UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Detailed Financial Schedules for the Year Ended June 30, 2003 (unaudited) VICE CHANCELLOR STEVEN W. RELYEA I am pleased to submit the Detailed Financial Schedules of the San Diego campus for the year ended June 30, 2003. The records and accounts of the University from which this report is prepared are maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and the National Association of College and University Business Officers. The Detailed Financial Schedules are not audited and are intended for internal use. The accounts of the University of California are audited annually on a consolidated basis by the firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, whose audit report and opinion statement are transmitted to The Regents. The consolidated financial statements are presented in the modified format required by the GASB. This report is available via BLINK as a PDF document. Donald A. Larson Controller Business and Financial Services CONTENTS Page Narrative Summary 2 Statement of Net Assets (GASB format) 6 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets (GASB format) 7 Statement of Cash Flows (GASB format) 8 Illustrations of Selected Financial Information 9 The Past Decade 11 Balance Sheet 13 Consolidated Summary of Changes in Funds Balances 15 Current Funds Revenues 17 Current Funds Expenditures by Uniform Classification Category 18 Current Funds Expenditures by Department 23 Financial Aid 38 Current Funds Expenditures by Fund Source 40 Current Funds Expenditures by Expenditure Category by Fund Source 43 Notes to the Financial Schedules 44 Current Funds Expenditures by Department - Loc "O" 51 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Financial Report-Detailed Schedules 2002-2003 The financial records of the University are maintained in accordance with standards prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and the National Association of College and University Business Officers. A number of accounting changes were implemented in the prior fiscal year (2001-2002) as required by the GASB Statement 35, which defines the basic financial statements for public colleges and universities. Summarized, unaudited financial statements for the campus presented in the format prescribed by the GASB are included in this publication. The three basic statements are: statement of net assets; statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets; and statement of cash flows. The audited, consolidated financial statements of the University of California are available (after November) at The San Diego campus of the University of California was founded in 1912 and designated a general campus in 1959. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003, the San Diego Campus averaged 22,886 employees – 6,605 academic and 16,281 staff - and in the Fall Quarter served 23,548 students – 19,088 undergraduate and 4,460 graduate and professional students. Academic programs are conducted in the residential colleges (Revelle, Muir, Thurgood Marshall, Warren, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Sixth College), the School of Medicine, the Jacobs School of Engineering, the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the School of Management. The UCSD Medical Center serves as the campus teaching hospital. The financial schedules in this report provide an accounting for the funds that were available to the University of California, San Diego during the 2002-2003 fiscal year in furtherance of the major objectives of the institution - instruction, research, public service, and patient care. The other detailed financial schedules contained in this publication are also unaudited and are intended for internal use. To ensure the observance of restrictions placed on the resources available, the principles of fund accounting are employed, wherein financial transactions are recorded within separate funds. Similar funds are grouped for purposes of accounting and financial reporting. The major fund groups are current funds, endowment and similar funds, loan funds and plant funds. The financial schedules represent the combined activities of campus departments and the UCSD Medical Center. The operations of certain related but independent organizations, such as the UCSD Foundation and student and alumni associations, are not included. CURRENT FUNDS Current funds revenues totaled $1.766 billion in 2002-2003, an increase of 4.7% from the prior year. As shown in the following comparison of current funds revenues by source, the Federal Government represented the largest percentage at $458.5 million (26%), followed by the sales and services of the UCSD Medical Center at $455.9 million (25.8%) and the State of California at $335 million (19%). See the schedule of Current Funds Revenues for more detail. Current funds are the basic operating funds of the University. Current funds balances are separated into those restricted by donors or grantors and balances that are unrestricted. Restricted funds may be expended only for the purpose indicated by the donor or grantor, whereas the use of unrestricted funds is determined by the University to achieve its objectives. For statement purposes, unrestricted funds have been separated into the general fund, provided by the state of California, and designated, or other funds. CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES BY SOURCE (Dollars in Thousands) Source 2002-2003 Tuition and Fees Less: Scholarship Allowance Federal Government State Government Local Government Private Gifts, Grants and Contracts Sales and Services of Educational Activities Sales and Services of Auxiliary Enterprises Less: Scholarship Allowance Sales and Services of UCSD Medical Center Other Sources Less: Scholarship Allowance $ Total Receipts $ 146,620 (26,822) 458,538 335,061 7,830 Increase/ (Decrease) 2001-2002 8.3% -1.5% 26.0% 19.0% 0.4% $ 129,551 (25,182) 411,015 356,679 4,099 7.7% -1.5% 24.4% 21.1% 0.2% 13.2% 6.5% 11.6% (6.1%) 91.0% 130,660 7.4% 129,681 7.7% 0.8% 148,576 8.4% 143,611 8.5% 3.5% 94,453 (6,145) 5.3% -0.3% 85,148 (4,732) 5.0% -0.3% 10.9% 29.9% 455,910 21,841 (54) 25.8% 1.2% 0.0% 435,476 21,836 (27) 25.8% 1.2% -0.1% 4.7% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 4.7% 1,766,468 100.0% 2 $ 1,687,155 Current funds expenditures totaled $1.584 billion in 2002-2003, an increase of 6.9% from the prior year. As shown in the following comparison of current funds expenditures by function, research represented the largest percentage at $438.9 million (27.7%), followed by the UCSD Medical Center at $414.5 million (26.2%) and instruction at $312.5 million (19.7%). See various expenditure schedules for more detail. CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION (Dollars in Thousands) Function 2002-2003 Instruction Research Public Service Academic Support UCSD Medical Center Student Services Institutional Support Operation and Maintenance of Plant Student Financial Aid Less: Scholarship Allowance Auxiliary Enterprises $ Total Expenditures $ 312,509 438,931 12,391 147,613 414,493 39,536 71,878 19.7% 27.7% 0.8% 9.3% 26.2% 2.5% 4.5% 39,434 71,795 (33,021) 68,159 2.5% 4.5% -2.1% 4.3% 1,583,718 Increase/ (Decrease) 2001-2002 100.0% Salary and wage costs (excluding vacation, award payments and employee benefits) for faculty, research personnel, administrative staff and other employees totaled $828 million during 2002-2003 and $ $ 289,780 407,059 11,466 130,473 394,706 38,022 64,901 19.6% 27.5% 0.8% 8.8% 26.6% 2.6% 4.4% 7.8% 7.8% 8.1% 13.1% 5.0% 4.0% 10.8% 44,978 66,175 (29,941) 64,206 3.0% 4.5% -2.0% 4.3% (12.3%) 8.5% 10.3% 6.2% 100.0% 6.9% 1,481,825 represented 52.3% of the current funds expended (see various expenditure schedules for more detail). ENDOWMENT AND SIMILAR FUNDS Endowment and similar funds include endowments, funds functioning as endowments, and life-income funds. Endowment funds are invested in perpetuity, the investment income becoming available to the campus for use in accordance with any conditions stipulated by the donor. The San Diego campus' endowment funds, which had a book value of $54.8 million (market value $109.1 million) at June 30, 2003, are administered by the Office of the President and not reflected in this financial report, nor are endowment funds of the UCSD Foundation (book value $117.8 million, market value $156.2 million). Income from campus endowment funds is recorded at the Office of the President and transferred to the campus annually; such amounts are reflected in this report as additions to current funds. Income from UCSD Foundation endowments is recorded as revenue by the campus when received from the Foundation. SAN DIEGO CAMPUS ENDOWMENT FUNDS (Dollars in thousands) Book Value Market Value Income Transferred to Campus 2002-2003 2001-2002 $ $ 54,806 109,061 4,532 3 54,045 106,451 4,325 Increase/ (Decrease) 1.4% 2.5% 4 .8% LOAN FUNDS Loan funds consist of monies designated for loans to students, faculty, and staff. Loan funds are provided from federal student loan programs, university funds, and private donations. Outstanding loans as of June 30, 2003 totaled $26.2 million, of which 80%, or $20.9 million were provided under federal programs. LOAN FUND ACTIVITY (Dollars in Thousands) Long Term Loan Disbursements 2002-2003 Long Term Loans National Direct/Perkins Health Professions Loans for Disadvantaged Students University Loans Total Long Term Loans Loans Outstanding 2001-2002 $ 2,903 205 166 744 $ 2,795 240 103 668 $ 4,018 $ 3,806 June 30, 2003 $ Short Term Loans Total Loans $ 18,740 1,659 522 4,934 June 30, 2002 $ 19,096 1,845 485 3,960 25,855 25,386 357 880 26,212 $ 26,266 PLANT FUNDS specific outstanding loans, bonds, and certificates of participation. The majority of these funds are maintained at the Office of the President and, therefore, not all such funds are included in the campus financial schedules. Expenditures for the year from this subgroup totaled $69.8 million. Unspent balances recorded at the campus at year-end totaled $14.1 million. The plant funds group includes four subgroups: unexpended plant funds, renewal and replacement funds, retirement of indebtedness funds, and investment in plant funds. Unexpended plant funds are designated for the improvement or expansion of facilities of the campus. This includes land and building acquisitions, construction of new facilities, initial equipping of new buildings, renovation, remodeling and alteration of existing facilities, and general planning, studies and surveys connected with the physical planning of the campus. Unexpended plant funds are provided by state of California appropriations, federal grants, private gifts and grants, loan and bond issue proceeds, and transfers from current funds. Capital expenditures for the year from this subgroup totaled $175.4 million; non-capitalized expenditures totaled $1 million. Unspent balances at year-end totaled $72.7 million. As projects are completed and are capitalized, the capitalized amounts and any related liabilities are transferred to the investment in plant subgroup. Within the investment in plant subgroup is recorded the original cost, or the fair market value in the case of gifts, of the land, buildings, libraries and collections, intangibles and equipment assets of the University. Assets in the investment in plant subgroup as of June 30, 2003 totaled $3 billion, depreciation expense for the year was $129.3 million, accumulated depreciation at year-end totaled $1.5 billion, and the net book value of capital assets was $1.5 billion. Related liabilities of $851.4 million, consisting of Regents’ loans, State Public Works Board loans, bank and commercial paper loans, bonds, conditional sales contracts and certificates of participation, administered by both the San Diego Campus and the Office of the President, are shown on the balance sheet. See the Schedule of the San Diego Campus Long Term Debt in the Notes to the Financial Schedules section for details. Renewal and replacement funds, consisting of current funds transfers from self-supporting campus activities, are designated for use in the acquisition, construction, or replacement of capital assets. Capital expenditures for the year from this subgroup totaled $3.3 million; noncapitalized expenditures totaled $1.4 million. Unspent balances at year-end totaled $15.3 million. Retirement of indebtedness funds have been established to record debt service payments and to accumulate funds for the retirement of 4 PLANT FUNDS ACTIVITY (Dollars in Thousands) 2002-2003 2001-2002 Increase/ (Decrease) Plant Expenditures: Transfers to Investment in Plant Current Funds Unexpended Plant Renewal and Replacement Subtotal Non-capitalized expenditures Unexpended Plant Renewal and Replacement Subtotal $ 67,535 175,438 3,339 246,312 $ 67,799 140,668 2,861 211,328 (0.4%) 24.7% 16.7% 16.6% 736 1,717 2,453 39.8% (17.5%) (0.3%) 1,029 1,416 2,445 Total Plant Expenditures Plant Capitalization Construction in Progress, year end Equipment and Collections Intangibles Land, Buildings and Improvements Total Plant Capitalization Long Term Debt, year end: Recorded at the San Diego Campus Recorded at the Office of the President Total Long Term Debt $ 248,757 $ 213,781 16.4% $ 253,040 90,434 100 120,162 $ 202,865 82,159 1,500 85,929 24.7% 10.1% (93.3%) 39.8% $ 463,736 $ 372,453 24.5% $ 114,982 736,418 $ 132,048 673,637 (12.9%) 9.3% $ 851,400 $ 805,685 5.7% Significant construction in progress expenditures as of 6/30/03 include: Plant capitalization of additions to Investment in Plant of $463.7 million consists of $381.6 million expended from plant funds, $70.6 million from current funds and $11.5 million from gifts and other sources. Significant projects capitalized this year in Land, Buildings, and Improvements include: - California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies, $13.9 million expended; $102.5 million budgeted, primarily state funds - Eleanor Roosevelt College Housing and Dining Facilities, $87.7 million expended; $106 million budgeted, non-state funds - Central Utilities Plant Improvements Phase III, $7.2 million, primarily state funds - Natural Sciences Building, $50.6 million, primarily state funds - Rebecca and John Moores UCSD Cancer Center, $28 million expended; $104.8 million budgeted, non-state funds - Powell-Focht Bioengineering Hall, $34.9 million, non-state funds - School of Medicine Research Facility, $41.1 million expended; $61.6 million budgeted, non-state funds - Retina/Glaucoma Research Facility, $8.1 million expended; $9.1 million budgeted, non-state funds IN V E S T M E N T S IN C A P IT A L A S S E T S A T H IS T O R IC A L C O S T YEAR S EN D ED JU N E 30 ( D o lla r s in T h o u s a n d s ) $ 2 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1 , 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1994 Land 1995 1996 B u ild in g s , In f r a s t r u c tu r e a n d Im p r o v e m e n t s 1997 1998 E q u ip m e n t 1999 2000 L ib r a r ie s a n d C o lle c tio n s 5 2001 2002 C o n s tr u c t io n in P r o g r e s s 2003 I n ta n g ib le s UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 (Dollars In Thousands) STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS AS OF JUNE 30, 2003 WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 2002 (unaudited) Current Assets Cash Short-Term Investments Investments Held By Trustees Accounts Receivable State and Federal Government Medical Centers Other Pledges Receivable Current Portion of Notes Receivable Inventories Deferred Charges Other Current Assets 2003 ASSETS $ Total Current Assets Noncurrent Assets Investments Held By Trustees Pledges Receivable Notes Receivable Land-Buildings-Equipment-Libraries-Collections Less: Accumulated Depreciation Other Noncurrent Assets Total Noncurrent Assets Total Assets Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Accrued Salaries and Benefits Deferred Revenue (note 3a) Current Portion of Long-Term Debt (note 7) Funds Held for Others Other Current Liabilities $ 2,384 554,966 919 49,100 70,452 56,662 4,184 4,191 17,598 12,710 99 48,839 75,262 57,899 4,176 4,209 17,240 9,932 -- 821,346 775,826 5,958 4,874 19,578 2,991,254 (1,458,708) 2,974 6,732 4,891 19,818 2,779,745 (1,373,321) 2,831 1,565,930 1,440,696 2,387,276 $ 2,216,522 $ 95,707 44,679 67,369 72,671 3,337 98,183 $ 114,512 42,704 62,783 87,307 3,937 61,614 LIABILITIES Noncurrent Liabilities Federal Refundable Loans Long-Term Debt (note 7) Revenue Bonds Certificates of Participation Mortgages and Other Borrowings Capital Lease Obligations Other Noncurrent Liabilities Total Noncurrent Liabilities Total Liabilities NET ASSETS 381,946 372,857 21,152 21,038 584,491 38,174 17,152 138,912 40,663 491,019 39,879 38,939 148,540 41,364 840,544 780,779 1,222,490 1,153,636 681,146 600,739 -- -- 5,312 (23) 59,865 18,879 7,531 -(61) Total Restricted Unrestricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets 4,471 600,199 1,680 $ Total Current Liabilities Invested in Capital Assets Net of Related Debt (note 7) Restricted Nonexpendable Endowments (note 9) Expendable Endowment Income (note 9) Grants and Contracts (note 3a) Gifts Capital Projects Debt Service Appropriations Other 2002 6 $ 6,042 (623) 53,111 35,409 3,509 3,370 (71) 91,503 100,747 392,137 361,400 1,164,786 1,062,886 2,387,276 $ 2,216,522 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 (Dollars In Thousands) STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2003 WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 2002 (unaudited) 2003 OPERATING REVENUES Student Tuition and Fees - Net (note 3e) Grants and Contracts (note 3a) Federal State Private Local Total Grants and Contracts Sales and Services Medical Centers Educational Activities Auxiliary Enterprises - Net (note 3e) Total Sales and Services Other Operating Revenues - Net (note 3e) Total Operating Revenues $ OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries and Wages Benefits Scholarships and Fellowships Utilities Supplies and Materials Depreciation Other Operating Expenses Total Operating Expenses Operating Loss 119,801 2002 $ 104,370 458,725 24,627 92,089 7,830 583,271 411,015 30,216 92,886 4,099 538,216 455,909 148,585 88,325 692,819 21,749 1,417,640 435,460 143,611 80,416 659,487 21,830 1,323,903 869,260 167,267 23,606 45,068 242,725 129,299 238,237 1,715,462 819,421 151,959 22,397 43,900 209,802 121,853 237,036 1,606,368 (297,822) (282,465) 295,733 14,699 38,571 255 (6,034) (4,903) 216 338,537 309,049 17,412 36,795 392 (6,889) (5,898) (29) 350,832 40,715 68,367 24,107 28,325 52,432 44,246 18,575 62,821 161,526 (31,962) (21,952) 330 107,942 139,649 (25,627) (20,266) (3,794) 89,962 Unexpended Plant Retirement of Indebtedness Investment in Plant Loan Indirect Cost Recovery Total Transfers 105,753 (32,725) (159) 118 (109,396) 71,533 55,114 (20,992) 774 81 (98,245) 26,694 Increase in Net Assets 164,680 157,882 1,736,523 1,578,641 1,901,204 1,736,523 736,418 673,637 State Educational Appropriations State Financing Appropriations Private Gifts Investment Income Interest Expense Gain (Loss) on Disposal of Capital Assets - Net Other NonOperating Revenues (Expenses) Total Non-Operating Revenues NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Income Before Other Changes in Net Assets State Capital Appropriations Capital Gifts and Grants Total Other Changes in Net Assets Current Funds Intercampus Interfund Net Revenues of Bonds & Other Indebtedness Programs Indirect Cost Recovery Total Current OTHER CHANGES IN NET ASSETS TRANSFERS IN (OUT) Total Net Assets, Beginning of Year NET ASSETS Total Net Assets, End of Year, Recorded at the San Diego Campus (note 7) Less: Long Term Debt Recorded at the Office of the President (note 7) Total Net Assets, End of Year, Adjusted $ 7 1,164,786 $ 1,062,886 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2003 WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 2002 (unaudited) (Dollars in Thousands) 2003 2002 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Student Tuition and Fees Grants and Contracts Receipts from Sales and Services of Medical Centers Educational Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Payments to Employees Payments to Suppliers and Utilities Payments for Benefits Payments for Scholarships and Fellowships Loans Issued to Students and Employees Collection of Loans to Students and Employees Other Receipts (Payments) Total Cash Flows from Operating Activities $ 119,734 587,665 $ 103,493 569,495 460,521 147,802 88,078 (862,850) (499,120) (166,809) (23,606) (4,110) 4,791 4,704 (143,200) 430,226 149,975 80,994 (805,679) (483,471) (153,996) (22,397) (4,438) 3,889 (20,719) (152,628) CASH FLOWS FROM NON-CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES State Educational Appropriations Non-Capital Private Gifts Other Receipts (Payments) Total Cash Flows from Non-Capital Financing Activities 295,733 38,113 216 334,062 309,049 36,375 (422) 345,002 CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND FINANCING ACTIVITIES State Capital Appropriations State Financing Appropriations Capital Gifts and Grants Proceeds from Debt Issuance Proceeds from the Sale of Capital Assets Purchases of Capital Assets Principal Paid on Debt and Capital Leases Interest Paid on Debt and Capital Leases Total Cash Flows from Capital and Financing Activities 24,523 10,010 17,266 8,600 176 (243,718) (24,977) (6,323) (214,443) 46,584 12,512 12,388 23,215 121 (212,025) (18,921) (4,867) (140,993) CASH FLOWS FROM TRANSFERS Current Intercampus Interfund Net Revenues of Bonds and Other Indebtedness Programs Indirect Cost Recovery Unexpended Plant Retirement of Indebtedness Investment in Plant Loan Indirect Cost Recovery Total Transfers 160,894 (31,962) (21,952) 330 105,753 (32,725) (159) 118 (109,396) 70,901 142,240 (25,627) (20,266) (3,794) 55,114 (20,992) 774 81 (98,245) 29,285 47,320 80,666 Total Net Increase in Cash Total Cash Beginning of Year Total Cash End of Year $ RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME AND CASH PROVIDED Operating Income (Loss) $ Depreciation and Amortization Expense Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Change in Assets and Liabilities Receivables - Net Inventories Deferred Charges Other Assets Accounts Payable Accrued Salaries and Benefits Deferred Revenue Other Liabilities Total Reconciliation of Operating Income and Cash Provided $ SUPPLEMENTAL NON-CASH ACTIVITIES INFORMATION Capital Assets Acquired Through Capital Lease Capital Assets Acquired-Liability-Year End Loss on Disposal of Capital Assets Gifts of Capital Assets Total Supplemental Non-Cash Activities Information 8 $ $ 557,350 604,670 (297,822) 129,299 (548) 476,684 557,350 $ $ (282,465) 121,853 (4,584) ` 4,387 (358) (2,778) (242) (21,029) 1,975 7,809 557,350 378,043 3,056 3,000 (4,903) 9,955 11,108 $ $ $ 6,236 (2,321) 1,133 436 (6,949) 3,456 162 476,684 313,641 9,170 801 (5,898) 7,918 11,991 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES BY SOURCE (See Schedule-Page 17) Illustrations of Selected Private Gifts 2.2% Private Grants 1.6% Tuition & Fees 6.8% Private Contracts 3.6% Financial Information for the Fiscal Year Ended Sales & Serv Educ Activities 8.4% Sales & Serv UCSD Med Ctr 25.8% Sales & Serv Aux Ent 5.0% Federal Government 26.0% June 30, 2003 Other Sources 1.2% Local Government 0.4% State Government 19.0% CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES PLANT EXPENDITURES THE PAST DECADE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) $2,000,000 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total Revenues 9 1999 2000 Total Expenditures 2001 2002 2003 Plant Funds Expenditures UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (See Schedule-Page 18) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (See Schedule-Page 23) Aux Ent 4.2% Public Service 0.8% Research 27.7% Student Finl Aid 2.3% Academic Support 9.3% Student Svcs 2.5% Jacobs Sch of Engineering 4.6% Oper & Maint of Plant 3.2% UCSD Med Ctr 26.0% Sch of Med 24.5% UCSD Med Ctr 26.2% Summer Session 0.2% Aux Ent 4.3% Student Services 2.5% Inst Supp 4.4% Oper & Maint Plant Student Finl Aid 2.5% Instit Support 2.4% 4.5% Campus-Wide Depts 15.4% Provosts' Offices 0.3% Scripps Inst CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY EXPENDITURE CATEGORY (See Schedule-Page 43) Salaries and Wages 52.7% General Fund 22.1% Supplies and Services 33.2% Tuition & Fees 7.0% Sales & Serv UCSD Med Ctr 25.5% Other 3.4% Oceanography 6.9% CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY FUND SOURCE (See Schedule-Page 40) Reserves 0.4% Other Sources 0.2% Univ Ext 1.6% Grad Sch Intl Rel & Pac Studies 0.4% Instruction 19.7% Federal Government 20.8% Local Government 0.4% Sales & Serv Aux Ent 4.3% Sales & Serv Educ Activities 9.7% Endowment & Similar Funds 1.5% Priv Gifts, Grants Special State & Contr Approp & Contr 6.3% 1.7% Employee Benefits 12.5% 10 Travel 1.6% UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 THE PAST DECADE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30 (Dollars in Thousands) 2003 CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES: Tuition and fees Less: scholarship allowance (note 3e) Federal government State government Local government Private gifts, grants, and contracts Sales and services of educational activities Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Less: scholarship allowance (note 3e) Sales and services of UCSD medical center Other sources Less: scholarship allowance (note 3e) Total Revenues CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES: Instruction Research Public service Academic support UCSD medical center Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Less: scholarship allowance (note 3e) Auxiliary enterprises Total Expenditures $ $ $ 2002 * 146,620 (26,822) 458,538 335,061 7,830 130,660 148,576 94,453 (6,145) 455,910 21,841 (54) 1,766,468 312,509 438,931 12,391 147,613 414,493 39,536 71,878 39,434 71,795 (33,021) 68,159 $ 129,551 (25,182) 411,015 356,679 4,099 129,681 143,611 85,148 (4,732) 435,476 21,836 (27) $ 1,687,155 $ 289,780 407,059 11,466 130,473 394,706 38,022 64,901 44,978 66,175 (29,941) 64,206 -----------------------2001----------------------Restated * Adjustments As Published $ $ $ 121,554 (24,628) 382,241 348,184 3,421 116,598 140,496 80,423 (5,028) 416,700 18,123 (27) 1,598,057 281,985 383,754 9,491 142,859 358,976 35,147 68,155 40,312 56,215 (29,683) 57,628 $ (2) $ (24,628) 114,194 -358,617 298,969 2,097 102,376 132,425 74,860 -370,645 17,731 -- 1,622,232 $ 1,471,914 284,386 $ 267,879 387,912 8,441 142,863 333,836 31,614 54,071 40,483 53,755 -55,933 (3,040) 385,281 1,463 346,721 3,430 5,341 111,257 -- 140,496 1,755 78,668 (5,028) -- -- 416,700 -- 18,123 (27) $ $ 121,556 -- (9) $ 2000 -- (24,175) $ (2,401) $ (27,579) 411,333 (52) 9,543 (13,437) 156,296 (6,004) 364,980 (267) 35,414 (936) 69,091 (7,728) 48,040 (21) 56,236 (29,683) -- (323) 57,951 $ 1,583,718 $ 1,481,825 $ 1,404,839 $ (88,431) $ 1,493,270 $ 1,376,787 PLANT EXPENDITURES (note 3c) $ 248,757 $ 213,781 $ 168,657 $ 59,664 $ 108,993 $ 86,785 PLANT ASSETS Capitalized value (note 3g) Accumulated depreciation (note 3f) $ 113,444 $ 2,488,546 $ 2,470,299 (1,203,517) $ 1,266,782 Net Plant Assets-Capitalized Value STUDENT ENROLLMENT (FALL QUARTER): Undergraduate Graduate and professional students $ 2,991,254 (1,458,708) $ 1,532,546 $ 2,779,745 (1,373,321) $ 1,406,424 $ 2,601,990 (1,297,270) $ (1,297,270) 1,304,720 $ (1,183,826) -$ 2,488,546 19,088 4,460 17,505 4,063 16,496 3,716 -- 16,496 -- 3,716 16,230 3,688 23,548 21,568 20,212 -- 20,212 19,918 EMPLOYMENT: Academic employees Staff employees 6,605 16,281 5,823 15,403 5,580 14,700 -- 5,580 -- 14,700 5,500 14,250 Total Employment 22,886 21,226 20,280 -- 20,280 19,750 Total Enrollment * Several accounting changes became effective in fiscal 2002 as required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 35. Financial activities for fiscal 2001 have been restated to reflect these changes for comparison purposes, while fiscal years 2000 and prior have not been restated at the detail level. (note 3) 11 (Continued on page 12) 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 $ 110,802 -335,614 283,504 1,470 105,739 112,762 72,745 -352,433 15,636 -- $ 106,060 -307,205 244,377 1,365 89,042 88,979 69,648 -294,939 12,245 -- $ 100,193 -270,571 225,091 768 84,106 93,572 67,665 -296,893 11,790 -- $ 100,170 -281,404 210,395 4,608 67,665 127,783 68,337 -283,618 11,283 -- $ 92,919 -268,825 198,380 3,215 57,311 105,380 67,097 -302,601 11,851 -- $ 83,014 -253,700 199,428 2,007 54,953 93,135 63,873 -280,564 11,982 -- $ 1,390,705 $ 1,213,860 $ 1,150,649 $ 1,155,263 $ 1,107,579 $ 1,042,656 $ 248,741 345,919 7,054 114,295 313,108 28,569 48,135 35,537 49,976 -52,170 $ 230,238 311,881 3,647 92,587 267,615 29,835 45,719 31,633 48,888 -50,429 $ 216,113 278,273 3,444 104,821 263,472 27,919 43,593 32,192 46,910 -52,516 $ 208,918 270,241 3,917 149,229 284,414 26,514 43,711 29,554 48,389 -51,315 $ 193,642 257,335 3,985 100,285 277,685 24,624 39,484 30,626 44,464 -50,798 $ 177,516 238,526 3,535 90,872 272,440 21,973 32,678 28,614 38,766 -47,036 $ 1,243,504 $ 1,112,472 $ 1,069,253 $ 1,116,202 $ 1,022,928 $ 951,956 $ 61,921 $ 75,745 $ 53,633 $ 68,287 $ 84,081 $ 133,073 $ 2,269,529 -- $ 2,217,700 -- $ 2,138,433 -- $ 2,043,278 -- $ 1,931,272 -- $ 1,820,928 -- $ 2,269,529 $ 2,217,700 $ 2,138,433 $ 2,043,278 $ 1,931,272 $ 1,820,928 15,837 3,533 15,140 3,527 14,623 3,496 14,846 3,478 14,320 3,456 14,360 3,510 19,370 18,667 18,119 18,324 17,776 17,870 5,300 13,550 5,450 13,450 5,400 13,250 5,050 13,150 5,313 13,636 5,061 12,841 18,850 18,900 18,650 18,200 18,949 17,902 12 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 BALANCE SHEET, JUNE 30, 2003 AND 2002 (unaudited) Plant Funds Current Funds ASSETS Current Assets Cash and equity in treasurer's investments Trustee held cash and investments Receivables, net of allowances (2003, $7,970,652; 2002, $8,372,506) State and federal Medical Student loans Pledges (note 4) Other Inventories Prepayments and other assets $ 496,472,642 -- Total Current Assets Noncurrent Assets Trustee held cash and investments Receivables, net of allowances (2003, $1,628,562; 2002, $1,792,682) State and federal Student loans Pledges (note 4) Prepayments and other assets Investment in plant, at cost (note 6) Land General improvements Infrastructure Buildings Equipment Libraries and collections Construction in progress Intangibles Less: accumulated depreciation Total Noncurrent Assets Total Assets LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deposits and other credits Deferred income Current portion of long term debt (note 7) Funds held for others Other $ Unexpended Plant 4,144,655 -- $ 80,254,579 -- 47,648,985 70,452,422 -2,843,806 56,661,881 17,597,672 12,809,270 75,658 -4,191,211 ----- 1,375,605 --1,340,450 ---- 704,486,678 8,411,524 82,970,634 -- -- -- --1,789,017 2,945,921 28,259 19,577,745 --- --3,084,492 -- ---------- ---------- ---------- 4,734,938 19,606,004 3,084,492 $ 709,221,616 $ 28,017,528 $ 86,055,126 $ 126,378,373 -66,013,733 -3,336,901 97,954,521 $ -----228,000 $ 11,974,353 -1,355,317 ---- Total Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities Federal refundable loans (note 3i) Long term debt (note 7) Other Total Noncurrent Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Restricted- expendable Net investment in capital assets (note 7) Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets Loan Funds $ 293,683,528 228,000 13,329,670 --40,662,691 21,152,048 --- ---- 40,662,691 21,152,048 -- 334,346,219 21,380,048 13,329,670 309,782,431 65,092,966 -- 6,637,480 --- 53,846,126 18,879,330 -- 374,875,397 6,637,480 72,725,456 709,221,616 $ 28,017,528 Note: The balance sheet includes the San Diego portion of long-term debt for multi-campus borrowings accounted for centrally at the Office of the President (UCOP) totaling $736.4 million ($673.6 million 2002). ( note 7) The balance sheet does not include campus endowment and similar funds administered by UCOP with a recorded value of $54.8 million ($54 million 2002). (note 9) 13 (Continued on page 14) $ 86,055,126 Schedule A Plant Funds Renewal and Replacement $ Retirement of Indebtedness 16,616,986 -- $ Investment in Plant 7,180,768 1,680,256 $ Totals 2003 --- $ 604,669,630 1,680,256 2002 $ 557,350,206 918,672 -------- -------- -------- 49,100,248 70,452,422 4,191,211 4,184,256 56,661,881 17,597,672 12,809,270 48,838,634 75,262,112 4,209,360 4,176,129 57,899,532 17,240,168 9,932,042 16,616,986 8,861,024 -- 821,346,846 775,826,855 -- 5,957,879 -- 5,957,879 6,731,582 ----- ----- ----- 28,259 19,577,745 4,873,509 2,945,921 31,616 19,818,239 4,890,872 2,799,552 ---------- ---------- -- 5,957,879 32,296,253 76,011,055 74,225,350 1,507,457,469 690,306,139 356,317,620 253,040,018 1,600,000 (1,458,708,252) 32,296,253 76,011,055 74,225,350 1,507,457,469 690,306,139 356,317,620 253,040,018 1,600,000 (1,458,708,252) 32,296,253 74,830,224 70,961,190 1,392,144,409 667,625,180 337,523,234 202,864,635 1,500,000 (1,373,321,438) 1,532,545,652 1,565,928,965 1,440,695,548 $ 16,616,986 $ 14,818,903 $ 1,532,545,652 $ 2,387,275,811 $ 2,216,522,403 $ 1,331,878 ------ $ 702,278 ------ $ ---72,670,619 --- $ 140,386,882 -67,369,050 72,670,619 3,336,901 98,182,521 $ 157,216,257 -62,783,268 87,306,867 3,937,378 61,613,271 $ 1,331,878 702,278 72,670,619 381,945,973 372,857,041 ---- ---- -778,729,156 -- 21,152,048 778,729,156 40,662,691 21,037,945 718,378,011 41,362,906 -- -- 778,729,156 840,543,895 780,778,862 1,331,878 702,278 851,399,775 1,222,489,868 1,153,635,903 15,285,108 --- 6,585,386 7,531,239 -- --681,145,877 392,136,531 91,503,535 681,145,877 361,400,267 100,747,424 600,738,809 15,285,108 14,116,625 681,145,877 1,164,785,943 1,062,886,500 16,616,986 $ 14,818,903 $ 1,532,545,652 14 $ 2,387,275,811 $ 2,216,522,403 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-03 CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN FUNDS BALANCES (NET ASSETS) (unaudited) Plant Funds Current Funds BALANCE, JULY 1, 2002 $ 348,622,337 REVENUES AND OTHER ADDITIONS Tuition and fees (note 3e) Federal government (note 3a) State government (note 3a) Local government (note 3a) Private gifts, grants and contracts (note 3a) Sales and services of educational activities Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises (note 3e) Sales and services of UCSD medical center Other revenues sources (note 3e) Borrowings Investment income Other additions Total Revenues and Other Additions EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DEDUCTIONS Current funds expenditures (see expenditure schedules, note 3) Plant non-capitalized expenditures Depreciation expense Debt service Principal-liabilities recorded at campus (note 7) Principal-liabilities recorded at office of the president (note 7) Interest Disposal of plant facilities (net) Other Total Expenditures and Other Deductions 5,682,945 $ 70,119,333 -186,920 --------162,894 12,322 -454,796 24,107,381 -16,512,308 ----8,600,000 --- 1,766,468,209 362,136 49,674,485 1,583,717,519 --- ---- -1,029,435 -- ------ ----(228,507) ----10,028 1,583,717,519 (228,507) 1,039,463 (50,052,400) 37,228 -(37,228) --- (283,237) (41,406,069) (8,425,368) 12,614,877 -(67,535,240) 283,237 ------ -41,406,069 --(17,749,761) (175,437,715) (155,050,209) 246,009 (151,781,407) 14,144,720 109,843 1,601,579 (441,241) (3,093,700) (88,915,148) (15,994,162) (952,029) (21,951,781) 115,755,920 ------8,040 ------104,150,929 (1,447,421) 117,883 105,752,508 INTERCAMPUS TRANSFERS Investment income transferred to campus Indirect cost recovery (note 5) Local government contracts and grants Federal contracts Federal grants Private gifts, grants and contracts State agreements Net revenues of UC housing system Other Total Intercampus Transfers BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2003 $ 119,797,607 458,538,414 335,061,423 7,830,396 130,659,715 148,576,209 88,307,991 455,909,508 21,786,946 ---- INTERFUND TRANSFERS Mandatory - contractual arrangements Debt service Federal loan funds - university matching Non-mandatory - discretionary allocations Current to/from loan funds Current to/from unexpended plant funds Current to/from renewal and replacement funds Current to/from retirement of indebtedness funds Within plant funds Reclassification of capital expenditures (note 3c) Total Interfund Transfers Unexpended Plant Loan Funds $ 374,875,397 15 (Continued on page 16) $ 6,637,480 $ 72,725,456 Plant Funds Retirement of Indebtedness Renewal and Replacement $ 12,521,774 $ 25,201,302 $ Total 2003 1,274,375,821 $ Total 2002 1,736,523,512 $ 1,578,640,863 119,797,607 459,180,130 359,168,804 7,830,396 157,126,732 148,576,209 88,307,991 455,909,508 21,786,946 -418,207 1,916,924 104,368,054 411,965,670 400,925,601 4,099,457 146,726,906 143,610,965 80,416,074 435,475,861 21,809,397 -960,050 7,498,339 2,926,479 1,820,019,454 1,757,856,374 --129,298,942 1,583,717,519 2,444,992 129,298,942 1,481,825,942 2,453,076 121,853,281 -12,527,671 28,414,447 5,306,755 41,648 -10,492,649 29,381,225 6,287,001 5,854,189 105,883,581 1,761,751,974 1,658,147,363 --- --- --- ------------- ----------255,313 332,832 ----9,954,709 ----(8,600,000) -1,571,770 -- 588,145 -1,415,557 -- ---- ----158,143 28,722,116 12,527,671 28,414,447 -101,984 (28,722,116) --5,306,755 -- 1,573,700 69,766,218 50,882,892 -- (830,492) -- $ Investment in Plant --8,425,368 -80,995 (3,338,837) ---(12,614,877) 17,676,236 -- ----(7,470) 246,311,792 ------- ------- 4,337,034 55,944,251 246,304,322 -- -- -- 160,719 -- 16,016,861 17,714,717 -------- ------1,988,426 ------(159,009) (441,241) (3,093,700) (88,915,148) (15,994,162) (952,029) (21,951,781) 221,744,306 (141,633) (2,915,759) (79,974,358) (14,109,410) (1,103,762) (20,266,073) 158,969,916 -- 2,149,145 (159,009) 106,413,106 58,173,638 1,417,564,032 1,901,204,098 1,736,523,512 736,418,155 736,418,155 673,637,012 15,285,108 $ 14,116,625 Less: San Diego debt administered by office of the president (note 7) ADJUSTED BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2003 $ 681,145,877 16 $ 1,164,785,943 $ 1,062,886,500 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES (unaudited) Total General Unrestricted Designated Restricted TUITION AND FEES Regular session Summer session University extension and continuing education $ 115,714,507 4,024,701 26,880,502 Subtotal 146,619,711 Less: scholarship allowance (note 3e) (26,822,104) Total 119,797,607 Grants Contracts Total $ 20,191,946 --- $ 20,191,946 95,522,562 4,024,701 26,880,502 $ ---- 126,427,765 -- (26,822,104) -- 20,191,946 99,605,661 -- 440,418,491 18,119,922 --- 351,503,344 15,026,222 458,538,414 -- 88,915,148 3,093,700 -92,008,848 Appropriations Contracts and grants 310,431,802 24,629,622 295,733,193 -- -955,120 14,698,609 23,674,502 Total 335,061,423 295,733,193 955,120 38,373,110 7,830,396 -- 441,241 7,389,155 38,570,657 28,525,240 63,563,818 ---- 67,052 1,397,673 16,125,223 38,503,605 27,127,567 47,438,595 130,659,715 -- 17,589,948 113,069,767 Medical group activities Managed care Other 103,532,237 18,709,948 26,334,023 --2,595 103,532,237 18,709,948 26,331,428 ---- Total 148,576,209 2,595 148,573,614 -- Parking operations Residence and dining halls Bookstore Other 13,709,885 54,005,222 22,490,914 4,246,870 ----- 13,709,885 54,005,222 22,490,914 4,246,870 ----- Subtotal 94,452,890 -- 94,452,890 -- Less: scholarship allowance (note 3e) (6,144,899) -- (6,144,899) -- Total 88,307,991 -- 88,307,991 -- 455,909,508 -- 455,909,508 -- Service enterprises Property rental and other 647,788 21,193,643 --- 647,788 21,193,643 --- Subtotal 21,841,431 -- 21,841,431 -- -- FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 366,529,566 STATE GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT PRIVATE GIFTS, GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Gifts Grants Contracts Total SALES AND SERVICES OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES SALES AND SERVICES OF AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES SALES AND SERVICES OF UCSD MEDICAL CENTER OTHER SOURCES Less: scholarship allowance (note 3e) (54,485) Total Total Current Funds Revenues -- 21,786,946 $ 1,766,468,209 17 (54,485) -$ 315,927,734 -- 21,786,946 $ 925,178,877 -$ 525,361,598 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges INSTRUCTION GENERAL ACADEMIC Biological sciences Communications Computer and information studies Education Engineering Fine and applied arts Foreign languages Health professions Medicine Pharmacy Letters Mathematics Physical education Physical sciences Psychology Social sciences Interdisciplinary studies Compensated absences accrual Total SUMMER SESSION UNIVERSITY EXTENSION EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION Subtotal Instruction Less: reclassification of capital expenditures (note 3c) Total Instruction $ 12,580,851 3,262,984 20,168,149 2,160,217 13,881,953 14,804,847 3,018,734 $ 12,223,678 3,253,895 19,055,287 2,136,111 12,949,532 13,962,679 3,003,816 $ 79,128 11,690 183,890 (129) 211,973 599,514 2,054 $ 278,045 (2,601) 928,972 24,235 720,448 242,654 12,864 $ 9,234,289 2,603,632 14,789,482 1,383,616 9,251,058 11,031,644 2,472,447 $ 3,346,562 659,364 5,380,387 777,151 4,630,895 3,774,409 547,037 $ -12 1,720 550 -1,206 750 117,361,736 413,123 13,924,818 8,418,486 177,146 25,417,400 4,435,198 28,950,378 15,728,717 1,490,502 41,017,136 402,316 13,799,387 8,255,510 177,146 24,335,640 4,415,525 27,858,904 10,760,477 687,797 72,302,891 9,649 58,544 42,690 -611,164 1,607 440,182 1,028,939 770,012 4,041,709 1,158 66,887 120,286 -470,596 18,066 651,292 3,939,301 32,693 95,898,148 264,694 11,044,987 7,006,486 159,400 17,162,338 3,586,404 22,676,425 8,218,730 1,321,182 38,900,271 154,285 2,887,871 1,412,012 17,746 8,259,092 848,794 6,273,837 7,510,394 169,320 17,436,683 5,856 8,040 12 -4,030 -(116) 407 -- 286,195,239 198,294,836 76,353,798 11,546,605 218,104,962 85,549,427 17,459,150 3,553,852 -- 3,553,852 -- 2,637,262 915,590 26,683,410 95,920 25,333,462 1,254,028 12,992,536 15,407,544 1,716,670 (20,944,000) 20,944,000 -- -- -- -- 177,446,756 126,185,112 12,800,633 233,734,760 101,872,561 19,174,820 -316,432,501 (3,923,813) (2,605,152) (655,356) (663,305) -- (3,923,813) (1,000) -- 312,508,688 174,841,604 125,529,756 12,137,328 233,734,760 97,948,748 19,174,820 252,606 10,910,812 68,646 60,102,721 19,337,713 191,248 156,582 719,614 28,745 3,673,454 1,208,546 123,637 10,216 60,216 38,629 365,017 116,119 298 85,808 10,130,982 1,272 56,064,250 18,013,048 67,313 130,219 5,707,137 25,234 16,955,556 7,105,096 73,763 122,387 5,210,175 43,412 43,152,769 12,232,617 117,485 -6,500 -5,604 --- 30,026,479 98,570,652 2,885,739 4,299,218 772,728 1,287,490 14,337,955 501,965 975,348 (68,181) 1,873,774 4,047,381 16,787 220,680 8,729 26,865,215 80,185,316 2,366,987 3,103,190 832,180 11,660,608 38,778,483 1,674,094 1,892,590 886,559 18,430,186 61,443,406 1,211,645 2,470,325 (113,831) 227,418,562 22,945,155 6,757,846 197,715,561 84,889,339 RESEARCH INSTITUTES AND RESEARCH CENTERS Area studies Biological sciences Communications Computer and information studies Engineering Fine and applied arts Health professions Medicine Physical sciences Psychology Social sciences Compensated absences accrual Total 18 144,320,576 64,315 1,651,237 -63,697 -1,791,353 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges RESEARCH (continued) INDIVIDUAL OR PROJECT RESEARCH Area Studies Biological sciences Computer and information sciences Education Engineering Fine and applied arts Foreign languages Health professions Medicine Letters Mathematics Physical sciences Psychology Social sciences $ 213,784 22,902,568 17,467,276 172,788 5,494,594 693,626 207,978 $ 61,016 2,803,310 2,757,449 27,797 879,765 9,325 143,663 $ 59,630 118,270 116,752 -141,556 125,275 13,293 $ 93,138 19,980,988 14,593,075 144,991 4,473,273 559,026 51,022 $ 43,952 10,434,956 8,963,104 31,104 2,523,184 206,739 102,334 $ 169,832 12,467,556 8,504,172 141,684 2,971,410 486,887 105,644 $ -(56) ------ 168,799,993 971,519 1,936,146 22,566,579 1,949,137 2,952,078 2,845,699 431,844 290,964 1,932,853 43,060 1,085,673 2,596,183 62,761 145,765 886,063 18,037 293,669 163,358,111 476,914 1,499,417 19,747,663 1,888,040 1,572,736 83,169,214 192,787 964,262 10,648,219 1,116,539 1,812,095 85,756,005 776,124 971,884 11,918,360 832,598 1,139,983 125,226 (2,608) ----- 246,328,066 13,312,418 4,577,254 228,438,394 120,208,489 126,242,139 122,562 (202) -- 9,692,972 -- (202) -- 473,746,426 36,257,573 21,028,072 205,097,828 270,562,513 1,913,915 Less: reclassification of capital expenditures (note 3c) (34,815,283) (1,747,801) Total Research 438,931,143 34,509,772 20,086,073 384,335,298 205,097,828 235,747,230 1,913,915 1,532,751 4,355,533 108,728 1,311,201 1,162,054 840,119 261,969 2,204,213 501,286 2,338,559 1,082,169 2,426,697 50,704 409,723 330,732 5,958,221 46,248 37,180 2,999,383 896 228,122 2,613,916 53,246 301,609 3,247,726 46,248 29,123 2,710,396 -- 12,223,485 4,457,388 2,404,631 5,361,466 6,435,428 6,248,385 460,328 232,146 -- -- 232,146 131,730 100,416 -- 12,455,631 4,457,388 2,404,631 5,593,612 6,567,158 6,348,801 460,328 Total OTHER PROVISIONS Subtotal Research (941,999) (9,693,174) 416,460,781 (32,125,483) -- (34,815,283) -- PUBLIC SERVICE COMMUNITY SERVICE Arts and lectures Community service projects Work study programs Contracting agencies Other Compensated absences accrual Total COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE Subtotal Public Service Less: reclassification of capital expenditures (note 3c) Total Public Service (64,387) 65,430 344,922 (7,894) (13,415) (33,373) (17,599) -- (64,387) -(99) -- -- 12,391,244 4,443,973 2,371,258 5,576,013 6,567,158 6,284,414 460,328 Fine arts productions Medical laboratories Psychology clinic Research vessels Shops Vivarium Other 732,416 8,146,899 4,114,835 1,371,311 176,687 619,010 73,198,324 697,176 --11,047 -527,061 4,128,651 31,215 7,840,905 4,110,128 917,336 176,687 91,949 66,897,897 4,025 305,994 4,707 442,928 --2,171,776 491,335 6,062,702 2,630,076 5,208,083 1,954,290 2,974,350 33,008,835 501,458 8,045,808 1,484,759 9,087,490 2,379,894 3,526,072 49,216,159 260,377 5,961,611 -12,924,262 4,157,497 5,881,412 9,026,670 Total 88,359,482 5,363,935 80,066,117 2,929,430 52,329,671 74,241,640 38,211,829 ACADEMIC SUPPORT ANCILLARY SUPPORT 19 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges ACADEMIC SUPPORT (continued) ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION $ 35,054,426 $ 27,258,683 $ 4,145,782 $ 3,649,961 $ 20,451,983 $ 18,966,013 $ 4,363,570 AUDIO VISUAL SERVICES 1,656,382 1,195,166 460,975 241 969,208 1,528,378 841,204 COMPUTING SUPPORT 4,579,082 142,130 4,431,913 5,039 4,595,995 6,967,357 6,984,270 109,417 93,588 13,684 2,145 79,785 41,614 11,982 (2,385,000) 2,385,000 -- -- -- -- 28,258,291 25,100,364 1,228,165 1,929,762 13,087,997 15,472,708 302,414 3,534,505 31,275 2,734,701 768,529 1,917,079 1,724,956 107,530 451,060 486,048 830,456 COURSE AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION LIBRARIES MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACCRUAL -- 788,624 (148,484) (41,832) -- Subtotal Academic Support 162,340,209 56,651,657 95,917,397 9,771,155 94,262,174 118,900,834 Less: reclassification of capital expenditures (note 3c) (14,727,566) (10,694,951) (2,698,635) (1,333,980) (3,798,051) (10,929,515) Total Academic Support 147,612,643 45,956,706 93,218,762 8,437,175 90,464,123 107,971,319 50,822,799 421,296,557 11,208,701 409,684,994 402,862 171,503,267 273,438,606 23,645,316 50,822,799 -- UCSD MEDICAL CENTER UCSD medical center Less: reclassification of capital expenditures (note 3c) Total UCSD Medical Center (6,803,086) (1,772,837) (4,997,256) (32,993) -- (6,803,086) -- 414,493,471 9,435,864 404,687,738 369,869 171,503,267 266,635,520 23,645,316 4,285,839 979,083 2,354,546 952,210 2,360,240 1,950,221 24,622 Cultural programs Housing services Other social services Public ceremonies Recreational programs 350,067 64,541 6,850,837 70,196 10,292,186 --49,968 --- 349,403 64,541 6,707,941 70,196 9,896,883 664 -92,928 -395,303 510 46,121 3,894,253 1,000 5,052,108 367,511 18,420 6,609,048 69,196 5,485,321 17,954 -3,652,464 -245,243 Total 17,627,827 49,968 17,088,964 488,895 8,993,992 12,549,496 3,915,661 Counseling Disadvantaged student assistance Foreign student programs Placement 4,680,666 381,900 616,754 1,719,578 793,711 383,486 -1,131 2,255,084 (6,394) 616,583 1,632,394 1,631,871 4,808 171 86,053 2,640,072 292,768 445,494 1,104,871 2,040,894 119,629 198,894 617,989 300 30,497 27,634 3,282 Total 7,398,898 1,178,328 4,497,667 1,722,903 4,483,205 2,977,406 61,713 2,494,092 2,202,356 235,516 56,220 1,874,403 619,689 -- STUDENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COUNSELING AND CAREER GUIDANCE FINANCIAL AID ADMINISTRATION 20 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges STUDENT SERVICES (continued) STUDENT ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS Admissions Registrar Total STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACCRUAL Subtotal Student Services Less: reclassification of capital expenditures (note 3c) Total Student Services $ 1,309,398 1,724,326 $ 1,297,786 1,480,204 $ 2,162 233,060 $ 9,450 11,062 $ 841,466 1,118,982 $ 468,032 619,507 $ 100 14,163 3,033,724 2,777,990 235,222 20,512 1,960,448 1,087,539 14,263 5,168,149 -- 5,145,698 22,451 2,598,161 2,584,111 14,123 7,181,746 -- -- -- -- -- (7,181,746) 20,109 -- 19,618 491 120,490 40,028,638 5,979 36,758,977 3,263,682 22,390,939 (492,348) (5,979) (340,159) (146,210) -- (100,381) 21,668,081 (492,348) -4,030,382 -- 39,536,290 -- 36,418,818 3,117,472 22,390,939 21,175,733 4,030,382 Chancellors and vice chancellors General counsel Academic senate secretariat Planning and budgeting 13,192,122 435,035 610,149 4,171,902 8,581,614 433,400 557,850 3,637,754 4,307,318 1,635 50,490 532,909 303,190 -1,809 1,239 8,546,331 294,953 428,080 2,710,680 5,907,809 140,082 182,187 1,461,222 1,262,018 -118 -- Total 18,409,208 13,210,618 4,892,352 306,238 11,980,044 7,691,300 1,262,136 4,846,906 1,120,286 306 451,818 3,631,788 130,761 (10,798) 24,303 12,639 -(39,443) -- 6,520,115 1,177,300 -287,549 3,484,197 553,558 (49,935) 188,572 1,512,979 479,811 --- INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT FISCAL OPERATIONS Accounting Auditing Bad debt write-off Cashiers Office of contracts and grants administration 8,491,333 1,251,047 (49,935) 476,121 2,300,679 11,430 2,286,411 2,838 1,641,757 659,142 220 12,469,245 6,430,746 6,062,465 (23,966) 9,626,721 4,835,534 1,993,010 Environmental health and safety Information systems Human resources Other 3,156,945 9,569,669 4,754,767 10,757,404 821,088 8,973,631 3,332,063 5,900,562 2,335,443 595,076 1,422,350 4,678,770 414 962 354 178,072 2,804,455 5,321,408 8,155,519 3,167,519 1,924,154 4,346,635 3,372,287 9,931,267 1,571,664 98,374 6,773,039 2,341,382 Total 28,238,785 19,027,344 9,031,639 179,802 19,448,901 19,574,343 10,784,459 Total GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES LOGISTICAL SERVICES Construction management Duplicating Garage Mail and messenger Materiel management Police Telephone (30,080) (959,373) 407,581 232,069 2,597,930 2,545,259 848,995 -57,706 69,830 245,385 2,206,083 2,285,332 2,643,715 (30,080) (1,017,079) 336,620 (18,302) 391,847 253,207 (1,797,741) --1,131 4,986 -6,720 3,021 3,322,194 847,298 596,209 636,580 2,865,410 2,724,356 3,976,450 5,937,829 2,607,437 3,945,330 2,093,381 7,411,189 1,137,725 9,588,001 9,290,103 4,414,108 4,133,958 2,497,892 7,678,669 1,316,822 12,715,456 Total 5,642,381 7,508,051 (1,881,528) 15,858 14,968,497 32,720,892 42,047,008 21 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT (continued) COMMUNITY RELATIONS Development Public information Publications Total EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACCRUAL Subtotal Institutional Support $ 9,240,652 1,343,087 286,497 10,870,236 -(540,141) $ 15,861 970,004 284,973 $ 6,858,897 373,083 1,524 $ 2,365,894 --- $ 5,333,355 937,061 336,043 $ 7,940,600 410,086 697,507 $ 4,033,303 4,060 747,053 1,270,838 7,233,504 2,365,894 6,606,459 9,048,193 4,784,416 (4,593,000) 4,593,000 -- -- -- -- (681,884) 43,774 97,969 455,032 2,941,795 63,085,654 75,089,714 42,172,713 29,975,206 Less: reclassification of capital expenditures (note 3c) (3,212,208) (1,446,609) (1,763,388) Total Institutional Support 71,877,506 40,726,104 28,211,818 874,937 1,077,888 (2,211) (995,173) 72,875,089 -- (3,212,208) -60,871,029 -- 2,939,584 63,085,654 69,662,881 60,871,029 -- 1,277,796 1,517,562 1,920,421 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PLANT Administration Building maintenance and major repairs and alterations Grounds maintenance Janitorial service Plant service Refuse disposal Utilities Other Compensated absences accrual Educational fee expense proration Subtotal Operations and Maintenance (202,951) 11,582,632 1,926,896 5,508,937 58,295 418,833 21,747,848 219,634 76,428 -- 8,638,834 1,899,222 5,460,779 -414,924 20,666,186 (467,258) (34,400) (2,860,254) 2,943,798 21,093 48,158 58,295 3,909 1,079,195 686,892 109,159 2,860,254 -6,581 ---2,467 -1,669 -- 1,866,659 1,720,217 3,320,936 3,320,739 99,049 1,660,141 5,876 76,428 -- 9,889,754 1,280,444 2,842,193 14,973,816 333,010 37,227,651 213,758 --- 173,781 1,073,765 654,192 18,236,260 13,226 17,139,944 ---- 42,414,440 34,795,921 7,607,802 10,717 13,347,841 68,278,188 39,211,589 -- -- Less: reclassification of capital expenditures (note 3c) (2,980,097) Total Operation and Maintenance of Plant 39,434,343 34,691,982 4,731,644 10,717 13,347,841 65,298,091 39,211,589 71,795,123 5,701,259 17,776,317 48,317,547 689,364 71,105,759 -- (33,021,488) -- (103,939) (2,876,158) (2,980,097) -- STUDENT FINANCIAL AID Student financial aid Less: scholarship allowance (note 3e) -- (33,021,488) -- -- 38,773,635 5,701,259 (15,245,171) 48,317,547 689,364 38,084,271 -- Apartments Bookstores Cafeterias Parking Residence halls Other Compensated absences accrual 12,971,184 20,269,635 1,361,756 6,033,995 25,238,785 2,677,501 122,152 -------- 12,951,649 20,258,400 1,349,273 6,003,478 25,091,490 2,608,424 122,152 19,535 11,235 12,483 30,517 147,295 69,077 -- 355,615 3,322,421 1,300,549 3,314,055 11,303,243 1,535,795 122,152 13,308,323 26,022,730 2,124,603 8,530,279 32,208,585 1,773,522 -- 692,754 9,075,516 2,063,396 5,810,339 18,273,043 631,816 -- Subtotal Auxiliary Enterprises 68,675,008 -- 68,384,866 290,142 21,253,830 83,968,042 36,546,864 Total Student Financial Aid (33,021,488) AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES Less: reclassification of capital expenditures (note 3c) Total Auxiliary Enterprises Total Current Funds Expenditures -- -- 68,158,556 (516,452) -- -- 67,868,414 (516,452) 290,142 21,253,830 $ 1,583,717,519 $ 350,307,264 $ 767,879,110 $ 465,531,145 $ 828,134,764 22 (516,452) $ -- 83,451,590 36,546,864 992,259,797 $ 236,677,042 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND PACIFIC STUDIES INSTRUCTION RESEARCH PUBLIC SERVICE ACADEMIC SUPPORT Total Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies $ 5,367,714 561,877 367,914 19,366 $ 4,943,541 154,041 --- $ 260,651 32,984 366,343 19,366 $ 163,522 374,852 1,571 -- $ 3,946,807 400,189 148,409 17,135 $ 1,420,791 161,688 219,685 16,441 $ (116) -180 14,210 6,316,871 5,097,582 679,344 539,945 4,512,540 1,818,605 14,274 4,183,125 8,173,835 8,778,683 51,044 6,920,160 2,808,896 3,810,507 7,818,571 8,618,093 50,395 6,675,158 2,494,744 86,132 177,946 7,026 649 125,192 -- 286,486 177,318 153,564 -119,810 314,152 1,873,858 6,281,507 6,798,298 17,639 5,454,648 1,960,406 2,309,267 1,892,328 1,980,385 33,405 1,465,512 848,490 ------- 30,915,743 29,467,468 396,945 1,051,330 22,386,356 8,529,387 -- JACOBS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING INSTRUCTION Bioengineering Computer science and engineering Electrical and computer engineering Material science program Mechanical and aerospace engineering Structural systems project Total RESEARCH Bioengineering California institute--telecommunications and information technology Computer science and engineering Dean's office--engineering Electrical and computer engineering Fusion energy research center International thermonuclear reactor Mechanical and aerospace engineering Structural systems research project 4,446,701 347,425 67,000 4,032,276 1,918,903 2,527,798 -- 3,631,463 5,277,869 120,772 12,068,635 3,141,215 623,426 5,494,594 9,081,750 697,896 455,035 -2,302,414 (418) -879,765 861,539 (972) 59,149 -57,603 (54,587) 25,763 141,556 31,987 2,934,539 4,763,685 120,772 9,708,618 3,196,220 597,663 4,473,273 8,188,224 1,293,337 3,110,907 65,252 5,786,945 1,209,793 340,615 2,523,184 2,452,221 2,338,126 2,166,962 55,520 6,281,690 1,931,422 282,811 2,971,410 6,629,529 --------- Total 43,886,425 5,543,656 327,499 38,015,270 18,701,157 25,185,268 -- ACADEMIC SUPPORT Dean's office--engineering Electrical and computer engineering Engineering support services Fusion research support services Mechanical and aerospace engineering Structural systems research project 4,331,299 109,359 (216,497) 34,993 49,943 264,227 3,419,394 ----1,591 266,376 107,130 (216,497) 34,993 48,478 262,064 645,529 2,229 --1,465 572 2,651,880 339,499 94,059 529,122 12,836 111,369 2,888,999 218,143 1,146,364 56,878 37,107 152,858 1,209,580 448,283 1,456,920 551,007 --- Total 4,573,324 3,420,985 502,544 649,795 3,738,765 4,500,349 3,665,790 79,375,492 38,432,109 1,226,988 39,716,395 44,826,278 38,215,004 3,665,790 INSTRUCTION 452,450 448,890 3,560 -- 287,387 165,063 -- Total School of Management 452,450 448,890 3,560 -- 287,387 165,063 -- Total Jacobs School of Engineering SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 23 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges SCHOOL OF MEDICINE INSTRUCTION Anesthesiology Bioengineering--medical Biology--medical Cancer center Cellular and molecular medicine Chemistry--medical Class notes Electives program Emergency medical program Family and preventive medicine Intern and resident program Malpractice insurance Mathematics--medical Medicine Neurosciences Nurse practitioner program Office of continuing medical education Office of learning resources-core courses support Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology Pharmacy--intercampus Psychiatry Radiology Reproductive medicine Surgery The SIO department--medical Total $ 8,306,393 459,650 321,828 321,670 628,680 321,567 4,089 54,563 2,240,156 4,687,190 2,494,563 2,090,730 62,716 17,564,268 4,506,122 163,356 4,538,755 $ 1,336,240 458,461 291,387 47,531 586,041 311,693 -24,433 34,699 2,521,163 2,494,563 2,090,730 62,716 7,987,976 2,369,822 48,330 27,634 $ 6,953,202 1,189 357 274,080 1,417 4,095 4,089 30,130 2,205,457 1,669,288 ---8,653,639 1,370,549 62,522 4,453,160 $ 16,951 -30,084 59 41,222 5,779 ---496,739 ---922,653 765,751 52,504 57,961 $ 7,674,381 387,844 259,027 126,189 471,133 264,875 --4,668,622 3,598,643 --49,331 16,519,971 2,943,819 138,201 1,100,895 $ 2,043,920 71,806 62,801 195,481 157,547 56,692 4,089 54,563 631,369 1,430,787 2,494,563 2,090,730 13,385 5,098,192 1,698,030 40,130 5,396,092 $ 1,411,908 -------3,059,835 342,240 ---4,053,895 135,727 14,975 1,958,232 2,405,406 4,813,271 3,887,897 4,735,477 11,118,875 2,325,787 36,019 7,156,407 9,555,131 6,878,582 15,219,779 46,378 1,650,591 755,846 551,756 2,531,288 3,548,679 2,000,611 25,834 2,774,231 1,533,284 1,369,696 3,112,467 46,378 747,374 4,057,425 3,118,467 1,997,828 7,329,688 136,126 9,507 4,230,973 7,896,426 5,391,523 11,710,327 -- 7,441 -217,674 206,361 240,508 189,050 678 151,203 125,421 117,363 396,985 -- 1,290,458 3,791,716 3,706,223 4,622,948 8,891,917 1,703,568 18,970 5,675,616 8,315,382 5,991,550 13,385,216 33,236 1,120,328 1,066,986 936,659 1,418,059 2,663,205 622,219 22,905 2,405,269 1,927,631 1,470,916 3,550,617 13,142 5,380 45,431 754,985 1,305,530 436,247 -5,856 924,478 687,882 583,884 1,716,054 -- 116,945,305 40,594,080 72,308,838 4,042,387 95,629,731 38,758,113 17,442,539 139,662 3,444,692 776,408 39,961 9,106,031 719,998 65,756 81,184 7,303,173 245 50,100,469 24,014,965 7,765 139,073 124,896 --377,319 ---15,368 -177,143 668,580 -- -399,712 --802,037 -(916) 10,000 (3,551) 245 312,941 24,880 -- 589 2,920,084 776,408 39,961 7,926,675 719,998 66,672 71,184 7,291,356 -49,610,385 23,321,505 7,765 83,032 1,669,511 377,801 37,916 3,659,640 391,628 62,145 58,758 4,036,828 (308) 25,705,230 8,713,010 -- 56,630 1,784,581 398,607 2,045 5,446,391 328,370 3,611 22,426 3,268,745 553 24,403,454 15,301,955 7,765 -9,400 ------2,400 -8,215 --- 868,891 -253,280 66,496 --9,586 60,804 81,186 66,979 -1,031,497 224,801 -- 818,603 (49) 58,086 851 100,284 -20,085 15,204 102,851 397,945 (103,171) 52,525 258,709 5,101 20,879,936 482,591 5,502,099 1,970,504 548,183 4,263,907 170,621 6,395,672 15,024,303 11,207,701 -23,284,851 1,847,125 3,407,173 9,044,653 174,127 2,333,230 826,320 198,434 2,237,577 89,639 3,212,132 7,628,444 5,211,883 856 13,883,778 1,253,232 1,765,711 13,575,977 308,415 3,491,350 1,211,531 450,033 2,027,490 117,153 3,259,548 7,579,715 6,460,742 205 10,485,095 1,077,403 1,646,563 RESEARCH Academic geriatric resource program Anesthesiology Bioengineering--medical Biology--medical Cellular and molecular medicine Chemistry--medical Dean's office Emergency medical program Family and preventive medicine Gene therapy program Medicine Neurosciences Office of learning resources Organized research units Cancer center Institute for research on aging Institute of molecular medicine Research in biological structures White mountain research Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology Pharmacy--intercampus Psychiatry Radiology Reproductive medicine 22,567,430 482,542 5,813,465 2,037,851 648,467 4,263,907 200,292 6,471,680 15,208,340 11,672,625 (103,171) 24,368,873 2,330,635 3,412,274 24 53,200 -11,115 --1,160 6,500 -(181) -104,232 ---- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (continued) RESEARCH (continued) Surgery Travel Other support Total $ 5,529,836 37,073 996,889 $ 30,194 13,178 -- $ 298,021 23,895 996,889 $ 5,201,621 --- $ 3,304,752 --- $ 2,225,084 37,073 996,889 $ ---- 201,739,317 4,209,271 4,591,177 192,938,869 95,959,959 105,975,399 196,041 Area health and education center Cancer center Medicine Pediatrics 232,146 3,509 978,659 1,367,922 --42,697 557,012 -3,372 101,654 1,040 232,146 137 834,308 809,870 131,730 2,776 588,370 794,734 100,416 733 455,206 573,188 --64,917 -- Total 2,582,236 599,709 106,066 1,876,461 1,517,610 1,129,543 64,917 267,797 32,412 -23,290 267,797 9,122 --- 243,757 17,562 192,216 14,850 168,176 -- 610,585 7,463,911 540,814 1,358,095 309,931 1,983,218 405,678 607,977 5,329,910 416,960 273,719 309,931 1,393,620 -- 2,352 2,057,474 1,260 242,017 -409,931 362,579 256 76,527 122,594 842,359 -179,667 43,099 402,940 3,617,516 301,196 663,836 208,730 1,130,941 445,498 207,645 3,844,134 239,618 694,169 101,201 852,359 3,468,753 -(2,261) -(90) -82 3,508,573 115,940 3,856 6,400 4,195,822 3,817,514 19,936 625,501 387,798 199 431,142 1,245,423 818,822 231,291 6,875 865,203 22,610,637 37,281,855 455,966 4,114,835 245,722 -------------------24,665 113,346 3,856 6,341 4,182,321 3,537,443 19,936 624,486 387,172 199 431,142 1,234,107 818,822 231,291 6,875 865,203 22,605,410 37,281,855 455,966 4,110,128 221,057 2,594 -59 13,501 280,071 -1,015 626 --11,316 ----5,227 --4,707 -- 845,038 58,757 46,140 2,340,062 2,438,626 13,413 213,282 233,293 -278,211 670,577 333,506 299,689 13,442 447,228 3,898,426 19,774,083 645,982 2,630,076 1,387,975 838,449 77,010 102,844 1,906,124 1,541,748 6,523 471,149 154,505 199 167,696 682,325 485,316 250,215 28,658 439,043 18,706,143 18,584,592 639,376 1,484,759 414,360 1,567,547 131,911 142,584 50,364 162,860 -58,930 --14,765 107,479 -318,613 35,225 21,068 (6,068) 1,076,820 829,392 -1,556,613 PUBLIC SERVICE ACADEMIC SUPPORT Anesthesiology support services Center for molecular genetics Dean's office Admissions General operating costs Human subjects committee Outreach Public affairs Student affairs Support services Laboratories and support services Cancer center Cellular and molecular medicine Clinical pharmacy services Family and preventive medicine Medicine Institute of molecular medicine Neurosciences Opthalmology Orthopaedics--histology Pathology--histology Pediatrics Psychiatry Radiology Reproductive medicine Surgery Managed care Medical group operations Office of learning resources Psychiatry clinic Vice chancellor health sciences planning Total 90,453,178 8,380,072 80,489,488 1,583,618 43,599,782 56,595,979 9,742,583 411,720,036 53,783,132 157,495,569 200,441,335 236,707,082 202,459,034 27,446,080 INSTRUCTION RESEARCH ACADEMIC SUPPORT 377,104 4,614 325,136 376,482 4,614 325,136 142 --- 480 --- 245,724 -192,562 131,380 4,614 132,574 ---- Total School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences 706,854 706,232 142 480 438,286 268,568 -- Total School of Medicine SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 25 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges CAMPUS-WIDE DEPARTMENTS INSTRUCTION Academic computing Advisor Computing services Instruction and research facility Instructional use of computing advisor Academic field studies Animal use subsidy Anthropology Area and ethnic studies and research Biological sciences California literature project Center for research in educational equity, assesment, and teaching excellence Chemistry and biochemistry Cognitive science Community medicine--general campus Economics English as a second language program Ethnic studies Environmental systems History Human development program Interdisciplinary sequence Contemporary issues Cultural traditions Earth sciences Geometry and physics Humanities Special studies Urban and rural studies International studies program Language learning laboratory Undergraduate language program Linguistics Literature Mathematics Mathematics placement and testing Music Philosophy Physical education Physics Political science Psychology Social sciences computing Sociology Subject A program Teacher education program Theatre and dance Visual arts Writing program Educational fee expense proration Other general campus Total $ 249,676 20,000 2,793,666 71,017 252,721 131,169 2,073,032 487,910 12,449,682 387,346 $ 249,676 20,000 2,227,675 40,000 251,759 131,169 2,054,219 476,239 12,092,509 391,597 21,978 11,447,092 2,904,728 3,367,582 5,475,292 192,476 1,913,177 41,515 5,714,472 377,809 -10,856,846 2,873,754 3,358,493 5,412,115 189,451 1,894,009 41,415 5,379,941 370,315 60,896 164,299 157,673 87,886 703,138 69,996 410,997 103,789 190,001 903,876 1,732,381 7,390,177 8,306,496 111,990 4,957,300 2,786,490 177,146 9,163,456 5,756,876 4,435,198 278,173 3,420,838 2,213,143 209,259 5,668,910 4,178,637 3,204,090 -67,176 60,896 163,254 154,064 87,886 703,138 68,650 409,755 103,789 183,081 903,354 1,727,930 7,353,663 8,143,520 111,990 4,911,822 2,693,667 177,146 8,882,657 5,742,985 4,415,525 222,197 3,390,370 2,188,830 89,179 4,941,662 4,109,195 3,203,952 (20,944,000) -92,511,339 117,282,627 $ --(1,082) -(26) -12,756 8,861 79,128 (4,251) (150) 206,340 20,395 11,690 26,240 247 8,048 100 48,484 6,449 26 $ --567,073 31,017 988 -6,057 2,810 278,045 -- $ --1,654,184 -190,503 -1,684,064 353,120 9,234,289 105,839 $ 249,676 20,000 1,141,202 71,017 62,218 131,169 388,968 134,790 3,215,393 287,009 $ --1,720 ------5,502 22,128 383,906 10,579 (2,601) 36,937 2,778 11,120 -286,047 1,045 5,776 6,659,273 2,464,769 2,704,032 4,629,103 158,245 1,553,926 25,124 4,265,271 287,232 16,202 4,787,819 439,959 663,562 846,189 34,231 359,251 16,391 1,449,201 90,577 ---12 ------- --3,609 --1,346 (425) --522 1,285 21,124 42,690 -39,089 41,326 -224,466 9,013 1,607 -552 78 -508,240 52,185 138 20,944,000 67,176 -1,045 ----1,667 -6,920 -3,166 15,390 120,286 -6,389 51,497 -56,333 4,878 18,066 55,976 29,916 24,235 120,080 219,008 17,257 ---- 48,715 128,458 119,803 36,594 619,299 48,353 330,705 82,430 134,295 787,695 1,392,212 5,980,021 6,928,944 77,542 3,750,261 2,121,301 159,400 6,827,353 4,629,813 3,586,404 173,739 2,690,342 1,398,095 129,006 4,071,275 3,210,108 2,740,917 -61,667 12,181 35,841 37,870 51,292 83,839 21,643 80,292 21,359 56,456 116,181 340,169 1,412,451 1,377,552 34,460 1,207,546 665,189 17,746 2,340,133 1,127,063 848,794 104,434 730,496 815,658 80,253 1,597,834 969,029 463,356 -5,509 --------750 --2,295 -12 507 --4,030 ----610 -199 500 183 --- 22,381,250 2,390,038 88,239,497 29,059,450 16,320 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges CAMPUS-WIDE DEPARTMENTS (continued) RESEARCH African american studies research project Anthropology Biological sciences California literature project Center for research in educational equity, assesment, and teaching excellence Chemistry and biochemistry Cognitive science Communication Ethnic studies Economics History Humanities Interdisciplinary sequence-geometry and physics Linguistics Literature Mathematics Music Organized research units Centers Astrophysics and space science Energy research Human development Human information processing Iberian and latin american studies Magnetic recording research Molecular agriculture Molecular genetics Research in biological structure Research in computing and the arts Research in language San diego supercomputer center United states-mexican studies Institutes Global conflict and cooperation International, comparative and area studies Neural computation Nonlinear science Pure and applied physical sciences Whitaker institute of biomedical engineering Laboratories Comparative human cognition Philosophy Physics Political science Psychology Social sciences Sociology Teacher education program Theatre and dance Visual arts Other support Reclassification of overdrafted expenditures of sponsored projects (note 3b) Total $ 64,224 157,073 22,902,568 828,234 $ 64,412 132,686 2,803,310 405,371 $ (601) 7,266 118,270 -- $ 413 17,121 19,980,988 422,863 $ 9,395 81,205 10,434,956 113,470 $ 54,829 75,868 12,467,556 712,156 $ --(56) (2,608) 283,184 12,549,309 2,118,778 68,646 351,504 717,598 125,438 50,608 217,319 1,084,709 300,174 28,745 203,509 274,510 45,896 50,608 -164,060 7,157 38,629 81,316 22,640 24,048 -- 65,865 11,300,540 1,811,447 1,272 66,679 420,448 55,494 -- 192,797 5,985,217 1,188,187 25,234 227,524 487,922 65,158 24,713 90,387 6,564,092 930,591 43,412 123,980 229,676 60,280 25,895 --------- 95,924 207,978 120,054 1,936,146 45,159 -143,663 50,398 290,964 9,325 -13,293 25,062 145,765 24,991 95,924 51,022 44,594 1,499,417 10,843 34,318 102,334 35,119 964,262 8,305 61,606 105,644 84,935 971,884 36,854 ------ 3,121,964 1,565,181 69,147 406,191 70,227 2,022,237 23,607 34,856 4,240,499 191,248 1,935,912 56,493,642 1,085,787 520,996 201,773 13,183 26,302 --23,607 34,807 24,214 123,637 135,782 2,975,558 462,488 41,025 50,508 --2,330 45,956 ---298 (71) 365,989 78,901 2,559,943 1,312,900 55,964 379,889 67,897 1,976,281 -49 4,216,285 67,313 1,800,201 53,152,095 544,398 2,022,772 867,082 39,427 251,130 32,449 1,174,186 14,414 21,398 2,504,531 73,763 871,700 15,671,597 473,353 1,099,192 698,099 29,720 155,061 37,778 848,051 9,193 13,458 1,735,968 117,485 1,064,212 40,827,649 676,131 -----------5,604 63,697 1,205,602 375,388 139,520 690,694 515,088 690,514 -- 252,606 1,378,456 2,009,153 1,588,177 3,018,820 156,582 428,886 40,352 114,809 142,230 10,216 33,909 385 55,646 5,371 85,808 915,661 1,968,416 1,417,722 2,871,219 130,219 634,690 1,340,028 852,806 1,629,257 122,387 743,766 669,125 735,371 1,389,563 ------ 360,770 75,572 9,256,560 227,089 1,882,740 1,690 723,439 39,405 67,713 89,116 785,320 175,489 18,864 516,709 32,385 29,877 1,690 168,022 27,797 7,609 6,004 -- 9,630 28,396 456,405 103,704 18,037 -22,312 -34,365 34,568 785,320 175,651 28,312 8,283,446 91,000 1,834,826 -533,105 11,608 25,739 48,544 -- 234,777 64,072 4,435,887 163,335 1,077,112 -364,255 18,479 15,245 8,833 -- 125,993 11,500 4,820,673 63,754 805,628 1,690 359,184 20,926 52,468 80,283 785,320 ------------ (1) -- 9,693,173 -- (1) -- 136,845,150 12,890,639 12,687,789 111,266,722 55,482,001 81,429,786 66,637 86,845 160,157 18,943 353,577 46,514 -160,157 -43,469 -- 85,274 --53,530 -- 1,571 -18,943 256,578 46,514 1,517 -4,720 146,403 29,860 115,463 160,157 14,223 207,174 16,654 30,135 ----- (9,693,174) PUBLIC SERVICE Biological sciences California literature project Economics Mathematics Mathematics diagnostic testing 27 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges CAMPUS-WIDE DEPARTMENTS (continued) PUBLIC SERVICE (continued) Organized research units Center for molecular genetics Center for education equity and teaching excellence Teacher education program Theatre and dance Total $ 544 $ -- $ 544 $ -- $ -- $ 544 $ -- 1,798,707 27,259 65,259 57,601 12,681 65,259 106,240 --- 1,634,866 14,578 -- 750,184 24,683 43,299 1,048,553 2,576 21,960 30 --- 2,557,805 339,167 245,588 1,973,050 1,000,666 1,587,304 30,165 163,372 151,446 223,001 4,678 1,242,662 619,010 122,358 96,946 122,788 16,043 -89,432 --825,808 527,061 18,210 --14,940 163,372 56,975 223,001 4,678 416,854 91,949 101,972 96,946 122,788 -- -5,039 ----2,176 --1,103 77,115 343,605 148,047 --2,974,350 728,835 484,705 835,794 2,888 955,143 290,756 201,184 27,265 1,242,662 3,526,072 906,192 467,900 575,958 13,155 868,886 482,915 126,230 22,587 -5,881,412 1,512,669 855,659 1,288,964 -- ACADEMIC SUPPORT Academic computing Academic data distribution Local area network Modem pool Word processing operations Academic resource administration Animal care program Biological sciences support facilities Campus research machine shop Chemistry and biochemistry support facilities Classroom management Deans' offices Arts and humanities Biological sciences Natural sciences Social sciences Instructional media program Library photo service Mandeville center operations Mathematics placement and testing program Mechanical and aerospace engineering Music center studios Organized research units Center for astrophysics and space sciences support services Center for human development support Center for magnetic recording research Institute for biomedical engineering Institute for pure and applied physics cims facility Physics support facilities Political science support services Psychology Sports facility office San diego supercomputer center support Educational fee expense proration Total Total Campus-Wide Departments 881,439 823,528 677,212 2,652,113 404,517 422,922 327,899 (4,090) 605 (21,704) 821,748 697,243 665,956 2,620,915 445,273 -251,903 ---- 54,713 15,209 5,990 31,245 (40,756) 421,803 71,971 (4,090) 605 (21,704) -7,651 -------55,500 -(2,385,000) (5,012) -8,899 (14,265) ----- (15,538) 230,554 1,745 1,966 -2,133,753 2,385,000 -249 ------ 11,332,247 4,656,640 6,540,623 134,984 268,017,829 110,397,785 41,855,250 133,383 -- 881,394 917,485 816,489 612,600 798,172 1,312,498 5,338,638 (5,012) 7,651 8,899 (14,265) (15,538) 230,803 1,745 1,966 55,500 2,133,753 -- 4,978 111,076 5,266 (47) -1,119 4,025 ---- 472,566 489,141 465,084 499,407 246,931 130,047 244,404 1,075 -1,005 53,646 -4,277 3,364 408,873 343,537 212,128 2,152,706 336,536 302,989 164,922 2,064 605 (3,666) -9,150 --178,950 10,114 81,427 7,229 -19,043 27,058 7,651 4,622 2,247 85,716 --19,876 10,355 451,263 1,745 19,952 15,601 2,182,835 -- 27,781 586,126 -16,632 -764,797 -- 9,328,100 14,850,310 12,846,163 115,764,794 154,050,264 126,926,850 12,959,285 -- 133,383 12,625 120,758 -- 864,086 896,963 791,151 612,008 739,933 1,267,303 4,443 1,542 1,503 592 43,412 1,379 12,865 18,980 23,835 -14,827 43,816 510,934 645,609 562,274 439,933 535,494 898,572 370,460 271,876 254,215 172,667 262,678 413,926 ------- 5,171,444 52,871 114,323 3,592,816 1,745,822 -- 1,888 365,666 -(1,354) 39,899 715,715 -- PROVOSTS' OFFICES RESEARCH Provost sixth college ACADEMIC SUPPORT Provost Provost Provost Provost Provost Provost Total eleanor roosevelt college muir college revelle college sixth college thurgood marshall college warren college 28 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges PROVOSTS' OFFICES (continued) PUBLIC SERVICE Provost warren college Total Provosts' Offices $ 644 $ -- $ -- $ 644 $ 633 $ 11 $ -- 5,472,665 5,171,444 52,871 248,350 3,606,074 1,866,591 -- 4,809,061 4,598,346 180,358 30,357 3,677,281 1,131,780 -- 561,382 13,654,259 2,466,818 49,954 2,489,054 186,405 (9,120) 499,382 54,826 520,548 10,665,823 2,225,587 130,211 5,876,177 744,729 431,171 7,780,917 1,722,134 -2,835 45 21,983,170 988,217 956,772 20,038,181 7,340,055 16,291,048 1,647,933 2,012,266 6,480,150 5,146,913 3,673,577 5,084,228 481,437 1,840,749 1,587,357 1,083,060 1,364,971 (34,014) 124,066 252,938 112,849 (37,808) 1,564,843 4,515,335 3,306,618 2,477,668 3,757,065 982,137 3,705,863 2,685,997 2,003,630 2,776,382 1,030,129 2,774,287 2,461,340 1,669,947 2,307,846 --424 --- 2,354,200 744,923 590,277 -- 96,323 -- 1,667,600 744,923 1,391,859 390,355 962,341 354,568 --- 349,740 222,315 252,894 -- (22,331) 7,639,015 1,257,292 79,546 -12,112,052 30,379 5,143,299 116,167 4,815 -110,968 63,439 5,041,359 1,141,189 116,418 8,788 12,982,758 ------- SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY INSTRUCTION The SIO department RESEARCH Institutes California space Geophysics and planetary physics Marine resources Laboratories Marine physical laboratory Research divisions Climate research division Geosciences research division Marine biology research division Marine research division Physical oceanography research division Special research units Center for atmospheric sciences Center for clouds, chemistry and climate Center for marine biotechnology and biomedicine Center for observation, modeling and prediction Integrative oceanography division Shipboard technical support The SIO department Travel Use of ships 475,209 118,408 7,061 93,818 10,184,658 1,257,356 121,233 8,788 13,093,726 56,385 2,368,048 -30,081 8,220 151,792 59,764 177,595 64 11,606 568 829,882 Total 89,396,674 13,394,415 3,102,754 72,899,505 33,655,338 57,392,573 1,651,237 Birch aquarium--museum Scripps oceanographic society 4,549 359,849 --- -3,514 4,549 356,335 495 40,359 4,054 319,490 --- Total 364,398 -- 3,514 360,884 40,854 323,544 -- 5,332,028 3,534,505 3,447,529 31,275 931,023 2,734,701 953,476 768,529 3,268,500 1,917,079 3,170,779 1,724,956 1,107,251 107,530 ----- 298,256 21,075 10,718 262,887 132,487 67,745 66,756 1,252,356 399,035 125,900 -90,944 -- 237,400 69,909 298,743 --442,928 -- 542,180 13,952 5,194,131 359,815 571,661 1,654 9,085,836 534,640 1,182,071 15,605 12,908,657 895,648 -- 567,590 805,693 1,224,119 PUBLIC SERVICE ACADEMIC SUPPORT Director's office Birch aquarium--museum Institutes Computing ring Data system Orbit center Support services Laboratories Marine physical laboratory computer support services Marine physical laboratory machine shop Radio station Ships operations Marine facility shop Marine sciences development and outfitting shop 31,708 (37,080) 77,474 1,424,299 8,566 (68,230) 1 1,371,310 (1,193) 149,164 ----- 31,708 (37,080) 77,474 1,424,299 -- 8,566 --11,047 -- (68,230) 1 917,335 (1,193) -- 149,164 29 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY (continued) ACADEMIC SUPPORT (continued) Research divisions Geosciences research division Petrology laboratory Support services Marine research division Marine biology research division Physical oceanography research division Instrument development group Support services Ships technical support Special research unit Integrative oceanography division Weiss calibration lab $ 20,630 14,920 56 (16,000) (44,617) (9,114) 2,552,673 $ 20,630 ---- $ --603,120 -14,920 56 (16,000) (44,617) (9,114) 335,344 $ ----- $ 25,613 ---- $ 3,991 16,035 56 42 $ 8,974 1,115 -16,042 --1,614,209 321,563 77,530 2,924,036 1,393,754 34,175 3,425,030 1,759,934 120,819 3,796,393 28,604 51 --- 28,604 51 --- 68,149 -- 60,940 51 100,485 -- 14,369,755 4,113,601 6,477,012 3,779,142 16,110,474 22,418,546 24,159,265 108,939,888 22,106,362 9,763,638 77,069,888 53,483,947 81,266,443 25,810,502 68,702 3,887 897,342 4,110,420 3,478,269 1,486,615 68,702 --175,922 3,478,269 687,797 --897,342 98,700 -770,012 -3,887 -3,835,798 -28,806 ---2,370,997 -1,321,182 68,702 3,887 897,342 1,739,830 3,478,269 165,433 ---407 --- 10,045,235 4,410,690 1,766,054 3,868,491 3,692,179 6,353,463 407 15,002 65,584 48,532 --(68,181) -60,000 42,665 (201) 174,676 8,729 -----832,180 -----886,559 15,002 125,584 91,197 (201) 174,676 (113,831) ------- 1,178,986 60,937 285,869 832,180 886,559 292,427 -- Community college transfer Early outreach programs Sponsored education program-medical center Office of graduate studies and research Television channel 35 University events Work study program contracting agencies Compensated absences accrual 533,846 4,159,533 533,654 2,941,782 -238,701 192 979,050 347,046 2,497,542 186,800 1,661,862 19,845 30,724 378,515 1,113,915 300,008 46,248 -30,724 5,000 -6,456 896 19,845 -258,514 1,108,524 65,430 (7,894) --115,001 5,391 228,122 53,246 -2,347 354,957 311,584 299,262 46,248 19,845 28,377 338,049 853,035 746 -- --314,491 50,704 --- Total 6,582,634 3,518,512 1,381,002 3,858,986 3,088,714 365,066 Total Total Scripps Institution of Oceanography OTHER INSTRUCTION Graduate mentorship and dissertation Office of graduate studies and research Teaching assistant insurance The preuss school Tuition remission program Compensated absences accrual Total RESEARCH Dean's office Graduate mentorship and dissertation Research travel expense Provisions--organized research Tuition remission program Compensated absences accrual Total 15,002 125,584 91,197 (201) 174,676 772,728 PUBLIC SERVICE 1,683,120 30 -(129) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges OTHER (continued) ACADEMIC SUPPORT Academic business office conference Graduate admissions information system Innovative instructional project Library Media services Office of academic support and information services Office of graduate studies and research Office of international education Playback center Teaching assistant training program Compensated absences accrual Total $ (6,738) 237,046 93,374 28,258,291 1,045,864 1,528,975 3,438,631 190,208 154,552 199,738 788,624 $ -125,350 78,648 25,100,364 1,040,614 $ 1,297,067 2,545,743 190,208 154,552 199,717 (148,484) (6,738) 110,610 13,684 1,228,165 5,009 $ -1,086 1,042 1,929,762 241 $ -90,385 76,897 13,087,997 227,015 -33,703 ---451,060 231,908 859,185 --21 486,048 994,845 2,006,489 125,142 96,211 147,103 830,456 $ 53,737 146,661 28,459 15,472,708 830,661 534,030 1,432,142 64,966 58,341 60,940 (41,832) $ 60,475 -11,982 302,414 11,812 (100) -(100) -8,305 -- 35,928,565 30,583,779 1,835,493 3,509,293 17,682,540 18,640,813 394,788 53,735,420 38,573,918 5,570,536 9,590,966 26,120,264 28,375,417 760,261 3,553,852 -- 3,553,852 -- 2,637,262 915,590 Continuing education General programs Professional programs Other 7,816,410 13,656,674 5,210,326 -95,920 -- 7,815,442 12,403,689 5,114,331 968 1,157,065 95,995 4,075,172 5,953,455 2,963,909 4,241,102 8,250,174 2,916,268 499,864 546,955 669,851 Total University Extension 26,683,410 95,920 25,333,462 1,254,028 12,992,536 15,407,544 1,716,670 421,296,557 11,208,701 409,684,994 402,862 171,503,267 273,438,606 23,645,316 Assistant vice chancellors Academic services Student programs and facilities Advisory committee Dean of student affairs Student affairs special services 1,830,340 216,419 12,714 1,856,560 369,806 854,829 --(41) 124,295 28,867 216,419 12,714 1,851,035 245,511 946,644 --5,566 -- 961,894 140,000 -1,224,283 34,063 875,893 76,394 12,714 649,477 335,743 7,447 (25) -17,200 -- Total Student Services Administration 4,285,839 979,083 2,354,546 952,210 2,360,240 1,950,221 Total Other SUMMER SESSION INSTRUCTION (1,000) UNIVERSITY EXTENSION INSTRUCTION UCSD MEDICAL CENTER STUDENT SERVICES STUDENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 31 24,622 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges STUDENT SERVICES (continued) SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Cultural activities Housing services Other social services Associated students--government Resident hall advisors Student activities and programs Student center Student organizations Total Public ceremonies Graduation Recreational programs Athletic recreation business office Intercollegiate athletics Recreational athletic program Sports facilities Total Total Social and Cultural Activities $ 352,761 $ -- $ 352,097 $ 664 $ 510 $ 370,205 $ 17,954 64,541 -- 64,541 -- 46,121 18,420 -- 1,408,248 50,668 721,952 3,065,377 1,601,898 7,017 -5,939 33,172 3,840 1,398,020 37,231 657,072 3,028,616 1,584,308 3,211 13,437 58,941 3,589 13,750 333,460 1,025,706 444,743 1,384,399 705,945 1,083,461 2,000,636 287,433 2,209,253 1,025,571 8,673 2,975,674 10,224 528,275 129,618 6,848,143 49,968 6,705,247 92,928 3,894,253 6,606,354 3,652,464 70,196 -- 70,196 -- 1,000 69,196 -- 335,033 5,272,922 3,345,274 1,338,957 ----- 335,033 4,914,879 3,309,748 1,337,223 -358,043 35,526 1,734 243,492 2,257,283 2,102,490 448,843 91,541 3,165,056 1,264,882 963,842 -149,417 22,098 73,728 10,292,186 -- 9,896,883 395,303 5,052,108 5,485,321 245,243 17,627,827 49,968 17,088,964 488,895 8,993,992 12,549,496 3,915,661 1,776,808 1,509,288 714,043 504,620 175,907 519,177 210 -274,324 -- 1,015,795 122,786 710,300 230,296 175,907 241,836 1,386,292 3,743 --- 1,116,766 967,284 84,947 357,039 114,036 659,942 542,004 629,096 147,581 62,271 (100) ---400 2,255,084 1,631,871 2,640,072 2,040,894 300 4,808 292,768 119,629 30,497 COUNSELING AND CAREER GUIDANCE Counseling Counseling services Early outreach programs Orientation program Special services Student affirmative action 4,680,666 793,711 Disadvantaged student assistance Office for students with disabilities Total 381,900 383,486 Foreign student programs International studies 616,754 -- 616,583 171 445,494 198,894 27,634 Placement Career planning and placement center 1,719,578 1,131 1,632,394 86,053 1,104,871 617,989 3,282 Total Counseling and Career Guidance 7,398,898 1,178,328 4,497,667 1,722,903 4,483,205 2,977,406 61,713 Graduate student programs Student financial services 366,276 2,127,816 -2,202,356 366,276 (130,760) -56,220 269,316 1,605,087 96,960 522,729 --- Total Financial Aid Administration 2,494,092 2,202,356 235,516 56,220 1,874,403 619,689 -- Admissions office Educational testing Registrar's office 1,309,398 131 1,724,195 1,297,786 131 1,480,073 2,162 -233,060 9,450 -11,062 841,466 122 1,118,860 468,032 9 619,498 100 -14,163 Total Student Admissions and Records 3,033,724 2,777,990 235,222 20,512 1,960,448 1,087,539 14,263 (6,394) FINANCIAL AID ADMINISTRATION STUDENT ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS 32 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges STUDENT SERVICES (continued) STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACCRUAL EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION Total Student Services $ 5,168,149 20,109 -- $ -- $ -(7,181,746) 5,145,698 $ 22,451 $ 2,598,161 $ 2,584,111 (100,381) $ 14,123 19,618 491 120,490 -- 7,181,746 -- -- -- -- 40,028,638 5,979 36,758,977 3,263,682 22,390,939 21,668,081 4,030,382 1,664,254 4,305,972 1,112,116 4,511,228 658,118 940,434 1,514,986 4,070,949 879,228 723,745 472,463 920,243 124,550 220,294 232,888 3,523,740 185,655 20,191 24,718 14,729 -263,743 --- 1,081,307 2,969,239 612,792 2,764,955 452,259 665,779 582,947 1,336,733 499,324 3,007,967 206,183 274,655 ---1,261,694 324 -- 13,192,122 8,581,614 4,307,318 303,190 8,546,331 5,907,809 1,262,018 Academic senate 610,149 557,850 50,490 1,809 428,080 182,187 118 Office of the campus counsel 435,035 433,400 1,635 -- 294,953 140,082 -- 1,919,801 2,252,101 1,512,184 2,125,570 407,617 125,292 -1,239 1,269,033 1,441,647 650,768 810,454 --- 4,171,902 3,637,754 532,909 1,239 2,710,680 1,461,222 -- 18,409,208 13,210,618 4,892,352 306,238 11,980,044 7,691,300 1,262,136 INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Chancellor and vice chancellors Chancellor's office Academic affairs Business affairs Development and university relations Resource management and planning Undergraduate affairs Total Planning and budgeting Resource management Planning office Total Total Executive Management FISCAL OPERATIONS Bad debts and collections Financial Services Accounting Student business services Cashier's office (49,935) 306 (10,798) (39,443) -- (49,935) -- 7,467,542 1,023,791 476,121 4,261,665 585,241 451,818 3,205,877 425,911 24,303 -12,639 -- 5,875,674 644,441 287,549 2,911,621 572,576 188,572 1,319,753 193,226 -- 8,967,454 5,298,724 3,656,091 12,639 6,807,664 3,672,769 1,512,979 Office of contract and grant administration 2,300,679 11,430 2,286,411 2,838 1,641,757 659,142 220 Audit and management advisory services 1,251,047 1,120,286 130,761 -- 1,177,300 553,558 479,811 12,469,245 6,430,746 6,062,465 9,626,721 4,835,534 1,993,010 3,099,337 57,608 821,088 -- 2,277,835 57,608 414 -- 2,804,455 -- 1,866,546 57,608 1,571,664 -- 3,156,945 821,088 2,335,443 414 2,804,455 1,924,154 1,571,664 9,569,669 8,973,631 595,076 962 5,321,408 4,346,635 98,374 Total Total Fiscal Operations (23,966) GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Environmental health and safety Health and safety Lifeguard service Total Information systems Administrative computing 33 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT (continued) GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (continued) Personnel Affirmative action programs Employee assistance program Human resources Total Other Administrative records Administrative travel Association memberships Blackhorse farms conference hotel Campus sculpture collection Campuswide employee support program Campuswide program expenses Clinical science building Debt service insurance premium Deep sea drilling project building lease Foreign scholars program Molecular medical building lease Real estate development Retirement restoration plan 415 Scripps building restoration Staff association programs Staff recognition awards Interest refunds to agencies Student corps services Technology transfer and intellectual property Torrey pines center south Other support Total Total General Administrative Services $ 420,673 1,171 4,332,924 4,754,768 339,632 6,585 220,104 4,608 293,593 (445,492) 56,973 282,453 165,580 3,392 277,612 174,723 682,270 185,731 1,188 12,021 17,239 218,008 47,495 $ 380,889 1,169 2,950,005 $ 3,332,063 39,430 2 1,382,919 1,422,351 $ 354 --- $ 251,954 233,237 7,670,328 $ 172,934 99,512 3,099,842 $ 4,215 331,578 6,437,246 354 8,155,519 3,372,288 6,773,039 ----94,612 ---81,509 -1,275 ---1,188 ----- 207,731 ---114,430 -----194,375 -504,151 ---16,000 -108,466 131,901 6,585 220,104 4,608 179,163 -56,973 282,453 165,580 3,392 100,297 174,723 178,119 185,731 1,188 15,345 1,239 218,008 97,203 -----445,492 ----17,060 ----3,324 --158,174 1,420,746 -601,620 5,718,972 1,015,038 1,174,644 30,041 289,077 1,398,214 300,361 6,585 220,104 -143,737 -675,283 -84,071 -267,268 -365,846 ---17,239 --- 39,271 --4,608 55,244 (445,492) (618,310) 282,453 -3,392 9,069 174,723 316,424 185,731 -12,021 -218,008 47,495 7,109,677 725,961 378,050 2,802,218 1,018,189 (339) 4,307,459 (292,228) 378,901 10,757,403 5,900,562 4,678,769 178,072 3,167,519 9,931,266 2,341,382 28,238,785 19,027,344 9,031,639 179,802 19,448,901 19,574,343 10,784,459 --(512) LOGISTICAL SERVICES Construction management (30,080) -- (30,080) -- 3,322,194 5,937,829 9,290,103 Duplicating Imprints (959,373) 57,706 (1,017,079) -- 847,298 2,607,437 4,414,108 Garage and transportation Campus shuttle Intercampus bus service Parking citation collection Transportation coordination Transportation services--central garage (102,780) 69,830 490,251 751,890 (801,610) -69,830 ---- (102,780) -490,251 751,890 (802,741) ----1,131 99,662 23,209 --473,338 820,229 46,621 490,251 751,890 1,836,339 1,022,671 ---3,111,287 407,581 69,830 336,620 1,131 596,209 3,945,330 4,133,958 232,069 245,385 (18,302) 4,986 636,580 2,093,381 2,497,892 Total Mail and messenger services 34 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT (continued) LOGISTICAL SERVICES (continued) Materiel management Chemistry storehouse Materiel management Purchasing Receiving Self-storage facility Storehouse Total Police Escort and crime prevention program Police Total Telecommunications services Total Logistical Services $ 10,404 159,927 1,448,671 832,794 32,175 113,959 $ -57,802 1,315,487 832,794 --- $ 10,404 102,125 133,184 -32,175 113,959 2,597,930 2,206,083 391,847 91,667 2,453,592 90,779 2,194,553 2,545,259 2,285,332 848,995 2,643,715 5,642,381 7,508,051 551,586 18,540 --- 275,972 18,540 288,386 91,437 7,738,498 552,205 -15,861 --- -62,796 5,945,328 556,261 9,240,652 15,861 1,343,087 $ ------- $ 102,786 96,311 1,371,258 635,118 33,793 626,144 $ 495,822 94,744 498,838 292,894 188,544 5,840,347 $ 588,204 31,128 421,425 95,218 190,162 6,352,532 -- 2,865,410 7,411,189 7,678,669 (5,832) 259,039 6,720 -- 309,452 2,414,904 42,502 1,095,223 260,287 1,056,535 253,207 6,720 2,724,356 1,137,725 1,316,822 (1,797,741) 3,021 3,976,450 9,588,001 12,715,456 (1,881,528) 15,858 14,968,497 32,720,892 42,047,008 275,614 -- 276,590 -- 477,869 18,540 202,873 -- 288,386 12,780 1,793,170 (4,056) --4,693,247 363,518 288,386 91,437 6,875,681 188,687 --3,830,430 -- 6,858,897 2,365,894 5,333,355 7,940,600 4,033,303 970,004 373,083 -- 937,061 410,086 4,060 286,497 284,973 1,524 -- 336,043 697,507 747,053 10,870,236 1,270,838 7,233,504 2,365,894 6,606,459 9,048,193 4,784,416 (4,593,000) 4,593,000 -- -- -- -- (681,884) 43,774 97,969 455,032 29,975,206 2,941,795 63,085,654 COMMUNITY RELATIONS Development Alumni affairs office Board of overseers Fund raising activities Cancer center Social sciences Development office Development office--school of medicine Total University communications Publications office Total Community Relations EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACCRUAL Total Institutional Support -(540,141) 75,089,714 42,172,713 35 (995,173) 72,875,089 -60,871,029 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PLANT Administration Building maintenance Chancellor's house maintenance Deferred maintenance projects EHS hazardous waste disposal Grounds maintenance Janitorial service Plant service Purchased utilities Refuse disposal Special projects Utilities Educational fee expense proration Compensated absences accrual Total Operation and Maintenance of Plant $ 945,351 8,174,684 119,903 3,288,045 1,087,991 1,926,896 5,508,937 58,295 19,125,207 418,833 149,220 1,534,650 -76,428 $ 461,410 8,089,128 -549,706 212,193 1,899,222 5,460,779 -18,938,844 414,924 149,220 1,515,149 (2,860,254) (34,400) $ 483,941 85,556 119,903 2,738,339 873,331 21,093 48,158 58,295 186,363 3,909 -19,501 2,860,254 109,159 $ ----2,467 6,581 -------1,669 $ 1,283,672 1,850,822 15,837 -688,662 1,720,217 3,320,936 3,320,739 -99,049 -971,479 -76,428 $ 1,582,100 6,497,643 104,066 3,288,045 649,490 1,280,444 2,842,193 14,973,816 34,977,095 333,010 149,220 1,601,066 --- $ 1,920,421 173,781 --250,161 1,073,765 654,192 18,236,260 15,851,888 13,226 -1,037,895 --- 42,414,440 34,795,921 7,607,802 10,717 13,347,841 68,278,188 39,211,589 71,795,123 5,701,259 17,776,317 48,317,547 689,364 71,105,759 -- (33,021,488) --- STUDENT FINANCIAL AID Student financial aid Less: scholarship allowance (note 3e) Total Student Financial Aid (See schedule for detail, page 38) (33,021,488) -- (33,021,488) -- -- 38,773,635 5,701,259 (15,245,171) 48,317,547 689,364 38,084,271 95,712 992,400 543,335 1,414,629 357,489 1,847,921 1,941,760 980,840 4,452,574 1,920,079 601,737 777,719 1,123,404 5,294,014 798,329 1,652,107 4,699,139 1,178,268 218,389 939,771 229 2,226,782 4,868,402 514,315 ------------------------- 74,874 982,970 543,335 1,414,629 357,489 1,847,921 1,941,760 980,840 4,416,186 1,900,544 601,737 777,719 1,123,404 5,266,082 798,329 1,652,107 4,652,978 1,178,268 218,389 939,771 229 2,226,782 4,852,426 514,315 20,838 9,430 ------36,388 19,535 ---27,932 --46,161 -----15,976 -- 6,204,799 375,021 ---48,213 39,299 -942,555 303,254 ---1,129,449 -4,148 1,334,167 -56,212 ---1,194,709 32,502 8,889,503 633,283 543,335 1,661,663 357,489 1,799,708 2,077,448 1,027,727 3,633,584 1,786,754 600,837 777,719 1,123,404 4,608,674 908,440 1,944,689 3,820,478 1,365,694 162,260 939,771 229 2,406,890 4,289,815 481,813 14,998,590 15,904 -247,034 --174,987 46,887 123,565 169,929 (900) --444,109 110,111 296,730 455,506 187,426 83 --180,108 616,122 -- 39,439,344 -- 39,263,084 176,260 11,664,328 45,841,207 18,066,191 AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES RESIDENCE AND DINING HALLS Administration Club med snack bar Coast apartments Eleanor roosevelt residence hall Faculty apartments La jolla del sol apartments Marshall college residence hall--unit I Marshall college residence hall--unit II Marshall college residence hall--unit III Matthews apartments Mesa apartments--unit I Mesa apartments--unit II Mesa apartments--unit III Muir residence hall--unit I Muir residence hall--unit II Pepper canyon apartments Revelle residence hall--unit I Revelle residence hall--unit II Scripps lunch room South mesa apartments Warren cafe Warren college apartments Warren college residence hall Warren graduate student apartments Total 36 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES (continued) OTHER Auxiliary enterprises manager pp Bike shop Birch aquarium museum and bookshop Bookstore Day care center Grove cafe Muir college sundry shop Parking operations Price center operations Catering and food services Gameroom Mail services Revelle coffee house Revelle sundry and gift store Vanpool program Vending machine operations Compensated absences accrual $ Total Total Auxiliary Enterprises Less: reclassification of capital expenditures (note 3c) Total Current Funds Expenditures 86,758 195,525 987,372 19,282,263 1,959,667 289,413 145,679 5,380,844 $ $ 86,758 195,114 986,847 19,271,553 1,903,966 288,051 140,618 5,350,327 $ -411 525 10,710 55,701 1,362 5,061 30,517 $ 465,062 61,345 197,355 3,125,066 1,123,958 89,567 32,462 3,200,141 $ 537,289 138,414 804,823 25,217,907 1,172,802 199,606 112,677 7,459,727 $ 915,593 4,234 14,806 9,060,710 337,093 (240) (540) 5,279,024 45,623 35,776 19,810 1,439 12,588 653,151 17,604 122,152 --------- 42,570 35,776 15,469 1,439 10,387 653,151 17,604 122,152 3,053 -4,341 -2,201 ---- 830,017 26,595 193,146 -8,722 113,914 -122,152 1,263,015 9,181 117,933 1,439 3,866 1,070,552 17,604 -- 2,047,409 -291,269 --531,315 --- 29,235,664 -- 29,121,782 113,882 9,589,502 38,126,835 18,480,673 68,675,008 -- 68,384,866 290,142 21,253,830 83,968,042 36,546,864 (3,798,051) (63,737,189) (67,535,240) $ --------- 1,583,717,519 (18,390,683) $ 350,307,264 (14,822,776) $ 37 767,879,110 (34,321,781) $ 465,531,145 $ 828,134,764 $ 992,259,797 -$ 236,677,042 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT - FINANCIAL AID (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges STUDENT FINANCIAL AID GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND PACIFIC STUDIES $ 360,030 $ -- $ 245,461 $ 114,569 $ 7,879 $ 352,151 $ -- JACOBS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Mechanical and aerospace engineering Bioengineering California institute--telecommunications and information technology Computer science and engineering Electrical and computer engineering Structural systems project 90,879 1,081,249 15,163 78,649 --- 75,716 1,002,600 --- 90,879 1,081,249 --- 912,515 127,985 105,232 19,229 -85,291 20,661 5,000 ----- 912,515 42,694 84,571 14,229 ----- 912,515 127,985 105,232 19,229 ----- Total 2,337,089 204,764 -- 2,132,325 -- 2,337,089 -- 4,696,342 75,510 2,370 919,482 36,653 2,977,112 1,146,719 -----1,128 30,455 1,409,939 --58,082 10,002 7,007 53,690 3,286,403 75,510 2,370 861,400 26,651 2,968,977 1,062,574 -22,342 ---35,888 48,990 4,696,342 53,168 2,370 919,482 36,653 2,941,224 1,097,729 -------- 82,542 113,380 709,980 357,486 831,826 551,634 402,693 631,507 659,984 3,750 --------- --87,720 ---402,693 424,433 387,106 78,792 113,380 622,260 357,486 831,826 551,634 -207,074 272,878 --170,478 41,687 --131,343 105,019 93,286 82,542 113,380 539,502 315,799 831,826 551,634 271,350 526,488 566,698 ---------- 14,195,220 35,333 2,840,672 11,319,215 649,033 13,546,187 -- 98,140 -- 35,842 62,298 -- 98,140 -- 119,943 171,405 (3,749) -25,066 4,700 -7,314 -- -5,055 4,264 -94,964 ---5,347 2,414,854 1,702,144 -7,422 -115,767 333 -62,847 -3,750 2,627 -----715 -7,695 ----431,822 -3,774 -15,500 ---- 966 273 5,644 88,881 113,329 182,424 159,789 -------- SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Dean's office Anesthesiology Chemistry--medical Cellular and molecular medicine Family and preventive medicine Medicine Neurosciences Organized research unit Cancer center Ophthalmology Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology Psychiatry Radiology Reproductive medicine Surgery Total SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES School of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences CAMPUS-WIDE DEPARTMENTS Biological sciences Chemistry and biochemistry Communication Economics Ethnic studies History p p g Literature Mathematics Music Organized research units Centers Astrophysics and space sciences Energy research Human development Iberian-latin american studies Magnetic recording Research in language United states-mexican studies 2,534,797 1,878,604 515 7,422 120,030 120,467 333 7,314 68,194 966 11,742 5,644 104,381 113,329 182,424 591,611 38 2,534,797 1,874,854 (2,112) 7,422 120,030 120,467 333 7,314 67,479 ---------- 966 11,742 5,644 104,381 113,329 182,424 591,611 -------- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT - FINANCIAL AID (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges STUDENT FINANCIAL AID (continued) CAMPUS-WIDE DEPARTMENTS (continued) Institutes Biomedical engineering Neural computation Cognitive science Molecular medicine Philosophy Physics Political science Psychology Sociology San diego supercomputer center Teacher education program Theatre and dance Visual arts $ Total 26,095 584,470 43,643 428,453 4,000 365,872 65,281 104,783 64,779 530 120,000 114,373 8,000 $ ----4,000 2 26,377 23,851 55,140 -39,000 16,100 8,000 $ ------39,000 -6,000 --273 -- $ 26,095 584,470 43,643 428,453 -365,870 (96) 80,932 3,639 530 81,000 98,000 -- $ ---25,900 -----439 ---- $ 26,095 584,470 43,643 402,553 4,000 365,872 65,281 104,783 64,779 91 120,000 114,373 8,000 $ -------------- 7,678,052 936,666 174,177 6,567,209 33,431 7,644,621 -- 720 -- -- 720 -- 720 -- 3,875 317,807 9,510 ---- ---- 3,875 317,807 9,510 ---- 3,875 317,807 9,510 ---- 39,708 70,424 3,343 342,519 ---44,567 ----- 39,708 70,424 3,343 297,952 ----- 39,708 70,424 3,343 342,519 ----- 787,906 44,567 -- 743,339 -- 787,906 -- --- 2,000 -- SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY Integrative oceanography division Institutes California space Marine resources Marine physical laboratory Research divisions Marine biology research division Marine research division Physical oceanography research division The SIO department Total OTHER Eleanor roosevelt college Marshall college Office of graduate studies and research Student financial services Summer session 10,638,150 35,646,532 45,000 4,269,929 210,000 -- 2,976,789 11,456,376 45,000 3,391,432 23,980,156 -- (979) --- 10,639,129 35,646,532 45,000 ---- Total 46,338,686 4,479,929 14,480,165 27,378,592 (979) 46,339,665 -- 71,795,123 5,701,259 17,776,317 48,317,547 689,364 71,105,759 -- -- -- (33,021,488) -- 10,500 (1,496) Subtotal Student Financial Aid Less: scholarship allowance (note 3e) Total Student Financial Aid (33,021,488) $ 38,773,635 -$ 8,500 (1,496) (33,021,488) 5,701,259 $ 39 (15,245,171) $ 48,317,547 --- $ 689,364 10,500 (1,496) $ 38,084,271 --- $ -- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY FUND SOURCE (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges GENERAL FUND Instruction Research Public service Academic support UCSD medical center Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Total $ 174,791,209 34,511,363 4,443,973 45,955,115 9,486,259 -40,726,104 34,691,982 5,701,259 $ 174,791,209 34,511,363 4,443,973 45,955,115 9,486,259 -40,726,104 34,691,982 5,701,259 $ ---------- $ 146,311,496 21,339,608 3,040,813 28,265,987 17,639 4,806,085 31,772,278 8,301,180 -- $ 28,487,012 13,171,699 1,403,060 19,203,055 9,468,620 (4,798,638) 14,817,659 45,445,710 5,701,259 $ 7,299 (56) (100) 1,513,927 -7,447 5,863,833 19,054,908 -- 350,307,264 350,307,264 -- 243,855,086 132,899,436 26,447,258 54,991,336 201,639 560,904 2,844,592 27,850,273 4,652,587 3,171,933 16,011,573 132,160 54,991,336 201,639 560,904 2,844,592 27,850,273 4,652,587 3,171,933 16,011,573 132,160 ---------- 16,892,477 500 432,739 143,672 12,212,993 --7,879 -- 41,652,704 201,139 432,163 2,700,920 15,741,304 4,652,587 3,171,933 16,003,694 132,160 3,553,845 -303,998 -104,024 ----- 110,416,997 110,416,997 -- 29,690,260 84,688,604 3,961,867 Instruction Research Public service Academic support UCSD medical center Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises 2,736,265 272,114,203 3,183,555 3,727,401 703 1,556,487 51,525 1,300 31,909,955 253,031 ----------- 2,736,265 272,114,203 3,183,555 3,727,401 703 1,556,487 51,525 1,300 31,909,955 253,031 1,102,608 120,729,260 1,938,539 1,115,955 703 671,398 48,729 1,300 6,551 253,031 1,633,657 151,384,762 1,245,016 2,611,446 -885,089 2,796 -31,903,404 -- -(181) --------- Total 315,534,425 -- 315,534,425 125,868,074 189,666,170 (181) TUITION AND FEES Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises Total FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Grants Contracts Instruction Research Academic support Institutional support 89,269 13,098,362 3,924 (61) ----- 89,269 13,098,362 3,924 (61) 70,470 8,563,553 3,924 -- 18,799 4,534,809 -(61) ----- Total 13,191,494 -- 13,191,494 8,637,947 4,553,547 -- 328,725,919 -- 328,725,919 134,506,021 194,219,717 Total Federal Government Note: The Schedule of Current Funds Expenditures by Fund Source reflects amounts net of the reclassification of capital expenditures and scholarship allowances (note 3c and 3e) 40 (181) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY FUND SOURCE (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges SPECIAL STATE APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACTS Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises Total $ 1,160,212 18,041,790 769,022 483,256 1,304,069 58,424 2,467 5,702,830 14,830 27,536,900 $ ----------- $ 1,160,212 18,041,790 769,022 483,256 1,304,069 58,424 2,467 5,702,830 14,830 27,536,900 $ 218,576 10,982,799 359,612 205,935 764,463 1,811 2,467 -1,176 12,536,839 $ 943,356 7,056,458 409,410 277,321 539,606 56,613 -5,702,830 13,654 14,999,248 $ 1,720 (2,533) -------(813) LOCAL GOVERNMENT Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Auxiliary enterprises 3,798,497 3,054,054 10,222 35,458 (22,290) 3,929 ------- 3,798,497 3,054,054 10,222 35,458 (22,290) 3,929 2,369,177 1,747,556 4,834 17,616 (33,703) -- 1,429,320 1,306,498 5,388 17,842 11,413 3,929 ------- Total 6,879,870 -- 6,879,870 4,105,480 2,774,390 -- 4,351,238 77,325,921 1,613,030 3,395,819 371,092 227,349 3,791,814 5,281 9,372,409 18,352 12,217 2,038 -13,478 1,926 -958,218 1,451,921 43,789,008 151,593 1,486,777 -67,618 2,953,737 -293,591 -- 2,926,165 33,540,473 1,461,408 1,909,438 371,292 160,263 2,672,618 5,281 9,078,818 18,352 26,848 3,560 (29) 396 200 532 1,834,541 --- 4,339,021 77,323,883 1,613,030 3,382,341 369,166 227,349 2,833,596 5,281 9,372,409 18,352 100,472,305 987,877 99,484,428 50,194,245 52,144,108 1,866,048 Instruction Research Public service Academic support UCSD medical center Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises 3,790,293 3,802,070 96,254 2,705,994 649 164,672 11,063,114 860,564 1,601,977 267,948 3,773,479 3,101,814 96,070 1,901,199 649 112,815 11,067,014 858,895 269,624 267,948 16,814 700,256 184 804,795 -51,857 (3,900) 1,669 1,332,353 -- 1,110,499 1,528,673 89,111 489,900 -27,852 4,594,527 378,133 6,377 370 2,860,988 2,279,001 19,298 2,217,970 649 136,820 7,545,278 482,431 1,595,600 267,578 181,194 5,604 12,155 1,876 --1,076,691 ---- Total 24,353,535 21,449,507 2,904,028 8,225,442 17,405,613 1,277,520 PRIVATE GIFTS, GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Instruction Research Public service Academic support UCSD medical center Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises Total --- ENDOWMENT AND SIMILAR FUNDS 41 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY FUND SOURCE (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges SALES AND SERVICES OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Student financial aid $ Total 62,541,387 952,413 1,075,972 84,829,104 2,832,693 438,014 1,369,572 $ 154,039,155 62,541,387 952,413 1,075,972 84,829,104 2,832,693 438,014 1,369,572 $ 154,039,155 -------- $ 62,041,415 452,374 262,910 53,122,798 1,356,419 65,430 374,966 $ 15,867,298 741,152 927,051 68,036,054 1,561,816 402,625 994,606 $ 15,367,326 241,113 113,989 36,329,748 85,542 30,041 -- -- 117,676,312 88,530,602 52,167,759 SALES AND SERVICES OF AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES Academic support Student services Institutional support Auxiliary enterprises (54,262) 418,730 (7,752) 67,119,603 (54,262) 418,730 (7,752) 67,119,603 ----- -162,859 -19,925,125 (54,262) 256,720 (7,752) 81,424,732 -849 -34,230,254 Total 67,476,319 67,476,319 -- 20,087,984 81,619,438 34,231,103 404,517,236 404,517,236 -- 171,410,045 256,725,957 23,618,766 2,949,224 15,318,656 638,312 (321,782) 168,576 5,305,826 10,988,660 476,582 (32,895,940) 298,877 2,949,224 15,318,656 638,312 (321,782) 168,576 5,305,826 10,988,660 476,582 (32,895,940) 298,877 ----------- 1,551,328 (4,226,435) 287,007 5,599,795 92,519 2,350,507 23,599,715 4,664,761 -1,074,128 1,434,484 21,211,499 381,620 7,055,275 102,407 6,787,307 39,349,586 15,968,502 (32,895,940) 1,541,359 36,588 1,666,408 30,315 12,976,852 26,350 3,831,988 51,960,641 20,156,681 -2,316,610 2,926,991 2,926,991 -- 34,993,325 60,936,099 93,002,433 Instruction Research Academic support Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Auxiliary enterprises 1,261,464 509,513 4,006,433 (101,519) 115,077 224,234 49,826 1,261,464 509,513 4,006,433 (101,519) 115,077 224,234 49,826 -------- 597,154 190,932 11,764 4,448 49,427 --- 664,310 318,581 3,994,669 (105,967) 170,932 224,234 49,826 ----105,282 --- Total 6,065,028 6,065,028 -- 853,725 5,316,585 105,282 SALES AND SERVICES OF UCSD MEDICAL CENTER UCSD medical center OTHER SOURCES Instruction Research Public service Academic support UCSD medical center Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises Total RESERVES Total Current Funds Expenditures $ 1,583,717,519 $ 1,118,186,374 42 $ 465,531,145 $ 828,134,764 $ 992,259,797 $ 236,677,042 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2002-2003 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY EXPENDITURE CATEGORY BY FUND SOURCE (unaudited) Salaries and Wages Total Employee Benefits Supplies and Services Travel TUITION AND FEES Regular session Summer session University extension and continuing education $ Total 78,210,438 3,619,846 28,586,713 $ 13,375,177 2,635,745 13,679,338 $ 3,695,597 194,610 2,919,656 $ 60,319,037 782,829 11,350,092 $ 820,627 6,662 637,627 110,416,997 29,690,260 6,809,863 72,451,958 1,464,916 Grants Contracts 315,534,425 13,191,494 125,868,074 8,637,947 27,681,256 1,525,666 154,915,686 2,563,765 7,069,409 464,116 Total 328,725,919 134,506,021 29,206,922 157,479,451 7,533,525 Appropriations and contracts General 27,536,900 350,307,264 12,536,839 243,855,086 2,871,710 51,061,099 11,821,081 51,011,693 307,270 4,379,386 Total 377,844,164 256,391,925 53,932,809 62,832,774 4,686,656 6,879,870 4,105,480 1,027,089 1,690,329 56,972 31,408,287 22,601,355 46,462,663 12,903,430 8,841,162 28,449,653 2,911,648 2,263,282 6,853,387 13,884,798 10,826,805 9,529,633 1,708,411 670,106 1,629,990 100,472,305 50,194,245 12,028,317 34,241,236 4,008,507 24,353,535 8,225,442 2,000,716 12,769,490 1,357,887 Medical group activities Managed care Other 109,072,197 22,605,410 22,361,548 87,446,070 3,898,426 26,331,816 17,266,624 1,187,678 6,441,819 3,203,579 17,492,392 (11,151,980) 1,155,924 26,914 739,893 Total 154,039,155 117,676,312 24,896,121 9,543,991 1,922,731 Parking operations Residence and dining halls Bookstore Other 5,739,727 39,860,749 20,211,947 1,663,896 2,219,930 12,984,766 3,317,707 1,565,581 739,272 4,043,125 900,775 425,528 2,630,619 22,592,647 15,927,556 (336,457) 149,906 240,211 65,909 9,244 Total 67,476,319 20,087,984 6,108,700 40,814,365 465,270 404,517,236 171,410,045 55,081,930 177,484,696 540,565 OTHER SOURCES 2,926,991 34,993,325 16,875,214 (51,654,967) RESERVES 6,065,028 853,725 183,335 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STATE GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT PRIVATE GIFTS, GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Gifts Grants Contracts Total ENDOWMENT AND SIMILAR FUNDS SALES AND SERVICES OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES SALES AND SERVICES OF AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES SALES AND SERVICES OF UCSD MEDICAL CENTER Total Current Funds Expenditures $ 1,583,717,519 $ 828,134,764 $ 208,151,016 4,783,631 $ 522,436,954 Note: The Schedule of Current Funds Expenditures by Expenditure Category by Fund Source reflects amounts net of the reclassification of capital expenditures and scholarship allowances. (note 3c and 3e) 43 2,713,419 244,337 $ 24,994,785 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL SCHEDULES Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 1. Financial Reporting Entity of capital assets, totaling $1.46 billion as of June 30, 2003 ($1.37 billion 2002). g. Capitalization of non-University-owned equipment purchased with federal funds. h. Accrual of interest on long-term debt. Loan Funds: i. Reclassification of federal refundable student loan program net assets as liabilities to the federal government rather than net assets. Amounts reclassified totaled $21.2 million in 2003 ($21 million 2002). Balance Sheet: j. Classification into current and non-current sections; labeling funds balances as net assets, categorized as unrestricted, restricted-expendable, and net-investment in capital assets. The financial schedules for the University of California, San Diego campus represent the combined activities of campus departments and the UCSD Medical Center. However, campus activities within Office of the President (UCOP) programs, referred to as Location “O” funding, are considered operations of UCOP and are not included in summary totals in this report (see schedule GLocation “O”, page 51). The operation of certain related but independent organizations, such as the UCSD Foundation, student organizations and alumni associations, are not included in the accompanying financial schedules. 2. Accrual Basis and Fund Accounting 4. Pledges The financial statements of the University have been prepared on the accrual basis. Certain minor accruals and deferrals, such as interest on notes receivable in loan funds, are omitted. The inclusion of such amounts would not have a significant effect. In order to ensure the observance of limitations and restrictions placed on the resources available to the University, the accounts are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting. (See pages 2 through 5). In compliance with the GASB Statement 33, pledges of gifts to the university are accrued as revenue in the year pledged. The net realizable value of such pledges, $9.1 million at year-end ($9.1 million 2002), is reported as a receivable in the balance sheet and is included in revenues. Pledges due the UCSD Foundation, $40.5 million at year-end ($33.3 million 2002), are not included in this financial report. 3. Accounting Changes Implemented in 2001-2002 5. Indirect Cost Recovery - Transfers In compliance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 35, Basic Financial Statements for Colleges and Universities, a number of accounting changes were implemented in 2001-2002. Changes included: Indirect cost recoveries received by the campus in conjunction with the University’s performance under contracts and grants are transferred to the Office of the President. These recoveries are then incorporated into the campus’ annual budgetary allocations from the Office of the President after giving effect to recoverysharing arrangements with the state of California. The total indirect cost recovery for the year was $109.4 million ($98.2 million 2002). Current Funds: a. Accrual or deferral of sponsored project revenues to match expenditures. Amounts paid by sponsors that were deferred totaled $51.1 million in 2003 ($46.8 million 2002). The impact on the reporting of revenues for 2003 was a net reduction of $4.3 million, the difference in the deferrals between the two years. b. Reclassification of overdrafted sponsored project expenditures from restricted to unrestricted funds. c. Reclassification of equipment and other capital expenditures as transfers to investment in plant. Amounts reclassified totaled $67.5 million in 2003 ($67.8 million 2002). The impact of this reclassification is a reduction in reported expenditures in current funds, while depreciation of capital assets is recognized in the investment in plant fund group. d. Reclassification of miscellaneous additions and deductions to funds balances from the transfer category to revenues or expenditures e. Recording a “scholarship allowance” to eliminate duplicative reporting of revenues when student financial aid is used to directly offset campus charges, reducing both revenues and student financial aid expenditures. Allowances recorded totaled $33 million in 2003 ($29.9 million 2002) - $26.8 million in student fee revenues ($25.2 million 2002), $6.1 million in auxiliary enterprise revenues ($4.7 million 2002) and $54,000 in other sources revenues ($27,000 in 2002). Plant funds: f. Recording depreciation on capital assets—buildings, improvements, infrastructure, equipment, collections and intangibles. Depreciation expense totaled $129.3 million in 2003 ($121.9 million 2002). Accumulated depreciation on assets in use is reflected as a reduction in the carrying value 6. Fixed Assets The value of physical plant and equipment is stated at cost at date of acquisition, or fair market value at date of donation in the case of gifts. In accord with the GASB Statement 35, the University adopted depreciation accounting in fiscal year 2002. Individual assets are depreciated over estimated useful lives by unit or class of assets using the straight-line method. Interest on borrowings to finance facilities is capitalized during construction, net of investment income earned during the temporary investment of project borrowings. 7. Long Term Debt Long-term debt of the San Diego campus shown on the balance sheet consists of Regents’ loans, State Public Works Board loans, bank and commercial paper loans, bonds, conditional sales contracts, and certificates of participation for campus and Medical Center facilities or equipment. Some loans, bonds, and certificates of participation provide financing for projects on more than one campus and are accounted for centrally at the Office of the President. For financial statement presentation, the records of the San Diego campus have been adjusted to include long-term debt recorded at the Office of the President totaling $736.4 million as of June 30, 2003 ($673.6 million in 2002). The impact of this 44 8. Lease Obligations adjustment is an increase in liabilities (long-term debt - current and non-current portions) and a reduction in net assets investment in capital assets, as shown in the Balance Sheet (Investment in Plant column, pages 13-14) and the related Statement of Net Assets (GASB format, page 6). The impact of the adjustment is also reflected in the net assets balances in the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets (GASB format, page 7) and the Consolidated Summary of Changes in Funds Balances schedule (pages 15-16). Operating lease expenditures and other rental costs for the year ended June 30, 2003 were $13.8 million. Future minimum payments on operating leases extending beyond one year are as follows: Year ended June 30, (millions) Combined Long Term Debt as of June 30, 2003 is $851.4 million $115 million carried in campus records and $736.4 million at the Office of the President (2002 $805.7 million, $132 million and $673.6 million). Amounts payable within the next year total $72.7 million and are included in current liabilities, while the balance of $778.7 million is in non-current liabilities (2002 $87.3 million and $718.4 million). 2004 Principal payments on long term debt totaled $142.6 million for the year ending June 30, 2003: $28.7 million for payments recorded at the San Diego campus for campus held liabilities; $12.5 million for payments recorded at the San Diego campus for the Office of the President held liabilities; $101.4 million for payments recorded at the Office of the President. Future payments on long-term obligations are as follows: Year ended June 30, Principal Interest Annual Payments $ 8.9 2006 6.8 2007 4.9 2008 1.7 2009-2013 2.6 2014-2018 2.9 2019-2023 3.3 2024-2028 3.8 2029-2033 4.3 2034-2038 4.9 2039-2043 Total Total 10.9 2005 1.6 $ 56.6 (millions) 2004 $ 72.7 $ 34.8 $ 107.5 2005 32.9 37.5 70.4 2006 37.1 37.7 74.8 2007 32.8 35.8 68.6 2008 35.6 34.3 69.9 2009-2013 171.8 142.8 314.6 2014-2018 183.1 97.2 280.3 2019-2023 151.5 54.6 206.1 2024-2028 66.7 24.7 91.4 2029-2033 54.5 9.4 63.9 2034-2038 12.7 0.6 Total $ 851.4 $ 509.4 9. Endowments San Diego campus endowment funds are invested and administered by the Endowment and Investment Accounting unit of the Office of the President and are not reflected in this financial report. The book value of San Diego campus endowments was $54.8 million at June 30, 2003 (market value $109.1 million). Were these amounts to be included in campus financial schedules, in the balance sheet (pages 13-14) and statement of net assets (page 6) these amounts would appear as increased cash and investment assets of $54.8 million and increased net assets-nonexpendable of the same amount. (2002 book value was $54 million and market value $106.5). 13.3 $ 1,360.8 Income from campus endowment funds is recorded at the Office of the President and transferred to the campus annually; such amounts are reflected in the summary of changes in funds balances (pages 15-16) as intercampus transfer additions to current funds. San Diego campus liabilities (actual or estimated) are detailed in the schedules on the following pages. The UCSD Foundation also invests with the Office of the President and had endowments with a book value $117.8 million at June 30, 2003 (market value $156.2 million). Income from UCSD Foundation endowments is recorded as gift revenue by the campus when received from the Foundation. 45 SCHEDULE OF THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS LONG TERM DEBT RECORDED AT THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS Outstanding July 1, 2002 Regents' Loans Bachman canyon lot Science research park Student health center $ Total Regents' Loans 277,330 90,000 532,656 Additions/ Adjustments $ Outstanding June 30, 2003 Repayments ---- $ --30,493 $ 277,330 90,000 502,163 FY 02/03 Interest $ --33,725 899,986 -- 30,493 869,493 33,725 Conditional Sales Contracts Campus equipment Medical center equipment 4,823,427 2,869,453 1,484,168 1,571,701 2,234,255 1,432,368 4,073,341 3,008,786 214,430 126,436 Total Conditional Sales Contracts 7,692,880 3,055,869 3,666,623 7,082,127 340,866 Bank Loans Powell-focht bioengineering hall Medical center energy conservation Miramar warehouse Retina/glaucoma research facility 17,500,000 4,890,000 9,730,000 -- 7,900,000 -- 17,500,000 870,000 200,000 7,900,000 4,020,000 9,530,000 700,000 78,030 243,656 252,043 -- Total Bank Loans 32,120,000 8,600,000 18,570,000 22,150,000 573,729 700,000 State Public Works Board Loans Energy efficiency bonds energy efficiency projects High technology education revenue bonds engineering building unit I 7,660,000 -- 640,000 7,020,000 395,616 16,585,000 -- 3,715,000 12,870,000 1,154,646 Total State Public Works Board Loans 24,245,000 -- 4,355,000 19,890,000 1,550,262 Revenue Bonds Thornton hospital 67,090,000 -- 2,100,000 64,990,000 3,569,188 Total Long Term Debt Recorded at the San Diego Campus $ 132,047,866 $ 11,655,869 $ 28,722,116 $ 114,981,620 $ 6,067,770 Total interest does not include $184,554 of capitalized interest. Repayment of principal includes a $7,900,000 refinance of a bank loan. SUMMARY SCHEDULE OF LONG TERM DEBT Total Long Term Debt Recorded at the San Diego Campus Outstanding July 1, 2002 $ Total Long Term Debt Recorded at the Office of the President Total Long Term Debt 132,047,866 Additions/ Adjustments $ 11,655,869 673,637,012 $ 805,684,878 $ 176,703,921 $ 188,359,790 On the following pages is the detail for long term debt recorded at the Office of the President. 46 Outstanding June 30, 2003 Repayments 28,722,116 $ 113,922,778 $ 142,644,894 114,981,620 FY 02-03 Interest $ 736,418,155 $ 851,399,775 6,067,770 30,350,781 $ 36,418,551 SCHEDULE OF THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS LONG TERM DEBT RECORDED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Additions/ Adjustments Outstanding July 1, 2002 Commercial Paper Loans California institute of telecommunications and information technologies Central utilities cogeneration addition Eleanor roosevelt college housing and dining Multi-purpose building Powell-focht bioengineering hall Rebecca & john moores ucsd cancer center Science research park infrastructure W. m. keck building and equipment (fmri) Total Commercial Paper Loans $ --42,232,967 -6,709,673 --8,470,295 $ Outstanding June 30, 2003 Repayments 7,460,589 460,503 34,948,940 2,807,287 234,812 19,870,633 1,955,191 15,966 $ --77,181,907 -6,944,485 -1,955,191 8,486,261 $ 7,460,589 460,503 -2,807,287 -19,870,633 --- FY 02/03 Interest ----26,496 ---- 57,412,935 67,753,921 94,567,844 30,599,012 26,496 6,295,000 32,532,333 19,170,000 760,000 1,355,000 725,000 ------- 170,000 858,201 665,000 240,000 240,000 105,000 6,125,000 31,674,132 18,505,000 520,000 1,115,000 620,000 320,481 1,714,958 1,022,281 38,255 73,863 36,088 5,287,878 38,386,908 5,870,000 ---- 207,393 1,009,523 160,000 5,080,485 37,377,385 5,710,000 529,430 2,023,739 298,787 2,835,560 11,455,000 685,000 10,372,541 ----- 111,657 610,000 120,000 272,728 2,723,903 10,845,000 565,000 10,099,813 284,550 626,241 37,381 546,958 135,730,220 -- 4,769,502 130,960,718 7,553,012 26,387,468 4,481,060 45,970,000 26,189,932 ----- 640,633 108,791 -584,277 25,746,835 4,372,269 45,970,000 25,605,655 1,487,190 252,551 -1,332,105 103,028,460 -- 1,333,701 101,694,759 3,071,846 UCHS, series a 24,657,000 -- 2,057,560 22,599,440 1,254,692 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 1) Bookstore La jolla del sol North campus recreation area Parking and roadway improvements, phase I Price center Student residence halls and apartments UCHS refurbishment 4,259,164 26,200,972 3,568,654 4,234,721 7,794,644 27,003,220 4,259,165 -------- 185,129 1,138,851 155,115 184,066 338,802 1,173,721 185,129 4,074,035 25,062,121 3,413,539 4,050,655 7,455,842 25,829,499 4,074,036 221,951 1,365,369 185,968 220,677 406,190 1,407,175 221,951 77,320,540 -- 3,360,813 73,959,727 4,029,281 State Public Works Board Loans Bonner hall improvements Central library addition Engineering building unit II, series b (1993) & a (2001) Engineering building unit II equipment, series b (1993) Engineering building unit II equipment, series b (1994) Engineering building unit II equipment, series c (1997) Graduate school of international relations and pacific studies--robinson complex Medical center inpatient tower completion Medical center north annex seismic replacement Scripps institution of oceanography pier and seawater holding tanks Social sciences building construction Social sciences building equipment Visual arts facility Total State Public Works Board Loans Revenue Bonds Research Facility Cellular and molecular medicine east Roger and ellen revelle laboratory School of medicine research facility Science and engineering research facility Total Research Facility Total Pool 1 47 SCHEDULE OF THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS LONG TERM DEBT RECORDED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Additions/ Adjustments Outstanding July 1, 2002 Outstanding June 30, 2003 Repayments FY 02/03 Interest Revenue Bonds (continued) Variable Rate Demand (Pool 1B) Parking and roadway improvements Seismic corrections Total Pool 1B $ 20,175,000 2,423,240 $ --- $ 680,000 76,002 $ 19,495,000 2,347,238 $ 1,033,850 123,218 22,598,240 -- 756,002 21,842,238 1,157,068 3,133,312 2,794,777 4,214,918 15,110,393 1,647,797 1,017,224 895,257 9,216,691 --------- 85,756 76,491 115,359 413,560 45,099 27,840 24,502 252,253 3,047,556 2,718,286 4,099,559 14,696,833 1,602,698 989,384 870,755 8,964,438 163,143 151,287 219,460 852,118 85,796 52,964 46,614 479,889 2,415,139 1,189,138 --- 66,100 32,546 2,349,039 1,156,592 125,750 61,915 4,103,172 2,654,775 3,151,659 4,041,394 11,657,870 7,547,723 ------- 112,301 72,659 86,258 110,610 319,067 206,575 3,990,871 2,582,116 3,065,401 3,930,784 11,338,803 7,341,148 213,641 138,227 164,099 210,425 643,294 392,990 74,791,239 -- 2,046,976 72,744,263 4,001,612 2,786,886 27,937,830 31,510,538 ---- 57,178 573,198 646,499 2,729,708 27,364,632 30,864,039 151,624 1,519,998 1,714,375 62,235,254 -- 1,276,875 60,958,379 3,385,997 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 4) Deferred maintenance 6,451,657 -- 412,878 6,038,779 296,485 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 5) Deferred maintenance 5,872,709 -- 336,468 5,536,241 272,070 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 6) Gilman parking Pangea parking Torrey pines center south Deferred maintenance 19,545,000 12,710,000 19,570,000 5,784,017 ----- 280,501 182,408 280,860 311,365 19,264,499 12,527,592 19,289,140 5,472,652 1,022,808 665,126 1,024,117 247,853 57,609,017 -- 1,055,134 56,553,883 2,959,904 4,318,000 -- 216,261 4,101,739 168,640 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 2) Biology field station/site development Campus ambulatory care center Campus services complex, phase I Clinical sciences building Early childhood education center Early childhood education center expansion Managed care Medical center ambulatory care center Medical center cardiac care unit expansion and modernization Medical center eleventh floor operating room Medical center outpatient center renovations and cardiac catheterization suite expansion Medical center west wing renovations Parking and roadway improvements, phase III Shiley eye center Torrey pines center north Torrey pines center south Total Pool 2 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 3) Nierenberg hall Recreational/intramural and athletic complex Warren college residence halls Total Pool 3 Total Pool 6 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 8) Deferred maintenance 48 SCHEDULE OF THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS LONG TERM DEBT RECORDED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Additions/ Adjustments Outstanding July 1, 2002 Outstanding June 30, 2003 Repayments FY 02/03 Interest Revenue Bonds (continued) Variable Rate Demand (Pool 9) W. m. keck building (fmri) W. m. keck building equipment (fmri) $ --- $ 3,155,000 2,940,000 $ --- $ 3,155,000 2,940,000 $ 108,069 82,080 Total Pool 9 -- 6,095,000 -- 6,095,000 190,149 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 10) Eleanor roosevelt college housing and dining Powell-focht bioengineering hall Science research park infrastructure ---- 91,785,000 6,945,000 4,125,000 ---- 91,785,000 6,945,000 4,125,000 ---- Total Pool 10 -- 102,855,000 -- 102,855,000 -- 438,882,116 108,950,000 12,852,668 534,979,448 20,787,744 Certificates of Participation Campus energy conservation, series c Central utilities cogeneration addition, series a Deferred maintenance, series a Deferred maintenance, series b 7,871,741 30,750,000 1,398,400 1,591,600 ----- 849,815 588,549 147,200 147,200 7,021,926 30,161,451 1,251,200 1,444,400 316,707 1,507,147 76,682 82,993 Total Certificates of Participation 41,611,741 -- 1,732,764 39,878,977 1,983,529 Total Revenue Bonds Total Long Term Debt Recorded at the Office of the President $ 673,637,012 $ 176,703,921 The use of an additional $76.6 million commercial paper funding has been approved for the San Diego campus. Total interest does not include $3,505,950.54 of capitalized interest. Repayment of principal includes $6,082,891 refinanced from Pool 9 and $86,081,583 refinanced from Pool 10 49 $ 113,922,778 $ 736,418,155 $ 30,350,781 COMBINED SCHEDULE OF LONG TERM DEBT FOR SAN DIEGO AND THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT HELD DEBT Outstanding OP Recorded Interest Rate Maturity Years Regents' Loans unsecured internal financing 6.5% 2003-2014 Conditional Sales Contracts secured by fixed assets 4-9% 2003-2007 7,082,127 Bank and Commercial Paper Loans secured by fixed assets and net revenues various 2003-2008 22,150,000 30,599,012 52,749,012 State Public Works Board Loans secured by fixed assets various 2003-2023 19,890,000 130,960,718 150,850,718 5.1-10% 2003-2020 64,990,000 Housing system revenue bonds secured by net revenues 5-8% 2003-2016 -- 22,599,440 22,599,440 Variable rate demand revenue bonds secured by revenues 3-12% 2003-2035 -- 410,685,249 410,685,249 4.1-11% 2003-2032 -- 101,694,759 101,694,759 Revenue Bonds Hospital revenue bonds secured by revenues Research facility revenue bonds secured by Regents' funds Campus Recorded $ Total Revenue Bonds Certificates of Participation secured by fixed assets 869,493 $ 2003-2032 Total Long Term Debt 114,981,620 $ 869,493 7,082,127 -- -$ -- -- 64,990,000 5-7% Total June 30, 2003 64,990,000 534,979,448 599,969,448 39,878,977 39,878,977 $ 736,418,155 $ 851,399,775 SUMMARY OF CURRENT AND NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Current Portion of Long Term Debt Long Term Debt $ 22,192,226 92,789,394 $ 50,478,393 685,939,762 $ 72,670,619 778,729,156 Total Long Term Debt $ 114,981,620 $ 736,418,155 $ 851,399,775 50 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO - LOCATION "O" 2002-2003 Schedule G CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (unaudited) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Other Expenditures Salaries and Wages Restricted Less: Recharges RESEARCH Literature Organized research units California space Geophysics and planetary physics Global peace Sea grant college White mountain research station Compensated absences accrual $ 144 $ 944,851 129,150 109,843 54,063 645,060 (21,787) Total -- $ 944,851 129,150 77,721 54,063 641,402 (21,787) -- $ 144 $ -- ----3,658 -- --32,122 ---- 665,720 80,997 81,677 41,179 448,640 -- $ 144 $ -- 279,130 48,153 28,165 12,884 196,420 (21,787) ------- 1,861,324 1,825,400 3,658 32,266 1,318,213 543,111 -- 38,868 -- 38,868 -- -- 38,868 -- 2,685 272,388 101,768 -- 2,000 -- PUBLIC SERVICE Mathematics diagnostic testing ACADEMIC SUPPORT White mountain research station 173,304 173,304 STUDENT FINANCIAL AID Organized research unit California space Total Current Funds Expenditures 2,000 $ 2,075,496 2,000 $ 1,827,400 -$ 215,830 -$ 32,266 $ 1,320,898 Location "O" activity represents expenditures for U.C. Office of the President programs conducted at the San Diego campus. This activity is not included in the campus financial schedule totals. (note 1) 51 $ 856,367 $ 101,768