Muon Spin Spectroscopy Using the Positive Muon to Probe Matter Paul W. Percival Department of Chemistry Simon Fraser University and TRIUMF 2 Muon and Muonium Properties Negative muon µ− a heavy electron (mass = 207 me) τ = 2.2 µs in vacuum … … less in matter because of nuclear capture spin I = ½ Positive muon µ+ a light proton (mass = 0.11 mp) τ = 2.2 µs in vacuum and matter spin I = ½ Muonium Mu = µ+e− a light hydrogen atom Paul Percival Mu+ = µ+ Ionization Energy = 13.54 eV H: 13.60 eV Bohr Radius = 0.532 Ǻ H: 0.529 Ǻ NUSC 341, November 2005 3 The Periodic Table — Chemistry Department Quilt Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 4 The Simplest Atom Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 5 Muonium — a light isotope of hydrogen Mu ≡ µ+ e− e− The properties of a single electron atom are determined by the reduced mass µ+ 1 1 1 1 = + ≈ mr mN me me i.e. mr ≈ me reduced mass of Mu = 0.995 mr(H) ionization potential = 13.539 eV Bohr radius = 0.532 Å Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 6 Pions Decay to Give Muons At TRIUMF, pions are produced by bombardment of a Be or C production target with 500 MeV protons. We take the positive pions, which decay to positive muons: π+ → µ + + ν µ τ = 26 ns In the pion rest frame: Momentum is conserved: Spin is conserved: Spin and momentum are related through helicity: # # ⋅p σ hˆ = # # σ. p ν µ ← ! → ""# ""# pµ = − pν ""# ""# σµ = −σν hˆψ = ±1ψ For the neutrino, h = -1, i.e. the spin and momentum are anti-parallel. Therefore, muons are produced with σ and p anti-parallel. Paul Percival σµ σν → ← ← ! → pν pµ NUSC 341, November 2005 7 Muon Beams are Spin Polarized There are two commonly used types of muon beam: Surface Muon Beams collect and transport muons which are created from the decay of pions at or near the surface of the pion production target. select these muons to get these spins: beam line Decay Muon Beams collect muons from pions which decay in flight. In the π rest frame only backward { } and forward muons are transported. In the laboratory frame, both momentum bites travel in the forward direction. The forward (momentum) muons (p~180 MeV/c) have backward spin; the backward muons (p~80 MeV/c) have forward spin. Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 8 Muon Decay µ + → e+ + ν µ + ν e The 3 particle decay results in a spectrum of positron energies. τ = 2.2 µs N Emax = 12 mµ The spatial distribution of positrons is asymmetric and depends on the muon spin polarization. Consider the decay pattern which results in the maximum positron energy: The is emitted in the direction of the muon spin at the moment of decay. More generally, = 52.8 MeV Energy σν e+ dN ( E , θ) = C [1 + D ( E ) cos θ] dE d Ω Paul Percival νµ e+ σe νe θ NUSC 341, November 2005 9 The Muon Lifetime Experiment µ + → e+ + ν µ + ν e M µ+ beam τ = 2.2 µs F S e+ B P lifetime histogram start stop N CLOCK 0 time N = N 0 e−t / τ + background Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 10 Muon Spin Rotation, µSR M µ+ beam F S Apply a magnetic field perpendicular to the initial spin direction. e+ B P µSR histogram start stop N CLOCK time N = N 0 e−t / τ [1 + aP (t ) cos (ωt + φ)] + background Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 11 The µSR Histogram 800 N 0 e−t / τ [1 + aP (t ) cos (ωt + φ)] + B count 600 400 Subtract the constant background and divide out the exponential decay … 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 time / µs aP (t ) cos (ωt + φ) muon asymmetry … to get the muon asymmetry, which represents the time dependence of the muon spin polarization. 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 time / µs Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 12 µSR: Muon Spectroscopy Muon Spin Rotation • spin polarized muon beam • muons are implanted in the sample • muons decay: µ+ → e+ + νµ + νe τ = 2.2 µs • angular distribution of e+ has maximum in muon spin direction • precession of muon spins in transverse magnetic field • equivalent to free induction decay in pulsed NMR or ESR Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 13 Muonium in supercritical water 400°C, 245 bar 8G 0.2 Asymmetry 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 time / µs 2.0 2.5 3.0 Percival, Brodovitch, Ghandi et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 1 (1999) 4999 Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 14 Muonium in supercritical water 400°C, 245 bar, 8 G Diamagnetic signal subtracted Muon Asymmetry 0.15 AMue-λt 0.00 -0.15 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 time / µs Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 15 Muon Asymmetry Muonium in supercritical water at 196 G 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Fourier Power time / µs 400°C 245 bar 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 Frequency / MHz Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 16 Energy levels of a two spin-½ system Breit-Rabi diagram e αα µ αα (αβ + βα)/√2 αβ ββ Relative Energy ββ (αβ − βα)/√2 βα 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Magnetic Field / Hyperfine Constant Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 17 Muon spin precession in D2O crystal at 227 K Muon Asymmetry 38 G 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 time /µs The high frequency precession is due to “triplet” (F=1) muonium. The low frequency is due to muons in diamagnetic environments, such as MuOD and MuOD2+ Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 18 Muonium precession frequencies in low magnetic field isotropic hyperfine case axial anisotropy Energy 1 ν12 2 ν23 1 ν12 ν23 3 Magnetic Field Paul Percival 2 3 Magnetic Field NUSC 341, November 2005 19 Muonium diffuses along the c-axis channels of ice-Ih Mu side view Paul Percival view along c channel NUSC 341, November 2005 20 µSR: Muon spectroscopic methods Common features: • • • • spin polarized muon beam muons are implanted in the sample muons decay: µ+ → e + + ν µ + ν ε τ = 2.2 µs angular distribution of e+ has maximum in muon spin direction Muon Spin Rotation µSR (TF-µSR) • precession of muon spins in transverse magnetic field • equivalent to free induction decay in pulsed NMR or ESR Muon Spin Resonance RF-µSR • muon spin polarization along magnetic field • transitions induced by rf field as in conventional NMR Muon Level Crossing Resonance µLCR (ALCR) • mixing of spin levels causes avoided level crossing • polarization is lost at magnetic fields where level crossing occurs Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 21 RF Transitions in Muonium at Low Magnetic Field Energy 1 νrf νrf 2 2νrf 3 Magnetic Field Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 22 RFµSR Spectrum of Mu@C60 in C60 Powder 120 130 140 150 160 170 Magnetic Field / G Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 23 Endohedral Muonium Mu@C60 Muonium in a universe of its own Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 24 Muoniated free radicals Mu R2 R1 C C R4 R3 µSR: precession frequencies ⇒ muon hyperfine coupling µLCR: resonance fields ⇒ other nuclear hyperfine couplings hyperfine couplings ⇒ distribution of unpaired electron spin e.g. cyclohexadienyl H Mu 0.33 -0.10 0.33 • -0.10 0.48 Temperature dependence of hyperfine couplings ⇒ intramolecular motion Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 25 Transverse field muon spin rotation of radicals Energy Fourier Power νR1 νD νR2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Frequency / MHz Aµ = νR2 – νR1 Magnetic Field Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 26 Fourier power µSR spectrum of tert-butyl 1 M tert-Butanol 280°C 250 bar 11.5 kG CH3 Fourier Power Aµ = 256 MHz CH2Mu CH3 0 Paul Percival 50 100 150 200 250 Frequency / MHz 300 350 400 NUSC 341, November 2005 27 Avoided Muon Level Crossing Resonance Energy A+– A– ↑ e , ↑µ , ↓ X 6.8 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 Magnetic Field / kG ↑ e , ↓µ , ↑ X 1 Aµ − AX Bres ≈ 2 γµ − γ X Magnetic Field Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 28 tert-Butyl radical in water CH3 CH2Mu CH3 200°C A+-A- 250 bar 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 Field / kG Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 29 Hyperfine constants are used to map unpaired spin in radicals Mu13C60 Avoided Level Crossing Resonance Mu 1.5 3.3 30 1.4 14 5.4 2.0 % Unpaired Spin Density 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 Magnetic Field /kG Percival, Addison-Jones, Brodovitch, Ji, et al., Chem. Phys. Lett., 245 (1995) 90 Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 30 H atoms and free radicals in liquids H is the simplest atom ⇒ fundamental chemistry H is a constituent of water, hydrocarbons, carbohydrates ⇒ essential chemistry Chemically speaking, Mu ≡ H We study Mu as a substitute for H because it is similar: tracer, spin label because it is different : isotope effects Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 31 Muonium Chemistry — areas of application Muonium (caged) Mu as probe of local environment Fixed cage: fullerenes, silsesquioxanes partial: ice transient: water Kinetics How fast does it go? in gases: reaction dynamics liquids: solvent effects; diffusion vs. activation control Structure Where does it end up? Free radicals: unpaired spin distribution (needs e-spin) Mechanism How does it get there? Identification of radical products Transfer of muon polarization Dynamics Nature is floppy! intramolecular Temperature dependence of hyperfine constants intermolecular LCR lineshape analysis Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005 32 Further Reading Paul Percival NUSC 341, November 2005