImpFlag:R Annuity R5IFANN:W5 ImpFlag:R Annuity R6IFANN:W6 ImpFlag:R Annuity R7IFANN:W7 ImpFlag:R Annuity R8IFANN:W8 ImpFlag:R Annuity R9IFANN:W9 ImpFlag:R Annuity R10IFANN:W10 ImpFlag:R Annuity R11IFANN:W11 ImpFlag:R Annuity Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFANN S2IFANN S3IFANN S4IFANN S5IFANN S6IFANN S7IFANN S8IFANN S9IFANN S10IFANN S11IFANN S1IFANN:W1 ImpFlag:Sp Annuity S2IFANN:W2 ImpFlag:Sp Annuity S3IFANN:W3 ImpFlag:Sp Annuity S4IFANN:W4 ImpFlag:Sp Annuity S5IFANN:W5 ImpFlag:Sp Annuity S6IFANN:W6 ImpFlag:Sp Annuity S7IFANN:W7 ImpFlag:Sp Annuity S8IFANN:W8 ImpFlag:Sp Annuity S9IFANN:W9 ImpFlag:Sp Annuity S10IFANN:W10 ImpFlag:Sp Annuity S11IFANN:W11 ImpFlag:Sp Annuity Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R2IPEN1 R3IPEN1 R4IPEN1 R5IPEN1 R6IPEN1 R7IPEN1 R8IPEN1 R9IPEN1 R10IPEN1 R11IPEN1 R2IPEN1:W2 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc R3IPEN1:W3 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc R4IPEN1:W4 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc R5IPEN1:W5 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc R6IPEN1:W6 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc R7IPEN1:W7 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc R8IPEN1:W8 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc R9IPEN1:W9 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc R10IPEN1:W10 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc R11IPEN1:W11 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IPEN1 S3IPEN1 S4IPEN1 S5IPEN1 S6IPEN1 S7IPEN1 S8IPEN1 S9IPEN1 S10IPEN1 S11IPEN1 S2IPEN1:W2 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc S3IPEN1:W3 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc S4IPEN1:W4 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc S5IPEN1:W5 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc S6IPEN1:W6 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc S7IPEN1:W7 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc S8IPEN1:W8 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc S9IPEN1:W9 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc S10IPEN1:W10 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc S11IPEN1:W11 IncPart-Pension #1 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R2IOPEN1 R3IOPEN1 R4IOPEN1 R5IOPEN1 R6IOPEN1 R7IOPEN1 R8IOPEN1 R9IOPEN1 R2IOPEN1:W2 R3IOPEN1:W3 R4IOPEN1:W4 R5IOPEN1:W5 R6IOPEN1:W6 R7IOPEN1:W7 R8IOPEN1:W8 R9IOPEN1:W9 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Receives-Pension Receives-Pension Receives-Pension Receives-Pension Receives-Pension Receives-Pension Receives-Pension Receives-Pension #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Section B: Income 119 10 11 R10IOPEN1 R11IOPEN1 R10IOPEN1:W10 Receives-Pension #1 Inc R11IOPEN1:W11 Receives-Pension #1 Inc Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IOPEN1 S3IOPEN1 S4IOPEN1 S5IOPEN1 S6IOPEN1 S7IOPEN1 S8IOPEN1 S9IOPEN1 S10IOPEN1 S11IOPEN1 S2IOPEN1:W2 Receives-Pension #1 Inc S3IOPEN1:W3 Receives-Pension #1 Inc S4IOPEN1:W4 Receives-Pension #1 Inc S5IOPEN1:W5 Receives-Pension #1 Inc S6IOPEN1:W6 Receives-Pension #1 Inc S7IOPEN1:W7 Receives-Pension #1 Inc S8IOPEN1:W8 Receives-Pension #1 Inc S9IOPEN1:W9 Receives-Pension #1 Inc S10IOPEN1:W10 Receives-Pension #1 Inc S11IOPEN1:W11 Receives-Pension #1 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R2IFPEN1 R3IFPEN1 R4IFPEN1 R5IFPEN1 R6IFPEN1 R7IFPEN1 R8IFPEN1 R9IFPEN1 R10IFPEN1 R11IFPEN1 R2IFPEN1:W2 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc R3IFPEN1:W3 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc R4IFPEN1:W4 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc R5IFPEN1:W5 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc R6IFPEN1:W6 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc R7IFPEN1:W7 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc R8IFPEN1:W8 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc R9IFPEN1:W9 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc R10IFPEN1:W10 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc R11IFPEN1:W11 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IFPEN1 S3IFPEN1 S4IFPEN1 S5IFPEN1 S6IFPEN1 S7IFPEN1 S8IFPEN1 S9IFPEN1 S10IFPEN1 S11IFPEN1 S2IFPEN1:W2 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc S3IFPEN1:W3 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc S4IFPEN1:W4 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc S5IFPEN1:W5 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc S6IFPEN1:W6 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc S7IFPEN1:W7 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc S8IFPEN1:W8 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc S9IFPEN1:W9 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc S10IFPEN1:W10 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc S11IFPEN1:W11 ImpFlag-Pension #1 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3MPEN1 R4MPEN1 R5MPEN1 R6MPEN1 R7MPEN1 R8MPEN1 R9MPEN1 R10MPEN1 R11MPEN1 R3MPEN1:W3 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc R4MPEN1:W4 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc R5MPEN1:W5 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc R6MPEN1:W6 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc R7MPEN1:W7 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc R8MPEN1:W8 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc R9MPEN1:W9 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc R10MPEN1:W10 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc R11MPEN1:W11 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3MPEN1 S4MPEN1 S5MPEN1 S6MPEN1 S7MPEN1 S8MPEN1 S9MPEN1 S10MPEN1 S11MPEN1 S3MPEN1:W3 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc S4MPEN1:W4 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc S5MPEN1:W5 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc S6MPEN1:W6 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc S7MPEN1:W7 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc S8MPEN1:W8 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc S9MPEN1:W9 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc S10MPEN1:W10 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc S11MPEN1:W11 Monthly-Pension #1 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R3NFPEN1 R4NFPEN1 R5NFPEN1 R6NFPEN1 R7NFPEN1 R8NFPEN1 R9NFPEN1 R3NFPEN1:W3 R4NFPEN1:W4 R5NFPEN1:W5 R6NFPEN1:W6 R7NFPEN1:W7 R8NFPEN1:W8 R9NFPEN1:W9 IncMons Incmons IncMons Incmons IncMons IncMons IncMons DK DK DK DK DK DK DK Flag-Pension Flag-Pension Flag-Pension Flag-Pension Flag-Pension Flag-Pension Flag-Pension #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Section B: Income 120 10 11 R10NFPEN1 R11NFPEN1 R10NFPEN1:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #1 Inc R11NFPEN1:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #1 Inc Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3NFPEN1 S4NFPEN1 S5NFPEN1 S6NFPEN1 S7NFPEN1 S8NFPEN1 S9NFPEN1 S10NFPEN1 S11NFPEN1 S3NFPEN1:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #1 Inc S4NFPEN1:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Pension #1 Inc S5NFPEN1:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #1 Inc S6NFPEN1:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Pension #1 Inc S7NFPEN1:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #1 Inc S8NFPEN1:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #1 Inc S9NFPEN1:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #1 Inc S10NFPEN1:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #1 Inc S11NFPEN1:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #1 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R2IPEN2 R3IPEN2 R4IPEN2 R5IPEN2 R6IPEN2 R7IPEN2 R8IPEN2 R9IPEN2 R10IPEN2 R11IPEN2 R2IPEN2:W2 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc R3IPEN2:W3 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc R4IPEN2:W4 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc R5IPEN2:W5 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc R6IPEN2:W6 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc R7IPEN2:W7 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc R8IPEN2:W8 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc R9IPEN2:W9 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc R10IPEN2:W10 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc R11IPEN2:W11 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IPEN2 S3IPEN2 S4IPEN2 S5IPEN2 S6IPEN2 S7IPEN2 S8IPEN2 S9IPEN2 S10IPEN2 S11IPEN2 S2IPEN2:W2 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc S3IPEN2:W3 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc S4IPEN2:W4 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc S5IPEN2:W5 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc S6IPEN2:W6 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc S7IPEN2:W7 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc S8IPEN2:W8 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc S9IPEN2:W9 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc S10IPEN2:W10 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc S11IPEN2:W11 IncPart-Pension #2 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R2IOPEN2 R3IOPEN2 R4IOPEN2 R5IOPEN2 R6IOPEN2 R7IOPEN2 R8IOPEN2 R9IOPEN2 R10IOPEN2 R11IOPEN2 R2IOPEN2:W2 Receives-Pension #2 Inc R3IOPEN2:W3 Receives-Pension #2 Inc R4IOPEN2:W4 Receives-Pension #2 Inc R5IOPEN2:W5 Receives-Pension #2 Inc R6IOPEN2:W6 Receives-Pension #2 Inc R7IOPEN2:W7 Receives-Pension #2 Inc R8IOPEN2:W8 Receives-Pension #2 Inc R9IOPEN2:W9 Receives-Pension #2 Inc R10IOPEN2:W10 Receives-Pension #2 Inc R11IOPEN2:W11 Receives-Pension #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IOPEN2 S3IOPEN2 S4IOPEN2 S5IOPEN2 S6IOPEN2 S7IOPEN2 S8IOPEN2 S9IOPEN2 S10IOPEN2 S11IOPEN2 S2IOPEN2:W2 Receives-Pension #2 Inc S3IOPEN2:W3 Receives-Pension #2 Inc S4IOPEN2:W4 Receives-Pension #2 Inc S5IOPEN2:W5 Receives-Pension #2 Inc S6IOPEN2:W6 Receives-Pension #2 Inc S7IOPEN2:W7 Receives-Pension #2 Inc S8IOPEN2:W8 Receives-Pension #2 Inc S9IOPEN2:W9 Receives-Pension #2 Inc S10IOPEN2:W10 Receives-Pension #2 Inc S11IOPEN2:W11 Receives-Pension #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 R2IFPEN2 R3IFPEN2 R4IFPEN2 R5IFPEN2 R6IFPEN2 R7IFPEN2 R2IFPEN2:W2 R3IFPEN2:W3 R4IFPEN2:W4 R5IFPEN2:W5 R6IFPEN2:W6 R7IFPEN2:W7 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ ImpFlag-Pension ImpFlag-Pension ImpFlag-Pension ImpFlag-Pension ImpFlag-Pension ImpFlag-Pension #2 #2 #2 #2 #2 #2 Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Section B: Income 121 8 9 10 11 R8IFPEN2 R9IFPEN2 R10IFPEN2 R11IFPEN2 R8IFPEN2:W8 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc R9IFPEN2:W9 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc R10IFPEN2:W10 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc R11IFPEN2:W11 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IFPEN2 S3IFPEN2 S4IFPEN2 S5IFPEN2 S6IFPEN2 S7IFPEN2 S8IFPEN2 S9IFPEN2 S10IFPEN2 S11IFPEN2 S2IFPEN2:W2 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc S3IFPEN2:W3 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc S4IFPEN2:W4 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc S5IFPEN2:W5 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc S6IFPEN2:W6 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc S7IFPEN2:W7 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc S8IFPEN2:W8 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc S9IFPEN2:W9 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc S10IFPEN2:W10 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc S11IFPEN2:W11 ImpFlag-Pension #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3MPEN2 R4MPEN2 R5MPEN2 R6MPEN2 R7MPEN2 R8MPEN2 R9MPEN2 R10MPEN2 R11MPEN2 R3MPEN2:W3 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc R4MPEN2:W4 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc R5MPEN2:W5 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc R6MPEN2:W6 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc R7MPEN2:W7 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc R8MPEN2:W8 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc R9MPEN2:W9 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc R10MPEN2:W10 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc R11MPEN2:W11 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3MPEN2 S4MPEN2 S5MPEN2 S6MPEN2 S7MPEN2 S8MPEN2 S9MPEN2 S10MPEN2 S11MPEN2 S3MPEN2:W3 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc S4MPEN2:W4 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc S5MPEN2:W5 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc S6MPEN2:W6 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc S7MPEN2:W7 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc S8MPEN2:W8 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc S9MPEN2:W9 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc S10MPEN2:W10 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc S11MPEN2:W11 Monthly-Pension #2 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3NFPEN2 R4NFPEN2 R5NFPEN2 R6NFPEN2 R7NFPEN2 R8NFPEN2 R9NFPEN2 R10NFPEN2 R11NFPEN2 R3NFPEN2:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc R4NFPEN2:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc R5NFPEN2:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc R6NFPEN2:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc R7NFPEN2:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc R8NFPEN2:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc R9NFPEN2:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc R10NFPEN2:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc R11NFPEN2:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3NFPEN2 S4NFPEN2 S5NFPEN2 S6NFPEN2 S7NFPEN2 S8NFPEN2 S9NFPEN2 S10NFPEN2 S11NFPEN2 S3NFPEN2:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc S4NFPEN2:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc S5NFPEN2:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc S6NFPEN2:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc S7NFPEN2:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc S8NFPEN2:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc S9NFPEN2:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc S10NFPEN2:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc S11NFPEN2:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R2IPEN3 R3IPEN3 R4IPEN3 R5IPEN3 R6IPEN3 R7IPEN3 R8IPEN3 R2IPEN3:W2 R3IPEN3:W3 R4IPEN3:W4 R5IPEN3:W5 R6IPEN3:W6 R7IPEN3:W7 R8IPEN3:W8 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont IncPart-Pension IncPart-Pension IncPart-Pension IncPart-Pension IncPart-Pension IncPart-Pension IncPart-Pension #3 #3 #3 #3 #3 #3 #3 Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Section B: Income 122 9 10 11 R9IPEN3 R10IPEN3 R11IPEN3 R9IPEN3:W9 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc R10IPEN3:W10 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc R11IPEN3:W11 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IPEN3 S3IPEN3 S4IPEN3 S5IPEN3 S6IPEN3 S7IPEN3 S8IPEN3 S9IPEN3 S10IPEN3 S11IPEN3 S2IPEN3:W2 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc S3IPEN3:W3 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc S4IPEN3:W4 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc S5IPEN3:W5 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc S6IPEN3:W6 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc S7IPEN3:W7 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc S8IPEN3:W8 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc S9IPEN3:W9 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc S10IPEN3:W10 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc S11IPEN3:W11 IncPart-Pension #3 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R2IOPEN3 R3IOPEN3 R4IOPEN3 R5IOPEN3 R6IOPEN3 R7IOPEN3 R8IOPEN3 R9IOPEN3 R10IOPEN3 R11IOPEN3 R2IOPEN3:W2 Receives-Pension #3 Inc R3IOPEN3:W3 Receives-Pension #3 Inc R4IOPEN3:W4 Receives-Pension #3 Inc R5IOPEN3:W5 Receives-Pension #3 Inc R6IOPEN3:W6 Receives-Pension #3 Inc R7IOPEN3:W7 Receives-Pension #3 Inc R8IOPEN3:W8 Receives-Pension #3 Inc R9IOPEN3:W9 Receives-Pension #3 Inc R10IOPEN3:W10 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ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc R9IFPEN3:W9 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc R10IFPEN3:W10 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc R11IFPEN3:W11 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IFPEN3 S3IFPEN3 S4IFPEN3 S5IFPEN3 S6IFPEN3 S7IFPEN3 S8IFPEN3 S9IFPEN3 S10IFPEN3 S11IFPEN3 S2IFPEN3:W2 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc S3IFPEN3:W3 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc S4IFPEN3:W4 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc S5IFPEN3:W5 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc S6IFPEN3:W6 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc S7IFPEN3:W7 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc S8IFPEN3:W8 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc S9IFPEN3:W9 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc S10IFPEN3:W10 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc S11IFPEN3:W11 ImpFlag-Pension #3 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 R3MPEN3 R4MPEN3 R5MPEN3 R6MPEN3 R3MPEN3:W3 R4MPEN3:W4 R5MPEN3:W5 R6MPEN3:W6 Cont Cont Cont Cont Monthly-Pension Monthly-Pension Monthly-Pension Monthly-Pension #3 #3 #3 #3 Inc Inc Inc Inc Section B: Income 123 7 8 9 10 11 R7MPEN3 R8MPEN3 R9MPEN3 R10MPEN3 R11MPEN3 R7MPEN3:W7 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc R8MPEN3:W8 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc R9MPEN3:W9 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc R10MPEN3:W10 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc R11MPEN3:W11 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3MPEN3 S4MPEN3 S5MPEN3 S6MPEN3 S7MPEN3 S8MPEN3 S9MPEN3 S10MPEN3 S11MPEN3 S3MPEN3:W3 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc S4MPEN3:W4 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc S5MPEN3:W5 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc S6MPEN3:W6 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc S7MPEN3:W7 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc S8MPEN3:W8 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc S9MPEN3:W9 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc S10MPEN3:W10 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc S11MPEN3:W11 Monthly-Pension #3 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3NFPEN3 R4NFPEN3 R5NFPEN3 R6NFPEN3 R7NFPEN3 R8NFPEN3 R9NFPEN3 R10NFPEN3 R11NFPEN3 R3NFPEN3:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc R4NFPEN3:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc R5NFPEN3:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc R6NFPEN3:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc R7NFPEN3:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc R8NFPEN3:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc R9NFPEN3:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc R10NFPEN3:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc R11NFPEN3:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3NFPEN3 S4NFPEN3 S5NFPEN3 S6NFPEN3 S7NFPEN3 S8NFPEN3 S9NFPEN3 S10NFPEN3 S11NFPEN3 S3NFPEN3:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc S4NFPEN3:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc S5NFPEN3:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc S6NFPEN3:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc S7NFPEN3:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc S8NFPEN3:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc S9NFPEN3:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc S10NFPEN3:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc S11NFPEN3:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Pension #3 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R2IANN1 R3IANN1 R4IANN1 R5IANN1 R6IANN1 R7IANN1 R8IANN1 R9IANN1 R10IANN1 R11IANN1 R2IANN1:W2 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc R3IANN1:W3 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc R4IANN1:W4 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc R5IANN1:W5 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc R6IANN1:W6 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc R7IANN1:W7 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc R8IANN1:W8 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc R9IANN1:W9 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc R10IANN1:W10 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc R11IANN1:W11 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IANN1 S3IANN1 S4IANN1 S5IANN1 S6IANN1 S7IANN1 S8IANN1 S9IANN1 S10IANN1 S11IANN1 S2IANN1:W2 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc S3IANN1:W3 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc S4IANN1:W4 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc S5IANN1:W5 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc S6IANN1:W6 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc S7IANN1:W7 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc S8IANN1:W8 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc S9IANN1:W9 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc S10IANN1:W10 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc S11IANN1:W11 IncPart-Annuity #1 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 R2IOANN1 R3IOANN1 R4IOANN1 R5IOANN1 R6IOANN1 R2IOANN1:W2 R3IOANN1:W3 R4IOANN1:W4 R5IOANN1:W5 R6IOANN1:W6 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Receives-Annuity Receives-Annuity Receives-Annuity Receives-Annuity Receives-Annuity #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Section B: Income 124 7 8 9 10 11 R7IOANN1 R8IOANN1 R9IOANN1 R10IOANN1 R11IOANN1 R7IOANN1:W7 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc R8IOANN1:W8 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc R9IOANN1:W9 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc R10IOANN1:W10 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc R11IOANN1:W11 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IOANN1 S3IOANN1 S4IOANN1 S5IOANN1 S6IOANN1 S7IOANN1 S8IOANN1 S9IOANN1 S10IOANN1 S11IOANN1 S2IOANN1:W2 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc S3IOANN1:W3 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc S4IOANN1:W4 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc S5IOANN1:W5 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc S6IOANN1:W6 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc S7IOANN1:W7 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc S8IOANN1:W8 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc S9IOANN1:W9 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc S10IOANN1:W10 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc S11IOANN1:W11 Receives-Annuity #1 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R2IFANN1 R3IFANN1 R4IFANN1 R5IFANN1 R6IFANN1 R7IFANN1 R8IFANN1 R9IFANN1 R10IFANN1 R11IFANN1 R2IFANN1:W2 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc R3IFANN1:W3 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc R4IFANN1:W4 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc R5IFANN1:W5 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc R6IFANN1:W6 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc R7IFANN1:W7 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc R8IFANN1:W8 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc R9IFANN1:W9 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc R10IFANN1:W10 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc R11IFANN1:W11 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IFANN1 S3IFANN1 S4IFANN1 S5IFANN1 S6IFANN1 S7IFANN1 S8IFANN1 S9IFANN1 S10IFANN1 S11IFANN1 S2IFANN1:W2 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc S3IFANN1:W3 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc S4IFANN1:W4 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc S5IFANN1:W5 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc S6IFANN1:W6 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc S7IFANN1:W7 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc S8IFANN1:W8 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc S9IFANN1:W9 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc S10IFANN1:W10 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc S11IFANN1:W11 ImpFlag-Annuity #1 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3MANN1 R4MANN1 R5MANN1 R6MANN1 R7MANN1 R8MANN1 R9MANN1 R10MANN1 R11MANN1 R3MANN1:W3 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc R4MANN1:W4 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc R5MANN1:W5 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc R6MANN1:W6 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc R7MANN1:W7 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc R8MANN1:W8 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc R9MANN1:W9 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc R10MANN1:W10 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc R11MANN1:W11 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3MANN1 S4MANN1 S5MANN1 S6MANN1 S7MANN1 S8MANN1 S9MANN1 S10MANN1 S11MANN1 S3MANN1:W3 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc S4MANN1:W4 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc S5MANN1:W5 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc S6MANN1:W6 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc S7MANN1:W7 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc S8MANN1:W8 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc S9MANN1:W9 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc S10MANN1:W10 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc S11MANN1:W11 Monthly-Annuity #1 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 R3NFANN1 R4NFANN1 R5NFANN1 R6NFANN1 R3NFANN1:W3 R4NFANN1:W4 R5NFANN1:W5 R6NFANN1:W6 IncMons Incmons IncMons Incmons DK DK DK DK Flag-Annuity Flag-Annuity Flag-Annuity Flag-Annuity #1 #1 #1 #1 Inc Inc Inc Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Section B: Income 125 7 8 9 10 11 R7NFANN1 R8NFANN1 R9NFANN1 R10NFANN1 R11NFANN1 R7NFANN1:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc R8NFANN1:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc R9NFANN1:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc R10NFANN1:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc R11NFANN1:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3NFANN1 S4NFANN1 S5NFANN1 S6NFANN1 S7NFANN1 S8NFANN1 S9NFANN1 S10NFANN1 S11NFANN1 S3NFANN1:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc S4NFANN1:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc S5NFANN1:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc S6NFANN1:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc S7NFANN1:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc S8NFANN1:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc S9NFANN1:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc S10NFANN1:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc S11NFANN1:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #1 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R2IANN2 R3IANN2 R4IANN2 R5IANN2 R6IANN2 R7IANN2 R8IANN2 R9IANN2 R10IANN2 R11IANN2 R2IANN2:W2 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc R3IANN2:W3 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc R4IANN2:W4 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc R5IANN2:W5 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc R6IANN2:W6 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc R7IANN2:W7 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc R8IANN2:W8 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc R9IANN2:W9 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc R10IANN2:W10 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc R11IANN2:W11 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IANN2 S3IANN2 S4IANN2 S5IANN2 S6IANN2 S7IANN2 S8IANN2 S9IANN2 S10IANN2 S11IANN2 S2IANN2:W2 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc S3IANN2:W3 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc S4IANN2:W4 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc S5IANN2:W5 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc S6IANN2:W6 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc S7IANN2:W7 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc S8IANN2:W8 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc S9IANN2:W9 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc S10IANN2:W10 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc S11IANN2:W11 IncPart-Annuity #2 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R2IOANN2 R3IOANN2 R4IOANN2 R5IOANN2 R6IOANN2 R7IOANN2 R8IOANN2 R9IOANN2 R10IOANN2 R11IOANN2 R2IOANN2:W2 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc R3IOANN2:W3 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc R4IOANN2:W4 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc R5IOANN2:W5 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc R6IOANN2:W6 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc R7IOANN2:W7 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc R8IOANN2:W8 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc R9IOANN2:W9 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc R10IOANN2:W10 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc R11IOANN2:W11 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IOANN2 S3IOANN2 S4IOANN2 S5IOANN2 S6IOANN2 S7IOANN2 S8IOANN2 S9IOANN2 S10IOANN2 S11IOANN2 S2IOANN2:W2 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc S3IOANN2:W3 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc S4IOANN2:W4 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc S5IOANN2:W5 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc S6IOANN2:W6 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc S7IOANN2:W7 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc S8IOANN2:W8 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc S9IOANN2:W9 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc S10IOANN2:W10 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc S11IOANN2:W11 Receives-Annuity #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 R2IFANN2 R3IFANN2 R4IFANN2 R2IFANN2:W2 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc R3IFANN2:W3 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc R4IFANN2:W4 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Section B: Income 126 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R5IFANN2 R6IFANN2 R7IFANN2 R8IFANN2 R9IFANN2 R10IFANN2 R11IFANN2 R5IFANN2:W5 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc R6IFANN2:W6 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc R7IFANN2:W7 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc R8IFANN2:W8 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc R9IFANN2:W9 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc R10IFANN2:W10 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc R11IFANN2:W11 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IFANN2 S3IFANN2 S4IFANN2 S5IFANN2 S6IFANN2 S7IFANN2 S8IFANN2 S9IFANN2 S10IFANN2 S11IFANN2 S2IFANN2:W2 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc S3IFANN2:W3 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc S4IFANN2:W4 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc S5IFANN2:W5 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc S6IFANN2:W6 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc S7IFANN2:W7 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc S8IFANN2:W8 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc S9IFANN2:W9 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc S10IFANN2:W10 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc S11IFANN2:W11 ImpFlag-Annuity #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3MANN2 R4MANN2 R5MANN2 R6MANN2 R7MANN2 R8MANN2 R9MANN2 R10MANN2 R11MANN2 R3MANN2:W3 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc R4MANN2:W4 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc R5MANN2:W5 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc R6MANN2:W6 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc R7MANN2:W7 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc R8MANN2:W8 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc R9MANN2:W9 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc R10MANN2:W10 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc R11MANN2:W11 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3MANN2 S4MANN2 S5MANN2 S6MANN2 S7MANN2 S8MANN2 S9MANN2 S10MANN2 S11MANN2 S3MANN2:W3 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc S4MANN2:W4 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc S5MANN2:W5 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc S6MANN2:W6 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc S7MANN2:W7 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc S8MANN2:W8 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc S9MANN2:W9 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc S10MANN2:W10 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc S11MANN2:W11 Monthly-Annuity #2 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3NFANN2 R4NFANN2 R5NFANN2 R6NFANN2 R7NFANN2 R8NFANN2 R9NFANN2 R10NFANN2 R11NFANN2 R3NFANN2:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc R4NFANN2:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc R5NFANN2:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc R6NFANN2:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc R7NFANN2:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc R8NFANN2:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc R9NFANN2:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc R10NFANN2:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc R11NFANN2:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S3NFANN2 S4NFANN2 S5NFANN2 S6NFANN2 S7NFANN2 S8NFANN2 S9NFANN2 S10NFANN2 S3NFANN2:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc S4NFANN2:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc S5NFANN2:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc S6NFANN2:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc S7NFANN2:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc S8NFANN2:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc S9NFANN2:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc S10NFANN2:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #2 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 R2IANN3 R3IANN3 R4IANN3 R5IANN3 R6IANN3 R2IANN3:W2 R3IANN3:W3 R4IANN3:W4 R5IANN3:W5 R6IANN3:W6 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont IncPart-Annuity IncPart-Annuity IncPart-Annuity IncPart-Annuity IncPart-Annuity #3 #3 #3 #3 #3 Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Section B: Income 127 7 8 9 10 11 R7IANN3 R8IANN3 R9IANN3 R10IANN3 R11IANN3 R7IANN3:W7 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc R8IANN3:W8 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc R9IANN3:W9 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc R10IANN3:W10 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc R11IANN3:W11 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IANN3 S3IANN3 S4IANN3 S5IANN3 S6IANN3 S7IANN3 S8IANN3 S9IANN3 S10IANN3 S11IANN3 S2IANN3:W2 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc S3IANN3:W3 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc S4IANN3:W4 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc S5IANN3:W5 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc S6IANN3:W6 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc S7IANN3:W7 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc S8IANN3:W8 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc S9IANN3:W9 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc S10IANN3:W10 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc S11IANN3:W11 IncPart-Annuity #3 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R2IOANN3 R3IOANN3 R4IOANN3 R5IOANN3 R6IOANN3 R7IOANN3 R8IOANN3 R9IOANN3 R10IOANN3 R11IOANN3 R2IOANN3:W2 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc R3IOANN3:W3 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc R4IOANN3:W4 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc R5IOANN3:W5 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc R6IOANN3:W6 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc R7IOANN3:W7 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc R8IOANN3:W8 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc R9IOANN3:W9 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc R10IOANN3:W10 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc R11IOANN3:W11 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IOANN3 S3IOANN3 S4IOANN3 S5IOANN3 S6IOANN3 S7IOANN3 S8IOANN3 S9IOANN3 S10IOANN3 S11IOANN3 S2IOANN3:W2 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc S3IOANN3:W3 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc S4IOANN3:W4 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc S5IOANN3:W5 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc S6IOANN3:W6 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc S7IOANN3:W7 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc S8IOANN3:W8 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc S9IOANN3:W9 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc S10IOANN3:W10 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc S11IOANN3:W11 Receives-Annuity #3 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R2IFANN3 R3IFANN3 R4IFANN3 R5IFANN3 R6IFANN3 R7IFANN3 R8IFANN3 R9IFANN3 R10IFANN3 R11IFANN3 R2IFANN3:W2 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc R3IFANN3:W3 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc R4IFANN3:W4 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc R5IFANN3:W5 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc R6IFANN3:W6 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc R7IFANN3:W7 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc R8IFANN3:W8 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc R9IFANN3:W9 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc R10IFANN3:W10 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc R11IFANN3:W11 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S2IFANN3 S3IFANN3 S4IFANN3 S5IFANN3 S6IFANN3 S7IFANN3 S8IFANN3 S9IFANN3 S10IFANN3 S11IFANN3 S2IFANN3:W2 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc S3IFANN3:W3 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc S4IFANN3:W4 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc S5IFANN3:W5 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc S6IFANN3:W6 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc S7IFANN3:W7 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc S8IFANN3:W8 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc S9IFANN3:W9 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc S10IFANN3:W10 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc S11IFANN3:W11 ImpFlag-Annuity #3 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 R3MANN3 R4MANN3 R3MANN3:W3 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc R4MANN3:W4 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc Cont Cont Section B: Income 128 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R5MANN3 R6MANN3 R7MANN3 R8MANN3 R9MANN3 R10MANN3 R11MANN3 R5MANN3:W5 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc R6MANN3:W6 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc R7MANN3:W7 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc R8MANN3:W8 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc R9MANN3:W9 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc R10MANN3:W10 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc R11MANN3:W11 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3MANN3 S4MANN3 S5MANN3 S6MANN3 S7MANN3 S8MANN3 S9MANN3 S10MANN3 S11MANN3 S3MANN3:W3 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc S4MANN3:W4 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc S5MANN3:W5 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc S6MANN3:W6 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc S7MANN3:W7 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc S8MANN3:W8 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc S9MANN3:W9 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc S10MANN3:W10 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc S11MANN3:W11 Monthly-Annuity #3 Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3NFANN3 R4NFANN3 R5NFANN3 R6NFANN3 R7NFANN3 R8NFANN3 R9NFANN3 R10NFANN3 R11NFANN3 R3NFANN3:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc R4NFANN3:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc R5NFANN3:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc R6NFANN3:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc R7NFANN3:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc R8NFANN3:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc R9NFANN3:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc R10NFANN3:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc R11NFANN3:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3NFANN3 S4NFANN3 S5NFANN3 S6NFANN3 S7NFANN3 S8NFANN3 S9NFANN3 S10NFANN3 S11NFANN3 S3NFANN3:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc S4NFANN3:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc S5NFANN3:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc S6NFANN3:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc S7NFANN3:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc S8NFANN3:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc S9NFANN3:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc S10NFANN3:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc S11NFANN3:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Annuity #3 Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum R1IPENA R2IPENA R3IPENA R4IPENA R5IPENA R6IPENA R7IPENA R8IPENA R9IPENA R10IPENA R11IPENA 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1162.11 2531.56 3007.18 3248.37 3951.12 4372.85 4684.54 4805.17 8690.24 3829.72 2338.36 4820.24 10647.71 12935.07 9457.86 13700.31 15636.64 33613.41 19829.74 457791.26 39234.14 13337.19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 85000.0 480800.0 732000.0 300000.0 696240.0 1196388.0 2748372.0 1390440.0 60000000.0 5401560.0 677000.0 S1IPENA S2IPENA S3IPENA S4IPENA S5IPENA S6IPENA S7IPENA S8IPENA S9IPENA 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 1229.60 2644.25 3044.39 3149.94 3902.89 4407.93 4619.16 4683.88 5594.60 4986.09 10865.32 12832.24 9044.59 13485.12 17116.20 32389.85 20474.32 70532.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 85000.0 459600.0 725400.0 225000.0 696240.0 1196388.0 2160000.0 1390440.0 7200000.0 Section B: Income 129 S10IPENA S11IPENA 14235 13080 3424.57 2111.07 12684.64 12395.05 0.0 0.0 516000.0 672000.0 R1IOPENA R2IOPENA R3IOPENA R4IOPENA R5IOPENA R6IOPENA R7IOPENA R8IOPENA R9IOPENA R10IOPENA R11IOPENA 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.10 0.24 0.28 0.28 0.31 0.32 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.21 0.14 0.30 0.43 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.40 0.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOPENA S2IOPENA S3IOPENA S4IOPENA S5IOPENA S6IOPENA S7IOPENA S8IOPENA S9IOPENA S10IOPENA S11IOPENA 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.10 0.22 0.26 0.25 0.27 0.28 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.18 0.12 0.30 0.42 0.44 0.43 0.45 0.45 0.43 0.44 0.44 0.38 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFPENA R2IFPENA R3IFPENA R4IFPENA R5IFPENA R6IFPENA R7IFPENA R8IFPENA R9IFPENA R10IFPENA R11IFPENA 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.19 0.36 0.41 0.44 0.45 0.43 0.40 0.40 0.41 0.44 0.27 0.85 0.90 0.92 1.03 0.94 0.76 0.83 0.79 0.82 1.31 0.93 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFPENA S2IFPENA S3IFPENA S4IFPENA S5IFPENA S6IFPENA S7IFPENA S8IFPENA S9IFPENA S10IFPENA S11IFPENA 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1.67 2.67 2.77 2.86 2.94 3.03 2.93 3.02 3.13 3.12 3.07 3.16 3.60 3.62 3.66 3.66 3.67 3.68 3.69 3.72 3.79 3.81 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R1IPEN R2IPEN R3IPEN R4IPEN R5IPEN R6IPEN R7IPEN R8IPEN R9IPEN R10IPEN R11IPEN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1055.15 2326.62 2676.51 2959.48 3556.43 3971.32 4188.13 4176.04 8051.03 3317.46 1831.19 4541.29 9835.51 9440.32 8653.51 11905.99 14552.18 29427.01 17210.25 457537.64 37903.02 9111.84 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 85000.0 459600.0 642000.0 300000.0 696240.0 1196388.0 2748372.0 1374108.0 60000000.0 5401560.0 434077.7 Section B: Income 130 S1IPEN S2IPEN S3IPEN S4IPEN S5IPEN S6IPEN S7IPEN S8IPEN S9IPEN S10IPEN S11IPEN 10279 13679 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 1120.33 2477.57 2725.68 2948.58 3638.97 4085.62 4178.18 4180.17 5152.17 3071.31 1739.76 4677.93 10596.39 9821.92 8495.33 12863.85 16259.19 26150.20 18855.51 70301.24 11558.43 8827.05 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 85000.0 459600.0 642000.0 225000.0 696240.0 1196388.0 2023644.0 1374108.0 7200000.0 516000.0 300000.0 R1IOPEN R2IOPEN R3IOPEN R4IOPEN R5IOPEN R6IOPEN R7IOPEN R8IOPEN R9IOPEN R10IOPEN R11IOPEN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.09 0.23 0.27 0.26 0.29 0.30 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.19 0.12 0.29 0.42 0.44 0.44 0.46 0.46 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.39 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOPEN S2IOPEN S3IOPEN S4IOPEN S5IOPEN S6IOPEN S7IOPEN S8IOPEN S9IOPEN S10IOPEN S11IOPEN 10279 13679 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.10 0.21 0.24 0.23 0.26 0.27 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.10 0.29 0.41 0.43 0.42 0.44 0.44 0.42 0.43 0.43 0.37 0.30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFPEN R2IFPEN R3IFPEN R4IFPEN R5IFPEN R6IFPEN R7IFPEN R8IFPEN R9IFPEN R10IFPEN R11IFPEN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.18 0.34 0.37 0.41 0.42 0.39 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.40 0.22 0.85 0.89 0.91 1.02 0.92 0.73 0.80 0.76 0.80 1.29 0.91 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFPEN S2IFPEN S3IFPEN S4IFPEN S5IFPEN S6IFPEN S7IFPEN S8IFPEN S9IFPEN S10IFPEN S11IFPEN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1.66 2.66 2.75 2.84 2.93 3.01 2.91 3.00 3.10 3.09 3.05 3.16 3.61 3.63 3.67 3.67 3.69 3.69 3.71 3.74 3.80 3.83 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R1IANN R2IANN R3IANN 12652 19642 17991 106.96 204.94 330.67 1684.38 3962.55 8700.05 0.0 0.0 0.0 80000.0 480800.0 732000.0 Section B: Income 131 R4IANN R5IANN R6IANN R7IANN R8IANN R9IANN R10IANN R11IANN 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 288.89 394.68 401.53 496.41 629.13 639.20 512.26 507.16 3392.96 6555.12 5467.12 16173.79 9346.23 15351.76 9815.62 9613.58 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 156480.0 600000.0 312000.0 2160000.0 817224.0 1860000.0 1200000.0 677000.0 S1IANN S2IANN S3IANN S4IANN S5IANN S6IANN S7IANN S8IANN S9IANN S10IANN S11IANN 10279 13673 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 109.27 168.46 318.71 201.36 263.92 322.31 440.98 503.71 442.43 353.26 371.31 1795.23 2077.15 8131.39 2637.92 3762.12 5164.32 19054.67 7433.92 5639.67 4949.27 8651.90 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 80000.0 114000.0 725400.0 151802.8 204000.0 312000.0 2160000.0 468000.0 408000.0 396000.0 672000.0 R1IOANN R2IOANN R3IOANN R4IOANN R5IOANN R6IOANN R7IOANN R8IOANN R9IOANN R10IOANN R11IOANN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.15 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.18 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOANN S2IOANN S3IOANN S4IOANN S5IOANN S6IOANN S7IOANN S8IOANN S9IOANN S10IOANN S11IOANN 10279 13673 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.09 0.14 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFANN R2IFANN R3IFANN R4IFANN R5IFANN R6IFANN R7IFANN R8IFANN R9IFANN R10IFANN R11IFANN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.25 0.14 0.80 0.82 0.81 0.94 0.82 0.58 0.69 0.64 0.69 1.27 0.87 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFANN S2IFANN S3IFANN S4IFANN S5IFANN S6IFANN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 1.58 2.52 2.60 2.69 2.75 2.84 3.18 3.69 3.72 3.76 3.77 3.79 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section B: Income 132 S7IFANN S8IFANN S9IFANN S10IFANN S11IFANN 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2.77 2.85 2.96 3.01 3.01 3.78 3.80 3.83 3.86 3.85 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R2IPEN1 R3IPEN1 R4IPEN1 R5IPEN1 R6IPEN1 R7IPEN1 R8IPEN1 R9IPEN1 R10IPEN1 R11IPEN1 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2255.79 2555.63 2823.20 3366.22 3801.12 3929.39 3976.39 7811.11 3131.90 1731.68 9689.03 9173.34 8160.77 10851.14 14297.32 26627.33 16784.42 457508.31 37759.22 8810.94 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 456000.0 642000.0 228000.0 696240.0 1196388.0 2748372.0 1374108.0 60000000.0 5400000.0 434077.7 S2IPEN1 S3IPEN1 S4IPEN1 S5IPEN1 S6IPEN1 S7IPEN1 S8IPEN1 S9IPEN1 S10IPEN1 S11IPEN1 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 2395.80 2618.08 2835.07 3498.32 3945.04 3913.40 4017.71 4927.14 2926.98 1677.30 10424.47 9594.28 8197.35 12210.18 16061.54 21296.02 18553.18 70027.22 11162.44 8620.30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 456000.0 642000.0 225000.0 696240.0 1196388.0 1262280.0 1374108.0 7200000.0 516000.0 300000.0 R2IOPEN1 R3IOPEN1 R4IOPEN1 R5IOPEN1 R6IOPEN1 R7IOPEN1 R8IOPEN1 R9IOPEN1 R10IOPEN1 R11IOPEN1 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.23 0.27 0.26 0.29 0.30 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.19 0.12 0.42 0.44 0.44 0.46 0.46 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.39 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S2IOPEN1 S3IOPEN1 S4IOPEN1 S5IOPEN1 S6IOPEN1 S7IOPEN1 S8IOPEN1 S9IOPEN1 S10IOPEN1 S11IOPEN1 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.21 0.24 0.23 0.26 0.27 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.10 0.41 0.43 0.42 0.44 0.44 0.42 0.43 0.43 0.37 0.30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R2IFPEN1 R3IFPEN1 R4IFPEN1 R5IFPEN1 R6IFPEN1 R7IFPEN1 R8IFPEN1 R9IFPEN1 R10IFPEN1 R11IFPEN1 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.02 4.83 4.84 4.70 4.68 4.84 4.79 4.77 5.22 5.50 2.02 2.14 2.14 2.21 2.19 2.11 2.14 2.16 1.93 1.56 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S2IFPEN1 S3IFPEN1 19642 17991 5.98 5.89 2.12 2.23 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 Section B: Income S4IFPEN1 S5IFPEN1 S6IFPEN1 S7IFPEN1 S8IFPEN1 S9IFPEN1 S10IFPEN1 S11IFPEN1 133 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.95 5.90 5.93 6.00 6.00 6.03 6.29 6.48 2.21 2.28 2.28 2.17 2.21 2.22 1.94 1.63 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R3MPEN1 R4MPEN1 R5MPEN1 R6MPEN1 R7MPEN1 R8MPEN1 R9MPEN1 R10MPEN1 R11MPEN1 2096 5642 5751 5432 5287 5025 4710 4092 2398 1113.35 937.08 993.65 1112.46 1296.60 1266.82 2413.41 1439.83 1282.21 1645.29 1116.76 1473.70 2009.16 4198.24 2548.94 72870.29 7192.39 1816.51 9.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 24.0 53500.0 25000.0 58020.0 99699.0 229031.0 114509.0 5000000.0 450000.0 36173.1 S3MPEN1 S4MPEN1 S5MPEN1 S6MPEN1 S7MPEN1 S8MPEN1 S9MPEN1 S10MPEN1 S11MPEN1 1590 3405 3418 3173 3068 2910 2680 2272 1264 1165.29 1057.10 1155.92 1293.20 1479.55 1442.08 1724.48 1564.24 1490.88 1777.57 1153.35 1746.23 2384.88 3489.95 3013.13 11741.78 1862.97 1856.90 22.0 3.0 5.0 17.0 12.0 13.0 17.0 20.0 27.0 53500.0 25000.0 58020.0 99699.0 105190.0 114509.0 600000.0 43000.0 25000.0 R3NFPEN1 R4NFPEN1 R5NFPEN1 R6NFPEN1 R7NFPEN1 R8NFPEN1 R9NFPEN1 R10NFPEN1 R11NFPEN1 2096 5642 5751 5432 5287 5025 4710 4092 2398 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.22 0.21 0.24 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.26 0.30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S3NFPEN1 S4NFPEN1 S5NFPEN1 S6NFPEN1 S7NFPEN1 S8NFPEN1 S9NFPEN1 S10NFPEN1 S11NFPEN1 1590 3405 3418 3173 3068 2910 2680 2272 1264 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.10 0.13 0.22 0.21 0.23 0.22 0.25 0.23 0.24 0.30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R2IPEN2 R3IPEN2 R4IPEN2 R5IPEN2 R6IPEN2 R7IPEN2 R8IPEN2 R9IPEN2 R10IPEN2 R11IPEN2 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 64.33 108.98 123.89 132.30 155.56 246.65 186.62 223.25 163.05 85.66 741.44 980.93 1521.87 1410.14 1374.14 6959.58 2025.05 3135.00 1481.69 966.42 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21060.0 36000.0 150000.0 96000.0 60000.0 902004.0 120684.0 288000.0 54000.0 36000.0 S2IPEN2 S3IPEN2 S4IPEN2 13672 12333 14515 72.40 98.01 101.25 799.20 937.44 1081.23 0.0 0.0 0.0 21060.0 36000.0 62107.9 Section B: Income 134 S5IPEN2 S6IPEN2 S7IPEN2 S8IPEN2 S9IPEN2 S10IPEN2 S11IPEN2 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 108.19 129.91 252.77 150.81 213.99 130.29 52.85 1326.41 1286.93 8365.25 1752.47 3738.75 1408.88 751.23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 96000.0 60000.0 902004.0 85000.0 288000.0 54000.0 36000.0 R2IOPEN2 R3IOPEN2 R4IOPEN2 R5IOPEN2 R6IOPEN2 R7IOPEN2 R8IOPEN2 R9IOPEN2 R10IOPEN2 R11IOPEN2 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.12 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.17 0.13 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S2IOPEN2 S3IOPEN2 S4IOPEN2 S5IOPEN2 S6IOPEN2 S7IOPEN2 S8IOPEN2 S9IOPEN2 S10IOPEN2 S11IOPEN2 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.15 0.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R2IFPEN2 R3IFPEN2 R4IFPEN2 R5IFPEN2 R6IFPEN2 R7IFPEN2 R8IFPEN2 R9IFPEN2 R10IFPEN2 R11IFPEN2 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.97 5.90 5.91 5.88 5.87 5.86 5.85 5.84 5.92 5.95 0.61 0.82 0.84 0.88 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.92 0.91 0.67 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S2IFPEN2 S3IFPEN2 S4IFPEN2 S5IFPEN2 S6IFPEN2 S7IFPEN2 S8IFPEN2 S9IFPEN2 S10IFPEN2 S11IFPEN2 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.59 6.57 6.61 6.61 6.63 6.60 6.63 6.65 6.69 6.72 1.07 1.15 1.15 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.18 1.22 1.19 1.08 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R3MPEN2 R4MPEN2 R5MPEN2 R6MPEN2 R7MPEN2 R8MPEN2 R9MPEN2 R10MPEN2 R11MPEN2 208 594 629 607 683 628 630 645 339 410.34 392.49 363.63 447.25 627.43 473.32 516.67 482.46 452.42 369.93 669.07 563.13 689.08 3094.09 820.87 1272.07 558.23 483.15 13.0 5.0 1.0 8.0 9.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 6.0 1700.0 12500.0 8000.0 11000.0 75167.0 10057.0 24000.0 4500.0 3000.0 S3MPEN2 150 431.16 372.86 13.0 1700.0 Section B: Income 135 S4MPEN2 S5MPEN2 S6MPEN2 S7MPEN2 S8MPEN2 S9MPEN2 S10MPEN2 S11MPEN2 317 324 320 368 304 318 318 144 408.95 388.44 446.93 776.71 508.62 628.21 508.23 401.60 483.14 605.92 579.57 4135.44 819.25 1731.05 623.45 445.19 9.0 7.0 11.0 11.0 7.0 11.0 11.0 15.0 5175.7 8000.0 5000.0 75167.0 8500.0 24000.0 4500.0 3000.0 R3NFPEN2 R4NFPEN2 R5NFPEN2 R6NFPEN2 R7NFPEN2 R8NFPEN2 R9NFPEN2 R10NFPEN2 R11NFPEN2 208 594 629 606 683 628 630 645 339 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.15 0.23 0.22 0.24 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S3NFPEN2 S4NFPEN2 S5NFPEN2 S6NFPEN2 S7NFPEN2 S8NFPEN2 S9NFPEN2 S10NFPEN2 S11NFPEN2 150 317 324 320 368 304 318 318 144 0.01 0.06 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.12 0.23 0.22 0.26 0.18 0.18 0.21 0.20 0.23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R2IPEN3 R3IPEN3 R4IPEN3 R5IPEN3 R6IPEN3 R7IPEN3 R8IPEN3 R9IPEN3 R10IPEN3 R11IPEN3 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.50 11.90 12.39 57.92 14.65 12.09 13.03 16.68 22.52 13.86 289.80 525.14 414.99 3884.33 422.99 296.68 444.78 463.71 940.05 754.36 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27996.0 60000.0 38400.0 313152.0 28800.0 15600.0 34068.0 28200.0 84000.0 72000.0 S2IPEN3 S3IPEN3 S4IPEN3 S5IPEN3 S6IPEN3 S7IPEN3 S8IPEN3 S9IPEN3 S10IPEN3 S11IPEN3 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 7.70 9.59 12.26 32.46 10.67 12.00 11.65 11.03 14.05 9.62 333.94 312.37 469.78 2751.34 308.24 313.93 425.15 271.79 570.11 635.05 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27996.0 22800.0 38400.0 313152.0 15000.0 15600.0 34068.0 13440.0 57480.0 69252.0 R2IOPEN3 R3IOPEN3 R4IOPEN3 R5IOPEN3 R6IOPEN3 R7IOPEN3 R8IOPEN3 R9IOPEN3 R10IOPEN3 R11IOPEN3 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S2IOPEN3 13672 0.00 0.04 0.0 1.0 Section B: Income 136 S3IOPEN3 S4IOPEN3 S5IOPEN3 S6IOPEN3 S7IOPEN3 S8IOPEN3 S9IOPEN3 S10IOPEN3 S11IOPEN3 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R2IFPEN3 R3IFPEN3 R4IFPEN3 R5IFPEN3 R6IFPEN3 R7IFPEN3 R8IFPEN3 R9IFPEN3 R10IFPEN3 R11IFPEN3 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.02 6.02 6.03 6.02 6.01 6.00 6.00 5.99 6.04 6.02 0.31 0.35 0.40 0.38 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.36 0.50 0.34 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S2IFPEN3 S3IFPEN3 S4IFPEN3 S5IFPEN3 S6IFPEN3 S7IFPEN3 S8IFPEN3 S9IFPEN3 S10IFPEN3 S11IFPEN3 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.62 6.64 6.67 6.68 6.70 6.68 6.70 6.72 6.74 6.74 0.95 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.99 1.00 1.02 0.99 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R3MPEN3 R4MPEN3 R5MPEN3 R6MPEN3 R7MPEN3 R8MPEN3 R9MPEN3 R10MPEN3 R11MPEN3 16 64 69 58 67 63 79 83 37 387.44 345.09 1369.48 382.28 302.80 318.40 302.90 498.20 641.57 474.92 534.14 5317.00 497.71 306.01 553.68 486.91 1182.64 1354.19 50.0 10.0 23.0 38.0 23.4 16.0 26.0 25.0 22.0 1900.0 3200.0 26096.0 2400.0 1300.0 2839.0 2350.0 7000.0 6000.0 S3MPEN3 S4MPEN3 S5MPEN3 S6MPEN3 S7MPEN3 S8MPEN3 S9MPEN3 S10MPEN3 S11MPEN3 13 39 38 30 39 34 41 41 17 422.92 380.13 928.45 351.50 342.48 344.09 246.95 406.37 616.59 521.47 661.41 4200.49 377.22 347.03 580.29 280.95 796.50 1373.29 50.0 10.0 23.0 38.0 33.0 18.0 26.0 42.0 22.0 1900.0 3200.0 26096.0 1250.0 1300.0 2839.0 1120.0 4790.0 5771.0 R3NFPEN3 R4NFPEN3 R5NFPEN3 R6NFPEN3 R7NFPEN3 R8NFPEN3 R9NFPEN3 R10NFPEN3 R11NFPEN3 16 64 69 58 67 63 79 83 37 0.06 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S3NFPEN3 13 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Section B: Income S4NFPEN3 S5NFPEN3 S6NFPEN3 S7NFPEN3 S8NFPEN3 S9NFPEN3 S10NFPEN3 S11NFPEN3 137 39 38 30 39 34 41 41 17 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R2IANN1 R3IANN1 R4IANN1 R5IANN1 R6IANN1 R7IANN1 R8IANN1 R9IANN1 R10IANN1 R11IANN1 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 199.10 291.21 243.42 358.09 343.63 423.17 523.84 546.39 385.06 403.83 3926.85 8436.43 2884.69 6407.46 4832.91 16004.07 8277.23 14898.74 4195.69 7935.36 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 480000.0 720000.0 156480.0 600000.0 288000.0 2160000.0 810528.0 1860000.0 240000.0 672000.0 S2IANN1 S3IANN1 S4IANN1 S5IANN1 S6IANN1 S7IANN1 S8IANN1 S9IANN1 S10IANN1 S11IANN1 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 161.44 271.22 177.63 242.73 283.97 393.64 384.62 352.93 299.33 286.84 2003.11 7716.32 2405.16 3590.15 4685.07 18964.19 5493.51 3847.24 3429.62 6540.90 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 114000.0 720000.0 127802.8 204000.0 288000.0 2160000.0 360000.0 144000.0 132000.0 672000.0 R2IOANN1 R3IOANN1 R4IOANN1 R5IOANN1 R6IOANN1 R7IOANN1 R8IOANN1 R9IOANN1 R10IOANN1 R11IOANN1 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.15 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.20 0.20 0.18 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S2IOANN1 S3IOANN1 S4IOANN1 S5IOANN1 S6IOANN1 S7IOANN1 S8IOANN1 S9IOANN1 S10IOANN1 S11IOANN1 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.14 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R2IFANN1 R3IFANN1 R4IFANN1 R5IFANN1 R6IFANN1 R7IFANN1 R8IFANN1 R9IFANN1 R10IFANN1 R11IFANN1 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.94 5.92 5.91 5.90 5.88 5.89 5.86 5.85 5.93 5.89 0.73 0.77 0.84 0.82 0.84 0.83 0.91 0.94 0.93 0.89 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section B: Income S2IFANN1 S3IFANN1 S4IFANN1 S5IFANN1 S6IFANN1 S7IFANN1 S8IFANN1 S9IFANN1 S10IFANN1 S11IFANN1 138 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.58 6.58 6.61 6.62 6.64 6.63 6.63 6.66 6.69 6.69 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.14 1.17 1.14 1.20 1.21 1.20 1.17 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R3MANN1 R4MANN1 R5MANN1 R6MANN1 R7MANN1 R8MANN1 R9MANN1 R10MANN1 R11MANN1 152 661 638 672 713 786 739 761 719 838.98 732.91 1009.75 851.14 1107.28 1140.92 1116.08 1050.53 1054.58 2652.83 1310.73 2924.64 1977.35 7059.61 3316.02 5912.96 1768.66 3598.95 16.0 1.0 10.0 11.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 2.7 0.3 23000.0 13040.0 50000.0 24000.0 180000.0 67544.0 155000.0 20000.0 56000.0 S3MANN1 S4MANN1 S5MANN1 S6MANN1 S7MANN1 S8MANN1 S9MANN1 S10MANN1 S11MANN1 118 343 333 341 345 398 359 379 329 1066.09 699.34 859.67 926.89 1443.70 1056.30 966.70 1047.78 980.93 3055.94 1270.05 1793.19 2195.44 9808.49 2360.14 1612.27 1559.52 3307.88 16.0 20.0 10.0 11.0 5.0 8.0 5.0 2.7 0.3 23000.0 10650.2 17000.0 24000.0 180000.0 30000.0 12000.0 11000.0 56000.0 R3NFANN1 R4NFANN1 R5NFANN1 R6NFANN1 R7NFANN1 R8NFANN1 R9NFANN1 R10NFANN1 R11NFANN1 152 661 638 672 713 786 739 761 719 0.06 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.19 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.24 0.37 0.38 0.38 0.41 0.39 0.36 0.36 0.34 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S3NFANN1 S4NFANN1 S5NFANN1 S6NFANN1 S7NFANN1 S8NFANN1 S9NFANN1 S10NFANN1 S11NFANN1 118 343 333 341 345 398 359 379 329 0.07 0.17 0.18 0.16 0.23 0.21 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.25 0.38 0.38 0.36 0.42 0.40 0.36 0.32 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2.90 23.92 29.36 25.29 41.70 38.44 76.88 55.79 36.00 32.53 114.89 579.73 661.72 634.27 1169.30 764.89 2231.86 1112.48 860.58 775.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8160.0 60000.0 48000.0 36000.0 120000.0 36000.0 168000.0 79536.0 60000.0 60000.0 R2IANN2 R3IANN2 R4IANN2 R5IANN2 R6IANN2 R7IANN2 R8IANN2 R9IANN2 R10IANN2 R11IANN2 Section B: Income 139 S2IANN2 S3IANN2 S4IANN2 S5IANN2 S6IANN2 S7IANN2 S8IANN2 S9IANN2 S10IANN2 S11IANN2 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 2.87 25.79 15.68 14.52 27.66 25.67 72.16 46.77 24.82 21.98 113.78 787.93 352.41 457.27 794.62 669.71 1614.90 947.70 753.91 758.65 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8160.0 60000.0 18000.0 30000.0 66000.0 36000.0 60000.0 60000.0 60000.0 60000.0 R2IOANN2 R3IOANN2 R4IOANN2 R5IOANN2 R6IOANN2 R7IOANN2 R8IOANN2 R9IOANN2 R10IOANN2 R11IOANN2 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S2IOANN2 S3IOANN2 S4IOANN2 S5IOANN2 S6IOANN2 S7IOANN2 S8IOANN2 S9IOANN2 S10IOANN2 S11IOANN2 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R2IFANN2 R3IFANN2 R4IFANN2 R5IFANN2 R6IFANN2 R7IFANN2 R8IFANN2 R9IFANN2 R10IFANN2 R11IFANN2 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.02 6.01 6.02 6.02 6.00 5.99 5.98 5.98 6.03 6.00 0.30 0.43 0.46 0.42 0.41 0.41 0.44 0.44 0.54 0.45 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S2IFANN2 S3IFANN2 S4IFANN2 S5IFANN2 S6IFANN2 S7IFANN2 S8IFANN2 S9IFANN2 S10IFANN2 S11IFANN2 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.63 6.64 6.67 6.68 6.70 6.67 6.69 6.72 6.74 6.74 0.94 0.98 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.99 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.01 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 21 138 112 137 151 160 141 128 233.86 412.39 403.32 480.34 571.98 789.19 592.91 549.21 227.03 617.51 626.77 1023.78 1143.25 1886.37 853.88 803.71 7.0 6.0 15.0 7.0 19.0 13.0 10.0 29.2 650.0 4000.0 3000.0 10000.0 12000.0 14000.0 6628.0 5000.0 R3MANN2 R4MANN2 R5MANN2 R6MANN2 R7MANN2 R8MANN2 R9MANN2 R10MANN2 Section B: Income 140 R11MANN2 125 461.93 698.57 4.0 5000.0 S3MANN2 S4MANN2 S5MANN2 S6MANN2 S7MANN2 S8MANN2 S9MANN2 S10MANN2 S11MANN2 15 68 46 53 64 77 69 61 51 458.67 294.30 349.33 542.15 546.53 1002.21 623.96 531.66 493.18 1005.22 325.54 547.08 850.70 765.76 1471.79 786.17 869.72 902.55 7.0 6.0 49.0 20.0 29.0 13.0 25.0 29.2 4.0 4000.0 1500.0 2500.0 5500.0 3000.0 5000.0 5000.0 5000.0 5000.0 R3NFANN2 R4NFANN2 R5NFANN2 R6NFANN2 R7NFANN2 R8NFANN2 R9NFANN2 R10NFANN2 R11NFANN2 21 138 112 134 151 160 141 128 125 0.10 0.27 0.25 0.14 0.22 0.26 0.16 0.17 0.14 0.30 0.44 0.43 0.35 0.41 0.44 0.37 0.38 0.34 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S3NFANN2 S4NFANN2 S5NFANN2 S6NFANN2 S7NFANN2 S8NFANN2 S9NFANN2 S10NFANN2 15 68 46 52 64 77 69 61 0.07 0.28 0.22 0.12 0.25 0.29 0.14 0.16 0.26 0.45 0.42 0.32 0.44 0.45 0.35 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R2IANN3 R3IANN3 R4IANN3 R5IANN3 R6IANN3 R7IANN3 R8IANN3 R9IANN3 R10IANN3 R11IANN3 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.06 15.54 16.10 11.30 16.20 34.79 28.42 37.03 91.20 70.80 360.33 746.73 711.95 338.42 623.60 1564.98 2080.63 1958.96 8349.97 3881.77 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 36000.0 84000.0 67200.0 24000.0 36000.0 99540.0 276000.0 216000.0 1200000.0 300000.0 S2IANN3 S3IANN3 S4IANN3 S5IANN3 S6IANN3 S7IANN3 S8IANN3 S9IANN3 S10IANN3 S11IANN3 9123 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 6.05 21.70 8.06 6.67 10.68 21.67 46.93 42.72 29.10 62.48 402.79 988.16 282.27 225.15 496.60 1178.68 2845.28 2308.39 1885.19 3925.69 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 36000.0 84000.0 18000.0 14400.0 36000.0 99540.0 276000.0 216000.0 204000.0 300000.0 R2IOANN3 R3IOANN3 R4IOANN3 R5IOANN3 R6IOANN3 R7IOANN3 R8IOANN3 R9IOANN3 R10IOANN3 R11IOANN3 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income 141 S2IOANN3 S3IOANN3 S4IOANN3 S5IOANN3 S6IOANN3 S7IOANN3 S8IOANN3 S9IOANN3 S10IOANN3 S11IOANN3 9123 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R2IFANN3 R3IFANN3 R4IFANN3 R5IFANN3 R6IFANN3 R7IFANN3 R8IFANN3 R9IFANN3 R10IFANN3 R11IFANN3 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.03 6.02 6.03 6.03 6.02 6.01 6.00 6.01 6.05 6.02 0.33 0.33 0.38 0.34 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.47 0.35 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S2IFANN3 S3IFANN3 S4IFANN3 S5IFANN3 S6IFANN3 S7IFANN3 S8IFANN3 S9IFANN3 S10IFANN3 S11IFANN3 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.43 6.64 6.67 6.69 6.71 6.68 6.70 6.73 6.75 6.75 0.84 0.96 0.97 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.98 1.01 0.99 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R3MANN3 R4MANN3 R5MANN3 R6MANN3 R7MANN3 R8MANN3 R9MANN3 R10MANN3 R11MANN3 10 66 47 40 46 50 40 55 45 454.10 434.76 392.31 614.58 1268.74 874.80 1328.15 3044.59 2694.87 1247.08 983.18 426.18 933.43 2442.51 3248.36 3155.79 13716.30 6439.53 7.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 35.0 24.0 8.0 10.0 4000.0 5600.0 2000.0 3000.0 8295.0 23000.0 18000.0 100000.0 25000.0 S3MANN3 S4MANN3 S5MANN3 S6MANN3 S7MANN3 S8MANN3 S9MANN3 S10MANN3 S11MANN3 8 34 19 19 21 25 18 24 16 1038.25 286.71 381.23 558.58 1148.43 1885.21 2178.17 1438.56 4256.67 1828.67 398.58 319.14 894.21 2248.94 4953.26 4353.47 3621.88 8603.02 7.0 15.0 40.0 15.0 29.0 35.0 83.0 22.5 10.0 4000.0 1500.0 1200.0 3000.0 8295.0 23000.0 18000.0 17000.0 25000.0 R3NFANN3 R4NFANN3 R5NFANN3 R6NFANN3 R7NFANN3 R8NFANN3 R9NFANN3 R10NFANN3 R11NFANN3 10 66 47 39 46 50 40 55 45 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income S3NFANN3 S4NFANN3 S5NFANN3 S6NFANN3 S7NFANN3 S8NFANN3 S9NFANN3 S10NFANN3 S11NFANN3 142 8 34 19 18 21 25 18 24 16 0.13 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|R1IOPENA 0.receives no |11384 1.receives inc|1268 R2IOPENA 14870 4772 R3IOPENA 12924 5067 R4IOPENA 15407 5977 R5IOPENA 13514 6065 R6IOPENA 12379 5786 R7IOPENA 14463 5666 R8IOPENA 13027 5442 R9IOPENA 12098 5119 R10IOPENA 17483 4551 R11IOPENA 17604 2950 Value---------|S1IOPENA .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9217 1.receives inc|1062 S2IOPENA 5970 10616 3056 S3IOPENA 5658 9169 3164 S4IOPENA 6869 10925 3590 S5IOPENA 6538 9462 3579 S6IOPENA 6306 8499 3360 S7IOPENA 6777 10089 3263 S8IOPENA 6417 8914 3138 S9IOPENA 6205 8117 2895 S10IOPENA 7799 11705 2530 S11IOPENA 7474 11541 1539 Value---------|R1IFPENA 0.no income |11235 1.no imputatio|1126 2.some imputat|196 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFPENA 14549 4070 889 134 R3IFPENA 12682 4199 984 126 R4IFPENA 15033 4789 1355 207 R5IFPENA 13220 4926 1296 137 R6IFPENA 12112 4640 1368 45 R7IFPENA 14175 4556 1309 89 R8IFPENA 12787 4445 1172 65 R9IFPENA 11817 4266 1059 75 R10IFPENA 16798 3756 1062 418 R11IFPENA 17203 2402 778 171 Value---------|S1IFPENA 0.no income |9079 1.no imputatio|947 2.some imputat|158 8.no Sp/Part->|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFPENA 10359 2622 588 5970 103 S3IFPENA 9016 2606 625 5658 86 S4IFPENA 10633 2876 821 6869 185 S5IFPENA 9261 2859 828 6538 93 S6IFPENA 8309 2688 826 6306 36 S7IFPENA 9888 2626 761 6777 77 S8IFPENA 8741 2560 699 6417 52 S9IFPENA 7922 2416 612 6205 62 S10IFPENA 11209 2087 612 7799 327 S11IFPENA 11260 1255 422 7474 143 Value---------|R1IOPEN 0.receives no |11489 1.receives inc|1163 R2IOPEN 15144 4498 R3IOPEN 13196 4795 R4IOPEN 15732 5652 R5IOPEN 13823 5756 R6IOPEN 12732 5433 R7IOPEN 14842 5287 R8IOPEN 13443 5026 R9IOPEN 12507 4710 R10IOPEN 17941 4093 R11IOPEN 18156 2398 Value---------|S1IOPEN .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9295 1.receives inc|984 S2IOPEN 5963 10770 2909 S3IOPEN 5658 9347 2986 S4IOPEN 6869 11104 3411 S5IOPEN 6538 9620 3421 S6IOPEN 6306 8686 3173 S7IOPEN 6777 10284 3068 S8IOPEN 6417 9142 2910 S9IOPEN 6205 8332 2680 S10IOPEN 7799 11962 2273 S11IOPEN 7474 11816 1264 Value---------|R1IFPEN 0.no income |11340 1.no imputatio|1041 2.some imputat|176 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFPEN 14844 3873 791 134 R3IFPEN 13001 4124 740 126 R4IFPEN 15419 4673 1085 207 R5IFPEN 13581 4812 1049 137 R6IFPEN 12523 4486 1111 45 R7IFPEN 14627 4415 998 89 R8IFPEN 13269 4251 884 65 R9IFPEN 12314 4043 785 75 R10IFPEN 17386 3498 732 418 R11IFPEN 17832 2023 528 171 Value---------|S1IFPEN 0.no income |9157 1.no imputatio|881 2.some imputat|146 8.no Sp/Part->|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFPEN 10535 2514 520 5970 103 S3IFPEN 9223 2571 453 5658 86 S4IFPEN 10847 2813 670 6869 185 S5IFPEN 9459 2810 679 6538 93 S6IFPEN 8544 2610 669 6306 36 S7IFPEN 10131 2550 594 6777 77 S8IFPEN 9022 2441 537 6417 52 S9IFPEN 8194 2286 470 6205 62 S10IFPEN 11552 1922 434 7799 327 S11IFPEN 11588 1057 292 7474 143 Value---------|R1IOANN 0.receives no |12547 1.receives inc|105 R2IOANN 19192 450 R3IOANN 17421 570 R4IOANN 20715 669 R5IOANN 18935 644 R6IOANN 17490 675 R7IOANN 19414 715 R8IOANN 17681 788 R9IOANN 16477 740 R10IOANN 21272 762 R11IOANN 19833 721 Value---------|S1IOANN .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |10201 1.receives inc|78 S2IOANN 5969 13414 259 S3IOANN 5658 11994 339 S4IOANN 6869 14166 349 S5IOANN 6538 12704 337 S6IOANN 6306 11517 342 S7IOANN 6777 13007 345 S8IOANN 6417 11652 400 S9IOANN 6205 10653 359 S10IOANN 7799 13856 379 S11IOANN 7474 12750 330 Value---------|R1IFANN 0.no income |12386 1.no imputatio|85 2.some imputat|86 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFANN 18792 88 628 134 R3IFANN 17128 343 394 126 R4IFANN 20209 432 536 207 R5IFANN 18539 407 496 137 R6IFANN 17134 430 556 45 R7IFANN 19048 446 546 89 R8IFANN 17368 524 512 65 R9IFANN 16127 530 485 75 R10IFANN 20517 531 568 418 R11IFANN 19411 530 442 171 Section B: Income 143 Value---------|S1IFANN 0.no income |10053 1.no imputatio|66 2.some imputat|65 8.no Sp/Part->|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFANN 13109 70 390 5970 103 S3IFANN 11820 181 246 5658 86 S4IFANN 13795 227 308 6869 185 S5IFANN 12452 205 291 6538 93 S6IFANN 11271 218 334 6306 36 S7IFANN 12773 214 288 6777 77 S8IFANN 11444 268 288 6417 52 S9IFANN 10427 260 263 6205 62 S10IFANN 13325 279 304 7799 327 S11IFANN 12469 243 225 7474 143 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOPEN1 15153 4489 R3IOPEN1 13199 4792 R4IOPEN1 15742 5642 R5IOPEN1 13828 5751 R6IOPEN1 12733 5432 R7IOPEN1 14842 5287 R8IOPEN1 13444 5025 R9IOPEN1 12507 4710 R10IOPEN1 17942 4092 R11IOPEN1 18156 2398 Value---------| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOPEN1 5970 10775 2897 S3IOPEN1 5658 9348 2985 S4IOPEN1 6869 11110 3405 S5IOPEN1 6538 9623 3418 S6IOPEN1 6306 8686 3173 S7IOPEN1 6777 10284 3068 S8IOPEN1 6417 9142 2910 S9IOPEN1 6205 8332 2680 S10IOPEN1 7799 11963 2272 S11IOPEN1 7474 11816 1264 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFPEN1 3880 R3IFPEN1 4136 106 13 485 13001 124 126 R4IFPEN1 4683 433 47 379 15422 213 207 R5IFPEN1 4829 327 56 445 13582 203 137 R6IFPEN1 4498 293 49 515 12524 241 45 R7IFPEN1 4432 283 34 463 14627 201 89 R8IFPEN1 4258 244 37 416 13270 179 65 R9IFPEN1 4058 204 41 346 12314 179 75 R10IFPEN1 3509 206 51 243 17387 220 418 R11IFPEN1 2034 139 25 150 17832 203 171 S3IFPEN1 2578 90 11 280 9223 65 5658 86 S4IFPEN1 2818 256 22 246 10850 138 6869 185 S5IFPEN1 2819 213 39 296 9460 121 6538 93 S6IFPEN1 2614 168 32 318 8544 147 6306 36 S7IFPEN1 2561 163 19 287 10131 114 6777 77 S8IFPEN1 2445 134 23 272 9022 104 6417 52 S9IFPEN1 2294 118 27 208 8194 109 6205 62 S10IFPEN1 1925 123 22 157 11553 128 7799 327 S11IFPEN1 1058 71 14 92 11588 114 7474 143 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| R3NFPEN1 8868 7027 2062 34 R4NFPEN1 15742 R5NFPEN1 13828 R6NFPEN1 12733 R7NFPEN1 14842 R8NFPEN1 13444 R9NFPEN1 12507 R10NFPEN1 17942 R11NFPEN1 18156 5366 276 5482 269 5093 339 4998 289 4687 338 4412 298 3794 298 2156 242 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| S3NFPEN1 7039 3704 5658 1563 27 S4NFPEN1 11110 S5NFPEN1 9623 S6NFPEN1 8686 S7NFPEN1 10284 S8NFPEN1 9142 S9NFPEN1 8331 S10NFPEN1 11963 S11NFPEN1 11816 6869 3230 175 6538 3259 159 6306 2996 177 6777 2912 156 6417 2723 187 6206 2534 146 7799 2128 144 7474 1137 127 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | 498 14847 283 134 S2IFPEN1 2521 303 10537 208 5970 103 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOPEN2 19364 278 R3IOPEN2 17500 491 R4IOPEN2 20790 594 R5IOPEN2 18950 629 R6IOPEN2 17558 607 R7IOPEN2 19446 683 R8IOPEN2 17841 628 R9IOPEN2 16587 630 R10IOPEN2 21389 645 R11IOPEN2 20215 339 Value---------| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOPEN2 5970 13481 191 S3IOPEN2 5658 12050 283 S4IOPEN2 6869 14198 317 S5IOPEN2 6538 12717 324 S6IOPEN2 6306 11539 320 S7IOPEN2 6777 12984 368 S8IOPEN2 6417 11748 304 S9IOPEN2 6205 10694 318 S10IOPEN2 7799 13917 318 S11IOPEN2 7474 12936 144 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFPEN2 240 R3IFPEN2 428 12 32 19090 146 134 45 17271 109 126 R4IFPEN2 502 35 4 45 20369 222 207 R5IFPEN2 537 35 5 47 18614 204 137 R6IFPEN2 509 35 4 54 17273 245 45 R7IFPEN2 584 27 1 71 19354 3 89 R8IFPEN2 549 30 4 44 17772 5 65 R9IFPEN2 555 27 3 44 16509 4 75 R10IFPEN2 570 23 4 48 20960 11 418 R11IFPEN2 290 22 4 23 20036 8 171 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S2IFPEN2 164 S3IFPEN2 247 9 24 13263 118 5970 103 25 11907 59 5658 86 S4IFPEN2 266 20 1 26 13873 144 6869 185 S5IFPEN2 270 21 2 29 12506 120 6538 93 S6IFPEN2 265 18 3 32 11358 147 6306 36 S7IFPEN2 306 16 1 45 12906 1 6777 77 S8IFPEN2 262 16 2 24 11692 4 6417 52 S9IFPEN2 278 16 1 22 10631 2 6205 62 S10IFPEN2 279 12 2 25 13583 7 7799 327 S11IFPEN2 125 6 3 10 12789 4 7474 143 Section B: Income 144 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| R3NFPEN2 10756 7027 203 5 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| S3NFPEN2 8479 3704 5658 148 2 R4NFPEN2 20790 R5NFPEN2 18950 R6NFPEN2 17559 R7NFPEN2 19446 R8NFPEN2 17841 R9NFPEN2 16587 R10NFPEN2 21389 R11NFPEN2 20215 561 33 597 32 568 38 652 31 600 28 597 33 609 36 316 23 S4NFPEN2 14198 S5NFPEN2 12717 S6NFPEN2 11539 S7NFPEN2 12984 S8NFPEN2 11748 S9NFPEN2 10693 S10NFPEN2 13917 S11NFPEN2 12936 6869 299 18 6538 308 16 6306 296 24 6777 355 13 6417 294 10 6206 303 15 7799 305 13 7474 136 8 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOPEN3 19616 26 R3IOPEN3 17948 43 R4IOPEN3 21320 64 R5IOPEN3 19510 69 R6IOPEN3 18107 58 R7IOPEN3 20062 67 R8IOPEN3 18406 63 R9IOPEN3 17138 79 R10IOPEN3 21951 83 R11IOPEN3 20517 37 Value---------| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOPEN3 5970 13653 19 S3IOPEN3 5658 12302 31 S4IOPEN3 6869 14476 39 S5IOPEN3 6538 13003 38 S6IOPEN3 6306 11829 30 S7IOPEN3 6777 13313 39 S8IOPEN3 6417 12018 34 S9IOPEN3 6205 10971 41 S10IOPEN3 7799 14194 41 S11IOPEN3 7474 13063 17 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFPEN3 23 R3IFPEN3 39 R4IFPEN3 52 R5IFPEN3 53 R6IFPEN3 51 R7IFPEN3 51 5 R8IFPEN3 49 7 R9IFPEN3 58 7 R10IFPEN3 68 6 2 19351 132 134 4 17712 110 126 11 20892 222 207 15 19170 204 137 7 17817 245 45 11 19970 3 89 7 18336 5 65 14 17059 4 75 9 21522 11 418 R11IFPEN3 31 3 1 2 20338 8 171 S2IFPEN3 17 S3IFPEN3 29 S4IFPEN3 32 S5IFPEN3 29 S6IFPEN3 26 1 13440 111 5970 103 2 12157 59 5658 86 6 14148 144 6869 185 9 12790 120 6538 93 4 11646 147 6306 36 S7IFPEN3 28 3 8 13235 1 6777 77 S8IFPEN3 26 5 3 11962 4 6417 52 S9IFPEN3 31 3 7 10907 2 6205 62 S10IFPEN3 36 1 4 13860 7 7799 327 S11IFPEN3 14 2 1 12916 4 7474 143 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| R3NFPEN3 10948 7027 15 1 R4NFPEN3 21320 R5NFPEN3 19510 R6NFPEN3 18107 R7NFPEN3 20062 R8NFPEN3 18406 R9NFPEN3 17138 R10NFPEN3 21951 R11NFPEN3 20517 64 69 58 67 63 79 83 37 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| S3NFPEN3 8616 3704 5658 13 S4NFPEN3 14476 S5NFPEN3 13003 S6NFPEN3 11829 S7NFPEN3 13313 S8NFPEN3 12018 S9NFPEN3 10970 S10NFPEN3 14194 S11NFPEN3 13063 6869 6538 6306 6777 6417 6206 7799 7474 39 38 30 39 34 41 41 17 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOANN1 19192 450 R3IOANN1 17421 570 R4IOANN1 20723 661 R5IOANN1 18941 638 R6IOANN1 17493 672 R7IOANN1 19416 713 R8IOANN1 17683 786 R9IOANN1 16478 739 R10IOANN1 21273 761 R11IOANN1 19835 719 Value---------| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOANN1 5970 13414 258 S3IOANN1 5658 11994 339 S4IOANN1 6869 14172 343 S5IOANN1 6538 12708 333 S6IOANN1 6306 11518 341 S7IOANN1 6777 13007 345 S8IOANN1 6417 11654 398 S9IOANN1 6205 10653 359 S10IOANN1 7799 13856 379 S11IOANN1 7474 12751 329 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFANN1 360 R3IFANN1 353 22 1 187 17129 173 126 R4IFANN1 443 120 14 80 20214 306 207 R5IFANN1 416 84 11 111 18543 277 137 R6IFANN1 435 82 10 127 17137 329 45 R7IFANN1 458 75 8 159 19050 290 89 R8IFANN1 534 69 7 158 17370 266 65 R9IFANN1 537 56 11 119 16128 291 75 R10IFANN1 540 84 18 103 20518 353 418 R11IFANN1 540 60 9 98 19413 263 171 S3IFANN1 187 21 1 123 S4IFANN1 229 52 5 54 S5IFANN1 209 46 3 68 S6IFANN1 221 48 1 67 S7IFANN1 220 29 3 88 S8IFANN1 275 37 3 74 S9IFANN1 261 24 4 61 S10IFANN1 279 37 6 54 S11IFANN1 245 29 6 46 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 78 18792 278 134 S2IFANN1 204 48 Section B: Income 6.no 7.DK 8.No 9.no income | if income| spouse/pa| Fin Resp | 145 13109 208 5970 103 11820 95 5658 86 13797 193 6869 185 12453 169 6538 93 11272 214 6306 36 12773 162 6777 77 11446 165 6417 52 10427 173 6205 62 13325 207 7799 327 12470 141 7474 143 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| R3NFANN1 10812 7027 143 9 R4NFANN1 20723 R5NFANN1 18941 R6NFANN1 17493 R7NFANN1 19416 R8NFANN1 17683 R9NFANN1 16478 R10NFANN1 21273 R11NFANN1 19835 553 108 527 111 558 114 562 151 638 148 626 113 647 114 620 99 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| S3NFANN1 8511 3704 5658 110 8 S4NFANN1 14172 S5NFANN1 12708 S6NFANN1 11518 S7NFANN1 13007 S8NFANN1 11654 S9NFANN1 10652 S10NFANN1 13856 S11NFANN1 12751 6869 284 59 6538 273 60 6306 288 53 6777 266 79 6417 316 82 6206 304 55 7799 335 44 7474 291 38 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOANN2 19621 21 R3IOANN2 17868 123 R4IOANN2 21246 138 R5IOANN2 19467 112 R6IOANN2 18028 137 R7IOANN2 19978 151 R8IOANN2 18309 160 R9IOANN2 17076 141 R10IOANN2 21906 128 R11IOANN2 20429 125 Value---------| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOANN2 5970 13658 14 S3IOANN2 5658 12268 65 S4IOANN2 6869 14447 68 S5IOANN2 6538 12995 46 S6IOANN2 6306 11806 53 S7IOANN2 6777 13288 64 S8IOANN2 6417 11975 77 S9IOANN2 6205 10943 69 S10IOANN2 7799 14174 61 S11IOANN2 7474 13029 51 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFANN2 17 R3IFANN2 78 1 4 19333 154 134 44 17578 164 126 R4IFANN2 80 23 5 26 20721 322 207 R5IFANN2 65 15 2 25 19033 302 137 R6IFANN2 78 19 1 38 17658 326 45 R7IFANN2 91 18 3 39 19858 31 89 R8IFANN2 99 25 3 32 18217 28 65 R9IFANN2 96 14 1 28 16978 25 75 R10IFANN2 95 17 3 13 21466 22 418 R11IFANN2 92 14 2 17 20237 21 171 S2IFANN2 10 S3IFANN2 40 1 S5IFANN2 26 9 S6IFANN2 34 7 S7IFANN2 41 4 S10IFANN2 46 5 24 12091 91 5658 86 8 12727 178 6538 93 12 11559 211 6306 36 19 13204 7 6777 77 S8IFANN2 41 16 2 18 11917 6 6417 52 S9IFANN2 49 4 4 13425 130 5970 103 S4IFANN2 39 9 1 15 14073 193 6869 185 16 10874 7 6205 62 10 13839 8 7799 327 S11IFANN2 39 5 2 5 12880 6 7474 143 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| R3NFANN2 10943 7027 19 2 R4NFANN2 21246 R5NFANN2 19467 R6NFANN2 18031 R7NFANN2 19978 R8NFANN2 18309 R9NFANN2 17076 R10NFANN2 21906 R11NFANN2 20429 101 37 84 28 115 19 118 33 118 42 118 23 106 22 108 17 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| S3NFANN2 8614 3704 5658 14 1 S4NFANN2 14447 S5NFANN2 12995 S6NFANN2 11807 S7NFANN2 13288 S8NFANN2 11975 S9NFANN2 10942 S10NFANN2 14174 6869 49 19 6538 36 10 6306 46 6 6777 48 16 6417 55 22 6206 59 10 7799 51 10 R3IOANN3 R4IOANN3 R5IOANN3 R6IOANN3 R7IOANN3 R8IOANN3 R9IOANN3 R10IOANN3 R11IOANN3 17934 57 21318 66 19532 47 18125 40 20083 46 18419 50 17177 40 21979 55 20509 45 S3IOANN3 S4IOANN3 S5IOANN3 S6IOANN3 S7IOANN3 S8IOANN3 S9IOANN3 S10IOANN3 S11IOANN3 5658 12299 34 6869 14481 34 6538 13022 19 6306 11840 19 6777 13331 21 6417 12027 25 6205 10994 18 7799 14211 24 7474 13064 16 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOANN3 8222 11414 6 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOANN3 4549 5970 9120 3 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| R2IFANN3 8222 5 R3IFANN3 R4IFANN3 R5IFANN3 R6IFANN3 R7IFANN3 R8IFANN3 R9IFANN3 R10IFANN3 R11IFANN3 27 33 27 22 7 24 5 30 33 20 11 17 23 6 1 10 41 10 1 27 6 2 15 31 7 1 6 4 Section B: Income 146 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | 11254 36 124 17644 164 126 20789 322 207 19093 302 137 17754 326 45 19963 31 89 18326 28 65 17077 25 75 21539 22 418 20317 21 171 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S2IFANN3 4549 3673 2 S3IFANN3 S4IFANN3 S5IFANN3 S6IFANN3 S7IFANN3 S8IFANN3 S9IFANN3 S10IFANN3 S11IFANN3 15 17 10 14 1 11 1 10 2 19 2 12 1 8988 33 2297 99 19 12122 91 5658 86 17 14103 193 6869 185 9 12751 178 6538 93 4 11593 211 6306 36 9 13247 7 6777 77 13 2 2 8 11969 6 6417 52 6 10925 7 6205 62 3 13876 8 7799 327 4 12915 6 7474 143 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| R3NFANN3 10954 7027 9 1 R4NFANN3 21318 R5NFANN3 19532 R6NFANN3 18126 R7NFANN3 20083 R8NFANN3 18419 R9NFANN3 17177 R10NFANN3 21979 R11NFANN3 20509 66 47 39 46 50 40 55 45 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| S3NFANN3 8621 3704 5658 7 1 S4NFANN3 14481 S5NFANN3 13022 S6NFANN3 11841 S7NFANN3 13331 S8NFANN3 12027 S9NFANN3 10993 S10NFANN3 14211 S11NFANN3 13064 6869 6538 6306 6777 6417 6206 7799 7474 34 19 18 21 25 18 24 16 General Comments: Income measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD income component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in whether unfolding brackets are used to determine a range of income when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. The order in which income questions are asked also changes across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. Generally, Wave 1 questions ask about 1991 income, and Wave 2H asks about 1993 income. Wave 2A and from Wave 3 forward ask about income last calendar year. All questions are based on the Financial Respondent's interview year. Not all interviews are completely conducted in the same year for waves 2A, 3H, 4, and from 5 forward. The HRS and AHEAD income components are summed to create the income measures requested for these files. For each derived income measure, a flag indicates whether any or all of its components were imputed. Individual income components and imputation flags are available in the “RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File”. HRS and AHEAD income measures are reported at the household level. The Financial Respondent (FinR) reports income for both him/herself and his/her spouse or partner. The respondent income measures on this file are those of the FinR, if they are the same individual, and the spouse income measures are those of the FinR's spouse. If the respondent is the spouse of the FinR, then the FinR-reported respondent and spouse measures are swapped. That is, if the respondent is the FinR's spouse then the FinR-reported spouse income is assigned as the respondent income and the FinR-reported respondent income is assigned as the spouse income. How Constructed: RwIPENA is the sum of the respondent's income from all pensions and annuities. RwIPEN is the respondent’s income from all pensions. RwIANN is the respondent’s income from all annuities. SwIPENA is the sum of the spouse's income from all pensions and annuities. SwIPEN is the spouse’s income from all pensions. SwIANN is the spouse’s income from all annuities. Section B: Income 147 Variables in the form RwIFvar/SwIFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form RwIOvar/SwIOvar indicate whether income is received from type of income. Users should note a few outliers who required further examination: 1. HHIDPN: 10013010 reported receiving a (monthly) first pension (LQ220_1) of $5,000,000 in Wave 9. Multiplying this amount by 12 months results in $60,000,000 annually from this pension alone. The accuracy of this amount has been confirmed by HRS. 2. HHIDPN: 79230030 reported receiving a (monthly) first pension (LQ246_1) of $600,000 in Wave 9. Multiplying this amount by 12 months results in $7,200,000 annually from this pension alone. HRS has stated that the reported amount is a lump sum. However, examination of other questions suggest that this pension started in 2003 (LQ257_1). Therefore, we have decided to consider this a monthly amount, which again will result in the large annual total stated above. 3. HHIDPN=33242020 reported a monthly first pension amount of $450,000 in Wave 10. Since s/he was missing the beginning month and year, s/he was assumed to have received it for 12 months. This resulted in an annual first pension amount of $5,400,000. 4. HHIDPN=60278020 reported a total monthly amount of $100,000 from a third or subsequent annuity in Wave 10. The beginning month and year were not collected, so it was assumed they were collected for 12 months. This resulted in an annual amount of $1,200,000. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data In Wave 1, income is reported as the total amount received in 1991 from all pensions. Pension income is reported separately for respondent and spouse. From Wave 2 forward, monthly income from up to 2 pensions are asked about individually, and monthly income from any additional pensions are reported as a 3rd amount. These three amounts are reported separately for respondent and spouse. Also, beginning in Wave 2, the month the respondent or spouse first received the pension is asked for the first two pensions. The same is true for annuities. Beginning in Wave 2, the start month is checked for the first 2 pensions or annuities, and the appropriate number of months are used to calculate yearly income. For the third monthly amount reported, no start month is available beginning in Wave 2H, and the monthly amount is multiplied by 12 months. Beginning in Wave 3H, if the respondent refuses or does not know the amount received last month from the first 2 pensions and annuities, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points are the same across waves. In Waves 1, 2, and 3A, no unfolding bracket questions are asked. Beginning in Wave 6, bracket questions are asked for the third pension and annuity. Beginning with Wave 10, those who report receiving $0 in the last month for their first or second annuities are asked if they received any income in the last year, and the amount in total that they received. The income questions in Wave 2A are very different from other waves. Most distinctive are the "regular income" for respondent and spouse and "other household income". After standard questions about Social Security income, SSI and food stamps, other income is asked about in a general way. If other income is present, respondents are asked to specify the source of income. In other waves, most income types are asked specifically (e.g., Do you receive pension income?). In Wave 2A, financial respondents are asked the following questions about their own income then their spouse's: a) Do you receive any (other) regular income payments; for example, from retirement pensions, Veterans Benefits, annuities, payments from an IRA account, or anything like that? b) Please think about the largest (other) regular income you receive. [IWER: PROBE WITH CATEGORIES ONLY IF R NEEDS HELP] 1.VETERANS BENEFITS What type of income is that? Section B: Income 148 2.RETIREMENT OR OTHER PENSIONS 3.ANNUITY 4.IRA DISTRIBUTION 5.STOCKS AND BONDS 7.OTHER 8.DK 9.RF This set of questions is repeated twice so that respondents can report up to 3 current other regular incomes. Then they are asked: a) Did you receive any other regular income in [last calendar year] that you no longer receive? b) What type of income was that? (Same categories as above) So there are a total of 4 other regular incomes that can be reported. Categories may be specified more than once, and there are up to 3 different instances of pension income and up to 2 different reports of annuity income. If income is received, financial respondents are then asked questions that serve to identify the frequency (was that paid to you monthly?), amount received (how much did you receive last [month/period/year] from that?), and when payments were stopped (what month did you stop receiving that?). There are no unfolding brackets for income in Wave 2A. Because of the differences in the way income information was collected for the HRS and AHEAD samples in Wave 2, the income component imputation flags that apply vary, depending on the entry cohort of the respondent. For AHEAD entry cohort respondents, R2IFANN3 and S2IFANN3 are set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income components are not available in Wave 2A. Beginning in Wave 10, if a respondent states s/he is currently receiving an annuity and that the amount received last month was zero, he is asked if any income was received last year and the total amount received last year. If provided, we apply the total amount received last year as the annual amount from the LCY and also use it to estimate a monthly amount. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15714 V15715 V15716 V15720 V15724 V15725 V15729 V5713 V5714 V5715 V5716 V5717 V5720 V5721 V5724 V5725 V5726 N25A:WHO RECVD RET P:IND N26:RET PN:R1TYPE IN:IND N26A RET PEN:R1 AMTI:IND N26C:ANNUIT:R1 RECIN:IND N27:RET PN:R2TYPE IN:IND N27A RET PEN:R2 AMTI:IND N27C:ANNUIT:R2 RECIN:IND N25:RECV RET PENS-NO:IMP N25A:WHO RECVD RET P:IMP N26:RET PEN:R1TYPE R:IMP N26A:RET PN:R1$AMT R:IMP N26A:RET PN:R1RECVD :IMP N26C:ANNUIT:R1$AMT R:IMP N26C:ANNUIT:R1RECVD :IMP N27:RET PEN:R2TYPE R:IMP N27A:RET PN:R2$AMT R:IMP N27A:RET PN:R2RECVD :IMP Section B: Income V5729 V5730 AHEAD 1993: B1456 B1457 B1458 B1459 B1460 B1462 B1463 B1473 B1475 B1476 B1477 B1478 B1479 B1480 B1481 B1482 B1491 B1492 B1493 B1494 B1495 B1496 B1497 B1498 B1499 B1508 B1509 B1510 B1511 B1512 B1513 B1514 B1515 B1517 B1518 B1519 B1520 B1521 B1522 B1523 B1524 B1533 B1539 B1540 B1541 B1542 B1543 B1544 B1545 B1546 B1555 B1560 B1561 B1562 B1563 B1564 B1565 B1566 B1567 B1576 149 N27C:ANNUIT:R2$AMT R:IMP N27C:ANNUIT:R2RECVD :IMP J19. R REG INC: RECEIVE ANY J20-1. R REG INC: TYPE-1 J21-1. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-1 J21b-1. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-1 J21c-1. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-1 J21e-1. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-1 J21f-1. R REG INC: START MONTH-1 J26-1. R REG INC: ANY OTHER-1 J20-2. R REG INC: TYPE-2 J21-2. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-2 J21b-2. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-2 J21c-2. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-2 J21d-2. R REG INC: FED INC TAXED-2 J21e-2. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-2 J21f-2. R REG INC: START MONTH-2 J21g-2. R REG INC: START YEAR-2 J26-2. R REG INC: ANY OTHER-2 J20-3. R REG INC: TYPE-3 J21-3. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-3 J21b-3. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-3 J21c-3. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-3 J21d-3. R REG INC: FED INC TAXED-3 J21e-3. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-3 J21f-3. R REG INC: START MONTH-3 J21g-3. R REG INC: START YEAR-3 J27. R REG INC: ANY END 1992/3 J27a. R REG INC END1992/3: TYPE J28. R REG INC END 1992/3: PAID PER MO J28a. R REG INC END 1992/3: $ PERIOD J28b.R REG INC END1992/3:$ LAST PERIOD J28c. R REG INC END92/3: LAST MO RECD J28d. R REG INC END92/3: LAST YR RECD J29. SP REG INC: RECEIVE ANY J30-1. SP REG INC: TYPE-1 J31-1. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-1 J31b-1. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-1 J31c-1. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-1 J31d-1. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-1 J31e-1. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-1 J31f-1. SP REG INC: START MONTH-1 J31g-1. SP REG INC: START YEAR-1 J36-1. SP REG INC: ANY OTHER-1 J30-2. SP REG INC: TYPE-2 J31-2. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-2 J31b-2. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-2 J31c-2. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-2 J31d-2. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-2 J31e-2. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-2 J31f-2. SP REG INC: START MONTH-2 J31g-2. SP REG INC: START YEAR-2 J36-2. SP REG INC: ANY OTHER-2 J30-3. SP REG INC: TYPE-3 J31-3. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-3 J31b-3. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-3 J31c-3. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-3 J31d-3. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-3 J31e-3. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-3 J31f-3. SP REG INC: START MONTH-3 J31g-3. SP REG INC: START YEAR-3 J37. SP REG INC: ANY END 92/93 Section B: Income B1577 B1578 B1579 B1580 B1581 B1582 HRS 1994: W16071 W16072 W16074 W16075 W16083 W16091 W16095 W16103 W16111 W16114 W16116 W16117 W16118 W16126 W16134 W16136 W16137 W16138 W16146 W16154 W6071 W6072 W6073 W6074 W6075 W6077 W6078 W6083 W6085 W6086 W6091 W6093 W6094 W6095 W6097 W6098 W6103 W6105 W6106 W6111 W6114 W6115 W6116 W6117 W6118 W6120 W6121 W6126 W6128 W6129 W6134 W6136 W6137 W6138 W6140 W6141 150 J37a. J37b. J37b. J37c. J37d. J37e. SP SP SP SP SP SP REG REG REG REG REG REG INC INC INC INC INC INC END END END END END END 92/93: 92/93: 92/93: 92/93: 92/93: 92/93: N20. Imputation flag N20a. Imputation flag N20c. Imputation flag N20d. Imputation flag N20q. Imputation flag N20x1. Imputation flag N20aa. Imputation flag N20mm. Imputation flag N20uu. Imputation flag N21. Imputation flag N21b. Imputation flag N21c. Imputation flag N21d. Imputation flag N21q. Imputation flag N21x1. Imputation flag N21y. Imputation flag N21z. Imputation flag N21aa. Imputation flag N21mm. Imputation flag N21uu. Imputation flag N20.RETIREMENT PENSIONS? N20a.WHO RECEIVES PENSIO N20b.>1 PENSION? N20c.NUMBER PENSIONS N20d.AMT LAST MONTH-PENS N20f.MONTH START RECEIVI N20f.YEAR START RECEIVIN N20q.AMT LAST MONTH-PENS N20s.MONTH START RECEIVI N20s.YEAR START RECEIVIN N20x1.AMT LAST MONTH-OTH N20y.SP->1 PENSION? N20z.SP-NUMBER PENSIONS N20aa.SP-AMT LAST MONTHN20cc.SP-MONTH START REC N20cc.SP-YEAR START RECE N20mm.SP-AMT LAST MONTHN20pp.SP-MONTH START REC N20pp.SP-YEAR START RECE N20uu.SP-AMT LAST MONTHN21.ANNUITIES? N21a.WHO RECEIVES ANNUIT N21b.>1 ANNUITY? N21c.NUMBER OF ANNUITIES N21d.AMT LAST MONTH-ANNU N21f.MONTH START RECEIVI N21f.YEAR START RECEIVIN N21q.AMT LAST MONTH-ANNU N21s.MONTH START RECEIVI N21s.YEAR START RECEIVIN N21x1.AMT LAST MONTH-OTH N21y.SP->1 ANNUITY? N21z.SP-NUMBER OF ANNUIT N21aa.SP-AMT LAST MONTHN21cc.SP-MONTH START REC N21cc.SP-YEAR START RECE TYPE LAST MO RECD LAST YR RECD PAID PER MO $ PERIOD $ LST PERIOD Section B: Income W6146 W6148 W6149 W6154 AHEAD 1995: D4191 D4192 D4193 D4194 D4198 D4200 D4201 D4213 D4215 D4216 D4221 D4226 D4227 D4229 D4231 D4232 D4238 D4246 D4247 D4253 D4266 D4267 D4268 D4269 D4271 D4273 D4274 D4285 D4288 D4289 D4294 D4299 D4300 D4302 D4304 D4305 D4315 D4318 D4319 D4324 HRS 1996: E4209 E4210 E4211 E4212 E4214_1 E4214_2 E4215_1 E4215_2 E4216_1 E4216_2 E4217_1 E4217_2 E4218_1 E4218_2 E4223_1 E4223_2 E4224_1 151 N21mm.SP-AMT LAST MONTHN21pp.SP-MONTH START REC N21pp.SP-YEAR START RECE N21uu.SP-AMT LAST MONTHJ30.RET PENSION J30A.WHO RECD PENSION J30B.>1 PENSION J30C.#PENSIONS J30D.AMT PENSION-1 J30F.YEAR START PENSION-1 J30G.YEAR START PENSION-1 J30D.2ND (LARGEST) PENSION-2 J30F.YEAR START PENSION-2 J30G.MONTH START PENSION-2 J30U.OTHER PENSIONS J31.PENSION SP J31A.#PENSIONS SP J31C.AMT PENSION SP-1 J31E.YEAR START PENSION SP-1 J31F.MONTH START PENSION SP-1 J31K. 2ND (LARGEST) PENSION SP-2 J31E.YEAR START PENSION SP-2 J31F.MONTH START PENSION SP-2 J31U.OTHER PENSIONS SP J33.INCOME ANNUITIES J33A.WHO RECD ANNUITY J33B.>1 ANNUITY INC J33C.# ANNUITIES INC J33D.AMT ANNUITY INC-1 J33F.YEAR START ANNUITY INC-1 J33G.MONTH START ANNUITY INC-1 J33D.2ND (LARGEST) ANNUITY INC-2 J33F.YEAR START ANNUITY INC-2 J33G.MONTH START ANNUITY INC-2 J34.OTHER ANNUITIES J35.>1 ANNUITIES SPOUSE J35A.# ANNUITIES SP J35C.AMT ANNUITY INC SP-1 J35E.YEAR START ANNUITY INC SP-1 J35E.MONTH START ANNTY J35B.2ND (LARGEST) ANNUUITY INC SP-2 J35E.YEAR START ANNUITY INC SP-2 J35P.MONTH START ANNUITY INC SP-2 J35U.OTHER ANNUITY INC SP J127.RET PENSION J128.WHO RECD PENSION J129.>1 PENSION J130.#PENSIONS J132.AMT PENSION LAST MONTH J132.AMT PENSION LAST MONTH J132A.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-1K J132A.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-1K J132B.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-2K J132B.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-2K J143C.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-4K J143C.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-4K J143D.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-500 J143D.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-500 J137.PENSION START YEAR J137.PENSION START YEAR J138.PENSION START MONTH Section B: Income E4224_2 E4232 E4234 E4235 E4237_1 E4237_2 E4238_1 E4238_2 E4239_1 E4239_2 E4240_1 E4240_2 E4241_1 E4241_2 E4246_1 E4246_2 E4247_1 E4247_2 E4258 E4263 E4264 E4265 E4266 E4269_1 E4269_2 E4270_1 E4270_2 E4271_1 E4271_2 E4272_1 E4272_2 E4273_1 E4273_2 E4275_1 E4275_2 E4276_1 E4276_2 E4291 E4295 E4296 E4298_1 E4298_2 E4299_1 E4299_2 E4300_1 E4300_2 E4301_1 E4301_2 E4302_1 E4302_2 E4304_1 E4304_2 E4305_1 E4305_2 E4320 HRS 1998: F4969 F4970 F4971 F4972 F4974_1 F4974_2 F4975_1 152 J138.PENSION START MONTH J143.OTHER PENSIONS J145.PENSION SP J146.#PENSIONS SP J148.SP AMT PENSION LAST MONTH J148.SP AMT PENSION LAST MONTH J148A.$ SP PENSION LAST MONTH DK-1K J148A.$ SP PENSION LAST MONTH DK-1K J148B.$ SP PENSION LAST MONTH DK-2K J148B.$ SP PENSION LAST MONTH DK-2K J148C.$ SP PENSION LAST MONTH DK-4K J148C.$ SP PENSION LAST MONTH DK-4K J148D.$ SP PENSION LAST MONTH DK-500 J148D.$ SP PENSION LAST MONTH DK-500 J153.SP PENSION START YEAR J153.SP PENSION START YEAR J153.SP PENSION START MONTH J153.SP PENSION START MONTH J159.OTHER PENSIONS SP J163.INCOME ANNUITIES J164.WHO RECD ANNUITY J165.>1 ANNUITY INC J166.# ANNUITIES INC J168.AMT ANNUITY INC J168.AMT ANNUITY INC J168A.$ ANNUITY INC DK-1K J168A.$ ANNUITY INC DK-1K J168B.$ ANNUITY INC DK-2K J168B.$ ANNUITY INC DK-2K J168C.$ ANNUITY INC DK-4K J168C.$ ANNUITY INC DK-4K J168D.$ ANNUITY INC DK-500 J168D.$ ANNUITY INC DK-500 J170.ANNUITY INC START YEAR J170.ANNUITY INC START YEAR J171.ANNUITY INC START MONTH J171.ANNUITY INC START MONTH J176.OTHER ANNUITIES J178.>1 ANNUITIES SPOUSE J179.# ANNUITIES SP J181.SP AMT ANNUITY INC J181.SP AMT ANNUITY INC J181A.$ SP ANNUITY INC DK-1K J181A.$ SP ANNUITY INC DK-1K J181B.$ SP ANNUITY INC DK-2K J181B.$ SP ANNUITY INC DK-2K J181C.$ SP ANNUITY INC DK-4K J181C.$ SP ANNUITY INC DK-4K J181D.$ SP ANNUITY INC DK-500 J181D.$ SP ANNUITY INC DK-500 J183.SP ANNUITY INC START YEAR J183.SP ANNUITY INC START YEAR J184.SP ANNTY START MONTH J184.SP ANNTY START MONTH J188A.OTHER ANNUITY INC SP J127.RET PENSION J128.WHO RECD PENSION J129.>1 PENSION J130.#PENSIONS J132.AMT PENSION LAST MONTH J132.AMT PENSION LAST MONTH J132A.DK-1K Section B: Income F4975_2 F4976_1 F4976_2 F4977_1 F4977_2 F4978_1 F4978_2 F4983_1 F4983_2 F4984_1 F4984_2 F4992 F4994 F4995 F4996_1 F4996_2 F4998_1 F4998_2 F4999_1 F4999_2 F5000_1 F5000_2 F5001_1 F5001_2 F5006_1 F5006_2 F5007_1 F5007_2 F5018 F5023 F5024 F5025 F5026 F5029_1 F5029_2 F5030_1 F5030_2 F5031_1 F5031_2 F5032_1 F5032_2 F5033_1 F5033_2 F5035_1 F5035_2 F5036_1 F5036_2 F5051 F5055 F5056 F5058_1 F5058_2 F5059_1 F5059_2 F5060_1 F5060_2 F5061_1 F5061_2 F5062_1 F5062_2 F5064_1 F5064_2 F5065_1 153 J132A.DK-1K J132B.DK-2K J132B.DK-2K J132C.DK-4K J132C.DK-4K J132D.DK-500 J132D.DK-500 J137.PENSION START YEAR J137.PENSION START YEAR J138.PENSION START MONTH J138.PENSION START MONTH J143.OTHER PENSIONS J145.PENSION SP J146.#PENSIONS SP J147.SP PENSION LOOP J147.SP PENSION LOOP J148A.DK-1K J148A.DK-1K J148B.DK-2K J148B.DK-2K J148C.DK-4K J148C.DK-4K J148D.DK-500 J148D.DK-500 J153.PENSION START YEAR J153.PENSION START YEAR J153.PENSION START MONTH J153.PENSION START MONTH J159.OTHER PENSIONS SP J163.INCOME ANNUITIES J164.WHO RECD ANNUITY J165.>1 ANNUITY INC J166.# ANNUITIES INC J168.AMT ANNUITY INC J168.AMT ANNUITY INC J168A.DK-1K J168A.DK-1K J168B.DK-2K J168B.DK-2K J168C.DK-4K J168C.DK-4K J168D.DK-500 J168D.DK-500 J170.ANNUITY INC START YEAR J170.ANNUITY INC START YEAR J171.ANNUITY INC START MONTH J171.ANNUITY INC START MONTH J176.OTHER ANNUITIES J178.>1 ANNUITIES SPOUSE J179.# ANNUITIES SP J181.AMT ANNUITY INC SP J181.AMT ANNUITY INC SP J181A.DK-1K J181A.DK-1K J181B.DK-2K J181B.DK-2K J181C.DK-4K J181C.DK-4K J181D.DK-500 J181D.DK-500 J183.ANNUITY INC SP START YEAR J183.ANNUITY INC SP START YEAR J184.ANNTY START MONTH Section B: Income F5065_2 F5079 HRS 2000: G5424 G5425 G5426 G5427 G5429_1 G5429_2 G5430_1 G5430_2 G5431_1 G5431_2 G5432_1 G5432_2 G5433_1 G5433_2 G5438_1 G5438_2 G5439_1 G5439_2 G5447 G5449 G5450 G5453_1 G5453_2 G5454_1 G5454_2 G5455_1 G5455_2 G5456_1 G5456_2 G5461_1 G5461_2 G5462_1 G5462_2 G5473 G5478 G5479 G5480 G5481 G5484_1 G5484_2 G5485_1 G5485_2 G5486_1 G5486_2 G5487_1 G5487_2 G5488_1 G5488_2 G5490_1 G5490_2 G5491_1 G5491_2 G5506 G5510 G5511 G5513_1 G5513_2 G5514_1 G5514_2 G5515_1 154 J184.ANNTY START MONTH J188A.OTHER ANNUITY INC SP J127.RET PENSION J128.WHO RECD PENSION J129.>1 PENSION J130.#PENSIONS J132.AMT PENSION LAST MONTH J132.AMT PENSION LAST MONTH J132A.DK-1K J132A.DK-1K J132B.DK-2K J132B.DK-2K J132C.DK-4K J132C.DK-4K J132D.DK-500 J132D.DK-500 J137.PENSION START YEAR J137.PENSION START YEAR J138.PENSION START MONTH J138.PENSION START MONTH J143.OTHER PENSIONS J145.PENSION SP J146.#PENSIONS SP J148A.DK-1K J148A.DK-1K J148B.DK-2K J148B.DK-2K J148C.DK-4K J148C.DK-4K J148D.DK-500 J148D.DK-500 J153.PENSION START YEAR J153.PENSION START YEAR J153Y1.PENSION START MONTH J153Y1.PENSION START MONTH J159.OTHER PENSIONS SP J163.INCOME ANNUITIES J164.WHO RECD ANNUITY J165.>1 ANNUITY INC J166.# ANNUITIES INC J168.AMT ANNUITY INC J168.AMT ANNUITY INC J168A.DK-1K J168A.DK-1K J168B.DK-2K J168B.DK-2K J168C.DK-4K J168C.DK-4K J168D.DK-500 J168D.DK-500 J170.ANNUITY INC START YEAR J170.ANNUITY INC START YEAR J171.ANNUITY INC START MONTH J171.ANNUITY INC START MONTH J176.OTHER ANNUITIES J178.>1 ANNUITIES SPOUSE J179.# ANNUITIES SP J181.AMT ANNUITY INC SP J181.AMT ANNUITY INC SP J181A.DK-1K J181A.DK-1K J181B.DK-2K Section B: Income G5515_2 G5516_1 G5516_2 G5517_1 G5517_2 G5519_1 G5519_2 G5520_1 G5520_2 G5534 HRS 2002: HQ215 HQ216 HQ217 HQ218 HQ220_1 HQ220_2 HQ221_1 HQ221_2 HQ222_1 HQ222_2 HQ223_1 HQ223_2 HQ231_1 HQ231_2 HQ232_1 HQ232_2 HQ238 HQ243 HQ244 HQ246_1 HQ246_2 HQ247_1 HQ247_2 HQ248_1 HQ248_2 HQ249_1 HQ249_2 HQ257_1 HQ257_2 HQ258_1 HQ258_2 HQ264 HQ273 HQ274 HQ275 HQ276 HQ278_1 HQ278_2 HQ279_1 HQ279_2 HQ280_1 HQ280_2 HQ281_1 HQ281_2 HQ283_1 HQ283_2 HQ284_1 HQ284_2 HQ290 HQ295 HQ296 HQ298_1 155 J181B.DK-2K J181C.DK-4K J181C.DK-4K J181D.DK-500 J181D.DK-500 J183.ANNUITY INC SP START YEAR J183.ANNUITY INC SP START YEAR J184.ANNTY START MONTH J184.ANNTY START MONTH J188A.OTHER ANNUITY INC SP PENSION RETIREMENT INCOME WHO REC PENSION RETIREMENT INC R INCOME FR MORE THAN ONE PENSION NUMBER OF PENSIONS R RECEIVED R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 OTHER PENSIONS SP PENSION SP NUMBER OF PENSIONS SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 SP ALL OTH PENS AMT REC - LAST MONTH R OR SP INCOME FROM ANNUITIES WHO RECEIVED INC FROM ANNUITIES R INCOME FROM MORE THAN ONE ANNUITIES R NUMBER OF ANNUITIES INCOME R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 OTHER ANNUITIES >1 ANNUITIES SP NUMBER OF ANNUITIES SP SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 Section B: Income HQ298_2 HQ299_1 HQ299_2 HQ300_1 HQ300_2 HQ301_1 HQ301_2 HQ303_1 HQ303_2 HQ304_1 HQ304_2 HQ310 HRS 2004: JQ215 JQ216 JQ217 JQ218 JQ220_1 JQ220_2 JQ221_1 JQ221_2 JQ222_1 JQ222_2 JQ223_1 JQ223_2 JQ231_1 JQ231_2 JQ232_1 JQ232_2 JQ238 JQ243 JQ244 JQ246_1 JQ246_2 JQ247_1 JQ247_2 JQ248_1 JQ248_2 JQ249_1 JQ249_2 JQ257_1 JQ257_2 JQ258_1 JQ258_2 JQ264 JQ273 JQ274 JQ275 JQ276 JQ278_1 JQ278_2 JQ279_1 JQ279_2 JQ280_1 JQ280_2 JQ281_1 JQ281_2 JQ283_1 JQ283_2 JQ284_1 JQ284_2 JQ290 JQ295 156 SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 OTH ANNUIT PMT AMT LAST MONTH PENSION RETIREMENT INCOME WHO REC PENSION RETIREMENT INC R INCOME FR MORE THAN ONE PENSION NUMBER OF PENSIONS R RECEIVED R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 OTHER PENSIONS SP PENSION SP NUMBER OF PENSIONS SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 SP ALL OTH PENS AMT REC - LAST MONTH R OR SP INCOME FROM ANNUITIES WHO RECEIVED INC FROM ANNUITIES R INCOME FROM MORE THAN ONE ANNUITIES R NUMBER OF ANNUITIES INCOME R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 OTHER ANNUITIES MORE THAN ONE ANNUITY SP Section B: Income JQ296 JQ298_1 JQ298_2 JQ299_1 JQ299_2 JQ300_1 JQ300_2 JQ301_1 JQ301_2 JQ303_1 JQ303_2 JQ304_1 JQ304_2 JQ310 HRS 2006: KQ215 KQ216 KQ217 KQ218 KQ220_1 KQ220_2 KQ221_1 KQ221_2 KQ222_1 KQ222_2 KQ223_1 KQ223_2 KQ231_1 KQ231_2 KQ232_1 KQ232_2 KQ238 KQ243 KQ244 KQ246_1 KQ246_2 KQ247_1 KQ247_2 KQ248_1 KQ248_2 KQ249_1 KQ249_2 KQ257_1 KQ257_2 KQ258_1 KQ258_2 KQ264 KQ273 KQ274 KQ275 KQ276 KQ278_1 KQ278_2 KQ279_1 KQ279_2 KQ280_1 KQ280_2 KQ281_1 KQ281_2 KQ283_1 KQ283_2 KQ284_1 KQ284_2 157 NUMBER OF ANNUITIES SP SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 SP YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 SP YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 SP MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 SP MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 SP OTH ANNUIT PMT AMT LAST MONTH PENSION RETIREMENT INCOME WHO REC PENSION RETIREMENT INC R INCOME FR MORE THAN ONE PENSION NUMBER OF PENSIONS R RECEIVED R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 OTHER PENSIONS SP PENSION SP NUMBER OF PENSIONS SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 SP ALL OTH PENS AMT REC - LAST MONTH R OR SP INCOME FROM ANNUITIES WHO RECEIVED INC FROM ANNUITIES R INCOME FROM MORE THAN ONE ANNUITIES R NUMBER OF ANNUITIES INCOME R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 Section B: Income KQ290 KQ295 KQ296 KQ298_1 KQ298_2 KQ299_1 KQ299_2 KQ300_1 KQ300_2 KQ301_1 KQ301_2 KQ303_1 KQ303_2 KQ304_1 KQ304_2 KQ310 HRS 2008: LQ215 LQ216 LQ217 LQ218 LQ220_1 LQ220_2 LQ221_1 LQ221_2 LQ222_1 LQ222_2 LQ223_1 LQ223_2 LQ231_1 LQ231_2 LQ232_1 LQ232_2 LQ238 LQ243 LQ244 LQ246_1 LQ246_2 LQ247_1 LQ247_2 LQ248_1 LQ248_2 LQ249_1 LQ249_2 LQ257_1 LQ257_2 LQ258_1 LQ258_2 LQ264 LQ273 LQ274 LQ275 LQ276 LQ278_1 LQ278_2 LQ279_1 LQ279_2 LQ280_1 LQ280_2 LQ281_1 LQ281_2 LQ283_1 LQ283_2 158 OTHER ANNUITIES MORE THAN ONE ANNUITY SP NUMBER OF ANNUITIES SP SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 SP YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 SP YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 SP MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 SP MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 SP OTH ANNUIT PMT AMT LAST MONTH PENSION RETIREMENT INCOME WHO REC PENSION RETIREMENT INC R INCOME FR MORE THAN ONE PENSION NUMBER OF PENSIONS R RECEIVED R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 OTHER PENSIONS SP PENSION SP NUMBER OF PENSIONS SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 SP ALL OTH PENS AMT REC - LAST MONTH R OR SP INCOME FROM ANNUITIES WHO RECEIVED INC FROM ANNUITIES R INCOME FROM MORE THAN ONE ANNUITIES R NUMBER OF ANNUITIES INCOME R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 Section B: Income LQ284_1 LQ284_2 LQ290 LQ295 LQ296 LQ298_1 LQ298_2 LQ299_1 LQ299_2 LQ300_1 LQ300_2 LQ301_1 LQ301_2 LQ303_1 LQ303_2 LQ304_1 LQ304_2 LQ310 HRS 2010: MQ215 MQ216 MQ217 MQ218 MQ220_1 MQ220_2 MQ221_1 MQ221_2 MQ222_1 MQ222_2 MQ223_1 MQ223_2 MQ231_1 MQ231_2 MQ232_1 MQ232_2 MQ238 MQ243 MQ244 MQ246_1 MQ246_2 MQ247_1 MQ247_2 MQ248_1 MQ248_2 MQ249_1 MQ249_2 MQ257_1 MQ257_2 MQ258_1 MQ258_2 MQ264 MQ273 MQ274 MQ275 MQ276 MQ278_1 MQ278_2 MQ279_1 MQ279_2 MQ280_1 MQ280_2 MQ281_1 MQ281_2 159 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 OTHER ANNUITIES MORE THAN ONE ANNUITY SP NUMBER OF ANNUITIES SP SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 SP YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 SP YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 SP MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 SP MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 SP OTH ANNUIT PMT AMT LAST MONTH PENSION RETIREMENT INCOME WHO REC PENSION RETIREMENT INC R INCOME FR MORE THAN ONE PENSION NUMBER OF PENSIONS R RECEIVED R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 OTHER PENSIONS SP PENSION SP NUMBER OF PENSIONS SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 SP ALL OTH PENS AMT REC - LAST MONTH R OR SP INCOME FROM ANNUITIES WHO RECEIVED INC FROM ANNUITIES R INCOME FROM MORE THAN ONE ANNUITIES R NUMBER OF ANNUITIES INCOME R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 Section B: Income MQ283_1 MQ283_2 MQ284_1 MQ284_2 MQ290 MQ295 MQ296 MQ298_1 MQ298_2 MQ299_1 MQ299_2 MQ300_1 MQ300_2 MQ301_1 MQ301_2 MQ303_1 MQ303_2 MQ304_1 MQ304_2 MQ310 MQ524_1 MQ524_2 MQ525_1 MQ525_2 MQ526 MQ527 MQ528_1 MQ529_1 MQ530 MQ531 HRS 2012: NQ215 NQ216 NQ217 NQ218 NQ220_1 NQ220_2 NQ221_1 NQ221_2 NQ222_1 NQ222_2 NQ223_1 NQ223_2 NQ231_1 NQ231_2 NQ232_1 NQ232_2 NQ238 NQ243 NQ244 NQ246_1 NQ246_2 NQ247_1 NQ247_2 NQ248_1 NQ248_2 NQ249_1 NQ249_2 NQ257_1 NQ257_2 NQ258_1 NQ258_2 NQ264 160 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 OTHER ANNUITIES MORE THAN ONE ANNUITY SP NUMBER OF ANNUITIES SP SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 SP YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 SP YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 SP MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 SP MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 SP OTH ANNUIT PMT AMT LAST MONTH R INCOME FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -1 R INCOME FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -2 R AMOUNT FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -1 R AMOUNT FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -2 R INCOME FROM OTHER ANNUITY - LAST YEAR R AMOUNT FROM OTHER ANNUITY - LAST YEAR SP INCOME FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -1 SP AMOUNT FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -1 SP INCOME FROM OTHER ANNUITY - LAST YEAR SP AMOUNT FROM OTHER ANNUITY - LAST YR PENSION RETIREMENT INCOME WHO REC PENSION RETIREMENT INC R INCOME FR MORE THAN ONE PENSION NUMBER OF PENSIONS R RECEIVED R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 R AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 R YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 R MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 OTHER PENSIONS SP PENSION SP NUMBER OF PENSIONS SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -1 SP AMT RECV FR PENSION - LAST MONTH -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MIN -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - MAX -2 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -1 SP AMT RECV FROM PENSION - RESULT -2 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -1 SP YEAR PENSION STARTED -2 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -1 SP MONTH PENSION STARTED -2 SP ALL OTH PENS AMT REC - LAST MONTH Section B: Income NQ273 NQ274 NQ275 NQ276 NQ278_1 NQ278_2 NQ279_1 NQ279_2 NQ280_1 NQ280_2 NQ281_1 NQ281_2 NQ283_1 NQ283_2 NQ284_1 NQ284_2 NQ290 NQ295 NQ296 NQ298_1 NQ298_2 NQ299_1 NQ299_2 NQ300_1 NQ300_2 NQ301_1 NQ301_2 NQ303_1 NQ303_2 NQ304_1 NQ304_2 NQ310 NQ524_1 NQ524_2 NQ525_1 NQ525_2 NQ526 NQ527 NQ528_1 NQ529_1 NQ530 NQ531 Tracker: AFINR BFINR CFINR DFINR EFINR FFINR GFINR HFINR JFINR KFINR LFINR MFINR NFINR 161 R OR SP INCOME FROM ANNUITIES WHO RECEIVED INC FROM ANNUITIES R INCOME FROM MORE THAN ONE ANNUITY R NUMBER OF ANNUITIES INCOME R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 R AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 R MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 OTHER ANNUITIES MORE THAN ONE ANNUITY SP NUMBER OF ANNUITIES SP SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - LAST MONTH -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MIN -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - MAX -2 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -1 SP AMT FROM ANNUITY - RESULT -2 SP YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 SP YEAR ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 SP MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -1 SP MONTH ANNUITY PMT STARTED -2 SP OTH ANNUIT PMT AMT LAST MONTH R INCOME FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -1 R INCOME FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -2 R AMOUNT FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -1 R AMOUNT FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -2 R INCOME FROM OTHER ANNUITY - LAST YEAR R AMOUNT FROM OTHER ANNUITY - LAST YEAR SP INCOME FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -1 SP AMOUNT FROM ANNUITY - LAST YEAR -1 SP INCOME FROM OTHER ANNUITY - LAST YEAR SP AMOUNT FROM OTHER ANNUITY - LAST YR 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT Section B: Income 162 Individual Income from Social Security DI or SSI Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1ISSDI R2ISSDI R3ISSDI R4ISSDI R5ISSDI R6ISSDI R7ISSDI R8ISSDI R9ISSDI R10ISSDI R11ISSDI R1ISSDI:W1 Income:R SSI + R2ISSDI:W2 Income:R SSI + R3ISSDI:W3 Income:R SSI + R4ISSDI:W4 Income:R SSI + R5ISSDI:W5 Income:R SSI + R6ISSDI:W6 Income:R SSI + R7ISSDI:W7 Income:R SSI + R8ISSDI:W8 Income:R SSI + R9ISSDI:W9 Income:R SSI + R10ISSDI:W10 Income:R SSI R11ISSDI:W11 Income:R SSI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1ISSDI S2ISSDI S3ISSDI S4ISSDI S5ISSDI S6ISSDI S7ISSDI S8ISSDI S9ISSDI S10ISSDI S11ISSDI S1ISSDI:W1 Income:Sp SSI + S2ISSDI:W2 Income:Sp SSI + S3ISSDI:W3 Income:Sp SSI + S4ISSDI:W4 Income:Sp SSI + S5ISSDI:W5 Income:Sp SSI + S6ISSDI:W6 Income:Sp SSI + S7ISSDI:W7 Income:Sp SSI + 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Receives:Sp SSI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R1IFSSDI R2IFSSDI R3IFSSDI R4IFSSDI R5IFSSDI R6IFSSDI R7IFSSDI R8IFSSDI R9IFSSDI R1IFSSDI:W1 R2IFSSDI:W2 R3IFSSDI:W3 R4IFSSDI:W4 R5IFSSDI:W5 R6IFSSDI:W6 R7IFSSDI:W7 R8IFSSDI:W8 R9IFSSDI:W9 ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R SSI SSI SSI SSI SSI SSI SSI SSI SSI SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disablity SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability + SS Disability + SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disablity SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability + SS Disability + SS Disability + + + + + + + + + SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disablity SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability + SS Disability + SS Disability SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disablty SS Disablty SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability + SS 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ImpFlag:Sp SSI Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1ISDI R2ISDI R3ISDI R4ISDI R5ISDI R6ISDI R7ISDI R8ISDI R9ISDI R10ISDI R11ISDI R1ISDI:W1 IncPart-SocSec DI R2ISDI:W2 IncPart-SocSec DI R3ISDI:W3 IncPart-SocSec DI R4ISDI:W4 IncPart-SocSec DI R5ISDI:W5 IncPart-SocSec DI R6ISDI:W6 IncPart-SocSec DI R7ISDI:W7 IncPart-SocSec DI R8ISDI:W8 IncPart-SocSec DI R9ISDI:W9 IncPart-SocSec DI R10ISDI:W10 IncPart-SocSec DI R11ISDI:W11 IncPart-SocSec DI Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1ISDI S2ISDI S3ISDI S4ISDI S5ISDI S6ISDI S7ISDI S8ISDI S9ISDI S10ISDI S11ISDI S1ISDI:W1 IncPart-SocSec DI S2ISDI:W2 IncPart-SocSec DI S3ISDI:W3 IncPart-SocSec DI S4ISDI:W4 IncPart-SocSec DI S5ISDI:W5 IncPart-SocSec DI S6ISDI:W6 IncPart-SocSec DI S7ISDI:W7 IncPart-SocSec DI S8ISDI:W8 IncPart-SocSec DI S9ISDI:W9 IncPart-SocSec DI S10ISDI:W10 IncPart-SocSec DI S11ISDI:W11 IncPart-SocSec DI Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOSDI R2IOSDI R3IOSDI R4IOSDI R5IOSDI R6IOSDI R7IOSDI R8IOSDI R9IOSDI R10IOSDI R11IOSDI R1IOSDI:W1 Receives-SocSec DI R2IOSDI:W2 Receives-SocSec DI R3IOSDI:W3 Receives-SocSec DI R4IOSDI:W4 Receives-SocSec DI R5IOSDI:W5 Receives-SocSec DI R6IOSDI:W6 Receives-SocSec DI R7IOSDI:W7 Receives-SocSec DI R8IOSDI:W8 Receives-SocSec DI R9IOSDI:W9 Receives-SocSec DI R10IOSDI:W10 Receives-SocSec DI R11IOSDI:W11 Receives-SocSec DI Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IOSDI S2IOSDI S3IOSDI S4IOSDI S5IOSDI S6IOSDI S7IOSDI S8IOSDI S9IOSDI S10IOSDI S11IOSDI S1IOSDI:W1 Receives-SocSec DI S2IOSDI:W2 Receives-SocSec DI S3IOSDI:W3 Receives-SocSec DI S4IOSDI:W4 Receives-SocSec DI S5IOSDI:W5 Receives-SocSec DI S6IOSDI:W6 Receives-SocSec DI S7IOSDI:W7 Receives-SocSec DI S8IOSDI:W8 Receives-SocSec DI S9IOSDI:W9 Receives-SocSec DI S10IOSDI:W10 Receives-SocSec DI S11IOSDI:W11 Receives-SocSec DI Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disablty SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability SS Disability + SS Disability + SS Disability Section B: Income 164 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IFSDI R2IFSDI R3IFSDI R4IFSDI R5IFSDI R6IFSDI R7IFSDI R8IFSDI R9IFSDI R10IFSDI R11IFSDI R1IFSDI:W1 ImpFlag-SocSec DI R2IFSDI:W2 ImpFlag-SocSec DI R3IFSDI:W3 ImpFlag-SocSec DI R4IFSDI:W4 ImpFlag-SocSec DI R5IFSDI:W5 ImpFlag-SocSec DI R6IFSDI:W6 ImpFlag-SocSec DI R7IFSDI:W7 ImpFlag-SocSec DI R8IFSDI:W8 ImpFlag-SocSec DI R9IFSDI:W9 ImpFlag-SocSec DI R10IFSDI:W10 ImpFlag-SocSec DI R11IFSDI:W11 ImpFlag-SocSec DI Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFSDI S2IFSDI S3IFSDI S4IFSDI S5IFSDI S6IFSDI S7IFSDI S8IFSDI S9IFSDI S10IFSDI S11IFSDI S1IFSDI:W1 ImpFlag-SocSec DI S2IFSDI:W2 ImpFlag-SocSec DI S3IFSDI:W3 ImpFlag-SocSec DI S4IFSDI:W4 ImpFlag-SocSec DI S5IFSDI:W5 ImpFlag-SocSec DI S6IFSDI:W6 ImpFlag-SocSec DI S7IFSDI:W7 ImpFlag-SocSec DI S8IFSDI:W8 ImpFlag-SocSec DI S9IFSDI:W9 ImpFlag-SocSec DI S10IFSDI:W10 ImpFlag-SocSec DI S11IFSDI:W11 ImpFlag-SocSec DI Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3MSDI R4MSDI R5MSDI R6MSDI R7MSDI R8MSDI R9MSDI R10MSDI R11MSDI R3MSDI:W3 Monthly-SocSec DI R4MSDI:W4 Monthly-SocSec DI R5MSDI:W5 Monthly-SocSec DI R6MSDI:W6 Monthly-SocSec DI R7MSDI:W7 Monthly-SocSec DI R8MSDI:W8 Monthly-SocSec DI R9MSDI:W9 Monthly-SocSec DI R10MSDI:W10 Monthly-SocSec DI R11MSDI:W11 Monthly-SocSec DI Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3MSDI S4MSDI S5MSDI S6MSDI S7MSDI S8MSDI S9MSDI S10MSDI S11MSDI S3MSDI:W3 Monthly-SocSec DI S4MSDI:W4 Monthly-SocSec DI S5MSDI:W5 Monthly-SocSec DI S6MSDI:W6 Monthly-SocSec DI S7MSDI:W7 Monthly-SocSec DI S8MSDI:W8 Monthly-SocSec DI S9MSDI:W9 Monthly-SocSec DI S10MSDI:W10 Monthly-SocSec DI S11MSDI:W11 Monthly-SocSec DI Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3NSDI R4NSDI R5NSDI R6NSDI R7NSDI R8NSDI R9NSDI R10NSDI R11NSDI R3NSDI:W3 IncMons-SocSec DI R4NSDI:W4 IncMons-SocSec DI R5NSDI:W5 IncMons-SocSec DI R6NSDI:W6 IncMons-SocSec DI R7NSDI:W7 IncMons-SocSec DI R8NSDI:W8 IncMons-SocSec DI R9NSDI:W9 IncMons-SocSec DI R10NSDI:W10 IncMons-SocSec DI R11NSDI:W11 IncMons-SocSec DI Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3NSDI S4NSDI S5NSDI S6NSDI S7NSDI S8NSDI S9NSDI S10NSDI S11NSDI S3NSDI:W3 IncMons-SocSec DI S4NSDI:W4 IncMons-SocSec DI S5NSDI:W5 IncMons-SocSec DI S6NSDI:W6 IncMons-SocSec DI S7NSDI:W7 IncMons-SocSec DI S8NSDI:W8 IncMons-SocSec DI S9NSDI:W9 IncMons-SocSec DI S10NSDI:W10 IncMons-SocSec DI S11NSDI:W11 IncMons-SocSec DI Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Section B: Income 165 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3NFSDI R4NFSDI R5NFSDI R6NFSDI R7NFSDI R8NFSDI R9NFSDI R10NFSDI R11NFSDI R3NFSDI:W3 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI R4NFSDI:W4 Incmons DK Flag-SocSec DI R5NFSDI:W5 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI R6NFSDI:W6 Incmons DK Flag-SocSec DI R7NFSDI:W7 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI R8NFSDI:W8 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI R9NFSDI:W9 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI R10NFSDI:W10 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI R11NFSDI:W11 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3NFSDI S4NFSDI S5NFSDI S6NFSDI S7NFSDI S8NFSDI S9NFSDI S10NFSDI S11NFSDI S3NFSDI:W3 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI S4NFSDI:W4 Incmons DK Flag-SocSec DI S5NFSDI:W5 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI S6NFSDI:W6 Incmons DK Flag-SocSec DI S7NFSDI:W7 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI S8NFSDI:W8 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI S9NFSDI:W9 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI S10NFSDI:W10 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI S11NFSDI:W11 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec DI Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2ISSI H3ISSI H4ISSI H5ISSI H6ISSI H7ISSI H8ISSI H9ISSI H10ISSI H11ISSI H2ISSI:W2 IncPart-SSI Inc H3ISSI:W3 IncPart-SSI Inc H4ISSI:W4 IncPart-SSI Inc H5ISSI:W5 IncPart-SSI Inc H6ISSI:W6 IncPart-SSI Inc H7ISSI:W7 IncPart-SSI Inc H8ISSI:W8 IncPart-SSI Inc H9ISSI:W9 IncPart-SSI Inc H10ISSI:W10 IncPart-SSI Inc H11ISSI:W11 IncPart-SSI Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1ISSI R2ISSI R3ISSI R4ISSI R5ISSI R6ISSI R7ISSI R8ISSI R9ISSI R10ISSI R11ISSI R1ISSI:W1 IncPart-SSI Inc R2ISSI:W2 IncPart-SSI Inc R3ISSI:W3 IncPart-SSI Inc R4ISSI:W4 IncPart-SSI Inc R5ISSI:W5 IncPart-SSI Inc R6ISSI:W6 IncPart-SSI Inc R7ISSI:W7 IncPart-SSI Inc R8ISSI:W8 IncPart-SSI Inc R9ISSI:W9 IncPart-SSI Inc R10ISSI:W10 IncPart-SSI Inc R11ISSI:W11 IncPart-SSI Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1ISSI S2ISSI S3ISSI S4ISSI S5ISSI S6ISSI S7ISSI S8ISSI S9ISSI S10ISSI S11ISSI S1ISSI:W1 IncPart-SSI Inc S2ISSI:W2 IncPart-SSI Inc S3ISSI:W3 IncPart-SSI Inc S4ISSI:W4 IncPart-SSI Inc S5ISSI:W5 IncPart-SSI Inc S6ISSI:W6 IncPart-SSI Inc S7ISSI:W7 IncPart-SSI Inc S8ISSI:W8 IncPart-SSI Inc S9ISSI:W9 IncPart-SSI Inc S10ISSI:W10 IncPart-SSI Inc S11ISSI:W11 IncPart-SSI Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H2IOSSI H3IOSSI H4IOSSI H5IOSSI H6IOSSI H7IOSSI H8IOSSI H2IOSSI:W2 H3IOSSI:W3 H4IOSSI:W4 H5IOSSI:W5 H6IOSSI:W6 H7IOSSI:W7 H8IOSSI:W8 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Receives-SSI Receives-SSI Receives-SSI Receives-SSI Receives-SSI Receives-SSI Receives-SSI Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Section B: Income 166 9 10 11 H9IOSSI H10IOSSI H11IOSSI H9IOSSI:W9 Receives-SSI Inc H10IOSSI:W10 Receives-SSI Inc H11IOSSI:W11 Receives-SSI Inc Categ Categ Categ 1 2 R1IOSSI R2IOSSI R1IOSSI:W1 Receives-SSI Inc R2IOSSI:W2 Receives-SSI Inc Categ Categ 1 2 S1IOSSI S2IOSSI S1IOSSI:W1 Receives-SSI Inc S2IOSSI:W2 Receives-SSI Inc Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IFSSI H3IFSSI H4IFSSI H5IFSSI H6IFSSI H7IFSSI H8IFSSI H9IFSSI H10IFSSI H11IFSSI H2IFSSI:W2 ImpFlag-SSI Inc H3IFSSI:W3 ImpFlag-SSI Inc H4IFSSI:W4 ImpFlag-SSI Inc H5IFSSI:W5 ImpFlag-SSI Inc H6IFSSI:W6 ImpFlag-SSI Inc H7IFSSI:W7 ImpFlag-SSI Inc H8IFSSI:W8 ImpFlag-SSI Inc H9IFSSI:W9 ImpFlag-SSI Inc H10IFSSI:W10 ImpFlag-SSI Inc H11IFSSI:W11 ImpFlag-SSI Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 R1IFSSI R2IFSSI R1IFSSI:W1 ImpFlag-SSI Inc R2IFSSI:W2 ImpFlag-SSI Inc Categ Categ 1 2 S1IFSSI S2IFSSI S1IFSSI:W1 ImpFlag-SSI Inc S2IFSSI:W2 ImpFlag-SSI Inc Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3MSSI H4MSSI H5MSSI H6MSSI H7MSSI H8MSSI H9MSSI H10MSSI H11MSSI H3MSSI:W3 Monthly-SSI Inc H4MSSI:W4 Monthly-SSI Inc H5MSSI:W5 Monthly-SSI Inc H6MSSI:W6 Monthly-SSI Inc H7MSSI:W7 Monthly-SSI Inc H8MSSI:W8 Monthly-SSI Inc H9MSSI:W9 Monthly-SSI Inc H10MSSI:W10 Monthly-SSI Inc H11MSSI:W11 Monthly-SSI Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3NSSI H4NSSI H5NSSI H6NSSI H7NSSI H8NSSI H9NSSI H10NSSI H11NSSI H3NSSI:W3 IncMons-SSI Inc H4NSSI:W4 IncMons-SSI Inc H5NSSI:W5 IncMons-SSI Inc H6NSSI:W6 IncMons-SSI Inc H7NSSI:W7 IncMons-SSI Inc H8NSSI:W8 IncMons-SSI Inc H9NSSI:W9 IncMons-SSI Inc H10NSSI:W10 IncMons-SSI Inc H11NSSI:W11 IncMons-SSI Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3NFSSI H4NFSSI H5NFSSI H6NFSSI H7NFSSI H8NFSSI H9NFSSI H10NFSSI H11NFSSI H3NFSSI:W3 IncMons DK Flag-SSI Inc H4NFSSI:W4 Incmons DK Flag-SSI Inc H5NFSSI:W5 IncMons DK Flag-SSI Inc H6NFSSI:W6 Incmons DK Flag-SSI Inc H7NFSSI:W7 IncMons DK Flag-SSI Inc H8NFSSI:W8 IncMons DK Flag-SSI Inc H9NFSSI:W9 IncMons DK Flag-SSI Inc H10NFSSI:W10 IncMons DK Flag-SSI Inc H11NFSSI:W11 IncMons DK Flag-SSI Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable R1ISSDI R2ISSDI N Mean 12652 19642 407.38 375.55 Std Dev 1792.51 1609.84 Minimum 0.0 0.0 Maximum 30000.0 19812.0 Section B: Income 167 R3ISSDI R4ISSDI R5ISSDI R6ISSDI R7ISSDI R8ISSDI R9ISSDI R10ISSDI R11ISSDI 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 438.86 367.16 277.10 411.63 394.75 503.70 467.18 693.93 707.19 1821.14 1714.02 1486.07 1958.50 1924.57 2348.17 2267.46 2965.28 2928.19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29760.1 27710.1 32237.8 42507.1 24468.0 43680.0 30696.0 40800.0 54000.0 S1ISSDI S2ISSDI S3ISSDI S4ISSDI S5ISSDI S6ISSDI S7ISSDI S8ISSDI S9ISSDI S10ISSDI S11ISSDI 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 317.59 284.85 312.22 286.51 228.29 351.37 308.19 424.72 375.26 500.76 526.89 1652.44 1512.84 1628.67 1643.74 1475.43 1971.53 1833.86 2332.52 2175.06 2680.05 2725.55 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30000.0 19812.0 20477.8 27710.1 32237.8 42507.1 24468.0 43680.0 30696.0 40800.0 54000.0 R1IOSSDI R2IOSSDI R3IOSSDI R4IOSSDI R5IOSSDI R6IOSSDI R7IOSSDI R8IOSSDI R9IOSSDI R10IOSSDI R11IOSSDI 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.25 0.27 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.24 0.27 0.27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOSSDI S2IOSSDI S3IOSSDI S4IOSSDI S5IOSSDI S6IOSSDI S7IOSSDI S8IOSSDI S9IOSSDI S10IOSSDI S11IOSSDI 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.21 0.20 0.22 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFSSDI R2IFSSDI R3IFSSDI R4IFSSDI R5IFSSDI R6IFSSDI R7IFSSDI R8IFSSDI R9IFSSDI R10IFSSDI R11IFSSDI 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.16 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.25 0.19 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.95 0.83 0.55 0.64 0.60 0.65 1.14 0.87 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFSSDI S2IFSSDI S3IFSSDI S4IFSSDI S5IFSSDI 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 1.62 2.54 2.61 2.70 2.76 3.17 3.68 3.71 3.75 3.77 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section B: Income 168 S6IFSSDI S7IFSSDI S8IFSSDI S9IFSSDI S10IFSSDI S11IFSSDI 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2.84 2.77 2.85 2.96 3.00 3.03 3.79 3.77 3.79 3.83 3.84 3.84 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R1ISDI R2ISDI R3ISDI R4ISDI R5ISDI R6ISDI R7ISDI R8ISDI R9ISDI R10ISDI R11ISDI 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 275.77 236.14 289.62 221.11 168.57 282.77 260.05 342.38 305.32 488.53 504.38 1538.28 1402.57 1597.00 1453.23 1329.57 1774.26 1704.02 2079.72 2004.92 2581.01 2618.34 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30000.0 18000.0 26772.1 27705.7 32237.8 42507.1 24000.0 37200.0 30696.0 39600.0 49200.0 S1ISDI S2ISDI S3ISDI S4ISDI S5ISDI S6ISDI S7ISDI S8ISDI S9ISDI S10ISDI S11ISDI 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 248.40 227.08 253.33 209.60 176.35 300.24 251.02 351.13 301.28 399.50 427.03 1490.30 1413.09 1543.30 1464.22 1392.50 1889.09 1729.13 2163.77 2026.40 2421.55 2526.43 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30000.0 18000.0 20477.8 27705.7 32237.8 42507.1 24000.0 37200.0 30696.0 39600.0 49200.0 R1IOSDI R2IOSDI R3IOSDI R4IOSDI R5IOSDI R6IOSDI R7IOSDI R8IOSDI R9IOSDI R10IOSDI R11IOSDI 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.20 0.18 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.16 0.20 0.21 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOSDI S2IOSDI S3IOSDI S4IOSDI S5IOSDI S6IOSDI S7IOSDI S8IOSDI S9IOSDI S10IOSDI S11IOSDI 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFSDI R2IFSDI R3IFSDI R4IFSDI R5IFSDI R6IFSDI R7IFSDI R8IFSDI 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 5.84 5.88 5.84 5.90 5.93 5.88 5.89 5.86 0.98 0.89 0.98 0.86 0.71 0.81 0.80 0.85 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section B: Income 169 R9IFSDI R10IFSDI R11IFSDI 17217 22034 20554 5.89 5.86 5.82 0.80 1.02 1.01 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFSDI S2IFSDI S3IFSDI S4IFSDI S5IFSDI S6IFSDI S7IFSDI S8IFSDI S9IFSDI S10IFSDI S11IFSDI 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.27 6.54 6.54 6.59 6.62 6.61 6.61 6.61 6.66 6.65 6.65 1.18 1.20 1.24 1.19 1.13 1.21 1.17 1.22 1.19 1.24 1.25 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R3MSDI R4MSDI R5MSDI R6MSDI R7MSDI R8MSDI R9MSDI R10MSDI R11MSDI 582 607 381 551 556 590 463 946 925 669.83 684.03 762.32 818.83 849.27 928.60 975.30 1000.83 1035.96 285.25 304.66 352.98 357.94 354.14 401.32 408.60 448.33 463.21 16.0 56.0 10.0 1.0 100.0 134.0 78.0 9.0 5.0 1706.5 2308.8 3221.7 3542.3 2874.3 3100.0 2792.0 3300.0 4100.0 S3MSDI S4MSDI S5MSDI S6MSDI S7MSDI S8MSDI S9MSDI S10MSDI S11MSDI 334 367 253 368 331 379 283 479 462 727.60 736.02 798.39 857.15 901.80 964.73 1011.45 1051.37 1101.68 298.17 321.62 378.43 398.14 374.09 426.90 433.64 497.13 519.38 16.0 75.0 10.0 1.0 187.0 134.0 78.0 74.0 5.0 1706.5 2308.8 3221.7 3542.3 2874.3 3100.0 2792.0 3300.0 4100.0 R3NSDI R4NSDI R5NSDI R6NSDI R7NSDI R8NSDI R9NSDI R10NSDI R11NSDI 582 607 381 551 556 590 463 946 925 11.18 11.28 11.43 11.43 11.25 11.59 11.70 11.40 10.86 2.57 2.42 2.12 2.07 2.53 1.83 1.60 2.11 2.59 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 S3NSDI S4NSDI S5NSDI S6NSDI S7NSDI S8NSDI S9NSDI S10NSDI S11NSDI 334 367 253 368 331 379 283 479 462 11.13 11.12 11.49 11.31 11.37 11.57 11.70 11.37 11.06 2.65 2.66 2.02 2.26 2.32 1.82 1.57 2.21 2.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 R3NFSDI R4NFSDI R5NFSDI R6NFSDI R7NFSDI R8NFSDI R9NFSDI 582 607 381 551 556 590 463 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.10 0.17 0.15 0.22 0.16 0.14 0.19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income 170 R10NFSDI R11NFSDI 946 925 0.08 0.04 0.28 0.19 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 S3NFSDI S4NFSDI S5NFSDI S6NFSDI S7NFSDI S8NFSDI S9NFSDI S10NFSDI S11NFSDI 334 367 253 368 331 379 283 479 462 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.12 0.06 0.08 0.16 0.16 0.21 0.23 0.13 0.20 0.32 0.23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H2ISSI H3ISSI H4ISSI H5ISSI H6ISSI H7ISSI H8ISSI H9ISSI H10ISSI H11ISSI 8222 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 202.20 189.61 198.26 143.12 162.25 172.62 209.34 209.18 270.81 266.36 1033.84 955.37 1083.05 795.82 937.69 972.75 1235.37 1238.87 1484.13 1439.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28578.0 18041.3 27710.1 16856.3 10800.0 14164.2 28312.1 19200.0 19200.0 24559.6 R1ISSI R2ISSI R3ISSI R4ISSI R5ISSI R6ISSI R7ISSI R8ISSI R9ISSI R10ISSI R11ISSI 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 131.61 139.41 149.24 146.05 108.53 128.87 134.70 161.32 161.86 205.39 202.81 870.07 788.00 810.57 865.29 659.19 791.64 834.35 1019.66 1034.01 1240.22 1204.19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16800.0 14289.0 18041.3 27710.1 16856.3 10800.0 14164.2 20400.0 19200.0 19200.0 24559.6 S1ISSI S2ISSI S3ISSI S4ISSI S5ISSI S6ISSI S7ISSI S8ISSI S9ISSI S10ISSI S11ISSI 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 69.19 57.77 58.89 76.91 51.94 51.13 57.17 73.59 73.98 101.26 99.86 663.95 524.75 490.56 688.36 476.89 496.38 541.38 747.16 748.57 902.46 864.97 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16800.0 14289.0 9780.8 27710.1 8640.0 10800.0 10080.0 28312.1 19200.0 19200.0 24559.6 H2IOSSI H3IOSSI H4IOSSI H5IOSSI H6IOSSI H7IOSSI H8IOSSI H9IOSSI H10IOSSI H11IOSSI 8222 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.26 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IOSSI R2IOSSI 12652 11420 0.03 0.03 0.17 0.17 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOSSI 10279 0.02 0.12 0.0 1.0 Section B: Income S2IOSSI 171 9123 0.01 0.12 0.0 1.0 H2IFSSI H3IFSSI H4IFSSI H5IFSSI H6IFSSI H7IFSSI H8IFSSI H9IFSSI H10IFSSI H11IFSSI 8222 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.68 5.78 5.80 5.83 5.81 5.82 5.80 5.82 5.85 5.81 1.26 1.10 1.09 0.97 0.98 0.97 1.02 1.00 1.10 1.07 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R1IFSSI R2IFSSI 12652 11420 5.89 5.91 0.86 0.85 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFSSI S2IFSSI 12652 11420 6.34 6.39 1.00 0.98 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 H3MSSI H4MSSI H5MSSI H6MSSI H7MSSI H8MSSI H9MSSI H10MSSI H11MSSI 556 1235 1012 852 922 851 773 1080 1056 345.12 308.66 240.63 301.63 327.50 397.20 403.97 492.45 485.96 193.55 256.04 185.13 223.90 217.48 302.52 302.89 325.94 324.58 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 815.1 2309.2 1404.7 900.0 1180.3 2359.3 1600.0 1600.0 2046.6 H3NSSI H4NSSI H5NSSI H6NSSI H7NSSI H8NSSI H9NSSI H10NSSI H11NSSI 556 1235 1012 852 922 851 773 1080 1056 10.81 11.27 11.53 11.44 11.51 11.43 11.55 11.25 10.79 3.34 2.63 2.11 2.29 2.17 2.40 2.17 2.64 2.85 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 H3NFSSI H4NFSSI H5NFSSI H6NFSSI H7NFSSI H8NFSSI H9NFSSI H10NFSSI H11NFSSI 556 1235 1012 852 922 851 773 1080 1056 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.09 0.22 0.28 0.26 0.31 0.30 0.26 0.28 0.32 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|R1IOSSDI 0.receives no |11833 1.receives inc|819 R2IOSSDI 18120 1522 R3IOSSDI 16460 1531 R4IOSSDI 19835 1549 R5IOSSDI 18347 1232 R6IOSSDI 16904 1261 R7IOSSDI 18837 1292 R8IOSSDI 17202 1267 R9IOSSDI 16130 1087 R10IOSSDI 20359 1675 R11IOSSDI 18906 1648 Value---------|S1IOSSDI .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9789 1.receives inc|490 S2IOSSDI 5970 12997 675 S3IOSSDI 5658 11657 676 S4IOSSDI 6869 13856 659 S5IOSSDI 6538 12537 504 S6IOSSDI 6306 11289 570 S7IOSSDI 6777 12801 551 S8IOSSDI 6417 11470 582 S9IOSSDI 6205 10544 468 S10IOSSDI 7799 13516 719 S11IOSSDI 7474 12390 690 Value---------|R1IFSSDI 0.no income |11694 1.no imputatio|734 2.some imputat|129 R2IFSSDI 17689 1313 506 R3IFSSDI 16179 1323 363 R4IFSSDI 19382 1330 465 R5IFSSDI 17984 956 502 R6IFSSDI 16640 1060 427 R7IFSSDI 18531 1121 404 R8IFSSDI 16933 1182 297 R9IFSSDI 15857 1019 275 R10IFSSDI 19608 1533 566 R11IFSSDI 18417 1479 501 Section B: Income 172 9.no Fin Resp |95 134 126 207 137 38 73 57 66 327 157 Value---------|S1IFSSDI 0.no income |9658 1.no imputatio|438 2.some imputat|88 8.no Sp/Part->|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFSSDI 12699 590 280 5970 103 S3IFSSDI 11432 647 168 5658 86 S4IFSSDI 13461 624 245 6869 185 S5IFSSDI 12269 485 194 6538 93 S6IFSSDI 11112 503 211 6306 33 S7IFSSDI 12559 528 196 6777 69 S8IFSSDI 11265 582 156 6417 49 S9IFSSDI 10334 490 130 6205 58 S10IFSSDI 12926 716 319 7799 274 S11IFSSDI 11972 669 299 7474 140 Value---------|R1IOSDI 0.receives no |12133 1.receives inc|519 R2IOSDI 18989 653 R3IOSDI 17278 713 R4IOSDI 20777 607 R5IOSDI 19198 381 R6IOSDI 17614 551 R7IOSDI 19573 556 R8IOSDI 17879 590 R9IOSDI 16754 463 R10IOSDI 21088 946 R11IOSDI 19629 925 Value---------|S1IOSDI .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9916 1.receives inc|363 S2IOSDI 5970 13264 408 S3IOSDI 5658 11934 399 S4IOSDI 6869 14148 367 S5IOSDI 6538 12788 253 S6IOSDI 6306 11491 368 S7IOSDI 6777 13021 331 S8IOSDI 6417 11673 379 S9IOSDI 6205 10729 283 S10IOSDI 7799 13756 479 S11IOSDI 7474 12618 462 Value---------|R1IFSDI 1.continuous v|459 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|52 6.no income |11994 7.DK if income|52 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFSDI 580 R3IFSDI 634 31 8 37 17099 56 126 R4IFSDI 538 37 7 19 20511 65 207 R5IFSDI 331 22 3 23 18998 65 137 R6IFSDI 451 30 1 61 17501 83 38 R7IFSDI 481 23 3 46 19468 35 73 R8IFSDI 505 33 3 47 17803 21 57 R9IFSDI 407 17 5 32 16662 28 66 R10IFSDI 796 28 8 101 20705 69 327 R11IFSDI 783 36 7 88 19440 43 157 S3IFSDI 359 20 2 17 11818 31 5658 86 S4IFSDI 323 25 5 11 13928 38 6869 185 S5IFSDI 216 16 3 18 12656 39 6538 93 S6IFSDI 292 25 43 11420 46 6306 33 S7IFSDI 274 13 3 35 12927 31 6777 69 S8IFSDI 319 23 3 34 11607 17 6417 49 S9IFSDI 240 15 2 26 10650 21 6205 58 S10IFSDI 376 19 7 69 13439 51 7799 274 S11IFSDI 366 20 3 69 12432 50 7474 140 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| R3NFSDI 10382 7027 576 6 R4NFSDI 20777 R5NFSDI 19198 R6NFSDI 17614 R7NFSDI 19573 R8NFSDI 17879 R9NFSDI 16754 R10NFSDI 21088 R11NFSDI 19629 590 17 372 9 523 28 541 15 578 12 446 17 868 78 891 34 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| S3NFSDI 8295 3704 5658 332 2 S4NFSDI 14148 S5NFSDI 12788 S6NFSDI 11491 S7NFSDI 13021 S8NFSDI 11673 S9NFSDI 10728 S10NFSDI 13756 S11NFSDI 12618 6869 357 10 6538 246 7 6306 351 17 6777 313 18 6417 372 7 6206 271 12 7799 423 56 7474 436 26 H3IOSSI H4IOSSI H5IOSSI H6IOSSI H7IOSSI H8IOSSI H9IOSSI H10IOSSI H11IOSSI 16935 1056 20149 1235 18567 1012 17313 852 19207 922 17618 851 16444 773 20954 1080 19498 1056 H3IFSSI H4IFSSI H5IFSSI H6IFSSI H7IFSSI H8IFSSI H9IFSSI H10IFSSI H11IFSSI 819 43 2 166 16781 54 126 906 79 8 215 19886 83 207 663 48 3 266 18346 116 137 661 55 8 112 17171 113 45 711 53 3 138 19023 112 89 741 45 5 49 17455 109 65 661 34 4 55 16279 109 75 906 36 8 84 20384 198 418 852 64 10 111 19181 165 171 Value---------|S1IFSDI 1.continuous v|321 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|38 6.no income |9784 7.DK if income|41 8.No spouse/pa|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 59 18630 239 134 S2IFSDI 359 38 13008 164 5970 103 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOSSI 11420 7629 593 Value---------|R1IOSSI .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |12271 1.receives inc|381 R2IOSSI 8222 11061 359 Value---------|S1IOSSI .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |10117 1.receives inc|162 S2IOSSI 4549 5970 8994 129 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFSSI 11420 548 38 7477 149 10 Section B: Income 173 Value---------|R1IFSSI .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|347 5.no value/bra|29 6.no income |12133 7.DK if income|48 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFSSI 8222 282 59 10858 97 124 Value---------|S1IFSSI .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v|147 5.no value/bra|12 6.no income |9988 7.DK if income|37 8.No spouse/pa|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFSSI 4549 3673 105 17 8845 57 2297 99 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| H3NFSSI 10408 7027 529 27 H4NFSSI 20149 H5NFSSI 18567 H6NFSSI 17313 H7NFSSI 19207 H8NFSSI 17618 H9NFSSI 16444 H10NFSSI 20954 H11NFSSI 19498 1125 110 939 73 762 90 830 92 788 63 707 66 958 122 966 90 General Comments: Income measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD income component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in whether unfolding brackets are used to determine a range of income when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. The order in which income questions are asked also changes across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. Generally, Wave 1 questions ask about 1991 income, and Wave 2H asks about 1993 income. Wave 2A and from Wave 3 forward ask about income last calendar year. All questions are based on the Financial Respondent's interview year. Not all interviews are completely conducted in the same year for waves 2A, 3H, 4, and from 5 forward. The HRS and AHEAD income components are summed to create the income measures requested for these files. For each derived income measure, a flag indicates whether any or all of its components were imputed. Individual income components and imputation flags are available in the “RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File”. HRS and AHEAD income measures are reported at the household level. The Financial Respondent (FinR) reports income for both him/herself and his/her spouse or partner. The respondent income measures on this file are those of the FinR, if they are the same individual, and the spouse income measures are those of the FinR's spouse. If the respondent is the spouse of the FinR, then the FinR-reported respondent and spouse measures are swapped. That is, if the respondent is the FinR's spouse then the FinR-reported spouse income is assigned as the respondent income and the FinR-reported respondent income is assigned as the spouse income. How Constructed: RwISSDI is the sum of the respondent's income from Social Security disability (SDI) and Supplemental Security income (SSI). SSI income is always included in the sum, but Social Security income is only included in the sum if it is received due to disability. Income from SDI and SSI are available separately in RwISDI and RwISSI. SwISSDI is the sum of the spouse's income from SDI and SSI. SSI income is always included in the sum, but Social Security income is only included in the sum if it is received due to disability. Income from SDI and SSI are available separately in SwISDI and SwISSI. RwISDI is the portion of RwISSDI that represents the respondent's Social Security disability income, and RwISSI is the portion that represents the respondent's income from SSI. Note that RwISDI and RwISSI are included in RwISSDI, i.e., RwISSDI is equal to the sum of RwISDI and RwISSI. Section B: Income 174 SwISDI is the portion of SwISSDI that represents the spouse's Social Security disability income, and SwISSI is the portion that represents the spouse's income from SSI. Note that SwISDI and SwISSI are included in SwISSDI, i.e., SwISSDI is equal to the sum of SwISDI and SwISSI. SSI is reported as a household amount but allocated to respondent or spouse. In a single household, it is assigned to the respondent. In a couple household, it is allocated to the respondent and/or spouse using the HRS core variable indicating who received income from SSI. This variable indicating who received income from SSI provides the financial respondent’s answer to this question; a variable based off of this information has been created that adjusts for the non-financial respondent so that 1 indicates self and 2 indicates spouse. If the HRS core variable indicating who received income from SSI is missing or indicates both received income from SSI, the household amount is split evenly between the respondent and spouse. RwISSI and SwISSI reflect the last calendar year amounts allocated to respondent and spouse, respectively. Beginning in Version F, we have introduced logic that takes into account who reported receiving SSI income. Specifically, the income is split between the respondent and spouse if the respondent is married or partnered and the income is reported jointly. However, income from SSI is not split between the two members of the couple if only one reports receiving it, that is – it is assigned to the appropriate recipient. This logic does not apply to Waves 1 and 2H, since it is already reported individually, nor does it apply to Waves 2A and 3A, since there is no question about who received income from SSI. RwISSI and SwISSI reflect the last calendar year amounts allocated to respondent and spouse, respectively. Beginning in Version F, we incorporated logic in Waves 1 and 2H and from Wave 3H forward that examines the ages of respondents and spouses. For those who are greater than 66 years of age at the time of the interview and receive Social Security disability income, we override the disability income and assign it instead retirement income. This is based on the notion that these individuals turned 65 or 66 (i.e., retirement age) during the last calendar year, at which point disability benefits automatically convert to retirement benefits. Respondents are asked to report monthly amounts for both Social Security and SSI (RwMSDI, SwMSDI, HwMSSI), which are multiplied by the appropriate number of months (RwNSDI, SwNSDI, HwNSSI) to derive the amount received in the last calendar year (RwISDI, SwISDI, HwISSI). If the start month is missing and the start year is within the last year, the number of months is set to six and a flag is set to one (RwNFSDI, SwNFSDI, HwNFSSI). If both the start month and the year are missing, the number of months is set to 12 and a flag is set to one (RwNFSDI, SwNFSDI, HwNFSSI). Variables in the form HwIFvar/RwIFvar/SwIFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwIOvar/RwIOvar/SwIFvar indicate whether income is received from this type of income. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The way the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income questions are asked varies across waves. In Wave 1, the questions asked the annual amount of Social Security and SSI received in 1991. In Wave 1 and Wave 2A, if the respondent and spouse received a joint check for Social Security, only one amount is asked; if they received separate checks, amounts were asked for each individual. From Wave 2 forward, a monthly amount is asked. For social security the first month received is also asked. Beginning in Wave 2H, the SSI questions ask which months since the last interview SSI was received. The variable derivation checks that the monthly income was received and multiplies the monthly amount appropriately to calculate a yearly amount. In Waves 1, 2 and 3A, the type of Social Security income received is reported, with one exception. In Wave 1, if both respondent and spouse received Social Security income in a joint check, the type is not reported; in these cases, the income is treated as retirement (OAS), not disability, income. From Wave 3H forward, the type of Social Security income is not reported. Variables in the disability section indicating whether the respondent and spouse received Social Security disability are used to determine whether Social Security reported in the income section is disability income or not. In Wave 3A, respondents and spouses who received income from Social Security are asked to indicate what the amount was for (i.e., retirement, disability, survivor benefits, dependent of disabled or retired, or other). People list up to two types of Social Security. However, the questions about how much they Section B: Income 175 received do not make a distinction between amounts received from each type of Social Security, and simply lump them together. Therefore, we decided that if a person reports receiving disability income, even if they also report getting another type of income from Social Security, the amount they indicated would be considered disability income. From Wave 3 forward, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value of monthly Social Security or Supplemental Security income, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts for Social Security income change in Wave 5, but otherwise are the same across all waves. The exception to this is in Wave 3A, where the bracket amounts are based on the last year rather than the last month. In Waves 1 and 2, no unfolding bracket questions are asked. In Wave 6, there are two possible sources of information about whether the spouse receives social security: (1) the financial respondent's report in the income section (Section Q); and (2) the spouse's self-report in the employment section (Section J). To determine whether the spouse has any social security income, we use the spouse's self-report. However, if the spouse did not respond, or the selfreport is missing, we use the financial respondent's report. Our rationale for doing this is that the self-report is probably more accurate. It is also important to note that the self-report in the employment section is the only question about whether the financial respondent receives social security income. From Wave 7 forward, an additional response option (“6. SSDI HAS CONVERTED TO SOCIAL SECURITY (VOL)”) was added to the question below, which helped us determine whether the type of social security income being received was for retirement or disability: According to our records, in [PREV WAVE FIRST R IW MONTH]/[/Prev Wave Iw Mo] [Previous Wave First R Interview Year]/[Prev Wave Iw Yr] you were receiving benefits from the Social Security Disability program or the Supplemental Security Income program. Which program was this: the Social Security Disability or the Supplemental Security Income program, or both? There were fewer than 50 individuals who selected this category. We added logic to check the ages of these individuals before designating them as receiving social security retirement income. Specifically, to make them have retirement income instead of disability income, we required that a person be greater than 66 years of age at the time of the interview or have an end year for their social security income before the last calendar year. Because of the differences in the way income information was collected for the HRS and AHEAD samples in Wave 2, the income component imputation flags that apply vary, depending on the entry cohort of the respondent. For AHEAD entry cohort respondents, R2IFSSI and S2IFSSI are set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income components are not available in Wave 2A. For HRS entry cohort respondents, H2IFSSI is set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income components are not available in Wave 2H. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15801 V15802 V15803 V15823 V16001 V16003 V16012 V16021 V16030 V16107 V5801 V5802 V5803 V5804 V5823 V5824 V6001 V6002 V6003 N28:RECV SSI IN 1991:IND N28A:WHO RECEIVED SS:IND N29 SSI:R1 REC91IND :IND N33 SSI:R2 REC91IND :IND N41:SS:RCV SOC SEC I:IND N41B:SS: AMT RECD I:IND N42A:SS:R1: AMT REC:IND N42A:SS:R2 AMT RECV:IND N43A:SS:R1: AMT REC:IND N44A:SS:R2 AMT RECV:IND N28:RECV SSI IN 1991:IMP N28A:WHO RECEIVED SS:IMP N29:SSI:R1$AMT RECV :IMP N29:SSI:R1RECEIVED P:IMP N33:SSI:R2 AMT RECV :IMP N33:SSI:R2RECEIVED P:IMP N41:SS:RCV SOC SEC I:IMP N41A:SS:1CHK/SEPARATE CK N41B:SS: AMT RECVD :IMP Section B: Income V6007 V6012 V6016 V6021 V6025 V6030 V6102 V6107 AHEAD 1993: B1376 B1377 B1378 B1379 B1381 B1382 B1389 B1390 B1392 B1393 B1413 B1414 B1415 B1416 B1417 B1418 B1419 B1420 B1421 HRS 1994: W16204 W16253 W16254 W16260 W16268 W6157 W6158 W6159 W6160 W6161 W6174 W6175 W6176 W6177 W6178 W6179 W6180 W6181 W6182 W6183 W6184 W6185 W6199 W6201 W6202 W6203 W6204 W6205 W6206 W6207 W6208 W6221 W6222 W6223 176 N42:SS:R1DISABILITY N42A:SS:R1 AMT RECV:IMP N42:SS:R2DISABILITY N42A:SS:R2 AMT RECV:IMP N43:SS:R1DISABILITY N43A:SS:R1 AMT RECV:IMP N44:SS:R2DISABILITY N44A:SS:R2 AMT RECV:IMP J1. SS: RECEIVE ANY J1a. SS: 1 OR 2 CHECKS J2. SS: R TYPE J2b. SS: R $ LAST MONTH J2d. SS: R START MONTH J2e. SS: R START YEAR J3. SS: SP TYPE J3a. SS: SP $ LAST MONTH J3c. SS: SP START MONTH J3d. SS: SP START YEAR J6. SSI: RECEIVE ANY LAST MONTH J7. SSI: $ LAST MONTH J8. SSI: START >2YRS AGO J8a. SSI: START MONTH J8b. SSI: START YEAR J9. SSI: RECEIVE ANY 1992/3 J10. SSI: LAST MONTH RECD 1992/3 J10a. SSI: LAST YEAR RECD 1992/3 J11. SSI: $ LAST MONTH 1992/3 N22d. Imputation flag N23. Imputation flag N23a. Imputation flag N23c. Imputation flag N23g. Imputation flag N22.SUPPLEMENTAL SECURIT N22a.WHO RECEIVED SSI N22b.WHICH MONTHS N22b.START/STOP RECEIVIN N22b.START/STOP RECEIVIN N22c. Jan 1993 N22c. Feb 1993 N22c. Mar 1993 N22c. Apr 1993 N22c. May 1993 N22c. Jun 1993 N22c. Jul 1993 N22c. Aug 1993 N22c. Sep 1993 N22c. Oct 1993 N22c. Nov 1993 N22c. Dec 1993 N22c. All of 1993 N22c. Other N22c. DK N22c. RF N22d.AMT SSI LAST MONTH N22e.AMT SSI LAST MONTH N22f.SP-WHICH MONTHS N22f.SP-START/STOP RECEI N22f.SP-START/STOP RECEI N22g. Jan 1993 N22g. Feb 1993 N22g. Mar 1993 Section B: Income W6224 W6225 W6226 W6227 W6228 W6229 W6230 W6231 W6232 W6248 W6249 W6250 W6251 W6252 W6253 W6254 W6255 W6256 W6260 W6261 W6262 W6263 W6264 W6268 W6269 W6270 AHEAD 1995: D3875 D3877M1 D3877M2 D3878 D3879 D3880 D3881 D3883 D3884 D3885 D3886M1 D3886M2 D3888 D3889 D3890 D3891 D3893 D3894 D3911 D3912 D3913 D3914 D3915 D3917 D3918 HRS 1996: E3580 E3582 E3606 E3614 E3616 E3983 E3984 E3985 E3986 E3987 177 N22g. Apr 1993 N22g. May 1993 N22g. Jun 1993 N22g. Jul 1993 N22g. Aug 1993 N22g. Sep 1993 N22g. Oct 1993 N22g. Nov 1993 N22g. Dec 1993 N22g. Other N22g. DK N22g. RF N22h.SP-AMT SSI LAST MON N22k.SP-AMT SSI LAST MON N23.SOCIAL SECURITY? N23a.WHO RECEIVED SOCIAL N23b.TYPE SOCIAL SECURIT N23b.TYPE SOCIAL SECURIT N23c.AMT SS LAST MONTH N23e.START RECEIVING SSN23e.START RECEIVING SSN23f.SP-TYPE SOCIAL SECU N23f.SP-TYPE SOCIAL SECU N23g.SP-AMT SS LAST MONT N23h.SP-START RECEIVING N23h.SP-START RECEIVING J1.RECEIVE SOC SEC J2.R TYPE SOC SEC J2.R TYPE SOC SEC J3.AMT SOC SEC LAST MNTH J3A.AMT SS R DK-1 J3B.AMT SS R DK-2 J3C.AMT SS R DK-3 J4A.MONTH START SOC SEC J4A.YEAR START SOC SEC J5.SP REC SS J5A.SP TYPE SOC SEC J5A.SP TYPE SOC SEC J6.AMT SOC SEC LAST MNTH SP/PT J6A.AMT SS S DK-1 J6B.AMT SS S DK-2 J6C.AMT SS S DK-3 J7A.MONTH START SOC SEC SP/PT J7B.YEAR START SOC SEC SP/PT J10. SSI-MONTH J11. SSI $ J11A.AMT SS R DK-1 J11B.AMT SS R DK-2 J11C.AMT SS R DK-3 J11E. SSI-MONTH J11F. SSI GD18. RECEIVE SSD/SSI GD18B. SS STOP-YR GD26F1. SS RECEIVE-YR GD26J. SS-STILL RECEIVING GD26K1. SS STOP-YR J45.SOC SEC INCOME J46.WHO RECEIVE SOC SEC INCOME J47.R AMT RECVD SS LAST MO J47A.R $ RECVD SS LAST MO DK-1K J47B.R $ RECVD SS LAST MO DK-1.5K Section B: Income E3989 E3990 E3991 E3996 E3997 E3998 E4000 E4001 E4002 E4021 E4022 E4023 E4024 E4025 E4026 E4027 E4028 HRS 1998: F272 F273 F274 F4088 F4090 F4135 F4139 F4141 F4498 F4502 F4504 F4743 F4744 F4745 F4746 F4747 F4749 F4750 F4751 F4756 F4757 F4758 F4760 F4761 F4762 F4781 F4782 F4783 F4784 F4785 F4786 F4787 F4788 HRS 2000: G272 G273 G274 G4374 G4378 G4382 G4392 G4396 G4399 G4405 G4409 178 J47D.R $ RECVD SS LAST MO DK-500 J48.R RECV SS BENEFITS START YEAR J49.SS BENEFITS START MONTH J50A1.SP HOW MUCH SS BENEFITS J50A2.SP $ SS BENEFITS DK-1K J50A3.SP $ SS BENEFITS DK-1.5K J50A5.SP $ SS BENEFITS DK-500 J50B1.SP BENEFITS START - YEAR J50B2.SP BENEFITS START - MONTH J59.R/S SSI-LAST MONTH J60.WHO RECEIVED SSI J61.R/S SSI $ J61A.R/S SSI $ DK-500 J61B.R/S SSI $ DK-750 J61C.R/S SSI $ DK-250 J62.SSI START YEAR J62B.SSI START MONTH PREV WAVE R REC SS PREV WAVE S/P REC SS PREV WAVE SSI GD18. RECEIVE SSD/SSI GD18B. SS STOP-YR GD26F1. SS RECEIVE-YR GD26J. SS-STILL RECEIVING GD26K1. SS STOP-YR GJ123F1.SS AWARDED - YEAR GJ123J.STILL RECEIVING BENEFITS GJ123K1.BENEFITS STOPPED - YEAR J45.SOC SEC INCOME J46.WHO RECEIVE SOC SEC INCOME J47.R AMT RECVD SS LAST MO J47A.R DK-1K J47B.R DK-1,500 J47D.R DK-500 J48.R SS BENEFITS START YEAR J49.R SS BENEFITS START MONTH J50A1.SP HOW MUCH SS BENEFITS J50A2.SP DK-1K J50A3.SP DK-1,500 J50A5.SP DK-500 J50B1.SP SS BENEFITS START YEAR J50B2.SP SS BENEFITS START MONTH J59.R/S SSI-LAST MONTH J60.WHO RECEIVED SSI J61.R/S SSI $ J61A.R/S AMT SS R DK-500 J61B.AMT SS R DK-750 J61C.AMT SS R DK-250 J62.SSI START YEAR J62B.SSI START MONTH PR272.PREV WAVE R REC SS PR273.PREV WAVE S/P REC SS PR274.PREV WAVE SSI GD18AA. REC`D SSDI BENEFITS GD18AD. SSDI START-YEAR GD18AF. SSDI STOP-YR GD18CC. SSDI START-YEAR GD18CG.STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS GD18CK. SSDI STOP-YR GD18DF. SSDI START-YEAR GD18DK.STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS Section B: Income G4412 G4465 G4466 G4472 G4870 G4875 G4877 G5182 G5185 G5186 G5187 G5188 G5190 G5193 G5194 G5199 G5200 G5201 G5203 G5204 G5205 G5224 G5225 G5226 G5227 G5228 G5229 G5230 G5231 HRS 2002: HM030F1 HM030L1 HM032B1 HM032F1 HM032L1 HM040K HM040P HM040V HM648B1 HM648B2 HM648F1 HM648F2 HM648L1 HQ084 HQ085 HQ086 HQ087 HQ088 HQ089 HQ090 HQ091 HQ092 HQ093 HQ094 HQ095 HQ096 HQ105 HQ106 HQ107 HQ108 HQ109 HQ110 HQ111 179 GD18DP. SSDI STOP-YR GD26F1.SSD LAST APP BENEFITS START-YR GD26G.SSD-STILL RECEIVING GD26M1.SSD BENEFITS STOP-YR GJ123F1.SSDI AWARDED - YEAR GJ123J.STILL RECEIVING BENEFITS GJ123K.BENEFITS STOPPED - YEAR J45.SOC SEC INCOME J46.WHO RECEIVE SOC SEC INCOME J47.R AMT RECVD SS LAST MO J47A.R DK-700 J47B.R DK-1000 J47D.R DK-500 J48.R SS BENEFITS START YEAR J49.R SS BENEFITS START MONTH J50A1.SP HOW MUCH SS BENEFITS J50A2.SP DK-700 J50A3.SP DK-1000 J50A5.SP DK-500 J50B1.SP SS BENEFITS START YEAR J50B2.SP SS BENEFITS START MONTH J59.R/S SSI-LAST MONTH J60.WHO RECEIVED SSI J61.R/S SSI $ J61A.R/S AMT SS R DK-500 J61B.AMT SS R DK-750 J61C.AMT SS R DK-250 J62.SSI START YEAR J62B.SSI START MONTH HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR HM032B1 SSDI START-YR HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR HM040K SSDI START-YR HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS HM040VSSDI STOP-YR SSDI START YEAR-1 SSDI START YEAR-2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS-1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS-2 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R OR SP INCOME FROM SSI - LAST MONTH WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MIN AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MAX AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - RESULT YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME Section B: Income HQ112 HZ125 HZ126 HZ127 HRS 2004: JM030 JMW234C JMW234I JMW234Q JMW234R JMW238A JMW238C JMW238I JMW238Q JMW238R JMW244A JMW244C JMW244I JMW244Q JMW244R JQ084 JQ085 JQ086 JQ087 JQ088 JQ089 JQ090 JQ091 JQ092 JQ093 JQ094 JQ095 JQ096 JQ105 JQ106 JQ107 JQ108 JQ109 JQ110 JQ111 JQ112 JZ125 JZ126 JZ127 HRS 2006: KM030 KMW234C KMW234I KMW234Q KMW234R KMW238A KMW238C KMW238I KMW238Q KMW238R KMW244A KMW244C KMW244I KMW244Q KMW244R KQ084 KQ085 KQ086 180 MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SSI HM030 REC SSDI/SSI/BOTH HM032B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM040K SSDI START-YR -3 HM648B1 SSDI START YEAR-1 HM648B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -1 HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -3 HM648F1 STILL REC SSDI BENS-1 HM648F2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM030K1 SSDI STOP-YR HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR -2 HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR -3 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 HM648L2 SSDI STOP-YR -2 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R OR SP INCOME FROM SSI - LAST MONTH WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MIN AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MAX AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - RESULT YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SSI HM030 REC SSDI/SSI/BOTH HM032B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM040K SSDI START-YR -3 HM648B1 SSDI START YEAR-1 HM648B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -1 HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -3 HM648F1 STILL REC SSDI BENS-1 HM648F2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM030K1 SSDI STOP-YR HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR -2 HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR -3 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 HM648L2 SSDI STOP-YR -2 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN Section B: Income KQ087 KQ088 KQ089 KQ090 KQ091 KQ092 KQ093 KQ094 KQ095 KQ096 KQ105 KQ106 KQ107 KQ108 KQ109 KQ110 KQ111 KQ112 KZ125 KZ126 KZ127 HRS 2008: LM030 LMW234C LMW234I LMW234Q LMW234R LMW238A LMW238C LMW238I LMW238Q LMW238R LMW244A LMW244C LMW244I LMW244Q LMW244R LQ084 LQ085 LQ086 LQ087 LQ088 LQ089 LQ090 LQ091 LQ092 LQ093 LQ094 LQ095 LQ096 LQ105 LQ106 LQ107 LQ108 LQ109 LQ110 LQ111 LQ112 LZ125 LZ126 LZ127 HRS 2010: MM030 181 R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R OR SP INCOME FROM SSI - LAST MONTH WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MIN AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MAX AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - RESULT YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SSI HM030 REC SSDI/SSI/BOTH HM032B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM040K SSDI START-YR -3 HM648B1 SSDI START YEAR-1 HM648B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -1 HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -3 HM648F1 STILL REC SSDI BENS-1 HM648F2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM030K1 SSDI STOP-YR HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR -2 HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR -3 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 HM648L2 SSDI STOP-YR -2 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R OR SP INCOME FROM SSI - LAST MONTH WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MIN AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MAX AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - RESULT YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SSI HM030 REC SSDI/SSI/BOTH Section B: Income MMW234C MMW234I MMW234Q MMW234R MMW238A MMW238C MMW238I MMW238Q MMW238R MMW244A MMW244C MMW244I MMW244Q MMW244R MQ084 MQ085 MQ086 MQ087 MQ088 MQ089 MQ090 MQ091 MQ092 MQ093 MQ094 MQ095 MQ096 MQ105 MQ106 MQ107 MQ108 MQ109 MQ110 MQ111 MQ112 MZ125 MZ126 MZ127 HRS 2012: NM030 NMW234C NMW234I NMW234Q NMW234R NMW238A NMW238C NMW238I NMW238Q NMW238R NMW244A NMW244C NMW244I NMW244Q NMW244R NQ084 NQ085 NQ086 NQ087 NQ088 NQ089 NQ090 NQ091 NQ092 182 HM032B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM040K SSDI START-YR -3 HM648B1 SSDI START YEAR-1 HM648B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -1 HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -3 HM648F1 STILL REC SSDI BENS-1 HM648F2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM030K1 SSDI STOP-YR HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR -2 HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR -3 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 HM648L2 SSDI STOP-YR -2 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R OR SP INCOME FROM SSI - LAST MONTH WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MIN AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MAX AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - RESULT YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SSI HM030 REC SSDI/SSI/BOTH HM032B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM040K SSDI START-YR -3 HM648B1 SSDI START YEAR-1 HM648B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -1 HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -3 HM648F1 STILL REC SSDI BENS-1 HM648F2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM030K1 SSDI STOP-YR HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR -2 HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR -3 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 HM648L2 SSDI STOP-YR -2 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN Section B: Income NQ093 NQ094 NQ095 NQ096 NQ105 NQ106 NQ107 NQ108 NQ109 NQ110 NQ111 NQ112 NZ125 NZ126 NZ127 Tracker: AFINR BFINR CFINR DFINR EFINR FFINR GFINR HFINR JFINR KFINR LFINR MFINR NFINR 183 SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R OR SP INCOME FROM SSI - LAST MONTH WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM SSI LAST MONTH AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MIN AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - MAX AMT RECEIVED FROM SSI - RESULT YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SSI INCOME PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SSI 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT Section B: Income 184 Individual Income from Social Security Retirement Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1ISRET R2ISRET R3ISRET R4ISRET R5ISRET R6ISRET R7ISRET R8ISRET R9ISRET R10ISRET R11ISRET R1ISRET:W1 Income:R SocSec Retirement R2ISRET:W2 Income:R SocSec Retirement R3ISRET:W3 Income:R SocSec Retirement R4ISRET:W4 Income:R SocSec Retirement R5ISRET:W5 Income:R SocSec Retirement R6ISRET:W6 Income:R SocSec Retirement R7ISRET:W7 Income:R SocSec Retirement R8ISRET:W8 Income:R SocSec Retirement R9ISRET:W9 Income:R SocSec Retirement R10ISRET:W10 Income:R SocSec Retirement R11ISRET:W11 Income:R SocSec Retirement Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1ISRET S2ISRET S3ISRET S4ISRET S5ISRET S6ISRET S7ISRET S8ISRET S9ISRET S10ISRET S11ISRET S1ISRET:W1 Income:Sp SocSec Retirement S2ISRET:W2 Income:Sp SocSec Retirement S3ISRET:W3 Income:Sp SocSec Retirement S4ISRET:W4 Income:Sp SocSec Retirement S5ISRET:W5 Income:Sp SocSec Retirement S6ISRET:W6 Income:Sp SocSec Retirement S7ISRET:W7 Income:Sp SocSec Retirement S8ISRET:W8 Income:Sp SocSec Retirement S9ISRET:W9 Income:Sp SocSec Retirement S10ISRET:W10 Income:Sp SocSec Retirement S11ISRET:W11 Income:Sp SocSec 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S7ISS S8ISS S9ISS S10ISS S11ISS S1ISS:W1 IncPart-SocSec Retire, Surv S2ISS:W2 IncPart-SocSec Retire, Surv S3ISS:W3 IncPart-SocSec Retire, Surv S4ISS:W4 IncPart-SocSec Retire, Surv S5ISS:W5 IncPart-SocSec Retire, Surv S6ISS:W6 IncPart-SocSec Retire, Surv S7ISS:W7 IncPart-SocSec Retire, Surv S8ISS:W8 IncPart-SocSec Retire, Surv S9ISS:W9 IncPart-SocSec Retire, Surv S10ISS:W10 IncPart-SocSec Retire, Surv S11ISS:W11 IncPart-SocSec Retire, Surv Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOSS R2IOSS R3IOSS R4IOSS R5IOSS R6IOSS R7IOSS R8IOSS R9IOSS R10IOSS R11IOSS R1IOSS:W1 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv R2IOSS:W2 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv R3IOSS:W3 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv R4IOSS:W4 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv R5IOSS:W5 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv R6IOSS:W6 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv R7IOSS:W7 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv R8IOSS:W8 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv R9IOSS:W9 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv R10IOSS:W10 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv R11IOSS:W11 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 S1IOSS S2IOSS S3IOSS S4IOSS S5IOSS S6IOSS S7IOSS S8IOSS S9IOSS S10IOSS S10IOSS S1IOSS:W1 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv S2IOSS:W2 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv S3IOSS:W3 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv S4IOSS:W4 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv S5IOSS:W5 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv S6IOSS:W6 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv S7IOSS:W7 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv S8IOSS:W8 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv S9IOSS:W9 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv S10IOSS:W10 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv S10IOSS:W10 Receives-SocSec Retire, Surv Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IFSS R2IFSS R3IFSS R4IFSS R5IFSS R6IFSS R7IFSS R8IFSS R9IFSS R10IFSS R11IFSS R1IFSS:W1 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv R2IFSS:W2 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv R3IFSS:W3 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv R4IFSS:W4 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv R5IFSS:W5 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv R6IFSS:W6 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv R7IFSS:W7 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv R8IFSS:W8 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv R9IFSS:W9 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv R10IFSS:W10 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv R11IFSS:W11 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFSS S2IFSS S3IFSS S4IFSS S5IFSS S6IFSS S7IFSS S8IFSS S9IFSS S10IFSS S11IFSS S1IFSS:W1 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv S2IFSS:W2 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv S3IFSS:W3 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv S4IFSS:W4 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv S5IFSS:W5 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv S6IFSS:W6 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv S7IFSS:W7 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv S8IFSS:W8 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv S9IFSS:W9 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv S10IFSS:W10 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv S11IFSS:W11 ImpFlag-SocSec Retire, Surv Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Section B: Income 186 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3MSS R4MSS R5MSS R6MSS R7MSS R8MSS R9MSS R10MSS R11MSS R3MSS:W3 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv R4MSS:W4 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv R5MSS:W5 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv R6MSS:W6 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv R7MSS:W7 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv R8MSS:W8 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv R9MSS:W9 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv R10MSS:W10 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv R11MSS:W11 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3MSS S4MSS S5MSS S6MSS S7MSS S8MSS S9MSS S10MSS S11MSS S3MSS:W3 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv S4MSS:W4 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv S5MSS:W5 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv S6MSS:W6 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv S7MSS:W7 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv S8MSS:W8 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv S9MSS:W9 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv S10MSS:W10 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv S11MSS:W11 Monthly-SocSec Retire, Surv Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3NFSS R4NFSS R5NFSS R6NFSS R7NFSS R8NFSS R9NFSS R10NFSS R11NFSS R3NFSS:W3 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv R4NFSS:W4 Incmons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv R5NFSS:W5 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv R6NFSS:W6 Incmons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv R7NFSS:W7 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv R8NFSS:W8 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv R9NFSS:W9 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv R10NFSS:W10 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv R11NFSS:W11 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3NFSS S4NFSS S5NFSS S6NFSS S7NFSS S8NFSS S9NFSS S10NFSS S11NFSS S3NFSS:W3 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv S4NFSS:W4 Incmons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv S5NFSS:W5 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv S6NFSS:W6 Incmons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv S7NFSS:W7 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv S8NFSS:W8 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv S9NFSS:W9 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv S10NFSS:W10 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv S11NFSS:W11 IncMons DK Flag-SocSec Retire, Surv Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 H1ISSJ H2ISSJ H1ISSJ:W1 IncPart-Soc Sec/joint check H2ISSJ:W2 IncPart-Soc Sec/joint check Cont Cont 1 2 H1IOSSJ H2IOSSJ H1IOSSJ:W1 Receives-Soc Sec/joint check H2IOSSJ:W2 Receives-Soc Sec/joint check Categ Categ 1 2 H1IFSSJ H2IFSSJ H1IFSSJ:W1 ImpFlag-Soc Sec/joint check H2IFSSJ:W2 ImpFlag-Soc Sec/joint check Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N R1ISRET R2ISRET R3ISRET R4ISRET R5ISRET R6ISRET R7ISRET R8ISRET R9ISRET R10ISRET 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 Mean 329.30 3165.87 3694.72 4264.16 4925.31 6022.27 5843.43 6722.27 7640.99 6413.04 Std Dev 1580.89 4166.08 4667.58 4816.78 5166.87 5819.43 6194.43 6679.46 7183.12 7748.78 Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Maximum 26000.0 26592.0 69670.3 40125.7 52025.0 42701.9 44006.4 44241.1 50263.3 50288.5 Section B: Income 187 R11ISRET 20554 6957.98 8072.02 0.0 50515.1 S1ISRET S2ISRET S3ISRET S4ISRET S5ISRET S6ISRET S7ISRET S8ISRET S9ISRET S10ISRET S11ISRET 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 377.99 2571.12 3062.81 3613.83 4222.61 5280.70 5199.83 6014.42 6872.58 5705.64 6272.00 1684.82 3940.38 4384.90 4676.65 5055.50 5829.95 6248.52 6749.69 7220.48 7582.40 8053.74 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26000.0 24000.0 41318.7 32270.1 51808.1 41492.8 44006.4 42203.1 48000.0 50288.5 50515.1 R1IFSRET R2IFSRET R3IFSRET R4IFSRET R5IFSRET R6IFSRET R7IFSRET R8IFSRET R9IFSRET R10IFSRET R11IFSRET 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.14 0.59 0.68 0.71 0.74 0.79 0.72 0.77 0.81 0.75 0.72 0.82 0.93 0.98 1.03 0.94 0.74 0.81 0.78 0.81 1.21 0.98 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFSRET S2IFSRET S3IFSRET S4IFSRET S5IFSRET S6IFSRET S7IFSRET S8IFSRET S9IFSRET S10IFSRET S11IFSRET 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1.63 2.78 2.93 3.01 3.11 3.25 3.14 3.24 3.37 3.30 3.35 3.17 3.54 3.53 3.56 3.55 3.52 3.54 3.54 3.55 3.64 3.62 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R1ISS R2ISS R3ISS R4ISS R5ISS R6ISS R7ISS R8ISS R9ISS R10ISS R11ISS 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 326.77 3116.19 3694.72 4264.16 4925.31 6022.27 5843.43 6722.27 7640.99 6413.04 6957.98 1577.65 4163.31 4667.58 4816.78 5166.87 5819.43 6194.43 6679.46 7183.12 7748.78 8072.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26000.0 26592.0 69670.3 40125.7 52025.0 42701.9 44006.4 44241.1 50263.3 50288.5 50515.1 S1ISS S2ISS S3ISS S4ISS S5ISS S6ISS S7ISS S8ISS S9ISS S10ISS S11ISS 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 374.91 2499.74 3062.81 3613.83 4222.61 5280.70 5199.83 6014.42 6872.58 5705.64 6272.00 1681.16 3925.18 4384.90 4676.65 5055.50 5829.95 6248.52 6749.69 7220.48 7582.40 8053.74 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26000.0 24000.0 41318.7 32270.1 51808.1 41492.8 44006.4 42203.1 48000.0 50288.5 50515.1 R1IOSS 12652 0.05 0.23 0.0 1.0 Section B: Income 188 R2IOSS R3IOSS R4IOSS R5IOSS R6IOSS R7IOSS R8IOSS R9IOSS R10IOSS R11IOSS 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.44 0.50 0.54 0.59 0.65 0.60 0.64 0.67 0.52 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.47 0.50 0.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOSS S2IOSS S3IOSS S4IOSS S5IOSS S6IOSS S7IOSS S8IOSS S9IOSS S10IOSS 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 0.06 0.36 0.44 0.47 0.52 0.59 0.54 0.58 0.61 0.47 0.24 0.48 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.50 0.49 0.49 0.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFSS R2IFSS R3IFSS R4IFSS R5IFSS R6IFSS R7IFSS R8IFSS R9IFSS R10IFSS R11IFSS 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.78 4.08 3.85 3.55 3.34 3.06 3.30 3.11 2.98 3.73 3.58 1.12 2.44 2.42 2.48 2.46 2.38 2.43 2.40 2.37 2.49 2.45 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFSS S2IFSS S3IFSS S4IFSS S5IFSS S6IFSS S7IFSS S8IFSS S9IFSS S10IFSS S11IFSS 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.18 5.50 5.36 5.20 5.10 4.96 5.07 5.00 4.97 5.40 5.35 1.38 2.57 2.66 2.81 2.87 2.96 2.89 2.95 2.99 2.77 2.80 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R3MSS R4MSS R5MSS R6MSS R7MSS R8MSS R9MSS R10MSS R11MSS 2536 11529 11563 11890 12013 11742 11486 11422 11279 666.64 691.21 729.63 812.12 858.12 914.75 981.48 1065.38 1117.16 278.13 297.41 324.45 371.24 403.82 439.16 473.09 526.25 553.58 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 3048.1 3363.3 4335.4 3558.5 3667.2 3686.8 4188.6 4190.7 4239.3 2013 6826 6798 7003 7185 6958 6724 676.04 679.97 716.34 801.57 857.32 910.64 969.81 291.84 308.92 334.00 389.03 432.64 465.90 490.01 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 3048.1 3363.3 4317.3 3457.7 3667.2 3516.9 4000.0 S3MSS S4MSS S5MSS S6MSS S7MSS S8MSS S9MSS Section B: Income S10MSS S11MSS 189 6694 6520 1051.87 1110.55 540.83 582.68 13.0 1.0 4233.6 4209.6 R3NFSS R4NFSS R5NFSS R6NFSS R7NFSS R8NFSS R9NFSS R10NFSS R11NFSS 2536 11529 11563 11890 12013 11742 11486 11422 11279 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.12 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.16 0.14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S3NFSS S4NFSS S5NFSS S6NFSS S7NFSS S8NFSS S9NFSS S10NFSS S11NFSS 2013 6826 6798 7003 7185 6958 6724 6694 6520 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.13 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.18 0.15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1ISSJ H2ISSJ 12652 8222 5.04 237.38 217.95 1773.93 0.0 0.0 13200.0 24000.0 H1IOSSJ H2IOSSJ 12652 8222 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.14 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 H1IFSSJ H2IFSSJ 12652 8222 6.02 6.82 0.32 1.24 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|R1IFSRET 0.no income |11807 1.no imputatio|634 2.some imputat|116 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFSRET 10416 7853 1240 133 R3IFSRET 8802 6985 2078 126 R4IFSRET 9703 9657 1818 206 R5IFSRET 7939 9712 1791 137 R6IFSRET 6239 9828 2060 38 R7IFSRET 8067 10042 1947 73 R8IFSRET 6693 9809 1910 57 R9IFSRET 5697 9522 1932 66 R10IFSRET 10343 9225 2139 327 R11IFSRET 9177 8981 2239 157 Value---------|S1IFSRET 0.no income |9512 1.no imputatio|573 2.some imputat|99 8.no Sp/Part->|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFSRET 8384 4486 700 5970 102 S3IFSRET 6872 4164 1211 5658 86 S4IFSRET 7552 5753 1025 6869 185 S5IFSRET 6184 5720 1044 6538 93 S6IFSRET 4824 5798 1204 6306 33 S7IFSRET 6111 5979 1193 6777 69 S8IFSRET 5068 5807 1128 6417 49 S9IFSRET 4253 5563 1138 6205 58 S10IFSRET 7306 5371 1284 7799 274 S11IFSRET 6441 5157 1342 7474 140 Value---------|R1IOSS 0.receives no |11964 1.receives inc|688 R2IOSS 11010 8632 R3IOSS 8907 9084 R4IOSS 9855 11529 R5IOSS 8016 11563 R6IOSS 6275 11890 R7IOSS 8116 12013 R8IOSS 6727 11742 R9IOSS 5731 11486 R10IOSS 10612 11422 R11IOSS 9275 11279 Value---------|S1IOSS .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9653 1.receives inc|626 S2IOSS 5970 8696 4976 S3IOSS 5658 6952 5381 S4IOSS 6869 7689 6826 S5IOSS 6538 6243 6798 S6IOSS 6306 4856 7003 S7IOSS 6777 6167 7185 S8IOSS 6417 5094 6958 S9IOSS 6205 4288 6724 S10IOSS 7799 7541 6694 Value---------|R1IFSS 1.continuous v|619 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|64 6.no income |11822 7.DK if income|52 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFSS 7475 R3IFSS 6985 635 83 1308 8802 52 126 R4IFSS 9657 944 108 709 9703 57 206 R5IFSS 9712 711 97 927 7939 56 137 R6IFSS 9828 725 103 1173 6239 59 38 R7IFSS 10042 774 94 1044 8067 35 73 R8IFSS 9809 787 94 1008 6693 21 57 R9IFSS 9522 805 125 974 5697 28 66 R10IFSS 9225 878 161 1031 10343 69 327 R11IFSS 8981 949 155 1092 9177 43 157 S3IFSS 4164 363 S4IFSS 5753 530 S5IFSS 5720 401 S6IFSS 5798 423 S7IFSS 5979 451 S8IFSS 5807 439 S9IFSS 5563 445 S10IFSS 5371 482 S11IFSS 5157 493 Value---------|S1IFSS 1.continuous v|559 2.complete bra| 976 10818 239 134 S2IFSS 4351 Section B: Income 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|58 6.no income |9526 7.DK if income|41 8.No spouse/pa|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 190 46 775 6872 27 5658 86 44 416 7552 35 6869 185 58 552 6184 33 6538 93 59 693 4824 29 6306 33 51 660 6111 31 6777 69 45 627 5068 17 6417 49 67 605 4253 21 6205 58 88 663 7306 51 7799 274 85 714 6441 50 7474 140 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| R3NFSS 8428 7027 2501 35 R4NFSS 9855 R5NFSS 8016 R6NFSS 6275 R7NFSS 8116 R8NFSS 6727 R9NFSS 5731 R10NFSS 10612 R11NFSS 9275 11274 255 11359 204 11706 184 11852 161 11627 115 11334 152 11127 295 11060 219 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| S3NFSS 6616 3704 5658 1980 33 S4NFSS 7689 S5NFSS 6243 S6NFSS 4856 S7NFSS 6167 S8NFSS 5094 S9NFSS 4287 S10NFSS 7541 S11NFSS 6560 6869 6659 167 6538 6679 119 6306 6875 128 6777 7056 129 6417 6854 104 6206 6604 120 7799 6478 216 7474 6365 155 512 8543 163 5970 103 Value---------|H1IOSSJ .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |12637 1.receives inc|15 H2IOSSJ 11420 8063 159 Value---------|H1IFSSJ .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|15 5.no value/bra| 6.no income |12490 7.DK if income|52 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2IFSSJ 11420 135 24 4290 97 3673 3 General Comments: Income measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD income component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in whether unfolding brackets are used to determine a range of income when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. The order in which income questions are asked also changes across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. Generally, Wave 1 questions ask about 1991 income, and Wave 2H asks about 1993 income. Wave 2A and from Wave 3 forward ask about income last calendar year. All questions are based on the Financial Respondent's interview year. Not all interviews are completely conducted in the same year for waves 2A, 3H, 4, and from 5 forward. The HRS and AHEAD income components are summed to create the income measures requested for these files. For each derived income measure, a flag indicates whether any or all of its components were imputed. Individual income components and imputation flags are available in the “RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File”. HRS and AHEAD income measures are reported at the household level. The Financial Respondent (FinR) reports income for both him/herself and his/her spouse or partner. The respondent income measures on this file are those of the FinR, if they are the same individual, and the spouse income measures are those of the FinR's spouse. If the respondent is the spouse of the FinR, then the FinR-reported respondent and spouse measures are swapped. That is, if the respondent is the FinR's spouse then the FinR-reported spouse income is assigned as the respondent income and the FinR-reported respondent income is assigned as the spouse income. How Constructed: RwISRET is the respondent's income from Social Security retirement, spouse or widow benefits. SwISRET is the spouse's income from Social Security retirement, spouse or widow benefits. Section B: Income 191 The variable derivation checks the months in which income was received and multiplies the monthly amount appropriately to calculate a yearly amount. In Wave 3A, respondents and spouses who received income from Social Security are asked to indicate what type of benefit (i.e., retirement, disability, survivor benefits, dependent of disabled or retired, or other). People list up to two types of Social Security benefits. However, the questions about how much they received do not make a distinction between amounts received from each type of benefit; they simply lump them together. Therefore, we decided that if a person reports receiving retirement income even if they also report getting another type of income from Social Security (EXCEPT disability), the amount they indicated would be considered retirement income. Beginning in Version F, we incorporated logic in Waves 1 and 2H and from Wave 3H forward that examines the ages of respondents and spouses. For those who are greater than 66 years of age at the time of the interview and receive Social Security disability income, we override the disability income and assign the income to retirement instead. This is based on the notion that these individuals turned 65 or 66 (i.e., retirement age) during the last calendar year, at which point disability benefits automatically convert to retirement benefits. RwISRET and SwISRET only include Social Security income if it is NOT received due to disability. These variables report annual income and are constructed by taking the monthly amount (RwMSS, SwMSS) and multiplying by the appropriate number of months (RwNSS, SwNSS) to derive the amount received in the last calendar year (RwISS, SwISS). If the start month is missing and the start year is within the past year, the number of months received is set to six and a flag is set to one (RwNFSS, SwNFSS). If both the start month and year are unknown, the number of months received is set to 12 and a flag is set to one (RwNFSS, SwNFSS). Variables in the form HwIFvar/RwIFvar/SwIFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwIOvar/RwIFvar/SwIFvar indicate whether income is received from this type of income. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The way the Social Security income questions are asked varies across waves. In Waves 1 and 2A, Social Security income could be reported individually or, if the respondent is married, jointly. If the income is reported jointly, the income is split between the respondent and spouse. In Waves 1, 2, and 3A, the type of Social Security income received is reported. From Wave 3H forward, variables in the disability section indicating whether the respondent and spouse receive Social Security disability are used to determine whether Social Security reported in the income section is disability income or not. In Wave 1, the questions ask the annual amount of social security received in 1991. In Wave 1 and Wave 2A, if the respondent and spouse received a joint check only, one amount is asked; if they received separate checks, amounts are asked for each individual. From Wave 2 forward, a monthly amount is asked. The first month Social Security was received is also asked. In Waves 1, 2, and 3A, the type of Social Security income received is asked. The type can be retirement, disability, survivor benefits, dependent of retired, dependent of disabled or other. In Wave 1, if a joint check is received, the type is not asked. From Wave 3H forward, the type of Social Security income is not asked. From Wave 3 forward, if the respondent refuses or does not know income, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The income changed in Wave 5, but otherwise are the same across all 3A, where the bracket amounts are based on the last year rather no unfolding bracket questions are asked. the value of monthly Social Security bracket amounts for Social Security waves. The exception to this is in Wave than the last month. In Waves 1 and 2, Beginning in Wave 6, there are two possible sources of information about whether the spouse receives social security: (1) the financial respondent's report in the income section (Section Q); and (2) the spouse's self-report in the employment section (Section J). To determine whether the spouse has any social security income, we use the spouse's self-report. However, if the spouse did not respond, or the Section B: Income 192 self-report is missing, we use the financial respondent's report. Our rationale for doing this is that the self-report is probably more accurate. It is also important to note that the self-report in the employment section is the only question about whether the financial respondent receives social security income. From Wave 7 forward, an additional response option (“6. SSDI HAS CONVERTED TO SOCIAL SECURITY (VOL)”) was added to the question below, which helped us determine whether the type of social security income being received was for retirement or disability: According to our records, in [PREV WAVE FIRST R IW MONTH]/[/Prev Wave Iw Mo] [Previous Wave First R Interview Year]/[Prev Wave Iw Yr] you were receiving benefits from the Social Security Disability program or the Supplemental Security Income program. Which program was this: the Social Security Disability or the Supplemental Security Income program, or both? There were fewer than 50 individuals who selected this category. We added logic to check the ages of these individuals before designating them as receiving social security retirement income. Specifically, to make them have retirement income instead of disability income, we required that a person be greater than 66 years of age at the time of the interview or have an end year for their social security income before the last calendar year. Because of the differences in the way income information was collected for the HRS and AHEAD samples in wave 2, the income component imputation flags that apply vary depending on the entry cohort of the respondent. For HRS entry cohort respondents, H2IFSSJ is set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income components are not available in Wave 2. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V16001 V16003 V16012 V16021 V16030 V16107 V6001 V6002 V6003 V6006 V6008 V6009 V6010 V6011 V6012 V6015 V6017 V6018 V6019 V6020 V6021 V6024 V6026 V6027 V6028 V6029 V6030 V6101 V6103 V6104 V6105 V6106 V6107 AHEAD 1993: B1376 N41:SS:RCV SOC SEC I:IND N41B:SS: AMT RECD I:IND N42A:SS:R1: AMT REC:IND N42A:SS:R2 AMT RECV:IND N43A:SS:R1: AMT REC:IND N44A:SS:R2 AMT RECV:IND N41:SS:RCV SOC SEC I:IMP N41A:SS:1CHK/SEPARATE CK N41B:SS: AMT RECVD :IMP N42:SS:R1RETIREMENT N42:SS:R1SURVIVORS BEN N42:SS:R1DEPND OF DISAB N42:SS:R1DEPND OR RETIR N42:SS:R1OTHER N42A:SS:R1 AMT RECV:IMP N42:SS:R2RETIREMENT N42:SS:R2SURVIVORS BEN N42:SS:R2DEPND OF DISAB N42:SS:R2DEPND OR RETIR N42:SS:R2OTHER N42A:SS:R2 AMT RECV:IMP N43:SS:R1RETIREMENT N43:SS:R1SURVIVORS BENFT N43:SS:R1DPEND OF DSABLD N43:SS:R1DPEND OF RTIRED N43:SS:R1OTHER N43A:SS:R1 AMT RECV:IMP N44:SS:R2RETIREMENT N44:SS:R2SURVIVORS BENFT N44:SS:R2DPEND OF DSABLD N44:SS:R2DPEND OF RTIRED N44:SS:R2OTHER N44A:SS:R2 AMT RECV:IMP J1. SS: RECEIVE ANY Section B: Income B1377 B1378 B1379 B1381 B1382 B1389 B1390 B1392 B1393 HRS 1994: W16253 W16254 W16260 W16268 W6253 W6254 W6255 W6256 W6260 W6261 W6262 W6263 W6264 W6268 W6269 W6270 AHEAD 1995: D3875 D3877M1 D3877M2 D3878 D3879 D3880 D3881 D3883 D3884 D3885 D3886M1 D3886M2 D3888 D3889 D3890 D3891 D3893 D3894 HRS 1996: E3580 E3582 E3606 E3614 E3616 E3983 E3984 E3985 E3986 E3987 E3989 E3990 E3991 E3996 E3997 E3998 E4000 193 J1a. SS: 1 OR 2 CHECKS J2. SS: R TYPE J2b. SS: R $ LAST MONTH J2d. SS: R START MONTH J2e. SS: R START YEAR J3. SS: SP TYPE J3a. SS: SP $ LAST MONTH J3c. SS: SP START MONTH J3d. SS: SP START YEAR N23. Imputation flag N23a. Imputation flag N23c. Imputation flag N23g. Imputation flag N23.SOCIAL SECURITY? N23a.WHO RECEIVED SOCIAL N23b.TYPE SOCIAL SECURIT N23b.TYPE SOCIAL SECURIT N23c.AMT SS LAST MONTH N23e.START RECEIVING SSN23e.START RECEIVING SSN23f.SP-TYPE SOCIAL SECU N23f.SP-TYPE SOCIAL SECU N23g.SP-AMT SS LAST MONT N23h.SP-START RECEIVING N23h.SP-START RECEIVING J1.RECEIVE SOC SEC J2.R TYPE SOC SEC J2.R TYPE SOC SEC J3.AMT SOC SEC LAST MNTH J3A.AMT SS R DK-1 J3B.AMT SS R DK-2 J3C.AMT SS R DK-3 J4A.MONTH START SOC SEC J4A.YEAR START SOC SEC J5.SP REC SS J5A.SP TYPE SOC SEC J5A.SP TYPE SOC SEC J6.AMT SOC SEC LAST MNTH SP/PT J6A.AMT SS S DK-1 J6B.AMT SS S DK-2 J6C.AMT SS S DK-3 J7A.MONTH START SOC SEC SP/PT J7B.YEAR START SOC SEC SP/PT GD18. RECEIVE SSD/SSI GD18B. SS STOP-YR GD26F1. SS RECEIVE-YR GD26J. SS-STILL RECEIVING GD26K1. SS STOP-YR J45.SOC SEC INCOME J46.WHO RECEIVE SOC SEC INCOME J47.R AMT RECVD SS LAST MO J47A.R $ RECVD SS LAST MO DK-1K J47B.R $ RECVD SS LAST MO DK-1.5K J47D.R $ RECVD SS LAST MO DK-500 J48.R RECV SS BENEFITS START YEAR J49.SS BENEFITS START MONTH J50A1.SP HOW MUCH SS BENEFITS J50A2.SP $ SS BENEFITS DK-1K J50A3.SP $ SS BENEFITS DK-1.5K J50A5.SP $ SS BENEFITS DK-500 Section B: Income E4001 E4002 HRS 1998: F272 F273 F4088 F4090 F4135 F4139 F4141 F4498 F4502 F4504 F4743 F4744 F4745 F4746 F4747 F4749 F4750 F4751 F4756 F4757 F4758 F4760 F4761 F4762 HRS 2000: G272 G273 G4374 G4378 G4382 G4392 G4396 G4399 G4405 G4409 G4412 G4465 G4466 G4472 G4870 G4875 G4877 G5182 G5185 G5186 G5187 G5188 G5190 G5193 G5194 G5199 G5200 G5201 G5203 G5204 G5205 HRS 2002: HM030F1 HM030L1 HM032B1 194 J50B1.SP BENEFITS START - YEAR J50B2.SP BENEFITS START - MONTH PREV WAVE R REC SS PREV WAVE S/P REC SS GD18. RECEIVE SSD/SSI GD18B. SS STOP-YR GD26F1. SS RECEIVE-YR GD26J. SS-STILL RECEIVING GD26K1. SS STOP-YR GJ123F1.SS AWARDED - YEAR GJ123J.STILL RECEIVING BENEFITS GJ123K1.BENEFITS STOPPED - YEAR J45.SOC SEC INCOME J46.WHO RECEIVE SOC SEC INCOME J47.R AMT RECVD SS LAST MO J47A.R DK-1K J47B.R DK-1,500 J47D.R DK-500 J48.R SS BENEFITS START YEAR J49.R SS BENEFITS START MONTH J50A1.SP HOW MUCH SS BENEFITS J50A2.SP DK-1K J50A3.SP DK-1,500 J50A5.SP DK-500 J50B1.SP SS BENEFITS START YEAR J50B2.SP SS BENEFITS START MONTH PR272.PREV WAVE R REC SS PR273.PREV WAVE S/P REC SS GD18AA. REC`D SSDI BENEFITS GD18AD. SSDI START-YEAR GD18AF. SSDI STOP-YR GD18CC. SSDI START-YEAR GD18CG.STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS GD18CK. SSDI STOP-YR GD18DF. SSDI START-YEAR GD18DK.STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS GD18DP. SSDI STOP-YR GD26F1.SSD LAST APP BENEFITS START-YR GD26G.SSD-STILL RECEIVING GD26M1.SSD BENEFITS STOP-YR GJ123F1.SSDI AWARDED - YEAR GJ123J.STILL RECEIVING BENEFITS GJ123K.BENEFITS STOPPED - YEAR J45.SOC SEC INCOME J46.WHO RECEIVE SOC SEC INCOME J47.R AMT RECVD SS LAST MO J47A.R DK-700 J47B.R DK-1000 J47D.R DK-500 J48.R SS BENEFITS START YEAR J49.R SS BENEFITS START MONTH J50A1.SP HOW MUCH SS BENEFITS J50A2.SP DK-700 J50A3.SP DK-1000 J50A5.SP DK-500 J50B1.SP SS BENEFITS START YEAR J50B2.SP SS BENEFITS START MONTH HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR HM032B1 SSDI START-YR Section B: Income HM032F1 HM032L1 HM040K HM040P HM040V HM648B1 HM648B2 HM648F1 HM648F2 HM648L1 HQ084 HQ085 HQ086 HQ087 HQ088 HQ089 HQ090 HQ091 HQ092 HQ093 HQ094 HQ095 HQ096 HQ106 HZ125 HZ126 HRS 2004: JM030 JMW234C JMW234I JMW234Q JMW234R JMW238A JMW238C JMW238I JMW238Q JMW238R JMW244A JMW244C JMW244I JMW244Q JMW244R JQ084 JQ085 JQ086 JQ087 JQ088 JQ089 JQ090 JQ091 JQ092 JQ093 JQ094 JQ095 JQ096 JQ106 JZ125 JZ126 HRS 2006: KM030 KMW234C KMW234I KMW234Q 195 HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR HM040K SSDI START-YR HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS HM040VSSDI STOP-YR SSDI START YEAR-1 SSDI START YEAR-2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS-1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS-2 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS HM030 REC SSDI/SSI/BOTH HM032B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM040K SSDI START-YR -3 HM648B1 SSDI START YEAR-1 HM648B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -1 HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -3 HM648F1 STILL REC SSDI BENS-1 HM648F2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM030K1 SSDI STOP-YR HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR -2 HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR -3 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 HM648L2 SSDI STOP-YR -2 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS HM030 REC SSDI/SSI/BOTH HM032B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM040K SSDI START-YR -3 HM648B1 SSDI START YEAR-1 Section B: Income KMW234R KMW238A KMW238C KMW238I KMW238Q KMW238R KMW244A KMW244C KMW244I KMW244Q KMW244R KQ084 KQ085 KQ086 KQ087 KQ088 KQ089 KQ090 KQ091 KQ092 KQ093 KQ094 KQ095 KQ096 KQ106 KZ125 KZ126 HRS 2008: LM030 LMW234C LMW234I LMW234Q LMW234R LMW238A LMW238C LMW238I LMW238Q LMW238R LMW244A LMW244C LMW244I LMW244Q LMW244R LQ084 LQ085 LQ086 LQ087 LQ088 LQ089 LQ090 LQ091 LQ092 LQ093 LQ094 LQ095 LQ096 LQ106 LZ125 LZ126 HRS 2010: MM030 MMW234C MMW234I 196 HM648B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -1 HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -3 HM648F1 STILL REC SSDI BENS-1 HM648F2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM030K1 SSDI STOP-YR HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR -2 HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR -3 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 HM648L2 SSDI STOP-YR -2 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS HM030 REC SSDI/SSI/BOTH HM032B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM040K SSDI START-YR -3 HM648B1 SSDI START YEAR-1 HM648B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -1 HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -3 HM648F1 STILL REC SSDI BENS-1 HM648F2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM030K1 SSDI STOP-YR HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR -2 HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR -3 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 HM648L2 SSDI STOP-YR -2 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS HM030 REC SSDI/SSI/BOTH HM032B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM040K SSDI START-YR -3 Section B: Income MMW234Q MMW234R MMW238A MMW238C MMW238I MMW238Q MMW238R MMW244A MMW244C MMW244I MMW244Q MMW244R MQ084 MQ085 MQ086 MQ087 MQ088 MQ089 MQ090 MQ091 MQ092 MQ093 MQ094 MQ095 MQ096 MQ106 MZ125 MZ126 HRS 2012: NM030 NMW234C NMW234I NMW234Q NMW234R NMW238A NMW238C NMW238I NMW238Q NMW238R NMW244A NMW244C NMW244I NMW244Q NMW244R NQ084 NQ085 NQ086 NQ087 NQ088 NQ089 NQ090 NQ091 NQ092 NQ093 NQ094 NQ095 NQ096 NQ106 NZ125 NZ126 Tracker: AFINR BFINR 197 HM648B1 SSDI START YEAR-1 HM648B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -1 HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -3 HM648F1 STILL REC SSDI BENS-1 HM648F2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM030K1 SSDI STOP-YR HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR -2 HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR -3 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 HM648L2 SSDI STOP-YR -2 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS HM030 REC SSDI/SSI/BOTH HM032B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM040K SSDI START-YR -3 HM648B1 SSDI START YEAR-1 HM648B2 SSDI START-YR -2 HM030F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -1 HM032F1 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM040P STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -3 HM648F1 STILL REC SSDI BENS-1 HM648F2 STILL RECEIVING SSDI BENEFITS -2 HM030K1 SSDI STOP-YR HM030L1 SSDI STOP-YR -2 HM032L1 SSDI STOP-YR -3 SSDI STOP YEAR-1 HM648L2 SSDI STOP-YR -2 SP SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME R AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN R AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX R AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT R YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP AMOUNT OF SS INCOME - LAST MONTH SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MIN SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - MAX SP AMT FROM SS INCOME - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED TO RECEIVE SS BENEFITS WHO RECEIVED INC FROM SSI LAST MONTH PREV WAVE R RECEIVES SS PREV WAVE S/P RECEIVES SS 1992 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT 1993 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT Section B: Income CFINR DFINR EFINR FFINR GFINR HFINR JFINR KFINR LFINR MFINR NFINR 198 1994 1995 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT Section B: Income 199 Individual Unemployment or Workers Compensation Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IUNWC R2IUNWC R3IUNWC R4IUNWC R5IUNWC R6IUNWC R7IUNWC R8IUNWC R9IUNWC R10IUNWC R11IUNWC R1IUNWC:W1 Income:R Unemp + R2IUNWC:W2 Income:R Unemp + R3IUNWC:W3 Income:R Unemp + R4IUNWC:W4 Income:R Unemp + R5IUNWC:W5 Income:R Unemp + R6IUNWC:W6 Income:R Unemp + R7IUNWC:W7 Income:R Unemp + R8IUNWC:W8 Income:R Unemp + R9IUNWC:W9 Income:R Unemp + R10IUNWC:W10 Income:R Unemp R11IUNWC:W11 Income:R Unemp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IUNWC S2IUNWC S3IUNWC S4IUNWC S5IUNWC S6IUNWC S7IUNWC S8IUNWC S9IUNWC S10IUNWC S11IUNWC S1IUNWC:W1 Income:Sp Unemp + S2IUNWC:W2 Income:Sp Unemp + S3IUNWC:W3 Income:Sp Unemp + S4IUNWC:W4 Income:Sp Unemp + S5IUNWC:W5 Income:Sp Unemp + S6IUNWC:W6 Income:Sp Unemp + S7IUNWC:W7 Income:Sp Unemp + S8IUNWC:W8 Income:Sp Unemp + S9IUNWC:W9 Income:Sp Unemp + S10IUNWC:W10 Income:Sp Unemp S11IUNWC:W11 Income:Sp Unemp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOUNWC R2IOUNWC R3IOUNWC R4IOUNWC R5IOUNWC R6IOUNWC R7IOUNWC R8IOUNWC R9IOUNWC R10IOUNWC R11IOUNWC R1IOUNWC:W1 Receives:R Unemp + R2IOUNWC:W2 Receives:R Unemp + R3IOUNWC:W3 Receives:R Unemp + R4IOUNWC:W4 Receives:R Unemp + R5IOUNWC:W5 Receives:R Unemp + R6IOUNWC:W6 Receives:R Unemp + R7IOUNWC:W7 Receives:R Unemp + R8IOUNWC:W8 Receives:R Unemp + R9IOUNWC:W9 Receives:R Unemp + R10IOUNWC:W10 Receives:R Unemp R11IOUNWC:W11 Receives:R Unemp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IOUNWC S2IOUNWC S3IOUNWC S4IOUNWC S5IOUNWC S6IOUNWC S7IOUNWC S8IOUNWC S9IOUNWC S10IOUNWC S11IOUNWC S1IOUNWC:W1 Receives:Sp Unemp + S2IOUNWC:W2 Receives:Sp Unemp + S3IOUNWC:W3 Receives:Sp Unemp + S4IOUNWC:W4 Receives:Sp Unemp + S5IOUNWC:W5 Receives:Sp Unemp + S6IOUNWC:W6 Receives:Sp Unemp + S7IOUNWC:W7 Receives:Sp Unemp + S8IOUNWC:W8 Receives:Sp Unemp + S9IOUNWC:W9 Receives:Sp Unemp + S10IOUNWC:W10 Receives:Sp Unemp S11IOUNWC:W11 Receives:Sp Unemp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R1IFUNWC R2IFUNWC R3IFUNWC R4IFUNWC R5IFUNWC R6IFUNWC R7IFUNWC R8IFUNWC R9IFUNWC R1IFUNWC:W1 R2IFUNWC:W2 R3IFUNWC:W3 R4IFUNWC:W4 R5IFUNWC:W5 R6IFUNWC:W6 R7IFUNWC:W7 R8IFUNWC:W8 R9IFUNWC:W9 ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R Unemp Unemp Unemp Unemp Unemp Unemp Unemp Unemp Unemp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp + Workers Comp + Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp + Workers Comp + Workers Comp + + + + + + + + + Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp + Workers Comp + Workers Comp Workers Comp WorkerComp WorkerComp Workers Comp Workers Comp WorkerComp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp + Workers Comp + Workers Comp Workers Workers Workers Workers Workers Workers Workers Workers Workers Comp Comp Comp Comp Comp Comp Comp Comp Comp Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Section B: Income 200 10 11 R10IFUNWC R11IFUNWC R10IFUNWC:W10 ImpFlag:R Unemp + Workers Comp R11IFUNWC:W11 ImpFlag:R Unemp + Workers Comp Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFUNWC S2IFUNWC S3IFUNWC S4IFUNWC S5IFUNWC S6IFUNWC S7IFUNWC S8IFUNWC S9IFUNWC S10IFUNWC S11IFUNWC S1IFUNWC:W1 ImpFlag:Sp Unemp + S2IFUNWC:W2 ImpFlag:Sp Unemp + S3IFUNWC:W3 ImpFlag:Sp Unemp + S4IFUNWC:W4 ImpFlag:Sp Unemp + S5IFUNWC:W5 ImpFlag:Sp Unemp + S6IFUNWC:W6 ImpFlag:Sp Unemp + S7IFUNWC:W7 ImpFlag:Sp Unemp + S8IFUNWC:W8 ImpFlag:Sp Unemp + S9IFUNWC:W9 ImpFlag:Sp Unemp + S10IFUNWC:W10 ImpFlag:Sp Unemp S11IFUNWC:W11 ImpFlag:Sp Unemp Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IUNEM R2IUNEM R3IUNEM R4IUNEM R5IUNEM R6IUNEM R7IUNEM R8IUNEM R9IUNEM R10IUNEM R11IUNEM R1IUNEM:W1 IncPart-Unemployment R2IUNEM:W2 IncPart-Unemployment R3IUNEM:W3 IncPart-Unemployment R4IUNEM:W4 IncPart-Unemployment R5IUNEM:W5 IncPart-Unemployment R6IUNEM:W6 IncPart-Unemployment R7IUNEM:W7 IncPart-Unemployment R8IUNEM:W8 IncPart-Unemployment R9IUNEM:W9 IncPart-Unemployment R10IUNEM:W10 IncPart-Unemployment R11IUNEM:W11 IncPart-Unemployment Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IUNEM S2IUNEM S3IUNEM S4IUNEM S5IUNEM S6IUNEM S7IUNEM S8IUNEM S9IUNEM S10IUNEM S11IUNEM S1IUNEM:W1 IncPart-Unemployment S2IUNEM:W2 IncPart-Unemployment S3IUNEM:W3 IncPart-Unemployment S4IUNEM:W4 IncPart-Unemployment S5IUNEM:W5 IncPart-Unemployment S6IUNEM:W6 IncPart-Unemployment S7IUNEM:W7 IncPart-Unemployment S8IUNEM:W8 IncPart-Unemployment S9IUNEM:W9 IncPart-Unemployment S10IUNEM:W10 IncPart-Unemployment S11IUNEM:W11 IncPart-Unemployment Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOUNEM R2IOUNEM R3IOUNEM R4IOUNEM R5IOUNEM R6IOUNEM R7IOUNEM R8IOUNEM R9IOUNEM R10IOUNEM R11IOUNEM R1IOUNEM:W1 Receives-Unemployment R2IOUNEM:W2 Receives-Unemployment R3IOUNEM:W3 Receives-Unemployment R4IOUNEM:W4 Receives-Unemployment R5IOUNEM:W5 Receives-Unemployment R6IOUNEM:W6 Receives-Unemployment R7IOUNEM:W7 Receives-Unemployment R8IOUNEM:W8 Receives-Unemployment R9IOUNEM:W9 Receives-Unemployment R10IOUNEM:W10 Receives-Unemployment R11IOUNEM:W11 Receives-Unemployment Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IOUNEM S2IOUNEM S3IOUNEM S4IOUNEM S5IOUNEM S6IOUNEM S7IOUNEM S8IOUNEM S9IOUNEM S10IOUNEM S11IOUNEM S1IOUNEM:W1 Receives-Unemployment S2IOUNEM:W2 Receives-Unemployment S3IOUNEM:W3 Receives-Unemployment S4IOUNEM:W4 Receives-Unemployment S5IOUNEM:W5 Receives-Unemployment S6IOUNEM:W6 Receives-Unemployment S7IOUNEM:W7 Receives-Unemployment S8IOUNEM:W8 Receives-Unemployment S9IOUNEM:W9 Receives-Unemployment S10IOUNEM:W10 Receives-Unemployment S11IOUNEM:W11 Receives-Unemployment Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Workers Comp WorkerComp WorkerComp Workers Comp Workers Comp WorkerComp Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp + Workers Comp + Workers Comp Section B: Income 201 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IFUNEM R2IFUNEM R3IFUNEM R4IFUNEM R5IFUNEM R6IFUNEM R7IFUNEM R8IFUNEM R9IFUNEM R10IFUNEM R11IFUNEM R1IFUNEM:W1 ImpFlag-Unemployment R2IFUNEM:W2 ImpFlag-Unemployment R3IFUNEM:W3 ImpFlag-Unemployment R4IFUNEM:W4 ImpFlag-Unemployment R5IFUNEM:W5 ImpFlag-Unemployment R6IFUNEM:W6 ImpFlag-Unemployment R7IFUNEM:W7 ImpFlag-Unemployment R8IFUNEM:W8 ImpFlag-Unemployment R9IFUNEM:W9 ImpFlag-Unemployment R10IFUNEM:W10 ImpFlag-Unemployment R11IFUNEM:W11 ImpFlag-Unemployment Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFUNEM S2IFUNEM S3IFUNEM S4IFUNEM S5IFUNEM S6IFUNEM S7IFUNEM S8IFUNEM S9IFUNEM S10IFUNEM S11IFUNEM S1IFUNEM:W1 ImpFlag-Unemployment S2IFUNEM:W2 ImpFlag-Unemployment S3IFUNEM:W3 ImpFlag-Unemployment S4IFUNEM:W4 ImpFlag-Unemployment S5IFUNEM:W5 ImpFlag-Unemployment S6IFUNEM:W6 ImpFlag-Unemployment S7IFUNEM:W7 ImpFlag-Unemployment S8IFUNEM:W8 ImpFlag-Unemployment S9IFUNEM:W9 ImpFlag-Unemployment S10IFUNEM:W10 ImpFlag-Unemployment S11IFUNEM:W11 ImpFlag-Unemployment Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IWCMP R2IWCMP R3IWCMP R4IWCMP R5IWCMP R6IWCMP R7IWCMP R8IWCMP R9IWCMP R10IWCMP R11IWCMP R1IWCMP:W1 IncPart-Workers Comp R2IWCMP:W2 IncPart-Workers Comp R3IWCMP:W3 IncPart-Workers Comp R4IWCMP:W4 IncPart-Workers Comp R5IWCMP:W5 IncPart-Workers Comp R6IWCMP:W6 IncPart-Workers Comp R7IWCMP:W7 IncPart-Workers Comp R8IWCMP:W8 IncPart-Workers Comp R9IWCMP:W9 IncPart-Workers Comp R10IWCMP:W10 IncPart-Workers Comp R11IWCMP:W11 IncPart-Workers Comp Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IWCMP S2IWCMP S3IWCMP S4IWCMP S5IWCMP S6IWCMP S7IWCMP S8IWCMP S9IWCMP S10IWCMP S11IWCMP S1IWCMP:W1 IncPart-Workers Comp S2IWCMP:W2 IncPart-Workers Comp S3IWCMP:W3 IncPart-Workers Comp S4IWCMP:W4 IncPart-Workers Comp S5IWCMP:W5 IncPart-Workers Comp S6IWCMP:W6 IncPart-Workers Comp S7IWCMP:W7 IncPart-Workers Comp S8IWCMP:W8 IncPart-Workers Comp S9IWCMP:W9 IncPart-Workers Comp S10IWCMP:W10 IncPart-Workers Comp S11IWCMP:W11 IncPart-Workers Comp Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOWCMP R2IOWCMP R3IOWCMP R4IOWCMP R5IOWCMP R6IOWCMP R7IOWCMP R8IOWCMP R9IOWCMP R10IOWCMP R11IOWCMP R1IOWCMP:W1 Receives-Workers Comp R2IOWCMP:W2 Receives-Workers Comp R3IOWCMP:W3 Receives-Workers Comp R4IOWCMP:W4 Receives-Workers Comp R5IOWCMP:W5 Receives-Workers Comp R6IOWCMP:W6 Receives-Workers Comp R7IOWCMP:W7 Receives-Workers Comp R8IOWCMP:W8 Receives-Workers Comp R9IOWCMP:W9 Receives-Workers Comp R10IOWCMP:W10 Receives-Workers Comp R11IOWCMP:W11 Receives-Workers Comp Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 S1IOWCMP S2IOWCMP S3IOWCMP S1IOWCMP:W1 Receives-Workers Comp S2IOWCMP:W2 Receives-Workers Comp S3IOWCMP:W3 Receives-Workers Comp Categ Categ Categ Section B: Income 202 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S4IOWCMP S5IOWCMP S6IOWCMP S7IOWCMP S8IOWCMP S9IOWCMP S10IOWCMP S11IOWCMP S4IOWCMP:W4 Receives-Workers Comp S5IOWCMP:W5 Receives-Workers Comp S6IOWCMP:W6 Receives-Workers Comp S7IOWCMP:W7 Receives-Workers Comp S8IOWCMP:W8 Receives-Workers Comp S9IOWCMP:W9 Receives-Workers Comp S10IOWCMP:W10 Receives-Workers Comp S11IOWCMP:W11 Receives-Workers Comp Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IFWCMP R2IFWCMP R3IFWCMP R4IFWCMP R5IFWCMP R6IFWCMP R7IFWCMP R8IFWCMP R9IFWCMP R10IFWCMP R11IFWCMP R1IFWCMP:W1 ImpFlag-Workers Comp R2IFWCMP:W2 ImpFlag-Workers Comp R3IFWCMP:W3 ImpFlag-Workers Comp R4IFWCMP:W4 ImpFlag-Workers Comp R5IFWCMP:W5 ImpFlag-Workers Comp R6IFWCMP:W6 ImpFlag-Workers Comp R7IFWCMP:W7 ImpFlag-Workers Comp R8IFWCMP:W8 ImpFlag-Workers Comp R9IFWCMP:W9 ImpFlag-Workers Comp R10IFWCMP:W10 ImpFlag-Workers Comp R11IFWCMP:W11 ImpFlag-Workers Comp Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFWCMP S2IFWCMP S3IFWCMP S4IFWCMP S5IFWCMP S6IFWCMP S7IFWCMP S8IFWCMP S9IFWCMP S10IFWCMP S11IFWCMP S1IFWCMP:W1 ImpFlag-Workers Comp S2IFWCMP:W2 ImpFlag-Workers Comp S3IFWCMP:W3 ImpFlag-Workers Comp S4IFWCMP:W4 ImpFlag-Workers Comp S5IFWCMP:W5 ImpFlag-Workers Comp S6IFWCMP:W6 ImpFlag-Workers Comp S7IFWCMP:W7 ImpFlag-Workers Comp S8IFWCMP:W8 ImpFlag-Workers Comp S9IFWCMP:W9 ImpFlag-Workers Comp S10IFWCMP:W10 ImpFlag-Workers Comp S11IFWCMP:W11 ImpFlag-Workers Comp Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum R1IUNWC R2IUNWC R3IUNWC R4IUNWC R5IUNWC R6IUNWC R7IUNWC R8IUNWC R9IUNWC R10IUNWC R11IUNWC 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 204.77 123.92 106.62 110.69 94.85 64.03 112.12 79.74 79.09 320.04 228.51 1251.28 1044.24 1285.27 1075.24 1235.11 738.33 1163.63 901.74 1111.42 2134.49 1780.24 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30800.0 31000.0 60000.0 30000.0 100000.0 32760.0 80000.0 39000.0 100000.0 108321.1 50000.0 S1IUNWC S2IUNWC S3IUNWC S4IUNWC S5IUNWC S6IUNWC S7IUNWC S8IUNWC S9IUNWC S10IUNWC S11IUNWC 10279 17345 15656 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 208.55 106.99 97.24 123.39 102.95 74.41 113.36 96.81 92.86 357.11 245.83 1314.58 980.68 1297.26 1146.26 1375.84 798.96 1076.11 1091.31 1296.19 2313.51 1879.67 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30800.0 31000.0 60000.0 30000.0 100000.0 32760.0 50000.0 39000.0 100000.0 108321.1 36200.0 R1IOUNWC R2IOUNWC 12652 11420 0.06 0.06 0.24 0.23 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income 203 R3IOUNWC R4IOUNWC R5IOUNWC R6IOUNWC R7IOUNWC R8IOUNWC R9IOUNWC R10IOUNWC R11IOUNWC 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.20 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.21 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOUNWC S2IOUNWC S3IOUNWC S4IOUNWC S5IOUNWC S6IOUNWC S7IOUNWC S8IOUNWC S9IOUNWC S10IOUNWC S11IOUNWC 10279 9123 8629 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.23 0.22 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.22 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFUNWC R2IFUNWC R3IFUNWC R4IFUNWC R5IFUNWC R6IFUNWC R7IFUNWC R8IFUNWC R9IFUNWC R10IFUNWC R11IFUNWC 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.14 0.17 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.24 0.13 0.83 0.98 0.79 0.90 0.78 0.50 0.64 0.57 0.62 1.26 0.86 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFUNWC S2IFUNWC S3IFUNWC S4IFUNWC S5IFUNWC S6IFUNWC S7IFUNWC S8IFUNWC S9IFUNWC S10IFUNWC S11IFUNWC 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1.63 1.74 1.79 2.67 2.74 2.82 2.76 2.83 2.94 3.01 3.01 3.17 3.26 3.31 3.76 3.78 3.80 3.78 3.81 3.84 3.85 3.85 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R1IUNEM R2IUNEM R3IUNEM R4IUNEM R5IUNEM R6IUNEM R7IUNEM R8IUNEM R9IUNEM R10IUNEM R11IUNEM 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 116.52 77.06 43.95 54.89 38.78 41.21 80.45 58.40 53.00 275.06 190.39 784.40 690.60 492.79 570.49 414.74 504.81 938.33 753.24 635.26 1799.37 1536.08 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28000.0 19000.0 20000.0 25000.0 12000.0 20000.0 80000.0 39000.0 18200.0 32400.0 35000.0 S1IUNEM S2IUNEM S3IUNEM S4IUNEM S5IUNEM 10279 17345 15656 14515 13041 116.91 65.70 38.10 61.64 40.30 805.83 646.35 479.32 611.26 428.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28000.0 19000.0 20000.0 25000.0 12000.0 Section B: Income 204 S6IUNEM S7IUNEM S8IUNEM S9IUNEM S10IUNEM S11IUNEM 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 47.21 72.28 65.30 58.54 296.30 198.60 554.16 704.22 884.85 672.19 1882.96 1589.66 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20000.0 20000.0 39000.0 18200.0 32400.0 35000.0 R1IOUNEM R2IOUNEM R3IOUNEM R4IOUNEM R5IOUNEM R6IOUNEM R7IOUNEM R8IOUNEM R9IOUNEM R10IOUNEM R11IOUNEM 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.20 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOUNEM S2IOUNEM S3IOUNEM S4IOUNEM S5IOUNEM S6IOUNEM S7IOUNEM S8IOUNEM S9IOUNEM S10IOUNEM S11IOUNEM 10279 9123 8629 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.20 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.21 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFUNEM R2IFUNEM R3IFUNEM R4IFUNEM R5IFUNEM R6IFUNEM R7IFUNEM R8IFUNEM R9IFUNEM R10IFUNEM R11IFUNEM 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.83 5.85 5.90 5.95 5.96 5.95 5.93 5.95 5.96 5.87 5.89 1.01 0.98 0.81 0.70 0.61 0.58 0.68 0.59 0.56 1.05 0.86 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFUNEM S2IFUNEM S3IFUNEM S4IFUNEM S5IFUNEM S6IFUNEM S7IFUNEM S8IFUNEM S9IFUNEM S10IFUNEM S11IFUNEM 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.25 6.30 6.36 6.61 6.64 6.66 6.63 6.66 6.70 6.63 6.66 1.23 1.19 1.10 1.14 1.09 1.09 1.12 1.09 1.08 1.33 1.22 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R1IWCMP R2IWCMP R3IWCMP R4IWCMP R5IWCMP R6IWCMP R7IWCMP R8IWCMP 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 88.25 46.86 62.66 55.79 56.07 22.81 31.68 21.34 978.74 764.39 1164.51 904.75 1155.93 525.65 687.28 495.48 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30800.0 31000.0 60000.0 30000.0 100000.0 32760.0 50000.0 21900.0 Section B: Income 205 R9IWCMP R10IWCMP R11IWCMP 17217 22034 20554 26.09 44.98 38.12 912.81 1114.18 879.37 0.0 0.0 0.0 100000.0 108321.1 50000.0 S1IWCMP S2IWCMP S3IWCMP S4IWCMP S5IWCMP S6IWCMP S7IWCMP S8IWCMP S9IWCMP S10IWCMP S11IWCMP 10279 17345 15656 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 91.64 41.29 59.15 61.75 62.65 27.20 41.07 31.51 34.31 60.81 47.23 1034.07 732.72 1185.67 961.91 1299.90 573.05 815.59 638.97 1109.20 1299.78 972.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30800.0 31000.0 60000.0 30000.0 100000.0 32760.0 50000.0 21900.0 100000.0 108321.1 36000.0 R1IOWCMP R2IOWCMP R3IOWCMP R4IOWCMP R5IOWCMP R6IOWCMP R7IOWCMP R8IOWCMP R9IOWCMP R10IOWCMP R11IOWCMP 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOWCMP S2IOWCMP S3IOWCMP S4IOWCMP S5IOWCMP S6IOWCMP S7IOWCMP S8IOWCMP S9IOWCMP S10IOWCMP S11IOWCMP 10279 9123 8629 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFWCMP R2IFWCMP R3IFWCMP R4IFWCMP R5IFWCMP R6IFWCMP R7IFWCMP R8IFWCMP R9IFWCMP R10IFWCMP R11IFWCMP 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.95 5.97 5.96 6.00 5.99 5.99 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.04 6.01 0.66 0.65 0.60 0.50 0.47 0.33 0.38 0.33 0.35 0.53 0.41 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFWCMP S2IFWCMP S3IFWCMP S4IFWCMP S5IFWCMP S6IFWCMP S7IFWCMP S8IFWCMP S9IFWCMP S10IFWCMP S11IFWCMP 12652 11420 10964 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.34 6.38 6.40 6.65 6.66 6.69 6.67 6.69 6.72 6.74 6.74 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.03 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.04 1.02 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section B: Income 206 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|R1IOUNWC .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |11897 1.receives inc|755 R2IOUNWC 8222 10775 645 R3IOUNWC 7027 10521 443 R4IOUNWC R5IOUNWC R6IOUNWC R7IOUNWC R8IOUNWC R9IOUNWC R10IOUNWC R11IOUNWC 20810 574 19144 435 17836 329 19626 503 18138 331 16937 280 20983 1051 19837 717 Value---------|S1IOUNWC .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9693 1.receives inc|586 S2IOUNWC 4549 5970 8651 472 S3IOUNWC 3704 5658 8311 318 S4IOUNWC S5IOUNWC S6IOUNWC S7IOUNWC S8IOUNWC S9IOUNWC S10IOUNWC S11IOUNWC 6869 14095 420 6538 12733 308 6306 11627 232 6777 13003 349 6417 11826 226 6205 10817 195 7799 13515 720 7474 12616 464 Value---------|R1IFUNWC .Q=Not asked t| 0.no income |11749 1.no imputatio|668 2.some imputat|140 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFUNWC 8222 10604 531 161 124 R3IFUNWC 7027 10407 377 103 77 R4IFUNWC R5IFUNWC R6IFUNWC R7IFUNWC R8IFUNWC R9IFUNWC R10IFUNWC R11IFUNWC 20562 470 145 207 18962 351 129 137 17715 247 158 45 19466 355 219 89 18005 243 156 65 16801 217 124 75 20466 806 344 418 19544 549 290 171 Value---------|S1IFUNWC .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.no income |9558 1.no imputatio|512 2.some imputat|114 8.no Sp/Part->|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFUNWC 4549 3673 8519 384 121 2297 99 S3IFUNWC 3704 3323 8225 270 70 2335 64 S4IFUNWC S5IFUNWC S6IFUNWC S7IFUNWC S8IFUNWC S9IFUNWC S10IFUNWC S11IFUNWC 13877 346 107 6869 185 12607 241 100 6538 93 11536 173 114 6306 36 12873 237 165 6777 77 11722 159 119 6417 52 10708 149 93 6205 62 13113 537 258 7799 327 12394 341 202 7474 143 Value---------|R1IOUNEM .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |12098 1.receives inc|554 R2IOUNEM 8222 10937 483 R3IOUNEM 7027 10654 310 R4IOUNEM R5IOUNEM R6IOUNEM R7IOUNEM R8IOUNEM R9IOUNEM R10IOUNEM R11IOUNEM 20971 413 19283 296 17902 263 19714 415 18198 271 16995 222 21080 954 19913 641 Value---------|S1IOUNEM .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9851 1.receives inc|428 S2IOUNEM 4549 5970 8773 350 S3IOUNEM 3704 5658 8406 223 S4IOUNEM S5IOUNEM S6IOUNEM S7IOUNEM S8IOUNEM S9IOUNEM S10IOUNEM S11IOUNEM 6869 14206 309 6538 12834 207 6306 11677 182 6777 13075 277 6417 11874 178 6205 10860 152 7799 13597 638 7474 12672 408 Value---------|R1IFUNEM .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|495 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|53 6.no income |11960 7.DK if income|49 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFUNEM 8222 400 R3IFUNEM 7027 262 R4IFUNEM R5IFUNEM R6IFUNEM R7IFUNEM R8IFUNEM R9IFUNEM R10IFUNEM R11IFUNEM 338 242 44 10543 38 77 67 20719 53 207 50 19102 48 137 203 37 4 18 17793 65 45 296 66 10 39 19568 61 89 201 47 4 17 18078 57 65 172 23 2 21 16867 57 75 747 122 14 50 20586 97 418 493 94 8 44 19656 88 171 78 10771 47 124 Value---------|S1IFUNEM .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v|378 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|43 6.no income |9724 7.DK if income|39 8.No spouse/pa|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFUNEM 4549 3673 279 S3IFUNEM 3704 3323 185 S4IFUNEM S5IFUNEM S6IFUNEM S7IFUNEM S8IFUNEM S9IFUNEM S10IFUNEM S11IFUNEM 252 164 63 8648 34 2297 99 37 8322 21 2335 64 49 13989 40 6869 185 40 12707 37 6538 93 139 27 3 12 11598 44 6306 36 186 48 9 33 12959 40 6777 77 128 34 4 11 11781 42 6417 52 115 16 1 17 10758 43 6205 62 489 83 11 38 13212 75 7799 327 297 58 9 38 12472 63 7474 143 Value---------|R1IOWCMP .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |12436 1.receives inc|216 R2IOWCMP 8222 11243 177 R3IOWCMP 7027 10818 146 R4IOWCMP R5IOWCMP R6IOWCMP R7IOWCMP R8IOWCMP R9IOWCMP R10IOWCMP R11IOWCMP 21213 171 19431 148 18093 72 20033 96 18404 65 17157 60 21919 115 20468 86 Value---------|S1IOWCMP .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |10110 1.receives inc|169 S2IOWCMP 4549 5970 8995 128 S3IOWCMP 3704 5658 8527 102 S4IOWCMP S5IOWCMP S6IOWCMP S7IOWCMP S8IOWCMP S9IOWCMP S10IOWCMP S11IOWCMP 6869 14397 118 6538 12933 108 6306 11805 54 6777 13277 75 6417 12000 52 6205 10967 45 7799 14140 95 7474 13015 65 Section B: Income Value---------|R1IFWCMP .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|184 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|29 6.no income |12287 7.DK if income|57 9.no Fin Resp |95 Value---------|S1IFWCMP .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v|143 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|25 6.no income |9970 7.DK if income|46 8.No spouse/pa|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 207 R2IFWCMP 8222 144 R3IFWCMP 7027 127 R4IFWCMP R5IFWCMP R6IFWCMP R7IFWCMP R8IFWCMP R9IFWCMP R10IFWCMP R11IFWCMP 139 117 31 11081 40 124 19 10705 36 77 28 20967 43 207 30 19245 50 137 50 12 3 6 17976 73 45 65 24 1 6 19871 73 89 45 14 1 5 18275 64 65 46 10 1 3 17024 58 75 76 23 1 11 21395 110 418 63 16 1 5 20192 106 171 S2IFWCMP 4549 3673 110 S3IFWCMP 3704 3323 91 S4IFWCMP S5IFWCMP S6IFWCMP S7IFWCMP S8IFWCMP S9IFWCMP S10IFWCMP S11IFWCMP 98 83 18 8867 29 2297 99 11 8444 19 2335 64 20 14182 30 6869 185 22 12804 39 6538 93 38 10 2 3 11715 55 6306 36 53 17 1 4 13146 54 6777 77 33 13 1 5 11900 48 6417 52 35 7 1 2 10862 43 6205 62 60 19 1 12 13733 83 7799 327 50 9 2 4 12803 69 7474 143 General Comments: Income measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD income component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in whether unfolding brackets are used to determine a range of income when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. The order in which income questions are asked also changes across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. Generally, Wave 1 questions ask about 1991 income, and Wave 2H asks about 1993 income. Wave 2A and from Wave 3 forward ask about income last calendar year. All questions are based on the Financial Respondent's interview year. Not all interviews are completely conducted in the same year for waves 2A, 3H, 4, and from 5 forward. The HRS and AHEAD income components are summed to create the income measures requested for these files. For each derived income measure, a flag indicates whether any or all of its components were imputed. Individual income components and imputation flags are available in the “RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File”. HRS and AHEAD income measures are reported at the household level. The Financial Respondent (FinR) reports income for both him/herself and his/her spouse or partner. The respondent income measures on this file are those of the FinR, if they are the same individual, and the spouse income measures are those of the FinR's spouse. If the respondent is the spouse of the FinR, then the FinR-reported respondent and spouse measures are swapped. That is, if the respondent is the FinR's spouse then the FinR-reported spouse income is assigned as the respondent income and the FinR-reported respondent income is assigned as the spouse income. How Constructed: RwIUNWC sums the respondent's income from unemployment and worker's compensation. Income from unemployment and worker's compensation are available separately in RwIUNEM and RwIWCMP. SwIUNWC sums the spouse's income from unemployment and worker's compensation. and worker's compensation are available separately in SwIUNEM and SwIWCMP. Income from unemployment Variables in the form RwIFvar/SwIFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form RwIOvar/SwIFvar indicate whether income is received from this type of income. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data Section B: Income 208 The unemployment and worker's compensation questions are asked in all HRS waves for respondent and spouse. The question wording varies slightly. In AHEAD (Waves 2A and 3A), there are no questions about unemployment and worker's compensation. In Wave 1, the questions ask for income received in 1991. In Wave 2H, the questions ask for income received in 1993. Beginning in Wave 3H, the questions ask for income received in the last calendar year. The last calendar year was the year before the year of the interview. The question about the amount received is: How much did you receive in [year]? Beginning in Wave 4, the question changed slightly to: How much did you receive in [year] (before taxes and other deductions)? In Wave 5, respondents who are 65 years of age or older and report not working for pay in the last calendar year skip the questions about income from unemployment and worker’s compensation. Respondents who are under 65 years of age, on the other hand, are asked both sets of questions, even if they are not working. From Wave 6 forward, the same pattern is true for respondents who are 65 years of age or older. However, those who are under 65 years of age and report not working for pay in the last calendar year are asked the questions about income from unemployment but skip those related to worker’s compensation. Beginning in Wave 6, unfolding bracket questions are asked for unemployment and worker's compensation. Unemployment and worker's compensation are not available for AHEAD respondents in Waves 2A and 3A. RwIUNWC and SwIUNWC are set to zero for all AHEAD respondents in these waves. The same applies for RwIUNEM, RwIWCMP, SwIUNEM and SwIWCMP. Additionally, RwIFUNWC and SwIFUNWC are set to .Q to flag the cases where this is done, as well as for RwIFUNEM, SwIFUNEM, RwIFWCMP and SwIFWCMP. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15501 V15502 V15503 V15523 V15601 V15602 V15603 V15623 V5501 V5502 V5503 V5523 V5601 V5602 V5603 V5623 HRS 1994: W15984 W15985 W15986 W16003 W16020 W16021 W16022 W16039 W5984 W5985 W5986 W6003 N8:1991:RECV UNEMP C:IND N8A:WHO RECVD UNEMP :IND N9:UNEMP COMP: AMTRE:IND N9:UNEMP COMP: AMTRE:IND N13:1991:RECV WRKRS :IND N13A:WHO RECVD WRKRS:IND N16 WORK COMP: AMTRE:IND N16 WORK COMP: AMTRE:IND N8:1991:RECV UNEMP C:IMP N8A:WHO RECVD UNEMP :IMP N9:UNEMP COMP:$AMT R:IMP N11:UNEMP COMP:$AMT :IMP N13:1991:RECV WRKRS :IMP N13A:WHO RECVD WRKRS:IMP N14:WRKRS COMP:$AMT :IMP N16:WRK COMP:$AMT RE:IMP N9. Imputation flag N9a. Imputation flag N10. Imputation flag N12. Imputation flag N14. Imputation flag N14a. Imputation flag N15. Imputation flag N17. Imputation flag N9.UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSA N9a.WHO RECD UNEMPLOYMEN N10.R-AMT UNEMPLOYMENT C N12.SP-AMT UNEMPLOYMENT Section B: Income HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS W6020 W6021 W6022 W6039 1996: E3871 E3942 E3943 E3944 E3952 E3961 E3962 E3963 E3974 1998: F4629 F4702 F4703 F4704 F4712 F4721 F4722 F4723 F4734 2000: G5068 G5141 G5142 G5143 G5151 G5160 G5161 G5162 G5173 2002: HQ010 HQ064 HQ065 HQ066 HQ067 HQ068 HQ070 HQ071 HQ072 HQ074 HQ075 HQ076 HQ077 HQ078 HQ080 HQ081 HQ082 2004: JQ010 JQ064 JQ065 JQ066 JQ067 JQ068 JQ070 JQ071 JQ072 JQ074 209 N14.WORKERS COMPENSATION N14a.WHO RECD WORKERS CO N15.R-AMT WORKERS COMPEN N17.SP-AMT WORKERS COMPE J1.R OR SP WORK FOR PAY LCYEAR J21.WHETHER UNEMPL COMP LCY J22.WHO RECD UNEMPL COMP J23.AMT UNEMPL COMP LCY J28.AMT S/P UNEMPL COMP LCY J33.WHETHER WORKERS COMP LCY J34.WHO RECD WORKERS COMP J35.AMT WORKERS COMP LCY J40.AMT S/P WORKERS COMP LCY J1.R OR SP WORK FOR PAY LCYEAR J21.WHETHER UNEMPL COMP LCY J22.WHO RECD UNEMPL COMP J23.AMT UNEMPL COMP LCY J28.AMT S/P UNEMPL COMP LCY J33.WHETHER WORKERS COMP LCY J34.WHO RECD WORKERS COMP J35.AMT WORKERS COMP LCY J40.AMT S/P WORKERS COMP LCY J1.R OR SP WORK FOR PAY LCYEAR J21.WHETHER UNEMPL COMP LCY J22.WHO RECD UNEMPL COMP J23.AMT UNEMPL COMP LCY J28.AMT S/P UNEMPL COMP LCY J33.WHETHER WORKERS COMP LCY J34.WHO RECD WORKERS COMP J35.AMT WORKERS COMP LCY J40.AMT S/P WORKERS COMP LCY R OR SP WORK FOR PAY - LCY R OR SP INCOME FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY WHO RECEIVED INC FROM UNEMPLOYMENT LCY R AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT- MIN R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MIN SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX R OR SP INCOME FROM WORKERS COMP - LCY WHO RECEIVED FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX R OR SP WORK FOR PAY - LCY R OR SP INCOME FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY WHO RECEIVED INC FROM UNEMPLOYMENT LCY R AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT- MIN R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MIN SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX R OR SP INCOME FROM WORKERS COMP - LCY Section B: Income HRS HRS HRS HRS JQ075 JQ076 JQ077 JQ078 JQ080 JQ081 JQ082 2006: KQ010 KQ064 KQ065 KQ066 KQ067 KQ068 KQ070 KQ071 KQ072 KQ074 KQ075 KQ076 KQ077 KQ078 KQ080 KQ081 KQ082 2008: LQ010 LQ064 LQ065 LQ066 LQ067 LQ068 LQ070 LQ071 LQ072 LQ074 LQ075 LQ076 LQ077 LQ078 LQ080 LQ081 LQ082 2010: MQ010 MQ064 MQ065 MQ066 MQ067 MQ068 MQ070 MQ071 MQ072 MQ074 MQ075 MQ076 MQ077 MQ078 MQ080 MQ081 MQ082 2012: NQ010 210 WHO RECEIVED FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX R OR SP WORK FOR PAY - LCY R OR SP INCOME FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY WHO RECEIVED INC FROM UNEMPLOYMENT LCY R AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT- MIN R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MIN SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX R OR SP INCOME FROM WORKERS COMP - LCY WHO RECEIVED FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX R OR SP WORK FOR PAY - LCY R OR SP INCOME FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY WHO RECEIVED INC FROM UNEMPLOYMENT LCY R AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT- MIN R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MIN SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX R OR SP INCOME FROM WORKERS COMP - LCY WHO RECEIVED FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX R OR SP WORK FOR PAY - LCY R OR SP INCOME FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY WHO RECEIVED INC FROM UNEMPLOYMENT LCY R AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT- MIN R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MIN SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX R OR SP INCOME FROM WORKERS COMP - LCY WHO RECEIVED FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX R OR SP WORK FOR PAY - LCY Section B: Income NQ064 NQ065 NQ066 NQ067 NQ068 NQ070 NQ071 NQ072 NQ074 NQ075 NQ076 NQ077 NQ078 NQ080 NQ081 NQ082 Tracker: AFINR BFINR CFINR EFINR FFINR GFINR HFINR JFINR KFINR LFINR MFINR NFINR 211 R OR SP INCOME FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY WHO RECEIVED INC FROM UNEMPLOYMENT LCY R AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT- MIN R AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - LCY SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MIN SP AMT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT - MAX R OR SP INCOME FROM WORKERS COMP - LCY WHO RECEIVED FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN R AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX SP AMOUNT FROM WORKERS COMP LCY SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MIN SP AMT FROM WORKERS COMP - MAX 1992 1993 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER WHETHER FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT RESPONDENT Section B: Income 212 Individual income from other government transfers Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IGXFR R2IGXFR R3IGXFR R4IGXFR R5IGXFR R6IGXFR R7IGXFR R8IGXFR R9IGXFR R10IGXFR R11IGXFR R1IGXFR:W1 Income:R Other Gov Transfer R2IGXFR:W2 Income:R Other Gov Transfer R3IGXFR:W3 Income:R Other Gov Transfer R4IGXFR:W4 Income:R Other Gov Transfer R5IGXFR:W5 Income:R Other Gov Transfer R6IGXFR:W6 Income:R Other Gov Transfer R7IGXFR:W7 Income:R Other Gov Transfer R8IGXFR:W8 Income:R Other Gov Transfer R9IGXFR:W9 Income:R Other Gov Transfer R10IGXFR:W10 Income:R Other Gov Transfer R11IGXFR:W11 Income:R Other Gov Transfer Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IGXFR S2IGXFR S3IGXFR S4IGXFR S5IGXFR S6IGXFR S7IGXFR S8IGXFR S9IGXFR S10IGXFR S11IGXFR S1IGXFR:W1 Income:Sp Other Gov Transfer S2IGXFR:W2 Income:Sp Other Gov Transfer S3IGXFR:W3 Income:Sp Other Gov Transfer S4IGXFR:W4 Income:Sp Other Gov Transfer S5IGXFR:W5 Income:Sp Other Gov Transfer S6IGXFR:W6 Income:Sp Other Gov Transfer S7IGXFR:W7 Income:Sp Other Gov Transfer S8IGXFR:W8 Income:Sp Other Gov Transfer S9IGXFR:W9 Income:Sp Other Gov Transfer S10IGXFR:W10 Income:Sp Other Gov Transfer S11IGXFR:W11 Income:Sp Other Gov Transfer Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOGXFR R2IOGXFR R3IOGXFR R4IOGXFR R5IOGXFR R6IOGXFR R7IOGXFR R8IOGXFR R9IOGXFR R10IOGXFR R11IOGXFR R1IOGXFR:W1 Receives:R Other Gov Transfer R2IOGXFR:W2 Receives:R Other Gov Transfer R3IOGXFR:W3 Receives:R Other Gov Transfer R4IOGXFR:W4 Receives:R Other Gov Transfer R5IOGXFR:W5 Receives:R Other Gov Transfer R6IOGXFR:W6 Receives:R Other Gov Transfer R7IOGXFR:W7 Receives:R Other Gov Transfer R8IOGXFR:W8 Receives:R Other Gov Transfer R9IOGXFR:W9 Receives:R Other Gov Transfer R10IOGXFR:W10 Receives:R Other Gov Transfer R11IOGXFR:W11 Receives:R Other Gov Transfer Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IOGXFR S2IOGXFR S3IOGXFR S4IOGXFR S5IOGXFR S6IOGXFR S7IOGXFR S8IOGXFR S9IOGXFR S10IOGXFR S11IOGXFR S1IOGXFR:W1 Receives:Sp Other Gov Transfer S2IOGXFR:W2 Receives:Sp Other Gov Transfer S3IOGXFR:W3 Receives:Sp Other Gov Transfer S4IOGXFR:W4 Receives:Sp Other Gov Transfer S5IOGXFR:W5 Receives:Sp Other Gov Transfer S6IOGXFR:W6 Receives:Sp Other Gov Transfer S7IOGXFR:W7 Receives:Sp Other Gov Transfer S8IOGXFR:W8 Receives:Sp Other Gov Transfer S9IOGXFR:W9 Receives:Sp Other Gov Transfer S10IOGXFR:W10 Receives:Sp Other Gov Transfer S11IOGXFR:W11 Receives:Sp Other Gov Transfer Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R1IFGXFR R2IFGXFR R3IFGXFR R4IFGXFR R5IFGXFR R6IFGXFR R7IFGXFR R8IFGXFR R9IFGXFR R1IFGXFR:W1 R2IFGXFR:W2 R3IFGXFR:W3 R4IFGXFR:W4 R5IFGXFR:W5 R6IFGXFR:W6 R7IFGXFR:W7 R8IFGXFR:W8 R9IFGXFR:W9 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R ImpFlag:R Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Gov Gov Gov Gov Gov Gov Gov Gov Gov Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Section B: Income 213 10 11 R10IFGXFR R11IFGXFR R10IFGXFR:W10 ImpFlag:R Other Gov Transfer R11IFGXFR:W11 ImpFlag:R Other Gov Transfer Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFGXFR S2IFGXFR S3IFGXFR S4IFGXFR S5IFGXFR S6IFGXFR S7IFGXFR S8IFGXFR S9IFGXFR S10IFGXFR S11IFGXFR S1IFGXFR:W1 ImpFlag:Sp Other Gov Transfer S2IFGXFR:W2 ImpFlag:Sp Other Gov Transfer S3IFGXFR:W3 ImpFlag:Sp Other Gov Transfer S4IFGXFR:W4 ImpFlag:Sp Other Gov Transfer S5IFGXFR:W5 ImpFlag:Sp Other Gov Transfer S6IFGXFR:W6 ImpFlag:Sp Other Gov Transfer S7IFGXFR:W7 ImpFlag:Sp Other Gov Transfer S8IFGXFR:W8 ImpFlag:Sp Other Gov Transfer S9IFGXFR:W9 ImpFlag:Sp Other Gov Transfer S10IFGXFR:W10 ImpFlag:Sp Other Gov Transfer S11IFGXFR:W11 ImpFlag:Sp Other Gov Transfer Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IVET R2IVET R3IVET R4IVET R5IVET R6IVET R7IVET R8IVET R9IVET R10IVET R11IVET R1IVET:W1 IncPart-Veteran Benefits R2IVET:W2 IncPart-Veteran Benefits R3IVET:W3 IncPart-Veteran Benefits R4IVET:W4 IncPart-Veteran Benefits R5IVET:W5 IncPart-Veteran Benefits R6IVET:W6 IncPart-Veteran Benefits R7IVET:W7 IncPart-Veteran Benefits R8IVET:W8 IncPart-Veteran Benefits R9IVET:W9 IncPart-Veteran Benefits R10IVET:W10 IncPart-Veteran Benefits R11IVET:W11 IncPart-Veteran Benefits Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IVET S2IVET S3IVET S4IVET S5IVET S6IVET S7IVET S8IVET S9IVET S10IVET S11IVET S1IVET:W1 IncPart-Veteran Benefits S2IVET:W2 IncPart-Veteran Benefits S3IVET:W3 IncPart-Veteran Benefits S4IVET:W4 IncPart-Veteran Benefits S5IVET:W5 IncPart-Veteran Benefits S6IVET:W6 IncPart-Veteran Benefits S7IVET:W7 IncPart-Veteran Benefits S8IVET:W8 IncPart-Veteran Benefits S9IVET:W9 IncPart-Veteran Benefits S10IVET:W10 IncPart-Veteran Benefits S11IVET:W11 IncPart-Veteran Benefits Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IOVET R2IOVET R3IOVET R4IOVET R5IOVET R6IOVET R7IOVET R8IOVET R9IOVET R10IOVET R11IOVET R1IOVET:W1 Receives-Veteran Benefits R2IOVET:W2 Receives-Veteran Benefits R3IOVET:W3 Receives-Veteran Benefits R4IOVET:W4 Receives-Veteran Benefits R5IOVET:W5 Receives-Veteran Benefits R6IOVET:W6 Receives-Veteran Benefits R7IOVET:W7 Receives-Veteran Benefits R8IOVET:W8 Receives-Veteran Benefits R9IOVET:W9 Receives-Veteran Benefits R10IOVET:W10 Receives-Veteran Benefits R11IOVET:W11 Receives-Veteran Benefits Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IOVET S2IOVET S3IOVET S4IOVET S5IOVET S6IOVET S7IOVET S8IOVET S9IOVET S10IOVET S11IOVET S1IOVET:W1 Receives-Veteran Benefits S2IOVET:W2 Receives-Veteran Benefits S3IOVET:W3 Receives-Veteran Benefits S4IOVET:W4 Receives-Veteran Benefits S5IOVET:W5 Receives-Veteran Benefits S6IOVET:W6 Receives-Veteran Benefits S7IOVET:W7 Receives-Veteran Benefits S8IOVET:W8 Receives-Veteran Benefits S9IOVET:W9 Receives-Veteran Benefits S10IOVET:W10 Receives-Veteran Benefits S11IOVET:W11 Receives-Veteran Benefits Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Section B: Income 214 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1IFVET R2IFVET R3IFVET R4IFVET R5IFVET R6IFVET R7IFVET R8IFVET R9IFVET R10IFVET R11IFVET R1IFVET:W1 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits R2IFVET:W2 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits R3IFVET:W3 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits R4IFVET:W4 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits R5IFVET:W5 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits R6IFVET:W6 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits R7IFVET:W7 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits R8IFVET:W8 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits R9IFVET:W9 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits R10IFVET:W10 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits R11IFVET:W11 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S1IFVET S2IFVET S3IFVET S4IFVET S5IFVET S6IFVET S7IFVET S8IFVET S9IFVET S10IFVET S11IFVET S1IFVET:W1 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits S2IFVET:W2 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits S3IFVET:W3 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits S4IFVET:W4 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits S5IFVET:W5 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits S6IFVET:W6 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits S7IFVET:W7 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits S8IFVET:W8 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits S9IFVET:W9 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits S10IFVET:W10 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits S11IFVET:W11 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3MVET R4MVET R5MVET R6MVET R7MVET R8MVET R9MVET R10MVET R11MVET R3MVET:W3 Monthly-Veteran Benefits R4MVET:W4 Monthly-Veteran Benefits R5MVET:W5 Monthly-Veteran Benefits R6MVET:W6 Monthly-Veteran Benefits R7MVET:W7 Monthly-Veteran Benefits R8MVET:W8 Monthly-Veteran Benefits R9MVET:W9 Monthly-Veteran Benefits R10MVET:W10 Monthly-Veteran Benefits R11MVET:W11 Monthly-Veteran Benefits Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3MVET S4MVET S5MVET S6MVET S7MVET S8MVET S9MVET S10MVET S11MVET S3MVET:W3 Monthly-Veteran Benefits S4MVET:W4 Monthly-Veteran Benefits S5MVET:W5 Monthly-Veteran Benefits S6MVET:W6 Monthly-Veteran Benefits S7MVET:W7 Monthly-Veteran Benefits S8MVET:W8 Monthly-Veteran Benefits S9MVET:W9 Monthly-Veteran Benefits S10MVET:W10 Monthly-Veteran Benefits S11MVET:W11 Monthly-Veteran Benefits Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3NVET R4NVET R5NVET R6NVET R7NVET R8NVET R9NVET R10NVET R11NVET R3NVET:W3 IncMons-Veteran Benefits R4NVET:W4 IncMons-Veteran Benefits R5NVET:W5 IncMons-Veteran Benefits R6NVET:W6 IncMons-Veteran Benefits R7NVET:W7 IncMons-Veteran Benefits R8NVET:W8 IncMons-Veteran Benefits R9NVET:W9 IncMons-Veteran Benefits R10NVET:W10 IncMons-Veteran Benefits R11NVET:W11 IncMons-Veteran Benefits Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3NVET S4NVET S5NVET S6NVET S7NVET S8NVET S9NVET S10NVET S11NVET S3NVET:W3 IncMons-Veteran Benefits S4NVET:W4 IncMons-Veteran Benefits S5NVET:W5 IncMons-Veteran Benefits S6NVET:W6 IncMons-Veteran Benefits S7NVET:W7 IncMons-Veteran Benefits S8NVET:W8 IncMons-Veteran Benefits S9NVET:W9 IncMons-Veteran Benefits S10NVET:W10 IncMons-Veteran Benefits S11NVET:W11 IncMons-Veteran Benefits Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Section B: Income 215 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R3NFVET R4NFVET R5NFVET R6NFVET R7NFVET R8NFVET R9NFVET R10NFVET R11NFVET R3NFVET:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits R4NFVET:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits R5NFVET:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits R6NFVET:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits R7NFVET:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits R8NFVET:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits R9NFVET:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits R10NFVET:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits R11NFVET:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3NFVET S4NFVET S5NFVET S6NFVET S7NFVET S8NFVET S9NFVET S10NFVET S11NFVET S3NFVET:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits S4NFVET:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits S5NFVET:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits S6NFVET:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits S7NFVET:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits S8NFVET:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits S9NFVET:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits S10NFVET:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits S11NFVET:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Veteran Benefits Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 R2IVET1 R2IVET1:W2 IncPart-Veteran Benefits #1 Cont 2 S2IVET1 S2IVET1:W2 IncPart-Veteran Benefits #1 Cont 2 R2IVET2 R2IVET2:W2 IncPart-Veteran Benefits #2 Cont 2 S2IVET2 S2IVET2:W2 IncPart-Veteran Benefits #2 Cont 2 R2IOVET1 R2IOVET1:W2 Receives-Veteran Benefits #1 Categ 2 S2IOVET1 S2IOVET1:W2 Receives-Veteran Benefits #1 Categ 2 R2IOVET2 R2IOVET2:W2 Receives-Veteran Benefits #2 Categ 2 S2IOVET2 S2IOVET2:W2 Receives-Veteran Benefits #2 Categ 2 R2IFVET1 R2IFVET1:W2 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits #1 Categ 2 S2IFVET1 S2IFVET1:W2 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits #1 Categ 2 R2IFVET2 R2IFVET2:W2 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits #2 Categ 2 S2IFVET2 S2IFVET2:W2 ImpFlag-Veteran Benefits #2 Categ 2 R2IWELF R2IWELF:W2 IncPart-Welfare Inc Cont 2 S2IWELF S2IWELF:W2 IncPart-Welfare Inc Cont 2 R2IOWELF R2IOWELF:W2 Receives-Welfare Inc Categ 2 S2IOWELF S2IOWELF:W2 Receives-Welfare Inc Categ 2 R2IFWELF R2IFWELF:W2 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc Categ 2 S2IFWELF S2IFWELF:W2 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc Categ 1 3 4 5 6 7 H1IWELF H3IWELF H4IWELF H5IWELF H6IWELF H7IWELF H1IWELF:W1 H3IWELF:W3 H4IWELF:W4 H5IWELF:W5 H6IWELF:W6 H7IWELF:W7 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont IncPart-Welfare IncPart-Welfare IncPart-Welfare IncPart-Welfare IncPart-Welfare IncPart-Welfare Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Section B: Income 216 8 9 10 11 H8IWELF H9IWELF H10IWELF H11IWELF H8IWELF:W8 IncPart-Welfare Inc H9IWELF:W9 IncPart-Welfare Inc H10IWELF:W10 IncPart-Welfare Inc H11IWELF:W11 IncPart-Welfare Inc Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IOWELF H3IOWELF H4IOWELF H5IOWELF H6IOWELF H7IOWELF H8IOWELF H9IOWELF H10IOWELF H11IOWELF H1IOWELF:W1 Receives-Welfare Inc H3IOWELF:W3 Receives-Welfare Inc H4IOWELF:W4 Receives-Welfare Inc H5IOWELF:W5 Receives-Welfare Inc H6IOWELF:W6 Receives-Welfare Inc H7IOWELF:W7 Receives-Welfare Inc H8IOWELF:W8 Receives-Welfare Inc H9IOWELF:W9 Receives-Welfare Inc H10IOWELF:W10 Receives-Welfare Inc H11IOWELF:W11 Receives-Welfare Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IFWELF H3IFWELF H4IFWELF H5IFWELF H6IFWELF H7IFWELF H8IFWELF H9IFWELF H10IFWELF H11IFWELF H1IFWELF:W1 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc H3IFWELF:W3 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc H4IFWELF:W4 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc H5IFWELF:W5 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc H6IFWELF:W6 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc H7IFWELF:W7 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc H8IFWELF:W8 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc H9IFWELF:W9 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc H10IFWELF:W10 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc H11IFWELF:W11 ImpFlag-Welfare Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IFOOD H2IFOOD H3IFOOD H4IFOOD H5IFOOD H6IFOOD H7IFOOD H8IFOOD H9IFOOD H10IFOOD H11IFOOD H1IFOOD:W1 IncPart-Food Stamps H2IFOOD:W2 IncPart-Food Stamps H3IFOOD:W3 IncPart-Food Stamps H4IFOOD:W4 IncPart-Food Stamps H5IFOOD:W5 IncPart-Food Stamps H6IFOOD:W6 IncPart-Food Stamps H7IFOOD:W7 IncPart-Food Stamps H8IFOOD:W8 IncPart-Food Stamps H9IFOOD:W9 IncPart-Food Stamps H10IFOOD:W10 IncPart-Food Stamps H11IFOOD:W11 IncPart-Food Stamps Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IOFOOD H2IOFOOD H3IOFOOD H4IOFOOD H5IOFOOD H6IOFOOD H7IOFOOD H8IOFOOD H9IOFOOD H10IOFOOD H11IOFOOD H1IOFOOD:W1 Receives-Food Stamps H2IOFOOD:W2 Receives-Food Stamps H3IOFOOD:W3 Receives-Food Stamps H4IOFOOD:W4 Receives-Food Stamps H5IOFOOD:W5 Receives-Food Stamps H6IOFOOD:W6 Receives-Food Stamps H7IOFOOD:W7 Receives-Food Stamps H8IOFOOD:W8 Receives-Food Stamps H9IOFOOD:W9 Receives-Food Stamps H10IOFOOD:W10 Receives-Food Stamps H11IOFOOD:W11 Receives-Food Stamps Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IFFOOD H2IFFOOD H3IFFOOD H4IFFOOD H5IFFOOD H6IFFOOD H7IFFOOD H8IFFOOD H9IFFOOD H10IFFOOD H11IFFOOD H1IFFOOD:W1 ImpFlag-Food Stamps H2IFFOOD:W2 ImpFlag-Food Stamps H3IFFOOD:W3 ImpFlag-Food Stamps H4IFFOOD:W4 ImpFlag-Food Stamps H5IFFOOD:W5 ImpFlag-Food Stamps H6IFFOOD:W6 ImpFlag-Food Stamps H7IFFOOD:W7 ImpFlag-Food Stamps H8IFFOOD:W8 ImpFlag-Food Stamps H9IFFOOD:W9 ImpFlag-Food Stamps H10IFFOOD:W10 ImpFlag-Food Stamps H11IFFOOD:W11 ImpFlag-Food Stamps Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Section B: Income 217 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3MFOOD H4MFOOD H5MFOOD H6MFOOD H7MFOOD H8MFOOD H9MFOOD H10MFOOD H11MFOOD H3MFOOD:W3 Monthly-Food Stamps H4MFOOD:W4 Monthly-Food Stamps H5MFOOD:W5 Monthly-Food Stamps H6MFOOD:W6 Monthly-Food Stamps H7MFOOD:W7 Monthly-Food Stamps H8MFOOD:W8 Monthly-Food Stamps H9MFOOD:W9 Monthly-Food Stamps H10MFOOD:W10 Monthly-Food Stamps H11MFOOD:W11 Monthly-Food Stamps Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3NFOOD H4NFOOD H5NFOOD H6NFOOD H7NFOOD H8NFOOD H9NFOOD H10NFOOD H11NFOOD H3NFOOD:W3 IncMons-Food Stamps H4NFOOD:W4 IncMons-Food Stamps H5NFOOD:W5 IncMons-Food Stamps H6NFOOD:W6 IncMons-Food Stamps H7NFOOD:W7 IncMons-Food Stamps H8NFOOD:W8 IncMons-Food Stamps H9NFOOD:W9 IncMons-Food Stamps H10NFOOD:W10 IncMons-Food Stamps H11NFOOD:W11 IncMons-Food Stamps Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3NFFOOD H4NFFOOD H5NFFOOD H6NFFOOD H7NFFOOD H8NFFOOD H9NFFOOD H10NFFOOD H11NFFOOD H3NFFOOD:W3 IncMons DK Flag-Food Stamps H4NFFOOD:W4 Incmons DK Flag-Food Stamps H5NFFOOD:W5 IncMons DK Flag-Food Stamps H6NFFOOD:W6 Incmons DK Flag-Food Stamps H7NFFOOD:W7 IncMons DK Flag-Food Stamps H8NFFOOD:W8 IncMons DK Flag-Food Stamps H9NFFOOD:W9 IncMons DK Flag-Food Stamps H10NFFOOD:W10 IncMons DK Flag-Food Stamps H11NFFOOD:W11 IncMons DK Flag-Food Stamps Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum R1IGXFR R2IGXFR R3IGXFR R4IGXFR R5IGXFR R6IGXFR R7IGXFR R8IGXFR R9IGXFR R10IGXFR R11IGXFR 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 490.29 278.51 431.31 494.97 514.36 566.85 581.66 695.59 730.41 824.34 866.83 2667.03 1907.15 2707.80 3115.79 3234.70 3596.87 3601.34 4240.75 4308.85 4677.06 4821.61 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60000.0 57600.0 99533.0 73750.7 63600.0 99600.0 114588.9 113774.6 98400.0 135230.3 129286.4 S1IGXFR S2IGXFR S3IGXFR S4IGXFR S5IGXFR S6IGXFR S7IGXFR S8IGXFR S9IGXFR S10IGXFR S11IGXFR 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 420.61 238.10 437.42 484.69 500.34 549.11 559.15 679.66 714.36 773.36 812.78 2683.96 1999.12 3022.41 3344.31 3481.87 3846.41 3873.28 4594.62 4580.03 5000.81 5171.96 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60000.0 57600.0 99533.0 68541.9 63600.0 99600.0 114588.9 113774.6 78000.0 135230.3 129286.4 R1IOGXFR R2IOGXFR R3IOGXFR R4IOGXFR R5IOGXFR 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.30 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income 218 R6IOGXFR R7IOGXFR R8IOGXFR R9IOGXFR R10IOGXFR R11IOGXFR 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.16 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.36 0.36 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOGXFR S2IOGXFR S3IOGXFR S4IOGXFR S5IOGXFR S6IOGXFR S7IOGXFR S8IOGXFR S9IOGXFR S10IOGXFR S11IOGXFR 10279 13672 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.12 0.26 0.24 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.32 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFGXFR R2IFGXFR R3IFGXFR R4IFGXFR R5IFGXFR R6IFGXFR R7IFGXFR R8IFGXFR R9IFGXFR R10IFGXFR R11IFGXFR 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.18 0.20 0.18 0.20 0.17 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.35 0.27 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.94 0.83 0.58 0.69 0.65 0.70 1.28 0.92 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFGXFR S2IFGXFR S3IFGXFR S4IFGXFR S5IFGXFR S6IFGXFR S7IFGXFR S8IFGXFR S9IFGXFR S10IFGXFR S11IFGXFR 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1.64 2.55 2.62 2.70 2.77 2.85 2.78 2.86 2.98 3.06 3.07 3.16 3.67 3.71 3.74 3.76 3.79 3.77 3.79 3.82 3.83 3.81 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R1IVET R2IVET R3IVET R4IVET R5IVET R6IVET R7IVET R8IVET R9IVET R10IVET R11IVET 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 371.18 213.88 378.04 448.99 479.53 531.96 531.95 643.70 670.99 687.34 727.98 2591.97 1990.61 2679.97 3084.64 3217.75 3557.84 3585.28 4232.79 4298.05 4642.85 4770.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60000.0 57600.0 99533.0 73750.7 63600.0 99600.0 114588.9 113774.6 98400.0 135230.3 129078.4 S1IVET S2IVET S3IVET S4IVET S5IVET S6IVET S7IVET S8IVET 10279 9123 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 353.95 212.93 416.40 466.33 485.43 534.36 540.07 657.98 2640.44 2092.72 3016.58 3340.27 3474.01 3798.96 3869.68 4593.46 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60000.0 57600.0 99533.0 68541.9 63600.0 99600.0 114588.9 113774.6 Section B: Income 219 S9IVET S10IVET S11IVET 11012 14235 13080 685.71 699.93 741.83 4576.00 4988.71 5163.19 0.0 0.0 0.0 78000.0 135230.3 129078.4 R1IOVET R2IOVET R3IOVET R4IOVET R5IOVET R6IOVET R7IOVET R8IOVET R9IOVET R10IOVET R11IOVET 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.19 0.16 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S1IOVET S2IOVET S3IOVET S4IOVET S5IOVET S6IOVET S7IOVET S8IOVET S9IOVET S10IOVET S11IOVET 10279 9123 12333 14515 13041 11859 13352 12052 11012 14235 13080 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.18 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1IFVET R2IFVET R3IFVET R4IFVET R5IFVET R6IFVET R7IFVET R8IFVET R9IFVET R10IFVET R11IFVET 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.86 5.92 5.83 5.82 5.82 5.81 5.82 5.80 5.80 5.86 5.82 0.93 0.81 1.00 1.04 1.02 0.99 0.99 1.02 1.03 1.06 1.03 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 S1IFVET S2IFVET S3IFVET S4IFVET S5IFVET S6IFVET S7IFVET S8IFVET S9IFVET S10IFVET S11IFVET 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.28 6.35 6.52 6.54 6.56 6.59 6.58 6.59 6.61 6.65 6.64 1.16 1.08 1.28 1.30 1.28 1.27 1.26 1.29 1.31 1.29 1.29 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 R3MVET R4MVET R5MVET R6MVET R7MVET R8MVET R9MVET R10MVET R11MVET 445 963 891 814 881 873 823 969 962 941.06 858.83 896.28 1013.79 1038.09 1171.49 1198.74 1338.19 1386.70 925.10 900.79 914.41 1008.62 1020.34 1176.09 1171.53 1332.76 1337.09 2.0 3.0 1.0 19.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 1.0 5.0 8294.4 6145.9 5300.0 8300.0 9549.1 9481.2 8200.0 11269.2 10756.5 S3MVET 338 1044.63 1001.72 2.0 8294.4 Section B: Income 220 S4MVET S5MVET S6MVET S7MVET S8MVET S9MVET S10MVET S11MVET 581 515 453 490 486 466 530 520 995.61 1040.74 1187.83 1247.35 1381.66 1369.92 1598.12 1628.74 1021.33 1052.26 1140.31 1172.51 1356.31 1298.51 1503.08 1533.58 3.0 1.0 59.0 25.0 30.0 25.0 15.0 5.0 5711.8 5300.0 8300.0 9549.1 9481.2 6500.0 11269.2 10756.5 R3NVET R4NVET R5NVET R6NVET R7NVET R8NVET R9NVET R10NVET R11NVET 445 963 891 814 881 873 823 969 962 11.59 11.54 11.70 11.61 11.54 11.47 11.60 11.57 11.11 1.92 2.08 1.73 1.95 2.15 2.33 1.97 1.98 2.92 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 S3NVET S4NVET S5NVET S6NVET S7NVET S8NVET S9NVET S10NVET S11NVET 338 581 515 453 490 486 466 530 520 11.66 11.71 11.77 11.63 11.71 11.58 11.68 11.58 11.30 1.82 1.66 1.52 1.89 1.76 2.03 1.77 1.97 2.60 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 R3NFVET R4NFVET R5NFVET R6NFVET R7NFVET R8NFVET R9NFVET R10NFVET R11NFVET 445 963 891 814 881 873 823 969 962 0.01 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.09 0.11 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.28 0.32 0.29 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S3NFVET S4NFVET S5NFVET S6NFVET S7NFVET S8NFVET S9NFVET S10NFVET S11NFVET 338 581 515 453 490 486 466 530 520 0.01 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.09 0.13 0.09 0.11 0.25 0.28 0.28 0.31 0.31 0.29 0.33 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R2IVET1 8222 215.62 1655.33 0.0 48000.0 S2IVET1 4549 202.94 1754.64 0.0 48000.0 R2IVET2 8222 1.39 115.62 0.0 10440.0 S2IVET2 4549 0.21 14.23 0.0 960.0 R2IOVET1 8222 0.04 0.20 0.0 1.0 S2IOVET1 4549 0.04 0.19 0.0 1.0 R2IOVET2 8222 0.00 0.02 0.0 1.0 Section B: Income 221 S2IOVET2 4549 0.00 0.01 0.0 1.0 R2IFVET1 8222 5.85 0.96 1.0 9.0 S2IFVET1 8222 6.83 1.25 1.0 9.0 R2IFVET2 8222 6.02 0.18 1.0 9.0 S2IFVET2 8222 6.91 0.99 1.0 9.0 R2IWELF 11420 29.67 352.83 0.0 12120.0 S2IWELF 9123 11.53 191.91 0.0 5244.0 R2IOWELF 11420 0.01 0.12 0.0 1.0 S2IOWELF 9123 0.01 0.08 0.0 1.0 R2IFWELF 11420 5.97 0.65 1.0 9.0 S2IFWELF 11420 6.40 0.92 1.0 9.0 H1IWELF H3IWELF H4IWELF H5IWELF H6IWELF H7IWELF H8IWELF H9IWELF H10IWELF H11IWELF 12652 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 58.90 20.26 18.92 11.84 9.80 9.01 7.48 9.98 14.64 24.79 566.82 332.53 421.67 360.94 451.82 198.82 181.46 257.98 249.91 582.11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28000.0 16000.0 48000.0 24000.0 41000.0 15000.0 10000.0 17000.0 9300.0 38074.1 H1IOWELF H3IOWELF H4IOWELF H5IOWELF H6IOWELF H7IOWELF H8IOWELF H9IOWELF H10IOWELF H11IOWELF 12652 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.14 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1IFWELF H3IFWELF H4IFWELF H5IFWELF H6IFWELF H7IFWELF H8IFWELF H9IFWELF H10IFWELF H11IFWELF 12652 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.93 5.98 6.00 6.00 5.99 5.99 6.00 5.99 6.03 6.00 0.72 0.52 0.51 0.41 0.36 0.38 0.35 0.38 0.57 0.48 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H1IFOOD H2IFOOD H3IFOOD H4IFOOD H5IFOOD H6IFOOD H7IFOOD H8IFOOD 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 114.37 60.51 47.42 39.52 32.92 34.72 53.35 58.56 576.60 336.58 311.05 265.84 237.27 251.60 437.04 362.60 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14400.0 5316.0 13248.0 6600.0 8400.0 7130.3 24036.0 9564.1 Section B: Income 222 H9IFOOD H10IFOOD H11IFOOD 17217 22034 20554 67.76 169.80 159.22 411.71 808.53 718.97 0.0 0.0 0.0 16706.3 26700.0 13554.0 H1IOFOOD H2IOFOOD H3IOFOOD H4IOFOOD H5IOFOOD H6IOFOOD H7IOFOOD H8IOFOOD H9IOFOOD H10IOFOOD H11IOFOOD 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.11 0.11 0.24 0.24 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.31 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1IFFOOD H2IFFOOD H3IFFOOD H4IFFOOD H5IFFOOD H6IFFOOD H7IFFOOD H8IFFOOD H9IFFOOD H10IFFOOD H11IFFOOD 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.73 5.77 5.79 5.82 5.84 5.83 5.77 5.75 5.75 5.56 5.50 1.21 1.16 1.08 1.04 0.97 0.95 1.10 1.13 1.14 1.56 1.56 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H3MFOOD H4MFOOD H5MFOOD H6MFOOD H7MFOOD H8MFOOD H9MFOOD H10MFOOD H11MFOOD 563 991 818 718 1020 1025 977 2382 2308 113.39 82.83 82.96 91.06 115.53 113.89 123.59 205.30 186.76 90.35 76.81 80.54 85.83 142.34 111.93 114.95 174.00 151.75 6.0 7.0 10.0 9.0 1.0 8.0 2.0 9.0 1.0 500.0 550.0 752.0 759.6 2003.0 819.0 1392.2 2225.0 1129.5 H3NFOOD H4NFOOD H5NFOOD H6NFOOD H7NFOOD H8NFOOD H9NFOOD H10NFOOD H11NFOOD 563 991 818 718 1020 1025 977 2382 2308 9.51 10.45 10.27 10.25 9.57 9.81 10.07 7.63 7.71 4.60 3.72 3.83 3.90 4.51 4.26 4.02 5.33 5.05 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 H3NFFOOD H4NFFOOD H5NFFOOD H6NFFOOD H7NFFOOD H8NFFOOD H9NFFOOD H10NFFOOD H11NFFOOD 563 991 818 718 1020 1025 977 2382 2308 0.05 0.09 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.03 0.01 0.22 0.28 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.25 0.27 0.17 0.12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|R1IOGXFR 0.receives no |11400 1.receives inc|1252 R2IOGXFR 17863 1779 R3IOGXFR 16241 1750 R4IOGXFR 19411 1973 R5IOGXFR 17867 1712 R6IOGXFR 16633 1532 R7IOGXFR 18232 1897 R8IOGXFR 16581 1888 R9IOGXFR 15416 1801 R10IOGXFR 18711 3323 R11IOGXFR 17302 3252 Section B: Income 223 Value---------|S1IOGXFR .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9504 1.receives inc|775 S2IOGXFR 5970 12830 842 S3IOGXFR 5658 11463 870 S4IOGXFR 6869 13578 937 S5IOGXFR 6538 12227 814 S6IOGXFR 6306 11155 704 S7IOGXFR 6777 12476 876 S8IOGXFR 6417 11166 886 S9IOGXFR 6205 10171 841 S10IOGXFR 7799 12603 1632 S11IOGXFR 7474 11498 1582 Value---------|R1IFGXFR 0.no income |11251 1.no imputatio|1133 2.some imputat|173 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFGXFR 17392 1568 548 134 R3IFGXFR 16027 1482 356 126 R4IFGXFR 19112 1697 368 207 R5IFGXFR 17634 1468 340 137 R6IFGXFR 16449 1310 361 45 R7IFGXFR 18052 1670 318 89 R8IFGXFR 16436 1642 326 65 R9IFGXFR 15253 1544 345 75 R10IFGXFR 18200 2818 598 418 R11IFGXFR 17006 2802 575 171 Value---------|S1IFGXFR 0.no income |9365 1.no imputatio|693 2.some imputat|126 8.no Sp/Part->|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 S2IFGXFR 12485 742 342 5970 103 S3IFGXFR 11333 720 194 5658 86 S4IFGXFR 13331 794 205 6869 185 S5IFGXFR 12076 705 167 6538 93 S6IFGXFR 11032 594 197 6306 36 S7IFGXFR 12344 754 177 6777 77 S8IFGXFR 11085 763 152 6417 52 S9IFGXFR 10065 716 169 6205 62 S10IFGXFR 12222 1381 305 7799 327 S11IFGXFR 11280 1340 317 7474 143 Value---------|R1IOVET .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |12190 1.receives inc|462 R2IOVET 8222 11132 288 R3IOVET R4IOVET R5IOVET R6IOVET R7IOVET R8IOVET R9IOVET R10IOVET R11IOVET 17183 808 20421 963 18688 891 17351 814 19248 881 17596 873 16394 823 21065 969 19592 962 Value---------|S1IOVET .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar |2373 0.receives no |9940 1.receives inc|339 S2IOVET 4549 5970 8916 207 S3IOVET S4IOVET S5IOVET S6IOVET S7IOVET S8IOVET S9IOVET S10IOVET S11IOVET 5658 11819 514 6869 13934 581 6538 12526 515 6306 11406 453 6777 12862 490 6417 11566 486 6205 10546 466 7799 13705 530 7474 12560 520 Value---------|R1IFVET .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|406 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|49 6.no income |12051 7.DK if income|51 9.no Fin Resp |95 R2IFVET 8222 258 R3IFVET R4IFVET R5IFVET R6IFVET R7IFVET R8IFVET R9IFVET R10IFVET R11IFVET 655 45 6 96 16995 68 126 821 72 9 54 20160 61 207 759 51 8 65 18496 63 137 689 50 6 64 17245 66 45 753 49 5 68 19109 56 89 734 49 9 74 17477 61 65 691 61 7 59 16280 44 75 796 71 11 75 20584 79 418 791 57 16 80 19358 81 171 S3IFVET S4IFVET S5IFVET S6IFVET S7IFVET S8IFVET S9IFVET S10IFVET S11IFVET 408 31 3 68 11710 27 5658 86 495 44 4 31 13719 37 6869 185 437 28 4 44 12397 38 6538 93 381 32 5 35 11328 42 6306 36 404 33 5 48 12756 29 6777 77 406 28 6 44 11489 27 6417 52 383 42 7 31 10466 21 6205 62 438 31 7 45 13338 49 7799 327 433 27 9 48 12372 48 7474 143 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| R3NFVET 10519 7027 440 5 R4NFVET 20421 R5NFVET 18688 R6NFVET 17351 R7NFVET 19248 R8NFVET 17596 R9NFVET 16394 R10NFVET 21065 R11NFVET 19592 895 68 823 68 738 76 800 81 788 85 752 71 853 116 871 91 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| S3NFVET 8291 3704 5658 334 4 S4NFVET 13934 S5NFVET 12526 S6NFVET 11406 S7NFVET 12862 S8NFVET 11566 S9NFVET 10545 S10NFVET 13705 S11NFVET 12560 6869 543 38 6538 472 43 6306 413 40 6777 438 52 6417 434 52 6206 423 43 7799 463 67 7474 475 45 Value---------|S1IFVET .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v|298 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|41 6.no income |9804 7.DK if income|41 8.No spouse/pa|2373 9.no Fin Resp |95 24 10980 34 124 S2IFVET 4549 3673 186 20 8789 29 2297 99 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOVET1 11420 7889 333 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOVET1 9123 5970 4383 166 Section B: Income 224 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOVET2 11420 8220 2 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOVET2 9123 5970 4548 1 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFVET1 11420 294 29 7660 229 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S2IFVET1 9123 2297 143 16 4221 165 3673 4 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFVET2 11420 2 8096 114 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S2IFVET2 9123 2297 1 4448 96 3673 4 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOWELF 8222 11256 164 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOWELF 4549 5970 9062 61 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFWELF 8222 149 14 11119 14 124 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S2IFWELF 4549 3673 56 5 8950 13 2297 99 Value---------|H1IOWELF 0.receives no |12402 H3IOWELF 17824 H4IOWELF 21206 H5IOWELF 19486 H6IOWELF 18081 H7IOWELF 20031 H8IOWELF 18394 H9IOWELF 17136 H10IOWELF 21879 H11IOWELF 20411 Section B: Income 225 1.receives inc|250 167 178 93 84 98 75 81 155 143 Value---------|H1IFWELF 1.continuous v|230 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|18 6.no income |12255 7.DK if income|54 9.no Fin Resp |95 H3IFWELF 146 H4IFWELF 147 H5IFWELF 79 13 19285 65 137 H8IFWELF 55 11 1 6 18278 53 65 H9IFWELF 60 17 1 3 17008 53 75 H11IFWELF 115 21 25 20950 55 207 H7IFWELF 68 22 1 5 19881 63 89 H10IFWELF 114 28 21 17669 29 126 H6IFWELF 68 9 1 6 17948 88 45 7 21374 93 418 7 20170 70 171 Value---------|H1IOFOOD 0.receives no |11846 1.receives inc|806 H2IOFOOD 18479 1163 H3IOFOOD 17063 928 H4IOFOOD 20393 991 H5IOFOOD 18761 818 H6IOFOOD 17447 718 H7IOFOOD 19109 1020 H8IOFOOD 17444 1025 H9IOFOOD 16240 977 H10IOFOOD 19652 2382 H11IOFOOD 18246 2308 Value---------|H1IFFOOD 1.continuous v|740 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra|53 6.no income |11717 7.DK if income|47 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2IFFOOD 1043 H3IFFOOD 827 H4IFFOOD 870 H5IFFOOD 707 68 18125 272 134 90 16920 28 126 110 20125 72 207 101 18588 46 137 H6IFFOOD 634 27 12 34 17322 91 45 H7IFFOOD 942 46 6 16 18990 40 89 H8IFFOOD 937 42 8 31 17348 38 65 H9IFFOOD 869 46 14 40 16126 47 75 H10IFFOOD 2093 104 19 97 19190 113 418 H11IFFOOD 2058 107 21 90 18015 92 171 H3NFFOOD 10401 7027 534 29 H4NFFOOD 20393 H5NFFOOD 18761 H6NFFOOD 17447 H7NFFOOD 19109 H8NFFOOD 17444 H9NFFOOD 16240 H10NFFOOD 19652 H11NFFOOD 18246 904 87 782 36 679 39 972 48 959 66 901 76 2313 69 2276 32 Value---------| .M=Oth Missing| .Q=Not asked t| 0.num mos know| 1.DK num mos,u| General Comments: Income measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD income component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in whether unfolding brackets are used to determine a range of income when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. The order in which income questions are asked also changes across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. Generally, Wave 1 questions ask about 1991 income, and Wave 2H asks about 1993 income. Wave 2A and from Wave 3 forward ask about income last calendar year. All questions are based on the Financial Respondent's interview year. Not all interviews are completely conducted in the same year for waves 2A, 3H, 4, and from 5 forward. The HRS and AHEAD income components are summed to create the income measures requested for these files. For each derived income measure, a flag indicates whether any or all of its components were imputed. Individual income components and imputation flags are available in the “RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File”. HRS and AHEAD income measures are reported at the household level. The Financial Respondent (FinR) reports income for both him/herself and his/her spouse or partner. The respondent income measures on this file are those of the FinR, if they are the same individual, and the spouse income measures are those of the FinR's spouse. If the respondent is the spouse of the FinR, then the FinR-reported respondent and spouse measures are swapped. That is, if the respondent is the FinR's spouse then the FinR-reported spouse income is assigned as the respondent income and the FinR-reported respondent income is assigned as the spouse income. How Constructed: RwIGXFR sums the respondent's income from veteran's benefits, welfare, and food stamps. SwIGXFR sums the spouse's income from veteran’s benefits, welfare, and food stamps. Veteran’s benefits and food stamps are given as monthly amounts (RwMVET, SwMVET, HwMFOOD), which are multiplied by the appropriate number of months (RwNVET, SwNVET, HwNFOOD) to derive the amount received in the last calendar year (RwIVET, SwIVET, HwIFOOD). If it can be determined that the respondent began Section B: Income 226 receiving this income in the last calendar year but not the exact number of months, the number of months received was set to six. Prior to wave 10, they were set to 12 months. When there is no information on the number of months, a full year (12 months) is assumed and a flag is set to one (RwNFVET, SwNFVET, HwNFFOOD). Beginning in Version F, we introduced logic that takes into account who reported receiving welfare income. Specifically, the income is split between the respondent and spouse if the respondent is married or partnered and the income is reported jointly. However, income from welfare is not split between the two members of the couple if only one reports receiving it, that is – it is assigned to the appropriate recipient. This logic does not apply for Wave 2H, since income from welfare is already reported individually. Nor does it pertain to Wave 2A, since there is no direct question about income from welfare. Income from food stamps is always divided equally between the respondent and spouse. The individual components summed to produce RwIGXFR are: RwIVET, R2IVETn, HwIFOOD, R2IWELF, and HwIWELF. Variables in the form HwIFvar/RwIFvar/SwIFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwIOvar/RwIOvar/SwIOvar indicate whether income is received from this type of income. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The way the income component questions are asked varies across waves. In all waves, veteran's benefits are reported for respondent and spouse individually, and food stamps are reported for the household. In Wave 1, and from Wave 3 forward, welfare is reported for the household, but in Wave 2H it can be reported individually or, if both the respondent and spouse receive it, jointly. In Wave 2A, it is not reported at all. In Wave 1, the questions ask for the annual amount of veteran's benefits and food stamps received in 1991. From Wave 2 forward, the amount of veteran's benefits received last month and the amount of food stamps in the latest month received are asked. For veteran's benefits the first month received is also asked. The variable derivation checks the months in which income was received and multiplies the monthly amount appropriately to calculate a yearly amount. Beginning in Wave 2H, the questions about food stamps ask which months since the last interview they were received. For welfare, the question asks for the annual amount in all waves. Beginning in Wave 6, bracket amounts are asked for welfare, food stamps, and transfer income. From Wave 3 forward, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value of monthly veteran's benefits, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts are the same across all waves. The exception to this is in Wave 3A, where the bracket amounts are based on the last year, rather than the last month. In Waves 1 and 2, no unfolding bracket questions are asked. The income questions in the Wave 2A are very different from other waves. Most distinctive are the "regular income" for respondent and spouse and "other household income". After standard questions about Social Security income, SSI and food stamps, other income is asked about in a general way. If other income is present, respondents are asked to specify the source of income. In other waves, most income types are asked specifically (i.e., Do you receive veteran's benefits?). In Wave 2A, financial respondents are asked the following questions about their own income, then about their spouse's: a) Do you receive any (other) regular income payments; for example, from retirement pensions, Veterans Benefits, annuities, payments from an IRA account, or anything like that? b) Please think about the largest (other) regular income you receive. [IWER: PROBE WITH CATEGORIES ONLY IF R NEEDS HELP] 1.VETERANS BENEFITS 2.RETIREMENT OR OTHER PENSIONS 3.ANNUITY What type of income is that? Section B: Income 227 4.IRA DISTRIBUTION 5.STOCKS AND BONDS 7.OTHER 8.DK 9.RF This set of questions is repeated twice so that respondents can report up to 3 current other regular incomes. Then they are asked: a) Did you receive any other regular income in [last calendar year] that you no longer receive? b) What type of income was that? (Same categories as above) So there are a total of 4 other regular incomes that can be reported. Categories may be specified more than once, and there are up to 2 different instances of veterans benefits. Besides pensions and annuities, other waves allow only one reported amount for most income categories, so that a respondent would give a total of all veterans benefits income received. If income is received, subsequent questions serve to identify the date of receipt (was income received in the last calendar year?) and amount received. There are no unfolding brackets for income in Wave 2A. Because of the differences in the way income information was collected for the HRS and AHEAD samples in wave 2, the income component imputation flags that apply vary, depending on the entry cohort of the respondent. For AHEAD entry cohort respondents, R2IFVET, S2IFVET, R2IFWELF, and S2IFWELF are set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income components are not available in Wave 2A. For HRS entry cohort respondents, R2IFVET1, S2IFVET1, R2IFVET2, and S2IFVET2 are set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income components are not available in Wave 2H. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15701 V15702 V15704 V15709 V15901 V15903 V16211 V16212 V5701 V5702 V5704 V5705 V5709 V5710 V5901 V5903 V6211 V6212 V6213 AHEAD 1993: B1430 B1432 B1442 B1443 B1444 N18:RECV VETERANS BE:IND N18A:WHO RECVD VET B:IND N20:VET BN:R1 REC91I:IND N20:VET BN:R2 REC91I:IND N36:RECV WELFARE IN :IND N37A:B:C AMT RECDIND:IND N51:RCV FOOD STAMPS :IND N51A:FOOD ST/M AMT I:IND N18:RECV VETERANS BE:IMP N18A:WHO RECVD VET B:IMP N20:VET BN:R1$AMT RE:IMP N20:VET BN:R1PAY PER:IMP N23:VET BN:R2$AMT RE:IMP N23:VET BN:R2PAY PER:IMP N36:RECV WELFARE IN :IMP N37A:B:C: AMT RECVD :IMP N51:RCV FOOD STAMPS :IMP N51A:FD STMP: AMT/M:IMP N51A:FD STMP:PER 2 W:IMP J13. FS: RECEIVE ANY FOOD STAMPS LAST MO J13a. FS: $ LAST MONTH J14a. FS: START MONTH FOOD STAMPS J14b. FS: START YEAR FOOD STAMPS J15. FS: RECEIVE ANY 1992/93 Section B: Income B1450 B1451 B1452 B1456 B1457 B1458 B1459 B1460 B1462 B1463 B1473 B1475 B1476 B1477 B1478 B1479 B1480 B1481 B1482 B1491 B1492 B1493 B1494 B1495 B1496 B1497 B1498 B1499 B1508 B1509 B1510 B1511 B1512 B1513 B1514 B1515 B1517 B1518 B1519 B1520 B1521 B1522 B1523 B1524 B1533 B1539 B1540 B1541 B1542 B1543 B1544 B1545 B1546 B1555 B1560 B1561 B1562 B1563 B1564 B1565 B1566 B1567 B1576 228 J16. FS: LAST MONTH RECD 1992/3 J16a. FS: LAST YEAR RECD 1992/3 J17. FS: $ LAST MONTH 1992/3 J19. R REG INC: RECEIVE ANY J20-1. R REG INC: TYPE-1 J21-1. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-1 J21b-1. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-1 J21c-1. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-1 J21e-1. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-1 J21f-1. R REG INC: START MONTH-1 J26-1. R REG INC: ANY OTHER-1 J20-2. R REG INC: TYPE-2 J21-2. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-2 J21b-2. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-2 J21c-2. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-2 J21d-2. R REG INC: FED INC TAXED-2 J21e-2. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-2 J21f-2. R REG INC: START MONTH-2 J21g-2. R REG INC: START YEAR-2 J26-2. R REG INC: ANY OTHER-2 J20-3. R REG INC: TYPE-3 J21-3. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-3 J21b-3. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-3 J21c-3. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-3 J21d-3. R REG INC: FED INC TAXED-3 J21e-3. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-3 J21f-3. R REG INC: START MONTH-3 J21g-3. R REG INC: START YEAR-3 J27. R REG INC: ANY END 1992/3 J27a. R REG INC END1992/3: TYPE J28. R REG INC END 1992/3: PAID PER MO J28a. R REG INC END 1992/3: $ PERIOD J28b.R REG INC END1992/3:$ LAST PERIOD J28c. R REG INC END92/3: LAST MO RECD J28d. R REG INC END92/3: LAST YR RECD J29. SP REG INC: RECEIVE ANY J30-1. SP REG INC: TYPE-1 J31-1. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-1 J31b-1. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-1 J31c-1. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-1 J31d-1. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-1 J31e-1. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-1 J31f-1. SP REG INC: START MONTH-1 J31g-1. SP REG INC: START YEAR-1 J36-1. SP REG INC: ANY OTHER-1 J30-2. SP REG INC: TYPE-2 J31-2. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-2 J31b-2. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-2 J31c-2. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-2 J31d-2. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-2 J31e-2. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-2 J31f-2. SP REG INC: START MONTH-2 J31g-2. SP REG INC: START YEAR-2 J36-2. SP REG INC: ANY OTHER-2 J30-3. SP REG INC: TYPE-3 J31-3. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-3 J31b-3. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-3 J31c-3. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-3 J31d-3. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-3 J31e-3. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-3 J31f-3. SP REG INC: START MONTH-3 J31g-3. SP REG INC: START YEAR-3 J37. SP REG INC: ANY END 92/93 Section B: Income B1577 B1578 B1579 B1580 B1581 B1582 HRS 1994: W16056 W16063 W16067 W16282 W16283 W16284 W16285 W6056 W6057 W6063 W6064 W6065 W6067 W6068 W6069 W6282 W6283 W6284 W6285 W6286 W6311 W6312 W6313 W6314 W6327 W6328 W6329 W6330 W6331 W6332 W6333 W6334 W6335 W6336 W6337 W6338 W6352 W6354 W6355 W6356 W6357 AHEAD 1995: D3927 D3929 D3935 D3936 D3937 D3940 D3941 D3942 D3950 D3953 D3954 D3955 D4587 D4595 229 J37a. J37b. J37b. J37c. J37d. J37e. SP SP SP SP SP SP REG REG REG REG REG REG INC INC INC INC INC INC END END END END END END 92/93: 92/93: 92/93: 92/93: 92/93: 92/93: N19. Imputation flag N19g. Imputation flag N19m. Imputation flag N26. Imputation flag N27. Imputation flag N27a1. Imputation flag N27b1. Imputation flag N19.VETERANS BENEFITS? N19a.WHO RECD VETERANS B N19g.R-AMT VETERANS BENE N19h.R-MONTH START VETER N19h.R-YEAR START VETERA N19m.SP-AMT VETERANS BEN N19n.SP-MONTH START VETE N19n.SP-YEAR START VETER N26.WELFARE? N27.WHO RECEIVED WELFARE N27a1.R-AMT WELFARE 1993 N27b1.SP-AMT WELFARE 199 N27c1.BOTH-AMT WELFARE 1 N32.GOVT FOOD STAMPS SIN N32a.WHICH MONTHS N32a.START/STOP FOOD STA N32a.START/STOP FOOD STA N32b. Jan 1993 N32b. Feb 1993 N32b. Mar 1993 N32b. Apr 1993 N32b. May 1993 N32b. Jun 1993 N32b. Jul 1993 N32b. Aug 1993 N32b. Sep 1993 N32b. Oct 1993 N32b. Nov 1993 N32b. Dec 1993 N32b. All of 1993 N32b. Other N32b. DK N32b. RF N32c.AMT FOOD STAMPS LAS TYPE LAST MO RECD LAST YR RECD PAID PER MO $ PERIOD $ LST PERIOD J12.WHETHER WELFARE 1993 J12B.AMT WELFARE LCY J13.VET BENEFITS J13A.VET WHO REC J13A.R VET BENEFIT OPEN J13D.J13C,DK J13E.J13C,DK-2 J13F.J13C,DK-3 J13N.SP VET BENEFIT OPEN J13Q.DK-1 J13R.J13C,DK-2 J13S.J13C,DK-3 J65.WHETHER FOOD STAMPS 1994 J65E.AMT FOOD STAMPS Section B: Income D4597 HRS 1996: E4036 E4038 E4041 E4042 E4043 E4046B E4051 E4052 E4056 E4059B E4064 E4065 E4588 E4589 E4590 E4591 E4593M16 E4593M17 E4593M18 E4593M19 E4593M20 E4593M21 E4593M22 E4593M23 E4593M24 E4593M25 E4593M26 E4593M27 E4593M28 E4593M29 E4593M30 E4593M31 E4593M32 E4593M33 E4593M34 E4596 E4598 HRS 1998: F4796 F4798 F4801 F4802 F4803 F4806 F4807 F4808 F4811 F4812 F4816 F4819 F4820 F4821 F4824 F4825 F5348 F5349 F5350 F5351 F5353M1 F5353M10 F5353M2 230 J65G.AMT FOOD STAMPS LAST MONTH J64.R/S WHETHER WELFARE LCY J66.AMT WELFARE LCY J67.VET BENEFITS J68.VET WHO REC J69.R VET BENEFIT LAST MONTH J69.R VET BENEFIT LAST MONTH/Bkt J70.R VET BENEFIT START YEAR J70A.R VET BENEFIT START MONTH J72.AMT SP VET BEN LAST MO J72.AMT SP VET BEN LAST MO/Bkt J73.SP VET BENEFIT START YEAR J73A.SP VET BENEFIT START MONTH J255.WHETHER FOOD STAMPS 1994 J256.WHICH MONTHS J257.MONTH J258.YEAR J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - JAN 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - FEB 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - MAR 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - APR 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - MAY 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - JUN 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - JUL 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - AUG 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - SEP 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - OCT 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - NOV 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - DEC 95 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - JAN 96 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - FEB 96 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - MAR 96 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - APR 96 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - MAY 96 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - JUN 96 J259.SPECIFIC MONTH - JUL 96 J260.AMT FOOD STAMPS J262.AMT FOOD STAMPS LAST MONTH J64.R/S WHETHER WELFARE LCY J66.AMT WELFARE LCY J67.VET BENEFITS J68.VET WHO REC J69.R VET BENEFIT LAST MONTH J69A.DK-1K J69B.DK-1500 J69C.DK-500 J70.R VET BENEFIT START YEAR J70A.R VET BENEFIT START MONTH J72.AMT SP VET BEN LAST MO J72A.DK-1K J72B.DK-1,500 J72C.DK-500 J73.SP VET BENEFIT START YEAR J73A.SP VET BENEFIT START MONTH J255.WHETHER FOOD STAMPS 1996 J256.WHICH MONTHS J257.MONTH J258.YEAR J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section B: Income F5353M3 F5353M4 F5353M5 F5353M6 F5353M7 F5353M8 F5353M9 F5356 F5358 HRS 2000: G5239 G5241 G5244 G5247 G5248 G5251 G5252 G5253 G5256 G5257 G5261 G5264 G5265 G5266 G5269 G5270 G5735 G5736 G5737 G5738 G5740M1 G5740M10 G5740M2 G5740M3 G5740M4 G5740M5 G5740M6 G5740M7 G5740M8 G5740M9 G5743 G5745 HRS 2002: HQ113 HQ115 HQ119 HQ120 HQ121 HQ122 HQ123 HQ124 HQ125 HQ126 HQ127 HQ128 HQ129 HQ130 HQ131 HQ132 HQ400 HQ401 HQ402 HQ403 231 J259.SPECIFIC J259.SPECIFIC J259.SPECIFIC J259.SPECIFIC J259.SPECIFIC J259.SPECIFIC J259.SPECIFIC J260.AMT FOOD J262.AMT FOOD MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS STAMPS STAMPS LAST MONTH J64.R/S WHETHER WELFARE LCY J66.AMT WELFARE LCY J67.VET BENEFITS J68.VET WHO REC J69.R VET BENEFIT LAST MONTH J69A.DK-1K J69B.DK-1500 J69C.DK-500 J70.R VET BENEFIT START YEAR J70A.R VET BENEFIT START MONTH J72.AMT SP VET BEN LAST MO J72A.DK-1K J72B.DK-1500 J72C.DK-500 J73.SP VET BENEFIT START YEAR J73A.SP VET BENEFIT START MONTH J255. FOOD STAMPS SINCE LAST IW J256.WHICH MONTHS J257.MONTH J258.YEAR J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J259.SPECIFIC MONTHS J260.AMT FOOD STAMPS J262.AMT FOOD STAMPS LAST MONTH R OR SP INCOME FR WELFARE NOT SSI - LCY AMOUNT FROM WELFARE LCY R OR SP INC FR VETERAN BEN MILITARY PENS WHO RECEIVES VET BEN MILITARY PENSION R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - LAST MONTH R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT R YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - LAST MONTH SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX SP AMT VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS HH FOOD STAMPS SINCE LAST IW WHICH MONTHS HH FOOD STAMPS MONTH HH STARTED RECEIVING FOOD STAMPS YEAR HH STARTED RECEIVING FOOD STAMPS Section B: Income HQ404M01 HQ404M02 HQ404M03 HQ404M04 HQ404M05 HQ404M06 HQ404M07 HQ404M08 HQ404M09 HQ404M10 HQ404M11 HQ404M12 HQ404M13 HQ404M14 HQ404M15 HQ404M16 HQ404M17 HQ404M18 HQ404M19 HQ404M20 HQ404M21 HQ404M22 HQ404M23 HQ404M24 HQ404M25 HQ404M26 HQ406 HQ410 HRS 2004: JQ113 JQ115 JQ119 JQ120 JQ121 JQ122 JQ123 JQ124 JQ125 JQ126 JQ127 JQ128 JQ129 JQ130 JQ131 JQ132 JQ400 JQ401 JQ402 JQ403 JQ404M1 JQ404M10 JQ404M11 JQ404M12 JQ404M13 JQ404M14 JQ404M15 JQ404M16 JQ404M17 JQ404M18 JQ404M19 JQ404M2 JQ404M20 JQ404M21 232 SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC SPECIFIC AMT FOOD AMT FOOD MONTH -1 MONTH -2 MONTH -3 MONTH -4 MONTH -5 MONTH -6 MONTH -7 MONTH -8 MONTH -9 MONTH -10 MONTH -11 MONTH -12 MONTH -13 MONTH -14 MONTH -15 MONTH -16 MONTH -17 MONTH -18 MONTH -19 MONTH -20 MONTH -21 MONTH -22 MONTH -23 MONTH -24 MONTH -25 MONTH -26 STAMPS HH RECD - LAST MONTH STAMPS HH CURR REC - LAST MONTH R OR SP INCOME FR WELFARE NOT SSI - LCY AMOUNT FROM WELFARE LCY R OR SP INC FR VETERAN BEN MILITARY PENS WHO RECEIVES VET BEN MILITARY PENSION R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - LAST MONTH R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT R YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - LAST MONTH SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX SP AMT VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS HH FOOD STAMPS SINCE LAST IW WHICH MONTHS HH FOOD STAMPS MONTH HH STARTED RECEIVING FOOD STAMPS YEAR HH STARTED RECEIVING FOOD STAMPS FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -1 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -10 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -11 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -12 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -13 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -14 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -15 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -16 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -17 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -18 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -19 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -2 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -20 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -21 Section B: Income JQ404M22 JQ404M23 JQ404M24 JQ404M25 JQ404M26 JQ404M27 JQ404M28 JQ404M29 JQ404M3 JQ404M30 JQ404M31 JQ404M32 JQ404M4 JQ404M5 JQ404M6 JQ404M7 JQ404M8 JQ404M9 JQ406 JQ410 HRS 2006: KQ113 KQ115 KQ119 KQ120 KQ121 KQ122 KQ123 KQ124 KQ125 KQ126 KQ127 KQ128 KQ129 KQ130 KQ131 KQ132 KQ400 KQ401 KQ402 KQ403 KQ404M1 KQ404M10 KQ404M11 KQ404M12 KQ404M13 KQ404M14 KQ404M15 KQ404M16 KQ404M17 KQ404M18 KQ404M19 KQ404M2 KQ404M20 KQ404M21 KQ404M22 KQ404M3 KQ404M4 KQ404M5 KQ404M6 KQ404M7 KQ404M8 KQ404M9 233 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -22 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -23 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -24 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -25 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -26 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -27 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -28 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -29 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -3 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -30 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -31 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -32 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -4 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -5 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -6 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -7 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -8 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -9 AMT FOOD STAMPS HH RECD - LAST MONTH AMT FOOD STAMPS HH CURR REC - LAST MONTH R OR SP INCOME FR WELFARE NOT SSI - LCY AMOUNT FROM WELFARE LCY R OR SP INC FR VETERAN BEN MILITARY PENS WHO RECEIVES VET BEN MILITARY PENSION R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - LAST MONTH R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT R YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - LAST MONTH SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX SP AMT VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS HH FOOD STAMPS SINCE LAST IW WHICH MONTHS HH FOOD STAMPS MONTH HH STARTED RECEIVING FOOD STAMPS YEAR HH STARTED RECEIVING FOOD STAMPS FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -1 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -10 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -11 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -12 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -13 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -14 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -15 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -16 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -17 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -18 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -19 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -2 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -20 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -21 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -22 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -3 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -4 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -5 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -6 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -7 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -8 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -9 Section B: Income KQ406 KQ410 HRS 2008: LQ113 LQ115 LQ119 LQ120 LQ121 LQ122 LQ123 LQ124 LQ125 LQ126 LQ127 LQ128 LQ129 LQ130 LQ131 LQ132 LQ400 LQ401 LQ402 LQ403 LQ404M1 LQ404M10 LQ404M11 LQ404M12 LQ404M13 LQ404M14 LQ404M15 LQ404M16 LQ404M17 LQ404M18 LQ404M19 LQ404M2 LQ404M20 LQ404M21 LQ404M3 LQ404M4 LQ404M5 LQ404M6 LQ404M7 LQ404M8 LQ404M9 LQ406 LQ410 HRS 2010: MQ113 MQ115 MQ119 MQ120 MQ121 MQ122 MQ123 MQ124 MQ125 MQ126 MQ127 MQ128 MQ129 MQ130 MQ131 MQ132 234 AMT FOOD STAMPS HH RECD - LAST MONTH AMT FOOD STAMPS HH CURR REC - LAST MONTH R OR SP INCOME FR WELFARE NOT SSI - LCY AMOUNT FROM WELFARE LCY R OR SP INC FR VETERAN BEN MILITARY PENS WHO RECEIVES VET BEN MILITARY PENSION R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - LAST MONTH R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT R YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - LAST MONTH SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX SP AMT VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS HH FOOD STAMPS SINCE LAST IW WHICH MONTHS HH FOOD STAMPS MONTH HH STARTED RECEIVING FOOD STAMPS YEAR HH STARTED RECEIVING FOOD STAMPS FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -1 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -10 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -11 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -12 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -13 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -14 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -15 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -16 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -17 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -18 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -19 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -2 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -20 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -21 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -3 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -4 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -5 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -6 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -7 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -8 FOOD STAMPS-MONTH -9 AMT FOOD STAMPS HH RECD - LAST MONTH AMT FOOD STAMPS HH CURR REC - LAST MONTH R OR SP INCOME FR WELFARE NOT SSI - LCY AMOUNT FROM WELFARE LCY R OR SP INC FR VETERAN BEN MILITARY PENS WHO RECEIVES VET BEN MILITARY PENSION R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - LAST MONTH R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT R YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - LAST MONTH SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX SP AMT VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS Section B: Income MQ400 MQ406 MQ410 MQW776_1 MQW776_2 MQW776_3 MQW776_4 MQW777_1 MQW777_2 MQW777_3 MQW777_4 MQW778_1M1 MQW778_1M2 MQW778_1M3 MQW778_1M4 MQW778_1M5 MQW778_1M6 MQW778_2M1 MQW778_2M1 MQW778_2M1 MQW778_2M1 MQW778_2M1 MQW778_2M2 MQW778_2M3 MQW778_2M4 MQW778_2M5 MQW778_2M6 MQW778_2M7 MQW778_2M8 MQW778_2M9 MQW778_3M1 MQW778_3M1 MQW778_3M1 MQW778_3M1 MQW778_3M1 MQW778_3M2 MQW778_3M3 MQW778_3M4 MQW778_3M5 MQW778_3M6 MQW778_3M7 MQW778_3M8 MQW778_3M9 MQW778_4M1 MQW778_4M1 MQW778_4M1 MQW778_4M1 MQW778_4M1 MQW778_4M2 MQW778_4M3 MQW778_4M4 MQW778_4M5 MQW778_4M6 MQW778_4M7 MQW778_4M8 MQW778_4M9 MQW786 HRS 2012: NQ113 NQ115 NQ119 NQ120 NQ121 235 HH FOOD STAMPS SINCE LAST IW AMT FOOD STAMPS HH RECD - LAST MONTH AMT FOOD STAMPS HH CURR REC - LAST MONTH YEAR RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 YEAR RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 2 YEAR RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 3 YEAR RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 4 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 2 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 3 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 4 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 2 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 2 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 2 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 2 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 2 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD 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NQW778_4M4 NQW778_4M5 NQW778_4M6 236 R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX R AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT R YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS R MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - LAST MONTH SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MIN SP AMT FR VETERAN BENEFITS - MAX SP AMT VETERAN BENEFITS - RESULT SP YEAR STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS SP MONTH STARTED VETERAN BENEFITS HH FOOD STAMPS SINCE LAST IW AMT FOOD STAMPS HH RECD - LAST MONTH AMT FOOD STAMPS HH CURR REC - LAST MONTH YEAR RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 YEAR RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 2 YEAR RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 3 YEAR RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 4 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 2 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 3 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 4 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 1 ANY MONTHS RECIEVED FOOD STAMPS - 2 ANY 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H6IALMNY:W6 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 H1IOALMNY H2IOALMNY H3IOALMNY H4IOALMNY H5IOALMNY H6IOALMNY H1IOALMNY:W1 H2IOALMNY:W2 H3IOALMNY:W3 H4IOALMNY:W4 H5IOALMNY:W5 H6IOALMNY:W6 Receives-Alimony Receives-Alimony Receives-Alimony Receives-Alimony Receives-Alimony Receives-Alimony Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 H1IFALMNY H2IFALMNY H3IFALMNY H4IFALMNY H5IFALMNY H6IFALMNY H1IFALMNY:W1 H2IFALMNY:W2 H3IFALMNY:W3 H4IFALMNY:W4 H5IFALMNY:W5 H6IFALMNY:W6 ImpFlag-Alimony ImpFlag-Alimony ImpFlag-Alimony ImpFlag-Alimony ImpFlag-Alimony ImpFlag-Alimony Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ IncPart-Alimony IncPart-Alimony IncPart-Alimony IncPart-Alimony IncPart-Alimony IncPart-Alimony Section B: Income 239 1 H1IINSLU H1IINSLU:W1 IncPart-Insurance Lump Sum Cont 1 H1IOINSLU H1IOINSLU:W1 Receives-Insurance Lump Sum Categ 1 H1IFINSLU H1IFINSLU:W1 ImpFlag-Insurance Lump Sum Categ 1 H1IPENLU H1IPENLU:W1 IncPart-Pension Lump Sum Cont 1 H1IOPENLU H1IOPENLU:W1 Receives-Pension 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Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #1 H5IOLUMP1:W5 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #1 H6IOLUMP1:W6 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #1 H7IOLUMP1:W7 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #1 H8IOLUMP1:W8 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #1 H9IOLUMP1:W9 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #1 H10IOLUMP1:W10 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #1 H11IOLUMP1:W11 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #1 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IFLUMP1 H3IFLUMP1 H4IFLUMP1 H5IFLUMP1 H6IFLUMP1 H7IFLUMP1 H8IFLUMP1 H9IFLUMP1 H10IFLUMP1 H11IFLUMP1 H2IFLUMP1:W2 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #1 H3IFLUMP1:W3 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #1 H4IFLUMP1:W4 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #1 H5IFLUMP1:W5 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #1 H6IFLUMP1:W6 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #1 H7IFLUMP1:W7 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #1 H8IFLUMP1:W8 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #1 H9IFLUMP1:W9 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #1 H10IFLUMP1:W10 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #1 H11IFLUMP1:W11 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #1 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 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Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #2 H8IOLUMP2:W8 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #2 H9IOLUMP2:W9 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #2 H10IOLUMP2:W10 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #2 H11IOLUMP2:W11 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #2 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IFLUMP2 H3IFLUMP2 H4IFLUMP2 H5IFLUMP2 H6IFLUMP2 H7IFLUMP2 H8IFLUMP2 H9IFLUMP2 H10IFLUMP2 H11IFLUMP2 H2IFLUMP2:W2 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #2 H3IFLUMP2:W3 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #2 H4IFLUMP2:W4 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #2 H5IFLUMP2:W5 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #2 H6IFLUMP2:W6 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #2 H7IFLUMP2:W7 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #2 H8IFLUMP2:W8 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #2 H9IFLUMP2:W9 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #2 H10IFLUMP2:W10 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #2 H11IFLUMP2:W11 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #2 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2ILUMP3 H3ILUMP3 H4ILUMP3 H5ILUMP3 H6ILUMP3 H7ILUMP3 H8ILUMP3 H9ILUMP3 H10ILUMP3 H11ILUMP3 H2ILUMP3:W2 Inc Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H3ILUMP3:W3 Inc Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H4ILUMP3:W4 Inc Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H5ILUMP3:W5 Inc Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H6ILUMP3:W6 Inc Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H7ILUMP3:W7 Inc Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H8ILUMP3:W8 Inc Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H9ILUMP3:W9 Inc Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H10ILUMP3:W10 Inc Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H11ILUMP3:W11 Inc Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IOLUMP3 H3IOLUMP3 H4IOLUMP3 H5IOLUMP3 H6IOLUMP3 H7IOLUMP3 H8IOLUMP3 H9IOLUMP3 H10IOLUMP3 H11IOLUMP3 H2IOLUMP3:W2 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H3IOLUMP3:W3 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H4IOLUMP3:W4 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H5IOLUMP3:W5 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H6IOLUMP3:W6 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H7IOLUMP3:W7 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H8IOLUMP3:W8 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H9IOLUMP3:W9 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H10IOLUMP3:W10 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 H11IOLUMP3:W11 Receives: Last 2y-Lump Sum Inc #3 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IFLUMP3 H3IFLUMP3 H4IFLUMP3 H5IFLUMP3 H6IFLUMP3 H7IFLUMP3 H8IFLUMP3 H9IFLUMP3 H10IFLUMP3 H11IFLUMP3 H2IFLUMP3:W2 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #3 H3IFLUMP3:W3 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #3 H4IFLUMP3:W4 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #3 H5IFLUMP3:W5 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #3 H6IFLUMP3:W6 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #3 H7IFLUMP3:W7 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #3 H8IFLUMP3:W8 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #3 H9IFLUMP3:W9 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #3 H10IFLUMP3:W10 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #3 H11IFLUMP3:W11 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Last 2Y #3 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2ILUYR1 H3ILUYR1 H4ILUYR1 H5ILUYR1 H6ILUYR1 H7ILUYR1 H8ILUYR1 H9ILUYR1 H10ILUYR1 H11ILUYR1 H2ILUYR1:W2 IncPart-Lump Sum Inc #1 H3ILUYR1:W3 IncPart-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 H4ILUYR1:W4 IncPart-Lump Sum Inc #1 H5ILUYR1:W5 IncPart-Lump Sum Inc #1 H6ILUYR1:W6 IncPart-Lump Sum Inc #1 H7ILUYR1:W7 IncPart-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 H8ILUYR1:W8 IncPart-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 H9ILUYR1:W9 IncPart-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 H10ILUYR1:W10 IncPart-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 H11ILUYR1:W11 IncPart-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Section B: Income 241 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IOLUYR1 H3IOLUYR1 H4IOLUYR1 H5IOLUYR1 H6IOLUYR1 H7IOLUYR1 H8IOLUYR1 H9IOLUYR1 H10IOLUYR1 H11IOLUYR1 H2IOLUYR1:W2 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #1 H3IOLUYR1:W3 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 H4IOLUYR1:W4 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #1 H5IOLUYR1:W5 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #1 H6IOLUYR1:W6 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #1 H7IOLUYR1:W7 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 H8IOLUYR1:W8 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 H9IOLUYR1:W9 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 H10IOLUYR1:W10 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 H11IOLUYR1:W11 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #1 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IFLUYR1 H3IFLUYR1 H4IFLUYR1 H5IFLUYR1 H6IFLUYR1 H7IFLUYR1 H8IFLUYR1 H9IFLUYR1 H10IFLUYR1 H11IFLUYR1 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Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IOLUYR2 H3IOLUYR2 H4IOLUYR2 H5IOLUYR2 H6IOLUYR2 H7IOLUYR2 H8IOLUYR2 H9IOLUYR2 H10IOLUYR2 H11IOLUYR2 H2IOLUYR2:W2 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #2 H3IOLUYR2:W3 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #2 H4IOLUYR2:W4 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #2 H5IOLUYR2:W5 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #2 H6IOLUYR2:W6 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #2 H7IOLUYR2:W7 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #2 H8IOLUYR2:W8 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #2 H9IOLUYR2:W9 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #2 H10IOLUYR2:W10 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #2 H11IOLUYR2:W11 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #2 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H2IFLUYR2 H3IFLUYR2 H4IFLUYR2 H5IFLUYR2 H6IFLUYR2 H7IFLUYR2 H8IFLUYR2 H9IFLUYR2 H10IFLUYR2 H2IFLUYR2:W2 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Inc #2 H3IFLUYR2:W3 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Inc #2 H4IFLUYR2:W4 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Inc #2 H5IFLUYR2:W5 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Inc #2 H6IFLUYR2:W6 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Inc #2 H7IFLUYR2:W7 ImpFlag-Lump Sum LCY Inc #2 H8IFLUYR2:W8 ImpFlag-Lump Sum LCY Inc #2 H9IFLUYR2:W9 ImpFlag-Lump Sum LCY Inc #2 H10IFLUYR2:W10 ImpFlag-Lump Sum LCY Inc #2 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H2ILUYR3 H3ILUYR3 H4ILUYR3 H5ILUYR3 H6ILUYR3 H7ILUYR3 H8ILUYR3 H9ILUYR3 H2ILUYR3:W2 H3ILUYR3:W3 H4ILUYR3:W4 H5ILUYR3:W5 H6ILUYR3:W6 H7ILUYR3:W7 H8ILUYR3:W8 H9ILUYR3:W9 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont IncPart-Lump IncPart-Lump IncPart-Lump IncPart-Lump IncPart-Lump IncPart-Lump IncPart-Lump IncPart-Lump Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Inc LCY Inc Inc Inc LCY LCY LCY #3 Inc #3 #3 #3 Inc Inc Inc #3 #3 #3 #3 Section B: Income 242 10 11 H10ILUYR3 H11ILUYR3 H10ILUYR3:W10 IncPart-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 H11ILUYR3:W11 IncPart-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IOLUYR3 H3IOLUYR3 H4IOLUYR3 H5IOLUYR3 H6IOLUYR3 H7IOLUYR3 H8IOLUYR3 H9IOLUYR3 H10IOLUYR3 H11IOLUYR3 H2IOLUYR3:W2 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #3 H3IOLUYR3:W3 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 H4IOLUYR3:W4 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #3 H5IOLUYR3:W5 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #3 H6IOLUYR3:W6 Receives-Lump Sum Inc #3 H7IOLUYR3:W7 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 H8IOLUYR3:W8 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 H9IOLUYR3:W9 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 H10IOLUYR3:W10 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 H11IOLUYR3:W11 Receives-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IFLUYR3 H3IFLUYR3 H4IFLUYR3 H5IFLUYR3 H6IFLUYR3 H7IFLUYR3 H8IFLUYR3 H9IFLUYR3 H10IFLUYR3 H11IFLUYR3 H2IFLUYR3:W2 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Inc #3 H3IFLUYR3:W3 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Inc #3 H4IFLUYR3:W4 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Inc #3 H5IFLUYR3:W5 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Inc #3 H6IFLUYR3:W6 ImpFlag-Lump Sum Inc #3 H7IFLUYR3:W7 ImpFlag-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 H8IFLUYR3:W8 ImpFlag-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 H9IFLUYR3:W9 ImpFlag-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 H10IFLUYR3:W10 ImpFlag-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 H11IFLUYR3:W11 ImpFlag-Lump Sum LCY Inc #3 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 H1IOTHIN H1IOTHIN:W1 IncPart-Other HH Inc Cont 1 H1IOOTHIN H1IOOTHIN:W1 Receives-Other HH Inc Categ 1 H1IFOTHIN H1IFOTHIN:W1 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc Categ 2 R2IOTH1 R2IOTH1:W2 IncPart-Other #1 Inc Cont 2 S2IOTH1 S2IOTH1:W2 IncPart-Other #1 Inc Cont 2 R2IOOTH1 R2IOOTH1:W2 Receives-Other #1 Inc Categ 2 S2IOOTH1 S2IOOTH1:W2 Receives-Other #1 Inc Categ 2 R2IFOTH1 R2IFOTH1:W2 ImpFlag-Other #1 Inc Categ 2 S2IFOTH1 S2IFOTH1:W2 ImpFlag-Other #1 Inc Categ 2 R2IOTH2 R2IOTH2:W2 IncPart-Other #2 Inc Cont 2 S2IOTH2 S2IOTH2:W2 IncPart-Other #2 Inc Cont 2 R2IOOTH2 R2IOOTH2:W2 Receives-Other #2 Inc Categ 2 S2IOOTH2 S2IOOTH2:W2 Receives-Other #2 Inc Categ 2 R2IFOTH2 R2IFOTH2:W2 ImpFlag-Other #2 Inc Categ 2 S2IFOTH2 S2IFOTH2:W2 ImpFlag-Other #2 Inc Categ 2 R2IOTH3 R2IOTH3:W2 IncPart-Other #3 Inc Cont 2 S2IOTH3 S2IOTH3:W2 IncPart-Other #3 Inc Cont 2 R2IOOTH3 R2IOOTH3:W2 Receives-Other #3 Inc Categ 2 S2IOOTH3 S2IOOTH3:W2 Receives-Other #3 Inc Categ Section B: Income 243 2 R2IFOTH3 R2IFOTH3:W2 ImpFlag-Other #3 Inc Categ 2 S2IFOTH3 S2IFOTH3:W2 ImpFlag-Other #3 Inc Categ 2 H2IOTHI1 H2IOTHI1:W2 IncPart-Other HH Inc #1 Cont 2 H2IOOTHI1 H2IOOTHI1:W2 Receives-Other HH Inc #1 Categ 2 H2IFOTHI1 H2IFOTHI1:W2 ImpFlag-Other HH Inc #1 Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IOTHI2 H3IOTHI2 H4IOTHI2 H5IOTHI2 H6IOTHI2 H7IOTHI2 H8IOTHI2 H9IOTHI2 H10IOTHI2 H11IOTHI2 H2IOTHI2:W2 IncPart-Other HH Inc #2 H3IOTHI2:W3 IncPart-Other HH Inc #2 H4IOTHI2:W4 IncPart-Other HH Inc #2 H5IOTHI2:W5 IncPart-Other HH Inc #2 H6IOTHI2:W6 IncPart-Other HH Inc #2 H7IOTHI2:W7 IncPart-Other HH Inc #2 H8IOTHI2:W8 IncPart-Other HH Inc #2 H9IOTHI2:W9 IncPart-Other HH Inc #2 H10IOTHI2:W10 IncPart-Other HH Inc #2 H11IOTHI2:W11 IncPart-Other HH Inc #2 Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2IOOTHI2 H3IOOTHI2 H4IOOTHI2 H5IOOTHI2 H6IOOTHI2 H7IOOTHI2 H8IOOTHI2 H9IOOTHI2 H10IOOTHI2 H11IOOTHI2 H2IOOTHI2:W2 Receives-Other HH Inc #2 H3IOOTHI2:W3 Receives-Other HH Inc #2 H4IOOTHI2:W4 Receives-Other HH Inc #2 H5IOOTHI2:W5 Receives-Other HH Inc #2 H6IOOTHI2:W6 Receives-Other HH Inc #2 H7IOOTHI2:W7 Receives-Other HH Inc #2 H8IOOTHI2:W8 Receives-Other HH Inc 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2101.41 2808.54 3316.71 2498.38 2559.08 2236.75 17313.98 17636.55 11487.86 21109.05 56483.96 24749.68 28507.47 59034.26 44277.60 31678.30 23991.72 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 950000.0 1035000.0 386134.3 1000000.0 5000000.0 1200000.0 1000000.0 5024500.0 5150000.0 2000000.0 1300000.0 H1IOOTHR H2IOOTHR H3IOOTHR H4IOOTHR 12652 19642 17991 21384 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.08 0.30 0.29 0.26 0.27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section B: Income 244 H5IOOTHR H6IOOTHR H7IOOTHR H8IOOTHR H9IOOTHR H10IOOTHR H11IOOTHR 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.27 0.24 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1IFOTHR H2IFOTHR H3IFOTHR H4IFOTHR H5IFOTHR H6IFOTHR H7IFOTHR H8IFOTHR H9IFOTHR H10IFOTHR H11IFOTHR 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.19 0.21 0.16 0.21 0.17 0.12 0.15 0.13 0.14 0.28 0.17 0.86 0.85 0.82 0.96 0.83 0.57 0.71 0.64 0.69 1.27 0.88 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 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1.0 H1IFINHLU 12652 5.93 0.75 1.0 9.0 H2ILUMP1 H3ILUMP1 H4ILUMP1 H5ILUMP1 11420 17991 21384 19579 2875.68 2119.17 3896.72 4319.46 21357.28 18689.02 73650.26 59385.85 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1000000.0 700000.0 7000000.0 5000000.0 Section B: Income 245 H6ILUMP1 H7ILUMP1 H8ILUMP1 H9ILUMP1 H10ILUMP1 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 3849.40 5953.21 5548.43 4688.39 8313.97 35938.66 39208.93 68555.99 53347.61 69936.20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1200000.0 1300000.0 5024500.0 5000000.0 4200000.0 H2IOLUMP1 H3IOLUMP1 H4IOLUMP1 H5IOLUMP1 H6IOLUMP1 H7IOLUMP1 H8IOLUMP1 H9IOLUMP1 H10IOLUMP1 H11IOLUMP1 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.05 0.30 0.25 0.22 0.23 0.22 0.28 0.24 0.23 0.30 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H2IFLUMP1 H3IFLUMP1 H4IFLUMP1 H5IFLUMP1 H6IFLUMP1 H7IFLUMP1 H8IFLUMP1 H9IFLUMP1 H10IFLUMP1 H11IFLUMP1 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.57 5.71 5.80 5.76 5.79 5.63 5.74 5.75 5.61 5.79 1.48 1.24 1.11 1.14 1.03 1.35 1.15 1.14 1.51 1.10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H2ILUMP2 H3ILUMP2 H4ILUMP2 H5ILUMP2 H6ILUMP2 H7ILUMP2 H8ILUMP2 H9ILUMP2 H10ILUMP2 H11ILUMP2 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 169.63 119.94 145.20 218.52 152.88 484.53 99.89 95.47 664.97 124.66 3989.02 3922.14 5693.31 10780.57 5604.75 8491.97 3791.18 3024.00 15822.83 3975.56 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 200000.0 205000.0 500000.0 1003000.0 400000.0 500000.0 425000.0 250000.0 1000000.0 400000.0 H2IOLUMP2 H3IOLUMP2 H4IOLUMP2 H5IOLUMP2 H6IOLUMP2 H7IOLUMP2 H8IOLUMP2 H9IOLUMP2 H10IOLUMP2 H11IOLUMP2 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.11 0.05 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H2IFLUMP2 H3IFLUMP2 H4IFLUMP2 H5IFLUMP2 H6IFLUMP2 H7IFLUMP2 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0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H2IFLUMP3 H3IFLUMP3 H4IFLUMP3 H5IFLUMP3 H6IFLUMP3 H7IFLUMP3 H8IFLUMP3 H9IFLUMP3 H10IFLUMP3 H11IFLUMP3 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.03 6.02 6.03 6.02 6.01 6.00 6.01 6.01 6.04 6.02 0.32 0.26 0.32 0.27 0.16 0.29 0.20 0.22 0.48 0.29 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H2ILUYR1 H3ILUYR1 H4ILUYR1 H5ILUYR1 H6ILUYR1 H7ILUYR1 H8ILUYR1 H9ILUYR1 H10ILUYR1 H11ILUYR1 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1087.26 917.88 1559.06 2502.34 1655.25 2167.88 2801.22 1897.27 2079.34 1643.92 14513.21 10498.48 20144.78 55762.32 24042.69 25727.74 58049.21 42504.25 31006.42 22047.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1000000.0 386134.3 1000000.0 5000000.0 1200000.0 1000000.0 5024500.0 5000000.0 2000000.0 1300000.0 H2IOLUYR1 H3IOLUYR1 H4IOLUYR1 H5IOLUYR1 H6IOLUYR1 H7IOLUYR1 H8IOLUYR1 H9IOLUYR1 H10IOLUYR1 H11IOLUYR1 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.19 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.15 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H2IFLUYR1 H3IFLUYR1 H4IFLUYR1 H5IFLUYR1 H6IFLUYR1 H7IFLUYR1 H8IFLUYR1 H9IFLUYR1 H10IFLUYR1 H11IFLUYR1 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.86 5.89 5.92 5.89 5.91 5.89 5.88 5.90 5.96 5.93 0.94 0.87 0.83 0.87 0.73 0.82 0.83 0.79 0.87 0.78 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section B: Income 247 H2ILUYR2 H3ILUYR2 H4ILUYR2 H5ILUYR2 H6ILUYR2 H7ILUYR2 H8ILUYR2 H9ILUYR2 H10ILUYR2 H11ILUYR2 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 47.73 76.15 59.26 77.33 29.18 98.14 61.88 38.39 53.16 57.12 1661.79 3251.72 2508.53 3462.47 1432.63 2968.91 3532.22 1424.05 1561.64 3188.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 150000.0 205000.0 307000.0 400000.0 110000.0 180000.0 425000.0 100000.0 100000.0 400000.0 H2IOLUYR2 H3IOLUYR2 H4IOLUYR2 H5IOLUYR2 H6IOLUYR2 H7IOLUYR2 H8IOLUYR2 H9IOLUYR2 H10IOLUYR2 H11IOLUYR2 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H2IFLUYR2 H3IFLUYR2 H4IFLUYR2 H5IFLUYR2 H6IFLUYR2 H7IFLUYR2 H8IFLUYR2 H9IFLUYR2 H10IFLUYR2 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 6.02 6.01 6.02 6.01 6.00 6.00 6.01 6.01 6.05 0.36 0.31 0.37 0.34 0.20 0.31 0.24 0.27 0.47 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H2ILUYR3 H3ILUYR3 H4ILUYR3 H5ILUYR3 H6ILUYR3 H7ILUYR3 H8ILUYR3 H9ILUYR3 H10ILUYR3 H11ILUYR3 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 11.25 0.17 11.47 0.00 0.00 20.22 11.48 11.04 5.36 5.05 817.24 22.37 1146.48 0.00 0.00 1993.83 901.33 1153.27 430.50 417.81 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 75092.0 3000.0 164195.8 0.0 0.0 200000.0 72972.0 150000.0 50000.0 50000.0 H2IOLUYR3 H3IOLUYR3 H4IOLUYR3 H5IOLUYR3 H6IOLUYR3 H7IOLUYR3 H8IOLUYR3 H9IOLUYR3 H10IOLUYR3 H11IOLUYR3 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H2IFLUYR3 H3IFLUYR3 H4IFLUYR3 H5IFLUYR3 H6IFLUYR3 H7IFLUYR3 H8IFLUYR3 H9IFLUYR3 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 6.03 6.02 6.03 6.02 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 0.28 0.25 0.31 0.25 0.15 0.21 0.18 0.22 1.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section B: Income 248 H10IFLUYR3 H11IFLUYR3 22034 20554 6.06 6.02 0.42 0.28 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 H1IOTHIN 12652 304.74 5276.40 0.0 258000.0 H1IOOTHIN 12652 0.02 0.15 0.0 1.0 H1IFOTHIN 12652 5.93 0.74 1.0 9.0 R2IOTH1 8222 830.18 9994.27 0.0 385000.0 S2IOTH1 4549 881.04 10224.30 0.0 385000.0 R2IOOTH1 8222 0.06 0.24 0.0 1.0 S2IOOTH1 4549 0.05 0.21 0.0 1.0 R2IFOTH1 8222 5.78 1.10 1.0 9.0 S2IFOTH1 8222 6.80 1.32 1.0 9.0 R2IOTH2 8222 43.97 1037.67 0.0 49000.0 S2IOTH2 4549 39.83 1017.30 0.0 49000.0 R2IOOTH2 8222 0.01 0.07 0.0 1.0 S2IOOTH2 4549 0.00 0.07 0.0 1.0 R2IFOTH2 8222 5.99 0.37 1.0 9.0 S2IFOTH2 8222 6.90 1.03 1.0 9.0 R2IOTH3 8222 4.82 209.30 0.0 12000.0 S2IOTH3 4549 1.47 99.46 0.0 6708.0 R2IOOTH3 8222 0.00 0.03 0.0 1.0 S2IOOTH3 4549 0.00 0.01 0.0 1.0 R2IFOTH3 8222 6.01 0.20 1.0 9.0 S2IFOTH3 8222 6.91 0.99 1.0 9.0 H2IOTHI1 11420 238.04 3530.68 0.0 140000.0 H2IOOTHI1 11420 0.04 0.18 0.0 1.0 H2IFOTHI1 11420 5.88 0.93 1.0 9.0 H2IOTHI2 H3IOTHI2 H4IOTHI2 H5IOTHI2 H6IOTHI2 H7IOTHI2 H8IOTHI2 H9IOTHI2 H10IOTHI2 H11IOTHI2 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 24.53 251.14 387.81 523.43 376.21 522.30 442.13 551.69 421.23 530.66 1852.64 2908.00 4790.54 7689.58 5173.69 10794.45 8741.87 6480.50 4528.10 7673.23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 140000.0 127000.0 250000.0 400000.0 250000.0 1000000.0 750000.0 272000.0 200000.0 517000.0 H2IOOTHI2 11420 0.00 0.02 0.0 1.0 Section B: Income 249 H3IOOTHI2 H4IOOTHI2 H5IOOTHI2 H6IOOTHI2 H7IOOTHI2 H8IOOTHI2 H9IOOTHI2 H10IOOTHI2 H11IOOTHI2 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H2IFOTHI2 H3IFOTHI2 H4IFOTHI2 H5IFOTHI2 H6IFOTHI2 H7IFOTHI2 H8IFOTHI2 H9IFOTHI2 H10IFOTHI2 H11IFOTHI2 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.03 5.85 5.84 5.83 5.84 5.82 5.83 5.84 5.88 5.86 0.33 0.96 1.02 1.01 0.93 1.01 0.98 0.95 1.03 0.97 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1IOOTHR 0.receives no |11423 1.receives inc|1229 H2IOOTHR 17765 1877 H3IOOTHR 16655 1336 H4IOOTHR 19740 1644 H5IOOTHR 18045 1534 H6IOOTHR 17003 1162 H7IOOTHR 18717 1412 H8IOOTHR 17207 1262 H9IOOTHR 16118 1099 H10IOOTHR 20633 1401 H11IOOTHR 19352 1202 Value---------|H1IFOTHR 0.no income |11232 1.no imputatio|1093 2.some imputat|232 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2IFOTHR 17254 1593 661 134 H3IFOTHR 16378 1203 284 126 H4IFOTHR 19207 1409 561 207 H5IFOTHR 17710 1369 363 137 H6IFOTHR 16718 1023 379 45 H7IFOTHR 18313 1208 519 89 H8IFOTHR 16918 1106 380 65 H9IFOTHR 15811 963 368 75 H10IFOTHR 19783 1225 608 418 H11IFOTHR 18913 1063 407 171 Value---------|H1IOALMNY .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no |12449 1.receives inc|203 H2IOALMNY H3IOALMNY H4IOALMNY H5IOALMNY H6IOALMNY 8222 11278 17829 21189 19424 18034 142 162 195 155 131 Value---------|H1IFALMNY .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|189 2.complete bra| 5.no value/bra|13 6.no income |12276 7.DK if income|79 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2IFALMNY H3IFALMNY H4IFALMNY H5IFALMNY H6IFALMNY 8222 130 146 174 130 117 7 10 13 16 24 7 11141 17664 20865 19197 17861 15 42 122 91 128 124 126 207 137 45 Value---------|H1IOINSLU 0.receives no |12326 1.receives inc|326 Value---------|H1IFINSLU 1.continuous v|291 5.no value/bra|32 6.no income |12161 7.DK if income|73 9.no Fin Resp |95 Value---------|H1IOPENLU 0.receives no |12421 1.receives inc|231 Value---------|H1IFPENLU 1.continuous v|203 5.no value/bra|25 6.no income |12261 7.DK if income|68 9.no Fin Resp |95 Value---------|H1IOINHLU Section B: Income 250 0.receives no |12358 1.receives inc|294 Value---------|H1IFINHLU 1.continuous v|251 5.no value/bra|40 6.no income |12192 7.DK if income|74 9.no Fin Resp |95 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOLUMP1 H3IOLUMP1 H4IOLUMP1 H5IOLUMP1 H6IOLUMP1 H7IOLUMP1 H8IOLUMP1 H9IOLUMP1 H10IOLUMP1 H11IOLUMP1 8222 10289 16777 20258 18442 17243 18394 17350 16214 19852 19458 1131 1214 1126 1137 922 1735 1119 1003 2182 1096 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFLUMP1 8222 985 88 38 10141 44 124 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOLUMP2 H3IOLUMP2 H4IOLUMP2 H5IOLUMP2 H6IOLUMP2 H7IOLUMP2 H8IOLUMP2 H9IOLUMP2 H10IOLUMP2 H11IOLUMP2 8222 11335 17921 21287 19498 18124 19913 18410 17163 21752 20496 85 70 97 81 41 216 59 54 282 58 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFLUMP2 8222 77 7 1 11207 4 124 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOLUMP3 H3IOLUMP3 H4IOLUMP3 H5IOLUMP3 H6IOLUMP3 H7IOLUMP3 H8IOLUMP3 H9IOLUMP3 H10IOLUMP3 H11IOLUMP3 8222 11417 17989 21368 19572 18161 20092 18461 17212 21979 20544 3 2 16 7 4 37 8 5 55 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFLUMP3 H3IFLUMP3 H4IFLUMP3 8222 3 2 12 2 2 11293 17863 21156 5 124 126 207 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOLUYR1 H3IOLUYR1 H4IOLUYR1 H5IOLUYR1 H6IOLUYR1 H7IOLUYR1 H8IOLUYR1 H9IOLUYR1 H10IOLUYR1 H11IOLUYR1 18936 17453 20820 18981 17767 19551 17921 16768 21491 20079 706 538 564 598 398 578 548 449 543 475 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFLUYR1 629 40 36 18578 225 134 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOLUYR2 H3IOLUYR2 H4IOLUYR2 H5IOLUYR2 H6IOLUYR2 H7IOLUYR2 H8IOLUYR2 H9IOLUYR2 H10IOLUYR2 H11IOLUYR2 19594 17966 21338 19535 18153 20081 18449 17191 21985 20530 48 25 46 44 12 48 20 26 49 24 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFLUYR2 H3IFLUYR2 H4IFLUYR2 45 24 39 3 1 7 19293 17833 21107 167 7 24 134 126 207 H3IFLUMP1 H4IFLUMP1 H5IFLUMP1 H6IFLUMP1 H7IFLUMP1 H8IFLUMP1 H9IFLUMP1 H10IFLUMP1 H11IFLUMP1 1058 77 63 16545 122 126 923 119 61 19796 278 207 952 79 94 18192 125 137 731 64 117 17048 160 45 1436 146 138 18181 139 89 944 76 91 17165 128 65 863 53 80 16025 121 75 1882 139 128 19266 201 418 913 76 94 19140 160 171 H3IFLUMP2 H4IFLUMP2 H5IFLUMP2 H6IFLUMP2 H7IFLUMP2 H8IFLUMP2 H9IFLUMP2 H10IFLUMP2 H11IFLUMP2 64 4 2 17788 7 126 H3IFLUYR1 470 42 26 17187 140 126 88 2 7 21056 24 207 H4IFLUYR1 469 64 31 20335 278 207 77 2 1 19361 1 137 31 3 7 18075 4 45 176 18 22 19816 8 89 54 5 18345 65 48 4 2 17086 2 75 253 17 12 21326 8 418 48 5 5 20319 6 171 H5IFLUMP3 H6IFLUMP3 H7IFLUMP3 H8IFLUMP3 H9IFLUMP3 H10IFLUMP3 H11IFLUMP3 7 19435 137 H5IFLUYR1 520 37 35 18698 152 137 2 2 18114 2 45 H6IFLUYR1 354 18 26 17562 160 45 33 2 2 20001 2 89 H7IFLUYR1 481 51 44 19261 203 89 H5IFLUYR2 H6IFLUYR2 H7IFLUYR2 43 12 41 4 1 3 19397 18104 19960 1 4 32 137 45 89 6 1 1 18396 5 53 2 10 17137 21561 20373 65 75 418 171 H8IFLUYR1 470 35 43 17694 162 65 H9IFLUYR1 394 18 35 16511 184 75 H10IFLUYR1 489 28 21 20721 357 418 H8IFLUYR2 H9IFLUYR2 H10IFLUYR2 19 22 48 2 1 1 2 18382 17110 21537 2 6 30 65 75 418 H11IFLUYR1 407 35 33 19714 194 171 Section B: Income 251 Value---------| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOLUYR3 H3IOLUYR3 H4IOLUYR3 H5IOLUYR3 H6IOLUYR3 H7IOLUYR3 H8IOLUYR3 H9IOLUYR3 H10IOLUYR3 H11IOLUYR3 19633 17990 21374 19579 18165 20125 18466 17212 22030 20549 9 1 10 4 3 5 4 5 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFLUYR3 H3IFLUYR3 H4IFLUYR3 H5IFLUYR3 H6IFLUYR3 9 1 7 1 2 19344 17864 21162 19442 18118 155 5 2 134 126 207 137 45 Value---------|H1IOOTHIN 0.receives no |12377 1.receives inc|275 Value---------|H1IFOTHIN 1.continuous v|242 5.no value/bra|28 6.no income |12204 7.DK if income|83 9.no Fin Resp |95 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOOTH1 11420 7738 484 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOOTH1 9123 5970 4334 215 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFOTH1 11420 394 78 7505 235 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S2IFOTH1 9123 2297 183 29 4166 167 3673 4 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOOTH2 11420 8179 43 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOOTH2 9123 5970 4528 21 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFOTH2 11420 37 6 8054 115 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| S2IFOTH2 9123 2297 18 3 H7IFLUYR3 H8IFLUYR3 H9IFLUYR3 4 1 5 1 1 20030 18401 17137 6 89 65 75 H10IFLUYR3 H11IFLUYR3 4 5 21608 4 418 20378 171 Section B: Income 6.no 7.DK 8.No 9.no income | if income| spouse/pa| Fin Resp | 252 4428 96 3673 4 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| R2IOOTH3 11420 8216 6 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| S2IOOTH3 9123 5970 4548 1 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | R2IFOTH3 11420 5 1 8092 114 10 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| .U=Unmar | 1.continuous v| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 8.No spouse/pa| 9.no Fin Resp | S2IFOTH3 9123 2297 1 4448 96 3673 4 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOOTHI1 8222 11016 404 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFOTHI1 8222 352 46 10874 24 124 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOOTHI2 H3IOOTHI2 H4IOOTHI2 H5IOOTHI2 H6IOOTHI2 H7IOOTHI2 H8IOOTHI2 H9IOOTHI2 H10IOOTHI2 H11IOOTHI2 8222 11416 17317 20456 18757 17499 19255 17717 16554 21165 19794 4 674 928 822 666 874 752 663 869 760 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no income | 7.DK if income| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFOTHI2 H3IFOTHI2 H4IFOTHI2 H5IFOTHI2 H6IFOTHI2 8222 4 627 821 762 586 45 3 41 92 56 27 11290 17133 20084 18494 17298 2 64 180 130 161 124 126 207 137 45 H7IFOTHI2 H8IFOTHI2 H9IFOTHI2 H10IFOTHI2 H11IFOTHI2 779 41 3 42 18996 179 89 678 31 2 35 17523 135 65 588 32 7 27 16364 124 75 771 37 3 42 20573 190 418 698 33 3 15 19465 169 171 General Comments: Income measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD income component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in whether unfolding brackets are used to determine a range of income when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. The order in which income questions are asked also changes across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. Generally, Wave 1 questions ask about 1991 income, and Wave 2H asks about 1993 income. Wave 2A and from Wave 3 forward ask about income last calendar year. All questions are based on the Financial Section B: Income Respondent's interview year. 3H, 4, and from 5 forward. 253 Not all interviews are completely conducted in the same year for waves 2A, The HRS and AHEAD income components are summed to create the income measures requested for these files. For each derived income measure, a flag indicates whether any or all of its components were imputed. Individual income components and imputation flags are available in the “RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File”. HRS and AHEAD income measures are reported at the household level. The Financial Respondent (FinR) reports income for both him/herself and his/her spouse or partner. The respondent income measures on this file are those of the FinR, if they are the same individual, and the spouse income measures are those of the FinR's spouse. If the respondent is the spouse of the FinR, then the FinR-reported respondent and spouse measures are swapped. That is, if the respondent is the FinR's spouse then the FinR-reported spouse income is assigned as the respondent income and the FinR-reported respondent income is assigned as the spouse income. How Constructed: HwIOTHR is based on income from alimony (HwIALMNY) and lump sums (HwILUYR). Alimony is reported until Wave 6. After Wave 6, it is bundled into the questions that asks about other sources of income. Lump sum amounts received since the last interview or for the past two years (HwILUMP1 to HwILUMP3) are reported, and the year received is collected. The year is used to identify lump sums received in the last calendar year. If the lump sum amount is missing, it is imputed separately (HwILUYR1 to HwILUYR3). If the year is missing, then ownership of the lump sum in the last calendar year is imputed. Variables in the form HwIFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwIOvar indicate whether the household receives income from this type of income. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The way some income component questions are asked may vary across waves. The questions about lump sum income and other household income change across waves, while the questions on alimony remain the same across waves through Wave 6. Beginning in Wave 7 forward, the question about alimony is not asked. In Wave 1, the income section asked three separate questions, one for each type of lump sum: Did you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] receive a lump sum of money in 1991 from [pensions, insurance, inheritance]? In Wave 2, the lump sum income questions are asked in the assets section of the questionnaire: People sometimes receive property or lump sum payments of money from such things as pension settlements, insurance settlements, cashing in annuities, or inheritances. In the past two years did you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] receive a lump sum of money or property worth $500 or more that you have not already told me about? Do not include loans or gifts. The Wave 3 question wording is similar to that in Wave 2H. Instead of "the past two years", the wording is "since [previous interview month]" if the respondent has a previous interview. Also the words "worth $500" are dropped. Beginning in Wave 4, the question wording is: People sometimes receive large amounts of property or money in the form of an inheritance, a trust fund, an insurance settlement, and so on. Have you [or your spouse/partner] [ever/since last interview] received money or property in the form of an inheritance, a trust fund, or an insurance settlement? Note that the word "large" is included and the reference period is "ever" if this is the respondent's first interview. A note to the interviewer indicates that "large" means $10,000 or more. Section B: Income 254 From Wave 2 forward, the type of payment and month received are asked and questions about any other lump sum, one or two more times. The amount question asks about the largest or next largest lump sum. Thus the amounts of the three largest lump sums are available. Other household income is derived from questions about any other income not asked about specifically. In Waves 1 and 2A, there is also a question about income from friends and family. In later waves, income from friends and family is specifically excluded in question wording about other income. The question wording for other income varies across waves. In Wave 1, the question asks: Any other income from sources other than Social Security, which I'll ask about next? In Wave 2H, two questions ask about other income: 1.(Other than income you have already told me about, did you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] receive any other income in 1993, for example, from private disability insurance payments, consulting fees, odd jobs, and so forth? [DO NOT INCLUDE FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM RELATIVES OR FRIENDS.] 2.Are there any others? In Wave 3H forward, only one question about other income is asked and the wording is similar to that in the first question in Wave 2H, except that "rent from your home or second home" is added to the list of examples. In Wave 3A, the question wording is also similar to that in the first question in Wave 2H, except that "consulting fees" is removed from the list of examples. Beginning in Wave 4, the question that actually asks for the amount received adds the words "before taxes and other deductions". No unfolding bracket questions are asked for alimony and other income in any wave, except for Wave 6. From Wave 2 forward, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value of a lump sum, a follow-up question asks if the amount is more than $50,000 ($30,000 in Wave 2A). In Wave 1, no follow-up question is asked. The income questions in Wave 2A are very different from other waves. Most distinctive are the "regular income" for respondent and spouse and "other household income". After standard questions about Social Security income, SSI and food stamps, other income is asked about in a general way. If other income is present, respondents are asked to specify the source of income. In other waves, most income types are asked specifically (i.e., Do you receive any other income?). In Wave 2A, financial respondents are asked the following questions about their own income and then their spouse's: a) Do you receive any (other) regular income payments; for example, from retirement pensions, Veterans Benefits, annuities, payments from an IRA account, or anything like that? b) Please think about the largest (other) regular income you receive. [IWER: PROBE WITH CATEGORIES ONLY IF R NEEDS HELP] 1.VETERANS BENEFITS 2.RETIREMENT OR OTHER PENSIONS 3.ANNUITY 4.IRA DISTRIBUTION 5.STOCKS AND BONDS 7.OTHER 8.DK 9.RF What type of income is that? Section B: Income 255 This set of questions is repeated twice so that respondents can report up to 3 current other regular incomes. Then they are asked: a) Did you receive any other regular income in [last calendar year] that you no longer receive? b) What type of income was that? (Same categories as above) So there are a total of 4 other regular incomes that can be reported. Categories may be specified more than once, and there are up to 3 different instances of "other" income. If income is received, subsequent questions serve to identify the date of receipt (was income received in the last calendar year?) and the amount received. There are no unfolding brackets for income in Wave 2A. From Wave 7 forward, income from alimony (or child support payments) was not asked about. components related to this type of income are not available. Therefore, any Because of the differences in the way income information was collected for the HRS and AHEAD samples in wave 2, the income component imputation flags that apply vary, depending on the entry cohort of the respondent. For AHEAD entry cohort respondents, H2IFOTHI1 and H2IFOTHI2 are set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income components are not available in Wave 2A. For HRS entry cohort respondents, R2IFOTH1, R2IFOTH2, R2IFOTH3, S2IFOTH1, S2IFOTH2, and S2IFOTH3 are set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income components are not available in Wave 2H. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15914 V15915 V15923 V15924 V16201 V16202 V16203 V16204 V16205 V16206 V5914 V5915 V5923 V5924 V5926 V6201 V6202 V6203 V6204 V6205 V6206 AHEAD 1993: B1456 B1457 B1458 B1459 B1460 B1462 B1463 B1473 B1475 B1476 B1477 B1478 N38E:OTHR N39E:OTHR N38G:OTHR N39G:OTHR N48a:RCV N48A:REC N48b:RCV N48AB:REC N48c:RCV N48AC:REC N38E:OTHR N39E:OTHR N38G:OTHR N39G:OTHR N39G:OTHR N48a:RCV N48Aa:RCV N48b:RCV N48Ab:RCV N48c:RCV N48Ac:RCV INCME:ALIM:IND INCME AMT :IND INCME:NOT :IND INCM1 AMT :IND 91:INSUR :IND 91: AMT :IND 91:PENS S:IND 91: AMT:IND 91:INHERI:IND 91: AMT:IND INCME:ALIM:IMP INCME: AM:IMP INCME:NOT :IMP INCME:1: :IMP INCME:2: :IMP 91:INSUR :IMP 91: AMT:IMP 91:PENS S:IMP 91: AMT:IMP 91:INHERI:IMP 91: AMT:IMP J19. R REG INC: RECEIVE ANY J20-1. R REG INC: TYPE-1 J21-1. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-1 J21b-1. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-1 J21c-1. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-1 J21e-1. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-1 J21f-1. R REG INC: START MONTH-1 J26-1. R REG INC: ANY OTHER-1 J20-2. R REG INC: TYPE-2 J21-2. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-2 J21b-2. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-2 J21c-2. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-2 Section B: Income B1479 B1480 B1481 B1482 B1491 B1492 B1493 B1494 B1495 B1496 B1497 B1498 B1499 B1508 B1509 B1510 B1511 B1512 B1513 B1514 B1515 B1517 B1518 B1519 B1520 B1521 B1522 B1523 B1524 B1533 B1539 B1540 B1541 B1542 B1543 B1544 B1545 B1546 B1555 B1560 B1561 B1562 B1563 B1564 B1565 B1566 B1567 B1576 B1577 B1578 B1579 B1580 B1581 B1582 B1792 B1793 B1794 B1795 B1796 B1798 B1799 B1800 B1801 256 J21d-2. R REG INC: FED INC TAXED-2 J21e-2. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-2 J21f-2. R REG INC: START MONTH-2 J21g-2. R REG INC: START YEAR-2 J26-2. R REG INC: ANY OTHER-2 J20-3. R REG INC: TYPE-3 J21-3. R REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-3 J21b-3. R REG INC: $ PERIOD-3 J21c-3. R REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-3 J21d-3. R REG INC: FED INC TAXED-3 J21e-3. R REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-3 J21f-3. R REG INC: START MONTH-3 J21g-3. R REG INC: START YEAR-3 J27. R REG INC: ANY END 1992/3 J27a. R REG INC END1992/3: TYPE J28. R REG INC END 1992/3: PAID PER MO J28a. R REG INC END 1992/3: $ PERIOD J28b.R REG INC END1992/3:$ LAST PERIOD J28c. R REG INC END92/3: LAST MO RECD J28d. R REG INC END92/3: LAST YR RECD J29. SP REG INC: RECEIVE ANY J30-1. SP REG INC: TYPE-1 J31-1. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-1 J31b-1. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-1 J31c-1. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-1 J31d-1. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-1 J31e-1. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-1 J31f-1. SP REG INC: START MONTH-1 J31g-1. SP REG INC: START YEAR-1 J36-1. SP REG INC: ANY OTHER-1 J30-2. SP REG INC: TYPE-2 J31-2. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-2 J31b-2. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-2 J31c-2. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-2 J31d-2. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-2 J31e-2. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-2 J31f-2. SP REG INC: START MONTH-2 J31g-2. SP REG INC: START YEAR-2 J36-2. SP REG INC: ANY OTHER-2 J30-3. SP REG INC: TYPE-3 J31-3. SP REG INC: PAID PER MONTH-3 J31b-3. SP REG INC: $ PERIOD-3 J31c-3. SP REG INC: $ LAST PERIOD-3 J31d-3. SP REG INC: FED INC TAXED-3 J31e-3. SP REG INC: START >2YRS AGO-3 J31f-3. SP REG INC: START MONTH-3 J31g-3. SP REG INC: START YEAR-3 J37. SP REG INC: ANY END 92/93 J37a. SP REG INC END 92/93: TYPE J37b. SP REG INC END 92/93: LAST MO RECD J37b. SP REG INC END 92/93: LAST YR RECD J37c. SP REG INC END 92/93: PAID PER MO J37d. SP REG INC END 92/93: $ PERIOD J37e. SP REG INC END 92/93: $ LST PERIOD K36. LUMP SUM $500\+: ANY, PAST 2YRS K37. LUMP SUM: TYPE-1 K38. LUMP SUM: PAYMENT MONTH-1 K38a. LUMP SUM: PAYMENT YEAR-1 K39. LUMP SUM: $ RECEIVED-1 K41. LUMP SUM: OTHER IN LAST 2YRS-1 K37. LUMP SUM: TYPE-2 K38. LUMP SUM: PAYMENT MONTH-2 K38a. LUMP SUM: PAYMENT YEAR-2 Section B: Income B1802 B1804 B1805 B1806 B1807 B1808 HRS 1994: W16303 W16304 W16305 W16306 W5565 W5568 W5569 W5570 W5572 W5575 W5576 W5577 W5579 W5582 W5583 W5584 W6303 W6304 W6305 W6306 W6307 W6308 AHEAD 1995: D4566 D4567 D4573 D4574 D4747 D4750 D4751 D4752 D4754 D4757 D4758 D4759 D4761 D4764 D4765 D4766 HRS 1996: E4567 E4568 E4574 E4575 E4748 E4751 E4752 E4753 E4755 E4758 E4759 E4760 E4763 E4765 E4766 E4767 257 K39. LUMP SUM: $ RECEIVED-2 K41. LUMP SUM: OTHER IN LAST 2YRS-2 K37. LUMP SUM: TYPE-3 K38. LUMP SUM: PAYMENT MONTH-3 K38a. LUMP SUM: PAYMENT YEAR-3 K39. LUMP SUM: $ RECEIVED-3 N28d. Imputation flag N29d1. Imputation flag N28f. Imputation flag N29f1. Imputation flag K36.RECEIVE LUMP SUM PAY K38a-1.RECEIVE LUMP SUMK39-1.AMOUNT OF LUMP SUM K40-1.>50K K42-1.RECEIVE OTHER LUMP K38a-2.RECEIVE LUMP SUMK39-2.AMOUNT OF LUMP SUM K40-2.>50K K42-3.RECEIVE LUMP SUM-3 K38a-3.RECEIVE LUMP SUMK39-3.AMOUNT OF LUMP SUM K40-3.>50K N28d.ALIMONY/CHILD SUPPO N29d1.AMT ALIMONY/CHILD N28f.OTHER INCOME IN 199 N29f1.AMT OTHER INCOME-1 N29f3.ANY OTHERS? N29f4.AMT OTHER INCOME-2 J61.ALIMONY INCOME J61A.AMT ALIMONY $ LCY J62.OTHER SOURCES INCOME J62A. OTHER SOURCES $ 1994 J83. LUMP SUM J85A.DATE LUMP-1 J86-1. LUMP $-1 J87-1.>50K J89.ANY OTHER LUMP SUM-2 J85A-2.LUMP SUM YEAR-2 J86-2. LUMP $-2 J87-2.>50K J43.ANY OTHER LUMP SUM-3 J85A-3.LUMP SUM YEAR-3 J86-3. LUMP $-3 J87-3.>50K J247.ALIMONY INCOME J248.AMT ALIMONY $ LCY J249.OTHER SOURCES INCOME J250.OTHER SOURCES $ 1994 J305.LUMP SUM J308.YEAR LUMP-1 J309.LUMP $-1 J309A.>50K J311. ANY SECOND LUMP SUM J314. SECOND LUMP SUM: YEAR RECEIVED J315.LUMP $-2 J315A.>50K J318.LUMP SUM-3 J320. THIRD LUMP SUM: YEAR RECEIVED J321.LUMP $-3 J321A.>50K Section B: Income HRS 1998: F5327 F5328 F5334 F5335 F5508 F5511 F5512 F5513 F5515 F5518 F5519 F5520 F5522 F5525 F5526 F5527 HRS 2000: G5721 G5722 G5728 G5729 G5861 G5864 G5865 G5866 G5868 G5871 G5872 G5873 G5875 G5878 G5879 G5880 HRS 2002: HQ390 HQ391 HQ395 HQ396 HQ483_1 HQ483_2 HQ483_3 HQ486_1 HQ486_2 HQ486_3 HQ487_1 HQ487_2 HQ487_3 HQ488_1 HQ488_2 HQ488_3 HQ489_1 HQ489_2 HQ489_3 HRS 2004: JQ395 JQ396 JQ483_1 JQ483_2 JQ483_3 JQ486_1 JQ486_2 JQ486_3 258 J247.ALIMONY INCOME J248.AMT ALIMONY $ LCY J249.OTHER SOURCES INCOME J250.OTHER SOURCES $ 1996 J305.LUMP SUM J308.DATE LUMP-1 J309.LUMP $-1 J309A.>50K J311. J314. J315.LUMP $-2 J315A.>50K J317. J320. J321.LUMP $-3 J321A.>50K J247.ALIMONY INCOME J248.AMT ALIMONY $ LCY J249.OTHER SOURCES INCOME J250.OTHER SOURCES IN LCY J305.ANY LUMP SUM J308.DATE LUMP-1 J309. LUMP SUM RCV-1 J309A.>50K J311.ANY 2ND LUMP SUM J314.2ND LUMP SUM-YR RECIEVED J315. LUMP SUM RCV-2 J315A.>50K J317.ANY 3RD LUMP SUM J320.3RD LUMP SUM-YR RECIEVED J321. LUMP SUM RCV-3 J321A.>50K ALIMONY CHILD SUPP INCOME ALIMONY CHILD SUPP INCOME AMOUNT - LCY OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME AMOUNT - LCY R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -1 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -2 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -3 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -1 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -2 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -3 OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME AMOUNT - LCY R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 Section B: Income JQ487_1 JQ487_2 JQ487_3 JQ488_1 JQ488_2 JQ488_3 JQ489_1 JQ489_2 JQ489_3 HRS 2006: KQ395 KQ396 KQ483_1 KQ483_2 KQ483_3 KQ486_1 KQ486_2 KQ486_3 KQ487_1 KQ487_2 KQ487_3 KQ488_1 KQ488_2 KQ488_3 KQ489_1 KQ489_2 KQ489_3 HRS 2008: LQ395 LQ396 LQ483_1 LQ483_2 LQ483_3 LQ486_1 LQ486_2 LQ486_3 LQ487_1 LQ487_2 LQ487_3 LQ488_1 LQ488_2 LQ488_3 LQ489_1 LQ489_2 LQ489_3 HRS 2010: MQ395 MQ396 MQ483_1 MQ483_2 MQ483_3 MQ486_1 MQ486_2 MQ486_3 MQ487_1 MQ487_2 MQ487_3 MQ488_1 MQ488_2 MQ488_3 MQ489_1 MQ489_2 MQ489_3 259 YEAR YEAR YEAR LUMP LUMP LUMP LUMP LUMP LUMP LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -1 SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -2 SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -3 SUM AMT - $50K -1 SUM AMT - $50K -2 SUM AMT - $50K -3 OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME AMOUNT - LCY R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -1 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -2 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -3 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -1 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -2 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -3 OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME AMOUNT - LCY R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -1 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -2 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -3 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -1 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -2 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -3 OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME AMOUNT - LCY R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -1 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -2 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -3 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -1 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -2 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -3 Section B: Income HRS 2012: NQ395 NQ396 NQ483_1 NQ483_2 NQ483_3 NQ486_1 NQ486_2 NQ486_3 NQ487_1 NQ487_2 NQ487_3 NQ488_1 NQ488_2 NQ488_3 NQ489_1 NQ489_2 NQ489_3 260 OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME AMOUNT - LCY R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 R OR SP IF LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 MONTH LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -1 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -2 YEAR LUMP SUM RECEIVED -3 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -1 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -2 LUMP SUM AMOUNT RECEIVED -3 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -1 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -2 LUMP SUM AMT - $50K -3 Section B: Income 261 Total household income (respondent & spouse) Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ITOT H2ITOT H3ITOT H4ITOT H5ITOT H6ITOT H7ITOT H8ITOT H9ITOT H10ITOT H11ITOT H1ITOT:W1 Income: Total HHold / H2ITOT:W2 Income: Total HHold / H3ITOT:W3 Income: Total HHold / H4ITOT:W4 Income: Total HHold / H5ITOT:W5 Income: Total HHold / H6ITOT:W6 Income: Total HHold / H7ITOT:W7 Income: Total HHold / H8ITOT:W8 Income: Total HHold / H9ITOT:W9 Income: Total HHold / H10ITOT:W10 Income: Total HHold H11ITOT:W11 Income: Total HHold R+Sp only R+Sp only R+Sp only R+Sp only R+Sp only R+Sp only R+Sp only R+Sp only R+Sp only / R+Sp only / R+Sp only Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 H2ITOT2 H2ITOT2:W2 Income: Imputed Total Household Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IOTOT H2IOTOT H3IOTOT H4IOTOT H5IOTOT H6IOTOT H7IOTOT H8IOTOT H9IOTOT H10IOTOT H11IOTOT H1IOTOT:W1 Receives: Total Household Inc H2IOTOT:W2 Receives: Total Household Inc H3IOTOT:W3 Receives: Total Household Inc H4IOTOT:W4 Receives: Total Household Inc H5IOTOT:W5 Receives: Total Household Inc H6IOTOT:W6 Receives: Total Household Inc H7IOTOT:W7 Receives: Total Household Inc H8IOTOT:W8 Receives: Total Household Inc H9IOTOT:W9 Receives: Total Household Inc H10IOTOT:W10 Receives: Total Household Inc H11IOTOT:W11 Receives: Total Household Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 H2IOTOT2 H2IOTOT2:W2 Receives: Imputed Total Household Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1IFTOT H2IFTOT H3IFTOT H4IFTOT H5IFTOT H6IFTOT H7IFTOT H8IFTOT H9IFTOT H10IFTOT H11IFTOT H1IFTOT:W1 ImpFlag: Total Household Inc H2IFTOT:W2 ImpFlag: Total Household Inc H3IFTOT:W3 ImpFlag: Total Household Inc H4IFTOT:W4 ImpFlag: Total Household Inc H5IFTOT:W5 ImpFlag: Total Household Inc H6IFTOT:W6 ImpFlag: Total Household Inc H7IFTOT:W7 ImpFlag: Total Household Inc H8IFTOT:W8 ImpFlag: Total Household Inc H9IFTOT:W9 ImpFlag: Total Household Inc H10IFTOT:W10 ImpFlag: Total Household Inc H11IFTOT:W11 ImpFlag: Total Household Inc Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 H2IFTOT2 H2IFTOT2:W2 ImpFlag: Imputed Total Household Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable H1ITOT H2ITOT H3ITOT H4ITOT H5ITOT H6ITOT H7ITOT H8ITOT H9ITOT H10ITOT H11ITOT N 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 Mean 47402.80 42244.03 45721.06 49569.64 52361.01 52375.79 60545.96 64984.00 67463.82 63450.58 61454.92 Std Dev 50379.95 76352.14 66733.49 109510.56 100677.81 92050.88 103565.95 317207.30 471616.39 99098.03 99654.17 Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Maximum 1300000.0 3215064.3 3074234.2 7903681.0 5539024.0 7398754.0 3536642.0 25360250.0 60014376.0 5442424.0 3666240.0 Section B: Income H2ITOT2 262 8222 22572.81 28308.79 0.0 700000.0 H1IOTOT H2IOTOT H3IOTOT H4IOTOT H5IOTOT H6IOTOT H7IOTOT H8IOTOT H9IOTOT H10IOTOT H11IOTOT 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.12 0.12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H2IOTOT2 8222 0.99 0.08 0.0 1.0 H1IFTOT H2IFTOT H3IFTOT H4IFTOT H5IFTOT H6IFTOT H7IFTOT H8IFTOT H9IFTOT H10IFTOT H11IFTOT 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1.32 1.67 1.74 1.61 1.60 1.59 1.54 1.53 1.52 1.51 1.45 0.81 0.78 0.77 0.89 0.80 0.60 0.68 0.65 0.69 1.01 0.83 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H2IFTOT2 8222 1.45 0.57 0.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1IOTOT 0.receives no |185 1.receives inc|12467 H2IOTOT 207 19435 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.receives no | 1.receives inc| H2IOTOT2 11420 50 8172 Value---------|H1IFTOT 0.no income |118 1.no imputatio|9049 2.some imputat|3390 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2IFTOT 138 7057 12314 133 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| | 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 9.no Fin Resp | H2IFTOT2 11420 50 4481 3681 10 H3IOTOT 126 17865 H4IOTOT 114 21270 H5IOTOT 116 19463 H6IOTOT 101 18064 H7IOTOT 142 19987 H8IOTOT 95 18374 H9IOTOT 114 17103 H10IOTOT 335 21699 H11IOTOT 319 20235 H3IFTOT 96 5423 12346 126 H4IFTOT 89 9595 11494 206 H5IFTOT 105 8594 10743 137 H6IFTOT 90 7442 10596 37 H7IFTOT 125 9443 10490 71 H8IFTOT 88 8816 9509 56 H9IFTOT 101 8551 8501 64 H10IFTOT 283 12355 9100 296 H11IFTOT 288 11843 8269 154 General Comments: Income measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD income component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in whether unfolding brackets are used to determine a range of income when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. The order in which income questions are asked also changes across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. Section B: Income 263 Generally, Wave 1 questions ask about 1991 income, and Wave 2H asks about 1993 income. Wave 2A and from Wave 3 forward ask about income last calendar year. All questions are based on the Financial Respondent's interview year. Not all interviews are completely conducted in the same year for waves 2A, 3H, 4, and from 5 forward. The HRS and AHEAD income components are summed to create the income measures requested for these files. For each derived income measure, a flag indicates whether any or all of its components were imputed. Individual income components and imputation flags are available in the “RAND Income and Wealth Imputation File”. HRS and AHEAD income measures are reported at the household level. The Financial Respondent (FinR) reports income for both him/herself and his/her spouse or partner. The respondent income measures on this file are those of the FinR, if they are the same individual, and the spouse income measures are those of the FinR's spouse. If the respondent is the spouse of the FinR, then the FinR-reported respondent and spouse measures are swapped. That is, if the respondent is the FinR's spouse then the FinR-reported spouse income is assigned as the respondent income and the FinR-reported respondent income is assigned as the spouse income. How Constructed: HwITOT reflects total income for the last calendar year. HwITOT is set to the sum of respondent and spouse earnings (RwIEARN, SwIEARN), pensions and annuities (RwIPENA, SwIPENA), SSI and Social Security Disability (RwISSDI, SwISSDI), Social Security retirement (RwISRET, SwISRET), unemployment and workers compensation (RwIUNWC, SwIUNWC), other government transfers (RwIGXFR, SwIGXFR), household capital income (HwICAP), and other income (HwIOTHR). H2ITOT2 is derived from the Wave 2A question which asks how much total income a household received in the last calendar year. Variables in the form HwIFvar/RwIFvar/SwIFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. See also the explanations of the individual variables used to calculate HwITOT for possible differences between the HRS and AHEAD samples. It is important to note that total household income does not include income from other household members, only the respondent and spouse. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data For HRS respondents in Wave 2H, H2ITOT2 and H2IFTOT2 are set to .Q to indicate that the corresponding income information is not available because there was no question asking for total household income. Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 264 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 265 Net value of real estate (not primary residence) Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ARLES H2ARLES H3ARLES H4ARLES H5ARLES H6ARLES H7ARLES H8ARLES H9ARLES H10ARLES H11ARLES H1ARLES:W1 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H2ARLES:W2 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H3ARLES:W3 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H4ARLES:W4 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H5ARLES:W5 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H6ARLES:W6 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H7ARLES:W7 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H8ARLES:W8 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H9ARLES:W9 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H10ARLES:W10 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H11ARLES:W11 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AORLES H2AORLES H3AORLES H4AORLES H5AORLES H6AORLES H7AORLES H8AORLES H9AORLES H10AORLES H11AORLES H1AORLES:W1 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H2AORLES:W2 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H3AORLES:W3 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H4AORLES:W4 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H5AORLES:W5 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H6AORLES:W6 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H7AORLES:W7 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H8AORLES:W8 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H9AORLES:W9 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H10AORLES:W10 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H11AORLES:W11 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFRLES H2AFRLES H3AFRLES H4AFRLES H5AFRLES H6AFRLES H7AFRLES H8AFRLES H9AFRLES H10AFRLES H11AFRLES H1AFRLES:W1 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H2AFRLES:W2 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H3AFRLES:W3 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H4AFRLES:W4 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H5AFRLES:W5 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H6AFRLES:W6 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H7AFRLES:W7 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H8AFRLES:W8 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H9AFRLES:W9 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H10AFRLES:W10 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-wave H11AFRLES:W11 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1ARLES H2ARLES H3ARLES H4ARLES H5ARLES H6ARLES H7ARLES H8ARLES H9ARLES H10ARLES H11ARLES 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 32663.83 35095.53 37214.57 37486.28 39802.94 40779.63 45985.04 53846.81 61797.37 38735.98 34085.59 149825.33 184766.41 190080.21 249216.13 306174.28 328609.44 317161.29 313462.22 508868.08 284203.25 275083.94 -20000.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -60000.0 0.0 4500000.0 5138515.3 6000000.0 10000000.0 20000000.0 25000000.0 15000000.0 10000000.0 35000000.0 10000000.0 20000000.0 H1AORLES H2AORLES H3AORLES H4AORLES H5AORLES 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.25 0.24 0.22 0.18 0.18 0.43 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.39 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 266 H6AORLES H7AORLES H8AORLES H9AORLES H10AORLES H11AORLES 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.38 0.37 0.36 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFRLES H2AFRLES H3AFRLES H4AFRLES H5AFRLES H6AFRLES H7AFRLES H8AFRLES H9AFRLES H10AFRLES H11AFRLES 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 4.90 4.95 5.01 5.19 5.18 5.24 5.29 5.31 5.36 5.45 5.45 2.05 2.05 1.99 1.86 1.85 1.79 1.74 1.72 1.67 1.68 1.62 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AORLES 0.no |9478 1.yes |3174 H2AORLES 14990 4652 H3AORLES 14030 3961 H4AORLES 17432 3952 H5AORLES 15960 3619 H6AORLES 15063 3102 H7AORLES 16910 3219 H8AORLES 15597 2872 H9AORLES 14726 2491 H10AORLES 19075 2959 H11AORLES 17918 2636 Value---------|H1AFRLES 1.continuous v|2352 2.complete bra|464 3.incomplete b|39 4.range card b|186 5.no value/bra|98 6.no asset |9361 7.DK ownership|57 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFRLES 3521 865 48 H3AFRLES 3086 551 157 H4AFRLES 2989 659 71 H5AFRLES 2787 548 61 H6AFRLES 2480 365 35 H7AFRLES 2508 432 47 H8AFRLES 2263 370 42 H9AFRLES 1948 326 37 H10AFRLES 2365 340 38 H11AFRLES 2127 293 35 148 14704 179 177 122 13840 109 126 187 17140 167 171 177 15765 117 124 191 14919 130 45 203 16724 128 87 179 15451 101 63 154 14557 121 74 159 18527 207 398 145 17632 151 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed net value of real estate is assigned to HwARLES. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of real estate, excluding the primary residence, is asked at each wave. The question wording is the same at all waves, but the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any real estate and if so, the value of it: a) Do you [or your spouse/partner] have any real estate other than your main home (and your second home),such as land, rental real estate, a partnership, or money owed to you on a land contract or mortgage? b) If you sold all that and paid off any debts on it, how much would you get? Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 267 If the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15201 V15202 V5201 V5202 V5203 AHEAD 1993: B1720 B1721 B1721C HRS 1994: W15500 W15501 W5500 W5501 W5502 AHEAD 1995: D3964 D3965 D3969B HRS 1996: E4070 E4071 E4072B HRS 1998: F4830 F4831 F4832B HRS 2000: G5275 G5276 G5277 G5278 G5279 G5280 G5281 G5282 HRS 2002: HQ133 HQ134 HQ135 HQ136 HQ137 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ133 JQ134 JQ135 M2:OTHER REAL ESTATE:IND M3:$VAL OF THIS PROP:IND M2:OTHER REAL ESTATE:IMP M3:$VAL OF THIS PROP:IMP M3: ORIGINAL BRACKETS K2. REAL ESTATE: ANY K3. REAL ESTATE: NET VALUE CATEG: K3. REAL ESTATE: NET VALUE K2. Imputation Indicator K3. Imputation Indicator K2.REAL ESTATE K3.VALUE OF REAL ESTATE K3a-K3d. Brackets J14.REAL ESTATE J15.REAL ESTATE $ J15.REAL ESTATE $/Bkt J76.REAL ESTATE J77.REAL ESTATE $ J77.REAL ESTATE $/Bkt J76.REAL ESTATE J77.REAL ESTATE $ J77.(J15)REAL ESTATE $-Bkt J76.REAL ESTATE J77.REAL ESTATE $ J77A1.DK-2500 J77B1.DK-125K J77C1.DK-500K J77D1.DK-1 MIL J77E1.DK-125K J77F1.DK-2500 REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave JQ136 JQ137 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ133 KQ134 KQ135 KQ136 KQ137 KU001_11 KU002_11 KU003_11A KU003_11B KU004_11A KU004_11B KU005_11A KU005_11B KU006_11A KU006_11B KU022_11A KU022_11B HRS 2008: LQ133 LQ134 LQ135 LQ136 LQ137 LU001_11 REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON -MIN-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON-MIN-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON -MAX-A -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON-MAX-B -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-REAL ESTATE 268 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave LU002_11 LU003_11A LU003_11B LU004_11A LU004_11B LU005_11A LU005_11B LU006_11A LU006_11B LU022_11A LU022_11B HRS 2010: MQ133 MQ134 MQ135 MQ136 MQ137 MU001_11 MU002_11 MU003_11A MU003_11B MU004_11A MU004_11B MU005_11A MU005_11B MU006_11A MU006_11B MU022_11A MU022_11B HRS 2012: NQ133 NQ134 NQ135 NQ136 NQ137 NU001_11 NU002_11 NU003_11A NU003_11B NU004_11A NU004_11B NU005_11A NU005_11B NU006_11A NU006_11B NU022_11A NU022_11B ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET WHICH WHICH RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE RECON -MIN-A-REAL ESTATE RECON-MIN-B-REAL ESTATE RECON -MAX-A -REAL ESTATE RECON-MAX-B -REAL ESTATE RECON - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE RECON- RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE 269 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 270 Net value of vehicles Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ATRAN H2ATRAN H3ATRAN H4ATRAN H5ATRAN H6ATRAN H7ATRAN H8ATRAN H9ATRAN H10ATRAN H11ATRAN H1ATRAN:W1 Assets:Transportation--Cross-wave H2ATRAN:W2 Assets:Transportation--Cross-wave H3ATRAN:W3 Assets:Transportation--Cross-wave H4ATRAN:W4 Assets:Transportation--Cross-wave H5ATRAN:W5 Assets:Transportation--Cross-wave H6ATRAN:W6 Assets:Transportation--Cross-wave H7ATRAN:W7 Assets:Transportation--Cross-wave H8ATRAN:W8 Assets:Transportation--Cross-wave H9ATRAN:W9 Assets:Transportation--Cross-wave H10ATRAN:W10 Assets:Transportation--Cross-wave H11ATRAN:W11 Assets:Transportation--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOTRAN H2AOTRAN H3AOTRAN H4AOTRAN H5AOTRAN H6AOTRAN H7AOTRAN H8AOTRAN H9AOTRAN H10AOTRAN H11AOTRAN H1AOTRAN:W1 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-wave H2AOTRAN:W2 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-wave H3AOTRAN:W3 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-wave H4AOTRAN:W4 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-wave H5AOTRAN:W5 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-wave H6AOTRAN:W6 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-wave H7AOTRAN:W7 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-wave H8AOTRAN:W8 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-wave H9AOTRAN:W9 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-wave H10AOTRAN:W10 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-wave H11AOTRAN:W11 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFTRAN H2AFTRAN H3AFTRAN H4AFTRAN H5AFTRAN H6AFTRAN H7AFTRAN H8AFTRAN H9AFTRAN H10AFTRAN H11AFTRAN H1AFTRAN:W1 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-wave H2AFTRAN:W2 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-wave H3AFTRAN:W3 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-wave H4AFTRAN:W4 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-wave H5AFTRAN:W5 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-wave H6AFTRAN:W6 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-wave H7AFTRAN:W7 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-wave H8AFTRAN:W8 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-wave H9AFTRAN:W9 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-wave H10AFTRAN:W10 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-wave H11AFTRAN:W11 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1ATRAN H2ATRAN H3ATRAN H4ATRAN H5ATRAN H6ATRAN H7ATRAN H8ATRAN H9ATRAN H10ATRAN H11ATRAN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 13048.63 11556.11 11032.64 12826.91 13385.78 14213.16 14472.15 15657.06 14998.89 14064.59 14539.71 45324.00 34264.34 15686.47 31662.85 34564.07 39489.22 33640.09 64245.55 24885.71 43150.16 35163.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3000000.0 2000000.0 300000.0 3500000.0 3500000.0 4445000.0 3500000.0 8100000.0 775000.0 5000000.0 3500000.0 H1AOTRAN H2AOTRAN H3AOTRAN H4AOTRAN H5AOTRAN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.90 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.30 0.37 0.38 0.37 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 271 H6AOTRAN H7AOTRAN H8AOTRAN H9AOTRAN H10AOTRAN H11AOTRAN 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.84 0.81 0.80 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFTRAN H2AFTRAN H3AFTRAN H4AFTRAN H5AFTRAN H6AFTRAN H7AFTRAN H8AFTRAN H9AFTRAN H10AFTRAN H11AFTRAN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1.80 2.04 2.34 2.14 2.12 2.14 2.10 2.04 2.09 2.28 2.23 1.77 2.00 2.08 1.99 1.97 1.95 1.94 1.90 1.94 2.18 2.10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOTRAN 0.no |1220 1.yes |11432 H2AOTRAN 3132 16510 H3AOTRAN 3063 14928 H4AOTRAN 3529 17855 H5AOTRAN 3202 16377 H6AOTRAN 3014 15151 H7AOTRAN 3160 16969 H8AOTRAN 2854 15615 H9AOTRAN 2783 14434 H10AOTRAN 4201 17833 H11AOTRAN 4013 16541 Value---------|H1AFTRAN 1.continuous v|9767 2.complete bra|1018 3.incomplete b|41 4.range card b|335 5.no value/bra| 6.no asset |1174 7.DK ownership|222 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFTRAN 13984 2105 55 H3AFTRAN 11635 1274 520 H4AFTRAN 14106 2975 91 H5AFTRAN 13124 2532 85 H6AFTRAN 12039 2318 105 H7AFTRAN 13657 2406 116 H8AFTRAN 12764 2169 107 H9AFTRAN 11785 1970 128 H10AFTRAN 15023 1753 169 H11AFTRAN 14175 1551 153 3032 289 177 1366 3014 56 126 439 3485 117 171 480 3167 67 124 606 2991 61 45 667 3136 60 87 490 2834 42 63 454 2762 44 74 521 4075 95 398 476 3953 75 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed net value of vehicles is assigned to HwATRAN. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. In Waves 1 and 2, ownership is based solely upon whether a value is provided (either as a continuous report or bracketed information), as there is no direct question about ownership. HwAFTRAN is set to “DK ownership” if no value and no bracket information is provided. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of vehicles in Wave 1 for the cross-wave imputations is solely the value of vehicles other than recreational vehicles. To include the value of recreational vehicles, please use H1WTRN2 of the cross-section imputations. Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 272 For more information on the differences in the transportation asset for Wave 1, see the transportation asset description in the cross-section wealth imputation section of this RAND Income and Wealth Codebook. From Wave 2 forward, the recreational vehicle question is dropped from the Housing section and instead included in the Net Worth section question. Only the value of vehicles from the Net Worth section question is used to create HwATRAN. The question appears as the following: a) Do you (or your [husband/wife/partner]) own anything for transportation, like cars, trucks, a trailer, a motor home, a boat, or an airplane? b) What are they worth altogether, minus anything you still owe on them? In all waves if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, range card brackets may be coded instead of unfolding brackets. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V10838 V10839 V15205 V5205 V5206 V838 V839 AHEAD 1993: B1725 B1725C HRS 1994: W15503 W5503 W5504 AHEAD 1995: D4499 D4500 D4502B HRS 1996: E4500 E4501 E4502B HRS 1998: F5260 F5261 F5262B HRS 2000: G5681 G5682 G5683 G5684 G5685 G5686 G5687 HRS 2002: HQ370 HQ371 HQ372 HQ373 HQ374 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 D50:91-R1-OWNRCMOTRH:IND D50A:MOTOR_HOME_VALU:IND M4:$VAL VEHICLES OWN:IND M4:$VAL VEHICLES OWN:IMP M4: ORIGINAL BRACKETS D50:OWN RC OR MOTOR :IMP D50A:VALUE:$ :IMP K4. TRANSPORTATION: NET VALUE CATEG: K4. TRANSPORTATION: NET VALUE K4. Imputation Indicator K4.VALUE OF TRANSPORTATI K4a-K4c. Brackets J51. TRANSPORTATION J51A. TRANSPORTATION J51A. TRANSPORTATION/Bkt J237.TRANSPORTATION J238.TRANSPORTATION J238.TRANSPORTATION/Bkt J237.TRANSPORTATION J238.TRANSPORTATION J238.(J51A)TRANSPORTATION-Bkt J237.TRANSPORTATION J238.TRANSPORTATION J238A. DK-5K J238Y1A. DK-25000 J238B. DK-200000 J238Y1B. DK-25000 J238D. DK-5000 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MIN TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MAX TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ370 JQ371 JQ372 JQ373 JQ374 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ370 KQ371 KQ372 KQ373 KQ374 KU001_4 KU002_4 KU003_4A KU003_4B KU004_4A KU004_4B KU005_4A KU005_4B KU006_4A KU006_4B KU022_4A 273 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MIN TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MAX TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MIN TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MAX TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONHOW MUCH-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MIN-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MIN-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MAX-A -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MAX-B -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-TRANSPORTATION -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave KU022_4B HRS 2008: LQ370 LQ371 LQ372 LQ373 LQ374 LU001_4 LU002_4 LU003_4A LU003_4B LU004_4A LU004_4B LU005_4A LU005_4B LU006_4A LU006_4B LU022_4A LU022_4B HRS 2010: MQ370 MQ371 MQ372 MQ373 MQ374 MU001_4 MU002_4 MU003_4A MU003_4B MU004_4A MU004_4B MU005_4A MU005_4B MU006_4A MU006_4B MU022_4A MU022_4B HRS 2012: NQ370 NQ371 NQ372 NQ373 NQ374 NU001_4 NU002_4 NU003_4A NU003_4B NU004_4A NU004_4B NU005_4A NU005_4B NU006_4A NU006_4B NU022_4A NU022_4B WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MIN TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MAX TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MIN-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MIN-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MAX-A -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MAX-B -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MIN TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MAX TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MIN TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MAX TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-TRANSPORTATION 274 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 275 Net value of businesses Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ABSNS H2ABSNS H3ABSNS H4ABSNS H5ABSNS H6ABSNS H7ABSNS H8ABSNS H9ABSNS H10ABSNS H11ABSNS H1ABSNS:W1 Assets:Business--Cross-wave H2ABSNS:W2 Assets:Business--Cross-wave H3ABSNS:W3 Assets:Business--Cross-wave H4ABSNS:W4 Assets:Business--Cross-wave H5ABSNS:W5 Assets:Business--Cross-wave H6ABSNS:W6 Assets:Business--Cross-wave H7ABSNS:W7 Assets:Business--Cross-wave H8ABSNS:W8 Assets:Business--Cross-wave H9ABSNS:W9 Assets:Business--Cross-wave H10ABSNS:W10 Assets:Business--Cross-wave H11ABSNS:W11 Assets:Business--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOBSNS H2AOBSNS H3AOBSNS H4AOBSNS H5AOBSNS H6AOBSNS H7AOBSNS H8AOBSNS H9AOBSNS H10AOBSNS H11AOBSNS H1AOBSNS:W1 Assets Own:Business--Cross-wave H2AOBSNS:W2 Assets Own:Business--Cross-wave H3AOBSNS:W3 Assets Own:Business--Cross-wave H4AOBSNS:W4 Assets Own:Business--Cross-wave H5AOBSNS:W5 Assets Own:Business--Cross-wave H6AOBSNS:W6 Assets Own:Business--Cross-wave H7AOBSNS:W7 Assets Own:Business--Cross-wave H8AOBSNS:W8 Assets Own:Business--Cross-wave H9AOBSNS:W9 Assets Own:Business--Cross-wave H10AOBSNS:W10 Assets Own:Business--Cross-wave H11AOBSNS:W11 Assets Own:Business--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFBSNS H2AFBSNS H3AFBSNS H4AFBSNS H5AFBSNS H6AFBSNS H7AFBSNS H8AFBSNS H9AFBSNS H10AFBSNS H11AFBSNS H1AFBSNS:W1 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-wave H2AFBSNS:W2 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-wave H3AFBSNS:W3 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-wave H4AFBSNS:W4 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-wave H5AFBSNS:W5 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-wave H6AFBSNS:W6 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-wave H7AFBSNS:W7 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-wave H8AFBSNS:W8 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-wave H9AFBSNS:W9 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-wave H10AFBSNS:W10 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-wave H11AFBSNS:W11 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1ABSNS H2ABSNS H3ABSNS H4ABSNS H5ABSNS H6ABSNS H7ABSNS H8ABSNS H9ABSNS H10ABSNS H11ABSNS 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 31622.84 20871.90 26536.16 30741.11 30372.80 32585.14 43045.17 50937.09 48084.95 41270.04 39674.09 210796.83 150766.27 244187.23 605715.69 265480.57 261600.73 477281.25 497922.83 421543.19 365277.16 324886.15 -50000.0 -8000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7000000.0 4500000.0 15000000.0 60000000.0 12000000.0 14000000.0 30000000.0 30000000.0 20000000.0 20000000.0 10000000.0 H1AOBSNS H2AOBSNS H3AOBSNS H4AOBSNS H5AOBSNS 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.18 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.38 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 276 H6AOBSNS H7AOBSNS H8AOBSNS H9AOBSNS H10AOBSNS H11AOBSNS 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFBSNS H2AFBSNS H3AFBSNS H4AFBSNS H5AFBSNS H6AFBSNS H7AFBSNS H8AFBSNS H9AFBSNS H10AFBSNS H11AFBSNS 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.25 5.50 5.54 5.60 5.61 5.57 5.55 5.57 5.58 5.62 5.61 1.77 1.53 1.46 1.39 1.35 1.38 1.43 1.39 1.39 1.45 1.39 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOBSNS 0.no |10406 1.yes |2246 H2AOBSNS 17326 2316 H3AOBSNS 15996 1995 H4AOBSNS 19236 2148 H5AOBSNS 17648 1931 H6AOBSNS 16279 1886 H7AOBSNS 17908 2221 H8AOBSNS 16520 1949 H9AOBSNS 15448 1769 H10AOBSNS 19812 2222 H11AOBSNS 18608 1946 Value---------|H1AFBSNS 1.continuous v|1514 2.complete bra|453 3.incomplete b|22 4.range card b|106 5.no value/bra|127 6.no asset |10291 7.DK ownership|44 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFBSNS 1550 617 19 H3AFBSNS 1349 367 110 H4AFBSNS 1364 505 39 H5AFBSNS 1209 418 54 H6AFBSNS 1230 395 20 H7AFBSNS 1459 437 50 H8AFBSNS 1323 312 38 H9AFBSNS 1197 326 38 H10AFBSNS 1586 341 49 H11AFBSNS 1423 309 42 104 17091 84 177 152 15825 62 126 216 18946 143 171 225 17447 102 124 236 16168 71 45 253 17764 79 87 271 16409 53 63 197 15309 76 74 197 19321 142 398 158 18357 94 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed net value of businesses is assigned to HwABSNS. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of businesses is asked at each wave. The question wording is similar in all waves, but the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any businesses and if so, the value of them. In Waves 1 and 2A, the questions ask: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] own part or all of a business? b) If you sold (all of) the business(es) and paid off any debts on (it/them), how much would you get? Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 277 In Wave 2H the wording of the first question changes slightly to include "farm": a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] own part or all of a farm or business? Beginning in Wave 3, the first question is almost identical to the Wave 2H version, and the second question adds the word "about": a) Do you (or your (husband/wife/partner)) own part or all of a business or farm? b) If you sold all that and then paid off any debts on it, about how much would you get? Beginning in Wave 6, after the value of business or farm assets are collected, a question asks whether these assets were reported previously in the interview (e.g., HQ492). Beginning in Wave 9, a follow-up question was added which asks respondents to indicate what percentage was previously reported (LQ523). For example, in Wave 9, about 30% of business owners indicate that they had reported their business wealth as one of the following: primary residence (which could be a farm or ranch), secondary residence, or other real estate earlier in the interview (LQ492 = yes). Of these business owners, most say that all of their business assets were previously reported (LQ523 = 100%). The raw variables for these two questions are included in the RAND Income and Wealth Imputations file for the convenience of the analyst, and can be used for adjusting total wealth to reflect the amount of wealth that is twice reported. In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15208 V15209 V5208 V5209 V5210 AHEAD 1993: B1729 B1730 B1730C HRS 1994: W15505 W15506 W5505 W5506 W5507 AHEAD 1995: D4005 D4006 D4010B HRS 1996: E4096 E4097 E4098B HRS 1998: F4856 F4857 F4858B HRS 2000: G5301 G5302 G5303 M5:R/SP/PART OWN BUS:IND M6:VALUE OF BUSINESS:IND M5:R/SP/PART OWN BUS:IMP M6:VALUE OF BUSINESS:IMP M6: ORIGINAL BRACKETS K5. OWN BUSINESS: ANY K6. OWN BUSINESS: NET VALUE CATEG: K6. OWN BUSINESS: NET VALUE K5. Imputation Indicator K6. Imputation Indicator K5.OWN FARM OR BUSINESS K6.VALUE OF BUSINESS K6a-K6c. Brackets J17.BUSINESS J18.BUSINESS OR FARM $ J18.BUSINESS OR FARM $/Bkt J83.OWN BUSINESS OR FARM J84.BUSINESS OR FARM $ J84.BUSINESS OR FARM $/Bkt J83.BUSINESS J84.BUSINESS OR FARM $ J84.(J18)BUSINESS OR FARM $-Bkt J83.BUSINESS J84.BUSINESS OR FARM $ J84A.DK-5K Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave G5304 G5305 G5306 G5307 G5308 HRS 2002: HQ147 HQ148 HQ149 HQ150 HQ151 HQ492 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ147 JQ148 JQ149 JQ150 JQ151 JQ492 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 278 J84B.DK-10K J84C.DK-100K J84D.DK-1 MIL J84E.DK-10K J84F.DK-5K BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY AMOUNT BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - RESULT BUSINESS/FARM AMT PREV REPORT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY AMOUNT BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - RESULT BUSINESS/FARM AMT PREV REPORT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HRS 2006: KQ147 KQ148 KQ149 KQ150 KQ151 KQ492 KU001_10 KU002_10 KU003_10A KU003_10B KU004_10A KU004_10B KU005_10A KU005_10B KU006_10A KU006_10B KU022_10A KU022_10B HRS 2008: LQ147 LQ148 LQ149 LQ150 LQ151 LQ492 LQ523 LU001_10 LU002_10 LU003_10A LU003_10B LU004_10A LU004_10B LU005_10A LU005_10B LU006_10A LU006_10B LU022_10A LU022_10B HRS 2010: MQ147 MQ148 MQ149 MQ150 MQ151 MQ492 MQ523 MU001_10 MU002_10 MU003_10A MU003_10B MU004_10A MU004_10B MU005_10A MU005_10B MU006_10A MU006_10B MU022_10A MU022_10B HRS 2012: NQ147 NQ148 NQ149 BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY AMOUNT BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - RESULT BUSINESS/FARM AMT PREV REPORT ASSET RECONCILIATION-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON-MIN-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MIN-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MAX-A -BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MAX-B -BUS/FARM ASSET RECON- RESULT-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-BUS/FARM BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY AMOUNT BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - RESULT BUSINESS/FARM AMT PREV REPORT BUSINESS/FARM PERCENT REPORTED ASSET RECONCILIATION-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON-MIN-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MIN-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MAX-A -BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MAX-B -BUS/FARM ASSET RECON- RESULT-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-BUS/FARM BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY AMOUNT BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - RESULT BUSINESS/FARM AMT PREV REPORT BUSINESS/FARM PERCENT REPORTED ASSET RECONCILIATION - BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-BUS/FARM BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY AMOUNT BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MIN 279 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave NQ150 NQ151 NQ492 NQ523 NU001_10 NU002_10 NU003_10A NU003_10B NU004_10A NU004_10B NU005_10A NU005_10B NU006_10A NU006_10B NU022_10A NU022_10B BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - RESULT BUSINESS/FARM AMT PREV REPORT BUSINESS/FARM PERCENT REPORTED ASSET RECONCILIATION - BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-BUS/FARM 280 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 281 Net value of IRA, Keogh accounts Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AIRA H2AIRA H3AIRA H4AIRA H5AIRA H6AIRA H7AIRA H8AIRA H9AIRA H10AIRA H11AIRA H1AIRA:W1 Assets:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H2AIRA:W2 Assets:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H3AIRA:W3 Assets:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H4AIRA:W4 Assets:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H5AIRA:W5 Assets:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H6AIRA:W6 Assets:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H7AIRA:W7 Assets:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H8AIRA:W8 Assets:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H9AIRA:W9 Assets:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H10AIRA:W10 Assets:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H11AIRA:W11 Assets:IRA [total]--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOIRA H2AOIRA H3AOIRA H4AOIRA H5AOIRA H6AOIRA H7AOIRA H8AOIRA H9AOIRA H10AOIRA H11AOIRA H1AOIRA:W1 Assets Own:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H2AOIRA:W2 Assets Own:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H3AOIRA:W3 Assets Own:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H4AOIRA:W4 Assets Own:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H5AOIRA:W5 Assets Own:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H6AOIRA:W6 Assets Own:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H7AOIRA:W7 Assets Own:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H8AOIRA:W8 Assets Own:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H9AOIRA:W9 Assets Own:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H10AOIRA:W10 Assets Own:IRA [total]--Cross-wave H11AOIRA:W11 Assets Own:IRA [total]--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFIRA H2AFIRA H3AFIRA H4AFIRA H5AFIRA H6AFIRA H7AFIRA H8AFIRA H9AFIRA H10AFIRA H11AFIRA H1AFIRA:W1 Asst Flag: IRA [total] H2AFIRA:W2 Asst Flag: IRA [total] H3AFIRA:W3 Asst Flag: IRA [total] H4AFIRA:W4 Asst Flag: IRA [total] H5AFIRA:W5 Asst Flag: IRA [total] H6AFIRA:W6 Asst Flag: IRA [total] H7AFIRA:W7 Asst Flag: IRA [total] H8AFIRA:W8 Asst Flag: IRA [total] H9AFIRA:W9 Asst Flag: IRA [total] H10AFIRA:W10 Asst Flag: IRA [total] H11AFIRA:W11 Asst Flag: IRA [total] Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3AIRA1 H4AIRA1 H5AIRA1 H6AIRA1 H7AIRA1 H8AIRA1 H9AIRA1 H10AIRA1 H11AIRA1 H3AIRA1:W3 Assets Part:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H4AIRA1:W4 Assets Part:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H5AIRA1:W5 Assets Part:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H6AIRA1:W6 Assets Part:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H7AIRA1:W7 Assets Part:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H8AIRA1:W8 Assets Part:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H9AIRA1:W9 Assets Part:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H10AIRA1:W10 Assets Part:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H11AIRA1:W11 Assets Part:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H3AOIRA1 H4AOIRA1 H5AOIRA1 H6AOIRA1 H7AOIRA1 H8AOIRA1 H9AOIRA1 H10AOIRA1 H11AOIRA1 H3AOIRA1:W3 Assets Part Own:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H4AOIRA1:W4 Assets Part Own:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H5AOIRA1:W5 Assets Part Own:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H6AOIRA1:W6 Assets Part Own:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H7AOIRA1:W7 Assets Part Own:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H8AOIRA1:W8 Assets Part Own:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H9AOIRA1:W9 Assets Part Own:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H10AOIRA1:W10 Assets Part Own:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H11AOIRA1:W11 Assets Part Own:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 H3AFIRA1 H3AFIRA1:W3 Assets Part Flag:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave Categ Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 282 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H4AFIRA1 H5AFIRA1 H6AFIRA1 H7AFIRA1 H8AFIRA1 H9AFIRA1 H10AFIRA1 H11AFIRA1 H4AFIRA1:W4 Assets Part Flag:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H5AFIRA1:W5 Assets Part Flag:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H6AFIRA1:W6 Assets Part Flag:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H7AFIRA1:W7 Assets Part Flag:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H8AFIRA1:W8 Assets Part Flag:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H9AFIRA1:W9 Assets Part Flag:IRA lst largest--Cross-wave H10AFIRA1:W10 Assets Part Flag:IRA lst 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Assets Part Own:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cross H6AOIRA3:W6 Assets Part Own:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cross H7AOIRA3:W7 Assets Part Own:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cross H8AOIRA3:W8 Assets Part Own:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cross H9AOIRA3:W9 Assets Part Own:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cross H10AOIRA3:W10 Assets Part Own:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cro H11AOIRA3:W11 Assets Part Own:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cro Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 3 4 5 6 H3AFIRA3 H4AFIRA3 H5AFIRA3 H6AFIRA3 H3AFIRA3:W3 H4AFIRA3:W4 H5AFIRA3:W5 H6AFIRA3:W6 Categ Categ Categ Categ Assets Assets Assets Assets Part Part Part Part Flag:IRA Flag:IRA Flag:IRA Flag:IRA 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd largest/all largest/all largest/all largest/all OTHRs--Cros OTHRs--Cros OTHRs--Cros OTHRs--Cros Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 7 8 9 10 11 H7AFIRA3 H8AFIRA3 H9AFIRA3 H10AFIRA3 H11AFIRA3 283 H7AFIRA3:W7 Assets Part Flag:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cros H8AFIRA3:W8 Assets Part Flag:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cros H9AFIRA3:W9 Assets Part Flag:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cros H10AFIRA3:W10 Assets Part Flag:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cr H11AFIRA3:W11 Assets Part Flag:IRA 3rd largest/all OTHRs--Cr Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1AIRA H2AIRA H3AIRA H4AIRA H5AIRA H6AIRA H7AIRA H8AIRA H9AIRA H10AIRA H11AIRA 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 17578.23 19549.97 27554.15 38649.01 52265.77 48083.84 51525.31 67204.68 64816.63 55884.99 60165.18 53750.07 71116.36 103535.44 126794.95 208431.30 154515.86 308325.77 521111.48 199312.10 177517.31 184420.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1200000.0 2146326.3 3153927.3 3251803.8 12080000.0 3600000.0 35027000.0 43000000.0 5400000.0 4666383.3 3500000.0 H1AOIRA H2AOIRA H3AOIRA H4AOIRA H5AOIRA H6AOIRA H7AOIRA H8AOIRA H9AOIRA H10AOIRA H11AOIRA 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.40 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.35 0.33 0.49 0.47 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.47 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFIRA H2AFIRA H3AFIRA H4AFIRA H5AFIRA H6AFIRA H7AFIRA H8AFIRA H9AFIRA H10AFIRA H11AFIRA 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.58 0.49 0.52 0.57 0.58 0.54 0.57 0.55 0.56 0.63 0.52 1.00 1.03 0.98 1.03 0.98 0.84 0.91 0.87 0.90 1.33 1.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H3AIRA1 H4AIRA1 H5AIRA1 H6AIRA1 H7AIRA1 H8AIRA1 H9AIRA1 H10AIRA1 H11AIRA1 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 19461.05 27605.66 38162.45 35117.41 38189.39 51104.49 47312.15 40753.26 44863.28 81450.36 100889.52 182055.91 126739.65 292698.32 507704.51 153052.88 138715.55 146788.73 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1953927.3 2881803.8 12000000.0 3600000.0 35000000.0 43000000.0 4800000.0 4574883.3 3500000.0 H3AOIRA1 H4AOIRA1 H5AOIRA1 H6AOIRA1 H7AOIRA1 H8AOIRA1 H9AOIRA1 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 284 H10AOIRA1 H11AOIRA1 22034 20554 0.35 0.33 0.48 0.47 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 H3AFIRA1 H4AFIRA1 H5AFIRA1 H6AFIRA1 H7AFIRA1 H8AFIRA1 H9AFIRA1 H10AFIRA1 H11AFIRA1 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 4.53 4.45 4.40 4.47 4.42 4.41 4.43 4.59 4.63 2.25 2.29 2.30 2.25 2.27 2.28 2.28 2.30 2.23 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H3AIRA2 H4AIRA2 H5AIRA2 H6AIRA2 H7AIRA2 H8AIRA2 H9AIRA2 H10AIRA2 H11AIRA2 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5539.73 7130.16 9678.52 8641.24 9268.87 11637.07 12507.44 11022.03 11010.92 30862.23 28793.39 37331.08 32346.24 37626.21 47080.70 54061.59 44761.06 47287.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1289506.7 1000000.0 1000000.0 671533.0 1300000.0 1056493.7 1818181.8 1000000.0 1381641.4 H3AOIRA2 H4AOIRA2 H5AOIRA2 H6AOIRA2 H7AOIRA2 H8AOIRA2 H9AOIRA2 H10AOIRA2 H11AOIRA2 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.19 0.18 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.41 0.42 0.42 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H3AFIRA2 H4AFIRA2 H5AFIRA2 H6AFIRA2 H7AFIRA2 H8AFIRA2 H9AFIRA2 H10AFIRA2 H11AFIRA3 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.11 5.09 5.08 5.13 5.10 5.09 5.12 5.25 5.76 1.94 1.98 1.98 1.93 1.95 1.96 1.95 1.92 1.22 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H3AIRA3 H4AIRA3 H5AIRA3 H6AIRA3 H7AIRA3 H8AIRA3 H9AIRA3 H10AIRA3 H11AIRA3 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2553.36 3913.19 4424.80 4325.19 4067.04 4463.12 4997.04 4109.71 4290.98 16137.37 25957.18 30790.07 29827.03 28159.25 27993.58 35934.84 30187.40 29478.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 500000.0 1000000.0 1000000.0 974372.1 1305000.0 1000000.0 1700000.0 1398843.9 860000.0 H3AOIRA3 H4AOIRA3 H5AOIRA3 H6AOIRA3 H7AOIRA3 H8AOIRA3 H9AOIRA3 H10AOIRA3 H11AOIRA3 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave H3AFIRA3 H4AFIRA3 H5AFIRA3 H6AFIRA3 H7AFIRA3 H8AFIRA3 H9AFIRA3 H10AFIRA3 H11AFIRA3 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.65 5.65 5.64 5.67 5.65 5.65 5.67 5.75 5.76 285 1.36 1.38 1.39 1.32 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.33 1.22 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOIRA 0.no |7597 1.yes |5055 H2AOIRA 13287 6355 H3AOIRA 11864 6127 H4AOIRA 13583 7801 H5AOIRA 12102 7477 H6AOIRA 11353 6812 H7AOIRA 12380 7749 H8AOIRA 11369 7100 H9AOIRA 10644 6573 H10AOIRA 14361 7673 H11AOIRA 13761 6793 Value---------|H1AFIRA 0.no asset |7478 1.no imputatio|3685 2.some imputat|1394 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFIRA 12977 4860 1628 177 H3AFIRA 11605 4365 1895 126 H4AFIRA 13196 5341 2676 171 H5AFIRA 11790 5103 2562 124 H6AFIRA 11121 4538 2461 45 H7AFIRA 12134 5207 2701 87 H8AFIRA 11149 4881 2376 63 H9AFIRA 10424 4521 2198 74 H10AFIRA 13774 5378 2484 398 H11AFIRA 13432 4752 2199 171 Value---------| 0.no | 1.yes | H3AOIRA1 11864 6127 H4AOIRA1 13583 7801 H5AOIRA1 12102 7477 H6AOIRA1 11353 6812 H7AOIRA1 12380 7749 H8AOIRA1 11369 7100 H9AOIRA1 10644 6573 H10AOIRA1 14361 7673 H11AOIRA1 13761 6793 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no asset | 7.DK ownership| 9.no Fin Resp | H3AFIRA1 4559 798 205 476 11605 222 126 H4AFIRA1 5656 1165 95 719 13196 382 171 H5AFIRA1 5388 963 141 841 11790 332 124 H6AFIRA1 4782 744 114 997 11121 362 45 H7AFIRA1 5425 948 139 1033 12134 363 87 H8AFIRA1 5113 761 101 933 11149 349 63 H9AFIRA1 4701 712 106 852 10424 348 74 H10AFIRA1 5603 864 198 722 13774 475 398 H11AFIRA1 5000 727 145 721 13432 358 171 Value---------| 0.no | 1.yes | H3AOIRA2 14275 3716 H4AOIRA2 16680 4704 H5AOIRA2 15126 4453 H6AOIRA2 14218 3947 H7AOIRA2 15659 4470 H8AOIRA2 14321 4148 H9AOIRA2 13479 3738 H10AOIRA2 17780 4254 H11AOIRA2 16907 3647 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no asset | 7.DK ownership| 9.no Fin Resp | H3AFIRA2 2907 399 130 205 13809 415 126 H4AFIRA2 3555 618 35 364 15978 663 171 H5AFIRA2 3348 449 59 394 14538 667 124 H6AFIRA2 2931 373 51 426 13623 716 45 H7AFIRA2 3290 506 45 441 15078 682 87 H8AFIRA2 3114 380 37 404 13776 695 63 H9AFIRA2 2854 338 55 312 12930 654 74 H10AFIRA2 3326 327 63 321 16774 825 398 H11AFIRA3 1095 120 14 132 18361 661 171 Value---------| 0.no | 1.yes | H3AOIRA3 16430 1561 H4AOIRA3 19416 1968 H5AOIRA3 17722 1857 H6AOIRA3 16524 1641 H7AOIRA3 18239 1890 H8AOIRA3 16752 1717 H9AOIRA3 15694 1523 H10AOIRA3 20339 1695 H11AOIRA3 19161 1393 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no asset | 7.DK ownership| 9.no Fin Resp | H3AFIRA3 1223 191 24 103 15909 415 126 H4AFIRA3 1438 281 15 198 18618 663 171 H5AFIRA3 1423 170 22 187 16986 667 124 H6AFIRA3 1177 160 29 239 15799 716 45 H7AFIRA3 1395 199 18 217 17531 682 87 H8AFIRA3 1297 163 10 175 16066 695 63 H9AFIRA3 1160 139 15 156 15019 654 74 H10AFIRA3 1360 103 30 148 19170 825 398 H11AFIRA3 1095 120 14 132 18361 661 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 286 How Constructed: HwAIRA is the sum of HwAIRA1, HwAIRA2, and HwAIRA3, which are each imputed separately. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. In waves where questions ask about multiple IRA accounts, HwAIRA represents the sum of the values of all of them. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of IRA and Keogh accounts is asked at each wave. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any IRA or Keogh accounts and if so, the value of them. In Waves 1 and 2, the total of all IRA accounts is requested in one question: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any Individual Retirement Accounts, that is, IRA or Keogh accounts? b) How much in total is in all of those accounts? Beginning in Wave 3, the questions ask about the two largest IRAs individually and then about all other IRAs collectively: a) Do you (or your (husband/wife/partner)) currently have any money or assets that are held in an Individual Retirement Account, that is, in an IRA or KEOGH account? b) Let's talk about the (NEXT) largest IRA or KEOGH account/other IRA or KEOGH account/next largest IRA or KEOGH account/third IRA or KEOGH account/all the other IRA or KEOGH accounts. About how much is in this account at the present time? The second question is asked up to three times, depending on how many IRAs the respondent reports. In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15212 V15213 V5212 V5213 V5214 AHEAD 1993: B1734 B1735 B1735C HRS 1994: W15508 W15509 W5508 W5509 W5510 AHEAD 1995: D4045 D4046 D4048 M7:R/SP/PARTNR HAVE :IND M8:$VAL OF IRA ACCOU:IND M7:R/SP/PARTNR HAVE :IMP M8:$VAL OF IRA ACCOU:IMP M8: ORIGINAL BRACKETS K7. IRA: ANY K8. IRA: TOTAL VALUE CATEG: K8. IRA: TOTAL VALUE K7. Imputation Indicator K8. Imputation Indicator K7.IRA OR KEOGH ACCOUNTS K8.AMOUNT IN IRA/KEOGHS K8a-K8d. Brackets J20.IRA J20A. NUMBER IRAS J21.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HRS HRS HRS HRS D4052B D4089 D4090 D4093B D4129 D4132B 1996: E4124 E4125 E4127 E4130B E4148 E4149 E4152B E4171 E4172B 1998: F4884 F4887 F4889B F4908 F4909 F4910B F4929 F4930 F4931B 2000: G5329 G5332 G5334 G5335 G5336 G5338 G5339 G5340 G5353 G5354 G5355 G5356 G5357 G5359 G5360 G5361 G5374 G5375 G5376 G5377 G5378 G5379 G5380 G5381 2002: HQ162 HQ165_1 HQ165_2 HQ165_3 HQ166_1 HQ166_2 HQ166_3 HQ167_1 HQ167_2 HQ167_3 HQ168_1 J21.TOTAL J21.INTRO J22.TOTAL J22.TOTAL J22.TOTAL J22.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT/Bkt IRA ACCOUNT-2 $ IRA ACCOUNT-2 $ IRA ACCOUNT-2/Bkt $ IRA ACCOUNT-3 $ IRA ACCOUNT-3/Bkt J90.IRA J91.NUMBER IRAS J93.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT J93.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT/Bkt J99.INTRO IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-2/Bkt J107.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-3 J107.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-3/Bkt J90.IRA J93.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT J93.(J22-2)TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-Bkt J99.INTRO IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100.(J22-2)TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-2-Bkt J106.INTRO IRA-3 J107.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-3 J107.(J22-3)TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-3-Bkt J90.IRA J93.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT J93A.IRA DK-$10K J93Y1A.IRA DK-$25K J93B.IRA DK-$100K J93C.IRA DK-$400K J93Y2A.IRA DK-$25K J93D.IRA DK-$10K J99.INTRO IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100A.IRA DK-$10K J100Y1A.IRA DK-$25K J100B.IRA DK-$100K J100C.IRA DK-$400K J100Y2A.IRA DK-$25K J100D.IRA DK-$10K J106.INTRO IRA-3 J107.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-3 J107A.IRA DK-$10K J107Y1A.IRA DK-$25K J107B.IRA DK-$100K J107C.IRA DK-$400K J107Y2A.IRA DK-$25K J107D.IRA DK-$10K IRA OR KEOGH WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 -2 -3 -1 287 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HQ168_2 HQ168_3 HQ169_1 HQ169_2 HQ169_3 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ162 JQ165_1 JQ165_2 JQ165_3 JQ166_1 JQ166_2 JQ166_3 JQ167_1 JQ167_2 JQ167_3 JQ168_1 JQ168_2 JQ168_3 JQ169_1 JQ169_2 JQ169_3 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 288 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS IRA OR KEOGH WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ162 KQ165_1 KQ165_2 KQ165_3 KQ166_1 KQ166_2 KQ166_3 KQ167_1 KQ167_2 KQ167_3 KQ168_1 KQ168_2 KQ168_3 KQ169_1 KQ169_2 KQ169_3 KU001_9 KU002_9 KU003_9A KU003_9B KU004_9A KU004_9B KU005_9A KU005_9B KU006_9A KU006_9B KU022_9A KU022_9B HRS 2008: LQ162 LQ165_1 LQ165_2 LQ165_3 LQ166_1 LQ166_2 LQ166_3 LQ167_1 LQ167_2 LQ167_3 LQ168_1 LQ168_2 LQ168_3 LQ169_1 LQ169_2 LQ169_3 LU001_9 LU002_9 LU003_9A LU003_9B LU004_9A LU004_9A LU004_9B LU005_9A LU005_9B LU006_9B LU022_9A LU022_9B HRS 2010: MQ162 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 IRA OR KEOGH WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-IRA WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-A-IRA WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-IRA IRA OR KEOGH WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-IRA WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-IRA WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-IRA IRA OR KEOGH 289 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave MQ165_1 MQ165_2 MQ165_3 MQ166_1 MQ166_2 MQ166_3 MQ167_1 MQ167_2 MQ167_3 MQ168_1 MQ168_2 MQ168_3 MQ169_1 MQ169_2 MQ169_3 MU001_9 MU002_9 MU003_9A MU003_9B MU004_9A MU004_9B MU005_9A MU005_9B MU006_9A MU006_9B MU022_9A MU022_9B HRS 2012: NQ162 NQ165_1 NQ165_2 NQ165_3 NQ166_1 NQ166_2 NQ166_3 NQ167_1 NQ167_2 NQ167_3 NQ168_1 NQ168_2 NQ168_3 NQ169_1 NQ169_2 NQ169_3 NU001_9 NU002_9 NU003_9A NU003_9B NU004_9A NU004_9B NU005_9A NU005_9B NU006_9A NU006_9B NU022_9A NU022_9B WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION - IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-IRA WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-IRA WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-IRA IRA OR KEOGH WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION - IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-IRA WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-IRA WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-IRA 290 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 291 Net value of stocks, mutual funds, and investment trusts Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ASTCK H2ASTCK H3ASTCK H4ASTCK H5ASTCK H6ASTCK H7ASTCK H8ASTCK H9ASTCK H10ASTCK H11ASTCK H1ASTCK:W1 Assets:Stocks--Cross-wave H2ASTCK:W2 Assets:Stocks--Cross-wave H3ASTCK:W3 Assets:Stocks--Cross-wave H4ASTCK:W4 Assets:Stocks--Cross-wave H5ASTCK:W5 Assets:Stocks--Cross-wave H6ASTCK:W6 Assets:Stocks--Cross-wave H7ASTCK:W7 Assets:Stocks--Cross-wave H8ASTCK:W8 Assets:Stocks--Cross-wave H9ASTCK:W9 Assets:Stocks--Cross-wave H10ASTCK:W10 Assets:Stocks--Cross-wave H11ASTCK:W11 Assets:Stocks--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOSTCK H2AOSTCK H3AOSTCK H4AOSTCK H5AOSTCK H6AOSTCK H7AOSTCK H8AOSTCK H9AOSTCK H10AOSTCK H11AOSTCK H1AOSTCK:W1 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-wave H2AOSTCK:W2 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-wave H3AOSTCK:W3 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-wave H4AOSTCK:W4 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-wave H5AOSTCK:W5 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-wave H6AOSTCK:W6 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-wave H7AOSTCK:W7 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-wave H8AOSTCK:W8 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-wave H9AOSTCK:W9 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-wave H10AOSTCK:W10 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-wave H11AOSTCK:W11 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFSTCK H2AFSTCK H3AFSTCK H4AFSTCK H5AFSTCK H6AFSTCK H7AFSTCK H8AFSTCK H9AFSTCK H10AFSTCK H11AFSTCK H1AFSTCK:W1 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-wave H2AFSTCK:W2 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-wave H3AFSTCK:W3 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-wave H4AFSTCK:W4 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-wave H5AFSTCK:W5 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-wave H6AFSTCK:W6 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-wave H7AFSTCK:W7 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-wave H8AFSTCK:W8 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-wave H9AFSTCK:W9 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-wave H10AFSTCK:W10 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-wave H11AFSTCK:W11 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1ASTCK H2ASTCK H3ASTCK H4ASTCK H5ASTCK H6ASTCK H7ASTCK H8ASTCK H9ASTCK H10ASTCK H11ASTCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 18297.61 25735.88 45532.53 54534.32 64973.58 53011.73 65556.99 75012.07 71522.57 54530.51 59109.13 95514.94 153776.27 414058.51 347208.81 380943.52 219162.29 442755.67 531881.68 404942.80 326888.65 452593.89 0.0 -9500.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3978351.1 7650674.4 40000000.0 30000000.0 30000000.0 12000000.0 25000000.0 30000000.0 20376478.1 20000000.0 42300000.0 H1AOSTCK H2AOSTCK H3AOSTCK H4AOSTCK H5AOSTCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.29 0.27 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 292 H6AOSTCK H7AOSTCK H8AOSTCK H9AOSTCK H10AOSTCK H11AOSTCK 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.26 0.23 0.20 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.44 0.42 0.40 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFSTCK H2AFSTCK H3AFSTCK H4AFSTCK H5AFSTCK H6AFSTCK H7AFSTCK H8AFSTCK H9AFSTCK H10AFSTCK H11AFSTCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 4.79 4.85 4.69 4.71 4.66 4.70 4.73 4.85 4.92 5.11 5.18 2.10 2.09 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.14 2.13 2.07 2.03 1.99 1.88 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOSTCK 0.no |9036 1.yes |3616 H2AOSTCK 14288 5354 H3AOSTCK 12341 5650 H4AOSTCK 14543 6841 H5AOSTCK 13062 6517 H6AOSTCK 12255 5910 H7AOSTCK 13859 6270 H8AOSTCK 13304 5165 H9AOSTCK 12706 4511 H10AOSTCK 17064 4970 H11AOSTCK 16362 4192 Value---------|H1AFSTCK 1.continuous v|2438 2.complete bra|676 3.incomplete b|68 4.range card b|196 5.no value/bra|207 6.no asset |8874 7.DK ownership|98 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFSTCK 3453 1371 116 H3AFSTCK 3604 1074 512 H4AFSTCK 4208 1554 184 H5AFSTCK 4092 1290 173 H6AFSTCK 3734 1116 108 H7AFSTCK 4143 1117 96 H8AFSTCK 3552 802 88 H9AFSTCK 3072 755 85 H10AFSTCK 3509 723 115 H11AFSTCK 2938 635 79 324 13919 282 177 390 12043 242 126 713 14129 425 171 809 12721 370 124 806 11914 442 45 795 13519 372 87 614 13014 336 63 517 12394 320 74 453 16387 449 398 413 15905 413 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed net value of stocks and mutual funds is assigned to HwASTCK. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of stocks and mutual funds is asked at each wave. The question wording changes some after Wave 1, and the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any stocks or mutual funds and if so, the value of them. In Wave 1, the questions ask: a) For the next few questions, please exclude any assets held in the form of IRA and Keogh accounts. Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any shares of stock in publicly held corporations, mutual funds, or investment trusts? Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 293 b) If you sold all that and paid off anything you owed on it, how much would you have? Beginning in Wave 2, the first question changes to: a) (Aside from anything you have already told me about...) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any shares of stock or stock mutual funds? In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15217 V15218 V5217 V5218 V5219 AHEAD 1993: B1743 B1744 B1744C HRS 1994: W15511 W15512 W5511 W5512 W5513 AHEAD 1995: D4338 D4339 D4343B HRS 1996: E4339 E4340 E4341B HRS 1998: F5099 F5100 F5101B HRS 2000: G5554 G5555 G5556 G5557 G5558 G5559 G5560 G5561 HRS 2002: HQ316 HQ317 HQ318 HQ319 HQ320 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 M10:STCK/MUT M11:$ VAL OF M10:STCK/MUT M11:$ VAL OF M11:ORIGINAL FND/TRU:IND INVESTM:IND FND/TRU:IMP INVESTM:IMP BRACKETS K10. STOCK/MUTUAL FUNDS: ANY K11. STOCK/MUTUAL FUNDS: NET VALUE CATEG: K11. STOCK/MUTUAL FUNDS K9. Imputation Indicator K10. Imputation Indicato K9.OWN STOCKS/STOCK MUTU K10.VALUE OF STOCKS K10a-K10d. Brackets J36.STOCK ASSETS J37.TOTAL $ STOCKS J37.TOTAL $ STOCKS/Bkt J207.STOCK ASSETS J208.TOTAL $ STOCKS J208.TOTAL $ STOCKS/Bkt J207.STOCK ASSETS J208.TOTAL $ STOCKS J208.(J37)TOTAL $ STOCKS-Bkt J207.STOCK ASSETS J208.TOTAL $ STOCKS J208A. DK-2500 J208Y1A. DK-$25K J208B. DK-$125K J208C. DK-$400K J208Y2A. DK-$25K J208D. DK-2500 STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ316 JQ317 JQ318 JQ319 JQ320 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ316 KQ317 KQ318 KQ319 KQ320 KU001_8 KU002_8 KU003_8A KU003_8B KU004_8A KU004_8B KU005_8A KU005_8B KU006_8A KU006_8B KU022_8A KU022_8B 294 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-STOCK ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-STOCK ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-STOCK ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-STOCK ASSET RECON -MIN-A-STOCK ASSET RECON-MIN-B-STOCK ASSET RECON-MAX-A -STOCK ASSET RECON-MAX-B -STOCK ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-STOCK ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-STOCK -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HRS 2008: LQ316 LQ317 LQ318 LQ319 LQ320 LU001_8 LU002_8 LU003_8A LU003_8B LU004_8A LU004_8B LU005_8A LU005_8B LU006_8A LU006_8B LU022_8A LU022_8B HRS 2010: MQ316 MQ317 MQ318 MQ319 MQ320 MU001_8 MU002_8 MU003_8A MU003_8B MU004_8A MU004_8B MU005_8A MU005_8B MU006_8A MU006_8B MU022_8A MU022_8B HRS 2012: NQ316 NQ317 NQ318 NQ319 NQ320 NU001_8 NU002_8 NU003_8A NU003_8B NU004_8A NU004_8B NU005_8A NU005_8B NU006_8A NU006_8B NU022_8A NU022_8B STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-STOCK ASSET RECON -MIN-A-STOCK ASSET RECON-MIN-B-STOCK ASSET RECON-MAX-A -STOCK ASSET RECON-MAX-B -STOCK ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-STOCK ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-STOCK STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-STOCK STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-STOCK 295 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 296 Value of checking, savings, or money market accounts Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ACHCK H2ACHCK H3ACHCK H4ACHCK H5ACHCK H6ACHCK H7ACHCK H8ACHCK H9ACHCK H10ACHCK H11ACHCK H1ACHCK:W1 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-wave H2ACHCK:W2 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-wave H3ACHCK:W3 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-wave H4ACHCK:W4 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-wave H5ACHCK:W5 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-wave H6ACHCK:W6 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-wave H7ACHCK:W7 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-wave H8ACHCK:W8 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-wave H9ACHCK:W9 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-wave H10ACHCK:W10 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-wave H11ACHCK:W11 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOCHCK H2AOCHCK H3AOCHCK H4AOCHCK H5AOCHCK H6AOCHCK H7AOCHCK H8AOCHCK H9AOCHCK H10AOCHCK H11AOCHCK H1AOCHCK:W1 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-wave H2AOCHCK:W2 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-wave H3AOCHCK:W3 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-wave H4AOCHCK:W4 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-wave H5AOCHCK:W5 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-wave H6AOCHCK:W6 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-wave H7AOCHCK:W7 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-wave H8AOCHCK:W8 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-wave H9AOCHCK:W9 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-wave H10AOCHCK:W10 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-wave H11AOCHCK:W11 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFCHCK H2AFCHCK H3AFCHCK H4AFCHCK H5AFCHCK H6AFCHCK H7AFCHCK H8AFCHCK H9AFCHCK H10AFCHCK H11AFCHCK H1AFCHCK:W1 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-wave H2AFCHCK:W2 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-wave H3AFCHCK:W3 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-wave H4AFCHCK:W4 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-wave H5AFCHCK:W5 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-wave H6AFCHCK:W6 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-wave H7AFCHCK:W7 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-wave H8AFCHCK:W8 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-wave H9AFCHCK:W9 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-wave H10AFCHCK:W10 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-wave H11AFCHCK:W11 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1ACHCK H2ACHCK H3ACHCK H4ACHCK H5ACHCK H6ACHCK H7ACHCK H8ACHCK H9ACHCK H10ACHCK H11ACHCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 12745.72 16865.22 20944.03 22692.36 21087.02 26370.57 25612.85 26063.75 28596.76 26929.38 29143.43 38622.02 47389.15 71756.03 256763.48 61549.24 255022.87 72983.09 73664.16 103371.77 93374.73 119434.61 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2500000.0 2337624.9 2500000.0 25000000.0 3500000.0 33300000.0 3000000.0 2500000.0 6649052.7 4000000.0 7500000.0 H1AOCHCK H2AOCHCK H3AOCHCK H4AOCHCK H5AOCHCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.81 0.79 0.84 0.83 0.84 0.39 0.41 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 297 H6AOCHCK H7AOCHCK H8AOCHCK H9AOCHCK H10AOCHCK H11AOCHCK 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.78 0.76 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.41 0.43 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFCHCK H2AFCHCK H3AFCHCK H4AFCHCK H5AFCHCK H6AFCHCK H7AFCHCK H8AFCHCK H9AFCHCK H10AFCHCK H11AFCHCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2.48 2.50 2.36 2.43 2.41 2.39 2.33 2.31 2.30 2.60 2.66 2.12 2.19 2.05 2.12 2.11 2.07 2.05 2.04 2.05 2.32 2.29 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOCHCK 0.no |2421 1.yes |10231 H2AOCHCK 4092 15550 H3AOCHCK 2957 15034 H4AOCHCK 3557 17827 H5AOCHCK 3044 16535 H6AOCHCK 2608 15557 H7AOCHCK 2890 17239 H8AOCHCK 2561 15908 H9AOCHCK 2487 14730 H10AOCHCK 4838 17196 H11AOCHCK 4981 15573 Value---------|H1AFCHCK 1.continuous v|7383 2.complete bra|1483 3.incomplete b|173 4.range card b|532 5.no value/bra|515 6.no asset |2357 7.DK ownership|114 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFCHCK 11514 2638 219 H3AFCHCK 10787 2174 853 H4AFCHCK 12635 2969 271 H5AFCHCK 11959 2214 238 H6AFCHCK 11206 1890 199 H7AFCHCK 12603 2212 199 H8AFCHCK 11761 1864 190 H9AFCHCK 11066 1677 180 H10AFCHCK 13685 1472 259 H11AFCHCK 12469 1329 207 833 3955 306 177 945 2855 251 126 1499 3432 407 171 1734 2958 352 124 1914 2529 382 45 1902 2825 301 87 1808 2507 276 63 1548 2423 249 74 1284 4593 343 398 1234 4848 296 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed value of checking, savings, and money market accounts is assigned to HwACHCK. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of checking, savings, and money market accounts is asked at each wave. The question wording is similar at all waves, but the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any checking, savings, or money market accounts and if so, the value of them. In Wave 1, these questions ask: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any money in checking or savings accounts, or money market funds? Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 298 b) If you added up all such accounts [for you and your (husband/wife/partner)], about how much would they amount to right now? Beginning in Wave 2, initial wording is added to the first question: a) (Aside from anything you have already told me about...) do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any money in checking or savings accounts, or money market funds? In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15221 V15222 V5221 V5222 V5223 AHEAD 1993: B1749 B1750 B1750C HRS 1994: W15514 W15515 W5514 W5515 W5516 AHEAD 1995: D4424 D4425 D4429B HRS 1996: E4425 E4426 E4427B HRS 1998: F5185 F5186 F5187B HRS 2000: G5620 G5621 G5622 G5623 G5624 G5625 G5626 G5627 HRS 2002: HQ344 HQ345 HQ346 HQ347 HQ348 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 M12:$ IN CHKNG/SAV/$:IND M13:$VAL OF BNK/MKT :IND M12:$ IN CHKNG/SAV/$:IMP M13:$VAL OF BNK/MKT :IMP M13:ORIGINAL BRACKETS K12. BANK ACCT: ANY NOT MENTION BEFORE K13. BANK ACCT: TOTAL VALUE CATEG: K13. BANK ACCT: TOTAL VALUE K11. Imputation Indicato K12. Imputation Indicato K11.MONEY IN CHECKING/SA K12.AMOUNT IN ALL ACCOUN K12a-K12d. Brackets J44.CHECKING, SAVING ASSETS J44.TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS J44.TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS/Bkt J222.CHECKING,SAVING ASSETS J223.TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS J223.TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS/Bkt J222.CHECKING, SAVING ASSETS J223.TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS J223.(J44)TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS-Bkt J222.CHECKING-SAVING ASSETS J223.TOTAL $ CHECKING-SAVINGS J223A.DK-5K J223B.DK-50K J223C.DK-150K J223D.DK-300K J223E.DK-50K J223F.DK-5K CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ344 JQ345 JQ346 JQ347 JQ348 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ344 KQ345 KQ346 KQ347 KQ348 KU001_6 KU002_6 KU003_6A KU003_6B KU004_6A KU004_6B KU005_6A KU005_6B KU006_6A KU006_6B KU022_6A KU022_6B 299 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-CHECKING ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-CHECKING ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-CHECKING ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MIN-A-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MIN-B-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MAX-A -CHECKING ASSET RECON-MAX-B -CHECKING ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-CHECKING ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-CHECKING -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HRS 2008: LQ344 LQ345 LQ346 LQ347 LQ348 LU001_6 LU002_6 LU003_6A LU003_6B LU004_6A LU004_6B LU005_6A LU005_6B LU006_6A LU006_6B LU022_6A LU022_6B HRS 2010: MQ344 MQ345 MQ346 MQ347 MQ348 MU001_6 MU002_6 MU003_6A MU003_6B MU004_6A MU004_6B MU005_6A MU005_6B MU006_6A MU006_6B MU022_6A MU022_6B HRS 2012: NQ344 NQ345 NQ346 NQ347 NQ348 NU001_6 NU002_6 NU003_6A NU003_6B NU004_6A NU004_6B NU005_6A NU005_6B NU006_6A NU006_6B NU022_6A NU022_6B CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MIN-A-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MIN-B-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MAX-A -CHECKING ASSET RECON-MAX-B -CHECKING ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-CHECKING ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-CHECKING CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-CHECKING CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-CHECKING 300 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 301 Value of CD, government savings bonds, and T-bills Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ACD H2ACD H3ACD H4ACD H5ACD H6ACD H7ACD H8ACD H9ACD H10ACD H11ACD H1ACD:W1 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H2ACD:W2 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H3ACD:W3 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H4ACD:W4 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H5ACD:W5 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H6ACD:W6 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H7ACD:W7 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H8ACD:W8 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H9ACD:W9 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H10ACD:W10 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H11ACD:W11 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOCD H2AOCD H3AOCD H4AOCD H5AOCD H6AOCD H7AOCD H8AOCD H9AOCD H10AOCD H11AOCD H1AOCD:W1 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H2AOCD:W2 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H3AOCD:W3 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H4AOCD:W4 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H5AOCD:W5 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H6AOCD:W6 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H7AOCD:W7 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H8AOCD:W8 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H9AOCD:W9 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H10AOCD:W10 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H11AOCD:W11 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFCD H2AFCD H3AFCD H4AFCD H5AFCD H6AFCD H7AFCD H8AFCD H9AFCD H10AFCD H11AFCD H1AFCD:W1 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H2AFCD:W2 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H3AFCD:W3 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H4AFCD:W4 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H5AFCD:W5 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H6AFCD:W6 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H7AFCD:W7 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H8AFCD:W8 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H9AFCD:W9 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H10AFCD:W10 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave H11AFCD:W11 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1ACD H2ACD H3ACD H4ACD H5ACD H6ACD H7ACD H8ACD H9ACD H10ACD H11ACD 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6929.23 8056.00 11546.86 11790.25 14007.19 13317.14 11021.47 17304.30 19256.12 11784.58 9547.98 55757.38 41397.78 59221.13 58805.70 71269.77 65588.77 58546.78 124094.46 78738.59 61134.71 64629.88 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5098536.2 2240905.8 3000000.0 4000000.0 2750384.9 2025958.2 2422387.2 10207428.5 2500000.0 2200000.0 3707718.3 H1AOCD H2AOCD H3AOCD H4AOCD H5AOCD 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.26 0.23 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.44 0.42 0.44 0.43 0.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 302 H6AOCD H7AOCD H8AOCD H9AOCD H10AOCD H11AOCD 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.25 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.17 0.13 0.43 0.40 0.43 0.43 0.37 0.34 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFCD H2AFCD H3AFCD H4AFCD H5AFCD H6AFCD H7AFCD H8AFCD H9AFCD H10AFCD H11AFCD 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 4.89 5.07 4.96 5.02 4.97 5.03 5.21 5.02 5.01 5.37 5.49 2.05 1.96 2.02 1.99 2.02 1.97 1.82 1.98 1.99 1.79 1.58 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOCD 0.no |9312 1.yes |3340 H2AOCD 15210 4432 H3AOCD 13428 4563 H4AOCD 16088 5296 H5AOCD 14403 5176 H6AOCD 13676 4489 H7AOCD 16005 4124 H8AOCD 13898 4571 H9AOCD 12910 4307 H10AOCD 18329 3705 H11AOCD 17850 2704 Value---------|H1AFCD 1.continuous v|2343 2.complete bra|470 3.incomplete b|59 4.range card b|213 5.no value/bra|204 6.no asset |9149 7.DK ownership|119 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFCD 3060 818 80 H3AFCD 3165 554 314 H4AFCD 3536 842 77 H5AFCD 3408 760 67 H6AFCD 3084 510 42 H7AFCD 2722 536 41 H8AFCD 3217 447 75 H9AFCD 3057 416 66 H10AFCD 2720 377 80 H11AFCD 1989 250 57 368 14760 379 177 446 13017 369 126 699 15495 564 171 775 13942 503 124 730 13179 575 45 691 15556 496 87 707 13485 475 63 649 12492 463 74 375 17529 555 398 314 17307 466 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed value of CDs, government savings bonds, and treasury bills is assigned to HwACD. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The value of CDs, government savings bonds, and treasury bills is asked at each wave. The question wording is similar at all waves but the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any CDs, government savings bonds, or T-bills and if so, the value of them. In Wave 1, the questions ask: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any money in certificates of deposit, government savings bonds, or Treasury bills? Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 303 b) If you added up all such accounts [for you and your (husband/wife/partner)], about how much would they amount to right now? Beginning in Wave 2, initial wording is added to the first question: a) (Aside from anything you have already told me about...) do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any money in certificates of deposit, government savings bonds, or Treasury bills? In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15225 V15226 V5225 V5226 V5227 AHEAD 1993: B1755 B1756 B1756C HRS 1994: W15517 W15518 W5517 W5518 W5519 AHEAD 1995: D4463 D4464 D4468B HRS 1996: E4464 E4465 E4466B HRS 1998: F5224 F5225 F5226B HRS 2000: G5650 G5651 G5652 G5653 G5654 G5655 G5656 G5657 HRS 2002: HQ356 HQ357 HQ358 HQ359 HQ360 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 M14:CD/SAV BOND/T-BI:IND M15:$VAL OF CD/BOND/:IND M14:CD/SAV BOND/T-BI:IMP M15:$VAL OF CD/BOND/:IMP M15:ORIGINAL BRACKETS K14. CD/SAV BONDS: ANY K15. CD/SAV BONDS: TOTAL VALUE $ CATEG: K15. CD/SAV BONDS: TOTAL VALUE $ K13. Imputation Indicato K14. Imputation Indicato K13.CODS/SAVINGS BONDS/T K14.AMOUNT IN CODS/BONDS K14a-K14d. Brackets J47.CD,TBILL ASSETS J48.TOTAL $ CD J48.TOTAL $ CD/Bkt J229.CD,TBILL ASSETS J230.TOTAL $ CD J230.TOTAL $ CD/Bkt J229.CD,TBILL ASSETS J230.TOTAL $ CD J230.(J48)TOTAL $ CD-Bkt J229.CD-TBILL ASSETS J230.TOTAL $ CD J230A. DK-2500 J230Y1A.DK-$25K J230B.DK-$125K J230C.DK-$250K J230Y2A.DK-$25K J230Y3A.DK-2500 CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ356 JQ357 JQ358 JQ359 JQ360 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ356 KQ357 KQ358 KQ359 KQ360 KU001_5 KU002_5 KU003_5A KU003_5B KU004_5A KU004_5B KU005_5A KU005_5B KU006_5A KU006_5B KU022_5A MU022_5B 304 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CD WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-A-CD WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-CD -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HRS 2008: LQ356 LQ357 LQ358 LQ359 LQ360 LU001_5 LU002_5 LU003_5A LU003_5B LU004_5A LU004_5B LU005_5A LU005_5B LU006_5A LU006_5B LU022_5A LU022_5B HRS 2010: MQ356 MQ357 MQ358 MQ359 MQ360 MU001_5 MU002_5 MU003_5A MU003_5B MU004_5A MU004_5B MU005_5A MU005_5B MU006_5A MU006_5B MU022_5A MU022_5B HRS 2012: NQ356 NQ357 NQ358 NQ359 NQ360 NU001_5 NU002_5 NU003_5A NU003_5B NU004_5A NU004_5B NU005_5A NU005_5B NU006_5A NU006_5B NU022_5A NU022_5B CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CD WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CD WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-CD CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CD WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CD WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-CD CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CD WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CD WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-CD 305 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 306 Net value of bonds and bond funds Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ABOND H2ABOND H3ABOND H4ABOND H5ABOND H6ABOND H7ABOND H8ABOND H9ABOND H10ABOND H11ABOND H1ABOND:W1 Assets:Bonds--Cross-wave H2ABOND:W2 Assets:Bonds--Cross-wave H3ABOND:W3 Assets:Bonds--Cross-wave H4ABOND:W4 Assets:Bonds--Cross-wave H5ABOND:W5 Assets:Bonds--Cross-wave H6ABOND:W6 Assets:Bonds--Cross-wave H7ABOND:W7 Assets:Bonds--Cross-wave H8ABOND:W8 Assets:Bonds--Cross-wave H9ABOND:W9 Assets:Bonds--Cross-wave H10ABOND:W10 Assets:Bonds--Cross-wave H11ABOND:W11 Assets:Bonds--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOBOND H2AOBOND H3AOBOND H4AOBOND H5AOBOND H6AOBOND H7AOBOND H8AOBOND H9AOBOND H10AOBOND H11AOBOND H1AOBOND:W1 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-wave H2AOBOND:W2 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-wave H3AOBOND:W3 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-wave H4AOBOND:W4 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-wave H5AOBOND:W5 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-wave H6AOBOND:W6 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-wave H7AOBOND:W7 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-wave H8AOBOND:W8 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-wave H9AOBOND:W9 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-wave H10AOBOND:W10 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-wave H11AOBOND:W11 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFBOND H2AFBOND H3AFBOND H4AFBOND H5AFBOND H6AFBOND H7AFBOND H8AFBOND H9AFBOND H10AFBOND H11AFBOND H1AFBOND:W1 Assets Flag:Bonds--Cross-wave H2AFBOND:W2 Assets Flag:Bonds--Cross-wave H3AFBOND:W3 Assets Flag:Bonds--Cross-wave H4AFBOND:W4 Assets Flag:Bonds--Cross-wave H5AFBOND:W5 Assets Flag:Bonds--Cross-wave H6AFBOND:W6 Assets Flag:Bonds--Cross-wave H7AFBOND:W7 Assets Flag:Bonds--Cross-wave H8AFBOND:W8 Assets Flag:Bonds--Cross-wave H9AFBOND:W9 Assets Flag:Bonds--Cross-wave H10AFBOND:W10 Assets Flag:Bonds--Cross-wave H11AFBOND:W11 Assets Flag:Bonds--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1ABOND H2ABOND H3ABOND H4ABOND H5ABOND H6ABOND H7ABOND H8ABOND H9ABOND H10ABOND H11ABOND 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2811.58 4670.55 8568.03 7817.93 7910.14 9789.00 12152.99 10656.20 11132.90 8468.65 9549.90 29970.25 63900.46 93912.34 78706.64 71394.36 86286.64 122738.50 104757.21 98220.21 87303.29 205938.40 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1500000.0 4500000.0 4500000.0 4000000.0 3704807.8 3500000.0 6257574.7 3669914.6 3000000.0 4208504.2 25000000.0 H1AOBOND H2AOBOND H3AOBOND H4AOBOND H5AOBOND 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.24 0.24 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 307 H6AOBOND H7AOBOND H8AOBOND H9AOBOND H10AOBOND H11AOBOND 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.27 0.26 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFBOND H2AFBOND H3AFBOND H4AFBOND H5AFBOND H6AFBOND H7AFBOND H8AFBOND H9AFBOND H10AFBOND H11AFBOND 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.76 5.79 5.68 5.73 5.74 5.71 5.74 5.78 5.76 5.85 5.83 1.13 1.11 1.27 1.22 1.18 1.20 1.16 1.07 1.12 1.11 1.03 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOBOND 0.no |11856 1.yes |796 H2AOBOND 18482 1160 H3AOBOND 16468 1523 H4AOBOND 19729 1655 H5AOBOND 18064 1515 H6AOBOND 16724 1441 H7AOBOND 18658 1471 H8AOBOND 17296 1173 H9AOBOND 16077 1140 H10AOBOND 20806 1228 H11AOBOND 19472 1082 Value---------|H1AFBOND 1.continuous v|560 2.complete bra|94 3.incomplete b|8 4.range card b|49 5.no value/bra|76 6.no asset |11661 7.DK ownership|109 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFBOND 774 222 37 H3AFBOND 977 247 120 H4AFBOND 1016 335 36 H5AFBOND 878 271 33 H6AFBOND 905 234 28 H7AFBOND 894 261 23 H8AFBOND 725 166 18 H9AFBOND 741 163 24 H10AFBOND 813 169 36 H11AFBOND 699 155 27 102 18010 320 177 158 16121 242 126 225 19151 450 171 288 17562 423 124 243 16283 427 45 260 18189 415 87 230 16923 344 63 188 15709 318 74 163 20012 443 398 170 18994 338 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed net value of bonds or bond funds is assigned to HwABOND. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of bonds or bond funds is asked at each wave. The question wording is similar at all waves, but the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any bonds or bond funds and if so, the value of them. In Wave 1, the questions ask: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any corporate, municipal, government, or foreign bonds, or any bond funds? Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 308 b) If you sold all those bonds or bond funds and paid off anything you owed on them, how much would you have? Beginning in Wave 2, initial wording is added to the first question: a) (Aside from anything you have already told me about...) do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any corporate, municipal, government, or foreign bonds, or any bond funds? In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15229 V15230 V5229 V5230 V5231 AHEAD 1993: B1761 B1762 B1762C HRS 1994: W15520 W15521 W5520 W5521 W5522 AHEAD 1995: D4381 D4382 D4386B HRS 1996: E4382 E4383 E4384B HRS 1998: F5142 F5143 F5144B HRS 2000: G5587 G5588 G5589 G5590 G5591 G5593 G5594 G5595 HRS 2002: HQ330 HQ331 HQ332 HQ333 HQ334 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 M16:R/SP OWN M17:$ VAL OF M16:R/SP OWN M17:$ VAL OF M17:ORIGINAL ANY BON:IND THESE B:IND ANY BON:IMP THESE B:IMP BRACKETS K16. CORP/GOVT BONDS: ANY K17. CORP/GOVT BONDS: NET VALUE CATEG: K17. CORP/GOVT BONDS: NET VALUE K15. Imputation Indicato K16. Imputation Indicato K15.OWN CORPORATE/GOVT B K16.VALUE OF BONDS K16a-K16d. Brackets J40.BOND ASSETS J41.TOTAL $ BONDS J41.TOTAL $ BONDS/Bkt J215.BOND ASSETS J216.TOTAL $ BONDS J216.TOTAL $ BONDS/Bkt J215.BOND ASSETS J216.TOTAL $ BONDS J216.(J41)TOTAL $ BONDS-Bkt J215.BOND ASSETS J216.TOTAL $ BONDS J216A.BONDS DK-2500 J216Y1A.BONDS DK-$10K J216B.BONDS DK-$100K J216C.BONDS DK-$400K J216Y2A.BONDS DK-$10K J216D.BONDS DK-2500 BOND ASSETS BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ330 JQ331 JQ332 JQ333 JQ334 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ330 KQ331 KQ332 KQ333 KQ334 KU001_7 KU002_7 KU003_7A KU003_7B KU004_7A KU004_7B KU005_7A KU005_7B KU006_7A KU006_7B KU022_7A KU022_7B 309 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS BOND ASSETS BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 BOND ASSETS BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-BOND WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-A-BOND WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-BOND -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HRS 2008: LQ330 LQ331 LQ332 LQ333 LQ334 LU001_7 LU002_7 LU003_7A LU003_7B LU004_7A LU004_7B LU005_7A LU005_7B LU006_7A LU006_7B LU022_7A LU022_7B HRS 2010: MQ330 MQ331 MQ332 MQ333 MQ334 MU001_7 MU002_7 MU003_7A MU003_7B MU004_7A MU004_7B MU005_7A MU005_7B MU006_7A MU006_7B MU022_7A MU022_7B HRS 2012: NQ330 NQ331 NQ332 NQ333 NQ334 NU001_7 NU002_7 NU003_7A NU003_7B NU004_7A NU004_7B NU005_7A NU005_7B NU006_7A NU006_7B NU022_7A NU022_7B BOND ASSETS BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-BOND WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-BOND WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-BOND BOND ASSETS BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-BOND WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-BOND WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-BOND BOND ASSETS BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX BOND ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-BOND ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-BOND WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-BOND WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-BOND 310 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 311 Net value of all other savings Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOTHR H2AOTHR H3AOTHR H4AOTHR H5AOTHR H6AOTHR H7AOTHR H8AOTHR H9AOTHR H10AOTHR H11AOTHR H1AOTHR:W1 Assets:Other svngs, assets--Cross-wave H2AOTHR:W2 Assets:Other svngs, assets--Cross-wave H3AOTHR:W3 Assets:Other svngs, assets--Cross-wave H4AOTHR:W4 Assets:Other svngs, assets--Cross-wave H5AOTHR:W5 Assets:Other svngs, assets--Cross-wave H6AOTHR:W6 Assets:Other svngs, assets--Cross-wave H7AOTHR:W7 Assets:Other svngs, assets--Cross-wave H8AOTHR:W8 Assets:Other svngs, assets--Cross-wave H9AOTHR:W9 Assets:Other svngs, assets--Cross-wave H10AOTHR:W10 Assets:Other svngs, assets--Cross-wave H11AOTHR:W11 Assets:Other svngs, assets--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOOTHR H2AOOTHR H3AOOTHR H4AOOTHR H5AOOTHR H6AOOTHR H7AOOTHR H8AOOTHR H9AOOTHR H10AOOTHR H11AOOTHR H1AOOTHR:W1 Assets Own:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H2AOOTHR:W2 Assets Own:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H3AOOTHR:W3 Assets Own:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H4AOOTHR:W4 Assets Own:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H5AOOTHR:W5 Assets Own:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H6AOOTHR:W6 Assets Own:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H7AOOTHR:W7 Assets Own:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H8AOOTHR:W8 Assets Own:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H9AOOTHR:W9 Assets Own:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H10AOOTHR:W10 Assets Own:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H11AOOTHR:W11 Assets Own:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFOTHR H2AFOTHR H3AFOTHR H4AFOTHR H5AFOTHR H6AFOTHR H7AFOTHR H8AFOTHR H9AFOTHR H10AFOTHR H11AFOTHR H1AFOTHR:W1 Assets Flag:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H2AFOTHR:W2 Assets Flag:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H3AFOTHR:W3 Assets Flag:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H4AFOTHR:W4 Assets Flag:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H5AFOTHR:W5 Assets Flag:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H6AFOTHR:W6 Assets Flag:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H7AFOTHR:W7 Assets Flag:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H8AFOTHR:W8 Assets Flag:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H9AFOTHR:W9 Assets Flag:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H10AFOTHR:W10 Assets Flag:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave H11AFOTHR:W11 Assets Flag:Other svngs,assets--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1AOTHR H2AOTHR H3AOTHR H4AOTHR H5AOTHR H6AOTHR H7AOTHR H8AOTHR H9AOTHR H10AOTHR H11AOTHR 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 7814.31 6630.81 7357.48 8717.95 9079.39 16027.32 12842.78 14708.89 13876.82 14236.53 11617.72 55289.71 34856.82 49027.52 86696.28 69939.73 707662.02 104080.85 172270.73 148307.68 196644.52 120913.82 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -50000.0 0.0 3000000.0 1198004.8 2000000.0 6000000.0 3155000.0 90000000.0 5000000.0 15000000.0 15000000.0 18000000.0 9999996.0 H1AOOTHR H2AOOTHR H3AOOTHR H4AOOTHR H5AOOTHR 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.16 0.18 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.37 0.38 0.36 0.35 0.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 312 H6AOOTHR H7AOOTHR H8AOOTHR H9AOOTHR H10AOOTHR H11AOOTHR 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.13 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.34 0.38 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFOTHR H2AFOTHR H3AFOTHR H4AFOTHR H5AFOTHR H6AFOTHR H7AFOTHR H8AFOTHR H9AFOTHR H10AFOTHR H11AFOTHR 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.34 5.22 5.34 5.41 5.39 5.43 5.29 5.30 5.32 5.36 5.37 1.70 1.85 1.72 1.66 1.67 1.61 1.76 1.74 1.73 1.79 1.72 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOOTHR 0.no |10638 1.yes |2014 H2AOOTHR 16109 3533 H3AOOTHR 15274 2717 H4AOOTHR 18349 3035 H5AOOTHR 16734 2845 H6AOOTHR 15740 2425 H7AOOTHR 16717 3412 H8AOOTHR 15494 2975 H9AOOTHR 14475 2742 H10AOOTHR 18475 3559 H11AOOTHR 17487 3067 Value---------|H1AFOTHR 1.continuous v|1427 2.complete bra|303 3.incomplete b|22 4.range card b|110 5.no value/bra|126 6.no asset |10453 7.DK ownership|116 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFOTHR 2707 585 35 H3AFOTHR 2124 400 15 H4AFOTHR 2234 509 27 H5AFOTHR 2082 481 24 H6AFOTHR 1862 317 21 H7AFOTHR 2507 497 21 H8AFOTHR 2294 380 26 H9AFOTHR 2088 373 30 H10AFOTHR 2716 453 61 H11AFOTHR 2440 348 26 156 15686 296 177 141 14969 216 126 183 17857 403 171 217 16360 291 124 194 15381 345 45 323 16361 333 87 239 15207 260 63 219 14175 258 74 215 17784 407 398 183 17022 364 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed net value of all other savings is assigned to HwAOTHR. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Users should note that there are two respondents in Wave 6 who reported large values in Section U, much higher than their reported amounts in Section Q. 1. HHIDPN: 10893010 reported no ownership for the asset "other personal items of value" in Section Q and a value of $90,000,000 in Section U for the same asset. 2. HHIDPN: 131812010 reported a complete bracket of $100,001+ in Section Q for the same asset type. However, in Section U a value of $30,000,000 was reported. Since the RAND HRS wealth imputation process uses the corrected Section U values when available, the final values for these 2 cases are 90 and 30 million dollars, respectively. Therefore, please use caution Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 313 when drawing inferences about total wealth from Wave 6, as these 2 cases largely influence the total wealth values. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of all other savings is asked at each wave. The question wording is slightly different across waves and the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any other savings funds and if so, the value of them: In Wave 1, the questions ask: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any other savings or assets, such as money owed to you by others, a valuable collection for investment purposes, an annuity, or rights in a trust or estate that you haven't already told me about? b) If you sold all that and then paid off any debts on it, about how much would you have? In Wave 2, the wording to the initial question changes slightly: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any other savings or assets, such as jewelry, money owed to you by others, a collection for investment purposes, or an annuity that you haven't already told me about? Beginning in Wave 3, the initial question combines the wording found in Waves 1 and 2: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any other savings or assets, such as jewelry, money owed to you by others, a collection for investment purposes, rights in a trust or estate where you are the beneficiary, or an annuity that you haven't already told me about? [EXCLUDE THE CASH VALUE OF ANY LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES.] In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15233 V15234 V5233 V5234 V5235 AHEAD 1993: B1782 B1783 B1783C HRS 1994: W15523 W15524 W5523 W5524 W5525 AHEAD 1995: D4512 D4513 D4514B HRS 1996: E4513 E4514 E4515B HRS 1998: M18:OTHER SAVINGS/AS:IND M19:$ VAL OF SAV/ASS:IND M18:OTHER SAVINGS/AS:IMP M19:$ VAL OF SAV/ASS:IMP M19:ORIGINAL BRACKETS K21. OTHER ASSETS: ANY K22. OTH ASSETS: NET VALUE CATEG: K22. OTH ASSETS: NET VALUE K17. Imputation Indicato K18. Imputation Indicato K17.OTHER SAVINGS/ASSETS K18.VALUE OF OTHER SAVIN K18a-K18c. Brackets J52.OTHER ASSETS J53.OTHER ASSETS $ J53.OTHER ASSETS $/Bkt J239.OTHER ASSETS J240.OTHER ASSETS $ J240.OTHER ASSETS $/Bkt Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave F5273 F5274 F5275B HRS 2000: G5694 G5695 G5696 G5697 G5698 G5699 G5700 HRS 2002: HQ375 HQ376 HQ377 HQ378 HQ379 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ375 JQ376 JQ377 JQ378 JQ379 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 314 J239.OTHER ASSETS J240.OTHER ASSETS $ J240.(J53)OTHER ASSETS $-Bkt J239.OTHER ASSETS J240.OTHER ASSETS $ J240A. DK-5K J240Y1A. DK-50000 J240B. DK-100000 J240Y1B. DK-50000 J240D. DK-5000 OTHER ASSETS OTHER ASSETS TOTAL VALUE OTHER ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN OTHER ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX OTHER ASSETS TOTAL VALUE-RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS OTHER ASSETS OTHER ASSETS TOTAL VALUE OTHER ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN OTHER ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX OTHER ASSETS TOTAL VALUE-RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HRS HRS HRS HRS JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 2006: KQ375 KQ376 KQ377 KQ378 KQ379 KU001_3 KU002_3 KU003_3A KU003_3B KU004_3A KU004_3B KU005_3A KU005_3B KU006_3A KU006_3B KU022_3A KU022_3B 2008: LQ375 LQ376 LQ377 LQ378 LQ379 LU001_3 LU002_3 LU003_3A LU003_3B LU004_3A LU004_3B LU005_3A LU005_3B LU006_3A LU006_3B LU022_3A LU022_3B 2010: MQ375 MQ376 MQ377 MQ378 MQ379 MU001_3 MU002_3 MU003_3A MU003_3B MU004_3A MU004_3B MU005_3A MU005_3B MU006_3A MU006_3B MU022_3A MU022_3B 2012: NQ375 NQ376 NQ377 NQ378 TYPE PREV PREV PREV OF ASSETS -3 WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET WHICH WHICH ASSETS ASSETS TOTAL VALUE ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX ASSETS TOTAL VALUE-RESULT RECONCILIATION-OTHER RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-OTHER RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-OTHER RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-OTHER RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-OTHER RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-OTHER RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -OTHER RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -OTHER RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-OTHER RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-OTHER WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-A-OTHER WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET WHICH WHICH ASSETS ASSETS TOTAL VALUE ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX ASSETS TOTAL VALUE-RESULT RECONCILIATION-OTHER RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-OTHER RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-OTHER RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-OTHER RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-OTHER RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-OTHER RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -OTHER RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -OTHER RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-OTHER RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-OTHER WAVE WRONG-A-OTHER WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET WHICH WHICH ASSETS ASSETS TOTAL VALUE ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX ASSETS TOTAL VALUE-RESULT RECONCILIATION - OTHER RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-OTHER RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-OTHER RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-OTHER RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-OTHER RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-OTHER RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -OTHER RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -OTHER RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-OTHER RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-OTHER WAVE WRONG-A-OTHER WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER ASSETS ASSETS TOTAL VALUE ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MIN ASSETS TOTAL VALUE - MAX 315 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave NQ379 NU001_3 NU002_3 NU003_3A NU003_3B NU004_3A NU004_3B NU005_3A NU005_3B NU006_3A NU006_3B NU022_3A NU022_3B OTHER ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET WHICH WHICH ASSETS TOTAL VALUE-RESULT RECONCILIATION - OTHER RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-OTHER RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-OTHER RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-OTHER RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-OTHER RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-OTHER RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -OTHER RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -OTHER RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-OTHER RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-OTHER WAVE WRONG-A-OTHER WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-OTHER 316 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 317 Value of other debt Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ADEBT H2ADEBT H3ADEBT H4ADEBT H5ADEBT H6ADEBT H7ADEBT H8ADEBT H9ADEBT H10ADEBT H11ADEBT H1ADEBT:W1 Assets:Debts [not yet asked]--Cross-wave H2ADEBT:W2 Assets:Debts [not yet asked]--Cross-wave H3ADEBT:W3 Assets:Debts [not yet asked]--Cross-wave H4ADEBT:W4 Assets:Debts [not yet asked]--Cross-wave H5ADEBT:W5 Assets:Debts [not yet asked]--Cross-wave H6ADEBT:W6 Assets:Debts [not yet asked]--Cross-wave H7ADEBT:W7 Assets:Debts [not yet asked]--Cross-wave H8ADEBT:W8 Assets:Debts [not yet asked]--Cross-wave H9ADEBT:W9 Assets:Debts [not yet asked]--Cross-wave H10ADEBT:W10 Assets:Debts [not yet asked]--Cross-wave H11ADEBT:W11 Assets:Debts [not yet asked]--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AODEBT H2AODEBT H3AODEBT H4AODEBT H5AODEBT H6AODEBT H7AODEBT H8AODEBT H9AODEBT H10AODEBT H11AODEBT H1AODEBT:W1 Assets Own:Debts--Cross-wave H2AODEBT:W2 Assets Own:Debts--Cross-wave H3AODEBT:W3 Assets Own:Debts--Cross-wave H4AODEBT:W4 Assets Own:Debts--Cross-wave H5AODEBT:W5 Assets Own:Debts--Cross-wave H6AODEBT:W6 Assets Own:Debts--Cross-wave H7AODEBT:W7 Assets Own:Debts--Cross-wave H8AODEBT:W8 Assets Own:Debts--Cross-wave H9AODEBT:W9 Assets Own:Debts--Cross-wave H10AODEBT:W10 Assets Own:Debts--Cross-wave H11AODEBT:W11 Assets Own:Debts--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFDEBT H2AFDEBT H3AFDEBT H4AFDEBT H5AFDEBT H6AFDEBT H7AFDEBT H8AFDEBT H9AFDEBT H10AFDEBT H11AFDEBT H1AFDEBT:W1 Assets Flag:Debts--Cross-wave H2AFDEBT:W2 Assets Flag:Debts--Cross-wave H3AFDEBT:W3 Assets Flag:Debts--Cross-wave H4AFDEBT:W4 Assets Flag:Debts--Cross-wave H5AFDEBT:W5 Assets Flag:Debts--Cross-wave H6AFDEBT:W6 Assets Flag:Debts--Cross-wave H7AFDEBT:W7 Assets Flag:Debts--Cross-wave H8AFDEBT:W8 Assets Flag:Debts--Cross-wave H9AFDEBT:W9 Assets Flag:Debts--Cross-wave H10AFDEBT:W10 Assets Flag:Debts--Cross-wave H11AFDEBT:W11 Assets Flag:Debts--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1ADEBT H2ADEBT H3ADEBT H4ADEBT H5ADEBT H6ADEBT H7ADEBT H8ADEBT H9ADEBT H10ADEBT H11ADEBT 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 3192.73 2225.60 2451.15 3458.36 2606.76 2886.54 4031.62 4164.64 4446.14 5978.50 5153.82 19316.99 11227.81 15825.55 67344.77 14902.43 18619.53 34698.86 37976.79 32693.02 32435.15 28525.36 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 900000.0 500000.0 828925.5 6666733.0 700000.0 800000.0 2400000.0 2200000.0 1900000.0 2000000.0 1700000.0 H1AODEBT H2AODEBT H3AODEBT H4AODEBT H5AODEBT 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.40 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.27 0.49 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.45 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 318 H6AODEBT H7AODEBT H8AODEBT H9AODEBT H10AODEBT H11AODEBT 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.25 0.29 0.29 0.31 0.36 0.34 0.43 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.48 0.47 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFDEBT H2AFDEBT H3AFDEBT H4AFDEBT H5AFDEBT H6AFDEBT H7AFDEBT H8AFDEBT H9AFDEBT H10AFDEBT H11AFDEBT 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 4.25 4.72 4.76 4.82 4.75 4.89 4.67 4.65 4.59 4.40 4.45 2.41 2.22 2.18 2.15 2.18 2.08 2.21 2.22 2.26 2.41 2.35 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AODEBT 0.no |7609 1.yes |5043 H2AODEBT 14152 5490 H3AODEBT 13126 4865 H4AODEBT 15776 5608 H5AODEBT 14222 5357 H6AODEBT 13707 4458 H7AODEBT 14235 5894 H8AODEBT 13033 5436 H9AODEBT 11933 5284 H10AODEBT 14143 7891 H11AODEBT 13642 6912 Value---------|H1AFDEBT 1.continuous v|4400 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 4.range card b|189 5.no value/bra|292 6.no asset |7415 7.DK ownership|261 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFDEBT 4726 544 14 H3AFDEBT 4106 539 11 H4AFDEBT 4627 671 28 H5AFDEBT 4565 479 39 H6AFDEBT 3697 431 28 H7AFDEBT 4933 599 28 H8AFDEBT 4649 472 26 H9AFDEBT 4598 363 41 H10AFDEBT 6893 458 52 H11AFDEBT 6155 385 58 93 13859 229 177 122 12914 173 126 163 15443 281 171 168 13974 230 124 217 13459 288 45 222 14012 248 87 202 12842 215 63 199 11725 217 74 238 13688 307 398 174 13354 257 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed value of debt is assigned to HwADEBT. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household holds this type of debt. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The value of other debt is asked at each wave. The question wording is the same in all waves, but the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent has any other debt and if so, the value of it: a) And do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any debts that we haven't asked about, such as credit card balances, medical debts, life insurance policy loans, loans from relatives, and so forth? b) About how much would that amount to? Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 319 From Wave 2 forward, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket ranges and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. The bracket breakpoints are different in Waves 8 and 9. In these waves, respondents who answer “Don’t Know” or “Refuse” to the question about debt amount enter into a sequence of bracket questions to determine a possible range of values. In Wave 8, the breakpoints for these ranges were $500, $5,000, and $50,000. However, in Wave 9, these breakpoints changed to $1,000, $5,000, $15,000, and $50,000. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15237 V15238 V5237 V5238 AHEAD 1993: B1787 B1788 B1788C HRS 1994: W15526 W15527 W5526 W5527 W5528 AHEAD 1995: D4725 D4726 D4727B HRS 1996: E4726 E4727 E4728B HRS 1998: F5486 F5487 F5488B HRS 2000: G5846 G5847 G5848 G5849 G5850 G5851 G5852 HRS 2002: HQ477 HQ478 HQ479 HQ480 HQ481 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ477 M20:OTHR_DBTS_Y/N_NE:IND M20A:OTHER_DEBTS_$_N:IND M20:OTHR_DBTS_Y/N_NE:IMP M20A:OTHER_DEBTS_$_N:IMP K23. DEBTS: ANY K24. DEBTS: TOTAL $ CATEG: K24. DEBTS: TOTAL $ K19. Imputation Indicato K20. Imputation Indicato K19.OTHER DEBTS K20.AMOUNT OF OTHER DEBT K20a-K20c. Brackets J81.DEBTS J82.DEBTS $ J82.DEBTS $/Bkt J302.DEBTS J303.DEBTS $ J303.DEBTS $/Bkt J302.DEBTS J303.DEBTS $ J303.(J82)DEBTS $-Bkt J302.DEBTS J303.DEBTS $ J303A. DK-500 J303Y1A. DK-5000 J303B. DK-50000 J303Y1B. DK-5000 J303D. DK-500 R OR SP ANY DEBTS NOT ASKED ABOUT BEFORE R OR SP DEBTS AMOUNT DEBTS AMOUNT - MIN DEBTS AMOUNT - MAX DEBTS AMOUNT - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS R OR SP ANY DEBTS NOT ASKED ABOUT BEFORE Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave JQ478 JQ479 JQ480 JQ481 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ477 KQ478 KQ479 KQ480 KQ481 KU001_1 KU002_1 KU003_1A KU003_1B KU004_1A KU004_1B KU005_1A KU005_1B KU006_1A KU006_1B KU022_1A KU022_1B HRS 2008: LQ477 LQ478 LQ479 LQ480 R OR SP DEBTS AMOUNT DEBTS AMOUNT - MIN DEBTS AMOUNT - MAX DEBTS AMOUNT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 R OR SP ANY DEBTS NOT ASKED ABOUT BEFORE R OR SP DEBTS AMOUNT DEBTS AMOUNT - MIN DEBTS AMOUNT - MAX DEBTS AMOUNT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-DEBTS WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-A-DEBTS WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-DEBTS R OR SP ANY DEBTS NOT ASKED ABOUT BEFORE R OR SP DEBTS AMOUNT DEBTS AMOUNT - MIN DEBTS AMOUNT - MAX 320 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave LQ481 LU001_1 LU002_1 LU003_1A LU003_1B LU004_1A LU004_1B LU005_1A LU005_1B LU006_1A LU006_1B LU022_1A LU022_1B HRS 2010: MQ477 MQ478 MQ479 MQ480 MQ481 MU001_1 MU002_1 MU003_1A MU003_1B MU004_1A MU004_1B MU005_1A MU005_1B MU006_1A MU006_1B MU022_1A MU022_1B HRS 2012: NQ477 NQ478 NQ479 NQ480 NQ481 NU001_1 NU002_1 NU003_1A NU003_1B NU004_1A NU004_1B NU005_1A NU005_1B NU006_1A NU006_1B NU022_1A NU022_1B DEBTS ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET WHICH WHICH AMOUNT - RESULT RECONCILIATION-DEBTS RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-DEBTS RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-DEBTS RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-DEBTS RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-DEBTS RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-DEBTS RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -DEBTS RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -DEBTS RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-DEBTS RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-DEBTS WAVE WRONG-A-DEBTS WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-DEBTS R OR SP ANY DEBTS NOT ASKED ABOUT BEFORE R OR SP DEBTS AMOUNT DEBTS AMOUNT - MIN DEBTS AMOUNT - MAX DEBTS AMOUNT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - STEM QUESTION -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-DEBTS WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-DEBTS WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-DEBTS R OR SP ANY DEBTS NOT ASKED ABOUT BEFORE R OR SP DEBTS AMOUNT DEBTS AMOUNT - MIN DEBTS AMOUNT - MAX DEBTS AMOUNT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-DEBTS ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-DEBTS WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-DEBTS WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-DEBTS 321 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 322 Value of Trust Wave Variable Label Type 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2ATRST H3ATRST H4ATRST H5ATRST H6ATRST H7ATRST H8ATRST H9ATRST H10ATRST H11ATRST H2ATRST:W2 Assets:Trusts--Cross-wave H3ATRST:W3 Assets:Trusts--Cross-wave H4ATRST:W4 Assets:Trusts--Cross-wave H5ATRST:W5 Assets:Trusts--Cross-wave H6ATRST:W6 Assets:Trusts--Cross-wave H7ATRST:W7 Assets:Trusts--Cross-wave H8ATRST:W8 Assets:Trusts--Cross-wave H9ATRST:W9 Assets:Trusts--Cross-wave H10ATRST:W10 Assets:Trusts--Cross-wave H11ATRST:W11 Assets:Trusts--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2AOTRST H3AOTRST H4AOTRST H5AOTRST H6AOTRST H7AOTRST H8AOTRST H9AOTRST H10AOTRST H11AOTRST H2AOTRST:W2 Assets Own:Trusts--Cross-wave H3AOTRST:W3 Assets Own:Trusts--Cross-wave H4AOTRST:W4 Assets Own:Trusts--Cross-wave H5AOTRST:W5 Assets Own:Trusts--Cross-wave H6AOTRST:W6 Assets Own:Trusts--Cross-wave H7AOTRST:W7 Assets Own:Trusts--Cross-wave H8AOTRST:W8 Assets Own:Trusts--Cross-wave H9AOTRST:W9 Assets Own:Trusts--Cross-wave H10AOTRST:W10 Assets Own:Trusts--Cross-wave H11AOTRST:W11 Assets Own:Trusts--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H2AFTRST H3AFTRST H4AFTRST H5AFTRST H6AFTRST H7AFTRST H8AFTRST H9AFTRST H10AFTRST H11AFTRST H2AFTRST:W2 Assets Flag:Trusts--Cross-wave H3AFTRST:W3 Assets Flag:Trusts--Cross-wave H4AFTRST:W4 Assets Flag:Trusts--Cross-wave H5AFTRST:W5 Assets Flag:Trusts--Cross-wave H6AFTRST:W6 Assets Flag:Trusts--Cross-wave H7AFTRST:W7 Assets Flag:Trusts--Cross-wave H8AFTRST:W8 Assets Flag:Trusts--Cross-wave H9AFTRST:W9 Assets Flag:Trusts--Cross-wave H10AFTRST:W10 Assets Flag:Trusts--Cross-wave H11AFTRST:W11 Assets Flag:Trusts--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H2ATRST H3ATRST H4ATRST H5ATRST H6ATRST H7ATRST H8ATRST H9ATRST H10ATRST H11ATRST 8222 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2069.33 25677.71 521.62 1901.05 3429.89 1106.53 1376.26 1394.26 1278.97 782.23 41610.68 334773.36 15155.93 62617.93 69999.70 26119.25 52608.71 27324.89 44727.62 44010.52 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2000000.0 27192944.1 1291655.5 5000000.0 3000000.0 1590099.0 3300000.0 1000000.0 3783937.4 6000000.0 H2AOTRST H3AOTRST H4AOTRST H5AOTRST H6AOTRST H7AOTRST H8AOTRST H9AOTRST H10AOTRST 8222 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.24 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 323 H11AOTRST 20554 0.00 0.05 0.0 1.0 H2AFTRST H3AFTRST H4AFTRST H5AFTRST H6AFTRST H7AFTRST H8AFTRST H9AFTRST H10AFTRST H11AFTRST 8222 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6.01 5.90 6.03 6.01 6.00 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.06 6.03 0.44 1.15 0.36 0.39 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.36 0.48 0.36 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 0.no | 1.yes | H2AOTRST 11420 8147 75 Value---------| .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no asset | 7.DK ownership| 9.no Fin Resp | H2AFTRST 11420 38 35 7949 147 53 H3AOTRST H4AOTRST H5AOTRST H6AOTRST H7AOTRST H8AOTRST H9AOTRST H10AOTRST H11AOTRST 16893 1098 21318 66 19475 104 18065 100 20036 93 18403 66 17134 83 21962 72 20495 59 H3AFTRST H4AFTRST H5AFTRST H6AFTRST H7AFTRST H8AFTRST H9AFTRST H10AFTRST H11AFTRST 658 244 17 141 14606 2199 126 33 6 2 24 20860 288 171 52 23 45 20 1 34 17756 264 45 40 8 1 44 19714 235 87 32 4 46 8 1 26 16852 210 74 44 5 1 21 21245 320 398 28 8 2 18 20081 246 171 28 19126 226 124 30 18127 213 63 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: HwATRST is the value of assets in a trust that have not been reported elsewhere. included in any of the asset totals. Note that this is not In Wave 1, information about trusts was not collected, therefore we do not provide trust variables for this wave. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data In Wave 2, trusts are not mentioned in the question about “other assets.” The “other assets” question states: Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any other savings or assets, such as jewelry, money owed to you by others, a collection for investment purposes, or an annuity that you haven't already told me about? [EXCLUDE THE CASH VALUE OF ANY LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES] Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 324 Beginning in Wave 3, the question about “other assets” includes among the cues “rights in a […] trust that you haven’t already told me about.” This refers to trusts created by others who may have named the respondent (and/or spouse) as a beneficiary. The full question for “other assets” states: Do you (or your [husband/wife/partner]) have any other savings or assets, such as jewelry, money owed to you by others, a collection for investment purposes, rights in a trust or estate where you are the beneficiary, or an annuity that you haven't already told us about? Beginning in Wave 2, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. HRS Variables Used AHEAD 1993: B1775 B1780 HRS 1994: W5557 W5563 W5564 AHEAD 1995: D4708 D4712 D4713 D4714 D4715 HRS 1996: E4709 E4713 E4714 E4715 E4716 HRS 1998: F5469 F5473 F5474 F5475 F5476 HRS 2000: G5829 G5840 G5841 G5842 G5843 HRS 2002: HQ464 HQ471 HQ472 HQ473 HQ474 HQ475 HRS 2004: JQ464 JQ471 JQ472 JQ473 JQ474 JQ475 HRS 2006: KQ464 KQ471 KQ472 KQ473 K19. TRUST: ANY K20b. TRUST: TOT $, PART NOT MENTIONED K25.PUT ASSETS INTO TRUS K27.VALUE OF TRUSTS K27a-K27c. Brackets J80.TRUSTS J80B.$ TRUSTS J80C.>50K J80D.>500K J80E.>5K J295.TRUSTS J299.$ TRUSTS J299A.$ TRUSTS>500K J299B.$ TRUSTS>1,500K J299C.$ TRUSTS>50K J295.TRUSTS J299.$ TRUSTS J299A.>500K J299B.>1,500K J299C.>50K J295.TRUSTS J299F.$ TRUSTS NOT PREVIOUSLY REPORTED J299G.>500K J299H.>1500 J299J.>50K PUT ANY ASSETS IN TRUST ALL OTHER ASSETS IN TRUSTS PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MIN VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MAX VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - RESULT PUT ANY ASSETS IN TRUST ALL OTHER ASSETS IN TRUSTS PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MIN VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MAX VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - RESULT PUT ANY ASSETS IN TRUST ALL OTHER ASSETS IN TRUSTS PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MIN Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave KQ474 KQ475 HRS 2008: LQ464 LQ471 LQ472 LQ473 LQ474 LQ475 HRS 2010: MQ464 MQ471 MQ472 MQ473 MQ474 MQ475 HRS 2012: NQ464 NQ471 NQ472 NQ473 NQ474 NQ475 VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MAX VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - RESULT PUT ANY ASSETS IN TRUST ALL OTHER ASSETS IN TRUSTS PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MIN VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MAX VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - RESULT PUT ANY ASSETS IN TRUST ALL OTHER ASSETS IN TRUSTS PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MIN VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MAX VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - RESULT PUT ANY ASSETS IN TRUST ALL OTHER ASSETS IN TRUSTS PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MIN VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - MAX VALUE ASSETS NOT PREV REPORTED - RESULT 325 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 326 Value of primary residence Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AHOUS H2AHOUS H3AHOUS H4AHOUS H5AHOUS H6AHOUS H7AHOUS H8AHOUS H9AHOUS H10AHOUS H11AHOUS H1AHOUS:W1 Assets:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H2AHOUS:W2 Assets:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H3AHOUS:W3 Assets:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H4AHOUS:W4 Assets:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H5AHOUS:W5 Assets:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H6AHOUS:W6 Assets:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H7AHOUS:W7 Assets:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H8AHOUS:W8 Assets:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H9AHOUS:W9 Assets:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H10AHOUS:W10 Assets:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H11AHOUS:W11 Assets:Primary Residence--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOHOUS H2AOHOUS H3AOHOUS H4AOHOUS H5AOHOUS H6AOHOUS H7AOHOUS H8AOHOUS H9AOHOUS H10AOHOUS H11AOHOUS H1AOHOUS:W1 Assets Own:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H2AOHOUS:W2 Assets Own:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H3AOHOUS:W3 Assets Own:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H4AOHOUS:W4 Assets Own:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H5AOHOUS:W5 Assets Own:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H6AOHOUS:W6 Assets Own:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H7AOHOUS:W7 Assets Own:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H8AOHOUS:W8 Assets Own:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H9AOHOUS:W9 Assets Own:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H10AOHOUS:W10 Assets Own:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H11AOHOUS:W11 Assets Own:Primary Residence--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFHOUS H2AFHOUS H3AFHOUS H4AFHOUS H5AFHOUS H6AFHOUS H7AFHOUS H8AFHOUS H9AFHOUS H10AFHOUS H11AFHOUS H1AFHOUS:W1 Assets Flag:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H2AFHOUS:W2 Assets Flag:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H3AFHOUS:W3 Assets Flag:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H4AFHOUS:W4 Assets Flag:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H5AFHOUS:W5 Assets Flag:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H6AFHOUS:W6 Assets Flag:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H7AFHOUS:W7 Assets Flag:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H8AFHOUS:W8 Assets Flag:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H9AFHOUS:W9 Assets Flag:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H10AFHOUS:W10 Assets Flag:Primary Residence--Cross-wave H11AFHOUS:W11 Assets Flag:Primary Residence--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AHOU1 H2AHOU1 H3AHOU1 H4AHOU1 H5AHOU1 H6AHOU1 H7AHOU1 H8AHOU1 H9AHOU1 H10AHOU1 H11AHOU1 H1AHOU1:W1 Assets Part:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H2AHOU1:W2 Assets Part:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H3AHOU1:W3 Assets Part:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H4AHOU1:W4 Assets Part:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H5AHOU1:W5 Assets Part:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H6AHOU1:W6 Assets Part:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H7AHOU1:W7 Assets Part:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H8AHOU1:W8 Assets Part:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H9AHOU1:W9 Assets Part:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H10AHOU1:W10 Assets Part:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H11AHOU1:W11 Assets Part:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H1AOHOU1 H2AOHOU1 H3AOHOU1 H4AOHOU1 H5AOHOU1 H6AOHOU1 H7AOHOU1 H8AOHOU1 H9AOHOU1 H1AOHOU1:W1 H2AOHOU1:W2 H3AOHOU1:W3 H4AOHOU1:W4 H5AOHOU1:W5 H6AOHOU1:W6 H7AOHOU1:W7 H8AOHOU1:W8 H9AOHOU1:W9 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Own:Prim Own:Prim Own:Prim Own:Prim Own:Prim Own:Prim Own:Prim Own:Prim Own:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave Res/House--Cross-wave Res/House--Cross-wave Res/House--Cross-wave Res/House--Cross-wave Res/House--Cross-wave Res/House--Cross-wave Res/House--Cross-wave Res/House--Cross-wave Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 327 10 11 H10AOHOU1 H11AOHOU1 H10AOHOU1:W10 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H11AOHOU1:W11 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFHOU1 H2AFHOU1 H3AFHOU1 H4AFHOU1 H5AFHOU1 H6AFHOU1 H7AFHOU1 H8AFHOU1 H9AFHOU1 H10AFHOU1 H11AFHOU1 H1AFHOU1:W1 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H2AFHOU1:W2 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H3AFHOU1:W3 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H4AFHOU1:W4 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H5AFHOU1:W5 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H6AFHOU1:W6 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H7AFHOU1:W7 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H8AFHOU1:W8 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H9AFHOU1:W9 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H10AFHOU1:W10 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave H11AFHOU1:W11 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/House--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AMOBL H2AMOBL H3AMOBL H4AMOBL H5AMOBL H6AMOBL H7AMOBL H8AMOBL H9AMOBL H10AMOBL H11AMOBL H1AMOBL:W1 Assets Part:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H2AMOBL:W2 Assets Part:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H3AMOBL:W3 Assets Part:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H4AMOBL:W4 Assets Part:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H5AMOBL:W5 Assets Part:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H6AMOBL:W6 Assets Part:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H7AMOBL:W7 Assets Part:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H8AMOBL:W8 Assets Part:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H9AMOBL:W9 Assets Part:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H10AMOBL:W10 Assets Part:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H11AMOBL:W11 Assets Part:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOMOBL H2AOMOBL H3AOMOBL H4AOMOBL H5AOMOBL H6AOMOBL H7AOMOBL H8AOMOBL H9AOMOBL H10AOMOBL H11AOMOBL H1AOMOBL:W1 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H2AOMOBL:W2 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H3AOMOBL:W3 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H4AOMOBL:W4 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H5AOMOBL:W5 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H6AOMOBL:W6 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H7AOMOBL:W7 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H8AOMOBL:W8 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H9AOMOBL:W9 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H10AOMOBL:W10 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H11AOMOBL:W11 Assets Part Own:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFMOBL H2AFMOBL H3AFMOBL H4AFMOBL H5AFMOBL H6AFMOBL H7AFMOBL H8AFMOBL H9AFMOBL H10AFMOBL H11AFMOBL H1AFMOBL:W1 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H2AFMOBL:W2 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H3AFMOBL:W3 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H4AFMOBL:W4 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H5AFMOBL:W5 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H6AFMOBL:W6 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H7AFMOBL:W7 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H8AFMOBL:W8 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H9AFMOBL:W9 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wave H10AFMOBL:W10 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wav H11AFMOBL:W11 Assets Part Flag:Prim Res/Mobile Hm--Cross-wav Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable H1AHOUS H2AHOUS H3AHOUS H4AHOUS H5AHOUS H6AHOUS H7AHOUS H8AHOUS N 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 85752.97 84641.44 89757.11 100698.16 113830.11 130116.77 163232.50 195977.54 97680.53 124995.17 132782.59 249823.28 248512.59 186350.41 352417.43 274623.64 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1400000.0 5000000.0 5414724.2 20000000.0 14000000.0 10000000.0 25000000.0 6000000.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 328 H9AHOUS H10AHOUS H11AHOUS 17217 22034 20554 198996.50 163706.93 155691.06 448225.61 256943.01 234161.60 0.0 0.0 0.0 25000000.0 10000000.0 10000000.0 H1AOHOUS H2AOHOUS H3AOHOUS H4AOHOUS H5AOHOUS H6AOHOUS H7AOHOUS H8AOHOUS H9AOHOUS H10AOHOUS H11AOHOUS 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.81 0.79 0.79 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.74 0.74 0.39 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.44 0.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFHOUS H2AFHOUS H3AFHOUS H4AFHOUS H5AFHOUS H6AFHOUS H7AFHOUS H8AFHOUS H9AFHOUS H10AFHOUS H11AFHOUS 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2.16 2.28 2.22 2.23 2.21 2.23 2.24 2.23 2.26 2.55 2.54 2.11 2.14 2.09 2.10 2.09 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.09 2.29 2.26 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H1AHOU1 H2AHOU1 H3AHOU1 H4AHOU1 H5AHOU1 H6AHOU1 H7AHOU1 H8AHOU1 H9AHOU1 H10AHOU1 H11AHOU1 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 84363.65 83630.38 87267.07 96693.82 110066.38 127611.58 160913.93 193153.51 196125.89 161096.15 153267.07 98545.09 125415.66 120921.18 159983.43 205930.39 187341.65 353161.47 276053.50 448994.43 257642.22 234662.30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1400000.0 5000000.0 5000000.0 10000000.0 10000000.0 10000000.0 25000000.0 6000000.0 25000000.0 10000000.0 10000000.0 H1AOHOU1 H2AOHOU1 H3AOHOU1 H4AOHOU1 H5AOHOU1 H6AOHOU1 H7AOHOU1 H8AOHOU1 H9AOHOU1 H10AOHOU1 H11AOHOU1 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.76 0.76 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.70 0.69 0.43 0.43 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.46 0.46 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFHOU1 H2AFHOU1 H3AFHOU1 H4AFHOU1 H5AFHOU1 H6AFHOU1 H7AFHOU1 H8AFHOU1 H9AFHOU1 H10AFHOU1 H11AFHOU1 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2.38 2.42 2.48 2.49 2.47 2.48 2.48 2.47 2.49 2.77 2.76 2.24 2.22 2.23 2.25 2.24 2.23 2.22 2.21 2.22 2.37 2.34 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 329 H1AMOBL H2AMOBL H3AMOBL H4AMOBL H5AMOBL H6AMOBL H7AMOBL H8AMOBL H9AMOBL H10AMOBL H11AMOBL 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1389.32 1011.06 2490.04 4004.34 3763.74 2505.18 2318.57 2824.03 2870.61 2610.78 2423.99 8048.89 7989.01 58684.81 193885.01 142055.43 16401.21 14874.23 17424.40 20887.05 21940.96 22546.16 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 140000.0 313457.4 5414724.2 20000000.0 14000000.0 798000.0 500000.0 500000.0 1500000.0 1500000.0 1500000.0 H1AOMOBL H2AOMOBL H3AOMOBL H4AOMOBL H5AOMOBL H6AOMOBL H7AOMOBL H8AOMOBL H9AOMOBL H10AOMOBL H11AOMOBL 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.21 0.17 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFMOBL H2AFMOBL H3AFMOBL H4AFMOBL H5AFMOBL H6AFMOBL H7AFMOBL H8AFMOBL H9AFMOBL H10AFMOBL H11AFMOBL 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.80 5.88 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.77 5.77 5.78 5.82 5.81 1.06 0.89 1.13 1.14 1.13 1.09 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.06 1.04 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOHOUS 0.no |2439 1.yes |10213 H2AOHOUS 4193 15449 H3AOHOUS 3714 14277 H4AOHOUS 4317 17067 H5AOHOUS 3905 15674 H6AOHOUS 3669 14496 H7AOHOUS 4229 15900 H8AOHOUS 3931 14538 H9AOHOUS 3653 13564 H10AOHOUS 5638 16396 H11AOHOUS 5443 15111 Value---------|H1AFHOUS 1.continuous v|9635 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 4.range card b|178 5.no value/bra|315 6.no asset |2419 7.DK ownership|10 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFHOUS 13301 1701 88 H3AFHOUS 12409 1495 51 H4AFHOUS 14726 1747 88 H5AFHOUS 13661 1408 130 H6AFHOUS 12601 1293 104 H7AFHOUS 13752 1621 114 H8AFHOUS 12686 1419 115 H9AFHOUS 11596 1478 155 H10AFHOUS 13893 1639 171 H11AFHOUS 12906 1546 171 175 4143 57 177 239 3671 11 115 337 4257 59 170 330 3861 67 122 354 3587 187 39 330 4175 76 61 267 3904 30 48 272 3595 58 63 384 5316 478 153 347 5380 62 142 Value---------|H1AOHOU1 0.no |3044 1.yes |9608 H2AOHOU1 4800 14842 H3AOHOU1 4684 13307 H4AOHOU1 5543 15841 H5AOHOU1 5041 14538 H6AOHOU1 4657 13508 H7AOHOU1 5242 14887 H8AOHOU1 4866 13603 H9AOHOU1 4505 12712 H10AOHOU1 6704 15330 H11AOHOU1 6396 14158 Value---------|H1AFHOU1 1.continuous v|9090 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 4.range card b|158 5.no value/bra|278 6.no asset |3021 7.DK ownership|10 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFHOU1 12799 1604 88 H3AFHOU1 11584 1359 48 H4AFHOU1 13756 1567 85 H5AFHOU1 12763 1260 122 H6AFHOU1 11802 1158 97 H7AFHOU1 12943 1444 108 H8AFHOU1 11919 1279 111 H9AFHOU1 10916 1350 145 H10AFHOU1 13046 1490 157 H11AFHOU1 12133 1409 165 174 4744 56 177 234 4640 11 115 270 5482 54 170 265 4983 64 122 320 4564 185 39 313 5185 75 61 245 4838 29 48 248 4441 54 63 361 6359 468 153 318 6333 54 142 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 330 Value---------|H1AOMOBL 0.no |12047 1.yes |605 H2AOMOBL 19035 607 H3AOMOBL 17021 970 H4AOMOBL 20158 1226 H5AOMOBL 18443 1136 H6AOMOBL 17177 988 H7AOMOBL 19116 1013 H8AOMOBL 17534 935 H9AOMOBL 16365 852 H10AOMOBL 20968 1066 H11AOMOBL 19601 953 Value---------|H1AFMOBL 1.continuous v|545 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 4.range card b|20 5.no value/bra|37 6.no asset |11945 7.DK ownership|10 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFMOBL 502 97 H3AFMOBL 825 136 3 H4AFMOBL 970 180 3 H5AFMOBL 898 148 8 H6AFMOBL 799 135 7 H7AFMOBL 809 177 6 H8AFMOBL 767 140 4 H9AFMOBL 680 128 10 H10AFMOBL 847 149 14 H11AFMOBL 773 137 6 1 18818 47 177 5 16900 7 115 67 19966 28 170 65 18290 48 122 34 16986 165 39 17 19003 56 61 22 17467 21 48 24 16271 41 63 23 20394 454 153 29 19433 34 142 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: HwAHOUS is assigned from either HwAMOBL if the primary residence is a mobile home or HwAHOU1 if not. HwAMOBL and HwAHOU1 are imputed separately. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. From Wave 3 forward to determine ownership of a primary residence, we look at responses to questions about whether the person is in a nursing home and if so, whether they own a home outside of the nursing home. In Waves 5-11, we found a discrepancy between what was reported on these questions and what was listed on the Tracker file, that is – some individuals said that they were in a nursing home (and did not own a home outside of the nursing home), but the Tracker file said they were not in a nursing home. We considered the information from Tracker to be most accurate. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The value of the primary residence is asked at each wave. his/her primary residence and if so, the value of it. Questions reveal whether the respondent owns In all waves, there are several questions which ask the respondent about ownership of the residence and its value, depending on the type of home, e.g., a farm or ranch, mobile home, condominium, etc. In Wave 1, the questions are asked in several places which differ slightly: 1a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] own this (farm/ranch), do you own part of it, do you rent it, is it owned by a business, or what? 1b) Could you tell me the present value of this house and the immediately surrounding land? about what would it bring if it were sold today? I mean, 2a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] own both this mobile home and site or lot, do you own only the mobile home, do you own only the site, do you rent both the home and site, or what? 2b) Could you tell me the present value of this mobile home (and site)? bring if it were sold today? I mean, about what would it 3a) Do you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] own this (house and lot/apartment), do you rent, or what? Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 3b) What is the present value of this (home and land/apartment/property)? bring if it were sold today? 331 I mean, about what would it In Waves 2 and 3, the ownership questions are slightly different and all branch to one value question: 1a) Do you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] own your home, rent it, or what? 2a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] own this (farm/ranch), do you own part of it, do you rent it, or what? 3a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] own both the mobile home and site, do you own only the home, do you rent both the home and site, or what? b) What is its present value? I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today? Beginning in Wave 4, the question wordings are the same but the question on mobile home value is a separate one from the value of a house or farm, and the unfolding brackets differ for the two types of property. From Wave 2 forward, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. In Waves 6 forward, some mobile home owners who did not report values were directed to the house value and subsequent bracket questions (if needed), which are different from those for mobile homes. Here, we imputed missing values using whichever series of brackets they were given. There were also some cases in Waves 6 and 11 where values were given for both the mobile home and house questions. After examining the quality of the data in these cases, we decided that using the highest value was most appropriate. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V10605 V10612 V10616 V10619 V10632 V10640 V10701 V10712 V603 V605 V612 V616 V619 V632 V640 V701 V712 AHEAD 1993: B1067 B1087 B1088 B1091 B1099 B1099C HRS 1994: W607 W609 W611 W613 W614 D2A:VALUE_OF_PROPERT:IND D5:FRM_VAL:HOUSE LAN:IND D8:MBL_HM/SITE/BOTH :IND 8B:MBL_HM_SITE:VALUE:IND D10:OWN_MBL_HM:VALUE:IND D15:OWN_HM SITE:VALU:IND D17:OWN/RENT:LOT/ETC:IND D20:VALUE_OF_PROPERT:IND D2:OWN RANCH/FARM D2A:VALUE OF PROPERT:IMP D5:FRM:VALUE-HOUSE/L:IMP D8:OWN MBL HM/SITE/B:IMP D8B:MH SITE:$VAL OF :IMP D10:OWN MBL HM: VALU:IMP D15:OWN HM SITE:$V:IMP D17:LOT/APRTMNT:OWN/:IMP D20:VALUE-R'S PROPER:IMP F10. MOBILE HOME & SITE: OWN/RENT F23. OWN OR RENT FARM/RANCH? F23a. OWN FARMHOUSE? F25. OWN OR RENT HOME/APT? F26. VALUE OF HOME AND LAND CATEG: F26. VALUE OF HOME AND LAND D3.OWN OR RENT CURRENT H D4.OWN PART/ALL OR RENT D4b.OWN HOUSE AND SURROU D5.OWN/RENT MOBILE HOME/ D6.PRESENT VALUE OF MOBI Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave W615 AHEAD 1995: D2225 D2226 D2229 D2246 D2247B HRS 1996: E2225 E2226 E2229 E2246 E2247B HRS 1998: F2742 F2743 F2746 F2751 F2753 F2754B F2760 F2761B HRS 2000: G3060 G3061 G3064 G3069 G3071 G3072 G3073 G3074 G3075 G3078 G3079 G3080 G3081 G3082 G3083 G3084 HRS 2002: HH002 HH004 HH008 HH014 HH016 HH017 HH018 HH019 HH020 HH021 HH022 HH023 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JH002 JH004 D6a-D6d. Brackets F2.TYPE HOME F3.OWN-RENT HOME F4.OWN FARM F6.HOME VALUE $ F6.HOME VALUE $/Bkt F2.TYPE HOME F3.OWN-RENT HOME F4.OWN FARM F6.HOME VALUE $ F6.HOME VALUE $/Bkt F2.TYPE HOME F3.OWN-RENT HOME F4.OWN FARM F5.OWN MOBILE HOME AND SITE F5B.MOBILE HOME VALUE $ F5B.MOBILE HOME VALUE $-Bkt F6.HOME VALUE $ F6.HOME VALUE $-Bkt F2.TYPE HOME F3.OWN-RENT HOME F4.OWN FARM F5.OWN MOBILE HOME-SITE F5B.MOBILE HOME VALUE $ F5C.F5 DK-1 F5D.F5 DK-2 F5E.F5 DK-3 F5F.F5 DK-4 F6.HOME VALUE $ F6DX.F6 DK-4 F6A.F6 DK-1 F6B.F6 DK-2 F6C.F6 DK-3 F6AX.F6 DK-1 F6D.F6 DK-4 TYPE HOME OWN-RENT HOME OWN PART OR ALL/RENT FARM OWN MOBILE HOME/SITE MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT HOME PRESENT VALUE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS TYPE HOME OWN-RENT HOME 332 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave JH008 JH014 JH016 JH017 JH018 JH019 JH020 JH021 JH022 JH023 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KH002 KH004 KH008 KH014 KH016 KH017 KH018 KH019 KH020 KH021 KH022 KH023 KU001_12 KU001_16 KU002_12 KU002_16 OWN PART OR ALL/RENT FARM OWN MOBILE HOME/SITE MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT HOME PRESENT VALUE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 TYPE HOME OWN-RENT HOME OWN PART OR ALL/RENT FARM OWN MOBILE HOME/SITE MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT HOME PRESENT VALUE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-HOME ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-MOBILE HOME 333 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave KU003_12A KU003_12B KU003_16A KU003_16B KU004_12A KU004_12B KU004_16A KU004_16B KU005_12A KU005_12B KU005_16A KU005_16B KU006_12A KU006_12B KU006_16A KU006_16B KU022_12A KU022_12B KU022_16A KU022_16B HRS 2008: LH002 LH004 LH008 LH014 LH016 LH017 LH018 LH019 LH020 LH021 LH022 LH023 LU001_12 LU001_16 LU002_12 LU002_16 LU003_12A LU003_12B LU003_16A LU003_16B LU004_12A LU004_12B LU004_16A LU004_16B LU005_12A LU005_12B LU005_16A LU005_16B LU006_12A LU006_12B LU006_16A LU006_16B LU022_12A LU022_12B LU022_16A LU022_16B HRS 2010: MH002 MH004 MH008 MH014 MH016 ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET WHICH WHICH WHICH WHICH RECON HOW MUCH -A-HOME RECON HOW MUCH-B-HOME RECON HOW MUCH -A-MOBILE HOME RECON HOW MUCH-B-MOBILE HOME RECON -MIN-A-HOME RECON-MIN-B-HOME RECON -MIN-A-MOBILE HOME RECON -MIN-B-MOBILE HOME RECON -MAX-A -HOME RECON-MAX-B -HOME RECON -MAX-A -MOBILE HOME RECON -MAX-B -MOBILE HOME RECON - RESULT-A-HOME RECON- RESULT-B-HOME RECON - RESULT-A-MOBILE HOME RECON - RESULT-B-MOBILE HOME WAVE WRONG-A-HOME WAVE WRONG-B-HOME WAVE WRONG-A-MOBILE HOME WAVE WRONG-B-MOBILE HOME TYPE HOME OWN-RENT HOME OWN PART OR ALL/RENT FARM OWN MOBILE HOME/SITE MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT HOME PRESENT VALUE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECON -MIN-A-HOME ASSET RECON-MIN-B-HOME ASSET RECON -MIN-A-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECON -MIN-B-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECON -MAX-A -HOME ASSET RECON-MAX-B -HOME ASSET RECON -MAX-A -MOBILE HOME ASSET RECON -MAX-B -MOBILE HOME ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-HOME ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-HOME ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-MOBILE HOME WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-HOME WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-HOME WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-MOBILE HOME WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-MOBILE HOME TYPE HOME OWN-RENT HOME OWN PART OR ALL/RENT FARM OWN MOBILE HOME/SITE MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE 334 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave MH017 MH018 MH019 MH020 MH021 MH022 MH023 MU001_12 MU001_16 MU002_12 MU002_16 MU003_12A MU003_12B MU003_16A MU003_16B MU004_12A MU004_12B MU004_16A MU004_16B MU005_12A MU005_12B MU005_16A MU005_16B MU006_12A MU006_12B MU006_16A MU006_16B MU022_12A MU022_12B MU022_16A MU022_16B HRS 2012: NH002 NH004 NH008 NH014 NH016 NH017 NH018 NH019 NH020 NH021 NH022 NH023 NU001_12 NU001_16 NU002_12 NU002_16 NU003_12A NU003_12B NU003_16A NU003_16B NU004_12A NU004_12B NU004_16A NU004_16B NU005_12A NU005_12B NU005_16A NU005_16B NU006_12A NU006_12B NU006_16A MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT HOME PRESENT VALUE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-MOBILE HOME WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-HOME WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-HOME WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-MOBILE HOME WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-MOBILE HOME TYPE HOME OWN-RENT HOME OWN PART OR ALL/RENT FARM OWN MOBILE HOME/SITE MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX MOBILE HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT HOME PRESENT VALUE HOME PRESENT VALUE- MIN HOME PRESENT VALUE- MAX HOME PRESENT VALUE- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -MOBILE HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-HOME ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-MOBILE HOME 335 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave NU006_16B NU022_12A NU022_12B NU022_16A NU022_16B Tracker: GNURSHM HNURSHM JNURSHM KNURSHM LNURSHM MNURSHM NNURSHM ASSET WHICH WHICH WHICH WHICH 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-MOBILE HOME WAVE WRONG-A-HOME WAVE WRONG-B-HOME WAVE WRONG-A-MOBILE HOME WAVE WRONG-B-MOBILE HOME NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING HOME HOME HOME HOME HOME HOME HOME STATUS STATUS STATUS STATUS STATUS STATUS STATUS 336 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 337 Value of all mortgages/land contracts (primary residence) Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AMORT H2AMORT H3AMORT H4AMORT H5AMORT H6AMORT H7AMORT H8AMORT H9AMORT H10AMORT H11AMORT H1AMORT:W1 Assets:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H2AMORT:W2 Assets:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H3AMORT:W3 Assets:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H4AMORT:W4 Assets:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H5AMORT:W5 Assets:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H6AMORT:W6 Assets:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H7AMORT:W7 Assets:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H8AMORT:W8 Assets:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H9AMORT:W9 Assets:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H10AMORT:W10 Assets:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H11AMORT:W11 Assets:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOMORT H2AOMORT H3AOMORT H4AOMORT H5AOMORT H6AOMORT H7AOMORT H8AOMORT H9AOMORT H10AOMORT H11AOMORT H1AOMORT:W1 Assets Own:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H2AOMORT:W2 Assets Own:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H3AOMORT:W3 Assets Own:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H4AOMORT:W4 Assets Own:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H5AOMORT:W5 Assets Own:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H6AOMORT:W6 Assets Own:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H7AOMORT:W7 Assets Own:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H8AOMORT:W8 Assets Own:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H9AOMORT:W9 Assets Own:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H10AOMORT:W10 Assets Own:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave H11AOMORT:W11 Assets Own:Total Mortgage--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFMORT H2AFMORT H3AFMORT H4AFMORT H5AFMORT H6AFMORT H7AFMORT H8AFMORT H9AFMORT H10AFMORT H11AFMORT H1AFMORT:W1 Asst Flag: Total Mortgage H2AFMORT:W2 Asst Flag: Total Mortgage H3AFMORT:W3 Asst Flag: Total Mortgage H4AFMORT:W4 Asst Flag: Total Mortgage H5AFMORT:W5 Asst Flag: Total Mortgage H6AFMORT:W6 Asst Flag: Total Mortgage H7AFMORT:W7 Asst Flag: Total Mortgage H8AFMORT:W8 Asst Flag: Total Mortgage H9AFMORT:W9 Asst Flag: Total Mortgage H10AFMORT:W10 Asst Flag: Total Mortgage H11AFMORT:W11 Asst Flag: Total Mortgage Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AMRT1 H2AMRT1 H3AMRT1 H4AMRT1 H5AMRT1 H6AMRT1 H7AMRT1 H8AMRT1 H9AMRT1 H10AMRT1 H11AMRT1 H1AMRT1:W1 Assets Part:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H2AMRT1:W2 Assets Part:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H3AMRT1:W3 Assets Part:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H4AMRT1:W4 Assets Part:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H5AMRT1:W5 Assets Part:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H6AMRT1:W6 Assets Part:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H7AMRT1:W7 Assets Part:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H8AMRT1:W8 Assets Part:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H9AMRT1:W9 Assets Part:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H10AMRT1:W10 Assets Part:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H11AMRT1:W11 Assets Part:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H1AOMRT1 H2AOMRT1 H3AOMRT1 H4AOMRT1 H5AOMRT1 H6AOMRT1 H7AOMRT1 H8AOMRT1 H9AOMRT1 H1AOMRT1:W1 H2AOMRT1:W2 H3AOMRT1:W3 H4AOMRT1:W4 H5AOMRT1:W5 H6AOMRT1:W6 H7AOMRT1:W7 H8AOMRT1:W8 H9AOMRT1:W9 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Own:1st Own:1st Own:1st Own:1st Own:1st Own:1st Own:1st Own:1st Own:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave Mortgage--Cross-wave Mortgage--Cross-wave Mortgage--Cross-wave Mortgage--Cross-wave Mortgage--Cross-wave Mortgage--Cross-wave Mortgage--Cross-wave Mortgage--Cross-wave Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 338 10 11 H10AOMRT1 H11AOMRT1 H10AOMRT1:W10 Assets Part Own:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H11AOMRT1:W11 Assets Part Own:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFMRT1 H2AFMRT1 H3AFMRT1 H4AFMRT1 H5AFMRT1 H6AFMRT1 H7AFMRT1 H8AFMRT1 H9AFMRT1 H10AFMRT1 H11AFMRT1 H1AFMRT1:W1 Assets Part Flag:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H2AFMRT1:W2 Assets Part Flag:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H3AFMRT1:W3 Assets Part Flag:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H4AFMRT1:W4 Assets Part Flag:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H5AFMRT1:W5 Assets Part Flag:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H6AFMRT1:W6 Assets Part Flag:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H7AFMRT1:W7 Assets Part Flag:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H8AFMRT1:W8 Assets Part Flag:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H9AFMRT1:W9 Assets Part Flag:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H10AFMRT1:W10 Assets Part Flag:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave H11AFMRT1:W11 Assets Part Flag:1st Mortgage--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AMRT2 H2AMRT2 H3AMRT2 H4AMRT2 H5AMRT2 H6AMRT2 H7AMRT2 H8AMRT2 H9AMRT2 H10AMRT2 H11AMRT2 H1AMRT2:W1 Assets Part:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H2AMRT2:W2 Assets Part:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H3AMRT2:W3 Assets Part:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H4AMRT2:W4 Assets Part:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H5AMRT2:W5 Assets Part:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H6AMRT2:W6 Assets Part:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H7AMRT2:W7 Assets Part:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H8AMRT2:W8 Assets Part:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H9AMRT2:W9 Assets Part:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H10AMRT2:W10 Assets Part:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H11AMRT2:W11 Assets Part:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOMRT2 H2AOMRT2 H3AOMRT2 H4AOMRT2 H5AOMRT2 H6AOMRT2 H7AOMRT2 H8AOMRT2 H9AOMRT2 H10AOMRT2 H11AOMRT2 H1AOMRT2:W1 Assets Part Own:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H2AOMRT2:W2 Assets Part Own:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H3AOMRT2:W3 Assets Part Own:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H4AOMRT2:W4 Assets Part Own:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H5AOMRT2:W5 Assets Part Own:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H6AOMRT2:W6 Assets Part Own:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H7AOMRT2:W7 Assets Part Own:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H8AOMRT2:W8 Assets Part Own:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H9AOMRT2:W9 Assets Part Own:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H10AOMRT2:W10 Assets Part Own:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H11AOMRT2:W11 Assets Part Own:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFMRT2 H2AFMRT2 H3AFMRT2 H4AFMRT2 H5AFMRT2 H6AFMRT2 H7AFMRT2 H8AFMRT2 H9AFMRT2 H10AFMRT2 H11AFMRT2 H1AFMRT2:W1 Assets Part Flag:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H2AFMRT2:W2 Assets Part Flag:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H3AFMRT2:W3 Assets Part Flag:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H4AFMRT2:W4 Assets Part Flag:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H5AFMRT2:W5 Assets Part Flag:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H6AFMRT2:W6 Assets Part Flag:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H7AFMRT2:W7 Assets Part Flag:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H8AFMRT2:W8 Assets Part Flag:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H9AFMRT2:W9 Assets Part Flag:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H10AFMRT2:W10 Assets Part Flag:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave H11AFMRT2:W11 Assets Part Flag:2nd Mortgage--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable H1AMORT H2AMORT H3AMORT H4AMORT H5AMORT H6AMORT H7AMORT H8AMORT N 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 20484.05 14497.31 14431.04 17839.69 19526.70 21446.04 30178.46 34216.76 42385.98 72104.72 40629.07 44532.74 49432.98 56017.56 68879.51 84747.36 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1070000.0 6000000.0 1000000.0 1000000.0 1200000.0 952753.5 1300000.0 1763035.7 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 339 H9AMORT H10AMORT H11AMORT 17217 22034 20554 35479.42 41023.57 38130.73 89764.01 100694.37 89831.09 0.0 0.0 0.0 3000000.0 3250000.0 1628828.8 H1AOMORT H2AOMORT H3AOMORT H4AOMORT H5AOMORT H6AOMORT H7AOMORT H8AOMORT H9AOMORT H10AOMORT H11AOMORT 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.46 0.29 0.27 0.30 0.30 0.28 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.32 0.29 0.50 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFMORT H2AFMORT H3AFMORT H4AFMORT H5AFMORT H6AFMORT H7AFMORT H8AFMORT H9AFMORT H10AFMORT H11AFMORT 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.57 0.41 0.38 0.41 0.40 0.36 0.41 0.39 0.39 0.46 0.40 0.93 0.98 0.88 0.95 0.88 0.71 0.75 0.72 0.77 0.94 0.90 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H1AMRT1 H2AMRT1 H3AMRT1 H4AMRT1 H5AMRT1 H6AMRT1 H7AMRT1 H8AMRT1 H9AMRT1 H10AMRT1 H11AMRT1 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 19268.16 14265.26 14044.49 17364.99 19048.20 20969.60 29778.45 33631.32 34819.68 40183.48 37501.76 40332.33 71935.00 40271.70 44085.58 48585.07 55135.61 68644.61 84260.90 89058.13 99879.74 88905.43 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1070000.0 6000000.0 1000000.0 1000000.0 950000.0 952753.5 1300000.0 1763035.7 3000000.0 3250000.0 1628828.8 H1AOMRT1 H2AOMRT1 H3AOMRT1 H4AOMRT1 H5AOMRT1 H6AOMRT1 H7AOMRT1 H8AOMRT1 H9AOMRT1 H10AOMRT1 H11AOMRT1 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.46 0.29 0.26 0.29 0.29 0.27 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.31 0.29 0.50 0.45 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.44 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.46 0.45 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFMRT1 H2AFMRT1 H3AFMRT1 H4AFMRT1 H5AFMRT1 H6AFMRT1 H7AFMRT1 H8AFMRT1 H9AFMRT1 H10AFMRT1 H11AFMRT1 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 3.86 4.65 4.77 4.68 4.67 4.77 4.57 4.59 4.65 4.61 4.66 2.49 2.25 2.17 2.22 2.22 2.16 2.25 2.24 2.22 2.29 2.24 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 340 H1AMRT2 H2AMRT2 H3AMRT2 H4AMRT2 H5AMRT2 H6AMRT2 H7AMRT2 H8AMRT2 H9AMRT2 H10AMRT2 H11AMRT2 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1215.90 232.05 386.55 474.70 478.50 476.44 400.01 585.44 659.74 840.09 628.97 8300.04 3007.06 4357.21 4947.68 5872.86 9147.70 5205.56 6926.68 7427.79 9637.85 7939.59 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 290000.0 142559.1 180000.0 200000.0 250000.0 736234.9 200000.0 249000.0 310000.0 400000.0 250000.0 H1AOMRT2 H2AOMRT2 H3AOMRT2 H4AOMRT2 H5AOMRT2 H6AOMRT2 H7AOMRT2 H8AOMRT2 H9AOMRT2 H10AOMRT2 H11AOMRT2 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.23 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFMRT2 H2AFMRT2 H3AFMRT2 H4AFMRT2 H5AFMRT2 H6AFMRT2 H7AFMRT2 H8AFMRT2 H9AFMRT2 H10AFMRT2 H11AFMRT2 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.78 5.97 5.95 5.95 5.96 5.97 5.96 5.95 5.95 5.96 5.97 1.12 0.60 0.65 0.67 0.63 0.55 0.57 0.57 0.62 0.72 0.61 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOMORT 0.no |6816 1.yes |5836 H2AOMORT 13901 5741 H3AOMORT 13074 4917 H4AOMORT 15070 6314 H5AOMORT 13731 5848 H6AOMORT 13105 5060 H7AOMORT 13710 6419 H8AOMORT 12743 5726 H9AOMORT 12067 5150 H10AOMORT 15085 6949 H11AOMORT 14498 6056 Value---------|H1AFMORT 0.no asset |6725 1.no imputatio|5340 2.some imputat|492 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFMORT 13664 5057 744 177 H3AFMORT 12893 4239 744 115 H4AFMORT 14903 5410 901 170 H5AFMORT 13550 4996 911 122 H6AFMORT 12842 4304 979 40 H7AFMORT 13501 5500 1067 61 H8AFMORT 12619 4923 879 48 H9AFMORT 11895 4438 821 63 H10AFMORT 14431 6050 1400 153 H11AFMORT 14237 5371 804 142 Value---------|H1AOMRT1 0.no |6817 1.yes |5835 H2AOMRT1 13903 5739 H3AOMRT1 13233 4758 H4AOMRT1 15280 6104 H5AOMRT1 13909 5670 H6AOMRT1 13258 4907 H7AOMRT1 13865 6264 H8AOMRT1 12873 5596 H9AOMRT1 12201 5016 H10AOMRT1 15280 6754 H11AOMRT1 14619 5935 Value---------|H1AFMRT1 1.continuous v|5384 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 4.range card b|44 5.no value/bra|352 6.no asset |6725 7.DK ownership|52 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFMRT1 5074 361 20 H3AFMRT1 4122 448 9 H4AFMRT1 5243 556 31 H5AFMRT1 4844 509 42 H6AFMRT1 4187 389 19 H7AFMRT1 5373 498 29 H8AFMRT1 4837 445 37 H9AFMRT1 4332 389 40 H10AFMRT1 5905 462 37 H11AFMRT1 5277 367 33 217 13664 129 177 115 13049 133 115 193 15106 85 170 223 13725 114 122 231 12992 307 40 304 13657 207 61 240 12747 115 48 219 12027 147 63 202 14625 650 153 167 14355 213 142 Value---------|H1AOMRT2 0.no |11973 1.yes |679 H2AOMRT2 19402 240 H3AOMRT2 17703 288 H4AOMRT2 21033 351 H5AOMRT2 19292 287 H6AOMRT2 17950 215 H7AOMRT2 19882 247 H8AOMRT2 18221 248 H9AOMRT2 16955 262 H10AOMRT2 21635 399 H11AOMRT2 20294 260 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave Value---------|H1AFMRT2 1.continuous v|621 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 4.range card b|6 5.no value/bra|42 6.no asset |11787 7.DK ownership|101 9.no Fin Resp |95 341 H2AFMRT2 214 8 H3AFMRT2 240 34 H4AFMRT2 299 37 H5AFMRT2 249 27 H6AFMRT2 179 24 2 H7AFMRT2 217 23 H8AFMRT2 203 21 2 H9AFMRT2 223 25 H10AFMRT2 347 39 1 H11AFMRT2 233 15 2 16 19152 75 177 11 17458 133 115 6 20787 85 170 8 19059 114 122 7 17603 310 40 7 19612 209 61 19 18052 124 48 10 16748 148 63 7 20824 663 153 3 19940 219 142 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: HwAMORT is the sum of first and second mortgages (HwAMRT1, HwAMRT2), which are each imputed separately. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The values of first and second mortgages are asked at each wave. Questions reveal whether the respondent has a first and second mortgage and if so, the value of them. In Wave 1, the questions ask: a) Is there a mortgage or land contract on this (home and land/apartment/ property)? [NOTE: If R asks, do not include home equity loans or lines of credit.] b) How much is still owed on this loan? c) In addition to your (mortgage/land contract), do you have a second mortgage or a land contract on this property? (Please do not include any home equity lines of credit.) d) How much is still owed on this loan? In Wave 2A, the questions ask: a) Are you paying anything on a mortgage or other loan on [this property]? b) About how much do you still owe on this mortgage or loan? c) In addition to your mortgage or loan, do you have a second mortgage or a land contract on this property? d) About how much do you still owe on that loan? Beginning in Wave 2H, the ownership questions cover 1st mortgage, 2nd mortgage and other loans. Up to 3 loans may be specified: a) Do you have a mortgage, land contract, second mortgage or any other loan that uses the property as collateral? Please do not include any home equity lines of credit. Beginning in Wave 9, a qualifying statement was added to this question, which says “Do not include reverse mortgages.” Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 342 b) [If 1st mortgage] About how much do you still owe on that mortgage or land contract? c) [If 2nd mortgage] About how much do you still owe on that second mortgage? From Wave 2H forward, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, no unfolding bracket questions are asked, but some interviewers used range cards instead (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V10722 V10723 V10729 V10730 V722 V723 V729 V730 AHEAD 1993: B1067 B1087 B1088 B1091 B1121 B1126 B1127 B1131 HRS 1994: W10616 W10617 W10622 W10626 W616 W617 W622 W623 W626 W627 AHEAD 1995: D2251M1 D2251M2 D2256 D2257B D2263 D2264B HRS 1996: E2251M1 E2251M2 E2251M3 E2256 E2257B E2263 E2264B HRS 1998: F2768M1 F2768M1 F2768M2 F2768M2 F2773 F2774B F2780 D25:MORTGAG/LNLCNTRC:IND D26:1ST_MORT:$STILOW:IND D30:2ND_MORT/LNDCNTC:IND D26:2ND_LOAN:$_OWED :IND D25:MORTGAGE/LND CON:IMP D26:1ST MORT:$STILL :IMP D30:2ND MORT/LND CON:IMP D26:2ND LOAN:$STILL :IMP F10. MOBILE HOME & SITE: OWN/RENT F23. OWN OR RENT FARM/RANCH? F23a. OWN FARMHOUSE? F25. OWN OR RENT HOME/APT? F30. MORTGAGE ON HOME F34. AMOUNT STILL OWE ON MORTGAGE F35. SECOND MORTGAGE? F36. AMOUNT STILL OWE ON SECOND MORTGAGE D7/1. Imputation indicat D7/2.. Imputation indica D7d. Imputation indicato D9c. Imputation indicato D7.MORTGAGE OR LAND CONT D7.MORTGAGE OR LAND CONT D7d.STILL OWE ON MORTGAG D7d1-D7d3. Brackets D9c.STILL OWE ON SECOND D9c1-D9c3. Brackets F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7D.$ OWN ON MORTGAGE F7D.$ OWN ON MORTGAGE/Bkt F9C.$ OWN ON 2ND MORTGAGE F9C.$ OWN ON 2ND MORTGAGE/Bkt F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7D.$ OWE ON MORTGAGE F7D.$ OWE ON MORTGAGE/Bkt F9C.$ OWE ON 2ND MORTGAGE F9C.$ OWE ON 2ND MORTGAGE/Bkt F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7D.$ OWE ON MORTGAGE F7D.$ OWE ON MORTGAGE-Bkt F9C.$ OWN ON 2ND MORTGAGE Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave F2781B HRS 2000: G3086M1 G3086M1 G3086M2 G3086M2 G3091 G3092 G3093 G3094 G3098 G3099 G3100 G3101 HRS 2002: HH024M1 HH024M2 HH024M3 HH032 HH033 HH034 HH035 HH042 HH043 HH044 HH045 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JH024M1 JH024M2 JH024M3 JH032 JH033 JH034 JH035 JH042 JH043 JH044 JH045 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 F9C.$ OWN ON 2ND MORTGAGE-Bkt F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7D.$ OWE ON MORTGAGE F7E. F7E DK-1 F7F. F7E DK-2 F7Y1F. F7E DK-3 F9C.$ OWE ON 2ND MORTGAGE F9D. F9C DK-1 F9E. F9C DK-2 F9F. F9C DK-3 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MIN HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MAX HOW MUCH STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- RESULT MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MIN MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MAX MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-1 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-3 HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MIN HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MAX HOW MUCH STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- RESULT MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MIN MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MAX MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 343 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KH024M1 KH024M2 KH024M3 KH032 KH033 KH034 KH035 KH042 KH043 KH044 KH045 KU001_13 KU001_14 KU002_13 KU002_14 KU003_13A KU003_13B KU003_14A KU003_14B KU004_13A KU004_13B KU004_14A KU004_14B KU005_13A KU005_13B KU005_14A KU005_14B KU006_13A KU006_13B KU006_14A KU006_14B KU022_13A KU022_13B KU022_14A KU022_14B HRS 2008: LH024M1 LH024M2 LH024M3 LH032 LH033 LH034 LH035 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-1 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-3 HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MIN HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MAX HOW MUCH STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- RESULT MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MIN MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MAX MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECON -MIN-A-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECON-MIN-B-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECON -MIN-A-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECON -MIN-B-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECON -MAX-A -MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECON-MAX-B -MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECON -MAX-A -MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECON -MAX-B -MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-MORTGAGE2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-MORTGAGE1 WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-MORTGAGE1 WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-MORTGAGE2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-MORTGAGE2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-1 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-3 HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MIN HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MAX HOW MUCH STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- RESULT 344 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave LH042 LH043 LH044 LH045 LU001_13 LU001_14 LU002_13 LU002_14 LU003_13A LU003_13B LU003_14A LU003_14B LU004_13A LU004_13B LU004_14A LU004_14B LU005_13A LU005_13B LU005_14A LU005_14B LU006_13A LU006_13B LU006_14A LU006_14B LU022_13A LU022_13B LU022_14A LU022_14B HRS 2010: MH024M1 MH024M2 MH024M3 MH032 MH033 MH034 MH035 MH042 MH043 MH044 MH045 MU001_13 MU001_14 MU002_13 MU002_14 MU003_13A MU003_13B MU003_14A MU003_14B MU004_13A MU004_13B MU004_14A MU004_14B MU005_13A MU005_13B MU005_14A MU005_14B MU006_13A MU006_13B MU006_14A MU006_14B MU022_13A MU022_13B MU022_14A MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET WHICH WHICH WHICH WHICH OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MIN OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MAX OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- RESULT RECONCILIATION-MORTGAGE1 RECONCILIATION-MORTGAGE2 RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-MORTGAGE1 RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-MORTGAGE2 RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-MORTGAGE1 RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-MORTGAGE1 RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-MORTGAGE2 RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-MORTGAGE2 RECON -MIN-A-MORTGAGE1 RECON-MIN-B-MORTGAGE1 RECON -MIN-A-MORTGAGE2 RECON -MIN-B-MORTGAGE2 RECON -MAX-A -MORTGAGE1 RECON-MAX-B -MORTGAGE1 RECON -MAX-A -MORTGAGE2 RECON -MAX-B -MORTGAGE2 RECON - RESULT-A-MORTGAGE1 RECON- RESULT-B-MORTGAGE1 RECON - RESULT-A-MORTGAGE2 RECON - RESULT-B-MORTGAGE2 WAVE WRONG-A-MORTGAGE1 WAVE WRONG-B-MORTGAGE1 WAVE WRONG-A-MORTGAGE2 WAVE WRONG-B-MORTGAGE2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-1 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-3 HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MIN HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MAX HOW MUCH STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- RESULT MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MIN MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MAX MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-MORTGAGE2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-MORTGAGE1 WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-MORTGAGE1 WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-MORTGAGE2 345 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave MU022_14B HRS 2012: NH024M1 NH024M2 NH024M3 NH032 NH033 NH034 NH035 NH042 NH043 NH044 NH045 NU001_13 NU001_14 NU002_13 NU002_14 NU003_13A NU003_13B NU003_14A NU003_14B NU004_13A NU004_13B NU004_14A NU004_14B NU005_13A NU005_13B NU005_14A NU005_14B NU006_13A NU006_13B NU006_14A NU006_14B NU022_13A NU022_13B NU022_14A NU022_14B WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-MORTGAGE2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-1 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-3 HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MIN HOW MUCH IS STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- MAX HOW MUCH STILL OWED ON MORTGAGE- RESULT MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MIN MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- MAX MONEY OWED ON 2ND PROPERTY LOAN- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-MORTGAGE1 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-MORTGAGE2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-MORTGAGE2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-MORTGAGE1 WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-MORTGAGE1 WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-MORTGAGE2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-MORTGAGE2 346 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 347 Value of other home loans (primary residence) Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AHMLN H2AHMLN H3AHMLN H4AHMLN H5AHMLN H6AHMLN H7AHMLN H8AHMLN H9AHMLN H10AHMLN H11AHMLN H1AHMLN:W1 Assets:Total Othr Home Loans--Cross-wave H2AHMLN:W2 Assets:Total Othr Home Loans--Cross-wave H3AHMLN:W3 Assets:Total Othr Home Loans--Cross-wave H4AHMLN:W4 Assets:Total Othr Home Loans--Cross-wave H5AHMLN:W5 Assets:Total Othr Home Loans--Cross-wave H6AHMLN:W6 Assets:Total Othr Home Loans--Cross-wave H7AHMLN:W7 Assets:Total Othr Home Loans--Cross-wave H8AHMLN:W8 Assets:Total Othr Home Loans--Cross-wave H9AHMLN:W9 Assets:Total Othr Home Loans--Cross-wave H10AHMLN:W10 Assets:Total Othr Home Loans--Cross-wave H11AHMLN:W11 Assets:Total Othr Home Loans--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOHMLN H2AOHMLN H3AOHMLN H4AOHMLN H5AOHMLN H6AOHMLN H7AOHMLN H8AOHMLN H9AOHMLN H10AOHMLN H11AOHMLN H1AOHMLN:W1 Assets Own:Total Oth Hm Loans--Cross-wave H2AOHMLN:W2 Assets Own:Total Oth Hm Loans--Cross-wave H3AOHMLN:W3 Assets Own:Total Oth Hm Loans--Cross-wave H4AOHMLN:W4 Assets Own:Total Oth Hm Loans--Cross-wave H5AOHMLN:W5 Assets Own:Total Oth Hm Loans--Cross-wave H6AOHMLN:W6 Assets Own:Total Oth Hm Loans--Cross-wave H7AOHMLN:W7 Assets Own:Total Oth Hm Loans--Cross-wave H8AOHMLN:W8 Assets Own:Total Oth Hm Loans--Cross-wave H9AOHMLN:W9 Assets Own:Total Oth Hm Loans--Cross-wave H10AOHMLN:W10 Assets Own:Total Oth Hm Loans--Cross-wave H11AOHMLN:W11 Assets Own:Total Oth Hm Loans--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFHMLN H2AFHMLN H3AFHMLN H4AFHMLN H5AFHMLN H6AFHMLN H7AFHMLN H8AFHMLN H9AFHMLN H10AFHMLN H11AFHMLN H1AFHMLN:W1 Asst Flag: Total Oth Hm Loans H2AFHMLN:W2 Asst Flag: Total Oth Hm Loans H3AFHMLN:W3 Asst Flag: Total Oth Hm Loans H4AFHMLN:W4 Asst Flag: Total Oth Hm Loans H5AFHMLN:W5 Asst Flag: Total Oth Hm Loans H6AFHMLN:W6 Asst Flag: Total Oth Hm Loans H7AFHMLN:W7 Asst Flag: Total Oth Hm Loans H8AFHMLN:W8 Asst Flag: Total Oth Hm Loans H9AFHMLN:W9 Asst Flag: Total Oth Hm Loans H10AFHMLN:W10 Asst Flag: Total Oth Hm Loans H11AFHMLN:W11 Asst Flag: Total Oth Hm Loans Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AEQCD H2AEQCD H3AEQCD H4AEQCD H5AEQCD H6AEQCD H7AEQCD H8AEQCD H9AEQCD H10AEQCD H11AEQCD H1AEQCD:W1 Assets Part:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H2AEQCD:W2 Assets Part:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H3AEQCD:W3 Assets Part:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H4AEQCD:W4 Assets Part:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H5AEQCD:W5 Assets Part:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H6AEQCD:W6 Assets Part:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H7AEQCD:W7 Assets Part:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H8AEQCD:W8 Assets Part:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H9AEQCD:W9 Assets Part:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H10AEQCD:W10 Assets Part:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H11AEQCD:W11 Assets Part:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H1AOEQCD H2AOEQCD H3AOEQCD H4AOEQCD H5AOEQCD H6AOEQCD H7AOEQCD H8AOEQCD H9AOEQCD H1AOEQCD:W1 H2AOEQCD:W2 H3AOEQCD:W3 H4AOEQCD:W4 H5AOEQCD:W5 H6AOEQCD:W6 H7AOEQCD:W7 H8AOEQCD:W8 H9AOEQCD:W9 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Own:Home Own:Home Own:Home Own:Home Own:Home Own:Home Own:Home Own:Home Own:Home Equity Equity Equity Equity Equity Equity Equity Equity Equity LOC--Cross-wave LOC--Cross-wave LOC--Cross-wave LOC--Cross-wave LOC--Cross-wave LOC--Cross-wave LOC--Cross-wave LOC--Cross-wave LOC--Cross-wave Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 348 10 11 H10AOEQCD H11AOEQCD H10AOEQCD:W10 Assets Part Own:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H11AOEQCD:W11 Assets Part Own:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFEQCD H2AFEQCD H3AFEQCD H4AFEQCD H5AFEQCD H6AFEQCD H7AFEQCD H8AFEQCD H9AFEQCD H10AFEQCD H11AFEQCD H1AFEQCD:W1 Assets Part Flag:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H2AFEQCD:W2 Assets Part Flag:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H3AFEQCD:W3 Assets Part Flag:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H4AFEQCD:W4 Assets Part Flag:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H5AFEQCD:W5 Assets Part Flag:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H6AFEQCD:W6 Assets Part Flag:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H7AFEQCD:W7 Assets Part Flag:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H8AFEQCD:W8 Assets Part Flag:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H9AFEQCD:W9 Assets Part Flag:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H10AFEQCD:W10 Assets Part Flag:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave H11AFEQCD:W11 Assets Part Flag:Home Equity LOC--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AEQLN H2AEQLN H3AEQLN H4AEQLN H5AEQLN H6AEQLN H7AEQLN H8AEQLN H9AEQLN H10AEQLN H11AEQLN H1AEQLN:W1 Assets Part:Other home loans--Cross-wave H2AEQLN:W2 Assets Part:Other home loans--Cross-wave H3AEQLN:W3 Assets Part:Other home loans--Cross-wave H4AEQLN:W4 Assets Part:Other home loans--Cross-wave H5AEQLN:W5 Assets Part:Other home loans--Cross-wave H6AEQLN:W6 Assets Part:Other home loans--Cross-wave H7AEQLN:W7 Assets Part:Other home loans--Cross-wave H8AEQLN:W8 Assets Part:Other home loans--Cross-wave H9AEQLN:W9 Assets Part:Other home loans--Cross-wave H10AEQLN:W10 Assets Part:Other home loans--Cross-wave H11AEQLN:W11 Assets Part:Other home loans--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOEQLN H2AOEQLN H3AOEQLN H4AOEQLN H5AOEQLN H6AOEQLN H7AOEQLN H8AOEQLN H9AOEQLN H10AOEQLN H11AOEQLN H1AOEQLN:W1 Assets Part Own:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H2AOEQLN:W2 Assets Part Own:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H3AOEQLN:W3 Assets Part Own:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H4AOEQLN:W4 Assets Part Own:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H5AOEQLN:W5 Assets Part Own:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H6AOEQLN:W6 Assets Part Own:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H7AOEQLN:W7 Assets Part Own:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H8AOEQLN:W8 Assets Part Own:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H9AOEQLN:W9 Assets Part Own:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H10AOEQLN:W10 Assets Part Own:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H11AOEQLN:W11 Assets Part Own:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFEQLN H2AFEQLN H3AFEQLN H4AFEQLN H5AFEQLN H6AFEQLN H7AFEQLN H8AFEQLN H9AFEQLN H10AFEQLN H11AFEQLN H1AFEQLN:W1 Assets Part Flag:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H2AFEQLN:W2 Assets Part Flag:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H3AFEQLN:W3 Assets Part Flag:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H4AFEQLN:W4 Assets Part Flag:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H5AFEQLN:W5 Assets Part Flag:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H6AFEQLN:W6 Assets Part Flag:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H7AFEQLN:W7 Assets Part Flag:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H8AFEQLN:W8 Assets Part Flag:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H9AFEQLN:W9 Assets Part Flag:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H10AFEQLN:W10 Assets Part Flag:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave H11AFEQLN:W11 Assets Part Flag:Other Home Loans--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable H1AHMLN H2AHMLN H3AHMLN H4AHMLN H5AHMLN H6AHMLN H7AHMLN H8AHMLN N 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 3244.41 1324.62 1536.35 1728.27 1720.66 2114.92 3472.41 4192.97 47419.03 9016.30 9034.79 10668.58 10040.68 11954.82 18727.22 34291.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3500000.0 300000.0 250000.0 500000.0 385000.0 500000.0 700000.0 2500000.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 349 H9AHMLN H10AHMLN H11AHMLN 17217 22034 20554 3977.88 4357.71 3860.17 24611.63 29668.74 22313.92 0.0 0.0 0.0 1000000.0 2000000.0 750000.0 H1AOHMLN H2AOHMLN H3AOHMLN H4AOHMLN H5AOHMLN H6AOHMLN H7AOHMLN H8AOHMLN H9AOHMLN H10AOHMLN H11AOHMLN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.10 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.31 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFHMLN H2AFHMLN H3AFHMLN H4AFHMLN H5AFHMLN H6AFHMLN H7AFHMLN H8AFHMLN H9AFHMLN H10AFHMLN H11AFHMLN 12652 11632 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.23 0.25 0.16 0.18 0.16 0.15 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.24 0.20 0.89 1.01 0.79 0.87 0.79 0.60 0.65 0.61 0.68 0.88 0.84 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H1AEQCD H2AEQCD H3AEQCD H4AEQCD H5AEQCD H6AEQCD H7AEQCD H8AEQCD H9AEQCD H10AEQCD H11AEQCD 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1897.38 1964.03 1374.70 1564.63 1573.02 1974.22 3273.38 4068.80 3736.50 4208.93 3638.17 10942.89 10455.63 8165.11 10228.16 9621.83 11546.36 17841.91 34188.39 24049.00 29365.50 20733.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 400000.0 300000.0 250000.0 500000.0 385000.0 500000.0 700000.0 2500000.0 1000000.0 2000000.0 500000.0 H1AOEQCD H2AOEQCD H3AOEQCD H4AOEQCD H5AOEQCD H6AOEQCD H7AOEQCD H8AOEQCD H9AOEQCD H10AOEQCD H11AOEQCD 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.08 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.27 0.29 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFEQCD H2AFEQCD H3AFEQCD H4AFEQCD H5AFEQCD H6AFEQCD H7AFEQCD H8AFEQCD H9AFEQCD H10AFEQCD H11AFEQCD 12652 11420 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.64 5.61 5.72 5.71 5.73 5.69 5.58 5.57 5.59 5.63 5.65 1.37 1.44 1.24 1.26 1.23 1.27 1.44 1.45 1.43 1.45 1.37 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 350 H1AEQLN H2AEQLN H3AEQLN H4AEQLN H5AEQLN H6AEQLN H7AEQLN H8AEQLN H9AEQLN H10AEQLN H11AEQLN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 1347.03 182.71 161.65 163.65 147.64 140.70 199.03 124.17 241.38 148.78 222.00 46160.35 4070.15 3715.33 2782.36 2857.19 2620.60 4311.92 2590.02 4791.33 3245.15 8189.82 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3500000.0 278000.0 200000.0 140000.0 160000.0 109000.0 200000.0 100000.0 270000.0 162000.0 750000.0 H1AOEQLN H2AOEQLN H3AOEQLN H4AOEQLN H5AOEQLN H6AOEQLN H7AOEQLN H8AOEQLN H9AOEQLN H10AOEQLN H11AOEQLN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.10 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1AFEQLN H2AFEQLN H3AFEQLN H4AFEQLN H5AFEQLN H6AFEQLN H7AFEQLN H8AFEQLN H9AFEQLN H10AFEQLN H11AFEQLN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.94 5.99 6.00 5.99 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.99 5.99 6.03 6.01 0.80 0.54 0.45 0.50 0.44 0.40 0.36 0.36 0.43 0.44 0.40 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOHMLN 0.no |11332 1.yes |1320 H2AOHMLN 18423 1219 H3AOHMLN 16708 1283 H4AOHMLN 19787 1597 H5AOHMLN 18181 1398 H6AOHMLN 16759 1406 H7AOHMLN 18137 1992 H8AOHMLN 16619 1850 H9AOHMLN 15547 1670 H10AOHMLN 19958 2076 H11AOHMLN 18816 1738 Value---------|H1AFHMLN .Q=Not asked t| 0.no asset |10942 1.no imputatio|1187 2.some imputat|428 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFHMLN 8010 10088 1037 383 124 H3AFHMLN H4AFHMLN H5AFHMLN H6AFHMLN H7AFHMLN H8AFHMLN H9AFHMLN H10AFHMLN H11AFHMLN 16401 1186 289 115 19375 1460 379 170 17769 1251 437 122 16285 1240 600 40 17716 1779 573 61 16279 1678 464 48 15170 1530 454 63 18935 1888 1058 153 18223 1611 578 142 Value---------|H1AOEQCD .Q=Not asked t| 0.no |11616 1.yes |1036 H2AOEQCD 8222 10368 1052 H3AOEQCD H4AOEQCD H5AOEQCD H6AOEQCD H7AOEQCD H8AOEQCD H9AOEQCD H10AOEQCD H11AOEQCD 16808 1183 19915 1469 18276 1303 16841 1324 18204 1925 16682 1787 15633 1584 20027 2007 18884 1670 Value---------|H1AFEQCD .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|978 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 4.range card b|9 5.no value/bra|32 6.no asset |11418 7.DK ownership|120 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFEQCD 8222 961 H3AFEQCD H4AFEQCD H5AFEQCD H6AFEQCD H7AFEQCD H8AFEQCD H9AFEQCD H10AFEQCD H11AFEQCD 1115 1360 1175 1181 39 14 1735 69 7 1625 58 16 1462 37 15 1830 59 13 1553 37 9 73 10175 87 124 56 16514 191 115 96 19519 239 170 104 17886 292 122 46 16403 442 40 72 17805 380 61 53 16365 304 48 45 15263 332 63 36 19042 901 153 38 18321 454 142 Value---------|H1AOEQLN H2AOEQLN H3AOEQLN H4AOEQLN H5AOEQLN H6AOEQLN H7AOEQLN H8AOEQLN H9AOEQLN H10AOEQLN H11AOEQLN Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 0.no 1.yes |12330 |322 Value---------|H1AFEQLN 1.continuous v|274 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 4.range card b|2 5.no value/bra|35 6.no asset |11911 7.DK ownership|335 9.no Fin Resp |95 351 19456 186 17872 119 21225 159 19463 116 18064 101 20041 88 18392 77 17105 112 21941 93 20476 78 H2AFEQLN 163 H3AFEQLN 91 13 H4AFEQLN 136 23 H5AFEQLN 96 13 1 H6AFEQLN 79 15 H7AFEQLN 65 16 1 H8AFEQLN 69 7 H9AFEQLN 93 11 1 H10AFEQLN 83 6 H11AFEQLN 71 4 23 19200 79 177 13 17626 133 115 20970 85 170 4 19229 114 122 6 17715 310 40 6 19771 209 61 1 18220 124 48 5 16896 148 63 2 21128 662 153 20118 219 142 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: HwAHMLN is the sum of home equity line of credit balance (HwAEQCD) and home equity loans (HwAEQLN), which are each imputed separately. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The values of home loans other than first and second mortgages are asked at each wave. whether the respondent has any other home loans and if so, the value of them. Questions reveal In Wave 1, questions ask about home equity loans and lines of credit, separately: 1a) Do you have any (other) loans that use this property as collateral? (Please do not include any home equity lines of credit.) 1b) How much is still owed on this loan? 2a) Do you currently have a loan against this line of credit? 2b) How much is currently owed? In Wave 2A, one question is asked about other loans: 1a) Do you have any (other) loans that use this property as collateral? 1b) About how much is still owed on this loan? Beginning in Wave 2H, the ownership questions cover 1st mortgage, 2nd mortgage and other loans. Up to 3 loans may be specified: 1a) Do you have a mortgage, land contract, second mortgage or any other loan that uses the property as collateral? Please do not include any home equity lines of credit. 1b) About how much do you still owe on that loan? As in Wave 1, the respondent is asked about a home equity line of credit separately: 2a) Do you currently have a loan against this line of credit? Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 352 2b) About how much is currently owed? From Wave 3 forward, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value of the home equity loans, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket ranges and entry points are the same across waves. From Wave 6 forward, unfolding bracket questions are asked for the value of a home equity line of credit. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V10735 V10736 V10743 V10744 V735 V736 V743 V744 AHEAD 1993: B1067 B1087 B1088 B1091 B1132 B1135 HRS 1994: W10631 W10634 W10635 W616 W617 W618 W631 W634 W635 AHEAD 1995: D2251M1 D2251M2 D2270 D2271B D2276 D2277 HRS 1996: E2251M1 E2251M2 E2251M3 E2270 E2271B E2276 E2277 HRS 1998: F2768M1 F2768M2 F2787 F2788B F2793 F2794 HRS 2000: G3086M1 G3086M2 G3105 D31:ANY_OTHER_LOANS :IND D26:HM_EQTY_LOAN_$OW:IND D32B:LOAN_AGNST_CRDI:IND D32C:$_CURRENTLY_OWE:IND D31:ANY OTHER LOANS :IMP D26:HM EQ LN-$ STILL:IMP D32B:LOAN AGNST CRDI:IMP D32C:$ CURRENTLY OWE:IMP F10. MOBILE HOME & SITE: OWN/RENT F23. OWN OR RENT FARM/RANCH? F23a. OWN FARMHOUSE? F25. OWN OR RENT HOME/APT? F37. OTH LOANS W/ PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL F37c. AMOUNT STILL OWE OTHER LOAN D10c. Imputation indicat D11b. Imputation indicat D11c. Imputation indicat D7.MORTGAGE OR LAND CONT D7.MORTGAGE OR LAND CONT D7.MORTGAGE OR LAND CONT D10c.STILL OWE ON LOAN D11b.LOAN AGAINST LINE O D11c.AMOUNT CURRENTLY OW F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F10E.$ OWN ON LOAN F10E.$ OWN ON LOAN/Bkt F11B.EQUITY LOAN NOW F11C.$ OWED EQUITY LOAD F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F10E.$ OWE ON LOAN F10E.$ OWE ON LOAN/Bkt F11B.EQUITY LOAN NOW F11C.$ OWED EQUITY LOAD F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F10E.$ OWN ON LOAN F10E.$ OWN ON LOAN-Bkt F11B.EQUITY LOAN NOW F11C.$ OWED EQUITY LOAD F7.HOME MORTGAGE F7.HOME MORTGAGE F10E.$ OWE ON LOAN Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave G3106 G3107 G3108 G3111 G3112 HRS 2002: HH024M1 HH024M2 HH024M3 HH052 HH053 HH054 HH055 HH061 HH062 HH063 HH064 HH065 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JH024M1 JH024M2 JH024M3 JH052 JH053 JH054 JH061 JH062 JH063 JH064 JH065 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 F10B.F10A DK-1 F10C. F10A DK-2 F10D. F10A DK-3 F11B.EQUITY LOAN NOW F11C.$ OWED EQUITY LOAD LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MIN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MAX MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- RESULT EQUITY LOAN NOW MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MIN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MAX MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-1 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-3 MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MIN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MAX EQUITY LOAN NOW MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MIN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MAX MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 353 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KH024M1 KH024M2 KH024M3 KH052 KH053 KH054 KH055 KH061 KH062 KH063 KH064 KH065 KU001_15 KU002_15 KU003_15A KU003_15B KU004_15A KU004_15B KU005_15A KU005_15B KU006_15A KU006_15B KU022_15A KU022_15B HRS 2008: LH024M1 LH024M2 LH024M3 LH052 LH053 LH054 LH055 LH061 LH062 LH063 LH064 LH065 LU001_15 LU002_15 LU003_15A LU003_15B LU004_15A LU004_15B LU005_15A LU005_15B LU006_15A LU006_15B LU022_15A LU022_15B HRS 2010: MH024M1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-1 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-3 MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MIN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MAX MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- RESULT EQUITY LOAN NOW MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MIN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MAX MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON -MIN-A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON -MIN-B-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON -MAX-A -EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON -MAX-B -EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-EQUITY LOAN WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-EQUITY LOAN WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-EQUITY LOAN LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-1 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-3 MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MIN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MAX MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- RESULT EQUITY LOAN NOW MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MIN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MAX MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON -MIN-A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON -MIN-B-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON -MAX-A -EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON -MAX-B -EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-EQUITY LOAN WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-EQUITY LOAN WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-EQUITY LOAN LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-1 354 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave MH024M2 MH024M3 MH052 MH053 MH054 MH055 MH061 MH062 MH063 MH064 MH065 MU001_15 MU002_15 MU003_15A MU003_15B MU004_15A MU004_15B MU005_15A MU005_15B MU006_15A MU006_15B MU022_15A MU022_15B HRS 2012: NH024M1 NH024M2 NH024M3 NH052 NH053 NH054 NH055 NH061 NH062 NH063 NH064 NH065 NU001_15 NU002_15 NU003_15A NU003_15B NU004_15A NU004_15B NU005_15A NU005_15B NU006_15A NU006_15B NU022_15A NU022_15B LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-3 MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MIN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MAX MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- RESULT EQUITY LOAN NOW MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MIN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MAX MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-EQUITY LOAN WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-EQUITY LOAN WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-EQUITY LOAN LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-1 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-2 LOAN-WITH PROPERTY AS COLLATERAL-3 MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MIN MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- MAX MONEY OWE ON OTHER LOAN- RESULT EQUITY LOAN NOW MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MIN MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- MAX MONEY OWED EQUITY LOAN- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-EQUITY LOAN ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-EQUITY LOAN WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-EQUITY LOAN WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-EQUITY LOAN 355 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 356 Net value of primary residence Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ATOTH H2ATOTH H3ATOTH H4ATOTH H5ATOTH H6ATOTH H7ATOTH H8ATOTH H9ATOTH H10ATOTH H11ATOTH H1ATOTH:W1 Net Value of House /prim res--Cross-wave H2ATOTH:W2 Net Value of House /prim res--Cross-wave H3ATOTH:W3 Net Value of House /prim res--Cross-wave H4ATOTH:W4 Net Value of House /prim res--Cross-wave H5ATOTH:W5 Net Value of House /prim res--Cross-wave H6ATOTH:W6 Net Value of House /prim res--Cross-wave H7ATOTH:W7 Net Value of House /prim res--Cross-wave H8ATOTH:W8 Net Value of House /prim res--Cross-wave H9ATOTH:W9 Net Value of House /prim res--Cross-wave H10ATOTH:W10 Net Value of House /prim res--Cross-wave H11ATOTH:W11 Net Value of House /prim res--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Descriptive Statistics Variable H1ATOTH H2ATOTH H3ATOTH H4ATOTH H5ATOTH H6ATOTH H7ATOTH H8ATOTH H9ATOTH H10ATOTH H11ATOTH N 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 62024.51 68819.52 73789.72 81130.20 92582.75 106555.81 129581.63 157567.81 159539.19 118325.65 113700.16 91316.86 126896.78 123815.73 243234.23 239757.39 173087.97 331392.03 244987.33 424696.32 234273.49 210315.25 -3350000.0 -5040000.0 -550000.0 -740000.0 -670000.0 -692753.5 -939000.0 -1090779.8 -850000.0 -2750000.0 -1140828.8 1000000.0 5000000.0 5344724.2 19900000.0 14000000.0 9985000.0 24000000.0 5500000.0 24400000.0 10000000.0 9411437.0 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: HwATOTH is the net value of housing and is calculated as the value of the primary residence less mortgages and home loans: (HwAHOUS) less Sum (HwAMORT, HwAHMLN). Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data See cross-wave differences for the components: HwAHOUS = value of primary residence HwAMORT = value of all mortgages/land contracts (primary residence) HwAHMLN = value of other home loans (primary residence) Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 357 Value of secondary residence Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AHOUB H2AHOUB H4AHOUB H5AHOUB H6AHOUB H7AHOUB H8AHOUB H9AHOUB H10AHOUB H11AHOUB H1AHOUB:W1 Assets:2nd Home--Cross-wave H2AHOUB:W2 Assets:2nd Home--Cross-wave H4AHOUB:W4 Assets:2nd Home--Cross-wave H5AHOUB:W5 Assets:2nd Home--Cross-wave H6AHOUB:W6 Assets:2nd Home--Cross-wave H7AHOUB:W7 Assets:2nd Home--Cross-wave H8AHOUB:W8 Assets:2nd Home--Cross-wave H9AHOUB:W9 Assets:2nd Home--Cross-wave H10AHOUB:W10 Assets:2nd Home--Cross-wave H11AHOUB:W11 Assets:2nd Home--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOHOUB H2AOHOUB H4AOHOUB H5AOHOUB H6AOHOUB H7AOHOUB H8AOHOUB H9AOHOUB H10AOHOUB H11AOHOUB H1AOHOUB:W1 Assets Own:2nd Home--Cross-wave H2AOHOUB:W2 Assets Own:2nd Home--Cross-wave H4AOHOUB:W4 Assets Own:2nd Home--Cross-wave H5AOHOUB:W5 Assets Own:2nd Home--Cross-wave H6AOHOUB:W6 Assets Own:2nd Home--Cross-wave H7AOHOUB:W7 Assets Own:2nd Home--Cross-wave H8AOHOUB:W8 Assets Own:2nd Home--Cross-wave H9AOHOUB:W9 Assets Own:2nd Home--Cross-wave H10AOHOUB:W10 Assets Own:2nd Home--Cross-wave H11AOHOUB:W11 Assets Own:2nd Home--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFHOUB H2AFHOUB H4AFHOUB H5AFHOUB H6AFHOUB H7AFHOUB H8AFHOUB H9AFHOUB H10AFHOUB H11AFHOUB H1AFHOUB:W1 Assets Flag:2nd Home--Cross-wave H2AFHOUB:W2 Assets Flag:2nd Home--Cross-wave H4AFHOUB:W4 Assets Flag:2nd Home--Cross-wave H5AFHOUB:W5 Assets Flag:2nd Home--Cross-wave H6AFHOUB:W6 Assets Flag:2nd Home--Cross-wave H7AFHOUB:W7 Assets Flag:2nd Home--Cross-wave H8AFHOUB:W8 Assets Flag:2nd Home--Cross-wave H9AFHOUB:W9 Assets Flag:2nd Home--Cross-wave H10AFHOUB:W10 Assets Flag:2nd Home--Cross-wave H11AFHOUB:W11 Assets Flag:2nd Home--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1AHOUB H2AHOUB H4AHOUB H5AHOUB H6AHOUB H7AHOUB H8AHOUB H9AHOUB H10AHOUB H11AHOUB 12652 11420 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 13877.86 10896.81 12072.18 13731.52 17583.48 22128.07 27016.54 30236.81 23324.37 22397.17 86279.36 49804.69 58794.09 65736.12 92772.82 149355.99 157731.02 263670.81 130689.35 114821.52 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5000000.0 2000000.0 2000000.0 1900000.0 4395757.1 10000000.0 7967000.5 21070631.3 5525000.0 4304092.3 H1AOHOUB H2AOHOUB H4AOHOUB H5AOHOUB H6AOHOUB H7AOHOUB H8AOHOUB H9AOHOUB H10AOHOUB 12652 11420 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.35 0.34 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 358 H11AOHOUB 20554 0.14 0.35 0.0 1.0 H1AFHOUB H2AFHOUB H4AFHOUB H5AFHOUB H6AFHOUB H7AFHOUB H8AFHOUB H9AFHOUB H10AFHOUB H11AFHOUB 12652 11420 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.36 5.40 5.46 5.47 5.45 5.39 5.36 5.33 5.38 5.37 1.72 1.69 1.60 1.57 1.58 1.64 1.65 1.70 1.70 1.68 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOHOUB .Q=Not asked t| 0.no |10841 1.yes |1811 H2AOHOUB 8222 9898 1522 Value---------|H1AFHOUB .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|1656 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 4.range card b|26 5.no value/bra|114 6.no asset |10734 7.DK ownership|27 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFHOUB 8222 1344 118 22 25 9769 18 124 H4AOHOUB H5AOHOUB H6AOHOUB H7AOHOUB H8AOHOUB H9AOHOUB H10AOHOUB H11AOHOUB 18872 2512 17272 2307 15970 2195 17362 2767 15860 2609 14671 2546 18824 3210 17598 2956 H4AFHOUB H5AFHOUB H6AFHOUB H7AFHOUB H8AFHOUB H9AFHOUB H10AFHOUB H11AFHOUB 2213 222 6 1956 227 38 1870 194 12 2189 349 24 2076 318 33 2083 281 36 2561 349 55 2358 356 43 48 18667 58 170 67 17094 75 122 87 15740 223 39 181 17215 110 61 166 15787 41 48 136 14552 66 63 185 18226 505 153 165 17411 79 142 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed value of the respondent's secondary residence is assigned to HwAHOUB. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. From Wave 4 forward to determine ownership of a secondary residence, we look at responses to questions about whether the person is in a nursing home and if so, whether they own a home outside of the nursing home. In Waves 5-11, we found a discrepancy between what was reported on these questions and what was listed on the Tracker file, that is – some individuals said that they were in a nursing home (and did not own a home outside of the nursing home), but the Tracker file said they were not in a nursing home. We considered the information from Tracker to be the most accurate. Due to problems with the way information about second residences was collected in Waves 2A and 3, we do not provide these variables for these waves. Users should note the following outliers: 1. HHIDPN: 47514010 was imputed to have a value of more than $21,000,000 for H9AHOUB. Their spouse (HHIDPN: 47514020) will, therefore, also have this value recorded for H9AHOUB. Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 359 Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The value of the secondary residence is asked at each wave, though in some waves it is problematic. Questions reveal whether the respondent owns his/her secondary residence and if so, the value of it. In Wave 1, the questions about second home ask: 1a) Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner/...) own a second home or condo? [NOTE: Timeshare weeks should be included.] 1b) Could you tell me the present value of (your part of) that property -- I mean, about how much would it bring if it were sold today? In Wave 2A, ownership of a secondary residence is asked about within the context of real estate investments, which presents problems not only for determining ownership, but consequently the value of a second residence. In Wave 3, there was a skip pattern error, such that certain households with second homes were not asked the subsequent questions pertaining to these types of residences. Specifically, anyone who reported not living in their second home for at least two months during the year would not have been asked further questions about their second residence. In Wave 2H and from Wave 4 forward, the questions are consistent and the wordings are also the same: 1a) Not including investment property, do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner/...) own a second home or condo? 1b) What is its present value? (What is the present value of your part of it?) I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today? From Wave 2 forward, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V10816 V10824 V816 V824 HRS 1994: W10710 W10718 W710 W717 W719 HRS 1998: F2914 F2950 F2951 F2952 F2953 F2954 F517 F721 HRS 2000: G3232 G3268 G3269 G3270 D39:91-R1-OWN2NDHOME:IND D44:CURR_PROP_PRT_VA:IND D39:OWN 2ND HOME/CON:IMP D44:CURR VALUE:$ :IMP D81. Imputation indicato D87. Imputation indicato D81.OWN SECOND HOME/COND D86.PURCHASE PRICE OF SE D87a-D87d. Brackets F40.OWN 2ND HOME F46F.$ VALUE 2ND HOME F46G.F46F DK.1-2 F46H.F46F DK.2-2 F46J.F46F DK.3-2 F46K.F46F DK.4-2 CS11.R IN NURSING HOME CS26.NURHM: STILL OWN/RENT HOME F40.OWN 2ND HOME F46F.$ VALUE 2ND HOME F46G.F46F DK 1-2 F46H.F46F DK 2-2 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave G3271 G3272 G558 G794 HRS 2002: HA028 HA070 HH151 HH166 HH167 HH168 HH169 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JA028 JA070 JH151 JH166 JH167 JH168 JH169 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 360 F46J.F46F DK 3-2 F46K.F46F DK 4-2 CS11.R IN NURSING HOME CS26.NURHM: STILL OWN/RENT HOME R IN NURSING HOME NH: STILL OWN/RENT HOME OWN SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MINIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MAXIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS R IN NURSING HOME NH: STILL OWN/RENT HOME OWN SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MINIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MAXIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KA028 KA070 KH151 KH166 KH167 KH168 KH169 KU001_17 KU002_17 KU003_17A KU003_17B KU004_17A KU004_17B KU005_17A KU005_17B KU006_17A KU006_17B KU022_17A KU022_17B HRS 2008: LA028 LA070 LH151 LH166 LH167 LH168 LH169 LU001_17 LU002_17 LU003_17A LU003_17B LU004_17A LU004_17B LU005_17A LU005_17B LU006_17A LU006_17B LU022_17A LU022_17B HRS 2010: MA028 MA070 MH151 MH166 MH167 MH168 MH169 MU001_17 MU002_17 MU003_17A MU003_17B MU004_17A MU004_17B MU005_17A MU005_17B MU006_17A MU006_17B MU022_17A MU022_17B HRS 2012: NA028 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 R IN NURSING HOME NH: STILL OWN/RENT HOME OWN SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MINIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MAXIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-HOME2 ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-HOME2 ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-HOME2 ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-HOME2 ASSET RECON -MIN-A-HOME2 ASSET RECON -MIN-B-HOME2 ASSET RECON -MAX-A -HOME2 ASSET RECON -MAX-B -HOME2 ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-HOME2 ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-HOME2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-HOME2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-HOME2 R IN NURSING HOME NH: STILL OWN/RENT HOME OWN SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MINIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MAXIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-HOME2 ASSET RECON -MIN-A-HOME2 ASSET RECON -MIN-B-HOME2 ASSET RECON -MAX-A -HOME2 ASSET RECON -MAX-B -HOME2 ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-HOME2 ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-HOME2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-HOME2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-HOME2 R IN NURSING HOME NH: STILL OWN/RENT HOME OWN SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MINIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MAXIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-HOME2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-HOME2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-HOME2 R IN NURSING HOME 361 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave NA070 NH151 NH166 NH167 NH168 NH169 NU001_17 NU002_17 NU003_17A NU003_17B NU004_17A NU004_17B NU005_17A NU005_17B NU006_17A NU006_17B NU022_17A NU022_17B Tracker: GNURSHM HNURSHM JNURSHM KNURSHM LNURSHM MNURSHM NNURSHM NH: STILL OWN/RENT HOME OWN SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MINIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - MAXIMUM DOLLAR VALUE SECOND HOME - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-HOME2 ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-HOME2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-HOME2 WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-HOME2 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING HOME HOME HOME HOME HOME HOME HOME STATUS STATUS STATUS STATUS STATUS STATUS STATUS 362 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 363 Value of all mortgages/land contracts (secondary residence) Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AMRTB H2AMRTB H4AMRTB H5AMRTB H6AMRTB H7AMRTB H8AMRTB H9AMRTB H10AMRTB H11AMRTB H1AMRTB:W1 Assets:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H2AMRTB:W2 Assets:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H4AMRTB:W4 Assets:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H5AMRTB:W5 Assets:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H6AMRTB:W6 Assets:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H7AMRTB:W7 Assets:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H8AMRTB:W8 Assets:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H9AMRTB:W9 Assets:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H10AMRTB:W10 Assets:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H11AMRTB:W11 Assets:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AOMRTB H2AOMRTB H4AOMRTB H5AOMRTB H6AOMRTB H7AOMRTB H8AOMRTB H9AOMRTB H10AOMRTB H11AOMRTB H1AOMRTB:W1 Assets Own:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H2AOMRTB:W2 Assets Own:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H4AOMRTB:W4 Assets Own:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H5AOMRTB:W5 Assets Own:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H6AOMRTB:W6 Assets Own:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H7AOMRTB:W7 Assets Own:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H8AOMRTB:W8 Assets Own:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H9AOMRTB:W9 Assets Own:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H10AOMRTB:W10 Assets Own:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H11AOMRTB:W11 Assets Own:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1AFMRTB H2AFMRTB H4AFMRTB H5AFMRTB H6AFMRTB H7AFMRTB H8AFMRTB H9AFMRTB H10AFMRTB H11AFMRTB H1AFMRTB:W1 Assets Flag:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H2AFMRTB:W2 Assets Flag:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H4AFMRTB:W4 Assets Flag:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H5AFMRTB:W5 Assets Flag:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H6AFMRTB:W6 Assets Flag:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H7AFMRTB:W7 Assets Flag:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H8AFMRTB:W8 Assets Flag:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H9AFMRTB:W9 Assets Flag:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H10AFMRTB:W10 Assets Flag:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave H11AFMRTB:W11 Assets Flag:2nd Home Mtg--Cross-wave Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1AMRTB H2AMRTB H4AMRTB H5AMRTB H6AMRTB H7AMRTB H8AMRTB H9AMRTB H10AMRTB H11AMRTB 12652 11420 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2381.94 2130.58 1655.32 1696.46 1632.21 2230.15 2457.01 3054.60 3170.04 3067.70 14176.53 14264.69 15451.97 18517.92 15604.70 22662.49 22653.90 28011.49 27582.56 25893.46 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 325000.0 460000.0 520000.0 1100000.0 510000.0 700000.0 815000.0 1432254.4 1000000.0 783985.9 H1AOMRTB H2AOMRTB H4AOMRTB H5AOMRTB H6AOMRTB H7AOMRTB H8AOMRTB H9AOMRTB H10AOMRTB 12652 11420 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.24 0.21 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 364 H11AOMRTB 20554 0.03 0.16 0.0 1.0 H1AFMRTB H2AFMRTB H4AFMRTB H5AFMRTB H6AFMRTB H7AFMRTB H8AFMRTB H9AFMRTB H10AFMRTB H11AFMRTB 12652 11420 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.74 5.81 5.89 5.90 5.91 5.91 5.90 5.90 5.92 5.90 1.19 1.08 0.85 0.82 0.75 0.75 0.76 0.79 0.84 0.83 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1AOMRTB .Q=Not asked t| 0.no |11865 1.yes |787 H2AOMRTB 8222 10887 533 Value---------|H1AFMRTB .Q=Not asked t| 1.continuous v|718 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 4.range card b|14 5.no value/bra|51 6.no asset |11736 7.DK ownership|38 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2AFMRTB 8222 473 44 6 9 10734 30 124 H4AOMRTB H5AOMRTB H6AOMRTB H7AOMRTB H8AOMRTB H9AOMRTB H10AOMRTB H11AOMRTB 20798 586 19059 520 17735 430 19656 473 18019 450 16780 437 21454 580 20006 548 H4AFMRTB H5AFMRTB H6AFMRTB H7AFMRTB H8AFMRTB H9AFMRTB H10AFMRTB H11AFMRTB 541 24 2 464 28 3 368 41 2 403 40 2 395 34 5 391 25 2 530 28 7 499 17 7 16 20566 65 170 23 18852 87 122 19 17449 246 40 26 19456 141 61 12 17899 76 48 16 16606 114 63 10 20748 558 153 16 19743 130 142 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed value of all mortgages is assigned to HwAMRTB. Variables in the form HwAFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwAOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Due to problems with the way information about second residences was collected in Wave 2A and in Wave 3, we do not provide these variables for these waves. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The value of a second home mortgage is asked at each wave, with the exception of Wave 2A. which the questions are asked varies across waves. In Waves 1 and 2H, the questions about second home mortgage ask: a) Do you owe any money on this property? b) About how much do you owe? The manner in Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 365 In Wave 2A, ownership of a secondary residence is asked within the context of real estate investments, which presents problems not only for determining ownership but, consequently, the values of any mortgages. In Wave 3, there was a skip pattern error such that certain households with second homes were not asked the subsequent questions pertaining to these types of residences. Specifically, anyone who reported not living in their second home for at least two months during the year would not have been asked further questions about their second residence. Beginning in Wave 4, the questions are consistent. They are also similar to those in Wave 3 with the only difference being that all branch to one value question: a) (Taking all mortgages and loans together,) about how much do you owe on your second home? From Wave 2H forward if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1AFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V10825 V10826 V825 V826 HRS 1994: W10720 W10721 W720 W721 W722 HRS 1998: F2955M1 F2955M2 F2957 F2963 F2964 F2965 HRS 2000: G3273M1 G3273M2 G3275 G3281 G3282 G3283 HRS 2002: HH170M1 HH170M2 HH170M3 HH171 HH172 HH173 HH174 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: D45:OWE_MONEY_ON_PRO:IND D45A:AMT_OWE_ON_PROP:IND D45:OWE MONEY ON PRO:IMP D45A:AMT $ OWE ON PR:IMP D88. Imputation indicato D88a. Imputation indicat D88.OWE MONEY ON SECOND D88a.AMOUNT OWED ON SECO D88a1-D88a3. Brackets F47.HOME MORTGAGE-2ND F47.HOME MORTGAGE-2ND F47A.TOTAL $ OWED ALL MORTGAGES/LOANS-2N F47E.F47D DK.1-2ND F47F. F47D DK.2-2ND F47G. F47D DK.2-2ND F47.HOME MORTGAGE-2ND F47.HOME MORTGAGE-2ND F47A.TOTAL OWE MRTGG/LOAN-2ND HOME F47E.F47D DK 1-2ND F47F.F47D DK 2-2ND F47G.F47D DK 2-2ND HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND TOTAL OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - SECOND HOME TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MIN TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MAX TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave JH170M1 JH170M2 JH170M3 JH171 JH172 JH173 JH174 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KH170M1 KH170M2 KH170M3 KH171 KH172 KH173 KH174 KU001_18 KU002_18 KU003_18A KU003_18B KU004_18A KU004_18B KU005_18A KU005_18B KU006_18A KU006_18B KU022_18A KU022_18B HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-1 HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-2 HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-3 TOTAL OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - SECOND HOME TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MIN TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MAX TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-1 HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-2 HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-3 TOTAL OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - SECOND HOME TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MIN TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MAX TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- RESULT ASSET RECON-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON -MIN-A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON -MIN-B-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON -MAX-A -HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON -MAX-B -HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON - RES-A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON - RES-B-HOME2 MORT WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-HOME2 MORT WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-HOME2 MORT 366 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HRS 2008: LH170M1 LH170M2 LH170M3 LH171 LH172 LH173 LH174 LU001_18 LU002_18 LU003_18A LU003_18B LU004_18A LU004_18B LU005_18A LU005_18B LU006_18A LU006_18B LU022_18A LU022_18B HRS 2010: MH170M1 MH170M2 MH170M3 MH171 MH172 MH173 MH174 MU001_18 MU002_18 MU003_18A MU003_18B MU004_18A MU004_18B MU005_18A MU005_18B MU006_18A MU006_18B MU022_18A MU022_18B HRS 2012: NH170M1 NH170M2 NH170M3 NH171 NH172 NH173 NH174 NU001_18 NU002_18 NU003_18A NU003_18B NU004_18A NU004_18B NU005_18A NU005_18B NU006_18A NU006_18B NU022_18A NU022_18B HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-1 HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-2 HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-3 TOTAL OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - SECOND HOME TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MIN TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MAX TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON -MIN-A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON -MIN-B-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON -MAX-A -HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON -MAX-B -HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON - RES-A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECON - RES-B-HOME2 MORT WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-HOME2 MORT WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-HOME2 MORT HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-1 HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-2 HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-3 TOTAL OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - SECOND HOME TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MIN TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MAX TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - RES-A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - RES-B-HOME2 MORT WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-HOME2 MORT WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-HOME2 MORT HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-1 HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-2 HOME MORTGAGE - SECOND-3 TOTAL OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - SECOND HOME TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MIN TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- MAX TOT OWE MORTGAGE/LOAN - 2ND HOME- RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - RES-A-HOME2 MORT ASSET RECONCILIATION - RES-B-HOME2 MORT WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-HOME2 MORT WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-HOME2 MORT 367 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 368 Net value of secondary residence Wave 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Variable Label Type H1ANETHB H2ANETHB H4ANETHB H5ANETHB H6ANETHB H7ANETHB H8ANETHB H9ANETHB H10ANETHB H11ANETHB H1ANETHB:W1 Net Value of 2nd Home--Cross-wave H2ANETHB:W2 Net Value of 2nd Home--Cross-wave H4ANETHB:W4 Net Value of 2nd Home--Cross-wave H5ANETHB:W5 Net Value of 2nd Home--Cross-wave H6ANETHB:W6 Net Value of 2nd Home--Cross-wave H7ANETHB:W7 Net Value of 2nd Home--Cross-wave H8ANETHB:W8 Net Value of 2nd Home--Cross-wave H9ANETHB:W9 Net Value of 2nd Home--Cross-wave H10ANETHB:W10 Net Value of 2nd Home--Cross-wave H11ANETHB:W11 Net Value of 2nd Home--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Descriptive Statistics Variable H1ANETHB H2ANETHB H4ANETHB H5ANETHB H6ANETHB H7ANETHB H8ANETHB H9ANETHB H10ANETHB H11ANETHB N 12652 11420 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 11495.91 8766.24 10416.86 12035.06 15951.26 19897.92 24559.53 27182.20 20154.32 19329.47 82654.18 44584.78 51985.68 58044.37 88834.47 143109.06 150763.42 259269.19 122687.12 107643.37 -140000.0 -92000.0 -395000.0 -45000.0 -142840.0 -150000.0 -147000.0 -1012254.4 -200000.0 -703985.9 5000000.0 1870000.0 1725000.0 1500000.0 4395757.1 10000000.0 7967000.5 21070631.3 5525000.0 4304092.3 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: HwANETHB is the net value of a second home and is calculated as house value less mortgages: HwAHOUB less HwAMRTB. Due to problems with the way information about second residences was collected in Wave 2A and in Wave 3, we do not provide these variables for these waves. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data See cross-wave differences for the components: HwAHOUB = value of secondary residence HwAMRTB = value of all mortgages/land contracts (secondary residence) Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 369 Net value of non-housing financial wealth Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ATOTF H2ATOTF H3ATOTF H4ATOTF H5ATOTF H6ATOTF H7ATOTF H8ATOTF H9ATOTF H10ATOTF H11ATOTF H1ATOTF:W1 Non-Housing Financial Wealth--Cross-wave H2ATOTF:W2 Non-Housing Financial Wealth--Cross-wave H3ATOTF:W3 Non-Housing Financial Wealth--Cross-wave H4ATOTF:W4 Non-Housing Financial Wealth--Cross-wave H5ATOTF:W5 Non-Housing Financial Wealth--Cross-wave H6ATOTF:W6 Non-Housing Financial Wealth--Cross-wave H7ATOTF:W7 Non-Housing Financial Wealth--Cross-wave H8ATOTF:W8 Non-Housing Financial Wealth--Cross-wave H9ATOTF:W9 Non-Housing Financial Wealth--Cross-wave H10ATOTF:W10 Non-Housing Financial Wealth--Cross-wave H11ATOTF:W11 Non-Housing Financial Wealth--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Descriptive Statistics Variable H1ATOTF H2ATOTF H3ATOTF H4ATOTF H5ATOTF H6ATOTF H7ATOTF H8ATOTF H9ATOTF H10ATOTF H11ATOTF N 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 45405.72 59732.87 91497.80 102094.45 114450.56 115629.23 123155.47 139580.56 139939.04 109971.16 113814.34 164387.37 213232.72 469385.22 486660.64 447764.14 809482.57 558349.24 653048.04 516609.04 470030.40 581730.54 -800000.0 -390000.0 -828925.5 -3636749.0 -485500.0 -598000.0 -2335500.0 -2199892.0 -1400000.0 -1250000.0 -1685000.0 7374656.2 8400000.0 40550000.0 30400000.0 33500000.0 90000200.0 28400000.0 30340000.0 20506478.1 21200000.0 42300000.0 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: HwATOTF is the net value of non-housing financial wealth and is calculated as the sum of the appropriate wealth components less debt: Sum (HwASTCK, HwACHCK, HwACD, HwABOND, HwAOTHR) less HwADEBT. This total does NOT include the value of IRAs and Keogh plans nor does it include the value of any real estate, vehicles, or businesses. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data See cross-wave differences for the components: HwASTCK = net value of stocks, mutual funds, and investment trusts HwACHCK = value of checking, savings, or money market accounts HwACD = value of CD, government savings bonds, and T-bills Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HwABOND = net value of bonds and bond funds HwAOTHR = net value of all other savings HwADEBT = value of other debt 370 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 371 Total Wealth (Excluding secondary residence) Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ATOTA H2ATOTA H3ATOTA H4ATOTA H5ATOTA H6ATOTA H7ATOTA H8ATOTA H9ATOTA H10ATOTA H11ATOTA H1ATOTA:W1 Total of all Assets--Cross-wave H2ATOTA:W2 Total of all Assets--Cross-wave H3ATOTA:W3 Total of all Assets--Cross-wave H4ATOTA:W4 Total of all Assets--Cross-wave H5ATOTA:W5 Total of all Assets--Cross-wave H6ATOTA:W6 Total of all Assets--Cross-wave H7ATOTA:W7 Total of all Assets--Cross-wave H8ATOTA:W8 Total of all Assets--Cross-wave H9ATOTA:W9 Total of all Assets--Cross-wave H10ATOTA:W10 Total of all Assets--Cross-wave H11ATOTA:W11 Total of all Assets--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Descriptive Statistics Variable H1ATOTA H2ATOTA H3ATOTA H4ATOTA H5ATOTA H6ATOTA H7ATOTA H8ATOTA H9ATOTA H10ATOTA H11ATOTA N 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 202343.75 215625.89 267625.03 302927.95 342860.61 357846.81 407764.76 484794.02 489176.06 378252.42 375979.07 442692.66 482998.46 707605.54 1096896.99 932078.98 1057850.26 1108264.98 1262250.03 1228452.06 972072.21 991439.87 -720000.0 -4383000.0 -825425.5 -3636749.0 -355000.0 -619753.5 -2245500.0 -2199392.0 -1064000.0 -2760000.0 -1510000.0 17906270.5 16652840.0 41255000.0 86210000.0 53200200.0 90648200.0 41475089.8 43512000.0 40660592.4 49900000.0 43921208.6 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: HwATOTA is the net value of total wealth (excluding second home) and is calculated as the sum of all wealth components less the sum of all debt: Sum (HwAHOUS, HwARLES, HwATRAN, HwABSNS, HwAIRA, HwASTCK, HwACHCK, HwACD, HwABOND, HwAOTHR) less Sum (HwAMORT, HwAHMLN, HwADEBT). Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data See cross-wave differences for the components: HwAHOUS = value of primary residence HwARLES = net value of real estate (not primary residence) HwATRAN = net value of vehicles HwABSNS = net value of businesses Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HwAIRA = net value of IRA, Keogh accounts HwASTCK = net value of stocks, mutual funds, and investment trusts HwACHCK = value of checking, savings, or money market accounts HwACD = value of CD, government savings bonds, and T-bills HwABOND = net value of bonds and bond funds HwAOTHR = net value of all other savings HwAMORT = value of all mortgages/land contracts (primary residence) HwAHMLN = value of other home loans (primary residence) HwADEBT = value of other debt 372 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 373 Total Wealth (Including Secondary Residence) Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ATOTB H2ATOTB H4ATOTB H5ATOTB H6ATOTB H7ATOTB H8ATOTB H9ATOTB H10ATOTB H11ATOTB H1ATOTB:W1 Total all Assets inc. 2nd Hm--Cross-wave H2ATOTB:W2 Total all Assets inc. 2nd Hm--Cross-wave H4ATOTB:W4 Total all Assets inc. 2nd Hm--Cross-wave H5ATOTB:W5 Total all Assets inc. 2nd Hm--Cross-wave H6ATOTB:W6 Total all Assets inc. 2nd Hm--Cross-wave H7ATOTB:W7 Total all Assets inc. 2nd Hm--Cross-wave H8ATOTB:W8 Total all Assets inc. 2nd Hm--Cross-wave H9ATOTB:W9 Total all Assets inc. 2nd Hm--Cross-wave H10ATOTB:W10 Total all Assets inc. 2nd Hm--Cross-wave H11ATOTB:W11 Total all Assets inc. 2nd Hm--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Descriptive Statistics Variable H1ATOTB H2ATOTB H4ATOTB H5ATOTB H6ATOTB H7ATOTB H8ATOTB H9ATOTB H10ATOTB H11ATOTB N 12652 11420 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 213839.67 251015.71 313344.82 354895.67 373798.07 427662.67 509353.54 516358.27 398406.74 395308.54 463583.26 543611.64 1109727.06 949838.47 1081622.39 1150859.84 1319046.54 1294381.51 1010972.26 1030379.40 -720000.0 -4383000.0 -3624527.0 -355000.0 -619753.5 -2245500.0 -2199392.0 -1503570.8 -2760000.0 -1510000.0 18256270.5 15230000.0 86530000.0 53800200.0 90708200.0 41575089.8 43512000.0 41660592.4 50900000.0 43921208.6 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: HwATOTB is the net value of total wealth (including second home) and is calculated as the sum of all wealth components less all debt: Sum (HwAHOUS, HwAHOUB, HwARLES, HwATRAN, HwABSNS, HwAIRA, HwASTCK, HwACHCK, HwACD, HwABOND, HwAOTHR) less Sum (HwAMORT, HwAHMLN, HwADEBT, HwAMRTB). In Wave 2, H2ATOTB is only calculated for 1994 because no questions are asked about a second home in 1993. Total wealth (including secondary residence) cannot be calculated in Wave 3 because no questions were asked about a second home in either 1995 or 1996. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data See cross-wave differences for the components: HwAHOUS = value of primary residence HwAHOUB = value of secondary residence HwARLES = net value of real estate (not primary residence) Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HwATRAN = net value of vehicles HwABSNS = net value of businesses HwAIRA = net value of IRA, Keogh accounts HwASTCK = net value of stocks, mutual funds, and investment trusts HwACHCK = value of checking, savings, or money market accounts HwACD = value of CD, government savings bonds, and T-bills HwABOND = net value of bonds and bond funds HwAOTHR = net value of all other savings HwAMORT = value of all mortgages/land contracts (primary residence) HwAHMLN = value of other home loans (primary residence) HwADEBT = value of other debt HwAMRTB = value of all mortgages/land contracts (secondary residence) 374 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 375 Total Wealth (Excluding IRAs) Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ATOTW H2ATOTW H3ATOTW H4ATOTW H5ATOTW H6ATOTW H7ATOTW H8ATOTW H9ATOTW H10ATOTW H11ATOTW H1ATOTW:W1 Total Wealth less IRA--Cross-wave H2ATOTW:W2 Total Wealth less IRA--Cross-wave H3ATOTW:W3 Total Wealth less IRA--Cross-wave H4ATOTW:W4 Total Wealth less IRA--Cross-wave H5ATOTW:W5 Total Wealth less IRA--Cross-wave H6ATOTW:W6 Total Wealth less IRA--Cross-wave H7ATOTW:W7 Total Wealth less IRA--Cross-wave H8ATOTW:W8 Total Wealth less IRA--Cross-wave H9ATOTW:W9 Total Wealth less IRA--Cross-wave H10ATOTW:W10 Total Wealth less IRA--Cross-wave H11ATOTW:W11 Total Wealth less IRA--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Descriptive Statistics Variable H1ATOTW H2ATOTW H3ATOTW H4ATOTW H5ATOTW H6ATOTW H7ATOTW H8ATOTW H9ATOTW H10ATOTW H11ATOTW N 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 184765.52 196075.92 240070.88 264278.95 290594.84 309762.97 356239.45 417589.34 424359.43 322367.43 315813.90 426006.52 462259.06 672678.60 1070841.45 866573.11 1019686.36 1014991.53 1095054.72 1163932.83 912040.35 926218.90 -770000.0 -4383000.0 -827425.5 -3636749.0 -355000.0 -667753.5 -2313500.0 -2199392.0 -1064000.0 -2760000.0 -1680000.0 17906270.5 16652840.0 41255000.0 85960000.0 50000200.0 90628200.0 36425000.0 31800000.0 40660592.4 49200000.0 43921208.6 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: HwATOTW is the net value of total wealth less IRA and is calculated as the sum of all wealth components except the value of IRAs and Keogh plans less all debt: Sum (HwAHOUS, HwARLES, HwATRAN, HwABSNS, HwASTCK, HwACHCK, HwACD, HwABOND, HwAOTHR) less Sum (HwAMORT, HwAHMLN, HwADEBT). Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data See cross-wave differences for the components: HwAHOUS = value of primary residence HwARLES = net value of real estate (not primary residence) HwATRAN = net value of vehicles HwABSNS = net value of businesses Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HwASTCK = net value of stocks, mutual funds, and investment trusts HwACHCK = value of checking, savings, or money market accounts HwACD = value of CD, government savings bonds, and T-bills HwABOND = net value of bonds and bond funds HwAOTHR = net value of all other savings HwAMORT = value of all mortgages/land contracts (primary residence) HwAHMLN = value of other home loans (primary residence) HwADEBT = value of other debt 376 Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave 377 Total Non-housing Wealth Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1ATOTN H2ATOTN H3ATOTN H4ATOTN H5ATOTN H6ATOTN H7ATOTN H8ATOTN H9ATOTN H10ATOTN H11ATOTN H1ATOTN:W1 Total Non-Housing Assets--Cross-wave H2ATOTN:W2 Total Non-Housing Assets--Cross-wave H3ATOTN:W3 Total Non-Housing Assets--Cross-wave H4ATOTN:W4 Total Non-Housing Assets--Cross-wave H5ATOTN:W5 Total Non-Housing Assets--Cross-wave H6ATOTN:W6 Total Non-Housing Assets--Cross-wave H7ATOTN:W7 Total Non-Housing Assets--Cross-wave H8ATOTN:W8 Total Non-Housing Assets--Cross-wave H9ATOTN:W9 Total Non-Housing Assets--Cross-wave H10ATOTN:W10 Total Non-Housing Assets--Cross-wave H11ATOTN:W11 Total Non-Housing Assets--Cross-wave Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Descriptive Statistics Variable H1ATOTN H2ATOTN H3ATOTN H4ATOTN H5ATOTN H6ATOTN H7ATOTN H8ATOTN H9ATOTN H10ATOTN H11ATOTN N 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 140319.25 146806.38 193835.31 221797.75 250277.86 251291.00 278183.13 327226.21 329636.87 259926.77 262278.91 409109.22 428972.91 655029.08 1035107.20 799359.10 999251.87 965685.04 1159216.91 1026980.07 854884.88 881411.02 -735000.0 -258281.3 -825425.5 -3636749.0 -390000.0 -277000.0 -2245500.0 -2199392.0 -1144000.0 -943500.0 -1510000.0 16956270.5 14652840.0 41105000.0 85710000.0 50200000.0 90148200.0 35352000.0 43162000.0 40630592.4 46900000.0 43300000.0 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: HwATOTN is the net value of all non-housing wealth and is calculated as the sum of the appropriate wealth components less debt: Sum (HwARLES, HwATRAN, HwABSNS, HwAIRA, HwASTCK, HwACHCK, HwACD, HwABOND, HwAOTHR) less HwADEBT. Note that the value of the primary and second residences, mortgages, and home loans are NOT included. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data See cross-wave differences for the components: HwARLES = net value of real estate (not primary residence) HwATRAN = net value of vehicles HwABSNS = net value of businesses Section C: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Wave HwAIRA = net value of IRA, Keogh accounts HwASTCK = net value of stocks, mutual funds, and investment trusts HwACHCK = value of checking, savings, or money market accounts HwACD = value of CD, government savings bonds, and T-bills HwABOND = net value of bonds and bond funds HwAOTHR = net value of all other savings HwADEBT = value of other debt 378 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth - Cross Section 379 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 380 Net value of real estate (not primary residence) Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WRLES H2WRLES H3WRLES H4WRLES H5WRLES H6WRLES H7WRLES H8WRLES H9WRLES H10WRLES H11WRLES H1WRLES:W1 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H2WRLES:W2 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H3WRLES:W3 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H4WRLES:W4 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H5WRLES:W5 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H6WRLES:W6 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H7WRLES:W7 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H8WRLES:W8 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H9WRLES:W9 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H10WRLES:W10 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section H11WRLES:W11 Assets:Other Real estate--Cross-section Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WORLES H2WORLES H3WORLES H4WORLES H5WORLES H6WORLES H7WORLES H8WORLES H9WORLES H10WORLES H11WORLES H1WORLES:W1 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H2WORLES:W2 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H3WORLES:W3 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H4WORLES:W4 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H5WORLES:W5 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H6WORLES:W6 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H7WORLES:W7 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H8WORLES:W8 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H9WORLES:W9 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H10WORLES:W10 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section H11WORLES:W11 Assets Own:Other Real estate--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WFRLES H2WFRLES H3WFRLES H4WFRLES H5WFRLES H6WFRLES H7WFRLES H8WFRLES H9WFRLES H10WFRLES H11WFRLES H1WFRLES:W1 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H2WFRLES:W2 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H3WFRLES:W3 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H4WFRLES:W4 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H5WFRLES:W5 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H6WFRLES:W6 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H7WFRLES:W7 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H8WFRLES:W8 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H9WFRLES:W9 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H10WFRLES:W10 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section H11WFRLES:W11 Assets Flag:Other Real estate--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1WRLES H2WRLES H3WRLES H4WRLES H5WRLES H6WRLES H7WRLES H8WRLES H9WRLES H10WRLES H11WRLES 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 35136.64 34002.70 37790.40 36218.52 40904.66 41699.12 45260.39 53384.33 61954.02 40283.88 33462.45 165815.42 167284.14 194525.58 228807.64 316126.02 331265.38 306336.75 312357.74 516740.40 308158.49 266275.22 -20000.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -60000.0 0.0 4500000.0 5000000.0 6000000.0 10000000.0 20000000.0 25000000.0 15000000.0 10000000.0 35000000.0 12998650.1 20000000.0 H1WORLES H2WORLES H3WORLES H4WORLES H5WORLES 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.25 0.24 0.22 0.19 0.18 0.43 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.39 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 381 H6WORLES H7WORLES H8WORLES H9WORLES H10WORLES H11WORLES 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.38 0.37 0.36 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1WFRLES H2WFRLES H3WFRLES H4WFRLES H5WFRLES H6WFRLES H7WFRLES H8WFRLES H9WFRLES H10WFRLES H11WFRLES 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 4.90 4.95 5.01 5.19 5.18 5.24 5.29 5.31 5.36 5.45 5.45 2.05 2.05 1.99 1.86 1.85 1.79 1.74 1.72 1.67 1.68 1.62 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1WORLES 0.no |9490 1.yes |3162 H2WORLES 14970 4672 H3WORLES 14037 3954 H4WORLES 17422 3962 H5WORLES 15962 3617 H6WORLES 15071 3094 H7WORLES 16907 3222 H8WORLES 15590 2879 H9WORLES 14727 2490 H10WORLES 19081 2953 H11WORLES 17915 2639 Value---------|H1WFRLES 1.continuous v|2352 2.complete bra|464 3.incomplete b|39 4.range card b|186 5.no value/bra|98 6.no asset |9361 7.DK ownership|57 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2WFRLES 3521 865 48 H3WFRLES 3086 551 157 H4WFRLES 2989 659 71 H5WFRLES 2787 548 61 H6WFRLES 2480 365 35 H7WFRLES 2508 432 47 H8WFRLES 2263 370 42 H9WFRLES 1948 326 37 H10WFRLES 2369 336 38 H11WFRLES 2127 293 35 148 14704 179 177 122 13840 109 126 187 17140 167 171 177 15765 117 124 191 14919 130 45 203 16724 128 87 179 15451 101 63 154 14557 121 74 159 18527 207 398 145 17632 151 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed net value of real estate is assigned to HwWRLES. Variables in the form HwWFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwWOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of real estate, excluding the primary residence, is asked at each wave. The question wording is the same at all waves, but the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any real estate and if so, the value of it: a) Do you [or your spouse/partner] have any real estate other than your main home (and your second home),such as land, rental real estate, a partnership, or money owed to you on a land contract or mortgage? b) If you sold all that and paid off any debts on it, how much would you get? Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 382 If the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1WFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15201 V15202 V5201 V5202 V5203 AHEAD 1993: B1720 B1721 B1721C HRS 1994: W15500 W15501 W5500 W5501 W5502 AHEAD 1995: D3964 D3965 D3969B HRS 1996: E4070 E4071 E4072B HRS 1998: F4830 F4831 F4832B HRS 2000: G5275 G5276 G5277 G5278 G5279 G5280 G5281 G5282 HRS 2002: HQ133 HQ134 HQ135 HQ136 HQ137 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ133 JQ134 JQ135 M2:OTHER REAL ESTATE:IND M3:$VAL OF THIS PROP:IND M2:OTHER REAL ESTATE:IMP M3:$VAL OF THIS PROP:IMP M3: ORIGINAL BRACKETS K2. REAL ESTATE: ANY K3. REAL ESTATE: NET VALUE CATEG: K3. REAL ESTATE: NET VALUE K2. Imputation Indicator K3. Imputation Indicator K2.REAL ESTATE K3.VALUE OF REAL ESTATE K3a-K3d. Brackets J14.REAL ESTATE J15.REAL ESTATE $ J15.REAL ESTATE $/Bkt J76.REAL ESTATE J77.REAL ESTATE $ J77.REAL ESTATE $/Bkt J76.REAL ESTATE J77.REAL ESTATE $ J77.(J15)REAL ESTATE $-Bkt J76.REAL ESTATE J77.REAL ESTATE $ J77A1.DK-2500 J77B1.DK-125K J77C1.DK-500K J77D1.DK-1 MIL J77E1.DK-125K J77F1.DK-2500 REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section JQ136 JQ137 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ133 KQ134 KQ135 KQ136 KQ137 KU001_11 KU002_11 KU003_11A KU003_11B KU004_11A KU004_11B KU005_11A KU005_11B KU006_11A KU006_11B KU022_11A KU022_11B HRS 2008: LQ133 LQ134 LQ135 LQ136 LQ137 LU001_11 REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON -MIN-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON-MIN-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON -MAX-A -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON-MAX-B -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-REAL ESTATE 383 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section LU002_11 LU003_11A LU003_11B LU004_11A LU004_11B LU005_11A LU005_11B LU006_11A LU006_11B LU022_11A LU022_11B HRS 2010: MQ133 MQ134 MQ135 MQ136 MQ137 MU001_11 MU002_11 MU003_11A MU003_11B MU004_11A MU004_11B MU005_11A MU005_11B MU006_11A MU006_11B MU022_11A MU022_11B HRS 2012: NQ133 NQ134 NQ135 NQ136 NQ137 NU001_11 NU002_11 NU003_11A NU003_11B NU004_11A NU004_11B NU005_11A NU005_11B NU006_11A NU006_11B NU022_11A NU022_11B ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET ASSET WHICH WHICH RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE RECON -MIN-A-REAL ESTATE RECON-MIN-B-REAL ESTATE RECON -MAX-A -REAL ESTATE RECON-MAX-B -REAL ESTATE RECON - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE RECON- RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ASSET REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MIN REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - MAX REAL ESTATE ASSET AMT - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-REAL ESTATE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-REAL ESTATE WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-REAL ESTATE 384 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 385 Net value of vehicles Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WTRAN H2WTRAN H3WTRAN H4WTRAN H5WTRAN H6WTRAN H7WTRAN H8WTRAN H9WTRAN H10WTRAN H11WTRAN H1WTRAN:W1 Assets:Transportation--Cross-section H2WTRAN:W2 Assets:Transportation--Cross-section H3WTRAN:W3 Assets:Transportation--Cross-section H4WTRAN:W4 Assets:Transportation--Cross-section H5WTRAN:W5 Assets:Transportation--Cross-section H6WTRAN:W6 Assets:Transportation--Cross-section H7WTRAN:W7 Assets:Transportation--Cross-section H8WTRAN:W8 Assets:Transportation--Cross-section H9WTRAN:W9 Assets:Transportation--Cross-section H10WTRAN:W10 Assets:Transportation--Cross-section H11WTRAN:W11 Assets:Transportation--Cross-section Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WOTRAN H2WOTRAN H3WOTRAN H4WOTRAN H5WOTRAN H6WOTRAN H7WOTRAN H8WOTRAN H9WOTRAN H10WOTRAN H11WOTRAN H1WOTRAN:W1 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-section H2WOTRAN:W2 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-section H3WOTRAN:W3 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-section H4WOTRAN:W4 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-section H5WOTRAN:W5 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-section H6WOTRAN:W6 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-section H7WOTRAN:W7 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-section H8WOTRAN:W8 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-section H9WOTRAN:W9 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-section H10WOTRAN:W10 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-section H11WOTRAN:W11 Assets Own:Transportation--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WFTRAN H2WFTRAN H3WFTRAN H4WFTRAN H5WFTRAN H6WFTRAN H7WFTRAN H8WFTRAN H9WFTRAN H10WFTRAN H11WFTRAN H1WFTRAN:W1 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-section H2WFTRAN:W2 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-section H3WFTRAN:W3 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-section H4WFTRAN:W4 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-section H5WFTRAN:W5 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-section H6WFTRAN:W6 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-section H7WFTRAN:W7 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-section H8WFTRAN:W8 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-section H9WFTRAN:W9 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-section H10WFTRAN:W10 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-section H11WFTRAN:W11 Assets Flag:Transportation--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 H1WTRN1 H1WTRN1:W1 Assets Part:Trspt Othr than Mob home or RV--Cross Cont 1 H1WOTRN1 H1WOTRN1:W1 Assets Part Own:Trspt Othr than Mob home or RV-- Categ 1 H1WFTRN1 H1WFTRN1:W1 Assets Part Flag:Trspt Othr than Mob home or RV- Categ 1 H1WTRN2 H1WTRN2:W1 Assets Part:Trspt - Mobile Home or RV--Cross-sect Cont 1 H1WOTRN2 H1WOTRN2:W1 Assets Part Own:Trspt - Mobile Home or RV--Cross Categ 1 H1WFTRN2 H1WFTRN2:W1 Assets Part Flag:Trspt - Mobile Home or RV--Cros Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable H1WTRAN H2WTRAN H3WTRAN H4WTRAN H5WTRAN N 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum 14323.92 11466.64 11129.36 12868.69 13335.68 46271.03 34016.10 15987.49 32109.79 34189.16 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3000000.0 2000000.0 300000.0 3500000.0 3500000.0 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 386 H6WTRAN H7WTRAN H8WTRAN H9WTRAN H10WTRAN H11WTRAN 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 14111.34 14591.06 15541.47 15029.77 14251.58 14465.05 39350.39 33448.07 63939.68 25601.86 43953.76 35150.57 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4445000.0 3500000.0 8100000.0 775000.0 5000000.0 3500000.0 H1WOTRAN H2WOTRAN H3WOTRAN H4WOTRAN H5WOTRAN H6WOTRAN H7WOTRAN H8WOTRAN H9WOTRAN H10WOTRAN H11WOTRAN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.90 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.84 0.81 0.80 0.29 0.37 0.38 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1WFTRAN H2WFTRAN H3WFTRAN H4WFTRAN H5WFTRAN H6WFTRAN H7WFTRAN H8WFTRAN H9WFTRAN H10WFTRAN H11WFTRAN 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2.13 2.04 2.34 2.14 2.12 2.14 2.10 2.04 2.09 2.28 2.23 4.04 2.00 2.08 1.99 1.97 1.95 1.94 1.90 1.94 2.18 2.10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 75.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 H1WTRN1 12652 13402.05 45778.01 0.0 3000000.0 H1WOTRN1 12652 0.90 0.30 0.0 1.0 H1WFTRN1 12652 1.80 1.77 1.0 9.0 H1WTRN2 12650 922.01 4456.03 0.0 80000.0 H1WOTRN2 12652 0.09 0.29 0.0 1.0 H1WFTRN2 12652 5.59 1.44 1.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1WOTRAN 0.no |1214 1.yes |11438 H2WOTRAN 3123 16519 H3WOTRAN 3072 14919 H4WOTRAN 3538 17846 H5WOTRAN 3209 16370 H6WOTRAN 3023 15142 H7WOTRAN 3171 16958 H8WOTRAN 2854 15615 H9WOTRAN 2785 14432 H10WOTRAN 4220 17814 H11WOTRAN 4033 16521 Value---------|H1WFTRAN 1.continuous v|9754 2.complete bra|938 3.incomplete b|40 4.range card b|299 5.no value/bra| 6.no asset |1156 7.DK ownership|210 9.no Fin Resp |95 14.cont/rngcrd|2 15.cont/no bkt|17 17.cont/dk own|9 21.cmpbkt/cont|68 25.cmpbkt/no b|11 27.cmpbkt/dk o|1 37.incbkt/dk o|1 41.rngcrd/cont|36 H2WFTRAN 13984 2105 55 H3WFTRAN 11635 1274 520 H4WFTRAN 14106 2975 91 H5WFTRAN 13124 2532 85 H6WFTRAN 12039 2318 105 H7WFTRAN 13657 2406 116 H8WFTRAN 12764 2169 107 H9WFTRAN 11785 1970 128 H10WFTRAN 15023 1753 169 H11WFTRAN 14175 1551 153 3032 289 177 1366 3014 56 126 439 3485 117 171 480 3167 67 124 606 2991 61 45 667 3136 60 87 490 2834 42 63 454 2762 44 74 521 4075 95 398 476 3953 75 171 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 387 71.dk own/cont|9 75.dk own/no b|6 Value---------|H1WOTRN1 0.no |1230 1.yes |11422 Value---------|H1WFTRN1 1.continuous v|9767 2.complete bra|1018 3.incomplete b|41 4.range card b|335 6.no asset |1174 7.DK ownership|222 9.no Fin Resp |95 Value---------|H1WOTRN2 0.no |11509 1.yes |1143 Value---------|H1WFTRN2 1.continuous v|1094 4.range card b|8 5.no value/bra|34 6.no asset |11392 7.DK ownership|29 9.no Fin Resp |95 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed net value of vehicles is assigned to HwWTRAN. Variables in the form HwWFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwWOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. In Waves 1 and 2, ownership is based solely upon whether a value is provided (either as a continuous report or bracketed information), as there is no direct question about ownership. HwWFTRAN is set to “DK ownership” if no value and no bracket information is provided. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of vehicles in Wave 1 is the sum of the value of a recreational vehicle, H1WTRN1,(from Section D: Housing) and the value of other vehicles, H1WTRN2,(from Section M: Net Worth other than Housing). For only Wave 1, H1WTRN1 and H1WTRN2 are included on the RAND Income and Wealth Imputation file so one can see the breakdown of H1WTRAN by its components, H1WTRN1 and H1WTRN2. The questions for Wave 1 appear as follows: From Section D: a) Do you own a recreational vehicle or motor home? b) About how much is it worth, subtracting any money owed on it? From Section M: What about the value of what you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] own Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 388 wheels (other than the motor home we've already talked about), like cars, trucks, a trailer, a boat, or an airplane--what are they worth altogether, minus anything you still owe on them? From Wave 2 forward, the recreational vehicle question is dropped from the Housing section and instead included in the Net Worth section question. Only the value of vehicles from Net Worth section question is used to create HwWTRAN. The question appears as the following: a) Do you (or your [husband/wife/partner]) own anything for transportation, like cars, trucks, a trailer, a motor home, a boat, or an airplane? b) What are they worth altogether, minus anything you still owe on them? In all waves if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, range card brackets may be coded instead of unfolding brackets. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V10838 V10839 V15205 V5205 V5206 V838 V839 AHEAD 1993: B1725 B1725C HRS 1994: W15503 W5503 W5504 AHEAD 1995: D4499 D4500 D4502B HRS 1996: E4500 E4501 E4502B HRS 1998: F5260 F5261 F5262B HRS 2000: G5681 G5682 G5683 G5684 G5685 G5686 G5687 HRS 2002: HQ370 HQ371 HQ372 HQ373 HQ374 HU001 HU002M1 D50:91-R1-OWNRCMOTRH:IND D50A:MOTOR_HOME_VALU:IND M4:$VAL VEHICLES OWN:IND M4:$VAL VEHICLES OWN:IMP M4: ORIGINAL BRACKETS D50:OWN RC OR MOTOR :IMP D50A:VALUE:$ :IMP K4. TRANSPORTATION: NET VALUE CATEG: K4. TRANSPORTATION: NET VALUE K4. Imputation Indicator K4.VALUE OF TRANSPORTATI K4a-K4c. Brackets J51. TRANSPORTATION J51A. TRANSPORTATION J51A. TRANSPORTATION/Bkt J237.TRANSPORTATION J238.TRANSPORTATION J238.TRANSPORTATION/Bkt J237.TRANSPORTATION J238.TRANSPORTATION J238.(J51A)TRANSPORTATION-Bkt J237.TRANSPORTATION J238.TRANSPORTATION J238A. DK-5K J238Y1A. DK-25000 J238B. DK-200000 J238Y1B. DK-25000 J238D. DK-5000 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH - MIN - MAX - RESULT STEM QUESTION WRONG -1 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ370 JQ371 JQ372 JQ373 JQ374 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ370 KQ371 KQ372 KQ373 KQ374 KU001_4 KU002_4 KU003_4A KU003_4B KU004_4A KU004_4B KU005_4A KU005_4B KU006_4A ASSET RECONCILIATION ASSET RECONCILIATION ASSET RECONCILIATION ASSET RECONCILIATION ASSET RECONCILIATION TYPE OF ASSETS WHICH WRONG HOW MUCH - MIN - MAX - RESULT 389 -2 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MIN TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MAX TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MIN TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MAX TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONHOW MUCH-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MIN-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MIN-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MAX-A -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MAX-B -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-TRANSPORTATION -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section KU006_4B KU022_4A KU022_4B HRS 2008: LQ370 LQ371 LQ372 LQ373 LQ374 LU001_4 LU002_4 LU003_4A LU003_4B LU004_4A LU004_4B LU005_4A LU005_4B LU006_4A LU006_4B LU022_4A LU022_4B HRS 2010: MQ370 MQ371 MQ372 MQ373 MQ374 MU001_4 MU002_4 MU003_4A MU003_4B MU004_4A MU004_4B MU005_4A MU005_4B MU006_4A MU006_4B MU022_4A MU022_4B HRS 2012: NQ370 NQ371 NQ372 NQ373 NQ374 NU001_4 NU002_4 NU003_4A NU003_4B NU004_4A NU004_4B NU005_4A NU005_4B NU006_4A NU006_4B NU022_4A NU022_4B ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MIN TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MAX TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MIN-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MIN-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MAX-A -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON -MAX-B -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MIN TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MAX TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MIN TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - MAX TRANSPORTATION TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-TRANSPORTATION ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-TRANSPORTATION WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-TRANSPORTATION 390 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 391 Net value of businesses Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WBSNS H2WBSNS H3WBSNS H4WBSNS H5WBSNS H6WBSNS H7WBSNS H8WBSNS H9WBSNS H10WBSNS H11WBSNS H1WBSNS:W1 Assets:Business--Cross-section H2WBSNS:W2 Assets:Business--Cross-section H3WBSNS:W3 Assets:Business--Cross-section H4WBSNS:W4 Assets:Business--Cross-section H5WBSNS:W5 Assets:Business--Cross-section H6WBSNS:W6 Assets:Business--Cross-section H7WBSNS:W7 Assets:Business--Cross-section H8WBSNS:W8 Assets:Business--Cross-section H9WBSNS:W9 Assets:Business--Cross-section H10WBSNS:W10 Assets:Business--Cross-section H11WBSNS:W11 Assets:Business--Cross-section Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WOBSNS H2WOBSNS H3WOBSNS H4WOBSNS H5WOBSNS H6WOBSNS H7WOBSNS H8WOBSNS H9WOBSNS H10WOBSNS H11WOBSNS H1WOBSNS:W1 Assets Own:Business--Cross-section H2WOBSNS:W2 Assets Own:Business--Cross-section H3WOBSNS:W3 Assets Own:Business--Cross-section H4WOBSNS:W4 Assets Own:Business--Cross-section H5WOBSNS:W5 Assets Own:Business--Cross-section H6WOBSNS:W6 Assets Own:Business--Cross-section H7WOBSNS:W7 Assets Own:Business--Cross-section H8WOBSNS:W8 Assets Own:Business--Cross-section H9WOBSNS:W9 Assets Own:Business--Cross-section H10WOBSNS:W10 Assets Own:Business--Cross-section H11WOBSNS:W11 Assets Own:Business--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WFBSNS H2WFBSNS H3WFBSNS H4WFBSNS H5WFBSNS H6WFBSNS H7WFBSNS H8WFBSNS H9WFBSNS H10WFBSNS H11WFBSNS H1WFBSNS:W1 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-section H2WFBSNS:W2 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-section H3WFBSNS:W3 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-section H4WFBSNS:W4 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-section H5WFBSNS:W5 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-section H6WFBSNS:W6 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-section H7WFBSNS:W7 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-section H8WFBSNS:W8 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-section H9WFBSNS:W9 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-section H10WFBSNS:W10 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-section H11WFBSNS:W11 Assets Flag:Business--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1WBSNS H2WBSNS H3WBSNS H4WBSNS H5WBSNS H6WBSNS H7WBSNS H8WBSNS H9WBSNS H10WBSNS H11WBSNS 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 33632.59 21464.14 27541.24 30427.19 30933.80 34798.79 45208.51 51542.38 50936.73 41499.32 40347.07 217266.28 151320.45 270689.41 604830.83 272041.58 275214.53 485153.29 492935.98 467525.62 366400.44 330616.58 -50000.0 -8000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7000000.0 4500000.0 15000000.0 60000000.0 12000000.0 14000000.0 30000000.0 30000000.0 20000000.0 20000000.0 10000000.0 H1WOBSNS H2WOBSNS H3WOBSNS H4WOBSNS H5WOBSNS 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.18 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.38 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 392 H6WOBSNS H7WOBSNS H8WOBSNS H9WOBSNS H10WOBSNS H11WOBSNS 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1WFBSNS H2WFBSNS H3WFBSNS H4WFBSNS H5WFBSNS H6WFBSNS H7WFBSNS H8WFBSNS H9WFBSNS H10WFBSNS H11WFBSNS 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 5.25 5.50 5.54 5.60 5.61 5.57 5.55 5.57 5.58 5.62 5.61 1.77 1.53 1.46 1.39 1.35 1.38 1.43 1.39 1.39 1.45 1.39 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1WOBSNS 0.no |10415 1.yes |2237 H2WOBSNS 17328 2314 H3WOBSNS 15999 1992 H4WOBSNS 19245 2139 H5WOBSNS 17657 1922 H6WOBSNS 16272 1893 H7WOBSNS 17912 2217 H8WOBSNS 16514 1955 H9WOBSNS 15447 1770 H10WOBSNS 19830 2204 H11WOBSNS 18599 1955 Value---------|H1WFBSNS 1.continuous v|1514 2.complete bra|453 3.incomplete b|22 4.range card b|106 5.no value/bra|127 6.no asset |10291 7.DK ownership|44 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2WFBSNS 1550 617 19 H3WFBSNS 1349 367 110 H4WFBSNS 1364 505 39 H5WFBSNS 1209 418 54 H6WFBSNS 1230 395 20 H7WFBSNS 1459 437 50 H8WFBSNS 1323 312 38 H9WFBSNS 1197 326 38 H10WFBSNS 1586 341 49 H11WFBSNS 1423 309 42 104 17091 84 177 152 15825 62 126 216 18946 143 171 225 17447 102 124 236 16168 71 45 253 17764 79 87 271 16409 53 63 197 15309 76 74 197 19321 142 398 158 18357 94 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed net value of businesses is assigned to HwWBSNS. Variables in the form HwWFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwWOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of businesses is asked at each wave. The question wording is similar in all waves, but the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any businesses and if so, the value of them. In Waves 1 and 2A, the questions ask: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] own part or all of a business? b) If you sold (all of) the business(es) and paid off any debts on (it/them), how much would you get? Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 393 In Wave 2H the wording of the first question changes slightly to include "farm": a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] own part or all of a farm or business? Beginning in Wave 3, the first question is almost identical to the Wave 2H version, and the second question adds the word "about": a) Do you (or your (husband/wife/partner)) own part or all of a business or farm? b) If you sold all that and then paid off any debts on it, about how much would you get? Beginning in Wave 6, after the value of business or farm assets are collected, a question asks whether these assets were reported previously in the interview (e.g., HQ492). Beginning in Wave 9, a follow-up question was added which asks respondents to indicate what percentage was previously reported (LQ523). For example, in Wave 9, about 30% of business owners indicate that they had reported their business wealth as one of the following: primary residence (which could be a farm or ranch), secondary residence, or other real estate earlier in the interview (LQ492 = yes). Of these business owners, most say that all of their business assets were previously reported (LQ523 = 100%). The raw variables for these two questions are included in the RAND Income and Wealth Imputations file for the convenience of the analyst, and can be used for adjusting total wealth to reflect the amount of wealth that is twice reported. In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1WFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15208 V15209 V5208 V5209 V5210 AHEAD 1993: B1729 B1730 B1730C HRS 1994: W15505 W15506 W5505 W5506 W5507 AHEAD 1995: D4005 D4006 D4010B HRS 1996: E4096 E4097 E4098B HRS 1998: F4856 F4857 F4858B HRS 2000: G5301 G5302 G5303 M5:R/SP/PART OWN BUS:IND M6:VALUE OF BUSINESS:IND M5:R/SP/PART OWN BUS:IMP M6:VALUE OF BUSINESS:IMP M6: ORIGINAL BRACKETS K5. OWN BUSINESS: ANY K6. OWN BUSINESS: NET VALUE CATEG: K6. OWN BUSINESS: NET VALUE K5. Imputation Indicator K6. Imputation Indicator K5.OWN FARM OR BUSINESS K6.VALUE OF BUSINESS K6a-K6c. Brackets J17.BUSINESS J18.BUSINESS OR FARM $ J18.BUSINESS OR FARM $/Bkt J83.OWN BUSINESS OR FARM J84.BUSINESS OR FARM $ J84.BUSINESS OR FARM $/Bkt J83.BUSINESS J84.BUSINESS OR FARM $ J84.(J18)BUSINESS OR FARM $-Bkt J83.BUSINESS J84.BUSINESS OR FARM $ J84A.DK-5K Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section G5304 G5305 G5306 G5307 G5308 HRS 2002: HQ147 HQ148 HQ149 HQ150 HQ151 HQ492 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ147 JQ148 JQ149 JQ150 JQ151 JQ492 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 394 J84B.DK-10K J84C.DK-100K J84D.DK-1 MIL J84E.DK-10K J84F.DK-5K BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY AMOUNT BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - RESULT BUSINESS/FARM AMT PREV REPORT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY AMOUNT BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - RESULT BUSINESS/FARM AMT PREV REPORT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section HRS 2006: KQ147 KQ148 KQ149 KQ150 KQ151 KQ492 KU001_10 KU002_10 KU003_10A KU003_10B KU004_10A KU004_10B KU005_10A KU005_10B KU006_10A KU006_10B KU022_10A KU022_10B HRS 2008: LQ147 LQ148 LQ149 LQ150 LQ151 LQ492 LQ523 LU001_10 LU002_10 LU003_10A LU003_10B LU004_10A LU004_10B LU005_10A LU005_10B LU006_10A LU006_10B LU022_10A LU022_10B HRS 2010: MQ147 MQ148 MQ149 MQ150 MQ151 MQ492 MQ523 MU001_10 MU002_10 MU003_10A MU003_10B MU004_10A MU004_10B MU005_10A MU005_10B MU006_10A MU006_10B MU022_10A MU022_10B HRS 2012: NQ147 NQ148 NQ149 BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY AMOUNT BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - RESULT BUSINESS/FARM AMT PREV REPORT ASSET RECONCILIATION-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON-MIN-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MIN-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MAX-A -BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MAX-B -BUS/FARM ASSET RECON- RESULT-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-BUS/FARM BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY AMOUNT BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - RESULT BUSINESS/FARM AMT PREV REPORT BUSINESS/FARM PERCENT REPORTED ASSET RECONCILIATION-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON-MIN-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MIN-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MAX-A -BUS/FARM ASSET RECON -MAX-B -BUS/FARM ASSET RECON- RESULT-A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-BUS/FARM WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-BUS/FARM BUSINESS OR FARM ASSETS BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY AMOUNT BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MIN BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - MAX BUSINESS OR FARM EQUITY - RESULT BUSINESS/FARM AMT PREV REPORT BUSINESS/FARM PERCENT REPORTED ASSET RECONCILIATION - BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-BUS/FARM ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-BUS/FARM ASSET 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22034 20554 19256.44 27992.80 38005.85 35081.89 39041.49 51550.68 48266.46 41211.89 45567.07 78442.11 105049.93 174629.34 119184.98 295736.97 507860.07 153209.76 134097.31 154139.91 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2304881.3 4215573.1 12000000.0 3600000.0 35000000.0 43000000.0 4800000.0 3500000.0 3965930.3 H3WOIRA1 H4WOIRA1 H5WOIRA1 H6WOIRA1 H7WOIRA1 H8WOIRA1 H9WOIRA1 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.37 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 400 H10WOIRA1 H11WOIRA1 22034 20554 0.35 0.33 0.48 0.47 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 H3WFIRA1 H4WFIRA1 H5WFIRA1 H6WFIRA1 H7WFIRA1 H8WFIRA1 H9WFIRA1 H10WFIRA1 H11WFIRA1 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 4.53 4.45 4.40 4.46 4.41 4.40 4.41 4.57 4.62 2.25 2.29 2.30 2.25 2.28 2.29 2.29 2.31 2.23 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 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1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1WOIRA 0.no |7605 1.yes |5047 H2WOIRA 13289 6353 H3WOIRA 11885 6106 H4WOIRA 13593 7791 H5WOIRA 12094 7485 H6WOIRA 11394 6771 H7WOIRA 12396 7733 H8WOIRA 11386 7083 H9WOIRA 10657 6560 H10WOIRA 14357 7677 H11WOIRA 13797 6757 Value---------|H1WFIRA 0.no asset |7478 1.no imputatio|3685 2.some imputat|1394 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2WFIRA 12977 4860 1628 177 H3WFIRA 11605 4365 1895 126 H4WFIRA 13196 5341 2676 171 H5WFIRA 11790 5069 2596 124 H6WFIRA 11085 4517 2518 45 H7WFIRA 12094 5198 2750 87 H8WFIRA 11099 4875 2433 62 H9WFIRA 10359 4511 2273 74 H10WFIRA 13729 5394 2514 397 H11WFIRA 13399 4759 2225 171 Value---------| 0.no | 1.yes | H3WOIRA1 11885 6106 H4WOIRA1 13593 7791 H5WOIRA1 12094 7485 H6WOIRA1 11394 6771 H7WOIRA1 12396 7733 H8WOIRA1 11386 7083 H9WOIRA1 10657 6560 H10WOIRA1 14357 7677 H11WOIRA1 13797 6757 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no asset | 7.DK ownership| 9.no Fin Resp | H3WFIRA1 4559 798 205 476 11605 222 126 H4WFIRA1 5656 1165 95 719 13196 382 171 H5WFIRA1 5354 990 141 848 11790 332 124 H6WFIRA1 4784 789 116 986 11085 360 45 H7WFIRA1 5467 963 135 1022 12094 361 87 H8WFIRA1 5168 763 102 931 11099 344 62 H9WFIRA1 4767 729 108 840 10359 340 74 H10WFIRA1 5676 843 195 730 13729 464 397 H11WFIRA1 5029 727 143 731 13399 354 171 Value---------| 0.no | 1.yes | H3WOIRA2 14274 3717 H4WOIRA2 16675 4709 H5WOIRA2 15198 4381 H6WOIRA2 14216 3949 H7WOIRA2 15710 4419 H8WOIRA2 14362 4107 H9WOIRA2 13494 3723 H10WOIRA2 17803 4231 H11WOIRA2 16913 3641 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no asset | 7.DK ownership| 9.no Fin Resp | H3WFIRA2 2907 399 130 205 13809 415 126 H4WFIRA2 3555 618 35 364 15978 663 171 H5WFIRA2 3314 480 59 397 14538 667 124 H6WFIRA2 2925 409 51 426 13585 724 45 H7WFIRA2 3277 508 45 442 15032 738 87 H8WFIRA2 3099 384 37 410 13717 760 62 H9WFIRA2 2846 341 55 317 12859 725 74 H10WFIRA2 3317 320 59 325 16729 887 397 H11WFIRA3 1092 120 14 134 18328 695 171 Value---------| 0.no | 1.yes | H3WOIRA3 16435 1556 H4WOIRA3 19421 1963 H5WOIRA3 17756 1823 H6WOIRA3 16532 1633 H7WOIRA3 18260 1869 H8WOIRA3 16781 1688 H9WOIRA3 15712 1505 H10WOIRA3 20359 1675 H11WOIRA3 19170 1384 Value---------| 1.continuous v| 2.complete bra| 3.incomplete b| 5.no value/bra| 6.no asset | 7.DK ownership| 9.no Fin Resp | H3WFIRA3 1223 191 24 103 15909 415 126 H4WFIRA3 1438 281 15 198 18618 663 171 H5WFIRA3 1399 193 22 188 16986 667 124 H6WFIRA3 1171 166 29 239 15761 754 45 H7WFIRA3 1388 198 18 220 17480 738 87 H8WFIRA3 1295 161 10 175 16006 760 62 H9WFIRA3 1151 146 15 158 14948 725 74 H10WFIRA3 1349 108 29 150 19114 887 397 H11WFIRA3 1092 120 14 134 18328 695 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 402 How Constructed: HwWIRA is the sum of HwWIRA1, HwWIRA2, and HwWIRA3, which are each imputed separately. Variables in the form HwWFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwWOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. In waves where questions ask about multiple IRA accounts, HwWIRA represents the sum of the values of all of them. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of IRA and Keogh accounts is asked at each wave. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any IRA or Keogh accounts and if so, the value of them. In Waves 1 and 2, the total of all IRA accounts is requested in one question: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any Individual Retirement Accounts, that is, IRA or Keogh accounts? b) How much in total is in all of those accounts? Beginning in Wave 3, the questions ask about the two largest IRAs individually and then about all other IRAs collectively: a) Do you (or your (husband/wife/partner)) currently have any money or assets that are held in an Individual Retirement Account, that is, in an IRA or KEOGH account? b) Let's talk about the (NEXT) largest IRA or KEOGH account/other IRA or KEOGH account/next largest IRA or KEOGH account/third IRA or KEOGH account/all the other IRA or KEOGH accounts. About how much is in this account at the present time? The second question is asked up to three times, depending on how many IRAs the respondent reports. In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1WFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15212 V15213 V5212 V5213 V5214 AHEAD 1993: B1734 B1735 B1735C HRS 1994: W15508 W15509 W5508 W5509 W5510 AHEAD 1995: D4045 D4046 D4048 M7:R/SP/PARTNR HAVE :IND M8:$VAL OF IRA ACCOU:IND M7:R/SP/PARTNR HAVE :IMP M8:$VAL OF IRA ACCOU:IMP M8: ORIGINAL BRACKETS K7. IRA: ANY K8. IRA: TOTAL VALUE CATEG: K8. IRA: TOTAL VALUE K7. Imputation Indicator K8. Imputation Indicator K7.IRA OR KEOGH ACCOUNTS K8.AMOUNT IN IRA/KEOGHS K8a-K8d. Brackets J20.IRA J20A. NUMBER IRAS J21.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section HRS HRS HRS HRS D4052B D4089 D4090 D4093B D4129 D4132B 1996: E4124 E4125 E4127 E4130B E4148 E4149 E4152B E4171 E4172B 1998: F4884 F4887 F4889B F4908 F4909 F4910B F4929 F4930 F4931B 2000: G5329 G5332 G5334 G5335 G5336 G5338 G5339 G5340 G5353 G5354 G5355 G5356 G5357 G5359 G5360 G5361 G5374 G5375 G5376 G5377 G5378 G5379 G5380 G5381 2002: HQ162 HQ165_1 HQ165_2 HQ165_3 HQ166_1 HQ166_2 HQ166_3 HQ167_1 HQ167_2 HQ167_3 HQ168_1 J21.TOTAL J21.INTRO J22.TOTAL J22.TOTAL J22.TOTAL J22.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT/Bkt IRA ACCOUNT-2 $ IRA ACCOUNT-2 $ IRA ACCOUNT-2/Bkt $ IRA ACCOUNT-3 $ IRA ACCOUNT-3/Bkt J90.IRA J91.NUMBER IRAS J93.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT J93.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT/Bkt J99.INTRO IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-2/Bkt J107.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-3 J107.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-3/Bkt J90.IRA J93.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT J93.(J22-2)TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-Bkt J99.INTRO IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100.(J22-2)TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-2-Bkt J106.INTRO IRA-3 J107.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-3 J107.(J22-3)TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-3-Bkt J90.IRA J93.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT J93A.IRA DK-$10K J93Y1A.IRA DK-$25K J93B.IRA DK-$100K J93C.IRA DK-$400K J93Y2A.IRA DK-$25K J93D.IRA DK-$10K J99.INTRO IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-2 J100A.IRA DK-$10K J100Y1A.IRA DK-$25K J100B.IRA DK-$100K J100C.IRA DK-$400K J100Y2A.IRA DK-$25K J100D.IRA DK-$10K J106.INTRO IRA-3 J107.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-3 J107A.IRA DK-$10K J107Y1A.IRA DK-$25K J107B.IRA DK-$100K J107C.IRA DK-$400K J107Y2A.IRA DK-$25K J107D.IRA DK-$10K IRA OR KEOGH WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 -2 -3 -1 403 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section HQ168_2 HQ168_3 HQ169_1 HQ169_2 HQ169_3 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ162 JQ165_1 JQ165_2 JQ165_3 JQ166_1 JQ166_2 JQ166_3 JQ167_1 JQ167_2 JQ167_3 JQ168_1 JQ168_2 JQ168_3 JQ169_1 JQ169_2 JQ169_3 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 404 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS IRA OR KEOGH WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ162 KQ165_1 KQ165_2 KQ165_3 KQ166_1 KQ166_2 KQ166_3 KQ167_1 KQ167_2 KQ167_3 KQ168_1 KQ168_2 KQ168_3 KQ169_1 KQ169_2 KQ169_3 KU001_9 KU002_9 KU003_9A KU003_9B KU004_9A KU004_9B KU005_9A KU005_9B KU006_9A KU006_9B KU022_9A KU022_9B HRS 2008: LQ162 LQ165_1 LQ165_2 LQ165_3 LQ166_1 LQ166_2 LQ166_3 LQ167_1 LQ167_2 LQ167_3 LQ168_1 LQ168_2 LQ168_3 LQ169_1 LQ169_2 LQ169_3 LU001_9 LU002_9 LU003_9A LU003_9B LU004_9A LU004_9A LU004_9B LU005_9A LU005_9B LU006_9B LU022_9A LU022_9B HRS 2010: MQ162 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 IRA OR KEOGH WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-IRA WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-A-IRA WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-IRA IRA OR KEOGH WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-IRA WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-IRA WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-IRA IRA OR KEOGH 405 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section MQ165_1 MQ165_2 MQ165_3 MQ166_1 MQ166_2 MQ166_3 MQ167_1 MQ167_2 MQ167_3 MQ168_1 MQ168_2 MQ168_3 MQ169_1 MQ169_2 MQ169_3 MU001_9 MU002_9 MU003_9A MU003_9B MU004_9A MU004_9B MU005_9A MU005_9B MU006_9A MU006_9B MU022_9A MU022_9B HRS 2012: NQ162 NQ165_1 NQ165_2 NQ165_3 NQ166_1 NQ166_2 NQ166_3 NQ167_1 NQ167_2 NQ167_3 NQ168_1 NQ168_2 NQ168_3 NQ169_1 NQ169_2 NQ169_3 NU001_9 NU002_9 NU003_9A NU003_9B NU004_9A NU004_9B NU005_9A NU005_9B NU006_9A NU006_9B NU022_9A NU022_9B WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION - IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-IRA WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-IRA WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-IRA IRA OR KEOGH WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -1 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -2 WHO HAS IRA ACCOUNTS -3 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -1 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -2 AMOUNT IN IRA ACCOUNT -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MIN -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - MAX -3 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -1 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -2 AMT IN IRA ACCOUNT - RESULT -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION - IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-IRA ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-IRA WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-IRA WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-IRA 406 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 407 Net value of stocks, mutual funds, and investment trusts Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WSTCK H2WSTCK H3WSTCK H4WSTCK H5WSTCK H6WSTCK H7WSTCK H8WSTCK H9WSTCK H10WSTCK H11WSTCK H1WSTCK:W1 Assets:Stocks--Cross-section H2WSTCK:W2 Assets:Stocks--Cross-section H3WSTCK:W3 Assets:Stocks--Cross-section H4WSTCK:W4 Assets:Stocks--Cross-section H5WSTCK:W5 Assets:Stocks--Cross-section H6WSTCK:W6 Assets:Stocks--Cross-section H7WSTCK:W7 Assets:Stocks--Cross-section H8WSTCK:W8 Assets:Stocks--Cross-section H9WSTCK:W9 Assets:Stocks--Cross-section H10WSTCK:W10 Assets:Stocks--Cross-section H11WSTCK:W11 Assets:Stocks--Cross-section Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WOSTCK H2WOSTCK H3WOSTCK H4WOSTCK H5WOSTCK H6WOSTCK H7WOSTCK H8WOSTCK H9WOSTCK H10WOSTCK H11WOSTCK H1WOSTCK:W1 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-section H2WOSTCK:W2 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-section H3WOSTCK:W3 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-section H4WOSTCK:W4 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-section H5WOSTCK:W5 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-section H6WOSTCK:W6 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-section H7WOSTCK:W7 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-section H8WOSTCK:W8 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-section H9WOSTCK:W9 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-section H10WOSTCK:W10 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-section H11WOSTCK:W11 Assets Own:Stocks--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WFSTCK H2WFSTCK H3WFSTCK H4WFSTCK H5WFSTCK H6WFSTCK H7WFSTCK H8WFSTCK H9WFSTCK H10WFSTCK H11WFSTCK H1WFSTCK:W1 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-section H2WFSTCK:W2 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-section H3WFSTCK:W3 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-section H4WFSTCK:W4 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-section H5WFSTCK:W5 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-section H6WFSTCK:W6 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-section H7WFSTCK:W7 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-section H8WFSTCK:W8 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-section H9WFSTCK:W9 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-section H10WFSTCK:W10 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-section H11WFSTCK:W11 Assets Flag:Stocks--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1WSTCK H2WSTCK H3WSTCK H4WSTCK H5WSTCK H6WSTCK H7WSTCK H8WSTCK H9WSTCK H10WSTCK H11WSTCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 19211.03 25147.41 46512.83 52924.06 65918.38 54310.00 65065.13 72756.15 70568.03 57697.25 58617.76 101925.13 130391.06 418220.05 337851.38 396989.63 225355.98 423287.87 493216.79 373966.04 382297.70 453435.14 0.0 -9500.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5335351.5 5000000.0 40000000.0 30000000.0 30000000.0 12000000.0 25000000.0 30000000.0 13997928.5 22195037.4 42300000.0 H1WOSTCK H2WOSTCK H3WOSTCK H4WOSTCK H5WOSTCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.29 0.27 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.45 0.44 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 408 H6WOSTCK H7WOSTCK H8WOSTCK H9WOSTCK H10WOSTCK H11WOSTCK 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.26 0.22 0.20 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.44 0.42 0.40 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1WFSTCK H2WFSTCK H3WFSTCK H4WFSTCK H5WFSTCK H6WFSTCK H7WFSTCK H8WFSTCK H9WFSTCK H10WFSTCK H11WFSTCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 4.79 4.85 4.69 4.71 4.66 4.70 4.73 4.85 4.92 5.11 5.18 2.10 2.09 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.14 2.13 2.07 2.03 1.99 1.88 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1WOSTCK 0.no |9036 1.yes |3616 H2WOSTCK 14302 5340 H3WOSTCK 12354 5637 H4WOSTCK 14599 6785 H5WOSTCK 13084 6495 H6WOSTCK 12246 5919 H7WOSTCK 13858 6271 H8WOSTCK 13308 5161 H9WOSTCK 12697 4520 H10WOSTCK 17108 4926 H11WOSTCK 16374 4180 Value---------|H1WFSTCK 1.continuous v|2438 2.complete bra|676 3.incomplete b|68 4.range card b|196 5.no value/bra|207 6.no asset |8874 7.DK ownership|98 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2WFSTCK 3453 1371 116 H3WFSTCK 3604 1074 512 H4WFSTCK 4208 1554 184 H5WFSTCK 4092 1290 173 H6WFSTCK 3734 1116 108 H7WFSTCK 4143 1117 96 H8WFSTCK 3552 802 88 H9WFSTCK 3072 755 85 H10WFSTCK 3509 723 115 H11WFSTCK 2938 635 79 324 13919 282 177 390 12043 242 126 713 14129 425 171 809 12721 370 124 806 11914 442 45 795 13519 372 87 614 13014 336 63 517 12394 320 74 453 16387 449 398 413 15905 413 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed net value of stocks and mutual funds is assigned to HwWSTCK. Variables in the form HwWFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwWOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of stocks and mutual funds is asked at each wave. The question wording changes some after Wave 1, and the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any stocks or mutual funds and if so, the value of them. In Wave 1, the questions ask: a) For the next few questions, please exclude any assets held in the form of IRA and Keogh accounts. Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any shares of stock in publicly held corporations, mutual funds, or investment trusts? Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 409 b) If you sold all that and paid off anything you owed on it, how much would you have? Beginning in Wave 2, the first question changes to: a) (Aside from anything you have already told me about...) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any shares of stock or stock mutual funds? In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1WFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15217 V15218 V5217 V5218 V5219 AHEAD 1993: B1743 B1744 B1744C HRS 1994: W15511 W15512 W5511 W5512 W5513 AHEAD 1995: D4338 D4339 D4343B HRS 1996: E4339 E4340 E4341B HRS 1998: F5099 F5100 F5101B HRS 2000: G5554 G5555 G5556 G5557 G5558 G5559 G5560 G5561 HRS 2002: HQ316 HQ317 HQ318 HQ319 HQ320 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 M10:STCK/MUT M11:$ VAL OF M10:STCK/MUT M11:$ VAL OF M11:ORIGINAL FND/TRU:IND INVESTM:IND FND/TRU:IMP INVESTM:IMP BRACKETS K10. STOCK/MUTUAL FUNDS: ANY K11. STOCK/MUTUAL FUNDS: NET VALUE CATEG: K11. STOCK/MUTUAL FUNDS K9. Imputation Indicator K10. Imputation Indicato K9.OWN STOCKS/STOCK MUTU K10.VALUE OF STOCKS K10a-K10d. Brackets J36.STOCK ASSETS J37.TOTAL $ STOCKS J37.TOTAL $ STOCKS/Bkt J207.STOCK ASSETS J208.TOTAL $ STOCKS J208.TOTAL $ STOCKS/Bkt J207.STOCK ASSETS J208.TOTAL $ STOCKS J208.(J37)TOTAL $ STOCKS-Bkt J207.STOCK ASSETS J208.TOTAL $ STOCKS J208A. DK-2500 J208Y1A. DK-$25K J208B. DK-$125K J208C. DK-$400K J208Y2A. DK-$25K J208D. DK-2500 STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ316 JQ317 JQ318 JQ319 JQ320 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ316 KQ317 KQ318 KQ319 KQ320 KU001_8 KU002_8 KU003_8A KU003_8B KU004_8A KU004_8B KU005_8A KU005_8B KU006_8A KU006_8B KU022_8A KU022_8B 410 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-STOCK ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-STOCK ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-STOCK ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-STOCK ASSET RECON -MIN-A-STOCK ASSET RECON-MIN-B-STOCK ASSET RECON-MAX-A -STOCK ASSET RECON-MAX-B -STOCK ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-STOCK ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-STOCK -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section HRS 2008: LQ316 LQ317 LQ318 LQ319 LQ320 LU001_8 LU002_8 LU003_8A LU003_8B LU004_8A LU004_8B LU005_8A LU005_8B LU006_8A LU006_8B LU022_8A LU022_8B HRS 2010: MQ316 MQ317 MQ318 MQ319 MQ320 MU001_8 MU002_8 MU003_8A MU003_8B MU004_8A MU004_8B MU005_8A MU005_8B MU006_8A MU006_8B MU022_8A MU022_8B HRS 2012: NQ316 NQ317 NQ318 NQ319 NQ320 NU001_8 NU002_8 NU003_8A NU003_8B NU004_8A NU004_8B NU005_8A NU005_8B NU006_8A NU006_8B NU022_8A NU022_8B STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-STOCK ASSET RECON -MIN-A-STOCK ASSET RECON-MIN-B-STOCK ASSET RECON-MAX-A -STOCK ASSET RECON-MAX-B -STOCK ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-STOCK ASSET RECON- RESULT-B-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-STOCK STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-STOCK STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS STOCKS TOTAL VALUE STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-STOCK ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-STOCK WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-STOCK 411 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 412 Value of checking, savings, or money market accounts Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WCHCK H2WCHCK H3WCHCK H4WCHCK H5WCHCK H6WCHCK H7WCHCK H8WCHCK H9WCHCK H10WCHCK H11WCHCK H1WCHCK:W1 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-section H2WCHCK:W2 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-section H3WCHCK:W3 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-section H4WCHCK:W4 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-section H5WCHCK:W5 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-section H6WCHCK:W6 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-section H7WCHCK:W7 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-section H8WCHCK:W8 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-section H9WCHCK:W9 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-section H10WCHCK:W10 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-section H11WCHCK:W11 Assets:Checking,Savings Acct--Cross-section Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WOCHCK H2WOCHCK H3WOCHCK H4WOCHCK H5WOCHCK H6WOCHCK H7WOCHCK H8WOCHCK H9WOCHCK H10WOCHCK H11WOCHCK H1WOCHCK:W1 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-section H2WOCHCK:W2 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-section H3WOCHCK:W3 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-section H4WOCHCK:W4 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-section H5WOCHCK:W5 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-section H6WOCHCK:W6 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-section H7WOCHCK:W7 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-section H8WOCHCK:W8 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-section H9WOCHCK:W9 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-section H10WOCHCK:W10 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-section H11WOCHCK:W11 Assets Own:Checking,Savings Ac--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WFCHCK H2WFCHCK H3WFCHCK H4WFCHCK H5WFCHCK H6WFCHCK H7WFCHCK H8WFCHCK H9WFCHCK H10WFCHCK H11WFCHCK H1WFCHCK:W1 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-section H2WFCHCK:W2 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-section H3WFCHCK:W3 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-section H4WFCHCK:W4 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-section H5WFCHCK:W5 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-section H6WFCHCK:W6 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-section H7WFCHCK:W7 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-section H8WFCHCK:W8 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-section H9WFCHCK:W9 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-section H10WFCHCK:W10 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-section H11WFCHCK:W11 Assets Flag:Checking,Savings--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1WCHCK H2WCHCK H3WCHCK H4WCHCK H5WCHCK H6WCHCK H7WCHCK H8WCHCK H9WCHCK H10WCHCK H11WCHCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 14055.97 17216.79 21303.22 22303.59 21141.91 27426.43 26493.54 26795.68 27993.91 27860.48 30037.85 44396.23 47946.35 85701.92 247262.33 60382.58 258335.73 83051.18 78056.43 77788.65 106473.17 126313.24 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2500000.0 1339401.9 5401640.5 25000000.0 3500000.0 33300000.0 3000000.0 2500000.0 1700000.0 4000000.0 7500000.0 H1WOCHCK H2WOCHCK H3WOCHCK H4WOCHCK H5WOCHCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.81 0.79 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.39 0.41 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 413 H6WOCHCK H7WOCHCK H8WOCHCK H9WOCHCK H10WOCHCK H11WOCHCK 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.85 0.78 0.76 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.41 0.43 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1WFCHCK H2WFCHCK H3WFCHCK H4WFCHCK H5WFCHCK H6WFCHCK H7WFCHCK H8WFCHCK H9WFCHCK H10WFCHCK H11WFCHCK 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 2.48 2.50 2.36 2.43 2.41 2.39 2.33 2.31 2.30 2.60 2.66 2.12 2.19 2.05 2.12 2.11 2.07 2.05 2.04 2.05 2.32 2.29 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1WOCHCK 0.no |2426 1.yes |10226 H2WOCHCK 4097 15545 H3WOCHCK 2970 15021 H4WOCHCK 3570 17814 H5WOCHCK 3048 16531 H6WOCHCK 2612 15553 H7WOCHCK 2906 17223 H8WOCHCK 2570 15899 H9WOCHCK 2498 14719 H10WOCHCK 4852 17182 H11WOCHCK 4971 15583 Value---------|H1WFCHCK 1.continuous v|7383 2.complete bra|1483 3.incomplete b|173 4.range card b|532 5.no value/bra|515 6.no asset |2357 7.DK ownership|114 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2WFCHCK 11514 2638 219 H3WFCHCK 10787 2174 853 H4WFCHCK 12635 2969 271 H5WFCHCK 11959 2214 238 H6WFCHCK 11206 1890 199 H7WFCHCK 12603 2212 199 H8WFCHCK 11761 1864 190 H9WFCHCK 11066 1677 180 H10WFCHCK 13685 1472 259 H11WFCHCK 12469 1329 207 833 3955 306 177 945 2855 251 126 1499 3432 407 171 1734 2958 352 124 1914 2529 382 45 1902 2825 301 87 1808 2507 276 63 1548 2423 249 74 1284 4593 343 398 1234 4848 296 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed value of checking, savings, and money market accounts is assigned to HwWCHCK. Variables in the form HwWFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwWOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The net value of checking, savings, and money market accounts is asked at each wave. The question wording is similar at all waves, but the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any checking, savings, or money market accounts and if so, the value of them. In Wave 1, these questions ask: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any money in checking or savings accounts, or money market funds? Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 414 b) If you added up all such accounts [for you and your (husband/wife/partner)], about how much would they amount to right now? Beginning in Wave 2, initial wording is added to the first question: a) (Aside from anything you have already told me about...) do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any money in checking or savings accounts, or money market funds? In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1WFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15221 V15222 V5221 V5222 V5223 AHEAD 1993: B1749 B1750 B1750C HRS 1994: W15514 W15515 W5514 W5515 W5516 AHEAD 1995: D4424 D4425 D4429B HRS 1996: E4425 E4426 E4427B HRS 1998: F5185 F5186 F5187B HRS 2000: G5620 G5621 G5622 G5623 G5624 G5625 G5626 G5627 HRS 2002: HQ344 HQ345 HQ346 HQ347 HQ348 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 M12:$ IN CHKNG/SAV/$:IND M13:$VAL OF BNK/MKT :IND M12:$ IN CHKNG/SAV/$:IMP M13:$VAL OF BNK/MKT :IMP M13:ORIGINAL BRACKETS K12. BANK ACCT: ANY NOT MENTION BEFORE K13. BANK ACCT: TOTAL VALUE CATEG: K13. BANK ACCT: TOTAL VALUE K11. Imputation Indicato K12. Imputation Indicato K11.MONEY IN CHECKING/SA K12.AMOUNT IN ALL ACCOUN K12a-K12d. Brackets J44.CHECKING, SAVING ASSETS J44.TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS J44.TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS/Bkt J222.CHECKING,SAVING ASSETS J223.TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS J223.TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS/Bkt J222.CHECKING, SAVING ASSETS J223.TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS J223.(J44)TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS-Bkt J222.CHECKING-SAVING ASSETS J223.TOTAL $ CHECKING-SAVINGS J223A.DK-5K J223B.DK-50K J223C.DK-150K J223D.DK-300K J223E.DK-50K J223F.DK-5K CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ344 JQ345 JQ346 JQ347 JQ348 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ344 KQ345 KQ346 KQ347 KQ348 KU001_6 KU002_6 KU003_6A KU003_6B KU004_6A KU004_6B KU005_6A KU005_6B KU006_6A KU006_6B KU022_6A KU022_6B 415 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-CHECKING ASSET RECON WHICH WRONG-CHECKING ASSET RECON HOW MUCH -A-CHECKING ASSET RECON HOW MUCH-B-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MIN-A-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MIN-B-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MAX-A -CHECKING ASSET RECON-MAX-B -CHECKING ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-CHECKING ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-CHECKING -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section HRS 2008: LQ344 LQ345 LQ346 LQ347 LQ348 LU001_6 LU002_6 LU003_6A LU003_6B LU004_6A LU004_6B LU005_6A LU005_6B LU006_6A LU006_6B LU022_6A LU022_6B HRS 2010: MQ344 MQ345 MQ346 MQ347 MQ348 MU001_6 MU002_6 MU003_6A MU003_6B MU004_6A MU004_6B MU005_6A MU005_6B MU006_6A MU006_6B MU022_6A MU022_6B HRS 2012: NQ344 NQ345 NQ346 NQ347 NQ348 NU001_6 NU002_6 NU003_6A NU003_6B NU004_6A NU004_6B NU005_6A NU005_6B NU006_6A NU006_6B NU022_6A NU022_6B CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MIN-A-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MIN-B-CHECKING ASSET RECON -MAX-A -CHECKING ASSET RECON-MAX-B -CHECKING ASSET RECON - RESULT-A-CHECKING ASSET RECON - RESULT-B-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-CHECKING CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-CHECKING CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS CHECKING TOTAL VALUE CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CHECKING ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CHECKING WHICH WAVE WRONG-B-CHECKING 416 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 417 Value of CD, government savings bonds, and T-bills Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WCD H2WCD H3WCD H4WCD H5WCD H6WCD H7WCD H8WCD H9WCD H10WCD H11WCD H1WCD:W1 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H2WCD:W2 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H3WCD:W3 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H4WCD:W4 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H5WCD:W5 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H6WCD:W6 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H7WCD:W7 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H8WCD:W8 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H9WCD:W9 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H10WCD:W10 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H11WCD:W11 Assets:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WOCD H2WOCD H3WOCD H4WOCD H5WOCD H6WOCD H7WOCD H8WOCD H9WOCD H10WOCD H11WOCD H1WOCD:W1 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H2WOCD:W2 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H3WOCD:W3 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H4WOCD:W4 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H5WOCD:W5 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H6WOCD:W6 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H7WOCD:W7 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H8WOCD:W8 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H9WOCD:W9 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H10WOCD:W10 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H11WOCD:W11 Assets Own:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WFCD H2WFCD H3WFCD H4WFCD H5WFCD H6WFCD H7WFCD H8WFCD H9WFCD H10WFCD H11WFCD H1WFCD:W1 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H2WFCD:W2 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H3WFCD:W3 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H4WFCD:W4 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H5WFCD:W5 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H6WFCD:W6 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H7WFCD:W7 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H8WFCD:W8 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H9WFCD:W9 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H10WFCD:W10 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section H11WFCD:W11 Assets Flag:CDs,SvBonds,T-bills--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum H1WCD H2WCD H3WCD H4WCD H5WCD H6WCD H7WCD H8WCD H9WCD H10WCD H11WCD 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 6696.92 8388.04 11394.96 11935.71 14397.24 13440.02 11102.90 17192.85 19124.31 11909.60 10032.11 33957.03 41217.43 59395.61 58982.81 69969.73 62513.07 62271.04 70919.76 79977.86 62958.61 109335.52 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 950000.0 2298525.2 3000000.0 4000000.0 2750000.0 2000000.0 3961662.9 1753783.1 3273064.9 2200000.0 9244631.8 H1WOCD H2WOCD H3WOCD H4WOCD H5WOCD 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 0.26 0.23 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.44 0.42 0.44 0.43 0.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 418 H6WOCD H7WOCD H8WOCD H9WOCD H10WOCD H11WOCD 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 0.25 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.17 0.13 0.43 0.40 0.43 0.43 0.37 0.34 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 H1WFCD H2WFCD H3WFCD H4WFCD H5WFCD H6WFCD H7WFCD H8WFCD H9WFCD H10WFCD H11WFCD 12652 19642 17991 21384 19579 18165 20129 18469 17217 22034 20554 4.89 5.07 4.96 5.02 4.97 5.03 5.21 5.02 5.01 5.37 5.49 2.05 1.96 2.02 1.99 2.02 1.97 1.82 1.98 1.99 1.79 1.58 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Categorical Variable Codes Value---------|H1WOCD 0.no |9319 1.yes |3333 H2WOCD 15217 4425 H3WOCD 13426 4565 H4WOCD 16104 5280 H5WOCD 14410 5169 H6WOCD 13662 4503 H7WOCD 16046 4083 H8WOCD 13911 4558 H9WOCD 12910 4307 H10WOCD 18355 3679 H11WOCD 17867 2687 Value---------|H1WFCD 1.continuous v|2343 2.complete bra|470 3.incomplete b|59 4.range card b|213 5.no value/bra|204 6.no asset |9149 7.DK ownership|119 9.no Fin Resp |95 H2WFCD 3060 818 80 H3WFCD 3165 554 314 H4WFCD 3536 842 77 H5WFCD 3408 760 67 H6WFCD 3084 510 42 H7WFCD 2722 536 41 H8WFCD 3217 447 75 H9WFCD 3057 416 66 H10WFCD 2720 377 80 H11WFCD 1989 250 57 368 14760 379 177 446 13017 369 126 699 15495 564 171 775 13942 503 124 730 13179 575 45 691 15556 496 87 707 13485 475 63 649 12492 463 74 375 17529 555 398 314 17307 466 171 General Comments: Wealth measures are reported in nominal dollars. When an HRS or AHEAD wealth component is missing, it is imputed using the method described in the section titled "Wealth and Income Imputations" earlier in this document. There are differences across waves in the unfolding brackets used to determine a range of wealth when a continuous amount is not given. In addition, the bracket amounts, entry points, and possible responses to the unfolding bracket questions differ across waves. These differences are also discussed in more detail above in the "Wealth and Income Imputations" section. How Constructed: The reported or imputed value of CDs, government savings bonds, and treasury bills is assigned to HwWCD. Variables in the form HwWFvar indicate whether the component is imputed, and if so, how much information is available for imputation. Similarly, variables in the form HwWOvar indicate whether the household owns the asset. Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data The value of CDs, government savings bonds, and treasury bills is asked at each wave. The question wording is similar at all waves but the unfolding bracket questions vary. Two questions reveal whether the respondent owns any CDs, government savings bonds, or T-bills and if so, the value of them. In Wave 1, the questions ask: a) Do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any money in certificates of deposit, government savings bonds, or Treasury bills? Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 419 b) If you added up all such accounts [for you and your (husband/wife/partner)], about how much would they amount to right now? Beginning in Wave 2, initial wording is added to the first question: a) (Aside from anything you have already told me about...) do you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] have any money in certificates of deposit, government savings bonds, or Treasury bills? In all waves, if the respondent refuses or does not know the value, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. The bracket amounts and entry points vary across waves. In Wave 1, some interviewers used range cards instead of unfolding brackets (identified by H1WFvar = 4. Range card bracket). We used the information provided in the imputations. HRS Variables Used HRS 1992: V15225 V15226 V5225 V5226 V5227 AHEAD 1993: B1755 B1756 B1756C HRS 1994: W15517 W15518 W5517 W5518 W5519 AHEAD 1995: D4463 D4464 D4468B HRS 1996: E4464 E4465 E4466B HRS 1998: F5224 F5225 F5226B HRS 2000: G5650 G5651 G5652 G5653 G5654 G5655 G5656 G5657 HRS 2002: HQ356 HQ357 HQ358 HQ359 HQ360 HU001 HU002M1 HU002M2 HU003 HU004 M14:CD/SAV BOND/T-BI:IND M15:$VAL OF CD/BOND/:IND M14:CD/SAV BOND/T-BI:IMP M15:$VAL OF CD/BOND/:IMP M15:ORIGINAL BRACKETS K14. CD/SAV BONDS: ANY K15. CD/SAV BONDS: TOTAL VALUE $ CATEG: K15. CD/SAV BONDS: TOTAL VALUE $ K13. Imputation Indicato K14. Imputation Indicato K13.CODS/SAVINGS BONDS/T K14.AMOUNT IN CODS/BONDS K14a-K14d. Brackets J47.CD,TBILL ASSETS J48.TOTAL $ CD J48.TOTAL $ CD/Bkt J229.CD,TBILL ASSETS J230.TOTAL $ CD J230.TOTAL $ CD/Bkt J229.CD,TBILL ASSETS J230.TOTAL $ CD J230.(J48)TOTAL $ CD-Bkt J229.CD-TBILL ASSETS J230.TOTAL $ CD J230A. DK-2500 J230Y1A.DK-$25K J230B.DK-$125K J230C.DK-$250K J230Y2A.DK-$25K J230Y3A.DK-2500 CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT U001A_ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section HU005 HU006 TYPASST HRS 2004: JQ356 JQ357 JQ358 JQ359 JQ360 JU001_1 JU001_2 JU001_3 JU002_1 JU002_2 JU002_3 JU003A_1 JU003A_2 JU003A_3 JU003B_1 JU003B_2 JU003B_3 JU004A_1 JU004A_2 JU004A_3 JU004B_1 JU004B_2 JU004B_3 JU005A_1 JU005A_2 JU005A_3 JU005B_1 JU005B_2 JU005B_3 JU006A_1 JU006A_2 JU006A_3 JU006B_1 JU006B_2 JU006B_3 JU009_1 JU009_2 JU009_3 JU022A_1 JU022A_2 JU022A_3 HRS 2006: KQ356 KQ357 KQ358 KQ359 KQ360 KU001_5 KU002_5 KU003_5A KU003_5B KU004_5A KU004_5B KU005_5A KU005_5B KU006_5A KU006_5B KU022_5A MU022_5B 420 ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION - 1 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION STEM QUESTION -3 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -1 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG -2 ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG - 3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -1 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -2 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX -3 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -1 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -2 PREV WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT -3 CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT CURRENT WAVE ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT TYPE OF ASSETS - 1 TYPE OF ASSETS -2 TYPE OF ASSETS -3 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-1 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-2 PREV WAVE VALUE YEAR-3 CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CD WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-A-CD WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-CD -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section HRS 2008: LQ356 LQ357 LQ358 LQ359 LQ360 LU001_5 LU002_5 LU003_5A LU003_5B LU004_5A LU004_5B LU005_5A LU005_5B LU006_5A LU006_5B LU022_5A LU022_5B HRS 2010: MQ356 MQ357 MQ358 MQ359 MQ360 MU001_5 MU002_5 MU003_5A MU003_5B MU004_5A MU004_5B MU005_5A MU005_5B MU006_5A MU006_5B MU022_5A MU022_5B HRS 2012: NQ356 NQ357 NQ358 NQ359 NQ360 NU001_5 NU002_5 NU003_5A NU003_5B NU004_5A NU004_5B NU005_5A NU005_5B NU006_5A NU006_5B NU022_5A NU022_5B CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION WHICH WRONG-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH -A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION HOW MUCH-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MIN-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-A -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION -MAX-B -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CD WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CD WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-CD CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CD WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CD WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-CD CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS CDS GOVT SAVINGS TBILLS TOTAL VALUE CDS TOTAL VALUE - MIN CDS TOTAL VALUE - MAX CDS TOTAL VALUE - RESULT ASSET RECONCILIATION - CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - WHICH WRONG-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH -A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - HOW MUCH-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MIN-B-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-A -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - MAX-B -CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-A-CD ASSET RECONCILIATION - RESULT-B-CD WHICH WAVE WRONG-A-CD WHICH WAVE VALUE WAS WRONG-B-CD 421 Section D: Financial and Housing Wealth – Cross Section 422 Net value of bonds and bond funds Wave Variable Label Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WBOND H2WBOND H3WBOND H4WBOND H5WBOND H6WBOND H7WBOND H8WBOND H9WBOND H10WBOND H11WBOND H1WBOND:W1 Assets:Bonds--Cross-section H2WBOND:W2 Assets:Bonds--Cross-section H3WBOND:W3 Assets:Bonds--Cross-section H4WBOND:W4 Assets:Bonds--Cross-section H5WBOND:W5 Assets:Bonds--Cross-section H6WBOND:W6 Assets:Bonds--Cross-section H7WBOND:W7 Assets:Bonds--Cross-section H8WBOND:W8 Assets:Bonds--Cross-section H9WBOND:W9 Assets:Bonds--Cross-section H10WBOND:W10 Assets:Bonds--Cross-section H11WBOND:W11 Assets:Bonds--Cross-section Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont Cont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WOBOND H2WOBOND H3WOBOND H4WOBOND H5WOBOND H6WOBOND H7WOBOND H8WOBOND H9WOBOND H10WOBOND H11WOBOND H1WOBOND:W1 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-section H2WOBOND:W2 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-section H3WOBOND:W3 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-section H4WOBOND:W4 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-section H5WOBOND:W5 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-section H6WOBOND:W6 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-section H7WOBOND:W7 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-section H8WOBOND:W8 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-section H9WOBOND:W9 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-section H10WOBOND:W10 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-section H11WOBOND:W11 Assets Own:Bonds--Cross-section Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ Categ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H1WFBOND H2WFBOND H3WFBOND H4WFBOND H5WFBOND H6WFBOND H7WFBOND H8WFBOND H9WFBOND H10WFBO