Document 12121125

 ROBERT BOZICK, PH.D. RAND Corporation 1776 Main Street Santa Monica, CA 90407 310. 393. 0411 X6140 EDUCATION Ph.D. in Sociology, 2005 M.A. in Sociology, 2001 B.A. in Sociology with Honors, 1999 AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD University of Maryland, College Park, MD Ohio University, Athens, OH Linkages between school and work over the life course Workforce development strategies and policies The transition from adolescence to adulthood among disadvantaged youth PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE RAND Corporation Santa Monica, CA Associate Director, RAND Labor & Population October 2015 – present Senior Sociologist June 2015 – present Faculty, Pardee RAND Graduate School of Public Policy December 2011 – present Full Sociologist May 2010 – May 2015 Academy for Educational Development Washington, DC Research Scientist February 2009 – April 2010 Statistical Consultant January 2000 – August 2001 RTI International Washington, DC Research Scientist, Social & Statistical Sciences Division March 2005 – February 2009 American Institutes for Research Washington, DC Research Associate May 2003 – August 2004 U.S. Census Bureau Suitland, MD Population Division Intern Summer 2002 Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD Research Assistant, Department of Sociology August 2001 – January 2005 B o z i c k | 2 SCHOLARSHIP Book Chapters Benjamin Dalton and Robert Bozick. 2012. “Adding College-­‐‑Ready Coursework to a Career-­‐‑
Ready Pathway: Implications for Dropping Out of High School.” Pp. 83-­‐‑109. In Becky Smerdon and Kathryn Borman (Eds.) Pressing Forward: Increasing and Expanding Rigor and Relevance in America'ʹs High Schools. Information Age Publishing. Robert Bozick. 2008. “College Enrollment” In Robert Crosnoe, Mary Elizabeth Hughes, and Amy Pienta (Eds.) Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development. Gale Publishing. Peer Reviewed Journals Robert Bozick, Alessandro Malchiodi, and Trey Miller. Forthcoming. “Pre-­‐‑Migration School Quality, Time Spent in the United States, and the Math Achievement of Immigrant High School Students.” Demography. Robert Bozick, Trey Miller, and Matheu Kaneshiro. Forthcoming. “Non-­‐‑Citizen Mexican Youth in Higher Education: A Closer Look at the Relationship Between State Tuition Policies and College Enrollment.” International Migration Review. Jennifer Steele, Robert Bozick, Lois Davis, and Susan Turner. Forthcoming. “Education for Incarcerated Juveniles: A Systematic Review of What Works.” Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk. Michael Gottfried and Robert Bozick. 2016. “Supporting the STEM Pipeline: Linking Applied STEM Course-­‐‑Taking in High School to Declaring a STEM Major in College.” Education Finance and Policy. 11: 177-­‐‑202. Michael Gottfried, Robert Bozick, Ernest Rose, and Ravaris Moore. 2016. “Does Career and Technical Education Strengthen the STEM Pipeline? Comparing Youth with and without Disabilities.” Journal of Disability Policy Studies. 26: 232-­‐‑244. Robert Bozick, Gabriella Gonzalez, and John Engberg. 2015. “Using a Merit-­‐‑Based Scholarship Program to Increase Rates of College Enrollment in an Urban School District: The Case of the Pittsburgh Promise.” Journal of Student Financial Aid 15: 2-­‐‑24. Robert Bozick and Angela Estacion. 2014. “Do Student Loans Delay Marriage? Debt Repayment and Family Formation in Young Adulthood.” Demographic Research 30: 1869-­‐‑1891. B o z i c k | 3 Robert Bozick and Trey Miller. 2014. “In-­‐‑State College Tuition Policies for Undocumented Immigrants: Implications for High School Enrollment among Non-­‐‑Citizen Mexican Youth.” Population Research and Policy Review 33: 13-­‐‑30. Michael Gottfried, Robert Bozick, and Sinduja Srinivasan. 2014. “Beyond Academic Math: The Role of Applied STEM Coursetaking in High School.” Teachers College Record. 116 (7). Robert Bozick and Benjamin Dalton. 2013. “Balancing Career and Technical Education with Academic Coursework: The Consequences for Mathematics Achievement Over the Last Two Years of High School.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 35: 123-­‐‑138. Erika Austin and Robert Bozick. 2012. “Sexual Orientation, Partnership Formation, and Substance Use in the Transition to Adulthood.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 41: 167-­‐‑178. Robert Bozick and Stefanie DeLuca. 2011. “The Decision Not to Go to College: School, Work, and Opportunities in the Lives of American Youth.” Social Science Research 4: 1249-­‐‑1262. Robert Bozick, Karl Alexander, Doris Entwisle, Susan Dauber, and Kerri Kerr. 2010. “Framing the Future: Revisiting the Role of Educational Expectations in Status Attainment.” Social Forces 88: 2027-­‐‑2052. Robert Bozick. 2009. “Job Opportunities, Economic Resources, and the Postsecondary Destinations of American Youth.” Demography 46: 493-­‐‑512. Karl Alexander, Robert Bozick, and Doris Entwisle. 2008. “Warming Up, Cooling Out, or Holding Steady?: Persistence and Change in Educational Expectations over the Years after High School.” Sociology of Education 81: 371-­‐‑396 Robert Bozick. 2007. “Making It Through the First Year of College: The Role of Students’ Economic Resources, Employment, and Living Arrangements.” Sociology of Education 80: 261-­‐‑
285. Michael Planty, Robert Bozick, and Michael Regnier. 2006. “Helping Because You Have To Or Helping Because You Want To? Sustaining Participation in Service Work from Adolescence through Young Adulthood.” Youth and Society 38: 177-­‐‑202. Robert Bozick. 2006. “Precocious Behaviors in Early Adolescence: Employment and the Transition to First Sexual Intercourse.” Journal of Early Adolescence 26: 60-­‐‑86. Robert Bozick and Stefanie DeLuca. 2005. “Better Late Than Never? Delayed Enrollment in the High School to College Transition.” Social Forces 84: 527-­‐‑550. Robert Bozick and Keith MacAllum. 2002. “Does Participation in a School-­‐‑to-­‐‑Career Program Limit Educational and Career Opportunities?” Journal of Career and Technical Education 18: 30-­‐‑46. B o z i c k | 4 Working Papers Robert Bozick, Michael Gottfried, and Sinduja Srinivasan. “Do High School STEM Courses Prepare Non-­‐‑College-­‐‑Bound Youth for Jobs in the STEM Economy?” Under review. Robert Bozick, Jennifer Steele, Lois Davis, and Susan Turner. “Does Providing Inmates with Education Improve Post-­‐‑Release Outcomes? A Meta-­‐‑Analysis of Correctional Education Programs in the United States.” Kate Strully, Robert Bozick, and Ying Huang. “E-­‐‑Verify Laws and the Health of Infants Born to Non-­‐‑Native Mexican Women.” Narayan Sastry and Robert Bozick. “The Effects of Childhood Health on Young Adult Education.” Reviews and Commentary Robert Bozick. 2015. “Prison Pell Grants” Radio Interview with Julie Rose for Top of the Mind on BYU Radio. Robert Bozick. 2015. “Obama Restores Some Prisoners’ Pell Grant Eligibility” Interview for Newsweek. Robert Bozick. 2014. “Burdened with Record Amount of Debt, Graduates Delay Marriage” Interview for NBC News. Robert Bozick. 2013. “The Limits of Career and Technical Education in Improving Math Achievement among High School Students.” Commentary for The Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) Blog. Robert Bozick. 2012. Book Review of “College and Career Ready in the 21st Century” by James R. Stone and Morgan V. Lewis. Teachers College Record. Peer Reviewed Reports for the RAND Corporation Lynn A. Karoly, Robert Bozick, Lois M. Davis, Sami Kitmitto, Lori Turk-­‐‑Bicakci, Johannes M. Bos,Aleksandra Holod, Charles Blankenship. 2015. Evaluation of the SB 1041 Reforms to California'ʹs CalWORKs Program: Background and Study Design. RAND (RR-­‐‑919-­‐‑CDSS). Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Chaitra M. Hardison, Nelson Lim, Kirsten M. Keller, Jefferson P. Marquis, Leslie Adrienne Payne, Robert Bozick, Louis T. Mariano, Jacqueline A. Mauro, Lisa Miyashiro, Gillian S. Oak, and Lisa Saum-­‐‑Manning. 2015. Recommendations for Improving the Recruiting and Hiring of Los Angeles Firefighters.” RAND (RR-­‐‑687). Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. B o z i c k | 5 Gabriella Gonzalez, Robert Bozick, Lindsay Daugherty, Ethan Scherer, Reema Singh, Monica Suarez, and Sarah Ryan. 2014. “Transforming an Urban School System: Progress of New Haven School Change and New Haven Promise Education Reforms.” RAND (RR-­‐‑777). Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Lois Davis, Jennifer Steele, Robert Bozick, Malcolm V. Williams, Susan Turner, Jeremy Miles, Jessica Saunders, and Paul S. Steinberg. 2014. How Effective Is Correctional Education and Where Do We Go from Here? The Results of a Comprehensive Evaluation.” RAND (RR-­‐‑564). Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Lois Davis, Robert Bozick, Jennifer Steele, Jessica Saunders, and Jeremy Miles. 2013. “Evaluating the Efficacy of Correctional Education: A Meta-­‐‑Analysis of Programs that Provide Education to Incarcerated Adults.” RAND (RR-­‐‑266). Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Gabriella Gonzalez, Robert Bozick, Shannah Tharp-­‐‑Taylor, and Andrea Phillips. 2011. “Fulfilling the Pittsburgh Promise: Early Progress of Pittsburgh'ʹs Postsecondary Scholarship Program.” RAND (MG-­‐‑1139). Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Peer Reviewed Reports for RTI International Rosen, Jeffrey, Elizabeth E. Glennie, Benjamin Dalton, Jean Lennon, and Robert Bozick. 2010. “Noncognitive Skills in the Classroom: New Perspectives on Educational Research.” RTI Press No. BK-­‐‑0004-­‐‑1009. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International. Robert Bozick. 2008. “Student Employment During the Transition to College in the United States.” RTI Press No. RR-­‐‑0001. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International. Peer Reviewed Reports for the U.S. Department of Education Angela Estacion, Stephanie D’Souza, and Robert Bozick. 2011. “Characteristics of Career Academies in 12 Florida School Districts.” Issues & Answers Report, REL 2011–No. 106. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast. Robert Bozick and Steven Ingels. 2007. “Mathematics Coursetaking and Achievement at the End of High School: Evidence from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002).” (NCES 2008-­‐‑319). National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC. B o z i c k | 6 Robert Bozick and Erich Lauff. 2007. “Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002): A First Look at the Initial Postsecondary Experiences of the Sophomore Class of 2002.” (NCES 2008-­‐‑
308). National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC. Ben Dalton, Steven Ingels, Jane Downing, and Robert Bozick. 2007. “Advanced Mathematics and Science Coursetaking in the Spring High School Senior Classes of 1982, 1992, and 2004.” (NCES 2007–312). U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Michael Planty, Robert Bozick, and Steven Ingels. 2006. “Academic Pathways, Preparation, and Performance—A Descriptive Overview of the Transcripts from the High School Graduating Class of 2003–04.” NCES 2007–316. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Robert Bozick, Tiffany Lytle, Peter H. Siegel, Steven J. Ingels, James E. Rogers, Erich Lauff, and Michael Planty. 2006. “Education Longitudinal Study of 2002: First Follow-­‐‑up Transcript Component Data File Documentation.” NCES 2006–338. U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Steven Ingels, Michael Planty, and Robert Bozick. 2005. “A Profile of the American High School Senior in 2004: A First Look—Initial Results From the First Follow-­‐‑up of the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002).” NCES 2005–348. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Invited Talks and Testimony “Senate Bill 1391 Oversight: Effective Inmate Educational Programming.” Senate Public Safety Committee, California State Capitol. Sacramento, CA. March 2015. “Determinants and Consequences of Youth Employment: Implications for Youth Development Practitioners.” Home Builders Institute C-­‐‑CORE (Construction-­‐‑Coaching Opportunities to Reach Employment) Summit, New Orleans, LA. September 2011. “So, What Are You Doing When You Finish High School? School, Work, and Opportunities in the Lives of Contemporary American Youth.” RAND Corporation Microeconomics Seminar Series, Arlington, VA. July 2009. “Educational Trends, Determinants, and Consequences.” Discussant for paper session. Population Association of American Annual Meeting, New York, New York. March 2007. B o z i c k | 7 Academic Conference Presentations “Do High School STEM Courses Prepare Non-­‐‑College-­‐‑Bound Youth for Jobs in the STEM Economy?” with Michael Gottfried and Sinduja Srinivasan. Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Meeting, Albuquerque , NM. November 2014. “The Effects of Childhood Health on Young Adult Education.” with Narayan Sastry. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. May 2014. “Immigration Enforcement Policies and Infant Health.” with Kate Strully and Ying Huang. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. May 2014. “Pre-­‐‑Migration School Quality, Time Spent in the U.S., and the Math Achievement of Immigrant High School Students.” with Trey Miller and Alessandro Malchiodi. Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, November 2013. “Using a Merit-­‐‑Based Scholarship Program to Increase Rates of College Enrollment in an Urban School District: The Case of the Pittsburgh Promise.” with Gabriella Gonzalez and John Engberg. Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Meeting, Baltimore, MD. November 2012. “Undocumented Immigrants in Higher Education: Assessing the Relationship Between State Tuition Policies and College Enrollment.” with Trey Miller and Matheu Kaneshiro. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. May 2012. “When Origins and Destinations Differ: An Exploratory Look at the Relationship Between Intergenerational Status Mobility and Mental Health.” with Juliana McGene. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. August 2011. “Are Student Loans a Reverse Dowry? The Dynamics of Debt Repayment and Marriage Formation in Young Adulthood.” with Angela Estacion. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX. April 2010. “Career Academies in Florida: How Many, What Type, and Who Enrolls?” with Kathryn Borman, Bridget Cotner, Corinne Alfeld, and Reginald Lee. American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. November 2009. “Warming Up, Cooling Out, or Holding Steady?: Persistence and Change in Educational Expectations over the Years after High School.” with Karl Alexander and Doris Entwisle. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. August 2008. “Formulating the Design for a New Longitudinal Study: A Preview of the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09).” Longitudinal Studies Symposium at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY. March 2008. B o z i c k | 8 “Career and Technical Education and Academic Progress at the End of High School: Evidence from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002.” with Ben Dalton. National Assessment of Career and Technical Education Independent Advisory Panel Meeting, Department of Education, Washington, DC. April 2007. “Making It Through the First Year of College: The Role of Economic Resources, Student Employment, and Living Arrangements.” American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. April 2007. “Settling Down or Living it Up? Sexual Orientation, Substance Use, and the Transition to Adulthood.” with Erika Austin. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, QB. August 2006. “Framing the Future: The Development and Meaning of Educational Expectations Among Urban Youth.” with Karl Alexander, Doris Entwisle, Susan Dauber, and Kerri Kerr. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. August 2005. “Better Late Than Never? Delayed Enrollment in the High School to College Transition.” with Stefanie DeLuca. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. May 2003. “What Happens After They Graduate? Part II. Further Results from a Longitudinal Study of School to-­‐‑Career Graduates.” with Keith MacAllum. Association for Careerand Technical Education Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. December 2002. “Children of Mexican Immigrants and Dropping out of High School: Does Social Capital Embedded in the School Make a Difference?” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. August 2002. “The Relationship Between Employment and Teen Sexual Behavior: Evidence from the National Education Longitudinal Study.” Poster presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. May 2002. “Precocious Behaviors in Early Adolescence: Employment and the Transition to First Sexual Intercourse.” Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. April 2002. “What Happens After They Graduate? Results from a Longitudinal Study of School-­‐‑to-­‐‑Career Graduates.” with Keith MacAllum. Association for Career and Technical Education Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. December 2001. “Educational and Developmental Outcomes of Adolescents in Families Headed by Two Women.” with Marybeth Mattingly. Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. April 2001. B o z i c k | 9 “Behavioral Responses to Social Rejection.” with Tricia Yurak, Frank LoSchiavo, and Lisa Kerrigan. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN. May 2000. RESEARCH SUPPORT Principal Investigator. Effects of Childhood Health on Schooling, Work, and the Transition into Adulthood. Component of Program Project “Transition to Adulthood within its Life Course and Intergenerational Family Context” (Narayan Sastry, PI). P01 HD087155-­‐‑01. $4,999,687 grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health. 2016-­‐‑21. Principal Investigator. Preparing Local Talent for Jobs in the Sub-­‐‑baccalaureate STEM Economy: The Marcellus ShaleNET Program and the Emerging Energy Sector. $1,499,417 grant from the National Science Foundation’s Education and Human Resources (HER) Core Research Program. 2015-­‐‑18. Co-­‐‑Principal Investigator, with Kate Strully. Immigration Enforcement and the Health of Immigrants and Their Children. R21 HD082557-­‐‑02. $156,660 grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health. 2015-­‐‑17. Co-­‐‑Principal Investigator, with Lynn Karoly and Lois Davis. Evaluation of the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Program, SB 1041. $8,988,368 contract with the California Department of Social Services. 2014-­‐‑17. Co-­‐‑Principal Investigator, with Charles Goldman. Understanding the Economic Return To An Improved Military Training and Credentialing. $283,913 contract with the U.S. Department of Defense. 2014-­‐‑15. Co-­‐‑Principal Investigator, with Gabriella Gonzalez. Evaluation of the Early Progress of New Haven School Change and New Haven Promise. $419,811 contract with the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven. 2013-­‐‑14. Co-­‐‑Principal Investigator, with Lois Davis. Evaluation of the Pathways from Prison to Postsecondary Education Demonstration Project. $318,619 contract with the Vera Institute of Justice. 2013-­‐‑14. Co-­‐‑Principal Investigator, with Michael Gottfried. Career and Technical Education as a Foundation to Support Postsecondary Transitions in STEM for Students with Disabilities. $403,865 grant from the National Science Foundation’s Research on Disabilities Education (RDE Program). 2012-­‐‑14. Principal Investigator. Undocumented Immigrants in Higher Education: Assessing the Relationship between State Tuition Policies and College Enrollment. $174,075 grant from the Spencer Foundation. 2011-­‐‑12. B o z i c k | 10 Principal Investigator. Beyond Academic Math and Science: The Role of Applied Engineering and Computer Science in the High School Curriculum. $299,216 grant from the National Science Foundation’s Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering (REESE) Program. 2011-­‐‑13. Co-­‐‑Principal Investigator, with Lois Davis. Improving Educational Methods for Incarcerated Adults and Juveniles. $2,495,823 grant from the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance. 2010-­‐‑14. Co-­‐‑Principal Investigator, with Gabriella Gonzalez: Evaluation of the Pittsburgh Promise. $266,102 contract with the Pittsburgh Promise. 2010-­‐‑11. Co-­‐‑Principal Investigator, with Stefanie DeLuca: Postsecondary Decisions: School, Work, and Opportunities in the Lives of American Youth. $20,000 grant from the American Education Research Association and $29,376 Professional Development Award from RTI International. 2007-­‐‑08. Project Manager: National Assessment of Career and Technical Education. $483,730 contract with the Policy and Program Studies Service at the U.S. Department of Education. 2006-­‐‑08. Project Manager: Longitudinal Studies Analysis and Writing Support. $582,970 in 2006, $389,330 in 2007, and $244,998 in 2008 subcontract through the American Institutes for Research for the National Center for Education Statistics. 2006-­‐‑07. Co-­‐‑Principal Investigator, with Erika Austin: Sexual Orientation, Substance Use, and the Transition to Adulthood. $850 grant from the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. 2006. American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Johns Hopkins University Sociology of Education Graduate Research Fellowship. 2002-­‐‑04. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Teaching Assistant, Johns Hopkins University, 2002 Education and Inequality: Individual, Contextual, and Policy Perspectives Instructor, University of Maryland, 2001 Introduction to Social Statistics Teaching Assistant, University of Maryland, 1999-­‐‑2001 Introduction to Social Statistics B o z i c k | 11 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND AFFILIATIONS Journal Reviewer American Sociological Review Population Research and Policy Review Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Population Studies Educational Researcher Regional Studies Journal of Family Issues Social Forces Journal of Marriage and Family Social Science Research Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Sociology of Education Journal of Research on Adolescence Grant Reviewer National Science Foundation Current Memberships Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Population Association of America -­‐‑ 2014 Congressional Delegation -­‐‑ 2012 Annual Meeting, Program Committee 