l Colle niversity of Yor kS ge U n i ve r s i t y o f U c e Ca r tment oisftrPy Lo n ho g a p d o h c r i K a e n rd D ol d ese m br eele do em R i n h ff r o o e Un nN f C nc d Un of C Ca n f h a i o v ivnet ati rsi e rs e L f C em t y o rsit ty on e o ist ietyg s m y of r a l u te of l t l ry r e U t o v a H Ed i n i i niv ep Ba tea Un C a s l t e th n Un r ia h D rs it y o f eeds Unive on I f Brisrt oaln e g i p r v L rnsidty o ertsiItmy of Edinbu dL a u o n g I n s t i t u te p e r i a l Co l l e g e L n i ve r s y c a i a t t y e ld U Un of har m S P stLeoughborhoeuffig i o v ut er Univerl soitf h r S y e h o l s U S f e F o i a e ty a c n h m c lymnoiv ho i ve u Sc pat K sityo of P a U l s t o r y s m l i ve r f n s e i c e to t a o n o n y n f h f U U e U L i g B wa n io iv S c t in ni aifme fS v t S s h c o e c iefer ie y o r i i e s i ng f L sit f N n i t rsint ces at Univers c y r ia e s at l o ersityyoo ott o i ve v U i n o f l f S o u Co l nodf eNrland Un N S ch e l e n g w o e d L n o c a s t l e U n i ve r s i t y on D e p a Co l l e g e L ond r titmy h o o l o f Bi ol o g s c o r e S nD nt ica ve d Enoguitnheeri i n ge o a e i n l l t v n l fC S n m isio ga e c ie Co ly he m y P n e t t n ng mi Un ceersi ag of P y of n ha ca i iv s at Q sity nver l E Ma s m n o r sit y t U ueens nng Fa nd i ve c h o o i a o n i t o cu log sf Re e eL uc yneaet rU lt y o c r ading g t y n in g le f Tencshnolog e l i a c o n S d o a t U n i ve r s i t y C L a n g u a g e lfast S ch ool of C o o l o f Ph a r m eomatic Eng S ch a in c Mepar tmen d G am n t y e v e i h D r n s e a i U at r in l a of C n ele ing t y F c h t e U a g he ta em c u a at K ot u la ivnili,v C s N l e t ica te f y r ets U t of slei c c o r n n l n f E e S iy o M o t y of t e v n L i i c m i g ho in Sc for ers ers arfte S i y o t c p niv iefee y l i e e U or o L s r t f C f D a i B i s n o e s rantces at Univer c o o c r ia g l le on oilen bo l a g Co e t ho LLonnddon MRC La U l l e g n e London Sc i ve r s i t y C o l l e g e o Athena SWAN Awards 2009 o ty rsi i ve Un en m vir on En Charter for Women in Science Athena SWAN tU ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro i lC oll e positions in science, technology, engineering, Lo ge ni ve Introduction 2009 awards in figures This has been an incredible year for Athena SWAN. We have had the highest ever number of applications for awards in almost all categories: bronze applications from new members, silver submissions from departments, faculties and schools, and renewals of some of the earliest awards made. • • • • • • 35 awards 24 new awards 11 renewals of previous awards 19 bronze awards 16 silver awards 81% success rate The new application process made it much easier to identify the innovative work going on in institutions to advance the Athena SWAN principles and this booklet sets out some of the good practice highlighted in the awards submissions. For more information about any of the policies and practices outlined here, contact the University direct. SWAN contact points are available on www.athenaswan.org. uk/membership/members-list iv se aU sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n pe ria l Co lle medicine and mathematics departments. ity recruiting and promoting women to senior er s practice for universities and research institutes ou th lle Co promote and recognise good employment m ol The Athena SWAN Charter is a scheme to g 2009 Athena SWAN Awards of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She f Ba y of U n ar eC g d i br am fC h ut So am Un rsit ve ni diff pt o 1 Julie Ashdown Athena SWAN Charter Coordinator 2 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro i University of Bath Bronze award lC oll e g m individual laboratory groups. There is also a The University of Bath’s engagement with well-developed training programme in place the Athena SWAN process has been led to meet the needs of early-career and senior from the senior management team by the research staff. A Career Development Adviser University Secretary who chaired the self- offers development workshops as well as assessment team. The team devised an action individual advice and guidance on a 1:1 basis. plan reflecting outcomes to benefit women There is a well-established University-wide There was wide consultation (including on the women’s development network has been website) in preparing the submission so that in operation for 7 years. Topics for events everyone had an opportunity to contribute are wide-ranging and cover such subjects and feel part of the process. as personal development skills and health. The University piloted a mentoring circle member of the Athena SWAN Charter and model in 2008 where a senior woman in SET received their first Bronze award in 2005. acted as Circle Leader and took on a group of Since then two departments have gone on participants who meet periodically to discuss to receive silver awards: Biochemistry, and career development and other related subjects. Physiology and Pharmacology. Participants learn from the Circle Leader and enjoy a degree of peer-to-peer mentoring, as Lo ge The University has a SWAN implementation well as networking with colleagues outside Group, chaired by the Pro Vice-Chancellor which their immediate department and discipline. meets regularly to analyse data and discuss ideas at embryonic stage. Many ideas are piloted in The model has proved so successful that the SET departments and then translated into policy University is now looking at rolling it out to and practice that extends across the whole other faculties and also introducing mixed- University to benefit and support all women. gender circles specifically for research staff. of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She f Ba U n ar eC g d i br am fC h ut So y of rsit ve ni pt o 3 am Un Coordinator to whom all researchers can look diff Each Department at Bath has a Research Staff iv se aU in SET departments as well as the University. Co lle where researchers can network outside their pe ria l environment. The University of Bristol was a founder ni ve researchers with a well-used social space, sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n quality teaching in an innovative learning ity department has a large community of Bronze award (renewed) er s recognised research University offering high ou th lle Co for advice. The Pharmacy and Pharmacology ol The University of Bath is an internationally University of Bristol 4 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro i University of Cambridge Bronze award (renewed) lC oll e g m In addition, a Gender Representation Review member of the Athena SWAN Charter and Group has been set up, consisting of senior received their first Bronze award in 2006. academics to recommend actions to increase the numbers of women at senior levels. ou th ol The University of Cambridge was a founder Cardiff University Bronze award Founded by Royal Charter in 1883, Cardiff flagship project aiming to support regional University has a long-standing reputation for economic development. The network teaching and research in science, engineering establishes contacts between businesses and and technology. the University and includes a forum to attract lle Co careers advisers. In addition, the Centre for Sciences, Clinical Medicine and Physical Personal and Professional Development Sciences. Following a series of staff changes offers courses for contract research staff. The and re-organization, a formal Equality University has also organised joint seminars and Diversity Committee has been set with the Cambridge Association for Women up, chaired by the Pro-Vice Chancellor for in Science and Engineering, for early career Human Resources. researchers considering careers in academia. Co lle professors from the Schools of Biological Lo ge pe ria l improved with the appointment of dedicated high-profile business women. The University’s 125th anniversary in 2008 focussed in part on the achievements of Cardiff University has also participated in the female academics. Inclusiveness is one of the Women’s Universities Mentoring Scheme University’s most cherished values which can pilot project for women in higher education be traced back to its foundation when men in Wales. Funded by the Higher Education and women were admitted on equal terms. Funding Council for Wales for all 12 universities Dedicated web pages, a special publication in Wales, the scheme entailed a female and external media contacts helped to employee from each institution being assigned publicise this commitment. to a mentor from another Welsh University. The aim of the relationship was for the mentee to The Cardiff University Innovation Network, receive encouragement, support and advice run by the Research and Commercial from a more experienced colleague. Development Division, is the University’s iv se aU ni ve with a Steering Group made up of sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n Career support for Contract Research Staff has ity by the Women in SET Initiative (WiSETI) er s The University’s SWAN work is coordinated of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She f Ba y of U n ar eC g d i br am fC h ut So am Un rsit ve ni diff pt o 5 6 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro i University of Edinburgh Bronze award (renewed) lC oll e g m been a significant increase in the number the development of initiatives across the of women participating. Moreover, two University which support women in SET schools recent senior management appointments and which often have wider benefits for have been of women who completed senior women across the institution. Promoting good leadership programmes. employment practice for women working in periodic statistical reports on equality data. in research and education. Since 2006 there has been a commitment to annual reports and these are published The University is committed to having more openly on the website and also go directly women in senior academic leadership roles to the governing body. A University wide and has introduced courses to support women seminar to disseminate findings is now in gaining the necessary skills. The University planned and will be held annually. a Silver SWAN in 2006. The School is run as a of Research Staff within the School. This single academic unit with 45 academic staff, resulted in the appointment of a School Early 20 technical staff, and about 200 research Career Researcher Champion with identified students and post-doctoral workers. The administrative support to follow up the action research school together with their sister points from the day. school from the University of St Andrews form EaStCHEM which is a world-class The School has introduced a workload model centre for chemistry. to ensure that jobs match people’s strength and achieve a balance of load across the staff. In December 2008 the School held an away The model will also be used to provide staff day with postdoctoral researchers to discuss coming up for promotion with appropriate how best to implement the University’s roles and experience. iv monitors participation in these programmes Lo ge Code of Practice for the Management pe ria l promotion of gender equality and excellence The School of Chemistry was first awarded ni ve Technical Advisory Group which produces Silver award (renewed) se aU pillar of the University’s commitment to the sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n The University has an Equal Opportunities Co lle ity science, engineering and technology is a key er s bronze SWAN award in 2006 and this stimulated ou th lle Co by gender and figures show that there has ol The University of Edinburgh received its first The School of Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She f Ba y of U n ar eC g d i br am fC h ut So am Un rsit ve ni diff pt o 7 8 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro i Bronze award (renewed) lC oll e g m students interested in continuing their careers to raise the profile of Imperial women within in academia and two open days for over 200 and outside the College. Each Ambassador females aged from 14 to 16 to encourage A receives an honorarium in recognition of level study in engineering and science. Earlier their role, has a small budget to support their this year the Society organised a photographic activities, and a voice at Faculty Management exhibition in the College main entrance ‘100 level. The Ambassadors are already making women 100 visions’ which was opened by the a difference, for example, through the Rector and which celebrated Imperial’s women work of the Medicine Ambassadors many scientists, from undergraduate to professor. The more women are now nominated (often exhibition is now touring all College campuses. pt o 9 Lo ge of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She to lobby, to improve communications and ar eC g d i br am fC have included a networking event for research Imperial College London Silver award The Department of Chemical Engineering is The Department has transparent and a highly rated research and teaching institute. supportive processes for promotion. The Turnover among permanent staff is low. A large criteria are well publicised. In October each number of research staff progress to academic year, the Head of Department appoints a positions elsewhere in the world, often number of Professorial Panels, each consisting maintaining a level of collaboration with their of two established professors and assigns former supervisors. all non-professorial staff to a panel. The membership of the panels changes every year. As well as having a self assessment team, the Non-professorial staff are strongly encouraged Department held two short ‘good practice’ to discuss their own cases with their workshops as part of the staff consultation Professorial Panel before the annual Academic exercise in preparation for the application. Staff Review meeting takes place. The system The workshops gave team members the means that panel members are familiar with chance to listen to colleagues’ views on the the candidates’ work. The other benefit is culture of the department, its communications, that if the professorial panels identify any and its management style and key processes. weaknesses in an individual’s CV they can offer A draft action plan was then drawn up which help, for example, by putting them forward as was also circulated to staff for comments. keynote speakers. h ut So to be changed, to propose positive changes, Co lle established in 2007. Events in the last 12 months pe ria l identify practices and processes that need ni ve The College Student Women in SET Society was se aU Academic Ambassadors for Women to iv Imperial College created a series of Faculty U for Senior Women as a networking event. n communication and holds an Annual Dinner sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n survey in 2010. y of for Academic Women to try and improve rsit ve ni working with the Royal Society to run an ASSET am Since 2005 the College has created a website Un history of association with Athena and is now diff first award in 2006. The College has a long ity memberships. er s of the Athena SWAN Charter and received their lle Co successfully) for external committee Department of Chemical Engineering ol Imperial College London is a founder member ou th f Ba Imperial College London 10 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro i Department of Chemistry Imperial College London lC oll e Silver award g m ou th National Heart and Lung Institute Imperial College Silver award ol In preparation for the application, the committee as possible. They implement practical changes held a series of discussion workshops. They that make a difference, big and small, from realised that there was a need for more openness policy to small personal touches. about what senior staff do (other than what might be obvious in terms of, eg, running a large research group). Information is now being by the Chemistry Academic Opportunities collected and distributed describing what a Committee. The committee’s role is to discuss, senior academic does. This is useful in two ways: receive and disseminate issues relating to to give junior staff a realistic perspective within academic women, including post-docs and which to review their own workload; and to give PhDs. Their website includes links to Faculty them a real view of what academic life entails and College activities, and to the Royal Society and what skills they need to develop. Lo ge iv The Department’s SWAN activities are led Co lle life as attractive, supportive and encouraging pe ria l The department focuses on making its working ni ve fellowship opportunities for women. se aU rated highly for both its research and teaching. sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n on women and science, and to funding and ity largest chemistry departments in the UK and is er s of Chemistry and Institute of Physics reports lle Co The Department of Chemistry is one of the of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She f Ba U n ar eC g d i br am fC y of The Institute has recently paid particular established as an independent research attention to postdoctoral research associates institute based at the Royal Brompton Campus with a number of initiatives, including and subsequently incorporated into Imperial confidential open forums with the Head of College’s Faculty of Medicine in 1998. It is one of Division, creation of a postdoc committee, the largest divisions of the Faculty, employing and hosting a postdoc career development more than 100 academic staff, 150 research staff and research day. The Institute has also and hosting more than 150 research students. launched travel awards for attendance at The Institute is located across 9 campuses and workshops and conferences as a direct result associated hospitals, with scientific interests from its open forums. in cardiovascular and respiratory research including both clinical and basic science. The Institute newsletter has a dedicated section for junior scientists to discuss their In preparation for the application, all staff and work, raise their profile and encourage students were invited to join the self assessment collaboration. Noticing low female participation, process. The Institute held workshops with staff the Institute proactively encouraged more to identify the key issues and an open meeting involvement and now 60% of abstracts are was held to develop the action plan. submitted by female postdocs. h ut So am Un rsit ve ni diff pt o 11 The National Heart and Lung Institute was 12 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment Silver award logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro Department of Physics, Imperial College London i lC oll e g m Research Associate departmental committee departments in the RAE 2008. The Department and thereby creating a channel for is divided into nine research groups, each communication and ensuring that Research having on average between 50 and 100 people Associates are represented properly in the including postdoctoral staff, post graduates, department. academic staff, administrators and technical staff. information was available on HR websites, in general is a significantly higher proportion they had never publicised the many people of postdocs than in other disciplines, and in the department who had worked part- that realistic career advice should be given time in the past and who were now in senior to young researchers. The Department has positions. They are now rectifying this. Lo ge se aU iv The Institute of Cancer Research is one of the Development team to ensure that researchers world’s top cancer research institutions and, are provided with appropriate careers advice with the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, and support. They are also trialling the forms Europe’s largest comprehensive cancer introduction of Peer Mentoring for researchers, research and treatment centre. It is a college based on models used elsewhere in the of the University of London and is divided into sector. The Institute’s exit questionnaire asks research sections, each of which is headed departing researchers if they would be willing by a Section Chair who is a professor. The to keep in touch with current researchers who Institute is predominantly research focussed may be interested in the field to which they and annually admits up to 30 PhD research are moving. students. It has 713 staff supported by 228 staff in corporate services. 59% of the The Institute has recognised that the images workforce are women. used on their website and in their publications are not representative of their diversity and in of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She f Ba U n ar eC g d i br am fC y of The Institute supports an active Postdoctoral some respect show stereotypical gender roles, Association and provides it with its own such as male doctors and female nurses. So, budget for networking and social activities. It they have started a project to draw together provides a biennial Postdoc Careers Conference all images owned by the Institute into one with speakers from a range of career paths, image library which will be resourced and both at the Institute and elsewhere. The managed to ensure a greater number of Association liaises with the Learning and diverse images available for future use. h ut So am Un rsit ve ni diff pt o 13 Bronze award pe ria l identified that a feature of Physics departments ni ve the department realised that although sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n The Wakefield Review of Physics in 2008 Co lle ity While preparing for the application, er s the largest and strongest physics research ou th lle Co taken this advice seriously by creating a ol The Department of Physics was one of Institute of Cancer Research 14 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro i Bronze award (renewed) lC oll e g m male students achieving a first class honours initiatives; ensuring that the School follows degree than female students; although best practice in relation to Athena SWAN overall the proportion of female students guidance; assisting in gathering gender- obtaining a 2:1 or above was higher than disaggregated statistics, and ensuring that their male counterparts. This has led to these are monitored on an annual basis and further investigation by the programme team reviewed at appropriate School meetings. and the Course Director is now discussing The Champion also identifies any issues arising with colleagues whether the assessment of from the monitoring of statistics and suggests particular modules is designed in such a way solutions where key problems are identified, as to disadvantage female students. n pt o 15 Lo ge of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She within their School for SWAN enquiries and ar eC g d i br am fC that there was a much higher proportion of h ut So Charter; acting as the first point of contact Co lle the physics/astrophysics area, it was noted pe ria l the profile of women in SET and the SWAN ni ve degree classifications split by gender within se aU member of staff and is responsible for: raising iv monitoring the levels of attainment in U School. The Champion is usually a female sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n and addressing a problem area is that in y of an Athena SWAN Champion within each rsit ve ni One successful example of identifying am The Faculty of Natural Sciences has appointed Un SWAN Charter. diff Geographical Sciences earned silver a year later. ity will assist in promoting the aims of the Athena er s in 2006 and the School of Physical and ou th lle Co and initiates activities within the School which ol Keele University received a Bronze award f Ba Keele University School of Life Sciences, Keele University Silver award The School of Life Sciences is one of four PhD students have a positive role model schools within the Faculty of Natural Sciences with 54% of them having a female principal at Keele University. supervisor. The School initiated a survey of all staff to In liaison with the University’s Widening determine their views regarding existing Participation team and the School of workplace issues, such as appraisal and Computing and Maths, the School of Life mentoring processes, training opportunities, Sciences organised a ‘Women in Science’ day, career break, and return to work. The survey aimed at encouraging schoolgirls into science. raised awareness within the School, not only Whilst Life Sciences attracts good numbers of the Athena SWAN Charter, but also how of females onto undergraduate courses, they workplace issues affect staff. The results of the hope that sharing the event with computing survey were discussed by the self assessment and maths will encourage girls to think about team and circulated to all staff. the latter, more male-dominated areas of study, perhaps by considering dual honours in both The School of Life Sciences makes good use areas. The School ensured that the schoolgirls of role models. They encourage females to were exposed to a wide range of female role continue studying STEM subjects by ensuring models providing inspirational demonstrations that, wherever possible, the most inspirational of science in action. All such activities are fully lecturers, particularly female role models, teach recognised in the workload allocation model science foundation year students and maintain for the female staff involved and significant their enthusiasm for degree-level science. They contributions are recorded as achievements in also ensure that the vast majority of female appraisals and promotion references. 16 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro i Bronze award lC oll e g m Key features of the revised procedures maternity return rate. The Faculty of Engineering include increased transparency, with clear has a well-established scheme to support staff competency-based standards for each returning from long term absence, including category and grade of staff. As part of the return from maternity leave. This can take a review, the membership of promotions variety of forms, such as additional research panels was also examined. This resulted in a support or buying out teaching time for a period. significant change to the membership of the This year the Faculty of Medicine and Health Senior Lectureships Committee, in particular, set up a fund to provide similar support and from one that was predominantly male, to consideration is now being given to extending one which has 50% female representation. this support to women in other faculties. pt o 17 Lo ge of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She The SET Faculties at Leeds University have a 100% ar eC g d i br am fC promotions procedures were reviewed. Loughborough University Bronze award Loughborough University is a founder member career and skills development and provides of the Athena SWAN Charter. This year they a showcase for research; a Research Staff are celebrating 100 years since the formation Development Open Competition allowing of the original Technical Institute that has research staff to apply for funds for transferable grown into today’s University in which SET skills development; and a career development is the dominant feature, accounting for over advisor providing dedicated support. 60% of academic activity. Loughborough has substantial partnerships with industry, The University’s Women in Science Committee government and the professions. The staff is currently considering the introduction and students of Loughborough University of a mentoring scheme for staff returning make up a community of 18,000 people. from maternity leave. The Committee also has a remit to raise awareness of conference, The University has an extensive range of seminar, lecture and exhibition opportunities support for research staff, including, targeted to build external profile, and it is active in induction; workshops for less experienced outreach work in schools and with families. researchers on basic skills; Teaching Skills The Widening Participation office runs the workshops, an Associate Teaching Route Widening Access through Sports project, for researchers with greater teaching loads; working, for example, with Moslem girls to regular Research Staff Forum meetings for raise their aspirations for the future. Female development and networking; an annual SET students play a vital role in these Research Staff Conference which addresses outreach activities. h ut So revised pay and grading structure, existing Co lle than men. pe ria l at all levels. Following implementation of the ni ve success rate of women was consistently higher se aU supporting the career development of staff iv than the pool of potential applicants and the U The University recognises the importance of n proportion of women applicants was higher sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n applicants has improved, such that in 2008 the y of campus so close to the heart of a city. rsit ve ni and Professor level, the proportion of women am Russell Group universities to have a full Un women academics to Senior Lecturer, Reader diff outskirts of the city centre, one of the few ity promotion application and success rate of er s University, based on a single campus on the ou th lle Co As a result of significant work to improve the ol The University of Leeds is a research-intensive f Ba University of Leeds 18 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment i lC oll e g m and there is no provision in a grant to cover strengths. The map guides performance maternity or adoption leave, the Faculty will and development reviews, progress being usually cover the funding for additional posts. assessed relative to the inputs and targets set Support for academic staff on return to work, in relation to a planned future contribution particularly for their research, is seen as vital map. The process is expected to benefit female for their continued career development. Staff academics who take on less traditional roles or returning from maternity leave have a reduced find it hard to accumulate international markers teaching load and technician support for as of research esteem. Contribution mapping will long as necessary to refocus their research. As be optimised for other staff groups following staff have varying needs, support is tailored to feedback from the pilot. pt o 19 Lo ge of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She and to facilitate working to an individual’s ar eC g d i br am fC by existing staff. Where that is not feasible h ut So tool to recognise a wider range of staff activities Co lle workload absence can often be covered pe ria l The Faculty is piloting a “contribution mapping” ni ve The large size of the Faculty means that se aU administration loads reduced proportionately. iv or research. U working part-time have their teaching and n and a further 300 staff engaged in teaching sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n work full-time, but at home. Academic staff y of The Faculty is home to 270 academic staff rsit ve ni full-time work, while others have preferred to am Victoria University of Manchester and UMIST. Un for a specified period before returning to diff Manchester, from the merger of the former ity have found it helpful to have reduced hours er s 2004 with the creation of the University of ou th lle Co suit individual circumstances. Some women ol The Faculty of Life Sciences was founded in f Ba Silver award logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester Newcastle University Bronze award Newcastle University’s reputation is built on career academic ‘Faculty Futures’ focuses on the quality of their teaching and research, strategic leadership and includes a significant and the services they provide for business contribution from successful women role and industry. They play a leading role in the models. A two day Women’s Development economic, social and cultural development Programme will be piloted this academic year, of the north east of England. The University as will a “Welcome Back” programme for all has formed a partnership with Newcastle staff returners following extended absences, City Council and One NorthEast, the regional such as maternity leave. development agency, to create ‘Science Central’ a science, business and education The University has also recognised that it complex in the city centre. underplays the achievements of women academics, so it is organising a conference Newcastle University provides development on women in science and engineering programmes at key stages in academic/ to celebrate the achievements of women research careers. The Principal Investigator academics in those disciplines. Newly Development Programme attracts a mix appointed press officers in the SET faculties of participants with 84% coming from SET are working closely with academics to raise the disciplines, 59% of which are women. This profile of women on the University’s website programme is designed to provide participants and plasma screens. A group of academics are with the skills and information they need at also exploring the idea of a series of images of the point of managing their first independent successful women which could be displayed research project. In addition, for the early more prominently around the University. 20 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro i University of Nottingham Bronze award lC oll e g m Manufacturing Engineering and the School The University’s latest action plan has been of Psychology have received silver awards. developed in consultation with the Women in Science, Engineering and Technology Group, The University is now encouraging other which has a broad membership in terms of SET Schools to adopt the good practices faculty representation and gender balance. pioneered by the Silver SWAN award Individual Schools have their own Athena holders, including increasing mentoring and SWAN Champions who were also consulted. networking opportunities, the adoption of The University recently employed an Athena transparent workload models and ensuring Project Officer to provide dedicated support key meetings are held between 10am and for the delivery of the SWAN goals. of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She f Ba annually has doubled. Within the School women are highly visible; away from the main University campus and many of the committees are chaired by females. this enhances a feeling of community amongst In order to ensure that more senior women the staff. The School is ranked as one of the professors are not overloaded (because of their top schools in the country by the Agriculture, smaller number than equivalent males), many Veterinary and Food Science Panel. key roles are given to middle-career women. The reasons are three-fold: firstly, experience is As well as supporting University wide women’s gained by lower levels of staff which is useful for development programmes, the School Staff promotion purposes; secondly, female visibility is Development Committee offers other events, enhanced at all levels; and finally, senior women such as a women’s workshop organised jointly are not overburdened. with the School of Pharmacy, during which three senior women gave presentations Many external contributors are women and about their research, career progression and female staff are encouraged to participate in work/life balance. While the School promotes external bodies. Staff at all levels frequently initiatives for women, it is keen to encourage socialise within organised research events and good working practice for all staff in order to information/advice is openly shared. The School is maintain a healthy working environment for developing a series of informal networking events both women and men. aimed at addressing women-specific issues. ar eC g d i br am fC marked and to encourage and maintain The School of Biosciences is situated 11 miles h ut So at the University and the number awarded ni ve SET Schools where progress has been less se aU years independent funding for research based iv systematic action plan to engage with those U career in the UK. The fellowships provide 2 n levels and have developed a rigorous and sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n and engineers who wish to establish a research y of some Schools and at senior academic rsit ve ni Fellowships for postdoctoral women scientists am that there are still gender disparities in Un The University has created the Anne McLaren diff of nursery and school age. They recognise pt o 21 Lo ge pe ria l 4pm to accommodate staff with children Co lle Department of Mechanical, Materials and ity University. Silver award er s a Bronze award in 2006. Since then the ou th lle Co levels of existing good practice across the ol The University of Nottingham received School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham 22 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment i lC oll e g m Athena SWAN action plan. on progress over recent years rather than the career as a whole. The School has established a Women Researchers’ Forum which meets once a The School runs an active after-school club term and is open to female researchers from for 8-11 year olds, visiting an average of 4 postdoctoral Research Fellows to Professors. schools seven times a year. More than half The group provides an opportunity for the volunteers are female, providing excellent women to discuss any work-related issues and female role models. These activities and others, particularly how they impact on home life. such as lectures to the public, are considered in the annual performance review and are taken n U into account when considering promotion. pt o 23 Lo ge of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She made recommendations for promotion based member of the Athena SWAN Charter and to raise awareness and encourage actions received their first bronze award in 2006. The for improvement. The promotions procedure University is one of the UK’s largest universities and criteria are currently being revised in with 30,000 students. the light of the Gender Equality Impact Assessment, annual reports and analysis. Considerable work has been done to improve the rate of applications from women for A number of family friendly measures academic promotion. This has worked have been introduced to support working especially well at Senior Lecturer level where, parents and mothers returning to work after in 2008, women were more successful than maternity or adoption leave, including a men. Analysis of applications and success childcare voucher scheme. A revised maternity rates to Reader and Professor is now also Policy and Procedure will be introduced included. Monitoring reports on the baseline, shortly, including a breastfeeding policy to promotions and applications, highlighting the support women returning to work but wishing issues, have been circulated annually to senior to breastfeed. ar eC g d i br am fC Science Committee monthly to discuss the academic managers. This has done much h ut So career breaks the Promotions Committee has Co lle meets the Chair of the University Women in pe ria l advice. Where there have been a number of ni ve increased five-fold. The Head of Department The University of Plymouth is a founder se aU who review them and provide mentoring and Bronze award (renewed) iv of permanent female academic staff has sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n the School’s Promotions Committee annually y of average age of staff is now 43 and the number rsit ve ni all staff are invited to submit applications to am the number of academic staff. As a result the Un during the Activity Review Process. In addition, University of Plymouth diff has changed dramatically through doubling ity by members of staff with their Head of Division er s over the last six years and its demography ou th lle Co Academic promotions are discussed annually ol The School of Pharmacy has been restructured f Ba Silver award logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham 24 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment i lC oll e g m The Girls into Technology Programme provides over the last three years. The SWAN action hands-on sessions in engineering, computing plan has subsequently been discussed and mathematics, designed to increase girls’ regularly at the Faculty Executive, where skills, confidence and enthusiasm, and to help equality and diversity is a standing item. The them to consider higher education and careers new action plan includes a staff survey to in these areas. Feedback is overwhelmingly assess the extent to which staff are aware of positive, showing appreciation of the space for and satisfied with the gender equality work girls to try non-traditional activities away from taking place in the Faculty; to identify any the gender peer-pressure that can sometimes areas of gender good practice; and to pick operate to girls’ disadvantage. pt o 25 Lo ge of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She an action plan which has been implemented Silver award An internal review of the representation of There is a high level of participation by women in the School of Biological Sciences women in outreach activities such as in 2008, using data supplied by the Queen’s exhibitions at a science exploration centre Gender Initiative and from other sources, in Belfast, and the hosting of school visits showed that there was no shortage of women and individual student projects. Staff get in biology at undergraduate and postgraduate recognition for all such activities, and levels; but that the problems arose at the outreach is part of the required profile transition to academic posts, particularly for promotion. at senior level. For researchers, mentoring is provided The School’s gender action plan is helping to through a specific women’s scheme and identify and develop future research leaders during the appraisal process. Researchers through promotion to positions of potential are actively encouraged to develop their influence, while actions taken during recent profiles to assist with applications for recruitment processes have helped to bring permanent positions or grade enhancement. two internationally excellent new female Regular review of a researcher’s CV is an members of staff into the School. essential element of this process. ar eC g d i br am fC women academics about the development of Queen’s University Belfast h ut So processes is taking place at University level. Co lle work towards silver recognition by consulting pe ria l options. An internal audit of recruitment ni ve Senior Management in the Faculty began se aU faculty culture, flexible working, and childcare iv and diversity, covering its importance to the U access into STEM subjects for women. n particulars’ including a factsheet on equality sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n the number of female entrants and to support y of posts. All applicants are sent faculty ‘further rsit ve ni environment which actively seeks to increase am Positive wording is used to attract women to Un areas and to providing a gender friendly diff promotion of the careers of women in STEM ity might be improved upon. er s of commitment to the advancement and lle Co up on any problem issues or aspects that School of Biological Sciences ol The Faculty of Technology has a long history ou th f Ba Silver award logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro Faculty of Technology, University of Plymouth 26 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment University of Reading logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro School of Construction Management and Engineering i lC oll e Silver award g m ou th ol with childcare issues. students in their second year. Tutors nominate students based on an existing piece of marked Peer support is an informal network, in which coursework, and a regional judging panel a colleague befriends a new member of staff interviews the six highest marked students. The and introduces them to others in the School winner receives a cash prize and a paid summer that are engaged in teaching, research or work placement, along with mentoring. The administration. This eases new members of awards ceremony provides an ideal networking staff into the School quickly and engages them event: a previous student did not win first prize, in the culture of the School to the benefit of but was head-hunted at the awards ceremony. both School and employee. 27 of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She dominated field. The scheme is open to female f Ba adjusting to possibly new working hours or ar eC g d i br am fC women in what has always been a male- Lo ge h ut So has returned to work to assist the returner in Co lle Scheme”, which was developed to promote pe ria l scheme continues after the member of staff ni ve participated in the “Women in Property Awards se aU changes and staff movements. The buddy iv For the last three years the School has U staff member on work-related issues, policy n communication open to regularly update the sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n with industry in both the UK and overseas. y of adoption leave,. The buddy keeps the lines of rsit ve ni in the construction field. They have close links pt o economics of engineered technologies, primarily for example, for maternity, paternity or am an extended break from the workplace, Un research about the management, design and diff counter the isolation often felt by staff taking ity Engineering is a world leader in teaching and er s The School operates a buddy system to lle Co The School of Construction Management and University of Sheffield Bronze award The University of Sheffield’s history stretches after maternity leave. This allows participants back to 1828 when the Sheffield School of to have a clearly defined opportunity to Medicine was founded and their University concentrate on their research activities, thus charter was granted in 1905. The University has minimising the impact their absence may almost 25,000 students and nearly 6,000 staff. have on their long-term career development and progression. The programme also offers The University’s submission was coordinated departments the practical resource support and championed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, needed to allow them to accommodate this and the self assessment team held a series reallocation of responsibilities. Funding is of individual and group meetings to assess available to STEM staff on both open-ended where departments were currently, what and fixed-term contracts. Women have staff thought about University policies benefitted from 60 awards over the last 3 years and practices, and what staff felt could be and the University has committed to continue improved. The action plan was the result of funding the programme until at least 2012. ongoing consultations with staff, including female professors at a lunch hosted by the The University has also piloted a mentoring Vice Chancellor. programme for women lecturers in STEM, giving women the opportunity to be in The Women Academic Returners Programme a mentoring relationship with a more aims to relieve returning STEM academics experienced female professor. Other from teaching and/or administrative duties or support includes a Science and Engineering to provide additional support, either during Networking programme, and lab group their absence or upon their return to work journal clubs. 28 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment Bronze award (renewed) logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro University of Southampton i lC oll e g m universities to do an equal pay audit. Issues Technology group (WiSET) is funded to run a were raised on starting salaries, earnings mentoring scheme and action learning groups and increments for part-time workers (the to support women’s development. Past pilots majority of whom remain women), and the have shown that these are very successful ways impact of break in service. The University is to develop women’s confidence to achieve now undertaking an ambitious programme in the best from their career. Many women these areas including, payment of additional who participated have gone on to apply for increments, academic promotions, career promotions and their success rates have been progression for administrative staff, apparent as good as, if not better than that of men. Co lle The Women in Science, Engineering and Lo ge The University of Sunderland was awarded a and science disciplines, who analysed it and Bronze SWAN in 2006. The University has strong identified priorities for the new action plan. civic and community links and a well-established reputation for widening participation. The University has conducted six annual equal pay audits since 2003 and their work The University has recently restructured from has been shared nationally as best practice. five schools into four faculties and established a The 2008 findings showed that 58% of the new Faculty of Applied Sciences, which groups University’s staff overall and 39% of academic together all science activity. The University staff were women, comparing favourably has used the SWAN renewal process as an with the national average. Although pay opportunity to reflect on their progress and the gaps on a grade by grade basis are within impact that the new structures and changes acceptable limits, there is still a pay gap within the University will have on women in overall. The University is working to address science in particular. this through fair recruitment and pay practices, increased confidence of female employees and In preparation for the renewal, the University’s addressing of any perceived barriers. They are data was discussed by a group of female committed to continuing to monitor pay data academic staff, representing a range of grades every year and to seek ongoing improvement. iv se aU sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n Southampton was amongst the first pe ria l parity of terms and conditions. ni ve first bronze award in 2006. ity pay structures, annual leave entitlements and er s members of Athena SWAN. They received their ou th Bronze award (renewed) lle Co glass ceiling for female academic staff, current ol The University of Southampton are founder University of Sunderland of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She f Ba y of U n ar eC g d i br am fC h ut So am Un rsit ve ni diff pt o 29 30 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro i Bronze award lC oll e g m events targeted at SET women. This has included are also required to consider and report on the well-attended annual International Women’s gender balance of their committees every year. Day events and Swansea Bay Women of the Year In addition, the Senior Management Team has awards. An informal internal senior women’s approved the implementation of additional network was one of the outcomes of a recent membership options for under-represented grant from the UKRC. SURF, the Swansea University groups. These are over and above the normal Research Forum is a further group that brings membership positions and aim to “introduce” together active SET and non-SET researchers. staff to committee roles at early career stages. And a ‘Lunch and Learn’ series run through the year in Staff Development draws individuals to a Swansea participated in the pan-Wales inter- wide range of practical topics relating to teaching, institutional Women’s University Mentoring research and professional awareness. 31 Lo ge of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She committees. Chairs of University Committees ar eC g d i br am fC delivering high-level, high-impact networking Bronze award (renewed) University College London is a founder 16 influential committees. Initiatives include member of the Athena SWAN Charter. They proactive targeting of under-represented received their first Bronze award in 2006. The groups for committee vacancies, reviewing self assessment team has continued to monitor the scope of ex-officio members to nominate progress and to build on many of the initiatives colleagues from these minorities, and co- in the action plan. In addition, progress on opting members to committees where there SWAN is a standing item on the agenda of the may be no current vacancies. Overall there Provost’s Committee for Equal Opportunities. has been a small net increase of women on these committees, including a number of The self assessment team has a maternity/ SET individuals. childcare sub-group which is looking at issues such as, experiences of isolation during career As part of UCL’s Equality Action Planning all breaks; slowing of research because of loss of SET departments are required to implement specialised researchers, who cannot easily be at least one initiative to advance women’s substituted during maternity leave; managing careers. These have led to Widening childcare arrangements during school holidays; Participation events with female role models, and problems arising from paternity leave in such as Women in Mathematics; seminars some SET disciplines. on women’s experience in science; and benchmarking with similar departments, One of UCL’s Corporate Equality Objectives has leading to development of action plans for been to improve women’s representation on SWAN submissions. h ut So on its invitations for nominations to Co lle ITWales has been successful in promoting and pe ria l The University uses positive action statements ni ve the campus. With European Social Funding, se aU both formal and informal, are expanding across University College London (UCL) iv University. There are over 12,500 students. U Networking opportunities and mechanisms, n appointed the first female professor in a British sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n University has around 2,500 staff and in 1921 y of and mentees. rsit ve ni belong in the 6 SET discipline schools. The pt o with the greatest number of participant mentors am and some 74% of academic and research staff Un were high and Swansea was especially prominent diff linked to the great industries of South Wales ity women, participation rates from these disciplines er s University. Its strength in SET disciplines was ou th lle Co Scheme. Although not focussed specifically at SET ol Founded in 1920, Swansea is a research-led f Ba Swansea University 32 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment University College London logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro Department of Chemical Engineering i lC oll e Silver award g m ou th Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, University College London Silver award ol on role and teaching allocation decisions, recognising that girls are under-represented which normally follow discussions with in physics after the age of 16, the department individuals. Some outreach and enabling widened its entry requirements and now runs roles beyond the department are included a first-year module on ‘physics for chemical and others will be added this year. All activities engineers’ for students without A level physics. and weighting factors are visible on the This module is taken by approximately 20% of intranet and feedback has been invited. The the intake, over 40% of which are female. The model is updated periodically and a review is department is also reviewing its publication being undertaken. 33 of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She mathematics and physics. However, f Ba is used to inform management judgements make them more attractive to people who Geomatic Engineering was formed out of two have not necessarily followed the mainstream departments in August 2007. This resulted in academic route and this helps to encourage a a number of issues in relation to equality as broad range of applicants, including women, there was a large difference between the two who might otherwise have felt that they were departments in terms of gender balance, and not suitable for the post. slightly different approaches to working culture which are now being resolved. In order to advance women to higher grades, a women’s reading group has been formed In 2003 the Department redesigned their and a website is being developed to support it. degree programmes to be more attractive The group was based on the fact that articles to a wider range of interests, many of which or successful women’s stories have been were more likely to appeal to women. They shared by colleagues. For the same purpose have now extended this to staff recruitment, a special training programme of business changing the way in which positions are networking for female staff was also organised described. Opening the areas of interest, titles and there will be more women-oriented and job descriptions for posts has tended to training courses in future. ar eC g d i br am fC Department’s programmes is chemistry, Lo ge The Department of Civil, Environmental and h ut So A spreadsheet Work Hours Allocation Model Co lle The preferred A-level choice for entry to the pe ria l in the number of female students. ni ve groups of students. se aU As a result there has been a substantial increase iv the Head of Department, academic staff and U successful past female students are included. n on the basis of extensive consultation with sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n good gender balance and student profiles of y of students. The SWAN application was compiled rsit ve ni Masters students, the publicity material has a pt o around 310 undergraduate and postgraduate am visits to attract more female acceptances. For Un having just 15 academic and research staff and diff involving current female students in UCAS ity is small in terms of academic staff numbers, er s material to attract more female applicants and lle Co The Department of Chemical Engineering 34 versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment Silver award ive Un at Molecular Cell Biology, University College London logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro Medical and Research Council (MRC) Laboratory for i lC oll e g m ou th Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, University College London (UCL) Silver award ol prompt very specific discussion of issues within human disease. It was opened in 1993 and staff focus groups that need to be addressed. became a Research Department within the institute were contacted; and each major staff (2) to show future students and postdocs group had its own focussed discussion group. exploring the LMCB that female scientists are The anonymous feedback from the survey, valued, encouraged and supported; (3) to lead together with the discussions, highlighted the way for other departments within UCL and areas that needed to be addressed. MRC centres/units to take up the Athena SWAN challenge. This has been very successful, with From the responses to the survey students, postdocs and staff suggesting further questionnaires, the LMCB assembled a list of useful sites or articles. 35 pe ria l ar eC g d i br am fC that the LMCB cares about female scientists; ni ve for staff groups; former recent members of the se aU in the LMCB, survey questionnaires were devised sources of relevant information, and to show Lo ge iv SWAN related issues, to provide links to useful U To provide a picture of what life was really like n was three-fold: (1) to raise the profile of Athena sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n life balance outside the tea-room. The purpose y of elsewhere at the end of their training period. rsit ve ni webpage, together with a notice board on work- pt o and postdocs are encouraged to move am assessment team launched the ‘Athena @ LMCB’ Un Sciences in 2008. It is LMCB policy that students diff During the focus on SWAN initiatives, the self Co lle ity University College of London Faculty of Life of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She aspects of cell function and their relation to f Ba self assessment team. These are being used to h ut So (LMCB) is a centre for research into fundamental er s ‘shocking statements’ – those that surprised the lle Co The MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology The Division of Psychology and Language Responses suggested that there was a sense Sciences was created from the amalgamation of isolation among new mothers and a feeling of the former departments of Psychology, that individual women were having to figure Phonetics and Linguistics, and Human things out for themselves, so the Division is Communication Science. Departments in creating a parenting support network with these areas traditionally span the sciences a webpage and online mailing list. and humanities, but at UCL they are all heavily weighted towards the scientific ends of the axis. The Division has begun a research output analysis to compare female and male grant- Maternity leave is partly or fully covered, either getting, and publications, in order to determine by employing another member of staff, buying whether differential career progression in cover for specific activities, or temporarily post-lecturer might be due to differential suspending activities. On return, staff have productivity. Preliminary research and analysis sometimes renegotiated their working hours found no differences between females and or agreed greater flexibility. This has been males in either grant applications or grant supported by the introduction of a one-term success at any grade. Thus female staff seem teaching sabbatical for maternity returners. to be as research-productive as males. In preparation for the award submission, the Division sent out a questionnaire to all the staff The Division runs a buddy system pairing who had taken maternity leave in the previous first year students with a second or third year three years, asking about their experiences. student who acts as an advisor. 36 ive Un at versity of Le ollege Lond burgh D Uni ed Edin ersityepa on U esity C f sL o r eparntim nive v vernt of Chem i y tm D t o i n n s rsi r ug rsi istry U o U e e d y e v nt i l n ty t a i h o e n t s L r b I e m U Un of e e o K t p v rou eria Ch ive nd ch lleg le Uni ya lC gh em Co str ear on r si Uni erial ewcast mi ty Res ica I n e r s e p v h t c N i ersity tf uCte of Can of Y l En m I t o gineering a or k D epartment logical Sci e f Bio n c lo es ersity College Lo n Departmheono t o at niv fP nddo Qu h tU Sc o r i ng e y n e a n e n s i t i ga e U L c Lo Eng ns niv ab sa University Co in e mical Enginee ychology an y Facultyt aonfdLif or lleg er er t Im g at Un dt eS f Che of Ps e sit t Unrivneegerarsiitnty of Not ne ly ator iv ersi La en p c nt o sion es a t y v i U i i sr it n y n n i c e v i g e i n e fP n ng n h gm o r i f me g v D n am S g e i o U o e y i f a n r c c r sity art Re l cE na uag of on es cho r ia ty M ele al E ios adDep eS Col ati o No rsi Ma B ond at Ke pe f B hemic m leg cie ec at U ive Im lo on ing ion e Lelf tt Gineo t e s g d n c n u D n e at L u i Un e ep hoo t of C leg ast c r o l S v c g on l on a c e e h e o L r o s at at enl of Const r ge L do nd ham r Scartmen on ity Co Cel itut N Sci gy n University Coslliety of M ncheste sd l Biolog ationtal a Fancug Inst a y at Univer on School of Life nolo me nal Heart and Lu lty of Tech n viro i Bronze award (renewed) lC oll e g m research, their career progression and how the family friendly policies, including a flexible inclusive practice within their department has working policy. Manager and employee enabled them to progress. A key learning point guidance is available online and briefings are at York has been the importance of visibility in given to Heads of Department and to staff. promoting good management practice rather Some SET departments actively promote these than the progress of women. policies in their information to candidates and actively encourage suitable women to apply. All departments offer a mentoring scheme All SET departments always have a woman on for new academic staff. Participants in a selection panels for appointments. pt o 37 Lo ge of ity s r e o th U it y niv niver ers sietyldoUf B Univ l r i s o t ffi ersity of She a variety of stages in their careers, including their departments. The University has developed ar eC g d i br am fC lower than male applicants in most SET h ut So travelled the campus featuring profiles of staff at Co lle working groups. An Athena SWAN roadshow has The proportion of female applicants is still pe ria l All SET departments have Athena SWAN ni ve opened up to all staff. se aU other women. This scheme is now being iv a Gold SWAN award. U networking and satisfaction from helping n only University department to have achieved sity of Edi nb Sunderlan Univer urg yd h sr it Swa Im e n Mentors benefitted from improved y of and the Chemistry Department remains the rsit ve ni performance at work and career planning. am departments have achieved silver awards Un improvement in their personal performance, diff first Bronze SWAN in 2006. Since then two ity in association with the UKRC, reported an er s SWAN Charter in 2005 and received their lle Co trial mentoring scheme for research staff, ol The University of York joined the Athena ou th f Ba University of York Athena SWAN Awards 2009 Silver (16) • School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh (R) • Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London • MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London • Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London • Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London • National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London • Department of Physics, Imperial College London Bronze (19) • University of Bath • University of Bristol (R) • University of Cambridge (R) • University of Cardiff • School of Life Sciences, Keele University • University of Edinburgh (R) • Faculty of Life Sciences, • Imperial College London (R) University of Manchester • Institute of Cancer Research • School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham • Keele University (R) • School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham • University of Leeds • Faculty of Technology, University of Plymouth • Loughborough University • School of Biological Sciences, • University of Newcastle Queen’s University Belfast • School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading • Department of Civil, Environmental and • University of Nottingham (R) • University of Plymouth (R) • University of Sheffield • University of Southampton (R) Geomatic Engineering, • University of Sunderland (R) University College London • University of Swansea • Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, University College London • University College London (R) • University of York (R) 38 l d U n i ve r s i t y o r m a c y at Un e a f h ffi b h S o P g rhoeug i ve u ou niveorl soitf y U h t roS S rsi e h l Un e Fac o a ivu e t y f Pl y m ch f h n o m K i c U t v o u oo S ers lt y rsityof sea spato e e v m lo i it y of n Uha n nc an fB U Un e L i g w ifme S io ivee Sc t i n n i ve a f t S sc h o c o ieinty g rsi ien Lif rsit of N n rsit i f e c s v t t e i r ces at l o ersityyo n s t y U a t o f Su No i ve oUniv n f o U Co l f n d h N d n o er la e wc lege London Sc a s t l e U n i ve r s i t y rial Coll iversity of Yor egn k n i ve r s i t y o U S f c C nUe L h ge ar tment oisftrP o a p o e n r earchridKe s o do d e D b e d em l l eU on o n oiffn e r R am Ch f d U i v C n N niv t of e fC hanc i on v a r L s e t f C em o i i y r t o ener o t s y na ietyge m sit y rsist te o o l f f oll Un par t H itu Ed i n i ve r y B t C a e n i a th v tU Deer i al I ns ar l U r s i h U t n y niversidtoynof Brist oand i ve r p e of Leeds b u rg n L ung Institute atsiItmy of Edin Imperial College Lo o r sit y i ve Lo n The SWAN Charter is funded and supported by Equality Challenge Unit and the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology. Closing date for 2010 awards: 31 May 2010 Researched and written by Julie Ashdown Design by Webb & Webb on D e p a r t y College Lon oo l o f Bi o d l o o rsitmen S ch g n i c e ve t D nd Enguitnhee a o r i ni l i vi n l leg f S nt a mo g C s e ott c Co i h i o a e Pl y nm e e t i n it y n m U c of g ag of n i n eerss h y c P i al am ssity Ma niv at onve r Q r E c s e u d U n n i h eens t Fa y o on niv t i o gi os at n c l U c o u e t eL u g l ce f R eading t y y of str logy aerin lleg T ien a o e c n h n g at UniversitynCdoLanguage Sc B e l f a s t S c h o o l o f Co o o l o f Ph a r m h a m t c o i c e S Eng G ac ine arm ea par tmenant do ya v e i h n s e i U g ty F fC r e n c ta l l i n tU n i e he e ott ac g he K nili,v lar t m u a v u i a C s te N t l c f ersle s ty ica to ce Uni y of o it y o o rS n l En n f e M t e v L i i f ch r iftem gin Sc rs ers o r f e oo a it y p S c ie or y iefeer t Univ l of e L ntce rsit Co D e Bioscieonfces ain a v i r n s U at g l le g on ol bo lC a d a o L e n tU h o lleg Lo London MRC n i ve r s e London Sc e g i t y Co l l e n ge gy at U en vir o nm