This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. B. •. Watershed-Management Aspects of Thinned Young Lodgepole Pine Stands THE CENTRALSECTIONof the Rocky duction in water losses from School of Engineering, (JoodelP Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, Md. trees. now covered with a dense second Increasing water production growth of lodgepole pine. The through forest management is the blockswere chosento samplea wide subject of a series of experiments range of slope, aspect, and stand being conducted on the Fraser Ex- density. Slopesvary from 2 to 25 perimental Forest in north-central percent and aspectsrange through Colorado. One completed study, all cardinal directions. Stand denactual source of most of this water conducted on a plot basis, has sities varied from over 8,500 stems is located above 8,000 feet in eleva- shown that the harvest cutting of per acre on one block to less than tion. Here snows are heavy and mature lodgepolepine does,in fact, 2,100 on another. Basal areas differed less; the maximum basal area water yields run as high as 24 increase the water available for stream flow (4). Another study is being 116.3 square feet per acre; inches per year. This same high mountain region now under way that will make use the minimum, 46.3; and the averof actual stream-flow measureage, 89.4. Dominant trees averaged is also one of low erosion hazard. ments to test the effects of timber • 23 feet in height. Most of the precipitation is snow The soils on all blocks are deharvesting both on quantity and which,in melting, releaseswater at • ?ate readily absorbedby the soil. quality of water yields. The study veloped from stratified coarse-texSummer rains are frequent, but reported here is an extensionof the tured glacial outwash, consisting usually very light. The erosion research on harvest cutting to in- of schist, gneiss, and granite. In clude the results of thinning young two blocks, a clay layer exists at• hazard is limited by the dense depths of 16 to 24 inches; in the vegetation that clothes the moun- stands of lodgepole pine. remaining blocksthis layer was not tain slopesand ridge tops; trees to Description of the Area found. Volume weights averaged elevations of about 11,000 feet, The Fraser Experimental Forest 1.04 for the surface 3 inches of all grasses and tundra vegetation on encompasses an area of 23,000 blocks, but increased sharply to higher areas. The principal forest types are lodgepole pine and acres and ranges in elevation from 1.61 at the 16-inch depth. Depth E n g e 1m a n n spruce-alpine fir. 8,800 to nearly 13,000 feet. An- of outwash material was in excess Young standsof lodgepolepine are nual precipitation averages about of 48 inches throughout the study extremely dense and this density is 24 inches, with the proportion of area. snowfall varying from two-thirds Each of the •sixblockswas dimaintained in overmature stands by the advance growth of pine or to three-quarters of the total. Snow vided into three •-acre plots and accumulation starts. in October or random drawings made to deterspruce and fir. The spruce-fir type early November and continues mine the thinning treatment to be has a dense cover in both the overwithout melt until late March or applied to each plot. One plot of story and understory, the latter early April. Prolonged by heavy each block was left untouched; the composedof spruce and fir reproduction and shrub growth. A com- spring snowfall, a snow cover usu- other two received different types plete litter cover' prevails in both ally persistsuntil late May or early of thinnings. June. June is a month of little forest types, although it is deeper Silvicultural Treatments precipitation, but convection rain nnder the spruce-fir. Mountains v6thin Colorado and Wyoming is an important wateryielding area. Stream flow which originates in the mountains supplies water for irrigation, power generation, and domestic use. The The combination of high water yields and low erosion hazard on the same area is fortunate. means that This the mountains, pre- dominantly valuable for their water yields, can also be used for the commercial production of timber. The favorable combination cates that the actual value indiof an area for water production may be increasedby somereduction in tree canopy and an accompanying reXFormerly of the Division of Forest Influences, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, maintained by ILS. Department oœAgriculture, Forest Service, in cooperation with Colorado A & hi College, Fort Collins, Colo showersbecome'frequent in July and persist throughout the summer. In 8 years of record at the Fraser Experimental Forest at ele- The silvicultural thinning of sec- ond-growth lodgepole pine stands has been extensively practiced in the Rocky Mountain region and has vation of 9,000 feet, the heaviest proved beneficialto timber growth. storm produced1.75 inchesof rain- The present experiment was spefall; the second heaviest. 0.75 cifically designed to measure the inches. effect of such treatments on hy- The present study was conducted on six blocks of 2¾• acres each located within the main valley of St. Louis Creek, the main drainage of the Experimental Forest, at an average elevation of about 9,000 feet. Logging of the original forest of lodgepole pine and sprucefir in this valley around 1910 was followed by fire and a large area is drologic factors related to stream 374 flow. Two different methods of thin- ning were applied to the young pine stands. One, called "singletree thinning," consistedsimply of reserving the better trees that were spaced about 8.5 feet apart over the plot. This left a total of approximately 600 trees per acre. All 1952 375 USFS }via. t.--A winter plot thinned by the single tree method showing the snow other trees were cut (Fig. 1). The same type of thinning' had been or elevation 1). Expressed in square-foot basal area, the percentage reductions were 51.2 for the crop-tree and 59.7 for the single-tree thinning. stand is removed and ]ess time is needed for the selection of trees to be reserved. Fur- thermore, it leavesa pattern of forest cover which approaches that recommended by Church and others (1, 2) as the ideal for the maximum accumulation and storage of and its silvieultural value may be as great as that of the sino<le-treethinning. The appearance of the crop-tree plots is indicated by Fig'. 2. In this type of thinning as well as the single-tree type, all trees were felled parallel to each other and large branches were lopped to reduce the depth of slash and hasten decay. Treatments were completed on all plots in the summet densities in stems and basal area per acre were reduced by more than half their original values by both treatments (Table for- that would affect conclusions drawn •rom post-treatment data. Mea- surements were after taken in (Fig. 1). Spriug trcatmenl 1947, 1948. and snowfall occurs 1949 xvhile snow-melt is intermittently prom'essing. Snow on the ground at any time during' this period represents the winter accumulation plus the prior spring snowfall minus the prior snow-melt. Snowfall during this period can be measured by precipitation gages. The results are then free of snow-melt effects. ?4tandard 8-ineh-diametm' rain sirable beemine snow-melt rarely occurs during' the winter months. 2now falling' during this period aetunrelates withoul loss (except by sublimation) until late Mm'cb or om'ly April. The smu of xvinter snowfall can be mcasm-ed by surveys taken just prior to melt in gages were used for this purpose with periodic movement to new early spring. Samples at 16 randomly located points on each acre plot comprised these surveys. Intensive study of snow-melt rates was made only in 1949; but random locations for greater sam- pling efficiency (3). One gage per plot was used in 1947 and 1948; two ,-agesper plot in 1949 (Fig 3). Snow-melt observations in snow accumulation mation. associated with inherent differencesin aspect I'ABLd• I. made in 1947 and 1948 ,_o'ave additional qualitative infor- Measure:cents were started i year b,efore the thinning treatments in order to detect any ploi variatious The Nmnber of stems Treatn,ent Pretreatment Posttreatn, ent None __ Crop-tree _ Single tree Average _ _ 4,413 4,275 4,025 4,238 4,413 2,072 649 ..... 1949 measurements were made by means of weekly readings of the gages used to measure current snowfall and weekly STAND [)F,NSlq•IES AS Arl•gt.'q'rl) BY THIN•NG of 1945. Stand of the undisturbed ('st stands. These data, statistically analyzed, showed no differences applied by the Civilian Conservation Corps over thousands of acres in the Rocky Mountain region. Hydrologic Measurements The other type of thinning, desThe hydrologic factors measured ignated "crop-tree," was done by nero tho.qe of snowfall, rate antting openings 8 feet in radius snow-molt, rainfall. and soil-moisaround each of 100 trees per acre. tllre Josses. These Wel'e 1110asln'l.d Selection of crop trees was based on their potential to deveh)p into on all plots in the same manner and desirable specimens in the mature to the same intensity so that direct stand; secondary consideration was .omparisons could be made of the given to providing a uniform spac- thinnin._o:treatment effects. Snowfall in• of 21 feet. All trees outside the cleared circle surrounding each The measurement of snowfall crop-tree were left standing. This was divided into two parts and method of thinning' is less expen- procedures; snow smwcys and sive than the sin•'le-tree since less precipitation gagcs. This was de- snow 447363 nates one of the crop •rees. accumulation. of the ori•inal Photo Fro. 2•--A p]o• thinned by the crop tree method. Arrow dcsig Tg•HT8, ALL DATA Basal area • square feet Percent reduction 0.0 51.5 83.9 eretreatment 89.6 88.8 89.8 89.4 Posttreatment 89.6 43.3 36.2 ...... Percent reduction 0.0 51.2 59.7 376 JovR•aL snow surveys to determine the snow remaining on the ground. The snow-melt occurring in any period was computed by adding current snowfall to that already accumu- lated at the beginning of the period and subtracting the snow remaining in storage at tim end of tbe period. rainfall determinations was insufficient their orifices to measure net storm to level. new random rainfall Rainfall BY THIIffNIIqG Thinning treatments Cro& Single Year /'gone •947 trec tree .... 10.3• - 11.49 1948 1949 9.70 _ 10.00 Average _ 10.03 Thinaiag effect in of water 12.34 11.74 11.94 12.2S 12.41 11.72 12.34 1.•;9 _.31 23.o '[nABI•E :].--•PI•ING T•EATMEN•S, •N(D,V ]•E.L.T. IN ] N('I[E.'q R•COgD OF 1 YI,]AI( Avel'•lg(' Total Tr• attar,at r['l'l'•l[lllPllt 111elt t None 5.53 e•ect mtqt ptq' ally 0.26 • h'op tree 7.54 2.o l _.3. 8iaglc tree 7.Sg '' q)uring first 21 days of melt period above the level of the slash; th• fraction of rainfall intercepted by slash also had to be considered. Two cylindrical gages per plot. moved after each measured AND were raiufall by standard gages placed with WINTIgl• Thinning effect ia percent 16.• complicated by the thick mantle debris titat covered the ground in the treated plots after the cuttings were completed; debris that obviously might intercept an impel taut fraction of the gross rainfall. It AFFECTED inches Rainfall Net rJ•ABLE 2.--I•ET •IffO;VFALL• IN INCHES OP WATER, AS TABL15 4. 1N•tlES• Anov• locations. 8t:5iME:• SnASH •AINFA[.I,. IN LEVg'L Thining iron;meats ('rop •ingh. above under the slash the slash was •Ek' AS APFFA'TI,)D IIY q'IlINNI•G Year None tree tree •aged by two shallow troughs equipped with screen baffles to i946 2.90 3.3o 1947 4.47 5.o4 5.16 eliminate splash. These two gages Average 3.68 [.17 4.33 were Thinning effect (inches) 0.49 Thinning effect (percent) 13.3 0.65 17.7 also moved after each storm and were slipped beneath any slash thal wa.• present at the rando,,, .•ampling point (Fig. 4). Measuremeats by both methods were made in 1946 and 1947. 1 and 2 years after the thinnings. This period approximated the mml low point in soil moisture caused by the excess of evaporatiehal and transpirational losses over summer rainfall. ,qampling Soil Moisture Losses was done 1)3' means of a 1-inch Soil-moisture losses as affected geetome which extrm.ted a ('ore of by the thinning treatments were soil. Samples were taken to a 48determined by means of extensiw• inch depth, bu! were separated samplino,' done in mid-•qeptember. segmentsof 13-18inches aml 18-48 or FOgESTR,- inches in order to determine if the treatment effect varied between these two depths. Sixteen annual samples were taken from each plot at both depths. during the period of study. Results Snowfall The thmnin,,,' treatments had a marked effect on the snowfall reachlug' the •round within the experimental plots. Over the 3 years of the study. the average water equivalent inorease in net snowfall due to the er•q•-tree thinning was 1.69 im.he•; while the iner•ase caused by the single-tree treatmere was 2.31 inches (Table 2). Artc z(mal comparisons indicated Hint these ira-teases were real and not attributable to chance However. the sizable difference between the effect of the crop-tree thinning and that of the single-tree could have been by chance alone. Of the total increases in snow- fall, the g'ains • net winter accumulation accounted for most. Croptree and sina'le-tree thinning increased the winter accumulation by an averaa'ewater equivalent of 1.31 •ehes and 1.68 inches, respectively. Snow-melt ()bservations 1948 indicated made in •at 1947 and the th•ning' treatments produced acceleration in the rate of •ow-melt. The inten- sive quantitative measurementsof 1949 bore out this conclusion (Table 3). During the first 3 weeks of ihe melt period when the snow •ovm' was still complete or nearly so. :%½- U,•I",• Photo 463,522 Fro. 3.--Gage for measuring spring snowfall located in a plot thinm.d by the crop-tree method. l•q Photo Fro. 4.•ylindrical and trough gages in place on plot thinned by single-tree method. MAY 1952 377 the melt under the crop-tree thinnine amounted to a total of 2.01 inches of water more than did that on the unthinned plots. The singletree thinning' increased snow-melt by a total of 2.35 inches of water in the same period. Beyond the 3-week period the snow cover became spotty (Fig. 5) with lesssnow area under the treated under untreated the stands and than further comparison could not be made because of the unequal snow surface areas subject to the snow-melt factors. Rainfall The partial removal of the forest canopy by the thinnina' treatments allowed more rainfall to penetrate beneath the crowns and to the level of the slash. The extent of these increases is shown in Table 4. For the 2 years of measurement, the average increase caused by the USES Fie. 5.--Snow It is concluded from sults and the information these reobtained face moisture crop-tree thinning was 0.49 inches or 13.3 percentof the summerrain- on rainfall reaching the soil surfall received under the untreated that the losses of plots. The single-treethinning pro- from the sell through evaporation and transpiration were unaffected duced an increase of 0.65 inches or 17.7 percent. Statistical tests by the thinning treatments. The showed these increases and not due to chance. to be real Different results were obtained, however, from the measurements by trough gages of the rainfall penetratinE the slash and actually reaching the soil surface. These measurements, taken •n 1946 and 1947 when many needles still remained on the felled trees, showed no real influence of the thinning treatments. The felled trees while still holding their needles were ap- parently about as effectivein intercepting rainfall as they were when standing. Soil soil-moisture content in late summer is the total of summer rainfall on the soil, less the evaporationtranspiration losses. As sho•vn by the trough gages, the amount of rainfall reaching the soil was similar both the treated and un- treated plots. Summary and Discussion 4633•0 ing the ground. It however, that as the grates, the rainfall soil will increase. It is probable, slash disintereaching the is also prob- able that if the felled trees been removed for utilization had as poles or small posts, some immediate increase in net rainfall have The been would realized. unmeasured effect ot' the was that on the sub- treatments limation and evaporation lossesof water from the snow. Because the thinnings allowed more wind and sunlight to reach the snow surface, they very likely increased the sublimation lossesduring cold weather This study has again demon- and the evaporation lossesduring strated that the thinning of dense periods of melt. There is no known forest stands will appreciably in- technique for accurately measurcrease the net precipitation re- ing these vaporization losseson an ceived on the forest floor. For the particular environment and type of Moisture in Photo cover under crop-tree thinning late in spring melt period. stand studied, the treatments areal basis so the influence on them of the thinning treatments could not be evaluated. This deficiency •.osses applied caused an average increase does not weaken the conclusions reThe intensive sampling of soil of 20 percent in net snowfall and •ardin.o winter snow accumulations 15.5 percent in summer rainfall. since the snow measured in early moisture in each of 3 years after the thinning revealed no effect by Partially offsetting these appar- spring is the total snowfall less benevaporization losses. The extent of the treatments. Mid-September ent watcrshed-mana_•ement measurements showed no real differences/:etween the moisture content of the soil under the treated plots and that under the untreated. Both the 0-18-inch and the 18-48- inch depth of soilsshowedthis lack of difference in the year immediately following thinning as well as 4 years after cutting. fits were two other influences on these losses is unknown and prob- precipitation: one was measured, ably can only be definitely estabthe other was unmeasured and can lished by watershed studies which only be discussed. The measured measure in terms of stream flow effect was that the felled trees inthe integration of all the hydrologic tercepted an appreciable fraction factors. of the summer rainfall; sufficient, The evaporation and transpirain fact, to reduce to zero the effect tion losses of moisture from the of the thinnings on rainfall reach- soil were found to be unaffected 378 JOLENAL OP FORESTRY by the thinning treatments. This quantity result is in support of the conclusion reachedin 'the earlier study of harvest cuttings in mature lodgepolepine (4). In that study it was apparent that the effectsof yields.•Vith respectto soil erosion, and manner of water soil-moisture losses. It is concluded that where climatic and forest con- there has been no visible increase ditions are similar to thosestudied, sincethe thinning operations.The the thinning of dense pine stands soil is still stableunder the present should appreciably increase water rainfall and snow-melt conditions yields A more completeand definithe cutting on autumn soil mois- to whichthe plots are subjected. tive answer must await watershed ture were produced not by decreasing the soil-moisture losses but rather by increasing the rainfall Conclusions studies where the answer can be obtaineddirectly in termsof stream The thinning of dense young flow, and vaporization lossesfrom reaching the soil. In the present lodgepole pine stands .is an ac- the snow surface can be more accustudy, the net rainfall was unaf- cepted, silvicultural method of fected by the treatments and no stimulatinggrowth and shortening rately accounted for. Accelerated erosion has not resulted from the influence was found on the soil the rotation required for saw timmoisture of late summer. ber or pole production. Concern- thinning operationsand it appears The measured increases in snowing areas such as those in the high that the quality of stream flow would not suffer from similar thinmelt rates could be detrimental to mountains of Colorado and •Vyothe stream flow from some waterming where the primary value of nings where the climate and vegesheds and under some weather conthe land lies in its high yield of tation are such that the erosion ditions.However,the •pecificsitua- quality water, the question arises hazard is low. tion includingthe opportunityfor as to whether thesethinning operaLiterature Cited flood storage would determine the tions are beneficial or harmful to 1. CHUrCh, J. E. 1933. Snow surveydegreeof harm (or benefit) in such water yields. ing; its principles and possibilities. increasedmelt rates. Thinnings Indicative answersto thesequesGeog. Rev. 23:529-563. which reducedbasal area by an tions covering a period of 4 years 2. CONNA•Gn•roN,C. A. 1935. The accumulation and rate of melting of snow average 55 percent causedan addi- following thinning operationswere as influenced by vegetation. Jour. tional 2.2 inches of total snow-melt obtained from a study made on a 1%restry 33:564-569. in a 21-dayperiod. Per day, this typical area along the Continental 3. WmM, 1:[. G. 1946. The design and analysis of methods for sampling amounted to an average 0.10 inch Divide where the erosion hazard is micro-climatic factors. Jour. Amer. but the maximumvalue on a par- low and the forest growth is dense. Statis. Assoc. 41:221-232. ticular day was i•robably well in On experimental plots it was found 4. and F,. G. DuNrOra). 1948. Effect of timber cutting on water excessof this figure. that the thinning of dense young available for stream flow from a The above are the results with lodgepolepine standsincreasednet lodgepole pine forest. •J. S. Dept. regard to the treatment effects on precipitation while not increasing Agric. Tech. Bul. 968. 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