Rebecca Herman Education

Rebecca Herman
1997, Johns Hopkins University, Sociology
1994, Johns Hopkins University, Sociology
1987, Haverford College, English with Secondary English Teaching Certification
Education Writers Association National Research Advisory Panelist, 2011–Present
National Center on Teacher Quality Audit Panel, 2011 – Present
Center for Disease Control Guide for Community Preventive Services Panelist,
Briefing for House and Senate Education staff on school turnaround, 2010
Written testimony for Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, 2010
Steering Group of the Campbell Collaboration, 2006–2007
Invited testimony before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, 1999
Present Position
Senior Education Policy Researcher and Chair in Education Policy Research, RAND
Corporation (2014–Present)
Responsibilities include designing, managing, and conducting research on education policy
issues, with a focus on critical reviews of evidence, school leadership, school turnaround,
comprehensive school reform, programs for at-risk students, school restructuring, and program
Relevant Projects
RAND Corporation (2014 – present)
North Carolina Transformation Initiative. U.S. Department of Education, 2015-present
Role: Principal Investigator
Key Tasks: Lead implementation sub-study of rigorous evaluation of the North Carolina school
transformation project. Develop research and analysis plan and instruments, manage and conduct
data collection, manage analysis, draft reports, and coordinate briefings.
Innovation through Observation Pilot. U.S. Department of Education, 2015-present
Role: Principal Investigator
Key Tasks: Lead development evaluation of New Jersey pilot program to involve teachers in selfobservation and self-evaluation. Develop research and analysis plan and instruments, manage
and conduct data collection, manage analysis, draft reports, and provide briefings.
Human Capital Strategic Plan. U.S. Air Force (SAF/MR), 2014-present
Role: Developing the Force Lead
Key Tasks: Develop flight plan and research agenda for the Human Capital Annex (HCA)
working groups on developing the force; and integrate Force of the Future direction with the
flight plan. Support the planning and research activities of the working group on developing the
Air Force – Airline Industry Collaboration. U.S. Air Force, 2014-present
Role: Senior Researcher
Key Tasks: Research and summarize strategies for improving the collaboration between the Air
Force and airlines, with the goal of reducing competition over pilots in times of pilot shortage.
Focused on the strategy of coordinating pilot training events.
Efficacy Study of the Knowledge in Action Advanced Placement U.S. Government
Environmental Science Projects. Lucas Educational Foundation, 2015-present
Role: Recruitment and Data Collection Lead, Senior Advisor
Key Tasks: Manage RAND and subcontractor staff for recruitment and data collection on a large
randomized control trial evaluating impact of advanced placement courses. Provide guidance on
study design and quality control on reports.
K-12 Financial Education Curriculum Assessment. Consumer Finance Protection Bureau,
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Key Tasks: Developed standards for evaluating K-12 financial education curricula. Rated
curricula on content, quality, utility, and evidence of impact. Produced practitioner-accessible
ratings report and tools for practitioners to use to evaluate curricula themselves.
REL-Southwest. U.S. Department of Education, 2014-2015
Role: Video Designer
Key Tasks: Managed production of video on teacher-principal feedback guidance, for use in RCT
study recruitment.
American Institutes for Research (1997 – 2014)
Profiles of School Turnaround Strategies in Selected Sites. U.S. Department of Education,
Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development, 2013-2014
Role: Project Director
Key Tasks: Developed profiles highlighting school, district, and state turnaround practices, to be
used for peer-to-peer sharing. Responsible for developing data collection protocols, site selection
procedures, prototype profiles. Also responsible for managing the conduct of interviews and the
development of up to 100 profiles, and for quality assurance on all products and procedures.
Managed a team of more than 15 including a subcontractor and consultant.
Study of Schools Targeted for Improvement Using Title I Section 1003(G) Funds Provided
Under ARRA. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 2009-2014
Role: Senior Advisor
Key Tasks: Participated on design team. Guided conceptualization and planning for study design.
Provided quality assurance.
Race to the Top (RTT) and School Improvement Grant (SIG) Impact Study. U.S.
Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 2010–2014
Role: Principal Investigator, Project Director (subcontract)
Key Tasks: Led implementation study. Provided substantive guidance on school turnaround to
inform study design and conduct. Responsible for development of data collection protocols,
review of state applications, and reports. Responsible for producing policy brief on school
Impact Evaluation of Teacher and Leader Evaluation Systems. U.S. Department of
Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 2011–2014
Role: Recruitment and Implementation Co-Director
Key Tasks: Co-led recruitment of districts for a randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact
of a comprehensive system for district evaluation of teachers and principals. Responsible for
establishing recruitment approaches, developing materials, training recruiters, and addressing
issues in recruitment. Co-led implementation of evaluation systems. Responsible for roll-out of
system components, and coordination across components. Managed a team of more than 20 staff.
REL-Northeast and Islands. U.S. Department of Education, 2012-2014
Role: Project Director (subcontract)
Tasks: Responsible for conceptualizing and managing AIR-led research and technical assistance
for REL; specific topics determined with the client. Responsible for communication with the
client and the prime contractor, and for AIR staffing and budget.
REL-Appalachia. U.S. Department of Education, 2012–2013
Role: Project Director (subcontract)
Key Tasks: Responsible for conceptualizing and managing AIR-led research and technical
assistance for REL; specific topics determined with the client. Responsible for communication
with the client and the prime contractor, and for AIR staffing and budget.
Doing What Works. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy
Development, 2006–2012
Role: AIR Principal Investigator, Project Director (subcontract)
Key Tasks: Developed Web-based tools to help education practitioners implement effective
practices. Identified, evaluated, and framed existing tools. Scripted interviews and slideshows.
Provided quality assurance for all materials.
Identifying Potentially Successful Approaches to Turning around Chronically Low
Performing Schools. U.S. Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences, 2009–
Role: Project Director
Key Tasks: Led mixed methodology study of school turnaround strategies. Guided development
of analysis plans and reports. Managed survey and case study data collection. Addressed
methodological and substantive challenges. Produced Study II and Summary Reports. Provided
quality assurance on all major products.
Say Yes Syracuse. Say Yes to Education, 2008–2011
Role: Project Director
Key Tasks: Designed and managed multi-million-dollar effectiveness and implementation
evaluations of districtwide reform. Developed profiles for each school in the district to guide
implementation of Say Yes in Syracuse. Led implementation study. Designed qualitative and
quantitative data collection tools, analysis plans, and report formats. Drafted reports and
provided quality assurance for all products. Coordinated related studies, managed staff and
budget, and communicated with client and community leaders.
Design Options for Turning Around Chronically Low Performing Schools. U.S. Department
of Education, 2008–2009
Role: Project Director (subcontractor)
Key Tasks: Under subcontract to Abt Associates, wrote literature review of restructuring options
for chronically low performing schools. Designed and managed data analysis, drafted review,
and presented on findings to technical advisory group. Drafted and revised sections of final
report. Participated in conceptualization of study design, including client meetings.
SEE Forum, U.S. Department of Education. January-October 2009
Role: Project Director
Key Tasks: Identified policy-relevant, rigorous research to highlight, identify and recruit
panelists, and frame and moderate panel discussions on the quality and implications of the
evidence. Managed project and staff. Provided quality control on all materials and plans.
What Works Clearinghouse. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences,
Role: Project Director
Key Tasks: Designed and managed flagship research effort for the U.S. Department of Education
to identify research-proven education interventions. Helped set standards for research of effects
of education interventions; collected, reviewed, and synthesized evidence; developed easily
accessible evidence reports; managed more than 60 staff members, including at least 30 with
Ph.D.s, located in more than seven organizations; assembled and worked closely with a technical
advisor group of 15 national methodological experts; presented on the project and product to the
client and technical and professional conferences. Deeply involved in designing both the process
and product; creating work plans; and drafting study, intervention, and topic reports.
School Turnaround Practice Guide. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education
Sciences, 2007–2008
Role: Panel Chair
Key Tasks: Led a panel of school improvement and research experts to review research and
identify practices for school turnaround. Developed the user-friendly guide.
Strategic Ed Solutions. Business-Higher Education Forum, 2007-2008
Role: Project Director
Key Tasks: Designed and carried out project to profile education reforms for business
community. Conceptualized evidence review section of Resource Center, developed standards
for programs and evidence, identified and screened programs and resources, planned and
managed literature search, reviewed research, and wrote profiles. Managed team and provided
quality assurance. Ensured timely delivery on extremely quick turn-around project.
National Longitudinal Evaluation of Comprehensive School Reform. U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, 2000–2008
Role: Senior Advisor
Key Tasks: Guided study design, coordinated communication with national experts on
comprehensive school reform, and identified and helped resolve issues with study design, data
collection, and data analyses.
The Comprehensive School Reform Program Guidance on Scientifically Based Research.
U.S. Department of Education, 2002
Role: Project Director
Key Tasks: Conceptualized and developed guidance to define scientifically based research as it
applies to the Comprehensive School Reform Program. Translated technical language into
accessible terms, developed rubrics and decision tree, and conducted training of state program
Project Director, Moving Standards to the Classroom: The Impact of Goals 2000 Systemic
Reform on Instruction and Achievement. U.S. Department of Education, Planning, and
Evaluation Service, 1999–2002
Role: Project Director
Key Tasks: Responsibilities included designing and directing study of how state standards
translate into instruction and improve student achievement. Activities included analyzing
standards and reform activities, convening a technical working group, designing instruments,
conducting site visits, coordinating a large-scale mail survey, conducting quantitative and
qualitative analyses, and writing a final report.
An Educator’s Guide to Schoolwide Reform. AASA, AFT, NAESP, NASSP, NEA, 1998–
Role: Project Director:
Key Tasks: Designed and directed study profiling prominent comprehensive school reform
models, including critical review of research studies and interviews with developers and schools.
Specific tasks involved setting research standards, developing instruments to guide systemic
review of studies, developing interview protocols, managing staff, training researchers,
maintaining interrater reliability, reviewing studies, conducting telephone interviews, developing
data tables, writing guide, and presenting findings at academic and press conferences.
Selected Publications
Herman, R. (2012). Scaling school turnaround. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk,
Song, M., & Herman, R. (2010). Critical issues and common pitfalls in designing and conducting
impact studies in education: Lessons learned from the What Works Clearinghouse (Phase
I). Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 32, 351–371.
Herman, R., Dawson, P., Dee, T., Greene, J., Maynard, R., Redding, S., & Darwin, M. (2008).
Turning around chronically low-performing schools: A practice guide (NCEE #20084020). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional
Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved
Boruch, R., & Herman, R. (2006). The Institute of Education Sciences’ What Works
Clearinghouse. In H. Walberg (Ed.), The scientific basis of educational productivity
(pp. 269–284). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Herman, R. (1999). Review of the four imperatives of a successful school. Journal of Education
for Students Placed at Risk, 4(4), 443–446.
Herman, R., Aladjem, D., McMahon, P., Masem, E., Mulligan, I., O’Malley, A., Quinones, S.,
Reeve, A., & Woodruff, D. (1999). An educator’s guide to schoolwide reform. Arlington,
VA: Educational Research Service.
Stringfield, S., & Herman, R. (1996). Assessment of the state of school effectiveness research in
the United States of America. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 7(2),
Selected Professional Presentations
Over 15 major presentations, including a webinar series on the School Turnaround Practice
Guide and Doing What Works, to policymakers and researchers (e.g., IES Research
Conference) and practitioners (e.g., REL Experts Bring Evidence to Practitioners).
Over 20 major presentations and interviews on the What Works Clearinghouse, to researchers
(e.g., American Education Research Association, American Evaluator Association),
practitioners (e.g., National Association of Elementary School Principals, American
Association of School Administrators), policymakers (e.g., U.S. Department of
Education), and the press (e.g., Education Week, press conferences).
Over 10 major presentations and interviews on comprehensive school reform, to researchers
(e.g., American Academy of Arts and Sciences), practitioners (e.g., National Association
for Elementary School Principals), policymakers (e.g., U.S. Department of Education,
congressional briefing), and the press (e.g., NBC television special, Education Week,
press conference).