CC Index absolute value 31 domain of a function 19 addition function 76 domain of an equation 51 addition of dot product 82 complex numbers 352 double angle formula 268 Thistext text will beginwith witha aabrief briefreview reviewofof ofsome someprecalculus precalculusmaterial materialthat that addition of vectors 74 This text will begin with brief review some precalculus material that This will begin you areassumed assumed tobebe becomfortable comfortablewith: with: quadratic polynomials,exponenexponenangle 196 ellipse 204polynomials, you are assumed comfortable with: quadratic polynomials, exponenyou are toto quadratic tials, and logarithms, as268 fewexamples. examples.empty We’llthen thensee seea aabrief briefintroduction introduction angle sum formulas asas set 15 tials, and logarithms, few examples. We’ll then see brief introduction tials, and logarithms, a aafew We’ll toarccosine linearalgebra algebra inthe theplane. plane.This Thisisisisthe thestudy studyofof ofvectors vectors inthe the plane,ofof ofthe the 301inin equation of a circle 187 linear algebra the plane. This the study vectors the plane, the toto linear inin plane, algebra relating tovectors, vectors,and andofof ofmatrices, matrices, which themost mostimportant important arcsine 298 toto equation ofare aare hyperbola 209, 210 algebra relating vectors, and matrices, which are the most important algebra relating which the functions thatare areused usedtoto torelate relatevectors vectorstoequation toeach eachother. other. arctangent 303 of an ellipse 206 functions that are used relate vectors to each other. functions that equations equivalent by: Cartesian coordinates 243 addition 56 coefficient of invertible function 61 a polynomial 113 multiplication 58 cofunction identity 276 even function 232 column vector 73 complex numbers 349 function 19 composition 28 function in two variables 112 conic 154 cosecant 274 283 sq sq €ctoCSgraph transformations €ctoCS cosine 223 cotangent 274 horizontal line testsoso 39 Linearalgebra algebra isnot notthe theprimary primaryinterest interest ofthis thiscourse, course, sowe’ll we’llkeep keepour our Linear algebra not the primary interest this course, we’ll keep our Linear isis ofof cubic formula 389but treatment ofitititbrief, brief, butitititwill willbebe beimportant importantfor forusus ustoto tobebe becomfortable comfortablewith with treatment brief, but will important for comfortable with treatment ofof identity 228 somebasic basiclinear linearalgebra algebrainin inorder ordertoto tobetter better studythe the topicsthat thatthis thiscourse course some basic linear algebra order better study the topics that this course some study topics degenerate conic 333 identity function 20 isdevoted devotedto, to,namely, namely,trigonometry, trigonometry,conics, conics,and andthe thecomplex complexnumbers. numbers. devoted to, namely, trigonometry, conics, and the complex numbers. isis De Moivre’s Formula 369 identity matrix 89 Trigonometryisis is the thestudy studyofof oftriangles. triangles.More Moreprecisely, precisely,itititisisisthe the study studyofof of Trigonometry study triangles. More precisely, Trigonometry determinant 96 the imaginary axis 351 thestudy therelationship relationshipbetween betweenthe the lengths lengthsofof ofthe thesides sidesofof ofa aatriangle triangleand andthe the interior interior the relationship the sides triangle and the diagonal matrixbetween 91 thelengths imaginary number 351 theinterior anglesofof ofa aatriangle. triangle. angles triangle. angles discriminant 6 imaginary part of a Introduction Introduction / / distance between points in the plane 182 division of complex numbers: Cartesian coordinates 356 bb polar coordinates 378 complex number 350 implied domain: of a function 25 of an equation 51 inner product 82 5 CC CC integers 12 interval 14 inverse function 43 inverse matrix 94 plane 72 point 72 point-slope form 144 polynomial 20 polynomial equation law of cosines 252 in two variables 119 law of sines 248 polynomial in two variables 113 linear equation in POTS 125 Thistext textwill willbegin beginwith witha aabrief briefreview reviewofof ofsome someprecalculus precalculusmaterial materialthat that This text will begin with brief review some precalculus material that This two variables 140 projection 80 youare areassumed assumedtoto tobebe becomfortable comfortablewith: with:quadratic quadraticpolynomials, polynomials,exponenexponenyou are assumed comfortable with: quadratic polynomials, you logarithm 10 Pythagorean identity 228exponentials,and andlogarithms, logarithms,asas asa aafew fewexamples. examples.We’ll We’llthen thensee seea aabrief briefintroduction introduction tials, and logarithms, few examples. We’ll then see brief introduction tials, Pythagorean Theorem 180 tolinear linearalgebra algebrainin inthe theplane. plane.This Thisisisisthe thestudy studyofof ofvectors vectorsinin inthe theplane, plane,ofof ofthe the linear algebra the plane. This the study vectors the plane, the toto matrix 87 algebrarelating relatingtoto tovectors, vectors,and and of matrices, matrices,which whichare arethe themost mostimportant important algebra relating vectors, which are the most important algebra matrix multiplication 93 andofofmatrices, quadratic equation in functionsthat thatare are used usedtoto torelate relatevectors vectorstoto toeach eachother. other. functions that are relate vectors each other. functions multiplication of used complex numbers: two variables 154 Cartesian coordinates 355 quadratic formula 6 polar coordinates 377 multiplicative inverse of a range 40 complex number in rational function 26 Cartesian coordinates 356 rational numbers 12 multiplying a row vector and real axis 351 a column vector 74 real numbers 12 real part of natural logarithm 129 complex number 350 sq sq € ctoCS € ctoCS natural number 12 restricted domain: nondegenerate conic 333 of a function 22 Linear algebra is not the primary interest ofthis this course,soso sowe’ll we’llkeep keepour our Linear algebra is not the primary interest of this course, we’ll keep our Linearofalgebra is not the primary course, norm a complex number 354 interest ofof an equation 52 treatment ofitititbrief, brief, butitititwill willbebe beimportant important forusus ustoto to becomfortable comfortablewith with treatment brief, but will important for comfortable with treatment but bebe norm of aofof vector 183 right for angle 197 somebasic basiclinear linearalgebra algebrainin inorder ordertoto tobetter better study thetopics topics thatthis thiscourse course some basic linear algebra order better study the topics that this course some study the right triangle 179that is devoted to,namely, namely, trigonometry,conics, conics, and thecomplex complexnumbers. numbers. devoted to, namely, trigonometry, conics, and the complex numbers. isis devoted to, and odd function 232 trigonometry, root 6the one-to-one 38 isis roots of precisely, unity 373 Trigonometry isthe thestudy studyofof oftriangles. triangles. More precisely, thestudy studyofof of Trigonometry the study triangles. More precisely, the study Trigonometry More itititisisisthe onto 42 rotation matrix 266 the relationship betweenthe thelengths lengthsofof ofthe the sidesofof of triangle andthe theinterior interior the relationship between the lengths the sides triangle and the interior the relationship between sides a aatriangle and rotation of the plane 258 anglesofof ofa aatriangle. triangle. angles triangle. angles period 193 row vector 73 ⇡ 189 piecewise defined function 29 scalar multiplication 78 planar transformation 98 scalar product 82 Introduction Introduction / / bb 6 CC CC secant 274 set 11 set minus 12 set notation 11 sine 225 slope 141 slope-intercept form 143 solutions of will equations 52, aa119 Thistext text will beginwith with briefreview reviewofof ofsome someprecalculus precalculusmaterial materialthat that This text begin with brief review some precalculus material that This will begin a brief subset 11 youare areassumed assumedtoto tobebe becomfortable comfortablewith: with:quadratic quadraticpolynomials, polynomials,exponenexponenyou are assumed comfortable with: quadratic polynomials, exponenyou subtraction of tials,and andlogarithms, logarithms,asas asa aafew fewexamples. examples.We’ll We’llthen thensee seea aabrief briefintroduction introduction tials, and logarithms, few examples. We’ll then see brief introduction tials, complex numbers 353 tolinear linearalgebra algebrainin inthe theplane. plane.This Thisisisisthe thestudy studyofof ofvectors vectorsinin inthe theplane, plane,ofof ofthe the linear algebra the plane. This the study vectors the plane, the toto subtraction of vectors 76 algebrarelating relatingtoto tovectors, vectors,and andofof ofmatrices, matrices,which whichare arethe themost mostimportant important algebra relating vectors, and matrices, which are the most important algebra functionsthat thatare areused usedtoto torelate relatevectors vectorstoto toeach eachother. other. functions that are used relate vectors each other. functions tangent 236 target 19 term of a polynomial 113 triangle 179 trigonometric identity 308 Introduction Introduction / / union 149 unit circle: of complex numbers of vectors 187 363 sq sq €ctoCS €ctoCS vector 72 Linearalgebra algebraisis isnot notthe theprimary primaryinterest interestofof ofthis thiscourse, course,soso sowe’ll we’llkeep keepour our Linear algebra not the primary interest this course, we’ll keep our Linear treatmentofof ofitititbrief, brief,but but itit will will be be important important for for us us to to be be comfortable comfortable with with treatment brief, but treatment winding function 191 it will be important for us to be comfortable with somebasic basiclinear linearalgebra algebrainin inorder ordertoto tobetter betterstudy studythe thetopics topicsthat thatthis thiscourse course some basic linear algebra order better study the topics that this course some isdevoted devoted to, to,namely, namely,trigonometry, trigonometry,conics, conics,and andthe thecomplex complexnumbers. numbers. devoted namely, trigonometry, conics, and the complex numbers. isis zero of a to, function 312 Trigonometryisis isthe thestudy studyofof oftriangles. triangles.More Moreprecisely, precisely,itititisisisthe thestudy studyofof of Trigonometry the study triangles. More precisely, the study Trigonometry therelationship relationshipbetween betweenthe thelengths lengthsofof ofthe thesides sidesofof ofa aatriangle triangleand andthe theinterior interior the relationship between the lengths the sides triangle and the interior the anglesofof ofa aatriangle. triangle. angles triangle. angles bb 7 CC